Transcripts For CNNW The 20240702 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240702

since the october 7th terror attack in israel there has been a spike in antisemitic attacks around the world, including in the united states. the fbi recently warned anti-semitism is reaching historic levels. its data shows jewish americans make up 2.4 of the public, but they're the targets of more than 60% of religious hate crimes recorded in this country. since october, jewish day schools have closed or had to hire extra security, synagogues have gone into lockdown, and college campuses in particular have seen a surge in antisemitic incidents, including some assaults. over the next hour, cnn's dana bash explores the roots of anti-semitism in america and how they've spread. you'll also hear from some who have personally experienced threats and attatacks in the pa months and have started hiding their jewish identity in public out of fear for their safety. sunday, october 29th in southern russia. barely three weeks after the october 7th attack on israel by hamas, the deadliest day for jews since the holocaust, an angry mob stormed the tarmac and rushed the plane that had just arririved from t tel aviv. theyey were huntnting for jejew. > they wereren't sayingng gi the isisraelis, whwhich would d bebeen terriblble any way.y. they arere yelling w where are jewsws.. wherere are the e jews. that is plain old anti-semitism. >> reporter: ambassador debra lipstat is the spepecial envoy monitor and d combat ananti-semitisism. she wawas sworn inin in 2022, , alalready risising hate araroun world. since ththe attack o on israel, has s your role become more vit? >> w we began toto see, firsrst surge anand then a s spike, the explosion and now a tsunami of anti-semitism worldwide. in paris, in london, in germany. inin australiaia, it was g gas jews. get rid d of the jewews. let's have a jew-free zone.. it's's not aboutut being proro- or anti-i-israel. it's about anti-semitism. you know how when the yellow light is flashing, anti-semitism is like that amber light. and what i it's signalaling is anti-s-semitism isis coming anas a a threat to o democracy. >> repeporter: if f anti-semitis a telltatale sign ththat a demoy is threatetened, what t does it about ththe united s states rig now? >> it's disturbing. it's disturbing. >> reporter: this new wave of jewish hatred is causing historic levels of anti-semitic acts in america. >> we've just never seen a surge like this before. literally we've seen the highest numbers that adl has ever tracked in terms of acts of harassment, vandalism and violence. 202022 was thehe worst yeaear e. and ththe numbers s already sos have expxploded since october t 7th. >> reporter: but anti-semitic incidents up nearly 400%, according to adl data. >> while the jewish community is struggling to make sense of that madness that horror, it has been incredibly painful, compounding the grieief and the e sense of anxiety to see the world turn on the jewish community, to see protesters in places here in the united states attacking jewish peoplele in broad d daylight, , vavandalizing, quote, zizionist bubusinesses. i ththink if we e try to undnde why is thihis happenining in th momoment, i ththink we havave s anti-semitism normalized in recent years. as t that seeps s into the c cu and sort o of poisons s the bloodstream, it then allows people to think, oh, it is okay to make it open season on jews. >> this past month we had 770 incident repeports.. therere is no ququestion that t incidedents are gogoing up.. one e of the thihings we've e o- >> reporteter: mike mamasters ie ceo of the sececure commmmunity networork, a 24/7 command cecen where ananalysts mononitor all way dodown to the dadark webeb threreats againsnst jews. >> this s is our j jewish sesec opererations comommand centeter. this i is the natitional hub. >> i'm c curious to o see how much i it changed d since t last timime we were e here. i i first met him in 2 2022 alr reportrting on a d disturbing g inin anti-semimitism i in ameri. but t october 7th tookok scn's' toto another l level. >> says acactive now.. 31. what d does that m mean? >> t there are 3 31 risk eveven occucurring in p proximity t to jewiwish proximimity, right t n across the couountry. >> how mucuch more of f nonspec threats are you seeing n now versus octctober 7th? > 149 sincece october 7 7th. onon average a month before tha was clcloser to 5050. those are an individual that is threatening to kill jews. we've had multiple threats of jewish day schools around the country receiving phone calls of individuals saying we're going to come in and kill you and imitating the sounds of gunfire. indianana, virginia, washington d.d.c. and othther states.s. since ococtober 7th.h. >> reporter: it opened the flood gates? >> it opened thehe flood gates. >> reporter: and flood waters are breaching the walls of college campuses across the country. >> at harvard university in cambridge, massachusetts -- a pro palestinian rally clashed with supporters of israel. >> at george washington university, glory to our martyrs among the messages projected on a library wall. >> some of the worst the stanford professor who literally herded jewish students into a corner, humiliating them. the assault at uc davis of a jewish student putting up poststers of hosostages justst e sure thahat they arere not forgn and being physically assaulted in the process. a very similar instance at columbia. >> in many cities and many campuses, missing persons style posters being torn down. >> no, no, no. >> reporter: the posters of kidnapped israelis have become a flash point. with confrontations going viral on social media. >> he's bothering me. >> you're surprised? show your face. show your face. >> youou are not a allowed -- - >> they y tear them m down beca ththey don't see them as p peop. ththey see them as sometething inferioror. theyey see them m as somethihin subhbhuman. this is the destination where anti-semitism takes you. >> it's children. it's innocent people. >> w what about the children in palelestine? >> that isis one of ththe thing find m most distururbing. > reporter:r: why? > these areren't soldieiers were taken in battle. these were civilians who were taken away. these were women who were raped and then taken. these are babies. but to tear down the pictures and to do it with such an aggressive attitude. it's a a form of hate. it's a form of hate. it's a form of contempt for life. > reporter:r: anti-semimitis jewish hate has been part ofof e fabricic of societeties for millennia.a. the difference between that and what we see in modern times is what? >> the difference in terms of anti-semitism today y is that i blends a l lot of the e traditi notions of nefarious jewish popower being used to tatake advavantage of o other peoplple a veryry specific c anti-zionind anti-israel set of narratives. >> jew hatatred, anti-semitism dedeeply bakeded into not t jus weststern societety but muchch world. it's's very hardrd to eradicica. anti-semititism has bebeen call the longesest or the o oldest hd with g good reasonon. soso, this sorort of let t the f for r many anti-i-semites fofor a few decacades. it hasn't t been takenen seriou. people h have said, , well, it't as s serious as s racism. itit's not as s serious asas homophphobia. itit's not as s serious asas mi, misogyny, et cetera. or what you'll often find is amongst university admininistrators, , at least j kikids, they c come from w welld familieses. it's almosost falling g into th antisemititic trope. jews are p powerful, s so why a they comomplaining? jews are successful, why are they complaining? >> call it out for what it is. when george floyd was murdered, it would have beenen so inapappropriate e to say, wewe n the racismsm that was s behind and ththe homophobobia and theh anti-s-semitism, b but somehowo itit comes to o anti-semititism couldn't be called out on its s own. it couldn't stand on its own. >> what dodoes the whahat about do? >> it dilulutes anand d to a a degree rationalilizes and/oror justififies. i wantnt to be alslso exactly y, crcriticism ofof israeli policy not anti-semitism. but,t, when you u question t tht of a jews to a n national identityty, when youou question exisistence of a a jewish ststau move beyeyond the popolitical. >> reporter: anti-semitism in the u.s. is now exploding on both sides of the political spspectrum. in recent history, the anti-jewish hate that has s explodeded into viololence has fromom the right, from right wi extremiststs. what is happppening on c colleg campuses tends to comeme from t left. > yeah. i i mean, therere's no queuestit the cultlture on camampus, when comes to a anti-jewish sentimen is comoming from left wing g gr anand allianceces that arere alt around this demonization of israel. wherever j jewish stududents a just trying to go about living their lives on campus. >> repororter: so whwhen you ta about demonization of israel, a lot of prorogressives s would s yoyou can be a anti-israel and anti-s-semitic. that's notot true anymymore. >> we haveve seen the e line ben anti-i-israel sentntiment and d anti-semititism completely crumble. when students have been physically assaulted at university of georgia, at uc davis, at other campuses, no one is asking them about their views ofof the israeaeli/palestitinia coconflict. this line has completely broken down. >> reporter: as war rages on, there's little hope of domestic attacks letting up. >> the death of a jewish man at duelling protests in southern california is being investigated as a homicide. >> in the last week, we have seen a jewish man assaulted and killed in southern california. we saw a woman try to drive her car into what she thought was a synagogue outside ofof chicago. these look like outliers until you pull back and you realize, they're actually data points on a trend line of intensifying ananti-semitisism and incrcreas probability of violence. >> reporter: ahead -- >> it really went from 0 to 100. >> reporter: clashes escalate on american campuses. ♪ >> reporter: new orleans, louisiana. duelling pro-palestinian and pro-israeli rallies near tulane universisity turned viviolent. >> they were chanting "israel,l isisrael, you u can't hihide, w charge you with gegenocide fror the ririver to the sea." >> reporter: when you hear from the river to the sea, what does that mean to you? >> they want to wipe us out. they want us gone. they don't want a two-state solution. >> it is the c call for ththe annihihilation of f israel. and in a s sense the e exterminn of the jewish people. >> reporter: tulane students dylan mann and panin that sasasn saidid the prorotests onon oppo sides of the street began peacefully. >> we felt each other's presence. there wasn't really a sense that we were attacking each other. you knknow, idealologically ata popoint. >> reporteter: when didid it tu? >> they would call us genocide supporters. we would say you're supporting genocide and some ofof their support fofor hamas. you know, they call us colonizers. we call l them terrororist susupporters. >> yes, , there werere things w shououted back a at them butut really t took a turn the secono the boy y pulled outut that fla from the truck. and took out a lighter. >> reporter: violence erupted when a pro-palestinian demonstratoror in the back of a pickup truck started to light an israeli flag on fire. >> a student on the jewish side he ran andnd tried to o get bace flag t to save it t from beingn burneded. therere were twowo kids in t th of the truck. one was holding the israeli flag and one was holding the palestinian flag on a very large pole. once the jewish student was able