Transcripts For CNNW Inside 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Inside 20240704

>> close captioning brought to you by gilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices you every day, hurry they'll be gone in a flash. designer sales at up to 70% off shop today >> today on inside politics, texas, hold on. >> right now. joe biden and donald trump are both on their way to the southern border. both are now trying to go all in on immigration. but who has the best hand on what so many voters? say is the most important problem facing this country. >> plus >> supreme consequences. team, trump's delay tactic is getting a huge assist from the highest court land. could their decision to hear the former president's immunity claim ultimately lead to a get out of jail free card and breaking news out of gaza. dozens are dead chaos after israeli forces opened fire near a food aid truck. you've got the latest from the region >> i'm dana bash. let's go behind the headlines and inside politics we start in texas where we are about to see made for tv with screen moment, the two inevitable presidential nominees are visiting two different southern border towns at the same time. for president biden today marks a dramatic shift. the white house is trying to turn a political vulnerability into an opportunity to hammer republicans for tanking a bill that address the crisis all because trump said, so cnn has full team coverage across texas. priscilla alvarez is in brownsville where joe biden is heading and kristen holmes is in eagle pass where donald trump will arrive at any moment. let's start with priscilla. priscilla what can you tell us about what to expect >> well, clearly dana, the white house and biden campaign officials see an opportunity here to seize on an issue that up until this point, the white house had really kept at a distance and today, we expect president biden to hammer republicans over that failed senate border bill that included some of the top because border security measures in recent memory now, of course this coming from an administration that has grappled with a number of surges at the us southern border, and that's sources telling me it's really been a tense topic of discussion within the walls of the white house as this became a political liability for president biden. so what we're expecting today is more on that failed senate and border bill that was one that white house officials worked very closely with senate negotiators to find a compromise, including, for example, including an extraordinary authority that would have allowed the homeland security secretary to shut down the border of certain triggers were met. so we'll expect to hear more on that from the president today and really putting the onus on republicans for not putting a solution on the table. but this comes at a critical time. we're in the presidential election and a gallup poll released this week showed that this issue of immigration is increasingly becoming one that is a priority for many voters. and so the president is urgently trying to address this and really flip the script on republicans priscilla, thank you so much for that. i appreciate that reporting. now, let's go elsewhere in texas. kristen holmes isn't eagle pass? kristen, you have been talking to the trump campaign as usual. what do we expect to see in here from the former president? >> well, there's a reason that donald trump is choosing eagle pass. it's not because it's the area that most migrants are crossing, but it really has become the political focal point of this standoff between texas governor greg abbott and the biden white house over who is in charge of securing the border, know that abbott has used state resources here in this location? to put razor wire on buoys in the middle of the rio grande river to put razor wire on trains. and we expect donald trump to be here with the texas governor at some points of his trip to tour some of what he has done to implement this kind of security measures that's so-called security measures on the border the part to look at here is, of course, donald trump wants to make general election with joe biden all about immigration is something that he ran on in 2015. it really helped carry him into the white house in 2016. >> it's >> something he's made a core part of his campaign already promising mass deportations if he was elected back to the white house, he previewed some of his speech it is talking last night, take a listen as president, i will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in american history to >> remove joe biden's illegals and murderers because that's what many of them are so not surprising there, donald, using that fear, stoking rhetoric is something again, we have seen since 2015 and you should expect to hear >> that we've already heard a seen statements from the trump campaign blasting biden, connecting him to various crimes that were allegedly committed by migrants. so that is something to watch again today, that's something they want to do. again, this is what he wants to be running on. dana, kristen holmes at a very windy eagle pass, texas. thank you so much for that. now, the border cross crisis is of course, dominating politics. this election cycle, especially on the airwaves, check out this figure campaigned in superpacs on both sides of the aisle have spent nearly 52 million on immigration themed ads. that's far and away more than anything else i want to bring in my great panel on this and more cnn's gloria borger semaphores. dave weigel, and it's kanno youngs of the new york times, nice to see you all gloria borger. does that eye-popping figure surprise you or maybe not given how high of a priority it seems to be for voters. >> yeah, it doesn't, it doesn't surprise me and it's going to grow and it's going to grow. i mean the republicans believe they have an advantage. one of the last polls i looked at said donald trump had a 35 points manage over, over joe biden on the immigration issue. it's it's going, you know, everybody thought, oh, this election is going to be its inflation. the, you know, it's all about the economy and suddenly not so suddenly immigration is creeping up to the top of the charts. the democrats now finally feel they can fight a little bit on the issue because the immigration bill was killed by republicans. but they have a lot of catching up to do and joe biden knows it. yeah, that's why he's there. yeah. catching up to do what they're trying to begin, that ketchup in the form of a mobile billboard that the dnc, the democratic national party, is sending down to eagle pass today and what a show our viewers, an add, which gives a sense of what that billboard is going to say. >> there is chaos, there's confusion, there's conflicting messages that are surrounding the trump border policies they're blaming going on me. i said that's okay. please blame it on me. please david that's exactly gloria's point that democrats are trying to turn >> it on the issue on its head the obvious question is whether or not it's going to work considering that president biden is the guy at the helm of the federal government right now. >> well, that's right in the entire issue has moved in trump's direction since joe biden was sworn in, this 2015, 2016, mentioned above, support for a wall the mexican border was not as high as it is now. and the metal argument than trump can make everywhere is. did you see as much footage of migrants trying to cross the border of asylum seekers in new york when i was president, you did not, that that's a set of facts that the president needs to change. he also has a less united party now on trumped as i was talking to the newest member of congress, tom suozzi, somebody who that figure of the immigration adds a lot run against him. and i asked him this morning. all right. the mayor of new york wants to revisit sanctuary policy and have ice interdict migrants arrested who are being charged with crimes, should they? he said, yes, that again, is not the democratic position. so they're very fractured on this a couple of ads are probably not going to fix that felon you've done a lot of reporting on this, including and especially from the border, what what are your thoughts as you watch these two men head down there at the same time. i mean, i think this is a day where you're >> going to see two leaders of the party engaged in, to an extent, political theater and use what hasn't the border which has increasingly become a backdrop for what is becoming one of the pressing issues in this political battle. but whether or not you see any actual solutions to what is a worsening humanitarian crisis, i think is also a question moving forward. the number of illegal crossings doubled since the trump administration, you often don't hear this from the trump campaign. yes. biden has overseen a record number of crossings. you know, the president who oversaw the second-most it was the trump administration. this global migration problem is only getting worse here. and the difficult thing here, when you look at president biden is he's going to go and as we talk about time to go on the offensive, try and say, well, look, the house republicans sank what would have been alleged in a legislative solution for this crisis, whether or not that resonates more effectively than trump stoking divisions with this issue. trump pointing to images for overcrowded facilities and exhausting resources and cities led by democrats and republicans, that's the challenge here. you have like a sophisticated legislative argument. going up against the usual sort of stoking up divisions in >> and gloria, as you come in here, that language has been remarkable blake consistent, right from donald trump, we were talking before coming on the show. i went with candidate trump, pre presidency in july of 2015 down to the border. his first trip there. look and listen to the rhetoric that he used then versus more recently there's great danger with the illegals and we're just discussing that, but we have in tremendous danger on the border with the illegals coming in. if you allow these massive numbers of illegals in you're going to have a crime wave. the likes of which has never been seen. it's now starting >> we're going to write since he came down the escalator at trump tower, he's been talking about illegal immigrants is rapists to cetera cetera, that has not changed about about donald trump. i mean, i think the problem that joe biden has now is that his party if he had if that bill had passed, he would have had a lot of progressives in his party really upset about it because of the asylum provisions and everything else donald trump has a united republican base on this. that's very strong. not only the base, but the party and joe biden has to walk still has to walk a fine line. >> i'm so glad you mentioned that because when you were talking dave about the fracture, republicans on this issue, you start you're talking about the flight because democrats on this issue, forgive me. i was thinking about exactly that about the pramila jayapal is of the world who said that their party is falling into a trap, right? >> another border state, california, there are three democrats in congress running for senate. all of them have said they would, they would oppose this border deal the existence of this deal is offensive to a lot of immigration groups that endorse biden, that protested biden. they called barack obama the deporter in chief. there very divided on this. and that's not fixed by the bill passing. we're not passing that ten seconds. >> all of this i think is is speaking to a seismic shift in immigration politics. you would usually see republicans emphasizing border security democrats willing to trade border security for legalization. we have not mentioned legalization ones here because these two leaders of the party, yeah, it seems to be absent from their message here. >> okay. coming up, it's about to get ruthless around here. i'm gonna talk with the popular podcast host about the race to replace their former boss mitch mcconnell, and whether the senate could be getting a quote, maga make-over. but first, donald trump's delay tactics seem to be working at the supreme court makes it more likely than ever at the federal election version trial won't happen before november >> i'm fred pleitgen in teheran and this is cnn life, diabetes there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose glissando to help manage blood sugar response we designed with carbs steady glue, sirna, bring on the day with nortech ott. >> i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. all in one, don't take if allergic to nortech, allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtac ott shingles. >> some describe it as posting electric shocks or sharp stabbing pains this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks, a pain so intense. you could ms out on family time the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you if you're 50 years or older ask your dr. or pharmacist about shingles? 