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thanks again, everyone. [applause] >> all right, thanks, jake. good evening. i am abby phillip in washington. and you were just watching a special live cnn town hall. and tonight's candidate on that main stage was ron desantis, of course. tonight's setting is iowa, where many now see the stakes there for ron desantis as do or die. the florida governor said that the polls don't tell the whole story, and that he is building momentum. among tonight's highlights, ron desantis said that he does plan to replace obamacare. but when we see that plan is tbd, and he forcefully went after donald trump, from everything, from the border, to the satanic display inside of the iowa capitol. with me to break down all of this that we just saw and heard is jamal simmons, scott jennings, and navarro, and paul but gala paul begala -- scott, we will start with you. >> -- far more instructive -- think about issues instead of lowman style colosseum attacks on one another. so, i thought if you were an undecided voter and you are looking to -- he did a great job tonight. i thought his answers on the economy, the electability question, and on immigration were all really center cut for republican primary voters. what he is fighting, though, is not really policy. what he is fighting is the inevitability of donald trump, and the idea that he is inevitably going to win. and really, he's also fighting the national polling showing him feeding defeating though joe biden. that was the -- so many -- >> joe biden -- >> that trump can't win. and how republican seeing these polls showing trump winning, and so the idea of strategic voting, i want to vote for the person i sort of, like but may have a better chance of winning -- that is out of the window with trump winning. but overall i thought ron desantis had a terrific. night >> jamal? >> i have to say, i walked, and i came into this tonight with very low expectations for the governor from florida. i thought that he met my low expectations, and maybe got a little bit more. right? he seemed more comfortable than i thought i had seen him before. he seemed a little bit more personal bowl, illegal bit more confident. but he still has ideas that don't make any sense. for instance, on immigration, he thinks that we should tax the money that mexican immigrants sent back home to their families. now, isn't the point of our immigration reform that people should be able to stay home, be near their families, be near the people they love, not have to come to the united states to have a better life? so why, would you lower the amount of money that they would -- from their families over here? it just doesn't make any sense from a policy perspective. so, all things like that that he said tonight they just don't really seem to make sense. >> yeah, i would say, stylistically -- well, not -- my wife, ten seconds ago, just texted me and said, he is much less robotic. and that kind of grabbed me on a curve, so, my answer is, yes, a.i. he's getting better every single day -- it's almost lifelike. we should not grade him on a curve. -- world history. it's just not getting it done. i'm sorry. he was better than usual. but he -- >> may not be enough, where we are, ahead of the iowa caucuses? >> listen, i am shocked i am saying this. i think people are gonna be shot that i am saying, this because i truly do not like this man. i live in florida. i have lived under him for five years now. and i particularly, in these last couple of years, i think he's been awful. today i think he was strangely close to human. and, like scott jennings, i agree with. scott i think this is the best i have seen him, as of late. that's a very low bar. but this is the best i have seen him. i think this is a very good format for him. i tell you what i did not hear -- i did not hear him say the word woke. i did not hear him go after disney. i did not hear him go after drag queens. i did not hear him go after black history. i did not hear him try to defend a positive side of slavery. he was talking about substantive policy issues that the american people and the people of iowa care about. not stupid manufactured culture wars, which is what he thought was going to win him the nomination. >> that is a really important point. because it has been a little over a year since he won his reelection in florida. and his candidacy has changed dramatically. and, in some ways, he's battling on the turf now of just every other republican, including donald trump. and he took it really to trump in quite a lot of ways tonight. that is different than we have seen. he said, when trump gets off the teleprompter, you don't know what he is going to say. good enough? >> no. here's the reason why. he does not have an indictment of trump. there is no thematic point that he is trying to make about trump. it's a scattershot approach. every time trump does, something he has something to say. the one thing you can say about nikki haley -- behind. right? so, every time he does something he fits it into that framework. that is not what ron desantis is doing. what ron desantis is doing is just