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Decision does and what it does not do. And were talking about just hours before voters in key states go to the polls. Thats exactly right here. This is the biggest electionrelated decision from the court in nearly a quarter century. And it comes just hours before Super Tuesday. And here a Unanimous Court ruling that the state of colorado cannot remove former President Trump from the ballot under Section Three of the 14th Amendment, the socalled insurrectionist ban. The court writing quote, because the constitution makes Congress Rather than the states, responsible for enforcing Section Three against federal Office Holders and candidates, we reverse we conclude that states may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office, but states have no power under the constitution to enforce Section Three with respect to federal offices, especially the presidency and dana, they talked about their concern that if individual states where each able to make different decisions, that it would create what they describe as a patchwork across the country that they equate with congress. And they said, look, thats not what the constitution intended here. Now, even though this was a unanimous decision for justices also wrote concurrences saying that they disagreed with the idea that the only way to enforce this part of the constitution was through a statute enacted by congress. The three liberal justices are writing that there are other ways that you have foreclosed on by writing this decision. And notably, Justice Barrett wrote her own concurrence. She said, look, i dont want to sign on to the exact language that these liberal justices are using. She also said, quote, in my judgment, this is not the time to amplify disagreement with Stridency The Court has settled a politically charged issue in the volatile season of a president ial election, particularly in this circumstance writings in the court should turn the National Temperature down not up. Now of course, shes speaking to the fact that this is a case about trump political tensions running high right now, it comes to the court at a moment, dana, when they are under a lot of scrutiny for ethics questions about partisanship. And it is notable that here this is a unanimous decision. It is also of course, a win for the former president. But this quote, this idea that they used, they should turn the temperature down, not up they always still of course, with politically charged issues. This is a quote that could come back to hunter and it just a month and half they will all be back together to heal Oral Arguments on another trump related case on immunity. So this is the first of at least two major trumprelated cases that the court will hear this year. Yeah. I thought that Amy Coney Barrett sort of one, not even a full page of what she said was really, really fascinating and good point about what it could mean for the future, paula, thank you so much for that. Cnns Kristen Holmes is live from West Palm Beach with reaction from Donald Trumps camp on this major ruling, we saw what he said on social media. Were expecting to hear from him momentarily. In the meantime, what are you hearing from your sources . Yeah i didnt expect the former president to do a victory lap. Thats really what weve seen already today. You posted on truth social that this was a big win for america. He actually just moments ago went on a radio show when he said that he was honored by the nine to nothing vote, and that the next thing of equal importance was that Immunity Ruling would be that hearing the arguments there, but the important thing to really note here that Donald Trumps team feels very good about this, not just because of the fact that they won in this argument that he will remain on the ballot. This was something that they had long expected. Did donald trump himself watched those Oral Arguments . He commented to a number of people that he thought that his lawyers did a very good job and they believed that have all the legal challenges that trump is facing, that this is really the one that they were the strongest had the strongest legal argument for. So they were anticipating a win here, but overall, they are feeling very good about his legal standing, particularly given that the Supreme Court also decided that they they were going to hear those immunity claim, something that would likely delay those trials possibly past the election. All right, kristen, thank you so much and we are waiting for the former president to speak at any moment in florida. In the meantime, i want to bring in democratic congressman jamie we raskin of maryland, who served on the january 6 select committee, is a former professor of constitutional law, among many other things. Congressman. Thank you so much for joining me. I want to start by making sure our viewers know that you were one of the early voices pushing the notion that the 14th Amendment could keep donald trump off the ballot. And i want them and you to listen to something that you told me in august weve been saying all along that Section Three of the 14th Amendment presents a clear and unequivocal statement that anyone who has sworn an oath of office and by the way, not just depressing but members of congress and others who hold federal office, who engage in insurrection or rebellion, having sworn an oath to uphold the constitution against enemies, foreign and domestic can never serve again in federal or state office. Donald trump is disqualified so congressman, now that youve read the Supreme Court decision which effectively says that they dont agree with that argument. Whats your response . Well the, court didnt exactly disagree with it. They just said that theyre not the ones to figure it out. Its not going to be a matter for judicial resolution