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>> i don't know >> question. what >> what it means is that the trial is not it's not going to trial next month. yeah as as could have happened, it was scheduled. now it's a question of what the court actually does, and i don't think there's any serious question that once the court takes it up, they end up with a similar decision to what the court of appeals decides when they take it up, which is that a former president is are present is not immune from prosecution, from acts, and that's not going to happen in the hearing is april the hearings in april right in some way, that decision probably gets written now the question of how they get there is an open one, and i think it's hard to see how they bring this to trial prior to the 2024 election, it's just the math. it could work, but it'd be very challenging to do. >> but they could start the trial. we don't start that. they could absolutely started probably could actually start trial because here's what would happen. the supreme court would rule sometime probably in june, could be before that, but likely at the end of this supreme court term, then assuming they ruled against the former president, they the court, the trial court could start proceedings for getting ready for trial and get to trial by the summer. >> let's talk about in the middle of the republican can exact how about that? and not just that, i think you started to mention this a gloria before. what voters want and in the latest poll that we have here on that question from cnn, 48% say that the timing of trump's federal trial is essential right? or the election well, it wouldn't be the first time the supreme court when against something that was different from public opinion and public opinion wants answers and wants a decision on these, on these issues and the fact that now this is on a slow track, maybe even a glacial pace. we don't know how this prim court's going to move means more and more that you're not going to get any decision before an election. and i think voters as that poll shows, would like to know. >> i just think there's two very different questions here. how fast do voters want the supreme court to move? and how does the supreme court typically move under normal typical or normal bill fine. but even still bringing wind until next year and bring us up, they could have waited until the next supreme court turned started in october, but they put it on the calendar for this year. i'm not defending the supreme court at all. he explaining but, you know, i'm explaining it, but the simple fact is typically a case that came before them. this late in the calendar year will probably bumped october. >> but i guess what gloria saying overall thing i know you agree with is it's impossible to divorce the political strategy that is the same as the legal strategy of donald trump, which is delay, delay, delay. he hopes it becomes he gets elected and made an inaugurated in this whole thing goes away. joan biskupic, our colleague, said it thinking a very succinct way. the former president's strategy of trying to delay the four criminal trials is even beyond what we're talking about against him, is well documented in fighting special counsel, jack smith's case, the supreme court has become an ally of sorts, despite the expedited schedule, right? >> you know? >> this is an expedited schedule according to the supreme court. it's not an expedited schedule according to anything else. and what they have done is played into the hands of donald trump's attorneys because it's not just their legal strategy. it is their only strategy because i just had a conversation with someone who used to represent donald trump who said, look, they don't expect to win in the supreme court. the only way to win is to delay and hope that donald trump gets elected and then it's totally off the books because he says so, so that's that's the entire strategy. and this just plays into it. i mean, judge chutkan in dc really wanted to move on this case this >> week one of the first things you'll learn law schools, there's difference between procedure and law, and the procedure can count as law if something takes a long time procedurally at sibley folks call it text and the calories, but when things take a long time, that can have the same effect of giving parties what they want you spending time with you is like going to law school >> no, it's true. a true we learned a lot from both of you. >> it depends how soaring, crushing, sorting time with me is not a lawyer. she just plays one >> right. i'm a court watch sure. there you go. coming up. we are following breaking news, a horrific, chaotic incident on the ground in gaza. 100 people were killed and nearly 800 injured. we're gonna go live to the region next elliott spitzer crusading governor by day, wanted to be president united states client number nine by nights this guy who was a presale are against human sex trafficking is actually a customer >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episodes sunday at nine on cnn, not flossing. >> well, >> then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows. listerine is five times more effective than floss at reducing flats above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth. this three, feel the wo stand for news about the news. sling tv has the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. it's the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. that's what i just said, right? 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>> okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition. or strengthen energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients from you il that's 1808836464. >> this is the big dance >> that dough >> breaking news today out of the middle east, a horrific scene near gaza city where chaos erupted after israeli forces opened fire, a civilians were trying to get food from aid trucks you can see from this surveillance video as the crowd gathers, and then quickly disburses. i want to get straight to cnn's jeremy diamond. jeremy, i know you've been watching all of these videos from different angles, surveillance video, you've been talking to sources inside gaza. what have you learned? >> well, dana, let's start with what eyewitnesses on the ground are telling us and that is that early this morning before dawn. in fact, a convoy of aid trucks crossed into western gaza city after passing an israeli military checkpoint, crowds of people hundreds of people quickly swarmed those trucks are climbing on top of them, grabbing what they could have other al za'anoun, a local journalists who i spoke with on the phone told me that minutes after that, the israeli military then opened fire and it was that gun in fire. he says that triggered mass pandemonium with people running away and the truck drivers also speeding off. and in the process of killing additional people. now, the palestinian ministry of health says that 104 people were killed in this incident altogether, 760 injured according to hotter al za'anoun, the majority of those people were indeed killed by those trucks speeding off, but it was the israeli gunfire, according to him and other eyewitnesses on the ground that prompted this scene of mass pandemonium. the israeli military has a very different narrative. they agree that these trucks pass through, that people climbed on on top of them. but they say that a stampede started before any israeli gunfire. here's lieutenant colonel peter lerner, just moments ago >> we understand that the convoy passed through the israeli positions and continue to move forward it continued to move. north as they move forward, a amount of people, a huge amounts of people as we clearly shared in the visuals that we've distributed stormed that and stampeded the truckloads as they climbed a ban, they were pushing there were shoving people were trampled and also run over >> and so you see there he is trying to indicate that these are two completely separate incidents that in one other incident near this convoy, a group of palestinians approach to the israeli forces in a threatening manner according to the israeli military. and they were fired upon. i've looked at all of the video that the israeli military it's very, has provided that drone footage. >> you >> don't see in this footage, mass numbers of people getting run over by trucks or stampeding what you see is them coming clambering onto these trucks, rushing to try and get this desperately needed aid, but it doesn't show what a learner suggested there. and it's also just important to keep in mind that this all what comes in the context of about a half 1 million people in northern gaza who are currently on the brink of famine. it is that desperation is the fact that so few aid trucks have been able to get into northern gaza that has led us to this very deadly, very sad situation that we are witnessing today. dana jeremy, sad. it just is not it doesn't even begin to describe it. senator chris, who is a very big supporter of israel, just told wolf blitzer in the last hour that he is a going to support conditions for any further us aid unless israel comes up with a plan to end and this war before going into rafah, really interesting, great reporting, jeremy, thank you. the white house says president biden spoke this morning with leaders of egypt and qatar, and a short time ago, he was asked about the state of cease-fire negotiations the terminal my house on the telephone was probably not by one now i don't have >> are you? i want to get straight to cnn's chief international correspondent, clarissa ward. clarissa was listening to our colleague, alex marquardt this morning he put it really well and in a concise way, he said this incident could either propel these ceasefire talks quickly or derail them quickly. >> what are you hearing? >> well, i think that's exactly right. i mean, we are hearing from a senior hamas official that these the incident this morning, the horrifying incident this morning, really does have the potential to complicate or possibly derail these talks altogether. you just played that clip of president biden saying he also acknowledges the very real possibility that this will complicate those efforts at the same time given the horrifying nature of this incident and given the fact that aid organizations have been warning and shouting from the the rooftops about the capacity and potential for an incident like this because of the desperation that you heard. jeremy diamond describing there i think there is also some optimism potentially or hope that perhaps this could be a watershed moment that perhaps the white house is publicly now beginning to acknowledge that this policy of publicly supporting israel while privately trying to apply as much pressure as possible, has not been entirely effective in reducing the number of civilian casualties and in preventing an all-out humanitarian catastrophe. and again, as you heard jeremy said, we are now one step away according from the un, from an actual famine. the implications of that both politically for president biden going into the election, but also geopolitically on the global stage. this is becoming a huge stain for america to continue to support this without trying to implement sufficient rigor to stop events like this from taking place to ensure the unfettered and free access of aid workers to this area. and every aid worker i have spoken to, dana says the same thing, which is it is just not possible to do that in less you have some type of a ceasefire that really would allow that aid to get to the places where it needs to the most. because not only is not enough aid getting in the aid that is getting in is stuck in the south. it's very hard to get it to the north. the situation is so desperate, they're and then you have this lawlessness and looting and things of this nature. dana >> clarissa, thank you so much. it's great to have you on to give your reporting and your insights. appreciate it back here in washington, the race to succeed mitch mcconnell is already in full swing, will talk to some of mcconnell's confidants who are here. they're also host of the popular podcast, ruthless you don't want to, ms this stay with us >> frank sinatra had connections with the mafia and all these nightclubs thrown by the mob. >> you didn't want to make those guys that he was to vegas. >> the story of since sunday at ten on cnn the virus that causes shingles is sleeping. did 99% of people over 50 it's lying dormant, waiting and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks and he could wake at any time thank you. we're not at risk for shingles it's time to wake up because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your dr. or pharmacist about shingles prevention. >> it's just your mother and i went different things, which is why we got sling tv so we can watch live and free tv on one app that's right thing is really keeping this family together. >> you have no idea? 