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you are live in the cnn newsroom. former president trump taking the stage in new hampshire. he claimed after public survey show that i won the third gop debate despite not attending i think we can all agree the primary is effectively over. at least that's trump's take on all of this. elena, what do we hear from the former president today? >> look, jim, donald trump returned to the granite state today after a week of bouncing between courtrooms and campaign appearances, and he spent a lot of time talking about the legal challenges on stage today. he specifically brought up a recent push from his legal team to ensure that one of his trials, the federal elections subversion trout that would take place in washington, they want to make sure that is televised and he said today, quote, i want there to be a camera and every inch of the courtroom. let's take a listen. >> i everybody to see all of the horrible things that took place, all of the horrible charges in all of the things that were done with respect to a very corrupt election and let's let the public decide because i cameras in every inch of that courthouse . >> jim, this visit today, here in clermont, is one of several trips that donald trump is making to the state of the answer. i think this really shows, i've talked to his campaign a lot and they tell me that even though donald trump is doing so well in the polls, he's bragging as you mentioned, in the fundraising appeal, he thinks the primary is essentially over and they recognize they can't get complacent. they want to make sure that they are showing up in the states and hitting a lot of ground and they also are hoping that they can build enough momentum in the primaries to potentially carryover into a general election but, even so, they are really spending mus t -- most of their messaging attacking joe biden. we heard him talk a lot about the president's handling of the war between israel and hamas, attacking joe biden, saying that he would do a much better job of bringing peace to the united states and really setting this up as if it is a general election rematch between himself and the president, jim? >> thank you very much. while democrats had a good night tuesday, scoring the governor seat in conservative kentucky, securing the virginia state legislature and solidifying abortion rights in ohio, some remain concerned about president biden's chances at reelection. a new polls show nikki haley and the former president beating president biden and a general election matchup while ron desantis is with in the margin of error. great to see all of you. sc, let me start with you. what do you make of what we've seen over the past week, is all of this, the polls, the battleground state numbers and 48 hours later, democrats did pretty well on tuesday night. they have this debate on wednesday, on the republican side of things. donald trump but he didn't show up, but he is still in the driver seat. what is your take? >> it's kind of crazy. democrats obviously did very well on tuesday, and i'm not sure that that is a huge reflection of how well biden will do in 2024. obviously democrats have figured out the secret sauce, that abortion can be a hill that republicans are figuratively and politically willing to die on and democrats are happy to take advantage of that and in fact abortion seems to be saving them from, you know, crime, immigration issues, the border crisis, an economy that not everyone feels is performing well for them so that's on the left. on the right, it doesn't seem like republicans have, abortion bands are really unpopular. and republicans all over the country are going to pay the price for that, even in red states. so, whether parties learn lessons going forward, you know, into 2024, that's the question that remains to be seen. >> molly, what do you think? >> you know, i think republicans, have a lot of unpopular ideas, not just bands but they want legalizing marijuana is wildly popular, you know, there are a bunch of these kinds of ideas that democrats can run on. i also think you know, the democratic party has values and they are offering people, they are saying, they are against book bands and government overreach, you know, republicans have gone really kind of far off field and they have really focused on things like school boards and a lot of them lost this election for example, mom's for liberty which was this group that was very concerned with books that your children read and hope to ban books, they lost almost all the seats they were running for. so i think the american people don't like authoritarianism. >> aven, let me talk to you about what took place in the republican debate on wednesday. nikki haley, was widely believed that she had a pretty strong night but she did, i think she sort of