under Section Three of the 14th Amendment, but its up to congress to enforce it. I disagree with that interpretation just because the other parts of the 14th Amendment, ourself x to people can go to court and say that something violates equal protection, even if theres not a federal statute that allows them to do that been any event, the Supreme Court punted and said, its up to congress to act. And so i am working with a number of my colleagues, including debbie wasserman, schultz and eric swalwell, to revive legislation that we had to set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed insurrection is disqualified by Section Three of the 14th Amendment and the House Of Representatives already impeached donald trump for participating in insurrection by inciting it. So the house has already pronounced upon that, and there was also a 57 to 43 vote in the senate. The question is whether Speaker Mike Johnson would allow us to bring this to the floor of the house and big question im gonna get to what congress can maybe from your perspective, theres a shirt and then theres a can, which im going to get to in one second, but just looking again at this decision today on page 12 of the decision the justices said that the patchwork that would likely result from State Enforcement would sever the direct link that the framers found so critical between the National Government and the people of the United States as a whole . What do you think about that . Well, thats just well, i think thats just a reflection of the existing Electoral System Patchwork that weve got. There are some president ial candidates who have been able to get on the ballot in some states and not other states in some states, its very difficult for an independent or a group green party or libertarian to get on the ballot. And other states, its much easier to get on that patchwork already exists. So thats just a reflection of existing electoral federalism. But obviously the Supreme Court did not want to step up to the plate and deal with the clear textualist me meaning of Section Three of the 14th Amendment, much less did they want to deal with the original purposes of Section Three of the 14th Amendment, which was to keep off of keep out of federal office. People who had already proven themselves disloyal and untrustworthy right . Which your whole argument from the beginning is, that is what the 14th Amendment from your reading does you mentioned congress, the Supreme Court, of course, mentioned congress and youre right that they said this is not up to us. Weve seen this Supreme Court do that on other really big fundamental issues. In recent years, even with a slightly different makeup of the court, Voting Rights, for example even obamacare, way back when and what we have seen, particularly on Voting Rights. And now, i would guess with this issue is its really hard for this congress to do anything thats relatively easy when you look at the support for any given issue, never mind something thats really hard. And i would i would put this question and the really hard category, we do really think its realistic that congress will be able to deal with Something Like this right now well, first, let me go to your original point about the Supreme Court kicking everything to congress. I think it only does that when it doesnt like the ultimate inescapable implications of just enforcing the constitution as written. Thats whats happening in this case. But when you take like the Voting Rights act, for example, in Shelby County versus holder, the Supreme Court decided to take up the Voting Rights act and then cut the heart out of it, dismantling the preclearance mechanism, which is in there. So yeah. I so i think that at this court just didnt want to go anywhere near it and is saying congress has to deal with it, knowing that the congress has split because theres a very narrow republican majority in the house and the narrow democratic majority in the senate. So were going to fight for it, but it looks like this is a constitutional norm that the people of the United States and a half to enforce at the ballot is that your way of saying you dont think congress, i mean, the real reality is, despite you pushing legislation once again we just dont see it happening well, the vote to impeach donald trump for inciting an insurrection against the constitution was to 32 to 197. And we were joined by ten republicans at the time, including famously, of course liz cheney and adam kinzinger. Most of those members are gone a couple of them are still around, but it seems like mike johnson in the leadership of the gop are very clearly under the spell of donald trump and would probably do everything they could to keep this from going to the floor, even though its just the mere enforcement of a clear constitutional command as the Supreme Court itself pointed out, theyre just saying were not not the ones to do it. Congress has to be the one to do it. Finally, congressman, i want to look ahead to another case as the Supreme Court is going to hear. Theyre going to hear arguments next month in april about the question of whether or not the former president can claim absolute immunity. And criminal charges against him does todays decision give you any indication on how they will navigate that issue well, of course, the treatment of one case on a discrete legal issue does not theoretically affect the treatment of another case. Dealing with a different theoretical issue on the other hand, a lot of people have suggested that because this was a unanimous decision that the court wanted to do enter into some kind of Graham Constitutional Bargain that would restore some of the lost legitimacy of the court and they would say there for nine to zero its cant be up to the states. They can control only access to the state ballot, not the