Transcripts For CNNW The 20240702 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240702

thanks for watching. >> our lower court judges, they have higher standards? >> right now they do. -- the other thing for lower court, judges there are channels that if you or anyone else has a complaint against a judge, they are channels in place that those complaints can be resolved with the supreme court, there are no such mechanisms. >> fascinating, thank you so much, we appreciate it. coming, up that's it for, us thanks for watching. i'll see you tomorrow, night the news continues, this horse with kaitlan collins starts now. >> tonight, straight from the source, it's language that echoes that of hitler and mussolini, but tonight donald trump's campaign is defending how he called his political opponents, vermin. plus, cnn is on the ground inside gaza, getting it firsthand look at the tunnels that are used by hamas as israeli forces are closing in, president biden says that hospitals in gaza quote, must be protected. for the first time in u.s. history, the u.s. supreme court has aid opted a code of conduct with one major question left unanswered. who exactly will enforce it? i'm kaitlan collins, and this is the source. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it is becoming clearer by the day what a second term for donald trump would center around. revenge, or as he often puts it retribution. he spelling it out clearly for us on camera, warning that it's his political opponents he says, who are the most dangerous threat facing the united states today. not china, or russia, or north korea, his opponents. for someone who is well used similar language to authoritarians in fascists, this weekend in new hampshire, trump took things a step further. >> we will root out the communists, marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, a threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave than the threat for from within. >> you can see there, trump appears to be reading from the prompter, not ad libbing those remarks where he vowed to root out his political opponents like vermin, he also posted the same language on social media, making it clear he meant it. the biden campaign says the former president and potentially biden's opponent in 2024 is parotting the autocratic language of adolf hitler and benito miscellany. i should note that hitler's biographer once quoted the nazi dictator is saying. should i not also have the right to illuminate millions of an inferior race that multiplies like vermin? one person who is not condemning trump's words, the chairwoman of the republican party. >> i'm not going to talk about candidate that will contest a primary. >> i will not comment on candidates in their campaign messaging. >> i should note, trump's campaign is pushing back on these comparisons to hitler and mussolini, doubling down saying that those remarks, those who tried to make that ridiculous assertation are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything, their entire existence will be crushed when president trump returned to the white house. a spokesperson who put that statement out later clarified and said that he meant to say, quote, sad, miserable existence, instead of their entire existence. this isn't just language, by the way. there's been a ton of reporting about glands that are underway for a second trump term, including from the new york times, which says tonight that trump is plotting mass detention and the deportation of undocumented immigrants should he regain power. trump promised last week to conduct, quote, the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. and not long ago, he said that undocumented immigrants were poisoning the blood of the country. >> it is a very sad thing for our country, it's poisoning the blood of our country. >> i'm joined now by maggie haberman from the united new york times. -- you've covered donald trump for a long time, you wrote a book on him. what did you make of the comments in new hampshire on saturday night? >> it was striking to me not him rooting for the prompter about enemies within, because he actually has said that before. but vermin was new. and the dehumanizing language that he is increasingly willing to use, poisoning the blood of the country, also, has echoes of fascists, and that is a new piece that he has had to his repertoire about immigrants. so i think the language which has been, you know, very, a very, you know, fascist invoking, or at least echoes of fascists in history for a long time has become much more dramatic and much more severe in recent weeks. and to your point, he's not hiding any of it. what's striking to me is when this campaign tries to insist that is not really saying what he is saying. so as you know, they push back on what he said, but they push back on it with a quote that talks about crushing his opponents. and i can see where they think they're being clever and that there is suggesting that there's a kind of a liberal troll. that's not what they said. >> yes, they said crushed their entire existence. steven jiang spokesperson said that's not what he meant to say, but it was something that he typed out to reporters, and something that trump said on camera. can you talk about the progression of trump's language, because he long used language of authoritarians and fascists. why is it progressing the way it is now? why does he feel comfortable calling his political opponents vermin? >> i think for a couple, reasons he truly does feel as if he has somehow been on lead by the existence of these indictments against. him i think he sees this as giving him for a license to say what he wants, but this is -- the donald trump who says things like this is the donald trump has always been there. that donald trump was much better at masking himself behind a more socially acceptable contemporary version of a developer in new york, or a reality television star, or a media figure. this is who he is. and, remember, things that we are seeing like him threatening to go after political opponents, in terms of investigations, or whatever way he means that, when he gets back to office, this is something we learned that since he did a lot more when he was in office than people realize. we know that there was efforts to investigate john kerry. there were efforts to investigate hillary clinton. there were all kinds of efforts to go after people. he also talked about special counsel against hillary clinton in 2016. this is who he is. >> now he wants to investigate the people who worked for him, people like john kelly and jim mattis. when we look at the general milley, who just love the joint chiefs of staff, he wants people that actually worked for him. >> i personally don't have reporting, on that but that having been said, one of the things about donald trump is that he never rules out anything. you know this as well as anybody, which means that everything is on the table. and then, his folks say, well, he did not really say it, but someone else said it. if he isn't open to these ideas, then he is perfectly capable of saying that. >> and i think that, you know, this is not just theoretical. you've done a lot of reporting on what a second trump term would look like. and the latest, his immigration plans, that was one of his biggest issues that he brought to office in 2016. what will that look like if he were to be a really reelected? >> a couple of things, he has noted and his been pretty direct about that. he said in a speech that he wanted to conduct the largest mass deportation operation in the country, that the country has seen. and he is using an eisenhower era model with a racist name operation went back as what he wanted to have in mind. >> that's the name of an immigration program. >> that is what he wants to emulate here, something with that in mind. and when we approached charlie savage and i, when we approach the trump campaign about trump's immigration plan, they referred us to stephen miller, who is not formally advising the campaign, but as you know, he was the architect of the immigration policy in the white house, and he is now working on finding lawyers for a future republican administration. and so, they laid out and various people we spoke to laid out a very detailed plan that would involve camps on massive open land to enable this expedited removal and mass deportation. they talk about invoking all kinds of different laws that would enable them to get around existing systems. they talk about reestablishing title 42, which was used during covid as a protocol which was initially kept in place by president biden, and this time for some kind of general illness. and so, it's very specific. and this is something that those of us who have seen stephen miller around a long time, this is something that stephen miller is passionate about. donald trump kicked off his campaign with demagoguery and demagoguing immigrants and talking about mexicans may, racists or none of this is hugely surprising. >> i was hearing your story in the new york times -- stephen miller is on the record with you. you noted in the story that trump campaign referred to you to stephen miller. how do we explain the statement tonight that we are getting from that to people who are running trump's campaign saying that all of these stories would look like they say are purely speculative, and theoretical that any personnel list, policy agendas, or government plans to publish anywhere are merely suggestions. >> so, we get to that by the basic fact that they are very upset by our stories, by others and a number of outlets, and we have been working on these stories since june about what trump 2025 would look like. they invoked these groups, of not only these groups, and that they have lost in their minds control of, it and they are angry that seeing groups getting credit for, things and pieces that they're working on and so forth. to your point, a lot of this is not just trump's own mouth, but people who the trump campaign is referring reporters to. so, this is -- >> why are they putting out a statement now? >> well i think because they think what trump is actually