Transcripts For CNNW Fareed 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Fareed 20240704

>> this is gps, the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria. >> today on the program >> the >> war in gaza and its aftermath, former prime minister of israel oh, who don't match, says netanyahu's goal is to bring about nothing less than armageddon in gaza and beyond i'll talk to him about the current state of the war. what will happen when the two over >> and switching gears billy joel hasn't put out a pop album in some 30 years. >> i was hell-bent in determined, not to let anyone talked me into going back into songwriting, but >> he recently stunned fans by releasing a brand new song. and using artificial intelligence to make a video for it i talked to him and his collaborator freddy wexler about how it all happened but first, here's my take when hamas launched its gruesome terror attack on israel on october 7 of last year president biden made a decision based on conviction and calculation. >> we will he >> announced its complete solidarity with the country biden must've calculated that the only way to have any influence on israel would be the hoggett clothes show real empathy send the arms it needed, and thus on israel stressed to shape his response it was a thought through strategy, but it has failed almost completely from the start, the administration urge the israelis to consider proportionality in their response to hamas is red herded and went ahead with one of the most extensive bombing campaigns in this century ago. can stop of about 2.2 million people that by israel's own estimates contained about 30,000 hamas militants by one january estimate, more than half of buildings across gaza have been damaged or destroyed the administration counsel israel against a large ground invasion of gaza advising it to take a narrower targeted approach aimed at eliminating hamas militants and infrastructure the israeli government had lots of long meetings with us officials. and then again, went ahead with a ground invasion. the biden team urged a humanitarian pause, but only got a brief one when it was able to get the government of qatar to broker a hostage exchange after initial operations wound up, american officials told israeli officials that what was done in the northern gaza could not be done to the south. yet after telling people to move to the south to get out of harm's way israel then proceeded to bomb the south in a manner that president biden himself admitted is indiscriminate the us has repeatedly pressured israel to make greater efforts to protect innocent civilians, but to little avail now, it has been counseling against an invasion of rafah, the city nestled close to egypt, where over 1 million palestinians have huddled together prime minister benjamin netanyahu has promised to invade rafah. whether another hostage deal is made or not washington has won that after the war, there should be no israeli seizure of land in gaza and no new israeli occupation of the territory. the israeli government's plans are to do both. the result is that american policy on the gaza war now appears hapless ineffective and immoral the image of viewers, officials wringing their hands about civilian casualties while providing ever more weapons is grotesque. the image of a precedent of the united states, mumbling words like indiscriminate and over the top to describe israel's bombings suggests weakness and passivity part of the problem is that in trusting the israeli government, biden is trusting bibi netanyahu, an exceptionally clever politician who knows how to handle american presidents expertly and has done so for decades. this time, bibi has outsmarted outmaneuvered and outplayed biden. but the problem goes beyond bibi. israel is in trauma the october 7 attacks shook the country to the core. the sense of safety that israel was supposed to confer on its people has been shattered as a result, many israelis are sanctioning policies that they will regret deeply. president biden as a true friend of israel, has the credibility to tell them the truth publicly and directly perhaps in an address to the israeli knesset as foreign policy expert, richard haass has suggested about 30,000 people have now died in gaza, a large portion of them, children about one in four people are on the brink of famine and almost all are dependent on food aid. as of late december, the water supply is 7% of what it was before the war. most of its hospitals no longer function a visiting oxford based surgeon, dr. nick maynard, described the condition at a hospital in gaza. one of the few that are partially functioning quote we saw mainly a lot of children coming in with the most appalling injuries, many of whom you knew were going to die and you couldn't give them pain relief >> there was often no morphine. there was nowhere for them to die and dignity so often they were just literally left lying on the floor of the corner of the emergency department to die. >> israel >> says its goal is to totally destroy hamas. you can kill hamas militants, you can upload its infrastructure but you cannot destroy hamas totally because it is really an idea the idea that armed resistance is the only way palestinians will get their rights to defeat this idea. you need a better one. a way to show that nonviolent action and cooperation would lead to better lives for palestinians. and lasting security for both peoples. president biden should go to israel and show the country has love for it. by speaking these hard truths he would also show america and the world that he still has the energy, moral clarity, and wisdom to lead go to slash fareed for link to my washington post column this week. and let's get started >> i cannot think of a better person to ask about israel, the war, and the post-war than the last israeli prime minister to get meaningfully close to a two-state solution. ehud omer in 2008 he and palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas almost reached an agreement. president bush invited each separately to the white house to try the aid the negotiations. but it was not to be an omega left office in 2009, benjamin netanyahu replaced him and the spectrum in israel today has moved much further, right, than it was enormous time joining me now is the former prime minister of israel, ehud olmert. prime minister omer, welcome and thank you for joining us you wrote a very powerful piece in haaretz, which i think we are not as aware of. some of the facts you it out there. tell us what we need to know about the current coalition that is behind bibi netanyahu. that is, that is running this war and governing israel hi for it. i think that they are not behind him. there, ahead of him there in front of him there a group of messianic jews, israelis, who believe in the greater israel or the greatest israel they believe that the west bank has to be part of the state of israel, not just practically, but officially, it has to be integrated. they have inspired the youth hilltop youth, which are very aggressive and violent group of young people that are trying to force the new different life conditions to the residence of the west bank, the palestinians they are terrorists in the terrace two is no doubt about it and almost every day there is a terrorist actions against israelis by palestinians. and this is something that has to be coped with the most forceful manner by us. but the majority of the palestinians living in the territories no terrorists but they are attacked by men amongst the jewish residents, there and those who attack they innocent, not involved palestinians in burn their properties. and trying to lynch them. sometimes there are supported, they directly, explicitly and publicly by the minister of national security of the government of israel and by the minister who is finance minister also in charge of the territory's by the government. >> so this is >> not behind it and you, these has been in front of him, ahead of him supported