taking a potshot at trump every time trump does a little thing wrong, which makes it hard for the viewer and the voter to know exactly what your argument is about why desantis should be picked more than trump. >> i disagree. i think his main theme on trump's, he's a different person today than he was when he ran in 15 and 16. he said it tonight. he, said back then it was out about america first, it was about -- more about. him the one answer on trump that i thought was most interesting, because it is aimed squarely at the people who show up at the iowa caucus, was on abortion. and he hit trump on flip-flopping on abortion, which was, really, squarely aimed at those voters. but then -- but then, when he got the follow-up about the texas case and he talked about the law that he signed with the exceptions, he did not exactly comment on the texas case. but i thought that answer was pretty deft, actually, in pointing out he's been a consistent pro-life candidate. without question about exception, i just live through this in kentucky in our governor's race, we are all republican was for the current state law, which doesn't contain the exceptions, but the heartbeat bill in florida does. and he signed it. i thought that was pretty smooth the way he threaded that -- the exceptions were not really negotiable for most voters. >> so, actually agree with you. i think that shot he took at trump and the abortion position for those social conservatives was a very effective thing. the problem that ron desantis has is that you get one chance to cause and create a first impression. and he has made that first impression now. and his campaign has that certain stench of political death that is very hard to get rid of. the other problem he has, i think, on this abortion issue, and i wish somebody had pushed back on him on that was, we had a very similar case to what is happening in texas, in florida, in march. a woman named deborah dorbert who is carrying a child who had no kidneys, and was short to die. and because of the laws in florida, because of the lack of exceptions, because doctors are terrified of being criminalized, of being sued, because of all of that, this woman had to carry this baby to term. and because she did not have the money to go out of state. and hold that baby for 90 minutes while it gasped for air in her arms. to me, that is something that ron desantis needs to explain, ken paxton and governor abbott need to explain. because women in this country deserve an answer as to the cruelty and the idea that these men in the capitals of the states are telling women what is health care and what is not. >> he described it as extremely rare. but it's actually the rare cases that make the point when the state itself as being inflexible. >> it was. i think -- still his best moments, god's. right it just -- republican primary voters. and i don't think it helps him at all in the general action. i don't think has the worry about the general election. to put it in your context, one years ago -- to put it in context. this is the center of loss, of death, that you talked about. when you are ron desantis beating donald trump 56 to 33, he was 23 points ahead of trump a year ago in the polls today he is 48 points behind. that is a 71 point erosion after going to all 99 counties, spending $50 million. and that could have cost him $71. >> he did say today -- the only candidate who could beat trump. >> providing no evidence, of course -- >> behind? >> his point is, it's unlikely, in his view, that a candidate who sort of came from the old republican party -- donald trump -- can muster enough support -- current iteration of the republican party. his point is, he's able to draw from the pre-trump area but also appeal to people who have gotten used to the trumps of republican party. the problem with this argument, of course, is the polls. trump is crushing in iowa. trump is crushing in new hampshire. trump is over 60% nationally. it would be unheard, of unprecedented for someone with trump's lead, at this point of the campaign, to lose the nomination for his party. and the trump people will tell you that for all of the trying that has gone on in eyewear, their organization is solid. they have got a very high floor that they think they start, with the people who are showing up no matter what. and i still maintain, regarding the consolidation question that came out, that iowa is not big enough for ron desantis and nikki haley, and new hampshire is not big enough for nikki haley and christie. but as long as that circumstance remains, trump is squarely in the driver seat right here. >> do you think, jamal simmons, that this is the moment for desantis, that he has to perform? otherwise, it's not going to happen in iowa? >> this is obviously the moment for him to get this right. what happens in campaigns, and there's a moment where, as you get towards the end of the year, people start to take off. and you see somebody, again, to ascend. it happened to barack obama. it happens to these candidates. he has got to do it now, or it won't happen. one of the reasons i have low expectations tonight is because i don't