Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

>> okay days. >> let's be more than our >> allergy. >> the white house. and this is cnn president biden set to >> deliver the speech of his career tonight, his third state of the union address. we're learning details about how he's expected to make his case for a second term tonight is some of his allies are begging him to fight harder. plus developing now president biden will direct the us military to create a temporary port in gaza to deliver aid. >> how >> soon that relief could come as the un says, israel blocked nearly half of its aid missions into gaza just last month, and his hope is dwindling that a ceasefire deal will be done before ramadan. >> plus researchers looking inside the brain of a killer what they say reveals about the maine mass shooter who killed 18 people and then turned the gun on himself. we're following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central >> tonight. >> president biden will delivery pivotal state of the union address that will double as a sales pitch to convince an increasingly skeptical american electorate that he deserves four more years to carry out his agenda in a few hours i didn't is expected to detail some ambitious new plans on a range of issues, including a corporate tax hike and an emergency move to increase aid in gaza. but beyond policy, biden's allies want him to start scrapping with republicans frequently and aggressively to contrast his vision with that of the trump lead gop we're covering all angles starting at the white house with mj lee, mj, tell us more about what will be hearing from biden tonight >> brianna, it's simply not an overstatement to say that this is going to be one of the most important speeches that president biden will deliver as president. and we are told that he is going to be framing this by talking about his accomplishments from the last three years and also trying to paint an optimistic picture for a second term that he hopes to earn. we know that there are many, numerous issues and weighty issues at that both abroad and here at home that the president is going to talk about including, of course, the war in israel but the economy and reproductive rights and the situation at the border and the white house does have teed up a number of announcements that are expected to come out as a part of this speech, including, for example, raising the corporate tax rate to 28%. now, if you also look visually at the guests that are sitting in the first lady's box it's tonight inside that house chamber. that helps paint a picture and a narrative of both the political and policy priorities for this white house heading into tonight at, for example, we know that kate cox, who was a woman who was denied an abortion in texas, she is going to be sitting with the first lady, shawn fain, the head of the uaw you woman named jazmin cazares, whose sister was killed at a school mass shooting. all of these people, again, helping to paint a picture of what this white house is priorities are, and keep in mind, brianna, we are going to be hearing from president biden, but we're also very much hearing from candidate biden. and what that means is that all throughout the speech very much expect the president to continue drawing contrasts between his vision for the country and republicans. and of course, that means donald trump as well, whether or not he is named specifically or not, that is going to be a contrast that we see over and over again throughout the course of this speech. >> and tonight, mj will be hearing about this new mission to ramp up aid to gaza. what can you tell us about that >> that's right. we certainly expect in general that the issue of the israel hamas war is going to be a significant and important part of this speech. senior officials saying that he is going to address that issue in a very meaningful way and issue that the president has really wrestled with and grappled with over the last few months. now, we know that the administration is in this speech is going to be announcing, but the us military is going to be establishing a new port on the mediterranean, on the gaza coast to allow additional humanitarian aid into gaza. the context here that is so important is that there was a point in time when administration officials had hoped that a ceasefire and hostages deal would have gotten done by tonight so that the president could touted in this important speech that of course, is not going to happen. so the tone that he uses on the way that he talks about this conflict is going to be incredibly, incredibly important. give how much frustration and anger there has been across the country for his continued refusal still to call for a permanent ceasefire in that war, brianna. >> all right. mj lee at the white house. thank you. >> boris. >> let's get to take from trump world now and cnn's kristen holmes in florida. kristen, how does former president donald trump plan to inject himself? in two nights proceedings for as long as the best way to put a donald trump as we know, likes to inject himself and do anything that is the attention off of him and he will be doing so again tonight, he will be posting live to truth social essentially reacting in real time to president biden's stated, the union. now we did this last a scary, he had his viewers, his base watching him, but this year obviously it takes on more significance and more important because he is the republican nominee or the presumptive republican nominee. and they are expected to have a rematch in