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if he will be a dictator if he wins back the white house. his unsettling answer ahead. plus job backjoe biden backtracking after a comment. and troubling revelations about possible hamas-inspired attacks. good morning, i'm kasie hunt. it is wednesday, december 6. 5:00 a.m. here in washington, 4:00 a.m. in davenport, iowa where former president trump said exactly what he would do and exactly who he would be if reelected president. now it is up to us to believe him. >> you are promising america tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody. >> except for day one. except for day one. >> meaning? >> i want to close the border and i want to drill, drill, drill. >> so again, it is up to us to believe him when he says that. this came after -- as president biden said the quiet part out loud to donors at a boston area fundraiser. he said "if trump wasn't running, i'm not sure i'd be running but we cannot let him win." that very candid remark caught his campaign aides off guard. yikes said one. the president later tried to clarify. >> would you be running for president if trump wasn't running? >> i expect so, but look, he is running and i have to run. >> very illuminating about the president's state of mind but also underscores the risky ground that he is on. former representative liz cheney told anderson cooper last night that she might enter the race as a third party candidate if it was necessary to stop trump. >> i think there is a huge amount of work to be done after this election cycle, whether it is rebuilding the republican party which increasingly looks like maybe an impossible task, or helping to begin a new party that is very focused on what the republican party used to stand for before this cultive pe perso personality. but right now and in this election cycle, i'll do whatever i have do to make sure donald trump is not elected. >> helping us break down this remarkable series of events is cnn national political reporter daniel strauss. good morning. these trump comments, clearly trying to give him as many opportunities as possible to tell the country that he would not be a dictator. instead, getting trump to respond by saying, well, only on day one would i be a dictator. i feel like one of the lessons that i covered every day from capitol hill, one of the lessons that we struggle to learn in covering him was to dismiss some of the things that ehe said. oh, it will be fine, it will be fine and then of course his term capped by january 6. what is your reaction, how do you understand what he said last night? >> look, part of it was his idea of what staying on message was about. and you can hear from the audience that they were cheering when he responded close the border grill, drill, drill. but at the same time, it is deliberate that he did not deny the proposal about being a dictator on day one. and what we've learned from first trump administration is to take him seriously in that what he says on the campaign trail, he will look to do in the oval office. so, i mean, he has been -- he was pretty clear in 2016 about what he would do. and some voters were surprised when he took office and there is no reason to think that he is being disingenuous here. >> so daniel, let's also -- it is remarkable actually how president biden's off the cuff remark -- donald trump basically put it immediately into context for everyone. because initially of course eyebrows were raised, oh, joe biden is acknowledging that there is a scenario where he might not run for re-election. of course underscores voters telling us that their main concern about him he's too old to get reelected. but the comment and some of the anonymous comments from his aides afterwards underscore this as well, it really tells us about his world view which is that he views donald trump as so dangerous that it presses him into service in a way that he might not otherwise have been pressed. and of course this came in a forum where president biden has been repeatedly more candid because there were no cameras, a private fundraiser. how do you view biden's comments? >> i mean, they are in line with what from the beginning his candidacy for president in 2020. his rollout video was very much about a counter to events in the trump administration. and like he said, i mean, trump is running, so the point is sort of moot. but yeah, there are reports biden himself has said or indicated time and time again that his motivation is partially the existential threat he sees from trump and a trump presidency. so this is somewhat in line for that. and it is just the confluence of events here that have led biden to the white house. i've talked to former democratic aides to both biden and his late son beau who said if he were still alive, he'd be running. so this is just very much in line to the circumstances that brought biden to the white house. >> let's also broaden out the conversation too because part of it is if donald trump were elected to a second term, and i think the biden team knows this as well, he's already had four years of figuring out how to pull the levers of power inside the government. that is knowledge and expertise he didn't have when he started on day one in his first term. this