carved out her own space on abortion, let's listen to what she had to say and let's talk about it on the other side. >> i don't judge anyone for being pro-choice and i don't want them to judge me for being pro-life. so when we are looking at this, some states are going on the more pro-life side. there are some on the pro- choice side, i wish that wasn't the case but the people decided. >> aven, what do you think? it was really different, a striking tone i thought for nikki haley on this issue of abortion. it was right after what took place on tuesday, the democrats did so well on that issue, what did you think of that? >> jim, i proudly worked for nikki haley, my very first job in politics and nikki haley, she gets it, she understands that we need a new generational leader. i think the poll that you guys were just talking about, it indicates that. biden is not doing well with younger voters and that goes back to the magic number of age. someone like nikki haley, she six points ahead of joe biden in a head-to-head matchup in the same pole and i think that's because nikki haley is younger, and i think the other thing, she is taking a different approach, she is being more, just meeting people in the middle. i serve on our town council and i knocked on thousands of doors and when i say that, when i got off the beltway and talked with the voters, the voters are just looking for someone to be reasonable, to meet them in the middle rather than being hyper laughter hyper right, and i think that's what nikki haley is trying to do is be more sensible and take a more sensible approach rather than just saying it's my way or the highway. >> s.e., the problem is, for nikki haley and the other candidates, donald trump is just so far out in front of this field and so many of these important states that are coming up quickly and he says that normally would you know, sink any republican candidate in any previous election before 2016, earlier today he was in new hampshire, praising dictators and talking about china's xi jinping as somebody right out of central casting. let's play that and talk about that on the other side. >> president xi is like central casting, there's nobody in hollywood that can play the role, the look, the strength, the voice, it's good to have a good relationship with putin and xi and all these people who have nuclear weapons, and kim jong un, these are tough, smart guys. >> you know, s.e., it's extraordinary to hear trump continue to praise these dictators, and i thought, when i listen to a lot of republican lawmakers on capitol hill, they tend to be of the mindset that china is not somebody that we should be throwing her arms around. what do you make of all of this? >> we are so numb to the craziness of this, i mean, trump is central casting for the buffoon president, it's almost right out of the accuracy, and all of this stuff would have been disqualifying, should have been disqualifying, the idea that a president or former president would praise dictators especially one in the middle of a warlike putin. i mean, it's, it's crazy, and yet, it's just part of the mix, he's also saying if he becomes president, he will weaponized his position of power to punish his enemies. i mean, this is way beyond excel and in -- it's been completely resurrection, he just keeps doing it and you can keep up with it. for his fans and as for his voters, this is what makes him great. for the rest of us, this is what makes him scary and dangerous. >> the new york times has a new piece and cnn has confirmed a lot of this, giant camps and mass deportation, this is the headlines, inside trump's 2025 immigration plans and they write, if he regains power, he wants not only to revive some of the immigration policies criticized as draconian during his presidency but expand and toughen them. you know, a lot of this, and i think the new york times picked up on this, is just a dovetail of what we're talking about trump praising dictators, there's a real authoritarian feel to it trump is proposing on the immigration front. >> yeah, there's a real authoritarian feel to everything he does because let me tell you, he's authoritarian. of course, and i also add you know, biden is not some radical left is, democrats picked him because he is very much a conservative democrat. and he's been criticized for a lot of very sort of mainstream you know, political reactions, which have actually really, i think, done him well. so the idea that somehow there's going to be a republican that is more moderate is a little bit telling. but i think, you know you talk about these bad polls and biden, which is like the favorite of everyone in the pendant industrial complex right now. the truth is that we've had bu t -- bad falls for democrat again and again since 2020 and i'm still waiting for the red wave i was promised