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Rodeo drive and coupled coupled book to farm, say to ride this horse glenn close with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be thats my line. Booking. Com booking dot yeah. This is cnn Breaking News good morning. Welcome back to the cnn newsroom. Im jim acosta alongside wolf blitzer. Wolf a lot of Breaking News. Were following a lot of Breaking News today. Nikki haley, as all of our viewers down, dot has suspended her president ial campaign after Donald Trumps near sweep on Super Tuesday, haley did not endorse her now, former 2024 rival last hour or address to the nation and how a fiveminute address to the nation. Instead, she urged trump to earn the support of her vote voters the former president did pick up a major endorsement, just a few minutes ago from the former assumed to be former Senate Minority leader Mitch Mcconnell, despite the fact that the two men have not necessarily spoken in more than three years. Thats right. Woven today. There is no longer any doubt the gop is Donald Trumps Party Donald Trump is the gop is iron grip solidified his dominance largely unquestioned. The majority of Republican Voters and six Super Tuesday states say he is fit for the presidency even if he is convicted of a crime, it marks one of the most stunning comebacks in American Politics. Cnns kylie atwood is at haleys Campaign Headquarters in charleston, south carolina. Kiley, on this very busy morning, you were there for her speech a short time ago. What can you tell us what stood out to you . Well, as the nikki haley said, she has no regrets. She said she is filled with gratitude. She also said that even though she is suspending her president ial Campaign Today after running for president for more than a year, shes going to continue to use her voice for the issues that she cares about and when it comes to former President Trump, the person that she has been challenging, really sharpening her attacks on him over the course of the last few months, she congratulated him, but she also said that he is going to have to work to earn the support of the folks that have supported her throughout the course of this listen to what she said on that it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it, who did not support him. And i hope he does that now, nikki haley Playing A Pr Leverage here because she knows that there is a faction of the party that voted for her. A significant amount of voters in some of these states, even though she was only able to win two states, Vermont And Dc as part of this republican primary process, there was a faction of the party that was with her and she believes they are still with her. But she did also have a forgiving tone when it came to trump here, the race between the two of them has become quite personal over the course of the last few months and weeks here. But she said that she does hope that he is this able to win over the support of those who have voted for her will have to watch and see how that conversation plays out. Wolf. Kylie standby, were gonna get back to you. Want to go to capitol hill right now where the Senate Minority leader, Mitch Mcconnell has Just Announced hes endorsing trump for president our chief congressional correspondent, manu raju is with us. Mondo did this come as a surprise, given shall we say politely, theyre complicated relationship . Well, well mcconnell has indicated for some time that he would endorse the eventual nominee, but he is barely uttered. Donald trumps name in the aftermath of january 6, and he pointed lead, blamed donald trump in that scathing floor speech in the aftermath of john and january 6, calling it morally and practically its possible for the events of that day and then would not endorse him as the candidates that he wait to see what would happen in this race. But ultimately, putting out a statement gets said that he is the nominee and obviously hes going to support them in his statement. He goes on and talk about some of the legislative achievements from Donald Trumps time in office. Confirming three Supreme Court nominees and said that hes ready to get behind trump. Now, this is not just mcconnell, this is a republican establishment falling in line behind him despite the past concerns about trump, things that he is said and his viability as a candidate, particularly when it comes to suburban voters, will be critical in november, i just caught up with a Number Two Senate republican who wants to succeed Mitch Mcconnell as republican leader. And i asked him about his past concerns about donald trump are you still concerned about trumps trumps viability in the suburbs and the impact down ticket as your candidate. I think we got going to have a united ticket going into the fall and well go out and all help aggressively. When those people and suburban areas, independent voters its now its a, its a straightup won one. And what youve been concerned about his his message, his ability to communicate with suburban voters. In particular, you have repeatedly voiced that concern. Do you still have that concern . Well, i think that he will so and our ticket will and all of us are gonna be working together, obviously, not only on the president ial race, but on senate races around the country, will work to unify people behind the things that were going to be offering in terms of solutions for the future of this country. And i think that that will appeal to the middle of the electorate to Independence Bourbon Voters now through and ultimately did endorse donald trump, even though he had reservations about him, even though he himself had a bit of a rocky relationship here. But wolf, youre seeing the party fall in line. Donald trump and mr. Mcconnell in particular have had a very frosty relations. Trump has been attacking you