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Living with parkinsons disease. Richard lewis was 76 years old and thank you for watching news night. Laura coates live starts right now with a democracy. Well, the jury i mean the Supreme Court is still out on that one tonight on laura coates why well, its morning in london and they will woke up with the king, will guess what america you could be going to bed with one thats if the Supreme Court hands donald trump a get out of jail free card. After all, what is akin, someone who answers to no one can do what he wants it . Well, whos going to check them . Boo in a democracy . The answer is supposed to be the other two branches of government, right . You coequal branches, the whole checks and balances thing is all coming back to us now, right . I mean, its easy to forget these days when the Supreme Court Just Announced its going to take up the question of whether a president has absolute immunity no theyre not treating that as some kind of rhetorical question. Theyre actually going to hear arguments arguments as to whether a president is untouchable. Now, we dont know how theyre going to rule, but the arguments were raised by trumps lawyers in the Court Of Appeals were well, one, the only way you can criminally prosecuted former president fend for criminal conduct while in office. Was if that president had first been impeached and convicted, and two, if you tried impeachment first, you cant pursue criminal action because somehow without any basis in the law, you would violate Double Jeopardy remember the hypotheticals we heard about trumps lawyer is saying that a president could possibly Order Seal Team six to assassinate his political rival. Really, what it is on on the docket for an Oral Argument at the end of april. And the Supreme Courts term, you know, what ends in june. And thats their actual deadline for when they have to give you an answer. But guess what . I bet you want an answer sooner, dont you . Wouldnt that be nice . Wouldnt that be helpful . No, wait. Wouldnt that be super as in Super Tuesday, when millions of you are going to be casting your primary votes, will Super Tuesday is in what, six days get an answer by then, lets be honest, you might not get an answer before trump is expected to cinch that claims that nomination i should look into getting one of those maybe white Barrister Wigs at the brits were in court just in case the Supreme Court got hamiltons king george, the third song, second its head you will be back soon. Youll see you belong to me. That no belongs as his and his beautiful mind. I bring in cnn senior justice correspondent, evan perez. You just followed king george it doesnt get better let me ask me, walk me through the courts decision today because its done a lot of people. One, because the timing of it, right. And the fact that they were going to take it up, right. I mean, its been three weeks since the Dc Appeals Court rejected the former the former president s immunity claims and said he was citizen trump now. And so hes not entitled to that immunity, especially because some of the things hes accused of doing. Right. Were not related to his job. And so now the Supreme Court after having decided back in december that they werent going to take this up, jack smith went to them in december and said, because of the importance of this question this immunity question, and the fact that everyone knew this was going to come back to them. He asked for the court to take it up then and they rejected it then so now what the court had to wait for the lower court rule on it, right. To go to wait for the lower court to rule. Another lower court has ruled they waited three weeks. And now what we what theyve said today is that they are going to take this up its extended the stay, which means that the case is paused indefinitely and theyve theyve scheduled Oral Arguments, not like next couple of weeks or in later late next month, know, in almost two months from now, theyve scheduled Oral Arguments. And so again, as you pointed out, that timeline puts it, there term ends in june. Its likely possible that thats when were going to hear a decision. And as you pointed out, the calendars is disappearing, right the former president is likely to be the republican nominee by july. And then his calendar, the calendar here is its getting eaten up by other cases, including ones in new york. And of course, the one that is pending in atlanta. So look, in the end, what this means is that its very likely that by the time this is all worked out and if he loses the appeal and it goes back to judge chutkan in washington were not going to see a resolution of this before the december electric before the november election. Yeah. You mentioned the other trials that are on the horizon. I mean, youve got the Fulton County and we know whats happening down there with disqualification, right . Weve got our the pending request to disqualify. Thats not a certainty. We know whats happening with alvin bragg on march 25th. I mean, theyre Election Interference Face thats billed as also hush money. Does this impact those other cases as well . You think the timing because these are not federal cases. Federal cases. So i sensibly, they do not affect those. But let me tell you the other one thats still in Waiting In The Wings is the documents case, classified documents case. Theres a theres a hearing on friday where we were anticipating that the judge was going to address trial date right. Now. Thats penciled in for may. No one thinks that thats going to happen in may but laura, i mean, one of the Big Questions