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no. i have. i thought it was a sort of a classless response in many ways. look josh hawley is one of the many members of the united states senate that basically wouldn't be there without the efforts of mitch mcconnell. i find it particularly interesting, smug, and i were talking about this earlier today, where the largest spender in hawley's previous election was slf, ronald super pac, which spent $21 million two like josh hawley. so that machine politics work pretty well for him evidently, but now it's problematic. >> but >> it is what it is. >> let's just talk for a second about senator mcconnell and his speech happened at this time as we're talking right now yesterday. and it was pretty pretty remarkable the kinds of things that he was saying. one of the many wonderful lines that he gave that were very mitch mcconnell. was this, let's listen >> i know the politics within my party. at this particular moment in time. i have. many faults misunderstanding politics is not one i mean the, the difficult thing about working for a guy like mitch mcconnell is when you work on his campaign, he's the chief strategist this is a man who has studied politics. mv, very young age. if you ever read his book, talks about is all grace for student council and holding grudges with the guy for 30 years because he voted against him so no, i mean, i don't think anybody is confused about whether mitch mcconnell understand that's politics. >> well, the point he was trying to make you guys please correct me if i'm wrong, is that if look at the big issues that he's working on now or has worked on just this congress right now. he's pushing for ukraine aid. he helped to get through the bipartisan infrastructure bill. he tried and failed to get an immigration bill done. that's not where the base of his party is. and so is that part of him saying a matter here or i mean, i know that there are a lot of factors, but that's kinda the point he was trying to make there. >> i don't know. dana. you worked up there for a really long time, so you know, as well as anybody that the idea that there's actually a leader in the senate is a little bit of a missing no, i think this is one of the things that is really the secret to his successes. he understands the place better than anybody else. you have 100 people who look in the mirror and see a president looking back at them. and one of the jokes that mcconnell always made is that he felt like he was the caretaker, the grow, the groundskeeper at a graveyard that everybody was under him, but nobody was listening and i think there's a lot of truth in that statement, and i think that his understanding of the chamber and his understanding of the members and what they want. is really key to his longevity >> if i could add data. so what he was talking about very specifically in that was a reflection of how he came about during the reagan revolution. and this idea that the inextricable link to america being the leader of the free world was something that he's still deeply believes in. and so when he was talking about the politics, he was very specifically talking about that national security aid package that he'd worked so hard to try to get across the finish line despite some in his party having grave reservations since about ukraine and everything else. and so i think it's very specifically the world stage. it's as america's role in the world. >> that's good to know. >> well, i mean, i think also just tying all of this together is this is a very long legacy. he's been doing a tremendous amount of work for very long time. i saw a journalist with the other day that if chuck schumer had confirmed three supreme court justices, that environment of manhattan after him. and i think so much of our politics now is just in the second, in the moment that folks forget how many republicans were cheering when we got three supreme court justices in four years, that was a tremendous accomplishment. >> what about this whole idea of a maga-fied? i'd senate that josh hawley, he might have gotten the help of mitch with hala. he did get the help of mitch mcconnell and mitch mcconnell's allies to get elected. but people like him are very much in line with and eager to please donald trump and his, and his base and that wasn't the case, not that long ago in the senate, that was house. the senate was different, not anymore. >> you don't i found that leadership elections, if you're trying to figure out who's winning, who's losing, you don't listen to the people who are talking all the time. what you do is find the rest of them that are not because the truth is, there's about nine in the senate currently that have had a lot to say about direction of leadership, direction of the senate, where the senate is. and then there's 40 others that are sitting around thinking about this meeting with the john cornyn and barasa is and dunes and trying to figure out what's best for this conference going forward. so look, i think he's going to play out over a period of time is no question that the president has influence within the party mean he's going to be the nominee of the party. but i think in terms of how you actually elect a republican leader of the senate a little bit more inside baseball than that what do you guys thank who's got the upper hand? which of the johns? >> oh, gosh. >> we have a john ourselves >> i think it's big, unlike the speaker, you actually have to be a senator. >> it's way too early to know i mean, it's way too in there. there's also talk about maybe another person emerging on in the game player to be named later. >> so it is >> just so early to know cornyn's the only guy who is officially announced at this point. but you know that these games are played out on the inside level. and here's the other thing. republicans have not had this sort of situation for a long time. you >> remember 17 years. >> remember 2007. >> and it was a >> little bit more chaotic than it is today. and i think that we're sort of edging into a brand new time for a lot of people who weren't there and know seven, i think >> it's chaotic now. >> i just you and seeing how fantastic we have much more with the four host of the ruthless podcast up next, it turns out their name ruthless came from watching this very show. we're going to explain it after break sunday van jones, it's home to find out what is driving the divide in tennessee politics. >> there had been now very active 20 to 30 year effort to separate us >> the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at eight on cnn >> stand for news about the news sling tv has the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. it's the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. that's what i just said, right? 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let's try this. >> donate your small talk >> laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn >> we're back with my guests, the co-host of the ruthless podcast. ruthless, the name ruthless. there are a lot of theories about where it came from, but we have the facts right here on inside politics. it came from this show. john king was the host. he was talking to a man we all know and revere carl hulse with the new york times i should mention again, you are all either former mitch mcconnell staffers, all advisers, listen to what happened on that show. this is july 2019 mitch mcconnell and his people are ruthless, >> ruthless, they're sarcastically funny, ruthless. >> and thus a podcast is born >> sarcastically ruthless. i mean, yeah, what we >> thought there was a real hole in the marketplace in terms of just lighter content and consuming very serious issues obviously, but doing it with a sense of humor. and, you know, obviously we come at things from the right side, so we're unapologetic about having a conservative bent, but we'd like to have fun with things. and if you can't laugh along with what's happening in american politics, like you'll start crying pretty quickly. and so that's kinda how it all came. >> yeah, they're just going back to something in the last block that you said about the courts. i think that it's important to underline this because i mentioned this when we're on the breaking news this time yesterday. you guys correct me if i'm wrong, i don't think that there is a legacy that mitch mcconnell cares more about, then what he did to pack the courts and that is despite him working with democrats on a lot of things, what makes democrats the most mad, not just the federal district and the circuit courts, but the supreme court. >> and the >> biggest thing he did, which was taking harpooned after harpoon from really angry democrats about not giving merrick garland barack obama's nominee a hearing and that helped shape the course of history that led us to three trump nominees >> yeah. i mean, it really did 200 judges. that's a lot of judges and what he did with merrick garland was, i mean, historic and what he did was something that i don't think a lot of other republican leaders, if they were in his position, would have been able well, we've got a lot of criticism. >> was there. okay. you guys have it incites here to take care. here. here's the inside scoop, is that if you criticize mitch mcconnell, he prints it off and he puts it on his wall wow, that is quite literally i mean, that's the definition of ruthless >> quite literally puts it on his wall. >> no, i mean, this is a guy with a spine, a steel. you don't have that job for as long as he had it leading a conference that can be as difficult as it can be a times unless you've got that spine, a steel yeah. >> we'll also i think it's clear to say he didn't pack the court. they were confirmed duly stated that number which is important, made it a priority to get those nominees. absolutely. and there's a movement that's happening currently to try and pack the court and i think that would be absolutely disastrous smoke. >> that's a really good point that you're making there because the one thing that we were talking earlier about what happens after mitch mcconnell states senate. i do worry about one thing and that is less people in charge who care about the institution itself. >> and primarily >> the filibuster, right >> you know >> the democrats won a huge senate race in arizona with kyrsten sinema. they ran out of the party because she wouldn't yeah. for turn the filibuster. >> well, and other things. >> but yeah. >> i have to we're almost at a time. i have to get to immigration. former president, current president heading down to the border today, we're talking about this in a brake. could you imagine? during my time covering the senate, you were all working in the senate where there was a bipartisan bill that was as as tough on immigration, tough on the border as the democrats approved, as the one that was negotiating, negotiated, and then was killed by donald trump and his allies. >> yeah. >> i think immigration is one of those issues. as you well know. i mean, i remember doing it in 05 and 07 and 12 and i mean, it comes up all the time. it's one of those issues to republicans it's like entitlements are to democrats, where whatever solution that you've come to, it's never going to be good enough. and the problem is it's a very thorny issue, but it used to always be that any sort of border security we're able to obtain the price of admission with some sort of an amnesty component to that, yeah. correct? exactly. that's now moved and democrats have come, i think out of pup political necessity, because look, i mean, i'm of