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with less than six weeks until the iowa caucus, the four republican hopefuls, -- trying to set themselves apart from him, and each other. good evening from new york. and anderson, hello from the room here at the university of alabama tuscaloosa, site of the fourth primary debate of the election season 2024. it is just wrapping up. chris christie, ron desantis, nikki haley, and vivek ramaswamy once again the former president did not take part. nikki haley who has of course been rising lately as a contender in some polls, and in the eyes of some campaign watchers, and certainly in the eyes of some big donors, she came in -- she had a lot of criticism heading towards or tonight from desantis, and ramaswamy. >> no doubt about, that know you will be speaking -- looking for to that. cnn's panel is checking the facts on what they said. cnn's gary tuchman is back with a group of voters who watched an hour tonight, also our political panel, here and from the debate, stage a clash of chris christie and vivek ramaswamy with nikki haley in the middle. >> do this every debate, you -- okay, you say, this you do this, you do this every debate. you go out on the stump, you say something, all of us see it on video, we confront you under debate stage, you say it did not say, it then you back away. i want to say -- i'm not done yet. this is -- >> hold on. >> you are spewing nonsense. >> this is the fourth debate, the fourth the bag that you would be voted in the first 20 minutes as the most obnoxious blow hard in america. we are now 25 minutes into this debate. he has not -- he has insulted nikki haley's basic intelligence. not her positions, her basic intelligence. she does not know regions, should not be able to find something on a map, that is three old could find. look, if you want to disagree on issues, that is fine. nikki and i disagree on some issues. but i will tell you this, i have known her for 12 years, which is longer than he has even started to vote in the republican primary -- and while we disagree about some issues, and we disagree about who should be president of the united states, what we don't disagree on, is this is a smart accomplished woman. you should stop insulting. >> first of all, i think we just learned something -- >> hold on, hold on. >> we learned three things are, their first for chris christie also doesn't know what provinces in eastern ukraine -- -- foreign policy experience was closing a bridge from new jersey to new york. so do everybody a favor, walk yourself off that stage and enjoy nice meal, and get out of this place. >> one of several sharp clashes tonight. here to talk about it, cnn news anchor abby philips, -- anchor of the source cnn's kaitlan collins, also cnn political commentator -- and scott jennings. more people than were actually in the debate. >> more people that watched the debate. >> -- >> i think with nikki haley, we saw the perils of emerging successful in the last several debates, every single candidate on that stage within the first several minutes was going for nikki haley pretty much the entire time. there were moments where she was a bit removed from the conversation. i think governor desantis actually had a stronger debate than we saw him do in several of the last debates. a lot of it was just arguing onstage between all of them. vivek ramaswamy yelling at points. then i think the most notable point was chris christie at the end saying picture election lacing donald trump will not be someone who's voting that they because he's going to be a convicted felon. >> i thought it was wonder woman fighting off a whole mob of super villains. nikki haley had to defend herself every second of that debate performance. she did well. she actually held up well. she was able to pull it off. even when vivek was saying she did not know the provinces, she knew the provinces. so nikki haley did a great job. i was very proud of chris christie. he was a -- >> yeah i think nikki haley took a different strategy then we have seen from her. she actually took a step back a little bit, which really underscored the fact that she is the front runner in the race right now. she had a lot coming at her. she did not try to be in every moment. she had chris christie he probably did a better job defending her on the stage than doing anything necessarily for his own campaign. and in some ways i see why they pursued that strategy this time around, because you don't need to respond to every single thing, and it just the fact and the eagerness of the desantis and ramaswamy is to attack her, only proved to the voters and the audience, she is the one that they think they have to beat and that is i think the message they were trying to send tonight. >> nikki haley -- again tonight she is a political heavyweight, she is arguably won all of the debates, or performed exceptionally well. the moment that stood out to me, i don't want to read the tea leaves too much here, when chris christie was a gentleman and jump in to defend her. he made a point to say we disagree on some things, but that, emmy somebody who has run his whole campaign on stopping donald trump, and have been to lag in the polls, i could see what in which he ends up endorsing a nikki haley. he did draw that contrast, but the way he described, her the relationship, her credibility, it spoke of somebody who could end up backing her. >> governor christie was -- i mean he kept pointing out time and time again, i'm the only one up here who didn't put my hand here and say i would support donald trump if he was nominee. he kept drawing distinctions, making the candidates answer questions better than a moderators did. he was really forcing the issue. i think he did a great job tonight. unfortunately has numbers have not moved since they won, and when you sit back, scott and i were talking about this, earlier watching the debate, from the first debate performance, to today, the numbers really haven't moved. trump has been in the high 50s, low 60s, desantis has been, 13 14, nikki haley has come up a bunch, and vivek ramaswamy has dropped. christiane stay the same. so it is reshuffling that their chairs on the titanic here a little bit on the side of the aisle, but nikki haley had a solid course tonight and chris christie did very well. >> for the sake of this commentary will assume any of these people have a chance to beat donald trump. so i think what we saw tonight, i saw alliances forming tonight. for the first time we really saw alliances. the pre-trump gop, christi and haley, versus the post trump gop desantis and ramaswamy who are teaming up to attack healy as he pointed out, and came to heal east offense. that is one thing that stuck out to me. as i was watching them, and i do agree the narrative here will be that really was attacked, therefore that means she must have momentum. desantis turns out solid republican conservative content on virtually every question. he did not bobble a single question tonight. ramaswamy once again hurt himself just as he has in every single debate. the one thing that really dawned on me is, there is not room enough in iowa for both haley and desantis, there's not room enough in new hampshire for both haley and kristie if any of them hope to get close to donald trump. will this field ever consolidate? it does not feel like it is going to. once again, fragmentation is donald trump's friend and as you pointed out since we started on august 23rd, he's gone from 55 to 61 international polling, it is hard to argue his strategy of sitting there that has been anything but genius. >> i would agree sitting out was wise, i don't think the field consolidates. listen, desantis is not going, anywhere but it is quickly becoming a race for number two between rhonda status and nikki haley. there are a lot of important endorsements sitting on the sidelines. now endorsements do not mean what they're used, but i'm watching to see where governor sununu comes out new hampshire. he is consistently outperformed donald trump and his home state. if he backs nikki haley that gives her momentum she needs. michigan rally more support in iowa, that gives our momentum she is head to head to head with ron desantis. chris christie is still pulls in new hampshire, that is support you can pull off there. so i think we are at a place where it is had the, head and there's still a chance to take him on. >> i think today it felt to me about a fight for momentum and i think we do have to give desantis some credit. he had a very strong debate just in the last couple of days some of his people after that the debate he had with gavin newsom they were really excited because he was demonstrating a growth that they wanted to see from him and i think it showed up tonight in a way that might help him. it has helped nikki haley to be on this debate stage to perform aggressively, it will be really important for desantis if he can take that momentum and push it forward because this is the moment. there is no more time left before iowa. this is the moment that he has to show there is going to be a search going into iowa, otherwise it is hard to see what the path is. >> i just don't think it did. >> it is too little too late. >> the thing about it is, there's something about him that is hard to like. he comes out, there he lands all the, points he lands all the talking, points but his, effect i hate to, say it this is petty and shallow, but he looks uncomfortable, it does not like anybody, there he does make it hard for people to connect so i think people reason that he is like a model of soda that is losing the fares. he did not put the face back tonight. >> i will say i was talking to trump advisers, trump allies, they still think it is a good move by not coming to any of these debates. which chris christie knocked him, for but politically, speaking they still think he has come a fine. and as scott was entertaining, this idea that anyone but trump has a chance, nikki haley obviously what they were alluding to when it comes to trump's potential criminal issues, maybe holding out hope that is something that could ensnare him, something that could ship him up. you don't actually know the likelihood of that happening, there is anyone's guess. but they still seem to think it was a wise choice that he didn't, come though i will say, not only nikki haley desantis, also hitting trump tonight on the deficit. >> let's play between governor christie and governor desantis about what the trump for office -- >> father time is undefeated, the idea we are going to put someone up there that is almost pd, and no effect from, that we honor that is not true. and so we have an opportunity to do the next generation of leaders, and really be able to move this country forward. we also need a president that can serve two terms. i don't think donald trump, i think he -- get elected, the democrats want him to be the nominee, we see that. they are going to turn the screws the minute he got a nominee. you think he is actually fit to be president? i think we need to have somebody younger. >> the question was a very direct. is he fit to be president, or isn't he? the rest of the speech is interesting, much completely nonresponsive. if we were in a courtroom, they would strike the answer and say, governor desantis. >> mother would say -- no they would. >> no they would. and >> not a word. >> no they wouldn't -- >> you have your thing. >> you have your thing. >> no i don't have my thing. he is the thing. -- listen you are talking about 80 years old and ron, ron, ron -- ron is it an opportunity -- >> gas notating over each other. no talking over each other. stop. stop. i will come to you. finish. >> look, father time is undefeated, i don't know how he would score on a test, but i know this, we have an opportunity to nominate someone for two terms who's going to be spitting nails on day one, and for eight years -- >> so you do think he is fit? >> we should not nominate somebody who is almost 80 years old. >> he is afraid to answer. >> no i'm not. >> either you are afraid, or you are not listening. >> no it is not. >> hold on, governor, desantis -- >> and dana bash standing by with governor christie. dana? >> thanks, anderson, governor, thanks so much for being here. as we were just watching that moment, i was saying to, it is almost as if you are the fourth moderator in that debate. >> well it is not a role i want to play, but i'm tired of being at these debates and watching the other three on the stage not willing to answer the questions. the voters who are watching deserve to hear an answer. especially on something like that, ron is trying to play both sides, so is nikki. they don't want to say he's unfit, because they don't want to offend anyone. well you have no business being the president of the united states if you don't have the principles to stand up for what you believe in, even if it might offend some people. and i got tonight, and i don't care. >> you have gotten a law every time you mention trump's name. >> that is fine, you know what they are offended, by they are offended by the truth. because they are in denial. he is going to be convicted felon come the spring, and when i say in my closing statement is absolutely true, you will be a candidate if he owes the nominee, he won't be able to vote for himself. why would anybody else vote for him? >> you mentioned nikki haley, i want to play part of you coming to her defense pretty restive lee in this debate. >> he has insulted nikki haley's basic intelligence, not her positions, her mythic intelligence and nikki and i disagree on some issues but i will tell you this, i have known her for 12 years which is longer than she has started to vote in the republican primary. while we disagree about some issues and disagree about who should be president of the united states, what we don't disagree on that this might accomplish woman. we are did that come from? >> i'm a truth teller, damage. nikki and i disagree. i don't think should be president of the united states. but she's a smart woman, and she's an accomplished woman, and she has worked incredibly hard, both in south carolina and in the u.n., and i think vivek does have a woman problem. i do think he insults women's basic intelligence. he has done it over and over and over again. i had had enough. enough of listening to his garbage. as i said, his mark as harvard mouth, because that's what it is, when he's dictating to me and nikki haley who have committed ourselves to public service while he's been stealing from seniors to steal his to make his fortune? >> you call yourself a truth teller, but you're also very savvy politician. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> the wind up there is about new hampshire. and it was very interesting to watch you and nikki haley, certainly, as you said, you disagree about a lot of things, but it seemed as though you are forming a bit of, an alliance with her. >> no. i'm a truth teller. and i'm going to tell the truth and if someone is insulting nikki haley in a way that's personal, it's nothing about issues. he was saying she's not smart enough to know where things are in the map, but somehow with three-year-old son is smarter than a woman who served as a two term and a u.n. ambassador. he's a jack of. if that happens, it's not me, forming an alliance with nikki haley. wait till you see what's gonna happen on the next second seven weeks. >> what's gonna happen? >> regular competing against each other hard to winds new hampshire, i suspect. i have said tonight, she is unwilling to take on donald trump. she didn't do it again tonight. she's not willing to say he's unfit. she's not willing to lower that hand that she raised an august to say that even if he was a convicted felon she would support him. we should have a higher standard, and she fails on that front. but you know, at the end of the day, if someone is being unfair to somebody else, who i have had a 12 year relationship with, i'm not gonna let him beat her up like that. the moderators didn't step in and ask for any decorum. so let me tell you something, whether it was vivek or ron tonight, if you want to fight somebody, fight with somebody from jersey. you know what that's. like >> i do know what that's like, but i want to ask more about donald trump. the fact that you said multiple times, as you have said, really, since the beginning of your candidacy here, that they are not going after the big person in the race, the person who is very far and away the front runner. let's listen to part of that. >> so do i think he was kidding? when he said it was a dictator? all you have to do is look at the history. and that is why failing to speak out against him, making excuses for him, pretending that somehow he is a victim, empowers him. you want to know why those poll numbers are the way they are? because folks like these three guys on the stage make it seems like his conduct is acceptable. let me make it clear. his conduct is unacceptable. he's unfit. >> that is kind of your mantra on this, one of the mantra is on this campaign. and obviously you had an opportunity to do it to your three remaining opponents on the stage there. do you really think they are going to all of a sudden start to go after donald trump? >> if they want to win, they had better. because look at the strategy they have been pursuing. it is confined to failure. how do i know? because i did the same thing eight years ago. i ignored them. so the jeb bush. so did john kasich. and and marco rubio. you know what happened? we are lost. we are lost because we wouldn't call him out on the fact that he was never going to get mexico to pay for a while. the fact that he wasn't gonna advantage to balance the budget for years. on his muslim ban garbage. we figured he was just going to go away. well hope is not a strategy. that's why ron desantis has gone from the mid 30s to single digits. that's why nikki haley is 30 points behind in her own state. i'm telling you this, people are going to wake up. they're going to wake up to this message. when they do, there's only gonna be one person on the stage was telling the truth, and it was me. >> you obviously knew what you wanted to accomplish tonight. did anything on that stage, any comment from any of your opponents surprise? you >> know. it's the same stuff over and over again. ron desantis is memorized answers, nikki haley trying to have both ways. and vivek, the drunk driver of the debate stage. you never know where he's going when he's gonna hit. so no, nothing surprised me. >> anything we didn't get to? >> yeah. i didn't get to talk about the border. the moderators didn't give me a chance to talk about the border, which i really would have liked to do. there were two questions right at the end, i think in the second segment, where they went to the other three and ever came to me. so we've got time. i get a sense is gonna be more debates after the first of the year, hopefully it bioengineering i'm sure. and i also think there's gonna be plenty of time for me is i'm campaigning to make sure i continue to emphasize those points. but those are the things they don't get to because they didn't give me a chance. as you saw tonight, if they would have asked, i would've answered. >> oh definitely no. that governor, thank you so much. >> dana, thank you for the time. thanks for being here in tuscaloosa. world. tied kalanchoes, that for you. >> drunk driver on the debate stage. >> this is great. best line of the night. >> kristie, for the first time in this whole debate season, it seemed like he was comfortable, maybe the smaller stage benefited him for. the audience the strain to appeal to a new hampshire, his attitude tonight, that straight talk kind of thing, went after the sanders a little bit on the trump stuff, defended haley was, funny there he helped himself tonight, he's not gonna help himself in the national polls, but the narrow thing he's got to get done is independents and democrats are new hampshire coming out and casting an anti trump vote. and again, though, haley and him being in the race together at the same time in new hampshire, trying to take on trump's problematic. but i thought this might have been christie's best night on the floor so far. >> my question is what women thought of the debate. nikki haley use that to her vantage. she was getting a lot of attention from the fellas. she knew she was gonna be a target of the attack. you heard chris christie saying he thought vivek ramaswamy has one problem because it is going after her and not her policy disagreements but insulting her, telling her that she couldn't find those places on a map. it reminded me of secretary pompeo who did that whatever he was secretary of state. but if you listen to the debate tonight, there was nothing on abortion that i heard for that topic that was such an energizing issue that we saw in november, i know it's a republican primary debate but i this is something that even republican women voters care about as well, and was not something that we heard any of these candidates talk about. >> i thought the audience, i was little surprised by this, but the audience booed ramaswamy multiple times, cheered christy when he was defending haley, it was pretty clear where the audience ended up on some of these more contentious exchanges, especially the ones where basically ramaswamy was attacking haley for identity politics, saying she does it better than kamala harris. if that's any indication, i assume these are republicans and in the audience. that's not really a good sign for how those kinds of attacks against nikki haley would play, not just with women but just with republican voters in general. maybe they don't agree with everything that she has said but it seems like they didn't take well to the way that the attacks -- >> i don't think they thought the attacks were fair. they're also coming from someone who they don't like and who has time it again proven himself to be a charlatan. tonight he got asked about january the 6th. he basically said it was an inside job. >> he did say it was an inside job. basically. >> in his book, he said, january the 6th was a deplorable and disgraceful assault on our democratic process by misguided rioters. tonight it's inside job. how many issues have we discussed at this table where he has done that and people by now the republicans know it. if you're going to level attacks the way he is doing it, which, by the way, he is just taking cues from trump. he called her, what did trump call, her a bird brain? he's trying to, like, ape that a little bit. but they know vivek is a fraud and a charlatan. when you levels kind of personal attacks, they don't like it. i thought hannah christie had a good moment defending. >> he was also alone when it comes to an important issue, which is what happening is really what he would do as president when it comes to rescue the american hostages. that was a notable part of the bait, where he was isolated from where the rest of the three of them stood on what the response would look like. >> the more these debates have gone on, it shows the intellectual shallowness in the policy shallowness of vivek ramaswamy. i don't think we're gonna have to see him on a debate stage in the near future. he's talking about arming the taiwanese people, and they pointed out that's against their constitution. and seriousness. they're >> a quick break. fact check on the line that scott was talking, about the january six that's got manchin, when our special debate think tank continues, in a moment. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? did we peak your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. >> as always, the candidates made promises about what they would do his president and made mitt plenty of claims, not just about the records are their opponents records. some also offered their own take on decisive moment for the country including scott jennings mention before the break, january 6th. cnn's pamela brown joins us with a fact check on that, and vivek raab asami's claim about. it pan? >> yes, anderson, entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy has a history of peddling disinformation about january 6th. his ranch tonight against the deep state sparking the insurrection is just blazes example of that. here's what he said. >> why am i the only person on this stage at least who can say the january 6th now does look like it was an inside job? that the government lied to us for 20 years? [applause] about saudi arabia's involvement in 9/11, the great replacement theory is not some grand right wing conspiracy theory, but a basic statement of the democratic party's platform, now the 2020 election was indeed stolen by big tech, that the 2016 election, the one that trump won for sure, was also one that was stolen from him by the national security establishment. >> okay, thank. you >> the trump russia collusion was false. >> much of that ramped is debunked conspiracy theories. the claim that the insurrection was a flat out lie was a inside, i was a flat out lie detachment reality in and supported by concrete evidence. this false and self serving narrative, anderson, from trump supporters, came about on the summer 2021 from right-wing news outlets claiming the u.s. government orchestrated the u.s. capitol attack and as an undercover fbi way to frame trump. the fbi director christopher wray, a lifelong republican, appointed by former president trump, has repeatedly rejected that claim and it's worth remembering that 850 rioters have been convicted of crimes stemming from january six, according to the justice department. most of them pleaded guilty and many acknowledge that they were at the capitol because they supported trump and none of the people convicted were fbi agents. >> thanks very much. we'll have more with you throughout the night. before the break we heard chris christie going after donald trump and nikki haley did take it to get former president. little center that. >> this is where trump went wrong. trump was good on trade. but that's all he was with china. because here he allowed fentanyl to continue to come over, he continued to allow them to take, he would give them technology that would build up their military and hurt us, he allowed the chinese