Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240702

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a warm welcome to our viewers joining us in the united states and around the world. just ahead on "cnn newsroom" -- >> hamas continue nell below gaza's largest hospital, that is what the israeli military says this video shows. >> solid intelligence that hamas was using the hospital in that way. >> it is like a cage. no water, no electricity. doctors are performing operations without medicine. >> you can count on the united states. we're delivering on our promises and we're doubling down on our progress. >> george santos is a fraud, he should not be a member of congress. >> george santos? ehh. he's got to go. >> live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster and bianca nobilo. >> it is friday, november 17, 9:00 a.m. in london, 11:00 a.m. in gaza where the israeli army says its troops have found a tunnel shaft on the grounds of the biggest hospital. images show a deep hole surrounded by sconcrete and rubble. the israel defense forces say weapons were also found in vehicles at the hospital. hamas calls the claims baseless lies. cnn can't verify the accusations of either side. here you can see the layout of the al-shifa hospital complex with the tunnel marked in the upper left. the location of the hamas equipment idf says it found is outlined in yellow in the center. jeremy diamond has a closer look at the situation at the hospital. >> reporter: hamas tunnel below gaza's largest hospital, that is what the israeli military says this video shows nearly 48 hours after israeli forces raided al-shifa hospital, these are the first images of what the israeli military says is an operational tunnel shaft on the grounds of the hospital complex. cnn cannot independently verify those claims. but using this frame, cnn has geo located this video to the al-shifa complex about 30 meters away from one of the hospital's main buildings. for weeks israeli officials have laid the groundwork for an operation targeting shifa hospital claiming hamas operates a massive underground complex below it and in recent days the u.s. has also backed up those allegations. >> one thing has been established, that hamas does have headquarters, weapons, material below this hospital. >> reporter: as israeli special forces continue searching the hospital complex, they are also uncovering weapons and ammunition. >> there is an ak 47, there are cartridges, ammo, there are grenades in here. >> reporter: and they call it concrete thaefevidence that ham used the large hospital to wage war. near the hospital israeli officials also say they found the body of a 65-year-old who was among those abducted on october 7. israel's decision to send troops into a hospital has drawn fierce criticism with the aid chief saying he is appalled by the raid. president biden standing by israel's actions. >> strit is not like they are rushing in and knocking down doors and shooting people indiscriminately. >> reporter: amid the fighting, the families of hostages held by hamas ramping up the pressure. >> there whole huge march of families up to jerusalem comes to make a very clear stand to our government that they need to take any deal that they have and pay any price for these people, for their citizens pretty much. >> reporter: as negotiations drag on over a deal that could see hamas free dozens of women and children, in exchange for a multiday ceasefire -- >> this is my sister and my niece, she is 12. >> reporter: their families racked with anxiety. >> it has been nerve-racking because we don't know who to believe. we are trying to kind of create the last remnants of faith and trust in our government that when a relevant deal comes to the table they will take it. >> reporter: for now, they march and wait. jeremy diamond, cnn, ashkelon. and israeli military says the body of another hostage was found another a structures nea the hospital and is bebeing brought home. he was a 19-year-old corporal. hamas claims she had been killed in an israeli airstrike. meanwhile one witness says civilians are paying a heavy price for israel's military action in gaza. a palestinian american who recently escaped from the enclave spoke to jake tapper yesterday. this is what she said. >> what is happening is a human catastrophe. seriously what is going on in there has to make no sense. people are suffering, people are dying. bombing is everywhere. it is not only a specific part or group of people. they are bombing, israel unfortunately, they are bombing hospitals, they are bombing houses, they are bombing everywhere. they are bombing like premature babies now are dying slowly because incubators are not functioning. premature babies has nothing to do with this. they are innocent people. they are bombing churches, hospitals. >> let's go to scott mclean who is live for us in istanbul. in terms of the very latest about the