Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240702

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welcome to our viewers joining us in the u.s. and around the world, just ahead on cnn newsroom, medical supplies dwindle and life-saving equipment is shut down due to a lack of fuel in gaza. international agencies complain about a lack of action. the race to keep the government open. iceland faces a potential disaster. the nation faces the threat of a volcanic eruption. live from london, this is cnn newsroom with max foster and beyond go. >> it is monday, november 13. the medical situation is growing dire by the hour in gaza as israel steps up the war against hamas. israeli forces say they went deeper into gaza reaching the outskirts of a refugee camp and conducting raids in multiple areas. they say they arrested 20 alleged hamas members. meanwhile multiple hospitals in gaza are closing due to airstrikes. health officials and agencies say staff and civilians are trapped inside gaza's biggest hospital. we have more on that desperate situation in gaza hospitals. some of the video you are about to see is graphic. >> reporter: these are the sounds of the final gasps of gaza's collapsing healthcare system. medical staff working under near relentless bombardment for over a month. now, this chorus of frantic voices seen here working under torchlight tells its own story. the second largest hospital in gaza has collapsed. the hospital no longer operational. these scenes are too familiar across the gaza strip. the vast majority of hospitals are already out of service. those remaining are now on a cliff edge. >> it was a direct injury in the head. internal bleeding and we cannot do surgeries. no surgeries, oxygen or electricity. we work manually. it is a clear injury and needs a urgent surgery. it is less than a year old. >> reporter: remarkably this baby survived but his father who was in the same building did not. at the largest hospital, officials say newborn babies had to be moved and at least three in the neonatal unit died after incubators were damaged in a strike. doctors here say the hospital is now completely surrounded. >> the situation is difficult, there is no electricity and they cannot communicate with each other. >> reporter: under a constant barrage of airstrikes it is impossible for patients and staff to safely evacuate. doctors are overwhelmed and morgues are beyond capacity. with communication cut off contact between radical teams on the ground and the outside world is growing difficult. officials say thousands of civilians are thought to be in the compound taking shelter in what was once thought to be a sanctuary in the midst of this seemingly unending nightmare. >> without the hospital was a safe place but it was not. if we stayed another five minutes we would have been killed. they started to bomb us. >> reporter: the israeli military says it is enabling passage from three hospitals with additional roots opening up to allow civilians to evacuate south. >> this is another form of torture. we have six kilometers to go, she got a stroke that caused her brain damage. she cannot speak and is paralyzed. >> reporter: the un raised doubts over the safe zones, warning that nowhere inside gaza is safe for civilians. for those two injured or sick evacuation is impossible. many doctors on the ground vowing to stay beside their patients no matter what. cnn. >> what is the situation at the hospital this morning? >> there is disputed accounts, the health ministry said staff and patients were unable to evacuate because of the ongoing finding and it was under siege. the idf says it opened a evacuation corridor over the weekend specifically to get people out of the hospital taking them south. it is unclear how many people used that and what the situation was. there is still fighting going on in the area. the idf said this morning the intense battle is taking place in the surrounding areas. it is hard to get to the latest information. the health ministry said over the weekend they were unable to update the casualty numbers because they could not reach people at the hospitals. we heard something similar from the who. that gives you a sense of the situation. it is very clear from the reports coming out that this situation with the health system in gaza is coming to a head and it is ramping up the pressure on israel. >> what is the government's response? >> they have been doing this now for a week, we have been seeing this evacuation route, they say they are looking to get people out of several hospitals and they continue to repeat that they believe the hamas headquarters is situated under the hospital and that they are doing everything they can. to get civilians out. take a listen to the prime minister. >> we called to evacuate all of the patients and 100 or so have already been evacuated. i called for field hospitals, the french president sent a floating hospital ship. they have and other countries did the same. there is no reason why we cannot take the patients out of there instead of using it as a command center for terrorism. for the tunnels they use to kill israeli civilians. we are treading carefully when it comes to hospitals but we will also not get immunity to the terrorists. even though hamas try to prevent civilians from leaving, hundreds of thousands have left sometimes having to go through hamas gunfire who wants to keep them in harms way. >> as i said everything that happens is disputed. this is a information war in israel said over the weekend its forces hand delivered fuel in jerry cans. they published video of the soldiers delivering fuel to the hospital. they then claimed that hamas invented the fuel from getting where it needed to go. the director of the hospital said the