the belief that joe biden could do most of this on his own if you want to do when i put political necessity, they've come way towards republicans on it real quick. >> mcconnell, unmoored, you said he's now going to be unmoored. what does that look like >> it's going to be a lot of pfk-1 to find out. >> wow, >> i mean, okay. >> or buckling up for >> that, i should also say i another a little inside scoop that speech that he gave. i know you worked on it, you wrote it. it was a really fascinating speech already to take credit just basically translating a man's thoughts and his authentic message that he wanted to deliver. >> okay. please he's come back. we have so much more to talk about. also, smug. yes, that's you're i ms i'm guessing your parents and give you that name. >> that's what i'm no one else can you have to come back because we're running out of time to get a discussion about the sunglasses. okay. >> thank you so much for coming. thank you so much for joining inside politics, cnn news central starts after the break eliot spitzer blazed a trail that had him in spitting distance of the white house right up until the moment he set himself on fire and crusading governor by day, wanted desperately, i think to be present in the united states client number nine by night, this guy who was a crusader you're going to human sex trafficking is actually a customer here's how the saga of eliot spitzer really went down. >> this was a turning point in american government, united states of scandal with jake tatler. sunday, a nine on cnn >> we've come from a long ladder, cowboys when i see all one was at illinois red, i see happen our legacy can go jorge is always put the ones he loves first, uh, when it comes to caring for his teeth, and he's led his own maintenance, take a backseat. well, maybe it's time to shift gears on that because aspen dental has the latest technology equipment with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance in 20% off treatment plants making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way. aspen dental is in your corner. >> somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past. he didn't know they were talking to her. >> i just could not hear i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them are nearly the invisible hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 years. >> when i finally get here for the first time, i could hear everything in julie sweet offers during our limited time. love your hearing event, kole 10d hundred miracle. now >> okay. everyone our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein >> when these business owners need cash fast, they turned to bids to credit to fund what's next from fitness studios to medical offices and every small business in between. we've got your covered whether you need new equipment, funds to expand or need money to cover unforeseen business expenses, bus to credit is the trusted partner for your small business funding needs. scan the code on your screen now or go to biz to to apply wizz to credit funding. what's next >> when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back, but you can repair it with pronoun will repair it penetrates deep into the to, to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend for enamel repair with new pronoun will repair mouthwash. you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they were great together denture wearers can go wild. with wildly adhesives c-h bond denture seals gets strong all day >> hold, thanks to gradual release technology. go wild. cbi, wildly adhesive. >> it's just your mother and i went different things, which is why we got sling tv so we can watch live i'm free tv on one app that's right thing is really keeping this family together. >> you have no idea? 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Ceasefire , Official , Hamas , Potential , Efforts , Talks , Possibility , Clip , Aid Organizations , Rooftops , Capacity , Warning , Optimism , Watershed , Pressure , Policy , Catastrophe , Casualties , Implications , Un , Stage , Stain , Place , Aid Workers , Aid Worker , Rigor , Access , Most , Places , Type , North , South , Dana Clarissa , Insights , Looting , Lawlessness , Washington , Podcast , Confidants , Ms , Swing , Stay , Guys , Nightclubs , Mafia , Connections , Vegas , The Mob , Frank Sinatra , Sleeping , Lying Dormant , 99 , Prevention , Deals , Brunch Squad , Squad , Favorite , Workout Squad , Car , Car Repairs , Car Shield , Repairs , Administrators , Bill Car Shield , Savings , Car Show , Warranty , Darlings , Mechanics , Parts , Protection , Knowledge , Experience , Plans , Entertainment System , Systems , Air Conditioning , Cars , Engine Transmission , Baby , Electronics , Car Shield Administrators , Rental Options , Emergency Services , Lockouts , Batteries , Damage , Tires , Price , Cost , No Brainer Car Shield , Phone Call , Car Darlings , Courtesy Zohan , Matter , Protection Expert , Savings Squad , Price Lock , Rise , Guarantees , 80941 , 809419999 , Vaccine , Speed , Respiratory Disease , Rx , Rsv , Wreck Sv , Erec , 60 , 99809419999 , Response , Muscle Pain , Immune Systems , Headache , Injection Site , Pain Fatigue , Out Of Bounds , Stability , Wreck , It Back , Enamel , Repair , Acid , Pronoun Will Repair Mouthwash , Test , Pro Nammo , Protein , Strength , Health , Brushing , Pair , 30 , Book Page Publishing , Page Publishing , Publishing , Manuscript , 805630741 , John Cornyn , Bid , Job , Look Josh Hawley , Break , Senators , Role , Runners , It Cornyn , End , Tenure , The Machine , Sunrise , Geyser , Fellows , Demand , Host , Second , Sunglasses , Josh Holmes , John Ashbrook , Michael Duncan , Comforter , Members , Ways , Have , Wouldn T , Slf , Machine Politics , Spender , Ronald Super Pac , 21 Million , Kinds , Faults , Politics , Strategist , Mv , The Point , Anybody , Grace , Student Council , Grudges , Look , Infrastructure Bill , Ukraine , Factors , Secret , Anybody Else , I Don T Know , Successes , Mirror , Nobody , Statement , Listening , Caretaker , Groundskeeper , Graveyard , Grow , Understanding , Data , Chamber , Longevity , Reflection , Reagan Revolution , Leader , Security , Finish Line , Link , Package , Reservations , Everything Else , The World Stage , Journalist , Work , Justices , Environment , Chuck Schumer , Manhattan , Folks , Accomplishment , Maga Fied , Supreme Court Justices , Allies , Line , Hala , Rest , Leadership Elections , Losing , Wasn T The Case , Winning , Leadership , Meeting , Conference , Terms , Nominee , Barasa , Dunes , Johns , Big , Speaker , Gosh , Baseball , The Game Player To Be Named Later , Person , Know Cornyn , On The Inside Level , Games , 2007 , 17 , Weren T , Edging , Name , Van Jones , Divide , Effort , On Cnn Stand , Home , Tennessee , Anderson Cooper Sunday , 20 , Eight , News Sling Tv , Lying Dormant Waiting , Vanity , Shelf , Bone , Porcelain Doll , Osteoporosis , Bone Event , Entity , Bones , Bone Loss , 12 , Spine Fracture Risk , Blood Calcium , Infinity , 73 , Jawbone Problems , Thigh Bone Fractures , Calcium , Thigh , Jurors , Affinity , Hip , Groin , Break Put , Building New Bone , Sugar , Juror , 25 , Cdp Doesn T Have To , Prebiotic , Cid P Derails , Idp , Cid P Com , Stories , Patients , Cip Com Be Heard , Finding Hope , Helpful Tips , Information , Inspiration , Little , Cdp , Shows , Terror , Ruse , Movies , Joy Boundless , Password , Math Convulsions , Streaming , Boston , Foster Care , Talk , Ruthless , Co Host , Guests , Laura Coates , 11 , John King , Theories , Know , Revere Carl Hulse , Staffers , Advisers , 2019 , July 2019 , Hole , Marketplace , Side , Humor , Bent , Fun , Courts , American Politics , Mad , Circuit Courts , Harpooned , District , Harpoon , Merrick Garland , Judges , Nominee A Hearing , History , Shape , 200 , Care , Scoop , Criticism , Well , Spine , Steel , Definition , Wall Wow , Movement , Smoke , Filibuster , Institution , She , Arizona , Kyrsten Sinema , Working , Brake , Negotiating , Approved , Entitlements , 05 , 07 , Admission , Amnesty Component , Necessity , Belief , Unmoored , Pup , Little Inside Scoop , Pfk 1 , 1 , Translating A Man S Thoughts , Cnn News Central , Parents , No One Else , Eliot Spitzer , Trail , On Fire , Spitting Distance , Saga , Crusader , Turning Point , Jake Tatler , Sunday , Illinois Red , Aspen Dental , Backseat , Ones , Gears , Teeth , Maintenance , Uh , Quality Care , Technology Equipment , Insurance , Exams , X Rays , Hearing Aids , Corner , Hair , Kole 10d , Brand Leader , Julie Sweet , 75 , Hundred Miracle , Small Business Funding Needs , To , Pronoun , C H , Technology , Day Hold , Adhesives , Thanks , Together Denture Wearers Can Go Wild , Wildly Adhesive , Cbi , Ideas , Smart Protection , Lander , Eas , Lander Offer , Katie Porter , 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Transcripts For CNNW Inside 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Inside 20240704

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>> close captioning brought to you by gilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands, has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices you every day, hurry they'll be gone in a flash. designer sales at up to 70% off shop today >> today on inside politics, texas, hold on. >> right now. joe biden and donald trump are both on their way to the southern border. both are now trying to go all in on immigration. but who has the best hand on what so many voters? say is the most important problem facing this country. >> plus >> supreme consequences. team, trump's delay tactic is getting a huge assist from the highest court land. could their decision to hear the former president's immunity claim ultimately lead to a get out of jail free card and breaking news out of gaza. dozens are dead chaos after israeli forces opened fire near a food aid truck. you've got the latest from the region >> i'm dana bash. let's go behind the headlines and inside politics we start in texas where we are about to see made for tv with screen moment, the two inevitable presidential nominees are visiting two different southern border towns at the same time. for president biden today marks a dramatic shift. the white house is trying to turn a political vulnerability into an opportunity to hammer republicans for tanking a bill that address the crisis all because trump said, so cnn has full team coverage across texas. priscilla alvarez is in brownsville where joe biden is heading and kristen holmes is in eagle pass where donald trump will arrive at any moment. let's start with priscilla. priscilla what can you tell us about what to expect >> well, clearly dana, the white house and biden campaign officials see an opportunity here to seize on an issue that up until this point, the white house had really kept at a distance and today, we expect president biden to hammer republicans over that failed senate border bill that included some of the top because border security measures in recent memory now, of course this coming from an administration that has grappled with a number of surges at the us southern border, and that's sources telling me it's really been a tense topic of discussion within the walls of the white house as this became a political liability for president biden. so what we're expecting today is more on that failed senate and border bill that was one that white house officials worked very closely with senate negotiators to find a compromise, including, for example, including an extraordinary authority that would have allowed the homeland security secretary to shut down the border of certain triggers were met. so we'll expect to hear more on that from the president today and really putting the onus on republicans for not putting a solution on the table. but this comes at a critical time. we're in the presidential election and a gallup poll released this week showed that this issue of immigration is increasingly becoming one that is a priority for many voters. and so the president is urgently trying to address this and really flip the script on republicans priscilla, thank you so much for that. i appreciate that reporting. now, let's go elsewhere in texas. kristen holmes isn't eagle pass? kristen, you have been talking to the trump campaign as usual. what do we expect to see in here from the former president? >> well, there's a reason that donald trump is choosing eagle pass. it's not because it's the area that most migrants are crossing, but it really has become the political focal point of this standoff between