hospital, what they discovered there, which many see as, you know, justification for not just the raid on the hospital, but also the wider raid on gaza. what do we know about what has been discovered? >> yeah, so the u.n. human rights chief says that an investigation frankly is needed because there are competing narratives and especially when it comes to the al-shifa hospital, those narratives don't have all that much in common even when you look at the humanitarian situation on the ground. you had the hospital director doing a phone interview with al jazeera where he described a very desperate situation at the hos hospital, thousands killed, hundreds wounltded and he says e children are starving because there is not enough water to make milk or baby formula. the idf in stark contrast says they are providing enough food, they are providing water to people and they are also providing safe corridors to people to get out of the hospital and move to safer areas. and when it comes to the justification that israel says that it moved into the hospital, the narratives are also very different. israel put out a video this week claiming to show that there were weapons inside the hospital, another one yesterday claiming to show that there is a tunnel that runs underneath of the hospital. hamas though has called that ridiculous. they say that there is no evidence that there is any kind of command and control center underneath of the hospital. they say that the international community should come and see for themselves. the u.n. says that it has asked both sides for guarantees for their own safety of their people. they are still waiting to hear back. they say nothing will happen soon because they won't investigate while bombs are still falling. >> some people suggesting there might be an intelligence failure here. what would that mean in terms of the support that israel has behind this mission? >> reporter: i think israel undoubtedly is under a lot of pressure to prove that the accusations that they have made about the al-shifa hospital are in fact true. even before the hospital raid, there was already a lot of pressure from international organizations, the international -- many international countries as well. very critical of israel. and especially in this region. and i think the jordanian foreign minister summed it up pretty well, the sentiment coming from this region where he said that look, there are deals that jordan was trying to make with israel, but those are all shelved right now because nobody sees any value at least in his country of working with the israelis. and he described the progress in recent years that has been set back in terms of israeli relations with the region. listen. >> it pushed us back to beyond 30 years ago in the viability of peace.e. and that is all on israel. israel is not producing securities for itself by the killing of innocent palestinians. it is putting the whole region on fire again and destroyed the hard work over decades to come to a peaceful conclusion of the conflict. >> reporter: foreign minister there was also very critical of the western position on the conflict in gaza saying that if another country did even a fraction of what israel has done, they would be under huge international sanctions. he says this is not self-defense, this is vengeance. and perhaps the east/west divide will be on full display today in germany as the turkish president erdogan, one of the most outspoken critics of israel as of late, will be visiting the german chancellor who has a very different perspective. >> scott mclean, thank you. embattled new york congressman george santos announced on thursday that he will not seek re-election after thursday's scathing ethics report into his behavior. santos says he will hold a news conference on november 30 when congress returns from the thanksgiving recess. manu raju explains. some of his fellow republicans are already calling on him to be kicked out of congress. >> george santos is a fraud. >> reporter: george santos now at serious risk of being removed from congress, as support grows for his expulsion following a devastating report from the bipartisan ethics committee saying he sought to fraudulently exploit every aspect of his candidacy for his own personal financial profit. the panel found that he stole from his campaign including for travel and botox, even making a payment to online sub descr description service that primarily shows adults content. and he obtained fictitious loans through a constant series of lies. >> i think the people of his district need representation and they are not getting that. >> reporter: and the report concluded that he knowingly filed false reports with the fec and made willful violations with financial disclosures. chairman of the ethics committee plans to file a resolution to expel santos. he would be the sixth house member ever expelled, but the others were removed after being