saying is problematic for him in a general election, which seems more look at them problem than the things we are writing about problem. >> i want to read one line that stood out to me from your piece on immigration. you said part of the plan, u.s. consular officials are brought, directed to expand ideological screening of visa applicants to block people that the trump administration considers to have undesirable attitudes. >> look, they are planning for, as they describe it, whether this would be doable or not, and how much -- we know all of this is going to get challenged legally, particularly concerning citizenship, birthright citizenship and the attempts to end that. they will try to impose that to weed people out, whether they'll be able to successfully do that or not, i don't know. but they are saying that in this is being discussed at a time when there's obviously mass protests about global events. so -- >> i mean, the staffing of a trump term, i think, what is important for people to remember, you talked about how there's so many things that he tried to do that he did not do. that is because there are people like general kelly, like esper, who basically stood in the way, maybe not enough for some people. but they did block some of the things that he wanted to do. >> well, at the time, you know this as well as anybody, trump is very, very responsive and reactive to media coverage. for instance, when they were doing the family separation policy which they will not say what's going to happen with that, and trump noted with you at the town hall that he would not hold that out. but he was very reactive to the negative coverage, and that was used to push him away from it in 2018. and that work. i don't know that he will be as responsive to headlines as he once was, just because of everything else engulfing him. >> maggie haberman, great reporting. >> thank you. >> up next, we get a firsthand look at the widespread destruction on the ground in gaza. cnn's nick robertson says that his 30 years of war reporting, he has never seen anything like it. we will show you it, next. >> tonight, cnn has an exclusive look on the ground inside of gaza. my colleague nic robertson embedded with israeli defense forces as they conducted an operation against hamas next to a hospital in gaza city. cnn reported from gaza under the idf escort at all times, i should note cnn did not submit its script, or footage to the idf, and has retained complete editorial control over the final report. this is from nic robertson. >> driving into gaza, with the israeli forces. it's a war zone. the conditions of our access only showing officers, no faces of soldiers, and don't show sensitive equipment. we are passing mile after mile of destruction. buildings blown, collapsed, nothing untouched by the fury of israel's hunt for hamas. streets here, crushed back to sand. >> shops, everything that we see -- no sign of any civilians, here and the soldiers have been telling us that even inside of the stores, they have been fighting things like rocket propelled grenades. ready to use against them, as they were advancing through this area. >> a few miles in, we pull up at a command post. soldiers living in blown apartment buildings. >> every building i'm looking at here, wherever you turn, it's destroyed, it's shot up, it's hard to imagine how civilians endured the. bombardment here. >> our next journey is much deeper into gaza. and it's about to get dangerous. >> the troops are going, in and the jeeps, and this is what we're going to travel. in this armored vehicle here. >> we arrive 100 meters from a battle with hamas. [sound of artillery] >> tanks blasting targets in nearby buildings. the idf's top spokesperson is waiting for us. we are conducting an operation inside gaza -- >> israel is facing a massive international pressure over the destruction of homes, the shockingly high civilian death toll, and in the last few days, over its apparently heavy-handed tactics at hospitals. >> we've got bulldozers to rebuild the tunnels that we suspect are underneath the hospital. >> gary has brought us here, to show the connection he says exists between hamas and the rantisi children's hospital. >> we are now here in an area between a hospital, a school, and a terrorist house. >> a hamas commander he says, lived there. he points out the solar panels on the roof. >> this is a tunnel that was lighted under the floor -- you can see here the latter going down. >> i can see the ladder going down. >> it's a 20 meter tunnel. look at here, look at the tunnel. be careful here. look down here. >> those cables are going down to the tunnel. >> so, they are hard wired into the tunnel. >> i want to show you the solar panels on the terrorists house, providing electricity directly to the tunnel. we have entered a robot inside the town, and a robot saw a massive door that is in the direction of the hospital. >> within the active fire zone here, you can hear the smaller arms fire. the i.d. -- the idf says they are clearing the area, taking a bit of cover. but over here, we were able to smell what smells like rotting flesh, bodies perhaps buried underneath the rubble. don't expose yourself. >> as we move off to the hospital, the hundred meters away, we are still taking fire. >> we are still conducting an operation, an operation conducted by a special unit, the israeli navy seals are researching the hospitals. >> he later tells us that he took a big risk bringing us into such a combat zone. it is clear he wants this story told. >> we are searching here to see the connection of the tunnel to the hospital. don't fall here. >> we are looking for the connection. >> as we finally reached the hospital, it is already getting dark. a huge hole has been blasted through the walls to the basement. >> why is the hospital so damaged? >> why is the hottest hospital so damage? i will explain. we came to this hospital five days ago. there were still patients inside the hospital. we did not enter the hospital. >> he claims since then, all patients were evacuated by hospital staff. >> we assessed this evacuation to make it a safe pass for all the patients in the hospital. we do not know if the hospital is entirely clear. we do not know. we only entered through this area, what was suspected -- >> he leads us through the war, basement corridors. to this room. >> this was the armory. >> he shows us a few rusting guns, and some explosives. he says he can show us evidence, they found a lot more. but this is what they made safe for our visit. these guns alone have potentially huge implications for gaza's hospitals, and israel's apparent push to take control of them. >> the international committee for the red cross say that hospitals are given special protection under international humanitarian law in a time of war. but if militants store weapons there or use them as a base of fire, that protection falls away. >> in other rooms, he shows us a motorbike with a bullet hole in it that he suspects was used by hamas attackers on october 7th. and nearby, possible evidence that hostages could have been held here. >> we are now in the basement in the same area just yards from the motorcycle. we see a chair, we see a rope. we see women's clothes, something covering a woman. >> you think a woman was tied up in this chair? >> this is an assumption that's going to be checked by dna. >> for evidence, he says, it points towards hamas and possible hostage presents below the hospital. >> this is what -- every terrorist has his own shift. >> in this room, he says, a guard list that begins october 7th ends november 3rd, not long before the hospital was evacuated. and on the other side of the room -- >> this is a knife, right? >> yes, actually, i haven't seen it until now. >> what does it tell you? >> i don't want to think about it. but israel does not make assumptions. the forensic team will come here and check the evidence. i think there is no other answer. by holding hostages here in this room. >> and by bringing us here to this hospital and showing us the connection that you believe exists between the terrorists and the hostages, possibly, what does that say about the other hospitals here in gaza? >> we asked them to evacuate, and we assist or help because they asked us. the pediatric babies, they asked us to take them out. we offered our help. we have brought incubators. to who we will take some? red cross, egypt, who will take them? but cynically, al-shifa hospital is known by facts, intelligence, to be a terrorist hub. and also it is suspicious to holding hostages. this is the best shelter for the war machine of hamas. >> the hospital authority says they have no knowledge of hamas or other groups inside the hospitals. is that possible? >> i don't think it's possible for a hospital to have this kind of infrastructure like we saw here, and to build this kind of infrastructure in a basement that was probably ready before getting those hostages, after the 7th of october massacre. we knew the terrorists were here. we knew. >> how did you know? >> by intelligence, and also we got fire from this area. >> from this area? >> from this area, and we were ready to fire. we found an armory. and if one of our guys would have died from an explosive or a grenade, it's horrible. hamas using this war machine of hospitals in a barbaric way. it is a war crime. it is an international crime, not just as a war machine, but holding hostages in a children hospital -- >> but so much damage all around here. >> there is damage all around here because hamas made it impossible for us to fight them. they built all this infrastructure in tunnels and in hospitals around areas that are populated. >> as we exit the hospital, it is already dark. >> we are just getting ready to leave right now. the firefight is still going on, still intense bullets fired, explosions going on off the street there. >> this war and the controversy surrounding it, far from resolved. nic robertson, cnn, gaza. >> it is so rare to get a look like that inside of gaza, nick robertson thank you for that. we will have more on israel's war against hamas, including an interview with a top israeli