Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

harry enten. thank you. thank you. concerned about the snowfall, the news continues, the source with kaitlan. collins starts now >> safe from the source tonight, delay delay, disqualify donald trump's strategy is on full i'll display in two different courtrooms a cliffhanger in the mar-a-lago case, and dramatic final arguments from trump and company in georgia and their effort to get the da there fani willis kicked off the case. also drastic measures being taken as president biden says, the us military is now prepared to start dropping humanitarian aid from the air into gaza to get food, water, and medical supplies to so many who are starving. also, as lawmakers in alabama, my home state are rushing to protect ivf couples in the middle of the process are still left shaken, bearing that their dreams are growing, their families could be shattered i'm kaitlan collins, and this is the source two more big steps and donald trump's full-court press to keep delaying his most serious chris trials until after the election. for the republican front runner even know ruling really looks like a win tonight that fact was only amplified after the supreme court dropped anchor this week on the federal case in dc, that's the one about his efforts to try to overturn the election in 2020 and then in overlapping hearings today judges heard arguments in two of trump's most dangerous cases, both personally but also politically. both judges went home without a ruling. the former president sat in court near his home in florida. is judge aileen cannon said that the government's proposed july schedule for the classified documents trial was, quote, unrealistic at the exact same time. is that was going on in florida, 500 miles north in the georgia election conspiracy case district attorney fani willis grabbed a front row seat for apparently the final day of attacks allegations and accusations she violated her public duty as a prosecutor to serve her personal interests and the personal interests of her boyfriend, over 2000 calls almost 9,800 texts yeah. i don't even think love's struck teenagers communicate that much. >> prosecutors don't act like this. lawyers don't act like this. these people, your honor, is a systematic misconduct. she was the one playing the race card in a way to try to deflect from her own conduct. it was a calculated determination by ms willis to prejudice the defendant and their counsel >> i should know willis has denied all of those accusations, denials that her team repeated after the defense attorneys went it's absurd it's absolutely absurd. it's ridiculous. it's absurd. and it is desperate. we have absolutely no evidence that ms willis received any financial gain or benefit >> the judge who is listening to both of those arguments says that his decision on whether or not he will disqualify fani willis from prosecuting this case, will come within the next two weeks. if she's removed, it would effectively end the case potentially we've a host of brilliant legal minds to sort it all out for you here with me tonight, a pair of former top federal prosecutors, elie honig and jennifer rodgers and elie, i mean, this is basically it is the ballgame. we've got now two weeks to decide where do you think the judge's head is at all this i'm gonna make a bold prediction right here on the source, okay? it's 50, 50 >> i'm sorry. but you know, i would say if i felt strongly one way or the other, this one so hard for me to peg because there's a thing we say is prosecutor sometimes which is it's one thing to know something. it's another thing to be able to prove it. now, having watched these hearings play out over the last couple of weeks, i think they're very serious questions about when this relationship began, about whether fani willis and nathan wade well the truth or lied on the stand. that's one of the other. there's no gray area here about whether she has some sort of untenable financial interest. but the problem is that evidence was such a mess. it was so confusing and unclear and so muddled. and now the judge is going to have to wade through this and watching the judge today, he was begging for help. he was basically like lawyers helped me out here. what matters, what doesn't what should i be paying attention to? and i don't think either side really drove it home, so neither outcome would surprise me. hear you kind of thought that the defense >> attorneys did a good job with their closing arguments. what stood out to you? >> well, i think they did a good job at crystallizing what the issues are saying here are the issues it's here where here's where we think the evidence leads you to believe that she should be disqualified. i just thought that they were very focused in their arguments. i agree with elie. the whole thing is a mess. it's also really a big deal to disqualify her. i mean, this is basically the end of the case. if he does show so i don't know, 50, 50, maybe i'm leaning against 51, 49, but i do think that they did a better job than willis's office did at making their arguments in court today. >> what it all comes down to, it's not about her having a relationship with this person. it's about financial misconduct that's actually it's easy to forget because of everything that has said it in court. but really what it comes down to is whether there was a conflict of interest or if the judge cares that there was the appearance of a conflict of interest. okay. so conflict of interest gets a bad rap. it sounds bad, but usually a conflict of interests. it doesn't mean the person did anything wrong. it just means there's a crossing of wires here. i'll give you an example. i was conflict good off of a case and removed from a case because one of the witnesses distantly knew something to do with my dad, had nothing to do with the charges in the case, and i didn't do anything wrong nor did the witness, but it happens something i was taken off his case. i didn't want anyway, so i was happy. but what probably to jen or somebody in our hall but it happens all the time and you do it to protect yourself. you do it to protect your office, and you do it to protect the case itself. you can't have in this case to the appearance issue, you cannot have members of the public sort of saying, well, wait a say isn't there some conflicting interests here the bar here is not really clear, and the defense attorneys came out trying to set a very low bar, but the judge himself, i'm glad you mentioned him because he's a lot of good questions say that i do think reveal some insight one of those questions was, is buying gum for your boss a personal benefit? this is what he asked the defense attorneys >> if someone buys their bosses stick of gum, is that per say, disqualify? >> it may not meet at materiality requirement, but it's a personal benefit i mean, does this kind of create a slippery slope if this is a basis for disqualification? >> well, we don't know. and this is getting to one of the questions the judge is trying to figure out because the facts here are so crazy, they have amounts of money that wade paid for vacations that they both took fani willis testified that she paid him back half of that approximately lee and cash, but it's all very rough. they don't have any records. so this is what the judge is trying to figure out. where am i going to draw the line here because the law just isn't clear enough about it, and that was a fumble by the way, the answer when >> he's asked what she said, no, that's a tiny amount, but $9,000 or whatever is more thing about our trips it's to napa trips to aruba, like it's much syria, much more serious than buying a piece. >> and this is a perfect example of where the evidence is so muddled because it is clear that nathan wade laid out substantial amounts of money for fani willis, but nobody was ever able to identify how much. and she said, well, i repaid all of it or most of it are some of it with cash. there's no risk seats, there's no withdrawal slips and so the judge has a tough one to wait. no pun intended to wade through here. well, lan >> gen. stick around because we also have someone who knows fani willis. well, here it is also someone who knows what it means to be a district attorney in the state of georgia. gwen keyes fleming is the former district attorney of neighboring dekalb county, and it's great to have you back here are the source you what fani willis so it has done here from testifying in court to sitting there today as her attorneys were arguing from her office, were arguing on her behalf. she made her presence known at the court and was passing her attorney notes. i should note my colleague, nick valencia said that she was trying to light a firecracker under her attorney by sitting in that room today, i wonder what you made of how it came off >> so i'm glad you came to me because i've been sitting on the edge trying to jump in here obviously she's very interested in the outcome of this case. they've attacked her personally >> and again, at least in my view, reading and this may be where i disagree with your guests in studio. i do not believe based on the evidence that i saw that the standard in georgia has been met terms of their being evidenced uncontroverted evidence of an actual financial conflict and so again, it is a high bar there supreme court in georgia is very clear in that matter, and that the appearance of impropriety is insufficient so i think what you saw from the da today is her being in court and really demonstrating to all involve the citizens that elected her, her team the defense that she maintains that this is her case. she's still involved very heavily involved in this case and she's going to see it through based on what i saw in this limited instance the defense are the ones that have the burden here, and i simply do not see where they've met it. >> so you think she ultimately will be able to stay on to prosecute this case? >> i think there's a record. if you look squarely at the record, that is the result that i would come to. but certainly as your guests know, we never can tell what a judge is going to do so i do think by the line of his questioning, he is concerned not only about the facts in this case, but he recognizes that if he strays from the rulings of the georgia supreme court, he's going to have to find a new line. and so sometimes judges are reticent to do that sometimes they're willing to do that again, as we all know, the stakes are very high here >> yeah, one point that her office was making today was that a lot of what has been dredged up over the last few weeks is not really relevant to the actual allegation at hand about financial misconduct that they're just trying to embarrass her and bring turmoil into this argument. and at one point, i just want to listen to some of the language that the defense attorneys were using today in this courtroom, knowing of course, that cameras are also there that we're carrying it live on okay. we'll news this is just a snippet of what they were saying >> she put her boyfriend in the spot. my boyfriend boyfriend or boyfriend, they conceal it from the parties, from daddy. daddy. >> daddy was there and daddy would know >> what did you make of that? >> so, again i think that that demonstrates how far we've gotten away from the actual issues. was