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Tab thank you all so much for joining us this night and every night this week, Cnn News Night with abby phillip starts now proof that Donald Trumps legal strategy is working. Thats tonight on this side good evening im abby philip in new york and go all the way back to Donald Trumps very first legal filings and you can spot his legal strategy in plain view. One, make villains out of the people who are bringing you the cases against him. And to delay any and all Legal Proceedings until the latest possible day a day that he hopes comes after the 2024 election. Now, tonight, the former president appears to be winning his two front war on the calendar and on the prosecutors seeking to try him, take georgia, for example, Fani Willis Sat there and listen to trumps attorneys accused her of systemic misconduct prosecutors dont act like this. They said they dont hide affairs with coworkers. They said because she did, according to trumps lawyers, at least, they demand that she be cast out of that courtroom now, the judge overseeing the trial suggests at a minimum, willis may face a reprimand at the state bar, but consider her reputation in the media and among the public, the jury pool, you could say, tarnished so what does that do to her case against trump . Well, likely its already delayed. It even more. And whether shes disqualified or not, trump has succeeded in turning the attention from him to her. Now, thats just the georgia case in the maralago case, trump seems to be closer and closer to getting his way there to the judge that presides over the federal classified documents trial hasnt set a new trial date, but when she does, she hinted that it wont happen for quite some time. Now, judge aileen cannon, she threw cold water on the Special Counsels timetable that would have kicked off the trial in july, already in the heart of the Political Convention season, that cannon says that july is unrealistic. Its already an elaborate case a complex case that will likely require drawnout fighting over redactions over what can be made public and what cant so every day of delay makes it more and more likely that this case wont end up wrapping up before november. So taking a step back here, trumps two goals were smear the prosecutors charging him and to slow walk the actual trials. And when they happen so far, check and check ultimately, these cases may not go his way. But for now, he and his attorneys have made it more likely that few of them will be resolved before voters go to the ballot box in november and joining me now is temidayo agangawilliams. Hes a former Senior Investigative counsel for the january 6 committee, and chris stays zach, hes a former new York State Attorney general and former Senior Investigative counsel for the House Oversight committee, temidayo. When you look at that calendar the campaign dates. The potential court dates, the hearings, the the the trials. Theres not a lot of room if it does seem like trump has already effectively succeeded in cramping the Available Space for these trials into the smallest possible windows well, he certainly had a lot of successes with this calendar, but i dont think its over yet the judges really have a lot of power and that goes for the Supreme Court and how they handle the speed of the appeal. Because in the dc january 6 case, its very possible that that case will happens in the fall in florida. Judge cannon, frankly, a lot of delays that weve seen are really about how she has managed to courts calendar and federal judges have almost on viral authority over how they won the courtrooms. But its really about the judges here. Frankly, you go to the georgia case. Again, i would argue its about the judge. Yes. Fani willis in my view, engaged in some a lapse in judgment in getting the relationship but the judge in georgia has allowed this to turn into a circus. Hes hes had days and days of testimony about affairs and cell phones and a winery payments. He could have made a bench judgment, he could have all these cases. Its about how the judges are choosing to manage dockets. And frankly, i think the old when the judge that has managed a docket both efficiently and recognizing a series of the charges at the former president is facing is judge chutkan. And thats in the federal case. Judge aileen cannon, as he was just discussing, she has basically said that just july 8, date, its too ambitious, its unrealistic. I mean, what do you think . That ultimately means for the calendar . I mean, do you think that it could happen at least start before november . I dont think its going to happen in july 8 and theres a lot of discussion today and we were talking just before we came in here. If they push even if they agreed today. And i think trumps lawyer said today they could they would agree to a july or an august trial, even if they did tomorrow, its still going to go get pushed back after that and i actually think that theres more incentive there to push that trial back. I think the most exposure with everything thats going on that trump faces is the classified documents because it either happened or didnt. I dont have classified documents in my bathroom. He and i both had top secret Security Clearance from the government and we didnt take anything when we he laughed and even though he was the president , you have a lot of explaining to do as to why you have classified documents in the ballroom and the bathroom and the bedroom. So its gonna be a tough let me get your take on this. I mean, the trump team called it, quote, completely unfair to have to prepare for basically multiple trials at once, the florida classifieddocuments case and the new york hush money case, which