to retrieve the flag back, he started getting bashed over the head repeaeatedly withth that p. and whwhen i saw t that, that'tn i i ran in. i was trying to just get him out of the situation. >> reporter: then dillen was beaten and attacked by two older men, he says were not college-aged. >> i was completely blind sided by a man with a megaphone who hit me very viciously over the nose, which broke my nose. i went into complete shock. i went deaf for a couple seconds.s. i went b blind. maybe for a second. >> reporter: you're draped in an israeli flag. you're holding a photo of a jew beining held hosostage in gagaz you'u're gettingng beaten upup. >> this wasn't a pro-hamasas rally.y. atat least not in name. this w was what wawas called a pro-paleststinian rally. and it was still violent. you know, assaulting a jewish person isn't going to free palestine. and i think almost every single jew would agree that it is an utter tragedy ththe amount o of civilians who have died in gaza. and d while we're thinking that we're thinking a lot of these people in this crowd who are saying these sensible things are also calling for the destruction of israel for referring to zionism as genocide. and so, whwhen you're e not abl separate t the radicalal ideas ththe sensiblele ones, youou kn that's when it gets dangerous. >> reporter: in a statement, tulane's president michael fitts said, we stand against all forms of violence and hate, including anti-semitism, islamophobia and racism. a line was crossed, and we will do everything in our power to ensure it is not crossed again. and we still have much work to do to heal and unite our community. >> free free palestine! >> from the river toto the sea. > from the e river to the se! >> sinince octoberer 7th we hah seenen so much c conflict bubbl up on collllege campususes acro the coununtry. for jejewish studedents in paparticular, , they are g goin trtrauma to trauma. and most o of them felelt incree trtrauma watchching so manany it israelelis slaughthtered on oco 7th. and while they were mourning that, while they were feeling the threat and fear of what happened, in many cases people they knew or felt connected to, there were mobilizations of anti-israel ststudent groups an other groups coming to campus to turn what had been a mass murder into an opportunity to further demonize israel. >> we've had 148 incidents reported to us on college campuses since october 7th. that is an increase of severala hundred pepercent fromom the mo prior.r. >> tensions on harvard's campus flared when a coalition of student groups signed a letter the very night israeli authorities said civilians were raped, beheaded and burned alive, stating israel was, quote, entirely responsible for the hamas terror attack. on october 31st, student at cornell university was arrested for allegedly posting online he would, quote, bring an assault rifle to campus and shoot all you pig jews. he also allegedly threatened to stab and slit the throat of any jewish males he sees on campus, to rape and throw off a cliff any jewish females, and to behead any jewish babies. the studenent's motherer releas statement saying he hahad menta health s struggles. > we get t risk e events frf around t the world.. >> the p posts were e caught fr scn's s command cecenter. >> we have team members that had been o on the cornell campus working with thehe administrtra and law enforcement. >> m members of f your organani are e on the groround at cororn teaching the students how to be more safe? >> yes. >> reporter: the dean of the university of california berkley school of law, who is jewish says he's never seen the level of anti-semitism at universities including among faculty as rampant as it is now. >> i was stunned and saddened to see statementsts online celebratating the hahamas terro attack. i could read you a few examples. for instance, students for justice in palestine called the terrorist attack, quote, historic win for, quote, the palestinian resistance. a columbia professor called the hamas massacre, quote, awesome. and quote, a stunning victory. chicago art professor posted a note that said, quote, israelis are pigs, savages, very, very bad team, irredeemable excrement. may they all rot in hell. if this is anything-on-jewish pepeople beingng killed wowoulde say thisis? if they did, wouldn't they be widely condemned. >> at george washington university the groups students for justice in palestine recently projected antisemitic tropics outside gellman library. quote, free palestine from the river to the sea.. and, quotete, glory toto our mamartyrs. >> imamagine a wororld in whici after r the murderer of georgegd sosomeone was s projectingng me likeke about prorotect the p po and georgege floyd wasas guilty. how offensive would that be? >> reporter: in this case, gw's president ellen granberg said, quote, these images included antisemitic phrases that have caused fear and anxiety for many members of our jewish and broader gw community, and we wholly denounce this type of conduct. >> i w went to gw. i'm a proud alum. i i studied in that librbrary f four yearsrs. i can't imimagine whatat it fee lilike to know that thesese hat imagages and phrhrases were e projecteted on the o outside oft buililding. >> to see e many peoplple sitti there e under thesese projectit was very uncncomfortablele and disheartenening to seeee. >> reporteter: galali isis a se out gw, aviv a f freshman. his grgrandmother r lives in i . >> reporter:r: did she c call y? >> y yeah. > reporter:r: what did she s? >> she asksked if evererything okay. what's goioing on herere. and just want memed to explalai heher what i'v've been seeing o campus. and if it's reallyly as bad asau see it is s online. >> r reporter: s so this is s y grandmother in ashkekelon, o on border with gaza, worrieied abo you on a colollege campus s in america?a? >> y yeah. >> your mom totold you to take your mezzazuzuzah thatat hangs outside e the dooror. yoyour mom tolold you u to put inside. >> yeah.h. >> did you?? >> yeah,h, i did. and ththen i also o she asked d chchange my naname on uberer anr apps thahat have my y name on i becaususe my name e is israelil byby reading i it you woululd km jewish.. she wantnted me to s switch tha wellll just to b be safe. >> i reaeally feel l like we coo collllege to leaearn and to o m people w who are so different fm us. and maybe e have different political ideas s or who havaven raraised in a a different t rel. and d right now w i feel likike can't hahave those c challengin conversatitions becaususe i fee ifif when i shshare my opipinio will be shut down. >> reporter: unchecked anti-semitism has led to high profile donor backlash at harvard, c columbia, t the university of pennsylvania and others. >> school for whatever reason can't feel like it can defend israel and attack evil and call out hamas for what it is, the things that they did were evil. and they weren't willing to say it. >> reporter:r: some of t the nation's's moist prominent law firms warned elite colleges to crack down on anti-semitism or face recruitment problems. >> the madness has to stop and candidly in the case of tulane and elsewhere, we need our university administrators to take control of the situation, to bring some order to this chaos in the way it's being directed against jewish students. >> reporter: we reached out to cornell, columbia, tulane, george washington and eight other universities who have experienced anti-semitism on campus for an interview with the school's president. they all declined. columbia did announce on friday they suspended two pro-palestinian student groups for repeated violation of university policies. >> it's very depressing. it's very depressing. have we failed? >> reporter: what's the answer? >> from what i've seen, we certainly haven't succeeded in critical analytical thinking. something has gone wrong worldwide in higher education. and it's got to be resolved. >> reporter: uc berkley's law school dean said his school has done a lot to address anti-semitism. >> we require all of our law students to go through bias traiaining that t includes anti-semititism as welell as ot forms of bigotry as well as i've certainly been willing to express mymyself in condemning anti-s-semitism whwhen i see i . and i thinink that's i importan a dean, asas a leader r of an educational institution to speak out. >> reporter: when we come back -- >> anti-semitism of the hard left i liken to climate change. starts d down here, , gets hott and hohotter. it crereates the s space in gug which guess what can happen? category 5 hurricanes. >> reporter: are we at a category 5 hurricane on the left? >> you better believe it. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. it seems like a long time ago. it was sold of a golden age for jewish people. >> 2015 and jonathan just began his tenure at the adl. >> things looked very different in 2015. >> reporter: better? >> much better. >> reporter: hard to imagine given the explosion of jew hate today. >> anti-semitic incidents were bouncing around at a very low nunumber, wherere they hadad be years. >> reporter: what changed? >> 2016, president trump ran for office. he w welcomed pepeople from m t fringes into the front of the line. [ cheers and applause ]. >> melania, so great. such a great supporter. ♪ >> reporter: the presidential campaign was at a fever pitch when journalalist julia ioffe filed a report on melania trump. >> at the time, nobobody really knew who she was. >> r reporter: the gq article poststed on april 27th, 2016. within 24 hohours, melania trum reacteted on facebook, accusing ioffe of having an agenda. >> the problem is that when your husband runs for president, everything is fair game. >> reporter: lit's talk about what happened after ward? >> ioffe and i spoke in 2022 about what happened next. a neo-nazi website posted this. filthy russian kike attacks empress melania. go ahead and send her a tweet. >> i started getting all these calls and all of this ugly stuff on social media and my email. the photo shops of my face in a gas chamber or my face in an auschwitz mug shot. >> reporter: who are these people who are doing this and how are they connected to donald trump? >> so many of these people were making overt connections between these anti-semitic actions and speech and their support for donald trump. >> some of your supporters have viciously attacked this woman julia ioffe with antisemitic attacks, death threats. >> reporter: soon after wolf blitzer interviewed the then presumptive republican nominee. >> i don't know anything about that. >> but your message -- >> fans of mine? >> and pressed again, this. >> do you have a message to the fans? >> i don't have a message to the fans. there is nothing more dishonest than the media. >> so his silence was taken how? >> as permission. >> reporter: brit inheller is a professor who compiles data about online hate. you actually saw data that backed that up? >> yes. we would see the number of attacking tweets on jewish journalists' spike. it was the largest spike we saw in our data set. people took that as a green light. >> welcome back. extraordinary and historic night, donald trump will be the next president of the united states.. >> a after presisident trumpmp like the next day, the numbers went through the roof. >> reporter: people who were extrememists, who o were beingnt sasaw an openining. >> yes. > we saw exextremists f feel incredibly emboldened and energized. >> more than 80 jewish community centers and schools across the country have received bomb threats in a wave of anti-semitism. >> damage at this historic jewish cemetery in missouri a synagogue in chicago and