convicted in court or fighting for the confederacy. >> that would be enough for manies to be able to make a decision as to whether or not they believe it would be proper to expel him. >> reporter: in an interview earlier this month, cnn acknowledged making mistakes in his filings. they said you made up your income and that could be an ethics problem. what happened, did you not list it properly here in. >> all i can say is, first, no, that is not true. second, were there mistakes made on those forms? now i know there were. was i -- were they malicious? no. i didn't understand how that worked. and i'm a new candidate and i'm sorry that like mistakes were made. >> reporter: and denied making fake loans to his campaign. one of the things they say is that there is a $500,000 loan that you made. >> oh, i made a $500,000 loan. >> reporter: but you had $8,000 in your bank account and they say there is no evidence of -- >> like i said, i made -- i can guarantee you that i made the financial loans to my campaign that are on the record. >> reporter: and he blasted the bipartisan committee calling the report biased and a disgusting politicized smear. yet he did announce that he would not seek a second term next year saying his family deserved better. a reversal from just two weeks ago. so they excel you and put someone else in the seat, you will run in 2024? >> absolutely. >> reporter: support is growing to expel george santos among republicans. we expect that there needs to be about 50 republicans to vote to expel him in order to reach the two-thirds majority to kick him out of the chamber. only five other members have been expelled, those members were either convicted of a crime or they were fighting with the confederacy. so his expulsion would be an unprecedented event given that he has not been convicted yet, he is awaiting his trial date. but speaker mike johnson putting out a statement finding it very troubling the allegations detailed in this report, but the speaker is urging members to consider the impacts on the institution as they weigh their next steps. manu raju, cnn, capitol hill. former president trump is online and attacking the clerk of the judge overseeing his civil fraud trial in new york, but this time he won't face any fines or reprimands from judge eng engoron. mr. trump's post came just hours after a new york appeals court temporarily lifted the gag order barring him and his attorneys from bashing court staff, writing on truth social mr. trump called the woman a politically biased and oufts control trump hating clerk. now, judge engoron put the gag order in place after trump denigrated the clerk. the gag order is lifted until november 27 when a full panel of appeals court judges can hear the matter. the investigation into mishandling of documents is not expected to result in any criminal charges. two sources close to the investigation tell cnn that robert hur is completing a report but doesn't charge anyone with a crime. final report should be by the end of the year, but that is not a firm deadline. cnn has previously reported that charges in the court didn't appear likely. cnn has learned new charges may be filed against hunter biden he related to alleged tax crimes. two sources tell cnn that in addition to a grand jury in washington, d.c., the special counsel is also using a california grand jury to subpoena documents and possible testimony from several witnesses. paula reid has more on that story. >> reporter: special counsel prosecutors are now using a los angeles based grand jury to gather evidence related to hunter biden signaling that additional criminal charges could be coming for the president's son. the probe appears to be focused on hunter biden's alleged failure to pay taxes over several years. that was all supposed to be resolved by a plea deal but that deal fell apart. cnn has learned that multiple witnesses have been subpoenaed for testimony and documents and one of those witnesses is his uncle, james biden, who is also his former business partner. the special counsel has already brought gun charges against hunter biden in delaware. and delaware is where most of the investigation into hunter biden has been conducted the past several years, but his alleged tax crimes occurred in california. that is also where hunter biden lives. so the fact that they are now using the grand jury out in california signals that additional charges could possible be filed. representatives for the justice department at the white house, hunter biden and james biden all declined to comment. paula reid, cnn, washington. the man charged with attacking paul pelosi, husband of nancy pelosi, was found guilty in a federal court on thursday. >> drop the hammer. >> this is the police video of the attack at pelosi's home in san francisco in october of last year. during the trial paul pelosi testified that depape violently struck him in the head with a hammer after