we didnt even touch on. But that case to is that a fair argument though . I mean, does he have a right to have the attorney his attorneys have the space to try these cases. Apart from one another with respect to a criminal trial, he does have the right to we turn the criminal trial in some cases required to be there. And he is also any defendant, any case is allowed the opportunity to prepare to prepare for those cases. However, in a case where the defendant, him or herself, is the one causing the delay. Thats where you run into a problem. And as you mentioned, thats where the judges have to take charge of it and make sure but that everything is running on a schedule. Or where Neither Party that the prosecution or the defense is taking advantage of any scheduling issues and temidayo, the Special Counsels office tried to keep some witness information for this trial out of the public view. The prosecutor saying that theres a possibility of threats toward witnesses and its not hypothetical. Thats pretty extraordinary. The judge called an unprecedented. Do you think thats the right move . I think its 100 the right move. I think whats been shocking, its a fact that judge cannon initially was going to seemingly permit the disclosure of the witnesses names, which would be unprecedented. It would be shocking being terrible judgment by the judge. And i think the motion that for reconsideration that Special Counsel filed basically tell judge cannon, youre going to make a huge mistake. Peoples lives at danger. And frankly, the judge has the ordered all wrong as someone who was a prosecutor and did trials you should be setting a trial date before youre exposing witnesses to the public. What purpose would be served . The former president s legal team has the names of these witnesses. Theyre able to prepare. They have all the information they have, frankly, the federal rules dont even require the Special Prosecutor turns over this information over at this time, but he did so, judge cannon, looking to disclose that, i think as frankly reckless and i think jack smith was right to challenge her on it and to push it to say that no, its too early and its not safe. I mean, look, it doesnt have to be a directive from anyone associated with the trial, just the political environment that we are in but sadly, makes it unsafe for peoples names to be out there as it relates to the stuff at temidayo agangawilliams and chris stay, zach, thank you both very much for joining us tonight. And those are Donald Trumps legal predicaments. But now onto his political ones two weeks after the New York Times reported that he supports a 16 Week National abortion ban, hes now confirming much the same out loud. Largely theyre coming in with a certain number of weeks and the number of 15 is mentioned. I havent agreed to any number. Im going to see donald trump seems to view abortion from a politically strategic lens instead of a policy one. And if you need proof, theres this has ever evolving stance on the issue itself. That is frankly tough to even follow i am prochoice in every respect. And as far as it goes, but i just hate it. Im prolife. Youre prolife. But you do think that there should be exceptions for rape and incest . Yes. Do you believe in punishment for abortion yes or no . Is it principle . The answer is that there has to be some form of punishment, but thats what we just stop. Band. You did not say yes or no to that ends what the deal is. If you were reelected, would you sign it at 15 . Isnt about our complete ban of ban at 15. Well, i would sit down with both sides and id negotiate something and well end up with pizza in that issue for the first time in 52 years. I mean, to sanctus, were willing to sign a fiveweek and sixweek ban to support that, you think that what he did is a terrible thing and a terrible mistake . I believe in the three exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother, i believe now i happen to be for the exceptions like Ronald Reagan with the life of the mother, rape, incest, if you talk five or six weeks trump has acknowledged many times that the issue hurts republicans politically, and yet hes still floats a federal ban. Its also worth noting that a national ban runs counter to what he and republicans have been arguing for decades. Weve got it back to the state if it ever were overturned, it would go back to the states. It will go back to the states and the states will then make a determination. I would have liked to have seen that this be a states right to say i wouldve i would have preferred state, right. I think it wouldve been better if it were up to the states 20 me now, ben carson, hes the former housing and urban Development Secretary under donald trump. Hes also endorsed trump again in the 2024 republican nominating contest, dr. Carson, thank you very much for staying up late for us tonight. Donald trump says that he is open to a 15Week National abortion ban. He said that just this week, would you support that well, thanks for having me, abby. I support anything . Its going to save lives. And i think the people who are at different places in terms of timing are still under the same umbrella, marching toward a time when we have respect for life dont you think its important also, just from the perspective of voters to know where their elected leaders stand on such an important issue to so Many Americans its not a question within the Republican Party, just of whether theyre on some continuum of voters, especially women, want to know at what point would you pass it . Ban . Would it become criminalized to have an abortion well, recognized that with the reversal of roe v. Way that has been placed in the hands of the people and the state and