Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

from, the >> source tonight, cnn can now call donald trump the presumptive nominee. but his last republican rival vanquished even mitch mcconnell is throwing his support behind trump. and trump is making a head-snapping new demand will tell you that in a moment. so maggie haberman will join me live on what elon musk was doing at mar-a-lago as trump was pleading with a judge for mercy, which for him means more time. the cough of the many millions that he already and tonight, the agonizing choice to leave your home state to terminate a pregnancy. texas mom, kate cox explain to her deeply personal decision ahead of a huge moment in the national spotlight, she's president biden's guest at the state of the union tomorrow night. >> i'm kaitlan collins since this is the source it's this equal that most americans didn't want. but apparently it's the only thing play. super tuesday has all but cemented the biden versus trump rematch at the top of their party's tickets. nikki haley is out and mitch mcconnell is apparently on board more on the outgoing senate republican leader in a moment. but this is notable 170,000 voters backs nikki haley over donald trump in the battleground states of nevada, north carolina, in michigan. remember that number because it could be very important come november 570,000 is more than double the gap that decided the race. and those states four years ago but that is the backdrop, the current and former president's chose very different ways to convince haley voters to join their team today. president biden commended her for quote speaking the truth as the nail presumptive republican nominee bragged that he had trounced chart here in washington. it was even enough for mitch mcconnell to fall in line and finally endorsed donald trump's something he is not done. the same. donald trump, i should note who attacked both the senator and his wife and vicious and racist terms over and over and over again. >> it's also the same donald trump that mitch mcconnell hasn't spoken to in three years. the same one that he also scorchingly denounced after january 6, there's no question. none that president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of a day no question about it the people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president >> for his part, mcconnell insist that there is no disconnect between his criticisms of trump and helping put them back in the white house potentially dvor is at 25th, 2021. shortly after the attack on the capitol i was asked a similar question and i said, i would support the nominee for president even if it were the former president my first guest tonight, like mitch mcconnell is a lifelong republican who witnessed trump and action firsthand and even wrote >> entire book morning and severe terms about a possible second trump term. better john bolton was donald trump's national security advisers. but on source many times, it's great to have you, ambassador bolton. i mean, republican in voters were given more than a dozen choices here why does so many of them insist that donald trump they believe is the best their party has to offer. >> well, i'm not sure they think he's the best, but i think all of the other republican candidates with the possible exception of chris christie and asa hutchison, made the same mistake. trump's opponents made in the 2016 nomination process of attacking each other, hoping to be the last one standing so they could take trump on. and it turns out this year, as in 2016, you don't beat donald trump by attack. the other candidates, you have to make the argument that convince voters trump is not fit to be president. and they all basically failed to do that with a few exceptions really kinda did that at the end. i mean, she went after him on age. she went after a mountain fitness for the presidency on russia, too little too late. >> and i think >> that was part of the problem. they couldn't make up their mind, are they for trump? are they against trump? are they trying to appeal? he's trump. political leadership doesn't consist in following what the polls tell you. it consists of persuading people that they should support your candidacy and reject trump for all of his flaws. that case was never made by any of them you've said that neither biden nor trump is the correct answer. i mean, but that is going to be the choice. so what toys are you going to make? >> so you're just telling me i'm very beleaguered these days and in 2020, i wrote in the name of a conservative republican. i live in maryland and you have that possibility because there was no conservative republican on the ballot. i feel exactly the same way four years later, and that's what i'll do again. it's a problem with america that we're going to have a rematch of a contest 70 to 80% of the people say they don't want what, what's wrong with the political system that produces the result that so many don't so instead of voting for donald trump, you'll just write someone in that's right. >> and look, i live in maryland. biden is going to carry that state anyway. i'm going to worry what i think priority has to be for people who in publicans who don't like trump is get a republican senate. and in maryland, we have a real opportunity with former governor larry hogan. i'm going to spend a lot of time on that. >> so for people who do face this choice and they don't want to write someone in we have dealt with a lot of people in the show who have been critical of trump and don't feel like he's the best that republicans have to offer for the presidency. but they also don't want to vote for a democrat. i mean, what would you say to people who? are willing to vote for their party, but only because it's an r on the ticket. >> well, i'd say don't violate your principles. i think this is the problem the democrats have in pursuing a biden's candidacy. if trump wins in november his election night victory speech start off saying, i want to thank joe biden and the democratic party for all the hard work they've done to bring the back to election. biden is deeply unpopular. it's not going to get any better between now and election day, the country would be better off if they found another candidate. i don't see that happening. >> so i know you think he's unpopular. you very much do not like president biden's policies. you've made that clear in our conversations before. >> but is >> it worth not voting for him simply because you don't like his policies. if you genuinely think trump is a threat to democracy, well, i don't think he's a threat to the constitution. i think he caused enormous damage in the first term. i think it will cause more deaths damage in the second term, but our institutions are stronger than donald trump and i think if you overstay pardon me? does that include the presidency because he has people who we just talked to, doug burgum last night who trump says would be a great vp and he wouldn't say if you thought that mike pence did the right thing on january 6, neither will at least defined she said that she thought he did the wrong thing. >> jd >> vance, there's no doubt >> that the one and only interview question on the vice presidential interview questionnaire is, will you do what i tell you to do this time, at least until something dramatic happens though, trump can't get a third term i think his, his presidency would be filled with disorder, chaos, and damage to the country. but that requires fighting against it. it doesn't say it's so bad. i'm going to violate my principles for voting by voting for joe biden. it's a very unhappy situation. there's no getting around it, but i don't think do you think voting for biden would violate your principles? >> i think absolutely. i think he's conducted a disastrous american foreign policy to give you simply one example from today, his proposed budget on defense matters for next year represents a 1% increase. that's lower than the rate of inflation at a time when we need dramatically increased defense spending to face our throats. >> but even though the two of you agree on nato, something that he has upheld and the concern that we've heard a very real one that donald trump will withdrawal from nato if he takes office. that's not enough to get you to vote for biden over trump? >> no, because i think the policies he's pursuing have led us to the crisis that we see in ukraine. he failed to determine for the russians there and put them do that. well, but biden made no effort. in fact, said publicly twice. i'm not going to be able to determine. i think that was fundamentally wrong. i think the same things happening in the middle east now, biden is more worried about a wider war than he is the threat to our closest ally, israel. >> one thing that president biden did right after he took office cut trump off from intelligence briefings, which is often for 60 years has been afforded to pass president's after they leave office typically the major nominees of parties also have access to classified intelligence briefings, but the white house said today that they're not keen to change their mind on letting trump get that access, even though he's about to be the nominee. >> do you agree with that? >> i would not give him access to classified materials, whatever the past precedent has been. no. no, no other candidate has been under indictment for allowing classified information to be compromised and given given the pendency of that indictment alone i wouldn't give him the briefings. >> ambassador john bolton. thank you for joining me here tonight is also former deputy campaign manager for the desantis presidential campaign. david polyansky and former lieutenant governor of georgia, geoff duncan. and given you what we just heard jeff on, what voters are facing here in this battle for those nikki haley voters, whether they're going to go to trump or to biden what's your sense of what they'll do >> yeah. i think we we we're gonna wake up tomorrow with 100 million americans scratching their head is to what, what do we do now? i think it's interesting to break down who these nikki haley voters are. it's such a wide categories scattered categories, right? you've got republicans that don't think the 2020 election was rigged. you've got fiscal conservatives, you got democrats who are disenfranchised with wide and you've got former republicans that are now democrat. so you've got this whole big quadrate. it's gonna be interesting to see what plays out and look. seven months is a long time. but i don't i don't really know what to do at this point as somebody who can't vote for joe biden because i don't align with his policies. i don't believe he's got the best interest any longer of the country donald trump is just broken down. there's no chance that i would ever show up to support donald trump. >> what's your sense >> well, look, i think i think what we've seen with donald trump is he's defied the odds both this year politically and legally. and so i think most in our party and certainly most people in the country didn't think he'd have this easy prompt to the nomination, nor did they think that he would evade trials and delay them as much as he has. and so i think the combination of his potency politically and his ability to move seamlessly fit the legal process is put them in a pretty strong position right now. and if you look at the real clear politics averages 2.5 to almost two-and-a-half points ahead of joe biden. and he's leading him on average. and every single swing state except pennsylvania, which is under 1%. so if you're asking me how i view it today, i'd rather be in donald trump's camp than i would in the president's you