they struggled. a jury convicted depape of assault and attempted kidnapping of a federal official. here is the prosecutor. >> what this guilty verdict on all counts sends is a clear message that regardless of what your beliefs are, what you cannot do is physically attack a member of congress or their immediate family for their performance in their job. >> prosecutors say depape broke into the pelosi home last year with a a plan to kidnap nancy pelosi and hold her hostage. but she wasn't at home. depape could face up to 30 years in federal prison. his state trial expected to start later this month. the apec summit wraps up later today. we'll look at what has been accomplished so far. a live report from seoul is just ahead. and despite a host of legal cases against him, donald trump is holding on to the lead in the republican race for the white house. but another candidate is gaining ground as well. guess who? details on nikki haley's ascent in the polls just ahead. the apec summit in san francisco will hold its final sessions today. it includes a meeting between mr. biden and mexico's president. during the retreat the president will formally hand over the chair to the president of peru. wednesday there were lengthy talks between president biden and xi jinping aimed at easing tensions between those two super powers. paula hancocks is following all of this for us. might we get something substantial out of the retreat? >> reporter: well, max, this is the final day, so it is really wrapping up here. as you say the defining moment was that meeting between u.s. president biden and the chinese leader xi jinping. and there are 21 countries involved, but everybody was looking to that meeting as obviously the relations between the two main economies can trickle down and have an impact on all of the other countries as well. we've really seen the u.s. and china competing for influence in the indo-pacific area. on thursday, we heard from the u.s. president biden as host of the summit, he was speaking publicly and able to really give a pitch of why the united states is well placed to be the main influence in the region. >> you can count on the united states. we're delivering on our promises and we're doubling down on our progress. and we'll soon be -- we'll soon be your strong and steady partner as we continue working together to rindo-pacific regio that it is free and open, prosperous, secure, resilient and connected. >> reporter: and when it comes to xi jinping, he had definitely a financial and economic flavor to many of his meetings. he met with some of the top business leaders in the united states and was really in his keynote address pitching china for being open for business pointing out that if you have investment in china, you should increase it. and if you don't have investment there, you should start. he is coming to this meeting on the backdrop of an unhealthy economy really if you think about it in china, it hasn't had the bounce back that was expected after the covid pandemic. there is a crisis in the housing market. unemployment is at record highs. so that was really the rationale between many of xi jinping's meetings. he also met with japan's prime minister kishida. and we heard from the japanese side that they really expressed serious concerns about increasing military activity around japan. also saying that they wanted to reemphasize the importance of the taiwan strait's peace, something that they say was felt elsewhere in the region. >> okay. paula, thank you. argentine's two presidential candidates are wrapping up their campaigns. no owone won a majority last month, so they are going back to the polls to cast their ballots. massa seen here on the right, the current finance minister, hoping to lead the country out of the worst economic crisis really in decades. and then you have the conservative far right candidate and former tv pundit. he wants pay sow to replace the dollar as their currency. and some palestinians are forced to put their lives on the line for the fighting. still ahead, one family where death could wait around every corner. 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[ speaking in a non-english language ] >> reporter: with the little they can carry, they held out into the unknown. some too frail to walk. this journalist is filming the forced evacuation of his family along with more than 30 of their neighbors. his phone in his right hand and in the other his son. he speaks french with his son looking for his wife ahead. while waiting for other elderly neighbors struggling to catch up. [ speaking in a non-english language ] that constant buzz is drones overhead. the sound track for years. as they get to the other side of the street, he spots his neighbor. something is not right. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> reporter: ahmed was shot in the head. he didn't make it. and around the corner, two others, a man and a woman, also shot. it is uncertain who opened fire on the group. cnn geolocated the videos and traced the deadly journey out of central gaza city. we provided the israeli military with details of the innocent and these coordinates, but they did not respond to our request for comment. we reached rami now in the south. like most here, they were on their own. they got to shifa hospital but so did the war. witness to it all, the 2-year-old. >> translator: kept trying to make sure he is not scared and make him feel what he is seeing around us is a circus or amusement park. i don't know if i succeeded. the journeymiliationhumiliation trying to make it entertaining for him. >> reporter: i asked why he decided to film. >> translator: i just want this to get to the world so they know the injustice that we're facing. they cast doubt on everything we do. they are stronger in every way. not just militarily, but with the information that comes out. the narrative that comes out. the news that comes out. what they say is the truth and our words are lies. please just deliver our message. i don't want anything else. i don't want all those who have been killed to have died in vain. >> reporter: he doesn't know what they will do now, but says that he will only leave his homeland forced at gunpoint or dead. jomana karedsheh, cnn, london. israel says they have tried to call people in gaza to evacuate areas where military operations are under way to minimize civilian casualties, but there has been worldwide criticism on the number of deaths in gaza. the hamas controlled ministry of health says more than 11,400 people have been killed including 4700 children. if ultyou would like to get information to help, go to, you will find a list of vetted organizations providing assistance. now, a new polling shows two republican challengers are gaining ground on donald trump. chris christie questioned the former and current president's fitnesses to leefd. that is next. leleefd. thatat is next.. ealeefefd. that i is next. dleefd.. that is s next. . that i is next. s s to lead. that is nenext. s to l lead. thatat is next.. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. donald trump is laying out an aggressive agenda for what a possible second term would look like. kristen holmes reports on what is being planned if he takes back the white house next year. >> reporter: not only does donald trump plan to win back the white house, but he and his allies are already outlining plans to overall the federal government and implement radical policies within hours of taking the oath, vowing to purge the federal workforce. >> day one i will reissue my 2020 executive order restoring president's authority to tell rogue and corrupt bureaucrats you're fired! >> reporter: and use the justice department to target political adversaries. >> day one i'll direct the doj to investigate every radical district attorney and attorney general in america for their illegal racist and reverse enforcement of the law. >> reporter: as for the second day and beyond, trump and high school allies have promised to wield the power of the executive branch in unprecedented ways. >> in 2024, we are going to put america first like never before. >> reporter: with the focus on revenge, telling univision this month -- >> if i happen to be president and i see somebody who is doing well and beating me very badly, i say go down and indict them. >> reporter: as in his first term, many of trump's policies are expected to prompt robust legal challenges. and political opposition. >> typical constraints of a political process don't seem to apply to him. there is not a lot of law to deal with a president who just doesn't care about the law. >> reporter: this time to avoid delays, trump aligned groups are laying the ground work in advance. >> this is for conservatives to help the next standard bearer to be ready day one. >> reporter: paul dans oversees a transition team run by the heritage foundation. >> and we're a coalition now of 70 of the leading conservative organizations essentially conjoining our forces to bring great people into the fold, to put our ideas and people into the bloodstream in the next administration. >> reporter: these efforts are welcomed to a point. two of trump senior campaign advisers tells cnn none of these groups or individuals speak for president trump or his campaign. one priority in a second term? crackdown on illegal immigration that would go beyond the hard line proposals that fueled his first run for office including mass deportations and detention camps. >> we'll use all necessary state, local, federal and military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. and we have no choice. some people won't like that. we have no choice. >> reporter: the former president has also promised to expand his travel ban from predominantly muslim countries that joe biden rescinded after taking office. >> when i