federal ballot. Its up to congress. And then in the president ial Immunity Case, stick with the unanimous bipartisan ruling from the dc circuit, saying, of course, we dont have any kings here. We dont have dictators. Know a president cannot assassinate his political opponents and escape any kind of criminal consequences unless hes impeached in the house and convicted in the senate, which was the argument that trumps lawyers actually made before the dc circuit. So i would hope that would happen. Unfortunately, there are at least three justices who were appointed for nominated to the court by donald trump, who appear not to be veering very far from what the maga element wants them to do. But lets hope that this is the case where they can vindicate themselves and also rehabilitate the very tarnished image of the Supreme Court at this point yeah, the grand bargain thats an interesting way to put it. I would say that obviously Amy Coney Barrett was appointed by or sent up by, nominated, i should say, by the former president donald trump. And she kind of charter her own path of it today, saying Everybody Needs to keep the temperature down. We will see how she follows that advice, her own advice Going Forward with the Immunity Case. Congressman. Thank you so much always great to see you. You bet. My pleasure. Any moment now, donald trump will speak on todays major Supreme Court decision. Were going to bring it to you. Live stay with us Anderson Cooper 360 tonight at eight on cnn type two diabetes discovered the ozempic tries zone i got the Power Of Three. I lowered my a1c cd risk and lost some weight. And studies the majority of people reached an a1c under seven and maintained it all under acidic lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death adults also with known heart disease. Im lowering my risk. Adults lost up to 14 pounds. He lost weight. 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Thats 809902807 call now, dont abandon me. A second term. We can all agree on by legally have to read in the prompt or so, here we go and the news post, wwii central daily show, tonight, im 11 on Comedy Central. Got this gobble, gobble i see big legs on a turkey was rude who are you . Im an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative sports take this Smart Fitness mirror im also mr. Leg, take 1989 anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to Nasdaq 100 Innovation lets go to a lot of pants before investing carefully read and consider Fund Investment objectives risk charges, expenses, and in more than prospectus and invesco. Com Closed Captioning is brought to you by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, and eat utis in one year. This inspired my husband and i to start you for it truly works miracles the peace of mind. Ive been looking for tried today, you cora. Com welcome back. As we wait to hear from the former president about this monumental Supreme Court decision, lets talk more about it with our legal experts. We have laura coates at the Supreme Court, cnn, legal analyst and former were federal prosecutor. Elliot williams is here as cnns Joan Biskupic laura, im going to go to you out there at the court. What is your main takeaway now that youve had some time to read and digest whats your main takeaway from how this all was written . How all went down, particularly the per curiam at the beginning, and then the concurring opinions by the three liberals well, dana, we had an inkling of what was going to come because we had that over to our Oral Argument. They were very skeptical about the idea of one state being able to make a determination that would impact the entire nation. And lo and behold, that was the very conclusion. If you had disarm up with it all in one way, itd be two things, patchwork and stay in your lame. They did not want to have a patchwork of state deciding different ways to remove someone from a ballot in one state, it might be secretary of states office. Another might be a criminal prosecution. They didnt want to have an inconsistent result, but also staying in your lane, you know that the states are in charge of elections, but here they said, yes, thats true for really a stay eight office, but not for a federal one. And these justices said, look, you cannot have an individual state making the determination progressive west, the nation here it was a really, really setting opinion though in its unanimity. But as you mentioned, there are three, at least two have said, well, we agree with the Patchwork Analysis after that you go too far. No ones asking you to tell the congress, how to do their job. And youre trying to joan, well, i think it was important to have the clarity of the justices brought here nine zip the clarity, but i do want to point up the divisions. Its five to four. This is a 54 ruling im part of it in terms of will there ever be any way that donald trump could be kept off any ballot in the future. The majority says, no way because it can only be enforced through an Act Of Congress in a particular way and three, the liberals, the three liberals who protested that really came on strong saying there should be other opportunities. They quote the descent and from bush v. Gore to say that to suggest this was another majority going too far as bush and gore did in many peoples minds. And thats when Amy Coney Barrett made her statement, even though she joined the liberals on substance there, she said this is not the time to amplify disagreement with stridency, but think what this reveals is the disagreement behind the scenes. And probably more stridency to come. Yeah. Let me just read exactly what Amy Coney Barrett said. Would you write with this . Shes kind of the way ive been describing this kind of in her own, in her own lane and her very brief comments in my judgment, this is not the