man, kash patel, his face likely not terribly familiar to viewers, but he is somebody who served in donald trump's administration. he also had previously served on capitol hill in the intelligence committee. he became someone who was kind of embedded inside these efforts that donald trump had late in his term to remain in office. he made some comments that honestly raise some eyebrows. take a look at what he said. >> we will find the conspirators not just in government but in the media, yes, we're going to come after the people in the media who lied about american citizens, who helped joe biden rig presidential elections. we'll come after you. whether it is criminally or civilly, we'll figure that out, but yeah, we're putting you all on notice. >> and this guy also served in the defense department and national security council. again, should we be taking will seriously? >> it is clear that trump's most diehard supporters, the folks that trump and his team and the think tanks and organizations looking to lay the groundwork for another trump presidency are very eager to use the levers at their disposal to follow through on statements like this. so yeah, you know, kash patel has been in federal government in the trump administration in the final days of his presidency which were chaotic, and this falls in line with trump and the overall theme of taking him seriously and his word on the campaign trail. >> i think this is why you have people like liz cheney, she used the phrase sleep walking, towards the dictatorship. because of course donald trump is far and away leading in republican polls even as we sxelgts this debate good his rivals in it us tuscaloosa. so on the one hand that is what is playing out politically and he has as good a shot as any to become a president. but how this is all unfolding behind the scenes. they are telling us exactly what they would do. daniel strauss, thank you very much for starting us off this morning. and still ahead here, an alarming report from the fbi director about hamas-inspired terror threats inside the united states. plus what is behind russia's rejection to free two wrongfully jailed americans? and why speaker mike johnson is drawing scrutiny over his comments about insurrections from january 6. welcome back. americans paul whelan and evan girs ershovich remain in custod russia. matt miller talked about the efforts so get them released. >> in recent weeks we made a new and significant proposal to secure paul and evan's release. that proposal was rejected by russia. shouldn't have to make these proposals. never should have been arrested in the first place. they should both be released immediately. >> monday is going to mark the 250th day of imprisonment for gershovich, a "wall street journal" reporter. five years this month for whalen. the u.s. has designated both as wrongfully detained. joining us from london is bianca nobilo. always great to have you. so matt miller didn't detail what the new insignificant proposal was, but the deal included to release those on espionage charges. so if that is not enough, what is? >> clearly russia has specific individuals in mind. we know for example that nat one of the names discussed is partly because he is held in germany on a life sentence. the german court determined that russian had ordered him to assassinate a former sxhacomman this broad daylight. russia highly prizes him as an asset. but the u.s. vrevealed that the were specifically looking at a number of individuals held on espionage charges but no other crimes. of course we can interpret that as being something of alike for like offer given that evan gershovich and paul whelan are being held on similar charges even though the u.s. of course disputes both allegations and says that it is ridiculous and that neither are guilty of that. there is also the issue with evan gershovich, his detention extended until at least january 30 next year. and russia will likely not countenance the idea of an exchange until he has a verdict in his case. this was the same for brittney griner. so that has not happened yet and that may be a condition of his release or an exchange. >> do you have a sense of the timing on that, how long such a verdict might take? >> it is really as long as a piece of string. obviously these matters are highly politicized. indeed the entire detention of evan gershovich, the u.s. has said this is politically motivated and diplomats have long speculated that perhaps it was russia's intention to make a number of arrests of the u.s. citizens to shore up people that they could then exchange for the assets that they wanted. so all of this will depend on politics and it goes without saying that there is absolutely no goodwill between the two countries even though despite heavy deteriorations in the relationship after russia's invasion of ukraine, a prisoner swap was possible at the end of 2022. so in terms of timing, we would want to hear something around the end of january and it can take up to a year, a year and a half to get a verdict. but these things are very unpredictable especially with such a notable individual, somebody who is the highest priority for the u.s., return of him and paul whelan, they have said that. russia knows that there is a lot of