texas governor greg abbott and the biden white house over who is in charge of securing the border, know that abbott has used state resources here in this location? to put razor wire on buoys in the middle of the rio grande river to put razor wire on trains. and we expect donald trump to be here with the texas governor at some points of his trip to tour some of what he has done to implement this kind of security measures that's so-called security measures on the border the part to look at here is, of course, donald trump wants to make general election with joe biden all about immigration is something that he ran on in 2015. it really helped carry him into the white house in 2016. >> it's >> something he's made a core part of his campaign already promising mass deportations if he was elected back to the white house, he previewed some of his speech it is talking last night, take a listen as president, i will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in american history to >> remove joe biden's illegals and murderers because that's what many of them are so not surprising there, donald, using that fear, stoking rhetoric is something again, we have seen since 2015 and you should expect to hear >> that we've already heard a seen statements from the trump campaign blasting biden, connecting him to various crimes that were allegedly committed by migrants. so that is something to watch again today, that's something they want to do. again, this is what he wants to be running on. dana, kristen holmes at a very windy eagle pass, texas. thank you so much for that. now, the border cross crisis is of course, dominating politics. this election cycle, especially on the airwaves, check out this figure campaigned in superpacs on both sides of the aisle have spent nearly 52 million on immigration themed ads. that's far and away more than anything else i want to bring in my great panel on this and more cnn's gloria borger semaphores. dave weigel, and it's kanno youngs of the new york times, nice to see you all gloria borger. does that eye-popping figure surprise you or maybe not given how high of a priority it seems to be for voters. >> yeah, it doesn't, it doesn't surprise me and it's going to grow and it's going to grow. i mean the republicans believe they have an advantage. one of the last polls i looked at said donald trump had a 35 points manage over, over joe biden on the immigration issue. it's it's going, you know, everybody thought, oh, this election is going to be its inflation. the, you know, it's all about the economy and suddenly not so suddenly immigration is creeping up to the top of the charts. the democrats now finally feel they can fight a little bit on the issue because the immigration bill was killed by republicans. but they have a lot of catching up to do and joe biden knows it. yeah, that's why he's there. yeah. catching up to do what they're trying to begin, that ketchup in the form of a mobile billboard that the dnc, the democratic national party, is sending down to eagle pass today and what a show our viewers, an add, which gives a sense of what that billboard is going to say. >> there is chaos, there's confusion, there's conflicting messages that are surrounding the trump border policies they're blaming going on me. i said that's okay. please blame it on me. please david that's exactly gloria's point that democrats are trying to turn >> it on the issue on its head the obvious question is whether or not it's going to work considering that president biden is the guy at the helm of the federal government right now. >> well, that's right in the entire issue has moved in trump's direction since joe biden was sworn in, this 2015, 2016, mentioned above, support for a wall the mexican border was not as high as it is now. and the metal argument than trump can make everywhere is. did you see as much footage of migrants trying to cross the border of asylum seekers in new york when i was president, you did not, that that's a set of facts that the president needs to change. he also has a less united party now on trumped as i was talking to the newest member of congress, tom suozzi, somebody who that figure of the immigration adds a lot run against him. and i asked him this morning. all right. the mayor of new york wants to revisit sanctuary policy and have ice interdict migrants arrested who are being charged with crimes, should they? he said, yes, that again, is not the democratic position. so they're very fractured on this a couple of ads are probably not going to fix that felon you've done a lot of reporting on this, including and especially from the border, what what are your thoughts as you watch these two men head down there at the same time. i mean, i think this is a day where you're >> going to see two leaders of the party engaged in, to an extent, political theater and use what hasn't the border which has increasingly become a backdrop for what is becoming one of the pressing issues in this political battle. but whether or not you see any actual solutions to what is a worsening humanitarian crisis, i think is also a question moving forward. the number of illegal crossings doubled since the trump administration, you often don't hear this from the trump campaign. yes. biden has overseen a record number of crossings. you know, the president who oversaw the second-most it was the trump administration. this global migration problem is only getting worse here. and the difficult thing here, when you look at president biden is he's going to go and as we talk about time to go on the offensive, try and say, well, look, the house republicans sank what would have been alleged in a legislative solution for this crisis, whether or not that resonates more effectively than trump stoking divisions with this issue. trump pointing to images for overcrowded facilities and exhausting resources and cities led by democrats and republicans, that's the challenge here. you have like a sophisticated legislative argument. going up against the usual sort of stoking up divisions in >> and gloria, as you come in here, that language has been remarkable blake consistent, right from donald trump, we were talking before coming on the show. i went with candidate trump, pre presidency in july of 2015 down to the border. his first trip there. look and listen to the rhetoric that he used then versus more recently there's great danger with the illegals and we're just discussing that, but we have in tremendous danger on the border with the illegals coming in. if you allow these massive numbers of illegals in you're going to have a crime wave. the likes of which has never been seen. it's now starting >> we're going to write since he came down the escalator at trump tower, he's been talking about illegal immigrants is rapists to cetera cetera, that has not changed about about donald trump. i mean, i think the problem that joe biden has now is that his party if he had if that bill had passed, he would have had a lot of progressives in his party really upset about it because of the asylum provisions and everything else donald trump has a united republican base on this. that's very strong. not only the base, but the party and joe biden has to walk still has to walk a fine line. >> i'm so glad you mentioned that because when you were talking dave about the fracture, republicans on this issue, you start you're talking about the flight because democrats on this issue, forgive me. i was thinking about exactly that about the pramila jayapal is of the world who said that their party is falling into a trap, right? >> another border state, california, there are three democrats in congress running for senate. all of them have said they would, they would oppose this border deal the existence of this deal is offensive to a lot of immigration groups that endorse biden, that protested biden. they called barack obama the deporter in chief. there very divided on this. and that's not fixed by the bill passing. we're not passing that ten seconds. >> all of this i think is is speaking to a seismic shift in immigration politics. you would usually see republicans emphasizing border security democrats willing to trade border security for legalization. we have not mentioned legalization ones here because these two leaders of the party, yeah, it seems to be absent from their message here. >> okay. coming up, it's about to get ruthless around here. i'm gonna talk with the popular podcast host about the race to replace their former boss mitch mcconnell, and whether the senate could be getting a quote, maga make-over. but first, donald trump's delay tactics seem to be working at the supreme court makes it more likely than ever at the federal election version trial won't happen before november >> i'm fred pleitgen in teheran and this is cnn life, diabetes there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose glissando to help manage blood sugar response we designed with carbs steady glue, sirna, bring on the day with nortech ott. >> i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. all in one, don't take if allergic to nortech, allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtac ott shingles. >> some describe it as posting electric shocks or sharp stabbing pains this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks, a pain so intense. you could ms out on family time the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you if you're 50 years or older ask your dr. or pharmacist about shingles? 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>> i don't know >> question. what >> what it means is that the trial is not it's not going to trial next month. yeah as as could have happened, it was scheduled. now it's a question of what the court actually does, and i don't think there's any serious question that once the court takes it up, they end up with a similar decision to what the court of appeals decides when they take it up, which is that a former president is are present is not immune from prosecution, from acts, and that's not going to happen in the hearing is april the hearings in april right in some way, that decision probably gets written now the question of how they get there is an open one, and i think it's hard to see how they bring this to trial prior to the 2024 election, it's just the math. it could work, but it'd be very challenging to do. >> but they could start the trial. we don't start that. they could absolutely started probably could actually start trial because here's what would happen. the supreme court would rule sometime probably in june, could be before that, but likely at the end of this supreme court term, then assuming they ruled against the former president, they the court, the trial court could start proceedings for getting ready for trial and get to trial by the summer. >> let's talk about in the middle of the republican can exact how about that? and not just that, i think you started to mention this a gloria before. what voters want and in the latest poll that we have here on that question from cnn, 48% say that the timing of trump's federal trial is essential right? or the election well, it wouldn't be the first time the supreme court when against something that was different from public opinion and public opinion wants answers and wants a decision on these, on these issues and the fact that now this is on a slow track, maybe even a glacial pace. we don't know how this prim court's going to move means more and more that you're not going to get any decision before an election. and i think voters as that poll shows, would like to know. >> i just think there's two very different questions here. how fast do voters want the supreme court to move? and how does the supreme court typically move under normal typical or normal bill fine. but even still bringing wind until next year and bring us up, they could have waited until the next supreme court turned started in october, but they put it on the calendar for this year. i'm not defending the supreme court at all. he explaining but, you know, i'm explaining it, but the simple fact is typically a case that came before them. this late in the calendar year will probably bumped october. >> but i guess what gloria saying overall thing i know you agree with is it's impossible to divorce the political strategy that is the same as the legal strategy of donald trump, which is delay, delay, delay. he hopes it becomes he gets elected and made an inaugurated in this whole thing goes away. joan biskupic, our colleague, said it thinking a very succinct way. the former