in 2022. i'm not putting a lot of salt in these polls. and i think people will remember what trump is like, and they will once again have to reject him. >> aven i'm sure you saw this, trump suggested as s.e. was talking about this, suggested that he could use the department of justice to indict his political opponents . i have to wonder, gavin, i remember seeing you out on the campaign trail when you worked for trump and i know you have different feelings about him now. inside the trunk base, obviously this is wildly popular when he talks in this fashion but do you think they have any sense about how this just is not work with a lot of swing district voters, swing state voters? >> well i think, what's tied us back to the poll that we were talking about with biden v trump and nikki haley v trump. i think this is why you see trump narrowly leading biden in a head-to-head and nikki haley beating him by six points is because nikki haley isn't you know, proposing these authoritarian policies where is donald trump, i mean it's like he wants to use the government to punish anyone that has ever disagreed with him and that is just, i mean, that is exactly who donald trump is and i would say to voters, when someone shows you who they are, you should believe them and donald trump has shown us who he is and we should believe him as voters. >> s.e., the proposal that came from the new house speaker, mike johnson today to keep the government running. it sounds as though some inside the republican conference like chip roy are saying, it sounds as though this may not fly over in the senate or the white house either, so six days until the government shutdown. >> yeah, it's coming up in this proposal is really just a bunch of more crs, to fund the government through january and then again through february, so we are now out of the woods, not by any means. >> molly, you are betting on a government shutdown? >> you put a guy with almost no experience in leadership as the speaker of the house and your surprise that he can't figure out how to do it. it's a hard job. >> it is a hard job. we will see how he handles it over the next six days. it'll be interesting to watch. thanks a lot, guys, good to talk to all of you. coming up, major fighting near a hospital in gaza. a live report from israel next plus arab and muslim leaders come together to show support for palestinians. fbi agents approached new york city's mayor eric adams on the street to seize his cell phones. the latest on the investigation into his campaign finances, that is coming up. down to the latest between the war and israel and hamas. people inside gaza say the complex is surrounded and staff and patients are trapped inside without any electricity. israel says a wing of the hospital remains open for people to safely evacuated. oren lieberman is live in israel first. rn, what can you tell us about the situation, this intense fighting on the streets of northern gaza and what are you seeing from where you are? >> jim, first to what we are saying, we have heard throughout the evening, artillery strikes, we haven't actually seen where the strikes have landed suggesting they are a bit further south than our position which is on the northeast corner of gaza. we heard fighter jets overhead as well as drones. it sounds like we hear a drone behind us right now. again we heard artillery, much of the fighting is in northern gaza, around an area of the hospital, the largest hospital in gaza. the director general of the ministry of health said the hospital itself is surrounded by israeli forces including tanks and that makes it impossible to come in and out, meanwhile the hospital itself as gaza suffers from dire needs and humanitarian crisis, the hospital has dire shortages of food, water and electricity. doctors without borders say bodies are piling up there. and that in and of itself creates its own risk of disease and more. meanwhile the red cross is only 53 a trucks came in today, a tiny fraction of what's needed for guys and what normally comes in during times of when there isn't war going on. the idf denies they have surrounded or are cutting off the al-shifa hospital, they say the east wing is open for anyone it needs to come in and out, in fact they said they have assisted with the evacuation of other hospitals in gaza and tomorrow they will helped evacuate patients in the pediatric unit from al-shifa and they said they are in touch with hospital officials there and that's ongoing as of opened up humanitarian corridors, another corridor, on which tens of thousands of palestinians in northern gaza have gone south with the intense fighting in northern gaza meanwhile the idf said they have taken over 11 hamas military post as the fighting rages there. >> oren, the u.s. european command said the u.s. aircraft crashed in a training