Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

with jake tapper starts right now >> the man trump calls old crow, is flying the coop >> the leads >> ich mcconnell >> there with his own 2024 plants, stepping down as senate republican leader, though he's going to stay on as a senator from kentucky. >> the >> new era of republican politics. now, loading as a new high-stakes re-state kicks into gear to replace mcconnell, odds are the winter will likely be an old white guy named john plus a monster wildfire in texas exploding at one point burning through 150 football fields a minute charring through land 11 size 11 times the size of washington, dc. we're going to go live on the ground as this fire and wide open land prompts evacuations in its path and president biden's date with the dr. the report, do any moments after his annual physical welcome to the lean. >> i'm jake tapper. we start with our politics lead and the end of an era on capitol hill, senator mitch mcconnell, the longest serving congressional party leader in american history, announced today he's stepping down from his leadership role effective november the at two-year-old says he will continue to serve as a us senator representing the commonwealth of kentucky, but he says he's ready to pass the baton to a younger generation by which i mean, a bunch of guys in their '60s and '70s father time remains undefeated no longer their young man fitting in the back, hoping colleagues would remember my name it's time. the next generation of leadership >> now there is a good chance that that new generation of leadership means one of these three johns senate republican whip, john thune of south dakota senator john barrasso of wyoming, the conference chair or senator john cornyn of texas. cornyn so far has been the only ones that signal that he's going to jump into that race. but any man or woman who steps into mcconnell's shoes will have to lead a party that is in the end stages of morphing fully into the party of donald j. trump trump mcconnell today, acknowledging that his views on national security and funding american allies are at odds with many in his party, including the former president believe me >> i know the politics of >> them by a party at this particular moment in time. i have many false mr. hundred and seven, politics is not one >> but mcconnell also acknowledged that he at 82 year-old, 82 years old realizes that quote, the end of my contributions are closer than i prefer, unquote mcconnell has visibly struggled on occasion in recent months, appearing to freeze and forget what he was saying for extended periods of time including a news conference last july this week been good bipartisan cooperation and a string of >> image does he or she want to say i'm sure school back to you want to see anything else to the press >> correct >> let's bring in cnn's manu raju on capitol hill, and i know how big of a surprise was the announcement today. >> well, the timing was a surprise, jake, i think there had been an expectation that sometime this year that mitch mcconnell would announced he would not run again for leader. he had not been saying whether he would run and continue this term. remember he's already gotten and what he sought out for which did become the longest serving party leader in the history of the united states senate. he's already achieved that goal. as you mentioned, 82 years old. he has had health issues. he's on the other side of donald trump. he has seen a growing faction within his party, a small faction, but a vocal come out and criticize them, something that he has not seen before. being so vocal in their opposition to him. so he recognizes that this moment is the end of his tenure, time to step aside, but the timing still surprised everyone given it's so early here in this congressional calendar. but jake, this will set the stage for the leadership races succeed. >> so manu mcconnell is going to serve until september amber. the race to replace them has already begun. what are you hearing about timing? who will enter the running and who might have the edge? >> yeah, it's unclear who has the edge because these are secret ballot elections that will occurs after november. so we've got the next eight months or so for private and public jocking to take place between the three candidates we expect to be the leading contenders. john, john thune, the number two republican who has expressed to me in the past, but he is interested in the position john barrasso, the number three republican, who is also expected to jump into this race. john cornyn also reiterating today that he is interested in running for this position. now, i caught up with one of dunes porter's senator mike rounds. it was a fellow south dakota republican. he indicated to me that this race essentially has already begun. and i asked him about his handling of donald trump, given the fact that they've had a bit of a rocky relationship until thune endorsed him just over the weekend he said a bit of a rocky relationship with trump. is that a liability? >> well, i think just in the last week or so, he has publicly announced his support for the trump campaign. and i think that's something that a republican leader in the senate really has to ponder and be careful of how they approach it. i think he showed the right type of temperament and the way that he approached it. and the fact that he has said he will support the former president and his campaign was the right thing for him to do. >> if you started to talk to through and about what this campaign will look like and what you will do to help him. >> oh, that started a long time ago. >> so i talked to a lot of other republican senators, jake and many of them simply say that they don't have a preference yet are not willing to express and they want to hear these candidates say how they will drive the future direction of the senate gop. so just a lot of uncertainty about the aftermath of a connell here. >> and mine are there is some breaking news when it comes down to the shutdown showdown, the government shutdown scheduled as of now for close the business friday we've just learned that the house of representatives is going to vote tomorrow on a short-term government funding bill. is that expected to pass? yeah. and this will be the fourth time they've essentially kicked the can down the road just for some time. it doesn't expect to be a short-term spending part of the federal government extended for one week. there's a deadline of march 8 right now that would have set a march 1st right now this friday. that'd be expended, extended for another week. there's another deadline currently for the filing friday that would be extent of yet another week. the idea is to get all the annual appropriations bills don get them out of congress by the time did fund the federal government till the end of the current fiscal year, which at the end of september. but remember, jake, they were supposed to do is back in october, but it's been such a tumultuous road getting just the basic essence of governing done, keeping the lights on from the federal government, and lead initially to the ouster of kevin mccarthy, his handling of this in the house and then all the rest of back-and-forth within the house and senate gop, but expect speaker johnson and take some incoming fire from conservative hardliners, unhappy with a deal, he just cut with senate majority leader chuck schumer. >> all right. manu raja, busy day on capitol hill today. thanks so much for checking and let's discuss with my panel. amanda carpenter congressman matt gaetz is out there celebrating this news about mcconnell. he posted on twitter, now known as x. we've now at six mccarthy mcdaniel, mcconnell, better days are ahead for the republican party is of course, talking about former speaker mccarthy, former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel and and mcconnell are a lot of people in the party celebrating the news. you think? >> well, i think certainly the trump wing of it as, but listen mitch mcconnell is leaving the party in a much worse place than he found it originally in the blame i think there is a special category for mitch mcconnell book cuts. perhaps me hen more than anyone in the republican party after january 6 was in a position to put trump behind the party in leading the senate to convict him. >> mitch >> mcconnell tried to walk this line where he said that trump is morally and practically responsible for january 6, but he wasn't going to do anything to hold him politically countable. and so i look at mitch mcconnell retiring without actually having sacrifice anything personally, politically for profit, however way you want to swing it and he's just another guy leaving the field without ever standing up to trump and leaving the party in america worse off. >> so gloria, if mcconnell were here, which he's not, he would maybe want to say amanda, that's not fair. i am right now. i'm i could do my mcconnell, but i mean, it's it's fair. i did stand up for against donald trump. i and a number of times, yes, i've voted to acquit him for the january 6, attack on the capitol. but i then said, this >> former president trump's actions preceded the riot or a disgraceful disgraceful. there are election of duty there's no question. none they're president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. >> since then, of course, trump has insulted mcconnell repeatedly calls him old crow. he's insulted his wife, elaine chao, who used to be a secretary, cabinet secretary is administration using language that a lot of people find signed racist? yeah. yeah. >> what's your take on why mcconnell is resigning? do you think it has to do with trump? or do you think he's he's just old. i said i think i think both actually look i think he sees the caucus moving away from him to a degree. they did try to defeat him once and it didn't work >> but >> i think he sees donald trump as the nominee of the republican party potentially the next president in the united states. he's 82 years it's all he doesn't want to deal with that anymore, by the way, and that's speech. mcconnell also said that this would be handled by the courts, what what trumped in, of course now we see that it is being handled by the courts. >> not really supported, right? we're but i think he would also say that he cost the democrats you know, to supreme court nominees, which i'm sure kate is not forgotten, certainly agree with, the right. and he and he would say and i'm standing up for american exceptionalism and ukraine. and i'm, and i'm never going to stop doing that of the three replacements. i don't know if we have that graphic. let's put them up there again. >> soon. >> cornyn barrasso, thune barrasso, cornyn down at dawn from where i sit barasa is the more maga candidate he has been unwilling as far as i can tell, to cross trump whereas foun in cornyn have shown flashes of independence from the maga wing. do you agree or do you not see there's much difference? >> not sure. i see a ton of difference mean we'll see thank you know, eight months is a long time for people to campaign publicly and privately for this job. i think we've seen across the board a reticence on the part of leadership, the republican party to break with donald trump. i have a really hard time imagining that any of these guys, as they're as they're campaigning jockeying for this job are going to make standing up to donald trump a centerpiece of their case. i just i don't see that happening. so as much as i have my own issues with mitch mcconnell, certainly i think he has politicized the judicial nomination process more than probably anybody else in the history of the country, which is i think has been damaging he was somebody who at times was willing and to work across the aisle. he obviously voted for biden's infrastructure bill >> and those two work together when biden was vice president >> absolutely. absolutely. and as gloria was saying, i mean, he supports american leadership on the world stage and continuing to arm ukraine in the face of russia. so my heart is not personally broken to see mitch mcconnell go as a democrat but i also am very worried about the