infiltration for them to buy up farmland, to put money in our universities, and to continue to do things that were harmful for america. we now have a spy base in cuba and police stations and trump didn't do anything about it. >> back now with a panel. how much tougher has mickey haley gotten on the former president than she was earlier, do you think? >> from a policy perspective i think she has leaned into going after him. she hit him on not just securing the border, and ron desantis also attacked him on. that build a border, mexico will pay. the candidates in the field now feel they can go with after him on policy, but other than chris christie is touching the question of fitness. desantis had his best performance yet, but he looked very weak when chris christie had to jump in and moderate and they just answer the question. is don trump fitter unfit? it looked him waffling and not ready for leadership. >> we talked about this earlier. at the end of the day don trump was still the winner tonight, again. this is debate number, what is it for, three? each time we try to pick winners and losers and debates and the guy on the stage who was not on the stage is the winner each time. nobody advances the ball. the debris, steph got talked about, we talked about earlier, the numbers don't move. they haven't moved one bit. and they're all jockeying about who's going to be second and third? now the big debate is, it is gonna come in second and third in iowa? and who's gonna come in second and third in hampshire? who's gonna be second and third, what, to make it to super tuesday, maybe? where is the money gonna come from? how's gonna work? >> it's what a play for momentum. if your haley right now you are presumed to be a little behind desantis in iowa. what if you jump into second place of the last minute and you try to slingshot that over to new hampshire and you convince christy? it's all sort of a play to build momentum. but it's like the old commercials, off the back board, off the bleachers, of the ceiling. it would take that kind of a shot. >> and where is the money coming? from >> all waiting, that something is gonna come down the pipeline, that's gonna take dame trump out. it's like we don't want to take them out himself. the calendar doesn't show us that that's gonna happen. that's what i'm completely struck by this entire primary process, no one other than chris christie is directly going after trump's fitness because he will, at this juncture, likely be the nominee, statistically. >> he's gonna be the nominee. tell me how it's not gonna happen? >> what would a nikki haley in a ron desantis given their final backswing they have to stay in? >> if desantis doesn't come to close to trump in iowa, or if he finishes third, or 20, i don't know how you move forward. he's not gonna do as well in new hampshire. haiti is the one who's trying for the slingshot. the desantis strategy has to be get within range at least of trump in iowa and then you make an argument to move forward as the one opponent. but for him it's iowa and for haley and for christie, it's really more new hampshire, and for christy it's the last debate. december 6th. new hampshire, january 23rd, a long way to go, and i'm wondering, for his strategy, how is he going to stay fresh and in the news and have moments where he can keep a little momentum going out there? >> i don't think the issue for haley, maybe even desantis, i don't think money is the issue. i think the donors are ready to move on from trump. they are backing haley, they're backing desantis. the issue is, remains, as it has always been, the voters. voters are not ready to move on, and that's ultimately going to be the problem. what we have seen over the past few weeks, with the jamie dimon's of the world and the black rocks of the world, which was a huge topic of discussion tonight, consolidating behind haley is that there are people who have really deep pockets who are willing to be there, but there is a disconnect. there has been since 2016. there is a disconnect between the elite, the elites, the money class, and the voters, and until that changes, we're not talking about anything -- >> what's against you? >> that's the thing that's. it >> i can't remember who made this point. >> vivek. >> great, take the money. that's exactly, you're exactly the person we don't want. >> do you think that was an important development in terms of trying to punish nikki haley for being successful? nikki haley is climbing, she's rising, she can handle all these attacks, and now the donors are moving toward her, so the people who are falling, who are collapsing, we're failing, trying to turn that strength into a weakness. so you saw vivek saying you are now corrupt, you are beholden to these folks. obviously knows people would turn down any of those checks. but part of why this is important is, why is the date important, is trump gonna win anyway? you shaping the future of this party tonight. you shaping the landscape of debate. and if what you begin to say, is anybody who can get support from respectable corridors is suspect, anybody who can get support from six full dismisses suspect. you saw a switch now, where a desantis was essentially saying i'm unease the power of the government against corporations. that means liberals. the liberals used to say we can use the government and the conservatives are saying we're for free enterprising corporations. >> but that side of the table, to your point, that side, those two allies were trying to make, turn the victory, the success of, the rise there, consolidation of nikki support, against her and i think that's a bad sign for this party going forward. if that's the rising wing of this party, you're saying you're gonna be an anti establishment party even when corporate support some of your best leaders. >> a continuation of moving away from corporate america the republicans toward a more populist working class party. two of the biggest flows, i think right now could be this movement away from corporate america but also what are jewish americans doing right now? they voted about 70% for joe biden the last election. i have the feeling there looking at the world right now saying we might be headed back the other way towards the republican party, even if some college educated suburban people have started to float away from the republican party towards the democrats. we may be living through tectonic shifts in what we have thought of as the coalitions of the two parties. it happens every so often. every hundred years or so. and we may be living through it right now. how it's gonna manifest itself a year from now, i don't know, but it strikes me the conditions are in place to cause really massive -- >> said that a long time ago. i used to work for ireland, specter a northeast republican how. many northeast republicans do you think exist anymore? look at the congress, the senate. they don't exist. that slide that started a while ago and you continue to see that trend. the country club kind of liberals who used to be republicans have switched to the democratic party in the working class people from pittsburgh that i grew up with where democrats are now republicans. so that has been taking place over time. >> that's why the debates, matter because trump's on the stage but trump-ism is. you see how it strengthening. it's not completely ruled out that a nikki haley around desantis would serve in the trump administration. not clear to. me vivek ramaswamy has said he will bat -- >> oh well. [laughter] >> he's already serving in. it >> there's an exchange between haley and sanders i want to talk about china, just listen. >> this is rich, because when she was governor of south carolina, she was the number one ranked governor of bringing the ccp into her state. she wrote a love letter to the chinese ambassador saying how great french line is. you can look on a website, run, also a video of her as governor standing in front of a chinese flag with a chinese business saying that she now works for them, talking about this chinese company. so she's been very weak on china. here's the problem. the rhetoric is different but her daughters, these wall street liberal donors, they make money in china. they are not gonna let her be tough on china and she will cave to the donors. she will not stand up to you. >> 15. seconds [applause] >> first, well he's mad because wall street donors used to support him and now they support me. the second thing is [applause] he has a chinese company, you gas, that he just did rally there last year. they had given 340,000 campaigns between then and their employees. they are tied to the -- jingle solar is another one, they expanded to get 2 million in subsidies. >> tied up from buying land in the state of florida. >> [applause] nikki haley brought confucian studies to the universities in south carolina. i stand up and doing what's right and -- >> you have a right to lie. >> she trying to say things like that, even liberal media groups that usually if i say the sky is blue they'll fact check me and say that's wrong. the later charges, they said it was totally false, they could not find one instance of me recruiting a chinese business coming to florida. >> to me this was putting the substance aside for just a second, just those dynamics there, this was an example of haley receding a little bit in a way that i don't think really helped her. in the last debate they had a huge blowup, haley, desantis, and ramaswamy over china, and she was really in the mix. i think desantis did well there and really kind of outshined her. >> why do you think? >> honestly, it's hard to say. it's hard to say. some of the stuff is really in the weeds. i heard them talk about the stuff multiple times. it is unclear to me what the point is of all of this and what it has to do with actual united states policy toward china. they're trying to signal toughness by saying we're going to kick china out of the united states, kick out the confucius institutes. it's not really linked to real policy, however when it comes to signaling to the republican base on china, i think desantis did a better job than hailie. >> that exchange felt flat to me on both ends because both china matters is one of our biggest political adversary and no one tied back to where this matters for the average voter. it's one of the most lengthy changes that went on that night. how does this affect you? it was kind of implicitly there in china's pocket, but it was naming institutes of the average american would know of, and it was stunning to me, especially considering how that went on in the major policy areas that weren't touched including abortion. >> both of them felt contrived. it just feels like-for-tat, where she thought she scored on china's when she was going to a recitation on the college antisemitism and she says we've got to ban tiktok. win for republican voters, when they hear that, it's a message about china as much as anything. >> saving tip bursting doing it, trump said he was banning it and -- >> republicans in congress said they were going to ban it, and they completely drop the issue. >> chris christie brought up a good point on china which also made sense, i think, to voters who were in the audience watching at home, which is halle has praised trump's policy, his trade policy, and he asked her why she thought it was good policy, talking about the only thing that trump did on china that was tough was put the tariffs on chinese goods and raise prices for americans. >> talking to voters in iowa, and vivek won with sami joins dan. >> welcome to our post-debate analysis with the iowa caucus is fast approaching, knowing what voters there made night matters as he's been to all for debate. gary tuchman, is in nevada, tubman? >> with 40 days left until the first of the nation, i am caucus is, we've come back to iowa for the fourth time in the last four and a half months, specifically the same place story county iowa, the reason we want to do that, we want to talk to loyal republicans after each and every debate to see if things have changed regarding the perceptions of the candidates or things have stayed the same. it is wonderful to be back with our friends from story county. good to see all of. you first leo on or talk to you about, the three other debates we were here, the first debate this group that ramaswamy to the base to, second debate desantis, debate haley. it looks like when a break the tie unless you pick christie today. so let me ask you, there's some laughter there, so maybe won't be christy. but to be honest with our viewers, i haven't asked these people yet who they thought won this debate. we are going to ask together for the first time. i'm an ask in alphabetical order, who thinks christie won the debate? zero. who thinks desantis won? one of the eighth. who thinks haley won the debate? one, two, three, four, five, six. who thinks ramaswamy won the debate? zero. one person didn't vote. that's jim on the upper left. i can unite voting there, jim? . i think trump one >> you think trump won because he wasn't? here >> that's right. >> it looked so orchestrated. so chaotic. >> either