obviously worked on desantis's campaign that face says a lot. but do you think donald trump was ever beatable? >> in retrospect know, look, the minute they were two things that happened, you said no. yeah. >> there were two things that happened and i think this is when the nomination ended. number one, when he was first indicted, i think the party and the base rallied around him because they felt it wasn't just an assault on donald trump. they felt it was an assault on him. you did a great job message the gene and number two, when public polls started to put him in striking distance and ultimately ahead of biden, the electability argument went away. and when those two things happen, the race was over. it was officially over the night of iowa, but it probably ended last summer i mean, this all kinda crystallized today when we saw mitch mcconnell get behind trump. i don't think it's totally surprising that mitch mcconnell would do it in the cynical sense. but in the political sense, when you look at it, how trump is not only attacked mitch mcconnell nonstop, he's attacked elaine chao and she's personally told me when i've spoken to her and interviews that she believes those attacks are vehemently racist, and he endorses him and trump now goes from saying, i could never worked with mitch mcconnell to saying he could work with him. >> that's the problem. i wrote a piece for the atlantic journal constitution last week where i called it. that's just politics all right, we've got to stop just saying that's just politics to go along to play along. i mean, i'm one of those folks and republicans, i'm thinking nikki haley, don't don't endorse donald trump, right? where are we going to draw the line in the same as republicans? where are we going to draw the line that the future of this country is more important than a short-term sugar high of getting a couple of points or likes on whatever whatever is driving mean these people watching tim scott do what he's doing. i mean, he knows better than this. so does the whole list of people that have just fallen in. that's just politics is going to absolutely destroy this country. and so my encouragement is the wake up. go to work and continue to say the right things not to win an election, but for the right things for americans and youngkin, governor glenn youngkin of virginia, i should note just endorse donald trump on twitter or something that he had no stated an arm's length from him as he conducted his own race. ron desantis got out and endorse donald trump. he has not said really anything except since then. he's not campaigning on his behalf. i mean, you just heard but john bolton said about not about voting your conscience, writing someone and if you don't though that donald trump's the nominee, i say to that i remember a former boss of mine in 2016 using that same line at the cleveland convention. >> look and for people who are watching and don't know, it was senator for this, i'm sorry using that line at the convention in regards to the trump candidacy, then look, this is complex the fact of the matter is you've got a choice between a president who is not wholly unpopular, just unpopular with americans but he's driving policies that are driving each of us as we make decisions in our personal lives on the economy, it's just not going to get credit even if the economy does turn around on immigration, he's at 18% popularity favorability on it because he's failed. and i think as we heard earlier in the night on the network he's been absent on the issue only until recently has even emerged and talking about that, which is the number one issue we've got a long way to go in this race, but again, i'd rather be in the trump camp right now than i would be with the president leading into tomorrow night. >> and the sense is still at trump and desantis haven't spoken that. i don't know. >> geoff duncan, david. thank you both for being here great to have you both up next as you heard, elon musk saying today, he's not giving any presidential candidate money. so why did he just meet privately with trump at mar-a-lago will speak to maggie haberman about her latest scoop. plus in north carolina, republicans just nominated someone who is quoted hitler on facebook. yes, you heard that describing homosexuality as filth and mocked school shooting survivors >> king charles good night at ten on cnn >> my name is cody archie, and i'm erica, and we're first-generation ranchers from central texas. >> and because of tiktok, were able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. >> we have door per sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and information swapping going on there tiktok is openness for tech this way of life for future generation >> okay, yeah, we got orders coming starting a business is never easy. a star in eight months pregnant, that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground of people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs they chased a car, made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that and they believe they can do the same. >> arena unlimited 1.5% cashback on every purchase for the chase, inc. business on living all right. make more of what's yours >> introducing ned's black sea, right? 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"the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. a pre-puberty percent no real stone. and even more during our winter sale to be a headline, was vegas what i wanna do. >> they had the biggest entertainers in america >> vegas is always marketed itself on its nodding yes and the only way you find out what you can do is if you do it it's unlike anywhere else in the world, vegas, the story of sin and next sunday at ten on cnn >> the second richest man in the world, elon musk posting on x today. and i'm quoting him now, just to be super clear, i am not donating money to either candidate for us president that in response to the reporting that he met with donald trump in palm beach at his mar-a-lago club over the weekend. as his campaign and the candidate himself desperately need money. i'm joined now by one of the reporters who broke that story in new york times, senior political correspondent and cnn political analyst, maggie haberman. maggie wonder you saw that tweet today from elon basket. i still call them tweets. how carefully worded do you think that that message was? because i mean, he could theoretically give to a super pac supporting a candidate without specifically given to that candidate. >> yeah, i think you're hitting on the issue here. he says to be clear, well, he's clear that he's not getting hard dollars to candidates and i don't think anybody expected elon musk's valuable $3,300 checks to be at issue here. i think the bigger issue is whether he would give money to a super pac or a dark money group where they don't have to disclose who their donors are. and he did not address either one of those. i think the statement left him wiggle room now, that doesn't mean that he will donate kaitlan. i could see a world where he doesn't write a big check or any check. but that is the hope of people around trump is that he does ultimately give money. >> well, the reason they have that hope is because they're trying to close that massive fundraising gap between them and the current president, president biden, who didn't have to deal with weeks of a primary challenge. and i just wonder based on what you've been hearing from people, how worried they actually are about shoring up their finances and the ability to do that quickly. >> the financial disparity has been a concern for trump's political advisors for many, many months going back till i would say the fall when it became clear that he was likely to be the republican nominee, and it was clear that there was going to be a huge disparity between what democrats were able to raise, not just the biden campaign proper, his super pac, the democratic national committee. and then there will be other outside groups at the moment. trump does not have something like that, and we have seen the president biden has outraised him so far. so this is a real worry and elon musk is in a unique position to come close to erasing that deficit almost singlehandedly outside group dollars are not the same as hard dollars that can be i buy a campaign, but they can still help a lot. >> chubb is also having financial troubles beyond the campaign today, asking the judge who is overseeing the e. jean carroll case to give him more time, a few extra days to post that at $3.3 million bond. and i just wonder what you've heard from people inside hi, does orban, because obviously at 3.3 million is just a small portion of the ultimate total that you'd have to pay in addition to the 450 million that he has to post when it comes to the civil fraud trial, what are you hearing about the legal fees and how that's cutting and toll of this well, look, the legal fees pieces is a big issue and as we know, that's a different part of money, which is the save america money, that >> political action committee that president, former president trump controls that he money, he started raising while he was still president. during this period where he was alleging falsely widespread fraud that had impacted the 2020 election that he needed money to fight, and he then store this all in this political action committee or much of it. and the political action committee. and it's gone to pay a bunch of things. but among them, his lawyers and other peoples lawyers. so that's one piece. then there the bond piece that you're talking about and that is a separate issue. and there is clearly a problem so far in acquiring a bond, it doesn't mean that they won't get there, but i'm not sure what a couple of more days delay is going to do. and the judge has already said no we delay previously. >> in addition to what we've been watching with super tuesday, trump is now saying, as he's the presumptive republican nominee, the only person in this race that he is now ready to debate after, of course, he didn't debate anyone in the republican primary and has spent years going after the presidential debates commission and railing against them. i wonder what your senses, even though we're still a few months away from when those would actually happen, if that's something he's actually serious about going forward with? >> i think the trump very much wants to debate or loon hearing that consistently for a while, he just didn't want to debate any of his republican rivals. we know that he pressured ronna mcdaniel, the outgoing republican national committee mean he chairwoman to cancel debates over and over and over. and he said it publicly too. he did it privately with her directly and push this with others as well. but his folks have been clear going back to the summer, his meeting trump's, he wants a bunch of general election debates. he believes that that is a helpful contrast with president biden. it is a question to me what president biden will agree to because remember, kaitlan at the first debate, they had in 2020, trump later turned out to have had covid that week. now, it remains an open question whether he had it on stage, but he didn't look well on stage. there was a feeling among the biden folks that the commission on presidential debates did not do enough to enforce covid protocols. they were very angry about it. they remain very angry about it. so i don't know what they will agree to we will say what's your sense generally of, war in this moment? and so many people were lie on your reporting about trump and have for years and just as where this moment that a year ago, maybe it seemed like we would not be back here. what