time to amplify disagreement with stridency. The court has settled a politically charged issue in the volatile season of a president ial election, particularly in this circumstance, writings on the court should turn the National Temperature down not up and meanwhile, again, as joan discussed, you talked about the fact that the three more liberal justices evoked bush v. Gore, and the very beginning of what they wrote they evoked dobbs, right . And they were kind of throwing the majoritys Dobbs Decision in their face. If it is not necessary, this is on page 15 it is not necessary to decide more to dispose of a case than it is necessary to not to decide more dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health organization. That fundamental principle of judicial restraint is practical please oldest, our republic. This court authorized to say what the law is only because those who apply rule two particular cases must of Necessity Expound and interpret the law. Can you translate that into from legally is into english, we lose an english. Its these two cases in. Which the Supreme Court says, we are only deciding on a very narrow issue and dont need to go beyond that now, far be it from me or Joan Biskupic, the real expert here about whats going on in an individual workplace or how people are interacting with each other. But i think its a Shot Across The Bow from the three traditionally liberal justices, citing beginning the opinion with dobbs, which many feelings are raw about today in the country and ending the opinion. The last case they cite is bush versus gore. It was certainly even in the unanimity of the underlying decision, they agree fundamentally that one state should not be allowed to make a sweeping determination about Ballot Access but there were there were some raw feelings and they are the only ones who used the term insurrection or insurrectionist for time. Yes, they did. They referred to the oathbreaking insurrectionist, not saying he definitely is one, but suggesting that is the shadow. Of course, is hanging over this case. The majority per curiam didnt go that route, that language and i actually think i dont think they even linked it to trump. It was just a generic oathbreaking insurrectionists who might one day be prosecuted for that. You were telling us that congress, only congress can decide not a prosecution so laura, just going back to you and referring back to what jamie raskin said earlier in the program, that this is a ponte and theyre trying to get congress to do something and theyre going to try, but its not necessarily going to work. I know where youre standing, youve got the Supreme Court behind you, but youre facing the capital you are literally right in the middle physically, geographically of that question. What are your thoughts on . Just the reality of that . I mean, the bureaucracy never moved quickly and some would say that intended to move quickly. He mentioned the idea of section five of the Voting Rights act and gutting it, trying to pump the congress to say, now give me a new formula. We see how that has gone. It is not here, it remains guided for that very reason. But look ahead to what this could mean. Ultimately, dana down the road, if the Supreme Courts willing to go beyond the very narrow question presented, which is a fancy way of saying the court is asking you, what is it you want me to do here . What are you asking me to do . Dont give me the entirety, but just what is the narrow question you want answered . If the three justices, kagans what am i your and of course, kataib Brown Jackson are saying, you can go beyond that, then. Was it mean for the absolute immunity question . Thats a very narrow question. Im going to be asked an april 22 for an Oral Argument i didnt go beyond that as well. Will it be more expansive . We look for an offramp bear. Now theres a notion here though that this case was always going to be decided like this very way. It has been decided immunity perhaps differently. But the court has punted that 70 out. This one was resolved fairly quickly, but that calendar holds a month after general argument. Youre talking about close to june. And of course then hundred days away at that point from the general election. This is a really important offramp if they wanted to have, they wanted to have it narrow, they went a little bit farther, but i think we can all agree that the argument that happened a month ago in this case had the Writing On The Wall that remain on that ballot . Yeah. And as weve been saying, there were differences about how narrow a truly was in the majority dont go anywhere. Everybody standby because we are waiting for the former president to speak on todays major Supreme Court decision. Were going to bring it to you live. But first, we are going to look at a slew of polls that came out over the weekend and didnt look so great for the current president. Also, some red flags for the man who wants to get his old job back, donald trump do you know why i selected to crush what makes you weak anyone who dares in fulton . 