there any type of financial benefit contingent either on the outcome of the case or anything else. and that's the law. and so again, all of this, and as salacious as it is or is as interesting as it may be to sum, it has nothing to do with the underlying charges and the sufficiency of the evidence of those charges. and again, remember, she already has four defendants that have pled guilty and accepted some sort of accountability in this overall scheme and she's indicated that she is ready to go forward within 30 days. i've noticed from the judge. so i think a lot of this is an end. defendants are able to raise whatever issues they may want to raise, but they simply have not connected the dots to demonstrate how they would be prejudiced or that there is any type of legal conflict that would justify justify her disqualification, >> at least one of them said that if she does stay on, that, they'll they'll ask for a new trial. gwen keyes fleming. great to have your perspective on this tonight. thank you for that. and of course, as all eyes were glued to georgia, it was hard to ignore what's happening in florida today. the mar-a-lago club that's why documents case, may not have been on tv, but it was no less compelling than what was happening up north. i want to bring in former senior justice department national security official and former senior prosecutor for the robert mueller investigation, brighton and bad. greg and it's great to have you back as you were listening to this. and i know this is just so much for people to keep up with. we're trying to tick through each of them separately. but in florida today, what we heard from that, judge judge aileen cannon, who of course has so much sway over what that trial looks like. she said that she thought jack smith's proposed schedule to start in july was unrealistic. if you're jack smith, how are you taking what happened in the courtroom today >> well, part of it is the realization that the trial is probably not going to happen in july but you have in that case, the former president's attorneys saying, well, we could technically have a trial in august. and so i think you're still not giving up hope for the possibility of infact having a trial this summer. i think that's really the focus right now. no one has said otherwise. and you at least have the other party that's conceding the possibility that could occur. >> and did that make sense to you? because what we've heard heard from all of trump's attorneys, the ones who have been on this program, they've said there's no way this trial so complicated and dealing with classified information could happen before the election. but yet his attorneys are now proposing a date that is in august well before the election well it can occur quite simply. the classified information. in fact, that the judge has potentially it seems ruled on sort of some of the more difficult issues in terms of what classified information must be turned over to defense counsel. so it can happen. and in fact, if you in terms of the filings and at the hearing one of the key arguments that the two arguments that former presidents, attorneys were making. one was this concern about election interference. that's not a timing issue, that's not a preparation issue, that election interference, which we can talk about. the second was concerned about just not being able to be in court, it wasn't about how do we prepare all these filings? there are a lot of issues, but the reality is is there actually was at least tacit understanding that a summer case could happen. it's really up to the judge whether she wants to push the parties, but but it's certainly within the realm of possible yeah. >> well, they were complaining about trump being off the campaign trail in the courtroom today, even though his presence was not required. but you'll one point, judge cannon was questioning prosecutors from the doj about this policy. there are no overt investigative moves 60 days before an election. and jay bratt from the team said that it doesn't apply to this because the indictments of already happened. he's already been charged here and at that should have no effect on the timing. is that how you see it as well >> that's exactly right and let's just spend a moment. so this policy, again, it's not a regulation is on a statute, but it's a policy for good measure. is that the justice department shouldn't be taking actions, shouldn't be taking investigative actions. >> that good interfere with the election. but in a case where there have been charges, the allegations are out there. these remarkable inflammatory, serious allegations. they are already out there. and what the justice department is saying is there's no there's no interference issue. what we're talking about in terms of having a trial, it's not election pharynx, it's providing election information. it is actually forcing the government to present the facts to a jury. it is hadn't been jury decide this issue if there's any interest in terms of the election, the interest is in fact, having these trials so that the voters have this information before they make the decision. >> can i get your thoughts on one other moment where it was from reporters who were in the room said that there was a moment where jack smith sat up straight, raised his eyebrows when the judge was asking a prosecutor on his team about when they plan to reveal their witness list. which the prosecutor said they're not prepared to do, yet. there's been concern over the witnesses names being out there. what did you make of that moment >> well, there's, you know, we don't have a trial date yet. and so to ask the question, when are you prepared to? provide the witnesses the first question is, well, when when is there going to be a trial? and then we can work backwards on inappropriate time to provide the witness list and the core issue there was the defendants had filed a motion that disclosed potentially the names of potential witnesses and with the government was saying is at this moment, so early in the case before there's been a trial were worried about harassment. that is, those names, that information should be as close in time as possible to the trial, which is why it was sort of shifting. it's like, well, when do we get the witness list? it's like, well, let's deal with these preliminary issues, but let's pick a trial date first. and so there was sort of a little bit putting the cart before the horse. >> that's really helpful. brandon van grack. thank you for that. >> and >> i've got la gente back with me. what are your final thoughts on what happened in florida? talk about georgia, but what about what happened in florida tech? i think it's good news for donald trump anyway, you spin it. i mean, worst-case scenario for donald trump we get a true, he gets a trial starting july, august, but that blocks the dc trial. the january 6 trial today, i think the trump team as well aware of absolutely. i think jack smith all but conceded today, not going to get that january 6 trial tried before the election. i think he's trying to salvage at least the florida case because again, if the judge agrees with jack smith and puts this in july as jack smith has asked for, the florida case, there's nowhere for the dc case to go, but i think what is at the heart of this and trump's team says, well, it shouldn't be about politics, but the trump legal team has less worried about the classified documents case and not necessarily because it's less problematic, but because i think they understand the appearance former white house aides, the former attorney general, the former or the current governor of georgia. all these aids marching in to talk how trump tried to overturn the election is more damaging to his political prospects than even the classified documents. >> all of that. and in a jurisdiction in florida which is much more favorable to him with a much better jury pool in front of a much more trump friendly drag show for all of those reasons, i agree with you. that's what they want. >> jennifer rodgers, elie honig, we'll be watching closely since whale these fun deadlines to wait for. thank you. both for being here on a friday night up next at the white house tonight, president biden made this announcement that the us he's going to start airdropping aid into gaza very soon we're gonna speak to an it worker who is just there on the ground where people are desperate and starving if it's enough also, notable comments from first lady jill biden, taking on donald trump, casting him as a potential threat to 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convoys >> as the president is grappling with the war that is now almost five months old. >> he was >> seen leaving the white house tonight with this book in his arms it's called possible how we survive and thrive in an age of conflict. this is coming as the president is renewing his calls for an immediate ceasefire in gaza, a deal that now has become even more complicated than it already was after the carnage that we saw happen yesterday in gaza city. witnesses say, that we're seeing that you're looking at here is israeli soldiers firing on a crowd of civilians who were rushing the aid trucks, more than 100 people were ultimately killed. many hundreds more injured. >> earlier >> today, we had an israeli government spokesperson on and we pressed him on this effort to try to get more aid to those so hungry people so one option is to airdrop aid and it was a successful pilot this week in cooperation with i believe jordan, egypt, the >> uae, france, and the united states to airdrop aid into gaza and we're looking into other ways to deliver aid into northern gaza and make sure again, it gets to civilians who need it while making sure hamas easier, safer, easier way to do this than just simply airdropping it. and i mean, the reason you saw that chaotic incident it's people are rushing these trucks because they're starving. i mean, it's desperation in its fullest extent that you're watching and we hear from the idf saying, well our forces felt that they were endangered and that's why they fired upon the crowd after firing those warning shots. that's what the idf said. they fired when people began to rush towards the russian soldiers because they have food and they're starving well, i mean, why they were rushing the situation actually is not good and there's not enough aid getting in. >> the situation is definitely not good. we don't downplay that hamas has brought tragedy and disaster on the people of gaza by declaring this war here tonight randi anderson, who is a senior technical adviser for the humanitarian group project hope, and worked on the ground in gaza for >> two weeks in january, and it's great to have you here tonight, randi, because you heard there the israeli spokesperson talking about israel doing everything it can to get aided but tell me what you saw when you are we're actually on the ground. >> thank you for having me >> when i was on >> the ground in rafah, there was constant bombing happening just to the north. and even in the time that i was there, that bombing was getting closer and closer and as a result of it, we were seeing hundreds, if not thousands, of additional people coming into rafah already when i got there, there was over 1 million people that had been displaced from the