the next eight months or so we're going to look like they rely on your reporting to the it's going to be a very long general election is what i would say. i think it is going to be a aaa a pretty brutal eight months. i mean, among other things, we're going to have unless something changes, a criminal trial for one of the nominees, he won't be the nominee. yeah. but he's the presumptive nominee right now with former president trump, expected to go on trial on march 25 in new york. that may be the only trial he faces this uri is three other indictments and three other places, but that alone is unprecedented. and so it is almost unfathomable to me what else could happen this year, but even the next two months are going to be shocking >> and do they are maggie haberman great to have you. thank you. >> thanks kaitlan. >> up next cnn sits down with two of president biden's state of the union guest tomorrow night, the texas parents forced to leave their home state to and a life-threatening pregnancy >> hardest thing. i've ever been through in our lives the laws today a lot more pain throw was already the most painful time in our lives >> president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election. with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years in the white house? join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at times, cnn, the planet fitness black card is packed with parks, not like other gyms, >> hi, can i bring my friend to work out? >> no. >> well, as my membership good at other locations oh, no. no. no, yeah. no. no. what are this is better for just $1 down. you can bring a friend for free anytime workout in any of our 2,500 plus locations, and enjoy access to the black cards. the plan had been his black card join now for $1 down 24, 99 a month, canceled anytime deland's friday, march 15. >> from need the dot didn't need it now so many ways to save life >> ready wallet, happy >> that's 365 by whole foods market the new arrival alarms the brotherhood of muscle muscular features, signal power and performance attributes. they've never seen in dismantled the whole new breed, ready to swarm, ready to stick getting to electrify the defiant power-packed all new hybrid electric dodge hornet rt, performance 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selected to showcase policies >> that they like or to protest those that they don't. >> i'm >> president biden addresses the nation tomorrow night. one woman, kate cox will be front and center from his box. the texas mother had to leave her state in order to get an abortion. a painful decision to end a pregnancy that she wanted, because texas law and the courts said she couldn't. despite two crucial pieces of information here one, a child that she was expecting would not have survived. and kate's health and future fertility were also at risk. she and her husband just sat down with my colleague dana bash and dana bash joins me now. i mean, what an amazing moment, for this person who did become go from being a private person to this national figure for such a painfully private reason. >> yeah. i mean, painful is an understatement. and what i spoke to her, she said that because she married young, she never thought abortion would be something she would even have to consider. then she entered her husband, who are already parents of two young children, were told that her third pregnancy wasn't viable and they did come to the excruciating decision to end the pregnancy one, they didn't think would wind up with a lawsuit that made national headlines. >> no idea no idea. it would receive this widespread attention. mean to us, it felt very straightforward we wanted our baby and she was never going to be able to survive. and we want to have that opportunity to continue to build our family, to try again, to have another pregnancy. how many weeks pregnant were you when you first heard trisomy 18 and that you're at risk? for your baby having that, which is a rare chromosomal disorder, right i think i was around 13 weeks when it first came up as a risk. my dr. calls and chest, if i was driving and told her i was driving pulled over and she told me at that time that the screening had come back. so it took them five weeks to get the diagnosis. the first thing we saw was a very clear issue with development of the spine, the neural tube and so we thought, well maybe, maybe, or maybe we'll have a life in a wheelchair and then the next week we saw more and continued over five weeks. and that's when you get the full diagnosis in that final ultrasound was catastrophic. it was our baby wouldn't survive the moment as a parent, as a mother when you learn that there's something wrong with your pregnancy, i know what that's like. and it's etched in your memory forever. i asked the dr. best-case scenario if she survived the pregnancy because tries me, the full trisomy 18 babies often miscarry or are still born. and so if we survive the pregnancy and we survived the birth, how long best-case scenario does she think we could have with her? and she said the longest would be a week. she would be placed directly on to hospice. there is no treatment that could be done and i didn't want her to suffer would want to life measured in minutes or hours, or days with medical machinery for us. and the risks as well. we wanted to be able to have a baby. we wanted a sibling for our children as well. we want to be able to try again when we got the devastating diagnosis, i asked my dr. what would do women do when they receive a diagnosis like that? like this. and she told me some women choose to continue the pregnancy and some choose not to and i asked her if that was an option in texas. if i chose not to to the pregnancy and she told me so you filed a lawsuit and the court granted the restraining order on the law saying that you could legally obtain an abortion >> and that you would not be at risk for driving. your wife, that the dr. would not be at risk. but then the next day, the texas supreme court temporarily blocked the decision. what were those days like? >> well, we when we got the ruling from the judge, we were excited and hopeful. we thought well, you know, maybe everybody will see, you know, common sense that comes with this issue, like we do, that this is medical care. it was very upsetting dynamic range of feelings with that going from hopeful too feel like, okay, this isn't going to be as easy as we thought. >> it was really crushing pregnancies are complicated. and it's difficult sometimes to build your family, so it's really terrifying when that's left up to politicians and judges. you did make the decision to travel outside of texas. you went to new mexico to have an abortion. tough decision >> was we were on a strict timeline and we couldn't wait any longer. so the decision had to be made. it's the hardest thing we've ever been through in our lives. and the laws today added a lot more pain. to what was already the most painful time in our lives that's why i want to share our story and that's why i hope it will be different one day, abortion has always been a very political issue, even more so since roe was overturned were you a particularly political couple or you were you a political person before this >> not at all. was not a political person. >> both have voted in the past, but we've never been very enthusiastic about the process. >> and you are now >> certainly aren't now >> i'm guessing you're going to vote for joe biden the number one thing we're both voting for his protection of abortion rights because women and families deserve medical care. this i don't want to see others continue to be hurt. >> how >> many how many women have to tell their most heartbreaking journey publicly? how many have to speak out before something changes? >> i mean what a powerful story, absolutely heartbreaking. and, you know, i asked her a couple of different times in a couple of different ways why she, wants to do this, and whether she really understood when she did file this lawsuit, they both did. whether it would erupt into such a national story. and she said, as i mentioned, she already has two young children, one of them is a girl and she said, i don't want my daughter to have to deal with this. if and when she is trying to start a family and that is really the key here for this couple. and that is, that her dr. told her that this pregnancy would not produce a viable child and when they brought this into the courts, what the answer was, they said was that the dr. wasn't explicit enough that her life was at risk, even though that wasn't really clear. first of all, it's her life, but also the idea that she wants to have a fan, but they want to continue to grow their family. >> one of these laws is they're meant to protect life is what you hear from lawmakers at the state or federal level. the her life was at risk and also her daughter, if if she'd been born, the best-case scenario was one week that she would've survived >> yeah. it's it's it's on imaginable, unimaginable on the strength that they both have to speak out and to know that the bright, hot spotlight is going to be on them they got the call from the president and they said we're going to come yeah, it'll be really powerful to see them tomorrow. great interview, dana, i think the full thing the stage of course, is set for the race and to watch and a key battleground state in north carolina, in moderate democrat versus a right-wing republican who has downplayed the holocaust for to michelle obama is a man. we're going to speak to the states outgoing governor about this bitter and expensive fight for the fight to replace him julie mid conversation with gayle king of kings here with some guys okay. >> charles barkley, give you a follow-up and gauff's i won't teach you how to read king charles next on cnn >> you should do want you >> oh crap that's a really good gift. >> now, we gotta get frehse something. >> we could use these new gift mode. >> yes >> what are the french like >> anyone? >> geez >> they like cheese >> brilliant. done i'm. not to >> to form >> who don't >> easy would give new orleans >> if you struggle with cpac you should check out, inspire inspire sleep apnea >> innovation, learn more and byu 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the lead with jake tapper tomorrow it for cnn a man who has openly downplayed the atrocities of hitler and nazi >> germany and his described homosexuality is filled, is now the republican nominee for governor in north carolina? yeah, really it sets the stage for a hotly contested governor's race. in a very key battleground state come november. and that man, the candidate that i was talking about, lieutenant governor mark robinson, attempted last night in his victory speech to define himself this way. >> a lot about me throughout this campaign much of it has been false those are you all who know me, know who i am? >> here's the thing. >> a lot of it. well, really all of it is not false at all. there's a record you can hear it for yourself. the fringe, a downright hateful rhetoric out of his own mouth for yourself? >> on friday night, the mall on saturday night go to the men's bathroom you are confused? >> one outside >> so many things were lost during the civil rights movement. so many freedoms were lost during the civil rights movement. they shouldn't have been lost there's no reason anybody anywhere in america telling me that about >> ten generalism, homosexuality hear that phil and yes, i called it filled >> here tonight. the current office holder of the job that robinson wants, democratic governor of north carolina, roy cooper, who of course i should note, still has ten months