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united states and all around the world. i'm bianca nobilo. max foster has the week off. just ahead for you -- >> fresh warning from a leading critic of donald trump about the danger opposed by the former president to american democracy. >> if you thought he was going fast and furious the first time around, you've seen nothing the second time around. >> as israel expands its ground offensive, a big deer general says that tanks will once again be central to israel's warfare strategy. it is tuesday, december 5, 9:00 a.m. in london, with just six weeks to go before the iowa caucuses, four republican candidates are set to face off in alabama on wednesday for the fourth presidential primary debate. ron desantis, nikki haley, chris christie and vivek ramaswamy will meet in the smallest debate so far. doug burgum failed to qualify and announced that he was ending his campaign. he said the decision came from a place of caring deeply about every american and a mission to re-establish trust in america's leadership and institutions of democracy. while this primary process has shaken my trust in many media organizations and political party institutions, it has only strengthened my trust in america. donald trump will skip the debate as he has all three of the previous meetups. he will attend a florida fundraiser instead. former u.s. house republican liz cheney has new warnings about donald trump saying that the vote for the former president could be the last elections in which americans get to vote. while out promoting her new book, cheney predicted if donald trump wins re-election, he will absolutely try to stay in power forever. kristen holmes explains. >> reporter: a fresh warning from a leading critic of donald trump about the danger posed by the former president to american democracy. >> a vote for donald trump may mean the last election that you ever get to vote in. >> reporter: those comments come as trump attempts to turn the table on such warnings. >> joe biden is not the defender of american democracy. >> reporter: the former president who is facing felony charges over his attempts to overturn the 2020 election claiming president joe biden is the real risk to the country. >> joe biden is the destroyer of american democracy. it is him and his people, they are the wreckers of the american dream. >> reporter: a spokesman for the biden campaign calling trump's comments a desperate attempt at distraction. trump's attacks come as biden and his allies frame the election as a choice between democracy and authoritarianism. and even as the first votes in the republican nominating contest won't be cast for another six weeks. >> you have to stand up for american values. embedded in the constitution, declaration of independence. because we know the extreme heists have proven that they won't. we have as to tan up because maga extremists have made it clear they won't. >> they rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024. >> reporter: he also suggested that the u.s. constitution should be terminated in a social media post. and the former president has outlined plans to dramatically reshape the federal government including a pledge to use the justice department to target political opponents. >> if i happen to be president and i see somebody who is doing well and beating me very badly, i say go down and indict them. mostly that would be, you know, they would be out of business. they would be out. they would be out of the election. >> reporter: the former president has also said that he would make it easier to fire civil servants so he could replace them with loyalists if he was elected again and he would also expand on his hard line immigration policies including calling for mass deportation. he has really laid out in great detail what a trump second term would look like. and he still remains in first place in the gop primary according to a number of polls and with just six weeks until the iowa caucuses, he is also leading among republicans in that state as well. kristen holmes, cnn, washington. >> trump may be holding on to his political lead, but he is losing the fight to talk as he wishes with the fraud case against him in new york. trump's bid to overturn the gag order has been denied and will remain in place through at least next monday when he is expected to take the stand to testify. the former president's lawyers filed a motion monday to let them appeal the gag order and accused the attorney general's office of trying to run out the clock on the trial to keep trump's silent. >> right now president trump can't even comment on why he believes he is not getting a fair trial here in new york. that's what we're going to do, we'll run out the clock on president trump's rights. >> and george santos is making videos for a platform cameo less than a week after he was ex expelled from the u.s. house. he is charging $200 per video message and john fetterman of pennsylvania paid for one, meant as a jab at his embattled colleague of robert menendez who santos referred to as bobby. >> hey bobby, i don't think that i need to tell you, but these people who want to make you get in trouble and want to kick you out and make you run away, you make 'em put up or shut up. you stand your ground, sir, and don't get bogged down by all the haters out there. stay strong. merry christmas. >> fetterman and several other democrats are calling for menendez to resign over corruption and bribery charges. >> if you expel somebody like, you know, george santos, how can you allow somebody like senator menendez remain in the senate too. because i promise you that one of the major