Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240702

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hello and welcome to all our viewers joining us here in the united states, around the world and streaming on cnn max. i'm rosemary church. the ifd with a video that shows their claims that hamas had been operating inside the al-shifa complex. two dozen babies awaiting transfer to egypt. and trump returns to a familiar theme and secures a key endorsement. >> live from cnn center, this "cnn newsroom" with rosemary church. >> thanks for joining us. we begin in gaza, where we are now getting a look inside what the israeli military says is a hamas tunnel shaft in the hospital compound. the video was filmed by israel defense forces over the weekend. it begins on the outside before a camera is lowered down revealing a set of spiral stairs and the tunnel walls reinforced with concrete. israel says hamas has used al-shifa to cover up a terror infrastructure underground. something that hamas and hospital officials deny. the idf has release d videos an stills it claims hamas bringing hostages into the hospital the day of the attacks. cnn cannot confirm the identity of the individuals in the videos. meantime, 31 neonatal babies evacuated are being cared for in southern gaza. all is said to be fighting serious infections. one of the fathers, reunited with his newborn son after two weeks, said he wasn't sure if his child was alive. >> translator: thank god we feel our son is now safe after not seeing him for two weeks. we didn't know if he was dead or alive. they called us to tell us that the child feels better. but the israelis had dutt the street. we could only pray for his safety. i'm taking him home. may god help the rest of the parents. >> the babies are some of the evacuations from gaza's largest medical facility. a doctor spoke about the current situation there. >> the patients were able to move out of the hospital. the civilians all of them moved out of the hospital. most of the medical staff left the hospital. we were left with only 25 staff between nurses and doctors. clare sebastian is following developments in london. what are you learning about the idf video that claims to show a tunnel in the ground to the hamas area. and the video that shows hamas bringing hostages in on october 7th. >> we had two key sets of videos in the last 24 hours. a mark of the pressure that israel is under to really prove its claim that hamas is operating its terror in infrastructure under this hospital. and the camera being lowered into the tunnel. it shows that this camera being lowered into the tunnel. it reaches a door that's not been opened, according to the idf, if it's booby trapped. and this video that they say was filmed inside the hospital on october 7th. they say it shows in the first case, a hostage that is uninjured. and in this video, an injured person plbleeding, brought throh on a stretcher. ifd says the video shows one thai and one nepally hostages. they are doing their best this is a hospital that was used by hamas before. the hamas health ministry saying they question the authenticity of the videos. what they do show is anyone who needed it was given medical treatment at this hospital. the idf has brought journalists into gaza, including our oren leibermann. showed him to the entrance to a tunnel shaft they say led to the al-shifa hospital. listen to what a spokesperson told him. >> which direction was the tunnel go? >> we assume it goes out and has a corridor to this way. >> towards the hospital? >> it connects the hospital to outside. it implies with the way hamas is working, hamas is going out somewhere, shoot at the forces and going back inside to a safe place. >> reporter: uses words like "we assume" that shows they're in the thick of this. i think it's day six ongoing. they are investigating as hamas has been doing there. we get denies from hamas and hospital officials. pressure is mounting on israel to prove these claims. the u.n. hummes rights chief, said the actions that they may be holding against. >> what is the latest on the 31 babies evacuated from the neonatal unit at the hospital? >> an incredibly delicate, careful operation, brought to southern gaza to a hospital at rafah. the expectation is they will cross the border into egypt. i think we have images of the egyptian health officials waiting to receive them. as for the condition of these babies, they are said to be in serious condition. 11 in critical condition. all of them, according to doctors, have some degree of serious infections. they said this is a direct result of the conditions they faced at the hospital. lack of supplies and electricity to operate the incubators. listen to what the doctors said. >> we're conducting tests on all of the babies. they are given fluids. for now, they are a in difficult, stable condition. this might deteriorate. we might run out of electricity at any time. >> it is precarious. 