by him, authorized by him from the beginning of this government. and i think that this is a very serious danger to the mall foundations of the state of israel. i am absolutely, absolutely without any doubt in favor of fighting terrorists. and if necessary neutralizing them, killing when they are trying to kill me. but i make against they vicious, brutal, aggressive, attitude to the majority of the palestinians living in the territories. they have to have the on-state, they have to exercise their right for self-determination. and the another better >> next on gps, i'll ask prime minister on what would happen if joe biden went straight to the knesset and pushed for a two-state solution. when we come down >> for zakaria gps, brought to you by fisher investments. clearly different money management it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but if fisher investments were clearly different, different how you saw high commission investment products, right? >> no, there's 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that needs to be a plan for the post-war in a sense, to make the case that prime minister netanyahu is leading them down a bad path what do you think the effect of that would be in your opinion >> number one, i think that if president biden will come and speak in the knesset, it will be a great day for the state of israel, for the people of israel for our nation. we respect the precedent. i think that he is a great president in a great friend. i know him personally for many years. i've worked with him in different capacities, obviously and i never doubted his complete deep commitment for the state of israel, for its security, for its future, and for the well-being of our people. so if he comes in speaks, he will be a great day but i want to take it one step further. i think that on top of making these direct appeal to the israeli people in the knesset you should see in a closed room with netanyahu and it should explain the tanya what needs to be explained. so that netanyahu will understand and i know, i know for sure that if biden will make this direct appeal to the israeli people and we'll take it one step further either private talk was the prime minister and explaining what needs to be explained so that he will understand >> he will not >> lose one jewish vote, one, a bit of support of the jewish people in america, in the country he will gain more and he will also gain all those who doubt about how important his position is to the american interests, including all the liberals of his party. so it's a win-win move. >> and i >> certainly am very happy that people of such impact and significance advice him to do it tell me about the the eventual settlement you be tried very hard and you're right wing is really to broker a deal. right now. poll say the israeli public is not for it. there are groups within the khadder, the government, and the coalition were totally opposed straight >> what, what is i >> mean, i think a lot of people from the outset of under so what is the plan for that israel has? what, what does it plan to do with these 567 million palestinians? >> there is no plan this is the problem, the israeli government has no play and this is what i think is very important one day we will annihilate hamas, okay? we will destroy the military capacity completely. there will be no hamas anymore, okay. but there will still be 567 million palestinians in gaza and in the west bank what do we want to do do we want to continue the occupation to deny them the right for self-determination to limit the freedom of movement and freedom of speech, voting rights. i think that at the present time, as you have indicated probably the majority of the israelis can't even think about the creation of a palestinian state alongside the state of israel following the terrible experience, we have been through looking at a pictures of the thousand, 1,500 israeli civilians that were massacred kevin butchered and slaughtered and beheaded and rape in children. and the parents and grandparents. i mean, this is a terrible experience and it is very hard for many israelis to overcome this devastation and to think about a palestinian state we'll take some times and we'll have to then answer to ourselves what's next? what are we up for what do we want to continue these wars forever or to make sure that we have the strengths the military power, the ability he did to defend ourselves, whether the same time that we are prepared to allow the palestinians to leave alongside state of israel and to try and build together with many of them who are moderate and anxious to have peace and are anxious to leave. the same kind of good lives that we want for ourselves. that we will work with them to build error poor between the two nations that will lead us away from where we wear for such a long time prime minister no real pleasure to have you on, sir. thank you >> thank you very much for it >> next on gps, we move to something completely different after 30 years of silence in the sense of no new pop songs billy joel has released a terrific new ballot and an astounding video powered by ai that accompanies that. i will talk to the piano man and his collaborate on the project when we come back back, room deals, cia sequence of fares, bribery, >> corruption, prostitution can there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper tonight at nine on see xhr take allergy relief works fast and last a full 24 hours. so dave, can bva deliverer, dance? >> okay. dave let's be more than our allergies. >> seize >> the day with xhr tech. >> if you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan that's smart now, i'm 65 and really smart leader. i'm 70 >> consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from united health care with this type of plan? you'll no upfront about how much your care costs, which makes planning your financial future easier. so called today to learn more about the only plans of their kind with the aarp 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thankfully for all of us, the highly modest and self-deprecating musical genius has reversed himself and written again, turn the lights back on, was released a month ago and it is a wonderful classic billy joel ballot. >> but i see i asked to talk about the song and it's groundbreaking music video. i am thrilled to welcome billy joel gps along with his collaborator, freddy wexler, a grammy nominated songwriter. and all round creative mind in the entertainments so billy, what, what changed, what made you finally pick up the pen again >> oh, i met freddy wexler and that changed a lot of things. i was hell bent in determined not to let anyone talked me into going back into harness again with songwriting and i met this guy through a mutual friend and we talked and i didn't realize how much he knew about songwriting and producing records and all of that. and i was impressed with this guy he was very very kind of relentless about trying to get me to think about writing recording, singing. so after about a year-and-a-half of bouncing around ideas i heard an idea that he had called turn the lights back on which was very reflective of my own life at the time. it addressed my issues with my muse, with my songwriting. so i added a few notes here and there, and i modified a few things, but i recognize this song as being something i could have written on my own. >> now, you've always told me that for you the music almost always comes first. the notes in a kind of sitting in your head that's true in this case, was it that the lyrics was at that idea of turn the lights back on that drew you to the song the first thing that drew me to disarm was the melody. i'm a piano player. and for me the primary language actually is music even before there are lyrics i'm hearing something being felt and expressed just with denotes so i thought it was a pretty good musical composition. when i first heard it. and then the lyrics struck home. >> yes. >> so