differences between representative -- former representative santos and senator menendez is $300 million of munitions, you know, with egypt as well too. and santos has been beinever be accused of being a foreign agent. there are serious issues here and we really need to expel menendez in order just to be fair. the u.n. secretary-general is criticizing israel's order for residents of gaza to evacuate saying there is nowhere safe to go. israeli forces have moved their ground campaign into southern gaza in an effort to root out militants. they say they have circled the jabalia refugee camp. and the israel defense forces tell cnn that ratio of two palestinian civilians killed in gaza for every that makes militant is tremendously positive given the challenges of urban combat. nearly 16,000 people have been killed in the enclave. and live now to paris where melissa bell is following the developments for us. melissa, what has been the reaction to that statement from an isreali spokesperson about the civilian casualty ratio? >> reporter: it probably brings questions fairly quickly about where it can be expected to end. not just in terms of of course the idf determination to root out hamas militant, but what it means for the civilian population of gaza, that that ratio should be accepted and acceptable, raises all kinds of questions for what happens next inside the gaza strip and this is something that the humanitarian agencies have been warning about for some many weeks. the latest on the ground that we're hearing is that there are aerial bombardments to the south of gaza now that the ground operations have been spread throughout. but the real aim we understand from the israeli defense minister who spoke to this only last night is that the operations that are kind of going on in the north of the gaza strip are aimed at entirely breaking gaza city and everything north of there. and that the expectation on the part of the idf is that that should be happening fairly soon. so you are seeing that targeting of the jabalia refugee camp now entirely encircled. also we've been hearing a great deal of artillery fire and aviation raids on the hospital complex in the north of the gaza strip already under tremendous strain as we've seen throughout it. the hospitals in which civilians are seeking refuge. but this is what the idf has to say -- >> we're pursuing hamas wherever hamas is hiding. in the north, and in the south. every rocket launcher, weapons depot, command and control center, senior commander, underground infrastructure and any hideout where our hostages may be held, our war is against hamas, not against the people of gaza. >> reporter: but of course for the people of gaza who are seeking refuge in and around hospital complexes where they can, bianca, that is of little comfort. there is at this stage 1.9 million people that have been displaced by the conflict already. and as the u.n. has been warning, there is simply nowhere for them to go. >> melissa, there has baeen new efforts from the u.n. emphasizing how this is a civilian catastrophe and israel is not making any changes to try to avoid any civilian deaths. and there is pressure from the u.s. and their expectations for israel. is there any evidence yet in israel's actions that they are trying to be more precise or changing their tactics at all to take this international pressure into account? >> reporter: i think what you saw in the immediate aftermath of the calls amid the resumption of the fighting were the leaflets dropped around the gaza strip, kahn yunis for instance, warning that this was now becoming the focus of their next military activity, warning civilians to get out. the trouble is with the near blackout of communications, and we've heard more confirmation this morning that at this stage there is no internet available right now inside gaza, it is very difficult to see what hope there could have been that these messages that came in the shape of qr codes that were meant to be delivered to civilians urging them to move to stafer parts could even have been received. the added pressure of course is that the pressure had already been on the south in terms of the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding. and the extra pressure that these bombardments now throughout the gaza strip are bringing will only bring of course a great deal more misery to an already impossible situation there in the south of the gaza strip. >> madeelissa bell, thank you f joining me today. and with criticism of the israeli bombardment growing, brigadier general insisted that the israeli military make sure cities and buildings are clear of civilians before launching any strikes. jeremy diamond gained access to the tank hole to learn about their methods on the battlefield. >> reporter: as israel expands its ground expansive into southern gaza, this brigadier general, head of the armored co corps, says tanks will be central to the warfare strategy. >> reporter: and israeli tanks cleared the way for infantry troops to move into dangerous and densely populated cities. >> they are using the tanks to clear the area? >> exactly. >> reporter: and he says that this kind of coordination is a lesson learned from russian failures in ukraine. >> we saw where the russians fought only with tanks alone, they were more vulnerable. this combination of combined power overcomes almost every problem on the battle field. >> reporter: israeli tanks are pushing through, not around, residential buildings. reducing entire neighborhoods to rubble to minimize the risk to israeli troops. but that also means that you have to destroy a lot of residential buildings. >> that is exactly what we do. we