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Up to 70 or so up gilt. Com today today on inside politics, welcome to the General Election. The two parties choices, whether you like it or not, are joe biden and donald trump. The 2020 rematch is now effectively a done deal after nikki haley made this announcement this morning, the time has now come to suspend my campaign. I said i wanted americans to have their voices heard. I have done matt. I have no regrets. And although i will no longer be a candidate, i will not stop using my voice for the things i believe it the question now, where Will Haley Voters go . Both biden and trump are making a play for their support with very different strategies. Im dana bash, lets go behind the headlines and Inside Politics First Up today is day one of what will likely be a bidder and girls cooling 244 day General Election in 81 yearold incumbent president versus his seventysevenyearold predecessor. Donald trump was able to secure his spot as the Presumptive Republican nominee for the third time in a row. Just 51 days after the first votes were cast. And now hes one step. But closer to pulling up something that hasnt happened in 130 years, Grover Cleveland was the only president to win nonconsecutive terms. Cnns kylie atwood is in charleston, south carolina, where nikki haley Just Announced that she was suspending her president ial campaign. Kiley, youve been doing amazing reporting on what has been going on behind the scenes. What can you tell us now well, listen, nikki haley said that she has no regrets. Shes full of gratitude. And she said that she is defending her campaign although she feels good about what she was able to do here, its important to note that she has ramped up her criticism of former for President Trump over the course of the final stretch here of this campaign, at one point, calling him, toxic, at another point saying that he wasnt qualified to be president because she wouldnt trust him to protect Us Service Members overseas. So its not altogether surprising that when she came out and announced the end of her campaign today, she also so did not come out and endorse former President Trump today, she left the door open to potentially endorsing him ahead of the General Election in november. But she essentially said the own it is on him to make the case to the voters who have supported her. Listen to what she said it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it, who did not support him. And i hope he does that at its best. Politics is about bringing people into your cause not turning them away. And are conservative cause, badly needs more people this is now his time for choosing now nikki haley, only 12 states as part of the primary process, washington, dc and last night vermont, but her campaign has repeatedly pointed out that there is a faction of the electorate that is siding with her in her vision, and she is trying to now play up the leverage that she has on those voters, putting herself into a position of power, even though she is stepping down and ending her candidacy today. And its important to note dana that she very clearly said that even though she is no longer going to be running for president , she is going to continue to use her voice for the issues that she cares about. One of them, she said was they need to stand with us allies calling that just incredibly important, Dana Such A Classic Issue that really does show a deep divide in the trump Republican Party. And the more Traditional Party that nikki haley espouses. Thank you so much. Kylie. And this is the message that the Trump Campaign put out after nikki haleys announcement. It said it was a hardfought race, but now its time for us to unite as a party and defeat Joe Biden Donald trump, the person his own message was, shall we say off message . Cnns Kristen Holmes is in palm beach, florida. Kristin there. I mean, this is sort of rinse and repeat, theres the campaign and then theres the candidate yeah its not surprising what we heard from the former president , particularly as kylie just laid out, he had been tacked by nikki haley. He was on offense and we were told going into this speech that nikki haley was not going to endorse him and i was told by advisers that they believed she was going to go out there and trashing. But before she even got through her speech in which she asked donald trump to earn the votes of republicanshat didnt support him. He posted this on social media. He said, nikki haley got trounced last night and record setting fashion, despite the fact that democrats for reasons unknown, are allowed to vote and vermont and various other republican primaries, much of her money came from radical left democrats, as did many of her voters almost 50 according to the polls. At this point, i hope she stays in the race and fights it out until the end id like to thank my family, friends, and the Great Republican Party for helping me produce by far the most success teslas Super Tuesday in history, and would further like to invite all of the haley supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of our nation. Biden is the enemy. Hes destroying our country. Make America Great again. So he starts by saying that haleys supporters and donors are democrats. Hes also said that anybody who donates to him haley was not somebody who he wanted donate to him and then he ends was saying, if Nikki Support or to haleys supporters want to support him, he welcomes them this was then sent out by the campaign and this is why im pointing this out in a note that said Donald Trumps statement before haleys speech, which indicates to me there might be Something Else coming because this was not sent out before haleys speech. This was sent out in the middle of his speech, and i am told that