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Special coverage begins tomorrow at 06 00 p. M. On cnn and streaming on max youre looking at live pictures from maralago, where any moment now donald trump is expected to speak on todays Supreme Court decision. Were going to bring that to you when it happens. But first tomorrow could mark and all but official end to the gop primary season and the start of the general election campaign. And while team biden maintains that theyre confident in their game plan, a weekends worth of Public Polling has democrats on edge to say the least, cnn political director David Chalian is here at the magic wall to break it all down. The floor is yours . Yes. So take a look here. We got four polls over the weekend, all in the field last week that meet cnn standards for reporting. And what you see as a very similar story across all of them data, which is that donald trump is numerically ahead of joe biden nationally 47, 45 in the Wall Street Journal. A couple of polls, New York Times and cbs, just outside the margin of error, Wall Street Journal and Fox Have Trump ahead inside the margin of error. No clear leader and if you average all the polls together, our cnn poll of polls has at 48 trump 46 biden again, this is national, we know about the path to 270. This is national snapshot. And another thing to look at inside the New York Times poll is where joe biden is underperforming some key demographic groups that he had with him in 2020. So again, i want to say this is a poll, and these are exit polls of actual voters. Those are two different things, but instructive to look at under 30 in the New York Times poll, bidens of 12 Point Advantage. Thats half the size of his advantage in the 2020 exit polls. Female voters tied with donald trump, he had 15 Point Advantage. Black voters of 43 Point Advantage for biden. That was a 75 Point Advantage in the 2020 election. And you see a similar story here with nonwhite, no college voters. So voters of color without a College Degree in the New York Times poll, bidens advantages, six points. He had a 46 Point Advantage in the exit polls. There College Graduates are the one place the New York Times poll has biden ventures 16. Thats a little bit better than what he did with College Graduates. Yeah. This is stunning. Just were gonna talk about what democrats are saying and a second, but just women, theyre going to argue and they are arguing what happened between 2020 and now is that there was a Supreme Court decision which we can and that theyre going to use that we can talk about that in a second. But one of the things that is concerning democrats besides the demographics and the overall horse race question is the number of supporters from 2020 . Who now say that they dont want to vote for joe biden anymore. So take a look at this in the New York Times whole they asked voters to recall their 2020 vote, right . So among trump 2020 voters 97 say they are trump 20 voter really almost none of them are going to biden in 2024. But for biden voters in 2020, 10 of them say that they are trump 2024 voters. So 10 of people who say they voted for biden in 2020 are now voting for trump in this poll, 83 of biden 2020 voters remain with him today. Obviously, we always look it up. People are responding the economy. Part of this is a very positive memory on a part of a lot of voters of the trump economy, 65 in the cbs poll say the trump economy was good, only 28 say that okay, so lets talk about the question of abortion and what democrats are saying overall. Im sure your phone has a lot of text messages, your email, your inbox is quite full with democrats saying, yeah, but yeah, but yeah, but its certainly concerned about these polls, especially in totality. But looking for a lot of Silver Linings as you would expect them to do. One of them is how they think abortion will still propel their voters and beyond the polls, they point to Election Results on Abortion Factors since 2020 in special elections in the 2022 midterms. But in this question here in the cbs poll, Trump Overturning roe v wade 19 . He say he deserves credit for that. 33 say he deserves blame. Nearly half, say neither blame nor credit. I guarantee you whether joe biden wins this election or not come november, his campaign is going to spend and the entirety of the next eight months getting this number deserves blame for overturning roe v. Wade much higher. Yeah. And they already are. Okay. David, always interesting. Thank you so much. Were going to take a quick break. Well be right back. Calling the trap and he couldnt get out. Vegas was having an identity crisis. 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The voters can take the person out of. There is very quickly. But a court shouldnt be doing that. And the Supreme Court, so that very well. And i really do believe that will be a unifying factor. Because while most states were thrilled to have me there were some that didnt and they didnt want that for political reasons. They didnt want that because the poll numbers, because the poll numbers are very good. The beating. President biden in almost every poll, New York Times came out yesterday with a very big poll for us. So they they didnt like that. And you cant do that. Can do what they tried to do and hopefully, colorado is an example will unify. I know theres tremendous support. They brought our support a very strong in colorado because people thought people in colorado thought that was terrible thing that they did and while were on the subject and another thing that will be coming up very soon will be immunity for president and not immunity for me, but for any president if a president doesnt have full immunity, you really dont have a president because nobody that is serving in that office will have the courage to make in many cases, what would be the right decision or it could be the wrong decision . It could be in some cases the wrong decision but they have to make decisions and they have to make them free of all terror that can be rained upon them when they leave office or even before they leave office. Some decisions are very tough. I can tell you that as a president , that some decisions to make a very tough i took out isis and i took out some very big people from the standpoint of a different part of the world two of the leading terrorist, probably the two leading terrorists ever that weve ever seen in this world. And those are big decisions. I dont want to be prosecuted for it another president wouldnt want to be prosecuted for it. It had a tremendously positive impact. It stopped