loved on the job, but governor, when you hear when you hear that knowing mark robinson could possibly be in your job in a matter of months. what does go through your mind >> well, this is the most extreme right-wing candidate that we've seen in north carolina's history you've heard all of the things he's also said that men should lead, not women. he's also said he has an assault weapon to shoot government officials if the government gets too big for its britches. north carolina has been through culture wars before i got elected in 2016 on the heels of the bathroom bill in north carolina, i beat a republican incumbent who had tried to use culture wars and we walked through the rubble of that bathroom bill battlefield and we have now attracted a record number of jobs. we've been the best state in the country for business two years in a row we've gotten the republican legislature in a bipartisan way to expand medicaid. we passed clean energy legislation in north carolina the people of north carolina do not want to go back to a culture warrior. and that's what we have in mark robinson but it's a dangerous time because donald trump is on the ballot. and donald trump won north carolina in 2,016.2020. although this was his closest win in 2021, 0.3%. so we know with those two candidates at the top of the ticket, that's double trouble in north carolina. and a lot of people are going to come out to vote against mark robinson and for josh stein, who's our current attorney general, and we'll do he has integrity and grit and will do an extraordinary job in keeping our progress going forward. >> well, that margin that you mentioned in 2020 for trump is just 75,000 voters. but, but obviously mark robinson here has done something to appeal to people in your state. you know them well there your constituents what is it that had him be i mean, there were two other republicans running against him. one of them saying these ads are going to cut themselves for democrats here. but, but republicans in your state picked him still. most people don't know who he is. you know, it's very difficult to break through on a super tuesday it's important that north carolinians find out who he really is. and i think he has been able to hide the lieutenant governor's office then let's be clear. this is an independently elected office in north carolina. >> during the next >> few months, the people of north carolina and the nation are going to be introduced to mark robinson and how dangerous he is for our state. >> you're >> going to see a lot of people coming out. this is a guy who has said i'm against an abortion in all circumstances no exception. and reproductive freedom is going to be a significant issue in north carolina because the republican legislature by one vote over my veto with all republicans voting to override and all democrats voting to sustain my veto, they did pass a 12 week abortion ban and have said they are coming back for more and mark robinson wants more. and the people of north carolina dope so at the end of the day, i think this is going to be an important issue in north carolina and a lot of people are going to come to the polls because they don't want politicians in the exam room with a woman and her dr. well, on that note, the white house has made clear democrats present biden may have north carolina and their sides as well. they're hoping they can, they can win it in 2024. and given you know, what the political landscape looks like in the popular that donald trump does have in your state i wonder what you think is should be president biden strategy to win over those 250,000 voters in north carolina who did vote for nikki haley. they did not vote for donald trump as they are both very much making that appeal, given how tight these margins are yeah, nikki haley voters can be joe biden, the voters. women's reproductive freedom will be emphasized in our state. i've talked with the president and the president's campaign. they know this is a big issue here. health care is a big issue. donald trump was opposed to the affordable care act. this is one of the few promises they actually tried to keep when he was president, he almost gutted the affordable care act. and what carolina we just expanded medicaid. mark robinson is against expansion of medicaid when you look at all that, joe biden has done to bring healthcare to north carolinians. >> this has got >> to be pitting the best of joe biden against the worst of donald trump. so health care and reproductive freedom are going to be on the ballot as well as joe biden successes i've been able to go throughout the state and announce. >> yeah, water and >> sewer projects in rural counties and high-speed internet connection and things that matter to everyday families. not to be able to emphasize those things as well. >> and i should just note, we have heard from mark robinson's campaign. they now claim that that he does support restrictions are the exceptions. they haven't said exactly which ones. this is a conversation we're going to be able to having a lot going forward. governor roy cooper, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you i just know, what he has said >> we heard it. as you heard it there, governor, thank you and speaking of these fights that we are seeing play out over this, what is happening right now in alabama, you are looking live as lawmakers and my home state or take taking a final vote on a bill to protect ivf patients and providers after much controversy in the state. but one clinic says it is not enough. >> we're gonna have live coverage right after a quick break >> i want to thank you for being in your place >> president biden last state of the union before the 2024 election, with challenges that home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years in the white house? join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at times, cnn what happens to the golden boy of new jersey >> i engaged in an affair with another man >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper. >> are gov the therapists if they're having an interview with jake tapper, new episode next sunday night on cnn >> did you know there's no t in skechers? >> what he told the ball rolling. as always been scheduled z and these sketches these sketches, slip bands romo, take is always in sketches. >> jpmorgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research with jpmorgan personal advisers. >> hey, david, ready to get started >> work with advisors who create a plan with you and 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cameron ward, a former ally to lawmaker, as unique perspective on this issue for two reasons, his past support of a 2018 law in the state but that form the basis of this ruling and also has two children who were conceived with the help of idea ivf and cam. it's great to have you here tonight because you and your wife, lindsay, shared your own story about this. you called this a stupid ruling you thought by the state supreme court. but given this legislation doesn't confront what's at the heart of this. i wonder if you think it's enough tonight. >> no, i think it's a band-aid approach and i think the legislature did the right thing. it was bipartisan. i was served with him for 20 years. and when i was over there, i've never seen a bill passed so fast. they wanted to fix this problem as quickly as they could, or at least get an approach to stop the problems that would occur and allow for for long-term solution. >> so i think they did the right thing. i think long term they're gonna have to probably have a constitutional amendment, but they're working on it. they're doing a good job on it. >> do you think there could be support for a constitutional amendment? >> i absolutely do. if you looked at the bipartisan support and you had a governor who was in favor of a fix. you hadn't attorney general who said, i'm not going to prosecute these cases anyway. and you have both sides of the aisle saying, we need to fix this? yes, i do. i think they'll fix it and i'm proud to see the way they're dealing with it in a fast manner so that families was like me and my wife don't have to deal with that going forward >> and this ruling is you talked about your own experience and what that mean. it came from an interpretation of a law that was passed by the state legislature in 2018. as i mentioned, when you were a state senator, you voted for it. i know you're pro-life and you want pro-life laws, but do you wished in retrospect that you hadn't voted for that law >> i think no one intended for this to be the consequence of it. i was one of those who pushed for the three exceptions i really thought we should have three exceptions. we didn't get that i regret that part that we didn't get those. but at the end of the day, i think you have so many lawmakers now saying, we never intended that. we want to fix it. and my former colleagues were over there. i think they're trying to address that and i'm proud they are because they should fix it because no one intended for this to be a consequence of it. >> i mean, what does it say though, that it was that it led to this ruling? that it led to ivf clinics closing, which you and your wife personal have personal experience of just how devastating that precious time can be in such a grueling process. >> i think it was an overreach by the courts. and that's a question for the courts. i mean, i can't speak for them, but i can tell you in debates, we had and there were a lot of very contentious debates on that bill. i think at the end of the de, that's a question for the courts. they took an interpretation that way beyond what the law said so i think it's more of a question of the court's that it is for the legislators >> cameron ward great to have you on and to hear yours and lindsey story about this. and thank you for sharing that perspective. give with us >> kaitlan. thank you. and all are glad to say, hey, from alabama to thank you so much. >> and before we go tonight, we do have a special show coming up tomorrow on this very issue for democratic lawmakers, including one from alice obama, will join to talk about ivf and abortion access overall in america, sharing their own emotional stories and sending a warning to women about what they say could happen in a second. trump

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Need , Jake Tapper , Lead , Atrocities , Nazi Germany , Mark Robinson , Victory Speech , Record , Men , On Friday Night , Mouth , Fringe , Rhetoric , Mall On Saturday Night Go , Freedoms , Bathroom , Civil Rights Movement , Generalism , Phil , Job , Roy Cooper , Office Holder , Robinson Wants , Bathroom Bill , Culture Wars , Government Officials , Assault Weapon , Britches , Heels , Incumbent , Battlefield , Rubble , Legislature , Legislation , Record Number , Jobs , Row , Energy , Medicaid , Culture Warrior , Win , Double Trouble , 2016 2020 , 0 3 , Attorney General , Josh Stein , Integrity , Progress , Grit , Constituents , Margin , 75000 , Ads , North Carolinians , Freedom , Guy , Circumstances , Veto , Abortion Ban , 12 , Exam Room , Note , Landscape , Looks , Biden Strategy , 250000 , Appeal , Margins , Health Care , Women S Reproductive Freedom , Affordable Care Act , Promises , Expansion , Healthcare , Worst , Successes , Counties , Internet Connection , Projects , Water , Sewer , Haven T , Support Restrictions , Fights , Alabama , Bill , Clinic , Controversy , Providers , Break , Place , Ivf Patients , Biden Last , United States , Sunday Night On Cnn , Scandal , Affair , Episode , Therapists , Golden Boy , New Jersey , Sketches , Slip Bands Romo , Z , Skechers , Ball Rolling , Wealth Management , Investment Research , Jpmorgan , Investments , Investment , Manager Investments , Advice , Look , Graves Disease , Thanks , Mobile App , John , Ted , Thyroid Disease , Truth , Graves , Eyes , Specialist , Customers , Sync , Inventory Payments , Community , Spirituality , Questions , Religion , Sister , Clare , Comments , Power , Talk , Lows , Light , Medicines , Relief , Bipolar One , Laida , Antidepressants , Risks , Mood Changes , Traits , Dementia Patients , Behaviors , Weight Gain , Adults , Movement Disorders , 1 2 , Calculator , Muscle Movements , Lighter , Confusion , Fever , Permanent , Savings , Aren T All The Serious Side Effects , Stiff , Blida Com , Estimate , Guestimate , Valuations , Realtor , Dot Com , Soda , Nev , Help , Offices , Mesobook Com Mesothelial , Closed Captioning , State Legislature , Compensation , 44 , 800 , Embryos Counting , Embryos Count , Ivf Bill , Clinics , Perspective , Cameron Ward , Ivf Providers , Lawmaker , Reasons , Patients , Form , Basis , 2018 , Idea Ivf , Heart , Lindsay , The State Supreme Court , Cam , Band Aid Approach , 20 , Amendment , Problems , Approach , Solution , You Hadn T , Cases , Favor , Fix , Aisle , Manner , Interpretation , Experience , State Senator , Hadn T , Retrospect , Consequence , Colleagues , It Led , Ivf Clinics Closing , Overreach , De , Stories , Second , Ivf , Warning ,