mcconnell, for some time pretty regularly on the Campaign Trail and on social media attacking his wife, elaine chao and alive. But Mitch Mcconnell falling in line, saying its time for the party to unite. And now that trump is the nominee, hell get behind them well, we will see how all that unfolds up on capitol hill. Manu raja, thanks very, very much. Yeah. And cnns Kristen Holmes is live for us in west palm beach, florida, right down near maralago. Kristen what is the trump campaigns plan to pivot to the General Election . And is it in sync . With the candidates comments this morning don from skin painted already pivoted to the General Election. They were talking about how the next couple of weeks were really going to look like expanding their ground game, how they were going to build out in states like wisconsin michigan, arizona, those battleground key states, pennsylvania being one of them as well. But i do want to note one thing that happened because you heard monitor, theyre talking about these lawmakers the Republican Party, really falling in love in between behind the former president. We also heard from the Republican National committee, they issued a statement saying, essentially congratulations to donald trump. But the real key part of this is that they acknowledge him as the present im dave, republican nominee for president. The reason why that is so key is because once someone is the presumptive nominee, the rnc no longer is a neutral with a candidate and they get all resources, meaning donald trump gets all the resources that the rnc has. That means access to funds, fund raising donor lists infrastructure in various states. Donald Trumps Campaign needs this as we have reported, time and time again, they have kept a very lean staff, a very small staff, and they need more money. They were waiting for this moment to become the presumptive nominee. Its also part of why they were so annoyed that nikki haleys stayed in the race because they wanted access to all of these its resources. The other thing to note, its really the Republican Party becoming the party of donald trump. I know weve said this for years, but it couldnt be more clear and what is happening right now. Keep in mind the chairwoman ronna mcdaniel, has said that shes going to step down after donald trump becomes the presumptive nominee. That is because donald trump had grown frustrated with mcdaniel. Now, he has dominated the head of the North Carolina and the Republican Party, michael whatley, who focuses on elections, to be the chairman. He also nominated his daughterinlaw, lara trump, to be the cochair on top of that, his Campaign Manager at coCampaign Manager, chris lacivita, is expected to go into the role of chief operating officer. Im also told that various other Campaign Staffers have been approached about various positions within the rnc. You are seeing a full alignment of the Republican Party and donald trump really coming together right now, even faster than you would ever seen before all right. Kristen holmes. Thank you very much. Really appreciate that update. Its interesting. The Biden Campaign at the same time is also weighing in on nikki haleys exit from this president ial race and making a direct appeal to her Son Reporters in the process, lets go to our white house correspondent, arlette arlette, what exactly is President Biden is right now . Well, wolf President Biden wasted no time and trying to reach out to nikki haley supporter is saying that theres a place for them in his campaign. It comes as Biden Campaign officials really believe that this race has now crystallized after Super Tuesday between joe biden and donald trump. And one of the main challenges and tasks ahead for them is trying to pull in more moderate voters and potentially haley supporters who are turned off by donald trump into the biden fold. Now, in a Statement Released moments ago, the president praised he haley for her role in this campaign. Sais typically quote, it takes a lot of courage to run for president. Thats especially true in todays Republican Party were so few dare to speak the truth about donald trump. Nikki haley was willing to speak the truth about trump, about the chaos that always follows him, about his inability to see right from wrong about it. This cowering before Vladimir Putin biden goes on to say, donald trump made it clear he doesnt want nikki haleys supporters. I want to be clear. There is a place for them in my campaign. The president was even more explicit in a social media post after that statement, he said quote, you dont have to agree with me on everything to know maga extremism is a threat to this country. We need everyone on board join our campaign. And if you take a look at the bottom there, the president specifically highlighted a previoevious social media posts from donald trump, where he called nikki haley by name and said that those contributing to her campaign would not be part of the Maga Movement going forward. And really Biden Campaign officials are viewing this as an opportunity to try to siphon off some of these republican supporters, moderate supporters, who were backing nikki haley. They believe that they can make some inroads when it comes to suburban voters, moderate voters we simply do not want trump to have a second term in office. Of course, there are many challenges facing biden himself within his own coalition, but that will be one of the plays that they tried to make in the coming months as theyre trying to secure that second term. And the white house lots of politics going on right now and its only going to intensify in the coming days and weeks and months ahead, arlette saenz, that the white house thank you very much. And here with us now to discuss cnn political director David Chalian, cnn political commentators Maria Cardona and alice