he was watching this speech, knew it was happening at the time but i think we might see Something Else. Another turn of the wheel here because dana, as we have said, time and time again both biden and trump going into this, i every single vote is going to count a General Election. And that includes those nikki haleys supporters. You have to turn the wheel will probably go about 100 and 80 degrees is my sense of kristen. Thank you so much for that reporting. Theres so much to discuss today and here with me is an allstar panel, cnn and bloombergs nia malika henderson, cnns jeff zeleny and amy walter of the cook political report. I told you all i want you to sort of just kind of open up your brains and fill out the most sort of the biggest takeaway our viewers have been listening to the, to this and well get into some of the nittygritty in a second. But The Big Picture of what this means in the body politic Going Forward. Well now were serious. The rematch really is on starting today and 240 for some odd days until the final election day, the voting comes earlier. But look, i think the biggest sort of thing im struck by as you look at all the maps above the primaries are the coalitions theres work to do on both sides in terms of rebuilding their Frame Coalition on the biden side, that is clear as we see the uncommitted votes in minnesota again Last Night Joining Michigan last week and other places. Thats just one slice of the coalition he has to rebuild. But he has to do the same with a progressives, young voters, latino voters, black voters, others, but donald trump also has to rebuild his coalition, the republican coalition. I talked to so many voters out there this year who voted for him once or twice some may do it a third time. Others simply dont know. So i think that is what well have our eye on Going Forward for the next eight months. What about those people who dont know . We call them nikki haley voters now, theyre not all nikki haley voters. And she doesnt own them. Theyll do different things. But some said theyre going to vote third party. Some said theyre not going to vote others have to be wooed in her comments or this morning as a time for his choosing, the burden is on him. Its not her burden thats very, very good point love you. You mentioned in the open, this is the third time donald trump now is the presumptive nominee, but he enters this race and stronger shape than hes ever been his political career. You know, think back where he wasnt 2016. He didnt win a majority in any of those states in the primaries are in the caucuses. The party was deeply divided 2020. He came into that race behind joe biden at this point in 2020, he was trailing by about four or five points today. Hes got a party behind him, clearly. Yes, i do agree with jeff that those haley voters are going to be important, but there are far fewer of them than there were in 2016. Who are really debating this and joe biden is a much weaker candidate than he was in 2020. So this race starts in a very different place than the remal it did in 2020. The rematch looks very good. At this point. I think voters are really ready for this reality, right . It had been sort of hodeidah they got to be ready, right point. Yeah. They dont have a choice. This is what this is what has been presented over the last couple of months as the likelihood. So this is whats going to happen. They have seen these candidates. I mean, i was telling me in the greenroom it feels like weve been covering this certainly Donald Trumps since 2015. So this is going to be one of the most expensive, the most expensive our president ial campaign that weve ever seen and i think one big question is, are we in the middle of a great resorting of the parties this great realignment where more downscale sort of War Working Class Voters are more likely to vote republican and thats across demographics and then assorting to the democratic side of more upscale voters, suburban white voters, College Educated voters, and those are sort of, i think the nikki haley voters and well see what happens with that. But this is going to be a Down And Dirty erase so much money is going to be flooded. These a handful of states, these swing states. And well see if, if, if donald trump can flip them or if biden know people minus column one of the factors one of the many factors, but maybe most important factors that donald trump is facing this time around, but he wasnt in The Other Two races is criminal charges. And court case after court case that hes facing. And it was striking in the exit polls that we saw last night. These are questions that were asked nick he haleys voters specifically about whether or not theyre satisfied they would be satisfied is trump. Trump is the nominee, only 19 said yes, believed trump is fit to serve in if convicted. 17 . Now that might look like a pretty low percentage but if you think about what that could mean in lets just take North Carolina and virginia, particularly virginia for example. Well, i think North Carolina is probably the better example if those people dont show up for donald trump joe biden could win a state like North Carolina. Sure, he could. I think a couple of caveats in there. Could he be convicted . I mean, we have no idea if any of these court cases are ever going kept. Get to that point. If i was a betting person as an Old Courthouse reporter, i would say no. I mean, that seems to be where its going. But you mentioned wildcards, boy, i cannot think of a president ial race with more wildcards from the Third Party Candidates to the individual health and sort of stature of both candidates to all of the criminal cases. So were going to reset have to take our breath and see how this shapes out. But i do think its an important opening here for the Biden