destroy but we make sure that these buildings don't have citizens and we just destroy what we have to destroy. >> a lot of civilians are dying in gaza. >> but we make sure before that we defend gaza,. >> reporter: israeli tanks are also a top target. in a series of prop begaaganda videos, hamas fighters are seen pushing the tanks and he says theplosions show the anti-missile in action. his troops though are paying a heavy price. >> translator: first rpg that was fired penetrated it and i got hit by the shrapnel. >> reporter: during a visit to wounded soldiers, the general says that his corps has suffered more casualties per capita than any other. >> translator: this is because we are on the frontline. the tank corps is a corps that is winning this war. this is our eremy diamond, cnn. and the intensified attacks are causing the few operating hospitals to be flooded with people needing medical treatment. s can pldisplaced residents believed that they were in a safe area but the attacks continued. one says that there is no safe area in all of the gaza strip. here is more from a father trying to save his newborn son. >> translator: she tthey told u leave gaza. there is a war in gaza and so we came to the south just like they asked. but this is what we found in the south. what can we do? this is my son. he was born on the second day of the war and we haven't been able to register his birth yet. >> aid agencies say that tens of thousands of displaced palestinians have arrived in rafah the past two days. and the recent evacuation order creating panic, fear and anxiety and shelters are overcrowded increasing the risk of disease. and the world health organization is also worried about major outbreaks in the area. w.h.o. oig offficials say they afford any further decline in gaza's health system. >> we're hearing of 200 people sharing one toilet. so with toilets overflowing, open defecation, these kind of conditions are ripe for the spread of disease and we're seeing increased numbers of respiratory infections, of diarrhea. we've had over 1100 cases of jaundice, which would make us concerned about the spread of hepatitis as well as terrible skin infections. scabies and head lice and so on. a broorther and sister free by hamas are reunited.d. ththe 20-year-old and 18-year-o had been attttending the n nova music feststival when ththey we abducted. and heher ininjuries werere not threatening thankfully. the siblings were greeted by a cheering crowd in israel on monday. multiple u.s. officials tell cnn that negotiations over release of additional hostages in gaza appear highly unlikely to resume anytime soon. the white house has said that there is one american woman and seven men unaccounted for after the october 7 hamas attacks. u.s. national security adviser jake sullivan says securing their release of is paramount priority. >> we continue do everything in our power under the president's leadership and guidance with his direct involvement and participation to try to bring all of these americans home as well as all of the hostages and we won't rest until we have succeeded in doing so. right now hamas is refusing to release civilian women who should have been part of the agreement. and it is that refusal by hamas that has caused the end of the hostage agreement and therefore the end of the pause in hostilities. still to come, the u.s. is running out of money to help ukraine as russia's bombardment continues. republican senators are threatening to block a crucial new aid package. and the governor of arizona is speaking out after a border crossing was shut down i in her state. what she h had to say y just ah. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy will appear remotely at a class ficlassifie briefing on capitol hill. and the white house is pushing congress to approve more funding warning that the u.s. will kneecap ukraine on the battlefield without it. melanie zanona has more. >> reporter: there is growing doubt in washington that congress will be able to pass a package for additional aid for israel and ukraine at least before the end of the year. at issue here is a complicated debate over the border. republicans are insisting that stricter immigration and border security provisions be attached to any additional aid for ukraine. there was a working group, a bipartisan group, that was trying to hammer out a deal on the border, but we're told that over the weekend those talks hit an impasse. so we'll see where the discussion goes from here. now, chuck schumer has signaled that he will just put a package on the floor to provide aid for israel and ukraine without the additional provisions and essentially dare republicans to vote against it. so far republicans are saying that they are not backing off. >> this side of the aisle has been clear that it must include funding and policy reforms to address the crisis at the southern border. and if that doesn't happen, we will not proceed. >> democrats want to be reasonable on him grace. we -- immigration. we're willing to make concessions but we won't keep going in circles if republicans are not even interested in meeting us halfway. >> reporter: and the white house stepping up their messaging warning that if the united states does not pass additional funding before the end of the year, that it will kneecap the country in its war against russia. and the senate will have briefings on tuesday. but at this point no signs that republicans are backing down and unclear what if anything that they will be able to pass. melanidical an in. and stopping two ports of entry is causing some frustration. eagle pass was shut down and reduced at the lucasville. and a current