event yesterday, what we know about that? >> we don't know all that much, u.s. and european command says that the aircraft and they won't identify it as a cargo air jet or a helicopter crashed in the mediterranean sea. the statement itself doesn't say anything about whether there was in each action or what happened, perhaps that strongly suggest that there are fatalities in the crash. what they do emphasizes that this was a training accident that had nothing to do with hostilities nearby. that was stressed in a statement from u.s. and european command. i'll see if i can pull this up. they say out of respect for the families affected we will not release further information of the personnel involved at this time. the incident is very much under investigation, jim. >> thank you so much. meanwhile, the palestinian red crescent says 53 a trucks entered gaza along the egyptian border bringing much-needed vital supplies including food, water and medicine. and arab leaders gathered in saudi arabia for a major summit that included a major visit from the president of iran. he met with the crown prince for the first time in more than a jack decade. what can you tell us ? >> reporter: you have arab and muslim leaders meeting for this an emergency summit in saudi arabia, to discuss the ongoing crisis in gaza. and they came up with this draft resolution, it's 31 points and look, we've seen the united front, a show of force, we've seen the family photo after the summit concluded, showing real unification between the region but what we don't know is how unified they were in putting this document together. it's mostly including things that we've heard before, calling israel's actions in gaza a war crime and i quote, barbaric and inhumane massacres and also condemning the occupation in the west bank as well as east jerusalem. they reiterated the stance of a cease-fire but it's the lack of real action i regional leaders that is missing from this document. they could have embarked on a mechanism or action that could completely freeze out israel including the united states, diplomatically, militarily as well. the only action it includes is un security council putting a binding resolution together which we know there's no consequence to israel, and calling the icc as well, saying, they've got to investigate the war crimes and the icc says they plan to do that anyway. >> there was a lot of tough talk aimed at the israelis and how they are conducting their military operations in gaza, any discussion about hamas and their culpability in all of this? >> reporter: they don't discuss hamas in all of this. and that is what is quite interesting. they are really focused on the palestinian force and the action that needs to be taken but very important to know, you have iranian president, eating on saudi soil for the first time. this is the first time an iranian leader is in the kingdom in over a decade, and this is significant because we know the u.s. and iran are not the best of friends. he had very strong word saying that washington is the main partner of these crimes saying the u.s. is complicit in israel's actions, we know that iran backs hamas, so it's interesting to have seen him there, showing this united front and he also had syrian, the syrian president, also talking about the risks of normalizing relationships with israel but look, the past few days in cairo have been fascinating, hamas leadership have been here meeting with egyptian intelligence, the same day the cia chief was also in town. you had the qatari's in town as well, these discussions are so important but so easily derailed in terms of what we see on the ground, the intense fighting and look, we see this diplomatic discussion going nowhere at a time where there's a clear need to find some kind of a way forward. >> thank you very much. and we want to turn our attention right now to some live pictures that we are seeing right now in gaza city, this is moments ago. we are told the idf was launching flares at the moment and obviously, this could be the precursor to some stepped up military activity in the area in the minutes and hours ahead. we will stay on top of that, if anything develops, we will bring that to you. we wanted to show you these dramatic pictures coming out of gaza city. we will stay on top of that and be right back. is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? 