trajectory of the republican party here because it's hard to imagine somebody more reasonable than mitch mcconnell taking that. >> so that's putting you down for four tickets to new zealand all right. thanks to all of you breaking news, a new york appeals court judge just weighed in on that civil fraud case ordering donald trump to pay 454 million, 354 million. trump tried to get a hold in that order. let's get right to cnn's kara scannell. kara walk us through this latest decision yeah. >> jake, so appeals court judge in new york's have a donald trump must post the entirety of this bond, $454 million including the interests on the judgment in order to satisfy the judgment to stop the new york attorney general's office from trying to move forward to execute that. now, this is a ruling from one judge, so it is temporary in nature and there will be further briefings on this. but what the judge said is that trump will have to come up with this money. he has about until essentially the end of march to do this. and but what the judge also said is that trump is this one of the bands that was trump is facing was that he couldn't take out any loans from any new york financial institution or any financial station that was overseen by new york regulators, which is essentially a large swath of the global banking system. so the judge here saying that trump can apply for loans because that was one of the arguments trump's team has made. they said that to satisfy this judgment, to come up with that much money in cash, they might need to get alone or to sell property but they said they were prohibited under this judge's order from accessing the banking system, from going and say taking out a loan against mar-a-lago or one of the golf properties. so the appeals court judge is now saying they can go ahead and access the capital markets. they can try to get loans in order to satisfy the judgment because what one of the arguments trump teens made also is that even get a bond of this amount of money, the people that underwrite these bonds want cash. and that is why they need access to markets. so trump is going to have to come up with this money, but now he's able he's given more ways to try to do that short of selling as property, of course, big question is, will he be able to get someone to underwrite this bond? will he be able to get access to the markets? will someone read them alone? that all remains to be seen, but the clock here is ticking briefs in this case when they will take this to the full appeals court panel are due by the end of the month and that is also around the same time that this judgment is due, which is also right when trump is going to be sitting for jury selection in the criminal hush money case on march 25th, jake. >> all right. kara chris canal with the breaking news. thanks so much to another major political wake-up call that uncommitted vote tally in the michigan primary, president biden, where you watching why that tally in this single state is so significant and should be a warning to any politician in this big election year. stay with us united states of scandal with jake tapper on sunday, a nine on >> cnn from pep in their step to shine in their coats. and people switch their dogs foods to the farmers dog, the effects can seem like magic but there's no magic involved it's just smarter, healthier pet food. >> it's amazing what real food can do. >> if you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan that smart now, i'm 65 and really smart later. i'm 70 >> consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from united health care. with this type of plan, you well, no upfront about how much your care costs, which makes planning your financial future easier. so call 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stumbling a little. was up late last night because of the primary the white house attempting to focus on the positives after last night in michigan, president biden won the democratic primary handily, where 13% or one in eight democratic voters instead of voting for him, check the uncommitted box. now percentage-wise, that's not extraordinary events in michigan and 2012, 11% of michigan democrats voted uncommitted when president obama was on the ticket. but viewed as a total number. this is a cause for alarm generally, 20,000 democrats can be relied upon to vote uncommitted. every michigan presidential primary. this was five times that more than 100,000 democrats. and that's enough to swing that battleground state. additionally, most voters in the predominantly arab american michigan city of dearborn voted uncommitted. most of them, most of them voted uncommitted, nearly 57%. that is a direct rebuke of biden's handling of the israel-hamas war. journalist maggie hassan joins us now, we just launched his own digital media company is a teo, which means to seek in greek, which of course many as greek we all know his book is titled win every argument. show me you guys should don't want many show me. are there whenever you argument. it's on it's on paperback now, check it out. great book maddie, i want to talk about to take on a second, but first, yes. i got to know your your take on the significance of this uncommitted it did vote last night. >> i completely agree with your intro. it is the case that michigan does have big uncommitted proportions. obama went on to win it very easily against romney in 2012. the difference in 2012 was, it was not an organized effort. >> it right. people just expressing discontent or whatever you do. >> here is a >> very explicit aim to get a ceasefire in gaza. that is what a lot of the voters in michigan want. i've been speaking to people in dearborn across the statements, not just most americans are arab-americans, progressives, progressive people and people of color, young voters. and what debbie dingell, a congresswoman, they made the point that this is not just arab americans, 100,000 people plus is a lot of people in a state that biden won by 150,000. hillary lost by 11,000 the neck and neck in the polls, if you're not alarmed by what's happening in michigan, you're a democratic strategist. you should be. >> yeah, because that obviously 100,000 people that was a muscle flex. >> we're here. yes. >> listen to us because what what needs to happen? do you think practically speaking, not peace in the middle east, but practically speaking what needs to happen? for most of those voters to come back in the democratic fold a ceasefire. what else? >> so a lot of the vote is, why can't say a number, a significant chunk probably lost >> they're gone. >> i think they're >> lost not to trump. they'll go through third-party or stay. >> if you are somebody in dearborn has lost not ten, not 20 members of your family in gaza. you're going to shop you're going to vote for biden even if there's a ceasefire drummer, you can't expect that. but there is a significant time to people who do want this to be seen as an act of pressure. they don't want to vote for trump. they're not pro-trump. they just want to see the best version of joe biden and of america. they want a ceasefire, they want an end to the killings, not peace in the middle east or a two-state solution utopia, but a stop to the killings over 100 people a day american weaponry, american money. they want to see that ceasefire, you're seeing joe biden promising a ceasefire is coming. i'm skeptical. right. but i think the white house realized that they have to do something here >> so you make the point that they're not going to go to trump who called for a ban on muslims entering the country. let's say that this, i don't know what you would call this gambit of the biden administration to force netanyahu to sign a document saying, i will only use american armaments in compliance with international law, which, which netanyahu seems reluctant to sign. >> what if >> that forces some sort of change in leadership in israel might that be seen as more concrete even a ceasefire. >> i actually think the aide position is some whether biden can have a lot of effort conditioning aid is very popular on the democratic base. even members of congress, i think it's mad that five months into the war, the americans, as they can you sign something saying you're fine? hello, international law should not be in a dominant october the 8th, it's crazy that we're asking that now. and by the way, i also think it's crazy that joe biden is willing to wreck his presidency, potentially, an american democracy if trump gets back in for benjamin netanyahu, a man who has basically i can't find the daytime language for it done bad things to every democratic president in my lifetime, bill clinton struggled with netanyahu, brock obama struggle. and that biden could sacrifice his own presidency for who, for bibi, thanks for keeping it clean. i appreciate it before you go, i want to ask you to know who i tried hard. you've moved down from your role and msnbc, you told the washington post, your quote, a bit of a square peg into round hole there. what gaps in the current media environment do you hope to fill with your new company? one is a tale. >> i said i was a round >> around round >> peg in a square hold across cable news, across game. but i'm glad to be himars after four years, we've always had you here evo, it's been a jeffrey, not me, but i do think cable news, print, press, all do good jobs, but i think there's gaps. and the reason i'm starting this company is because i want to be able to speak in a blunter fashion than perhaps some in the media speak right now, especially about issues like racism, fascism, genocide. i just wanted able to speak more plainly and provide a platform for other journalists to do so. >> so what was the table b? >> so it's a teo is a digital media. it means to seek the tpp, the truth in an age of disinformation and gaslighting is a teo for giving me the plug. it's a platform for podcasts, streaming shows op-eds. it's all singing, all dancing media company and it's a subscription model in a time when you know, jake, industry suffering hard and people are losing a lot of jobs. >> all right, well, best of luck with it. good to see you. there always be a warm seat for you here at this table. we do good to see you in many, just into cnn, the actual text messages behind that damning testimony yesterday in fulton county and the romantic relationship that is interfering in the election subversion case against donald trump in georgia, stay with us >> yellows, not going to fly, but the lab >> there's >> toothpaste white and there's chris 3d white strips, whitens like a $400 professional treatment crest washington's proposed capital regulation comes with a steep price tag and they're forcing >> americans to 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technology has been essential to our growth. but some in washington want to stifle the technology small businesses like ours depend on this misguided agenda will empower our foreign adversaries threaten national security and destroy jobs. are leaders need to strengthen, not weaken american technology >> drive time has a big announcement and even easier way to buy a car. you make the deal yourself. i made a deal myself and lets you customize the real down payment and monthly payment of the car you want to buy. >> time real deal maker but the real drive >> hi, we've both got a big birthday coming up, so we have a lot of brushes about medicare >> we've got a lot of answers. how can i help? what was starters? do you include hearing benefits? >> how about a plan with dental vision and hearing benefits? >> i sure like the sound of that. >> then how does a $0 monthly plan premium sound >> if you're new to medicare, how 188865 edna will walk you through all your coverage and benefit options to help find the right plan for you. >> consumer cellular. this is sam call me healthier. >> this is a button >> well, somebody's but just thought i'd let you know that would off just $2 per tablet at rex >> i'm katie bo lillis in washington and this is cnn this just into our law and justice lead and cnn has exclusively obtained the text messages >> behind yesterday's damning testimony in that hearing by the