Campaign and theyre going to try and seize upon it. I mean, they have a lot of vulnerabilities, but their biggest task above all, of course, is to try and make this not about joe biden, but to make it about donald trump, about his negative and theres a lot that helps him them in that respect. But again, the criminal charges has helped donald trump consolidate the republican base. Unlike weve ever seen in his two other races, right . As his point, its a very different frame in a General Election, right . Is consolidating the base and then theres getting people who dont like that and other things about donald trump, which is why the Biden Campaign. I mean, they had basically their finger on the send button a minute. She started to to speak. This is a statement donald trump made it clear he doesnt want nikki haley supporters. I want to be clear. There is a place for them in my campaign. I know that democrats and republicans and independents disagree on many issues. Susan hold strong convictions. Thats a good thing. Thats what america stands for. And then he went on to say this is what makes me love america. Both biden the end you know, nia put her finger on it talking about the sort of realignment of the coalitions. But it doesnt take a big realignment. It literally takes like 5,000 voters in a handful of states kind of realignment. And so every single one of these voters who fits into that category in wisconsin and pennsylvania and arizona matters a lot in a lot more than what well see maybe at the, at the national level. Look, this has been Donald Trumps challenge as a candidate and its still looks even as i said, hes coming in and better shape than ever. Thats his continued challenge, which is his hard ceiling even in the Swing State Polls where hes ahead, he is getting basically the exact same percent of the vote he got in 2020 or he gotten 2016 he has never been interested in expanding his coalition. But again, if youre going to win, what this time around, they say theyre trying African American votes. Yeah, thats right. It wont be the haley voters, right a different type photo and i think the heart of Donald Trumps a problem is the way he treats nikki haley reminds these haley voters of why they dont like donald trump. Its about his character, and thats one of the reasons why she said, listen, its a time of your choosing. Donald trump, are you going to try are you going to choose to behave differently going . And for doubtful. All right. Coming up despite years of political disagreements and Donald Trumps personal and racist attacks on his wife, Mitch Mcconnell, endorsed dahman ill trump today, we have some new reporting about how and why it happened after a quick break king charles denied it on cnn eyes feeling dry, tired, stressed, get a boost of moisture with bio true hydration, boost eyedrops for comfort throughout the day. Theyre preservative, free, gentle, and made with naturally inspired ingredients stay bio true to your eyes. Dan made progress with his Mental Health, but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called Tardive Dyskinesia or td so his dr. 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A rare lifethreatening infection in the skin of the perineum could occur, stopped taking for sika and call your dr. Right away of the eps symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis Closed Captioning brought to you by mesobook. Com. Mesothelial mom. Its all we do with local offices throughout the country and does help you get the compensation you deserve, 800 to eight to 44, 40 for todays senate gop leader Mitch Mcconnell endorsed donald trump for president , saying in part, it is abundantly clear that former President Trump has earned the requisite support of the Republican Voters to be our nominee for president of the united states. Its the latest turn in the complicated relationship between the two men. They havent spoken since mcconnell publicly blamed trump for the january 6 insurrection. Cnns manu raju joins me now from the hill upano. I mean, you could almost see the imagery of him putting this to paper through gritted teeth. I know youve been doing reporting on this. My understanding is that this came after months of discussions between josh holmes, whos a longtime confidant of Mitch Mcconnell, chris lacivita, top trump aide, and discussing not just their communications, but also most importantly, Mitch Mcconnell at this point, how theyre going to Work Together to get republicans elected to the senate. Yeah. And actually dana, they still have not spoken despite this endorsement. Remember the last time that they spoke mcconnell and trump was in December Of 2020 . Thats when the Electoral College certified joe bidens victory. Mitch mcconnell went to the floor, declared joe biden the victor that did not go over well with donald trump then of course, january 6 happened. Mitch mcconnell voted to acquit donald trump in that impeachment trial, but then went to the floor and absolutely eviscerated donald trump calling him morally and practically responsible for the events of that day. And then we have seen everything that happened since then, trump attacking mcconnell, trump going after Mitch Mcconnells wife, elaine chao, and really rather racist terms attack mcconnell rarely even says trumps name. I asked them regularly about trump the campaign trail. He doesnt even want to discuss any of it, but he had set for some time that he would ultimately endorse the nominee, and thats what he said. In that statement today. Im here to endorse the nominee. Now, dana, this is not just mcconnell falling ally. This is the Republican Party establishment falling line, including mcconnells potential successors, john thune and john cornyn, both of them are running to replace its Mitch