leverage here and they will be wanting some of their most highly prized individuals back in return. >> all right. bianca nobilo, thank you very much. appreciate having you this morning. and still ahead here, the u.s. taking a rare stand against israel over violence in the west bank. and major flooding in the northwest after powerful storms slam the region. that is next. first time i connected with kim, she told me that her husband had passed. and that he took care of all of the internet connected devices in the home. i told her, “i'm here to take care of you.” connecting with kim... made me reconnect with my mom. it's very important to keep loved ones close. we know that creating memories with loved ones brings so much joy to your life. a family trip to the team usa training facility. i don't know how to thank you. i'm here to thank you. welcome back. quick hits across america now. the u.s. is imposing visa bans on israeli settlers who commit extremist violence in the west bank. this is following the president's warning about sanctions against anyone there involved in violence against palestinians. congressman desjayapal oig s her comments were not intended to minimize rape. this is after intense blowback after she advocated for a more balanced approach in gaza when ask the about the use of rape as a tool of war. u.s. students' performance in math lags behind their peers from many of the world's richest countries even as math scores fall around the world. assessment part of an international exam taken every three years to measure education systems. at least one person killed after being swept away by fast moving floodwaters in portland, oregon. the result of atmospheric rivers dredging the region with more than 8 inches of rain over a 24 hoyer period. derek van dam is joining us. wow, those waters behind derek van dam is joining us. wow, those waters behind you. >> yeah, remember yesterday we talked about it being a warmer atmospheric river event than the previous ones this season. and that came true and unfortunate will i know rain fell than snow. so what happened is that liquid precipitation fell on top of the early season snow pack and it sped up the melting process and the water has to go somewhere. unfortunately, it features in to the rivers and streams and causes the ner nearly 10 inches rainfall. just looking at some of the individual river gauges, there is actually several minor to moderate river gauges at the moment, but one major flood stage recorded at arlington in the state of washington, actually recording a record-level crest. so, yeah, that is significant considering what is going on. still flood watches and warnings are in place as the fire hose of water aims itself at the coast of oregon and 13i8on and 13 s of oregon and 13i8pills over in washington, d.c. as well. it will pass through over the weekend and bring in cooler weather behind it. so we'll see the drop in the freezing level at least for the higher elevations. so this accumulation looking different than it did yesterday because we'll start to see the temperatures drop below freezing. there is the snowfall across the spine of the rockies throughout the cascades, sierra nevada range and also along the coastal regions where we'll stay warmer than average that is where we'll see more inches of rainfall along the california coastline. but these pictures speak a million words. >> and a message to all those living through this, we hope that you stay safe and this wraps up without any further loss of life. weatherman derek van dam, thanks for being with us. i'll see you tomorrow. president biden trying to clarify a comment he made. and plus what happened when fox asked donald trump if he plans to be a dictator if he wins back the white house? i'm going to be -- you know, he keeps -- look at this by. he says you're not going to be a dictator, are you? i say no, no, no, other than day one. we're closing the border and we're drilling, drilling, drilling. >> i'm kasie hunt. it is just before 5:30 on the east coast. that was donald trump with a truly remarkable a admission on fox last night that he would be a dictator if he wins the white house, although only on day one he says. so he can open up drilling where it is banned now and close the border. that was just one in a series of surprising admissions yesterday. it started with president biden telling a group of fundraisers saying if trump wasn't running i'm not sure i'd be running, but we cannot let him win. a confession surprising some of his campaign aides. one said yikes when he was told about it. but later, the president seemed to walk it back just a bit. >> would you be running for president if trump wasn't running? >> i expect so, but look, he is running and i have to run. >> he is running so i have to run. former congresswoman liz cheney suggested that she might get in the race. certainly she's leaving the door open telling anderson cooper she would consider a third party run if it would stop trump's re-election. >> i think there is a huge amount of work to be done after this election cycle, whether it is rebuilding the republican party, which increasingly looks like, you know, maybe an impossible task, or helping to begin a new party that is very focused on what the