Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240702 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240702

good morning, everyone. glad you're with us. ooip poppy harlow in new york. there's a lot of news to get to this morning. here are five things to know for this thursday. at moment, hundreds of americans could cross the border out of gaza and into egypt one day after the rafah crossing opening. >> israel striking the largest refugee camp for the second day in a row. president biden now saying we need a pause in order to get the prisoners out of the war zone. overnight republicans going after one of their own taking to the senate flor and slamming senator tommy tuberville as he continues to hold up the m military appointments. donald trump jr. rirning to the stand today followed by his brother as the $250 million civil fraud trial continues. a much-needed win for a community in mourning. the high school football team from lewiston, maine, beating their rivals with a roster of celebrities cheering them on. "cnn this morning" starts right now. this is a live look at the rafah border crossing where hundreds of americans could be leaving gaza today. according to this new deal hamas, they have been trapped inside the war zone for weeks as israel continues its unrelenting ground assault. you're looking at the devastation from a secondary strike in two days on gaza's largest refugee camp. the idf says it was targeting hamas' command center, but the united nations human rights office is warning the high number of civilian casualties from the strikes on the densely populated camp could be a war crime. >> hamas' defensive lines are collapsing and retreating. this is the late haddest video from the idf. president biden is now saying he supports a humanitarian pause in the war to save hostages still in gaz sa. a protesters called for a cease-fire. he responded, i think we need a pause. a pause means give time to get the prisoners out. we have live coverage all morning. priscilla alvarez is live for us. but i want to start with raphael. more americans will be getting out today. what's the latest in terms of people getting across that border? >> reporter: good morning, the expectation is that more americans and more foreigners in general will be able to pass through a state department spokesman confirmed wednesday that an initial group of foreign nationals, including u.s. citizens had departed gaza and made it into egypt, also he decline d to give specifics on f u.s. citizens were able to leave gaza. he did say that more americans would be able to leave today and in the next days and that the state department had communicated directly with american citizens in gaza so they would be ready to go. there was also confirmation from president biden himself. he wrote wednesday on x that the u.s. had secured safe passage for wounded palestinians and for foreign nationals to exit gaza. we're expecting some american citizens to exit right away with more departing over the next coming days. how many americans were stuck in gaza? at a senate appropriations committee hearing, secretary of state antony blinken said there were approximately 400 plus. their families, about a thousand people the in total. he also said there are about 5,000 other third country nationals in gaza who want to get out as well. >> there's been a second strike since yesterday morning, since we were on with you last, on that refugee camp by israel. how are they explaining it and defending it given they said the first strike took out the hamas target they were going after? >> reporter: yeah, that's right. israel defense forces commander last night said that the problem here is what they have been faceing all along, hamas is embedded in civilian communities, building their command centers, their infrastructure behind schools, hospitals, and other civic centers. it's very difficult to be able to target the commanders and the opteratives without any ca casualties. he said they are trying their best not to harm any civilians, so they do not intend to injury any civilians, but it's a reality that they are facing in the ground. they also reiterated what they said a couple weeks ago that they had asked the civilian population to leave those combat zoneses in the north and go south, but what we're hearing from relief workers and doctors in the north is that many of these people cannot leave, many of them are sick and being treated in hospitals. we are talking about families with young children. it's just impossible for them to get through. and then again, there's really no safe place in gaza at this point. >> thank you for the reporting. >> let's go to priscilla alvarez. a protester identified herself and interrupted president biden and called for a cease-fire. >> mr. president? i need you to call for a cease-fire. >> what's interesting is the president even though she was being told to leave, he did stand and answer a couple questions. the president said he you wanted the emotion and called for a pause. had he was careful not to say cease-fire. when you look at what he said, what does he mean? >> reporter: this moment really captured the dell indicate nature of the conflict and the heightened emotions of the white house is trying to navigate. the president did acknowledge the remarks saying, quote, i think we need a pause, a pause means give time to get the prisoners out. that referring to the hostages held by hamas. so the