Mcconnell in the next congress, i caught up with both of them today. Both of them had expressed concerns about trumps viability in the election in the past, about how we can appeal to voters in the suburbs. I asked her if they still have those concerns and they made clear theyre willing to look past that are you still concerned about trumps trumps viability in the suburbs and the impact down ticket as your candidate. I think we get going to have a united tickets going into the fall and well go out and all help aggressively when those people and suburban areas, independent voters its now no. Its a straight won one, right . I think President Trump is cleaning joe bidens clock as we speak. And i dont see anything changing most democrats are, have, are not enthusiastic about joe bidens presidency because he realized that hes, hes not the man he once was and theyre concerned about the policies that hes had led to things like, well, what about the but not everyone is there in the senate gop, some members still not endorsing donald trump. One of them, senator todd young of indiana, i would just told me moments ago, hes still where he was, which is not with trump endorsement, but nevertheless, you are seeing the Party Leadership fall in line. And just so remarkable, dana about Mitch Mcconnell, this evolution with donald trump, his work ill put them to confirm those key three Supreme Court justices. The fallout in the aftermath of january 6. And now the embarrassment. I mean, you could spill so much ink on relationship, of both political and of course personal or lack thereof, between this these two men, theres a lot of drama there. Many, many subplots at monitor we thank you so much for bringing us whats most important today, which is falling in line between the present behind the presumptive nominee. Appreciate it, and coming up the Biden Campaign, act fast to reach out to nikki haleys voters. Were going to give you a live report from the white house and how they are gearing up for this 2020 rematch. 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President bidens last State Of The Union before the 2024 election, with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case . Four more years . And the white house joint for special live coverage of the state of the Union Address tomorrow at eight times cnn the Biden Campaign is wasting no time making a direct appeal to nikki haley, supporter. She was barely done speaking this morning when a Statement Hit our inboxes and the president praised her courage in standing up to trump. Cnns arlette seinz. Is at the white house. So i let we were talking here earlier in the program about the fact that they were very quick and the Biden Campaign not only that they were quick to react to what donald trump did as nikki haley was speaking in continuing to attack her yeah, dana, the Biden Campaign and President Biden are really trying to use this moment as a way to appeal directly to those nikki haley voters. Theres a belief when the campaign that they have a lot of room to try to peel off some of those nikki haley supporters who are frustrated and turned off by the idea of a second trump term, the president did this in his statement where he praised nikki haley for her ability to call out trump during the 2024 campaign, and also made this direct request to voters saying that theres a place for them in his campaign, the president was also quite explicit, explicit in a social media posts wherhe wrote, quote, you dont have to agree with me on everything to know maga three msm is a threat to this country. We need everyone on board join our campaign. And if you take a look down there, they specifically highlighted a Previous Post from the former president where he called nikki haley a name where he said that the people who contribute to her campaign would not be welcome in the maga movement. The Biden Campaign and really believes that there is a Possibility A Universe Of Haley supporters that they could peel off in november, also, donors who they could try to hit up for more money heading into the 2024 matchup in november of those donors who might not want to see trump seeking a second term. And it comes on the heels of those Super Tuesday results, bidens campaign has long believed that this is the moment that the race will really crystallize in voters mind between being between joe biden and donald trump in a memo, they painted trump as its a dangerous and unpopular president. And this is also setting up the president s State Of The Union tomorrow, making this an even more highstakes moment as he is preparing to present his vision for a second term. And convince voters that he needs another four years in office. Arlette, thank you so much for that reporting. And back here with the panel i mentioned the State Of The Union. I mean, this is a this is a big week and i dont know, you know, obviously they couldnt have planned exactly what was going to happen in the republican primary contests. But the fact that it comes two days after Super Tuesday, which ended up being a decisive and definitive on the republican side, does allow for the president to have one of the, if not the biggest audience is certainly an election year. Hell have the convention speech. But the biggest audience each year to try to grasp any voters that he possibly can on the nikki haleys side in this case, as were talking about republicans, but also about trying to coalesce his own party and looking at how his campaign amy is kind of preparing their approach for this very long General Election mcdonalds has a very long time biden adviser, said the following to evan osnos and the new yorker talking about the experience of 2020, talking about the soul of the nation. That experience for defied his belief that this Years