stewart. Maria democratic strategist, and alice is a republican strategist. David to you first a lot happening this morning. Where do i mean the general Election Campaign is on and were seeing and trump and biden trying to get those nikki haleys borders. Its going to be a tough sell probably from both sides of this yeah. And with our polling director, jen adjusted have been looking at some numbers this morning to try to understand these conversation about nikki haley voters, who are they and what did her composition of voters look like . Across the six states that we have exit polls for in this contest 48 of haley voters were republicans, 41 of haley voters were independents, and 11 of haley voters were democrats. So were calling haley voters are actually going to be independents, never trumper republicans and some democrats. So what were looking at is pieces of the biden 2020 coalition. I mean, in our in our january poll, we found 19 of haley supporters said they voted for joe biden in 2020. So there is overlap there. Thats why you see the biden statement as what it is because they understand this may not be a very hard sell. These are people with some affinity for joe biden. Perhaps they voted for him in 2020 as an antitrump measure. And so trying to keep them in the fold obviously, the trump campaign, as nikki haley alluded to in her remarks, will need to court some of this support as well. Remember donald trump lost to joe biden in 2020 because he lost independent voters by 13 Percentage Points to them well, where independent voters in the context of this republican primary there with nikki haley, Donald Trumps going to need some of those independents back into his fold if he is going to succeed in getting back to the oval office . Yeah. And two very different reactions from biden and trump. Biden trying to extend the olive branch, make that outreach to those nikki haleys supporters, donald trump saying he trounced nikki haleys sort of tap dancing on her political grave. And lets talk about the Mitch Mcconnell factor here as well. Alice, it wasnt that long ago when mcconnell was going after trump for his actions on january 6, look at this right now theres no question. None. That President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day oh, question about it. I mean alice, i mean, this is quite a pivot. Yeah, theres theres going to be quite a laundry list of people with similar statements that mcconnell had that are now on board with donald trump and look, youve look further in Donald Trumps statement this morning, he is appealing to haley voters. He is saying, im welcoming you to our campaign, our enemy now is joe biden and his policies have hurt this country and its time to join, as he says, the greatest movement in political history take out joe biden, and its really important to note that he is going to work on addition rather than division. And thats the only way to move forward and look, you cant understate the significance of what the fact that he will be the presumptive nominee means moving forward as kristen said his team now, the Campaign Team has now merged with the rnc and hes able to use their joint Fundraising Agreement there. Election integrity department, their Communications Department that has really helped shape joe biden as one of the most unpopular president s in history. And the fact that they are able to join forces and move forward and take on joe biden that thats going to be significant to him moving forward. And look, you can underestimate donald trump if you do so, you dont understand Republican Voters. Theyre not concerned with the january 6 his legal woes and the chaos and confusion. Theyre looking at policies like immigration, the economy, and National Security that donald trump espouses. And they say will take our country in the right direction. Objections. I mean, it sounds like trump is trying to keep that base revved up. Biden making a play for those haley voters, those folks in the middle, maybe that David Chalian is right there. They perhaps its not the right thing to call them nikki haleys supporters. Now, were moving. General election killed today up until today. Now theyre sort of up for grabs. Independent never trump folks that might vote for the democrat, might vote for joe biden and biden said this at a statement. Donald trump made it clear he doesnt want nikki haleys supporters. I want to be clear. There is a place for them in my case campaign. Yeah, thats exactly right. And clearly, i think that the Donald Trump Campaign understood that those words that donald trump was saying in terms of saying, you know, nikki haley supporters are not gonna be welcomed into the Maga Movement. Were going to purify the Maga Movement. Know romney yes. Right. And that kind of language the, the Campaign Donald Trumps Campaign understands that that is not how you do addition. And i guarantee you the person who wrote the statement this morning for donald trump, which is opposite of what he has saying, was not him. And so i think moving forward, it i think its going to be hard for him to maintain that stance because for him, it is all about just the Maga Movement. And interestingly, and nikki haleys statement, she kinda went after the Maga Movement. She talked about how Dysfunctional Congress was. Will. Congress is dysfunctional because of the Maga Movement. They havent been able to do anything. She went after people who were not supporting money for ukraine, money if for israel. Who is that . Thats the Maga Movement. And so i think its interesting, she also is trying to continue to have her lane and the way that she did this was also out of a position of strength, of dignity and not from a position of weakness which is normally how somebody leaving a campaign does it. Let me get alice into this conversation, judging from