way, though, we have six people here who have picked haley. that's the second time healy has won, commanding victory this time in the four debates we've been. here let me ask why you think haley won. we'll start with the mayor of nevada, why do you think hailie won? >> clearly she has been the one with the momentum some expected her to take all the hints tonight. the debate started with them coming after her and i think she handled it really well and i think she is also strong on policy and she is strong in these debates and i think that has been a contested part of her momentum. >> judy? >> i agree with brett that she had to deangelo bullets tonight. she stood up to each one of them. >> what do you think, ray? >> i think people should areas of the people that are winning. i think she's winning. >> trey? >> i think that every hit that she took, she had a response back. one of the victims was being on the bulletin board, and i don't care that she was on the billing board. i don't care. she has great experience in foreign policy and domestic policy. >> megan, what do you think? i >> agree with everyone else that everyone was after her tonight in the debate. i think she handled that with grace and charisma. it was the most levelheaded and stuck to her guns. i think she just explained factually while she believed everything and stayed steady. >> jeff, what's your opinion? >> like everybody else, she weathered the storm. she's gonna edge on the polls, at least of that group. and again, her foreign policy experience really shown through tonight. and the fact that she has been the governor as well as though she's got that legislative experience, working with legislators in south carolina. so she shined among them all. >> so like everyone else, but we do have someone in the front row, debra, who says desantis won. why do you think desantis won? >> i think he's got executive experience and a record of winning. that's gonna be the most important thing in a primary. and then in a general election. we have to beat joe biden. that's the most important pirate imperative we need to get done, and i think desantis is the best one to get their. he's convincing us with policy and a record that matches what's convince you to. me >> to all of you agreed you have to beat joe biden? >> absolutely. >> no one's thinking of going democrat here. >> now. >> you never know. i mean, in this world, you have the choice to do whatever you want. i want to point out something that is most of the people who we've seen in your county in a last-minute months were undecided about who they would caucus for on january 15th. most of you are undecided. i want to know, out of the aid of, you how many of you have made a decision about who you will caucus for? please raise your hand if you have. so four of you have now decided. i know jim, i know your answer is gonna be trump cause you to say he won the debate. from day one you were a trump man. nothing is changed your mind. >> now. but >> of the other -- tell me why do these change your mind? >> he has demonstrated. he hasn't said what i did this in florida and when i was governor. he has done it. he has been the president. he has made the tough decisions. and we didn't have a war and we have a good economy and i am a farmer and so i like his policies. >> okay. who have you decided to caucus? four >> for nikki haley. >> why did you decide on haley? >> like jeff said, she had set out of the park on policy in general and whatever was talking about the importance of winning is really important. you have somebody that runs strong in second place in all the early states. it is a really good position in the primary. but also would beat joe biden joe biden by the largest margins. she would really bring together a coalition that would have reagan-esque type margins that we haven't seen in 40 years as a party. >> you thought demand just won this debate. is that how you're gonna caucus for? >> yes. >> have you decided that based on his debate performance? >> probably more on his record. and he is interactions with voters that i have seen personally. i think he's doing well. actually when he interacts personally with voters. >> okay. what we need to do, ramaswamy's about to talk to anderson cooper. i could ask you guys an hour's worth of questions, but i have to go back to the studio. so anderson, you hear what's happening here? nikki haley has won her second debate in the row, according to this group. back to you. >> great to hear from the same people each time. carrie, thank you, and thank them for us. i want to go to dana, standing by with vivek ramaswamy. >> thanks, anderson. thank you so much for being here. first you are listening to some of that, one person said donald trump won. those were kind of in favor of the woman who went after a pretty hard, nikki haley. >> i think it was a deep ideological de biden's gop, one of the things i see coming up in the iowa caucus, if we write about, this is going to change the dynamic of this race. many of my voters, many of the people coming to our events, and if you look at our offensive does not match the mainstream media narrative what you're hearing about them in terms of the sheer numbers we're drying, our younger people, people who have never been in a caucus before, people who are not polled. many of them have ron paul shirts when they show up. if those people come to our caucus, come to congress on january 15, we are going to deliver a major shock to the system. a lot of those people do want to see somebody who's going to be an varnished and shackled and i think that's who i am and if that's what the voters want that's what we're gonna give them. >> let's turn back with what happened to tonight. let's play some of what you did on the debate stage. >> sure. >> for some policy experience was closing a bridge from new jersey to new york. so do everybody a favor just walk yourself of that stage, enjoy is a nice meal, and get off the stage. the only person where fascist then the biden regime's mikael even thinks the government is who should identify every one of those individuals with an i.d.. that's fascism. she could come nowhere near the levers of power let alone the white house. nikki is corrupt. >> nikki is corrupt there. we saw you come in at the beginning of the debate and with you a sharpie right something very big letters on that pad. and then we saw what it was. that plus the rest of what we played in much more that we don't have time to play, you are really aggressive back to how you were a couple of debates ago. i guess the question is, why do you consider that a form of leadership that we were looking for right now? >> i think one of my policies that goes against partisanship, join the board of pfizer whether you're doing special deals with boeing for years is the governor of south carolina only to join their board afterwards, you connections down a military contractor that changes your financial incentives, i'm very critical of biden. the hunter biden payments were allegedly made an otherwise. well, i can't buy that standard to the democrats who are not applying it at home in all parties well. for me it's going to take people at least from the outside read hofman, one of the largest bone use. efforts to keep trump off the ballot is now a quarter million dollar plus donor to you. kayleigh evidence of the kind of financial corruption that hasn't been exposed. kalinke, which is been helping. are those reasons for, that but i think that's fundamentally a job to expose in an open debate for the american people. >> one person that you didn't touch at all with kid gloves or otherwise is ron desantis. why is that? do you have some kind of alliance? >> i wouldn't say so. i wouldn't say that i probably, you just saw the debate so whether it was this debate or it, it was definitely not intentional. i've gone after him over disagreements. he believes we should ban -- and i have been very open. i don't know if it was the last debate. my other comments otherwise drying plenty of policy contrast with ronda santas. but i was responding to questions as they were asked. i did say he was a good governor. i stand by that. i think he could be a good attorney general, and in my administration, somebody like that could be a reasonable candidate. but there is nothing specific about playing nice with ron. >> you said your three rivals on the station i are looking trump's boots. >> we're four. years >> we're looking trump's boots, thank you. but you also said it would support donald trump even if he's a convicted felon. isn't that by definition licking his boots? >> i'm saying for years people have been doing that and now their candidate against him and monday morning quarterbacking back his decision he made. -- greetings children televised our, the book about donald trump and put that on tv. nikki haley not that much different of a story. even chris christie. and reinvention is fascinating. a guy who was helping trump with his debate prep all the way to even lobbying him for coronavirus aid -- and i think that's a narrative that doesn't match much of what he says on the debate stage. either way, poor little convenience, i'm gonna comment on. and my view is this, though. i haven't been doing that for trump four years. i haven't been in politics. i've been building businesses. but i do think, on principle, many of those prosecutions, all of those prosecutions, i've read the indictments. i don't believe it is appropriate to use novel legal theories that have never been tested in full first-time prosecution, many of which if you read through them they're politically motivated. we don't have to do that here, but start with a new york. when you could argue the election laws either way. they would've gotten going or coming. i don't think that's good for the country. i don't think it's a good precedent. so that's why i'm a little different than the other candidates in being vocal about the fact that i would pardon if he's elected. i stand by. that >> another moment i want to play for our viewers where you went full conspiracy theory, endorsing a lot of conspiracy theories. i want you to listen. >> if you want somebody who's going to speak truth to power, then vote for somebody who's going to speak the truth to you. why am i the only person on this stage at least you can say the january six now does look like it was an inside job? another government lied to us for 20 years? [applause] about saudi arabia's involvement in 9/11, but that the great replacement theory but a basic statement of the democratic party statement of the platform that the 2020 election there is no evidence that it was an inside job. it was a fringe conspiracy theory that the trump appointed fbi director christopher wray has said explicitly, over and over, again is just not true. >> i appreciate the opportunity to address it. i was an anti-woke crusader leaving the business world. if you would ask me three years ago, is there is some chance january six was an inside, job i would've said that's crazy talk. i would say looking at the facts of the video footage that have come out, it is shocking that you still have not gotten a clear answer how many federal agents were in the field that day. look at the video footage of that day, throwing explosive and rubber bullets, into a peaceful crowd. and then releasing to the public what came in response to that. but now look at the video footage that was released, i'm glad we're talking about it because viewers deserve to look at that footage. capital police, literally letting people in, who have now been prosecuted, some of them committed suicide because of what the government doing. that is a case of entrapment. i think the government has not been transparent enough about this. which is why i then, brought up another case, where the government 20 years later, with the classified documents, telling us that they lied to us at the time. >> 850. people >> they consistently lied to the people. >> an inside job suggests, that everybody who attacked the capital was a part of it. >> i didn't say, that but i was saying that there is entrapment going. on there's entrapment going on. this looks like a case of entrapment. >> what you mean by? entrapment >> entrapment means, the police go to people to do something, that they otherwise would not have done, and then they arrest them for. doing >> it and you think it was actually, you don't think it was the actual former president? >> let's look at this >>? we heard him earlier. >> you guys said this for a long time about the -- kidnapping plot. you suddenly got silent, after comes out of trial, that absolutely was a case of entrapment, which is why two of those people were acquitted. i'm saying this is somebody who, on the other side of, this is a biotech ceo, someone who is anti-woke. if i was looking this, i would say that a lot of this is crazy. top but, if you actually get into the details, i think it is startling how much the government has systematically lied, and i think it's both parties, over the course of the last 25. years, rather than just pointing this out >> this is the most aggressive offensive attack on the