Campaign should center on what he calls the freedom agenda. By november, he predicted the focus will become overwhelming, overwhelming on democracy. I think the biggest images and peoples minds are going to be of january, january 6, which gives us a sense of what all the ads are going to look like. But that term, the freedom agenda, im talking to sources and the Biden Campaign. Im sure you are as well, freedom from guns, freedom for reproductive rights and so on and so forth. I mean that is, were going to be hearing that a lot thats right. And that the other contrast will be Donald Trumps out for himself, joe biden is out for you and so i think you look at both of those things. Its about freedom, its about choice. And you can fill in what those are going to be its january sets is going to be a part of it. Absolutely. But the other piece and i think the campaign and those around the campaign appreciate and understand that the issues of the economy right now are significant as well. And that trump, you want lost in 2020 despite the fact that he had a slight advantage over biden on the issue of who do you think will do better job on the economy right now, trump has Something Like 20 point lead on the issue. Who do you think well do a better job on the economy . There is a lot of nostalgia for that trump time about the economy. And i dont think that just talking about freedom is enough to make those voters who are saying i did have more money in my pocket. I did feel more secure economically. It is that going to be enough to bring no, its a great question. What the democrats biden people in particular argue is what we thought that about the midterm elections, are you going to be able to convince them that abortion is really a Driving Issue when they cant afford groceries and it turned out in a lot of places the answer was yes, but its a very, very different elect, very different electorate. And you have different people at the top its taken since youre wearing a Carolina Blue and but yeah. I mean i just want to say you are duty and youre going to maybe lose your duke card. But because you are, lets talk about North Carolina the exit polls. Theyre really do tell us a couple of things based on what our lead is reporting. On, the very real push that we are already seeing from the Biden Campaign to try to take nikki haley voters. One question will you vote gop regardless of the nominee . Yes, 63 , no 34 . And of those who said no 60 went for nikki haley. Yeah. Listen, i think in listening to focus groups, there were plenty of republicans who i heard, who were trump to biden voters who are also going to vote for nikki haley in these primary. So that is a real universe of voters. And biden is smart to go after them if you think about who they are, its basically sort of suburban women in what dont they like . They dont like the Character Issues around donald trump. These are women who are juggling, raising Boys And Girls and they dont like this idea that donald trump is, is rude and nasty and racist and sexist as he yes. Right. Calling nikki haley birdbrain, saying that she was bitter and angry when he really is the bitter and angry one and so part of bidens appeal and part of i think hes sort of political strength is his just fundamental decency. Right . And you see that in some of his statements, basically saying the country has to come together he does believe that americans are better than this maga wing. Lets look at the flip side of that. No, because another question was in the exit polls in North Carolina, was your opinion of President Biden at 16 . These are Republican Voters important to note, 16 approve, excuse me, 14 approve and 83 disapprove. And that kind of begs the question of whether the other side of that coin matches whether they can actually get the nontrump voters to crossover potentially if they werent already democrat or independent voters and vote for joe biden . Certainly not all of them. And since this is a rematch the degree to which you can really define one of the others limited. You can remind them when i talked to biden advisers. So were going to remind people well what trump was like, you will have a pretty good sense. I think, and its not going to work with them all. A lot of this, the burden is on the president of himself to just improve his stature. Im thinking back to a conversation actually, you put it on air yesterday, but with with Women In Charlotte named Susan Van Gronigen and susan told me shes like, although for trump with vomit in my mouth, i said, okay, thats kind of dark hes like i cannot vote for joe biden. And i said, why not . I dont think hes running the country. I dont think hes up to one of the country. She was there though with a friend of hers, Kim Brand This Haley Rally who says, i am voting for joe biden. I cant vote for donald trump. So there are friends and conversations. Things happen over the next eight months that we cant even foresee, but i do think the burden on President Trump, which starts tomorrow at the State Of The Union is just show that is im sorry, President Biden to show that he is in command of the presidency. And hes done that before. So now the task is on him. So i think for a minute the campaign, a glow will turn back to the governing glow. And tomorrow what happens in the chamber, in the house chamber. So, so important. All right. Everybody coming up. The wildcard. Weve been talking about biden vs trump. There are others who want to be president robert f. Kennedy jr. Says hes got enough signatures to appear on the ballot in nevada, that plus other battleground states could change the scope of the president ial race and maybe history was caught in the trap. Any couldnt get out. Vegas was having an Identity Crisis it was the beginning of the downfall, but degas, at a different idea, vegas, the story of sensitive. Next sunday at ten on cnn when occasional heartburn wont let you sleep good fans relief with dems plus heartburn, asleep, support, though food back in fall asleep faster treating schizophrenia without a daily pill may seem impossible but what if there was a path to treatment just twice a year . 