cnns Exit Poll Results that we were showing all of our viewers last night. And david did a great job on that. Is it is it likely that haley supporters out there could eventually wind up voting for biden . Absolutely. And look, she has appealed to its more moderate republicans and certainly the independent voters look, i happen to pull my Up Haley Flyer that i got in my door the other day, she specifically put up note on here open primary. She was appealing to the independent voters and democrats who might vote for joe biden. She appealed to them. So the fact that those are the voters that may have come out for her, they could potentially go to biden, but i tell you what factcheck what joe biden just said that donald trump is not appealing to try and win over haley voters. He specifically said that in his statement this morning i welcome haley voters to come to my campaign because right now our enemy is joe biden, so he can say that bidens not welcoming them. That is simply not true right after a trash nikki haley. Just want to make sure my trousers her bow, her voters onto the trump train. Man. He also did it after several times when he said anyone who supports nikki haley is not welcome in the Maga Movement. So again, hes lying, right . Surprise. But thats going to be i think part of the case for the democrats and for joe biden moving but we should just make clear, guys, this is bigger than just haley voters. Joe biden, donald trump has a very enthusiastic basis, support joe biden is showing some demunition of support in his core constituencies, whether it is voters of color, especially young male voters of color, whether it is Progress Passives over the israel gaza issue. He has worked to do with some core components of his base apart from the need to get some of these, nikki haley voters, the nikki haley voters piece is a slice of this but this is also going to be with these two disliked candidates, a real contest of revving up each sides base i think one of the most important cross tabs were seeing out of polling lately was the New York Times sienna poll over the weekend where they asked voters whose policies help you personally and whose policies hurt you personally. And the majority of those polled say that Donald Trumps policies helped them personally more than joe bidens. And that fact right there and that appeal to voters on what affects them personally is going to be a big factor in helping donald trump to win more voters into his camp. But just very quickly on the enthusiasm for joe biden clearly, the Democratic Coalition has not come home yet. They will. But if you look at what happened last night in the primaries, joe biden was taking his supporters 80 , 90 . It was donald trump, the one that was losing and has been losing 20 , 30 , 40 big numbers. So exactly. So that core for President Biden is there. He understand and hes got to grow this the Democratic Coalition is in a position right in route. Now, were, they might tell a pollster out of frustration. Yeah. I dont like joe biden. Im dissatisfied with what he has done because they know that that answer right then and there is not consequential when it comes down to voting. And thats why you see special elections where democrats have been overperforming. Thats why youve seen the President Biden completely trouncing in Fundraising Record Amount of money for a president going into a reElection Campaign, 132 million, cash on hand. Thats going to be really tried. He really doesnt have any opposition all right, guys, is basically all by himself, American Samoa was the ill just say maria that you just laid out the bet that the Biden Campaign is making, you said they will come on. Thats his challenge over the next eight months. We dont know that that will leave that to happen. Thats the bet that theyre maria yeah, alice, guys. Thanks. Thanks very, very much. Dont go too far away. Lots of news unfolding, right now. Well take a quick break. Well be right back this, source, with. Kaitlan collins tonight at nine is two being a young man cowboy blow against against as alice dow ive got back to my roots weve come from a long lab with cow my grandfather, my greatgrandfather, my arent being rode horses when i see all of us that hill on his ranch i see how far our legacy can go this is americans by partisan checklist. One shut down the border to beat three, support or Close Friends in israel for stand up to chinas military threat. 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Thats one more person that continues the world to write the greatest stage the joke about lifetime, where you have tbs all there are major new legal troubles for senator bob menendez federal prosecutors have indicted the new jersey democrat im a dozen new criminal charges in the case accusing him and his wife of accepting bribes hi obs to benefit the governments of egypt and qatar. Most Senate Democrats have called for menendez to resign. The nanda says he is innocent, rejects the calls to step down and wont say if he will seek reelection this fall. All right. Lets discuss all this and more with former Nixon White House counsel john dean. Jon great to see you i mean, Senator Menendez is already facing a mountain of legal issues. What is the significant significance of these charges, these new charges sound very serious . Well i think hes facing more charges because hes appears to have the attitude he had as a result of winning last time he was charged criminally. He was able to actually prevail in that case. Its the government. However, has obviously a lot of evidence. They hadnt rolled well, it all out in the first cases, they have theyre rolling it out right now and hes in a whole heap of trouble, jim. Its interesting. John, this is wolf blitzer, trump is the presumptive gop nominee, right now. Its a twoman race shaping