president's strategy of trying to delay the four criminal trials is even beyond what we're talking about against him, is well documented in fighting special counsel, jack smith's case, the supreme court has become an ally of sorts, despite the expedited schedule, right? >> you know? >> this is an expedited schedule according to the supreme court. it's not an expedited schedule according to anything else. and what they have done is played into the hands of donald trump's attorneys because it's not just their legal strategy. it is their only strategy because i just had a conversation with someone who used to represent donald trump who said, look, they don't expect to win in the supreme court. the only way to win is to delay and hope that donald trump gets elected and then it's totally off the books because he says so, so that's that's the entire strategy. and this just plays into it. i mean, judge chutkan in dc really wanted to move on this case this >> week one of the first things you'll learn law schools, there's difference between procedure and law, and the procedure can count as law if something takes a long time procedurally at sibley folks call it text and the calories, but when things take a long time, that can have the same effect of giving parties what they want you spending time with you is like going to law school >> no, it's true. a true we learned a lot from both of you. >> it depends how soaring, crushing, sorting time with me is not a lawyer. she just plays one >> right. i'm a court watch sure. there you go. coming up. we are following breaking news, a horrific, chaotic incident on the ground in gaza. 100 people were killed and nearly 800 injured. we're gonna go live to the region next elliott spitzer crusading governor by day, wanted to be president united states client number nine by nights this guy who was a presale are against human sex trafficking is actually a customer >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episodes sunday at nine on cnn, not flossing. >> well, >> then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows. listerine is five times more effective than floss at reducing flats above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth. this three, feel the wo stand for news about the news. sling tv has the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. it's the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. that's what i just said, right? 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>> okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition. or strengthen energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients from you il that's 1808836464. >> this is the big dance >> that dough >> breaking news today out of the middle east, a horrific scene near gaza city where chaos erupted after israeli forces opened fire, a civilians were trying to get food from aid trucks you can see from this surveillance video as the crowd gathers, and then quickly disburses. i want to get straight to cnn's jeremy diamond. jeremy, i know you've been watching all of these videos from different angles, surveillance video, you've been talking to sources inside gaza. what have you learned? >> well, dana, let's start with what eyewitnesses on the ground are telling us and that is that early this morning before dawn. in fact, a convoy of aid trucks crossed into western gaza city after passing an israeli military checkpoint, crowds of people hundreds of people quickly swarmed those trucks are climbing on top of them, grabbing what they could have other al za'anoun, a local journalists who i spoke with on the phone told me that minutes after that, the israeli military then opened fire and it was that gun in fire. he says that triggered mass pandemonium with people running away and the truck drivers also speeding off. and in the process of killing additional people. now, the palestinian ministry of health says that 104 people were killed in this incident altogether, 760 injured according to hotter al za'anoun, the majority of those people were indeed killed by those trucks speeding off, but it was the israeli gunfire, according to him and other eyewitnesses on the ground that prompted this scene of mass pandemonium. the israeli military has a very different narrative. they agree that these trucks pass through, that people climbed on on top of them. but they say that a stampede started before any israeli gunfire. here's lieutenant colonel peter lerner, just moments ago >> we understand that the convoy passed through the israeli positions and continue to move forward it continued to move. north as they move forward, a amount of people, a huge amounts of people as we clearly shared in the visuals that we've distributed stormed that and stampeded the truckloads as they climbed a ban, they were pushing there were shoving people were trampled and also run over >> and so you see there he is trying to indicate that these are two completely separate incidents that in one other incident near this convoy, a group of palestinians approach to the israeli forces in a threatening manner according to the israeli military. and they were fired upon. i've looked at all of the video that the israeli military it's very, has provided that drone footage. >> you >> don't see in this footage, mass numbers of people getting run over by trucks or stampeding what you see is them coming clambering onto these trucks, rushing to try and get this desperately needed aid, but it doesn't show what a learner suggested there. and it's also just important to keep in mind that this all what comes in the context of about a half 1 million people in northern gaza who are currently on the brink of famine. it is that desperation is the fact that so few aid trucks have been able to get into northern gaza that has led us to this very deadly, very sad situation that we are witnessing today. dana jeremy, sad. it just is not it doesn't even begin to describe it. senator chris, who is a very big supporter of israel, just told wolf blitzer in the last hour that he is a going to support conditions for any further us aid unless israel comes up with a plan to end and this war before going into rafah, really interesting, great reporting, jeremy, thank you. the white house says president biden spoke this morning with leaders of egypt and qatar, and a short time ago, he was asked about the state of cease-fire negotiations the terminal my house on the telephone was probably not by one now i don't have >> are you? i want to get straight to cnn's chief international correspondent, clarissa ward. clarissa was listening to our colleague, alex marquardt this morning he put it really well and in a concise way, he said this incident could either propel these ceasefire talks quickly or derail them quickly. >> what are you hearing? >> well, i think that's exactly right. i mean, we are hearing from a senior hamas official that these the incident this morning, the horrifying incident this morning, really does have the potential to complicate or possibly derail these talks altogether. you just played that clip of president biden saying he also acknowledges the very real possibility that this will complicate those efforts at the same time given the horrifying nature of this incident and given the fact that aid organizations have been warning and shouting from the the rooftops about the capacity and potential for an incident like this because of the desperation that you heard. jeremy diamond describing there i think there is also some optimism potentially or hope that perhaps this could be a watershed moment that perhaps the white house is publicly now beginning to acknowledge that this policy of publicly supporting israel while privately trying to apply as much pressure as possible, has not been entirely effective in reducing the number of civilian casualties and in preventing an all-out humanitarian catastrophe. and again, as you heard jeremy said, we are now one step away according from the un, from an actual famine. the implications of that both politically for president biden going into the election, but also geopolitically on the global stage. this is becoming a huge stain for america to continue to support this without trying to implement sufficient rigor to stop events like this from taking place to ensure the unfettered and free access of aid workers to this area. and every aid worker i have spoken to, dana says the same thing, which is it is just not possible to do that in less you have some type of a ceasefire that really would allow that aid to get to the places where it needs to the most. because not only is not enough aid getting in the aid that is getting in is stuck in the south. it's very hard to get it to the north. the situation is so desperate, they're and then you have this lawlessness and looting and things of this nature. dana >> clarissa, thank you so much. it's great to have you on to give your reporting and your insights. appreciate it back here in washington, the race to succeed mitch mcconnell is already in full swing, will talk to some of mcconnell's confidants who are here. they're also host of the popular podcast, ruthless you don't want to, ms this stay with us >> frank sinatra had connections with the mafia and all these nightclubs thrown by the mob. >> you didn't want to make those guys that he was to vegas. >> the story of since sunday at ten on cnn the virus that causes shingles is sleeping. did 99% of people over 50 it's lying dormant, waiting and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks and he could wake at any time thank you. we're not at risk for shingles it's time to wake up because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your dr. or pharmacist about shingles prevention. >> it's just your mother and i went different things, which is why we got sling tv so we can watch live and free tv on one app that's right thing is really keeping this family together. >> you have no idea? 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no. i have. i thought it was a sort of a classless response in many ways. look josh hawley is one of the many members of the united states senate that basically wouldn't be there without the efforts of mitch mcconnell. i find it particularly interesting, smug, and i were talking about this earlier today, where the largest spender in hawley's previous election was slf, ronald super pac, which spent $21 million two like josh hawley. so that machine politics work pretty well for him evidently, but now it's problematic. >> but >> it is what it is. >> let's just talk for a second about senator mcconnell and his speech happened at this time as we're talking right now yesterday. and it was pretty pretty remarkable the kinds of things that he was saying. one of the many wonderful lines that he gave that were very mitch mcconnell. was this, let's listen >> i know the politics within my party. at this particular moment in time. i have. many faults misunderstanding politics is not one i mean the, the difficult thing about working for a guy like mitch mcconnell is when you work on his campaign, he's the chief strategist this is a man who has studied politics. mv, very young age. if you ever read his book, talks about is all grace for student council and holding grudges with the guy for 30 years because he voted against him so no, i mean, i don't think anybody is confused about whether mitch mcconnell understand that's politics. >> well, the point he was trying to make you guys please correct me if i'm wrong, is that if look at the big issues that he's working on now or has worked on just this congress right now. he's pushing for ukraine aid. he helped to get through the bipartisan infrastructure bill. he tried and failed to get an immigration bill done. that's not where the base of his party is. and so is that part of him saying a matter here or i mean, i know that there are a lot of factors, but that's kinda the point he was trying to make there. >> i don't know. dana. you worked up there for a really long time, so you know, as well as anybody that the idea that there's actually a leader in the senate is a little bit of a missing no, i think this is one of the things that is really the secret to his successes. he understands the place better than anybody else. you have 100 people who look in the mirror and see a president looking back at them. and one of the jokes that mcconnell always made is that he felt like he was the caretaker, the grow, the groundskeeper at a graveyard that everybody was under him, but nobody was listening and i think