november. now, he did give somewhat of a preview of what he is going to say and what a general election rematch would look in his prebuttal to state of the union, which he recorded as mar-a-lago home. take a listen >> we have no idea from where they come. we have no idea who they are. they have no identification. many come from mental institutions, many come from prisons. they are terrorists. we have a calamity but at the likes of which we've never seen before >> now unsurprisingly, he is talking about immigration. one of the policies are issues that will be at the center of his 2024 campaign against joe biden. and also in that prebuttal, talking a lot about the economy, we know biden will be talking about the the economy as well, but donald trump still believes that this is an issue that he can win at at least at this point in time heading into november 1 thing i want to point out, it's not just donald trump that's reacting is also his allies, his advisers. we did see the same super pac that is aligned with donald trump maga, inc. they put out an ad starting today. it's only going to run through tomorrow morning that hits biden nis scathing way, going after him for his age, has mental acuity, showing pictures of him stumbling on a staircase that even asked at one point, could biden even survive. another presidency. this of course, coming, as we know, age and mental acuity, mental fitness will be a huge factor in that november election >> person home, combs live for us in west palm beach. thanks so much, kristen let's get to some new cnn reporting about biden allies urging him to take a more aggressive stance in tonight's speech, cnn's isaac dovere broke that story. isaac, tell us about the approach or that they want the president be more like he is in closed doors in situations out in public. >> like it's a lot of top democrats, i'm talking to who have said to me we hear about biden cursing about donald trump or benjamin netanyahu behind closed doors are saying things at fundraisers when the cameras are not there that really rip into republicans. they want more of that. tim walz the governor of minnesota, said to me people are asking, is joe biden tough enough? and while said he is, he's got to show it. phil murphy, the governor of new jersey, saying a very similar thing to me that yes, joe biden's a fighter, but it needs to be their first of all, to answer questions about his age, but also to the larger question of susie asm that he wants to drum up for democrats going into this election year >> tough to do without maybe taking some people off. so there's a calculation, it's a fine line, but also contrast that with, hey, we want more of that. folks are saying to biden and you have speaker johnson saying to his gop, we want less of that from you well, look, that moment last year during the state of the union when if you remember, joe biden said that republicans wanted to cut social security and medicare, and the >> republicans started jeering him saying irony. he said, oh, you don't want to, i enjoy, i always enjoy conversion. >> that was not a plan >> moment, but it was the best thing that could have happened been to the biden white house in their minds, they felt like that contrast is exactly what they want. joe biden seeming like. he's the one out making a common sense middle of the road argument. republicans who are lashing out against him in this very raucous way. and then them getting on the team with him my sources telling me that for this year's speech, they looked for a couple of moments that could lower the republicans into a trap like that. but certainly the republicans, this is a campaign event ultimately tonight's speech, and the republicans know that they don't want to give joe biden another good moment like that. we'll see if they can keep themselves in chat. >> we'll watch to see what kind of bait the president puts out to the idea that this is a campaign event because it's competing with so many other things. the state of the union doesn't quite have as much of an impact as it did in years past. so what are the white house is expectations for its ability to penetrate the culture in that way, like the viewership goes down and it's diversify attention, all that stuff but it is the biggest moment that any president ever has all year long. and in this case, every state of the union is about theatrical. this one is especially about the patrick's. it is going to be about him showing that he's up to the job, that he's got the vigor and the energy and all that stuff talking to not an agenda that he expects to pass through congress. of course, it's not like much, it's going to pass at this point. in fact, we know a lot of things are stalled, but things that he wants to say, this is my plan as a white house official said to me a couple of weeks ago, a plan for this year, but also a plan for the next five years. it's an >> opportunity to make a memorable moment and he has to seize is it when you look at the polls as they are right now, isaac, thank you so much boris. still ahead, president biden, expecting to announce that he's directing the military to set up a temporary port in gaza. so how is the us going to get this humanitarian aid into the war-torn region? how quickly can it do that with hopes for a ceasefire fading? >> plus the city of uvalde, texas releasing its investigation into the police response to the robb elementary school shooting. we're hearing from a father of one of the children killed about what he wants to see when it comes to accountability. and the ntsb is slamming boeing saying it's absurd but the company hasn't provided records. it asked for relating to that terrifying midair blowout details. and just moment >> the lead with jake tapper today at four on cnn everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile, new censored in clinical white writes two sheets, whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity of production. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients we're building a better postal service. all parts working in sync to move your business. bulwark for more value, more of a liability, and more on-time deliveries. the united states postal service built for how you visited. >> more real estate professionals list properties with real than any other site. >> really >> really trust the number one app, real estate professionals 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big trip to plan around >> meghan, see you right now. >> that's convenient vision works, see the difference. >> president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election, with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years in the white house? join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tonight at eight times cnn >> tonight at his state of the union speech, president biden is expected to say that he will lead the us military and setting up a port in gaza for humanitarian aid. this comes after the un says that israel only let in a quarter of plan un aid missions into northern gaza last month. meantime, hopes are fading for a ceasefire deal. people familiar with negotiations tells cnn that talks have stalled for a ceasefire by ramadan, the most sacred month for muslims, which begins on sunday cnn, chief national security correspondent alex marquardt is with us now. first alex, break down this plan for us for a port into gaza. >> yeah, this is pretty remarkable and this means that aid is going to be delivered to gaza by land, sea, and air. and boris, as you know, this comes after days of the us really stepping up pressure on israel to allow more aid into gaza we've heard from both the president and the vice president saying no excuses so far, israel has been resistant to opening up more land crossings to allow aid in, particularly in the northern part of the gaza strip that's why you're seeing the us and jordan dropping aid from the sky. now, this incredible announcement from the biden ministration that they're going to build up port appear essentially to establish a maritime corridor. now, once established, these ships that would go to this port essentially have the capacity of hundreds of trucks per day to get that desperately needed aid in. but boris, i really think it does underscore the fact that despite the extraordinary amount of us pressure on israel and us support for israel israel so far has refused to open up more border crossings. that is something we could see in the coming weeks as senior administration official said today, without indicating what crossing that could be but that is something that the us wants to see still have has not seen. and as a result, they're trying to figure out other ways to do to get more aid in. and now the latest idea is this port >> update us on ceasefire talks because as of last week, president biden, so that he'd wanted it done by this monday, doesn't look like we're closer. >> yeah. remember that extraordinary optimism from the president who said that by this past monday, a couple of days ago, we could have seen a ceasefire. he then walked that back a little bit, but the administration had clearly said that they wanted a deal in place by ramadan because of all the sensitivities around the muslim holy month, they'd really set that as a deadline. and what i'm told by multiple sources who are familiar with these talks is that that's not going to happen. this is not something that the president is going to be able to announce tonight. in the state of the union. i spoke with a us official who said that hope is fading. we have seen talks throughout the week and cairo that have now ended. hamas. it came to these talks with proposals that i'm told by a diplomat actually frustrated the other parties. and so they the israelis have said that they acquire a list of the hostages from hamas. israel didn't attend these socks. so the talks are not dead, but it does not look like this ceasefire is going to be in place by the start of ramadan, which starts early next week. >> yeah, hamas says it doesn't know which hostages are alive or dead. israel says they don't believe that a tense back-and-forth. alex marquardt. thank you so much, brianna. >> let's talk more about this with retired us air force colonel cedric leighton. cedric, a senior administration official, saying that the port here will include a temporary pier to provide hundreds of truckloads more of assistance each day. what kind of undertaking will this be by the us military? how long will it take? this is going to be a >> major undertaking. briana and one of the key things to note about this is that there's going to have to be a lot of security around this port facility because we don't want to get us troops involved in anything like this. but the navy with the cbs, their engineering corps they are going to go in there and they're going to make this reality. what have to do is they'll have to clear an area that will be will enable them to bring ships in to that port. they will probably be doing a lot of staging offshore. my understanding is that they will also be using larnaca, cyprus as a major state