u.s. capitol, and on democracy itself that we have seen in our lifetime, and in many many lifetimes. to say without evidence, that it wasn't out of inside. job >> i'm not saying it without evidence, i think it will re-seeing now is the video footage that's come. out i was in a different place before a lot of that evidence came, out but you have to respond to the evidence. what is your response? or what is anyone else's response at cnn, to the video footage that was released, of literally people just peacefully allowing people into the capitol, shooting it crowds. >> what we know is that people have been convicted of. crimes >> but the reality, is many of them were convicted before that. information >> do you think that trump has anything to do? with >> this you're bringing up a really good, point your audience really deserves to know the truth about this. normally there's a, rule in constitutional law it's called a brady rule. you have to turn over exculpatory evidence to the other side. in this case it was not turned over because the doj and congress were sitting. on it they did not releases. that's why i said i would pardon many of those peaceful protesters. >> i want to go to something. >> this is not a left and right issue, i think this is a several. >> i want to go to something else the, said that i think is really important to explore. the great replacement theory. that, i'm sure you know is a theory that has been a adopted by white supremacists who believe that people of color , are trying to overtake the white people in america. it has been used in mass murders from not even just, america worldwide. it is been used in. new zealand >> i will be very specific about what i'm, saying i posted this yesterday before the. day i have been very precise, i'd encourage people to look at ten hard truths i posted yesterday, including the footage from january 6th, i posted that yesterday -- to look at the video i poise posted a biden. expressly discussing from ten years ago. these are biden's words, talking about -- exceeding white populations, and white populations not exceeding. i think that we should be able to have that conversation without using french. >> but when you use the term great replacement theory, that is. but do you understand, that that term that -- is something that evokes antisemitism, >> it invokes, look i'm against antisemitism. >> right but people who -- have. we have to look at the truth of what's happening dana >> but this is being used. >> for ten years. ago >> but this is being used for killings do you understand how dangerous? it >> is it's just a conspiracy. >> theory it's not a conspiracy theory it's dangerous. >> i. disagree >> but i and discrimination. >> i think that we need to have more open discussion, that's when they scream when you tell them they can't, so. >> it's the term, the great replacement theory. >> you and i share something in common, -- we need to close the gap between what people will say in private, and what they will say in public. right now there's a gap between those two things that is as big as i've seen in my lifetime. i think that is dangerous, i think that's a good way to get january six being a preview of what's to come in this country. unless we are able to have open conversation -- >> -- when people hear great replacement, theory they think xenophobic. because of what it means to people. >> i'm proud of, immigrants legal immigrants who came to this. country but when the democratic party, and biden, the leader of the democratic party now, as recent as ten years. ago expressly talking about nonwhite populations expiating white populations, that being a good thing, and immigration policies that they've advanced due to achieve that result. let's have that debate rather than say this is a dog, whistle this is going to cause violence. what i'm worried about is that we are going to have, i would say. i want to be careful about the way that i speak about. this i do want to get to a place of violence, were speeding on thin ice skating -- on thin ice. as a leader, it's important to give people the opportunity to say in, public what they say in private. -- >> let me just ask one, question then i'm gonna let. you go i'm gonna let you go. let's just, say and i'm not even going to use the term anymore because it is a dog whistle for people out there who are looking for reasons to go after people of color, and. but, let's just >>. e agree to disagree on that. >> let's just assume that that was something that was happening is. that so wrong? what's wrong with people of color being a majority in this country? >> let me just pause right, there this is a legitimate discussion for us to have, but we can't have it both ways. to say this is something that we're adequately advocating fo r, it's an express policy, and we've knowledge that it's part of an express policy. objection then let's actually get to debatable whether this is good or bad for the country. i embrace, that but thank you for getting to a useful place rather than just saying, anyone who's saying this says that -- anyone who says it on the right is says that it's a. in my views i don't care about, skin color i could care less about skin. color >> you do know that the will not replace us, that comes from the great replacement theory. i know you have to go but. just go back and look at >> it, i would say go back and look at the people who are talking about, this mike johnson released videos of capitol police letting them in, we should at least have that conversation. we should also air the video of biden, talking about ten years ago, what is other discussed as a -- let's not label someone insurrectionist, or a racist, or a homophobe, or a denier or anything else as we have silencing debate. we should talk about it on the. merits that last question we asked is exactly what many republicans want to be debating in the open. >> i agree merits, facts, that's what we need to be doing. >> a man show the videos i think it'll be good for the. viewers >> thank you very much i appreciate it. anderson back to. >> you thank you very much, back with the panel here in new york. >> a lot to unpack, none of these debates have helped ramaswamy. when he started the debate season he was at seven, today he sits it like for. he's gone down after each one. >> the more people get to know, in the last day like. and >> yeah, not showing up for the debates would've been a great idea. because then no one would know, what they know about him now. there's only two people on that stage could have even some percentage chance of taking on donald trump, everybody knows that. it's desantis, and it's haley. yes christie's running a new hampshire focus campaign, but if you are going to get down to one or the other. the amount of time he takes up tying up the stage, i mean it obviously helps trump, because we don't get down to the main event. >> it sure hurts the country though, that guy is dangerous, that's dangerous. when those people were saying will not replace us, will not replace us. that slogan sits on top of a very sick and twisted view, that if you bring enough people of color here, we are so deficient, we are so stupid, we are so unwanted, that we will be zombies to fill out the ranks for some democratic party agenda, the jewish people are manipulating and driving forward. that leads to violence, that puts at risk jewish people. that puts at risk people of color. it is wrong, and the smug condescending way that he just spews this poison out is very very dangerous. he won't stop trump, but he is going to outlive trump by about 50 years. you are watching the rise of an american demagogue who is a very very despicable person. i, lily, i was literally shaking listening to him. talk a lot of people don't know. that is a one step away from not see propaganda coming out of his. mount >> the good thing is that you can take respite, in the more people hear him, the less they like him. the numbers were just pointed, out his numbers continue to plummet, after this debate's numbers will continue to go down. >> i think from your perspective, it's better that vivek talks more and more and more, because people will hear what he has to say and rejected more. >> i will say, i do think he did more damage to himself than anyone else he went after tonight. to your point, and i've heard this from, people i've interviewed him many times, the way that he was just doing what he was doing there. he explains these conspiracy theories that he puts out, there he tries to say that there is evidence to back him up, there actually is video of the january six, the fact that it was an inside, job which he says he is learned, talking about the great replacement theory. he uses this reasonable tone, talks about video evidence in videos that he's put out. there are none, he did the same thing with 9/11, he tiptoed up to having it be this conspiracy theory. when we confronted him on, it he claimed that the reporter made up the, quote that he had not said the. quote we said, okay will we will take you at your. were the next day the reporter published audio of him saying the quote. he does this all the, time he uses this reasonable tone he says, let everyone just, see this let everyone just see this. you can see the january 6th footage, the doj has, it they've arrested 1200 people as it was pointed out. there but he uses a reasonable tone, to make people who aren't paying attention, who aren't fact-checking it think that it's reasonable. doubt >>. >> first and foremost he's damaging to the country, he's also very damaging to the republican. brand the reality is most republicans don't want to go anywhere near the great replacement theory, i don't even like saying. it we're trying to make roads with these communities black voters, hispanic voters. even to scott's point, i think there's a huge opportunity with the roar in israel to make a headway with jewish. people for him to go and expose that is part of a gop platform is damaging for the, party but i would say that he is a symptom of something donald trump created. donald trump came out as a demagogue, he exposed things that often weren't true, and people bought, it he often went unchallenged. he's trying to do, it but there is something about him that is a little bit more insidious. he's educated, he speaks, well there's a columnist of what he's saying. as of right now, the voters are rejecting it but, give this guy ten years and it might sell a bit. better >> i think the normalization of just breathing past this racism, and bigotry, he's doing it. a lot of people on the lef t are doing, it on antisemitism right now. i mean there's people on the left today, demanding to see the evidence that hamas mutilated and violated, and essay these women at the beginning of this war. and they're sort of breezing by -- i don't know some things just happen, i saw a member of congress doing. it i take your point, i think it's vital that we discuss it. it strikes me that on the fringe of the, left and maybe on the right. but certainly on the left right now, you mention charlottesville, somebody did. we are having about 100 charlottesville's a day in this country. right now i think in the context of this campaign, whoever wins the nomination, however this debate unfolds, we cannot normalize and explain away, using reasonable sounding conspiracy conspiracy theories or whatever. because the people that we hate are the ones being victimized, we cannot do it. >> nobody's going to argue with you about, that i thought that this was a better week, in that cheryl, and other people went to the united nations and said, essay is not resistance. we have a whole generation of people who don't understand some of these long-standing conflicts. nelson mandela was a freedom fighter, he never essayed anybody, he never kidnapped anybody's governor grandmother. if he used, weapons he went after soldiers an infrastructure. those are freedom fighters. hamas is, not hamas as a reign of terror. there is a lot that has to be sorted out here, there is a lot, the democratic party is under a of particular when -- you have a working class middle color who are beginning to follow the wightman of working class into the white men column. you have some muslims who are beginning to feel discouraged by biden's position, but you also have jewish americans who are discouraged by what's going on is. so there can be some reorientation, some stresses on the parties about this. here's what i think we should all be able to agree. no hate. don't hate jewish people, don't hate muslims, don't hate trans, people don't hate immigrants, don't hate china, or chinese people, you can disagree with them on policy, but there is just too much hate. frankly, i don't like in my party, and there were edges tonight in your party. we have to come together against hate. >> i want to say one quick thing about the great replacement theory, and dana got it this, this is something that was the rationale for multiple mass shootings including, antisemitic mass shootings in this country, and around the world. the idea of voicing it on a debate stage, and then trying to rehabilitate the term, is