trump folks to disqualify fulton county district attorney, fani willis from georgia's election case, trial against donald trump. let's go straight cnn's nick valencia in atlanta. nick, what are we learning >> well, during his testimony, terrence bradley repeatedly said that he could not or did not called details about the personal relationship between fani willis and nathan wade. but these text messages are in stark contrast to the tone in his testimony a reveal months of communication we reviewed all 413 messages between bradley and ashleigh merchant. not only does it show that they've been communicating or that they work for months, but it also shows that bradley is appearing to assist merchant as she was scrambling to find evidence for her bombshell allegation in her effort to disqualify fani willis bradley was supposed to be the star witness for defense attorneys, but he was really not so easy to get information out of. but during these text messages, he was very chatty with ashleigh merchant and in one of these text messages, merchant says, do you think talking about the relationship, do you think it started before she hired him? he responds absolutely. now, we should say that bradley, during his testimony said that he was only speculating what he responded absolutely. other text messages, though reveal a very cordial relationship between merchant and bradley. in fact, he refers to ashleigh merchant at one point as a friend. i'll read part of that text message here now, saying it is my hope that they do the right thing before then. you are my friend bradley says, and i trust you, they will not they're arrogant as f. she thinks she won the other day when she didn't have to be deposed so these text messages just really reveal a much different picture, a much different tone from what we saw from bradley during his testimony. and as we understand it, jake, there are currently being reviewed by judge scott mcafee as whether he's going to introduce this into evidence. tuesday's hearing didn't end with a damaged damaging testimony. the defense attorneys thought they would get, but now, these text messages are being considered as evidenced in the case jake. >> all right. nick valencia, thanks so much. cnn senior legal analyst, elie honig joins us now to break this all down, haley, i want to play a little bit of the questioning to bradley just to remind everybody, bradley was the law partner and divorce attorney for the man, the prosecutor that fani willis's is hadn't relationship with a question about is about when that relationship began because if it were began before she hired him, than they would be lying. they would have lied under oath. so here's part of the questioning on the witness stand to bradley yesterday. take a listen. >> at the time you are communicating with merchant, you are still friends with mr. wade, correct? >> yes >> and if the time you were communicating with ms merchant, you knew that she was talking to you and her role in capacity as an attorney in this case, correct? >> correct >> so tell me what you think these text messages do and how they impact the testimony bradley gave yesterday >> so. two things jake, first of all, i think these text messages establish that mr. bradley's testimony was simply not credible, simply not believable by any rational standard. and the other thing i think it shows is that mr. bradley has had a stark turnaround in his position for reasons we don't know very recently now, these texts as nic just laid out, their recent they're from january there from last month and in the texts, mr. bradley is telling the lawyers for the defendant, the people who are challenging the da absolutely. this relationship started before mr. wade was hired and he's giving them specific details. here's when it started. here's this specific legal conference where they met, where they started, and then yesterday, mr. bradley gets on the stand and all we hear is i don't recall. not at all plausible when he's giving them details a month ago and that's speculation. i'm sorry. it's not speculation when you're giving specific details, so i think it badly undermines mr. bradley's testimony yesterday and, the timing of the relationship. she says, the trump attorneys says to mr. bradley, do you think their relationship began before she hired him? that's i'm paraphrasing. and he says absolutely why does that matter? why does it matter when the relationship between fani willis and mr. wade began >> right. so we need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture here. when the defendants challenged fani willis, their story was essentially fani willis was in a romantic relationship with nathan wade. and then while that relationship was ongoing, she appointed did him to lead the trump case, even though he had never prosecuted a felony criminal trial in his life thereafter, mr. wade made a lot of money, hundreds of thousands of dollars from the fulton county taxpayers, some of which made its way back to the da fani willis, the da fani willis and nathan wade though, offered a counter narrative where they said, no, no, no, he got hired first first then the relationship started. none of this was sort of intentional. none of this was planned. and then the stakes got upped further, jake, because both da willis and mr. wade have now testified under oath that the romantic relationship did not start until after mr. wade was hired. so if that is untrue, they're going to have big problems for this case. they've submitted false testimony and they could have bigger problems than just this case alone. >> yeah. so the issue here is there's kind of like a silly suggestion that the only reason fani willis is even engaged in this prosecution is so that she and her lover mr. wade you know, could live higher than the hog and they take take this government salary and go on vacations in this, in that which on its face seem all that credible. but obviously the relationship was incredibly reckless. and now there are questions about whether or not she has been honest under oath about that relationship what are the judges options here what can he do with all this information >> yeah, so this isn't really important question. this will be up to the judge, judge scott mcafee, who we've seen an action. he is going to have to decide, first of all, who's telling the truth here. that was the defendant's burden. it's the people who are challenging the da hey to establish the truth of what they're saying. but i can see the judge going either way with this on the one hand, i could see the judge saying, i find the da's story that this relationship only started after mr. wade was hired to be non believable, non-credible, the text messages certainly undermine that. there have been cell phone records that undermine that, or i can see the job i'm just saying, look, there's a lot of question about this. it's not clear, but we don't have a clear smoking gun piece of evidence that their relationship started beforehand. >> does what's the impact on this on this argument that the only reason fani willis and mr. wade are in their relationship is too go on vacations on the taxpayer dime >> yeah, it's almost taken out a life of its own, jake, because i agree with you, the financial conflict of interest argument is sort of obscure and a little bit of a reach. but if it turns out that in defending against that, the da and nathan wade have given false testimony under oath. we're going to have a much bigger problem, indeed. all right. elie honig, thanks. you so much. a good reminder out there for you. it's always tell the truth. my next guest wrote what she calls a burn book. it's a tell-all and some of the biggest names in the tech industry all about her journalistic enterprises in silicon valley. we're going to go into deep dive with kara swisher next i'd how in an instant things can transform out of balance in the free fall this is happening. people were there so few certainties as we navigate a future unknown >> i'm glad i found stability in withstood all go standing the test of time >> you didn't live this strong this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. if you have post-menopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture you can build new bone with event at ask your dr. if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with a vanity once stronger bones then build new bone event it can help in just 12 months event it is proven to reduce spine fracture risk by 73% if entity can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, 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at the white house, mj, let's start with we also got sanjay common. what is biden's position saying about the president's health >> yeah. jake, here is that letter that we have been waiting for from dr. kevin o'connor. this is the president's physician. and i'm just going to tell you what the headline is and it was something we expected given what the president said earlier today that everything had gone well dr. o'connor saying that the president feels well and that this year's physical identified no new concerns. he also goes on to say that he continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations. i'll let sanjay get into some of the medical details here about i think it just they're stating we obviously care a great deal about the president's physical health because he holds the highest office in the land. and because he is 81 years old, he will be 86 by the time that he gets the end of a second term. if he has a second term and you know that there have been some discussions and quiet questions raised about whether it would be fitting for the president to take a cognitive test and we just learned from the white house that the president decided not to do that, or rather his doctors decided that that wasn't necessary. this is what karine jean-pierre told reporters just a few minutes ago on why they made that decision. take a listen. >> the president's dr. he says, if you look at what this president, the president who is also the commander in chief, he passes a cognitive tests every day three day as he moves from one topic to another topic understanding the granular level of these topics >> now, of course, the president's age, his health, they have been a huge part of the ongoing national political discussion. we've heard critics and supporters alike expressing questions about the president's age on his mental fitness is physical fitness and we've seen the president increasingly sort of trying to test out different ways of swatting away those concerns. we heard him sort of trying to use humor earlier today. we've seen that increasingly coming from the president. we've also heard him trying to go after his republican can opponent on this issue as a reminder, donald trump is 77 years old, >> jake dr. gupta joins me now on the phone. sanjay, what stands out to you in this doctor's report on president biden? >> yeah i think there was a pretty good summary. i mean, you haven't you have the main dr. you have 20 specialists who were called in over a few hours. they did lots of different tests. it sounds like a significant amount of focus. it appeared for meeting the notes on his spine because of i guess the changes that he's had in his gait and is walking over the last couple of years. they identified arthritis in his spine is some degree of arthritis in his feet. they've got orthopedic surgeons, podiatrists, neurologist, radiologists all involved they got x-rays where he actually moved his spine back and forth to see if there was a problem there as well. but pretty much if you look at last year and look at the report from 2023 it tracks pretty close to this year in terms of the medications that he's taking, the significant lab values and things like his blood pressure and heart rate. i think the biggest thing in the interval between m/v and this year is that he has sleep apnea and is now on a cpap machine. people may be familiar with this, but that's continuous positive pressure that someone sees what that night to help keep their airways open something that people sometimes develop. but as you were just talking about, that's kind of what