official coming up. but first, here in new york, he spent more than three hours praising his father as an artist. he even made a joke about committing perjury. donald junior is back on the witness stand today in the new york civil fraud trial. we will l tell you w what he sad nenext. ♪ ♪ ♪ in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. yeah >> donald trump jr. is back in a new york city courtroom today. this time, testifying as the first witness for his father's defense. he used his time on the stand to hype up his father's business acumen, calling the former president, quote, an artist and the with real estate. of course, at the heart of this, 250 million dollar civil fraud trial is going to determine the future of his family's business here in new york. i'm joined by former federal prosecutor elie honig and former white house communications director elicit fair griffin. elie, this is obviously the defense, so it's not surprising, but, how does the judge take him calling trump tower genius, mar-a-lago one of the few american councils we have, does that work for the judge? >> no, it's all a revel in. this was a three-hour infomercial. i was surprised by the degree to which this was irrelevant. the judge said early on when it wasn't and -- i'm just going to let him go, you had six weeks to put on your case. let him talk, but ultimately, it's up to the judge. the judge can filter. if there was a jury there, i don't think donald trump jr. would've been allowed to do one tenth of what he did. it's completely irrelevant, it's self-congratulatory, it's glossy photos and bowing down to the majesty of the trump organization. it does not bear issues in this case. the evaluations, who was involved in preparing the financial statements. if there was a jury, judge with a cut out most of that testimony, but i think it's added to his let him go and move. on >> donald trump wasn't actually in the courtroom. he's expected to be there soon, but, alyssa, what did you glean from that seeing how there's a reason he talked about it like that? >> he certainly seem to know his father would be watching or paying attention to the readout from the courtroom. it felt like a performance basically to hype the business and type his father. after he left, he gave these remarks where he talks about donald trump rebuilding the new york skyline as though for some reason we do not have it near scarlet right now. it just underscores this trial in particular has become a pr campaign for the trump team. they know there is no winning in any affective sense for them, so it's really just about how can we look defiant when we need to, look strong when we need, to and convey ourselves as people who are being unfairly subjected to a witch hunt. that's what we saw again. >> i'm curious what you made of something we watch today. if that's this video, parts of it had been released by general, as a former trump attorney who recently of course pleaded guilty in the state of georgia in that case. she's on camera talking about what dance could -- close trump ally who ran social media had to say about whether or not trump could actually win the election. >> he said to me, and that kind of -- what we do not care and we're not going to leave. i said, what do you mean? he said, the boss meaning, president trump and everybody who understood, the boss we all called him. he said the boss is not going to leave under any circumstances. we are going to stay in power. >> a pretty remarkable statement from jenna ellis who was one of president trump's chief attorneys at that time. nearly identically something she then chief of staff mark meadows said to me on what i believe is december 3rd of 2020. i was in a meeting in the chiefs office when he said, i was planning to resign the next day. he said, what if i told you i wouldn't be leaving office? i share that with federal investigators, i share that with the congressional investigation. but, it clearly shows dance could -- the twitter account, he's also deputy chief of staff. one of the closest allies of the president, somebody who sat right outside of his office in the oval. it shows that seniormost here of the white house, there is a coordinated decision to potentially try to not leave power. that is terrifying. by the way, jenna ellis was a die hard loyalists up until the point her attorneys basically got to her and said, you've got to take a plea deal. as recently as a few months ago, she was still rooting for trump trump, she was still championing him. this is a remarkable revelation. >> that he didn't pay her legal fees, which he was publicly unhappy about. trump's council in georgia they said it was absolutely meaningless. that quote from jenna ellis. was it? >> i think jenna ellis is emerging as a more promising potential witness than sydney powell, precisely for the reasons she identifies. jenna ellis seems to have made an actual break from the trump people. during her plea, she said i at least now acknowledge that these lies were spreading about election fraud were not live. city powell has not done such thing. since she took her plea, she's back out there spewing this election lie garbage. for that reason, i do not think sydney powell is at all in viable witness. i don't think there's any chance the dea or any prosecutor ever calls sydney powell. generals could be a different story. >> you think trump will end up wishing he would pay for dallas 's legal fees? >> it could. be the straw that breaks the back and send some over to the other side. >> frankly, one of the other trivial reasons he did not with because should come out and endorse ron sense in the primary. she stayed very loyal to donald trump, got you to spot the election lies, but it ultimately say bronson's was a better choice for the future. it's believed by people in trump world that's why he did not pay her legal. bills >> being able to see that clip there of jenna ellis and what she said, obviously we know there's a lot more to come. that is in georgia. but, there's an argument going on right now, the federal case in washington with special counsel jack smith about scammers being inside the courtroom. trump campaign arguing for its, they're arguing against it. it does not seem likely, but what do you make? >> there's almost no chance we will see cameras inside the courtroom. on the confession. if you asked me this a few years ago when i was prosecutor, i would've said absolutely not, i don't want it, i do want to encourage. it now i, feel different partially because now we're here and working in media. but, also because the constitution ensures the right to a speedy and public trial. the fact that we are not using technology to take advantage of that i think is a real miss. i will say, trump is moving tactically, because now he gets to say i want to do american people to see this, and you know who didn't want to see this? the justice department. smart move for. him >> there saying that because they believe the trump team would make it look like a circus. thank you both as always. up next, we're going to speak at a senior adviser to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his response to what we heard from the oval office today. calls for hospitals in gaza to be protected. >> tonight, cnn got an inside look at a children's hospital inside gaza city, where the idea found tunnels that it says hamas has been using. the idf is also accusing hamas of having a command complex beneath the al-shifa hospital, the largest one inside of gaza. the medical director there is describing catastrophic conditions, that are happening. premature babies being wrapped in foil, place next to hot water just so they can stay warm. the fighting outside the hospital is intensified, president biden issued this message today. >> my hope an expectation that there will be less intrusive action relative to hospitals. the hospital must be protected. >> joining me now is mark urrego, senior adviser to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and former israeli ambassador to united kingdom. thank you for being here. president biden just told reporters that he believes hospitals in gaza must be protected. is israel preparing to strike the al-shifa hospital or to go inside of it? >> our hospitals are protected sites. we do not tied hospitals, and we don't target patients and doctors. that is obvious. that is part of our [inaudible] what is a situation and what is a legitimate target is the hamas military infrastructure around that other the hospital. we have to take them out as surgically as we can without causing damage to the hospital and to avoid harming the people inside. >> israel will not strike the al-shifa hospital, is that correct? >> we won't target hospitals, we target hamas. >> what about the thousands of people sheltering around that hospital complex? you can see from the imagery there are still civilians that are sheltering outside that hospital. >> the good thing is the overwhelming majority of civilians have had our advice and have fled the area. we asked people about a month ago to start relocating to the south. they have done so and there are hundreds of thousands. number of people left there is a very small group, and we will still of course distinguish between combatants hamas who are our enemy and we will target them between innocent civilians and make a maximum effort. surgical as is possible in a very complex combat situation. >> the prime minister said israel offered this hospital fuel, but what we are hearing from medical staff is that they are too scared to basically go outside to get it because they are fearful that israel will fire. are you guaranteeing people who got side to get the fuel will be safe? >> 100%. we can guarantee that. i cannot guaranteed hamas won't fire upon them, but from our point of view,. about 250 yards from the hospital, and we should come and pick it up, because this was enough fuel to generate a specific for the babies needed for the incubators. we were trying to say, let's avoid a crisis inside the hospital. we bought the fuel, but as far as we understand, the fuel is still sitting outside the hospital, hamas has