everything cold then sometimes you have to make they were tough decisions. Sometimes you have to make decisions like that. When you make a decision, you dont want to have your opposing party or opponent, or even somebody that just thinks youre wrong, bring a criminal suit against you or any kind of a suit when you leave office, i have that right now at a level that nobodys ever seen before, i have rogue prosecutors and i have rogue judges have judges that are out of control and its a very unfair thing for me. But serving perhaps as a sample. Two others of what should not be happening when you make good decisions and or my case, the economy was great. We didnt go into any wars. We totally defeated this is we provided the largest tax cuts in history. We provided the largest Regulation Cuts in history. But think of it, no wars we beat isis 100 of the caliphate there were no wars week, we did a job that was great, but maybe i wouldnt have done that. The califate defeating them was a very powerful, it was going to take four years. It took me four months, but it was a very strong dictum that i gave. I said, get them defeat them ended. We were fighting for 20 years against isis and we did it very quickly. I dont want to be prosecuted in that case. It worked out very well. There will be some things that perhaps dont work out so well, but i dont want to be prosecuted prosecuted because i decided to do something that is very much for the good of the country and actually for the good of the world and president shouldnt have that on his mind and he has to have a free and clear mind when he makes very big decisions. Or its going to be nothing more than a ceremonial post. Youll be president. That will be wonderful thing and you wont do anything because you dont want to be hit by your opponent or hit by somebody else because who wants . To leave office and go through what ive gone through. Im being prosecuted by biden, my opponent because every one of these things, whether its fani willis or bragg these are local and state, but theyre in total coordination with the white house. You cant do that. It shouldnt be done. Done i mean, i think like that in the case of the das office, they put what are the top people . Maybe the second person in the Manhattan Das Office to get trump. They had a Hillary Clinton lawyer leave the law firm very prestigious big law firm, leave the law firm to go into the das office to get trump pomerantz . Pomerantz so he goes into become a prosecutor, worked for the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton goes into prosecute donald trump and a local level in total coordination with the department of justice, meaning by and then you have the fani willis as she would say fani funny fani. But fani then and she hired somebody knew the person long before this horrible prosecution took place, and she went out and she paid them an unbelievable amount of money, more money than he ever had dropped possible much more money than other people that are the do that for a living. He never did it at all, had no experience at all. And they had obviously a conflict. We dont have to go into that, but they were able to get a lot of money because it was a highprofile person me, im very highprofile person. So they were able to pay him close to 1 when he was not equipped to do the job and shes not equipped to do the job. And that case should end immediately. That case is so country flicked it, nobodys ever seen anything like it. And then you have deranged jack smith, whos a trump hater and represents all the trump haters. And hes going wild. Hes just a wild man has been overturned unanimously by the Supreme Court court, went after other people over the years. Hes a great failure, but hes mean is nasty, is unfair, and the judges on these cases, the role trump painters. Other than we have maybe one or two that i think can be fair. But you look at new york, whats happened. I mean, these people have tremendous hatred. You cant do this to a president. And again, im not talking about me. Im talking about in the future, a president has to be free. A president has to be if the president does a good job, i did some people would say a great job. But if the president does a good job of president should be free and clear. And frankly celebrated for having done a good job, not indicted four times. And not gone after on a civil basis. And not demanded to be to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in fines on something that was absolutely perfect where there were no victor britains weather, Financial Statements were absolutely flawless. When you have disclaimer clauses. I mean, nobodys ever had a thing like this. I wasnt given a jury and i had a clubhouse, judge just come up with this number on a perfect loan and very conservative Financial Statements. But even at that, if you look the disclaimer says, dont rely on the financials sapiens in any way, shape, or form, go out and do your own work. The bank in question had the most sophisticated lawyers in the world, frankly, a very top one of the top law firms anywhere in the country and they can defend themselves. What guys like bragg and letitia, james and fani and deranged jack smith, what they should be doing is fighting Violent Crime and that would lead me to the end. I will say that President Biden number one, stop weaponization fight your fight yourself. Dont use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent to try and damage your opponents. So you can win an election our country is much bigger than that the other thing i say to President Biden close the borders. Now, this is not sustainable for our country. Its not sustainable for our cities our country is under siege. This is a violent thing that youve done. And many people are dying many, many people die, they die and the tripup they die