republican party used to stand for before this cultive personality. but iright now i'll do whateveri have to do to make sure donald trump is not elected. >> there are of course many questions about how a cheney bid might impact whether or not trump was reelected. but setting aside that for a moment, i do want to underscore this morning what we saw play out last night with the former president donald trump. he was given multiple opportunities to say unequivocally that he would not be a sdik at adictator if reele. this of course as there is increasing coverage from the atlantic, "new york times" and others about the dark warnings that are playing out right before our very eyes about what a second trump term would look like if he were a potentially convicted criminal who then was relaepgt ed reelected and able to potentially pardon himself, we'd be in incredibly unprecedented territory. i want to show you all of the opportunities that trump had last night to answer this question in a different way. take a look at the full exchange. >> under no circumstances, you are promising america tonight that you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody? >> except for day one. he's going crazy. except for day one. i want to close the border and i want to drill, drill, drill. >> that is not retribution. >> i'm going to be -- look at this guy. he says you're not going to be a dictator, are you? i say no, no, no, other than day one. we're closing the border and drilling, drilling, drilling. after that i'm not a dictator. >> so you saw there just how many opportunities sean hannity gave him, almost urging him to say, no, i won't be a dictator. and trump would not take the opportunity. obviously he was playing to the audience there and you heard that in his response. but instead he said no, i won't be a dictator except on day one. if we learn anything from the first trump term, it is that when he says he is going to do something, we should believe him. let's go overseas to the other big story this morning. u.s. officials predict the current phase of israel's ground invasion of gaza could end by january. at the they expect then a lower intensity strategy that will narrowly target specific hamas militants as the u.s. warns israel time is running out to end its current operation if they want to maintain meaningful international support. let's bring in editor and chief of the jerusalem "times." wonderful to have you on the show. benjamin netanyahu called again yesterday for post war israeli military control in gaza. an endable on the idf can do it because what happened in other places where international forces were brought in for disarmament purposes, it didn't work. what did he mean by that? >> well, kasie, israel has no desire to control the gaza strip, to administer civilian affairs there. they are very happy for the palestinians to take those matters into their own hands or for an international force to come in and do that. at the same time, we know that there are likely to be pockets of hamas militants who will remain in the gaza strip even after the campaign is concluded. israel needs to have the ability to intercept those threats, to ensure that nothing like the october 7 massacre can ever happen again. that is what the prime minister meant and i think that is what is at the core of the debate between israel and the united states and other countries about what happens in the gaza strep after the military campaign is concluded. >> so let's pull back from what happens after to what happens in the immediate months. this january suggestion that they could stop -- that israel could stop the bombing campaign. and the suggestion and i think this is something that u.s. officials are increasingly pushing on behind the scenes and some like lloyd austin the defense secretary saying increasingly in public that, you know, there is a loss potentially of support for israel in the international arena based on how this campaign is being conducted. is there a recognition of that inside israel, is there is a rejection of that idea? counselin do you think that the january time line to see the work continue for another month, month and a half, two months is the likely outcome, and do you worry at all about israel's standing in the world if that is how it plays out? >> israel entered this campaign with two stated goals. the first of course, to bring the hostages home. we see about 118 hostages have been brought home an israel's understanding it was the military campaign that applied the pressure necessary to force hamas to essentially release those hostages. and of course second piece is to eradicate hamas' ability to ever carry out a massacre like october 7 ever again. those remain the two central goals and israel will continue do whatever it has to do for as long as it has to do bring those goals to fruition. i think we've seen a sgrafl unde great deal of understanding by the u.s. administration and elsewhere that israel needs to pursue these goals, that israel has been the target of an unprecedented massacre which is why it had to set about this campaign. various things discussed about what might that look like, how long it might take. i have a heard similar time line that we could see an end to the current