there's a lot of truth in that statement, and i think that his understanding of the chamber and his understanding of the members and what they want. is really key to his longevity >> if i could add data. so what he was talking about very specifically in that was a reflection of how he came about during the reagan revolution. and this idea that the inextricable link to america being the leader of the free world was something that he's still deeply believes in. and so when he was talking about the politics, he was very specifically talking about that national security aid package that he'd worked so hard to try to get across the finish line despite some in his party having grave reservations since about ukraine and everything else. and so i think it's very specifically the world stage. it's as america's role in the world. >> that's good to know. >> well, i mean, i think also just tying all of this together is this is a very long legacy. he's been doing a tremendous amount of work for very long time. i saw a journalist with the other day that if chuck schumer had confirmed three supreme court justices, that environment of manhattan after him. and i think so much of our politics now is just in the second, in the moment that folks forget how many republicans were cheering when we got three supreme court justices in four years, that was a tremendous accomplishment. >> what about this whole idea of a maga-fied? i'd senate that josh hawley, he might have gotten the help of mitch with hala. he did get the help of mitch mcconnell and mitch mcconnell's allies to get elected. but people like him are very much in line with and eager to please donald trump and his, and his base and that wasn't the case, not that long ago in the senate, that was house. the senate was different, not anymore. >> you don't i found that leadership elections, if you're trying to figure out who's winning, who's losing, you don't listen to the people who are talking all the time. what you do is find the rest of them that are not because the truth is, there's about nine in the senate currently that have had a lot to say about direction of leadership, direction of the senate, where the senate is. and then there's 40 others that are sitting around thinking about this meeting with the john cornyn and barasa is and dunes and trying to figure out what's best for this conference going forward. so look, i think he's going to play out over a period of time is no question that the president has influence within the party mean he's going to be the nominee of the party. but i think in terms of how you actually elect a republican leader of the senate a little bit more inside baseball than that what do you guys thank who's got the upper hand? which of the johns? >> oh, gosh. >> we have a john ourselves >> i think it's big, unlike the speaker, you actually have to be a senator. >> it's way too early to know i mean, it's way too in there. there's also talk about maybe another person emerging on in the game player to be named later. >> so it is >> just so early to know cornyn's the only guy who is officially announced at this point. but you know that these games are played out on the inside level. and here's the other thing. republicans have not had this sort of situation for a long time. you >> remember 17 years. >> remember 2007. >> and it was a >> little bit more chaotic than it is today. and i think that we're sort of edging into a brand new time for a lot of people who weren't there and know seven, i think >> it's chaotic now. >> i just you and seeing how fantastic we have much more with the four host of the ruthless podcast up next, it turns out their name ruthless came from watching this very show. we're going to explain it after break sunday van jones, it's home to find out what is driving the divide in tennessee politics. >> there had been now very active 20 to 30 year effort to separate us >> the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at eight on cnn >> stand for news about the news sling tv has the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. it's the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. that's what i just said, right? 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let's try this. >> donate your small talk >> laura coates live tonight at 11 eastern on cnn >> we're back with my guests, the co-host of the ruthless podcast. ruthless, the name ruthless. there are a lot of theories about where it came from, but we have the facts right here on inside politics. it came from this show. john king was the host. he was talking to a man we all know and revere carl hulse with the new york times i should mention again, you are all either former mitch mcconnell staffers, all advisers, listen to what happened on that show. this is july 2019 mitch mcconnell and his people are ruthless, >> ruthless, they're sarcastically funny, ruthless. >> and thus a podcast is born >> sarcastically ruthless. i mean, yeah, what we >> thought there was a real hole in the marketplace in terms of just lighter content and consuming very serious issues obviously, but doing it with a sense of humor. and, you know, obviously we come at things from the right side, so we're unapologetic about having a conservative bent, but we'd like to have fun with things. and if you can't laugh along with what's happening in american politics, like you'll start crying pretty quickly. and so that's kinda how it all came. >> yeah, they're just going back to something in the last block that you said about the courts. i think that it's important to underline this because i mentioned this when we're on the breaking news this time yesterday. you guys correct me if i'm wrong, i don't think that there is a legacy that mitch mcconnell cares more about, then what he did to pack the courts and that is despite him working with democrats on a lot of things, what makes democrats the most mad, not just the federal district and the circuit courts, but the supreme court. >> and the >> biggest thing he did, which was taking harpooned after harpoon from really angry democrats about not giving merrick garland barack obama's nominee a hearing and that helped shape the course of history that led us to three trump nominees >> yeah. i mean, it really did 200 judges. that's a lot of judges and what he did with merrick garland was, i mean, historic and what he did was something that i don't think a lot of other republican leaders, if they were in his position, would have been able well, we've got a lot of criticism. >> was there. okay. you guys have it incites here to take care. here. here's the inside scoop, is that if you criticize mitch mcconnell, he prints it off and he puts it on his wall wow, that is quite literally i mean, that's the definition of ruthless >> quite literally puts it on his wall. >> no, i mean, this is a guy with a spine, a steel. you don't have that job for as long as he had it leading a conference that can be as difficult as it can be a times unless you've got that spine, a steel yeah. >> we'll also i think it's clear to say he didn't pack the court. they were confirmed duly stated that number which is important, made it a priority to get those nominees. absolutely. and there's a movement that's happening currently to try and pack the court and i think that would be absolutely disastrous smoke. >> that's a really good point that you're making there because the one thing that we were talking earlier about what happens after mitch mcconnell states senate. i do worry about one thing and that is less people in charge who care about the institution itself. >> and primarily >> the filibuster, right >> you know >> the democrats won a huge senate race in arizona with kyrsten sinema. they ran out of the party because she wouldn't yeah. for turn the filibuster. >> well, and other things. >> but yeah. >> i have to we're almost at a time. i have to get to immigration. former president, current president heading down to the border today, we're talking about this in a brake. could you imagine? during my time covering the senate, you were all working in the senate where there was a bipartisan bill that was as as tough on immigration, tough on the border as the democrats approved, as the one that was negotiating, negotiated, and then was killed by donald trump and his allies. >> yeah. >> i think immigration is one of those issues. as you well know. i mean, i remember doing it in 05 and 07 and 12 and i mean, it comes up all the time. it's one of those issues to republicans it's like entitlements are to democrats, where whatever solution that you've come to, it's never going to be good enough. and the problem is it's a very thorny issue, but it used to always be that any sort of border security we're able to obtain the price of admission with some sort of an amnesty component to that, yeah. correct? exactly. that's now moved and democrats have come, i think out of pup political necessity, because look, i mean, i'm of the belief that joe biden could do most of this on his own if you want to do when i put political necessity, they've come way towards republicans on it real quick. >> mcconnell, unmoored, you said he's now going to be unmoored. what does that look like >> it's going to be a lot of pfk-1 to find out. >> wow, >> i mean, okay. >> or buckling up for >> that, i should also say i another a little inside scoop that speech that he gave. i know you worked on it, you wrote it. it was a really fascinating speech already to take credit just basically translating a man's thoughts and his authentic message that he wanted to deliver. >> okay. please he's come back. we have so much more to talk about. also, smug. yes, that's you're i ms i'm guessing your parents and give you that name. >> that's what i'm no one else can you have to come back because we're running out of time to get a discussion about the sunglasses. okay. >> thank you so much for coming. thank you so much for joining inside politics, cnn news central starts after the break eliot spitzer blazed a trail that had him in spitting distance of the white house right up until the moment he set himself on fire and crusading governor by day, wanted desperately, i think to be present in the united states client number nine by night, this guy who was a crusader you're going to human sex trafficking is actually a customer here's how the saga of eliot spitzer really went down. >> this was a turning point in american government, united states of scandal with jake tatler. sunday, a nine on cnn >> we've come from a long ladder, cowboys when i see all one was at illinois red, i see happen our legacy can go jorge is always put the ones he loves first, uh, when it comes to caring for his teeth, and he's led his own maintenance, take a backseat. well, maybe it's time to shift gears on that because aspen dental has the latest technology equipment with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance in 20% off treatment plants making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way. aspen dental is in your corner. >> somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past. he didn't know they were talking to her. >> i just could not hear i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair, but nobody even sees them are nearly the invisible hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 years. >> when i finally get here for the first time, i could hear everything in julie sweet offers during our limited time. love your hearing event, kole 10d hundred miracle. now >> okay. everyone our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals nutrients for immune health, and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein >> when these business owners need cash fast, they turned to bids to credit to fund what's next from fitness studios to medical offices and every small business in between. we've got your covered whether you need new equipment, funds to expand or need money to cover unforeseen business expenses, bus to credit is the trusted partner for your small business funding needs. scan the code on your screen now or go to biz to to apply wizz to credit funding. what's next >> when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back, but you can repair it with pronoun will repair it penetrates deep into the to, to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend for enamel repair with new pronoun will repair mouthwash. you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they were great together denture wearers can go wild. with wildly adhesives c-h bond denture seals gets strong all day >> hold, thanks to gradual release technology. go wild. cbi, wildly adhesive. >> it's just your mother and i went different things, which is why we got sling tv so we can watch live i'm free tv on one app that's right thing is really keeping this family together. >> you have no idea? 