thats exactly where it should be. So does that mean that thats what to know to a national ban then does that mean that a national ban should be off the table if its something that should be handled at the state level i think handling at the state level as the appropriate place. Do it. Absolutely. In the past back in 2015, you like and women who have an abortion to slave owners thats clearly based on the polling, not where most of the country is. Is this an issue that might be a blind spot for you and where the American People are today in 2024 well, what i actually said is that the issue of slavery made me begin thinking differently about abortion because slave owners believe that they could do anything they want it to the slaves beat them, rape them, kill them. It didnt matter. It was theirs and they could do it and then i started thinking, whats the abolitionists had said . Well, ill tell you what. I dont believe in slavery, but you do what you want to do. Where would we be today maybe there is something that is right maybe theres something thats wrong. Maybe we should stand up for the right. I guess one would argue that the issue here is that women are the ones who are deciding what to do in the case of abortion. Whereas slave owners were making choices about other human beings. And thats a completely different thing. I think what we need to do is make sure that women have appropriate choices. Its extremely difficult to adopt an american baby. Extremely expensive. We need to make that into something thats very easy. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of families, who i just dying to have a baby and were love to adopt them, give that baby a very, very good home we need to work on issues like that in that same vein. Alabama as im sure you saw this week, their legislature did decide to protect ivf in vitro fertilization. And those procedures that families use to start families to have babies. Do you believe that ivf should be legal i think its a very good scientific advancement, making it possible for people to have babies who previously could not have them and we need to be very careful when we do blanket things like saying all of it is going to be curtailed. The liability issue. I think i mean, obviously the legislature, if they thought that this judges ruling would have allowed ivf to continue on fetter the job judge ruled that embryos are people children. If they thought that that wouldnt affect ivf, they wouldnt have moved to protect it. So did they make the right decision to protect the procedure and alabama no, i dont think its the right decision because again, were talking all and blanket decisions. This is not a situation where we should be doing Blanket Incision decisions. We need to be parsing out what is appropriate in certain cases we can to look at their reason for the law and not just say this is the Blanket Statement and this is what youre going to have to abide by. Its not appropriate in this situation. I want to move on to Something Else last week, you were honored at an event for black conservatives and i thought of that i want to play what donald trump said about black voters in this country. Listen a lot of people said that thats why the black people like because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against. They actually viewed me as im being distributed the mug weve all seen the mug shot and you know who embraced it more than anybody else. The black population do you agree with him that black people related to him better because of a mug shot . Well, you have to understand what he was saying, what he was saying is that theres been a history of black people sometimes being prosecuted because of who they are, rather than because of what they did and, therefore, since that seems to be the case for him as well, they could identify with that i dont think it has anything to do with racism. I didnt say anything about racism. Maybe he said black people related to him because of his mug at it. The implication there is that theres some kind of attraction to trump because he was briefly blocked in a jail and taken his picture of at a county jail. I mean why would he make that broad statement about black people in this country who frankly, im sure you know, are fighting to keep their Family Members and their friends and their relatives out of jail well, remember it wasnt clinton. It wasnt bush. It wasnt obama wasnt biden who instituted situations where we had criminal Justice Reform. It was trump i think people remember that. Are you confident that trump will stand by the criminal Justice Reform . The First Step Act that he passed as president Police Stand By that if hes reelected, absolutely absolutely i remember the discussions around that and it was very heartfelt. All right. Dr. Ben carson. Thank you very much for joining us. Next President Bidens sharp words for israel after catastrophe unfolded at a gaza food line, or hes not why hes saying now, no more excuses. He says plus a republican candidate for governor in missouri was made an honorary kkk member. Ill speak with the black republican whos calling him out. Laura coates, live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn for the ones work hard to ensure their crew can always go the extra mile. And the ones who get in early so everyone can go home on time. Theres Granger Offering professional Grade Supplies backed by product experts. So you can quit plea and easily find what you need. 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Those are the sharp words tonight from President Biden to israel, just 24 hours after that deadly catastrophe at a food line in gaza, the us will now be Airdropping Aid to gazans who are starving. 