north largely because their houses had been destroyed and there was violence in that area. and they weren't safe, but also because of access to food and water, people had moved to run buffer. but while i was there, the violence continued to come closer and and closer. and the people were uncomfortable and agitated with c's of tents everywhere you looked people squeezing together. and obviously a lack of access to food is a huge part of this. and so were you stephen surprised when you saw that video of the people that gazans who are so desperate rushing those aid trucks because i mean, they're just struggling to get sufficient food at all, much, much less fruits and vegetables, and just enough to survive we know that the people in the north are cut off. that even in rafah the amount of commodities including food coming in is a tenth of what it was before this war happened that we see lines and lines of trucks on the other side of the border waiting to come in like the aid is there, but it's blocked. but even when it comes into rafah, it's not safe to move it to the north so even if we have commodities in our warehouses some can go, it's not that nothing is going, but as far north as gaza, there are areas that are cut off don't have internet, we don't we don't hear how they're doing. and even their families don't know how they're doing. so that level of desperation, i won't say that. i was surprised but certainly it illustrates how cruel the conditions are, how much suffering is going on, and how desperate people are. >> what do you >> make of this, this move now to airdrop aid and do you think that's effective >> i don't know enough about airdropping, but my guess is that it will just be a drop that it will it will not be enough that it'll just be a little tiny bit and what they really know need is these semitrucks that are waiting. they need the border to be open and they need them to come in and there needs to be protection in terms of moving around wherever people are to make sure that everyone gets what they need. i mean, airdropping seems like an extreme measure to me, although mean at this point, anything is better than nothing when we saw at one point where they airdropped it and it fell into the water and people were swimming out to get it. but but on this talk of a ceasefire that, you know, at the beginning of this week, president biden had said he was hopeful it could come by the end of this weekend. now seems much more complicated than that but given what we saw yesterday, what happened with the idf there on the ground even if there was a ceasefire tonight though, based on what you saw, how many people would still die of disease and of hunger >> we have estimates from a the london school of tropical medicine that says at least 11,000 more people would die even if there was a ceasefire right now. and we very much need a ceasefire right now but the level of injury, the people that are in hospitals, even that have been treated, but that are recovering, that are still very, very fragile and vulnerable and the level of hunger, i mean, we're seeing more and more acute malnutrition, particularly in the north and the infectious disease that is everywhere, right now, all of the clinics are seeing it. it's being reported, it's increasing. all of that will take time a lot of time and a lot of time to those people don't have rande interests and thank you so much for coming on to share your experience with us >> thank you. >> ms great. to have you also here in the us, we're tracking an important story happening in alabama. as lawmakers tonight, republican led lawmakers because in that state are racing to protect ivf treatments. but time is running out for at least one woman who is trying to have a baby with a uterus transplant. we're going to tell you her story next >> back room deals, cia secrets. a fair bribery, corruption prostitution >> there's so much more to the store. united >> states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn transform your skin in one simple step, introducing polish choice, man delic and lactic acid ha liquid exfoliate, resurface texture and tone without irritation. >> 100% saw smoother, softer, brighter skin available at polish 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legislators after facing backlash, if that decision and major concern even in washington are trying to get a bill protecting ivf providers to the governor, kay ivey is desk potentially as soon as next wednesday the governor has signaled that she'll support this legislation would, which would essentially protect ivf providers from both criminal charges, but also from civil lawsuits still, the rulings impact is already being felt by families throughout the state. and cnn's correspondent, isabel rosalas, has the story of what a woman who was born without a uterus and now fears that this ruling could shatter her dream of building a family >> at nearly two decades ago. this moment, what are you doing would have been unimaginable for elizabeth goldman when i was 14, i had abdominal pain and i hadn't had a period yet, barely a team. >> she got devastating and life-changing answers from her doctors. >> i was told that i was born without a uterus, would never be able to carry my own baby. told that it was it would basically be impossible. >> dr. kathleen o'neill doesn't see goldman, but treats patients like her at the university of pennsylvania is not something that people talk about. >> but because >> there are a lot of issues of stigma and shame around being born without your uterus. >> and 2014, the world's first baby was born from a transplanted uterus in sweden in 2017, baylor university medical center accomplish the same for the us then came upenn and finally, the university of alabama at birmingham. and goldman's home state >> so i had to move up to birmingham. so we basically left our life as we knew it in the midst of a pandemic, she uprooted her life on social media, thousands of followers watching her ivf journey unfold right here yeah, and her uterus transplant months later came the positive test online, but it's but it ended in a heartbreaking miscarriage. then there was a valentine's day surprise. all the heartache, pain, determination, and nearly $60,000 spent on ivf cycles for zawahiri grace, five pounds, six ounces >> she is like my biggest dream come true. honestly, i can't remember what life looks like before but goldman says her journey as a done, she wants to make the most out of her new uterus. she's allowed to live births before having to undergo a hysterectomy with a uterus transplant, it's not a lifesaving transplant, but a life-giving transplant every day, goldman takes medication to prevent her body from rejecting her uterus, but it it takes a toll. >> they can have at least temporary effects on the kidneys, potentially long-term. they can have effects on the bone marrow. these women can become more anemic, so delays can be harmful to the patient. the ruling from the state's highest court pausing goldman's ivf treatments at uab as she was gearing up for an embryo transplant. all at the same university that host one of just four active uterus transplant programs in the whole nation. >> the fact that this happened in alabama is just really so unlucky, doesn't cover it. it's so incredibly unfortunate because really leaves these patients in a very bad spot. >> this pause and repeat productive care, leaving goldman in limbo and at risk of a medical complication. >> and the reality is without doing another embryo transfer, without doing avia, without having access to it. like my journey oldman can only watch and wait for lawmakers to act with no time to spare. >> yeah >> we'll continue to watch that and see if that bill does make it to the governor's desk. meanwhile, today, the two largest pharmacy chains in the united states, cvs and walgreens are going to start filling prescriptions for the abortion pill known and as mifepristone. and in the coming weeks it's going to be available there at select ones in a limited number of states. we are told both pharmacy chains has said that they would gradually expand that access to all states where it is legal to do so. that medication has met the center of various legal challenges, including the one before the supreme court right now. >> the decision jen potentially restricting access to that pill is expected by this july coming up here on the source, defiant russians showing up in the thousands today. remarkable moment paying their respects to alexey navalny >> good evening, everyone. i'm abby philip what on earth is going on with the republican party is just a huge problem for the biden campaign. how do you know that those numbers are false? >> news night with abby phillip next on cnn. >> one bread candlelight them all protect yourself against rsv with pfizer's a briscoe of vaccine to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older, it's not for everyone and may not protect all who receive it. don't get a briscoe if you've had an allergic reaction it's ingredients a weakened immune system may decrease your response. most common side effects of headache, injection site pain and muscle pain. ask about pfizer's of bristol 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ladder, calvin my grandfather, my great grandma, my aren't being rode horses when i see all of us that hill on his ranch i see how far our legacy go >> cnn saturday morning starting tomorrow at eight on cnn >> thousands of russians defying vladimir putin in moscow today, a site that shirley would have made alexey navalny's smile his open casket funeral for the russian opposition leader was held in a church today as a service was filled with members of his family and his loyal supporters. after weeks of fear that russia may never released his body, his mother and his mother-in-law were grieving while outside the church, there was a heavy police presence that you could see as of 09:00 here on the east coast, we've been tracking this. we know that at least 115 people have been detained across russia are paying tribute to him that's according to a human rights monitoring group here tonight to talk about this exiled russian journalist mikhail zygar, who exchanged letters with alexey navalny shortly before he was killed. and as also the author of war and punishment, putin zelenskyy and the path to russia's invasion of ukraine. i just wonder what you made of that scene today of these people oh, who were truly risking arrest by going out and paying their tribute to alexey navalny. >> i think that's important. i was watching it the whole day. i was watching all the interviews with with all those people who were not afraid to talk i was talking to my friends who are still in moscow and the main impression is that the majority of the, all those people who came are the elderly people. these are the parents of those people who left the country, who immigrated. and it's so it's so so sad that thousands of people came, their thousands of people are brave enough. but i'm it's heartbreaking. >> do you think that there were that wanted to go out, but they fear reprisal for obvious reasons. >> no, it's it's hard to judge. >> actually, we know >> that everyone was expecting some kind of crackdown and there was a lot of police believe was was trying to prevent people