forbidden us to go from picking it up. >> some hospital staff have said it was not enough fuel, it would only provided about half an hour's worth of power and electricity. >> kaitlan, that, the fuels for the incubators, for the babies, and there's more than enough. if they run out, will supply more. >> you mentioned babies, there are premature babies amongst other patients that are still at this hospital. you talked about these surgical operations that israel is going to be doing around that hospital given you believe hamas is operating from underneath him. before israel does whatever it is going to do around al-shifa hospital, will it help facilitate the transfer of those children? those babies and the other patients first? >> we've already said we're willing to do so. we've said that we will facilitate the transfer of people and patients. if they need to be an ambulance is, they can be an ambulances. we have to understand what's going on here. this is a hamas made humanitarian crisis. we provided fuel for the incubators for the babies, and we've suggested ambulances and the way out to move people out. hamas has said, no, to any humanitarian solution. they closed it off. they want pictures that will put international pressure on israel to seize our military operation against them. from their point of view, they're trying to be smart because they're destroying military machines, they want to stop. they are holding hostage, everyone in their hospital, preventing humanitarian assistance, preventing the fuel, preventing the relocation of people and ambulances, just so they can try to galvanize international pressure on israel, to stop striking against their military machine. what they are doing of course -- >> is israel willing, how do you conduct your operation if there are still children inside that hospital, premature children who are struggling to stay alive based on the account that we've heard? >> i am not sure what else we can do. we provided fuel for the incubators so they can be safely inside the hospital for the time being. we provided, we are willing to facilitate i'm glances to transfer them outside the hospital if they choose to leave. that's the best solution. both of those ideas hamas has vetoed. >> what if they're too sick to leave? >> there are solution that hamas is deliberately putting babies in danger for their own propaganda purposes. caitlin, you should not be surprised. had they butchered is really babies when they cross the border on october 7th, i saw pictures of his really babies burnt, is really babies burnt that were shot with multiple bullet wounds from machine gun fire. you know, babies were also kidnapped by hamas. who kidnapped babies? who shoots babies? we should have no parameters whatsoever, hamas is willing to sacrifice palestinian babies as well from it's crazy, radical, extremist agenda. >> i've seen the footage as well and no one is defending hamas here, but my question is, what about the children who are inside the al-shifa hospital right now, and will you guarantee their safety first before israel does whatever it is going to do, whatever operation you do have plans around the al-shifa hospital? >> we will make every effort. in accordance to international war, we distinguish between combatants for hamas terrorists who are our targets and non-combatants who are civilians. we will be as surgical as humanly possible. it's very difficult because we got a situation where hamas is deliberately abusing humanitarian side that is according to all the wars of -- eunice was put arms in a hospital. they're deliberately holding their patients their, babies, medical staff as hostages to protect military and machine. it is complex, it is difficult. if any finger of blame should be pointed it must be at hamas, that is deliberately abused the hospital, putting its military machine deliberately. it's premeditated crime. they're deliberately building their military machine. the commander control, network of tunnels that lead the sights and arms and other underground fortresses. they're deliberately building that under hospital. >> ambassador mark regev, thanks for your time. rank >> you for having me. >> up next, here at, home supreme court now has an ethics code following months of revelations about justices accepting lavish gifts and big travel perks. the key question still is, who will police this self imposed code? >> tonight, supreme court putting new ethics rules in place after months of reports about justices flying on private jets, vacationing on billionaires yachts. all nine justices have now signed on to a 14-page code of conduct, governing gifts, fundraising, and also finances. pressure had been building on them to do this, especially because of reports that supreme court justice clarence thomas had failed to disclose luxury vacations that were paid for by the conservative billionaire and donor harlan crow. the new code of conduct leaves a lot of unanswered questions, so hopefully here to answer this is supreme court expert and law professor at the university of texas, steve vladeck. steve, so great to have you. is it clear to you who is going to enforce this ethics code? >> the only thing that's clear is that the justices are expecting that they will enforce of themselves. this of course raises the time old question, who watches the watchers? part of the issue from state development is we have these rules that at least looks somewhat reasonable on paper, but part of the issue with the prior behavior is rules that were not followed. how are we going to know going forward that these rules are being followed? what are the consequences going to be if and when just do not follow them? >> that is what is so murky about this. when you look at this on the first page, they talk about the recent questionable behavior from some of the justices. i think the question that i have is, if this code had been in place ten years ago, would we have known more about trips like the ones that justice clarence thomas took in advance, or when we still have to learn about that from reporting like we did? >> part of the problem is that there is no mechanism in these new rules to find out what the justices have done to publicize instances in which the justice crossed the line to make exams -- even when the rules are clear and they break them. what this really does is just kicks the ball almost back to congress. even if it cannot actually discipline the justices directly, it has lots of levers its can pull to try and actually monitor compliance with each rule, to put the court to appoint someone, inspector general, who might monitor compliance with the rules and report the congress and to us when those rules are compmplied with. i think is the point. this is a necessary step on justice's part. it is not remotely as efficient, because we still have this question going forward of how these rules are going to be enforced and by who. >> it does not seem like it's going to do much to bolster that public confidence that the supreme court is so clearly lacking. steve vladeck, a lot of questions going forward. thank you for joining me with what we do know about this new ethics code. >> thank you. >> up next, a secret service agent in washington, firing his weapon while protecting a member of the biden family. the details of, that's ahead. you want to be able to provide your child with the tools or resources they need. with reliable internet at home, through the internet essentials program, the world opened up. fellas, fellas. that's how my son was able to find the hidden genius project. we wanted to give y'all the necessary skills to compete with the future. kevin's now part of this next generation of young people who feel they can thrive. ♪ ♪ >> tonight, we're learning more about a shooting over the weekend that involved a secret service agent who is assigned to protect president biden's granddaughter, naomi. a spokesperson for the secret service says that this agent shot and possibly three people, who were trying to break into a parked government car in george town in washington, d. c.. i should note, nobody was hit. there was no threat according to the secret service to any of those protectees who have that security detail. but, all the suspects took off in a red car, and are still being searched for tonight. the incident is now under investigation by the metropolitan police department, and its internal affairs division. i should note, all this comes amid an uptick of crime in the nation's capital. i lived there for eight years. right now, motor vehicle theft is of 98% in just the last year alone. that is according to d. c. police. we'll stay on top of that story and continue to monitor it. i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight. cnn news night with abby phillip starts right now. >> cnn goes inside gaza, and rolls the tape from the tip of the israeli sphere. that is tonight's, on news night. good evening, i'm abby philip in new york, and tonight, new and heart-stopping video from the front lines of the israel-hamas war. cnn's nick robertson and his crew gotten up close view of th