going through the border and they die in our country but many of the people coming up are from prisons and jails. From mental institutions and insane asylums. Many are terrorists. You see it . Many, many are terrorists. And i believe the real number that we have right now is probably closer to 15 Million People and by the time the i believe the president s term, and i believe youll be at close to 20 Million People thats almost larger than any state in the union. Our country, it is not sustainable. Many of these people are tough many of these people are bad. They come from some of the roughest countries in the world and some of the roughest prisons we have prisons in the congo, in africa coming, we have people coming from all parts of the middle east the coming from yemen. And yet you are bombing him and you have to stop, you have to close the border. You have absolute authorization. You dont need god congress. I had the safest border in the history of our country. And i didnt use congress for it and then i built hundreds of miles of wall. And the reason i built it and how i built it was i considered it an invasion of our country and i took the money from the military and the Army Corps Of Engineers did it with me and we did a great job. And we had the safest border weve ever had, and now we have the most unsafe border anywhere in the world at anytime never been a border like this at any country anywhere in the world, they would have fought with Sticks And Stones to stop the horrible situation thats occurring our people cant stand it and the people coming in, really cant stand it because theyre dying. Many are dying on the trip up and theyre dying in the country. And also many of the people are criminals and they are doing tremendous harm. I call it Migrant Crime. Its Migrant Crime. Its a new category of crime theyre hurting our country horribly and weve become a laughing All Over The World. So i say respectfully to President Biden, you have the authorization right now. I did it i didnt go to congress and say, do i have the right to close . I fought congress on it. Close the borders. You can do it right now. You have everything used. My policies, my policies were great. Everybody said it. Use my policies so just to finish, i have Great Respect for the Supreme Court and i want to just thank them for working so quickly and diligently and so brilliantly and again, this is a unifying factor everyone in hours together and they can go after me. As a politician that can go after me with votes. But theyre not going to go after me with that kind of lawsuit that picks somebody out of her race whos leading in this case. But even if the person wasnt leading and i want to thank you all for being here. Do we have any questions . Yes the poll numbers are massive for you going Super Tuesday, we found a lot of people, the were agnostic politics in general. See these, okay, weve been listening to donald trump and were gonna continue to monitor hunter as he takes questions from reporters there in maralago, we have been hearing him first and foremost, talk about the fact that he is obviously very pleased about the Supreme Court decision to keep him on the ballot or prevent colorado from taking him off the ballot and therefore, other states as well because of the actions that he was involved with in and around january 6, then he veered into lots of other areas where we definitely have to fact check. Daniel. I want to first just say the last thing he was talking about immigration, which of course has nothing to do it with the Supreme Court decision today he said a number of things that i hope that you get into. One of which was 20 Million People he believes are in this country. We dont have any evidence to back that up. And going on about the need for the president to use his executive authorities to quote unquote, close the border there is an antiquated immigration system. Congress in a bipartisan way in the senate tried to update it at least a little bit, and it was killed because the president did not want to give joe biden that political win. But lets start by talking, if you will, daniel, about the allegations with absolutely no evidence that he was making against President Biden, that he is behind all of the prosecutions that we are seeing, both under federal and state level, there is absolutely no evidence to back that up. In fact, there are there is a special counsel to provide not one, but two layers of distance between the president and these investigations. And thats just on the federal level. Thats correct. So the claim is false even in terms of those federal cases, theres no evidence that President Biden ordered or was behind these its prosecutions, but the claim is especially nonsensical when it comes to state and local cases. His civil lawsuit from the new York Attorney general, a cases brought in georgia and new york by local district attorneys. There is zero evidence whatsoever that President Biden has somehow orchestrated these. So its just conjured out of thin air i think that as many trumps speeches are was kind of a where do you start kind of speech from a factcheck perspective, you talked about immigration. He said, i didnt need to go to congress. I just he suggested that he just shut the border with his own Executive Authority in fact, he tried in 2019 to impose essentially an asylum ban on people crossing between ports of entry from mexico and it was blocked by the courts. It was blocked by the ninth circuit, the Supreme Court declined to lift that block. So the idea that he just did it so biden can do it is not true. He talked about a new supposedly new category of crime called Migrant Crime, that this is basically propaganda. There has always been some crime by immigrants. All of the data suggests that immigrants tend and to commit crimes at lower