return i have to, the travel ban is coming back even bigger and much stronger than before. mr. trump is working on plans for second term and other candidates are containing support. new polling has nikki haley in the second place spot in new hampshire, a key 2024 primary state. trump still maintains a comfortable lead, but haley has climbed eight points since september. in iowa she is tied with ron desantis for second place. and in her home state, haley is ahead of desantis and second place behind trump by a wide margin. and chris christie is suggesting both president biden and donald trump are simply too old for a second term. >> this job is the hardest job in the world. it is relentless. every hour of every day you have to be ready. he is not ready. and by the way, neither is trump. this guy in the last couple weeks can't remember who the hell he's running against. how many times has he said when i beat barack obama. i'm like no, you didn't beat barack obama. you beat hillary clinton. they look a lot different. nations often referred to as afcon is one of the biggest sporting events. next competition takes place in january 2024. and we caught up with some sport and business experts to gather their expectations for the event. ♪ >> countries especially those in the global north love to use sports as a vehicle to show they are subpar and also the ability to be big in the industry. we saw how qatar went above and beyond in hosting the 2022 world cup. how australia has done a fantastic job this year as well. an event like afcon which is the flagship event here in africa, really positions any country that is able to host it as a country that understands the importance of having sports in there and also wants to be a big, big name within sports here in africa. and we all know that ivory coast is the best in a very long time. and so an ivory co-hosting afcon, it can really show to the world, show to africa first, that we understand sport and we want to develop sport and also show globally that we're getting ready for whatever sports especially football events that are coming in the subsequent years. >> this type of event would draw a lot of people from all over the world. so economically and diplomatically, it is an excellent opportunity for this country to sell itself. the economic returns will be long term because a lot of people have heard about it, they haven't been here, and so they here this country is a country with a lot of opportunity and an opportunity for them to do. even if you lose the competition itself, you still win because like i said, the competition is something that is functional. you come, you play, people are happy and then they go. but economically the fact that people came here and discovered this country, discovered the opportunity, they will certainly come back and invest and they will come and see attrthe attractiveness of this country, they will see the economic opportunity, the people. whatever they will see here will be something that certainly can reflect possibly of coming back. >> i think the construction industry is the first pillar of what it is. second pillar is the hospitality, events. but the first pillar is construction. it was construction that developed the regions. we engaged in building, in bringing technicals, technicians, equipment machinery, to build. we have a lot of local manpower that when we look at the future, we will leave a legacy of knowleledge. university researchers are using ai to drive innovation in robotics. in a new series called bold pursuit, will ripley meets with the scientists behind these incredible machines. >> reporter: our oceans remain largely unexplored and contain many mysteries and challenges. on the shores of abu dhabi, i've come to meet a team investigating what role robots could play in our oceans. >> we have the surface of the water and then the underwater drones. >> reporter: they are deploying the robots to perform various challenges. today they are simulating a task where robots one day could be used to clean up the oceans. >> there is a camera to identify the plastics. they go there and pick it up. and then we have the other which has these baskets and it drops there. and then this boat can bring toward the coastal. >> reporter: this research is being conducted by a team. >> we have 19 different researchers and also cleaning, inspection, agriculture. >> reporter: in this row would the robotics lab, they attach cameras and sensors. and in this research pool, wave simulation technology allows them to conduct their studies. using ai, they analyze the data. >> i've been working in the field since 1980s and there has never been a time like this. >> reporter: advances in technology are changing scientists' approach to robotics. the arrival of ai is a game changer. achieving their goal of building autonomous underwater robots is not easy. >> we don't have gps for example underwater. your visibility is poor. you have screens and you are buffeted each way. communication is very difficult as well. so many challenging problems. >> reporter: challenges that through shear determination and continuous research, these scientists aim to overcome. thank you for joining us here. i'm max foster. "early start" is next. right now on "early start," a tunnel shaft and body of a second israeli hostage, just some of what israel says