round of hostility i in gaza by sometime in january. but i think what we'll have to see is how the campaign proceeds, how israel is specifically able to intercept the hamas threats and militants and their weapon storages in gaza before we're able to figure out how we can move 00 ton to t next stage. avi mayer, thanks for your time. and still ahead, what house speaker mike johnson said he is doing to protect january 6 capitol rioters. and scary revelation from the fbi director about potential hamas inspired threats inside america. watching the debates is like watching a middle school play. doesn't really matter, you just hope they are having fun up there. >> tonight the final republican debate before the iowa caucuses, with these four presidential contenders. you will notice former president trump is once again not amongst them. let's bring in our republican strategist and former rnc communications director doug heye. thank you for being here. just on this debate, i guess trump still not there, does it matter or is fallon right, is it this a middle school play >> both can be true at the same time. and the reality for these candidates, they have spent over a year not going after donald trump. every time donald trump gets indicted, they back up donald trump. they reinforce his messaging. so we see donald trump get indicted and we wonder why it hasn't moved his poll numbers. because republican candidates haven't given republican voters a place to go. this is maybe their last opportunity to give those voters a place to go. we've seen good debate nights from nikki haley. but essentially nikki haley did better than ron desantis or ron desantis did better than asa hutchinson. which leads to the question who cares. they need to make voters care and they do it by understanding that the nomination does not go around donald trump, it goes through him. >> and we both know that the conversation is about what a second trump term could look like. you know, the "atlantic" has devoted its entire issue, they called it a warning. liz cheney out on a book tour talking about the threat he would pose in her view to democracy. and then last night with sean hannity, donald trump was pretty straightforward about what he would do. he was asked directly. and i think hannity was trying to get him to say that he wouldn't be a dictator if he was elected, but this is how he answered the question. take a look. >> under no circumstances you are promising america tonight that you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody? >> except for day one. >> except for -- >> he's going crazy. except for day one. i want to close the border and i want to drill, drill, drill. >> that is not retribution. >> i'm going to be -- you know, he keeps -- look at this guy. he says you're not going to be a dictator, are you? i say no, no, no, other than day one. we're closing the border and drilling, drilling, drilling. after that i'm not a dictator. >> and that crowd is laughing. what is your reaction? >> well, that is what we've come to expect from donald trump. he always says the quiet part not out loud, very, very loud. and i think that we know that you can't be a dictate door on don -- dictator on day one and then revert back to democracy. day one languages a long time. book of genesis, day one goes on for a long time. that is where donald trump's mindset is. i think we know that. his core support backs him every step of the way on that whether it is closing up the border or drilling or whatever else that may be. this is where republican candidates could and should separate themselves from donald trump. and also say not only can he not be a dictator on day one, he can't really be a president on day one because he'll be fighting these court battles. he can't go after joe biden on day one the way any other candidate should. it is up to the republican candidates who say that they are running against him to actually do so. and time is running out. we're six weeks away from the iowa caucuses. >> do you anticipate any of this will come up on the republican debate stage, do any of those other republican candidates have concerns about trump essentially saying yeah, on day one i'd be a dictator? maybe not after that, but day one. >> you watch the debates, it is essentially a game of tee ball. but you have a young son. if your son is playing tee ball, you have to swing the bat at the ball that is on the tee. and what we've seen from the republican candidates, you are given a huge watermelon, not a baseball, that you can swing at. your opponent has been indicted multiple times. but you have to then use that to say that he is unfit to serve or doesn can't campaign against joe biden or whatever else. the reality is they are saying oh, my goodness, they can't go after donald trump because donald trump is a victim. there is a two teaiered victim justice. and use this opportunity that you would against any other candidate for any other office. >> all right. doug heye, thank you for being here. >> good to be with you. unsettling warning yesterday from fbi director christopher wray while testifying before the senate, wray said that the bureau has been, quote, working around the clock, end quote, since october 7 to zwthwart potential attacks inspired