in that case is also his his claim of immunity in that case. So it is almost certain that the judge there whos been very favorable to them former president , will ics will put that off as well because while the Supreme Court is waiting to hear this, its not clear how she can go forward on a day. Some of the questions that are pending their sounds like trump has gotten a lot of what he wants. To quote david, dj, khalid, all he does is win, win, win wow, matter what hes got to be happy right now. And thats what weve seen from him tonight. Well, we will see and i wonder if deja khalil going to make an appearance that that would make this whole universe complete today in many respects, evan perez, thank you enjoys you take calif. Laura coates live. I want to bring in rick hasen. He is a professor of law and Political Science thats an director of the Safeguarding Democracy Project at the Ucla School Of Law is also the author of real right to vote, how they constitutional amendment can safeguard american democracy. Read, dont worry, i wont ask you for some song youre going to saying are some artists were going to reference the night and said, im just gonna get right to the heart of the matter. Matter because you wrote this article today questioning why the Supreme Court took so long to decide to even hear this immunity case. Why do you think they have taken this long . Well, you know, the courts really an opaque institutions, so we can only guess. And so i came up with three guesses. One is there was some bargaining going on behind the scenes. Remember theres a disqualification case out of colorado where trumped trying to be kicked off the ballot. Maybe there was gonna be some Horse Trading there and it didnt work out. Second thing maybe justice was dragging their feet, trying to delay things to run out the clock to help trump, most likely, is that the Supreme Court just goes on its own schedule and lets the chips fall where they may. And so if they decide its this is when we want to hear to end of april, militia and opinion likely at the end of june. And if theres not enough time for trump to be put on trial well, for Election Interference before the election. So be it and so its just kind of i think not giving the American People all the information that they would want before they have to vote in november. I mean, so be it really translates to limbo, right . Thats what youre leaving people in and doesnt just mean with respect to whether trump but its also about the state of our institutions. I mean, the checks and balances. Thats very much part of our whole democracy that seems to be on pause and the state of limbo as well yeah i think thats true. And especially because, you know colorado had its own procedure, they determined that trump was disqualified in their state to run and thats likely to be reversed given the timing that weve seen in the Oral Arguments Supreme Court, there the classified documents case been slowed down, to the extent that people want when it gets some judgment about trumps performance as president. Something from the courts, something where a jury is going to weigh in that hush money case is really about his prepresident ial conduct. Its really not as serious as some of these other charges and so i feel like with this step by the Supreme Court today, we are just much less likely you to know the full extent of what trump did as judged by a jury of his peers before, people have to vote concerning, i would think it would be concerning to say Justice Roberts, who knows the credibility of the court, the perception that somehow they are paving the streets with gold for donald trump or that they are somehow greasing the wheels. Thats a perception that theyve got a counter. And now this does to some feel like that well, you know what the court is likely to do, i think in the immunity decision, which they probably wont issue, as we said to the end of june, isnt going to cite against trump. So its going to look like a big loss for donald trump. He can be put on trial. He does not have immunity. But because its going to take months to hear things up, its very hard for me to imagine this trial taking place in the middle of the general election period when trump supposed to be debating his opponent and going out and campaign so we may run out the clock in the end after all rick hasen. Thank you so much. Thank you. Now, want to bring in cnn legal analyst norm eisen, who was House Judiciary Special Counsel in thenPresident Trumps first Impeachment Trial. Also here tonight, tiffany are right, a former law clerk for justice, sonia sotomayor. So happy we have both of you here. Nice to see you. I mean, i wanna start with you, tiffany, i ms because the court itself, the credibility. I mean, it cant be overstated when someone believes that the court is greasing the wheels of delay, maybe not ultimately finding for him. Thats a problem for the legitimacy of the court absolutely. Im reminded of the moment and the argument and dobbs where the court overruled roe versus wade, where Justice Sotomayor says, how will this institution survive the stench . And there has been so much stench coming from the court since that decision. And frankly before it, and i imagine that tonight chief Justice Roberts finds himself in a position that i dont envy, where i think part of what may be happening as he had two options. Right. The court could have affirmed the decision below. There were probably votes for that. So just say no absolute immunity, period or grant a stay delay, delay, delay. Consider it in the normal course. And so this may be somewhat of a middle