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Viewers , Around The World , United States , Al Shifa Hospital , Hamas , Cnn Newsroom , Israeli Military , Israeli , Hamas Tunnel Below Gaza , Intelligence , Video Shows , Nell , Way , Water , Promises , Operations , Cage , Electricity , Medicine , Doctors , George Santos , Progress , Fraud , Member , Congress , Ehh , Max Foster , Bianca Nobilo , London , 11 , 9 , 00 , Friday November 17 9 00 Am , 17 , Tunnel Shaft , Images , Grounds , Troops , Israeli Army , Deep Hole , Weapons , Vehicles , Rubble , Sconcrete , Israel Defense Forces , Accusations , Tunnel , Lies , Cnn Can T , Location , Side , Layout , Left , Reporter , Hospital , Jeremy Diamond , Situation , Look , Center , Yellow , Video , Forces , 48 , Claims , Buildings , Frame , Geo , Cannot , 30 , One , Officials , Groundwork , Operation , Complex , Special Forces , Allegations , Thing , Headquarters , Material , Cartridges , Ak , Ammunition , Ammo , Ham , Grenades , Concrete Thaefevidence , 47 , War , Body , Decision , October 7 , 7 , 65 , People , Raid , President , Aid Chief , Criticism , Actions , Doors , Strit , Biden Standing , Pressure , Government , Fighting , Families , Hostages , Stand , To Jerusalem , Deal , Children , Price , Negotiations , Dozens , Citizens , Exchange , Women , Sister , Niece , Ceasefire , Anxiety , Racking , Faith , Remnants , 12 , Table , Trust , Ashkelon , Hostage , Wasn T At Home , Corporal , Structures Nea The Hospital , Bebeing , 19 , Palestinian American , Witness , Action , Civilians , Airstrike , Enclave , Jake Tapper , Bombing , Everywhere , Human Catastrophe , Happening , Sense , Suffering , Group , Bombing Hospitals , Part , Bombing Houses , Babies , Nothing , Incubators , Churches , Scott Mclean , Justification , Terms , Hospitals , Let S Go , Istanbul , Investigation , U N , Human Rights , Chief , Ground , Hospital Director , Narratives , Those Narratives Don T , Phone Interview , Hos Hospital , Thousands , Al Jazeera , Contrast , Baby Formula , Milk , Food , Hundreds Wounltded , It , Areas , Move , Corridors , Underneath , Evidence , Guarantees , Command , Community , Sides , Control , Kind , Ridiculous , Bombs , Intelligence Failure , Safety , Lot , Support , Mission , Fact , Countries , Organizations , Hospital Raid , Region , Foreign Minister , Deals , Sentiment , Jordan , Jordanian , Country , Nobody , Relations , Israelis , Least , Value , Set , Securities , Viability , Peace E , Palestinians , Fire , Work , Conclusion , Killing , Conflict , Position , Sanctions , Fraction , Erdogan , Self Defense , Vengeance , Display , West Divide , Germany , Turkish , Chancellor , Critics , Perspective , New York , News Conference , Re Election , Behavior , Ethics , November 30 , Republicans , Some , Risk , Manu Raju , Report , Expulsion , Panel , Candidacy , Profit , Aspect , Bipartisan Ethics Committee , Campaign , Description Service , Travel , Payment , Botox , Adults Content , Descr , Series , Loans , District Need Representation , White House , Reports , Resolution , Chairman , Violations , Disclosures , Ethics Committee Plans , Fec , Court , Confederacy , Others , Interview , Manies , Wall , Mistakes , First , Ethics Problem , Filings , Income , Second , Candidate , Eforms , Loan , Things , Bank Account , 000 , 00000 , 8000 , 500000 , Family , Term , Committee , Record , Smear , Someone , Reversal , Seat , Two , 2024 , Crime , Majority , Order , Members , Chamber , 50 , Five , Event , Trial , Mike Johnson , Statement , Impacts , Steps , Institution , Capitol Hill , Clerk , President Trump , Judge , Eng Engoron , Reprimands , Fines , His Civil Fraud Trial , Donald Trump , Gag Order , Mr , Writing On Truth Social , Appeals Court , Attorneys , Woman , Staff , Bashing Court , Oufts , Place , Trump Denigrated , November 27 , 27 , Charges , Documents , Sources , Appeals Court Judges , Tell Cnn , Matter , Mishandling , Final , Anyone , Doesn T Charge , Robert Hur , The End , Hunter Biden , Grand Jury , Special Counsel , Tax Crimes , Didn T , Addition , Washington D C , Witnesses , Story , Testimony , Prosecutors , Counsel , Paula Reid , California Grand Jury , Los Angeles , Son , Probe , Failure , Taxes , Plea Deal , Uncle , Gun Charges , Business Partner , Delaware , Most , James Biden , Hunter Biden In Delaware , Justice , Crimes , Tax , Representatives , California , Nancy Pelosi , Paul Pelosi , Department , Oman , Federal Court On Thursday , Home , Hammer , Police Video , Attack , San