friday for you, what was this experience like? this guy is your childhood idols. you told me? >> it's hard to put into words. yeah. he's one of my childhood heroes. i used to close my eyes, listen to, listen to his music and imagine it was me on my high school stage performing them. you know, i olivia rodrigo said at grammy rehearsals when it comes to songwriting, billy joel is the blueprint so it's surreal. the truth is, when i when i met billy, i really just selfishly wanted another song as a fan. the fact that i became part of it, and that we've developed this friendship and relationship is just icing on the cake. >> and do you think the something about the song that also you said it's it captures a moment in your life that's that's very meaningful. >> yeah. well, it had a couple of meetings one is about a relationship between a man and a woman and the other. meaning is about my own muse, my own songwriting, my own career, almost asking the why get a second chance to do do this? because i said i wasn't going to do it anymore. so i'm questioning myself. but a question myself all the time. and the lyric really express that very well >> so billy, now that you've done this, is can we say the dam has broken? that we are going to see? a series of new billy joel songs >> i don't know, fareed. i really don't know. this is all kind of new to me. again, just even going to the grammys was a whole new experience from because i'd been there 30 years ago when i was a nominee in this time, i just was just another singer at the grammys. but i met all these new artists who i was very impressed to meet. i was very happy to see all these people and i really enjoyed it, which i had done back in the past. i wasn't comfortable with competition between musicians whose number one, who's number two, who is going to win the grammy? it was kind of uncomfortable this time. i enjoyed it. was a new experience for me. so this is all kind of new again, everything that was all new again all right, stay with us when we come back in a moment, i wanted to talk to you about the remarkable music video that billy and freddie released for the song. and it's stunning use of the technology that fascinates us all now artificial intelligence, when we come back frank sinatra had connections with the mafia and all these nightclubs were owned by the mob. >> you didn't want to make those guys that he was to it vegas, the story of since it's in 98 ten on cnn >> america's hospitals have been pushed to the brink. i've broken supply chains, workforce shortages, and high inflation from 100 rural hospitals have already closed and many more operate in the red now, some in congress want to reduce billions of dollars in funding for patient care. this will jeopardize patient access to quality care especially in underserved communities. congress protect patient access to 24/7 hostile it'll care. >> what would motivate you to lose weight you say to money, money, money, because i need the money, money, money. >> i got to help you when up 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a movie star. i'm a piano player and sometimes i think people must be disappointed when they see me because they may have heard me first. even when i'm playing live, i sometimes they tell you, don't look at me, just listen music videos are a way to convey the music that someone is written in. someone has recorded. so i understand the purpose of it which is why i made music videos and freddie came to me with this idea of artificial intelligence. and i didn't really know what he was talking about, but i did the recording, the video and when i saw it, it was kind of an out-of-body experience. i saw myself going through time. it was very moving so freely. this is really your brain child. >> what made you imagine this? what, what, what was the impulse here? >> the idea for it actually came to me in a dream where i imagined a young 25 billy singing the opening of the song. please open the door and it was billy as just a kid. and it was arresting and he was in an empty venue. and when i woke up, i knew this had to be the video. an empty venue. >> for billy. joel >> and seamlessly transitioning between them. each one picking up the song where the other one left off. the question was, how in the world? >> do you do that. >> and the answer to ai answer that question. how did you do and how are those people we are seeing completely ai generated. what's going on. >> okay, so ai broad-strokes has a couple principles. main ones are deep learning and machine learning. deep learning is something that uses these neural networks that are layered. that's why it's called deep and what it does is it has the ability to analyze. it uses these deep learning algorithms to analyze lies. in this case, still images and video frames recognizes patterns in them. so it starts to be able to understand how billy ages through time and then it's able to start creating images. it's much more complicated than that >> but generative ai, >> which is this term we constantly hear, is the part that's actually creating the new image so think of this whole thing almost as an oven >> you >> that these algorithms deep-learning algorithms learn all this information and start to create a model. the model goes in an oven and machine-learning means it learns through experience the more it sort of bakes the model the better it becomes. once you have those models the idea is you have an actor or somebody who essentially triggers the model. >> okay >> now, chose those three people who are not believed yet as he is now, we're actors. >> yes. >> you hired actors and then the ai presumably is doing effectively the mouth so that it lip-sync exactly the words coming out. >> so i don't want to speak to like the proprietary tack of deep blue du who was our tech partner. but public information would suggest that yes, they're the actors underneath. certainly are triggering the ai in the models. so now the ai performances, so like for instance, i'm, i play '70s billy, which is the first one you see to your the actor in that, in that one, you have to study billy because if you don't do the expressions that he would it doesn't look like. >> so billy, when you're experiencing, are watching all this, like what is your thought about technology and or art and this technology detract from the orcas you've generally been fairly, you don't have a lot of tech wizard ranier, you you basically the focus has always been on the music but here you're taking this enormous technological leap. how did you feel about that? >> i was comfortable because historically, i'm camera shy. i don't like making videos. i don't like having a camera on me and having to present myself visually. i've never been comfortable with that and when i'm watching this video that freddie directed, it was hard for me to believe that it wasn't me. it was like the young may singing and i'm thinking, i don't remember doing this. i don't know this song back. how did they do this? but in a way i was kind of hiding behind those characters. so i didn't have to do the whole labor of the video making. i wasn't feeling like a movie star. i got to look good on the camera or anything because i'm i'm very self-conscious about that and this was kind of a way to present at this idea with a couple of layers in it. >> you know, what strikes me about his friday is you hire all these actors you've got obviously the technicians. there's a kind of happy story here about ai that you ended up if i look at the list of credits, there are a lot of people working on this. so the ai did not replace jobs. >> it >> actually meant that it was a much bigger production >> absolutely look, advances in technology can be scary. ai act. i won't lie i think there will be a lot of bad with ai, but are, but the truth is, it's here, the technology is here. so we had an opportunity to use it and our goal was to use it positively to show how it can be used, not to replace people, but to actually help realize in