from coming to the church about 100 people were allowed to come to the church. >> the service >> in the choice was just 20 minutes to prevent people from entering. but the amount of the people in that neighborhood was enormous. and police was trying to make as many obstacles at as possible just to not to let all those people join into one big crowd. >> yeah, you just can see the movement going on even in his death and his wife, yulia, shared a video of just moments with her husband talking she's been reflecting on this and she posted the 26 years of absolute happiness and she said yes, even over the last three years that he's been in prison, she said, i don't know how to live without you, but i will try to make you up. they're happy for me and proud of me. >> and she used the song very popular for song of brushing rock singer with lyrics. please don't die. otherwise, i'll have to die as well that was really heartbreaking >> must been tough for you to see yeah. >> and she's vowing to continue on with his work i mean, what do you think that that looks like for someone who is, you know, we talked about before, you kind of compared on the us to michelle obama type, someone who doesn't embrace the political life in front of the cameras. but, but now it has been placed there i remember i started comparing her to kherson aquino, former president of filipinos, who had to become the leader >> opposition after her husband been in your kinder watts was killed and she she became the president of philippians of the fro'ing dictator omar our and so, yeah, there were rumors about once she had she have to do she has to do that. she will do it. so probably she she was left with no other options and, you the first test for her is very near the presidential elections. we were expecting, we're expecting the strategy she, she has already called for. all russians to come to their polling stations in the medina in the mid day noon into his strategy was to vote for any presidential candidate except for putin. >> probably >> that would, that might be very risky for president putin because probably if everyone shows up, he might not win on the landslide in the first round >> will be watching that first test very closely. thank you. thank you. i'm talking about your friend tonight. >> up next for us and the us is we talk about president biden alive. one thing we don't talk about is maybe the grudge holder and chief. there's an up-close and personal look at the first lady, jill biden her quiet but unmatched influence over the president. and questions about her relationship with the vice president. all of it in a new book will talk about it right after this to, be a headliner orders vegas. >> that's what i want to do. >> they, had the biggest entertainers in america >> vegas in some ways marketed its delay on its naughtiness. >> and the only way you find out and what you can't do is if you 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women and two our families. he life time tearing us down devaluing our existence he mocked women's bodies disrespects our accomplishments and brags about assault now he's bragging about killing roe v. wade. how far will he go? when will he stop? you know the answer to that address coming up the start of women's history month is the first of several events that she is going to be going throughout key battleground states this weekend highlighting her passion for women's issues that passion is well as her influence on her husband's reelection campaign are all detailed in a new book that is out this week. it is called american woman, the transformation of the modern first lady from hillary clinton to jill biden and the author and new york times reporter, katie rogers is here with me now. i'm so glad to have you here and you have covered joe biden so closely and to see her come out today, we have never seen her with that fear of criticism of donald trump. i wonder if that's something you think she's going to be doing throughout the 2024 campaign? >> yeah. >> i mean, she doesn't like him. she's a deep she has a deep dislike of trump, but like her husband she has waited until now to really sort of bring out the torpedoes, sort of speak that we don't usually see that kind of talk from her, but i talked with her for the book about how she would feel if trump was the nominee again. and she said it would just make me work harder to make sure you didn't win. so she's staying true to that. and with roe becoming such an issue this year, she's really targeting women voters. she's going around the country to swing states it's talking to women that she hopes she can rally and you've report about how she kinda steers clear of the west wing. she doesn't spend a lot of time there, but she still has a lot of influence on it and a lot of influence on on her husband himself, you know, when he gives big speeches, she's always in the back of the room. >> i >> mean, how much influence does she have over something we talk all time? his age and his decision to run in 2024. >> yeah. i mean, she is somebody who she's the one who has the most concern. obviously about the wear and tear of the presidency on him. he's the oldest person ever have the job. so she is somebody who pays close attention to how much he's doing but she has also told me for this book and has said, i think publicly elsewhere this is his decision. she doesn't have the power to stop or start a campaign. joe biden is the north star here. it's not, i think there are a lot of people who think jill biden is the one who can stop him or say that this is what we're doing. it's his decision. and she believes he can beat trump. >> she also has so much influence you. we we referenced her as the grid told her in chief, she couldn't hold his grudges for him. yeah. like she never forgot when vice president harris went after him essentially calling him a segregationist back in the primary of the democrats. she didn't love ron klain, who was the chief of staff at first because he had endorsed hillary clinton. but this part that i loved was, this was about a press conference that biden had done. was about a year. he was coming up on one year in office and i was there. it went on for forever for two hours or so and you write and i cannot believe you that someone told you this, which is the best part, but they've been gathered in the treaty room that they were talking about, you know, his answer on bringing up republicans and jill biden was in the doorway all of a sudden, president biden is here and she goes, why didn't anyone stop that? and that she continued and said, where were you guys? where was the person who was going to end the press conference basically dressing down some of those senior members because she felt like they weren't controlling. >> right? it was just to look like she's also somebody who thinks she believes that this let joby joe idea that's a real thing. she wants joe to be job, but she doesn't want it to be joe for two hours >> the white house. so i think she that was her signal. it was really strong one that you all need to wrangle this a little bit more. they had passed him. they tried to signal to end the press conference and he just kept going and that was a really she doesn't usually have to get that over. actually, to walk in and say what happened. but yeah, if she thinks something goes is going awry, she will she has no problem leapfrogging over saying the book is not just about joe biden though it's about the job of the first lady, which is a pretty ill-defined rolling up to every so far only been first ladies, but it's so far up to each of them to decide what it looks like. >> it's true. and i think what is the gist of this really is that since hillary clinton, who was so ambitious and so policy-oriented and really they sort of went too far in terms of trying to reform american health care. the women since her have been sort of a theme has been reluctance except for believing their husband could win. so the key to this role is to stick to your, to what you're comfortable with and be a polish messenger or we're not the role is optional. >> the >> book is incredible. i loved it. i'm so glad you joined me on it. it's worth for everyone to read, so thank you for coming in. r

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Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

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harry enten. thank you. thank you. concerned about the snowfall, the news continues, the source with kaitlan. collins starts now >> safe from the source tonight, delay delay, disqualify donald trump's strategy is on full i'll display in two different courtrooms a cliffhanger in the mar-a-lago case, and dramatic final arguments from trump and company in georgia and their effort to get the da there fani willis kicked off the case. also drastic measures being taken as president biden says, the us military is now prepared to start dropping humanitarian aid from the air into gaza to get food, water, and medical supplies to so many who are starving. also, as lawmakers in alabama, my home state are rushing to protect ivf couples in the middle of the process are still left shaken, bearing that their dreams are growing, their families could be shattered i'm kaitlan collins, and this is the source two more big steps and donald trump's full-court press to keep delaying his most serious chris trials until after the election. for the republican front runner even know ruling really looks like a win tonight that fact was only amplified after the supreme court dropped anchor this week on the federal case in dc, that's the one about his efforts to try to overturn the election in 2020 and then in overlapping hearings today judges heard arguments in two of trump's most dangerous cases, both personally but also politically. both judges went home without a ruling. the former president sat in court near his home in florida. is judge aileen cannon said that the government's proposed july schedule for the classified documents trial was, quote, unrealistic at the exact same time. is that was going on in florida, 500 miles north in the georgia election conspiracy case district attorney fani willis grabbed a front row seat for apparently the final day of attacks allegations and accusations she violated her public duty as a prosecutor to serve her personal interests and the personal interests of her boyfriend, over 2000 calls almost 9,800 texts yeah. i don't even think love's struck teenagers communicate that much. >> prosecutors don't act like this. lawyers don't act like this. these people, your honor, is a systematic misconduct. she was the one playing the race card in a way to try to deflect from her own conduct. it was a calculated determination by ms willis to prejudice the defendant and their counsel >> i should know willis has denied all of those accusations, denials that her team repeated after the defense attorneys went it's absurd it's absolutely absurd. it's ridiculous. it's absurd. and it is desperate. we have absolutely no evidence that ms willis received any financial gain or benefit >> the judge who is listening to both of those arguments says that his decision on whether or not he will disqualify fani willis from prosecuting this case, will come within the next two weeks. if she's removed, it would effectively end