think ron desantis has any idea how to run for president. he is not really a leader. so, the beginning of this campaign, the trump forces spent $13 million to define ron desantis. everything that we know about ron desantis comes from donald trump and his people telling us that ron desantis was robotic and was not really a good person to follow. he did not have the charisma. right? they set the stage early. it was unanswered. i think that this is another example of ron desantis not really being able to just perform on the presidential stage in the way that winners do. >> so, now the problem he has his -- listen, he talks about nikki haley being an establishment candidate. but he also is an establishment candidate who depends on big donors. and a lot of those big donors have now moved on. they were quick to be with him at the beginning. he had a lot of the big republican whales with him in the beginning. they saw a disastrous campaign, a disastrous campaign launch, and it only got worse from then. and they have moved on. and ron desantis is not donald trump, who has got a bunch of small donors, that by pieces of his whatever it is sacred tunic, sacred suit that he wore to court. no, that is not ron desantis. he doesn't have the charisma to have an army of small donors. he needs to depend on special interests and large donors. and they now see him as damaged goods. >> so, here's where we are now, where we are on the cusp of and iowa and new hampshire. we have an iowa governor who has endorsed ron desantis and the new hampshire governor today, chris sununu, endorsing nikki haley. what does that create for the early part of this republican primary? >> i think scott alluded to this. the best possible situation for mr. trump -- so, i think ron desantis maybe a little bit stronger in iowa. if he is smart he will close on abortion. his best answer tonight -- over christmas, a lot of are iowans going to be snowed in, going to be watching tv. we saw mike huckabee do this. he -- and had -- former cross. and he needs to -- so, if he does that, it's a much bigger position in new hampshire where -- and once again, the opposition to trump is -- going to allow trump to conquer. >> the trick for him is just -- i think it's unlikely that trump will get beaten. so, if you are desantis, i to ge >> -- for haley, for anyone else who is still in this race. all-time republican record in iowa is winning by 13. -- 1988. mr. trump is winning by 27 right now. can he hold the? i don't know. if i say he has got to win by more than 13, that sounds like ridiculous -- >> and iowa -- is more valuable than the person, like barack obama, who is not expected to win, sir just to the front. and then it can catapult them through the early primaries. so, if that does not happen, then it could be over. >> yeah. here is the trick. i learned a lot about politics from paul begala when i was four starting out in this game. but there are rules that we all think about, right? the future is more important than the past. or elections are not rewards for great behavior. donald trump seems to have taken all those rules and ball them up and thrown them away. so, as we think about what is happening in politics in the trump era, nothing else seems to matter. 13 points was the record before. we might see that smoked. we've got an 82-year-old president running on the democratic side. all sorts of things are happening. it's wild out here. we don't know what is going to happen. >> one of the things about the trump campaign in eyewear that i think is -- i think this is their best campaign team devour head and this is the best campaign leadership they've had. they're the most organized they have ever been. and they have got all the levers in place. and they have shape this republican primary, not just in iowa, but in state parties across the country. this is the best prepared he has ever been going into any of these elections that he has been involved in. and so, if you are desantis, or haley, or these other challengers, taking on a former president who is very popular among your party is tough enough. but then to run up against the most well organized operation he's ever been able to put together -- all of his issues aside, they are prepared for this election in a way he's never been. >> and it's the former president who views ron desantis like a chihuahua yapping at his ankles, right? he's not bothered by ron desantis anymore. he doesn't even retort -- >> ron desantis, when he started out, he wanted to run against joe biden. he is running against donald trump, and nikki haley. we heard him attack nikki haley repeatedly in this debate pretty aggressively. >> robbie, he's running against ron desantis. he's trying to change the narrative, trying to change the perception that people have created nationally, in iowa, in new hampshire, in the early states about ron desantis being robotic, you being awkward, we thank a broken record with one tune on it. woke, woke, woke. he is trying to change that perception, he's running against ron desantis. >> ana it was making this point. he's running away from controversial stuff. tonight, no red flags on