artistic vision that would have previously been impossible to realize by the way. i would never have been able to get this done without my amazing co-director warren fu, who's brilliant, who created an anti matic for this entire video. so every shot was planned out and with ndi blue to the tech, the tech partners, you're right. when you look at the credit we have way more people on this thing than a video without ai. so it's not so binary, right? these technologies, there's good, there's bad, and my feeling is as long as they are here. let's learn them and understand them and try to, you know? create all positive impact. if we use it. and i feel that we were able to do that >> billy, could you imagine using ai to jump start the music again, to use the ai to come up with, to tune, come up with lyrics, come up with a story line >> possibly you never know where motivation is going to come from i hadn't counted on it meeting someone like freddie who would motivate me to consider writing again are recording again. >> so it's possible? yes, absolutely >> so in a sense, would it be fair to say this whole experience of meeting friday and it being exposed to the technology, it has got a rejuvenated you like you were talking about being at the grammys and enjoying the hustle bustle that you thought you had left behind >> yeah. i was like i said, hell >> bent and determined not to go back into their studio, not to sing, not to be chord, not the right because it'll become tortures for me. and it was unpleasant and this was actually a fun experience. i hadn't expected any of it to happen and it was all rather serendipitous >> and i >> you know, i didn't hate the process. i wasn't frustrated with it. i wasn't aggravated about it, which is a new thing for me because i'm a pretty hard on myself i know i've had i've had criticism. well, i believe me, but nobody is hatching to me more than myself. this time i enjoyed it. >> well, on that note, i think every fan of billy joel is going to be hoping that this is the, this is the start of a beautiful new phase of your life freddy wexler. thank you. and billy joel. >> thank you. >> thank you for next on gps or global good news story about one country's turnaround from sick to healthy, very healthy? when we come back >> united states of scandal, jake tapper, tonight at nine on cnn, freeze, dryness, breakage, new dove ten in one's serum hair mask with peptide complex 45 hair bonds at a molecular level helps reverse ten signs of damage in one minute, keep living. we'll key, preparing >> tourists tourists that turn into scientist tourists, taking photos that analyzed by ai researchers can help life underwater flourish >> the bedroom suite. >> with >> deliberate details and modern functionality or the indoor in theseus check in at boomer darko. >> these underwear are period proof and sneeze proof and swept their leak-proof underwear from nick's comfy and confident protection that field just like normal with so many styles and colors to choose from 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was a symbolic victory for a country that defaulted in 2015. and also financial victory because it means more foreign investment then last month, greece legalizes same-sex marriage. that may make it sound like greases just catching up to the west but in the eastern half of europe, it makes the country or leader it also makes grease the first orthodox christian nation to take that progressive step. greece's always occupied a strange position in the west. it lies in the east of europe and although it had the world's oldest democracy its modern democracy didn't emerge until the 1970s but it join nato early in 1952 and was a founding member of the european union. more recently, the greek debt crisis, beginning in 2009, seem to create endless headaches for the eu and nearly derailed the european project greece's currently roaring economy comes at the end of a long and winding road. during its debt crisis, the eu and the imf build greece out, but impose conditions to make its finances more sustainable. the resulting austerity measures were unpopular in greece and in 2015, voters turn to the left-wing populist, alexis tsipras to undo them greece soon defaulted on a debt payment and it looked like greece might have to get off the euro the very idea of the eurozone, a shared currency among countries with separate tax and spending policies seem to be teetering on the edge. but within weeks as greece faced economic collapse separate saw the light. he accepted a deal that he had essentially campaigned against another bailout in exchange for fiscal responsibility including raising taxes and cutting pensions though he soon resigned, voters endorsed his new moderate approach by immediately returning him to power during the same period, greece also floated with right-wing populism. in 2015, the neo-nazi party golden dawn, became the third largest party in parliament. but it eventually collapsed over its criminal activities. and the far-right in greece's now splintered in 2019, the country elected a new prime minister, the center right. kyriakos mitsotakis. mitsotakis took the recovery, suppress began and supercharged it. he cut taxes, work to streamline government services and embraced market reforms this helped the country achieved remarkable growth and paydown billions in debt ahead of schedule. voters rewarded him handsomely reelecting him in a landslide last year mitsotakis has had help along the wave from the eu with generous covid, relief funds and low interest loans dating back to the crisis this is years gay marriage may be a case of greece returning to its past >> among the >> many contributions of ancient greece to western civilization, philosophy, mathematics, democracy one might add the acceptance of homosexuality, which was practiced there today it is certainly one more sign of greece's returned to the european fold. the country that had once threatened a sink to european project has now become a poster child for its success. as that messy process played out, greeks ultimately saw reason rejected populism and embrace sensible economic policies the nation that was once the sick man of europe has been cured thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week >> every sunday, navigate the corridors of power and get the inside scoop on the personalities and power plays shaping the latest political news. >> are you worried that? are these >> guys and make a move on you inside politics sunday with manu raju next on cnn in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. >> different how aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? >> nope. >> we use >> diversified strategies to position our clients portfolios for their long-term goals. >> she's still sell investments that generate high commissions for you right now. >> we don't sell commission products were a fiduciary obligated to act in our client's best interest so when do you make more money? >> only when 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Transcripts For CNNW Fareed 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Fareed 20240704