by hamas. >> i've never seen a time where all the threats or so many of the threats with all elevated all at exactly the same time. that is what makes this environment that we're in now so fraught. >> would you say that there is multiple blinking red lights out there? >> i see blinking lights everywhere i turn. >> among the threats that wray identified, lone offenders aiming to harm jewish, muslim and arab-american communities. let's bring in our former assistant department at the homeland security. julia, wonderful to have you on the show. you are a former national security official. you have been in these rooms where things like this are explained and laid out. how much does this concern you? >> it is concerning particularly because wray does not tend to be h hyberloic. so to come out, this is the third time he's of it order this elevated threat level since the israeli/hamas war, and saying is this a warning sign. a particular warning sign to local and state police departments sdas well as unwhunwhich i communities who may see radicalization. this is consistent with what you see online. the language, a lot of it has do with the language being utilized. it is the language of annihilation. whether you look at hamas and them annihilating israel or in many instances israeli senior leaders who seem to talk in a way that would suggest that ridding gaza of all palestinians is a legitimate response to the hamas terrorist attack, that language is interpreted by people here as a sort of, you know, go-card so to speak that they can seek violence against particular communities. >> very, very troubling. je i want to ask you about something else that has some troubling implications. house speaker mike johnson said last month that he wants to release capitol hill security footage from january 6. yesterday he said this during a press conference about honestly why it hasn't happened yet. watch. >> we have to blur some of the faces of persons who participated in the events of that day because we don't want them to be retaliated against. and for be charged by the doj. >> so johnson later walked back those comments a little bit. he said faces are blurred to protect them from retaliation from nongovernmental actors. of course we know the department of justice has access to the raw footage. this is something liz cheney has basically said that this is -- it needs to come out immediately. what do you make of what he had to say here? >> that is exactly right. look, he is not hiding what trump is in fact saying, which is that he was sort of excusing the january 6 insurrectionists. and the reason why he wants to excuse them, that it is a forgiveness, it is that this was a legitimate conduct that will be tolerated by the gop, this is what liz cheney is warning, that it is not over. this is an ongoing insurrection. and we know this because simply donald trump is legitimizing the conduct of january 6 and now the house speaker is somewhat forgiving this. and this is a danger. it is not just, oh, the past. this is a danger because one of the tactics that has worked since january 6, 2021, for minimize the threat of insurrection in this country and minimize political violence, has been these convictions. and we know this. we're following people like me pooem follow members of terrorist organizations, we know he what they are saying, we know how hard it is for terrorist groups here in the united states to recruit when people worry that they will be going to jail. so this forgiveness is actually a way of energizing terrorist groups and others who would use violence to support their democratic -- or to support their political party. so this will be, i have to warn, this will be the background of 2024 election, violence and the threat of violence in particular if donald trump is the gop nominee. this is part of his strategy. and the house speaker seems to be, although he took it back, conceding to that strategy. >> we know something about mike johnson and how he wanted to insinuate himself into trump's circles and played a key role in crafting the lawsuits that were aimed at keeping donald trump in office. jeuliet juliette, appreciate your perspective. just ahead, what is behind russia's rejection to free two wrongfully jailed americans. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. vice president kamala harris making history by casting her 32nd tie-breaking vote, the most tie breakers ever cast by a vp. >> no one deserves this more than she does. it is my honor to present the golden gavel to vice president harris on this great day, 32 tie-breaking votes. >> some he broke the record voting on a judicial nomination on tuesday. all right. lebron and lakers on to the final four of the in-season tournament after beating the suns. and the win not without controversial. >> yeah, such a great game. unfortunate that questionable call played a role in determining the winner. lebron and durant going head to head. lebron here with a lay-up put the lakers up five with just over two to go. durant with multiple clutch buckets down the stretch. both he and lebron had 31 points and with the lakers up by 1, austin reeves hits a huge three to put the lakers up by four. and then after durant scores, suns pressing, loses the ball but