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thanks for watching. >> our lower court judges, they have higher standards? >> right now they do. -- the other thing for lower court, judges there are channels that if you or anyone else has a complaint against a judge, they are channels in place that those complaints can be resolved with the supreme court, there are no such mechanisms. >> fascinating, thank you so much, we appreciate it. coming, up that's it for, us thanks for watching. i'll see you tomorrow, night the news continues, this horse with kaitlan collins starts now. >> tonight, straight from the source, it's language that echoes that of hitler and mussolini, but tonight donald trump's campaign is defending how he called his political opponents, vermin. plus, cnn is on the ground inside gaza, getting it firsthand look at the tunnels that are used by hamas as israeli forces are closing in, president biden says that hospitals in gaza quote, must be protected. for the first time in u.s. history, the u.s. supreme court has aid opted a code of conduct with one major question left unanswered. who exactly will enforce it? i'm kaitlan collins, and this is the source. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it is becoming clearer by the day what a second term for donald trump would center around. revenge, or as he often puts it retribution. he spelling it out clearly for us on camera, warning that it's his political opponents he says, who are the most dangerous threat facing the united states today. not china, or russia, or north korea, his opponents. for someone who is well used similar language to authoritarians in fascists, this weekend in new hampshire, trump took things a step further. >> we will root out the communists, marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, a threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave than the threat for from within. >> you can see there, trump appears to be reading from the prompter, not ad libbing those remarks where he vowed to root out his political opponents like vermin, he also posted the same language on social media, making it clear he meant it. the biden campaign says the former president and potentially biden's opponent in 2024 is parotting the autocratic language of adolf hitler and benito miscellany. i should note that hitler's biographer once quoted the nazi dictator is saying. should i not also have the right to illuminate millions of an inferior race that multiplies like vermin? one person who is not condemning trump's words, the chairwoman of the republican party. >> i'm not going to talk about candidate that will contest a primary. >> i will not comment on candidates in their campaign messaging. >> i should note, trump's campaign is pushing back on these comparisons to hitler and mussolini, doubling down saying that those remarks, those who tried to make that ridiculous assertation are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything, their entire existence will be crushed when president trump returned to the white house. a spokesperson who put that statement out later clarified and said that he meant to say, quote, sad, miserable existence, instead of their entire existence. this isn't just language, by the way. there's been a ton of reporting about glands that are underway for a second trump term, including from the new york times, which says tonight that trump is plotting mass detention and the deportation of undocumented immigrants should he regain power. trump promised last week to conduct, quote, the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. and not long ago, he said that undocumented immigrants were poisoning the blood of the country. >> it is a very sad thing for our country, it's poisoning the blood of our country. >> i'm joined now by maggie haberman from the united new york times. -- you've covered donald trump for a long time, you wrote a book on him. what did you make of the comments in new hampshire on saturday night? >> it was striking to me not him rooting for the prompter about enemies within, because he actually has said that before. but vermin was new. and the dehumanizing language that he is increasingly willing to use, poisoning the blood of the country, also, has echoes of fascists, and that is a new piece that he has had to his repertoire about immigrants. so i think the language which has been, you know, very, a very, you know, fascist invoking, or at least echoes of fascists in history for a long time has become much more dramatic and much more severe in recent weeks. and to your point, he's not hiding any of it. what's striking to me is when this campaign tries to insist that is not really saying what he is saying. so as you know, they push back on what he said, but they push back on it with a quote that talks about crushing his opponents. and i can see where they think they're being clever and that there is suggesting that there's a kind of a liberal troll. that's not what they said. >> yes, they said crushed their entire existence. steven jiang spokesperson said that's not what he meant to say, but it was something that he typed out to reporters, and something that trump said on camera. can you talk about the progression of trump's language, because he long used language of authoritarians and fascists. why is it progressing the way it is now? why does he feel comfortable calling his political opponents vermin? >> i think for a couple, reasons he truly does feel as if he has somehow been on lead by the existence of these indictments against. him i think he sees this as giving him for a license to say what he wants, but this is -- the donald trump who says things like this is the donald trump has always been there. that donald trump was much better at masking himself behind a more socially acceptable contemporary version of a developer in new york, or a reality television star, or a media figure. this is who he is. and, remember, things that we are seeing like him threatening to go after political opponents, in terms of investigations, or whatever way he means that, when he gets back to office, this is something we learned that since he did a lot more when he was in office than people realize. we know that there was efforts to investigate john kerry. there were efforts to investigate hillary clinton. there were all kinds of efforts to go after people. he also talked about special counsel against hillary clinton in 2016. this is who he is. >> now he wants to investigate the people who worked for him, people like john kelly and jim mattis. when we look at the general milley, who just love the joint chiefs of staff, he wants people that actually worked for him. >> i personally don't have reporting, on that but that having been said, one of the things about donald trump is that he never rules out anything. you know this as well as anybody, which means that everything is on the table. and then, his folks say, well, he did not really say it, but someone else said it. if he isn't open to these ideas, then he is perfectly capable of saying that. >> and i think that, you know, this is not just theoretical. you've done a lot of reporting on what a second trump term would look like. and the latest, his immigration plans, that was one of his biggest issues that he brought to office in 2016. what will that look like if he were to be a really reelected? >> a couple of things, he has noted and his been pretty direct about that. he said in a speech that he wanted to conduct the largest mass deportation operation in the country, that the country has seen. and he is using an eisenhower era model with a racist name operation went back as what he wanted to have in mind. >> that's the name of an immigration program. >> that is what he wants to emulate here, something with that in mind. and when we approached charlie savage and i, when we approach the trump campaign about trump's immigration plan, they referred us to stephen miller, who is not formally advising the campaign, but as you know, he was the architect of the immigration policy in the white house, and he is now working on finding lawyers for a future republican administration. and so, they laid out and various people we spoke to laid out a very detailed plan that would involve camps on massive open land to enable this expedited removal and mass deportation. they talk about invoking all kinds of different laws that would enable them to get around existing systems. they talk about reestablishing title 42, which was used during covid as a protocol which was initially kept in place by president biden, and this time for some kind of general illness. and so, it's very specific. and this is something that those of us who have seen stephen miller around a long time, this is something that stephen miller is passionate about. donald trump kicked off his campaign with demagoguery and demagoguing immigrants and talking about mexicans may, racists or none of this is hugely surprising. >> i was hearing your story in the new york times -- stephen miller is on the record with you. you noted in the story that trump campaign referred to you to stephen miller. how do we explain the statement tonight that we are getting from that to people who are running trump's campaign saying that all of these stories would look like they say are purely speculative, and theoretical that any personnel list, policy agendas, or government plans to publish anywhere are merely suggestions. >> so, we get to that by the basic fact that they are very upset by our stories, by others and a number of outlets, and we have been working on these stories since june about what trump 2025 would look like. they invoked these groups, of not only these groups, and that they have lost in their minds control of, it and they are angry that seeing groups getting credit for, things and pieces that they're working on and so forth. to your point, a lot of this is not just trump's own mouth, but people who the trump campaign is referring reporters to. so, this is -- >> why are they putting out a statement now? >> well i think because they think what trump is actually saying is problematic for him in a general election, which seems more look at them problem than the things we are writing about problem. >> i want to read one line that stood out to me from your piece on immigration. you said part of the plan, u.s. consular officials are brought, directed to expand ideological screening of visa applicants to block people that the trump administration considers to have undesirable attitudes. >> look, they are planning for, as they describe it, whether this would be doable or not, and how much -- we know all of this is going to get challenged legally, particularly concerning citizenship, birthright citizenship and the attempts to end that. they will try to impose that to weed people out, whether they'll be able to successfully do that or not, i don't know. but they are saying that in this is being discussed at a time when there's obviously mass protests about global events. so -- >> i mean, the staffing of a trump term, i think, what is important for people to remember, you talked about how there's so many things that he tried to do that he did