position, a compromise that gets us still some delay that might interrupt the election, but not the permanent delay that perhaps some folks want it. So maybe thats a Silver Lining that this is somewhat a middle choice, but absolutely more stench coming from the court. I mean, more standard norm had turned you on that, but the idea of thinking about it, right, and typically has a great point in that you know, this court is not trying to cut off its nose to spite in space. At the same token though do you really think this court is going to come up with a different conclusion than the Court Of Appeals on whether a president is untouchable the answer to the question presented in todays order of whether and to what extent a president has immunity for criminal prosecution based on his official acts, cannot be anything other than no if they were to say yes in answering this question presented and i think part of the delay was negotiating, theres a lot packed in this question if they were too extend this immunity, they would be falling into the Seal Team Six ordering assassination hypothetic. Lets play that as i want to remind people, because every time we alluded to it, like i wonder how that founded and just think to yourself what that would be like. The voice of a Supreme Court justice. Listen to this it a president Order Seal Team six to assassinate a political rival thats an official act in order to Seal Team Six, he would have to be and would speedily be impeached and convicted before the criminal. Yes or no question . Could a president who ordered Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival who was not impeached he be subject to criminal prosecution. If he were impeached and convicted first. And certainly your answer is my answer is qualified. Yes qualified, yes but can you imagine no, buddy . In the history of the 235 year history of the United States of america. Nope, president has ever been impeached and convicted i know how tough it is because i was counsel in the first impeachment that is essentially sours answer was theres no recourse. If our President Orders of political assassination and laura, you dont part of the reason that they are not going to allow this. Because if trump gets back in office and he doesnt like what they do hilson Seal Team Six, really United States Supreme Court, god, this is a recipe for for dictatorship, but the substance is not the issue. Its the timing, its the delay, and its a question. Are our Democratic Institutions in the United States of america in 2024, up to this challenge of autocracy that is represented not just by this position, but trump has. I wrote a piece this week hundreds, hundreds of statements that he wants to bring autocracy to america. He says at almost every day, tiffany, let me hear you from you because you have been a clerk at the Supreme Court under Justice Sonia sotomayor and i wonder behind the scenes what you think is the calculus right now as to why one it would take two weeks to decide to take this up and to what do you think they wanted a bite at this apple . Well, i think the first thing i point out as we know that the court can move quickly when it wants to. So in when the californias the colorado Supreme Court remove President Trump from the ballot, they got the cert petition on january 3rd. They decided to hear the case on january 5, makes that argument for a month later. Here. They get it. They sit on it for two weeks. They said argument for seven weeks later. So you have to ask what is the reason for the delay . And i think it is exactly what i said in the beginning is you have some members of the court who are willing to hand the election to President Trump by delaying. Others are not. And the question is, what wang is going to win . It was where are we going to come out . Is the question in terms of todays think in some way, this was Merrick Garlands issue this was for the Attorney General to decided long ago, were in this tournament now in the sense of the timing up against a calendar that look, this isnt just off to us im not going to take the blame off of the court because they deserve plenty of it, but i will say that the department of justice baer, some of the blame, it should not have taken to eat plus years two investigate and get to an indictment on fats that we knew before the president left office, right . We all saw what happened on january 6. And so i think doj has to take some of the blame, but i dont want to take the focus off of the shame and the game that the court is playing. Its very important to bear in mind the calendar, but also not just to look at the challenges and the hurdles, but the possibilities in the calendar. What happens will the Supreme Court decided this in usb nixon, they issued a decision in three three weeks. Its possible that they could decide it more quickly, could will judge chutkan when she gets it back, how quickly or slowly will she move . How long will the trial take . If she does move it up . Its too soon, too say that pessimism is the order of the day. We can be skeptical. Its challenging, its an uphill battle, but theres possibilities here too. And i think its very important that all americans speak up about that the American People want an answer to this question . Did donald trump abuse the powers criminally that hes seeking to regain . People are entitled to know the answer to that question when were minds a grand jury wanted that question posed to an actual trial jury. We will see what happens. Reminds him telling yesterday, Exercise Patients in the it isnt gratification generation, which i am a part that thank you very much. Norm eisen, tiffany, right. Nice to see. Thank you for coming. 