the case potentially we've a host of brilliant legal minds to sort it all out for you here with me tonight, a pair of former top federal prosecutors, elie honig and jennifer rodgers and elie, i mean, this is basically it is the ballgame. we've got now two weeks to decide where do you think the judge's head is at all this i'm gonna make a bold prediction right here on the source, okay? it's 50, 50 >> i'm sorry. but you know, i would say if i felt strongly one way or the other, this one so hard for me to peg because there's a thing we say is prosecutor sometimes which is it's one thing to know something. it's another thing to be able to prove it. now, having watched these hearings play out over the last couple of weeks, i think they're very serious questions about when this relationship began, about whether fani willis and nathan wade well the truth or lied on the stand. that's one of the other. there's no gray area here about whether she has some sort of untenable financial interest. but the problem is that evidence was such a mess. it was so confusing and unclear and so muddled. and now the judge is going to have to wade through this and watching the judge today, he was begging for help. he was basically like lawyers helped me out here. what matters, what doesn't what should i be paying attention to? and i don't think either side really drove it home, so neither outcome would surprise me. hear you kind of thought that the defense >> attorneys did a good job with their closing arguments. what stood out to you? >> well, i think they did a good job at crystallizing what the issues are saying here are the issues it's here where here's where we think the evidence leads you to believe that she should be disqualified. i just thought that they were very focused in their arguments. i agree with elie. the whole thing is a mess. it's also really a big deal to disqualify her. i mean, this is basically the end of the case. if he does show so i don't know, 50, 50, maybe i'm leaning against 51, 49, but i do think that they did a better job than willis's office did at making their arguments in court today. >> what it all comes down to, it's not about her having a relationship with this person. it's about financial misconduct that's actually it's easy to forget because of everything that has said it in court. but really what it comes down to is whether there was a conflict of interest or if the judge cares that there was the appearance of a conflict of interest. okay. so conflict of interest gets a bad rap. it sounds bad, but usually a conflict of interests. it doesn't mean the person did anything wrong. it just means there's a crossing of wires here. i'll give you an example. i was conflict good off of a case and removed from a case because one of the witnesses distantly knew something to do with my dad, had nothing to do with the charges in the case, and i didn't do anything wrong nor did the witness, but it happens something i was taken off his case. i didn't want anyway, so i was happy. but what probably to jen or somebody in our hall but it happens all the time and you do it to protect yourself. you do it to protect your office, and you do it to protect the case itself. you can't have in this case to the appearance issue, you cannot have members of the public sort of saying, well, wait a say isn't there some conflicting interests here the bar here is not really clear, and the defense attorneys came out trying to set a very low bar, but the judge himself, i'm glad you mentioned him because he's a lot of good questions say that i do think reveal some insight one of those questions was, is buying gum for your boss a personal benefit? this is what he asked the defense attorneys >> if someone buys their bosses stick of gum, is that per say, disqualify? >> it may not meet at materiality requirement, but it's a personal benefit i mean, does this kind of create a slippery slope if this is a basis for disqualification? >> well, we don't know. and this is getting to one of the questions the judge is trying to figure out because the facts here are so crazy, they have amounts of money that wade paid for vacations that they both took fani willis testified that she paid him back half of that approximately lee and cash, but it's all very rough. they don't have any records. so this is what the judge is trying to figure out. where am i going to draw the line here because the law just isn't clear enough about it, and that was a fumble by the way, the answer when >> he's asked what she said, no, that's a tiny amount, but $9,000 or whatever is more thing about our trips it's to napa trips to aruba, like it's much syria, much more serious than buying a piece. >> and this is a perfect example of where the evidence is so muddled because it is clear that nathan wade laid out substantial amounts of money for fani willis, but nobody was ever able to identify how much. and she said, well, i repaid all of it or most of it are some of it with cash. there's no risk seats, there's no withdrawal slips and so the judge has a tough one to wait. no pun intended to wade through here. well, lan >> gen. stick around because we also have someone who knows fani willis. well, here it is also someone who knows what it means to be a district attorney in the state of georgia. gwen keyes fleming is the former district attorney of neighboring dekalb county, and it's great to have you back here are the source you what fani willis so it has done here from testifying in court to sitting there today as her attorneys were arguing from her office, were arguing on her behalf. she made her presence known at the court and was passing her attorney notes. i should note my colleague, nick valencia said that she was trying to light a firecracker under her attorney by sitting in that room today, i wonder what you made of how it came off >> so i'm glad you came to me because i've been sitting on the edge trying to jump in here obviously she's very interested in the outcome of this case. they've attacked her personally >> and again, at least in my view, reading and this may be where i disagree with your guests in studio. i do not believe based on the evidence that i saw that the standard in georgia has been met terms of their being evidenced uncontroverted evidence of an actual financial conflict and so again, it is a high bar there supreme court in georgia is very clear in that matter, and that the appearance of impropriety is insufficient so i think what you saw from the da today is her being in court and really demonstrating to all involve the citizens that elected her, her team the defense that she maintains that this is her case. she's still involved very heavily involved in this case and she's going to see it through based on what i saw in this limited instance the defense are the ones that have the burden here, and i simply do not see where they've met it. >> so you think she ultimately will be able to stay on to prosecute this case? >> i think there's a record. if you look squarely at the record, that is the result that i would come to. but certainly as your guests know, we never can tell what a judge is going to do so i do think by the line of his questioning, he is concerned not only about the facts in this case, but he recognizes that if he strays from the rulings of the georgia supreme court, he's going to have to find a new line. and so sometimes judges are reticent to do that sometimes they're willing to do that again, as we all know, the stakes are very high here >> yeah, one point that her office was making today was that a lot of what has been dredged up over the last few weeks is not really relevant to the actual allegation at hand about financial misconduct that they're just trying to embarrass her and bring turmoil into this argument. and at one point, i just want to listen to some of the language that the defense attorneys were using today in this courtroom, knowing of course, that cameras are also there that we're carrying it live on okay. we'll news this is just a snippet of what they were saying >> she put her boyfriend in the spot. my boyfriend boyfriend or boyfriend, they conceal it from the parties, from daddy. daddy. >> daddy was there and daddy would know >> what did you make of that? >> so, again i think that that demonstrates how far we've gotten away from the actual issues. was there any type of financial benefit contingent either on the outcome of the case or anything else. and that's the law. and so again, all of this, and as salacious as it is or is as interesting as it may be to sum, it has nothing to do with the underlying charges and the sufficiency of the evidence of those charges. and again, remember, she already has four defendants that have pled guilty and accepted some sort of accountability in this overall scheme and she's indicated that she is ready to go forward within 30 days. i've noticed from the judge. so i think a lot of this is an end. defendants are able to raise whatever issues they may want to raise, but they simply have not connected the dots to demonstrate how they would be prejudiced or that there is any type of legal conflict that would justify justify her disqualification, >> at least one of them said that if she does stay on, that, they'll they'll ask for a new trial. gwen keyes fleming. great to have your perspective on this tonight. thank you for that. and of course, as all eyes were glued to georgia, it was hard to ignore what's happening in florida today. the mar-a-lago club that's why documents case, may not have been on tv, but it was no less compelling than what was happening up north. i want to bring in former senior justice department national security official and former senior prosecutor for the robert mueller investigation, brighton and bad. greg and it's great to have you back as you were listening to this. and i know this is just so much for people to keep up with. we're trying to tick through each of them separately. but in florida today, what we heard from that, judge judge aileen cannon, who of course has so much sway over what that trial looks like. she said that she thought jack smith's proposed schedule to start in july was unrealistic. if you're jack smith, how are you taking what happened in the courtroom today >> well, part of it is the realization that the trial is probably not going to happen in july but you have in that case, the former president's attorneys saying, well, we could technically have a trial in august. and so i think you're still not giving up hope for the possibility of infact having a trial this summer. i think that's really the focus right now. no one has said otherwise. and you at least have the other party that's conceding the possibility that could occur. >> and did that make sense to you? because what we've heard heard from all of trump's attorneys, the ones who have been on this program, they've said there's no way this trial so complicated and dealing with classified information could happen before the election. but yet his attorneys are now proposing a date that is in august well before the election well it can occur quite simply. the classified information. in fact, that the judge has potentially it seems ruled on sort of some of the more difficult issues in terms of what classified information must be turned over to defense counsel. so it can happen. and