112 people were killed and hundreds more hurt when Israeli Forces open fire during a desperate scene around those aid trucks joining me now is former us mission to the United Nations spokesperson and former nsc director Hagar Chemali hagar, look, President Biden bidens new Statement Today . No excuses. Do you hear that as a shift for Biden Rhetorically and is that shift also going to be followed by policy theres definitely been a shift in his tone publicly, we saw it when the king of jordan visited suddenly there was a shift where he was trying to show me more passion, more compassion for the palestinians, more empathy with their pain. And certainly a more frustrated and harder tone with the Israeli Government. And we certainly saw that now and i agree completely with his statements. There are no excuses for this. Any argument that were hearing from the Israeli Government is frankly week and not justified. Theres some justification for what happened Netanyahu Care he cares most innocent you cares about the number one thing thats, you know, he cares about is his Domestic Support inside israel. Thats the number one thing he cares about his power first, and he does, of course, he cares about the security of israel, but that comes secondary when it comes to this as as john kirby said, that the israeli please Pay Attention to the us perspective and they do, but it doesnt play out what was in their decisionmaking because netanyahu only care so much the fact that the United States is now taking the extraordinary step to airdrop aid stain doris, its unpredictable. Its difficult, its not even that effective. They cant get as much in what does that signal to you . I mean, you could look at it as a step forward. Thats something more is coming in, or it almost seems like a sign that of desperation on the United States as part, it is a sign of desperation on United States as part. So first, im glad you highlighted how difficult it is to airdrop aid and it is extraordinarily difficult. This is something you do who is a last resort because its not effective, its not efficient. It cant carry as much aid that can be carried in a truck convoy and its dangerous in a war zone to do Something Like that in general. And its extraordinarily expensive. The us is doing that from the beginning. Theyve been stressing the need for humanitarian aid. And israel promised these really government promised 200 trucks per day. And according to New York Times, the latest average is 96 trucks per day. But even then there are days where its as low as 2050 numbers of this kind. Its not enough aid getting in. So for the us to do with this, it shows that the, its a last resort that they know how dire the situation is on the ground, but it also highlights how difficult both the israelis are being in letting aid get into that point. I want to play what eylon levy, hes Israeli Government spokesperson. What he said earlier today on cnn convoy of the week trying to take aid into Northern Gaza and being mobbed by desperate civilians who then got killed in a stampede he then went on to blame hamas for hijacking aid, saying thats the reason that aid hasnt gotten to the palestinian people. Do you buy that well, us officials have said that hamas has taken some aid, but that the vast majority has gotten to civilians. That hamas has only skimmed some here and theyre now that is always a concern with any terrorist organization, whether itd been gaza or somalia or elsewhere, its a common practice of Terrorist Groups to try and take it aid and sell it or, or hijack it for themselves. But in this instance, im going to believe the us officials when they say that the vast majority has gotten to civilians. And of course, it doesnt justify withholding aid when people, children are starving. I mean, thats not i think enough in this particular instance, when youre talking about 2 million people, Hagar Chemali thank you very much for joining us and next, a candidate for governor in missouri named an honorary kkk member, whatever that means. According to court documents, ill speak live with the black republican who has called them out for this Elliott Spitzer crusading governor by day, wanted to be present in the United States client number nine by nights this guy whos in for are against Human Sex Trafficking is actually a customer. United states of scandal with jake tapper. New episodes sunday at nine on cnn for nearly a decade, i served in the navy supporting seal teams. Today, i run sabo outdoors with fellow special operations veterans. 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The adl described christian identity as a racist and antisemetic religious sect now the Missouri Republican party please responding with a post saying this the Missouri Republican party has been made aware that Darryl Leon Mcclanahan, the third file for governor as a republican, despite his affiliation with the ku klux klan, which fundamentally contradicts our partys values and platform. Weve begun the process of having mr. Mcclanahan removed from the ballot as a republican candidate. And we condemn any association with hate groups and are taking immediate action to rectify this Situation Mcclanahan today told cnn, quote, i have not been removed from the missouri ballot. I filed legally and lawfully the gop knew exactly who i am and they will need to file a civil complaint to remove me. And i will stay say it again. I am not a member of the ku klux klan, nor have i ever been joining me now is former Missouri State representative or republican should mad dog and who blew the whistle on all of this . And mcclanahan filing for a run for governor she mad, this is extraordinary, but mcclanahan was called out by the adl for this in 2022. A picture