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ministers and presidents of the european countries, can you hear me? can you hear the screams from al-shifa hospital, can you hear the screams from innocent people, refugees, sheltering, trying to find a safe place, being bombed by the israeli attack forces, hospitals that are the temples of humanity and protection? >> that this is a war with no redlines, and hospitals are no sanctuary for the tens of thousands crammed into these hospitals, desperate to be protected from a war like no other gaza has ever seen. for weeks, the israeli military has been calling civilians to south to get out of harm's way, so many have been reluctant to heed these calls, airstrikes and death have followed gazans to the south. no one is safe in this territory. as the israeli military opened up a humanitarian corridor, tens of thousands had no choice but to run in the scenes that evoke dark memories from palestinians of an exit this from the past from which there has been no return. but not everyone can leave. the fighting has trapped some of the most vulnerable at two pediatric hospitals were hundreds are sheltering and doctors are calling on the icrc to evacuate them. israeli troops are right outside this hospital. the hospital is surrounded by israeli tanks from all directions, this young woman says. we are asked to evacuate now. she and others have a cry for international protection and a safe passage out. back inside a shift for, there's no stopping, a father, anxiously looks to doctors for good news, only to be told his little boy is gone. never have gazans felt so abandoned, alone in this land of death and despair. >> with me now is leticia, she's with international committee of the red cross's permanent observer to the united nations. leticia, thank you for being with us. what's the latest you can share about what is going on right now in gaza. we just saw a disturbing and sad report. does that reflect a lot of what's going on from what you can tell question mark what can you tell us? >> thanks for having me. the suggestion is >> guest: the situation is intense, deteriorating by the day and it's getting to a no ritalin -- return point. we have the population arriving, unable to be supported by the resources that are meant to support life- saving needs such as water, electricity, communications, healthcare services and in the north we see hospitals being completely isolated, medical staff inside, trapped, unable to survive -- supply support to people under their watch and completely desperate. >> in a statement your organization to the healthcare system in gaza has passed the point of no return. is there anything that can be done to change that? >> absolutely. right now, what we need is to see a de-escalation immediately. we the medical facilities to be spared, we need the fighting to go everywhere else but next to the medical facilities that need to be protected at all costs. they need to be allowed to have electricity so we can save the life of people that are really depending on them. people that are seeking refuge, and who are protected according to the laws of war. so we need this to happen immediately. we need the staff to have access to those facilities to be able to evacuate, but we need really, that to happen immediately. >> leticia, in the last hour we spoke with a spokesperson for the israeli military. what they are arguing that some of these facilities and healthcare facilities, hospitals, are being used hamas as operation centers and they are using patients inside the hospitals as human shields to prevent the israelis from attacking those kinds of facilities are targeting those kinds of facilities. the israelis say they are not targeting hospitals but they are operating in those areas. what is your sense of all that and what kind of information can you provide on that issue? >> our teams have been touring medical facilities on the ground throughout gaza to bring critical supplies and support and what they describe is a horrendous situation. i'm not going to comment on which party is right or wrong, what we need is both of them, to really take this fighting, the facilities need to be protected by everyone, immediately. >> thank you very much for your time, we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we will be right back . before the horrific attacks on october 7th, anti-semitic incidents in the usa have been on the rise. from outside synagogues to college campuses, that will be the focus on the whole story with anderson cooper and dana bash joins us now. tell us about this important special? >> it is, the second hour we have done, the first one we did in 2022, the rise was there and anti-semitic rhetoric, behavior in the united states. since then, it is a whole administration ambassador in charge of trying to combat antisemitism. we talked to her then and last week. listen to what she said. since the attack on israel, october 7th, how has your role become more vital? >> in the wake of the attack, we began to see first a surge and then a spike, then an explosion, and now a tsunami of antisemitism worldwide. in paris, in london, in germany. in australia, get rid of the jews, let's have a jew-free zone. it's not about being pro hamas or antiisrael. it