aging area for this event. so this is going to take some time to realize it might take some weeks for it to even get operational. but it can move very quickly once they have all the ships in place and all of the raw materials is likely to build that port and create that period. that's going to be the key thing that they'll have to get over there and they've got some answers pre-positioned in europe for this kind of thing, but that's the kind of thing that they'll need to do. so i would expect this to take a couple of weeks before it's real. >> what will the security coordination look like here between the us, israel, the un, and ngos? >> so for the most part, the us is going to try to keep its forces out of gaza so they will not be setting foot at least the plan seems to be that they will not be setting foot in gaza itself. what they will do though is they will coordinate with the un and with other ngos and there were organizations that are providing food to gaza civilians and they will bend basically transfer the food and other goods and medical supplies, for example, to them. it basically offshore, it will affect that transfer offshore and they will bring them bring the goods, these materials into gaza, add to this appear that they're building there. so it's going to be a very big logistical operation, especially if they're going to be supporting 1,000,000.5 or were so gaza civilians with this and other efforts? it's going to i think takes some time to make this happen. but the key thing brianna, is that there'll be a lot of security coordination not only with the ngos, but also with gaza police forces and with hamas, as well as with the israelis. >> and can this be pulled off? >> for >> sure without us military stepping foot on palestinian soil >> well, it's possible for it to be done that way we have to have people that we can work with on the ground in gaza the idea will be that they can basically affect these transfers offshore and that they don't have to set foot at least for the most part on justinian's soil. i think that's going to be the key intend to they're going to work with as many ngos and the un as possible. sure that there's very little military footprint, if any on palestinians soil where they'll make every effort to do that. they may have egyptians helped with this ai and perhaps other nationalities. but the key would be to have a very minimal us military presence in gaza, but provide maximum humanitarian relief and that relief cannot come soon enough. colonel leighton, thank you so much. >> you bet brianna >> nearly two years after the deadly school shooting in uvalde, texas, parents are still searching for answers and demanding accountability. and this afternoon, the uvalde city council is expected to release the findings of its investigation into the police response. we'll talk to a father who lost his son in the massacre about what he hopes to hear from officials i was was caught in a trap. any couldn't. get out. >> vegas was having an identity crisis. >> that was the beginning of >> the downfall. but vegas at a different idea the vagus, the story of sensitive next sunday at ten on cnn >> it's odd how in an instant things can transform out of bounds. in a freefall i'm glad 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eat it and they believe they can do the same. >> run on limited one 0.5% shops. customer makes it so easy. get started today at >> i'm rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn next hour, the uvalde texas city council will hold a special meeting regarding the deadly school shooting at robb elementary school. they're expected to release a report on how police responded to the massacre. it's been nearly two years since a gunman killed 19 kids and two teachers there but for the community, the pain is fresh and many answers are still rather many questions are still unanswered about why law enforcement waited more than an hour before confronting the shooter red cross is going to be at today's meeting and he joins us now, live. his son, yuzhiy garcia was killed in the shooting. brett, thank you so much for being with us. i'm sharing part of your afternoon with us. cnn's shimon prokupecz is reporting that city officials have not yet sat down with the families they haven't given you any advance information of the report's release that's been your experience? >> yeah. it sometimes that we will get information beforehand, like what the doj, but when it comes to the city, we really don't and it's a little bit infuriating so if this report finds that local law enforcement in adequately responded to the shooting, the way that the doj one did. do you think that this is a step closer to accountability? >> i think it's a step closer for us. i do fear that the city won't do anything about these officers. you know, it's been two years and there's been countless information out there that, you know, we have learned and we have seen that they have not acted the pond. >> so >> i you know, i want them to remove these guys from their positions, but it's not something that i have hoped for. >> brett when that department of justice report came out earlier this year just to reiterate for our viewers, it found that the massacre could have been stopped sooner. if law enforcement had intervened. i'm wondering, did you see any change come as a result of that report? >> no, not at all. >> i mean, the >> only thing that we got directly after it was a grand jury, but i believe that that was just because the doj report came out. other than that, i haven't seen