of him had surface doing a nazi salute while standing outside of alongside a hooded man and klan robes. He described across lighting and these innocuous terms. I mean, i dont know whos running around, Lighting Crosses on fire except for the kkk. But his Campaign Website describes him as the conservative voice for governor and promises to oppose, quote, the woke agenda is this what represents the values of the Republican Party of missouri today . Well, thanks for having me on to abby. And of course, it doesnt and thats why when i found out who this guy was, i hadnt heard of him until the day after he filed when i saw somebody post on so media the information from the adl about his background and that picture of him burning across while giving a nazi salute and when i saw that information, i tweeted about it and then i heard very soon afterwards from the Republican Party here in missouri. And they like i had no idea who he was before he filed so well, you say that but it has statement to cnn. He says the gop knew exactly who i am. Is he lying about that . I would not put him put it past him given that hes denying his kkk membership when theres photos of him. Hes gaslighting and trying to say that he wasnt in front of a burning cross when we can all see that picture so i would not be surprised if he wasnt just making up the fact that he thought people knew who he was because when he got i think 1,000 votes when he ran for senate. So its not surprising that he wouldnt have been on partly anybodys radar screen. Why does he feel that he belongs in the Republican Party, someone with these these kinds of views well, you would have to ask him about himself personally, but i am disturbed by the fact that people like this think that they have a home and the Republican Party. And i think that the Republican Party has to make a choice we can continue to try to do outreach and try to earn more support from minority voters or we can try to wink and nod at people like this and i have never been a donald trump fan and one of the reasons that i did not endorse him in 2016 and have never voted for him was because he played footsie with this now white supremacist stuff. And this kind of garbage cannot be with the republican stands for ever as you alluded to. I mean, does this give you pause about your continued affiliation with the Republican Party clearly the choice hasnt been made between what youre describing the gop should do and what they are doing right now, which seems to allow people like mr. Mcclanahan to think that he has some place in that tent . Well, the actions of the party since this information came out have been what i would expect and have been pretty universal in condemning him. Everybody from the governors candidates on down has said, this is not the values of our party. And the party has taken the legal steps necessary to get him home. Off the ballot. We had a similar incident in 2022. There was a candidate for State Representatives who tried to file and they did know because he had run before that, he had some pretty disturbing associations and had made some pretty inflammatory remarks. And they refused his filing fee in 2022, so they werent able to do that this time because i think if they would have known ahead of time, they would have rejected his filing fee this past week. She mad dog and thank you very much for joining us on that thanks, abby and next, as the border crisis spirals out of control, senator Tommy Tuberville says immigrants dont know. God will discuss that. Plus the University Of Florida firing all of its dei employees to comply with the states ban will speak live with van jones, whos here ahead. When you saw this guilty plea, were you surprised . Do you think the criticism has been there . Supreme court might take us up. Whats the outcome down . Hows that for a clipping or america . Laura coates live next. On cnn when your gut is that a balance, your body gives you signs. 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Listen we live in a Constitutional Republic thats trying to do things without, are judeochristian values the biggest thing right now, i will say is whats going on at our southern border. When youve got a country without borders, you dont have a country. We have to get moral values back into our country and you cant do that when you have million people, every couple of months come into this country, that know nothing about god, that no nothing about our laws and Constitution Tuberville said that on a Weekly Conference call hosted by bishop e. W. Jacksons national awakening, they post their audio on their website and cnn has reached out to tubervilles office late tonight, but has yet to hear back joining me now, is leah right . Rigorous . Shes a senior cnn contributor and a professor of history at Johns Hopkins University First of all, its Judeo Christian values, not judo, of course. But secondly what is he talking about . Okay, so first of all, leave it up to senator tuberville to actually get the entire phrase wrong, which is no surprise because this is somebody who has described himself as a christian nationalists and before his actually fended off right here on cnn, accusations of being a White Christian nationalist. So this is very much in tune in and keeping with his understanding of what nationalism is and what christianity is. Essentially what were seeing from somebody like tuberville is a dog whistle. In fact, its not even a dog whistle. Its a megaphone. And its really meant to be this kind of call to arms, not just from maga. Mag of followers across the country, but really for White Christian nationalists who believed that the United States is a place that is founded on christian values and really