is about antisemitism. >> reporter: she was appointed ambassador because she is one of the world's foremost academic experts on antisemitism. >> do you know how when the yellow light is flashing, antisemitism and stuff is that amber light. what it is signaling is that antisemitism is coming and it's a threat to democracy. >> that last point, jim, is really critical. because we have talked a lot in the u.s., especially since january of 2021, about the threat to democracy. and this is historically kind of a telltale sign that a democracy is in trouble. because the history of antisemitism goes back millennia. so if you go back that far, it is certainly a telltale sign. even in modern times. look at the last 100 years. it is also a sign that there is a real problem, sort of a corroding of the democratic institutions and democratic sensibilities. and part of the reason is because it is considered the oldest hate. and there are conspiracies that have to do with jews that are so embedded in cultures and societies, and also, because jews are among the first scapegoats when it comes to times in history, in societies when there are things that are going wrong. and people are looking for somebody to blame. so that is true if you go back in time but particularly since october 7th. and you know what's really interesting is that even before israel retaliated, and there have been bombs dropping in gaza, the spike was up there. people saw what happened. they had a latent antisemitism. latent jew hate and they said, this is license for me to do that. >> and we've been covering it. >> yeah. >> october 7th. we've all been covering it. what is so awful about this, one would think you would see the opposite happen after october 7th. that's not what took place. we're seeing a rise of antisemitism even after october 7th and in particular on college campuses. how do you explain that? >> like anything multifaceted. social media is a huge part of it. it has gone unchecked. it has gone unchecked, particularly at college campuses, because the notion of hate against jews has been conflated with political speech. in many instances it is geared toward israel. but if you just see some of what we were talking about in that clip with deborah, yes, the thing that set everybody off was something that happened in israel to jews but they're not screaming in the streets so much. sometimes they're screaming about israel. but it is mostly about jews and exterminating jews. and the state of israel which is the jewish state of israel. >> such an incredibly painful subject. it is important that you're highlighting it and talking about it. >> i feel very grateful that we're giving the time to do that. >> absolutely. dana bash, i know you'll be talking about this with prime minister netanyahu tomorrow on the state of the union. also this new story with anderson cooper that features dana's really important reporting. that air tomorrow flight at 9:00 eastern and pacific. we'll give you some reminders tomorrow right here on cnn. thank you very much. really appreciate it. and here's today's cnn hero. >> it takes boots on the ground to get back there, find them and meet their needs. we provide clothing, food. there is a full kitchen in the back. we also do laundry. it is filling a basic human need. even though i'm not a veteran, i do have injuries with a traumatic brain injury. you've been burning the road up with that walker. sometimes i surprise people with who i am. i look really rough around the edges, right? what's up, brother? i may throw out a cuss word here and there but i'm just stacy. there are organizations that want to provide support to you. >> and go to to vote and we'll be right back.

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Mindset , Capitol Hill , Craziness , Arms , Stuff , Idea , Disqualifying , Accuracy , Warlike Putin , Position , Power , Mix , Enemies , Resurrection , Excel , New York Times , Cnn , Fans , Rest , Piece , This , Presidency , Camps , Headlines , Immigration Policies , Inside Trump , Deportation , Immigration Plans , 2025 , Feel , Dovetail , It Trump , Immigration Front , Praising , Everything , Course , Mainstream , Moderate , Reactions , Truth , Favorite , Pendant Industrial Complex , Bu T , Salt , Bad Falls , Red Wave , 2022 , 2020 , Sense , Campaign Trail , Feelings , Opponents , Trunk Base , Fashion , Department Of Justice , Gavin , Swing District Voters , Nikki Haley V Trump , Biden V Trump , Beating , Isn T You Know , Policies , Conference , Running , House Speaker , Mike Johnson , Government Shutdown , Proposal , Senate , Crs , White House , Chip Roy , Leadership , Guy , Out Of The Woods , Speaker , House , Experience , Means , Northern Gaza , Hospital , Report , Leaders , Coming Up , Surprise , Figure , Thanks A Lot , Israel Next Plus Arab , Muslim , Eric Adams , Agents , Support , Cell Phones , Palestinians , Fbi , New York City , The Street , Investigation , Latest , Campaign Finances , Staff , People Inside Gaza Say , Electricity , Patients , Wing , Oren Lieberman , Fighting , Situation , Streets , Evening , Rn , Strikes , We Haven T , Artillery Strikes , Drones , Drone , Corner , Fighter Jets , Bit , Area , Forces , Artillery , Director General , Ministry Of Health , Tanks , Food , Water , Doctors Without Borders , Needs , Risk , Shortages , Bodies , Disease , Trucks , Idf , Times , More , Red Cross , Fraction , Isn T War Going On , 53 , Hospitals , Al Shifa Hospital , Evacuation , South , Corridor , Unit , Corridors , Officials , On Which Tens Of Thousands Palestinians , Aircraft , Training Event , Rages , U S European Command , Military Post , 11 , Command , Helicopter , European , Cargo Air Jet , Anything , Statement , Action , Crash , Fatalities , Mediterranean Sea , Nothing , Training Accident , Hostilities , Information , Medicine , Incident , Families , Personnel , Palestinian Red Crescent , Time , Summit , Visit , Crown Prince , Saudi Arabia , Iran , Jack Decade , Reporter , Look , Draft Resolution , Family , Photo , United Front , Emergency Summit , A Show Of Force , 31 , Document , Actions , Region , Massacres , Gaza A War Crime , Unification , Cease Fire , Occupation , Black , Stance , Mechanism , West Bank , East Jerusalem , Icc , Well , Un Security Council , Consequence , Resolution , Israelis , War Crimes , Operations , Talk , Discussion , Force , Culpability , Leader , Soil , Kingdom , Partner , Crimes , Best , Word , Friends , Backs Hamas , Risks , Relationships , Syrian , Chief , Intelligence , Egyptian , Cia , Cairo , Town , Need , , Discussions , Terms , Pictures , Attention , Way , Top , Activity , Precursor , Launching Flares , Speed , Business , Devices , Network , Comcast Business , Downloads , Level , Uploads , Wifi , Card , Internet Bundle , The Next Generation , 10g Network , Powering Possibilities , 9 99 , 59 99 , 00 , 10 , 12 , 800 , Part , Ipad , Mayor , Campaign Fundraising , Chief Fundraiser , Appearance , Home , Response , Seizure , Veterans Day Parade , Speaking Engagement , Search Warrant , Phones , Authorities , Iphones , Two , Review , Boy Johnson , Campaign Funding Investigation , Adams , Members , Member , Law , Law Enforcement , Individual , Investigators , Hearing , City , Significance , Hand , Warrant , Something , Questions , Case , Seriousness , Escalation , Wouldn T , Thanks , Fire , Healing , Earth , Military , Hit Gaza , Inside Gaza , Strike , Misfire Gentile Launch , Troops , Civilians , Video , Viewers , Plight , Death , Medics , Prayers , 34 , Several , Ambulances , Facilities , Scenes , On A Friday , Horror , Humanitarians , Screams , Doctor , Injured , Blast , Dazed , Images , Loved Ones , Presidents , Ministers , Mr , Blinkin , Countries , Sheltering , Refugees , Attack , Humanity , Protection , Temples , Tens Of Thousands , No Other , Redlines , Sanctuary , Gazans , Safe , Israeli Military , Calls , Choice , Territory , Airstrikes , Harm S Way , Return , Exit , Doctors , Icrc , Vulnerable , Hundreds , Back , Cry For International Protection , Shift , Directions , Others , Woman , Safe Passage Out , Father , News , Little Boy , Stopping , Land , Despair , Leticia , Observer , United Nations , Guest , Suggestion , Disturbing , Sad , Question Mark , Return Point , No Ritalin , Population , Resources , North , Communications , Healthcare Services , Watch , Inside , Organization , De Escalation , Healthcare System , Point Of No Return , Life , Everywhere , Refuge , Costs , Access , Laws Of War , Spokesperson , Healthcare Facilities , Operation Centers , Human Shields , Teams , Areas , Party , Supplies , Both , October 7th , Attacks , 7 , College Campuses , Rise , Story , Incidents , Focus , Synagogues , Special , Anderson Cooper , Dana Bash , Behavior , Rhetoric , Antisemitism , Ambassador , Charge , Administration , Spike , Role , Surge , Tsunami , Wake , Explosion , Paris , Germany , In London , Australia , Exterminating Jews , Experts , World , Antiisrael , Zone , Amber Light , Signaling , Flashing , Democracy , Threat , Point , January Of 2021 , 2021 , Sign , History Of Antisemitism , Trouble , Back Millennia , Corroding , Institutions , 100 , Conspiracies , Hate , Sensibilities , Societies , Reason , Cultures , History , Scapegoats , Bombs , Jew Hate , Saw , License , Social Media , Notion , Speech , Instances , Set , Jews , Yes , Deborah , Jewish State Of Israel , Subject , Prime Minister , Reporting , State Of The Union , 9 , Reminders , Pacific , Cnn Hero , Human Need , Laundry , Kitchen , Clothing , Injuries , Veteran , Brain Injury , Walker , Road , Cuss Word , Edges , Brother , Organizations , Cnnheroes Com ,

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