extraordinary. >> to plead ignorance. >> and then right, to plead ignorance, to say that we're going to have a conversation about how the substance of immigration. the great replacement theory is not about immigration theory. it is fundamentally about hate. there is power in saying these things on a stage like that, i think that vague ramaswamy knows that. and that is what makes it so beyond the pale on that particular point. you have deranged people who have actually killed in the name of this theory, you can't ignore that, you can't pretend that does not matter, it is inextricably linked to that term, and people should understand that when we talk about. this >> that soliloquy he did of all these conspiracy, theories is it just, reach out to all the fringe folks out there to try to boost his numbers a? little >> bit it seemed that, way he threw everything in there except the kitchen. sink 9/11, i mean he went back. it >> was like the greatest. hits >> yeah the the hit track. >> it was like if you believe, when you might believe them. all >> you have a moon landing could've been at. it >> but it is sad. ben to your point, earlier we had a good week. but we had a terrible week in congress, three college presidents from one of us from some of the most illustrious colleges in in the country couldn't answer simple questions. to the point of where do you stand on antisemitism. it was silence, it was deafening. it was worse than that, where do you stand on genocide against the jewish people? you. no they all had to put cleanup videos out today. >> -- i'm terrified by the antisemitism that i've seen from the far left, not condemning -- we also can't not mention that the gop front runner dined with an actual neo-not that long. ago we have to call it out on both sides. there is a scary extremist far-left and far-right, and has no business being in politics. the purging of this antisemitism out of both parties, ought to be a real goal for both parties. it has no place in american politics, it really does not. and yet it is ascendant, is right now. it is terrible. >> i think most people can agree on three things. a secure homeland for both people. no hate. and protect the babies. i think that's pretty straightforward. you want jewish people and palestinians to have a secure homeland. you don't want hatred against israelis, palestinians, muslims, or. and you don't want civilians being put in harm's way, directly, or on purpose, were indirectly in a reckless, way. i think most people, if you just sat down and talked about it for 15 minutes you would arrive. they're the problem, is you have these social media algorithms that are pulling people into more and more extreme positions and you have very little conversation you have yelling, to people and not with each other. these young generations on these campion when i was young and on campus i said a lot of dumb stuff. i said it to the guys in my dorm room. and the sophomores told us freshman, sit down, shut up and listen. we kept that ignores contained and we learned and got better. the problem we have now you have people who are getting bombarded with these devices algorithms gives them a bunch of information, they say stuff that's ridiculous in the whole world hears it. we have a responsibility, it's not ageism, we have a responsibility to say the next generation you may not know but, you are getting less used by iran on some of the south. he may not know, but there are influence operations that are dying to get you to upset and say things that are gonna hurt people's feelings, it might lead to violence on whatever these issues are we need to be careful with what we are doing here. i hope those calls for president more effective at addressing, on the campus than they were on congress. they are not someone who needs to because young people are being misled their passions are correct what's happening overseas is awful what happens to the palestinians's office and it's the whole world sees that but you can't use the pain of that to then smuggle in antisemitism or, all israelis this, all that. when that starts to happen or israel itself the whole country even when you've got millions people out there, all israel's in a negative way that's called bigotry. you can stand up for palestinians and still love and, not hurt people in israel when you have the whole world listening to you have to do both after wiser being used. i think our political leaders the adults in this country but, where are they but you are exactly right, have a little backbone listen to van. even if they are in your party and it is supposed to be voting for you have the courage to tell them to shut up and put the bigotry away, on both sides. >> more on the debate ahead and can reactions, from the biden contain that launch tonight. first time i connected with kim, she told me that her husband had passed. and that he took care of all of the internet connected devices in the home. i told her, “i'm here to take care of you.” connecting with kim... made me reconnect with my mom. it's very important to keep loved ones close. we know that creating memories with loved ones brings so much joy to your life. a family trip to the team usa training facility. i don't know how to thank you. i'm here to thank you. some democrats who watched the republican, today i might have done it for whatever amusement they could take from opposition going after each, other but for some other democrats tuning in was a professional obligation including my guest right now biden, harris deputy campaign manager lee. i've joking from you that you've never been to republican debate before. >> i have not hopefully this will be my last. >> let's see what we heard on the debate stage tonight, the argument that several of these republican candidates made was that, democrats want donald trump to be the nominee who, because chris christie made that argument because they think they are mark likely to beat donald trump than the others. what if it is not donald trump? any of the candidates onstage tonight, make you more worried than others? you, at the end of the day what we saw tonight was a complete failure from anybody on the republican side will that he was rule >> donald trump told people in primetime that he would rolls objective. tonight nikki haley, ron desantis, vivek ramaswamy refused to say that it refused to make him unfit. none of them a uncalled him that he overturned a rowan's right to choose, none of them are saying anything about he would repeal harris k, of from 40 million americans they are all trying to do the same thing where this donald trump or anyone else on the stage tonight, it's all the same thing. we know it and result is gonna be,. that's what we're gonna do, what. let's talk about >> prosecuting the case in the people you need and the biden coalition, to win reelection we had a new poll out today? you might have seen it in part of it will, more than fewer half of black voters, only a third of young people approve of president biden's job performance. what do you think that is? >> i think that right now, it is the tough time in america. it's very early, polls this early out are not indicative of how elections and up. our campaign has not been take any of these voters for granted, we hit the -- double down on can stick or to, we're talking to black voters latino, voters were nowhere enough to mobilize voters from each them all across the globe. in a very fragment, medium virus. that's where -- for us it's just a matter of doubling down to make sure we communicate, that's what campaigns are for. again, we need to bring this back and focus on the stakes of the election. it's gonna be a choice between president biden and then accomplishments in the things doing, and where republicans want to take this country. i think it's very clear where they want to go. it could in the case of, again some members of the biden coalition are unlikely to vote for donald trump, the more likely scenario they might stay home. that's a big potential red flag for you. >> it's a red flake when voters are willing to date stay home. but we >> have to out-pounding the, payson. we announced stephen south carolina we're gonna we've got to organize communicate to these voters but again we have to get back to the stakes of this election. we have to look talk to the voters about we've accomplished and want to do for the company but, if, this is where republicans want to take you this is what >> donald trump a. >> i want to ask you to report tonight, and political. that one of the biden donors, named haut named collin. that he quit the national finance committee. of the biden campaign will, what he said to political about the president stance on israel steadfast support of israel's quote, this is bull -- but. you make moral compromise being involved in these politics. is that concerning to you? >> we'll look, if he was on the national finance committee he's contradicted and help raise money to get the president elected, for that we think it. it's a very difficult time in america right now for a lot of people, when it comes to what's going on in the middle east joe bonner and day one it, not as a politician but as commander-in-chief. doing everything you can to keep america safe. this is also a clinic and leadership, and in stark contrast what the republicans are doing. president biden from day one has said that, antisemitism, oaths on the phobias no place in america system. he's done everything he can to keep people safe. in stark contrast out the republicans are calling for muslim ban, throwing our allies under the bus. raising tariffs, they don't understand foreign policy. joe biden is the only person running for president in united states have the wisdom and experience to bring, people to the table. to get deals done, a lot of this diplomacy is done by tying close doors as you know. for us it's sorry, that the donor feels that way. it doesn't change anything from our campaign, and the message in the narrative that we continue to drive moving forward. >> thank you so much, appreciate it. >> it's nice to be here, but you already expressed how you feel about being here. but i appreciate it. >> anderson back to you? >> back with the panel, we're talking about the democratic party, these poll numbers gotta be of concern. >> there are three groups that are possibly headed for the exits right now, they will come back hopefully. we do have working class, men of color vickery suddenly feeling despondent and moving away from the party. i think a lot of jewish americans feel and supported, they feel supported by biden, but don't feel a supported by the rest of the progressive movement. but the same time you have muslims, that biden has to lacking in sympathy for what's happens to the palestinians, and a lot of young people all they are seeing from these devices is gaza babies gaza babies. it is shocking the younger people in our coalition as they are going on. they've never been exposed to it when it comes to syria, or yemen or anything like that. you've got muslims who are headed for the doors, jewish people, young people, all at the same time that's what those numbers look like. i think it's gonna take some real leadership inside the democratic party to hold this coalition together, to walk through some of these issues but what's happening overseas in a way that brings us, makes a stronger as a country, and as a party and not more of a divide. it >> also economic pressures, you've economic pressures of inflation if you look at working class hispanic families, you get african american men who are working, and blue-collar jobs that can't afford to plea for gas and things, it's the economic issues are driving a lot of democrats away from the party as well. the biden administration, this gentleman is on here is whistling past the graveyard a little bit, oh it's early we're gonna turn the ship around. i don't think they're gonna turn around anytime soon. they've gotta get going quickly. >> i thought he did a good job pointing out some of the horror from trump this week, saying it's gonna be a dictator he, took maybe you won't be addicted to the whole time. i think the democrats have some wind desire back as well. these are real problems. >> biden said this week at a fun reason only reason he's running because of trump. , that's the quiet part out loud. he >> effectively the slogan is, it could be worse. what he's telling all these groups you are talking about, democratic coalition groups, it could be worse. is does this inspire confidence? in near and anyone else. it wouldn't me if i was a democrat. i thought that was candid week moment. >> biden might make a gaffe every now and again. look, right now they're stress it shows in the numbers as you get close. i don't think we're whistling pause a graveyard. but i do think we are not making a strong case for biden, or making a strong case against trump. some points to have to balance that out. >> i think with the seismic shifts that we're seeing right now, potentially in the liberal coalition. i think the fact that you have a situation where joe biden likes to say compare me, don't compare me, of course liberals are