should be a space that is for white people, right . Its a deeply xenophobic, at times bigoted and racist ideology. And this is what tuberville is referencing. If youre right, youre not christian even though actually it could very well be many of these migrants are deeply religious, actually, many latinos are deeply religious when they come into this country. Well, you know whats actually shocking about this is that one many migrants actually have higher lead levels of religiosity, than White Americans in the White American peers. But not only this, you know, the number of people who selfidentify as christian nationalists among white people is actually really quite high like white evangelicals. Its like 66 the second highest group latinos so the idea that these are godless people, that theres no morals left in this country is in fact, completely wrong. But it is a calling card of White Christian nationalism in the world that they want to say, were talking about this. I think more and more because its becoming a bigger part of todays report publican party. And we saw just in the alabama Supreme Courts decision about ivf, the Chief Justice in his concurrence wrote a whole thing about the root of his belief that these embryos are people. And its, its god. He says the people of alabama took what was spoken can of the prophet jeremiah and applied it to every unborn person in this state another example of how this is not just part of the political rhetoric, its part of the law, right . Its incorporated into the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of alabama. And i should say that almost 50 of alabama natives say that they identify as christian shan, nationalist, right . With a lot of that being white understood. But the other part of this is that when we talk about christian nationalism, would i think makes it so insidious . And what makes it so remarkable that its moved into the mainstream is that its not just about espousing the ideas of christianity or nationalism. Its about putting people in places that can sure that government is run by nationalize been that were run as a theocracy. And the ivf ruling is 100 that theres been some recent reporting that in if trump is reelected, there are theres at least one outside group that considers itself a christian nationalist group thats planning to do exactly that. Not to build a government with those exact values. Its just something that weve got to keep an eye on. Leah wright rigueur. Thank you very much for joining us on all of this. And new video just into cnn, senator joe manchin squaring off with Climate Protesters at harvard literally will speak with van jones about that that night out on the ice, he saw something. I saw nothing either with so much charming man, you are ever going to me or he was your Worst Nightmare he was bad man youve adopted a kid and now theyre trying to kill you. 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Your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. It is not too late to realize those dreams. Im adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. This election is about who shares your values. Let me share mine. Im the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. When they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. When trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. I fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. Im evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. Radical grip at hand stuff ill fight shock less to get you more. Laura coates live next on cnn close captioning brought to you by Christian Faith publishing, right . For a higher purpose, published with us Christian Faith publishing is an author friendly publisher who understands it. Your labor is more than just a Book Color Scanner for your free riders guide, 804551827 tonight, some really crazy video of a fight, nearly breaking out between one of the most powerful man in the United States senate, joe manchin and a protester on harvards campus. The incident, according to the harvard crimson, happened when six protesters from Climate Defiance interrupted a mansion talk at Harvards Kennedy school. I should warn you there is an f bomb in this. Listen to the insults and watch manchin look ready to enter the ring sold our countries and youve gotten rich doing it you think protesters disrupted the event with a senator police. The University Says instructed protesters to leave the campus and they complied. Joining me. Now is cnn political commentator Van Jones Van full disclosure. Im on the Senior Advisory Committee of the iop over it harvard stunning to see that unfold in that iop study group room. What do you make of that encounter . Well, im glad it didnt get worse than it did obviously, a us senator should be able to go to a campus and talk and whatever the disagreement is should be handled differently than that i will say that there is a growing level of alarm on the ecological left about whats happening there. Right now, the weather is just totally nuts. Youve got texas burning californias freezing, theres a lot thats going on. There is a sense of frustration that not enough is being done and so whether its with Extinction Rebellion in europe, if you have all of these groups who are trying to raise the temperature and by doing stuff like this, they get more attention. I think its a dangerous approach because thats thats not the right way to do it. You can seeing you can disrupt, you can chat bot physically get that close to a us senator to insult them in that way. That thats not the right way to do it. So i understand the young peoples concern and their frustration. But that is not the right way to do it you know, quite a lot about the