up faced. Hes facing a lot of criminal charges, 91 to be these specific, what does this say about this moment right now, historic moment in American Politics what it says there has been a dramatic change in the Republican Party to make him the nominee with 91 Felony Counts against him in four different cases, in four different jurisdictions. So its quite shocking to me. I dont know any republicans anymore that Embrace Trump where it can embrace the party. They all become independents. I think a lot of people dont understand whats going on. I know that the type of personality that is attracted to donald trump isnt troubled by this. Theyre authoritarian personalities and they think this is their strong man and they want to have him prevail. So it tells us where were going i suspect were in the General Election mode right now. While haley was mentioning his criminal problems, not very much. I think thats going to change and i think that theyre going to become much more front and center as the white house goes after him. Yeah. I mean, john, and wolf. I mean, one of the things that we didnt talk about very much this morning is all of the legal hot water that donald trump has. And it will stay in for the duration of this campaign. It looks like and i do want to ask you about a new cnn exit poll last night that indicates the majority of Republican Voters in six Super Tuesday states say trump. Is fit for the president. Presidency, even if hes convicted of a crime john, what does that say about the state of your former party . I cant imagine when you were around during the watergate days that you would have seen similar numbers . In the case of Richard Dickson no, not at all. And nixon had a very good political antenna to the contrary, the party elders told him it was time to go. They didnt want him to go through with even an impeachment and he of course, was pardoned by gerald ford and that costs forward a chance to get elected on his own after becoming the appointed vice president. So times have changed dramatically i it is stunning it, as i say, the fact that its become much more her Campaign Issue because of the republicans just werent talking about if they didnt want to talk about it, they dont want to talk about it but were going to have to talk about it because its got to be resolved at also with haley out. Trump is much more free now to get about the business of defending himself. He cant use does that excuse and hes got to be campaigning. Hes got the nomination for all practical purposes. So hes got to get hes going to be focusing more on his criminal defense. And that will draw media attention. Of course, to those criminal defenses, which are pretty threat threadbare, excuse me. Yeah. But at the same time, hes looking ahead to a General Election against biden in november. So thats going to be at the top of his mind as well before you go, john, i have to ask you a big question this morning. Will haley supporters come home to the gop in november well, i think shell give us a signal one way or the other, ultimately i would be surprised given what she did have to say as the campaign progressed, where she was pretty harsh on trump and his problems and the chaos. He clearly creates where he goes. I just i dont think they will come home. Those that i know personally they were haley supporters. Theyre not going to become trumps supporters. Theyre going to become more likely either third party or biden voters. So its up for grabs right now. Yeah. Times it really changed during watergate. It was Republican Leaders who went to Richard Dickson has said, its time to go in the year 2024, republicans have made donald trump. There. Theyre basically their presumptive nominee. Were not officially there yet to married close. Its a twoman race or a john dean thank you very much. In the meantime, we are following some Breaking News out of ukraine. If youre just catching up on all of this stunning situation in ukraine this morning, president Volodymyr Zelenskyy says a Russian Missile hit near his convoy killing several people. The details are ahead President Bidens last State Of The Union before the 2024 election with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years . And the white house . Join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the Union Address tomorrow at times cnn. Yeah. 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Hi there jim well, it certainly looks like it mightve been a close call there for the ukrainian president and actually also the greek Prime Minister. Its not clear whether or not the ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who is actually the target of what apparently took place there, which seems to have been a Missile Strike by the russians near the port or inside the Port Of Odessa was quite interesting. To hear the ukrainian president say that they not only heard an explosion, but he says that they also saw the missile as it was coming down, which of course seems to indicate that both him and the Prime Minister of greece were quite close to that explosion that took place. I want to listen in to what Volodymyr Zelenskyy had to say later at a Press Conference as listenin my bachelors id say, well, you know we saw this strike today. Well much just giving you can see who we are dealing with so they dont care where they strike lashes. I know that there were victims today. I dont know all the details yet but i know that there are dead and wounded concrete knowledge we need to defend ourselves first and foremost, the best way to do that is with an air defense system. Number one and jim, the ukrainian president , there saying that there were dead and wounded, the ukrainian authorities, ukraine navy now coming out and saying that there were five people who were killed and further people who were wounded in that