offer was made but only enough fuel of running generators for 30 minutes and the staff was too scared to go out due to the israeli tanks. you can see what the situation is at a breaking point, the who says it is no longer functioning as a hospital. >> the cease-fire debate goes on. >> we saw over the weekend that the opposition is unrelenting when it comes to the growing public sentiment. nobody disputes the horrific attacks of october >>, many say the response is going too far. the prime minister says no cease-fire without the release of the hostages. several of the top eight agencies are demanding urgent action to finish the ongoing attacks on hospitals in gaza. unicef and the who issued a joint statement saying patients, healthcare workers and refugees need to be protected. the who recorded at least 137 attacks on health facilities in gaza. the statement reads the world cannot stand silent while hospitals are transformed into scenes of death, devastation and despair. decisive action is needed now to secure a immediate humanitarian cease-fire and prevent further loss of life and preserve what is left of the healthcare system in gaza. joining me now is james. it is very difficult with communications in gaza but what have you heard today in terms of the main hospitals. >> incredibly difficult, we are fortunate in some ways and terrified in others, unicef still has staff in gaza and you hear everything from them trying to keep children alive to pregnant women, one of which said i want to collapse but i feel if i do my children will with me. it is the largest neonatal hospital in gaza. mixed messages come everywhere in what is now a information war. it certainly does seem as time continues to go on and you have premature babies not in incubators, they will continue to die. we know two or three have died. we are hearing unconfirmed reports that the number is twice as many. we do not know but what we do know is you want two things, a incubator and a doctor. ideally a mother as well. the mothers had to flee to safety, the doctors cannot work and the incubators are gone. this is a lethal situation for those babies. >> what you make of the prime minister's comment that there are alternative facilities being set up for medical care and there is a way for the patients to get out of the hospital? >> i think what everybody wants is for hospitals to be safe across gaza. if there is a sense of a evacuation it requires several things. first safety, we have not seen that, we see images of people that should be in a hospital walking through the streets. you cannot move a baby if they are premature unless they are in a ambulance or with a incubator and those things do not exist now. what seems to exist is continued attacks. this will continue to cost children's lives and the reports say we are well into the thousands. as so many have said from day one, a humanitarian cease-fire. let's pull back from the brink, let's at least say the children killed every day and while we have the cease-fire let's get these boys and girls that have been somewhere in the house gave, i imagine in tunnels, get them back to their families. for a humanitarian organization, for a lot of people out there a cease-fire allows everyone a chance to survive, overcome some trauma and a chance for the adults in power to step back from more horrors. >> israel vowing not to allow a cease-fire until the hostages are released or they destroy hamas. they are arguing hamas is headquartered under the hospital, how can you separate the patients, the staff from any of those hidden amongst them? that is what many people are asking when you say we need safe passage. >> nobody seems to have the intelligence, as a nonpartisan organization, i would put my colleagues at risk if i was to second guess, what we do know is in her national humanitarian law and it is a breach of that law for attacks on hospitals. if it was to be found there are combatants in those then you get to proportionality. right now if you have hospitals that are unable to function and doctors working with torches and children with wounds of war without anesthetics and premature babies without incubators, one would say the risk to them is great. it is critical for the world to move on but right now we think the only way to protect those children is for this humanitarian cease-fire. >> i appreciate your time today. a egyptian border official says more than 804 nationals were evacuated through the border crossing on sunday. it is the first time four nationals have been allowed into egypt since thursday. nine palestinians needing medical treatment also arrived on sunday which included children with cancer and residents injured from the conflict. here is one of the patients. >> we were transferred to egypt to get treated, god willing i will get artificial limbs implanted, one has only but his country, i am satisfied for whatever god has in store. >> this brings the total number of palestinians transferred to egypt to 130. a tiny fraction of those wounded throughout gaza. a government reshuffle in the uk. the top line reporting the home secretary has been sacked by the prime minister. she has been under fire in recent days accused of stoking tensions after accusing police of showing bias in the treatment of proro-palestininia protesters in london. it is one part of the reshuffle . state tuned for more details. on a ex post, he is strengthening his team so it is a major hint. chris christie is the first republican candidate to visit israel, when he plans to do about the devastation he saw during his trip. the clock is ticking with five days left before a government shutdown. the new house speaker put forth a unusual plan to keep things running. we have the details coming up. chris christie