31 babies made it to rafah. several died at al-shifa. few family members are traveling with the babies. once they do make it into egypt, if the health does improve, the future, it's safe the say, is uncertain. >> so tiny, to vulnerable. clare sebastian, joining us live from london. many thanks. in the coming hours, families of hostages hamas is holding, are to meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and members of the war cabinet. they've been pushing the government to do more to bring home the loved ones. thousands of people participated in a five-day march, calling for the hostages' release. sources tell cnn that a deal to secure the release of some of the hostages hamas is holding could be days away. a recent draft of a possible deal proposes a four-day or five-day pause in fighting in exchange for the release of some 50 hostages. priscilla alvarez has details. >> reporter: negotiators working on the release of hostages expressed rare optimism over the weekend about the direction of the talks. sources say the deal includes a four-day or five-day pause and potentially more pauses thereafter. the sources stress that no deal has been struck yet. and text has been going back and forth for weeks, underscoring how delicate and intensive these talks have been. deputy national security adviser john finer said on cnn that disagreements have been narrowed down. they are the closest they have been since these negotiations started. he went on to say that nothing is agreed upon until everything is agreed upon, again showing how difficult this is for everyone involved. as an example, hamas stepped away or went dark from the negotiations once when israel raided al-shifa hospital. another key issue that sortses pointed to, was how to implement the deal. u.s. officials have stressed this is something they are working on over the course of multiple days. the president said he couldn't share anything as of let. all of this is going on behind the scenes as they try to reach some resolution on the hostages still held by hamas. priscilla alvarez, cnn, the white house. aaron david miller joins me in washington. he's a former state department middle east negotiator and a senior qufellow for the carnegi endowment for peace. >> thanks for having me. >> you wrote an article that you make the case that when the u.s. president says there's no going back to the status quo as it stood on october 6th, he commits the u.s. to a role of finding a solution on the conflict. and on saturday, president biden wrote about that, saying a two-state solution, two peoples living side-by-side, with equal opportunities of freedom, opportunity and dignity must be where this leads. but this vision of a two-state solution hasn't been embraced by israel? and who is the right person to lead and govern the palestinian people? >> the reality is, over the years -- and i played a part in the agreements, there were palestinian leaders, yasser arafat, in particular, who were prepared to engage on this issue. the reality is they could not reach in an agreement. the last best chance was july 2000, when president clinton invited yasser arafat and israeli ehud barak to a 14-day summit. to do this deal, you need a few things. leaders on both sides who are masters of political houses, not prisoners of ideology. you need a sense of ownership on both. they have to care about reaching an agreement as a consequence of internal needs and future of their societies. not a consequence of external pressure. you need an effective mediator who is willing to be assuring at times and to apply pressure at others. and need some agreement on the end state. unfortunately, during the last 20 years, all of thesese factor have never aligned. i'm not arguing that somehehow it's now they won't align. but the president commits himself in a galactic sweeping statement, there can be no return to october 6th. that's a remarkable statement for a president to make. >> pressure is mounting for israel to show evidence to justify its attacks on the largest hospital. now, israel claims a tunnel shaft after under the al-shifa hospital grounds. what's your reaction to that video? does this justify attacks on the hospital? and show a ra hamas command cen? >> israelis face a cruel dilemmas. after the terror surge, how do you prosecute a war to eradicate hamas as a military organization and protect hundreds of thousands of palestinians when hamas is co-locating the assets in residential neighborhoods and in hospitals. and mosques. that's thehe real question. israelis put a lot in stake -- there is a lot at stake in trying to determine if the evidence they think exists underneath that hospital really does. the hospital issue is emblematic of the difficulties involved in prosecuting this confrontation. and hamas benefits. hamas is denying any command center under the hospital. the white house is saying hostage negotiations are closer than they have been at any point. sources talking about a draft deal, with a four-day or five-day pause in fighting with initial relief of 50 hostages. how difficult are negotiations like this? >> when you are negotiating indirectly, theyey will be extremely difficult. who can be certain this is not what they convey? and the messages back face the same problem. in negotiations, there's two speeds. slow and slower. i suspect these negotiations have been ongoing for the last several weeks. they're complicated. and people talk about this. it's not a question of ha mimi hamas releasing 50 children and women. it's israelis releasing palestinians from israeli jails, perhaps more equivalent number of palestinian women and adolescent prisoners they are holding. then, there's the matter of the duration for this pause. three days? four days? five days? and the difficult problem of creating confidence and trust. during this period, you can actually create a safe passage way. and the transfer and the exchange. and it's extremely complicated, particularly in a war zone. it's only the