any changes. these officers still walk around like they did nothing you have officers that just won reelection for constables and everything. so it truly is baffling. >> i did want to ask you about those elections. there was a lot of frustration as a result of them after tuesday night when many of these folks were re-elected? why do you think your neighbors keep supporting folks that you yourself have come out in the said should be held responsible for what happened and for the inaction that allowed more death to take place. >> i honestly believe it's because their children walked away from school that day. i think that many minds would have been different you know, had it been otherwise and i don't wish that on anybody, but they have to see and realize that these cops felt us and our children. do they really think that they're going to protect them and save their children because in america it's not a matter of if it's going to happen, it's a matter of when and for somebody to write off uvalde like it won't happen again is completely insane >> we've spoken before and i know your frustration well you were at a heated exchange. you were part of a heated exchange at a county commissioners meeting last month and you wound up getting arrested. do you want to tell us what happened? >> yeah. so i you know, we go up to these county commissioner meetings because mariano pargas was the acting chief of police that day is a county commissioners. so we go up and we speak under payroll so that we can address the fact that our taxes should not go to pay his salary. and what i'd said was no. he had gotten information that eight to nine children were still alive, and then he walked the earth away. and the judge came at me saying, if i was going to speak, i had to watch my language and it's infuriating because they're more worried about my language than they are. the fact that they're sitting next to a guidance that could have saved kids and dennett. so i said language, my child is effing dead and i ended up in cuffs cuffs before i even realized it yeah. >> brad, it doesn't sound like you have much faith that even with the grand jury stuff that's happening, even with this report, that's coming out in about a half an hour or so, that anything is really going to change and that you're gonna get the justice that you're looking for exactly >> but here's the thing with that. i want them to prove me wrong. i want them to make a liar out of me with me saying that i don't think they're going to do anything proved me wrong. do something about it show us that you care more about our children. then you do your positions in your paychecks and your buddies >> the other thing i was wondering about, i remember at the time when the doj report came out, you spoke up about the way that some members of your community had approached you and the encounters that you'd had at the grocery store and other places around town when you felt that people were avoiding you for speaking out has any of that change now that the doj report came out and that this report is coming out, do you think that that they might see you in a different light? >> you know, i've had a couple of people come up to my wife and i in tell us that they didn't realize or that they just didn't know and then that they change their mind. but the vast majority of this community hasn't. i mean, you solve the poll results you saw a manual zamora, you saw max door finger get re-elected. these people do not care and it's very unfortunate because had it been their children, we would be fighting just as hard for them brett, we've got to leave the conversation there. brett cross. thanks for sharing your story and use the story as well >> thank you so much. >> of course. >> stay with cnn news central. we're back after a quick break. >> president biden's last state of before the 2024 election, with challenges at home and abroad he make the case for four more years in the white house, join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tonight at eight times cnn can reveal support your brain health. >> married janet. hey, eddy. now, fraser franck. franck, brad, how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the arieva brain health challenge. >> selling your home realtor dot com's real choice selling lets you choose from multiple agent proposals. because when agents competing you win, don't all have to do that. not really. trust the number one our real estate professionals trust. download the app today. >> mucinex night shift starts working at bedtime to fight your worst nighttime symptoms could and leaves your system fast by the time 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re-install this door plug that blew out on that alaska airlines jet. we have seen an aviation correspondent, pete muntean here with more pete. what does boeing have to say for itself because it seems like these should have turned over these documents. the real question here here is why these documents did not get turned over to the ntsb in the first place. and if these documents even exist, what is worse is the question that the ntsb chair is asking and all this goes back to the door plug blowout on alaska flight 12, 82, back on january 5, the ntsb said in its preliminary a report that boeing did repairs to the fuselage back in september at the factory and boeing's factory in renton, washington, repair work was done near the door plug on some rivets. the door plug had to be removed for that work and the ntsb says they re-installed the door-plug at boeing, but not the for safety