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Hi, there im Fred Pleitgen in teheran and this is cnn the Supreme Court will now decide whether donald trump may claim immunity in Special Counsel jack smiths election subversion case. Arguments are set to begin on april 22. Its frankly just what trump wanted saying this on truth social tonight, quote, legal scholars are extremely thankful for the Supreme Courts decision today i want to bring in trumps former lawyer, michael cohen, is also a principal at crisis x, host of Podcast Mea Culpa and political beatdown. And of course, the New York Times bestselling author of revenge, how donald trump weaponized the United States department of justice this against his critics, michael, thank you so much for being here today. I have to get your reaction initially to this announcement from scotus. He thinks its a win. Many believe in fact, is for him just having the delay do you think trump is nervous at all though, about why he wanted this kicked Down The Road yeah, hes nervous about everything and he has the right to feel so i mean, think about, i mean, here in new york, thats just one of the many legal issues thats currently lee confronting the former president. I mean, i think we cant ignore the fact that our Attorney General or unsinkable Attorney General, tish james here, just achieved a fantastic result in repatriating more than a half 1 billion back to the great state of new york. And more importantly, for thanking me for being a catalyst of bringing this case to the courtroom. So he has a lot of reasons to be nervous right now. And thats just one of them. Lets not forget march 25th. Were starting now, the Manhattan District Attorney case, which is not civil, but criminal so yeah, he may delay one, but the other ones is still moving forward i want to get back to immunity as one second, but you mentioned this case, Letitia James was overseeing and trump has now admitted that he does not have the cash, does not have the cash to pay this 400 million hello, or civil fraud judgment. It all goes away at the core of whether he truly is rich and successful. And as, as rich as he says, he think that he is embarrassed by any of this, or is this part of well, Savvy Business Dealings . Well, of course, hes embarrassed because his entire net worth, the constant reiteration that im worth at least 10 billion, maybe even more obviously, goes to his id. His ego, his super ego. And thats now super deflated because its just not true. They had to knowledge that they dont have it it wasnt that long ago that he stood on the stand and he told everybody that he was worth many, many, many billions of dollars and that he has very low debt to two ratio to value ratio. And that he was very, very cashrich well, we know that thats just yet another lie that was told by trump khuzaa going to do whats in the call, like jg wentworth and say, i need cash. Now, how was he going to raise more than this half 1 billion that he goes in order to be able to file an appeal well, the judge granted him the ability to apply for loans, again, from new york banks, but you make a good point. Can he find a lender who wants to do business with them . Well, that and thats something that Everybody Needs to keep an eye out for. Where is he going to get this Money Lenders will not give it to them. Number one, theres outstanding mortgages on these assets. They dont want to have to be in a position to take the assets and then start to sell them in order to recoup their money. Its a big job especially in light of the market right now. But more importantly, what we need to really watch out is where the money is going to come from, is going to come from saudi arabia is going to come somehow backchannel from putin or some other autocratic alleged friend of donald trump. Thats the most important thing because what but it does is it jeopardizes Americas National security for you can go all the way back frankly to the beginning of his presence, alterman, there were questions about monuments, questions about his tax returns, a source of income. This is really coming full circle in a way of the accusations. But lets get back to this Immunity Issue because its a really big one today. I remember not too long ago, people would say they were gonna be a part of his administration because they wanted to be the socalled adult in the room. If that happens again, if he is president again, im not sure who that would be but on the question of immunity, michael, what do you think a second trump term will look like if he has . Absolute immunity its going to look exactly like what we see takes place in russia with Vladimir Putin or north korea with kim jong un, or in china with gigi ping, its going to be exactly the same thing. The americas democracy that we have, that we have grown to love. And the beacon of the world as it as far as democracy is concerned, will be lost because again, i dont want this to come off sounding hyperbolic from michael cohen, right . Former personal attorney to the president these are the words of donald trump himself that on day one, he wants to rewrite the constitution on day one, he wants to destroy the tripartite system of government to get rid of the power of the legislative branch and the judiciary and confer all power onto the executive branch, meaning himself, will he pardon himself . Absolutely he will. And whos going to be there to stop him . The sick of fans that are going to sign some sort of pledge, your loyalty oath that hes going to require of everyone thats going to work in any sort of position in his administration . This is not the america that we all grew up with. I can assure you that. Well, thats the big question, right . Youre talking about absolute immunity. It disrupts the very notion of checks and balances. It turns his back into well, exactly what i thought the Founding Fathers did not want in terms of monarchy. And that goes for anyone whos in the white house. Michael cohen thank you so much really good to see you. Laura now, if trump were granted absolute immunity, what would that mean for our system of those very checks and balances we were talking about when the white house be more akin to a kings council, will discuss whats at stake next you and i are standing guard last great open spaces theres no army of this earth. 