first of many twists and turns. >> aaron david miller, appreciate your time. thanks. ukraine says russia launched drone attacks on kyiv for a second night in a row. argentina went to the polls in a presidential election. and handed the top job to a political outsider. that story and more to come here on cnn. some news just coming into cnn. secretary lloyd austin has just arrived in kiev ukraine. this is the second trip to kyiv. it comes as ukrainian forces say they have pushed back russian troops on the river front. it is a significant gain for ukraine's military. cnn cannot confirm the extent of ukraine's advances. but russian officials have confirmed that ukrainian forces have crossed the river and established positions there. ukraine says russia launched drone attacks on kyiv saturday into subd. but no damage or casualties were reported. anna joins us live. lloyd austin just arrived in kyiv. what are you learning about his surprise visit to the capital and ukraine's claim of significa significant gains on the river front? >> lloyd austin's visit is a shot in the arm for ukrainians. they have been feeling neglected. the west has been distracted by the war in israel. that's caused concern here in kyiv. to have lloyd austin, the defense secretary visiting is a boost in morale.minister. he will meet with zelensky later in the day. he will want an update on the counteroffensive that's been going on for four months. to be frank, it's been a failure. it's been dismal. they've not achieved what they wanted to achieve. one of the aims was to take back the land bridge with crimea. not even close. the front continues to happen on the east and on the south. that's where the brutal and bloody wars are being fought. that's happening in the east. and in the south, kherson. and you mentioned the operation. yes, troops have managed to get to the left bank, according to ukrainian forces. they have pushed them three to eight kilometers. but to stop the artillery, they need to push them back 25 kilometers. into that occupied territory. it's a huge ask. this is significant but it's tenuous. >> where does the fighting stand an a broader sense along the 600-mile-front line? >> this is a war of attrition, rosemary. no two ways about it, i should say. this is ground to a halt. you train doesn't have advanced weapons to make significant gains. this is a slugfest between the two sides. we heard a few weeks ago, there was a piece in "the economist," and says ukraine needs advanced weaponry to make gains. right now, they do not have that. with lloyd austin here in town, weaponry will be discussed. ukraine has a long laundry list of what they need. ammunition, drones. arms defense systems. it just goes on. hopefully part of lloyd austin's mission to ukraine is to deliver some of that aid. on the mind of president zelensky is that $61 billion funding bill before congress. the ukrainians are anxious if that will be passed. we know the headwinds that president biden is up against. and the deep divisions in the republican party to keep funding the ukraine war. if that $61 billion is passed, they say that will see ukraine through 2024. this is critical. we are moving into winter. we know in parts of the battlefield, it's snowing. conditions are difficult. but certainly, ukrainians need that support and that long-term commitment from the west. hopefully lloyd austin's visit here today, will move towards that. we will be jwatching for that. donald trump gets a key endorsement for the republican nomination. we'll have that after a short break. c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. welcome back, everyone. javier milei has won argentina's runoff election. we have a report. >> reporter: javier mile is the new president elect of argentina. the far-right politician and narco-libertarian won on sunday night against the current finance minister by a comfortable margin over 11 percentage points. massa congratulated milei hours after the polls were closed. in his first speech as president-elect, milei struck a confident tone over the future of his country. >> translator: i want to tell argentina today begins the end of decadence of our country. we return to the path that we never should have left. today, we go back to the path that made this country great. >> reporter: he inherents a difficult situation. argentina is suffering from the worst economic crisis of the last 20 years. inflation is over 140% this month. and the country is once again struggling to pay back international debtors. milei is going to shut down the central bank with a group of ministries, as his strategy to bring the finances back in order. the transition has begun. former u.s. president donald trump spent sunday on the campaign trail. he appeared at events in texas. and secured endorsement of the state's republican governor greg abbott. he is escalating his anti-immigrant rhetoric. kristen holmes was there in texas and has this report. >> reporter: part of this was an endorsement by greg abbott. it comes at a time when donald trump is inches towarding the gop nomination. and we're learning about what a trump 2025 agenda would look like. and as a particular focus on immigration. we're told by sources he wants to expand his hard-line immigration policies of his first term, including with mass deportation. they have a plan to round up migrants and put them in detention camps. it requires tapping local law enforcement. donald trump, as we said, is inching towards