not do. that is because there are people like general kelly, like esper, who basically stood in the way, maybe not enough for some people. but they did block some of the things that he wanted to do. >> well, at the time, you know this as well as anybody, trump is very, very responsive and reactive to media coverage. for instance, when they were doing the family separation policy which they will not say what's going to happen with that, and trump noted with you at the town hall that he would not hold that out. but he was very reactive to the negative coverage, and that was used to push him away from it in 2018. and that work. i don't know that he will be as responsive to headlines as he once was, just because of everything else engulfing him. >> maggie haberman, great reporting. >> thank you. >> up next, we get a firsthand look at the widespread destruction on the ground in gaza. cnn's nick robertson says that his 30 years of war reporting, he has never seen anything like it. we will show you it, next. >> tonight, cnn has an exclusive look on the ground inside of gaza. my colleague nic robertson embedded with israeli defense forces as they conducted an operation against hamas next to a hospital in gaza city. cnn reported from gaza under the idf escort at all times, i should note cnn did not submit its script, or footage to the idf, and has retained complete editorial control over the final report. this is from nic robertson. >> driving into gaza, with the israeli forces. it's a war zone. the conditions of our access only showing officers, no faces of soldiers, and don't show sensitive equipment. we are passing mile after mile of destruction. buildings blown, collapsed, nothing untouched by the fury of israel's hunt for hamas. streets here, crushed back to sand. >> shops, everything that we see -- no sign of any civilians, here and the soldiers have been telling us that even inside of the stores, they have been fighting things like rocket propelled grenades. ready to use against them, as they were advancing through this area. >> a few miles in, we pull up at a command post. soldiers living in blown apartment buildings. >> every building i'm looking at here, wherever you turn, it's destroyed, it's shot up, it's hard to imagine how civilians endured the. bombardment here. >> our next journey is much deeper into gaza. and it's about to get dangerous. >> the troops are going, in and the jeeps, and this is what we're going to travel. in this armored vehicle here. >> we arrive 100 meters from a battle with hamas. [sound of artillery] >> tanks blasting targets in nearby buildings. the idf's top spokesperson is waiting for us. we are conducting an operation inside gaza -- >> israel is facing a massive international pressure over the destruction of homes, the shockingly high civilian death toll, and in the last few days, over its apparently heavy-handed tactics at hospitals. >> we've got bulldozers to rebuild the tunnels that we suspect are underneath the hospital. >> gary has brought us here, to show the connection he says exists between hamas and the rantisi children's hospital. >> we are now here in an area between a hospital, a school, and a terrorist house. >> a hamas commander he says, lived there. he points out the solar panels on the roof. >> this is a tunnel that was lighted under the floor -- you can see here the latter going down. >> i can see the ladder going down. >> it's a 20 meter tunnel. look at here, look at the tunnel. be careful here. look down here. >> those cables are going down to the tunnel. >> so, they are hard wired into the tunnel. >> i want to show you the solar panels on the terrorists house, providing electricity directly to the tunnel. we have entered a robot inside the town, and a robot saw a massive door that is in the direction of the hospital. >> within the active fire zone here, you can hear the smaller arms fire. the i.d. -- the idf says they are clearing the area, taking a bit of cover. but over here, we were able to smell what smells like rotting flesh, bodies perhaps buried underneath the rubble. don't expose yourself. >> as we move off to the hospital, the hundred meters away, we are still taking fire. >> we are still conducting an operation, an operation conducted by a special unit, the israeli navy seals are researching the hospitals. >> he later tells us that he took a big risk bringing us into such a combat zone. it is clear he wants this story told. >> we are searching here to see the connection of the tunnel to the hospital. don't fall here. >> we are looking for the connection. >> as we finally reached the hospital, it is already getting dark. a huge hole has been blasted through the walls to the basement. >> why is the hospital so damaged? >> why is the hottest hospital so damage? i will explain. we came to this hospital five days ago. there were still patients inside the hospital. we did not enter the hospital. >> he claims since then, all patients were evacuated by hospital staff. >> we assessed this evacuation to make it a safe pass for all the patients in the hospital. we do not know if the hospital is entirely clear. we do not know. we only entered through this area, what was suspected -- >> he leads us through the war, basement corridors. to this room. >> this was the armory. >> he shows us a few rusting guns, and some explosives. he says he can show us evidence, they found a lot more. but this is what they made safe for our visit. these guns alone have potentially huge implications for gaza's hospitals, and israel's apparent push to take control of them. >> the international committee for the red cross say that hospitals are given special protection under international humanitarian law in a time of war. but if militants store weapons there or use them as a base of fire, that protection falls away. >> in other rooms, he shows us a motorbike with a bullet hole in it that he suspects was used by hamas attackers on october 7th. and nearby, possible evidence that hostages could have been held here. >> we are now in the basement in the same area just yards from the motorcycle. we see a chair, we see a rope. we see women's clothes, something covering a woman. >> you think a woman was tied up in this chair? >> this is an assumption that's going to be checked by dna. >> for evidence, he says, it points towards hamas and possible hostage presents below the hospital. >> this is what -- every terrorist has his own shift. >> in this room, he says, a guard list that begins october 7th ends november 3rd, not long before the hospital was evacuated. and on the other side of the room -- >> this is a knife, right? >> yes, actually, i haven't seen it until now. >> what does it tell you? >> i don't want to think about it. but israel does not make assumptions. the forensic team will come here and check the evidence. i think there is no other answer. by holding hostages here in this room. >> and by bringing us here to this hospital and showing us the connection that you believe exists between the terrorists and the hostages, possibly, what does that say about the other hospitals here in gaza? >> we asked them to evacuate, and we assist or help because they asked us. the pediatric babies, they asked us to take them out. we offered our help. we have brought incubators. to who we will take some? red cross, egypt, who will take them? but cynically, al-shifa hospital is known by facts, intelligence, to be a terrorist hub. and also it is suspicious to holding hostages. this is the best shelter for the war machine of hamas. >> the hospital authority says they have no knowledge of hamas or other groups inside the hospitals. is that possible? >> i don't think it's possible for a hospital to have this kind of infrastructure like we saw here, and to build this kind of infrastructure in a basement that was probably ready before getting those hostages, after the 7th of october massacre. we knew the terrorists were here. we knew. >> how did you know? >> by intelligence, and also we got fire from this area. >> from this area? >> from this area, and we were ready to fire. we found an armory. and if one of our guys would have died from an explosive or a grenade, it's horrible. hamas using this war machine of hospitals in a barbaric way. it is a war crime. it is an international crime, not just as a war machine, but holding hostages in a children hospital -- >> but so much damage all around here. >> there is damage all around here because hamas made it impossible for us to fight them. they built all this infrastructure in tunnels and in hospitals around areas that are populated. >> as we exit the hospital, it is already dark. >> we are just getting ready to leave right now. the firefight is still going on, still intense bullets fired, explosions going on off the street there. >> this war and the controversy surrounding it, far from resolved. nic robertson, cnn, gaza. >> it is so rare to get a look like that inside of gaza, nick robertson thank you for that. we will have more on israel's war against hamas, including an interview with a top israeli official coming up. but first, here in new york, he spent more than three hours praising his father as an artist. he even made a joke about committing perjury. donald junior is back on the witness stand today in the new york civil fraud trial. we will l tell you w what he sad nenext. ♪ ♪ ♪ in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. yeah >> donald trump jr. is back in a new york city courtroom today. this time, testifying as the first witness for his father's defense. he used his time on the stand to hype up his father's business acumen, calling the former president, quote, an artist and the with real estate. of course, at the heart of this, 250 million dollar civil fraud trial is going to determine the future of his family's business here in new york. i'm joined by former federal prosecutor elie honig and former white house communications director elicit fair griffin. elie, this is obviously the defense, so it's not surprising, but, how does the judge take him calling trump tower genius, mar-a-lago one of the few american councils we have, does that work for the