swastikas painted on this car in boca raton, florida, last week. >> reporter: in 2016, there was a 34% spike in anti-semitic events. in 2017, a 57% increase. the largest since the adl began tracking this. that summer, the charlottesville rally. jews will not replace us. jews will not replace us. ♪ >> we did see very strong resurgence of white supremacy and neo-nazi rhetoric. wewe would havave bomb thrhreat leafletting acroross campus s demonizing jews for causing any problem in the world. >> reporter: conspiracy theories and anti-semitic hate were amplified in the spring of 2020 with the start of the covid pandemic. >> what strikes me is that irrespective of where it's coming from, people rely on the same template of charges. jews are controlling, jews are conniving, jews are clever. they're behind, they're manipulating. >> reporter: flyers that had anti-semitic messages involving covid-19. >> they have been found all over the country. >> and it makes no sense. it would be laughable if it weren't so dangerous. >> reporter: and it was not just the far right extremisists.. >> s so many hypyperprogressssi groups t that had mamade it the missioion to destrtroy the stat israelel and as papart of thata brought t so much hostilitity, at the s same time, , the white susupremaciststs brand of f anti-s-semitism jujust meets u h these leleft wing elelements of hyperprorogressive a anti-zioni and ananti-semitisism to squeee jewiwish people e right the e m >> a anti-semititism of the e h left i l liken to clclimate cha. stararts down hehere. gegets hotter r and hotterer, h anand someme people deny i it. otothers dismimiss it. ththink they c can adapt.. getsts to the popoint up, crcre ththe space whwhere categogory huhurricanes. >> arere we at a c category 5 5 huhurricane onon the left?t? >> you b better belilieve it.. i feel like the odds of a mass casualty event are extremely high right now. >> what do we want? what do we want? >> reporter: bringing together two extremes that would lay the foundation for where we are today. >> jewew hatred hahas been swew under r the rug. the rug is bulging from the floor r up. i mean, there's no way to ignore it right now. >> this is our town now! >> we are seeing the equivalent of charlotottesville e every da americica. where e people are chanting pro-o-hamas slogans, " "jews, w will repeplace you." that is whwhat we are e hearing. and we can no o longer afffford allow willllful ignorarance or r naiveté to shape the world in which we're living in. >> reporter: next, the dangerous online world of jew hate. ♪ my n name is fraranky berns. i consider myself a jewish creator. >> the jewish answer was the lost b bagel. i was wawatching foror morand d jewishsh facts. >> therere's a lot o of content creatorsrs who are j jewish, bu unfortrtunately ifif you post t anything about being jewish right now you get swarmed in the comments. >> the antisemitic comment of the day word goes to the user of this very creative little stickeker. didn't't know you coululd geget emoji. very creative. whether fortunately or unfortunately because i've been doing this for a year now, i'm kind of numb to the hate. >> this is like a mean word that i get commmmented on a a lot ofy videdeos becausese i'm jewisish. >> in n the fall o of 2022, frf bernstein was startled by a jump in online hate, following kanye west's now infamous anti-semitic screeds. >> if rahm is sitting next to obama or jared sitting next to trump, there's a jewish person right there controlling the country. >> so the trick is you actually do it like this. >> reporter: then 29-year-old bernstein decided to transform his otherwise playful social media platforms into a safe space to embrace his jewish identity and educate others. >> yes, i'm jewish. and this month is actually jewish-american heritage month. today is yom kippur. >> bernstein kept posting, and his following kept growing. >> hi, welcome. >> his new purpose was clear. >> to say thank you, because i've been working my tukisis of on this new nice jewish community. >> i'm trying to fight anti-semitism and everything i'm trying to do is about spreading love and positivity. >> this is cnn breaking news -- >> reporter: but then came october 7th. >> breaking news out of israel, hamas militants poururing g acr the gaza b border in a a deadly surprise a attack. > october 7 7th happenened, t was a wave of hate was what i experienced visually online. thousands of comments a day just coming at me. >> this person said 6 million jewish people wasn't enough. reopen the chambers. they're talking about the six million people that died in the holocaust. jewish peoplple are [ [ bleep ] airifified rigight n now.. i'm m telling g you because i'm jewishsh and i'm s scared. i had actualal death thrhreats. yoyou think i'i'm happy ababouts going onon in the gagaza strip t now.w. it's's [ bleep ] ] awful. i know i'm not supposed to curse. the fact from the other side of it, people were celebrating what happened in israel?? >> e eo >> joyoyful and popowerful imam whicich came frorom the glorori october 7th. >> yes! >> i think and that's the problem. and so, am i worried about the physicalal piece of f it? of c course i amam. there's obviously a real war that's going on right now, but a digital war going on, too. hate is contagious. >> these online spaces can create troll armies. >> i first spoke with oren segel in 2022 at the adl's center for extremism. jew hahate was alrlready corror the internet. >> the biggest difference i think post october 7th in terms of the online content is just the volume. we saw on telegram which is loved by extremists across the ideological spectrum, the threats against jews, israelis and zionists increased by 1,000%. >> reporter: 1,000%? >> 1 1,000%. but many o of the platatforms w a lot t of people e get their r informatation and whwhere their world viview is creaeated, ther not a lot t of transpaparency f researchers to be able to track these threats. >> reporter: with the information they could obtain, the adl center for tech and society found that when comparing the week prior to october 7th and the week after the 7th, anti-semitism on x, formerly twitter, rose 919%. >> so this is literally before the blood had dried in israel. "i hopope e she gegets r raped bearing g muslim childreren." in this cacase they'rere referr to the women t that were r rape hamamas. >> reporteter: people e who wer alreadady inclineded to hate a clclearly emboboldened by y wha saw. > people whwho see a mamassa who then go o online to o try t undersrstand it anand are hit t ththe head witith message e aft message e promoting g what theyt saw, r re-enforceses to them t that's's okay. sosome of thosose who are e mos engageged in spreaeading this s antiti-semitism m and hate a ar 1313-year-oldsds, 14-year-r-old >> reporteter: 13 and d 14-year kids? > some of thehem are. >> reporter: another big problem, onlnline misinforormat and it's spreading like wild fire. this video said to be hamas attacking israel. in fact, it was from a video gameme. plus, troves of posts falsely claiming israel is lying about the hamas attack and hired crisis actors to stage violence. others falsely claiming the pal palestininians calleled in the actors. this post says among o other thingsgs, "i'm goioing to shoooa sysynagogue." >> micichael masteters says a a didizzying mixix of hate, , fea disinforormation is s overwhelm social platforms. >> we haveve seen coorordinated efforts atat misinformrmation a disinformamation. >> reporter: from whom? >> from ororganizationons that trying to sow discord within the community y or create fear. >> why are you taking it off? >> it's fake news. >> reporter: here someone is filmed tearing down a poposter an israeli believed to be held hostage by hamas. has your concern about online radicalization gone up a lot since october 7th? >> we knknow that memessages ofe carrrry through.h. and we see that from past historic incidents. whether it was the postings of the offender in the pittsburgh massacre. >> 11 people dead, 6 others wounded when a gunman opened fire on worshippers at a synagogue in pittsburgh. >> the offender who shot up the synagogue in poway, california. >> i opened fire at a synagogue. i think i killed some people. >> reporter: the 19-year-old who injured three and killed one jewish conongregant in powoway apapril of 2019 was fully radicalized online. >> we know the impact online hate has in the real world. and i should note, anti-semitism thatat we see isis often comomb withth racism anand misogyny and anti-arab and muslim bigotry. and i want to be clear about one thing, you can care deeply about the lives of palestinians without glorifying and justifying violence against innocent people. > reporter: w when we retetu >> this is a matter if you believe i should exist in this world or not. . the night that we now call, it's the night that the nazis came into our house and proceeded to break everything we owned. then took my father and grandfather. >> 90-year-old ruth steinfeld is a holocaust survivor. >> the screams and cries did not diminish when we arrived at our destination. that's when the men were separated from the women. that was the last time that i ever saw my father. >> she was only 7. soon after, her mother let a french organization take her and her sister to safety. >> the last time i saw my mom, she insisted we get on that bus. and i didn't want to get on the bus. i wanted to stay with her. i have this picture of watching momma waving good-bye to me from the street. >> you experienced the kind of hate that no one should. do you see that hate bubbling up here? >> absolutely. it needs to be taken out of the quietness s of the worldld and spspoken, so c children arare a undederstand. >> often, , i will have chchild that say, , my parents are s so reassusured by whahat you do.. i'm getting verklempt just saying that. i don't know if i'm up to that task. >> university presidents are being called out, asking if they are up to the task. >> do you feelel safafe at colo university? i say no. >> do you feel supported in this time of rising anti-semimitism campuses from your school leaderership? >> unfortunately, no. >> this is where the university can come in. educating people. >> the univeversity hahas an obobligation t to keep jewewish students s safe. your f free speechch ends when prevents me from s speaking. college presidents need to find ththeir spine. alallowing k kids to intimidida otheher r kids and h harass ana ththreaten othther kids.s. i'm sorry. the university presidents get an "f" if they're not educating kids on that. >> the biden administration thinks a threat to funding could be persuasive. >> you have the legal responsibility under title vi to ensure safe learning environmenent. if we have t to wiwithhold doll for a campusus refususing g to , we wouldld. > i would likike to see a a dodo more toto combat isislam s. bubut a threat to cut off funds doesn't seem constructive. it's not clear to o see whwhat campuses wouldld do to conontino receive momoney. therere's such a a f focus in an sosociety of b being carefeful ofoffend varioious c cultures a etethnicities.s. d.e.i. i is a big thing in corporate america,a, in n schoo. is anti-i-semitism p part ofof ? >> t there's no questition many mind, if you arere doingng d d. ededucation, t to help youour ememployees oror students s or cohort understanand didiversity equiuity inclusision and you art includining anti-sememitism, yoe doining it wrongng. you can't be inclusive if you exclude jews. >> when you and i talked in 2022, , my bigiggest t takeaway our conversationon was eduducat. to explain to peopople whahat antiti-semitism m is.. does t that work?? is it enough?? >> i it's not enenough. whwhether it's as s an offffici teacher,r, a religioious leaded. you gogot to spepeak out. >> does s speaking out work? >> staying silent t doesn't wor. >> i i want. >> my kikids, all l kids, , to e and secure, bubut to be abable e proud of w who they are. to show that. to demonstrate it. i refuse to be okay with somebody not wearing. that's our obligation to our future generations. as a jewish h community y and a amamerican comommunity. >> what dodo you t think the solution i is. >> a at the end of the day, dialogogue and cononversation ne only wayay to get peopople to o coconnect anand d share e theirs and share their ideas. >> many of my close friends ask me in a kind way, asking, can you explain to me why these projections were seen as anti-semiticic. i don'n't understand and i want to.. there isis this overerarching feeling of nobody can engage in discourse. nobody is able to o share their opinions.. and i want to have conversations with people that are dififferen frfrom me. >> i d don't thinknk this is a matttter of politics. ththis is a matttter of if you believe i should exist in this world or notot. >> do yoyou feel safafe? now? as a jew?? >> i d don't let it t consume m everydayay life. and i don't let it dictate what i do. the people that assaulted me. the people that will use violence, that's when they win