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>> this is gps, the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria. >> today on the program >> the >> war in gaza and its aftermath, former prime minister of israel oh, who don't match, says netanyahu's goal is to bring about nothing less than armageddon in gaza and beyond i'll talk to him about the current state of the war. what will happen when the two over >> and switching gears billy joel hasn't put out a pop album in some 30 years. >> i was hell-bent in determined, not to let anyone talked me into going back into songwriting, but >> he recently stunned fans by releasing a brand new song. and using artificial intelligence to make a video for it i talked to him and his collaborator freddy wexler about how it all happened but first, here's my take when hamas launched its gruesome terror attack on israel on october 7 of last year president biden made a decision based on conviction and calculation. >> we will he >> announced its complete solidarity with the country biden must've calculated that the only way to have any influence on israel would be the hoggett clothes show real empathy send the arms it needed, and thus on israel stressed to shape his response it was a thought through strategy, but it has failed almost completely from the start, the administration urge the israelis to consider proportionality in their response to hamas is red herded and went ahead with one of the most extensive bombing campaigns in this century ago. can stop of about 2.2 million people that by israel's own estimates contained about 30,000 hamas militants by one january estimate, more than half of buildings across gaza have been damaged or destroyed the administration counsel israel against a large ground invasion of gaza advising it to take a narrower targeted approach aimed at eliminating hamas militants and infrastructure the israeli government had lots of long meetings with us officials. and then again, went ahead with a ground invasion. the biden team urged a humanitarian pause, but only got a brief one when it was able to get the government of qatar to broker a hostage exchange after initial operations wound up, american officials told israeli officials that what was done in the northern gaza could not be done to the south. yet after telling people to move to the south to get out of harm's way israel then proceeded to bomb the south in a manner that president biden himself admitted is indiscriminate the us has repeatedly pressured israel to make greater efforts to protect innocent civilians, but to little avail now, it has been counseling against an invasion of rafah, the city nestled close to egypt, where over 1 million palestinians have huddled together prime minister benjamin netanyahu has promised to invade rafah. whether another hostage deal is made or not washington has won that after the war, there should be no israeli seizure of land in gaza and no new israeli occupation of the territory. the israeli government's plans are to do both. the result is that american policy on the gaza war now appears hapless ineffective and immoral the image of viewers, officials wringing their hands about civilian casualties while providing ever more weapons is grotesque. the image of a precedent of the united states, mumbling words like indiscriminate and over the top to describe israel's bombings suggests weakness and passivity part of the problem is that in trusting the israeli government, biden is trusting bibi netanyahu, an exceptionally clever politician who knows how to handle american presidents expertly and has done so for decades. this time, bibi has outsmarted outmaneuvered and outplayed biden. but the problem goes beyond bibi. israel is in trauma the october 7 attacks shook the country to the core. the sense of safety that israel was supposed to confer on its people has been shattered as a result, many israelis are sanctioning policies that they will regret deeply. president biden as a true friend of israel, has the credibility to tell them the truth publicly and directly perhaps in an address to the israeli knesset as foreign policy expert, richard haass has suggested about 30,000 people have now died in gaza, a large portion of them, children about one in four people are on the brink of famine and almost all are dependent on food aid. as of late december, the water supply is 7% of what it was before the war. most of its hospitals no longer function a visiting oxford based surgeon, dr. nick maynard, described the condition at a hospital in gaza. one of the few that are partially functioning quote we saw mainly a lot of children coming in with the most appalling injuries, many of whom you knew were going to die and you couldn't give them pain relief >> there was often no morphine. there was nowhere for them to die and dignity so often they were just literally left lying on the floor of the corner of the emergency department to die. >> israel >> says its goal is to totally destroy hamas. you can kill hamas militants, you can upload its infrastructure but you cannot destroy hamas totally because it is really an idea the idea that armed resistance is the only way palestinians will get their rights to defeat this idea. you need a better one. a way to show that nonviolent action and cooperation would lead to better lives for palestinians. and lasting security for both peoples. president biden should go to israel and show the country has love for it. by speaking these hard truths he would also show america and the world that he still has the energy, moral clarity, and wisdom to lead go to slash fareed for link to my washington post column this week. and let's get started >> i cannot think of a better person to ask about israel, the war, and the post-war than the last israeli prime minister to get meaningfully close to a two-state solution. ehud omer in 2008 he and palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas almost reached an agreement. president bush invited each separately to the white house to try the aid the negotiations. but it was not to be an omega left office in 2009, benjamin netanyahu replaced him and the spectrum in israel today has moved much further, right, than it was enormous time joining me now is the former prime minister of israel, ehud olmert. prime minister omer, welcome and thank you for joining us you wrote a very powerful piece in haaretz, which i think we are not as aware of. some of the facts you it out there. tell us what we need to know about the current coalition that is behind bibi netanyahu. that is, that is running this war and governing israel hi for it. i think that they are not behind him. there, ahead of him there in front of him there a group of messianic jews, israelis, who believe in the greater israel or the greatest israel they believe that the west bank has to be part of the state of israel, not just practically, but officially, it has to be integrated. they have inspired the youth hilltop youth, which are very aggressive and violent group of young people that are trying to force the new different life conditions to the residence of the west bank, the palestinians they are terrorists in the terrace two is no doubt about it and almost every day there is a terrorist actions against israelis by palestinians. and this is something that has to be coped with the most forceful manner by us. but the majority of the palestinians living in the territories no terrorists but they are attacked by men amongst the jewish residents, there and those who attack they innocent, not involved palestinians in burn their properties. and trying to lynch them. sometimes there are supported, they directly, explicitly and publicly by the minister of national security of the government of israel and by the minister who is finance minister also in charge of the territory's by the government. >> so this is >> not behind it and you, these has been in front of him, ahead of him supported by him, authorized by him from the beginning of this government. and i think that this is a very serious danger to the mall foundations of the state of israel. i am absolutely, absolutely without any doubt in favor of fighting terrorists. and if necessary neutralizing them, killing when they are trying to kill me. but i make against they vicious, brutal, aggressive, attitude to the majority of the palestinians living in the territories. they have to have the on-state, they have to exercise their right for self-determination. and the another better >> next on gps, i'll ask prime minister on what would happen if joe biden went straight to the knesset and pushed for a two-state solution. when we come down >> for zakaria gps, brought to you by fisher investments. clearly different money management it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but if fisher investments were clearly different, different