a lot of different points. it is boring good for desantis at this point? [inaudible] >> it used to be! i think, mr. trump, you say what you want, he is exciting. [laughs] in the same way a category five hurricane is exciting. he is exciting, compelling. i do think, if governor desantis wants to beat mr. trump, he's going to beat him, and he hit him harder than he ever has tonight. he left a lot on the table. he pulled his punches on, for example, when he was talking about the rise in antisemitism, which as florida governor, he knows and cares about. he didn't mention, and this very state, trump had dinner with nick fuentes who -- >> that is because trying to preserve the trump base, right? >> i don't know. >> he said so today. >> look, trump is entertaining, but he's also likable. republicans like donald trump, even the people who think, maybe, we should move on. i like trump, i like what he did, i think he seems like a good guy who came along at the right time, he smashed the clintons and the media. desantis's game is not a likability. desantis's game is constantly churning out center cut, conservative republican content that every republican watching now would say, sounds pretty good to me. now, the question is, is being right on virtually every policy good enough? if you have to have at other here, which trump has, and no one -- [inaudible] >> i am not sure conservatives would say going after the largest employer in florida, disney, over having a different opinion the governor, is a conservative value. rhonda scent is has a big problem right now, which is that donald trump is beating him like a conga drum in florida, where people know him best. >> he got a lot of praise for that on conservative media, but to voters, it is perhaps not enough. everyone, stick around. tomorrow, don't miss donna bash's anoint -- and governor sununu of new hampshire about that endorsement we were just talking about it. that will be on inside politics at noon. also tomorrow, i will be hosting a town hall with republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy in iowa. you could catch that at nine pm eastern, on cnn. up next for us, rudy giuliani's tripling down on defamatory remarks about two georgia election workers, as one of them justifies that she fears being lynched. plus, why american foreign policy is now rapidly changing as a rift developed with israel, and ukrainian president gets the cold shoulder over on capitol hill. some reaction to conservatives saying the president of harvard kept her job only because of her race. this is cnn's special live coverage. we witnessed a very revealing cnn town hall with ron desantis tonight. he forcefully attacked the former president of the united states, donald trump, on personal and on policy terms. in some instances, the florida governor also strayed from the truth. tom foreman joins me now with a fact-checked of some of the governors claims. tom? >> abby, one of the things he went after is something that worries everyone in this country, and as for quite some time now, gas prices. listen to what he said. >> we are going to have an energy boom in this country. we're going to be independent. we are going to be dominant. we are going to lower your gas prices. we are going to lower energy costs. >> that sounds a grand idea. the problem is, the united states, under president joe biden, is producing more oil than it ever has, more than it did under donald trump. it is now the leading oil producer in the world, and yet, the prices of oil are governed by a world market. you can't really separated from the conflict in ukraine, from opec, saying they're going to cut back on some of the price production out there which will drive prices up. that may sound like a good promise, other presidents made that promise before. it doesn't really come true. it's the nature of the oil market. abby? >> that is a common one. you hear that from candidates all the time. the facts remain with the are. there is this discrepancy when it came to food prices. what did he say about that? >> something that took off for a lot of consumers, it started during covid, and it went from there. people have worried about it. look what he said about what happened to food prices, though. >> the groceries have gone up way more than 10%. they've gone up 50%, 75%, maybe 100%. >> no, they haven't. they have definitely gone up. there's no question about. that for the year ending in november, the numbers are 2.9% increased. if you take it back to november of 2019, since then, overall, up 26%. that is a big number, yes. that is important. it hurts a lot of families out there, no question. it is not 50%, not 75%, not 100%. >> definitely not 100%. what about what he said about nikki haley and retirement ages? is that accurate? >> yeah. i mean, look, it's the third real apologize to talk about what you're going to do for entitlement programs, for older voters who are also, usually, very reliable voters. he went after nikki haley and said, oh, she's coming after you, seniors. listen to what he said. >> what she has said, nikki haley, she claimed that the retirement age is way, way too low. that