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One , University Of Georgia , Israel Sentntiment , Line , Man , Attacks , Israeaeli , Death , Views , Palestitinia Coconflict , Broken Down , War Rages , Synagogue , Woman , Car , Southern California , Protests , Ofof Chicago , Homicide , Outliers , Probability , Trend Line , Ananti Semitisism , Data Points , Incrcreas , Clashes Escalate On American , 0 , 100 , New Orleans , Louisiana , Tulane Universisity , Rallies , L Isisrael , Duelling Pro Palestinian , Gegenocide Fror , Ririver To The Sea , Hihide , Viviolent , Sea , C Call , The River , Sasasn Saidid , Two State Solution , Ththe Annihihilation , E Exterminn , Tulane Students Dylan Mann , Panin , Two , Reporteter , Presence , Each Other , There Wasn T , The Street , It Tu , Ata Popoint , Prorotests Onon Oppo Sides , Idealologically , Didid , You Knknow , Genocide , Ofof , Yes , Colonizers , Fofor Hamas , Terrororist Susupporters , There Werere Things W Shououted , Flag , Truck , Them Butut Really T , Demonstratoror , Lighter , Back , On Fire , Pickup Truck , Secono , The Boy Y Pulled Outut , Fla , Side , Twowo Kids In T Th , It T , Beingn Burneded , Andnd , Head , Flag Back , Whwhen , Opole , That Tn Ii Ran In , Repeaeatedly Withth , Situation , Then Dillen , Nose , Men , Megaphone , Photo , Second , Shock , Jew Beining , Couple Seconds S I Went B Blind , Name , Wawas , This W , Hosostage , Wasn T A Pro Hamasas Rally Y , Atat , Gagaz You U , Upup , Jew , Amount O , Person Isn T , Crowd , Youou Kn , Separate T , Destruction , Zionism , Radicalal Ideas Ththe Sensiblele Ones , Michael Fitts , Statement , Eforms , Islamophobia , Everything , Power , River , Community , Unite , Bubbl , Jejewish Studedents , Israelelis Slaughthtered On Oco 7th , Collllege Campususes Acro The Coununtry , Trauma , Paparticular , Goin Trtrauma , Incree Trtrauma Watchching , Them Felelt , Sinince Octoberer 7th We Hah Seenen , Cases , Mourning , Mobilizations , Felt , Anti Israel Ststudent , Groups , Opportunity , Murder , 148 , Increase , Mo Prior R Tensions , Student Groups , Student At Cornell University , Letter , Authorities , Coalition , On October 31st , October 31st , Pig Jews , Throat , Stab , Slit , Assault Rifle , Studenent , Cliff , Females , Males , Motherer Releas Statement , Members , Events , Risk E , Team Members , The World , Menta Health S Struggles , Law Enforcement , Groround , Thehe Administrtra , P Posts , Fr Scn S Command Cecenter , O On The Cornell Campus Working , Organani , Cororn Teaching , Dean , Universities , Safe , University Of California Berkley School Law , Faculty , Students For Justice In Palestine , Examples , Hahamas Terro Attack , Statementsts , Celebratating , Note , Terrorist Attack , Art Professor , Resistance , Victory , Hamas Massacre , Historic Win For , Wouldn T , Team , Shell , Rot , Pepeople Beingng , Pigs , Irredeemable Excrement , Wowoulde , Antisemitic Tropics Outside Gellman Library , Case , Offensive , Murderer , Quotete , P Po , Georgege , Projectingng , Prorotect , Georgegd Sosomeone , Our Mamartyrs , Whici , Me Likeke , Floyd Wasas Guilty , Imamagine A Wororld , Phrases , Images , Gw Community , Ellen Granberg , Yearsrs , Type , Conduct , It Fee Lilike , Iw , E Projecteted , Librbrary , Hat Imagages , Thesese , Proud Alum Ii , The O Outside Oft Buililding , Phrhrases , Imimagine Whatat , Four , Thesese Projectit , Disheartenening , Seeee , Peoplple Sitti , Reallyly , Freshman , O Campus , Grgrandmother R , Memed , Asau , Evererything , Aviv , Goioing On Herere , Explalai Heher , In America , Grandmother , Colollege , O On Border With Gaza , Ashkekelon , Worrieied Abo , Ththen , Mom , Outside E , Mezzazuzuzah Thatat , H , Yoyour , Yeah H , Dooror , Mom Tolold , Ideas , My Name E , Who , Anr Apps Thahat Have My Y , Om People W , Switch , Wellll , My Naname , Uberer , Chchange , Collllege To Leaearn , Havaven Raraised , Feel , Challengin Conversatitions Becaususe , I Fee Ifif , T Rel , Likike , My Opipinio , The School , Others , Profile , Donor Backlash , Reason , University Of Pennsylvania , Led , Law Firms , Of T The Nation S Moist Prominent , Chaos , Colleges , Control , Recruitment Problems , University Administrators , Elsewhere , Order , President , Interview , George Washington , Eight , Answer , Violation , University Policies , Haven T , Something , Law School Dean , Thinking , School , Education , Uc Berkley , Bigotry , Law Students , Mymyself , Bias Traiaining , Welell , Left , Institution , Leader , Anti S Semitism Whwhen , Climate Change , S Space , Hurricanes , Hurricane , Category 5 , Hohotter , It Crereates , 5 , Problem , Wifi , Homework , Book , Battery Back Up , Power Outages , Home , Xfinity , Xfinity 10g Network , 10 , 4 , People , Tenure , Golden Age , 2015 Reporter , 2015 , Nunumber , He W , Front , Cheers , Applause , Melania , Pepeople , Trump Ran For Office , Mt Fringes , 2016 , Campaign , Supporter , Fever Pitch , Julia Ioffe , Journalalist , Agenda , Husband , Facebook , Hohours , Gq Article Poststed On April 27th , Melania Trum Reacteted , Accusing Ioffe , Nobobody , 2016 Within , 27 , 24 , April 27th 2016 , Fair Game , Website , Lit , Award , Wall , Calls , Tweet , Gas Chamber , Femail , Stuff , Shops , Empress Melania , Russian , Kike , Mug Shot , Auschwitz , Many , Support , Connections , Speech , Actions , Donald Trump , Anything , Death Threats , Nominee , Wolf Blitzer , Republican , Message , Fans , Media , Silence , Nothing , Permission , Brit Inheller , Number , Tweets , Jewish Journalists Spike , Night , We , Presisident Trumpmp , Data Set , President Of The United States , Who O , Roof , Extrememists , Beingnt Sasaw , An Openining , Damage , Bomb Threats , Schools , Jewish Community Centers , Swastikas , Missouri , Florida , Boca Raton , Jewish Cemetery , 80 , Largest , Charlottesville Rally , 2017 , 57 , 34 , Campus S Demonizing , Rhetoric , Resurgence , White Supremacy , Conspiracy Theories , Wewe Would Havave , Acroross , Thrhreat Leafletting , Irrespective , Charges , Start , Spring , Pandemic , Template , Covid , 2020 , Flyers , It Weren T , Clever , Conniving , 19 , Hostilitity , Hypyperprogressssi Groups T , Papart Of Thata Brought T , Stat Israelel , Extremisists , Destrtroy , Missioion , People E , Hyperprorogressive A Anti Zioni , Squeee Jewiwish , White Susupremaciststs , Leleft , F Anti S Semitism Jujust , Wing Elelements , Gegets Hotter R , Crcre Ththe , Adapt , H Anand Someme , Popoint Up , Left Il Liken , Stararts Down Hehere , Hotterer , Whwhere Categogory Huhurricanes , Clclimate Cha , Otothers Dismimiss , Getsts , Arere We At Ac , Extremes , Event , Casualty , Odds , You B , Huhurricane Onon , Foundation , Belilieve , Drug , Charlotottesville E , Jewew Hatred Hahas , Floor , Town , Equivalent , Da Americica , Swew , Whwhat , Willllful Ignorarance , Slogans , Hearing , Pro O , Next , Fraranky Berns , My N , Lot O , Bu Unfortrtunately Ifif , Jewishsh , Creator , Morand D , J Jewish , Content Creatorsrs , Lost B Bagel , Wawatching Foror , Comments , Word , Comment , Antisemitic , Didn T , User , Whether , Little Stickeker , Coululd Geget Emoji , Jewisish , Commmmented On Aa , Videdeos Becausese , Ofy , Hate , Frf Bernstein , In N The Fall O , Jump , Jared , Screeds , Kanye West , Obama , Rahm , Person , Old Bernstein , Trick , Posting , Space , Yom Kippur , Jewish American Heritage , Tukisis , Purpose , Following , Hi , Breaking News , Positivity , Love , Attack , Gaza B Border In Aa , 7th Happenened , Militants Poururing G Acr , Chambers , Thousands , Jewish Peoplple Are , Airifified Rigight N , Bleep , Jewish People Wasn T Enough , Six Million , 6 Million , Fact , Gagaza Strip T Now W It S , Death Thrhreats , Actualal , War , Frorom The Glorori October 7th , Piece , C Course , Popowerful , Imam Whicich , Eo Joyoyful , Physicalal , Extremism , Spaces , Center , Jew Hahate , Troll Armies , Alrlready Corror The Internet , Oren Segel , We Saw On Telegram , Content , Volume , Spectrum , Platatforms Wa Lot T , Informatation , Zionists , Whwhere , Creaeated , Ther , World Viview , Transpaparency , 1000 , 1 , Society , Information , Adl Center For Tech , Researchers , Anti Semitism On X , Blood , Twitter , Rose 919 , 919 , Theyt Saw , Women T , I Hopope E , See A Mamassa Who Then Go O , Rape Hamamas , People Whwho , She Gegets , Bearing G Muslim Childreren , Wer Alreadady Inclineded , People E Who , Try T Undersrstand , Cacase They Rere Referr , Clclearly Emboboldened , Y Wha , Message E Promoting G , Witith Message E , Hit T Ththe , It Anand , Re Enforceses , This S Antiti Semitism M , T That S , Sosome , Thosose , Hate A Ar 1313 Year Oldsds , Mos Engageged , Kids , Video , Thehem Are , Big Problem , Wild Fire , Onlnline Misinforormat , 1313 Year Oldsds , 1313 , 14 , 13 , Posts , Video Gameme , Crisis Actors , Troves , Plus , Thingsgs , Post , I M Goioing To Shoooa Sysynagogue , Actors , Palestininians Calleled , Fea Disinforormation , Pal , Didizzying Mixix , Micichael Masteters , Platforms , Ororganizationons , Whom , Efforts , Atat Misinformrmation A Disinformamation , Coorordinated , Community Y , Concern , Someone , News , Discord , Hostage , Radicalization , Poposter , Fire , Offender , Postings , Gunman , Worshippers , Pittsburgh , Carrrry Through H , Memessages , 6 , 11 , Poway , Thatat , Impact , Jewish Conongregant , Comomb Withth , Powoway Apapril , 2019 , Thing , Palestinians , Glorifying , Muslim , Matter , Nazis , Father , House , Cries , Holocaust Survivor , Ruth Steinfeld , 90 , Organization , Mother , French , Bus , Picture , Sister , Good Bye , Momma , Kind , Quietness S , Say , Parents , Children Arare A Undederstand , Spspoken , Worldld , University Presidents , Task , Colo University , Feelel Safafe , School Leaderership , University , Obobligation T , Students S Safe , Univeversity Hahas , College Presidents , Ana Ththreaten , Speechch , S Speaking , Alallowing K Kids , Intimidida Otheher , Ththeir Spine , H Harass , F , Administration , Funding , Othther Kids S I M Sorry , Biden , Campusus Refususing G To , Title , Responsibility , We Wouldld , Aa Dodo , Learning Environmenent , Wiwithhold Doll , Isislam S Bubut A , Combat , Funds , More , Momoney , Conontino , Varioious C Cultures A Etethnicities S Dei , Sosociety Of B , Carefeful Ofoffend , Aaf Focus , In N Schoo , Questition , Mind , Anti I Semitism P , You Arere Doingng , D Ededucation , Youour Ememployees , Didiversity Equiuity Inclusision , Includining Anti Sememitism , Students S , Understanand , Yoe Doining , It Wrongng , My Bigiggest T , Takeaway Our Conversationon , Eduducat , Teacher , Whwhether , Religioious Leaded , Spepeak Out , Enenough , An Offffici , Abable E Proud Of W , To E , Bubut , Staying Silent T Doesn Wor Ii Want , My Kikids , Somebody , Obligation , Dialogogue , Share E , What Dodo You T , Coconnect Anand D , Solution , Jewish H Community Y , Generations , Amamerican Comommunity , Cononversation Ne , Projections , Anti Semiticic , Friends , Overerarching Feeling , Matttter , Nobody , Ththis , Opinions , Politics , Conversations , Discourse , O Share , Id Don T Thinknk , Dififferen Frfrom Me , Id Don T , It T Consume M Everydayay ,