in fact, if you in terms of the filings and at the hearing one of the key arguments that the two arguments that former presidents, attorneys were making. one was this concern about election interference. that's not a timing issue, that's not a preparation issue, that election interference, which we can talk about. the second was concerned about just not being able to be in court, it wasn't about how do we prepare all these filings? there are a lot of issues, but the reality is is there actually was at least tacit understanding that a summer case could happen. it's really up to the judge whether she wants to push the parties, but but it's certainly within the realm of possible yeah. >> well, they were complaining about trump being off the campaign trail in the courtroom today, even though his presence was not required. but you'll one point, judge cannon was questioning prosecutors from the doj about this policy. there are no overt investigative moves 60 days before an election. and jay bratt from the team said that it doesn't apply to this because the indictments of already happened. he's already been charged here and at that should have no effect on the timing. is that how you see it as well >> that's exactly right and let's just spend a moment. so this policy, again, it's not a regulation is on a statute, but it's a policy for good measure. is that the justice department shouldn't be taking actions, shouldn't be taking investigative actions. >> that good interfere with the election. but in a case where there have been charges, the allegations are out there. these remarkable inflammatory, serious allegations. they are already out there. and what the justice department is saying is there's no there's no interference issue. what we're talking about in terms of having a trial, it's not election pharynx, it's providing election information. it is actually forcing the government to present the facts to a jury. it is hadn't been jury decide this issue if there's any interest in terms of the election, the interest is in fact, having these trials so that the voters have this information before they make the decision. >> can i get your thoughts on one other moment where it was from reporters who were in the room said that there was a moment where jack smith sat up straight, raised his eyebrows when the judge was asking a prosecutor on his team about when they plan to reveal their witness list. which the prosecutor said they're not prepared to do, yet. there's been concern over the witnesses names being out there. what did you make of that moment >> well, there's, you know, we don't have a trial date yet. and so to ask the question, when are you prepared to? provide the witnesses the first question is, well, when when is there going to be a trial? and then we can work backwards on inappropriate time to provide the witness list and the core issue there was the defendants had filed a motion that disclosed potentially the names of potential witnesses and with the government was saying is at this moment, so early in the case before there's been a trial were worried about harassment. that is, those names, that information should be as close in time as possible to the trial, which is why it was sort of shifting. it's like, well, when do we get the witness list? it's like, well, let's deal with these preliminary issues, but let's pick a trial date first. and so there was sort of a little bit putting the cart before the horse. >> that's really helpful. brandon van grack. thank you for that. >> and >> i've got la gente back with me. what are your final thoughts on what happened in florida? talk about georgia, but what about what happened in florida tech? i think it's good news for donald trump anyway, you spin it. i mean, worst-case scenario for donald trump we get a true, he gets a trial starting july, august, but that blocks the dc trial. the january 6 trial today, i think the trump team as well aware of absolutely. i think jack smith all but conceded today, not going to get that january 6 trial tried before the election. i think he's trying to salvage at least the florida case because again, if the judge agrees with jack smith and puts this in july as jack smith has asked for, the florida case, there's nowhere for the dc case to go, but i think what is at the heart of this and trump's team says, well, it shouldn't be about politics, but the trump legal team has less worried about the classified documents case and not necessarily because it's less problematic, but because i think they understand the appearance former white house aides, the former attorney general, the former or the current governor of georgia. all these aids marching in to talk how trump tried to overturn the election is more damaging to his political prospects than even the classified documents. >> all of that. and in a jurisdiction in florida which is much more favorable to him with a much better jury pool in front of a much more trump friendly drag show for all of those reasons, i agree with you. that's what they want. >> jennifer rodgers, elie honig, we'll be watching closely since whale these fun deadlines to wait for. thank you. both for being here on a friday night up next at the white house tonight, president biden made this announcement that the us he's going to start airdropping aid into gaza very soon we're gonna speak to an it worker who is just there on the ground where people are desperate and starving if it's enough also, notable comments from first lady jill biden, taking on donald trump, casting him as a potential threat to women if he retakes the white house news night with abby phillip tonight at ten eastern on cnn, introducing finished ultimate engineered for the toughest can. dry, burnt on stains dishwashers, very hard water finish off with second sick technology helps deliver the open shopping working, and relaxing online can attract various digital threats to improve your protection against them. just turn on nord vpn this cybersecurity app will block web trackers and malware infected sites it will also encrypt your internet traffic without losing a smooth connection. choose the vpn recommended by forbes advisor, get the deal now, nord vpn cybersecurity built for every day hey type two diabetes, discover the ozempic tries zone i got the power of three. i learned my a1c cv risk and loss some weight and studies the majority of people reached an a1c under seven and maintained it all seven of synthetic lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults, also 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convoys >> as the president is grappling with the war that is now almost five months old. >> he was >> seen leaving the white house tonight with this book in his arms it's called possible how we survive and thrive in an age of conflict. this is coming as the president is renewing his calls for an immediate ceasefire in gaza, a deal that now has become even more complicated than it already was after the carnage that we saw happen yesterday in gaza city. witnesses say, that we're seeing that you're looking at here is israeli soldiers firing on a crowd of civilians who were rushing the aid trucks, more than 100 people were ultimately killed. many hundreds more injured. >> earlier >> today, we had an israeli government spokesperson on and we pressed him on this effort to try to get more aid to those so hungry people so one option is to airdrop aid and it was a successful pilot this week in cooperation with i believe jordan, egypt, the >> uae, france, and the united states to airdrop aid into gaza and we're looking into other ways to deliver aid into northern gaza and make sure again, it gets to civilians who need it while making sure hamas easier, safer, easier way to do this than just simply airdropping it. and i mean, the reason you saw that chaotic incident it's people are rushing these trucks because they're starving. i mean, it's desperation in its fullest extent that you're watching and we hear from the idf saying, well our forces felt that they were endangered and that's why they fired upon the crowd after firing those warning shots. that's what the idf said. they fired when people began to rush towards the russian soldiers because they have food and they're starving well, i mean, why they were rushing the situation actually is not good and there's not enough aid getting in. >> the situation is definitely not good. we don't downplay that hamas has brought tragedy and disaster on the people of gaza by declaring this war here tonight randi anderson, who is a senior technical adviser for the humanitarian group project hope, and worked on the ground in gaza for >> two weeks in january, and it's great to have you here tonight, randi, because you heard there the israeli spokesperson talking about israel doing everything it can to get aided but tell me what you saw when you are we're actually on the ground. >> thank you for having me >> when i was on >> the ground in rafah, there was constant bombing happening just to the north. and even in the time that i was there, that bombing was getting closer and closer and as a result of it, we were seeing hundreds, if not thousands, of additional people coming into rafah already when i got there, there was over 1 million people that had been displaced from the north largely because their houses had been destroyed and there was violence in that area. and they weren't safe, but also because of access to food and water, people had moved to run buffer. but while i was there, the violence continued to come closer and and closer. and the people were uncomfortable and agitated with c's of tents everywhere you looked people squeezing together. and obviously a lack of access to food is a huge part of this. and so were you stephen surprised when you saw that video of the people that gazans who are so desperate rushing those aid trucks because i mean, they're just struggling to get sufficient food at all, much, much less fruits and vegetables, and just enough to survive we know that the people in the north are cut off. that even in rafah the amount of commodities including food coming in is a tenth of what it was before this war happened that we see lines and lines of trucks on the other side of the border waiting to come in like the aid is there, but it's blocked. but even when it comes into rafah, it's not safe to move it to the north so even if we have commodities in our warehouses some can go, it's not that nothing is going, but as far north as gaza, there are areas that are cut off don't have internet, we don't we don't hear how they're doing. and even their families don't know how they're doing. so that level of desperation, i won't say that. i was surprised but certainly it illustrates how cruel the conditions are, how much suffering is going on, and how desperate people are. >> what do you >> make of this, this move now to airdrop aid and do you think that's effective >> i don't know enough about airdropping, but my guess is that it will just be a drop that it will it will not be enough that it'll just be a little tiny bit and what they really know need is these semitrucks that are waiting. they need the border to be open and they need them to come in and there needs to be protection in terms of moving around wherever people are to make sure that everyone gets what they