strike. And some new information that we literally just got a couple of minutes ago actually coming from the russians. They claim that near that Port Facility that they struck what they he said was a warehouse containing unmanned sea drones from the ukrainians. Again, impossible to confirm whether or not that was really the case, but definitely appears as though couldve been a close call there for the ukrainian president jim absolutely. I mean, that would have been extraordinary had things turned out differently. Here, are glad that the president is okay. Fred pleitgen. Thank you very much joining me now to discuss in a National Security analyst and former Deputy Director of national intelligence, beth sanner and cnn military analyst, retired air force colonel cedric leighton. Beth, let me start start with you first. I mean, this as fred was saying, just a few moments ago, this was an extremely close call. And according to the ukrainians, this russian strike not only potentially could have taken out the russian president , but the greek Prime Minister. I mean, can you imagine if Something Like that had occurred, just extraordinary . Yeah. It is absolutely extraordinary in it and its interesting what this might mean in terms of really galvanizing even more the european support for this war effort you. Know this attack, i mean, obviously the russians knew he was there they knew zelenskyy was there, and they did it on purpose and i dont want to still cedrics thunder here, but what fred just said about attacking the warehouse with the unmanned sea drones, it does seem to me that this is in retaliation perhaps for the sinking of that russian warship yesterday, that patrol ship that was only a yearandahalf old and has cruise missiles. And as part of what is the force in the black sea that is continuing this raining down these missiles on odessa and across ukraine yeah, colonel leighton, what do you think . I mean, the other question that i had in the back of my mind as i was digesting this news this morning, is whether or not the russians had the ability to track zelenskyys movements with this kind of precision because it sounds like this was fairly close i think so, jim, man, we certainly have to think of the possibility that the russians are Tracking Zelenskyy is movements this, according to some reports, at least as beth indicated, was about 150 meters or so away from zelenskyy is convoy thats pretty been close. And if they were also looking at going after the sea drones, as beth mentioned, that of course is a Military Target and clearly within some of the parameters that the russians have set for themselves and would be of Military Interest to them. But they also of course course have always wanted to do something that would decapitate in essence, the ukrainian regime. This would be one way in which they could do that. Of course, that they also had the greek Prime Minister mitsotakis visiting at the same time that, that may, might have complicated things if something bad had happened in addition to what already occurred. But this is clearly the russian efforts to go after the leadership at very distinct possibility of that. Theres also the chance of course that they were going after a Military Target in this particular case. And beth its impossible to not put this in the political context of this morning. I mean, here this morning we had nikki haley dropping out of the president ial race of at the same time saying that aid to ukraine is essential and that thats what her supporters want to see happen. Obviously, a donald trump feels differently about a lot of he has other plans for ukraine and russia. How big, how big of an issue is this issue now of Congress Passing aid for ukraine with donald trump, all but guaranteed to be the republican nominee come november yeah, i think that this is it is getting to the point where we are on the verge here of ukraine really potentially having the tables turned completely on them. And it is just in constable to me that the us congress is not doing what theyre supposed to do. I mean, put it on the floor and debated and vote on it. Right. Isnt that what democracy is all about . Just vote on it. And lets see where the votes come down. But i mean, were at the point now where Ukrainian Cannot defend itself and theyre almost out of air defense missiles in many cases. And certainly there are rationing their, their ammunition. And its why theyre losing territory. So i think i also just want to take a second and remind people that its not 60 billion for ukraine, that package only 14 billion of it is actually four Ukrainian Arms another 20 billion is just going straight to us manufacturers. Along with that 14 billion. But at 20 billion is just going to go back into the us stockpile. So these votes also arent just about ukraine. Its also about america than about americas safety and about american jobs. And i think that that is really what republicans should focus on, as well as doing the right thing for ukraine and for the us reputation in the world, which haley really doubled down on today. Yeah we have to go i apologize currently, no, i do want to get your take on all of that. Well do it next time. Well have you back. Were going to talk about this ukrainian issue tomorrow. Beth sanner, colonel leighton, thanks to both you. A lot of Breaking News this morning. Really appreciate both of you taking time for us. In the meantime happening now in georgia, the main attorney trying to remove the Fulton County District Attorney fani willis, from Donald Trumps Election Subversion Trial is testifying at the state capital right now that effort continues. Well explain why thats next. Youre live in the cnn newsroom hi, i keep my home fresh with fabrice fade to fight flux and i use this for breece has a microchip to digitally control how much scent is released. So it doesnt think its mine have a microchip oh, for brief smells. First, stay fresh for 50 days. I say shockingly long time for race also has a refill reminder light even reminds you to fulfill it. So i never ms a day of freshness your home is so fresh. Upgrade to for breeze plug i thought we had a plan for dad. He was set to go to the Senior Living community my house, then a friend suggested i talked to a place for mom they really opened my eyes. 