concerns there on the ecological side as you just pointed out. And also know quite a lot about activism as well. So that comment really probably should, ought to be taken to heart. But van i brought you on because i want to talk to you about your new episode of the whole story. Its really important because it focuses on that deep political divide that has been unfolding for the world to see in your home state of tennessee. You spoke with the Democratic State representatives, Justin Pearson and justin jones, who were both expelled from office for their involvement in a gun protest at the state capital. And they were voted back into office after all of that. But i want to play a little bit of your conversation with them do you feel like you can be effective lawmakers in an environment like this . A good lawmaker isnt the one that just gets a law passed because if we wanted to pass a law to allow everybody to get an ar 15 tomorrow that might pass was that make you a good lawmaker we head into the shoeshine place, an arcade where the citizens were that dissent is a message to the future we may not have the votes not but each time we dissent, were letting the future know that theres still somebody who would not bow down to their people thought to make this state what it ought to be. Im just going to listen to you talk and ive just feel like the proud, and also a little bit ashamed because i dont thank that. My generation kept that same fire we talked so much about ancestors. You think about what they endured and what they were called, depths away from earth, capital i think part of why people are so impressed with you young people is that you didnt back down tennessee is the birthplace of the ku klux klan and also the Nashville Student Movement so we have as dual history and i think is really the History Of America Fan thats really powerful. And tennessee, i mean, ive spoken to both of those state lawmakers. It feels like a deeply divided, a uniquely toxic political environment. What did they tell you about whats been going on there . Well, its crazy. I was born and raised in tennessee. That State Legislatures where i got my start in politics. I was an intern for jimmy navy, a legendary figure in tennessee politics by the way, an Arab American who was the longest serving speaker of the house, we ever had, nobody ever raise the issue when i was growing up shows you how far weve come. Al gore was elected. There shows you how far weve come. Now. Its been completely taken over by a radicalize Republican Party that as a district and gerrymandering things so badly that they now have a permanent super majority. Dont have to listen to any democrats, including those two young men and are just running the state in such an iron fist way that these two young lawmakers that he just tried to speak out. It was heartbreaking to go back to that building. Such a beautiful building on the outside. And see how ugly its become on the inside yet here these young people are really again doing it the right way. They protested and everything. They didnt curse anybody out though they didnt almost get into fisticuffs like we see the difference between we saw at harvard and the way you feel looking at that, and the way you feel the scenes those young men, there is a way for this generation and stand up. I think those young justins are showing the right way forward and we need to hear more from them but a profanity and near physical threats is only going to draw a backlash thats just not gonna move anything forward. Yeah. I mean, you mentioned though your generation, i dont want to put words in your mouth, but effectively dropping the ball, i guess you might say, in terms of the fire underneath, that some of this activism tell us more about why you think thats the case . Listen, i just think that the baby boomers were such a big generation. And now the millennials, you guys are such a big generation. Those of us in the middle of the Generation Xers we never really gotten to that much we were kind of get answered in the fax machines and getting a coffee for the boomers. And then ill send you guys took over in the meantime, weve lumped out, jot the ball. And so its i think its up to the nextgeneration and i think its important for us. I can never speak for the young people, but i want to speak up for the young people because theyre passionate is correct they should be able to buy houses. They should be able to get cars. They should be able to have normal weather they should be able to live in harmony with each other. They shouldnt live with all this division in stress, in this worry. And thats our fault. But i encourage everybody watch this thing on sunday night. Youre going to see what happens when one party take things too far. And what that means for grassroots people. And plus my Family Members were theyre able to yeah that van jones. Thank you so much. And like you just said, be sure everyone to tune into vans, all new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper. It airs sunday at 08 00 p. M. Eastern and pacific only here on cnn and tonight, we are going to try something new, looking back on the news, this night, on this day in history, journey all the way back to 1932 when one of the countrys most infamous kidnapping cases broke out across the wires. The 20 month old son of the famed avi he ate are charles lindbergh, adducted from his familys home in new jersey. A ransom note was found on the Nursery Window sill, demanding 50,000. Thats the equivalent of nearly 1. 1 million. Today it was dubbed the crime of the century. Not a single suspicion, unverified in the search for the most famous baby in the world that se

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