promises to share the atrocities he saw after visiting israel. he is the first candidate to go to israel since the attacks on october 7. he met with families of hostages and tour scenes where he could smell the death a month later. he insists the u.s. must give israel what it needs to defeat hamas. >> the most important thing is to provide financial assistance and military hardware to the israelis so they can do what they need to do in gaza regarding the terrorists that attacked them and killed over 1200 civilians. >> back at home tim scott says he is suspending his campaign for president, we are told his announcement caught his aides and donors by surprise even though he was facing a uphill battle. he said he will not endorse another candidate now. he plans to serve out his term in congress which runs until 2028. members of congress are working against the clock to keep the government up and running. the new speaker of the house is pushing a unconventional plan to provide staggered funding. it remains to be seen if lawmakers will approve it. >> reporter: mike johnson in his first test as speaker unveiling a plan to keep the government open with a handful of days before the end of the week. already facing fire from his right flank, members of the house freedom caucus in particular are concerned about the lack of spending cuts. democrats did not want any, however they are concerned it does not have aid to israel or ukraine and they are criticizing the unconventional approach. some federal agencies will be funding until january and others until february. this is a unusual approach but one johnson believes can help achieve legislative objectives. the next question is how many on the right push back or try to push him out because of the lack of spending cuts. not long ago kevin mccarthy, the former speaker, lost his job in major part because he advanced a bill to keep the government open with democratic support with no spending cuts. i asked mccarthy if he is concerned that johnson's job could be at risk for taking a similar approach. >> no, you get a honeymoon and they cannot go through it again. think how long it took last time. >> even if he relies on democratic votes the way you had to, you think he would be safe? >> i do not think anybody can make a motion to vacate for the rest of the term. >> reporter: democrats are weighing how they will perceived. they are watching how republicans are dealing with this and i am told it is uncertain whether they will carry this across the finish line and how many votes johnson will need from democrats but there is hardly any time left. senate democratic leaders signaled they are open to this and there's a lot of questions as we head into another week of shutdown fears. cnn. the mayor of new york city will continue to cooperate with authorities. the fbi and the attorney's office are investigating eric adams campaign finances. he has not been charged with any wrongdoing. authorities are also investigating whether adams pressured officials to approve a high-rise building. despite safety concerns. adams said in a statement that he and all members of his staff will cooperate and he has nothing to hide. president biden held a critical phone call sunday revealing new information about the hostages held by hamas. the chinese president will soon travel to the u.s. where he will meet with president biden. a look at what is at stake for the two leaders next. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? 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>> that is the logical question, what we will see out of this is some symbolism and substance. if we look at the differences in opinion toward big issues between the u.s. and china, whether it be taiwan, human rights, the war on ukraine, israel and hamas, there are profound differences in the way these two nations look at these issues and that probably will not change. the goal of the meeting is to begin conversation and if anything avoid any future surprises. this is a chance for china to let the u.s. know where it stands on taiwan and how much pushing by the u.s. maybe too far. china is also expected to raise concerns about some of the aerial surveillance over the taiwan strait and the south china sea. it is also a chance to agree on some things when it comes to economics. if we look at the relationship between the u.s. and china, it is a strong economic relationship. the u.s. benefits from purchasing cheap products from china in china also purchases products from the u.s. it creates a lot of trade that is beneficial for both nations which is why we hear officials talking about the need to the risk and not necessarily decoupled the relationship. it is worth stressing the fact that the meeting is happening is a big deal. it was earlier this year that we saw the u.s. shoot down a chinese balloon over american airspace and that added more chill to a frosty relationship. >> what reaction are using in china to all of this? >> a good barometer for us is what state media reports, we saw a editorial over the weekend talking about the need for sincerity by the u.s. in these talks and nothing can be taken for granted and a lot of leg work needs to be taking place. overall it is encouraging, this is a way for the chinese president to show strength at a time where china is dealing with so many domestic issues, it is also a way for him to look strong on the world stage as china tries to portray itself as a alternative, a different world order to what we see in the west and the u.s. as far as their approach to politics and diplomacy. >> i appreciate your time. officials in iceland have declared a state of emergency. they asked residents to evacuate amid a wave of earthquakes and the threat of a volcanic eruption. stay with