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from, the >> source tonight, cnn can now call donald trump the presumptive nominee. but his last republican rival vanquished even mitch mcconnell is throwing his support behind trump. and trump is making a head-snapping new demand will tell you that in a moment. so maggie haberman will join me live on what elon musk was doing at mar-a-lago as trump was pleading with a judge for mercy, which for him means more time. the cough of the many millions that he already and tonight, the agonizing choice to leave your home state to terminate a pregnancy. texas mom, kate cox explain to her deeply personal decision ahead of a huge moment in the national spotlight, she's president biden's guest at the state of the union tomorrow night. >> i'm kaitlan collins since this is the source it's this equal that most americans didn't want. but apparently it's the only thing play. super tuesday has all but cemented the biden versus trump rematch at the top of their party's tickets. nikki haley is out and mitch mcconnell is apparently on board more on the outgoing senate republican leader in a moment. but this is notable 170,000 voters backs nikki haley over donald trump in the battleground states of nevada, north carolina, in michigan. remember that number because it could be very important come november 570,000 is more than double the gap that decided the race. and those states four years ago but that is the backdrop, the current and former president's chose very different ways to convince haley voters to join their team today. president biden commended her for quote speaking the truth as the nail presumptive republican nominee bragged that he had trounced chart here in washington. it was even enough for mitch mcconnell to fall in line and finally endorsed donald trump's something he is not done. the same. donald trump, i should note who attacked both the senator and his wife and vicious and racist terms over and over and over again. >> it's also the same donald trump that mitch mcconnell hasn't spoken to in three years. the same one that he also scorchingly denounced after january 6, there's no question. none that president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of a day no question about it the people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president >> for his part, mcconnell insist that there is no disconnect between his criticisms of trump and helping put them back in the white house potentially dvor is at 25th, 2021. shortly after the attack on the capitol i was asked a similar question and i said, i would support the nominee for president even if it were the former president my first guest tonight, like mitch mcconnell is a lifelong republican who witnessed trump and action firsthand and even wrote >> entire book morning and severe terms about a possible second trump term. better john bolton was donald trump's national security advisers. but on source many times, it's great to have you, ambassador bolton. i mean, republican in voters were given more than a dozen choices here why does so many of them insist that donald trump they believe is the best their party has to offer. >> well, i'm not sure they think he's the best, but i think all of the other republican candidates with the possible exception of chris christie and asa hutchison, made the same mistake. trump's opponents made in the 2016 nomination process of attacking each other, hoping to be the last one standing so they could take trump on. and it turns out this year, as in 2016, you don't beat donald trump by attack. the other candidates, you have to make the argument that convince voters trump is not fit to be president. and they all basically failed to do that with a few exceptions really kinda did that at the end. i mean, she went after him on age. she went after a mountain fitness for the presidency on russia, too little too late. >> and i think >> that was part of the problem. they couldn't make up their mind, are they for trump? are they against trump? are they trying to appeal? he's trump. political leadership doesn't consist in following what the polls tell you. it consists of persuading people that they should support your candidacy and reject trump for all of his flaws. that case was never made by any of them you've said that neither biden nor trump is the correct answer. i mean, but that is going to be the choice. so what toys are you going to make? >> so you're just telling me i'm very beleaguered these days and in 2020, i wrote in the name of a conservative republican. i live in maryland and you have that possibility because there was no conservative republican on the ballot. i feel exactly the same way four years later, and that's what i'll do again. it's a problem with america that we're going to have a rematch of a contest 70 to 80% of the people say they don't want what, what's wrong with the political system that produces the result that so many don't so instead of voting for donald trump, you'll just write someone in that's right. >> and look, i live in maryland. biden is going to carry that state anyway. i'm going to worry what i think priority has to be for people who in publicans who don't like trump is get a republican senate. and in maryland, we have a real opportunity with former governor larry hogan. i'm going to spend a lot of time on that. >> so for people who do face this choice and they don't want to write someone in we have dealt with a lot of people in the show who have been critical of trump and don't feel like he's the best that republicans have to offer for the presidency. but they also don't want to vote for a democrat. i mean, what would you say to people who? are willing to vote for their party, but only because it's an r on the ticket. >> well, i'd say don't violate your principles. i think this is the problem the democrats have in pursuing a biden's candidacy. if trump wins in november his election night victory speech start off saying, i want to thank joe biden and the democratic party for all the hard work they've done to bring the back to election. biden is deeply unpopular. it's not going to get any better between now and election day, the country would be better off if they found another candidate. i don't see that happening. >> so i know you think he's unpopular. you very much do not like president biden's policies. you've made that clear in our conversations before. >> but is >> it worth not voting for him simply because you don't like his policies. if you genuinely think trump is a threat to democracy, well, i don't think he's a threat to the constitution. i think he caused enormous damage in the first term. i think it will cause more deaths damage in the second term, but our institutions are stronger than donald trump and i think if you overstay pardon me? does that include the presidency because he has people who we just talked to, doug burgum last night who trump says would be a great vp and he wouldn't say if you thought that mike pence did the right thing on january 6, neither will at least defined she said that she thought he did the wrong thing. >> jd >> vance, there's no doubt >> that the one and only interview question on the vice presidential interview questionnaire is, will you do what i tell you to do this time, at least until something dramatic happens though, trump can't get a third term i think his, his presidency would be filled with disorder, chaos, and damage to the country. but that requires fighting against it. it doesn't say it's so bad. i'm going to violate my principles for voting by voting for joe biden. it's a very unhappy situation. there's no getting around it, but i don't think do you think voting for biden would violate your principles? >> i think absolutely. i think he's conducted a disastrous american foreign policy to give you simply one example from today, his proposed budget on defense matters for next year represents a 1% increase. that's lower than the rate of inflation at a time when we need dramatically increased defense spending to face our throats. >> but even though the two of you agree on nato, something that he has upheld and the concern that we've heard a very real one that donald trump will withdrawal from nato if he takes office. that's not enough to get you to vote for biden over trump? >> no, because i think the policies he's pursuing have led us to the crisis that we see in ukraine. he failed to determine for the russians there and put them do that. well, but biden made no effort. in fact, said publicly twice. i'm not going to be able to determine. i think that was fundamentally wrong. i think the same things happening in the middle east now, biden is more worried about a wider war than he is the threat to our closest ally, israel. >> one thing that president biden did right after he took office cut trump off from intelligence briefings, which is often for 60 years has been afforded to pass president's after they leave office typically the major nominees of parties also have access to classified intelligence briefings, but the white house said today that they're not keen to change their mind on letting trump get that access, even though he's about to be the nominee. >> do you agree with that? >> i would not give him access to classified materials, whatever the past precedent has been. no. no, no other candidate has been under indictment for allowing classified information to be compromised and given given the pendency of that indictment alone i wouldn't give him the briefings. >> ambassador john bolton. thank you for joining me here tonight is also former deputy campaign manager for the desantis presidential campaign. david polyansky and former lieutenant governor of georgia, geoff duncan. and given you what we just heard jeff on, what voters are facing here in this battle for those nikki haley voters, whether they're going to go to trump or to biden what's your sense of what they'll do >> yeah. i think we we we're gonna wake up tomorrow with 100 million americans scratching their head is to what, what do we do now? i think it's interesting to break down who these nikki haley voters are. it's such a wide categories scattered categories, right? you've got republicans that don't think the 2020 election was rigged. you've got fiscal conservatives, you got democrats who are disenfranchised with wide and