the gop nomination. we're starting to see what it would look like in a head-to-head. and there's talk about whether this immigration rhetoric would withstand a re-election. we heard biden's saying that is inhumane. that is not something we'll see until further down the road. kristen holmes, cnn, mcallenen, texas. >> we'e'll be righght back. israeli military says iran-backed rebels have hijacked a cargo ship in the red sea and are threatening to target more. ben wedeman has the latest. >> reporter: rebels seized a cargo ship sunday afternoon, hours after the iranian-backed groups military wing had warned in retaliation, they would target any ship flying the israeli flag or owned or operated by an israeli company. the ship we're talking about, flying under the flag of the bahamas, was bound for india from turkey. israeli officials insist the galaxy leader is not israeli-owned and there were no israelis among the crew. the seizure was a grave incident of global consequence. a spokesman for the houthis confirmed that their forces had seized the ship. he said the crew was being treated in accordance with islamic values. and warned that any israeli ship would be a target. the houthis are part of what is known as the axis of resistance, led by iran. since the war began between israel and hamas, the houthis have fired missiles towards israel. the tax fraud trial for pop star shakira begins in a few hours in barcelona, spain. the singer is accused of not paying more than $15 million in spanish income taxes between 2012 and 2014. shakira denies the allegations, insisting she didn't live in spain during that period. if convicted she could face up to eight years in prison and a fine of more than $25 million. two turkeys from minnesota are heading to the white house for the annual presidential pardon ceremony. liberty and bell made their debut at the willard intercontinental hotel on sunday where they will spend the night. they waddled through the crystal ballroom to get ready for the crowds and the loud noises. both turkeys listened to music. including hits from taylor swift and prince. 12 thanks for joining us. i'm rosemary church. for our international viewers, "world sport" is up next. for our viewers in the united states and canada, i'll be back after a short break. stick around. a warm welcome back to our viewers in north america. i'm rosemary church. a rally was held in california sunday for paul kesler, a jewish man who died at a pro-israel demonstration earlier this month. supporters waved american and israeli flags at the rally, put on by the organization end jew hatred. they demanded justice for the 69-year-old kesler. >> to see somebody punched in the face with a megaphone and to see headlines afterwards saying he died from falling back on his head, that's not okay. we're hear to show support and say that's not okay. >> prosecutors pieced together hundreds of photo evidence to make an arrest in kesler's death. investigators say kesler fell and hit his head after an altercation with a pro-palestinian protesters during dueling rallies back on november 5th. hate groups in the u.s. are taking advantage of the tensions caused by the conflict in the middle east to stoke anti-semitism at home. some are using artificial intelligence as a way the harass the jewish community. some of the images you're about to see are offensive. >> reporter: these are not typical pro-palestinian protesters outside of the white house. >> it's a bunch of lies. like the holocaust is a bunch of lies. >> reporter: they are part after on anti-semitic group from white supremacists. some behind the 2017 unite the right valley in charlottesville, virginia. they are one of multiple hate groups in the united states, using the israel/hamas conflict to push anti-semitism. but they're not just showing up at protests. they are dumping flyers in neighborhoods across the country. it's happened in turkey five states so far this year. >> i can't believe the hate that exists towards the jewish team. >> reporter: some of the flyers are the network of anti-extremists who are disrupting city council meetings. they call in to spew hate. >> it's always the jews. >> the american slave trade was jewish. >> reporter: a few weeks ago, a new tack tic using artificial intelligence. >> i'm the ceo of the anti-defamation league. >> that may sound like jonathan gree greenblatt. >> the adl tracks anti-semitic incidents. >> reporter: it wasn't him. it was a fake voice created using a.i. we are finally admitting the truth. >> reporter: the defense league celebrated the call-in stunt that made it sound like the adl was endorsing the hate group's flyers. >> we cannot debunk them. they are true. this is an attempt to disrupt and demean and shock people. >> reporter: the head of the group is serving a 30-day jail sentence in florida for littering charges relating to the anti-semitic fliers. >> communities are shareing active footage from hamas, celebrating the death of jewish people. >> reporter: he says there's been a smaszive spike in support for hamas. the extremists are taking this a step further, using a.i. to imitate and to actually create anti-semitic and hateful images. >> there's a weird fusion where hamas propaganda started tos aesthetically blend with anti-semitic tropes for years. >> reporter: the threats are serious and drawing the attention of law enforcement. in this document, u.s. hate groups continue to call for violence are celebrating attacks on