jimmy carter, as well as president joe biden and his wife, first lady dr. jill biden. the president and first lady and secretary of state, bill and hillary clinton. and every living first lady, laura bush, michelle obama, melania trump, as well as of course vice president kamala harris. waiting for the hearst to depart, i want to talk about what we've seen. i know this was -- i'm sure there was emotional for millions of americans watching today, but as somebody who has been a biographer of the carters, and i know this was particularly emotional for you. what moved you the most? >> yeah, no, it was extremely emotional. you know, i hadn't seen president carter since the 75th wedding anniversary party back in july of 2021. and i have to say i'm shocked at how thin and frail he looks. very sad. and i can't imagine what he is thinking having lost his wife of 77 years. i'm also particularly moved by the three eulogies given by family members. chip, amy, and the grandson, jays son. they were very moving, touching, and i think they bring home an essential point that must be remembered about the carters. you know, this is presidency that was defined by its decency. and rosalynn carter and jimmy were both extremely decent people. >> yeah. amy carter reading from a letter that her father wrote to her mother, i think she said 75 years ago when he was in the navy. >> right. >> just an expression of how much he missed her and how much he loved her. a love that carried on for 77 years. and i think it is fair to say he went -- entered hospice care in february. i'm no expert on this sort of thing, but i think it's fair to say based what i know of the carters, my expertise runs to my limited ability as an amateur historian and the fact that when i was 19 i was an intern at the carter center, that my guess is that he was -- he was holding out until she left before him. he wanted to see her off. it would be my guess. you tell me, kai. >> yeah, well, we can't know, but i think that's a good interpretation. he is a man of enormous stamina and strength and will. and he was so close to her, and it must have been hard for him to see her in the last few months as she declined with signs of dementia. and it's going to be hard to imagine how he's going to live without her. it's very sad. >> yeah. and then as you note, the memories of chip carter and then jason carter. the very eloquent grandson. and tim, one of the things we said good-bye to when we said good-bye to rosalynn carter today was the last first lady of the greatest generation. >> yes. and we have not had in the modern era many first ladies who -- whose husbands were in the peacetime military. mamie eisenhower and rosalynn carter. rosalynn carter's death brings to the end a line of women who were the steely supporters of husbands or boyfriends, depending on when they got married, who were fighting the greatest war and a twhar ch chchange -- and a war that changed our country. what is dramatically important about rosalynn carter is that she took this understanding of the country's place in the world, and when she could have retired from the stage in 1981, she instead used her knowledge of the world and her platform to seek to help the most vulnerable. and i can't imagine how many americans have shown that kind of humanitarian instinct -- her husband did, too. but let's just imagine the role and responsibility of someone who has been in the oval office, who leaves the oval office and then find hes herself in the mo humble of villages to help people screen for a worm that could ruin their lives, and to be a partner in the -- almost eradication -- 2.3 million cases of guinea worm in 1986. there were 13 last year and we heard seven this year. to have played that role as a humble servant in a humanitarian mission. >> we're watching the hearse depart the church on its way to the cemetery. >> you know, one thing that judy woodruff who, by the way, side note, how notable is it that a bygone era that the carters had a journalist speak there, and it's not as if they didn't have their -- their -- some animosity in their relationship at what she noted. but i think that was quite telling that she was asked to speak. but subcommittee t-- she talked about the fact that rosalynn carter decideded that she was not going to have any regrets at the end of her life, but even before that she wasn't going to have any regrets when it came to campaigning so hard and working so hard for the political causes that her husband was fighting for. and she also talked about the fact that rosalynn carter not just -- didn't just focus on mental health but also caregiving. and judy has a son who needs round-the-clock care, and so that is something that they bonded over. one thing i do want to mention, and kate you were talking about this before the service started, was how blunt rosalynn carter was. and you witnessed it when it came to the trump presidency and the fact judy recounted what rosalynn carter said about joe biden being in the white house saying that it is a relief to have him in the white house. saying that maybe not a surprise, but saying that with melania trump there was interesting. >> could have been a little awkward in that moment for sure. she was determined to be taken seriously, too. i think that's something else that judy said. she had these weekly lunches with the president. and she transformed the east wing because she insisted on being this conduit to the american people for him. then what she did with guinea worm after was incredible. when i interviewed her, she was crying talking about eradicating guinea worm. i think that humanity and that empathy came through so beautifully today. >> it was both a public funeral obviously, but also personal. i mean those children -- chip carter talked about that he's had addiction and that she saved his life. amy carter in effect explained to us that her father doesn't speak anymore. so she was speaking for him. jason carter talked about his cool grandma. >> yeah. >> it was really just lovely on a family level. just to go back to former president carter for a minute, you know, he's obviously in very fragile health. but a family friend told me when he went into hospice that it was a process for him to agree to hospice because he saw she was suffering from dementia. he wanted to be able to take care of her. and i think there is something as you said earlier to the fact that now that she's gone, i mean he has seen her off. he was there to the end. >> yeah. and you were talking about jason carter, the grandson's remarks. >> what a celebration of life. i think we all have to take a moment