need. i mean, airdropping seems like an extreme measure to me, although mean at this point, anything is better than nothing when we saw at one point where they airdropped it and it fell into the water and people were swimming out to get it. but but on this talk of a ceasefire that, you know, at the beginning of this week, president biden had said he was hopeful it could come by the end of this weekend. now seems much more complicated than that but given what we saw yesterday, what happened with the idf there on the ground even if there was a ceasefire tonight though, based on what you saw, how many people would still die of disease and of hunger >> we have estimates from a the london school of tropical medicine that says at least 11,000 more people would die even if there was a ceasefire right now. and we very much need a ceasefire right now but the level of injury, the people that are in hospitals, even that have been treated, but that are recovering, that are still very, very fragile and vulnerable and the level of hunger, i mean, we're seeing more and more acute malnutrition, particularly in the north and the infectious disease that is everywhere, right now, all of the clinics are seeing it. it's being reported, it's increasing. all of that will take time a lot of time and a lot of time to those people don't have rande interests and thank you so much for coming on to share your experience with us >> thank you. >> ms great. to have you also here in the us, we're tracking an important story happening in alabama. as lawmakers tonight, republican led lawmakers because in that state are racing to protect ivf treatments. but time is running out for at least one woman who is trying to have a baby with a uterus transplant. we're going to tell you her story next >> back room deals, cia secrets. a fair bribery, corruption prostitution >> there's so much more to the store. united >> states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn transform your skin in one simple step, introducing polish choice, man delic and lactic acid ha liquid exfoliate, resurface texture and tone without irritation. >> 100% saw smoother, softer, brighter skin available at polish 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me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. 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"known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. this nintendo switch sold for less than $20, go to deal dash dot com and see how much you can save >> laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn >> republicans in the alabama state legislature are moving at lightning speed to pass legislation that is aimed at protecting ivf and their providers the state was sent into a tailspin just two weeks ago after the supreme court in that state ruled that frozen embryos counts is children, it sparked fear among ivf providers and patients have potential criminal liability if embryos were damaged or destroyed within days of that ruling, three ivf clinics in the state pause treatments completely. now legislators after facing backlash, if that decision and major concern even in washington are trying to get a bill protecting ivf providers to the governor, kay ivey is desk potentially as soon as next wednesday the governor has signaled that she'll support this legislation would, which would essentially protect ivf providers from both criminal charges, but also from civil lawsuits still, the rulings impact is already being felt by families throughout the state. and cnn's correspondent, isabel rosalas, has the story of what a woman who was born without a uterus and now fears that this ruling could shatter her dream of building a family >> at nearly two decades ago. this moment, what are you doing would have been unimaginable for elizabeth goldman when i was 14, i had abdominal pain and i hadn't had a period yet, barely a team. >> she got devastating and life-changing answers from her doctors. >> i was told that i was born without a uterus, would never be able to carry my own baby. told that it was it would basically be impossible. >> dr. kathleen o'neill doesn't see goldman, but treats patients like her at the university of pennsylvania is not something that people talk about. >> but because >> there are a lot of issues of stigma and shame around being born without your uterus. >> and 2014, the world's first baby was born from a transplanted uterus in sweden in 2017, baylor university medical center accomplish the same for the us then came upenn and finally, the university of alabama at birmingham. and goldman's home state >> so i had to move up to birmingham. so we basically left our life as we knew it in the midst of a pandemic, she uprooted her life on social media, thousands of followers watching her ivf journey unfold right here yeah, and her uterus transplant months later came the positive test online, but it's but it ended in a heartbreaking miscarriage. then there was a valentine's day surprise. all the heartache, pain, determination, and nearly $60,000 spent on ivf cycles for zawahiri grace, five pounds, six ounces >> she is like my biggest dream come true. honestly, i can't remember what life looks like before but goldman says her journey as a done, she wants to make the most out of her new uterus. she's allowed to live births before having to undergo a hysterectomy with a uterus transplant, it's not a lifesaving transplant, but a life-giving transplant every day, goldman takes medication to prevent her body from rejecting her uterus, but it it takes a toll. >> they can have at least temporary effects on the kidneys, potentially long-term. they can have effects on the bone marrow. these women can become more anemic, so delays can be harmful to the patient. the ruling from the state's highest court pausing goldman's ivf treatments at uab as she was gearing up for an embryo transplant. all at the same university that host one of just four active uterus transplant programs in the whole nation. >> the fact that this happened in alabama is just really so unlucky, doesn't cover it. it's so incredibly unfortunate because really leaves these patients in a very bad spot. >> this pause and repeat productive care, leaving goldman in limbo and at risk of a medical complication. >> and the reality is without doing another embryo transfer, without doing avia, without having access to it. like my journey oldman can only watch and wait for lawmakers to act with no time to spare. >> yeah >> we'll continue to watch that and see if that bill does make it to the governor's desk. meanwhile, today, the two largest pharmacy chains in the united states, cvs and walgreens are going to start filling prescriptions for the abortion pill known and as mifepristone. and in the coming weeks it's going to be available there at select ones in a limited number of states. we are told both pharmacy chains has said that they would gradually expand that access to all states where it is legal to do so. that medication has met the center of various legal challenges, including the one before the supreme court right now. >> the decision jen potentially restricting access to that pill is expected by this july coming up here on the source, defiant russians showing up in the thousands today. remarkable moment paying their respects to alexey navalny >> good evening, everyone. i'm abby philip what on earth is going on with the republican party is just a huge problem for the biden campaign. how do you know that those numbers are false? >> news night with abby phillip next on cnn. >> one bread candlelight them all protect yourself against rsv with pfizer's a briscoe of vaccine to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older, it's not for everyone and may not protect all who receive it. don't get a briscoe if you've had an allergic reaction it's ingredients a weakened immune system may decrease your response. most common side effects of headache, injection site pain and muscle pain. ask about pfizer's of bristol 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ladder, calvin my grandfather, my great grandma, my aren't being rode horses when i see all of us that hill on his ranch i see how far our legacy go >> cnn saturday morning starting tomorrow at eight on cnn >> thousands of russians defying vladimir putin in moscow today, a site that shirley would have made alexey navalny's smile his open casket funeral for the russian opposition leader was held in a church today as a service was filled with members of his family and his loyal supporters. after weeks of fear that russia may never released his body, his mother and his mother-in-law were grieving while outside the church, there was a heavy police presence that you could see as of 09:00 here on the east coast, we've been tracking this. we know that at least 115 people have been detained across russia are paying tribute to him that's according to a human rights monitoring group here tonight to talk about this exiled russian journalist mikhail zygar, who exchanged letters with alexey navalny shortly before he was killed. and as also the author of war and punishment, putin zelenskyy and the path to russia's invasion of ukraine. i just wonder what you made of that scene today of these people oh, who were truly risking arrest by going out and paying their tribute to alexey navalny. >> i think that's important. i was watching it the whole day. i was watching all the interviews with with all those people who were not afraid to talk i was talking to my friends who are still in moscow and the main impression is that the majority of the, all those people who came are the elderly people. these are the parents of those people who left the country, who immigrated. and it's so it's so so sad that thousands of people came, their thousands of people are brave enough. but i'm it's heartbreaking. >> do you think that there were that wanted to go out, but they fear reprisal for obvious reasons. >> no, it's it's hard to judge. >> actually, we know >> that everyone was expecting some kind of crackdown and there was a lot of police believe was was trying to prevent people from coming to the church about 100 people were allowed to come to the church. >> the service >> in the choice was just 20 minutes to prevent people from entering. but the amount of the people in that neighborhood was enormous. and police was trying to make as many obstacles at as possible just to not to let all those people join into one big crowd. >> yeah, you just can see the movement going on even in his death and his wife, yulia, shared a video of just moments with her husband talking she's been reflecting on this and she posted the 26 years of absolute happiness and she said yes, even over the last three years that he's been in prison, she said, i don't know how to live without you, but i will try to make you up. they're happy for me and proud of me. >> and she used the song very popular for song of brushing rock singer with lyrics. please don't die. otherwise, i'll have to die as well that was really heartbreaking >> must been tough for you to see yeah. >> and she's vowing to continue on with his work i mean, what do you think that that looks like for someone who is, you know, we talked about before, you kind of compared on the us to michelle obama type, someone who doesn't embrace the political