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Transcripts For CNNW The 20240702 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240702

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since the october 7th terror attack in israel there has been a spike in antisemitic attacks around the world, including in the united states. the fbi recently warned anti-semitism is reaching historic levels. its data shows jewish americans make up 2.4 of the public, but they're the targets of more than 60% of religious hate crimes recorded in this country. since october, jewish day schools have closed or had to hire extra security, synagogues have gone into lockdown, and college campuses in particular have seen a surge in antisemitic incidents, including some assaults. over the next hour, cnn's dana bash explores the roots of anti-semitism in america and how they've spread. you'll also hear from some who have personally experienced threats and attatacks in the pa months and have started hiding their jewish identity in public out of fear for their safety. sunday, october 29th in southern russia. barely three weeks after the october 7th attack on israel by hamas, the deadliest day for jews since the holocaust, an angry mob stormed the tarmac and rushed the plane that had just arririved from t tel aviv. theyey were huntnting for jejew. > they wereren't sayingng gi the isisraelis, whwhich would d bebeen terriblble any way.y. they arere yelling w where are jewsws.. wherere are the e jews. that is plain old anti-semitism. >> reporter: ambassador debra lipstat is the spepecial envoy monitor and d combat ananti-semitisism. she wawas sworn inin in 2022, , alalready risising hate araroun world. since ththe attack o on israel, has s your role become more vit? >> w we began toto see, firsrst surge anand then a s spike, the explosion and now a tsunami of anti-semitism worldwide. in paris, in london, in germany. inin australiaia, it was g gas jews. get rid d of the jewews. let's have a jew-free zone.. it's's not aboutut being proro- or anti-i-israel. it's about anti-semitism. you know how when the yellow light is flashing, anti-semitism is like that amber light. and what i it's signalaling is anti-s-semitism isis coming anas a a threat to o democracy. >> repeporter: if f anti-semitis a telltatale sign ththat a demoy is threatetened, what t does it about ththe united s states rig now? >> it's disturbing. it's disturbing. >> reporter: this new wave of jewish hatred is causing historic levels of anti-semitic acts in america. >> we've just never seen a surge like this before. literally we've seen the highest numbers that adl has ever tracked in terms of acts of harassment, vandalism and violence. 202022 was thehe worst yeaear e. and ththe numbers s already sos have expxploded since october t 7th. >> reporter: but anti-semitic incidents up nearly 400%, according to adl data. >> while the jewish community is struggling to make sense of that madness that horror, it has been incredibly painful, compounding the grieief and the e sense of anxiety to see the world turn on the jewish community, to see protesters in places here in the united states attacking jewish peoplele in broad d daylight, , vavandalizing, quote, zizionist bubusinesses. i ththink if we e try to undnde why is thihis happenining in th momoment, i ththink we havave s anti-semitism normalized in recent years. as t that seeps s into the c cu and sort o of poisons s the bloodstream, it then allows people to think, oh, it is okay to make it open season on jews. >> this past month we had 770 incident repeports.. therere is no ququestion that t incidedents are gogoing up.. one e of the thihings we've e o- >> reporteter: mike mamasters ie ceo of the sececure commmmunity networork, a 24/7 command cecen where ananalysts mononitor all way dodown to the dadark webeb threreats againsnst jews. >> this s is our j jewish sesec opererations comommand centeter. this i is the natitional hub. >> i'm c curious to o see how much i it changed d since t last timime we were e here. i i first met him in 2 2022 alr reportrting on a d disturbing g inin anti-semimitism i in ameri. but t october 7th tookok scn's' toto another l level. >> says acactive now.. 31. what d does that m mean? >> t there are 3 31 risk eveven occucurring in p proximity t to jewiwish proximimity, right t n across the couountry. >> how mucuch more of f nonspec threats are you seeing n now versus octctober 7th? > 149 sincece october 7 7th. onon average a month before tha was clcloser to 5050. those are an individual that is threatening to kill jews. we've had multiple threats of jewish day schools around the country receiving phone calls of individuals saying we're going to come in and kill you and imitating the sounds of gunfire. indianana, virginia, washington d.d.c. and othther states.s. since ococtober 7th.h. >> reporter: it opened the flood gates? >> it opened thehe flood gates. >> reporter: and flood waters are breaching the walls of college campuses across the country. >> at harvard university in cambridge, massachusetts -- a pro palestinian rally clashed with supporters of israel. >> at george washington university, glory to our martyrs among the messages projected on a library wall. >> some of the worst the stanford professor who literally herded jewish students into a corner, humiliating them. the assault at uc davis of a jewish student putting up poststers of hosostages justst e sure thahat they arere not forgn and being physically assaulted in the process. a very similar instance at columbia. >> in many cities and many campuses, missing persons style posters being torn down. >> no, no, no. >> reporter: the posters of kidnapped israelis have become a flash point. with confrontations going viral on social media. >> he's bothering me. >> you're surprised? show your face. show your face. >> youou are not a allowed -- - >> they y tear them m down beca ththey don't see them as p peop. ththey see them as sometething inferioror. theyey see them m as somethihin subhbhuman. this is the destination where anti-semitism takes you. >> it's children. it's innocent people. >> w what about the children in palelestine? >> that isis one of ththe thing find m most distururbing. > reporter:r: why? > these areren't soldieiers were taken in battle. these were civilians who were taken away. these were women who were raped and then taken. these are babies. but to tear down the pictures and to do it with such an aggressive attitude. it's a a form of hate. it's a form of hate. it's a form of contempt for life. > reporter:r: anti-semimitis jewish hate has been part ofof e fabricic of societeties for millennia.a. the difference between that and what we see in modern times is what? >> the difference in terms of anti-semitism today y is that i blends a l lot of the e traditi notions of nefarious jewish popower being used to tatake advavantage of o other peoplple a veryry specific c anti-zionind anti-israel set of narratives. >> jew hatatred, anti-semitism dedeeply bakeded into not t jus weststern societety but muchch world. it's's very hardrd to eradicica. anti-semititism has bebeen call the longesest or the o oldest hd with g good reasonon. soso, this sorort of let t the f for r many anti-i-semites fofor a few decacades. it hasn't t been takenen seriou. people h have said, , well, it't as s serious as s racism. itit's not as s serious asas homophphobia. itit's not as s serious asas mi, misogyny, et cetera. or what you'll often find is amongst university admininistrators, , at least j kikids, they c come from w welld familieses. it's almosost falling g into th antisemititic trope. jews are p powerful, s so why a they comomplaining? jews are successful, why are they complaining? >> call it out for what it is. when george floyd was murdered, it would have beenen so inapappropriate e to say, wewe n the racismsm that was s behind and ththe homophobobia and theh anti-s-semitism, b but somehowo itit comes to o anti-semititism couldn't be called out on its s own. it couldn't stand on its own. >> what dodoes the whahat about do? >> it dilulutes anand d to a a degree rationalilizes and/oror justififies. i wantnt to be alslso exactly y, crcriticism ofof israeli policy not anti-semitism. but,t, when you u question t tht of a jews to a n national identityty, when youou question exisistence of a a jewish ststau move beyeyond the popolitical. >> reporter: anti-semitism in the u.s. is now exploding on both sides of the political spspectrum. in recent history, the anti-jewish hate that has s explodeded into viololence has fromom the right, from right wi extremiststs. what is happppening on c colleg campuses tends to comeme from t left. > yeah. i i mean, therere's no queuestit the cultlture on camampus, when comes to a anti-jewish sentimen is comoming from left wing g gr anand allianceces that arere alt around this demonization of israel. wherever j jewish stududents a just trying to go about living their lives on campus. >> repororter: so whwhen you ta about demonization of israel, a lot of prorogressives s would s yoyou can be a anti-israel and anti-s-semitic. that's notot true anymymore. >> we haveve seen the e line ben anti-i-israel sentntiment and d anti-semititism completely crumble. when students have been physically assaulted at university of georgia, at uc davis, at other campuses, no one is asking them about their views ofof the israeaeli/palestitinia coconflict. this line has completely broken down. >> reporter: as war rages on, there's little hope of domestic attacks letting up. >> the death of a jewish man at duelling protests in southern california is being investigated as a homicide. >> in the last week, we have seen a jewish man assaulted and killed in southern california. we saw a woman try to drive her car into what she thought was a synagogue outside ofof chicago. these look like outliers until you pull back and you realize, they're actually data points on a trend line of intensifying ananti-semitisism and incrcreas probability of violence. >> reporter: ahead -- >> it really went from 0 to 100. >> reporter: clashes escalate on american campuses. ♪ >> reporter: new orleans, louisiana. duelling pro-palestinian and pro-israeli rallies near tulane universisity turned viviolent. >> they were chanting "israel,l isisrael, you u can't hihide, w charge you with gegenocide fror the ririver to the sea." >> reporter: when you hear from the river to the sea, what does that mean to you? >> they want to wipe us out. they want us gone. they don't want a two-state solution. >> it is the c call for ththe annihihilation of f israel. and in a s sense the e exterminn of the jewish people. >> reporter: tulane students dylan mann and panin that sasasn saidid the