we know is a six page summary. jake, a little bit more detailed than last year, not as detailed notes that i've seen in years past. and in doing this a long time. but that was sort of the gist of it as i think you were just talking about no mention of a cognitive exam. and then an explicit sort of note that if it was needed, the neurologist who did see president biden would have recommended that exam be done, but that was not the case today. jake. >> all right. i'm dr. sanjay gupta and mj lee. thanks to both of you. we'll be right back with kara swisher. >> stay with us >> thank you. sincerely. sunday on cnn, i've never once had to wait for insurance to approve test or proven medication. you didn't have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed once retired, mark is decided, i will never again work for another man or woman. i abandoned my corporate phone plan and i'll get a new plan with consumers cellular for half the cost, less coburn when freedom calls we're here to answer >> makes it so easy to create a home. you'll love to talk to the neighborhood >> i just wave fare. that's why they're saving time, saving money wayfair's your whole bathroom vanity. >> when i raise their way oh, i know. >> this is nice >> another way to 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questions of tech giants such as steve jobs and elon musk and bill gates. you might remember this moment of internet history when she had mark zuckerberg on the hotseat, the grilling got so intense, he had to take off his hoodie now, kara swisher is revealing her relationships within friendships and i don't know interviews with some of text most powerful players holding nothing back her new memoir is called burn book. >> a tech. >> love story. kara, thanks so much. that's the wrong book, kara, thanks so much. i was holding up the wrong book >> you >> opened with a quote from a french film last suffer, encapsulates your role as a journalist covering silicon valley, quote, when you invent the ship, you also have meant the ship wreck, right? when you invent the plane, you also an event the plane crash people were so eager and excited about what the tech world was bringing us they didn't think about the consequences which you talk about. >> yeah, i talked about a culture that doesn't care for about consequences and it's not sort of like i don't care what happens. it's they don't think about the consequences and that's really what i was focused on, is that there's lack of accountability, immense wealth, and not caring about consequences are paying for the damage you've done. tech is not paved the way other industries have paid when there's mistakes get made, inevitably, there's this infamous quote photo of zuckerberg from early on when he's founding facebook at harvard and he said, and somebody is asking me about how he's doing it and how he's getting all this information. and he said, and i'm paraphrasing, but it's something like they're giving it to me for willingly the effing idiots. >> yes, that's right. zucker's he called them f'ing soccer. yes. is that still the attitude of zuckerberg and others? >> you know, i think every tech company or any company the dna is at the beginning, right? if the dna of the founders in it, i think he's changed and evolved as everybody has. but i do think for most, for the most part, facebook over the course of the years, it's been in business, which is a lot now it's pretty much of a patient's information thief in that regard. yeah. i think that i would say that about a lot of internet companies, they take our data, they pull it in then they gobble it and then serve it back to us in charges and ask us to say you're welcome. >> i remember talking to you when elon musk was buying twitter and i was trying to be optimistic about it. you know me, i'm a cockeyed on your car. that's how i and i knew you were just you were just throwing cold water on it the whole time? >> yeah. >> this is not going to go well and saying not so nice things about him. you use that a friendly relationship. they did. i did, but he changed since what happened? i don't know. he started to the stuff he started tweeting are supporting and tweets for problematic whether it was anti-semitic stuff is anti-trans. he did something around paul pelosi's attack that was disturbing where he retreated a ridiculous conspiracy theory that was this cruel. >> what it was. >> and so i don't know what happened to him. i'm not as mama i'm not as dr. i don't know. i mean, there's been stories written. i think covid had an impact on them. we for sure had a big beef over that earlier where he said there'll be no problem explain to me he read all the studies and i didn't understand and i was like, okay, dr. good to know. >> but i think, >> you know, who knows the journals written about some of his drug use. obviously, the boards that the board that doesn't stop him from doing whatever he feels like so i don't know. i don't know. i i don't know on zuckerburg, you write? no zuckerberg wasn't an he was worse. he was one of them was carelessly dangerous men in the history of technology who didn't even know it. now recently there was this hearing on capitol hill having to do with protecting kids online, and he stood up, people care vectorized it in as an apology. it wasn't actually an apology. was the didn't actually say he was sorry, right? he did express sorrow about the existence of pain. >> yeah. but but a lot of these kids had been driven to suicide based on what they saw, an instagram or maybe they died of a fentanyl overdose based on something they purchased on instagram et cetera, et cetera? cetera. >> do you think he actually >> feels any sadness, sorrow, any guilt for over any of this? yes, sir. i said they're famous for doing the non-apology. apology is at facebook. >> i was actually mad that people called him an apology. he never said i'm swiping. he turned to them and i gotta tell you, i know pretty. well or had known him in the past years. >> i could see it in his eyes. he was sort of like the pictures of the kids the parents held up so i could he's a human like he is. he is, yes, he is indeed. but you could see him go like he could see him taking it back. but then what he said was i'm sorry for what's happened to you. >> yeah. >> that was not i'm sorry. i'm sorry. not waned today. >> yes, i'm not i'm sorry for what i've had any partners that would have been the least thing you should have said. it's very much like them. they're like that. they don't think it's their fault and i'm not saying all of it's their fault. but, you january january 6, they were integral part of the radicalization i had written about it years before saying this is what's going to happen. and they're like, well, how can you say that? i'm like i'm an intelligent person who can piece together a little puzzling. >> i have eyes and ears and >> you're smarter than me as you are often want to tell me i think one of the things that i talk about here is i really love tech. it has the potential to do great things just like palmar really that's all really quote said. it can be a ship, but we have an awful lot of shipwrecks. let's get a lighthouse for goodness sake >> and just such a wonderful book, burn book attack, love story. congratulations and continued success. thank you. and i can't wait to have you back on the show guide optimist, you know me i always see in the best in people, kara swisher, thanks so much. breaking news on capitol hill. hunter biden appears to have just wrapped up a full day of testimony, leaving without taking questions from reporters, house republicans are trying to link his father, president biden, to hunter's rather shady business dealings it's what we're learning about the closed-door testimony next >> financial transactions domains, we know one thing and one thing only backs strained backs from weekend chores to pull backs doing your favorite hobbies we even know the quarterbacks when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even 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Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

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with jake tapper starts right now >> the man trump calls old crow, is flying the coop >> the leads >> ich mcconnell >> there with his own 2024 plants, stepping down as senate republican leader, though he's going to stay on as a senator from kentucky. >> the >> new era of republican politics. now, loading as a new high-stakes re-state kicks into gear to replace mcconnell, odds are the winter will likely be an old white guy named john plus a monster wildfire in texas exploding at one point burning through 150 football fields a minute charring through land 11 size 11 times the size of washington, dc. we're going to go live on the ground as this fire and wide open land prompts evacuations in its path and president biden's date with the dr. the report, do any moments after his annual physical welcome to the lean. >> i'm jake tapper. we start with our politics lead and the end of an era on capitol hill, senator mitch mcconnell, the longest serving congressional party leader in american history, announced today he's stepping down from his leadership role effective november the at two-year-old says he will continue to serve as a us senator representing the commonwealth of kentucky, but he says he's ready to pass the baton to a younger generation by which i mean, a bunch of guys in their '60s and '70s father time remains undefeated no longer their young man fitting in the back, hoping colleagues would remember my name it's time. the next generation of leadership >> now there is a good chance that that new generation of leadership means one of these three johns senate republican whip, john thune of south dakota senator john barrasso of wyoming, the conference chair or senator john cornyn of texas. cornyn so far has been the only ones that signal that he's going to jump into that race. but any man or woman who steps into mcconnell's shoes will have to lead a party that is in the end stages of morphing fully into the party of donald j. trump trump mcconnell today, acknowledging that his views on national security and funding american allies are at odds with many in his party, including the former president believe me >> i know the politics of >> them by a party at this particular moment in time. i have many false mr. hundred and seven, politics is not one >> but mcconnell also acknowledged that he at 82 year-old, 82 years old realizes that quote, the end of my contributions are closer than i prefer, unquote mcconnell has visibly struggled on occasion in recent months, appearing to freeze and forget what he was saying for extended periods of time including a news conference last july this week been good bipartisan cooperation and a string of >> image does he or she want to say i'm sure school back to you want to see anything else to the press >> correct >> let's bring in cnn's manu raju on capitol hill, and i know how big of a surprise was the announcement today. >> well, the timing was a surprise, jake, i think there had been an expectation that sometime this year that mitch mcconnell would announced he would not run again for leader. he had not been saying whether he would run and continue this term. remember he's already gotten and what he sought out for which did become the longest serving party leader in the history of the united states senate. he's already achieved that goal. as you mentioned, 82 years old. he has had health issues. he's on the other side of donald trump. he has seen a growing faction within his party, a small faction, but a vocal come out and criticize them, something that he has not seen before. being so vocal in their opposition to him. so he recognizes that this moment is the end of his tenure, time to step aside, but the timing still surprised everyone given it's so early here in this congressional calendar. but jake, this will set the stage for the leadership races succeed. >> so manu mcconnell is going to serve until september amber. the race to replace them has already begun. what are you hearing about timing? who will enter the running and who