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Youre an owner our Financial Planning tools and advice can help you prepare for todays longer retirement thats the value of ownership Closed Captioning is brought to you by you, cora, help maintain a healthy Urinary Tract with you, cora. And eat utis in one year. This inspired my husband and i to start you for it truly works miracles. The peace of mind. Ive been looking for trade today that you cora. Com arizonas Republican Senate candidate, kari lake spent this morning here in washington meeting with gop senators. She hopes will be her future colleagues who visit comes the day after current senator Kyrsten Sinema announced that she will not run for reelection lake sat down with cnn felonies winnona, so melanie this has become a very different, very important race in arizona. Now that the now independent senator has left the building, so to speak and kari lake is trying to run this race. It sounds like at least in the short term, differently than she ran. The one that you lost for governor of arizona in 2022 . Yeah. This is going to be one of the most Important Senate races in the country because it really could determine who controls the chamber next year. And with Kyrsten Sinema out of the race, it now becomes a twoway contest with a whole pool of moderate and independent voters up for grabs. And kari lake said she recognizes that and that she wants to court all voters, not just the maga wing. Shes also been here in washington, as you mentioned, trying to line up endorsements from Senate Republicans scans, including some members of the establishment wing that she has fought so hard against. And part of our strategy has been trying to tone down her appearance as a Maga Firebrands and also trying to moderate somewhat her positions on topics like abortion in the past, she has expressed support for this arizona law thats from the 1800s that would essentially be a near total ban on abortion. But today, she told me she prefers a 15 week ban in the state. She does not support a federal abortion ban, and she would rather focus its on helping mothers and children take a listen were going to have 50 different Abortion Laws and i think we need to concentrate less because theres going to be so many different Abortion Laws. And more on how do we help women so that they have true options . I want to do things like a tax credit, a baby bonus incur a bonus when you get married right now, we punish people for getting married. We should be encouraging that our country is only a strong as are most important institution, which is the family now, at the same time, kari lake also told me that she thinks Abortion Pills should be illegal and they account for over half of the abortions in the country. So clearly shes trying to have it both ways, trying to thread a very thin needle on this very tricky issue ahead of november. And meanwhile, her democratic opponent, ruben gallego, already drawing attention to what he calls her quote dangerous positions on a number of issues. So just a preview here of the battle to come in november. Dana. Yeah. And if i just might add, as you know, our colleague manu raju talked to her yesterday and on issues like democracy, she is standing by her false claims that the 2020 election was stolen and is defending her past criticism of a beloved figure in arizona. And i would point out john mccain thing in this interview and but she also at the same breath said, but i want to focus on the future. I dont want to look at past, which is some advice she had been getting from republicans again, its including steve daines, the chairman of the Senate Campaign arm. So clearly trying to follow that advice. I am sure im sure. Thank you so much for that reporting. Melanie, i appreciate it. And i had the Robert Kennedy jr. Campaign says, hes poised to be on the ballot in nevada and arizona and georgia. What it would mean for joe biden and donald trump next . President biden is blast, even before the 2024 election, with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years . And the white house join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the Union Address tomorrow at eight on cnn Xhr Tech Allergy Relief works fast and last a full 24 hours. So dave can be delivered dance. Okay. Dave lets be more than our allergies seize the day with their tech. Everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. They want that Hollywood White smile new censored in clinical way provides two sheets, whiter teeth and 24 7 sensitive your production. I think its great product. Its going to help a lot of patients here. You can expect to find Crystal Clear audio expensive Display Space and more comfort for everyone. But we still left room for all the unexpected things. 