spike in migrant encounters on the southern border is requiring more agents to help border patrol take migrants into custody. the goal for the government is to transfer them to leaks sloca where they can be processed and deported if there is no legal basis to stay in the united states. but arizona's governor says she is frustrated with the decision. >> we need the federal government to act and provide more resources and we've been very clear about that consistently. this is a bad decision that impacts our border security, it hurts our economy because it is putting a damper on trade and tourism. >> the u.s. supreme court heard arguments on monday about the controversial opoid settlement. the company promoted the oxycontin for years. the sackler family would pay up to $6 billion to victims of the opoid crisis and they would be protected from future opoid related oig lalawsuits. the u.s. justice department wants the supreme court to review it. some justices emphasize that most victims are in favor of the deal. and los angeles prosecutors have charged jared joseph powell with murder for allegedly killing three homeless men last week. police believe that he shot them while he was sleeping on sidewalks or in allies. powell is also accused of killing another man during a robbery at his home. he was in court monday, but he wasn't able to enter a plea since his arraignment was pushed to january he is being held without bail. the public defender's office says that they are committed to presenting a vigorous defense for mr. powell. and investigators are still trying to find a motive. the "washington post" reports that the u.s. has set records for the highest number of deaths from mass shootings and hice number of mass shootings in a single year. a shooting in dallas over the weekend pushed the u.s. past that tragic milestone. a 21-year-old is suspected of killing a toddler and three adults at a neighbor's house. according to the analysis done by the "post," most occur in private homes. as of december 4, there have been 38 mass killings with guns this year. the "post" defines a mass shooting as four or more people killed not including the shooter. the newspaper says 197 people have been killed in those shootings this year and 91 injured. the "post" used its own metrics with data compiled from other news and academic sources. we're hearing new witness accounts of hamas atrocities and israel is begging the word not to look away. when we come back. welcome back. nearly two months after the shocking attack on israel, the israeli military says it won't wait for the end of the war to start investigating into the failures of preventing the attack. among the issues to be studied is the decision to move troops to the west bank in the days before the massive assault. channel 11 reported sunday that more than 100 reinforcement combat troops were relocated on october 5 to coincide with the jewish high holiday. israel is trying to draw the world's attention to some of the most horrific crimes committed by hamas during that siege. torture and sexual violence against women and girls. hamas denies the allegations saying that they are unfounded lies but israeli police are compiling evidence, interrogating suspects and building a case that hamas targeted, torture and killed women as a specific component of their assault. bianna golodryga has the details and a warning that the report contains graphic and disturbing contents. >> reporter: the details are horrific. listen to this israeli paramedic whose rescue unit responded to the massacre. he did not want to be identified. >> while we were going through the houses, one of the doors that i opened, the bedroom, you see two girls, two teenagers, i guess 13 or 14 years old, one lying on the floor, one lying on the bed, the one on the floor laying on her stomach. her pants pulled down below her knees and there was a bullet wound on the back side of her neck, heard. and a puddle of blood around her head. and there is remains of semen on the lower part of her back. >> reporter: a volunteer at a military base where many of the victims have been sent testified at a u.n. event in geneva last week describing the evidence of sexual violence she saw on some of the bodies. >> our team commanders saw several soldiers who were shot in the crotch and intimate areas in their vaginas. or they were shot in their breasts. this seemed to be systemic again till agenital mutilations. >> reporter: and this s profess is an international women's rights advocatate and for 12 yes hehelped lead the united nation committee on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. >> neither of them acknowledged or recognized the existence the fact that sexual violence was part of the hamas massacre. and by not acknowledging this, by dismissing, by ignoring, they are in fact almost i would say legitimizing the existence of these atrocities. >> reporter: i asked a representative from u.n. women about that. her answer speaks for itself. is there a reason that you can't specifically call out hamas and the mounting evidence now over seven weeks that israeli investigators have collected that we've shown our viewers about the atrocities they committed specifically on october 7? >> indeed. u.n. women always supports impartial independent investigations into any serious allegations of gender based or sexual violence. and within the u.n. family, these investigations are led by the office of the high commissioner of human rights. >>eporter: and three days later, finally an acknowledgement from u.n. women, a statement of their own. "we unequivocally condemn the brutal attacks and alarmed by the sexual violence during those