how you saw high commission investment products, right? >> no, there's 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that needs to be a plan for the post-war in a sense, to make the case that prime minister netanyahu is leading them down a bad path what do you think the effect of that would be in your opinion >> number one, i think that if president biden will come and speak in the knesset, it will be a great day for the state of israel, for the people of israel for our nation. we respect the precedent. i think that he is a great president in a great friend. i know him personally for many years. i've worked with him in different capacities, obviously and i never doubted his complete deep commitment for the state of israel, for its security, for its future, and for the well-being of our people. so if he comes in speaks, he will be a great day but i want to take it one step further. i think that on top of making these direct appeal to the israeli people in the knesset you should see in a closed room with netanyahu and it should explain the tanya what needs to be explained. so that netanyahu will understand and i know, i know for sure that if biden will make this direct appeal to the israeli people and we'll take it one step further either private talk was the prime minister and explaining what needs to be explained so that he will understand >> he will not >> lose one jewish vote, one, a bit of support of the jewish people in america, in the country he will gain more and he will also gain all those who doubt about how important his position is to the american interests, including all the liberals of his party. so it's a win-win move. >> and i >> certainly am very happy that people of such impact and significance advice him to do it tell me about the the eventual settlement you be tried very hard and you're right wing is really to broker a deal. right now. poll say the israeli public is not for it. there are groups within the khadder, the government, and the coalition were totally opposed straight >> what, what is i >> mean, i think a lot of people from the outset of under so what is the plan for that israel has? what, what does it plan to do with these 567 million palestinians? >> there is no plan this is the problem, the israeli government has no play and this is what i think is very important one day we will annihilate hamas, okay? we will destroy the military capacity completely. there will be no hamas anymore, okay. but there will still be 567 million palestinians in gaza and in the west bank what do we want to do do we want to continue the occupation to deny them the right for self-determination to limit the freedom of movement and freedom of speech, voting rights. i think that at the present time, as you have indicated probably the majority of the israelis can't even think about the creation of a palestinian state alongside the state of israel following the terrible experience, we have been through looking at a pictures of the thousand, 1,500 israeli civilians that were massacred kevin butchered and slaughtered and beheaded and rape in children. and the parents and grandparents. i mean, this is a terrible experience and it is very hard for many israelis to overcome this devastation and to think about a palestinian state we'll take some times and we'll have to then answer to ourselves what's next? what are we up for what do we want to continue these wars forever or to make sure that we have the strengths the military power, the ability he did to defend ourselves, whether the same time that we are prepared to allow the palestinians to leave alongside state of israel and to try and build together with many of them who are moderate and anxious to have peace and are anxious to leave. the same kind of good lives that we want for ourselves. that we will work with them to build error poor between the two nations that will lead us away from where we wear for such a long time prime minister no real pleasure to have you on, sir. thank you >> thank you very much for it >> next on gps, we move to something completely different after 30 years of silence in the sense of no new pop songs billy joel has released a terrific new ballot and an astounding video powered by ai that accompanies that. i will talk to the piano man and his collaborate on the project when we come back back, room deals, cia sequence of fares, bribery, >> corruption, prostitution can there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper tonight at nine on see xhr take allergy relief works fast and last a full 24 hours. so dave, can bva deliverer, dance? >> okay. dave let's be more than our allergies. >> seize >> the day with xhr tech. >> if you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan that's smart now, i'm 65 and really smart leader. i'm 70 >> consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from united health care with this type of plan? you'll no upfront about how much your care costs, which makes planning your financial future easier. so called today to learn more about the only plans of their kind with the aarp 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thankfully for all of us, the highly modest and self-deprecating musical genius has reversed himself and written again, turn the lights back on, was released a month ago and it is a wonderful classic billy joel ballot. >> but i see i asked to talk about the song and it's groundbreaking music video. i am thrilled to welcome billy joel gps along with his collaborator, freddy wexler, a grammy nominated songwriter. and all round creative mind in the entertainments so billy, what, what changed, what made you finally pick up the pen again >> oh, i met freddy wexler and that changed a lot of things. i was hell bent in determined not to let anyone talked me into going back into harness again with songwriting and i met this guy through a mutual friend and we talked and i didn't realize how much he knew about songwriting and producing records and all of that. and i was impressed with this guy he was very very kind of relentless about trying to get me to think about writing recording, singing. so after about a year-and-a-half of bouncing around ideas i heard an idea that he had called turn the lights back on which was very reflective of my own life at the time. it addressed my issues with my muse, with my songwriting. so i added a few notes here and there, and i modified a few things, but i recognize this song as being something i could have written on my own. >> now, you've always told me that for you the music almost always comes first. the notes in a kind of sitting in your head that's true in this case, was it that the lyrics was at that idea of turn the lights back on that drew you to the song the first thing that drew me to disarm was the melody. i'm a piano player. and for me the primary language actually is music even before there are lyrics i'm hearing something being felt and expressed just with denotes so i thought it was a pretty good musical composition. when i first heard it. and then the lyrics struck home. >> yes. >> so friday for you, what was this experience like? this guy is your childhood idols. you told me? >> it's hard to put into words. yeah. he's one of my childhood heroes. i used to close my eyes, listen to, listen to his music and imagine it was me on my high school stage performing them. you know, i olivia rodrigo said at grammy rehearsals when it comes to songwriting, billy joel is the blueprint so it's surreal. the truth is, when i when i met billy, i really just selfishly wanted another song as a fan. the fact that i became part of it, and that we've developed this friendship and relationship is just icing on the cake. >> and do you think the something about the song that also you said it's it captures a moment in your life that's that's very meaningful. >> yeah. well, it had a couple of meetings one is about a relationship between a man and a woman and the other. meaning is about my own muse, my own