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And we all know well, he wasnt kicked it an either of his two impeachments, but i want to take It Back Straw with me down a bit of memory lane. Shall we listen to what Senate Minority leader Mitch Mcconnell said after trump was acquitted in his second Impeachment Trial in the senate, we have a criminal Justice System in this country we have civil litigation and former president s are not immune from being accountable by either one. I believe the senate was not was right. Not to grab power. The constitution doesnt give us i want to bring in Maryland Democratic congressman glenn ivey, a member at the House Judiciary committee, is also a former federal prosecutor, is or just counsel to senator Paul Sarbanes during the whitewater investigation, the perfect person to have and talk about this. You heard mcconnell talk about its after the courts really but of course their argument says no, no. Unless you convict, it cant he up to the courts. And here the Supreme Court is grappling with it. Yeah, i guess mcconnell didnt realize how many times donald trump is going to be indicted. But here we are. And the irony is that this is sort of the recipe to a totally escape accountability by the trump team. So they raised that argument when the Impeachment Trial were moving forward now. Then they argued that he cant be criminally charged unless hes been impeached. And now theyre just theyre saying hes got absolute immunity. So its its incredible, its very disappointing. Supreme court took the path that it did today. I cant say im shocked, but its its tragic. Give the direction that the courts taking these i mean, a circuitous path or the cruise ship right away when jack smith first as we know, it was going to get to the Supreme Court right. Now. They did it in this moment in time. But the irony for me looking at minority leader Mitch Mcconnell, talk about this and leave it to the courts. Well, the Supreme Court is comprised of the people thats on it now so itll be the most recent nominees. Because Merrick Garland is the ag, not as Supreme Court justice. Yeah, i mean, Mitch Mcconnell had a huge hand in that donald trump took full advantage of it as well. And i think its unfortunate that we have the court is divided biden, and slanted basically as it is right now. I think this is the most political and partisan that i can recall. The court in my lifetime. And its having an impact because they unfortunately, this is the time weve got a president whos willing to test every limit, push, everything, push the envelope break every, you know, whatever hes doing. All of those and i think theyre going to have with that three Supreme Court cases with trump right now or something. And, you know, you all showed the trial, the Court Schedule thats coming up and hes already got the Sexual Assault finding, the fraud findings, all that stuff, and hes not even halfway through. So bad merger between a permissive court that i guess feels like theres things that needs to do for donald trump, like let the clock run out and a guy who will take every advantage and abused every process. Lets follow that thread, congressman, because if donald trump were to become the president is aids again, or frankly, anyone heres the president. And any point in time, what happens to checks and balances if a president gets absolute immunity, your job becomes obsolete. Frankly well, and it becomes dangerous to, i suppose, i mean, the judge pan at the Dc Circuit Court level said, when could the president have team seem Seal Team Six to assassinate one of his rivals . And they wouldnt say no. I mean, they basically said a qualified yes or something and upsurge its astonishing, but thats where they live. Left it. They also didnt rule out other possibilities that the court noted like, you know, bribery, for example, one of the real wind, so thats in the indictment was the fake electors that they were going to swap out at one point. I dont know if this is in any of the indictments or not, but he was talking to esper the secretary of defense since then, milley, the general, and talking about that, having them seize ballot boxes so, you know, this is a guy that was pushed back by some of the people who were there at the time. But if you give them Carte Blanche like this, and the Supreme Court approval, basically, i dont know that hes going to recognize any lines. In fact, if he gets reelected, i dont know that itll recognize any light finds anyway, whats interesting to me about what you said in particular is you remind us that in all the cases that are being talked about, no ones talking about the underlying allegations, right . With fani willis. Its about his qualification and it conversations in maralago. Its about immunity in the january 6 case here in washington, dc. Again