and say what we just witnessed was something incredible. it was profound. it was beautiful. and i want to really share, repeat the quote that jason carter quoted senator warnock where he said rosalynn carter doesn't need a eulogy because her life was a sermon. and i think that really encapsulates everything we've been talking about here today which is what a life she lived. you know, the anecdotes about skiing, about summitting -- summitting everest, right. tai chi i think it was -- >> with a sword. >> with a sword. but also, too, i think he spoke a lot about her faith and how her faith and i think particularly in a time when there's been a lot of scrutiny around the question of faith, about how her faith compelled her to act of service. so all of the agendas, all of the advocacy, everything that we saw, we heard later on in life she took up elder care advocacy, took up caretakers, financial resources. things like that. all of this was built on the foundation of her faith -- she saw them as inex-t t-trick ably inextricably linked. >> as someone who know rosalynn carter and she obviously had a hand in planning this, how much was this her, how much was this of rosalynn carter? >> well, i think all of it because as we know, you know, presidents and first ladies have this opportunity to begin planning these ceremonies for when they are -- in some way they belong to the state. they belong to all of us. this is an opportunity for us to see them celebrated. and people are really educated about rosalynn carter today. so she had a lot to say about who was there, who was invited, mrs. trump, all the first ladies, the sisterhood of this group. this is now -- there are just five of them left. and when mrs. carter died, she was the last of that group that was the biggest group of first ladies, six or seven that were together at the reagan library opening. when she passed, that was the last woman in that photo. i think she understood and appreciated what that meant to be part of this serving your country as first lady. i think she showed us all the fierce work ethic that she had. she lived her faith in actions and not words. and i think she wanted that to be seen. a great capacity to love, to love her country, to love the bork she was dedicated to. she left a mark on the role of first lady. i think we all have learned so much about that, the country has learned so much about that. her mark on the white house. but also the mark on her family. incredibly close family, and she wanted the world to see that. >> so beloved by her family members. at the end of the day, all her great works, all of her experience, first lady of georgia, first lady of the united states, that's the most important legacy she leaves with all of her children and grandchildren and her great grandchildren. thanks, one and all, for being with us. appreciate your insights. thank you for joining us for cnn special coverage of the memorial service for first lady rosalynn carter. "cnn news central" is up next. first we're going to leave with some of the moments from today's deeply moving tribute to mrs. carter. i'll see you at the top of the hour at 4:00 eastern. ♪ hi there and welcome to "cnn news central." i'm briana keilar alongside boris sanchez. weaver wolf blitzer live in tel aviv. and we have 12 more handles back in israel. ten israeli citizens, two foreign nationals released by hamas today. the white house confirming that no americans were in this group. in exchange, israel handed over 30 more palestinian detainees just moments ago. >> now this is the first hand-over of this two-day extension of the israel-hamas truce, and high-level talks are under way now to broaden the agreement with cia director visiting qatar, pushing for adult males to be included in future handle releases. wolf? >> boris, thank you. as part of this temporary pause, desperately needed aid has been able to enter gaza for the past five days. today more u.n. trucks arrived in northern gaza, and you can see the scale of the destruction surrounding that aid convoy. i want to bring in our reporters right now. oren liebermann here in tel aviv, jeremy diamond at karen shalom, the border crossing between egypt and israel. you saw helicopters landing. tell us about that. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. four helicopters just came in toward the crossing. the same number of helicopters that we saw arriving yesterday when indeed those newly freed hostages crossed into israel via the crossing which is behind me, and then boarded those helicopters en route to a hospital in tel aviv. so we are witnessing a very similar scene, drone activity overhead begins first, then you see the helicopters landing. shortly i presume that we will see those helicopters taking off once again for hospitals in israel. wolf, today 12 hostages were freed by hamas. ten of those israeli citizens, part of this agreement brokered between israel and hamas. now we are starting to hear some activity, perhaps seeing helicopters coming in overhead right now, wolf. let me see if my cameraman, byron, can pan up. and you may be seeing at least one helicopter, it's very dark here. we did hear one helicopter overhead. in heading north in the direction of tel aviv. and what's interesting is today we saw, of course, as yesterday those passages crossed directly into israel from gaza via the carom shalom crossing. today they reverted to the noon we have seen previously which was for them to go through the rafah crossing in egypt first, and then to drive that less than two-mile drive to carom shalom and then cross into israel that way. but what we do know is that these hostages are firmly back on israeli soil. ten israeli citizens. most of them adult women, most of them older women. and then there is one minor, mia, who is 17 years old. what's also notable is that there are several women here, as we have seen in the past, whose husbands or whose partners or siblings, males all, are still in gaza, still held by hamas and other militant groups. >> i want you to stand by. i want to bring in orren en lieb liebermann. you have information, as hostages are freed we're learning more about the conditions they were held in while in gaza and what these first few days back in israel have been like. update our viewers on that. >> reporter: wolf, there has been a number of reports we've heard from the families of the hostages explaining the conditions they were held in. there doesn't appear to be a uniform way they were held by hamas. some were held underground according to family, some were held in houses above ground and moved from location to location. some, as