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Border , Distance , Memory , Surges , Border Security Measures , Discussion , Officials , Walls , Negotiators , Sources , Liability , Topic , One , Solution , Authority , Compromise , Homeland Security Secretary , Example , Triggers , Onus , Met , Immigration , Election , Priority , Gallup Poll , Table , Reporting , Elsewhere , Script , Kristen Holmes , Isn T Eagle Pass , Republicans Priscilla , Migrants , Trump , Campaign , Reason , Area , Greg Abbott , Focal Point , Middle , Charge , Abbott , Standoff , State Resources , Crossing , Location , Buoys , Razor Wire , Rio Grande River , Points , Governor , Security Measures , Trip , Kind , Razor Wire On Trains , Part , General Election , Deportations , Core , 2015 , 2016 , Speech , Listen , Deportation , Some , Illegals , Rhetoric , Stoking , Many , Murderers , Fear , Crimes , Statements , Running On , Campaign Blasting Biden , Figure , Sides , Aisle , Election Cycle , Airwaves , Border Cross Crisis , Superpacs , 52 Million , Anything , Ads , New York Times , Panel , Dave Weigel , Gloria Borger Semaphores , Kanno Youngs , Doesn T , Gloria Borger , It Doesn T , Immigration Issue , Everybody , Over , Polls , Advantage , 35 , Democrats , Bit , Immigration Bill , Charts , Inflation , Economy , Lot , Billboard , Form , Ketchup , Dnc , Show , Confusion , Add , Sense , Viewers , Border Policies , Messages , David , Question , Guy , Head , Helm , Wall The Mexican Border , Direction , Government , Support , Footage , Set , Argument , Facts , United Party , Everywhere , Asylum Seekers , New York , Somebody , Congress , Mayor , Sanctuary Policy , Member , Lot Run , Ice Interdict , Tom Suozzi , Position , Again , Thoughts , Felon , Yes , You Re The One , The Party , Issues , Leaders , Hasn T The Border , In , Backdrop , Use , Theater , Extent , Men , Crossings , Whether , Solutions , Battle , It , Thing , Migration Problem , Record Number , Trump Campaign , Offensive , Divisions , Resources , Images , Cities , Facilities , Sort , Stoking Up Divisions , Challenge , Language , Candidate Trump , Presidency , Pre , July Of 2015 , Numbers , Danger , Crime Wave , Immigrants , Rapists , Escalator , Trump Tower , Progressives , Everything , Base , Fine Line , Asylum Provisions , World , Fracture , Party , Flight , Pramila Jayapal , Wall , Border State , Immigration Groups , Deal , Trap , Existence , California , Three , Immigration Politics , Border Security , Bill Passing , Deporter , Chief , Barack Obama , Ten , Legalization , Message , Coming Up , Trade Border Security , Mitch Mcconnell , Supreme Court , Race , Boss , Podcast Host , Delay Tactics , Quote , First , Maga Make Over , Diabetes , Life , Federal Election Version Trial Won T , Fred Pleitgen , In Teheran , Things , People , Blend , Help , Migraine , Sirna , Migraine Attacks , Blood Sugar Response , Glissando , Carbs , Nortech Ott , Ruthless You Don T Want To , Stomach Pain , Side Effects , Reactions , Nausea , Nurtac Ott Shingles , Indigestion , Shocks , Nortech , Shingles , Rash , Virus , Family , Pain , Stabbing , Dr , Listerine , Pharmacist , Flossing , 50 , Times , Routine , Science , Plaque , Story , Gum Line , Cleaner , Ozempic , Mouth , Zone , Floss Ev , Five , Risk , Weight , Events , A1c , Power Of Three , Majority , Cd , Seven , Heart Attack , Stroke , Adults , Isn T , Death , Heart Disease , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Reuse , Pens , 14 , Provider , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Reaction , Lump , Changes , Pancreatitis , Neck , Swelling , Sulfonylurea , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Man , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Power , Dehydration , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Staff , Ladder , Roots , My Grandfather Great , Cowboy Hello , Calvin , Legacy , Mother , Sling Tv , Horses , My Aren T , All Of Us , Illinois , Idea , App , What , Denial , Impacts Hue , Book , It Ignite , Ice Bath , Change The Bible , Create , Museum Of The Bible , Data Points , Straps , Training Optimization , Hundreds , Recovery , Investor , Hrv , Invesco Qqq , Innovations , Rem Sleep , Nasdaq 100 , 100 , Reading , Risks , Expenses , Charges , Innovation , Prospectus , Agent , Fund Objectives , Invesco Com , Tech , Closed Captioning , Mesothelioma , Firm , 4901 , 80087 , News , Elliot Williams , Pace , Immunity Appeal , Criminal Case , Challenges , Pause , January 6 , 6 , Trial , Know Question , Court Of Appeals , Hearings , Hearing , Prosecution , Is , Acts , Math , 2024 , Trial Court , Proceedings , Summer , Supreme Court Term , Poll , Timing , 48 , Time , It Wouldn T , Opinion , Public Opinion , Answers , Fact , More , Prim Court , Track , Questions , Poll Shows , Wind , Calendar , Fine , Case , Strategy , Delay , Inaugurated , Joan Biskupic , Colleague , Trials , Fighting Special Counsel , Jack Smith , Four , Schedule , Sorts , Ally , Anything Else , Conversation , Hands , Attorneys , Hope , Win , Books , Procedure , Law , Chutkan In Dc , Difference , Law Schools , Giving Parties , Procedurally , Effect , True , Law School No , Sibley Folks , Incident , Ground , Crushing , Horrific , Lawyer , 800 , Human Sex Trafficking , Client , Elliott Spitzer Crusading , Nine , Customer , Scandal , United States , Episodes , Jake Tapper , News Programming , Floss , Flats , 40 , 0 , Who , Body Wash , Gentleman , Old Spice , 24 7 , Age , Retinol , Cell Turnover , Vitamin B3 , Moisture Rotation , Neutrogena , Preservation , Lines , Vision , Tone , Results , Macular Degeneration , Blood , Psychologist , Others , Ndi , Millions , Veterinarian , Balance , Nature , Gear , Psychologists , My Name , 1991 , Product , Ingredients , Research , Fruits , Vegetable , Try , Sounds Good , Nature Com , Supplement , 10 , Business Owners , Small Business , Bids , Offices , Cash Fast , Fitness Studios , Discount Code , Sets , Credit , Money , Screen , Code , Equipment , Business Expenses , Partner , Business Funding , Smile , Energy , Everyone , Mission , Credit Funding , Nutrition , Credit Com , Minerals , Vitamins , Nutrients , You Il , 27 , Dance , 1808836464 , The Middle East , Scene , Dough , Surveillance Video , Aid Trucks , Food , Crowd , Civilians , Jeremy Diamond , Eyewitnesses , Let , Videos , Angles , Aid , Convoy , Speeding Off , Al Za Anoun , Journalists , Military Checkpoint , Climbing , Western , Military , Phone , Gun In Fire , Pandemonium , Mass , Truck Drivers , Process , Ministry Of Health , Palestinian , 760 , 104 , Gunfire , Narrative , Mass Pandemonium , Peter Lerner , Positions , Stampede , Amount , Visuals , Amounts , Truckloads , Incidents , Shoving , Ban , Video , Group , Palestinians , Manner , Drone Footage , It Doesn T Show , Trucks , Stampeding , Learner , Famine , Desperation , Context , Mind , Brink , 1 Million , Chris , Situation , Sad , Supporter , Dana Jeremy , Wolf Blitzer , Into Rafah , Plan , Conditions , War , Jeremy , House , Estate , Cease Fire , Negotiations , Telephone , Egypt , Qatar , Clarissa Ward , Chief International Correspondent , Alex Marquardt , Ceasefire , Official , Hamas , Potential , Efforts , Talks , Possibility , Clip , Aid Organizations , Rooftops , Capacity , Warning , Optimism , Watershed , Pressure , Policy , Catastrophe , Casualties , Implications , Un , Stage , Stain , Place , Aid Workers , Aid Worker , Rigor , Access , Most , Places , Type , North , South , Dana Clarissa , Insights , Looting , Lawlessness , Washington , Podcast , Confidants , Ms , Swing , Stay , Guys , Nightclubs , Mafia , Connections , Vegas , The Mob , Frank Sinatra , Sleeping , Lying Dormant , 99 , Prevention , Deals , Brunch Squad , Squad , Favorite , Workout Squad , Car , Car Repairs , Car Shield , Repairs , Administrators , Bill Car Shield , Savings , Car Show , Warranty , Darlings , Mechanics , Parts , Protection , Knowledge , Experience , Plans , Entertainment System , Systems , Air Conditioning , Cars , Engine Transmission , Baby , Electronics , Car Shield Administrators , Rental Options , Emergency Services , Lockouts , Batteries , Damage , Tires , Price , Cost , No Brainer Car Shield , Phone Call , Car Darlings , Courtesy Zohan , Matter , Protection Expert , Savings Squad , Price Lock , Rise , Guarantees , 80941 , 809419999 , Vaccine , Speed , Respiratory Disease , Rx , Rsv , Wreck Sv , Erec , 60 , 99809419999 , Response , Muscle Pain , Immune Systems , Headache , Injection Site , Pain Fatigue , Out Of Bounds , Stability , Wreck , It Back , Enamel , Repair , Acid , Pronoun Will Repair Mouthwash , Test , Pro Nammo , Protein , Strength , Health , Brushing , Pair , 30 , Book Page Publishing , Page Publishing , Publishing , Manuscript , 805630741 , John Cornyn , Bid , Job , Look Josh Hawley , Break , Senators , Role , Runners , It Cornyn , End , Tenure , The Machine , Sunrise , Geyser , Fellows , Demand , Host , Second , Sunglasses , Josh Holmes , John Ashbrook , Michael Duncan , Comforter , Members , Ways , Have , Wouldn T , Slf , Machine Politics , Spender , Ronald Super Pac , 21 Million , Kinds , Faults , Politics , Strategist , Mv , The Point , Anybody , Grace , Student Council , Grudges , Look , Infrastructure Bill , Ukraine , Factors , Secret , Anybody Else , I Don T Know , Successes , Mirror , Nobody , Statement , Listening , Caretaker , Groundskeeper , Graveyard , Grow , Understanding , Data , Chamber , Longevity , Reflection , Reagan Revolution , Leader , Security , Finish Line , Link , Package , Reservations , Everything Else , The World Stage , Journalist , Work , Justices , Environment , Chuck Schumer , Manhattan , Folks , Accomplishment , Maga Fied , Supreme Court Justices , Allies , Line , Hala , Rest , Leadership Elections , Losing , Wasn T The Case , Winning , Leadership , Meeting , Conference , Terms , Nominee , Barasa , Dunes , Johns , Big , Speaker , Gosh , Baseball , The Game Player To Be Named Later , Person , Know Cornyn , On The Inside Level , Games , 2007 , 17 , Weren T , Edging , Name , Van Jones , Divide , Effort , On Cnn Stand , Home , Tennessee , Anderson Cooper Sunday , 20 , Eight , News Sling Tv , Lying Dormant Waiting , Vanity , Shelf , Bone , Porcelain Doll , Osteoporosis , Bone Event , Entity , Bones , Bone Loss , 12 , Spine Fracture Risk , Blood Calcium , Infinity , 73 , Jawbone Problems , Thigh Bone Fractures , Calcium , Thigh , Jurors , Affinity , Hip , Groin , Break Put , Building New Bone , Sugar , Juror , 25 , Cdp Doesn T Have To , Prebiotic , Cid P Derails , Idp , Cid P Com , Stories , Patients , Cip Com Be Heard , Finding Hope , Helpful Tips , Information , Inspiration , Little , Cdp , Shows , Terror , Ruse , Movies , Joy Boundless , Password , Math Convulsions , Streaming , Boston , Foster Care , Talk , Ruthless , Co Host , Guests , Laura Coates , 11 , John King , Theories , Know , Revere Carl Hulse , Staffers , Advisers , 2019 , July 2019 , Hole , Marketplace , Side , Humor , Bent , Fun , Courts , American Politics , Mad , Circuit Courts , Harpooned , District , Harpoon , Merrick Garland , Judges , Nominee A Hearing , History , Shape , 200 , Care , Scoop , Criticism , Well , Spine , Steel , Definition , Wall Wow , Movement , Smoke , Filibuster , Institution , She , Arizona , Kyrsten Sinema , Working , Brake , Negotiating , Approved , Entitlements , 05 , 07 , Admission , Amnesty Component , Necessity , Belief , Unmoored , Pup , Little Inside Scoop , Pfk 1 , 1 , Translating A Man S Thoughts , Cnn News Central , Parents , No One Else , Eliot Spitzer , Trail , On Fire , Spitting Distance , Saga , Crusader , Turning Point , Jake Tatler , Sunday , Illinois Red , Aspen Dental , Backseat , Ones , Gears , Teeth , Maintenance , Uh , Quality Care , Technology Equipment , Insurance , Exams , X Rays , Hearing Aids , Corner , Hair , Kole 10d , Brand Leader , Julie Sweet , 75 , Hundred Miracle , Small Business Funding Needs , To , Pronoun , C H , Technology , Day Hold , Adhesives , Thanks , Together Denture Wearers Can Go Wild , Wildly Adhesive , Cbi , Ideas , Smart Protection , Lander , Eas , Lander Offer , Katie Porter , Housing Plan , Options , Candidate , Grilling , Executives , Deep Policy Knowledge , San Francisco Chronicle , Corruption , Homebuilding Costs , Chronicle ,

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