songwriting, my own career, almost asking the why get a second chance to do do this? because i said i wasn't going to do it anymore. so i'm questioning myself. but a question myself all the time. and the lyric really express that very well >> so billy, now that you've done this, is can we say the dam has broken? that we are going to see? a series of new billy joel songs >> i don't know, fareed. i really don't know. this is all kind of new to me. again, just even going to the grammys was a whole new experience from because i'd been there 30 years ago when i was a nominee in this time, i just was just another singer at the grammys. but i met all these new artists who i was very impressed to meet. i was very happy to see all these people and i really enjoyed it, which i had done back in the past. i wasn't comfortable with competition between musicians whose number one, who's number two, who is going to win the grammy? it was kind of uncomfortable this time. i enjoyed it. was a new experience for me. so this is all kind of new again, everything that was all new again all right, stay with us when we come back in a moment, i wanted to talk to you about the remarkable music video that billy and freddie released for the song. and it's stunning use of the technology that fascinates us all now artificial intelligence, when we come back frank sinatra had connections with the mafia and all these nightclubs were owned by the mob. >> you didn't want to make those guys that he was to it vegas, the story of since it's in 98 ten on cnn >> america's hospitals have been pushed to the brink. i've broken supply chains, workforce shortages, and high inflation from 100 rural hospitals have already closed and many more operate in the red now, some in congress want to reduce billions of dollars in funding for patient care. this will jeopardize patient access to quality care especially in underserved communities. congress protect patient access to 24/7 hostile it'll care. >> what would motivate you to lose weight you say to money, money, money, because i need the money, money, money. >> i got to help you when up 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a movie star. i'm a piano player and sometimes i think people must be disappointed when they see me because they may have heard me first. even when i'm playing live, i sometimes they tell you, don't look at me, just listen music videos are a way to convey the music that someone is written in. someone has recorded. so i understand the purpose of it which is why i made music videos and freddie came to me with this idea of artificial intelligence. and i didn't really know what he was talking about, but i did the recording, the video and when i saw it, it was kind of an out-of-body experience. i saw myself going through time. it was very moving so freely. this is really your brain child. >> what made you imagine this? what, what, what was the impulse here? >> the idea for it actually came to me in a dream where i imagined a young 25 billy singing the opening of the song. please open the door and it was billy as just a kid. and it was arresting and he was in an empty venue. and when i woke up, i knew this had to be the video. an empty venue. >> for billy. joel >> and seamlessly transitioning between them. each one picking up the song where the other one left off. the question was, how in the world? >> do you do that. >> and the answer to ai answer that question. how did you do and how are those people we are seeing completely ai generated. what's going on. >> okay, so ai broad-strokes has a couple principles. main ones are deep learning and machine learning. deep learning is something that uses these neural networks that are layered. that's why it's called deep and what it does is it has the ability to analyze. it uses these deep learning algorithms to analyze lies. in this case, still images and video frames recognizes patterns in them. so it starts to be able to understand how billy ages through time and then it's able to start creating images. it's much more complicated than that >> but generative ai, >> which is this term we constantly hear, is the part that's actually creating the new image so think of this whole thing almost as an oven >> you >> that these algorithms deep-learning algorithms learn all this information and start to create a model. the model goes in an oven and machine-learning means it learns through experience the more it sort of bakes the model the better it becomes. once you have those models the idea is you have an actor or somebody who essentially triggers the model. >> okay >> now, chose those three people who are not believed yet as he is now, we're actors. >> yes. >> you hired actors and then the ai presumably is doing effectively the mouth so that it lip-sync exactly the words coming out. >> so i don't want to speak to like the proprietary tack of deep blue du who was our tech partner. but public information would suggest that yes, they're the actors underneath. certainly are triggering the ai in the models. so now the ai performances, so like for instance, i'm, i play '70s billy, which is the first one you see to your the actor in that, in that one, you have to study billy because if you don't do the expressions that he would it doesn't look like. >> so billy, when you're experiencing, are watching all this, like what is your thought about technology and or art and this technology detract from the orcas you've generally been fairly, you don't have a lot of tech wizard ranier, you you basically the focus has always been on the music but here you're taking this enormous technological leap. how did you feel about that? >> i was comfortable because historically, i'm camera shy. i don't like making videos. i don't like having a camera on me and having to present myself visually. i've never been comfortable with that and when i'm watching this video that freddie directed, it was hard for me to believe that it wasn't me. it was like the young may singing and i'm thinking, i don't remember doing this. i don't know this song back. how did they do this? but in a way i was kind of hiding behind those characters. so i didn't have to do the whole labor of the video making. i wasn't feeling like a movie star. i got to look good on the camera or anything because i'm i'm very self-conscious about that and this was kind of a way to present at this idea with a couple of layers in it. >> you know, what strikes me about his friday is you hire all these actors you've got obviously the technicians. there's a kind of happy story here about ai that you ended up if i look at the list of credits, there are a lot of people working on this. so the ai did not replace jobs. >> it >> actually meant that it was a much bigger production >> absolutely look, advances in technology can be scary. ai act. i won't lie i think there will be a lot of bad with ai, but are, but the truth is, it's here, the technology is here. so we had an opportunity to use it and our goal was to use it positively to show how it can be used, not to replace people, but to actually help realize in artistic vision that would have previously been impossible to realize by the way. i would never have been able to get this done without my amazing co-director warren fu, who's brilliant, who created an anti matic for this entire video. so every shot was planned out and with ndi blue to the tech, the tech partners, you're right. when you look at the credit we have way more people on this thing than a video without ai. so it's not so binary, right? these technologies, there's good, there's bad, and my feeling is as long as they are here. let's learn them and understand them and try to, you know? create all positive impact. if we use it. and i feel that we were able to do that >> billy, could you imagine using ai to jump start the music again, to use the ai to come up with, to tune, come up with lyrics, come up with a story line >> possibly you never know where motivation is going to come from i hadn't