attention." and over the weekend even more accounts coming to light. the sunday "times" quoted a 39-year-old witness who attended the nova music festival. "i saw this beautiful woman with the face of an angel and eight or ten of the fighters beating and raping her. she was screaming stop it already, i'm going to die anyway from what you are doing. just kill me. when they finished, they were laughing and the last one shot her in the head." a police commander leading the israel investigation into sexual violence crimes says it is clear that sexual crimes were part of the planning and the purpose was to terrify and humiliate people. being able to prove that the crimes were planned is critical in prosecuting such cases. >> recall that the massacre actually took place in 22 locations at the same time. the same method in which these horrific atrocities were executed by the terrorists in separate locations in different locations all at the same time. this demonstrates a reconceived and premeditated plan. and that is why it does amount to crimes against humanity. >> reporter: bianna golodryga, cnn, new york. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? it's true. plus when you buy your first line of mobile, you get a second line free. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. scarcarbon emissions are expected to set a new record. scientists say global emissions could rise 1.1% this year when compared to 2022. that is 36.8 billion tons of carbon dioxide released into our atmosphere. good news is that the u.s. is expected on to cut emissions by 3% and eu could reach 7.4% reg reduction. however china is up 4% and india an 8% increase. coal and oil emissions are also growing significantly in both of those nations. first draft of the cop 28 agreement is calling for phasing out of the fossil fuels. there are several options. one in an ordinarily way, and another would be to possibly rapidly reduce fossil fuel usage and leaving plenty of room for negotiators to water down a language in the final text. let's go live now to dubai where eleni giokos is standing by. has a response to these thinkses been warm or cool and what is on the agenda for the rest of the day? >> reporter: you gave a lot of numbers now. and the reality is that it all comes down to the final language, deciding on whether the world will phase out fossil fuels or phase down fossil fuels. and that is a ents for of point of pacontention. and you have to understand that these come with huge delays and of course you have different sides of the spectrum, people coming together and saying that we have to be pragmatic and realistic that if we phase down and we phase down aggressively, that could cause a crisis and phasing out just means way too much aggressive stance against fossil fuels and what is the replacement going to be and what would that look like, what does it mean for the world. the good news is that 118 countries have committed to tripling renewable energy in their countries by 2030. and frankly, it is the private sector that has really been pushing in to vinterventions. so it is the private sector making a lot of change. and joining me now is the ceo of octopus energy greg jackson joining me. we've been talking about the future. but i want to start off with what octopus energy is doing. you are thinking about how holds in a very different way to sort of the traditional energy producers. how are you making a change? >> thank you. renewable energy is the cheapest energy we've ever had in most countries now. and it is getting cheaper every year. but the way that we use it is different. the way we use an electric car is different in the way that you use a petrol car. we could do maybe 1,000 miles for 20 or $30. so we want people to get the benefits of a renewable system. >> so what is the holdup? because i mentioned private sector is keen. so many companies with amazing technologies. they say that they can make significant changes and get the action on the ground doesn't match the climate emergency. >> whether rich countries or even some developing countries, there is a lot of capital available to build the infrastructure we need to build the projects. but everywhere we into, bureaucracy is the problem. getting hold of permits can take many, many years and connecting to grids can be almost impossible in some countries. the energy system that we have today was built over the last 100 years. the changes that we need to make will revolutionize it. >> so we're talking about getting rid of legacy systems. how quickly can we do it? >> we can build a wind farm in a few weeks, a few months at the most. but the permits can take five or ten years or more. so what we need to be able to do is say to communities, if they want the benefits of cheap secure reliable power, which happens to be clean as well, then it is incredibly popular. so we need to reform the bureaucracies. >> you've been attending a lot of the conversations here. you are the feeling optimistic this cop? >> we do have all the collusions. people talk about nuclear fusion which can be incredible, but we don't need to wait. we didn't have to wait for 5g before we made the smartphone. so today the thing we need to do is electrify everything that we can, electrify transport and heating and industry where we can. that electricity can come from renewables. maybe we fill the gaps with gas until we have other solutions. >> we've just come off the hottest year on record. scientists saying that we'll probably reach that 1.5 degrees celsius target. what isperspective? >> climate change is exponential. if this is the hottest year on record and we've had so many records broken year after