life in front of the cameras. but, but now it has been placed there i remember i started comparing her to kherson aquino, former president of filipinos, who had to become the leader >> opposition after her husband been in your kinder watts was killed and she she became the president of philippians of the fro'ing dictator omar our and so, yeah, there were rumors about once she had she have to do she has to do that. she will do it. so probably she she was left with no other options and, you the first test for her is very near the presidential elections. we were expecting, we're expecting the strategy she, she has already called for. all russians to come to their polling stations in the medina in the mid day noon into his strategy was to vote for any presidential candidate except for putin. >> probably >> that would, that might be very risky for president putin because probably if everyone shows up, he might not win on the landslide in the first round >> will be watching that first test very closely. thank you. thank you. i'm talking about your friend tonight. >> up next for us and the us is we talk about president biden alive. one thing we don't talk about is maybe the grudge holder and chief. there's an up-close and personal look at the first lady, jill biden her quiet but unmatched influence over the president. and questions about her relationship with the vice president. all of it in a new book will talk about it right after this to, be a headliner orders vegas. >> that's what i want to do. >> they, had the biggest entertainers in america >> vegas in some ways marketed its delay on its naughtiness. >> and the only way you find out and what you can't do is if you 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women and two our families. he life time tearing us down devaluing our existence he mocked women's bodies disrespects our accomplishments and brags about assault now he's bragging about killing roe v. wade. how far will he go? when will he stop? you know the answer to that address coming up the start of women's history month is the first of several events that she is going to be going throughout key battleground states this weekend highlighting her passion for women's issues that passion is well as her influence on her husband's reelection campaign are all detailed in a new book that is out this week. it is called american woman, the transformation of the modern first lady from hillary clinton to jill biden and the author and new york times reporter, katie rogers is here with me now. i'm so glad to have you here and you have covered joe biden so closely and to see her come out today, we have never seen her with that fear of criticism of donald trump. i wonder if that's something you think she's going to be doing throughout the 2024 campaign? >> yeah. >> i mean, she doesn't like him. she's a deep she has a deep dislike of trump, but like her husband she has waited until now to really sort of bring out the torpedoes, sort of speak that we don't usually see that kind of talk from her, but i talked with her for the book about how she would feel if trump was the nominee again. and she said it would just make me work harder to make sure you didn't win. so she's staying true to that. and with roe becoming such an issue this year, she's really targeting women voters. she's going around the country to swing states it's talking to women that she hopes she can rally and you've report about how she kinda steers clear of the west wing. she doesn't spend a lot of time there, but she still has a lot of influence on it and a lot of influence on on her husband himself, you know, when he gives big speeches, she's always in the back of the room. >> i >> mean, how much influence does she have over something we talk all time? his age and his decision to run in 2024. >> yeah. i mean, she is somebody who she's the one who has the most concern. obviously about the wear and tear of the presidency on him. he's the oldest person ever have the job. so she is somebody who pays close attention to how much he's doing but she has also told me for this book and has said, i think publicly elsewhere this is his decision. she doesn't have the power to stop or start a campaign. joe biden is the north star here. it's not, i think there are a lot of people who think jill biden is the one who can stop him or say that this is what we're doing. it's his decision. and she believes he can beat trump. >> she also has so much influence you. we we referenced her as the grid told her in chief, she couldn't hold his grudges for him. yeah. like she never forgot when vice president harris went after him essentially calling him a segregationist back in the primary of the democrats. she didn't love ron klain, who was the chief of staff at first because he had endorsed hillary clinton. but this part that i loved was, this was about a press conference that biden had done. was about a year. he was coming up on one year in office and i was there. it went on for forever for two hours or so and you write and i cannot believe you that someone told you this, which is the best part, but they've been gathered in the treaty room that they were talking about, you know, his answer on bringing up republicans and jill biden was in the doorway all of a sudden, president biden is here and she goes, why didn't anyone stop that? and that she continued and said, where were you guys? where was the person who was going to end the press conference basically dressing down some of those senior members because she felt like they weren't controlling. >> right? it was just to look like she's also somebody who thinks she believes that this let joby joe idea that's a real thing. she wants joe to be job, but she doesn't want it to be joe for two hours >> the white house. so i think she that was her signal. it was really strong one that you all need to wrangle this a little bit more. they had passed him. they tried to signal to end the press conference and he just kept going and that was a really she doesn't usually have to get that over. actually, to walk in and say what happened. but yeah, if she thinks something goes is going awry, she will she has no problem leapfrogging over saying the book is not just about joe biden though it's about the job of the first lady, which is a pretty ill-defined rolling up to every so far only been first ladies, but it's so far up to each of them to decide what it looks like. >> it's true. and i think what is the gist of this really is that since hillary clinton, who was so ambitious and so policy-oriented and really they sort of went too far in terms of trying to reform american health care. the women since her have been sort of a theme has been reluctance except for believing their husband could win. so the key to this role is to stick to your, to what you're comfortable with and be a polish messenger or we're not the role is optional. >> the >> book is incredible. i loved it. i'm so glad you joined me on it. it's worth for everyone to read, so thank you for coming in. r

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Transplant , Journey , Followers , Heartbreaking Miscarriage , Heartache , Dream Come True , Ivf Cycles , Valentine S Day Surprise , 60000 , 0000 , Six , Done , Births , Hysterectomy , Life Looks , Medication , Effects , Body , Toll , Kidneys , Bone Marrow , Pausing Goldman , Court , Embryo Transplant , Delays , Patient , Uterus Transplant Programs , University , Nation , Embryo Transfer , Complication , Pause , Limbo , Productive Care , Doing Avia , Journey Oldman , Pharmacy Chains , Cvs , States , Filling Prescriptions , Number , Mifepristone , Abortion Pill Known , Walgreens , Pill , July , Challenges , Center , Alexey Navalny , Russians , Respects , Philip , Earth , Campaign , Numbers , On Cnn , Rsv , Respiratory Disease , Vaccine , Don T Get A Briscoe , Pfizer , Headache , Injection Site Pain , Muscle Pain , Response , Breath Matters , Immune System , Ingredients , Bristol , 10000 , Real Com Terms Of Lai Introducing Finish , Real , Arrivals , Retail , Luxury , Shock , Rolex , Tiffany , Prada , Gucci , 90 , Condition Dry Burn Tons , Mobile App , Teams , Experiences , Fishing , Growth , Seal , Navy , Special Operations Veterans , Hunting , Customers , Essential , American Technology , Want , Sabo , Businesses , Leaders , Gynecologist , Agenda , Jobs , Foreign Adversaries Threatened National Security , Odor , Parts , Body Deodorant For Pits Privates And Beyond , Body Odor , Deodorant , Armpits , 72 , Privates , Reassurance , Lumi , Lumi Do Com Shopping , Nord Vpn This Cyber Security Gap , Cybersecurity , Nord Vpn , Crew , Hair Thinning , Granger , Product Experts , Grains , Grade , Click Granger Com , Supplement , Hair Growth Journey , Neutrophils , We Don T Care Who Cures Cancer , Stress , Dermatologist , Neutrophil Com , It St , Jude , Commitment , Initiative , Bump , Calvin , Grandfather , Man , Cowboys , Roots , Ladder , Game , Alice Jeff , All Of Us , Ranch , Legacy Go Cnn , My Aren T Being Rode , In Moscow Today , Opposition Leader , Funeral , Casket , Vladimir Putin , Eight , Police , Church , Service , Supporters , Mother In Law , Russia May , 09 , Mikhail Zygar , Tribute , Human Rights , Letters , East Coast , 115 , Putin Zelenskyy , Scene , Invasion , Path , Punishment , Ukraine , Friends , Interviews , Arrest , Moscow , Country , Parents , Impression , Enough , Reprisal , Crackdown , Entering , Neighborhood , Obstacles , Husband , Yulia , Movement , 26 , Song , Prison , Happiness , Singer , Lyrics , Brushing Rock , Work , Looks , Don T Die , Kherson Aquino , Michelle Obama , Philippians , Leader , Opposition , Filipinos , Kinder Watts , Dictator Omar , Rumors , Polling Stations , Elections , Strategy She , Putin , President Putin , Medina , Friend , Landslide , Round , Influence , Chief , Grudge Holder , Biden Alive , Vice President , Headliner Orders Vegas , Entertainers , World , Anywhere , Vegas , Naughtiness , America Vegas , The Story Of Sin City , Money Managers , Investment Products , High Commission , Fisher Investments , Clients , Commissions , Trains , Fees , Face , Sure , Avoid Sin , Condition , Reputation , Shows , Movies , Mirth , Joy , Plaque Psoriasis , Psoriasis , Patches , Reactions , Hotez Well , Tesla , Depression , Weight Loss , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Sequence , Fresh Air , Business , News Programming , 40 , Chalk , Grip , Chocolates Radical , Closed Captioning , First Lady , Firm , Mesothelial , Mesothelioma , 80087 , 4901 , Women Voters , Criticism , Atlanta , Bodies , Existence , Accomplishments , Assault , Roe V Wade , First , Start , Address , Women S History Month , Passion , Transformation , Reelection Campaign , Hillary Clinton , Battleground , American Woman , Joe Biden , New York Times , Author , Katie Rogers , Dislike , Torpedoes , Deep She , 2024 , Nominee , Speak , Swing States , Didn T Win , Back , Speeches , West Wing , She S The One , Presidency , Wear , Tear , North Star , Harris , Grudges , Grid , She Couldn T Hold , Press Conference , Ron Klain , Segregationist Back , Chief Of Staff , Primary , All Of A Sudden , Treaty Room , Weren T Controlling , Anyone , Joby Joe Idea , Over , Leapfrogging , Gist , Ladies , Reluctance , Theme , American Health Care , Role , Messenger , R ,

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