might have the edge? >> yeah, it's unclear who has the edge because these are secret ballot elections that will occurs after november. so we've got the next eight months or so for private and public jocking to take place between the three candidates we expect to be the leading contenders. john, john thune, the number two republican who has expressed to me in the past, but he is interested in the position john barrasso, the number three republican, who is also expected to jump into this race. john cornyn also reiterating today that he is interested in running for this position. now, i caught up with one of dunes porter's senator mike rounds. it was a fellow south dakota republican. he indicated to me that this race essentially has already begun. and i asked him about his handling of donald trump, given the fact that they've had a bit of a rocky relationship until thune endorsed him just over the weekend he said a bit of a rocky relationship with trump. is that a liability? >> well, i think just in the last week or so, he has publicly announced his support for the trump campaign. and i think that's something that a republican leader in the senate really has to ponder and be careful of how they approach it. i think he showed the right type of temperament and the way that he approached it. and the fact that he has said he will support the former president and his campaign was the right thing for him to do. >> if you started to talk to through and about what this campaign will look like and what you will do to help him. >> oh, that started a long time ago. >> so i talked to a lot of other republican senators, jake and many of them simply say that they don't have a preference yet are not willing to express and they want to hear these candidates say how they will drive the future direction of the senate gop. so just a lot of uncertainty about the aftermath of a connell here. >> and mine are there is some breaking news when it comes down to the shutdown showdown, the government shutdown scheduled as of now for close the business friday we've just learned that the house of representatives is going to vote tomorrow on a short-term government funding bill. is that expected to pass? yeah. and this will be the fourth time they've essentially kicked the can down the road just for some time. it doesn't expect to be a short-term spending part of the federal government extended for one week. there's a deadline of march 8 right now that would have set a march 1st right now this friday. that'd be expended, extended for another week. there's another deadline currently for the filing friday that would be extent of yet another week. the idea is to get all the annual appropriations bills don get them out of congress by the time did fund the federal government till the end of the current fiscal year, which at the end of september. but remember, jake, they were supposed to do is back in october, but it's been such a tumultuous road getting just the basic essence of governing done, keeping the lights on from the federal government, and lead initially to the ouster of kevin mccarthy, his handling of this in the house and then all the rest of back-and-forth within the house and senate gop, but expect speaker johnson and take some incoming fire from conservative hardliners, unhappy with a deal, he just cut with senate majority leader chuck schumer. >> all right. manu raja, busy day on capitol hill today. thanks so much for checking and let's discuss with my panel. amanda carpenter congressman matt gaetz is out there celebrating this news about mcconnell. he posted on twitter, now known as x. we've now at six mccarthy mcdaniel, mcconnell, better days are ahead for the republican party is of course, talking about former speaker mccarthy, former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel and and mcconnell are a lot of people in the party celebrating the news. you think? >> well, i think certainly the trump wing of it as, but listen mitch mcconnell is leaving the party in a much worse place than he found it originally in the blame i think there is a special category for mitch mcconnell book cuts. perhaps me hen more than anyone in the republican party after january 6 was in a position to put trump behind the party in leading the senate to convict him. >> mitch >> mcconnell tried to walk this line where he said that trump is morally and practically responsible for january 6, but he wasn't going to do anything to hold him politically countable. and so i look at mitch mcconnell retiring without actually having sacrifice anything personally, politically for profit, however way you want to swing it and he's just another guy leaving the field without ever standing up to trump and leaving the party in america worse off. >> so gloria, if mcconnell were here, which he's not, he would maybe want to say amanda, that's not fair. i am right now. i'm i could do my mcconnell, but i mean, it's it's fair. i did stand up for against donald trump. i and a number of times, yes, i've voted to acquit him for the january 6, attack on the capitol. but i then said, this >> former president trump's actions preceded the riot or a disgraceful disgraceful. there are election of duty there's no question. none they're president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. >> since then, of course, trump has insulted mcconnell repeatedly calls him old crow. he's insulted his wife, elaine chao, who used to be a secretary, cabinet secretary is administration using language that a lot of people find signed racist? yeah. yeah. >> what's your take on why mcconnell is resigning? do you think it has to do with trump? or do you think he's he's just old. i said i think i think both actually look i think he sees the caucus moving away from him to a degree. they did try to defeat him once and it didn't work >> but >> i think he sees donald trump as the nominee of the republican party potentially the next president in the united states. he's 82 years it's all he doesn't want to deal with that anymore, by the way, and that's speech. mcconnell also said that this would be handled by the courts, what what trumped in, of course now we see that it is being handled by the courts. >> not really supported, right? we're but i think he would also say that he cost the democrats you know, to supreme court nominees, which i'm sure kate is not forgotten, certainly agree with, the right. and he and he would say and i'm standing up for american exceptionalism and ukraine. and i'm, and i'm never going to stop doing that of the three replacements. i don't know if we have that graphic. let's put them up there again. >> soon. >> cornyn barrasso, thune barrasso, cornyn down at dawn from where i sit barasa is the more maga candidate he has been unwilling as far as i can tell, to cross trump whereas foun in cornyn have shown flashes of independence from the maga wing. do you agree or do you not see there's much difference? >> not sure. i see a ton of difference mean we'll see thank you know, eight months is a long time for people to campaign publicly and privately for this job. i think we've seen across the board a reticence on the part of leadership, the republican party to break with donald trump. i have a really hard time imagining that any of these guys, as they're as they're campaigning jockeying for this job are going to make standing up to donald trump a centerpiece of their case. i just i don't see that happening. so as much as i have my own issues with mitch mcconnell, certainly i think he has politicized the judicial nomination process more than probably anybody else in the history of the country, which is i think has been damaging he was somebody who at times was willing and to work across the aisle. he obviously voted for biden's infrastructure bill >> and those two work together when biden was vice president >> absolutely. absolutely. and as gloria was saying, i mean, he supports american leadership on the world stage and continuing to arm ukraine in the face of russia. so my heart is not personally broken to see mitch mcconnell go as a democrat but i also am very worried about the trajectory of the republican party here because it's hard to imagine somebody more reasonable than mitch mcconnell taking that. >> so that's putting you down for four tickets to new zealand all right. thanks to all of you breaking news, a new york appeals court judge just weighed in on that civil fraud case ordering donald trump to pay 454 million, 354 million. trump tried to get a hold in that order. let's get right to cnn's kara scannell. kara walk us through this latest decision yeah. >> jake, so appeals court judge in new york's have a donald trump must post the entirety of this bond, $454 million including the interests on the judgment in order to satisfy the judgment to stop the new york attorney general's office from trying to move forward to execute that. now, this is a ruling from one judge, so it is temporary in nature and there will be further briefings on this. but what the judge said is that trump will have to come up with this money. he has about until essentially the end of march to do this. and but what the judge also said is that trump is this one of the bands that was trump is facing was that he couldn't take out any loans from any new york financial institution or any financial station that was overseen by new york regulators, which is essentially a large swath of the global banking system. so the judge here saying that trump can apply for loans because that was one of the arguments trump's team has made. they said that to satisfy this judgment, to come up with that much money in cash, they might need to get alone or to sell property but they said they were prohibited under this judge's order from accessing the banking system, from going and say taking out a loan against mar-a-lago or one of the golf properties. so the appeals court judge is now saying they can go ahead and access the capital markets. they can try to get loans in order to satisfy the judgment because what one of the arguments trump teens made also is that even get a bond of this amount of money, the people that underwrite these bonds want cash. and that is why they need access to markets. so trump is going to have to come up with this money, but now he's able he's given more ways to try to do that short of selling as property, of course, big question is, will he be able to get someone to underwrite this bond? will he be able to get access to the markets? will someone read them alone? that all remains to be seen, but the clock here is ticking briefs in this case when they will take this to the full appeals court panel are due by the end of the month and that is also around the same time that this judgment is due, which is also right when trump is going to be sitting for jury selection in the criminal hush money case on march 25th, jake. >> all right. kara chris canal with the breaking news. thanks so much to another major political wake-up call that uncommitted vote tally in the michigan primary, president biden, where you watching why that tally in this single state is so significant and should be a warning to any politician in this big election year. stay with us united states of scandal with jake tapper on sunday, a nine on >> cnn from pep in their step to shine in their coats. and people switch their dogs foods to the farmers dog, the effects can seem like magic but there's no magic involved it's just smarter, healthier pet food. >> it's amazing what real food can do. >> if you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan that smart now, i'm 65 and really smart later. i'm 70 >> consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from united health care. with this type of plan, you well, no upfront about how much your care costs, which makes planning your financial future easier. so call 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stumbling a little. was up late last night because of the primary the white house attempting to focus on the positives after last night in michigan, president biden won the democratic primary handily, where 13% or one in eight democratic voters instead of voting for him, check the