Francisco , Depape , Head , Prosecutor , Jury , Official , Kidnapping , Assault , Convicted Depape , Job , Counts , Message , Performance , Verdict , Beliefs , Plan , Prison , State Trial , Lead , Host , Apec Summit , Cases , Seoul , Nikki Haley , Polls , Details , Race , Ascent , Guess Who , Meeting , Retreat , Sessions , Mexico , Xi Jinping , Super Powers , Chair , Talks , Peru , Paula Hancocks , Something , Leader , Economies , Impact , Everybody , Chinese , 21 , Area , Influence , China , Indo Pacific , Summit , Pitch , Partner , Rindo Pacific Regio , Many , Meetings , Business Leaders , Flavor , Prosperous , Investment , Pitching China , Open For Business , Bounce Back , Crisis , Backdrop , Unemployment , Economy , It Hasn T , Pandemic , Housing Market , Record Highs , Covid , Kishida , Rationale , Japan , Japanese , Importance , Military Activity , Concerns , Peace , Taiwan Strait , Candidates , Campaigns , Elsewhere , Argentine , Owone , Finance Minister , Right , Ballots , Massa , Conservative , Currency , Lives , Tv Pundit , Pay Sow , Dollar , Corner , Line , Death , Engine , Car Engine Revs , Texting Clicks , Glass , Loose Gravel Clanking , Tires Squeal , Game , Neighbors , C Mon Baby , Touchdown Baby , Touchdown , Go , Go , Internet , 5g , Bit , Airport , Salad , Noise Cancelling Earmuffs , 5 , Xfinity 10g Network , T Mobile , Verizon , 10 , Law , Stories , Gap Spending Bill , Open Andto , Claim , Tel Aviv , Doubt , Hostage Negotiations , Favor , Injured , Infants , Elderly , Hill , Victory , Condition , Course , Health , Names , 41 , Evacuations , Northern Gaza , Reality , Journalist , Hundreds , Ground Operations , Evacuation Corridor , Journey South , Dangers , Jomana Karedsheh , Warning , Graphic , 2 , Night , Day Break , Shift , Flags , On November 10th , November 10th , Language , Unknown , Little , Evacuation , Phone , Hand , French , Wife , Waiting , Drones , Buzz , Neighbor , Track , The Street , Ahmed , Cnn Geolocated , A Man And Woman , Comment , Journey , Request , Coordinates , Central , South , Translator , Circus Or Amusement Park , Journeymiliationhumiliation , World , Information , Narrative , News , Truth , Injustice , Everything , Words , Anything Else , Homeland , Vain , Gunpoint , Military Operations , Deaths , Number , Casualties , Ministry Of Health , 11400 , List , Help , Cnn Com Impact , Ultyou , 4700 , Polling , Chris Christie , Former , Challengers , Fitnesses , Assistance , Leefd , Leleefd , Thatat , Nenext , Ealeefefd , Dleefd , Ass , Power , Wifi , Homework , Book , Data , Power Outages , Battery Back Up , Problem , 4 , Agenda , Kristen Holmes , Allies , Plans , Policies , Workforce , Oath , Executive Order , Day One , Bureaucrats , Authority , 2020 , District Attorney , Doj , Adversaries , Attorney General , Racist , Enforcement , Trump , Beyond , Executive Branch , Ways , High School , Focus , America First , Somebody , Revenge , Univision , Challenges , Constraints , Opposition , Process , Groups , Conservatives , Delays , Doesn T , Care , Advance , Bearer , Transition Team Run , Coalition , Paul Dans , Heritage Foundation , 70 , Point , Administration , Fold , Bloodstream , Ideas , Efforts , Senior , Campaign Advisers , None , Hard Line Proposals , Crackdown , Individuals , Priority , Immigration , Estate , Detention Camps , Run , Resources , Deportation Operation In American History , Office Including Mass Deportations , Choice , Travel Ban , Office , Joe Biden , Points , Spot , New Hampshire , Eight , Home State , Margin , Ron Desantis , Iowa , Second Term , Guy , Times , Hell He S Running Against , Didn T Beat , Barack Obama , Competition , Ivory Co Hosting Afcon , Sporting Events , Nations , Hillary Clinton , Sport , Business Experts , Expectations , North , Love , January 2024 , Sports , Big , Vehicle , Industry , Australia , Ability , World Cup , Above And Beyond , 2022 , Africa , Best , Name , Ivory Coast , Show , Africa First , Football Events , Type , All Over The World , Opportunity , Haven T , Returns , Itself , Attrthe Attractiveness , Construction Industry , Pillar , Whatever , Construction , Hospitality , Events , Regions , Building , Second Pillar , Legacy , Technicals , Technicians , Manpower , Equipment Machinery , Knowleledge , University Researchers , Ai , Scientists , Robotics , Will Ripley , Machines , Innovation , Bold Pursuit , Oceans , Team , Mysteries , Shores , Abu Dhabi , Role Robots , Surface , Task , Robots , Baskets , Camera , Coastal , Boat , Plastics , Research , Researchers , Inspection , Cleaning , Agriculture , Row , Cameras , Wave Simulation Technology , Sensors , Robotics Lab , Studies , Research Pool , Technology , Arrival , Field , Approach , Goal , Building Autonomous Underwater Robots , Game Changer , 1980 , Communication , Underwater , Problems , Visibility , Example , Gps , Screens , Determination , Shear , Early Start ,

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