you've got former republicans that are now democrat. so you've got this whole big quadrate. it's gonna be interesting to see what plays out and look. seven months is a long time. but i don't i don't really know what to do at this point as somebody who can't vote for joe biden because i don't align with his policies. i don't believe he's got the best interest any longer of the country donald trump is just broken down. there's no chance that i would ever show up to support donald trump. >> what's your sense >> well, look, i think i think what we've seen with donald trump is he's defied the odds both this year politically and legally. and so i think most in our party and certainly most people in the country didn't think he'd have this easy prompt to the nomination, nor did they think that he would evade trials and delay them as much as he has. and so i think the combination of his potency politically and his ability to move seamlessly fit the legal process is put them in a pretty strong position right now. and if you look at the real clear politics averages 2.5 to almost two-and-a-half points ahead of joe biden. and he's leading him on average. and every single swing state except pennsylvania, which is under 1%. so if you're asking me how i view it today, i'd rather be in donald trump's camp than i would in the president's you obviously worked on desantis's campaign that face says a lot. but do you think donald trump was ever beatable? >> in retrospect know, look, the minute they were two things that happened, you said no. yeah. >> there were two things that happened and i think this is when the nomination ended. number one, when he was first indicted, i think the party and the base rallied around him because they felt it wasn't just an assault on donald trump. they felt it was an assault on him. you did a great job message the gene and number two, when public polls started to put him in striking distance and ultimately ahead of biden, the electability argument went away. and when those two things happen, the race was over. it was officially over the night of iowa, but it probably ended last summer i mean, this all kinda crystallized today when we saw mitch mcconnell get behind trump. i don't think it's totally surprising that mitch mcconnell would do it in the cynical sense. but in the political sense, when you look at it, how trump is not only attacked mitch mcconnell nonstop, he's attacked elaine chao and she's personally told me when i've spoken to her and interviews that she believes those attacks are vehemently racist, and he endorses him and trump now goes from saying, i could never worked with mitch mcconnell to saying he could work with him. >> that's the problem. i wrote a piece for the atlantic journal constitution last week where i called it. that's just politics all right, we've got to stop just saying that's just politics to go along to play along. i mean, i'm one of those folks and republicans, i'm thinking nikki haley, don't don't endorse donald trump, right? where are we going to draw the line in the same as republicans? where are we going to draw the line that the future of this country is more important than a short-term sugar high of getting a couple of points or likes on whatever whatever is driving mean these people watching tim scott do what he's doing. i mean, he knows better than this. so does the whole list of people that have just fallen in. that's just politics is going to absolutely destroy this country. and so my encouragement is the wake up. go to work and continue to say the right things not to win an election, but for the right things for americans and youngkin, governor glenn youngkin of virginia, i should note just endorse donald trump on twitter or something that he had no stated an arm's length from him as he conducted his own race. ron desantis got out and endorse donald trump. he has not said really anything except since then. he's not campaigning on his behalf. i mean, you just heard but john bolton said about not about voting your conscience, writing someone and if you don't though that donald trump's the nominee, i say to that i remember a former boss of mine in 2016 using that same line at the cleveland convention. >> look and for people who are watching and don't know, it was senator for this, i'm sorry using that line at the convention in regards to the trump candidacy, then look, this is complex the fact of the matter is you've got a choice between a president who is not wholly unpopular, just unpopular with americans but he's driving policies that are driving each of us as we make decisions in our personal lives on the economy, it's just not going to get credit even if the economy does turn around on immigration, he's at 18% popularity favorability on it because he's failed. and i think as we heard earlier in the night on the network he's been absent on the issue only until recently has even emerged and talking about that, which is the number one issue we've got a long way to go in this race, but again, i'd rather be in the trump camp right now than i would be with the president leading into tomorrow night. >> and the sense is still at trump and desantis haven't spoken that. i don't know. >> geoff duncan, david. thank you both for being here great to have you both up next as you heard, elon musk saying today, he's not giving any presidential candidate money. so why did he just meet privately with trump at mar-a-lago will speak to maggie haberman about her latest scoop. plus in north carolina, republicans just nominated someone who is quoted hitler on facebook. yes, you heard that describing homosexuality as filth and mocked school shooting survivors >> king charles good night at ten on cnn >> my name is cody archie, and i'm erica, and we're first-generation ranchers from central texas. >> and because of tiktok, were able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. >> we have door per sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and information swapping going on there tiktok is openness for tech this way of life for future generation >> okay, yeah, we got orders coming starting a business is never easy. a star in eight months pregnant, that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground of people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs they chased a car, made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that and they believe they can do the same. >> arena unlimited 1.5% cashback on every purchase for the chase, inc. business on living all right. make more of what's yours >> introducing ned's black sea, right? 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"the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. a pre-puberty percent no real stone. and even more during our winter sale to be a headline, was vegas what i wanna do. >> they had the biggest entertainers in america >> vegas is always marketed itself on its nodding yes and the only way you find out what you can do is if you do it it's unlike anywhere else in the world, vegas, the story of sin and next sunday at ten on cnn >> the second richest man in the world, elon musk posting on x today. and i'm quoting him now, just to be super clear, i am not donating money to either candidate for us president that in response to the reporting that he met with donald trump in palm beach at his mar-a-lago club over the weekend. as his campaign and the candidate himself desperately need money. i'm joined now by one of the reporters who broke that story in new york times, senior political correspondent and cnn political analyst, maggie haberman. maggie wonder you saw that tweet today from elon basket. i still call them tweets. how carefully worded do you think that that message was? because i mean, he could theoretically give to a super pac supporting a candidate without specifically given to that candidate. >> yeah, i think you're hitting on the issue here. he says to be clear, well, he's clear that he's not getting hard dollars to candidates and i don't think anybody expected elon musk's valuable $3,300 checks to be at issue here. i think the bigger issue is whether he would give money to a super pac or a dark money group where they don't have to disclose who their donors are. and he did not address either one of those. i think the statement left him wiggle room now, that doesn't mean that he will donate kaitlan. i could see a world where he doesn't write a big check or any check. but that is the hope of people around trump is that he does ultimately give money. >> well, the reason they have that hope is because they're trying to close that massive fundraising gap between them and the current president, president biden, who didn't have to deal with weeks of a primary challenge. and i just wonder based on what you've been hearing from people, how worried they actually are about shoring up their finances and the ability to do that quickly. >> the financial disparity has been a concern for trump's political advisors for many, many months going back till i would say the fall when it became clear that he was likely to be the republican nominee, and it was clear that there was going to be a huge disparity between what democrats were able to raise, not just the biden campaign proper, his super pac, the democratic national committee. and then there will be other outside groups at the moment. trump does not have something like that, and we have seen the president biden has outraised him so far. so this is a real worry and elon musk is in a unique position to come close to erasing that deficit almost singlehandedly outside group dollars are not the same as hard dollars that can be i buy a campaign, but they can still help a lot. >> chubb is also having financial troubles beyond the campaign today, asking the judge who is overseeing the e. jean carroll case to give him more time, a few extra days to post that at $3.3 million bond. and i just wonder what you've heard from people inside hi, does orban, because obviously at 3.3 million is just a small portion of the ultimate total that you'd have to pay in addition to the 450 million that he has to post when it comes to the civil fraud trial, what are you hearing about the legal fees and how that's cutting and toll of this well, look, the legal fees pieces is a big issue and as we know, that's a different part of money, which is the save america money, that >> political action committee that president, former president trump controls that he money, he started raising while he was still president. during this period where he was alleging falsely widespread fraud that had impacted the 2020 election that he needed money to fight, and he then store this all in this political action committee or much of it. and the political action committee. and it's gone to pay a bunch of things. but among them, his lawyers and other peoples lawyers. so that's one piece. then there the bond piece that you're talking about and that is a separate issue. and there is clearly a problem so far in acquiring a bond, it doesn't mean that they won't get there, but i'm not sure what a couple of more days delay is going to do. and the judge has already said no we delay previously. >> in addition to what we've been watching with super tuesday, trump is now saying, as he's the presumptive republican nominee, the only person in this race that he is now ready to debate after, of course, he didn't debate anyone in the republican primary and has spent years going after the presidential debates commission and railing against them. i wonder what your senses, even though we're still a few months away from when those would actually happen, if that's something he's actually serious about going