prorotests onon oppo sides of the street began peacefully. >> we felt each other's presence. there wasn't really a sense that we were attacking each other. you knknow, idealologically ata popoint. >> reporteter: when didid it tu? >> they would call us genocide supporters. we would say you're supporting genocide and some ofof their support fofor hamas. you know, they call us colonizers. we call l them terrororist susupporters. >> yes, , there werere things w shououted back a at them butut really t took a turn the secono the boy y pulled outut that fla from the truck. and took out a lighter. >> reporter: violence erupted when a pro-palestinian demonstratoror in the back of a pickup truck started to light an israeli flag on fire. >> a student on the jewish side he ran andnd tried to o get bace flag t to save it t from beingn burneded. therere were twowo kids in t th of the truck. one was holding the israeli flag and one was holding the palestinian flag on a very large pole. once the jewish student was able to retrieve the flag back, he started getting bashed over the head repeaeatedly withth that p. and whwhen i saw t that, that'tn i i ran in. i was trying to just get him out of the situation. >> reporter: then dillen was beaten and attacked by two older men, he says were not college-aged. >> i was completely blind sided by a man with a megaphone who hit me very viciously over the nose, which broke my nose. i went into complete shock. i went deaf for a couple seconds.s. i went b blind. maybe for a second. >> reporter: you're draped in an israeli flag. you're holding a photo of a jew beining held hosostage in gagaz you'u're gettingng beaten upup. >> this wasn't a pro-hamasas rally.y. atat least not in name. this w was what wawas called a pro-paleststinian rally. and it was still violent. you know, assaulting a jewish person isn't going to free palestine. and i think almost every single jew would agree that it is an utter tragedy ththe amount o of civilians who have died in gaza. and d while we're thinking that we're thinking a lot of these people in this crowd who are saying these sensible things are also calling for the destruction of israel for referring to zionism as genocide. and so, whwhen you're e not abl separate t the radicalal ideas ththe sensiblele ones, youou kn that's when it gets dangerous. >> reporter: in a statement, tulane's president michael fitts said, we stand against all forms of violence and hate, including anti-semitism, islamophobia and racism. a line was crossed, and we will do everything in our power to ensure it is not crossed again. and we still have much work to do to heal and unite our community. >> free free palestine! >> from the river toto the sea. > from the e river to the se! >> sinince octoberer 7th we hah seenen so much c conflict bubbl up on collllege campususes acro the coununtry. for jejewish studedents in paparticular, , they are g goin trtrauma to trauma. and most o of them felelt incree trtrauma watchching so manany it israelelis slaughthtered on oco 7th. and while they were mourning that, while they were feeling the threat and fear of what happened, in many cases people they knew or felt connected to, there were mobilizations of anti-israel ststudent groups an other groups coming to campus to turn what had been a mass murder into an opportunity to further demonize israel. >> we've had 148 incidents reported to us on college campuses since october 7th. that is an increase of severala hundred pepercent fromom the mo prior.r. >> tensions on harvard's campus flared when a coalition of student groups signed a letter the very night israeli authorities said civilians were raped, beheaded and burned alive, stating israel was, quote, entirely responsible for the hamas terror attack. on october 31st, student at cornell university was arrested for allegedly posting online he would, quote, bring an assault rifle to campus and shoot all you pig jews. he also allegedly threatened to stab and slit the throat of any jewish males he sees on campus, to rape and throw off a cliff any jewish females, and to behead any jewish babies. the studenent's motherer releas statement saying he hahad menta health s struggles. > we get t risk e events frf around t the world.. >> the p posts were e caught fr scn's s command cecenter. >> we have team members that had been o on the cornell campus working with thehe administrtra and law enforcement. >> m members of f your organani are e on the groround at cororn teaching the students how to be more safe? >> yes. >> reporter: the dean of the university of california berkley school of law, who is jewish says he's never seen the level of anti-semitism at universities including among faculty as rampant as it is now. >> i was stunned and saddened to see statementsts online celebratating the hahamas terro attack. i could read you a few examples. for instance, students for justice in palestine called the terrorist attack, quote, historic win for, quote, the palestinian resistance. a columbia professor called the hamas massacre, quote, awesome. and quote, a stunning victory. chicago art professor posted a note that said, quote, israelis are pigs, savages, very, very bad team, irredeemable excrement. may they all rot in hell. if this is anything-on-jewish pepeople beingng killed wowoulde say thisis? if they did, wouldn't they be widely condemned. >> at george washington university the groups students for justice in palestine recently projected antisemitic tropics outside gellman library. quote, free palestine from the river to the sea.. and, quotete, glory toto our mamartyrs. >> imamagine a wororld in whici after r the murderer of georgegd sosomeone was s projectingng me likeke about prorotect the p po and georgege floyd wasas guilty. how offensive would that be? >> reporter: in this case, gw's president ellen granberg said, quote, these images included antisemitic phrases that have caused fear and anxiety for many members of our jewish and broader gw community, and we wholly denounce this type of conduct. >> i w went to gw. i'm a proud alum. i i studied in that librbrary f four yearsrs. i can't imimagine whatat it fee lilike to know that thesese hat imagages and phrhrases were e projecteted on the o outside oft buililding. >> to see e many peoplple sitti there e under thesese projectit was very uncncomfortablele and disheartenening to seeee. >> reporteter: galali isis a se out gw, aviv a f freshman. his grgrandmother r lives in i . >> reporter:r: did she c call y? >> y yeah. > reporter:r: what did she s? >> she asksked if evererything okay. what's goioing on herere. and just want memed to explalai heher what i'v've been seeing o campus. and if it's reallyly as bad asau see it is s online. >> r reporter: s so this is s y grandmother in ashkekelon, o on border with gaza, worrieied abo you on a colollege campus s in america?a? >> y yeah. >> your mom totold you to take your mezzazuzuzah thatat hangs outside e the dooror. yoyour mom tolold you u to put inside. >> yeah.h. >> did you?? >> yeah,h, i did. and ththen i also o she asked d chchange my naname on uberer anr apps thahat have my y name on i becaususe my name e is israelil byby reading i it you woululd km jewish.. she wantnted me to s switch tha wellll just to b be safe. >> i reaeally feel l like we coo collllege to leaearn and to o m people w who are so different fm us. and maybe e have different political ideas s or who havaven raraised in a a different t rel. and d right now w i feel likike can't hahave those c challengin conversatitions becaususe i fee ifif when i shshare my opipinio will be shut down. >> reporter: unchecked anti-semitism has led to high profile donor backlash at harvard, c columbia, t the university of pennsylvania and others. >> school for whatever reason can't feel like it can defend israel and attack evil and call out hamas for what it is, the things that they did were evil. and they weren't willing to say it. >> reporter:r: some of t the nation's's moist prominent law firms warned elite colleges to crack down on anti-semitism or face recruitment problems. >> the madness has to stop and candidly in the case of tulane and elsewhere, we need our university administrators to take control of the situation, to bring some order to this chaos in the way it's being directed against jewish students. >> reporter: we reached out to cornell, columbia, tulane, george washington and eight other universities who have experienced anti-semitism on campus for an interview with the school's president. they all declined. columbia did announce on friday they suspended two pro-palestinian student groups for repeated violation of university policies. >> it's very depressing. it's very depressing. have we failed? >> reporter: what's the answer? >> from what i've seen, we certainly haven't succeeded in critical analytical thinking. something has gone wrong worldwide in higher education. and it's got to be resolved. >> reporter: uc berkley's law school dean said his school has done a lot to address anti-semitism. >> we require all of our law students to go through bias traiaining that t includes anti-semititism as welell as ot forms of bigotry as well as i've certainly been willing to express mymyself in condemning anti-s-semitism whwhen i see i . and i thinink that's i importan a dean, asas a leader r of an educational institution to speak out. >> reporter: when we come back -- >> anti-semitism of the hard left i liken to climate change. starts d down here, , gets hott and hohotter. it crereates the s space in gug which guess what can happen? category 5 hurricanes. >> reporter: are we at a category 5 hurricane on the left? >> you better believe it. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. it seems like a long time ago. it was sold of a golden age for jewish people. >> 2015 and jonathan just began his tenure at the adl. >> things looked very different in 2015. >> reporter: better? >> much better. >> reporter: hard to imagine given the explosion of jew hate today. >> anti-semitic incidents were bouncing around at a very low nunumber, wherere they hadad be years. >> reporter: what changed? >> 2016, president trump ran for office. he w welcomed pepeople from m t fringes into the front of the line. [ cheers and applause ]. >> melania, so great. such a great supporter. ♪ >> reporter: the presidential campaign was at a fever pitch when journalalist julia ioffe filed a report on melania trump. >> at the time, nobobody really knew who she was. >> r reporter: the gq article poststed on april 27th, 2016. within 24 hohours, melania trum reacteted on facebook, accusing ioffe of having an agenda. >> the problem is that when your husband runs for president, everything is fair game. >> reporter: lit's talk about what happened after ward? >> ioffe and i spoke in 2022 about what happened next. a neo-nazi website posted this. filthy russian kike attacks empress melania. go ahead and send her a tweet. >> i started getting all these calls and all of this ugly stuff on social media and my email. the photo shops of my face in a gas chamber or my face in an auschwitz mug shot. >> reporter: who are these people who are doing this and how are they connected to donald trump? >> so many of these people were making overt connections between these anti-semitic actions and speech and their support for donald trump. >> some of your supporters have viciously attacked this woman julia ioffe with antisemitic attacks, death threats. >> reporter: soon after wolf blitzer interviewed the then presumptive republican nominee. >> i don't know anything about that. >> but your message -- >> fans of mine? >> and pressed again, this. >> do