is what she said. >> medicare, social security, things like, that the threat is, you can't retire, he can't get those early, you have to get them later which, effectively, amounts to a cut in those benefits. here is the problem. back in 2012, when he was playing the congressional game, he said he was unsustainable to allow seniors to retire in their late 60s. he, too, was saying the age has to go higher. no one is talking about current recipients. in the future, a bit much to be throwing stones on that when he was hit with stones himself. abby? >> tom foreman, thank you for all of that. >> you are welcome. today, dramatic testimony at rudy giuliani's defamation trial. an election worker at the center of a conspiracy theory describes how she now lives in fear. next, we will play the threatening voicemails she received. i'm a little anxious, i'm a little excited. i'm gonna be emotional, she's gonna be emotional, but it's gonna be so worth it. i love that i can give back to one of our customers. i hope you enjoy these amazing gifts. oh my goodness. oh, you guys. i know you like wrestling, so we got you some vip tickets. you have made an impact. so have you. for you guys to be out here doing something like this, it restores a lot of faith in humanity. your name is everything. tonight, a jury is weighing what price to put on losing it, and how to quantify the pain in dollars and cents. that jury heard testimony today from shaye moss. you remember her, the georgia election worker that rudy giuliani admitted to defaming with lies, like these. >> how can i say there's no fraud? look at that woman. look at her taking those ballots out. look at her scurrying around with ballots. no one in the room hiding around. they look like they're passing out dope, not just ballots. it's quite clear they are stealing votes. >> moss took the stand and describe nothing short of a personal tour through several circles of hell. through tears, lost that you lost your job, has gone through therapy, she is scared to leave her home. her whole family is scared -- she feels trapped, helpless, surrounded by lies. like the worst mom in the world. moss testified she now lives in fear, fear that she will be lynched. quote, i am most scared of my son finding me, or my mom, hanging outside my house on a tree. that fear is not unfounded, not after the jury heard voicemails like the ones we are about to play for you, voicemails left by people who bought into these lies as told by rudy giuliani, voicemails that threatened racial violence imported straight from jim crow. >> hey, really, you're going to prison, you [bleep]. you are going to go to [bleep] prison. you're going to live with the [bleep] [inaudible] >> [inaudible] before you get caught for treason and go to jail. have a nice life, what's left of it you have. >> [inaudible] we are going to burn all the [bleep] ucl, that no one wants them [inaudible] [bleep] >> miss loss and her mother asked the jury to make giuliani pay to the tune of as much as $42 million for smearing their names. next, some conservatives are slamming harvard university for keeping its president after her testimony to congress. they say she is only staying because of her race. nikole hannah-jones joins me live to respond, next. plus, we have that agent that has america talking tonight. tonight, the president of harvard is keeping her job, and some conservatives say it is only because of her race. harvard's top governing body issued a statement of support for claudine just days after her testimony about antisemitism on college campuses, testimonies for which she later apologized. some critics are calling out the decision not to out her. christopher river, a conservative, who has been a critic of things like critical race theory, writing, quote, harvard has sacrificed its academic integrity on the altar of intersectionality, another conservative commentator, ben shapiro, writing in part, quote, if they fired her, that would call the entire dea scheme a scheme that is the entire reason she was hired into question. the people know what it's like to be on the receiving end of this kind of right-wing criticism of academic teaching more than our next guest, nikole hannah-jones. she's a pulitzer prize-winning new york times magazine writer, and a creator of the 16 19 project. you might remember that she was denied tenure at the university of north carolina due to backlash from conservative's for the 16 19 project. unc later released that decision, to add on to accept a position in washington, here, at howard university. nikole, thanks for joining us. so, nikole, what do you make of the fact that this was striking to me, some of the same voices who are your toughest critics, the ones who are claudine gay's toughest critics, and loudest voices calling for her ouster? do you think these two things are related, this idea of pushing back on diversity and inclusion, and higher education, and getting the president of harvard ousted from her position? >> absolutely. they are using the guise of pretending this is about concern over antisemitism, which is, of course, something all of us should be concerned