uncommitted box. now percentage-wise, that's not extraordinary events in michigan and 2012, 11% of michigan democrats voted uncommitted when president obama was on the ticket. but viewed as a total number. this is a cause for alarm generally, 20,000 democrats can be relied upon to vote uncommitted. every michigan presidential primary. this was five times that more than 100,000 democrats. and that's enough to swing that battleground state. additionally, most voters in the predominantly arab american michigan city of dearborn voted uncommitted. most of them, most of them voted uncommitted, nearly 57%. that is a direct rebuke of biden's handling of the israel-hamas war. journalist maggie hassan joins us now, we just launched his own digital media company is a teo, which means to seek in greek, which of course many as greek we all know his book is titled win every argument. show me you guys should don't want many show me. are there whenever you argument. it's on it's on paperback now, check it out. great book maddie, i want to talk about to take on a second, but first, yes. i got to know your your take on the significance of this uncommitted it did vote last night. >> i completely agree with your intro. it is the case that michigan does have big uncommitted proportions. obama went on to win it very easily against romney in 2012. the difference in 2012 was, it was not an organized effort. >> it right. people just expressing discontent or whatever you do. >> here is a >> very explicit aim to get a ceasefire in gaza. that is what a lot of the voters in michigan want. i've been speaking to people in dearborn across the statements, not just most americans are arab-americans, progressives, progressive people and people of color, young voters. and what debbie dingell, a congresswoman, they made the point that this is not just arab americans, 100,000 people plus is a lot of people in a state that biden won by 150,000. hillary lost by 11,000 the neck and neck in the polls, if you're not alarmed by what's happening in michigan, you're a democratic strategist. you should be. >> yeah, because that obviously 100,000 people that was a muscle flex. >> we're here. yes. >> listen to us because what what needs to happen? do you think practically speaking, not peace in the middle east, but practically speaking what needs to happen? for most of those voters to come back in the democratic fold a ceasefire. what else? >> so a lot of the vote is, why can't say a number, a significant chunk probably lost >> they're gone. >> i think they're >> lost not to trump. they'll go through third-party or stay. >> if you are somebody in dearborn has lost not ten, not 20 members of your family in gaza. you're going to shop you're going to vote for biden even if there's a ceasefire drummer, you can't expect that. but there is a significant time to people who do want this to be seen as an act of pressure. they don't want to vote for trump. they're not pro-trump. they just want to see the best version of joe biden and of america. they want a ceasefire, they want an end to the killings, not peace in the middle east or a two-state solution utopia, but a stop to the killings over 100 people a day american weaponry, american money. they want to see that ceasefire, you're seeing joe biden promising a ceasefire is coming. i'm skeptical. right. but i think the white house realized that they have to do something here >> so you make the point that they're not going to go to trump who called for a ban on muslims entering the country. let's say that this, i don't know what you would call this gambit of the biden administration to force netanyahu to sign a document saying, i will only use american armaments in compliance with international law, which, which netanyahu seems reluctant to sign. >> what if >> that forces some sort of change in leadership in israel might that be seen as more concrete even a ceasefire. >> i actually think the aide position is some whether biden can have a lot of effort conditioning aid is very popular on the democratic base. even members of congress, i think it's mad that five months into the war, the americans, as they can you sign something saying you're fine? hello, international law should not be in a dominant october the 8th, it's crazy that we're asking that now. and by the way, i also think it's crazy that joe biden is willing to wreck his presidency, potentially, an american democracy if trump gets back in for benjamin netanyahu, a man who has basically i can't find the daytime language for it done bad things to every democratic president in my lifetime, bill clinton struggled with netanyahu, brock obama struggle. and that biden could sacrifice his own presidency for who, for bibi, thanks for keeping it clean. i appreciate it before you go, i want to ask you to know who i tried hard. you've moved down from your role and msnbc, you told the washington post, your quote, a bit of a square peg into round hole there. what gaps in the current media environment do you hope to fill with your new company? one is a tale. >> i said i was a round >> around round >> peg in a square hold across cable news, across game. but i'm glad to be himars after four years, we've always had you here evo, it's been a jeffrey, not me, but i do think cable news, print, press, all do good jobs, but i think there's gaps. and the reason i'm starting this company is because i want to be able to speak in a blunter fashion than perhaps some in the media speak right now, especially about issues like racism, fascism, genocide. i just wanted able to speak more plainly and provide a platform for other journalists to do so. >> so what was the table b? >> so it's a teo is a digital media. it means to seek the tpp, the truth in an age of disinformation and gaslighting is a teo for giving me the plug. it's a platform for podcasts, streaming shows op-eds. it's all singing, all dancing media company and it's a subscription model in a time when you know, jake, industry suffering hard and people are losing a lot of jobs. >> all right, well, best of luck with it. good to see you. there always be a warm seat for you here at this table. we do good to see you in many, just into cnn, the actual text messages behind that damning testimony yesterday in fulton county and the romantic relationship that is interfering in the election subversion case against donald trump in georgia, stay with us >> yellows, not going to fly, but the lab >> there's >> toothpaste white and there's chris 3d white strips, whitens like a $400 professional treatment crest washington's proposed capital regulation comes with a steep price tag and they're forcing >> americans to 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help find the right plan for you. >> consumer cellular. this is sam call me healthier. >> this is a button >> well, somebody's but just thought i'd let you know that would off just $2 per tablet at rex >> i'm katie bo lillis in washington and this is cnn this just into our law and justice lead and cnn has exclusively obtained the text messages >> behind yesterday's damning testimony in that hearing by the trump folks to disqualify fulton county district attorney, fani willis from georgia's election case, trial against donald trump. let's go straight cnn's nick valencia in atlanta. nick, what are we learning >> well, during his testimony, terrence bradley repeatedly said that he could not or did not called details about the personal relationship between fani willis and nathan wade. but these text messages are in stark contrast to the tone in his testimony a reveal months of communication we reviewed all 413 messages between bradley and ashleigh merchant. not only does it show that they've been communicating or that they work for months, but it also shows that bradley is appearing to assist merchant as she was scrambling to find evidence for her bombshell allegation in her effort to disqualify fani willis bradley was supposed to be the star witness for defense attorneys, but he was really not so easy to get information out of. but during these text messages, he was very chatty with ashleigh merchant and in one of these text messages, merchant says, do you think talking about the relationship, do you think it started before she hired him? he responds absolutely. now, we should say that bradley, during his testimony said that he was only speculating what he responded absolutely. other text messages, though reveal a very cordial relationship between merchant and bradley. in fact, he refers to ashleigh merchant at one point as a friend. i'll read part of that text message here now, saying it is my hope that they do the right thing before then. you are my friend bradley says, and i trust you, they will not they're arrogant as f. she thinks she won the other day when she didn't have to be deposed so these text messages just really reveal a much different picture, a much different tone from what we saw from bradley during his testimony. and as we understand it, jake, there are currently being reviewed by judge scott mcafee as whether he's going to introduce this into evidence. tuesday's hearing didn't end with a damaged damaging testimony. the defense attorneys thought they would get, but now, these text messages are being considered as evidenced in the case jake. >> all right. nick valencia, thanks so much. cnn senior legal analyst, elie honig joins us now to break this all down, haley, i want to play a little bit of the questioning to bradley just to remind everybody, bradley was the law partner and divorce attorney for the man, the prosecutor that fani willis's is hadn't relationship with a question about is about when that relationship began because if it were began before she hired him, than they would be lying. they would have lied under oath. so here's part of the questioning on the witness stand to bradley yesterday. take a listen. >> at the time you are communicating with merchant, you are still friends with mr. wade, correct? >> yes >> and if the time you were communicating with ms merchant, you knew that she was talking to you and her role in capacity as an attorney in this case, correct? >> correct >> so tell me what you think these text messages do and how they impact the testimony bradley gave yesterday >> so. two things jake, first of all, i think these text messages establish that mr. bradley's testimony was simply not credible, simply not believable by any rational standard. and the other thing i think it shows is that mr. bradley has had a stark turnaround in his position for reasons we don't know very recently now, these texts as nic just laid out, their recent they're from january there from last month and in the texts, mr. bradley is telling the lawyers for the defendant, the people who are challenging the da absolutely. this relationship started before mr. wade was hired and he's giving them specific details. here's when it started. here's this specific legal conference where they met, where they started, and then yesterday, mr. bradley gets on the stand and all we hear is i don't recall. not at all plausible when he's giving them details a month ago and that's speculation. i'm sorry. it's not speculation when you're giving specific details, so i think it badly undermines mr. bradley's testimony yesterday and, the timing of the relationship. she says, the trump attorneys says to mr. bradley, do you think their relationship began before she hired him? that's i'm paraphrasing. and he says absolutely why does that matter? why does it matter when the relationship between fani willis and mr. wade began >> right. so we need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture here. when the defendants challenged fani willis, their story was essentially fani willis was in a romantic relationship with nathan wade. and then while that relationship was ongoing, she appointed did him to lead the trump case, even though he had never prosecuted a felony criminal trial in his life thereafter, mr. wade made a lot of money, hundreds of thousands of dollars from the fulton county taxpayers, some of which made its way back to the da fani willis, the da fani willis and nathan wade though, offered a counter