you have a message to the fans? >> i don't have a message to the fans. there is nothing more dishonest than the media. >> so his silence was taken how? >> as permission. >> reporter: brit inheller is a professor who compiles data about online hate. you actually saw data that backed that up? >> yes. we would see the number of attacking tweets on jewish journalists' spike. it was the largest spike we saw in our data set. people took that as a green light. >> welcome back. extraordinary and historic night, donald trump will be the next president of the united states.. >> a after presisident trumpmp like the next day, the numbers went through the roof. >> reporter: people who were extrememists, who o were beingnt sasaw an openining. >> yes. > we saw exextremists f feel incredibly emboldened and energized. >> more than 80 jewish community centers and schools across the country have received bomb threats in a wave of anti-semitism. >> damage at this historic jewish cemetery in missouri a synagogue in chicago and swastikas painted on this car in boca raton, florida, last week. >> reporter: in 2016, there was a 34% spike in anti-semitic events. in 2017, a 57% increase. the largest since the adl began tracking this. that summer, the charlottesville rally. jews will not replace us. jews will not replace us. ♪ >> we did see very strong resurgence of white supremacy and neo-nazi rhetoric. wewe would havave bomb thrhreat leafletting acroross campus s demonizing jews for causing any problem in the world. >> reporter: conspiracy theories and anti-semitic hate were amplified in the spring of 2020 with the start of the covid pandemic. >> what strikes me is that irrespective of where it's coming from, people rely on the same template of charges. jews are controlling, jews are conniving, jews are clever. they're behind, they're manipulating. >> reporter: flyers that had anti-semitic messages involving covid-19. >> they have been found all over the country. >> and it makes no sense. it would be laughable if it weren't so dangerous. >> reporter: and it was not just the far right extremisists.. >> s so many hypyperprogressssi groups t that had mamade it the missioion to destrtroy the stat israelel and as papart of thata brought t so much hostilitity, at the s same time, , the white susupremaciststs brand of f anti-s-semitism jujust meets u h these leleft wing elelements of hyperprorogressive a anti-zioni and ananti-semitisism to squeee jewiwish people e right the e m >> a anti-semititism of the e h left i l liken to clclimate cha. stararts down hehere. gegets hotter r and hotterer, h anand someme people deny i it. otothers dismimiss it. ththink they c can adapt.. getsts to the popoint up, crcre ththe space whwhere categogory huhurricanes. >> arere we at a c category 5 5 huhurricane onon the left?t? >> you b better belilieve it.. i feel like the odds of a mass casualty event are extremely high right now. >> what do we want? what do we want? >> reporter: bringing together two extremes that would lay the foundation for where we are today. >> jewew hatred hahas been swew under r the rug. the rug is bulging from the floor r up. i mean, there's no way to ignore it right now. >> this is our town now! >> we are seeing the equivalent of charlotottesville e every da americica. where e people are chanting pro-o-hamas slogans, " "jews, w will repeplace you." that is whwhat we are e hearing. and we can no o longer afffford allow willllful ignorarance or r naiveté to shape the world in which we're living in. >> reporter: next, the dangerous online world of jew hate. ♪ my n name is fraranky berns. i consider myself a jewish creator. >> the jewish answer was the lost b bagel. i was wawatching foror morand d jewishsh facts. >> therere's a lot o of content creatorsrs who are j jewish, bu unfortrtunately ifif you post t anything about being jewish right now you get swarmed in the comments. >> the antisemitic comment of the day word goes to the user of this very creative little stickeker. didn't't know you coululd geget emoji. very creative. whether fortunately or unfortunately because i've been doing this for a year now, i'm kind of numb to the hate. >> this is like a mean word that i get commmmented on a a lot ofy videdeos becausese i'm jewisish. >> in n the fall o of 2022, frf bernstein was startled by a jump in online hate, following kanye west's now infamous anti-semitic screeds. >> if rahm is sitting next to obama or jared sitting next to trump, there's a jewish person right there controlling the country. >> so the trick is you actually do it like this. >> reporter: then 29-year-old bernstein decided to transform his otherwise playful social media platforms into a safe space to embrace his jewish identity and educate others. >> yes, i'm jewish. and this month is actually jewish-american heritage month. today is yom kippur. >> bernstein kept posting, and his following kept growing. >> hi, welcome. >> his new purpose was clear. >> to say thank you, because i've been working my tukisis of on this new nice jewish community. >> i'm trying to fight anti-semitism and everything i'm trying to do is about spreading love and positivity. >> this is cnn breaking news -- >> reporter: but then came october 7th. >> breaking news out of israel, hamas militants poururing g acr the gaza b border in a a deadly surprise a attack. > october 7 7th happenened, t was a wave of hate was what i experienced visually online. thousands of comments a day just coming at me. >> this person said 6 million jewish people wasn't enough. reopen the chambers. they're talking about the six million people that died in the holocaust. jewish peoplple are [ [ bleep ] airifified rigight n now.. i'm m telling g you because i'm jewishsh and i'm s scared. i had actualal death thrhreats. yoyou think i'i'm happy ababouts going onon in the gagaza strip t now.w. it's's [ bleep ] ] awful. i know i'm not supposed to curse. the fact from the other side of it, people were celebrating what happened in israel?? >> e eo >> joyoyful and popowerful imam whicich came frorom the glorori october 7th. >> yes! >> i think and that's the problem. and so, am i worried about the physicalal piece of f it? of c course i amam. there's obviously a real war that's going on right now, but a digital war going on, too. hate is contagious. >> these online spaces can create troll armies. >> i first spoke with oren segel in 2022 at the adl's center for extremism. jew hahate was alrlready corror the internet. >> the biggest difference i think post october 7th in terms of the online content is just the volume. we saw on telegram which is loved by extremists across the ideological spectrum, the threats against jews, israelis and zionists increased by 1,000%. >> reporter: 1,000%? >> 1 1,000%. but many o of the platatforms w a lot t of people e get their r informatation and whwhere their world viview is creaeated, ther not a lot t of transpaparency f researchers to be able to track these threats. >> reporter: with the information they could obtain, the adl center for tech and society found that when comparing the week prior to october 7th and the week after the 7th, anti-semitism on x, formerly twitter, rose 919%. >> so this is literally before the blood had dried in israel. "i hopope e she gegets r raped bearing g muslim childreren." in this cacase they'rere referr to the women t that were r rape hamamas. >> reporteter: people e who wer alreadady inclineded to hate a clclearly emboboldened by y wha saw. > people whwho see a mamassa who then go o online to o try t undersrstand it anand are hit t ththe head witith message e aft message e promoting g what theyt saw, r re-enforceses to them t that's's okay. sosome of thosose who are e mos engageged in spreaeading this s antiti-semitism m and hate a ar 1313-year-oldsds, 14-year-r-old >> reporteter: 13 and d 14-year kids? > some of thehem are. >> reporter: another big problem, onlnline misinforormat and it's spreading like wild fire. this video said to be hamas attacking israel. in fact, it was from a video gameme. plus, troves of posts falsely claiming israel is lying about the hamas attack and hired crisis actors to stage violence. others falsely claiming the pal palestininians calleled in the actors. this post says among o other thingsgs, "i'm goioing to shoooa sysynagogue." >> micichael masteters says a a didizzying mixix of hate, , fea disinforormation is s overwhelm social platforms. >> we haveve seen coorordinated efforts atat misinformrmation a disinformamation. >> reporter: from whom? >> from ororganizationons that trying to sow discord within the community y or create fear. >> why are you taking it off? >> it's fake news. >> reporter: here someone is filmed tearing down a poposter an israeli believed to be held hostage by hamas. has your concern about online radicalization gone up a lot since october 7th? >> we knknow that memessages ofe carrrry through.h. and we see that from past historic incidents. whether it was the postings of the offender in the pittsburgh massacre. >> 11 people dead, 6 others wounded when a gunman opened fire on worshippers at a synagogue in pittsburgh. >> the offender who shot up the synagogue in poway, california. >> i opened fire at a synagogue. i think i killed some people. >> reporter: the 19-year-old who injured three and killed one jewish conongregant in powoway apapril of 2019 was fully radicalized online. >> we know the impact online hate has in the real world. and i should note, anti-semitism thatat we see isis often comomb withth racism anand misogyny and anti-arab and muslim bigotry. and i want to be clear about one thing, you can care deeply about the lives of palestinians without glorifying and justifying violence against innocent people. > reporter: w when we retetu >> this is a matter if you believe i should exist in this world or not. . the night that we now call, it's the night that the nazis came into our house and proceeded to break everything we owned. then took my father and grandfather. >> 90-year-old ruth steinfeld is a holocaust survivor. >> the screams and cries did not diminish when we arrived at our destination. that's when the men were separated from the women. that was the last time that i ever saw my father. >> she was only 7. soon after, her mother let a french organization take her and her sister to safety. >> the last time i saw my mom, she insisted we get on that bus. and i didn't want to get on the bus. i wanted to stay with her. i have this picture of watching momma waving good-bye to me from the street. >> you experienced the kind of hate that no one should. do you see that hate bubbling up here? >> absolutely. it needs to be taken out of the quietness s of the worldld and spspoken, so c children arare a undederstand. >> often, , i will have chchild that say, , my parents are s so reassusured by whahat you do.. i'm getting verklempt just saying that. i don't know if i'm up to that task. >> university presidents are being called out, asking if they are up to the task. >> do you feelel safafe at colo university? i say no. >> do you feel supported in this time of rising anti-semimitism campuses from your school leaderership? >> unfortunately, no. >> this is where the university can come in. educating people. >> the univeversity hahas an obobligation t to keep jewewish students s safe. your f free speechch ends when prevents me from s speaking. college presidents need to find ththeir spine. alallowing k kids to intimidida otheher r kids and h harass ana ththreaten othther kids.s. i'm sorry. the university presidents get an "f" if they're not educating kids on that. >> the biden administration thinks a threat