critical bowl that hold the door plug in place on the side of the airplane, alaska airlines took delivery that playing in october did 154 flights after that, the ntsb wants to know who did that work and who was responsible for putting those bolts back in. >> the >> ntsb has asked for the documents showing that and ntsb chair jennifer homedy told congress yesterday a pretty stunning public notice that boeing had not given them the documentation of that and has not provided a list of who did the work. listen we don't have the records. we don't have the names of the 25 people. that is in charge of doing that work in that facility. it's absurd that two months later, we don't have that absurd. that's the key sound. bite an after the hearing, boeing said it did fulfill that employee list to the ntsb in a statement saying, we have now provided the full list of individuals on the 7:37 door team in response to a recent requests with respect to documentation in this part is key if the dr. plug removal was undocumented there would be no documentation to share. pretty cryptic kind of legal ease line. there was there documentation the ntsb says there should have been documentation for such significant work and the real question is, was there even documentation in the first place? and so that is really the big problem here, and that is what the ntia sb wants to know if there was not that may signal a bigger problem at boeing, that could be a significant lapse, pete, you have a model here with us. it's not an emotional support animal support, 7:37. yeah. yeah >> there's a new finding the issue that we just found out today and we first heard about this in an ntsb report on a bet, an incident on february 6 is an incident onboard >> a 737 max eight, not a max-9 like was most recently in this door plug blood is incident and the issue was that the rudder pedals became stuck on a united airlines 737 max eight as the plane was coming into land, the rudder controls, the yacht of the airplane, how it turns side to side, you can kind of see it there. the rudder moves on the tail, it moves the tail left and right, moves the nose, left and right. >> if >> the rudder pedals are stuck, that's a pretty serious finding. the big issue here is that united mechanics were able to replicate this issue. again, three days later after this incident. and so what what the ntsb is saying here is that there needs to be deeper investigation into this most recent case. there's really just there's only more trouble for boeing and really underscores that there may be some sort of deeper issues here. with the max. they do a >> point out that >> the thing that may have caused this was an actuator in the autopilot system on the airplane that's connected to the rudder. that's built by a company called collins. >> i've >> reached out to boeing and collins about this. they think essentially these could stiffen up in the cold and caused the rudder does sort of stiffened up making into the pilots can actuate this, but this is a key flight control system. you need these in order to land the airplane in still steer the airplane as we're coming into land. and then also on the ground yeah, hopefully not used to steal the airplane >> hopefully, i still can't get over the lack of documentation though. i had a new garbage disposal put in my sink there's documentation every day we get our makeup done here. there's document, you know, there's document out of it not have documentation of the ocean it enough to own and operate an airplane. and there was a stack and snack of binders that come with my little airplane to keep the logs of everything that we do when it comes to maintenance. but especially on a commercial airliner, there there's so much documentation and really the plane kinda can't leave the ground. but joke is, without mountains of paperwork. and so the issue now is whether or not boeing had the protocols in place to document that blind by line. boeing says that they're just simply may not essentially they cryptically say, but they don't say this outright. they're just simply may not be documentation. and so if they did not have that document, they did not have that record. they wouldn't have the ability to give it over to the ntsb. >> that is bad. >> peach that's my expert opinion. >> muntean. >> thank you so much for that. and now to some of the other headlines that we're watching this hour, cnn has learned that republican congressman and former white house physician ronny jackson, was demoted by the navy back in 2020 a two after a scathing report from the defense department, it found that jackson drank on the job while he was the white house physician, that he routinely screened at subordinates and acted inappropriately. jack jackson served under both presidents trump and obama before running for congress. 