us. you want to be able to provide your child with the tools or resources they need. with reliable internet at home, through the internet essentials program, the world opened up. fellas, fellas. that's how my son was able to find the hidden genius project. we wanted to give y'all the necessary skills to compete with the future. kevin's now part of this next generation of young people who feel they can thrive. ♪ ♪ iceland is under a state of emergency due to the threat of volcanic eruptions amid a intense wave of earthquakes in a region known for seismic activity. officials are saying there is a likelihood of a eruption near the blue lagoon geothermal pool. >> reporter: alarming signs in iceland where waves of tremors are shaking and splintering parts of the country. experts say the seismic activity is likely to get worse. thousands of earthquakes have struck iceland's peninsula in the last few days related to a underground corridor of magma that is shifting and could soon lead to a volcanic eruption. 50 kilometers away from the capital the ground already split open in places because of the volatility under the earth's crust. more than 3000 residents were evacuated saturday with a few allowed back sunday to achieve pets and essential items. experts say the corridor which stretches 15 kilometers could cause a eruption. >> we are expecting a eruption in a couple of hours. at least within a couple of days. >> reporter: iceland declared a state of emergency and closed the blue lagoon, a popular spa located near it. the area near is prone to volcanic activity with three eruption's in the past two years. in 2021 a fisher measuring 750 meters long spewed fountains of lava into the sky attracting tourists to the unpopulated hotspot. this time around with a entire town at risk officials are warned this eruption could have more dangerous consequences. cnn. >> joining me now is the superintendent of iceland's department of civil protection and emergency management. i know you are incredibly busy. there is so much speculation and misinformation out there. i am hoping you can help us through the facts. first of all, where you think the eruption could occur if it does. >> the most likely area is near a small town. the most likely scenario is a big eruption with volcanic lava, explosive eruption with dust clouds. that is not a likely scenario. most of the plants are looking into protecting the people living in the area and we evacuated almost 4000 people so there is nobody in immediate danger at the moment. >> there was a very famous eruption in 2010 and we had the ash cloud, explain how that is not likely to happen this time. >> in 2010 we had a volcanic eruption in a glacier, it was a mix of water, ice and volcanic lava which caused a explosive ash cloud, this time there is nothing like that. there is no glacier near the eruption site. most of the risk is from the floating lava. to a lot of critical infrastructure. the first is the town, a home of 4000 people and secondly a power plant that produces a lot of electricity. as well as hot water for the southwestern parts. >> are you waiting for the magma to appear to know where it will come out? potentially it could come out under the sea which i presume you are hoping for. >> it is difficult to use the word hope for the location of a volcano. everything is a bad situation. scientists told us the magma is shallow, a couple of hundred meters below the surface. we are in a waiting period. >> have they predicted when it might erupt? >> we have been waiting for the last 24 hours with 36 hours for it. the educated guess would be hours, maximum would be days. >> how long is it likely to last? >> that is also difficult to predict. we have seen eruptions last as long as six months. the last was 45 days. the first one in 2021 what's six months. >> in terms of the impact, obviously the magma itself but is there concern about gases being released or anything that could go into the atmosphere? >> yes. when the lava is coming out there is a lot of gas that comes with it. a similar volume as the lava itself. we have the experience from 21 or 23. this time of year maybe it will be easier to deal with. we have higher wind. the likelihood of the gas gathering in places is less than the summer. >> i really appreciate your time today and i wisish yoyou t bebest for t the next few w day thanank you. we will bebe right back. as ai emerges as a new technology, researchers around the world are using it to drive innovation in robotics. in abu dhabi researchers are using it for search and rescue robots in the desert. it is part of our series called bold pursuits. looking for discoveries that could help in our lives. >> it is very early, we are in the desert and it is already 37 outside. in this desert outside abu dhabi -a group of researchers working with robots manic with certain species do in nature. >> good morning. >> taking a cue from the way a colony of ants work together they are building a swarm of drones that collaborate and work together. >> they work autonomously. they can do operations by themselves. we mimic the natural system that exists in nature. they have a very limited intelligence by themselves but they can do great operations together. what we mimic is the way they communicate, coordinate the exchange of information and we let them self organize and perform the best they can. >> break down the kind of scenarios they would be most effective. >> disaster is one, transportation, any activity where we need eyes and we need to perform some activity on the spot. >> back in the labs at the technology innovation institute, they fit the drones and robots with cameras, sensors and communication devices. with all of this technology out in the field researchers. >> the idea