to funding could be persuasive. >> you have the legal responsibility under title vi to ensure safe learning environmenent. if we have t to wiwithhold doll for a campusus refususing g to , we wouldld. > i would likike to see a a dodo more toto combat isislam s. bubut a threat to cut off funds doesn't seem constructive. it's not clear to o see whwhat campuses wouldld do to conontino receive momoney. therere's such a a f focus in an sosociety of b being carefeful ofoffend varioious c cultures a etethnicities.s. d.e.i. i is a big thing in corporate america,a, in n schoo. is anti-i-semitism p part ofof ? >> t there's no questition many mind, if you arere doingng d d. ededucation, t to help youour ememployees oror students s or cohort understanand didiversity equiuity inclusision and you art includining anti-sememitism, yoe doining it wrongng. you can't be inclusive if you exclude jews. >> when you and i talked in 2022, , my bigiggest t takeaway our conversationon was eduducat. to explain to peopople whahat antiti-semitism m is.. does t that work?? is it enough?? >> i it's not enenough. whwhether it's as s an offffici teacher,r, a religioious leaded. you gogot to spepeak out. >> does s speaking out work? >> staying silent t doesn't wor. >> i i want. >> my kikids, all l kids, , to e and secure, bubut to be abable e proud of w who they are. to show that. to demonstrate it. i refuse to be okay with somebody not wearing. that's our obligation to our future generations. as a jewish h community y and a amamerican comommunity. >> what dodo you t think the solution i is. >> a at the end of the day, dialogogue and cononversation ne only wayay to get peopople to o coconnect anand d share e theirs and share their ideas. >> many of my close friends ask me in a kind way, asking, can you explain to me why these projections were seen as anti-semiticic. i don'n't understand and i want to.. there isis this overerarching feeling of nobody can engage in discourse. nobody is able to o share their opinions.. and i want to have conversations with people that are dififferen frfrom me. >> i d don't thinknk this is a matttter of politics. ththis is a matttter of if you believe i should exist in this world or notot. >> do yoyou feel safafe? now? as a jew?? >> i d don't let it t consume m everydayay life. and i don't let it dictate what i do. the people that assaulted me. the people that will use violence, that's when they win

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Increase , Mo Prior R Tensions , Student Groups , Student At Cornell University , Letter , Authorities , Coalition , On October 31st , October 31st , Pig Jews , Throat , Stab , Slit , Assault Rifle , Studenent , Cliff , Females , Males , Motherer Releas Statement , Members , Events , Risk E , Team Members , The World , Menta Health S Struggles , Law Enforcement , Groround , Thehe Administrtra , P Posts , Fr Scn S Command Cecenter , O On The Cornell Campus Working , Organani , Cororn Teaching , Dean , Universities , Safe , University Of California Berkley School Law , Faculty , Students For Justice In Palestine , Examples , Hahamas Terro Attack , Statementsts , Celebratating , Note , Terrorist Attack , Art Professor , Resistance , Victory , Hamas Massacre , Historic Win For , Wouldn T , Team , Shell , Rot , Pepeople Beingng , Pigs , Irredeemable Excrement , Wowoulde , Antisemitic Tropics Outside Gellman Library , Case , Offensive , Murderer , Quotete , P Po , Georgege , Projectingng , Prorotect , Georgegd Sosomeone , Our Mamartyrs , Whici , Me Likeke , Floyd Wasas Guilty , Imamagine A Wororld , Phrases , Images , Gw Community , Ellen Granberg , Yearsrs , Type , Conduct , It Fee Lilike , Iw , E Projecteted , Librbrary , Hat Imagages , Thesese , Proud Alum Ii , The O Outside Oft Buililding , Phrhrases , Imimagine Whatat , Four , Thesese Projectit , Disheartenening , Seeee , Peoplple Sitti , Reallyly , Freshman , O Campus , Grgrandmother R , Memed , Asau , Evererything , Aviv , Goioing On Herere , Explalai Heher , In America , Grandmother , Colollege , O On Border With Gaza , Ashkekelon , Worrieied Abo , Ththen , Mom , Outside E , Mezzazuzuzah Thatat , H , Yoyour , Yeah H , Dooror , Mom Tolold , Ideas , My Name E , Who , Anr Apps Thahat Have My Y , Om People W , Switch , Wellll , My Naname , Uberer , Chchange , Collllege To Leaearn , Havaven Raraised , Feel , Challengin Conversatitions Becaususe , I Fee Ifif , T Rel , Likike , My Opipinio , The School , Others , Profile , Donor Backlash , Reason , University Of Pennsylvania , Led , Law Firms , Of T The Nation S Moist Prominent , Chaos , Colleges , Control , Recruitment Problems , University Administrators , Elsewhere , Order , President , Interview , George Washington , Eight , Answer , Violation , University Policies , Haven T , Something , Law School Dean , Thinking , School , Education , Uc Berkley , Bigotry , Law Students , Mymyself , Bias Traiaining , Welell , Left , Institution , Leader , Anti S Semitism Whwhen , Climate Change , S Space , Hurricanes , Hurricane , Category 5 , Hohotter , It Crereates , 5 , Problem , Wifi , Homework , Book , Battery Back Up , Power Outages , Home , Xfinity , Xfinity 10g Network , 10 , 4 , People , Tenure , Golden Age , 2015 Reporter , 2015 , Nunumber , He W , Front , Cheers , Applause , Melania , Pepeople , Trump Ran For Office , Mt Fringes , 2016 , Campaign , Supporter , Fever Pitch , Julia Ioffe , Journalalist , Agenda , Husband , Facebook , Hohours , Gq Article Poststed On April 27th , Melania Trum Reacteted , Accusing Ioffe , Nobobody , 2016 Within , 27 , 24 , April 27th 2016 , Fair Game , Website , Lit , Award , Wall , Calls , Tweet , Gas Chamber , Femail , Stuff , Shops , Empress Melania , Russian , Kike , Mug Shot , Auschwitz , Many , Support , Connections , Speech , Actions , Donald Trump , Anything , Death Threats , Nominee , Wolf Blitzer , Republican , Message , Fans , Media , Silence , Nothing , Permission , Brit Inheller , Number , Tweets , Jewish Journalists Spike , Night , We , Presisident Trumpmp , Data Set , President Of The United States , Who O , Roof , Extrememists , Beingnt Sasaw , An Openining , Damage , Bomb Threats , Schools , Jewish Community Centers , Swastikas , Missouri , Florida , Boca Raton , Jewish Cemetery , 80 , Largest , Charlottesville Rally , 2017 , 57 , 34 , Campus S Demonizing , Rhetoric , Resurgence , White Supremacy , Conspiracy Theories , Wewe Would Havave , Acroross , Thrhreat Leafletting , Irrespective , Charges , Start , Spring , Pandemic , Template , Covid , 2020 , Flyers , It Weren T , Clever , Conniving , 19 , Hostilitity , Hypyperprogressssi Groups T , Papart Of Thata Brought T , Stat Israelel , Extremisists , Destrtroy , Missioion , People E , Hyperprorogressive A Anti Zioni , Squeee Jewiwish , White Susupremaciststs , Leleft , F Anti S Semitism Jujust , Wing Elelements , Gegets Hotter R , Crcre Ththe , Adapt , H Anand Someme , Popoint Up , Left Il Liken , Stararts Down Hehere , Hotterer , Whwhere Categogory Huhurricanes , Clclimate Cha , Otothers Dismimiss , Getsts , Arere We At Ac , Extremes , Event , Casualty , Odds , You B , Huhurricane Onon , Foundation , Belilieve , Drug , Charlotottesville E , Jewew Hatred Hahas , Floor , Town , Equivalent , Da Americica , Swew , Whwhat , Willllful Ignorarance , Slogans , Hearing , Pro O , Next , Fraranky Berns , My N , Lot O , Bu Unfortrtunately Ifif , Jewishsh , Creator , Morand D , J Jewish , Content Creatorsrs , Lost B Bagel , Wawatching Foror , Comments , Word , Comment , Antisemitic , Didn T , User , Whether , Little Stickeker , Coululd Geget Emoji , Jewisish , Commmmented On Aa , Videdeos Becausese , Ofy , Hate , Frf Bernstein , In N The Fall O , Jump , Jared , Screeds , Kanye West , Obama , Rahm , Person , Old Bernstein , Trick , Posting , Space , Yom Kippur , Jewish American Heritage , Tukisis , Purpose , Following , Hi , Breaking News , Positivity , Love , Attack , Gaza B Border In Aa , 7th Happenened , Militants Poururing G Acr , Chambers , Thousands , Jewish Peoplple Are , Airifified Rigight N , Bleep , Jewish People Wasn T Enough , Six Million , 6 Million , Fact , Gagaza Strip T Now W It S , Death Thrhreats , Actualal , War , Frorom The Glorori October 7th , Piece , C Course , Popowerful , Imam Whicich , Eo Joyoyful , Physicalal , Extremism , Spaces , Center , Jew Hahate , Troll Armies , Alrlready Corror The Internet , Oren Segel , We Saw On Telegram , Content , Volume , Spectrum , Platatforms Wa Lot T , Informatation , Zionists , Whwhere , Creaeated , Ther , World Viview , Transpaparency , 1000 , 1 , Society , Information , Adl Center For Tech , Researchers , Anti Semitism On X , Blood , Twitter , Rose 919 , 919 , Theyt Saw , Women T , I Hopope E , See A Mamassa Who Then Go O , Rape Hamamas , People Whwho , She Gegets , Bearing G Muslim Childreren , Wer Alreadady Inclineded , People E Who , Try T Undersrstand , Cacase They Rere Referr , Clclearly Emboboldened , Y Wha , Message E Promoting G , Witith Message E , Hit T Ththe , It Anand , Re Enforceses , This S Antiti Semitism M , T That S , Sosome , Thosose , Hate A Ar 1313 Year Oldsds , Mos Engageged , Kids , Video , Thehem Are , Big Problem , Wild Fire , Onlnline Misinforormat , 1313 Year Oldsds , 1313 , 14 , 13 , Posts , Video Gameme , Crisis Actors , Troves , Plus , Thingsgs , Post , I M Goioing To Shoooa Sysynagogue , Actors , Palestininians Calleled , Fea Disinforormation , Pal , Didizzying Mixix , Micichael Masteters , Platforms , Ororganizationons , Whom , Efforts , Atat Misinformrmation A Disinformamation , Coorordinated , Community Y , Concern , Someone , News , Discord , Hostage , Radicalization , Poposter , Fire , Offender , Postings , Gunman , Worshippers , Pittsburgh , Carrrry Through H , Memessages , 6 , 11 , Poway , Thatat , Impact , Jewish Conongregant , Comomb Withth , Powoway Apapril , 2019 , Thing , Palestinians , Glorifying , Muslim , Matter , Nazis , Father , House , Cries , Holocaust Survivor , Ruth Steinfeld , 90 , Organization , Mother , French , Bus , Picture , Sister , Good Bye , Momma , Kind , Quietness S , Say , Parents , Children Arare A Undederstand , Spspoken , Worldld , University Presidents , Task , Colo University , Feelel Safafe , School Leaderership , University , Obobligation T , Students S Safe , Univeversity Hahas , College Presidents , Ana Ththreaten , Speechch , S Speaking , Alallowing K Kids , Intimidida Otheher , Ththeir Spine , H Harass , F , Administration , Funding , Othther Kids S I M Sorry , Biden , Campusus Refususing G To , Title , Responsibility , We Wouldld , Aa Dodo , Learning Environmenent , Wiwithhold Doll , Isislam S Bubut A , Combat , Funds , More , Momoney , Conontino , Varioious C Cultures A Etethnicities S Dei , Sosociety Of B , Carefeful Ofoffend , Aaf Focus , In N Schoo , Questition , Mind , Anti I Semitism P , You Arere Doingng , D Ededucation , Youour Ememployees , Didiversity Equiuity Inclusision , Includining Anti Sememitism , Students S , Understanand , Yoe Doining , It Wrongng , My Bigiggest T , Takeaway Our Conversationon , Eduducat , Teacher , Whwhether , Religioious Leaded , Spepeak Out , Enenough , An Offffici , Abable E Proud Of W , To E , Bubut , Staying Silent T Doesn Wor Ii Want , My Kikids , Somebody , Obligation , Dialogogue , Share E , What Dodo You T , Coconnect Anand D , Solution , Jewish H Community Y , Generations , Amamerican Comommunity , Cononversation Ne , Projections , Anti Semiticic , Friends , Overerarching Feeling , Matttter , Nobody , Ththis , Opinions , Politics , Conversations , Discourse , O Share , Id Don T Thinknk , Dififferen Frfrom Me , Id Don T , It T Consume M Everydayay ,

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