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We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Website for health and wellness products unleash your potential with force factor on iherb and rafael romo at the Georgia State capitol in atlanta. This is cnn robert f. Kennedy jr. Says his campaign has gathered enough signatures in nevada to qualify for the ballot in that swing state. If that state verifies them, it could reshape the race in yet another battleground as super pac supporting him announced last month that its got enough signatures to secure his Ballot Access in arizona and georgia, those still need to be verified as well. Our panel is here to discuss. I have to say im mildly obsessed with this story line because it does have the potential to be a but an earthquake. Yeah, it depending on whether or not he has certified in these states and let me just give a bigger more fulsome picture. Nia in utah, he is already successfully filed to appear appear on that ballot. Utahs i think pretty reliably red state, but well say nevada, New Hampshire, Hawaii Campaign has met this Signature Threshold to qualify. And as i mentioned, arizona and georgia, maybe the mother of all swings, twin swing states, the superpac, met the signature. Yeah. This threshold, whos a real problem primarily for joe biden, if you start to peel off younger voters, you start to peel off on African American from voters on the kennedy name holds a lot of sway and listen some of the things he has done around the climate as well in terms of trump, obviously, rfk junior is a big antivaxxer that could peel away some trump voters as well. So its a mixed bag. I would think its more dangerous for joe biden, given kennedys legacy coming from the Kennedy Family, a big democratic family, its probably more harmful for biden. Than donald trump it. And i think this is overall a problem for joe biden, sort of death by thousand cuts, right . If you look at the way he me, he has to piece together this coalition a little here, a little there. In terms of losing voters just around the edges in these swing states. It kennedy, disastrous Kennedy Family that has almost entirely rejected themselves from this, from his bet in supporting their supporting biden. Lets just show our viewers the latest National Snapshot of where he stands donald trump 41, biden, 48, kennedy, 13. Amy. Yeah. As you said, its really in these swing states that matter, right . Look i now that the campaign is officially been kicked off, im expecting that were going to see outside groups. Lets say, you go in and start to define robert f. Kennedy those on the more liberal side of the equation, outside groups who support somebody whose name rise, which might and because nobody really knows much about our junior here he has not been defined at all in this race, and i would expect that to begin in earnest in these states. And i just anecdotally, i bet you guys whove been out on the trail as well have heard this New Hampshire a couple of people said to me, just having regular conversations, who do you support . Im not sure. I think kennedy why hes kennedy . The actual answer so the burden on democrats is to pull it from a kennedy to the kennedy to who a robert f. Kennedy jr. Is and what he stands for, etc. Were about to learn a lot more from that. The Democratic National committee has a full project on this to put money behind it to influence people one other state not on there. Im told is also in the verges, michigan. Well, and that is something that could be pretty influential. One challenges on foreign policy. Hes not aligned with progressives necessarily, so he fits a lot of different boxes, but that could also be a challenge because hes not a perfect one for the box, but the naming and of itself is a challenge as all thirdparty candidates are like jill stein, cornell west, and then we havent talked about do labels, which is going to decide apparently by the end of the week, maybe by friday whether or not they have the ability they say to get on virtually all the ballots. And the question is whether they are going to decide to run a candidate work, definitely awaiting that. Okay . Were going to just take a moment to go in the way back machine, way, way back to the fall of 2022. And just remind everybody where Donald Trumps where he was in the zeitgeist this is after the midterms did not go well for republicans on as well as they had hoped. He had Just Announced he was running for President Trump is the revolving partys biggest loser. Donald trump is finally finished. Trump voters are done with the ex president , Republicans Blast Trump over dinner with Holocaust Denier nick fuentes. I am appalled and he was called an unmitigated disaster. And now the one of the, if not the earliest nominee to effectively secure the nomination. I think you could boil it down to two things happening. One, all of the charges beginning with alvin bragg in manhattan, it that started a Chain Reaction of other charges is there all separate of course, but that really rally the republican base. You could see it happening out in iowa and New Hampshire, other places that happening at the same time that President Bidens perceived weaknesses grew and he was no longer so difficult to beat in their eyes. So those things coming together made donald trump the darling of the party. And so missteps by some rivals along the way but theres a lot of things in this mixture, but those are a couple of reasons. In some ways, i think this was always more of a hope of the sort of Mainstream Media than a reality of the folks on the ground Donald Trumps chosen candidates in 2022 did not win, but they did. Yeah, good. Although hes reasons. Yeah. We gotta go, but i will say Kristen Holmes was saying the last time she was at mar before last night was in 2022 when he was announcing and it was pretty depressing. People didnt think it was a real thing. And here we are. Thank you all so much. Thank u for joining inside politics, Cnn News Central starts after the break to be a headliner. Was orders vegas. Thats what i wanna do. They had the biggest entertainers in America Vegas is always marketed itself on its naughtiness. And the only way you find out what you can do is if you do its unlike anywhere else in the world, vegas, The Story Of Sin City next sunday he had ten on cnn. You ever worry we wouldnt get you enjoy this seriously. 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