judge? >> no, it's all a revel in. this was a three-hour infomercial. i was surprised by the degree to which this was irrelevant. the judge said early on when it wasn't and -- i'm just going to let him go, you had six weeks to put on your case. let him talk, but ultimately, it's up to the judge. the judge can filter. if there was a jury there, i don't think donald trump jr. would've been allowed to do one tenth of what he did. it's completely irrelevant, it's self-congratulatory, it's glossy photos and bowing down to the majesty of the trump organization. it does not bear issues in this case. the evaluations, who was involved in preparing the financial statements. if there was a jury, judge with a cut out most of that testimony, but i think it's added to his let him go and move. on >> donald trump wasn't actually in the courtroom. he's expected to be there soon, but, alyssa, what did you glean from that seeing how there's a reason he talked about it like that? >> he certainly seem to know his father would be watching or paying attention to the readout from the courtroom. it felt like a performance basically to hype the business and type his father. after he left, he gave these remarks where he talks about donald trump rebuilding the new york skyline as though for some reason we do not have it near scarlet right now. it just underscores this trial in particular has become a pr campaign for the trump team. they know there is no winning in any affective sense for them, so it's really just about how can we look defiant when we need to, look strong when we need, to and convey ourselves as people who are being unfairly subjected to a witch hunt. that's what we saw again. >> i'm curious what you made of something we watch today. if that's this video, parts of it had been released by general, as a former trump attorney who recently of course pleaded guilty in the state of georgia in that case. she's on camera talking about what dance could -- close trump ally who ran social media had to say about whether or not trump could actually win the election. >> he said to me, and that kind of -- what we do not care and we're not going to leave. i said, what do you mean? he said, the boss meaning, president trump and everybody who understood, the boss we all called him. he said the boss is not going to leave under any circumstances. we are going to stay in power. >> a pretty remarkable statement from jenna ellis who was one of president trump's chief attorneys at that time. nearly identically something she then chief of staff mark meadows said to me on what i believe is december 3rd of 2020. i was in a meeting in the chiefs office when he said, i was planning to resign the next day. he said, what if i told you i wouldn't be leaving office? i share that with federal investigators, i share that with the congressional investigation. but, it clearly shows dance could -- the twitter account, he's also deputy chief of staff. one of the closest allies of the president, somebody who sat right outside of his office in the oval. it shows that seniormost here of the white house, there is a coordinated decision to potentially try to not leave power. that is terrifying. by the way, jenna ellis was a die hard loyalists up until the point her attorneys basically got to her and said, you've got to take a plea deal. as recently as a few months ago, she was still rooting for trump trump, she was still championing him. this is a remarkable revelation. >> that he didn't pay her legal fees, which he was publicly unhappy about. trump's council in georgia they said it was absolutely meaningless. that quote from jenna ellis. was it? >> i think jenna ellis is emerging as a more promising potential witness than sydney powell, precisely for the reasons she identifies. jenna ellis seems to have made an actual break from the trump people. during her plea, she said i at least now acknowledge that these lies were spreading about election fraud were not live. city powell has not done such thing. since she took her plea, she's back out there spewing this election lie garbage. for that reason, i do not think sydney powell is at all in viable witness. i don't think there's any chance the dea or any prosecutor ever calls sydney powell. generals could be a different story. >> you think trump will end up wishing he would pay for dallas 's legal fees? >> it could. be the straw that breaks the back and send some over to the other side. >> frankly, one of the other trivial reasons he did not with because should come out and endorse ron sense in the primary. she stayed very loyal to donald trump, got you to spot the election lies, but it ultimately say bronson's was a better choice for the future. it's believed by people in trump world that's why he did not pay her legal. bills >> being able to see that clip there of jenna ellis and what she said, obviously we know there's a lot more to come. that is in georgia. but, there's an argument going on right now, the federal case in washington with special counsel jack smith about scammers being inside the courtroom. trump campaign arguing for its, they're arguing against it. it does not seem likely, but what do you make? >> there's almost no chance we will see cameras inside the courtroom. on the confession. if you asked me this a few years ago when i was prosecutor, i would've said absolutely not, i don't want it, i do want to encourage. it now i, feel different partially because now we're here and working in media. but, also because the constitution ensures the right to a speedy and public trial. the fact that we are not using technology to take advantage of that i think is a real miss. i will say, trump is moving tactically, because now he gets to say i want to do american people to see this, and you know who didn't want to see this? the justice department. smart move for. him >> there saying that because they believe the trump team would make it look like a circus. thank you both as always. up next, we're going to speak at a senior adviser to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his response to what we heard from the oval office today. calls for hospitals in gaza to be protected. >> tonight, cnn got an inside look at a children's hospital inside gaza city, where the idea found tunnels that it says hamas has been using. the idf is also accusing hamas of having a command complex beneath the al-shifa hospital, the largest one inside of gaza. the medical director there is describing catastrophic conditions, that are happening. premature babies being wrapped in foil, place next to hot water just so they can stay warm. the fighting outside the hospital is intensified, president biden issued this message today. >> my hope an expectation that there will be less intrusive action relative to hospitals. the hospital must be protected. >> joining me now is mark urrego, senior adviser to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and former israeli ambassador to united kingdom. thank you for being here. president biden just told reporters that he believes hospitals in gaza must be protected. is israel preparing to strike the al-shifa hospital or to go inside of it? >> our hospitals are protected sites. we do not tied hospitals, and we don't target patients and doctors. that is obvious. that is part of our [inaudible] what is a situation and what is a legitimate target is the hamas military infrastructure around that other the hospital. we have to take them out as surgically as we can without causing damage to the hospital and to avoid harming the people inside. >> israel will not strike the al-shifa hospital, is that correct? >> we won't target hospitals, we target hamas. >> what about the thousands of people sheltering around that hospital complex? you can see from the imagery there are still civilians that are sheltering outside that hospital. >> the good thing is the overwhelming majority of civilians have had our advice and have fled the area. we asked people about a month ago to start relocating to the south. they have done so and there are hundreds of thousands. number of people left there is a very small group, and we will still of course distinguish between combatants hamas who are our enemy and we will target them between innocent civilians and make a maximum effort. surgical as is possible in a very complex combat situation. >> the prime minister said israel offered this hospital fuel, but what we are hearing from medical staff is that they are too scared to basically go outside to get it because they are fearful that israel will fire. are you guaranteeing people who got side to get the fuel will be safe? >> 100%. we can guarantee that. i cannot guaranteed hamas won't fire upon them, but from our point of view,. about 250 yards from the hospital, and we should come and pick it up, because this was enough fuel to generate a specific for the babies needed for the incubators. we were trying to say, let's avoid a crisis inside the hospital. we bought the fuel, but as far as we understand, the fuel is still sitting outside the hospital, hamas has forbidden us to go from picking it up. >> some hospital staff have said it was not enough fuel, it would only provided about half an hour's worth of power and electricity. >> kaitlan, that, the fuels for the incubators, for the babies, and there's more than enough. if they run out, will supply more. >> you mentioned babies, there are premature babies amongst other patients that are still at this hospital. you talked about these surgical operations that israel is going to be doing around that hospital given you believe hamas is operating from underneath him. before israel does whatever it is going to do around al-shifa hospital, will it help facilitate the transfer of those children? those babies and the other patients first? >> we've already said we're willing to do so. we've said that we will facilitate the transfer of people and patients. if they need to be an ambulance is, they can be an ambulances. we have to understand what's going on here. this is a hamas made humanitarian crisis. we provided fuel for the incubators for the babies, and we've suggested ambulances and the way