narrative where they said, no, no, no, he got hired first first then the relationship started. none of this was sort of intentional. none of this was planned. and then the stakes got upped further, jake, because both da willis and mr. wade have now testified under oath that the romantic relationship did not start until after mr. wade was hired. so if that is untrue, they're going to have big problems for this case. they've submitted false testimony and they could have bigger problems than just this case alone. >> yeah. so the issue here is there's kind of like a silly suggestion that the only reason fani willis is even engaged in this prosecution is so that she and her lover mr. wade you know, could live higher than the hog and they take take this government salary and go on vacations in this, in that which on its face seem all that credible. but obviously the relationship was incredibly reckless. and now there are questions about whether or not she has been honest under oath about that relationship what are the judges options here what can he do with all this information >> yeah, so this isn't really important question. this will be up to the judge, judge scott mcafee, who we've seen an action. he is going to have to decide, first of all, who's telling the truth here. that was the defendant's burden. it's the people who are challenging the da hey to establish the truth of what they're saying. but i can see the judge going either way with this on the one hand, i could see the judge saying, i find the da's story that this relationship only started after mr. wade was hired to be non believable, non-credible, the text messages certainly undermine that. there have been cell phone records that undermine that, or i can see the job i'm just saying, look, there's a lot of question about this. it's not clear, but we don't have a clear smoking gun piece of evidence that their relationship started beforehand. >> does what's the impact on this on this argument that the only reason fani willis and mr. wade are in their relationship is too go on vacations on the taxpayer dime >> yeah, it's almost taken out a life of its own, jake, because i agree with you, the financial conflict of interest argument is sort of obscure and a little bit of a reach. but if it turns out that in defending against that, the da and nathan wade have given false testimony under oath. we're going to have a much bigger problem, indeed. all right. elie honig, thanks. you so much. a good reminder out there for you. it's always tell the truth. my next guest wrote what she calls a burn book. it's a tell-all and some of the biggest names in the tech industry all about her journalistic enterprises in silicon valley. we're going to go into deep dive with kara swisher next i'd how in an instant things can transform out of balance in the free fall this is happening. people were there so few certainties as we navigate a future unknown >> i'm glad i found stability in withstood all go standing the test of time >> you didn't live this strong this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. if you have post-menopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture you can build new bone with event at ask your dr. if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with a vanity once stronger bones then build new bone event it can help in just 12 months event it is proven to reduce spine fracture risk by 73% if entity can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, 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at the white house, mj, let's start with we also got sanjay common. what is biden's position saying about the president's health >> yeah. jake, here is that letter that we have been waiting for from dr. kevin o'connor. this is the president's physician. and i'm just going to tell you what the headline is and it was something we expected given what the president said earlier today that everything had gone well dr. o'connor saying that the president feels well and that this year's physical identified no new concerns. he also goes on to say that he continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations. i'll let sanjay get into some of the medical details here about i think it just they're stating we obviously care a great deal about the president's physical health because he holds the highest office in the land. and because he is 81 years old, he will be 86 by the time that he gets the end of a second term. if he has a second term and you know that there have been some discussions and quiet questions raised about whether it would be fitting for the president to take a cognitive test and we just learned from the white house that the president decided not to do that, or rather his doctors decided that that wasn't necessary. this is what karine jean-pierre told reporters just a few minutes ago on why they made that decision. take a listen. >> the president's dr. he says, if you look at what this president, the president who is also the commander in chief, he passes a cognitive tests every day three day as he moves from one topic to another topic understanding the granular level of these topics >> now, of course, the president's age, his health, they have been a huge part of the ongoing national political discussion. we've heard critics and supporters alike expressing questions about the president's age on his mental fitness is physical fitness and we've seen the president increasingly sort of trying to test out different ways of swatting away those concerns. we heard him sort of trying to use humor earlier today. we've seen that increasingly coming from the president. we've also heard him trying to go after his republican can opponent on this issue as a reminder, donald trump is 77 years old, >> jake dr. gupta joins me now on the phone. sanjay, what stands out to you in this doctor's report on president biden? >> yeah i think there was a pretty good summary. i mean, you haven't you have the main dr. you have 20 specialists who were called in over a few hours. they did lots of different tests. it sounds like a significant amount of focus. it appeared for meeting the notes on his spine because of i guess the changes that he's had in his gait and is walking over the last couple of years. they identified arthritis in his spine is some degree of arthritis in his feet. they've got orthopedic surgeons, podiatrists, neurologist, radiologists all involved they got x-rays where he actually moved his spine back and forth to see if there was a problem there as well. but pretty much if you look at last year and look at the report from 2023 it tracks pretty close to this year in terms of the medications that he's taking, the significant lab values and things like his blood pressure and heart rate. i think the biggest thing in the interval between m/v and this year is that he has sleep apnea and is now on a cpap machine. people may be familiar with this, but that's continuous positive pressure that someone sees what that night to help keep their airways open something that people sometimes develop. but as you were just talking about, that's kind of what we know is a six page summary. jake, a little bit more detailed than last year, not as detailed notes that i've seen in years past. and in doing this a long time. but that was sort of the gist of it as i think you were just talking about no mention of a cognitive exam. and then an explicit sort of note that if it was needed, the neurologist who did see president biden would have recommended that exam be done, but that was not the case today. jake. >> all right. i'm dr. sanjay gupta and mj lee. thanks to both of you. we'll be right back with kara swisher. >> stay with us >> thank you. sincerely. sunday on cnn, i've never once had to wait for insurance to approve test or proven medication. you didn't have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations and our family is forever grateful because it's completely changed once retired, mark is decided, i will never again work for another man or woman. i abandoned my corporate phone plan and i'll get a new plan with consumers cellular for half the cost, less coburn when freedom calls we're here to answer >> makes it so easy to create a home. you'll love to talk to the neighborhood >> i just wave fare. that's why they're saving time, saving money wayfair's your whole bathroom vanity. >> when i raise their way oh, i know. >> this is nice >> another way to 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questions of tech giants such as steve jobs and elon musk and bill gates. you might remember this moment of internet history when she had mark zuckerberg on the hotseat, the grilling got so intense, he had to take off his hoodie now, kara swisher is revealing her relationships within friendships and i don't know interviews with some of text most powerful players holding nothing back her new memoir is called burn book. >> a tech. >> love story. kara, thanks so much. that's the wrong book, kara, thanks so much. i was holding up the wrong book >> you >> opened with a quote from a french film last suffer, encapsulates your role as a journalist covering silicon valley, quote, when you invent the ship, you also have meant the ship wreck, right? when you invent the plane, you also an event the plane crash people were so eager and excited about what the tech world was bringing us they didn't think about the consequences which you talk about. >> yeah, i talked about a culture that doesn't care for about consequences and it's not sort of like i don't care what happens. it's they don't think about the consequences and that's really what i was focused on, is that there's lack of accountability, immense wealth, and not caring about consequences are paying for the damage you've done. tech is not paved the way other industries have paid when there's mistakes get made, inevitably, there's this infamous quote photo of zuckerberg from early on when he's founding facebook at harvard and he said, and somebody is asking me about how he's doing it and how he's getting all this information. and he said, and i'm paraphrasing, but it's something like they're giving it to me for willingly the effing idiots. >> yes, that's right. zucker's he called them f'ing soccer. yes. is that still the attitude of zuckerberg and others? >> you know, i think every tech company or any company the dna is at the beginning, right? if the dna of the founders in it, i think he's changed and evolved as everybody has. but i do think for most, for the most part, facebook over the course of the years, it's been in business, which is a lot now it's pretty much of a patient's information thief in that regard. yeah. i think that i would say that about a lot of internet companies, they take our data, they pull it in then they gobble it and then serve it back to us in charges and ask us to say you're welcome. >> i remember talking to you when elon musk was buying twitter and i was trying to be optimistic about it. you know me, i'm a cockeyed on your car. that's how i and i knew you were just you were just throwing cold water on it the whole time? >> yeah. >> this is not going to go well and saying not so nice things about him. you use that a friendly relationship. they did. i did, but he changed since what happened? i don't know. he started to the stuff he started tweeting are supporting and tweets for problematic whether it was anti-semitic stuff is anti-trans. he did something around paul pelosi's attack that was disturbing where he retreated a ridiculous conspiracy theory that was this cruel. >> what it was. >> and so i don't know what happened to him. i'm not as mama i'm not as dr. i don't know. i mean, there's been stories written. i think covid had an impact on them. we for sure had a big beef over that earlier where he said there'll be no problem explain to me he read all the studies and i didn't understand and i was like, okay, dr. good to know. >> but i think, >> you know, who knows the journals written about some of his drug use. obviously, the boards that the board that doesn't stop him from doing whatever he feels like so i don't know. i don't know. i i don't know on zuckerburg, you