forward with? >> i think the trump very much wants to debate or loon hearing that consistently for a while, he just didn't want to debate any of his republican rivals. we know that he pressured ronna mcdaniel, the outgoing republican national committee mean he chairwoman to cancel debates over and over and over. and he said it publicly too. he did it privately with her directly and push this with others as well. but his folks have been clear going back to the summer, his meeting trump's, he wants a bunch of general election debates. he believes that that is a helpful contrast with president biden. it is a question to me what president biden will agree to because remember, kaitlan at the first debate, they had in 2020, trump later turned out to have had covid that week. now, it remains an open question whether he had it on stage, but he didn't look well on stage. there was a feeling among the biden folks that the commission on presidential debates did not do enough to enforce covid protocols. they were very angry about it. they remain very angry about it. so i don't know what they will agree to we will say what's your sense generally of, war in this moment? and so many people were lie on your reporting about trump and have for years and just as where this moment that a year ago, maybe it seemed like we would not be back here. what the next eight months or so we're going to look like they rely on your reporting to the it's going to be a very long general election is what i would say. i think it is going to be a aaa a pretty brutal eight months. i mean, among other things, we're going to have unless something changes, a criminal trial for one of the nominees, he won't be the nominee. yeah. but he's the presumptive nominee right now with former president trump, expected to go on trial on march 25 in new york. that may be the only trial he faces this uri is three other indictments and three other places, but that alone is unprecedented. and so it is almost unfathomable to me what else could happen this year, but even the next two months are going to be shocking >> and do they are maggie haberman great to have you. thank you. >> thanks kaitlan. >> up next cnn sits down with two of president biden's state of the union guest tomorrow night, the texas parents forced to leave their home state to and a life-threatening pregnancy >> hardest thing. i've ever been through in our lives the laws today a lot more pain throw was already the most painful time in our lives >> president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election. with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years in the white house? join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at times, cnn, the planet fitness black card is packed with parks, not like other gyms, >> hi, can i bring my friend to work out? >> no. >> well, as my membership good at other locations oh, no. no. no, yeah. no. no. what are this is better for just $1 down. you can bring a friend for free anytime workout in any of our 2,500 plus locations, and enjoy access to the black cards. the plan had been his black card join now for $1 down 24, 99 a month, canceled anytime deland's friday, march 15. >> from need the dot didn't need it now so many ways to save life >> ready wallet, happy >> that's 365 by whole foods market the new arrival alarms the brotherhood of muscle muscular features, signal power and performance attributes. they've never seen in dismantled the whole new breed, ready to swarm, ready to stick getting to electrify the defiant power-packed all new hybrid electric dodge hornet rt, performance 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selected to showcase policies >> that they like or to protest those that they don't. >> i'm >> president biden addresses the nation tomorrow night. one woman, kate cox will be front and center from his box. the texas mother had to leave her state in order to get an abortion. a painful decision to end a pregnancy that she wanted, because texas law and the courts said she couldn't. despite two crucial pieces of information here one, a child that she was expecting would not have survived. and kate's health and future fertility were also at risk. she and her husband just sat down with my colleague dana bash and dana bash joins me now. i mean, what an amazing moment, for this person who did become go from being a private person to this national figure for such a painfully private reason. >> yeah. i mean, painful is an understatement. and what i spoke to her, she said that because she married young, she never thought abortion would be something she would even have to consider. then she entered her husband, who are already parents of two young children, were told that her third pregnancy wasn't viable and they did come to the excruciating decision to end the pregnancy one, they didn't think would wind up with a lawsuit that made national headlines. >> no idea no idea. it would receive this widespread attention. mean to us, it felt very straightforward we wanted our baby and she was never going to be able to survive. and we want to have that opportunity to continue to build our family, to try again, to have another pregnancy. how many weeks pregnant were you when you first heard trisomy 18 and that you're at risk? for your baby having that, which is a rare chromosomal disorder, right i think i was around 13 weeks when it first came up as a risk. my dr. calls and chest, if i was driving and told her i was driving pulled over and she told me at that time that the screening had come back. so it took them five weeks to get the diagnosis. the first thing we saw was a very clear issue with development of the spine, the neural tube and so we thought, well maybe, maybe, or maybe we'll have a life in a wheelchair and then the next week we saw more and continued over five weeks. and that's when you get the full diagnosis in that final ultrasound was catastrophic. it was our baby wouldn't survive the moment as a parent, as a mother when you learn that there's something wrong with your pregnancy, i know what that's like. and it's etched in your memory forever. i asked the dr. best-case scenario if she survived the pregnancy because tries me, the full trisomy 18 babies often miscarry or are still born. and so if we survive the pregnancy and we survived the birth, how long best-case scenario does she think we could have with her? and she said the longest would be a week. she would be placed directly on to hospice. there is no treatment that could be done and i didn't want her to suffer would want to life measured in minutes or hours, or days with medical machinery for us. and the risks as well. we wanted to be able to have a baby. we wanted a sibling for our children as well. we want to be able to try again when we got the devastating diagnosis, i asked my dr. what would do women do when they receive a diagnosis like that? like this. and she told me some women choose to continue the pregnancy and some choose not to and i asked her if that was an option in texas. if i chose not to to the pregnancy and she told me so you filed a lawsuit and the court granted the restraining order on the law saying that you could legally obtain an abortion >> and that you would not be at risk for driving. your wife, that the dr. would not be at risk. but then the next day, the texas supreme court temporarily blocked the decision. what were those days like? >> well, we when we got the ruling from the judge, we were excited and hopeful. we thought well, you know, maybe everybody will see, you know, common sense that comes with this issue, like we do, that this is medical care. it was very upsetting dynamic range of feelings with that going from hopeful too feel like, okay, this isn't going to be as easy as we thought. >> it was really crushing pregnancies are complicated. and it's difficult sometimes to build your family, so it's really terrifying when that's left up to politicians and judges. you did make the decision to travel outside of texas. you went to new mexico to have an abortion. tough decision >> was we were on a strict timeline and we couldn't wait any longer. so the decision had to be made. it's the hardest thing we've ever been through in our lives. and the laws today added a lot more pain. to what was already the most painful time in our lives that's why i want to share our story and that's why i hope it will be different one day, abortion has always been a very political issue, even more so since roe was overturned were you a particularly political couple or you were you a political person before this >> not at all. was not a political person. >> both have voted in the past, but we've never been very enthusiastic about the process. >> and you are now >> certainly aren't now >> i'm guessing you're going to vote for joe biden the number one thing we're both voting for his protection of abortion rights because women and families deserve medical care. this i don't want to see others continue to be hurt. >> how >> many how many women have to tell their most heartbreaking journey publicly? how many have to speak out before something changes? >> i mean what a powerful story, absolutely heartbreaking. and, you know, i asked her a couple of different times in a couple of different ways why she, wants to do this, and whether she really understood when she did file this lawsuit, they both did. whether it would erupt into such a national story. and she said, as i mentioned, she already has two young children, one of them is a girl and she said, i don't want my daughter to have to deal with this. if and when she is trying to start a family and that is really the key here for this couple. and that is, that her dr. told her that this pregnancy would not produce a viable child and when they brought this into the courts, what the answer was, they said was that the dr. wasn't explicit enough that her life was at risk, even though that wasn't really clear. first of all, it's her life, but also the idea that she wants to have a fan, but they want to continue to grow their family. >> one of these laws is they're meant to protect life is what you hear from lawmakers at the state or federal level. the her life was at risk and also her daughter, if if she'd been born, the best-case scenario was one week that she would've survived >> yeah. it's it's it's on imaginable, unimaginable on the strength that they both have to speak out and to know that the bright, hot spotlight is going to be on them they got the call from the president and they said we're going to come yeah, it'll be really powerful to see them tomorrow. great interview, dana, i think the full thing the stage of course, is set for the race and to watch and a key battleground state in north carolina, in moderate democrat versus a right-wing republican who has downplayed the holocaust for to michelle obama is a man. we're going to speak to the states outgoing governor about this bitter and expensive fight for the fight to replace him julie mid conversation with gayle king of kings here with some guys okay. >> charles barkley, give you a follow-up and gauff's i won't teach you how to read king charles next on cnn >> you should do want you >> oh crap that's a really good gift. >> now, we gotta get frehse something. >> we could use these new gift mode. >> yes >> what are the french like >> anyone? >> geez >> they like cheese >> brilliant. done i'm. not to >> to form >> who don't >> easy would give new orleans >> if you struggle with cpac you should check out, inspire inspire sleep apnea >> innovation, learn more and byu 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the lead with jake tapper tomorrow it for cnn a man who has