year, we lock that in for decades to come. we cannot act fast enough about a ebecause even when we hit zer, the climate still keeps ch changing. >> phase up or phase down fossil fuels? >> what really matters is building the system that replaces fossil fuels. building a clean electricity system. things that at the end of the day will probably outcompete fossil fuels and become redundant as we get people better solutions. >> reporter: thank you for joining us. and look, we have to be realistic about what fossil fuels means for our energy portfolio, how quickly we can try and replace it with better system, better energy sources. but the reality remains the same. the conversations are still being had. and more action is required on the ground. >> always so good to see you and thank you very much for that interview. that was really interesting. and still to come, renowned disinformation researcher claims that she was fired from harvard because of pressure from facebook. details cocoming up. monday marked 250 days since evan gershovich was taken into russian custody and his family says the ordeal is only getting more painful. a moscow court recently extended the detention sunl until januar. gershovich is accused of trying to obtain state secrets which he denies and the u.s. government declared him wrongfully detained. if convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison. his family recently spoke to cnn about the struggle that they have to stay positive. >> he is in moscow in a tough prison. it is sgindesigned to isolate y to break you down. the letters that he receives gives him a lifeline to keep his spirits up. he needs to fight every single day as he put it in his letter to me that it is like swimming against the stream every single day. he is fighting to keep his spirits up. his mental strength, his physical strength. he exercises. he walks outside of his cell. it is 6 steps, 6 steps, 6 steps and 6 steps. and it is tough. >> evan's family is urging the u.s. government to bring him home as soon as possible. and they are asking people to keep him in their thoughts by savings an empty seat for evan at their holiday tables as his family did on thanksgiving. there are concerns about the influence that major tech companies could exert on independent research institutions. that is after a scholar who studies disinformation on social media says harvard university shut down her research and actually fired her. dough nie o'sullivan has the s. >> this was going to be a knock down drag out fight. >> reporter: and for years she was widely considered one of the top experts on social media disinformation. she wrote dozens of papers, authored a book about extremism online, and even testified before congress. >> misinformation is a threat to national security. >> reporter: she led a special program at harvard called the technology and research program until she was forced out. >> harvard tried to destroy my career. i believe that it was just the decision of the dean to terminate me because i was making trouble for the donors. >> reporter: the donors she's referring to are facebook founder mark zuckerberg and his wife who both attended harvard. they gave a $500 million donation in 2021. but the trouble is, part of her research involves holding big tech companies like meta which includes facebook accountable for everything from disinformation to teen suicides to war propaganda. in 2021 when a facebook whistleblower leaked thousands of internal company document, donovan began building a database at harvard to make all the documents publicly available. >> i believe these were the most important documents in internet history. i saw these facebook papers as evidence that facebook knew the harms it was causing and did nothing about it. akin to the way in which tobacco companies tried to hide research about lung cancer. >> reporter: after that she believes meta began turning up the pressure on harvard. >> i don't think that i would have been in the position that i'm in right now if i had not proceeded with this project. >> reporter: donovan with help from a group called whistleblower aid sent this complaint to harvard, u.s. secretary of education and massachusetts attorney general alleging harvard officials began adopting meta's language and questioning dr. donovan's v research specifically with respect to meta. and she said that they manipulated institutions into researching products that supported their respective industries. >> this field is being run by tech oligarchs who believe that academic research should be a wing of their pr. >> reporter: meta has long pushed back against research that blames the company for harming society, but the company did not comment for this story. harvard says that allegations of unfair treatment and donor interference are false. the narrative is full of inaccuracies, particularly that harvard allowed facebook to dictate its approach to research. and the leaked document project ended up going ahead and the university's work online disinformation continues. but donovan says harvard has damaged its credibility. >> i mean, it is gutted. here i am at harvard believing that they would protect the sanctity of the truth and that this work would ruffle feathers. but what i didn't imagine was that i would need protection from harvard itself. >> reporter: as you saw, naet oig had nothing to say about this story. and zuckerberg and his wife's foundation however have put out a statement saying that they had no involvement in dr. donovan's departure from harvard and was unaware before public reporting on it. that statement from the chan/zuckerberg initiative. back to you. that does it here on "cnn newsroom." i'm bianca nobilo. "early start" is up next. (car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) first time i connected with kim, she told me that her husband had passed. and that he took care of all of the internet connected devices in the home. i told her, “i'm here to take care of you.” connecting with kim... made me reconnect with my mom. it's very important to keep loved ones close. we know that creating memories with loved ones brings so much joy to your life. a family trip to the team usa training facility. i don't know how to thank you. i'm here to thank you. hope for the american hostages in ,