and similarities to that theyre not talking about what the American People want, which is the conclusion by a jury as to guilt. Yeah, theres a lot of people and reasonably so who wanted to want to know whether hes guilty or not of those charges, from my perspective, just the mere fact that these allegations are there and substantiated lead hes beyond it to a probable cause standpoint. Is more than enough for people to say, you know, i dont think we want this guy in the white house. Again. But for some people, they want to know what that verdict would be okay. I think they have a right to hear it, i suppose. And i think it does make sense to resolve these cases, especially that one prior to the election. So Supreme Court taken two weeks to make a decision about where they want to hear it or not, that setting the Oral Arguments seven weeks later, talking about issuing a ruling in june, when if you look at say, bush v. Gore, where they did all of this in a matter of weeks altogether and i think the turnaround between the Oral Argument and the ruling was like a day or two. They should be doing that here. This case is similar. In fact, its just as important, if not more important than that one. I think theres a real sense of urgency thats lacking on the courts part right now. Thats okay. I mean, democracy is just in the balance out. Why be urgent . Didnt theres very why, why have we urge it now. Thank you for being here. I appreciate it so much. Thanks for having me on top of the Supreme Court taking up the issue of immunity. Theres another state thats not kicking trump off the ballot. So what are the voters are going to make . All of it . Well talk about it next Eliot Spitzer, blade he used to trail that had him in Spitting Distance of the white house right up until the moment he set himself on fire and crusading governor by day, wanted desperately, i think to be present in the United States client number nine by night, this guy who was a crusader against Human Sex Trafficking is actually a customer heres how the saga of Eliot Spitzer really went down this was a Turning Point in american government, United States of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn when to leave works all day. So i can keep working to take just one allele, 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief who do you take it for and for fast topical can delete Chaya Leave X millions of people have lost weight with personalized plans from nyu, like brittney, who lost 20 pounds, i felt so supported by knew. It became an anchor for me. Noon has changed my life get started today and lose 15 pounds and 15 weeks. 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Is tom been loves soda again the whole story with Anderson Cooper, sunday at eight on cnn and then there were three well, in the avalanche of news on trumps legal perils illinois now becoming the latest state to boot trump off the ballot a judge citing the Old 14th Amendment Insurrectionist Ban in her ruling, i remember colorado was the first state to make the move with main follow now the illinois decision is paused, and trump has a short period of time to appeal. Joining me now host of the can we please talk podcast . Mike leon, also cnn legal commentator, karen finney. So can we please talk for a second right now . Its been quite a day the Supreme Court weighing in to all of this. And remember, Super Tuesday, weve all heard of it is coming on tuesday that happened. I know. And voters are not going to have the answers to many a question about this. And thats an impact for voters, is it not . I mean, it depends on which voters you talked to. You both know i live in a red state, so they all think this is all politically morning provided one data point that i noticed the other day. This is a great article that i was in the hill Noble Predictive insights did something on arizona voters you saw right . Now hazard both neuronal, what okay . Well, but in that poll, i agree. I agree. Arizona less than 10,000 votes for joe biden are in that margin. And all of the voters there are aware of the charges, but theyre split on how this works. 30 think its politically motivated, 35 . Thank he didnt do anything. 34 were actually she waiting to see the results of it. So we really dont know what we dont know. Its depends on when you talk to and its interesting his member in our own cnn polling, we saw this in january. We started to see people as we were asking the question. Okay. If hes convicted, how do you feel and people said that it would change their vote . Npr, pbs, npr did a poll that showed 51 of likely voters. So all parties, both parties would vote for biden if hes convicted. So it definitely gives biden a bump. But to your point, laura i think its it is a big deal that people wont have the answer to a really important question that they deserve to know before they cast their ballot. In terms of too many of us, we think its pretty obvious what happened on january 6, but theres a lot we dont even know and thats part of why i actually think even if we can have the resolution of the case, i think that information that will be coming out as it proceeds, hopefully that will at least give people an opportunity to have at least a picture of what was going on and what was his role. Can i say just one thing, just as an outside observer at all this, even though so i minored in Criminal Justice at rutgers. So i think im a lawyer there is a lot, right . Exactly. Ruckers. There is probably a lot of people that have been watching this network or other networks and dc so many legal analysts and almost see it sounds so much