openly downplayed the atrocities of hitler and nazi >> germany and his described homosexuality is filled, is now the republican nominee for governor in north carolina? yeah, really it sets the stage for a hotly contested governor's race. in a very key battleground state come november. and that man, the candidate that i was talking about, lieutenant governor mark robinson, attempted last night in his victory speech to define himself this way. >> a lot about me throughout this campaign much of it has been false those are you all who know me, know who i am? >> here's the thing. >> a lot of it. well, really all of it is not false at all. there's a record you can hear it for yourself. the fringe, a downright hateful rhetoric out of his own mouth for yourself? >> on friday night, the mall on saturday night go to the men's bathroom you are confused? >> one outside >> so many things were lost during the civil rights movement. so many freedoms were lost during the civil rights movement. they shouldn't have been lost there's no reason anybody anywhere in america telling me that about >> ten generalism, homosexuality hear that phil and yes, i called it filled >> here tonight. the current office holder of the job that robinson wants, democratic governor of north carolina, roy cooper, who of course i should note, still has ten months loved on the job, but governor, when you hear when you hear that knowing mark robinson could possibly be in your job in a matter of months. what does go through your mind >> well, this is the most extreme right-wing candidate that we've seen in north carolina's history you've heard all of the things he's also said that men should lead, not women. he's also said he has an assault weapon to shoot government officials if the government gets too big for its britches. north carolina has been through culture wars before i got elected in 2016 on the heels of the bathroom bill in north carolina, i beat a republican incumbent who had tried to use culture wars and we walked through the rubble of that bathroom bill battlefield and we have now attracted a record number of jobs. we've been the best state in the country for business two years in a row we've gotten the republican legislature in a bipartisan way to expand medicaid. we passed clean energy legislation in north carolina the people of north carolina do not want to go back to a culture warrior. and that's what we have in mark robinson but it's a dangerous time because donald trump is on the ballot. and donald trump won north carolina in 2,016.2020. although this was his closest win in 2021, 0.3%. so we know with those two candidates at the top of the ticket, that's double trouble in north carolina. and a lot of people are going to come out to vote against mark robinson and for josh stein, who's our current attorney general, and we'll do he has integrity and grit and will do an extraordinary job in keeping our progress going forward. >> well, that margin that you mentioned in 2020 for trump is just 75,000 voters. but, but obviously mark robinson here has done something to appeal to people in your state. you know them well there your constituents what is it that had him be i mean, there were two other republicans running against him. one of them saying these ads are going to cut themselves for democrats here. but, but republicans in your state picked him still. most people don't know who he is. you know, it's very difficult to break through on a super tuesday it's important that north carolinians find out who he really is. and i think he has been able to hide the lieutenant governor's office then let's be clear. this is an independently elected office in north carolina. >> during the next >> few months, the people of north carolina and the nation are going to be introduced to mark robinson and how dangerous he is for our state. >> you're >> going to see a lot of people coming out. this is a guy who has said i'm against an abortion in all circumstances no exception. and reproductive freedom is going to be a significant issue in north carolina because the republican legislature by one vote over my veto with all republicans voting to override and all democrats voting to sustain my veto, they did pass a 12 week abortion ban and have said they are coming back for more and mark robinson wants more. and the people of north carolina dope so at the end of the day, i think this is going to be an important issue in north carolina and a lot of people are going to come to the polls because they don't want politicians in the exam room with a woman and her dr. well, on that note, the white house has made clear democrats present biden may have north carolina and their sides as well. they're hoping they can, they can win it in 2024. and given you know, what the political landscape looks like in the popular that donald trump does have in your state i wonder what you think is should be president biden strategy to win over those 250,000 voters in north carolina who did vote for nikki haley. they did not vote for donald trump as they are both very much making that appeal, given how tight these margins are yeah, nikki haley voters can be joe biden, the voters. women's reproductive freedom will be emphasized in our state. i've talked with the president and the president's campaign. they know this is a big issue here. health care is a big issue. donald trump was opposed to the affordable care act. this is one of the few promises they actually tried to keep when he was president, he almost gutted the affordable care act. and what carolina we just expanded medicaid. mark robinson is against expansion of medicaid when you look at all that, joe biden has done to bring healthcare to north carolinians. >> this has got >> to be pitting the best of joe biden against the worst of donald trump. so health care and reproductive freedom are going to be on the ballot as well as joe biden successes i've been able to go throughout the state and announce. >> yeah, water and >> sewer projects in rural counties and high-speed internet connection and things that matter to everyday families. not to be able to emphasize those things as well. >> and i should just note, we have heard from mark robinson's campaign. they now claim that that he does support restrictions are the exceptions. they haven't said exactly which ones. this is a conversation we're going to be able to having a lot going forward. governor roy cooper, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you i just know, what he has said >> we heard it. as you heard it there, governor, thank you and speaking of these fights that we are seeing play out over this, what is happening right now in alabama, you are looking live as lawmakers and my home state or take taking a final vote on a bill to protect ivf patients and providers after much controversy in the state. but one clinic says it is not enough. >> we're gonna have live coverage right after a quick break >> i want to thank you for being in your place >> president biden last state of the union before the 2024 election, with challenges that home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years in the white house? join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at times, cnn what happens to the golden boy of new jersey >> i engaged in an affair with another man >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper. >> are gov the therapists if they're having an interview with jake tapper, new episode next sunday night on cnn >> did you know there's no t in skechers? >> what he told the ball rolling. as always been scheduled z and these sketches these sketches, slip bands romo, take is always in sketches. >> jpmorgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research with jpmorgan personal advisers. >> hey, david, ready to get started >> work with advisors who create a plan with you and 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cameron ward, a former ally to lawmaker, as unique perspective on this issue for two reasons, his past support of a 2018 law in the state but that form the basis of this ruling and also has two children who were conceived with the help of idea ivf and cam. it's great to have you here tonight because you and your wife, lindsay, shared your own story about this. you called this a stupid ruling you thought by the state supreme court. but given this legislation doesn't confront what's at the heart of this. i wonder if you think it's enough tonight. >> no, i think it's a band-aid approach and i think the legislature did the right thing. it was bipartisan. i was served with him for 20 years. and when i was over there, i've never seen a bill passed so fast. they wanted to fix this problem as quickly as they could, or at least get an approach to stop the problems that would occur and allow for for long-term solution. >> so i think they did the right thing. i think long term they're gonna have to probably have a constitutional amendment, but they're working on it. they're doing a good job on it. >> do you think there could be support for a constitutional amendment? >> i absolutely do. if you looked at the bipartisan support and you had a governor who was in favor of a fix. you hadn't attorney general who said, i'm not going to prosecute these cases anyway. and you have both sides of the aisle saying, we need to fix this? yes, i do. i think they'll fix it and i'm proud to see the way they're dealing with it in a fast manner so that families was like me and my wife don't have to deal with that going forward >> and this ruling is you talked about your own experience and what that mean. it came from an interpretation of a law that was passed by the state legislature in 2018. as i mentioned, when you were a state senator, you voted for it. i know you're pro-life and you want pro-life laws, but do you wished in retrospect that you hadn't voted for that law >> i think no one intended for this to be the consequence of it. i was one of those who pushed for the three exceptions i really thought we should have three exceptions. we didn't get that i regret that part that we didn't get those. but at the end of the day, i think you have so many lawmakers now saying, we never intended that. we want to fix it. and my former colleagues were over there. i think they're trying to address that and i'm proud they are because they should fix it because no one intended for this to be a consequence of it. >> i mean, what does it say though, that it was that it led to this ruling? that it led to ivf clinics closing, which you and your wife personal have personal experience of just how devastating that precious time can be in such a grueling process. >> i think it was an overreach by the courts. and that's a question for the courts. i mean, i can't speak for them, but i can tell you in debates, we had and there were a lot of very contentious debates on that bill. i think at the end of the de, that's a question for the courts. they took an interpretation that way beyond what the law said so i think it's more of a question of the court's that it is for the legislators >> cameron ward great to have you on and to hear yours and lindsey story about this. and thank you for sharing that perspective. give with us >> kaitlan. thank you. and all are glad to say, hey, from alabama to thank you so much. >> and before we go tonight, we do have a special show coming up tomorrow on this very issue for democratic lawmakers, including one from alice obama, will join to talk about ivf and abortion access overall in america, sharing their own emotional stories and sending a warning to women about what they say could happen in a second. trump

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