lebron called a time-out and the refs gave it to him even though it was clearly a loose ball. suns couldn't believe it and lakers win to advance to the final four in vegas. >> whole world seen it, i just got off social media and other players around the league seen it. so it is what it is. you know, refs miss calls sometimes. when they are that obvious, it is tough. >> that is one play. it is not the game. it is a 48 minute game. know what i'm saying? sometimes ref ain't going to get it right all the times. sometimes it is on us to play through all that stuff. >> all right. and the other match-up of the night, it was an offensive showcase, the bucks led the knicks at halftime before pulling away. bucks have their highest scoring game of the season winning 146-122. semifinals will take place tomorrow in las vegas. the pacers and bucks will get things started at 5:00 p.m. followed by the pelicans and lakers at 9:00 on tnt. winners will then play for the nba cup saturday night. hockey, it was a huge family reunion on the ice last night. the devils facing off the canucks. all three of the brothers got points in the sibling rivalry. jack had a goal and two z assis. and luke also scored. quinn oldest brother picked up two assists. their parents were in the stands to watch their family to become amazingly the ninth in nhl history to have three brothers play in the same game. and finally outrage over the college football playoffs is spreading. ron desantis vowed to fund any potential legal action. >> my first grader, my fifth grader and my preschooler, what they know is tallahassee. so they are all nmpoles and big time fans and they were not happy. but what we decided 20, we're setting aside a million dollars for any litigation expenses that may come as a result of the really, really poor decision by the college football playoffs. >> yeah, so the florida legislature would still have to approve any budget items. their annual session begins next month. and i feel bad for those kids at florida state, but i think that the committee made the right decision. >> andy, oh, no. look, let's just say the system is changing next year, but will -- >> yeah, everybody gets in next year with 12 playoff teams so we don't have to worry about it. >> andy scholes, thank you. and thanks to everyone for joining us. i'

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Mom , Vo , Visit Finishyourdiploma Org , Adult Education , Business , Business Mobile , Providers , Carriers , Bill , Big Three , Comcast , 75 , Three , Term , Wall , Lines , A Month , Interest , 5g Mobile Network , Contracts , Device , Line Activation Fees , 0 , Two , 30 , 5 , Donald Trump , Point Blank , Dictator , Comment , White House , Answer , Job Backjoe , Biden Backtracking , Hamas , Attacks , Revelations , December 6 , Kasie Hunt , Wednesday December 6 , 6 , Trump , President , Davenport , Iowa , Washington D C , 00 , 4 , Day One , Power , Retribution , Drill , Anybody , Border , Meaning , America Tonight , One , Joe Biden , Part , Donors , Boston Area , Fundraiser , Trump Wasn T Running , Campaign Aides , Remark , Yikes , Guard , Running , Look , State Of Mind , Liz Cheney , Candidate , Anderson Cooper Last Night , Race , Ground , Third Party , Republican Party , Party , Amount , Work , Election Cycle , Task , U S , Events , Reporter Daniel Strauss , Series , Personality , Cultive Pe , Cnn , Comments , Opportunities , Country , Saying , Lessons , Capitol Hill , Course , Things , Some , Reaction , Ehe , January 6 , Idea , Message , Audience , Grill , First Trump , Proposal , Administration , Campaign Trail , Voters , Oval Office , 2016 , Reason , Let , Everyone , Context , Cuff Remark , Scenario , Concern , Re Election , Eyebrows , Way , World View , Aides , Service , Line , Cameras , Forum , Sort , Candidacy , Counter , Point , Rollout Video , 2020 , Threat , Motivation , Moot , Presidency , Confluence , Democratic , Circumstances , Son , Beau , Conversation , Levers , Team , Well , Four , Somebody , Kash Patel , Government , Viewers , Expertise , Office , Efforts , Someone , Intelligence Committee , Kind , People , Media , Conspirators , Yes , Guy , Citizens , Elections , Defense Department , Notice , National Security Council , Supporters , Organizations , Think Tanks , Folks , Groundwork , Statements , Disposal , Falls , Theme , Debate , Dictatorship , Word , Polls , Phrase Sleep Walking , Hand , Tuscaloosa , Rivals , Shot , Behind The Scenes , Director , Custod Russia , Fbi , Terror Threats , Report , Mike Johnson , Rejection , Insurrections , Drawing Scrutiny , Paul Whelan , Evan Gershovich , Matt Miller , Release , Girs Ershovich , Place , Reporter , Shouldn T , Proposals , Imprisonment , Gershovich , Wall Street Journal , Five , 250 , Bianca Nobilo , Both , Whalen , London , Didn T Detail , Individuals , Espionage Charges , Nat One , Example , Mind , Deal , Sxhacomman , Court , Russian , Life Sentence , Names , Germany , Number , Asset , Vrevealed , Something , Charges , Crimes , Offer , Allegations , Detention , Issue , January 30 , Verdict , Exchange , Timing , Same , Condition , Case , Sense , Brittney Griner , Piece , Matters , String , Has , Assets , Intention , Politics , Arrests , Diplomats , Countries , Invasion , Terms , Goodwill , Deteriorations , Relationship , The End , Prisoner Swap , Ukraine , 2022 , End , Half , Individual , Priority , Return , Lot , Leverage , Inside Israel , Violence , Region , Stand , Storms , Flooding , Northwest , West Bank , Home , Care , Kim , Husband , Internet , Devices , Life , Memories , Joy , Loved Ones , Family , Team Usa Training Facility , Settlers , Hits , Visa Bans , America Now , Warning , Palestinians , Sanctions , Anyone , Oig S , Congressman Desjayapal , War , Rape , Students , Performance , Blowback , Use , Approach , Tool , World , Assessment Part , Many , Person , Math Scores , Math , Exam , Education Systems , Peers , Rivers , Result , Rain , Floodwaters , Oregon , Derek Van Dam , Portland , 24 , 8 , Season , Will , Waters , Event , Atmospheric River , Wow , You Pe , Water , Somewhere , Streams , Precipitation , Snow , Melting Process , Snow Pack , Rainfall , River Gauges , Ner , 10 , Flood Stage , State Of Washington , Crest , Arlington , Warnings , Fire Hose , Flood , Coast , 13i8on , 13i8pills , 13 , Level , Weekend , Weather , Drop , Elevations , Least , Average , Snowfall , Regions , Temperatures , Cascades , Rockies , Orange , Spine , Sierra Nevada , Loss , Thanks , Words , Pictures , California Coastline , Weatherman Derek Van Dam , A Million , Fox , Drilling , Admission , Fox Last Night , East Coast , Admissions , Fundraisers , Group , Bit , Confession , Run , Anderson Cooper , Cultive Personality , Questions , Whateveri , Bid , Play Out Last Night , Setting , New York Times , Others , Eyes , Coverage , Atlantic , Sdik , Reele , At Adictator , Question , Criminal , Territory , Relaepgt Ed Reelected , Sean Hannity , Opportunity , Response , Officials , Story , Phase , Anything , Let S Go , Militants , Israeli Military Control In Gaza , Strategy , Intensity , Show , Support , Operation , Editor , Chief , Jerusalem , Benjamin Netanyahu , Places , Forces , Disarmament Purposes , Didn T Work , Endable , Idf , Desire , Force , Hands , Affairs , Inside America , Campaign , Massacre , Ability , Nothing , Pockets , 7 , October 7 , Military Campaign , Core , Prime Minister , Gaza Strep , Suggestion , Lloyd Austin , Scenes , Bombing , Arena , Recognition , Outcome , Counselin , Goals , Hostages , Standing , 118 , Pressure , To Fruition , Understanding , Elsewhere , Sgrafl Unde Great Deal , Target , Time Line , Hostility , Campaign Proceeds , Weapon Storages , Avi Mayer , Revelation , Potential Hamas , Capitol Rioters , Debates , Doesn T , Play , Middle School , Contenders , Fun , Iowa Caucuses , Doug Heye , Strategist , Rnc , Candidates , Reality , Middle School Play , Fallon Right , Hasn T , Messaging , Poll Numbers , Haven T , Ron Desantis , Nikki Haley , Nomination , Asa Hutchinson , Democracy , Liz Cheney Out , View , Book Tour , He Wouldn T , Take A Look , Crowd , Book Of Genesis , Door , Whatever , Core Support , Mindset , Step , On Day One , Court Battles , Debate Stage , Six , Game , Tee Ball , Concerns , Ball , Times , Opponent , Tee , Watermelon , Bat , Baseball , Victim , Goodness , Else , Teaiered , Justice , End Quote , Quote , Bureau , Working Around The Clock , Senate , Wray , Red , Environment , Communities , Everywhere , Flights , Offenders , Arab American , Jewish , Muslim , Rooms , Homeland Security , Assistant Department , Security , Official , Julia , H Hyberloic , Warning Sign , Departments , State Police , Hamas War , Language , Unwhunwhich I Communities , Being , Annihilation , Radicalization , Senior Leaders , Annihilating , Ridding , Instances , Terrorist Attack , Go Card , Something Else , Je , Implications , House Speaker , Capitol Hill Security Footage , Faces , Persons , Press Conference , Watch , So Johnson , Actors , Retaliation , Doj , Footage , Access , Forgiveness , Conduct , Insurrectionists , Fact , Insurrection , Danger , Tactics , 2021 , January 6 2021 , Convictions , Terrorist Organizations , Members , Groups , Terrorist Groups , Jail , Particular , Election , Background , 2024 , Nominee , Lawsuits , Role , Circles , Jeuliet Juliette , Perspective , Jailed Americans , Wifi , Homework , Thing , Book , Battery Back Up , Problem , Data , Power Outages , Xfinity , Xfinity 10g Network , Kamala Harris , Vote , Tie Breakers , Honor , Tie , Cast , Vp , Making History , 32 , Lebron , Lakers , Vice President , Votes , Record , Gavel , Voting , Suns , Tournament , Winner , Call , Win , Great Game , Durant , Points , Buckets , Head , 31 , Refs , Time Out , Scores , Austin Reeves , 1 , It , Suns Couldn T , Players , Vegas , League , Social Media , Calls , Obvious , 48 , Ref Ain T , Match Up , Bucks , Showcase , Stuff , Semifinals , Pacers , Las Vegas , Knicks , 146 , 122 , Saturday Night , Hockey , Winners , Pelicans , Family Reunion , On Tnt , Nba , 9 , Brothers , Goal , Devils , Brother , Sibling Rivalry , Luke , Z Assis , Jack , Canucks , Quinn , Assists , Stands , Parents , Ninth , Outrage , Nhl , Playoffs , Preschooler , Grader , Action , Fifth Grader , College Football , Big Time , Tallahassee , Litigation Expenses , Fans , 20 , A Million Dollars , Florida Legislature , Decision , Budget Items , Committee , Andy Scholes , Everybody , System , Kids , Florida State , Playoff Teams , 12 ,

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