we learned from one of the families, from the family of hila hotem, was held with her mother until she was released without her mother, a violation of the truce agreement to release families together. they were given minimal food, according to not only the families of the hostages but also the doctors, having to subsist largely on pita bread our rice and basic carbohydrates like that. one of the issues doctors have had to deal with repeatedly is the issue of nutrition. that's been one of the major challenges on the physical front. in fact, one of the elderly ladies who was rushed to siroka medical center was suffering greatly in critical condition, according to doctors there, because of the lack of nutrients there. that remains the greatest physical challenge. that doesn't even begin to cover the challenge of mental health and dealing with a much harder part of the recovery on that front. that will take time. doctors have said that's a long process that begins with family reunions. of course, part of the hard part there is that some of these freed hostages are just learning as they come out that their family members were murdered on october 7th by hamas in the terror attack. and that has to be processed, as well. that makes it all the much more difficult as this process plays out. ten hostages released, israeli women and children. ten more expected tomorrow. one more final point if i may, the truce survived arguably its biggest challenge, active fighting between hamas and s israel. the two side blamed each other. this could have blamed each other. a partially good sign it held together at least for now. >> that's encouraging. thank you. jeremy diamond, carom shalom. thanks to you, as well. more heartbreak for one family. over the weekend, yoni could not hug his wife tight enough along with their young daughters, ros and aviv. he asked them did you miss me? the girls had just been freed by hamas. after that joyous reunion, the family is now once again in mourning. this after the israeli military said today that the latest hostage confirmed dead is daron's brother. the idf says hamas is holding the body in gaza. joining us is their cousin in texas now. we have spoken before. i am so sorry to hear this news, what happened to your family at the hand of hamas. your aunt was found murdered in the days after the attack, and her part me to remains captive -- partner remains captive. first of all, how did you learn about ravid? >> thank you very much so much, again, it's great to see you here. it's one of those roller coaster emotional days here, here in texas and back home in israel where we're learning the sad truth of the -- ten of the -- he was found dead, his body was recovered in gaza strip, was confirmed by the idf this morning, early this morning here in texas, that his body is actually recovered and found it in gaza strip. we can only assume as we don't have any evidence of what happened on october 7th, we know it was very hard to trace every single one of the hostages. and we know exactly what happened. same thing has happened to my aunt. it's really hard to know the details at this point, but here we are again few days after big sigh of relief to our family with daron, ros, and aviv being reunited and our family finally could take a big sigh of relief and joy, happiness. and here we are today again mourning and dealing with the grave sadness and the loss of another family member that was so close and dear to us all. >> what's your reaction hearing that ravid's body remains with hamas? >> i think that we heard throughout the 50 days that the orders of the hamas received was to grab anything they can, even dead body, so they can then go back and negotiate those for receiving prisoners. we saw that years ago with the team that was captured, and they were trying to do the same with dead bodies. they're trying to negotiate any possible way. and i think, again, it just points out to who we are dealing with here and how low they can go as far as treating human beings on the very basic levels of humanity. this is outraging and really hard to know that they're holding bodies just so we can negotiate -- so they can negotiate them for live people that are to be returned back to the gaza strip. those are convicted criminals. i think that we value life in israel a whole lot more, and we want those people to be back with our family so we can give them the proper funeral and burial that it is so needed for our family to grieve and mourn those who we've lost. >> tell us a little about ravid. i know he had a baby daughter, as well. >> yeah. he left behind a mother and father, three sisters and three young kids, the youngest was 6 months old. little baby girl, that she's absolutely an adorable little beautiful girl. he's a very sweet man that always remembered for his laugh and his faces. always had a smile on his face. he loved life. he's a wonderful father, wonderful husband, and a great family member. it's always been -- i have many, many memories of him spending the summertime with him when we came to visit our family down south. so we were very saddened to hear the news today. we were hoping for a better outcome obviously than to hear about the news today. >> certainly. it has been a few days since daron and the girls were freed in the first exchange back on friday. i know you've been keeping your distance, but have you been able to speak with any of these family members or learn about the conditions they actually endured during their 48 days in captiviti? >> i have tried to reach out to them, had and we learn more details as we all hear from the people coming back from captivity about their poor condition just like the reporter before me stated that it is obviously a very hard human -- basic conditions to be in underground with very minimal food, no bed to sleep on, sometimes being forced to sleep on chairs or on the floor, groups or separated with very little sleep and very little comfort. i heard the kids were having a hard time, as well. some of them telling us that they had to be forced to watch those horrible images, and they were not allowed to cry or talk loudly. they had to whisper. it is chilling to the core. it's really -- it's really hard to hear those, but we understand that, again, this is the life, and this is the conditions in prison by hamas. it just -- even kids are not spared from this kind of horrible conditions they're kept in. >> our hearts go out to you. thank you very much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you so much, wolf. >> and the united states says it's sending three additional plane loads of critical aid