is to apply their intelligence to solve a task a step higher. the idea is they are mass- produced within 5-10 years. >> can they do it better and more efficiently than humans. >> they can be more efficient, they can be more cost effective and fast. >> they do not complain about the brutal heat. with the changing climate that will be important. more than 180 thousand marched against anti-semitism across france this weekend. it is reportedly the largest protest since the desecration of a jewish cemetery in france 30 years ago. 105,000 filled the streets, the demonstrations come amid a spike in anti-somatic incidents. the french president said a fence where our jewish citizens are afraid is not friends. and misty is being offered to separatists from qatar. the party called for a passage of a controversial law granting amnesty for those convicted over the 2017 attempt to secede from spain. the plan sparked several large demonstrations. protesters say the acting prime minister is using the deal to get enough support for another term in office. a seaside town near rome can breathe easier now that a circus lien is no longer on the prowl. police are investigating after a employee found a broken lock and saw three people running from the lion's cage. the mayor announced on facebook the lion had been recaptured and returned after being on the loose for five hours. he says he hopes the situation can help put a end to the exploitation of animals in circuses. thank you for joining us. you want to be able to provide your child with the tools or resources they need. with reliable internet at home, through the internet essentials program, the world opened up. fellas, fellas. that's how my son was able to find the hidden genius project. we wanted to give y'all the necessary skills to compete with the future. kevin's now part of this next generation of young people who feel they can thrive. ♪ ♪

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Nobody , October , Say , Cease Fire , Hostages , Release , Unicef , Several , Eight , Statement , Health Facilities , Healthcare Workers , Refugees , 137 , Devastation , Death , Despair , Cannot Stand Silent , Healthcare System , Life , Loss , James , Ways , Terms , Communications , Others , Children , One , Women , Messages , Everywhere , Number , Things , Many , Incubator , Safety , Doctor , Mothers , Mother , Comment , Facilities , Care , Everybody , Streets , Images , Hospital Walking , Ambulance , Lives , Day One , Brink , Organization , Families , Boys And Girls , House , Somewhere , Lot , Power , Chance , Everyone , Adults , Horrors , Trauma , Safe Passage , Risk , Intelligence , Law , Guess , Know , Colleagues , Breach , Proportionality , Combatants , Torches , Anesthetics , Wounds , Nationals , Border Official , Egyptian , 804 , Palestinians , Time , Treatment , Border Crossing On Sunday , Four , Nine , Residents , Conflict , Cancer , Limbs , God , Country , Store , Top Line , 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Time , Minor , Suffering , Data Sharing , Missile , South Korea , Japan , 56 , Talks , North Korea , Threats , Pentagon Chief , Allies , Strategy , Assets , Relations , Sidelines , Apex Summit In San Francisco , G 20 Summit , Relationship , China , Symbolism , Issues , Differences , Substance , Opinion , Taiwan , War On Ukraine , Human Rights , Anything , Nations , Goal , Surprises , Conversation , Concerns , Surveillance , Economics , Taiwan Strait , South China Sea , Products , Trade , Benefits , Deal , Need , Happening , Fact , Reaction , Chill , Airspace , Balloon , State Media Reports , Barometer , Editorial , Sincerity , It , Leg Work , Stage , Alternative , Strength , State Of Emergency , Politics , Diplomacy , West , Earthquakes , Wave , Stay , Son , Resources , Tools , Internet Essentials Program , Child , Hidden Genius Project , Fellas , Generation , Skills , Eruptions , Likelihood , Blue Lagoon , Pool , Seismic Activity , Activity , Parts , Waves , Splintering , Signs , Tremors , Shaking , Experts , Magma , Corridor , Peninsula , Places , Few , Crust , Volatility , Capital , Earth , 3000 , 50 , Pets , Essential Items , 15 , Couple , Lava , Town , Tourists , Sky , Fountains , Hotspot , 2021 , 750 , Superintendent , Consequences , Department Of Civil Protection , There , Speculation , Facts , Emergency Management , Misinformation , Scenario , Dust Clouds , Most , Plants , Danger , 2010 , 4000 , Glacier , Ash Cloud , Water , Explosive Ash Cloud , Volcanic , Mix , Ice , Eruption Site , First , Infrastructure , Power Plant , Southwestern Parts , Sea , Volcano , Location , Word , Hope , Surface , Scientists , Waiting Period , 24 , 36 , Concern , Gases , Last , Impact , 45 , Atmosphere , Gas , Yes , Experience , Volume , 21 , 23 , Gas Gathering , Wind , Summer , Yoyou T Bebest For , Day Thanank , Researchers , Technology , Robots , Ai , Robotics , Desert , Innovation , Series , Abu Dhabi , Search And Rescue , Discoveries , Bold Pursuits , Group , 37 , Drones , Nature , Swarm , Species , Ants , Colony , Cue , Operations , System , Exchange , Scenarios , Transportation , Best , Kind , Eyes , Back , Sensors , Spot , Cameras , Labs , Technology Innovation Institute , Communication , Devices , Idea , Task A Step , Humans , Cost , 5 , Climate , Heat , Anti Semitism , 180 Thousand , Protest , Desecration , Jewish Cemetery , 105000 , Demonstrations , Fence , Friends , Incidents , Spike , Citizens , Jewish , Party , Misty , Separatists , Passage Of A Controversial Law Granting Amnesty , Acting Prime Minister , Attempt , Spain , 2017 , Circus Lien , Prowl , Employee , Seaside Town , Rome , Saw , Cage , Loose , The Lion , Facebook , Recaptured , Exploitation , End , Circuses , Animals ,

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