an overkill of it, but its like i dont understand any of this i want to wait to see when it plays out and in that same poll, there was like 40 to 41 of moderates that were saying, you know, im just going to wait for the process to play on. Let me see what the courts decide before you. We think its wild. No weight, but they want to wait. And then a couple of wood poles, people said they wanted to see what the court what happened well, i have my own paul, i can join the nerves okay. Lets there you go you the cnn poll. It was whether there was a verdict before 2024. Check this out. The question was should have federal trial. On trump election charges be resolved, resolved before 2024 . Yes. Some said it was essential 48 . Yeah, but not potential sometimes, know, and 25 that it doesnt matter. Now, again, thats just the idea that being resolved, not starting with the calendar we have right now. So i wonder if for some who are supportive of trump also would want this to be resolved because then it just puts it in the rearview mirror. You know, hes going to be able to sort of yes, with his hands at the end the day. But if his campaign is were kind that is currency. You cant get if its resolved correct. Although thankfully since are what, 91 counts hes somethings not going to be resolved on reversed. But youre exactly right. I mean, he has made it a centerpiece of his campaign and the other thing about trump, though, its pretty baked in if people i think how they feel about him, what they think they know about him as pretty hard and i think what is probably malleable again as those moderates and independents who we havent have him tweeting at us all day every day for awhile. Its when they start to hear and remember the chaos that i think it may shift there. I agree. I got asked this the other day about are we seeing something right now with all of the voters that are turning out like is this indicative of the larger no, of course, these are republican primary voters. Its negative 27 degrees. I got to go vote for now, trump like that may not happen in the general when it comes to moderates and independents and the data is proving that right now. Now, joe biden has his own stuff. Weve seen what the forget the name of the vote that happened in michigan uncommitted. Thank you. Thats right. Everybody should know that after watching you too last night put on a clinic of that so uncommitted vote, were seeing that how thats going to play out, how thats going to affect what takes turns with hamas just not agreeing to a ceasefire, like all of these things are going to play themselves out. So i do wonder that balance, which has the harder held to climb, biden on foreign policy, trump and his legal issues will have to wait and see karen. Karen mike. Thank you both so much. Next the story. I dont want to get lost in the trump of it all tonight. The ones that wont use his name tonight. Because after this very sorry to hear about your father father, mother. Thank you. Well, thats a little better you have no hard, no soul curb your enthusiasm streaming exclusively on max is there any way to get a better place on this . Have you checked single care before i pick on a prescription at the pharmacy, i always check the single care price. Its quick, easy, and totally free to use smoke here can literally beat my insurance copay, go to single care. Com and start saving today, meet the traveling trio, the Thrill Seeker, the soul searcher, and if the explorer each helping to protect them funny with chase lost card isnt keeping this Thrill Seeker down. Lost her card, not the by the sole searchers finding his identity and helping to protect it. Oh, yeah. The explorer. 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It is not grandma. Tell your dr. If you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it, dont take breaths, train more than prescribed registry may increase your risk thrush, pneumonia and osteoporosis. Call your dr. If for some breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems, urinating, vision changes, or i paint occur. Ask your dr. About breaths tree im evan perez at the federal court in washington, and this is cnn weve been covering a lot of major trump legal developments tonight, but while thats all been unfolding at a very dramatic pace, its not the only story tonight. In fact, there are two that i want to bring to your attention on a topic that i i am very passionate about just a few hours ago, the state of texas executed death row inmate ivan cantu a man who maintained his innocence for 20 years until its very last breath. He now he was kicked to the killing of his cousin and the cousins fiance back in 2000, but cant you said that he was framed and deprived of a fair trial. Many advocates had claimed prosecutorial misconduct, an ineffective defense and recanted Witness Testimony as reason to stop the execution. Earlier this week, both tech is Appeals Court and a federal Appeals Court denied requests for a stay because attorney did not appeal to the Supreme Court saying there was no viable path forward candies execution happening just hours after a botched lethal injection in idaho they had to stop the execution of serial killer Thomas Creech after they failed to set an iv line, they tried eight times the team, the medical team, citing what they called access issues in some instances, and vein quality issues and others his Death Warrant will expire. And the state will now have to consider the next steps. It would have been idahos first execution in 12 years thank you all for watching. 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