20-19. >> also, alabama has a new law aimed at protecting ivf patients and providers from legal liability imposed on them by a controversial state supreme court ruling. its legislature and governor pass the bill into law after the court ruling. luck, people trying to have babies through ivf in limbo and there's a new alert for you about cinnamon. the fda says that several brands of ground cinnamon of dangerously high levels of lead in them the brands come from six distributors under sold at discount stores. if you have them, the fda advises you throw them out. you can find more details at coming up next, a researchers looked into the mind of a killer literally. and what they found in his brain could help explain his actions. leading up to a mass shooting backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution there's so much more to the store in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn. >> when you buy or sell your car, exactly how you want with car gurus, you might begin to wonder, what if you could do things your way all the time dreams do come true. >> get your car, your way get it with gurus >> don't know, i've got it thanks. john >> you dream about it for years. we were made to 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hospitalized and ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation just months before the october 2023 deadly shooting claimed 18 lives. chris nowinski is joining us now he's a neuroscientist and founding ceo of the concussion legacy foundation. and chris, these things are always so important, i think because we're looking for answers and this is a report that tells us some things that concludes that quote, the brain injury likely played a role in the changes in behavior of the shooter in the months before the attack, he of course, was paranoid and delusional. what kind of behavioral changes would you normally see with this sort of injury? >> well, when you have profound damage to the white matter, like he had, it really depends on where that damage is. so notable people respond to traumatic brain injuries in the same way. and so what you mentioned, paranoid delusions are we have seen that before in situations like this? and here to see changes in cognition is going to see changes in emotion. >> and really can be quite profound. >> the investigators here found significant degeneration, axonal and myelin loss, inflammation, and small blood vessel injury in the brain the shooter, it's important to note, had been an instructor as an army hand grenade trainer, he'd been at arranged they're doing that. i were talking about exposure to thousands of grenade detonations over the course of his time. this was found to have a traumatic brain injury result, but not the neurological disorder cte. what does that tell you >> well, cte is more commonly seen in sports, although it has been seen in veterans exposed to blast, but you can look at ct in this situation is just another type of evidence of these repetitive traumatic exposures, whether it's a hit to the head or whether it's a blast. >> so >> when we look at this, we try not to say that any finding in brain study is gonna be the explanation for something like this. >> but it's also >> important to realize that when we try to understand these sorts of horrible events, we often will say, look at emotional trauma as a reason there was the breakup are there was bullying. we'll talk about people being on drugs that has changed the way their brain has functioned. traumatic brain injury, both changes the structure and function of your brain and so when you look at a situation like this, we need to consider that traumatic brain injury might be that first domino that started leading to the events of that day in the case of football. i think we didn't know for a while, maybe there was a suspicion, but for awhile we didn't know how bad some of the effects of football could be on the brain. what is the takeaway here for the military because there are a lot of people who do this kind of training i think there's a culture we've ignored traumatic brain injuries for too long and especially the ones on the >> mild and we're we're not knocked unconscious. so when i played football at harvard, we would get hidden head all the time if you saw stars, we never really thought twice about it. and i imagined from talking to veterans is sort of the same situation military that if you can get up and keep going, you do. and now we need to start understanding that the repetition of those events that don't knock us out, that don't cause anything we can see can still cause degeneration in the brain over time. and so we need to start understanding where this is happening and where we can minimize it. and protect people the best we can. i know this has been a discussion that's been happening. the military for now, more than a decade. but i think those changes, this is a reminder that those changes need to happen faster. so that we don't keep creating this same problem that we now know looking back is preventable. it's different than the middle but terry, obviously we do still have to veterans in the middle. i still have to train on dangerous weapons, but now the question is, well, how much, what's the right level that will still protect the brain? they're having the same discussion, whether it's grenades or whether it's artillery. we now have a new understanding that those lower, lower level hits we used to ignore are actually contributing to bring them yeah, it's such an important conversation you and some people, it's such an important conversation we need to keep having. >> chris. thank you so much for explaining that to us. we appreciate it. >> and, ahead on cnn news central, the president facing perhaps the most critical speech of his presidency so far, his state of the union address just six hours away. we'll have for on his speech after a quick break >> president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election? challenges at home and abroad. can he make the case for four more years in the white house join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tonight at eight on cnn bob, i call made a chest congestion. >> hello, 12 hours of relief >> bowers, mucinex, dm 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