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Our key attorney leading those efforts as testifying before a state Senate Committee investigating willis, cnns Nick Valencia is outside the capital whereas this Committee Neck what i understand cannot sanction fani willis, but i suppose they can apply some pressure on the situation. Tell us more about whats happening today. Jim, today has very much so the feeling of political theater we had anticipated that Ashleigh Merchant was going to face a friendly line of questioning, but thats even exceeded our expectations so far. This is a bipartisan Senate Committee here for the georgia in Georgia State capitol, but it is made up of primarily republicans. And so far, only the republican chairman has been allowed to question merchant and its allowed her to reiterate her argument as to why fani willis should be disqualified from this case without being challenged. The questions were intended to focus on whether or not willis had a Conflict Of Interest or misused public funds, but they also dealt into political propaganda with a suggestion that willis was colluding with the Biden White House when she visited the white house in 2023, of course, you know from our reporting that those were routine visits from the das office with the white house. But it really underscores just how much hes able to say things without being pushed back on. This its committee has no power or authority whatsoever to remove fani willis, but they can continue to make her life very difficult and use their subpoena power, Ashleigh Merchant, the first witness here. And what is expected to be a very long process for this Committee Investigating fani willis, jim, all right. Nick valencia. Thank you very much for that update coming up, alabama lawmakers set to pass a measure to protect ivf clinics and patients after states Supreme Courts controversial ruling on that matter, thats next its payback time. All these years youve worked hard, you fixed it you looked after it. Maybe its time for your home to start taking care of you. Leave invested in our halls weve worked on it. We had a whole lot of equity. We just sitting there you paid down the mortgage, invested in your own . I guess you could say your homeowners, you if your 62 for older and own your home, learn how you can access a portion of your home equity to give you cash or Reverse Mortgage can put more money in your pocket by eliminating your month mortgage payments, paying off higher interest credit cards, and covering medical costs. 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Call aag, the countrys number one reverse Mortgage Lender in get your free info kit, call 800 to 637084 thats 800 to 637084 if you have Graves Disease and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable. People with graves could also get Thyroid Eye Disease or ted, which may need a different dr. Find a ted is specialist at isit ted. Com sometimes the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn with cap laida, theres a chance to lead in the light. Capital ada is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar, one gets lighter, treats both bipolar 1. 2, depression and in clinical trials, Movement Disorders and weight gain were not common call your dr. About sudden mood changes. 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The governor says where she has she is ready to sign into law any sort of protection for patients, for clinics and medical providers who provide Ivf Treatments. Now, i spoke with dr. Mamie mclean of alabama fertility, one of the three clinics that pause Ivf Treatments in the wake of the state Supreme Court ruling. And she tells me that her clinic is ready to roll out iv you have treatments, restart those as early as tomorrow should this be signed into law . She tells me that in the 13 days sensor clinics pause these treatments. There have been at least 35 frozen embryo transfers that work canceled. Meanwhile, the university of alabama at birmingham, another such clinic that pause Ivf Treatments said that and it will continue to follow the ruling of the state Supreme Court unless it reconsiders, which is something that typically isnt done or unless a bill is signed into law. Again, the ruling did not dictate that clinics shut down or pause Ivf Treatments. But Universe Clinics Like Uab Have said that they worried about legal repercussions now that frozen the embryos are seen as children, you i did not give me any sort of indication as to the timing of how immediately Ivf Treatments will come back or Isabel Rosales. Thank you very much. Well be following that all day long and thank you very much for joining me in this cnn newsroom. Im jim acosta. Ill be back tomorrow at 10 00 a. M. Stay with Cnn Inside Politics with dana bash starts after a short break. Have a great day if you. Struggle with cdpap, you should check out inspire inspire, sleep apnea, innovation, learn more and view Important Safety Information at inspire sleep. Com. Beautiful and healthy looking eyes, it shouldnt be a compromise. Lumify Eye Illuminations three, non irritating products developed by the x hertz. It thousand law exclusively for the sensitive eye area to cleanse, nourish, and brighten clinically proven and formulated with clean ingredients and are unique. 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