gonna turnout for donald trump. if enough of them stay home that puts trump over the edge. that's a five alarm fire that you've to be worrying about. , i think to some degree the fact that this is the first time i've seen a biden surrogate out one of these debates. that seems like a delayed issue the, campaigning six months ago they are. very behind. >> these young people 18 to 34 in our poll, he had a 34% approval rating. >> that's palestine. >> to your point, maybe they don't think i'm gonna vote republican this time, maybe they just stay home. >> or are cage in your. >> it's the muslim americans and, states like michigan where jan won by 155,000 votes that can make such a crucial difference. what he said last night he, said i don't. -- >> but he noted donald trump's. running he clearly sees him as the republican nominee even though he is not clench that yet. i saw president biden do something though life and sent some to do when he makes remark, what you call a gaffe. they wish he had not said it. he came out to reporters at the white house after he got back, it's pitch black outside on the south lawn. he doesn't typically speak in the, came over to report the lights were so bright he had to show his eyes. he walked that statement back. they realize that that is the mistake of the mistake into. be the only reason you're running is chris jonael trump is in the race, and donald trump is not the nominee. even >> strategically, it doesn't factually bear out. a generic jaren haut, then joe biden does. that's the disconnect that i feel that the biden team is missing. that may be holding on to the one guy who cannot beat donald trump head to head. he >> ran for two reasons, charlottesville interim. we're now having all the charlottesville's and, trump's ascendant. trump is on the rise and so is antisemitism, if you are a democrat that bought into that 19 and 20. from that perspective, you might conclude this is a failed presidency. he's not done either of the two things he said he would do. i >> appreciate you speaking for the people of my party. i'm sure that makes sense to you. >> some of your people now are in my party. i gotta try to coexist. >> and vice versa, but -- this whole thing it's switching around this it's not a left-wing, or a white ring period, it's a turbulent vault i feared. and leadership matters, and campaigns matter. and i agree that the biden pan campaign has an opportunity ahead of itself to clarify the case, there is a lot that democrats are proud of, that joe biden has been able to do. if joe biden went to quit right now, he'd be on mount rushmore. and when you look at all of the things he's done, infrastructure, climate, anti asian hate, you go down the list. the problem is to make the case going forward, that he's the guy can help us go forward. we are in a world where i do believe that someone like biden with his foreign policy experience, just gonna be critical. i don't think you want to donald trump knew every puts on the ticket, to try and handle this mess that's going on. >> no have to be a dishonest person to say that democrats are united inspired. we are not. you have to be a student of history to understand we are very far from the meal extra, in the year out from all the obama when, a year out from the biden win, the numbers will look very wicked. then >> on to the point that you're making. the biden administration to date, still isn't convinced the american people of any of those accomplishments. he said he'd be on mount rushmore, but the people don't, prolific poll up to poll. shows right tracker on track. satisfaction is a president that. he hasn't done a good job, what is gonna change between now and the election? it's gonna suddenly convince those people that inflation, that interest rates are 8%. you can afford to go buy a house. you can afford to put that car payment. you can afford to go to college. what is gonna change? i >> don't know how they're messaging is gonna change? >> i think you get a combination, first of all, if you think it's bad now wait until the republicans have a carte blanche to do all the stuff they want to do. what's gonna make most of those things worse. i think that's an important point to make. i think if you feel this is turbulent, and unstable and you are scared. i don't think you, adjourned driver in the white house. if you think there's gonna be a case being made. opolis okay people are hurt in an uncertain, it's not just democrats. there's pain out here, change is hard. even change you want. that is some graduate from high school, i thought that was great change in till it happened, then i started crying. my baby. even change you want as hard. these are changes people don't want. leadership manners. my fear is, as i look i don't see either party that kind of moral clarity, the kind of maturity, kind of empathetic leadership that we deserve. it's gonna be which of these, people aren't going to be voting for the want. they're gonna vote to not lose what they. have >> you go back to the sky in the poll, gary tuchman it's the trump voter. why are you voting for trent? the when he was there, the economy was better we weren't in any worse. that's the trump's gonna be running on. i've done it before. when i was there he did have brackets around your 401k, your numbers were going up. we weren't wars. gas was $2 a gallon. the people are gonna be nostalgic for. that's what people are voting on. >> coming up, more factoring in the debates tonight. specifically the question what nick haley won haley one, said about policing social media. haut what like the previous three debates, we saw a lot of claims tonight confidently spoke, and they are not. true >> here to separate fact from fiction our chief correspondent pam. brown >> nikki haley for her part was on the defensive tonight, at the candidates attacked her campaign proposal, to push social media platforms to require name and dana. fixation >> what i said was, social media companies need to show us their algorithms. i said there now are millions of bots on social media right now, they are foreign, they are chinese, they are iranian. i will always fight for's freedom of speech for americans, we do not need freedom of speech for russian, iranians for hamas. we need social media companies to fight back on all of these bots that are happening. that's what i said. >> that's not exactly what she said initially. her fact-check says haley is backtracking on original proposal, should didn't issue a proposed banning anonymous for everyone on, sitting on thought news backs in november every person should be verified by their name it's a national security threat. she later walked back that proposal, on foreign actors online after right-wing criticism. ron desantis, vivek ramaswamy they were correct pushback on haley for backtracking on her proposal. but ramaswamy claim that she's advocating for doxxing, that claim in particular is misleading under some. >> thank you so much more let's go back to dana. >> anderson thank you so much, joining me now is our colleague jeff zeleny, thank you so much we were watching right over there during the entire debate. one thing that was interesting, we watched in realtime. the last time nikki haley was kind of catching fire, catching fire but also taking in fire. she really fought back, particularly against the vague ramaswamy. he really got under his win at the last debate. she said get you're -- get your daughters month out of my -- or whatever she said. >> she called him scott. >> she called him scott, this time she was ready for him and she approached it in a new way let's watch. >> at the first debate she said the only woman can get this job done. that is what she said. after the third debate, when i criticize -- after five ill leadership of this part, and criticize nikki for corrupt foreign dealings that a military contractor, she said that i have a woman problem. nikki i don't have a woman problem, you have a corruption problem. i think that's what people need to know. nikki is corrupt. this is a woman that will send your kids to -- this is the problem, choosing identity politics more effectively than kamala harris, is a form of intellectual fraud. >> there are donor puppet masters, and they are right up here tonight. >> governor haley would you like to respond? >> no. it's not worth my time to respond to him. >> what do you make of that? >> she was biting her tongue, she clearly was doing this strategically. you could tell there she was on the verge of wanting to jump in, she's in a different place than she was at the miami debate just a month ago. her performance has been something of a crescendo, through each of these debates. she is one candidate was benefit the most, without benefit. she is in a different place, she was new supporters, new donors behind or. she's trying to look presidential. i was texting with a supporter of hers who lives in iowa, and they said they were happy she didn't take the bait, because he is not worth it. we will see how all this goes on. i think it was somewhat strategic. you talked before about alliances here. there are interesting alliances in this debate. chris christie came to her defense, he was not doing it intentionally. i think it had the same effect there. she did herself a lot of good tonight, but as did the florida governor. >> let's talk about that a little bit. he was a different candidate on the debate stage than we have seen really since these debates started. he was much more aggressive, a very much knew exactly what he needed to say, what he wanted to say. it really clear audience of mind. >> his audience was, or i.r.a. republican voters that's where all of his hopes now are part resting upon he's the only social conservative left in the race so he was trying to get his record of high. >> he was attacking nickolay hilly. he >> had that remembrance. he >> was regurgitating not in the most poetic way but i think he's got his point across there. >> the talking to the iowa voters, who are our focus is on the caucus 40 days from tonight. there was another big match tonight in iowa, that a lot of republicans i were talking to are watching. that was the women's basketball game between i-states and, the university of iowa. caitlin color a stellar player hit the 3000 mark tonight. that's for some islands we're talking about not this race. >> listen we are here in alabama, they understand that sports trumps all. especially when you're talking about the college sports. >> the other thing that we have to talk about, is the trump factor. chris christie was so intent, like he's down on the campaign trail. much more on this debate stage than any other, to call his opponents out. and say, you are not standing up to trump. basically he's gonna be the guy, if the polls are right. and i'm paraphrasing, we're all gonna regret it. >> and time is running out, the argument he's been making all year. it is not a new one. it has resonated and been accepted that much by republicans, i do think that in the quiet minds of republicans who are still deciding, there are still republicans still deciding. that might resident some but he was focused on new hampshire, which is where all his hopes are as well. >> 40 days from tonight, that is when the voting begins. >> thank you so much. anderson back to you. >> janet jeff, thank you so much. we're >> gonna switch from politics, about the gun update about the mass shooting in las vegas, please determine the motive of the, shooter who is dead we will have that next. first time i connected with kim, she told me that her husband had passed. and that he took care of all of the internet connected devices in the home. i told her, “i'm here to take care of you.” connecting with kim... made me reconnect with my mom. it's very important to keep loved ones close. we know that creating memories with loved ones brings so much joy to your life. a family trip to the team usa training facility. i don't know how to thank you. i'm here to thank you. three dead for hospitalized, at the mass shooting in las vegas, please sketching out a motive for the shooter who's dead but identity not yet released. it was six years ago you may remember, when the city the side of the worst mass shooting in u.s. modern history, 58 people killed at the country music festival, lucy kavanaugh joins us from las vegas on what happened today. >> talk to us about the details. >> the university is right behind me, we still see law enforcement very much participating this active estimation on the scene, ambulance left just moments ago. the shelter in place order was only listed in the last hour, that's because authorities had to go in to clear the campus. as far as the gunman, police are not revealing his identity to the public at because of next akin in, terms of the victims are being note of it. law enforcement sources tell cnn that he is a 67 year old career college professor who has connections to schools and georgia and north carolina. his connection to this university, and is motive at this time are still unknown. reports of shots fired started coming in around 11:45 am and local time, near the beam hall building. home to the university in nevada elite business school, police say the shooting actually began on the fourth floor of that building. it blew down through multiple floors, and the sheriff said the suspect was police engage with the suspect, and neutralized him. outside. let me set the scene for you, this was a very busy time on campus. it's study weak, students are preparing to take finals and, go home for winter break. it was a very busy environment, please even say that outside of the beam building, they're table set outward where students were playing lego games and eating. the sheriff told us that a lot more lives could've been tragically lost, had the university police not heroically engaged a suspect outside taking him down. , that is basically what we have from the sheriff. do >> we know more about the victims, than the one person who is in the hospital? >> fortunately the intensity is not yet been released, authorities are still no dividing families and the next of kin. we simply know that three people lost their lives, one victims suffered gunshot wound, they are initially reported being critically can condition in hospital, the later press conference that victim is stable condition. we know anderson, four students were taken to a local hospitals with panic attacks. obviously a terrifying experience, it's not lost on anyone that this same city suffered one of the worst mass cheating that you referred to her in u.s. history back in 2017. a lot of trauma percolating for the days to come. >> lucy kavanaugh thank you so. much >> i want to return to dana bash, the news continues tonight in cnn after a quick break. s. hello and welcome to our