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Viewers , Hello , Donald Trump , President , Warning , Critic , Danger , American Democracy , United States , All Around The World , Max Foster , Bianca Nobilo , Israel , Tanks , Nothing , Time , Ground Offensive , Big Deer General , Fast And Furious , Warfare Strategy , 5 , Tuesday December 5 9 00 Am , Debate , Ron Desantis , Candidates , Iowa Caucuses , Chris Christie , Alabama , London , Nikki Haley , Republican , Six , Four , 9 , 00 , Decision , Doug Burgum , Campaign , Vivek Ramaswamy , Institutions , Place , Democracy , Trust , Leadership , Media Organizations , Mission , Process , Fundraiser , Party , Three , Meetups , Florida , Liz Cheney , Book , Warnings , Vote , Elections , House , Reporter , Power , Re Election , Kristen Holmes , Election , Joe Biden , Comments , Trump , Defender , Attempts , Felony Charges , Table , People , Spokesman , Risk , Country , Destroyer , Wreckers , The American Dream , 2020 , Attacks , Attempt , Allies , Biden Campaign Calling Trump , Distraction , Authoritarianism , Choice , Votes , Constitution , Values , Declaration Of Independence , Republican Nominating Contest Won T Be Cast , Extremists , Heists , U S Constitution , 2024 , 2024 Reporter , Government , Justice , Department , Plans , Pledge , Opponents , Social Media Post , Somebody , Business , Line , Immigration , Servants , Policies , Deportation , Calling , Loyalists , What A Trump Second Term , Number , Primary , Polls , Cnn , Case , Lead , Estate , Fight , Fraud , Holding On , Washington , New York , Gag Order , Bid , Lawyers , Stand , Motion , Trial , Clock , Silent , Attorney General S Office , Videos , George Santos , Video Message , Rights , Platform Cameo , U S House , Sex , 200 , Senator Menendez , Colleague , Who , Jab , Bobby , Pennsylvania , John Fetterman , One , Trouble , Ground , Put Up Or Shut , I Don T , Sir , Charges , Somebody Like , Democrats , Haters , Corruption , Bribery , Merry Christmas , Representative , Santos , Munitions , Differences , Senate , 300 Million , 00 Million , Order , Issues , Agent , Egypt , Beinever , Southern Gaza , U N , Secretary General , Residents , Forces , Militants , Ground Campaign , Effort , Civilians , Militant , Ratio , Jabalia Refugee Camp , Challenges , Israel Defense Forces , Two , Statement , Paris , Enclave , Developments , Reaction , Urban Combat , Melissa Bell , 16000 , Course , Questions , Terms , Civilian Casualty Ratio , Spokesperson , Isreali , Hamas , Kinds , Determination , Population , South , Operations , Bombardments , Hearing , Agencies , Something , Latest , Everything , North , Gaza City , Defense Minister , Kind , Expectation , Aim , Deal , Part , Targeting , Artillery Fire , Refuge , Hospital Complex , Hospitals , Strain , Raids , Aviation , Wherever , Command , Control , Hiding , Rocket Launcher , Weapons Depot , War , Infrastructure , Hostages , Hideout , Commander , Center , Hospital Complexes , Comfort , 1 9 Million , Conflict , Nowhere , Baeen , Pressure , Changes , Deaths , Catastrophe , Efforts , Evidence , Actions , Expectations , Tactics , Fighting , Leaflets , Instance , Account , Calls , Aftermath , Focus , Kahn Yunis , Resumption , Internet , Communications , Military Activity , Morning , Confirmation , Stage , Blackout , Messages , Shape , Qr Codes , Misery , Buildings , Brigadier General , Cities , Military , Criticism , Madeelissa Bell , Situation , Me Today , Bombardment Growing , Battlefield , Strikes , Methods , Access , Tank Hole , Jeremy Diamond , Head , Armored Co Corps , Way , Troops , Infantry , Area , Failures , Ukraine , Lesson , Russian , Coordination , Russians , Problem , Combination , Battle Field , Lot , Neighborhoods , Rubble , Citizens , Buildings Don T , Target , Fighters , Series , Prop Begaaganda Videos , Action , Theplosions , Anti Missile , Translator , Rpg , Price , Hit , The Shrapnel , Corps , Soldiers , Tank Corps , Mother , Capita , Casualties , Visit , Frontline , The General , Operating Hospitals , Eremy Diamond , Wall , Son , Treatment , Can , Father , Pldisplaced , U Leave Gaza , Birth , Palestinians , Tens Of Thousands , Haven T , Rafah , Aid Agencies , Disease , World Health Organization , Evacuation Order , Fear , Shelters , Anxiety , Outbreaks , Panic , Open Defecation , Health System , Toilet , Naet Oig , Decline , Toilets Overflowing , Numbers , Cases , Spread , Respiratory Infections , Conditions , Diarrhea , Jaundice , 1100 , Skin Infections , Hepatitis , Head Lice , Scabies , Sister , Reunited D Ththe , Broorther , 18 , 20 , Siblings , Nova Music Feststival , Ththey , The N , Heher Ininjuries Werere , Woman , Release , White House , Officials , Negotiations , Crowd , Men , Priority , U S National Security , Jake Sullivan , 7 , October 7 , Seven , Home , Involvement , Participation , Guidance , Women , End , Agreement , Refusal , Hostilities , Hostage Agreement , Pause , Governor , Bombardment , Senators , Aid Package , Money , Border Crossing , Arizona , She H , Class , Ficlassifie Briefing On Capitol