about. it is to further their propaganda campaign against racial equity. when you think about the fact that harvard, this nation's oldest university, had about 370 year explicit racial quota of only hiring white men to be the president, it's laughable to think the first ever black women following that unbroken line of right racial quotas is the one who's on qualified. this is the beauty of how racism works. if are black and don't achieve, succeed at the highest echelons, it's because you're lazy and not smart enough. if you do achieve, succeed, and rise to the top of your profession, it is because he didn't deserve it. so, as tony morrison said, it's all a distraction. chris is not a serious person. he is a person who is then trying to attack what he calls dei, but any efforts to address racial inequality. he has explicitly said he does propaganda work, and the fact we're all talking about it means he's being successful. >> what do you make of the fact there are all these university presidents who are criticize? she wasn't the only one. the other presidents were and criticized because they were women. they are criticized because of things they said or did. she is being singled out as someone who is only surviving because of her race. what did you make of that? >> well, it's racist. we have -- no one has produced a shred of evidence that shows that the so qualification that president claudine gay had that she was a black woman. that is insulting. it defies logic. the fact that all those presidents who came under intense scrutiny, only one has been called out as a so-called diversity or formative action higher. it speaks to a black women in this country have gone through historically and continue to go through every day. she is clearly qualified, and, really, i'm perplexed to figure out what does race have to do with the criticism she has not handled the protests on her campus correctly. they see this as an opening to further so racial division, and to further their campaign of trying to attack any effort around diversity, and anti racism. >> why do you think she, ultimately, survived when others didn't? >> i hope she ultimately survived because the board of trustees at harvard has courage and common sense. the same people who say that we have a very oppressive campus culture that doesn't allow for disagreement and free speech, when someone doesn't agree, when they don't agree with, or doesn't do the type of speech that they, like they're more than happy to try to expel that person. that is clearly what happened to me. we cannot have academic freedom where we have settings we have to worry about, major donors, and people who have political motivations determining who can provide leadership on a campus. she had the support of her faculty, she had the support of her student body. it looks like she had the support of the board of trustees, because she is qualified, and there is no reason why she should have been ousted. i hope that we will see courage when -- in the face of these political campaigns. >> you raise something i want to get your take on. one of the criticisms of what's happening on the campuses right now is that students, for a long time, have, kind of, said, you know, we need safe spaces, we need to, kind of, ban hate speech, ban speech that is violent, speech they describe as violence. do you think there is any truth to this idea that, if you are going to have those lines strong for other minority groups, those lines should still pervasive censoring of other types of speech on campus. campuses are places where you students protest all types of ideology that they don't like. that is part of what the campus experiences like. certainly, jewish students should feel safe. they should feel protected. they shouldn't feel threatened just like any student, no matter what race or religion. i don't think it's true that there's been this campus culture of intolerance that is only favoring racial minorities. i'm sure, like you, like myself, you talk to black students, other marginalized students, and they don't always feel safe to be able to express themselves, or their opinion. they don't always feel welcome. these campuses being painted as this liberal bastion. i don't think it's true. i don't think that is an adequate description of the experience of many students. >> all right, nikole hannah-jones, we appreciate you joining us on all of that. you are, and have been the tip of the spear on a lot of this. you know better than most what it's like to be in claudine gay 's shoes tonight. thank you. >> thank you so much. from undrafted free agent to starting rookie quarterback, tommy devito is breaking records for the new york giants and going viral in the process. it is his agent that's getting a lot of attention tonight. he will join me live, next. it is all nfl fans could talk about today, tommy devito, the undrafted rookie who led the new york giants to victory over the green bay packers with a last-minute game-winning drive. it wasn't just tommy devito who stole the show, it was also his agent, sean stellato, who, along the sidelines, donned a black and silver pinstripe suit, and an all-black fedora, and gold jordans, and the internet exploded. the memes were everywhere. sean stellato is here with us now. so good to see you. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me, abby. >> i thought i lost you there for a 2nd. glad to have you back. [laughs] sean, there is that phone again. everyone -- >> yes. >> everyone wants to know who are you talking to on the sidelines in that viral moment? >> we are trying to get a deal done, and it was supposed to happen earlier in the day, and i have a ritual when i'm on the road, i talk to my 5 year old daughter before bed. it was 2 calls being made. >> what do your daughter, and want to get business done. i have a question for you on that a little later. you really put on a show of your own with your sense of style. there have been a lot of godfather references for both you and tommy. what do you make of that? >> you know, look, we are proud of our italian heritage, proud of our roots. let's face it, the wind was blowing that night, and i thought it was a perfect night for a fedora. i'm superstitious. last time i wear the suit was draft day. the time before that, my quarterback, 2 years before, had the greatest performance in the history of the game. i felt it was monday night football, you had to bring out the tough look, and they were going up against a tough packers team. we had fun with it. i was so proud of my client to do what he did on monday night football. i'm happy for the team and organization. >> i bet you are proud. i bet his parents and family are even more proud. you are with the devito family watching him play. his dad gave you a big kiss. i don't blame him, after that performance. >> yeah. >> you give him one back. >> [laughs] >> i'm a reciprocate. or i think it would only be property give him a kiss back. he did break the ice, and, yeah, he gave me a big smooch. italians, we talk with our hands, we hug, we kiss, we love our fashion. and our fine dining. there was a lot of emotion, a lot of excitement, and being able to experience it with such a special family was putting the icing on the cake. it was a special moment. >> peyton manning, he threw shade you are way. listen to what he said. >> look at the veto. who is this guy? who is he talking to? look. whatever you need, i've got you. i will take care of it, all right? [laughs] come on, that's his agent. of course that's his agent, come on, tommy devito's agent. >> what's in the bag? i want to know it's in the bag. >> some -- 4 letter. >> it looks like johnny fontaine from the godfather. [laughs] >> what do you think? >> wow. >> he did throw some shade. all good. peyton as well respected, and i know he was having fun with it a little bit. it i don't know peyton that well, or if he's even saw the godfather, i don't know they showed that at [laughs] >> threw shade back at him. one of the interesting things you talked about a little, bit tommy devito, it is just quite a story, that's why everybody is so into it. he is a rookie quarterback, he still lives with his family, his mom makes his bed, he is known for his sandwich choices. talk to us about what this has been like for him. >> it's a big transition going from college to the pros. tommy is a very intelligent young man. the fact is, he's really close with his mom. most italian mothers, they want their kids to stay in the house at least until they're 35. i think he is comfortable there. he doesn't have to pay for rent, financially, it's a smart move. i think it is a -- look, it's local boy makes good. he is playing for his hometown team, and what he is doing is unbelievable for all the people in new jersey, all the people in new york, all the giants fans. he is the poster child for the underdog. he hasn't forgotten where he's came from. that is what is a common practice in new jersey. a lot of 25-year-old still living at home, i think that is from having a great upbringing, and a testament to his mom and dad. they have made it where he doesn't want to leave -- >> sean, it is something for them to be proud of. quick, before you go, you are talking about doing deals on the phone during that game, big deals ahead for your client? >> yeah. we have exciting things in the pipeline. we are picking and choosing, and he is conscientious of the company's fireworks with, and the brands he will align himself with, and we are excited to continue to evolve, our main focus is on new orleans right now. they're still in playoff contention. he is ready for the next opportunity. i am excited for that for him. >> all right sean stellato, thank, you and good luck to you and your client, tommy devito. thank you so much. >> i appreciate it, and i've got to tell you, i was making an offer on that phone, i think, -- >> i love that. thank you for giving us a little bit of that. thank you so much. >> my pleasure. all the best, abby. thank you. thank you for watching. newsnight. laura coates live starts next. well, rudy giuliani is doubling down lies landing even hot water in the first place, flies that have a mother and daughter fearing for their lives. tonigh

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