the jewish community. they could use the hamas attacks as an inspiration to fight. >> no home nazis. >> reporter: palestinian protesters made it clear to us they don't want anything to do with the hate groups. neo-nazi hate groups showing up to demonstrations like this, how does it make you feel? >> i think it's horrible. >> white supremacist opportunists that are using the palestinian cause are not welcome. the blins stand against all forms of hatred and racism. >> reporter: this highlights how artificial intelligence, whether it's the creation of deep fake video or fake images there, as you saw in that report, can be used to supercharge disinformation and misinformation and something we have to be on the lookout for. social media platforms and political parties we'll have to be aware of in 2024. with critical elections in the united states and india and elsewhere around the world. the u.s. is mourning the loss of former first lady rosalynn carter, who died on sunday at the age of 96. she passed away surrounded by family in her hometown of plains, georgia, the small southern city that became a household name after her husband, jimmy carter, was elected 39th president of the united states in 1977. while the courters only served one term in the white house, it would provide memories that would last a lifetime. >> i loved it. i liked it all. jimmy did, too. and all of the time he was president, with all of the criticisms, he thought he was doing the right thing and the best thing for our country. >> mrs. carter was known for her humanitarian contributions and was an advocate for mental health care. she had entered hospice on friday, according to the center. wolf blitzer has more on rosalynn carter's life and legacy. >> reporter: a soft-spoken small-town girl, rosalynn carter was one of the most charming first ladies. born in plains, georgia, she was valedictorian of her high school class and met jimmy carter when he was in the u.s. navy. >> i love and respect and cherish and honor my wife, rosalynn. >> reporter: when his father died in 1953, they moved back to plains to manage the family's peanut farm. >> i didn't want to go home. i thought i had outgrown plains, georgia. i had gotten too big for my britches. i only pouted about a year after we got home. >> reporter: they had four children, three boys and one daughter. jimmy carter entered politics and rosalynn hit the campaign trail. >> campaigning was fun up to a certain point. i got to travel and see the whole country. the most fun are the people you meet. >> reporter: she supported her husband's bids to become governor of georgia and later president of the united states. >> reporter: mrs. carter was an active member of the presidency. she was a strong advocate for equal treatment for the mentally ill. >> if they had coverage for the mental illness, the overall health care costs could come down. >> reporter: when the carters left the white house in 1981, they spearheaded a new challenge, habitat for humanity, building houses for the poor. >> the whole community has come together to get rid of poverty. >> reporter: a year later, they established the carter center, a foundation devoted to promoting human rights, resolving conflicts and eradicating diseases. mrs. carter continued to reducing the focus of stigma of mental illness. >> really proud of you. impressed with what you can do. >> reporter: another focus, care giving, a focus close to her heart. >> it's been part of my life since i was 12 years old. and my father was diagnosed with leukemia. we lived in a small town. and all of the neighbors rallied around. i vividly remember going to my secret hiding place to cry. where i could be alone. >> reporter: in 1999, rosalynn and jimmy carter were honored with the medal of freedom, the nation's highest honor for civilians. >> rosalynn and i have visited 115 nations in the world. >> reporter: mrs. carter was often irritated that her husband was praised after the administration. she accepted that was politics. >> doesn't matter what you do. you're going to be criticized for it. do what you want to do. >> reporter: they were a remarkably close first couple. jimmy carter used to say rosalynn was much more than his wife. >> it es ooh always rosalynn to whom i turn for the primary advice. she's the matriarch. they know they will get a sympathetic ear. >> reporter: she remained by his side, occasionally joining with other first families. supporting each other in their twilight. she was dementia and mr. carter in hospice. and in the 39th president, rosalynn carter got more than just a husband. >> my life with jimmy carter is more adventurous than i dreamed it would be. >> rosalynn carter's contribution certainly not going unnoticed. current first lady jill biden shared the news of carter's passing with military members and their families in virginia on sunday. she asked them to remember the carter family during the holiday season. former president george w. bush and laura bush, released a statement saying in part, rosalynn was a woman of dignity and strength. there was no greater advocate of president carter and their partnership set a wonderful example of loyalty and fidelity. the group habitat for humanity also shared condolences, coasting, posting, quote, we are saddened that rosalynn carter has died. she worked seriously to help families around the world. thank you for your company. i'm rosemary church. i'll be back with more cnn newsroom after a short break.