counted on it meeting someone like freddie who would motivate me to consider writing again are recording again. >> so it's possible? yes, absolutely >> so in a sense, would it be fair to say this whole experience of meeting friday and it being exposed to the technology, it has got a rejuvenated you like you were talking about being at the grammys and enjoying the hustle bustle that you thought you had left behind >> yeah. i was like i said, hell >> bent and determined not to go back into their studio, not to sing, not to be chord, not the right because it'll become tortures for me. and it was unpleasant and this was actually a fun experience. i hadn't expected any of it to happen and it was all rather serendipitous >> and i >> you know, i didn't hate the process. i wasn't frustrated with it. i wasn't aggravated about it, which is a new thing for me because i'm a pretty hard on myself i know i've had i've had criticism. well, i believe me, but nobody is hatching to me more than myself. this time i enjoyed it. >> well, on that note, i think every fan of billy joel is going to be hoping that this is the, this is the start of a beautiful new phase of your life freddy wexler. thank you. and billy joel. >> thank you. >> thank you for next on gps or global good news story about one country's turnaround from sick to healthy, very healthy? when we come back >> united states of scandal, jake tapper, tonight at nine on cnn, freeze, dryness, breakage, new dove ten in one's serum hair mask with peptide complex 45 hair bonds at a molecular level helps reverse ten signs of damage in one minute, keep living. we'll key, preparing >> tourists tourists that turn into scientist tourists, taking photos that analyzed by ai researchers can help life underwater flourish >> the bedroom suite. >> with >> deliberate details and modern functionality or the indoor in theseus check in at boomer darko. >> these underwear are period proof and sneeze proof and swept their leak-proof underwear from nick's comfy and confident protection that field just like normal with so many styles and colors to choose from 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was a symbolic victory for a country that defaulted in 2015. and also financial victory because it means more foreign investment then last month, greece legalizes same-sex marriage. that may make it sound like greases just catching up to the west but in the eastern half of europe, it makes the country or leader it also makes grease the first orthodox christian nation to take that progressive step. greece's always occupied a strange position in the west. it lies in the east of europe and although it had the world's oldest democracy its modern democracy didn't emerge until the 1970s but it join nato early in 1952 and was a founding member of the european union. more recently, the greek debt crisis, beginning in 2009, seem to create endless headaches for the eu and nearly derailed the european project greece's currently roaring economy comes at the end of a long and winding road. during its debt crisis, the eu and the imf build greece out, but impose conditions to make its finances more sustainable. the resulting austerity measures were unpopular in greece and in 2015, voters turn to the left-wing populist, alexis tsipras to undo them greece soon defaulted on a debt payment and it looked like greece might have to get off the euro the very idea of the eurozone, a shared currency among countries with separate tax and spending policies seem to be teetering on the edge. but within weeks as greece faced economic collapse separate saw the light. he accepted a deal that he had essentially campaigned against another bailout in exchange for fiscal responsibility including raising taxes and cutting pensions though he soon resigned, voters endorsed his new moderate approach by immediately returning him to power during the same period, greece also floated with right-wing populism. in 2015, the neo-nazi party golden dawn, became the third largest party in parliament. but it eventually collapsed over its criminal activities. and the far-right in greece's now splintered in 2019, the country elected a new prime minister, the center right. kyriakos mitsotakis. mitsotakis took the recovery, suppress began and supercharged it. he cut taxes, work to streamline government services and embraced market reforms this helped the country achieved remarkable growth and paydown billions in debt ahead of schedule. voters rewarded him handsomely reelecting him in a landslide last year mitsotakis has had help along the wave from the eu with generous covid, relief funds and low interest loans dating back to the crisis this is years gay marriage may be a case of greece returning to its past >> among the >> many contributions of ancient greece to western civilization, philosophy, mathematics, democracy one might add the acceptance of homosexuality, which was practiced there today it is certainly one more sign of greece's returned to the european fold. the country that had once threatened a sink to european project has now become a poster child for its success. as that messy process played out, greeks ultimately saw reason rejected populism and embrace sensible economic policies the nation that was once the sick man of europe has been cured thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week >> every sunday, navigate the corridors of power and get the inside scoop on the personalities and power plays shaping the latest political news. >> are you worried that? are these >> guys and make a move on you inside politics sunday with manu raju next on cnn in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. >> different how aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? >> nope. >> we use >> diversified strategies to position our clients portfolios for their long-term goals. >> she's still sell investments that generate high commissions for you right now. >> we don't sell commission products were a fiduciary obligated to act in our client's best interest so when do you make more money? >> only when 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Investment , Agencies , Junk , 2015 , Orthodox Christian , West , Greases , Europe , Same Sex Marriage , Democracy , East , Didn T Emerge , 1970 , Debt Crisis , Headaches , Project Greece , Founding Member Of The European Union , Nato , Greek , 1952 , Conditions , Finances , Imf Build Greece Out , A Long And Winding Road , Voters , Populist , Debt Payment , Austerity Measures , Alexis Tsipras , Policies , Euro , Countries , Eurozone , Tax , Edge , Currency , Teetering , Taxes , Responsibility , Bailout , Exchange , Pensions , Golden Dawn , Populism , Parliament , Kyriakos Mitsotakis , Activities , Center , 2019 , Market , Recovery , Government Services , Schedule , Interest , Help , Wave , Gay Marriage , Crisis , Loans , Landslide , Relief Funds , Generous Covid , Ancient Greece To Western Civilization , Contributions , Acceptance , Homosexuality , Sign , Poster Child , Fold , Success , Sink To European Project , Greeks , Reason , Thanks , Sick Man Of Europe , Plays , Scoop , Personalities , Corridors Of Power , Politics , Move , On Cnn , Manu Raju Next , Investments , Clients Portfolios , Client , Strategies , Stocks , Commission Products , Introducing Net Plaque Psoriasis , Yep , Blacks , Roberto Tesla , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Macular Degeneration , Add Preservation Easy , Exact , Suppressor Vision , Nutrient Formulas , Progression , Millions , Others , Human Way , Tv , Life Diabetes , Sirna , Blood Sugar Response , Lucerne , Carbs , Idp , Irritation 100 , Cid P Derails , Sephora , Stories , Patients , Finding Hope , Data , Comcast Business , Network Reliability , Threats , 99 9 , Customer Support , Reliability Isn T , Card , Moaire , Dida Twoo , 9 , 00 , 49 , 800 , Chalk , Internet Package , Super Tuesday , Max , Don T Wait , Coverage , Radical Grip , Hansa , 06 ,

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