out to move people out. hamas has said, no, to any humanitarian solution. they closed it off. they want pictures that will put international pressure on israel to seize our military operation against them. from their point of view, they're trying to be smart because they're destroying military machines, they want to stop. they are holding hostage, everyone in their hospital, preventing humanitarian assistance, preventing the fuel, preventing the relocation of people and ambulances, just so they can try to galvanize international pressure on israel, to stop striking against their military machine. what they are doing of course -- >> is israel willing, how do you conduct your operation if there are still children inside that hospital, premature children who are struggling to stay alive based on the account that we've heard? >> i am not sure what else we can do. we provided fuel for the incubators so they can be safely inside the hospital for the time being. we provided, we are willing to facilitate i'm glances to transfer them outside the hospital if they choose to leave. that's the best solution. both of those ideas hamas has vetoed. >> what if they're too sick to leave? >> there are solution that hamas is deliberately putting babies in danger for their own propaganda purposes. caitlin, you should not be surprised. had they butchered is really babies when they cross the border on october 7th, i saw pictures of his really babies burnt, is really babies burnt that were shot with multiple bullet wounds from machine gun fire. you know, babies were also kidnapped by hamas. who kidnapped babies? who shoots babies? we should have no parameters whatsoever, hamas is willing to sacrifice palestinian babies as well from it's crazy, radical, extremist agenda. >> i've seen the footage as well and no one is defending hamas here, but my question is, what about the children who are inside the al-shifa hospital right now, and will you guarantee their safety first before israel does whatever it is going to do, whatever operation you do have plans around the al-shifa hospital? >> we will make every effort. in accordance to international war, we distinguish between combatants for hamas terrorists who are our targets and non-combatants who are civilians. we will be as surgical as humanly possible. it's very difficult because we got a situation where hamas is deliberately abusing humanitarian side that is according to all the wars of -- eunice was put arms in a hospital. they're deliberately holding their patients their, babies, medical staff as hostages to protect military and machine. it is complex, it is difficult. if any finger of blame should be pointed it must be at hamas, that is deliberately abused the hospital, putting its military machine deliberately. it's premeditated crime. they're deliberately building their military machine. the commander control, network of tunnels that lead the sights and arms and other underground fortresses. they're deliberately building that under hospital. >> ambassador mark regev, thanks for your time. rank >> you for having me. >> up next, here at, home supreme court now has an ethics code following months of revelations about justices accepting lavish gifts and big travel perks. the key question still is, who will police this self imposed code? >> tonight, supreme court putting new ethics rules in place after months of reports about justices flying on private jets, vacationing on billionaires yachts. all nine justices have now signed on to a 14-page code of conduct, governing gifts, fundraising, and also finances. pressure had been building on them to do this, especially because of reports that supreme court justice clarence thomas had failed to disclose luxury vacations that were paid for by the conservative billionaire and donor harlan crow. the new code of conduct leaves a lot of unanswered questions, so hopefully here to answer this is supreme court expert and law professor at the university of texas, steve vladeck. steve, so great to have you. is it clear to you who is going to enforce this ethics code? >> the only thing that's clear is that the justices are expecting that they will enforce of themselves. this of course raises the time old question, who watches the watchers? part of the issue from state development is we have these rules that at least looks somewhat reasonable on paper, but part of the issue with the prior behavior is rules that were not followed. how are we going to know going forward that these rules are being followed? what are the consequences going to be if and when just do not follow them? >> that is what is so murky about this. when you look at this on the first page, they talk about the recent questionable behavior from some of the justices. i think the question that i have is, if this code had been in place ten years ago, would we have known more about trips like the ones that justice clarence thomas took in advance, or when we still have to learn about that from reporting like we did? >> part of the problem is that there is no mechanism in these new rules to find out what the justices have done to publicize instances in which the justice crossed the line to make exams -- even when the rules are clear and they break them. what this really does is just kicks the ball almost back to congress. even if it cannot actually discipline the justices directly, it has lots of levers its can pull to try and actually monitor compliance with each rule, to put the court to appoint someone, inspector general, who might monitor compliance with the rules and report the congress and to us when those rules are compmplied with. i think is the point. this is a necessary step on justice's part. it is not remotely as efficient, because we still have this question going forward of how these rules are going to be enforced and by who. >> it does not seem like it's going to do much to bolster that public confidence that the supreme court is so clearly lacking. steve vladeck, a lot of questions going forward. thank you for joining me with what we do know about this new ethics code. >> thank you. >> up next, a secret service agent in washington, firing his weapon while protecting a member of the biden family. the details of, that's ahead. you want to be able to provide your child with the tools or resources they need. with reliable internet at home, through the internet essentials program, the world opened up. fellas, fellas. that's how my son was able to find the hidden genius project. we wanted to give y'all the necessary skills to compete with the future. kevin's now part of this next generation of young people who feel they can thrive. ♪ ♪ >> tonight, we're learning more about a shooting over the weekend that involved a secret service agent who is assigned to protect president biden's granddaughter, naomi. a spokesperson for the secret service says that this agent shot and possibly three people, who were trying to break into a parked government car in george town in washington, d. c.. i should note, nobody was hit. there was no threat according to the secret service to any of those protectees who have that security detail. but, all the suspects took off in a red car, and are still being searched for tonight. the incident is now under investigation by the metropolitan police department, and its internal affairs division. i should note, all this comes amid an uptick of crime in the nation's capital. i lived there for eight years. right now, motor vehicle theft is of 98% in just the last year alone. that is according to d. c. police. we'll stay on top of that story and continue to monitor it. i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight. cnn news night with abby phillip starts right now. >> cnn goes inside gaza, and rolls the tape from the tip of the israeli sphere. that is tonight's, on news night. good evening, i'm abby philip in new york, and tonight, new and heart-stopping video from the front lines of the israel-hamas war. cnn's nick robertson and his crew gotten up close view of th

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, 7th Of October , Grenade , Explosive , Guys , Horrible , Crime , Damage , War Crime , Holding Hostages In A Children Hospital , Areas , Explosions , Firefight , Controversy , Bullets , Street , Inside , Official , Interview , Father , Artist , Joke , Perjury , Donald Junior , Fraud Trial , Witness Stand , Sad Nenext , Tell You W , Three , Businesses , Order , Most , Internet , Opportunity , Business Internet , Comcast Business , Prepaid Card , Small Business Bonus , Efficient , Savvy , Yep , 1000 , 000 , Company , Anyone Else , Network , Possibilities , Business Today , Courtroom , Defense , Witness , Stand , Business Acumen , Jr , Course , Business , Heart , Family , Dollar Civil Fraud Trial , Real Estate , 250 Million Dollar , 250 Million , Elie Honig , Communications Director , Trump Tower Genius , Fair Griffin , Councils , Infomercial , Degree , Revel In , Mar A Lago , Jury , Wasn T , Six , Statements , Tenth , Majesty , Photos , Evaluations , Trump Organization , Move , 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Control , Sights , Underground Fortresses , Ethics Code , Gifts , Mark Regev , Revelations , Home Supreme Court , Big Travel Perks , Self , Question Still Is , Jets , Fundraising , Finances , Code Of Conduct , Supreme Court Putting New Ethics Rules , Billionaires Yachts , 14 , Nine , Questions , Clarence Thomas , Vacations , Reports , Billionaire , Donor , Harlan Crow , Expert , Law Professor , Steve Vladeck , University Of Texas , Rules , Issue , Behavior , Watchers , State Development , Paper , Consequences , Page , Justice , Ones , Mechanism , Advance , Instances , Trips , Ten , Congress , Exams , Ball , Compliance , Inspector General , Rule , Levers , Compmplied , Confidence , Secret Service Agent , Weapon , Details , Member , Internet Essentials Program , Home , Child , Son , Resources , Tools , Fellas , Generation , Hidden Genius Project , Skills , Kevin , Weekend , Naomi , Agent , Car , Nobody , Shooting , Shot , Hit , Secret Service , George Town , Protectees , Incident , 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