write? no zuckerberg wasn't an he was worse. he was one of them was carelessly dangerous men in the history of technology who didn't even know it. now recently there was this hearing on capitol hill having to do with protecting kids online, and he stood up, people care vectorized it in as an apology. it wasn't actually an apology. was the didn't actually say he was sorry, right? he did express sorrow about the existence of pain. >> yeah. but but a lot of these kids had been driven to suicide based on what they saw, an instagram or maybe they died of a fentanyl overdose based on something they purchased on instagram et cetera, et cetera? cetera. >> do you think he actually >> feels any sadness, sorrow, any guilt for over any of this? yes, sir. i said they're famous for doing the non-apology. apology is at facebook. >> i was actually mad that people called him an apology. he never said i'm swiping. he turned to them and i gotta tell you, i know pretty. well or had known him in the past years. >> i could see it in his eyes. he was sort of like the pictures of the kids the parents held up so i could he's a human like he is. he is, yes, he is indeed. but you could see him go like he could see him taking it back. but then what he said was i'm sorry for what's happened to you. >> yeah. >> that was not i'm sorry. i'm sorry. not waned today. >> yes, i'm not i'm sorry for what i've had any partners that would have been the least thing you should have said. it's very much like them. they're like that. they don't think it's their fault and i'm not saying all of it's their fault. but, you january january 6, they were integral part of the radicalization i had written about it years before saying this is what's going to happen. and they're like, well, how can you say that? i'm like i'm an intelligent person who can piece together a little puzzling. >> i have eyes and ears and >> you're smarter than me as you are often want to tell me i think one of the things that i talk about here is i really love tech. it has the potential to do great things just like palmar really that's all really quote said. it can be a ship, but we have an awful lot of shipwrecks. let's get a lighthouse for goodness sake >> and just such a wonderful book, burn book attack, love story. congratulations and continued success. thank you. and i can't wait to have you back on the show guide optimist, you know me i always see in the best in people, kara swisher, thanks so much. breaking news on capitol hill. hunter biden appears to have just wrapped up a full day of testimony, leaving without taking questions from reporters, house republicans are trying to link his father, president biden, to hunter's rather shady business dealings it's what we're learning about the closed-door testimony next >> financial transactions domains, we know one thing and one thing only backs strained backs from weekend chores to pull backs doing your favorite hobbies we even know the quarterbacks when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even 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Fit , Hardcore Results , Shredding Stack , Weight Loss Brand , Hydroxy , Dina , 31 , Cures Cancer , Politicians , Trump , Commitment , Curates , Initiative , All Around The World , Both , Economy , Nikki Haley , Style , Chaos , Grievances , Choice , Negativity , Freedom , Cause , Patient , Leadership , Border , Life , Florida , Vacation , Locations , Valencia , Gl Hubs , 24 7 , 400 , 55 , 2 Million , Living , More , Maintenance , Dining , Pickleball , Clubhouses , Funneling Cia Live Life , Closed Captioning , Alencia , Book , Firm , Mesothelioma , Mesothelial , 4901 , 80087 , Ten , Voters , Democratic , Positives , White House , Little , Cue , Election Leak , Music , 13 , Obama , Ticket , Voting , Box , 2012 , Uncommitted , Alarm , 100000 , Five , 20000 , Most , Battleground State , Arab American , Michigan City Of Dearborn , 57 , Company , Maggie Hassan , Teo , Digital Media , Rebuke , Greek , Israel Hamas War , Argument , Yes , Show Me , Win , Paperback , First , Second , Maddie , Whatever , Effort , Proportions , Discontent , Significance , Intro , Last Night , Romney , Ceasefire , Statements , Aim , Gaza , Color , Progressives , Point , People Plus , Debbie Dingell , Strategist , Polls , Hillary Lost By 11000 The Neck And , 150000 , 11000 , Peace , Muscle Flex , Middle East , Chunk , Fold , Pressure , Members , Family , Ceasefire Drummer , Dearborn , 20 , Killings , Stop , American Money , Version , Day American Weaponry , Two State Solution Utopia , 100 , Ban On Muslims , Sort , Netanyahu , International Law , Compliance , Document , Armaments , Gambit , Which , Aide Position , Change , Concrete , Base , Effort Conditioning Aid , Israel , Hello , The Americans , War , October , 8th , October The 8th , Things , Presidency , In My Lifetime , Democracy , Brock Obama Struggle , Bill Clinton , Bibi , Round , Gaps , Peg , Hole , Media Environment , Msnbc , Washington Post , Cable News , Himars , Tale , Game , Jeffrey , Evo , Print , Jobs , Reason , Platform , Media , Journalists , Racism , Fascism , Fashion , Table B , Genocide , Truth , Age , Dancing Media Company , Teo News Com , Gaslighting , Tpp , Plug , Disinformation , Podcasts , Subscription Model , Singing , Op Eds , Text Messages , Testimony , Best , Election Subversion Case , Table , Fulton County , Luck , Warm Seat , Lab , Yellows , Toothpaste , Georgia , A 400 Professional Treatment Crest Washington S Proposed Capital Regulation , Strips , Bill , Price Tag , Chris 3d , 3 , 00 , Credit , Car , Businesses , Cost , Capital Regulation , Mortgages , Inflation , Budgets , Payroll , Operations , Phol , Saving Money Wayfair , Deals , Home , Big Deal , Bill Americans , Dream , Head , Phrase Wayfair , Mobile App , Teams , Seal , Navy , Special Operations Veterans , Customers , Sabo , Technology , Experiences , Fishing , Hunting , Essential , American Technology , Growth , Adversaries , Agenda , Want , Leaders , Drive Time , Deal , Coming Up , Answers , Hi , Brushes , Down Payment , Payment , Maker , Hearing , Sound , Hearing Benefits , Benefits , Starters , Vision , Edna , , 188865 , 0 , Coverage , Benefit Options , Button Well , Me Healthier , Per Tablet , Consumer Cellular , 2 , Law And Justice , Rex Md Com , Bo Lillis , Fani Willis , Case , Trial , Folks , Da And Nathan Wade , Details , Terrence Bradley , Nick Valencia , Atlanta , Bradley , Tone , It Show , Messages , Testimony A , Communication , Contrast , Ashleigh Merchant , 413 , Defense Attorneys , Merchant , Evidence , Fani Willis Bradley , Witness , Scrambling , Bombshell Allegation , The Star , Information , Ashleigh , Friend , Text Message , Hope , Scott Mcafee , Picture , Elie Honig , Hearing Didn T , Down , Tuesday , Everybody , Prosecutor , Questioning , Law Partner , Hadn T , Divorce , Oath , Listen , Witness Stand To Bradley Yesterday , Ms , Friends , Capacity , Things Jake , Testimony Bradley , Texts , Reasons , Standard , Turnaround , Nic , Defendant , Da Absolutely , Lawyers , Conference , Speculation , Stand , Trump Attorneys , Paraphrasing , Testimony Yesterday , Matter , Story , Defendants , Felony Criminal Trial , Some , Taxpayers , Da Fani Willis , Counter Narrative , Hundreds Of Thousands , Intentional , Stakes , Issue , Problems , Suggestion , Government Salary , Hog , Lover , Prosecution , Wade You , Questions , Vacations , Judges Options , Isn T , Action , Then And Now , Da , Hand , Burden , Cell Phone , Smoking Gun Piece , Non Credible , Non Believable , Impact , Taxpayer Dime , Problem , Reach , Conflict Of Interest , Kara Swisher , Burn Book , Reminder , Names , Guest , Silicon Valley , Enterprises , Tech Industry , Deep Dive , The Truth , Balance , Stability , Test , Shelf , Porcelain Doll , Vanity , Bone Event , Bone , Fracture , Bones , Bone Loss , Osteoporosis , 12 , Blood , Calcium , Spine Fracture Risk , Heart Attack , Affinity , Entity , 73 , Pain , Jawbone Problems , Thigh Bone Fractures , Thigh , Reactions , Groin , Hip , Break Put , Money Managers , Fish , Same , Investment Products , Avoision , High Commission , Fisher Investments , Building New Bone , Clients , Trains , Commissions , Layered Feeds , Stuff , Business , Satellite Dish , Dish , Lifespans , Satellite , Dishes , Price , Rain , Beaks , Directv , Extreme Directtv , Sik Pigeon , Neck , Ancestry , Traditions , Name , Heritage , Smarter , Nest Products , Google , System , Alerts , Home Security , Package , Mis System , Dentures , Smile , Intelligence , Worries , Youngest , Adt Congrats Carroll , Aspen Dental , Mothers , Interest , Down Plus , 18 , Plus 0 , Physician , Health Lead , Corner , Situation Room , Wolf Blitzer Didn T Night , Point Cnn Greg , Exam , Fitness , Concerns , Mj Lee , 81 , Health , Headline , Letter , Kevin O Connor , Sanjay Common , Everything , Accommodations , Responsibilities , Exemptions , Office , Discussions , 86 , Reporters , Doctors , Karine , Jean Pierre , Topic , Commander , Chief , Cognitive , Topics , Supporters , Discussion , Level , Critics , Swatting , Humor , Sanjay Gupta , Opponent , 77 , Specialists , Tests , Haven T , Phone , Doctor , Summary , Lots , Sanjay , Notes , Spine , Arthritis , Changes , Focus , Gait , Podiatrists , Neurologist , Orthopedic Surgeons , X Rays , Radiologists , Feet , Terms , Blood Pressure , Medications , Heart Rate , Lab Values , 2023 , Airways , Interval , Sleep Apnea , Help , Cpap Machine , Page Summary , Note , Gist , Mention , Medication , Any , Sunday On Cnn , Mark Zuckerberg , Phone Plan , Donations , Consumers , Answer , Fare , Neighborhood , Coburn , Bathroom , Wayfair Word , Steam Pat , He S Port Border Collie , Milo , Vissel Little Green , Part Party Animal , Stain Remover , Doors , Breed , Matters , Advantage , Animal , Member Card , Eukaryote , Medicare Advantage , Waivable , Provider , News Programs , Sling Tv , Weight , Sling , 40 , Strength , It Cures , Infections , Fungus , Aloe , Funky Nail , With Bungie Male , Goodbye , Restore Skin House , Tea Tree Oil , Vegetable , Sanders Winter , Jg Worth Com , Representatives , Infatuation , Insult , Feel , Regime , Steve Jobs , Rise , Tech Giants , Text , Relationships , Interviews , Internet , Friendships , Grilling , Hoodie , Hotseat , Elon Musk , Bill Gates , You Opened With A Quote From French Film , Tech , Memoir , Players , Ship , Plane , Ship Wreck , Plane Crash , The Tech World , Covering Silicon Valley , Consequences , Black , Care , Accountability , Culture , Wealth , Doesn T Care , Industries , Mistakes , Damage , This Infamous Quote Photo Of Zuckerberg , Founding Facebook At Harvard , Zucker , Attitude , Idiots , Soccer , No Zuckerberg Wasn T , Facebook , Dna , Tech Company , Founders , Others , Internet Companies , Data , Charges , Thief , Regard , Cockeyed , I Don T Know , Water , Paul Pelosi , Tweets , Tweeting , Conspiracy Theory , Beef , Mama , Stories , Covid , Studies , Journals , Boards , Board , Drug Use , Doing , Doesn T Stop Him , Men , History Of Technology , It Wasn T , Apology , Sorrow , Existence , People Care Vectorized , Instagram Et Cetera , Fentanyl Overdose , Saw , Suicide , Sadness , Guilt , Instagram , Eyes , Non Apology , Sir , Swiping , Pictures , Human , Parents , Partners , Fault , Person , Radicalization , Ears , Little Puzzling , Lighthouse , Shipwrecks , Goodness , Potential , Sake , Palmar , Breaking News , Congratulations , Book Attack , Success , The Show Guide Optimist , Hunter Biden , Hunter , Business Dealings , Father , Learning , House Republicans , Backs , Quarterbacks , Weekend Chores , Transactions , Hobbies , Domains , Wall To Wifi , Basement , Xfinity , Dream Do Come True , Devices , Wall To , Shannon Barnes , Speeds , Xfinity 10g Network , Mom And Dad , 10 , America Trump , Vegas Story Of Sin City , Business Owners , Message , Small Business , Offices , Cash Fast , Fitness Studios , Partner , Funds , Small Business Funding Needs , Code , Business Expenses , Equipment , Credit Funding , Screen , Homes , Shop , Hit , Silence , Cars , Thousands , Dot Com , Shingles , Virus , Credit Hit , Lying Dormant Weaning , 99 , Rash , Prevention , Pharmacist , Upper , Es , Alabama ,

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