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Viewers , Hello , Around The World , United States , Cnn Max , Video , Ifd , Rosemary Church , Hamas , Babies , Trump , Al Shifa Complex , Egypt , Their , Two , Endorsement , Theme , Cnn Center , Cnn Newsroom , Thanks , Israeli , Southern Gaza , Military , Look , Hamas Tunnel Shaft , Hospital Compound , Weekend , Tunnel , Israel Defense Forces , Camera , Outside , Concrete , Walls , Set , Spiral Stairs , Something , Videos , Officials , Terror Infrastructure Underground , D , Attacks , Hostages , Cnn , Individuals , Identity , Wall , One , Infections , Fathers , 31 , God , Child , Son , Translator , Home , Israelis , Safety , Dutt The Street , Some , Situation , Doctor , Rest , Parents , Facility , Evacuations , Civilians , Staff , Most , Patients , Doctors , Clare Sebastian , Nurses , 25 , Ground , Developments , Area , London , Pressure , Mark , Bringing Hostages In On October 7th , Sets , October 7th , 7 , 24 , Claim , Infrastructure , Terror , Door , Hospital On October 7th , Booby 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National Security Adviser , John Finer , Everyone , Example , Everything , Nothing , Issue , Sortses , President , Anything , Course , Let , Couldn T Share , Aaron David Miller , White House , Resolution , Scenes , Negotiator , Endowment , Article , Peace , State Department , Qufellow , Middle East , Washington , Carnegi , Jill Biden , Conflict , Solution , Role , October 6th , Status Quo , 6 , Two State Solution , Peoples , Opportunities , Freedom , Side By , Dignity , Vision , Person , Leads , Opportunity , Two State Solution Hasn T , Part , Reality , Leaders , Particular , Agreements , Palestinian , Yasser Arafat , Agreement , Clinton , Chance , 2000 , July 2000 , Houses , Sides , Things , Masters , Ehud Barak , 14 , Consequence , Sense , Needs , Prisoners , Both , Societies , Ideology , Ownership , Estate , Mediator , Times , The End , Others , Assuring , Somehehow , Thesese Factor , Align , 20 , Statement , Evidence , Return , Al Shifa Hospital Grounds , Reaction , Ra Hamas , Command Cen , War , Military Organization , Dilemmas , Terror Surge , Assets , Protect Hundreds Of Thousands , Lot , Stake , Hospitals , Neighborhoods , Mosques , Thehe Real Question , Hospital Issue , Command Center , Confrontation , Difficulties , Benefits , Point , Hostage Negotiations , Draft Deal , Relief , Problem , Messages , Theyey , Speeds , Women , Children , Ha Mimi Hamas , Jails , Question , Matter , Number , Three , Confidence , Transfer , Trust , Safe Passage Way , First , War Zone , Turns , Twists , Ukraine , Drone Attacks , On Kyiv , Russia , Argentina , Polls , More , Election , Story , Outsider , Row , Job , Lloyd Austin , News , Kyiv , Trip , Front , Troops , River , Gain , Positions , Extent , Advances , Casualties , Anna , Damage , Significa , Surprise , Capital , Visit , Ukrainians , West , Shot , Concern , Arm , Zelensky , Visiting , Minister , Boost , Defense Secretary , Update , Counteroffensive , Failure , Land Bridge , Aims , Crimea , South , Wars , Least , Bank , Kherson , Yes , Territory , Artillery , Mask , Eight , War Of Attrition , Front Line , 600 Mile Front , 600 , It , Gains , Doesn T , Weapons , Ways , Halt , Slugfest , Piece , The Economist , Town , Weaponry , Drones , Laundry List , Ammunition , Arms Defense Systems , Hopefully Part , Funding Bill , Mind , Aid , Congress , 61 Billion , 1 Billion , Headwinds , Republican Party , Divisions , 2024 , Parts , Commitment , Winter , Battlefield , Snowing , Jwatching , Here Today , Donald Trump , Nomination , Break , Game , Neighbors , C Mon Baby , Touchdown Baby , Touchdown , Go , Go , Internet , 5g , Bit , Airport , Salad , Noise Cancelling Earmuffs , 5 , Don T , Xfinity 10g Network , Verizon , T Mobile , 10 , Javier Milei , Runoff Election , Welcome Back , Report , President Elect , Politician , Javier Mile , Finance Minister , Points , Margin , Sunday Night , Narco Libertarian , Country , Speech , Tone , Massa , Path , Decadence , Suffering , Inflation , Crisis , 140 , Hate Group , Ministries , Debtors , Strategy , Finances , Central Bank , Campaign Trail , Transition , Order , Events , Texas , Greg Abbott , Rhetoric , Kristen Holmes , Learning , Term , Immigration Policies , Mass Deportation , Agenda , Focus On Immigration , 2025 , Law Enforcement , Migrants , Plan , Detention Camps , Saying , Immigration Rhetoric , Re Election , Road , Righght Back , We E , Mcallenen , Rebels Seized A Cargo Ship Sunday Afternoon , Israeli Military , Cargo Ship , Rebels , Iran , Ben Wedeman , Red Sea , Ship , Company , Flag , Groups , Retaliation , Military Wing , Crew , Galaxy Leader , Turkey , India , Bahamas , Houthis , Spokesman , Incident , Seizure , Islamic , Accordance , Led , Target , Axis Of Resistance , Missiles , Houthis Have , Tax Fraud Trial For Pop Star Shakira , Singer , Income Taxes , Spain , Barcelona , 2014 Shakira , 2012 , 5 Million , 2014 , 15 Million , Shakira , Allegations , Prison , Fine , 25 Million , Turkeys , Liberty , Pardon Ceremony , Minnesota , Bell , Debut , Noises , Crystal Ballroom , Crowds , Music , Willard Intercontinental Hotel , Taylor Swift , 12 , World Sport , Canada , Rally , Warm , California Sunday , North America , Jewish , Paul Kesler , Supporters , Flags , Demonstration , Jew Hatred , Organization , Head , Somebody , Old Kesler , Headlines , Justice , Face , Megaphone , 69 , Death , Support , Photo Evidence , Prosecutors , Arrest , Hate Groups , Protesters , Altercation , November 5th , Investigators , Artificial Intelligence , Anti Semitism , Advantage , Tensions , Jewish Community , Bunch , Lies , Holocaust , Valley , Unite The Right , White Supremacists , Virginia , Charlottesville , 2017 , Flyers , Protests , Hate , States , Team , City Council , Anti Extremists , Meetings , Network , American Slave Trade , Incidents , Tack Tic , Ceo , Gree Greenblatt , Anti Defamation League , Wasn T Him , Defense League , Stunt , Voice , Truth , A I , Attempt , Shock , 30 , Communities , Charges , Littering , Fliers , Sentence , Footage , Florida , Extremists , Step , Smaszive Spike , Propaganda , Fusion , Tos , Attention , Tropes , Document , Threats , Violence , Inspiration , Nazis , Demonstrations , Opportunists , Hatred , Cause , Racism , Eforms , Blins Stand , Lookout , Misinformation , Creation , Supercharge Disinformation , World , Parties , Elections , Mourning , Elsewhere , Social Media Platforms , Rosalynn Carter , Plains , Family , The Small Southern City , Georgia , Hometown , Loss , Age , On Sunday , 96 , Jimmy Carter , 39th President Of The United States , Courters , Household Name , 1977 , 39 , Thing , Lifetime , Criticisms , Memories , Mrs , Carter Family , Advocate , Hospice , Mental Health Care , Contributions , Life , Center , Legacy , Wolf Blitzer , Ladies , Valedictorian , High School Class , Small Town Girl , Father , Wife , Met , U S Navy , Peanut Farm , My Britches , 1953 , Politics , Boys , Daughter , Campaigning , Fun , Presidency , Member , Governor , Bids , Health Care Costs , Mental Illness , Coverage , Carter Center , Carters , Community , Challenge , Poverty , Building Houses For The Poor , Habitat For Humanity , 1981 , Focus , Human Rights , Diseases , Stigma , Resolving Conflicts , Heart , Leukemia , Care Giving , Medal Of Freedom , Nation , Hiding , Cry , 1999 , Nations , Husband , Administration , 115 , Rosalynn , Side , Ear , Advice , Couple , Matriarch , Es Ooh , Each Other , Twilight , Mr , Dementia , Contribution , Passing , Holiday Season , Virginia On Sunday , George W Bush , Laura Bush , Partnership , Strength , Woman , Fidelity , Loyalty , Condolences , Coasting , Posting , Quote , Newsroom ,

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