rates than native born americans. And i think dan, its, its worth noting that in 2023, preliminary data published by the fbi shows that the us easy, at or around the lowest Violent Crime rate nationally since 1970s. So this idea of a crime wave is nonsense. And then well just add quickly. He went, went through a bunch of his old favorites, so i defeat he did isis and four months. In fact, the califate, socalled caliphate, was liberated about two years into his tenure. He said he passed the largest tax cut in history. In fact, on a percentage basis is nowhere close to the Ronald Reagan tax cut. He said there are people from insane asylums All Over The World coming across the border. Hes provided zero evidence for this even when ive directly asked his campaign. So false claim after false claim, as per usual. Daniel. Thank you so much for being here to provide that kind of Fact Checking that only you you can appreciate it. Were going to quickly talk to our panel. Cnns manu raju, laura barronlopez, the pbs newshour, seung min, kim of the associated press. Im glad that one of the many things that daniel just said was about this notion that President Biden can use his Executive Action. I had the Homeland Security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas on yesterday and i asked about any future Executive Action that they will use and he made that point that daniel did that, donald trump did use his power of his pen without congress. And the courts overturned it. Yeah. And look in the senator who republican senator who led that effort the bipartisan bill, that downtime im effectively killed, said that that deal needed to go into law to give joe biden the power to effectively close the border. He says that essentially what were seeing in the last several months that would not happen if that deal were to become law. But that is obviously not the message that you can hear from republicans and trump who came out and kill that even before was even yeah, i mean, there is the president and the white house is considering some type of Executive Action which sungmin has also reported. But i mean, again, it would likely face lawsuits from the progressive wing, from immigration advocates. And so thats something that were seeing the president tried to more forcefully act on but of course, its not going to be without legal challenges. Seung min, lets go back to the reason why he gave this speech. And the reason why we took him live because there was a monumental Supreme Court decision that happened this morning. Directly about his ability to be on the ballot for repub generally speaking, but in the shortterm contests that are going to happen tomorrow, the Supreme Court says, yes, he can be on the ballot. Colorado was wrong to take him off, and then that was a sweeping decision. Sure. Sure. And yes, a big decision or a big victory for President Trump. And listening to his remarks, i was really interested on how much of the of his remarks he spent focusing on the Immunity Case, which is kind of his next big legal hurdle that will be facing aside from the hush money payments, a criminal case starting in couple of weeks, because that shows you where his mind is. He is really thinking about the fact that he that he is trying to make the case that that president s, no matter what i no matter what he does, is immune from for his, for his official acts in office. And that is just that goes to this whole legal strategy of how hes been trying to delay every single proceeding possible. Obviously having this Supreme Court hear those arguments and the week of april 22, delaying those federal cases further is part of that strategy and hopefully, hes hoping that strategy takes them all the way through november and beyond in Immunity Case rather than theres not forget what they argued in the dc see circuit that donald trump, if he were president and president , ordered the execution of an opponent from sees seal team six, that he could not be prosecuted unless he were impeached by the house, convicted by the senate, then the prosecution can actually occur. Thats one of, of argument that well see how his opponents take vantage of that. If they do and i think whats also been also is trump comes out and rails against all the prosecutions. The fact that joe biden has not said really anything about any of these criminal charges. They tried to show that they had no involvement whatsoever that is essentially created a vacuum of sorts, allowed trump to come in and sort of define all these criminal charges of prosecutions against him as a political witch on joe biden changed that strategy as we head into november so far, theyre allowing the their allies to do that. And he is trying to stay away from it. Thats a good question. Will that change to other quick points on things that trump said on the Migrant Crime wave, which i know daniel tackled and there is no Migrant Crime wave occurred i was just down at the border and i spoke to some migrants that were coming across through the cbp. One app that the administration has asked them to use. They were Young Mothers 22yearold mothers who came alone with their children on this difficult journey and just looking for this better life and trying to find jobs. And so thats on that. And then also on him attacking prosecutors and judges. Weve seen where this has led before, which is when he does that, they then deal with death threat and they also are doxxed and its a lot of impact on those prosecutors and the so just themselves. Yeah, very very important points. All of them. Thank you so much for being here to walk us through it. Give us your reporting and all of the context that you have based on your reporting. Thank you so much for joining inside politics, Cnn News Central starts right now

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