Hill , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Congress , Funding Warning , Will Kneecap , Border , Aid , Package , Doubt , Issue , Melanie Zanona , Group , Weekend , Working Group , Border Security Provisions , Talks , Impasse , Chuck Schumer , Floor , Discussion , Provisions , Crisis , Republicans , Funding , Side , Policy , Aisle , Reforms , Doesn T , Circles , Concessions , Messaging Warning , It Will Kneecap , Point , Briefings , Anything , Melanidical , Spike , Sports , Frustration , Entry , Eagle Pass , Lucasville , Custody , Goal , Encounters , Agents , Border Patrol , Basis , Resources , U S Supreme Court , On Trade , Border Security , Tourism , Arguments , Economy , Company , Victims , Family , Oxycontin , Future Opoid , Opoid Settlement , Sackler , 6 Billion , Justices , Favor , Prosecutors , U S Justice Department , Los Angeles , Oig Lalawsuits , Powell , Joseph Powell , Police , Sidewalks , Murder , Robbery , Oman , Jared , Investigators , Office , Motive , Defense , Bail , Plea , Arraignment , Mr , Court Monday , Public Defender , Shootings , Shooting , Milestone , Hice , Washington Post , Dallas , Homes , Neighbor , Toddler , Adults , Analysis , Guns , Killings , December 4 , 21 , 4 , 38 , Post , Shooter , Newspaper , Injured , 91 , 197 , Witness , News , Atrocities , Accounts , Data , Sources , Metrics , Word , Attack , Israeli Military , Assault , The End , West Bank , World , Attention , Some , Combat Troops , Crimes , Channel 11 , 11 , October 5 , 100 , Allegations , Teenagers , Torture , Violence , Siege , Lies , Details , Report , Component , Suspects , Bianna Golodryga , Massacre , Paramedic , Unit , Contents , Rescue , Doors , Lying , Houses , Bedroom , Bed , Stomach , 14 , 13 , Back Side , Knees , Remains , Bullet Wound , Neck , Puddle , Blood , Semen , Heard , Sexual Violence , Military Base , Many , Back , She Saw , Bodies , Volunteer , Event , Geneva , Team Commanders , Areas , Vaginas , Crotch , Breasts , Profess , Women S Rights Advocatate , Agenital Mutilations , Existence , Fact , Committee , Discrimination , Elimination , Eforms , Hamas Massacre , Yes Hehelped , 12 , Dismissing , Reason , Answer , Investigations , Gender , U N Women , High Commissioner , Human Rights , Acknowledgement , Eporter , Times , Face , Nova Music Festival , Angel , Ten , Eight , 39 , Police Commander , Investigation , Purpose , Planning , Locations , Recall , 22 , Method , Terrorists , Plan , Humanity , Providers , Business Mobile , Bill , Carriers , Big Three , Comcast , 75 , Free , Term , Mobile , Contracts , Line Activation Fees , 5g Mobile Network , Device , Record , Emissions , Scientists , Scarcarbon , 2022 , 1 , 36 8 Billion , 3 , Atmosphere , Reg Reduction , Carbon Dioxide , Eu , 3 , 7 4 , Fossil Fuels , Cop 28 , Phasing , Nations , Both , Increase , Coal , Soil , Draft , China , India , 28 , 8 , Language , Another , Negotiators , Text , Fossil Fuel Usage , Room , Options , Reality , Dubai , Agenda , Response , Rest , Thinkses , Eleni Giokos Is Standing , Let S Go , Ents , Point Of Pacontention , Sides , Delays , Spectrum , Countries , Replacement , Stance , 118 , Sector , Renewable Energy , Vinterventions , 2030 , Octopus , Ceo , Making A Lot Of Change , Octopus Energy , Greg Jackson , Energy , Change , Energy Producers , Petrol Car , Car , System , Benefits , Companies , Holdup , 0 , 30 , 1000 , Technologies , Capital , Ground Doesn T Match The Climate Emergency , Permits , Projects , Hold , Energy System , Bureaucracy , Everywhere , Grids , Wind Farm , Legacy Systems , More , Communities , Most , Well , Five , Fusion , Conversations , Bureaucracies , Collusions , Thing , 5g , Electrify Transport , Smartphone , Solutions , Electricity , Industry , Renewables , Gas , Gaps , 1 5 , Records , Climate Change , Electricity System , Climate , Ebecause , Ch Changing , Hit Zer , Things , Energy Portfolio , Look , Same , Better Energy Sources , Harvard , Researcher , Cocoming Up , Facebook , Interview , Renowned Disinformation , Gershovich , Ordeal , 250 , Court , State Secrets , Detention Sunl , Januar , Prison , Struggle , Moscow , Letters , Lifeline , Sgindesigned , Spirits , Letter , Stream , Swimming , Steps , Strength , Cell , 6 , Thoughts , Holiday Tables , Savings , Seat , Evan , Scholar , Tech Companies , Research Institutions , Influence , Concerns , Disinformation On Social Media , Research , Dough Nie O Sullivan , Knock Down Drag Out Fight , Papers , Threat , Experts , Misinformation , Extremism , Dozens , Social Media Disinformation , Technology , Security , Career , Research Program , Program , Donors , Wife , Mark Zuckerberg , Dean , 500 Million , Big Tech Companies , Meta , Donation , Disinformation , Accountable , Suicides , War Propaganda , 2021 , Document , Documents , Database , Thousands , Whistleblower , Donovan , Internet History , Project , Position , Help , Lung Cancer , Complaint , Secretary , Questioning , Dr , Donovan S V Research , Education , Massachusetts Attorney General , Whistleblower Aid , Respect , Products , Field , Tech Oligarchs , Industries , Wing , Pr , Story , Donor , Interference , Society , Narrative , University S Work Online Disinformation , Approach , Inaccuracies , Credibility , Truth , Sanctity , Didn T Imagine , Work , Feathers , Protection , You Saw , Foundation , Reporting , Departure , Put , Statement Saying , It , Chan , Cnn Newsroom , Early Start , Zuckerberg Initiative , Car Engine Revs , Engine , Glass , Texting Clicks , Tires Squeal , Kim , Loose Gravel Clanking , Care , Husband , Devices , Memories , Mom , Loved Ones , Life , Joy , Team Usa Training Facility , Hope ,

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