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Polling , Sitting Out , Genius , The Field , Two , 55 , 61 , Endorsements , Sununu , Home State , Sidelines , Rhonda Status , Support , Head , Michigan , Fight , Gavin Newsom , Credit , Growth , Path , Anybody , Talking , Effect , Model , Reason , Shallow , Allies , Back , Move , Fares , Soda , Advisers , Anyone , Idea , Hope , Fine , Trump , Happening , Guess , Choice , Nikki Haley Desantis , Likelihood , Governor , Father Time , Pd , Deficit , Let S Play , Office , Country , Opportunity , Democrats , Terms , Leaders , Generation , Think , Rest , Speech , Isn , Answer , Wouldn T , Courtroom , Say , Word , Mother , Ron Paul , Iron , 80 , Stop , Gas Notating , Finish , Test , Day One , Spitting Nails , Eight , Dana Bash , Standing , Thanks , Play , Role , Moderator , Business , Don T Care , Principles , Sides , Truth , Law , Name , Denial , Closing Statement , Spring , Defense , Truth Teller , Damage , South Carolina , Woman Problem , U N , Mark , Women , Listening , Dictating , Garbage , Mouth , Harvard , Politician , Who , Public Service , Seniors , Stealing , Fortune , Alliance , Wind , Nothing , Trump Gonna , Term , Ambassador , Son , Jack Of , Seven , August , Competing , Front , Standard , Decorum , Didn T Step , Person , Times , Beginning , Candidacy , History , Dictator , Conduct , Folks , Poll Numbers , Guys , Victim , Excuses , Kind , Mantra , Win , Opponents , Look , Pursuing , Failure , Jeb Bush , John Kasich , Marco Rubio , We Wouldn T , Wasn T Gonna , Ban Garbage , Well Hope , Budget , Advantage , Muslim , Estate , Digits , Mid 30s To Single , 30 , Stuff , Comment , Driver , Gonna Hit , Border , Segment , First , Sense , It Bioengineering , World , You Saw Tonight , Kalanchoes , Tuscaloosa , Line , Strain , Talk , Help , Trump Stuff , Sanders A Little Bit , Attitude , Anti Trump Vote , Independents , Christie S , Floor , Use , Attention , Vantage , Fellas , Problem , Attack , Policy Disagreements , Places , Secretary Pompeo , Target , Topic , Abortion , Secretary Of State , Won T Be Christy , Women Voters , Some , Identity Politics , Ones , Exchanges , Attacks , Sign , Kinds , Indication , Kamala Harris , Everything , Way , General , Inside Job , January 6th , Charlatan , Book , January The 6th , 6 , Table , Process , Level , Tonight It S Inside Job , Assault , Misguided Rioters , To , Fraud , Call , Cues , Bird Brain , Tape , Which , Bait , Hostages , Response , Policy Shallowness , Shallowness , Break , Constitution , Seriousness , Think Tank , Got Manchin , Interest , Lines , A Month , Providers , Big Three , Carriers , Bill , Business Mobile , Comcast , 0 , 75 , Contracts , Device , Line Activation Fees , 5g Mobile Network , 5 , Promises , Records , Claims , It Pan , Pamela Brown , Vivek Raab Asami , Example , Insurrection , The Deep State , Yes , Branch , Peddling Disinformation , Great Replacement Theory , Government , Applause , Least , Involvement , Right Wing Conspiracy Theory , Saudi Arabia , 9 11 , Statement , Platform , Sure , Big Tech , 2020 , 2016 , Conspiracy Theories , Inside , Claim , Flat Out , Lie , Russia Collusion , National Security Establishment , Evidence , Supporters , Self Serving Narrative , Detachment Reality , News Outlets , 2021 , Christopher Wray , Appointed , Worth Remembering , Fbi , U S Capitol , Former , Most , Capitol , Crimes , Rioters , Justice Department , 850 , Agents , Center , China , Technology , Fentanyl , On Trade , Money , Universities , Police Stations , Mickey Haley , Didn T , Farmland , Spy Base , Infiltration , Cuba , Policy Perspective , Him On , Build A , Mexico , Policy , Fitness , Leadership , The End Of Day Don Trump , Winner , Debate Number , Guy , Debris , Nobody , Winners , Ball , Losers , Gonna Come In Second , Jockeying , Super Tuesday , Little , Money Gonna , Gonna Take Dame Trump Out , Commercials , Back Board , Shot , Sort , Bleachers , Ceiling , Waiting , Calendar Doesn T , Desantis Doesn T , Backswing , Juncture , Desantis Strategy , Slingshot , Haiti , Argument , Opponent , December 6th , January 23rd , News , Backing , Remains , Discussion , Pockets , Rocks , Jamie Dimon , Changes , Disconnect , Money Class , Elites , Elite , Development , Collapsing , Climbing , Weakness , Rising , Strength , Falling , Is , Checks , Corridors , Suspect , Landscape , Power , Corporations , Liberals , Switch , Unease , Rise , Success Of , Victory , Conservatives , Consolidation , Make , Nikki Support , Continuation , Wing , The Republicans , Establishment , Jewish , Populist , Movement , Working Class Party , Flows , Joe Biden , College , Feeling , 70 , Parties , Coalitions , Shifts , I Don T Know , Conditions , Ireland , Congress , Slide , Trend , Specter , Senate , Country Club , Matter , Trump Ism Is , Pittsburgh , Administration , Laughter , Bat , Me Vivek Ramaswamy Has , Exchange , Ccp , Run Sanders Com , Governor Standing , Love Letter , Flag , French , Company , Rhetoric , Daughters , Wall Street , Cave , 15 , Gas , Campaigns , Rally , Employees , 340000 , Studies , Florida , Subsidies , Buying Land , Jingle Solar , 2 Million , Groups , Right , Media , Charges , Sky , Substance , Instance , Second , Dynamics , Blowup , Mix , Haley Receding , Outshined , Weeds , Toughness , Confucius Institutes , Matters , Base , Ends , Hailie , Voter , Average American , Pocket , Adversary , Naming Institutes , Both , Policy Areas , Tat , College Antisemitism , Recitation , Tip Bursting , Ban Tiktok , Home , Trade Policy , Tariffs , Prices , Goods , Halle , Sami Joins Dan , Night Matters , Analysis , Nevada , Tubman , 40 , Republicans , Story County , Nation , Leo , Of , Perceptions , Friends , Viewers , Debate Haley , Second Debate Desantis , Tie , Mask , Eighth , Alphabetical Order , Zero , Left , Wasn T , Person Didn T Vote , Jim , Five , Second Time Healy , Mayor , Hints Tonight , Judy , Areas , Hit , Deangelo Bullets , Spray , Trey , Care , Foreign Policy , Experience , Victims , Bulletin Board , Billing Board , Megan , Everyone , Charisma , Guns , Grace , Levelheaded , Storm , Edge , Opinion , Jeff , Everybody Else , Legislators , Record , Debra , Winning , Executive Experience , Front Row , Everyone Else , Pirate Imperative , Thinking , No One , Decision , Aid , County , January 15th , Mind , Oman , War , He Hasn T , Decisions , Economy , Policies , Farmer , The Park , Whatever , Position , States , Importance , Margins , Coalition , Type Margins , Interactions , Studio , Worth , Row , Carrie , So Anderson , Favor , Deep Ideological De Biden , Dynamic , Caucus , Events , Offensive , Drying , System , Shock , Varnished , January 15 , Policy Experience , Everybody , Mikael , Biden Regime , Individuals , Levers , Fascism , White House , I D , Letters , Ipad , Sharpie , Partisanship , Form , Couple , Deals , Board , Military Contractor , Connections , Boeing , Pfizer , Hunter Biden , Otherwise , Payments , Incentives , Read Hofman , Donor , Hasn T , Corruption , Bone Use , Ballot , Efforts , Kayleigh , Reasons , Kid Gloves , Kalinke , Wouldn T Say So , Comments , Disagreements , Attorney General , Ronda Santas , Boots , Station , Isn T , Playing , Definition , Rivals , Story , Children , Monday Morning Quarterbacking , On Tv , Reinvention , Debate Prep , Doesn T Match , Coronavirus , Politics , View , Prosecutions , Businesses , Indictments , Gonna Comment On , Principle , Theories , Prosecution , Election Laws , Conspiracy Theory , Precedent , Vocal , Dover , Has , Director , Explicitly , Video Footage , The Business World , Crusader , Public , Rubber Bullets , Crowd , Case , Entrapment , Capital Police , Footage , Doing , Suicide , Documents , Didn T Say , Police , Capital , Entrapment Going On , Plot , Kidnapping , Silent , Ceo , Details , Trial , Lifetime , Offensive Attack , Democracy , Lifetimes , Wasn T Out Of Inside , Reality , Anyone Else , Rule , A , Information , Brady Rule , Protesters , Color , Theory , White Supremacists , Murders , America Worldwide , New Zealand , Replacement Theory , Populations , Words , I Poise , Ten , Antisemitism , It Invokes , Conspiracy , Gap , Common , Discrimination , Killings , Private , Replacement , Preview , Immigrants , Result , Leader , Immigration Policies , Proud Of , Due , Violence , Dog , Speeding , Ice , Ice Skating , Dog Whistle , Gonna Let , Majority , Fo R , Knowledge , Objection , Skin Color , Views , Bad , Skin , Saying , Videos , Capitol Police , Mike Johnson , Merits , Debating In The Open , Let , Man Show , Insurrectionist , Denier , Racist , Homophobe , Unpack , Focus Campaign , Running A , Amount , Event , Agenda , Slogan , Zombies , Ranks , Top , Poison Out , Risk , Demagogue , He Won T Stop Trump , People Don T Know , Lily , Propaganda , Respite , Mount , More , Perspective , Quote , Tone , Reporter , Video Evidence , January 6th Footage , Audio , Who Aren T , Doubt , Aren T Paying Attention , 1200 , Anywhere , Communities , Roads , Hispanic , Israel , Scott , Symptom , Headway , Roar , Weren T True , Bigotry , Columnist , Racism , Normalization , Lef T , Hamas , Fringe , Member , Congress Doing , Breezing , Context , Nomination , Charlottesville , 100 , Don T , Nelson Mandela , Resistance , Conflicts , Freedom Fighter , Essay , Cheryl , Weapons , Soldiers , Grandmother , Working Class , Particular , What S Going On Is , Stresses , Infrastructure , Men Column , Freedom Fighters , Reorientation , Reign Of Terror , Wightman , Hate , Don T Hate Jewish People , Edges , People Don T Hate Immigrants , Don T Hate Trans , Frankly , Rationale , Shootings , Around The World , Antisemitic Mass , Ignorance , Immigration Theory , Immigration , In The Name Of , Ramaswamy , Beyond The Pale , Soliloquy , Greatest , Hit Track , Kitchen , Hits , Moon Landing , Ben , One Of Us , College Presidents , Colleges , Couldn T , Front Runner , Extremist , Purging , Business Being , Cleanup Videos Out , Genocide , Neo Not , Homeland , American Politics , Ascendant , Goal , Palestinians , Babies , In Harm S Way , Israelis , Hatred , Purpose , Civilians , Reckless , Social Media Algorithms , Generations , Yelling , Campus , Dorm Room , Sophomores , Freshman , Shut Up , Sit Down , Devices , Responsibility , Algorithms , Ageism , Operations , Gonna , South , Feelings , Iran , Calls , Spain , Passions , Being , Adults , Party , Backbone , Courage , Van , Reactions , Launch , Kim , Internet , Husband , Mom , Life , Family , Memories , Joy , Loved Ones , Team Usa Training Facility , Peach , Opposition , Amusement , Lee , Guest , Obligation , Debate Stage Tonight , Last , Others , Beat , Primetime , Rolls Objective , Him , Rowan , Harris K , 40 Million , Gonna Be , Biden Coalition , Poll , Job Performance , Third , It Will , Half , Reelection , Time In America , Elections , Fragment , Globe , Virus , Black Voters Latino , Stakes , Accomplishments , Scenario , Red Flag , Members , Potential , Red Flake , Payson , Named Haut Collin , Finance Committee , Stance , Campaign Will , Bull , Compromise , Elected , Commander In Chief , Raise , Middle East , America Safe , Joe Bonner , Clinic , Phobias , Oaths , America System , Ban , Wisdom , Safe , Bus , Person Running , Doors , Diplomacy , Concern , Exits , Men Of Color Vickery , Progressive Movement , Sympathy , Babies Gaza , Syria , Yemen , Pressures , Inflation , Divide , Working Class Hispanic Families , Men , Blue Collar Jobs , African American , Gentleman , Ship , 34 , 18 , 155000 , 19 , 8 , 2 , 401k , , 3000 , 58 , 67 , 11 , 45 , 2017 ,

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