president really extending what u.s. officials have already said, which is that they would like to see israel engage in a humanitarian pause to get aid into gaza and to get the hostages out of gaza. but they have always been very, very careful about using the term cease-fire, saying cease-fire, and even implying at all that they are telling israel what to do and how to conduct its military operations. so what president biden said last night was really an extension of what we have been hearing from u.s. officials, but again, it underscores how politically difficult this is for the president. that happening at a campaign fundraiser in minneapolis. and also the president reminding the crowd that this is a complicated conflict that hamas is a terrorist organization, and also noting that he is the guy that got aid goo gaza. so one that this is fast moving, but he is the person to talk to these loaders and try to arrange for aid to get into gaza and work to get those hostages out of gaza. but all of this just underscoring how accocomplicated difficult it is as this white house proceeds. >> thank you very much for the reporting. today an american medical volunteer is resting at a hotel hours after she was finally able to cross the border. she volunteered in gaza for seven years creating procsthetis for children in gaza for the relief fund. she was in sprodic contact with her family. they got the news a at 8:26 a.m. in sgaz. she text her brother, just wait ing for the border to open. an hour later, staff have arrived. then gate open. we wait for a go sign. in the holding area, waiting for our name to be called. two hours later, in palestinian holding area. four hours after that, the message the family had been waiting for, on shuttle to egyptian border. pray for the people of gaza who now don't have us as shields from harm. her brother joins us now. we appreciate your time. i can't imagine what the last several weeks have been like. i want to start with with last i heard, she was in hotel and resting. do you know how she's feeling right now? >> i'm disappointed. i haven't been able to speak to her. she's been kind of quiet on the text message app as well. so it's cause for some concern. i'm worried about her spiritual condition because of the arduous conditions of the last three weeks, which had been pretty he lashs is and frightening fors us to be reading her text messages describe ing what's going on. but we weren't there listening to the bombs drop and the missiles launch. i'm a bit worried about her condition, and i'm looking forward to speaking to her and seeing her back here in the states. >> to that point, i think there's a natural assumption once you cross the border, everybody exhales and everything is wonderful, but your concern here, do you feel this is going to have a long-term effect because of what she has been through? >> i'm concerned about that. i'm pretty confident about her well being in long run because she's a tough woman. she's been going there visiting gaza for so many years. i was baffled when she first started doing it, but she's gritty and she's used to dealing and helping people who have been wounded, especially children injured in wartime. so she's a tough cookie. she puts up a good front. she's a very spiritual woman. she has a really firm base there. so in the long run, i'm confident she will come through this well. i'm just worried because i'm feeling it. i'm 12,000 miles away and reading her text messages about bombs falling and staying awake at night with the building shaking. so it's bothered me. and i changed my perspective on this world and on this conflict, thinking about all the thousands of people being killed there by accident or on purpose, and she could easily have been one of them. every life is precious, and hers is too. she was always pointing out so are the lives of the kids getting killed every day there. >> talk about the feeling when you got the text that she was across the border finally. >> i had a broad smile on my face. i really exhaled. those precious words when she said we're on the move, i had confidence their group was not going to move towards the border unless they had gotten some very clear and believable messages from the state department, as well as the powers that be. so when she says she was on the move, that's when i started really feeling happy. when i read the test message she was across the border, i was really happy then. i was satisfied then. i knew it was over in terms of the ordeal of being trapped in gaza. >> i can't imagine the relief. we're grateful for you and your family. thank you very much. >> thank you for having me on and supporting us. this just in, 20 ambulances have arrive d at rafah border crossing to pick up wounded palestinians. we'll keep you posted on all the developments. back here at home, donald trump jr. expected to take the stand again today in the civil fraud trial against his family. what he told prosecutors and what his brother could say nesks. and republican senators erupting at tommy tuberville for blocking 61 military apointments. >> we're not done. if you're a flag officer, one or two star general, we have your back. we're going to work this. we're going to work it. you deservrve it. our nation h has to haveve it. welcome back. donald trump jr. will be back in a new york courtroom today for a second day of testimony. this is in the civil fraud trial against the family and the trump org. the lawsuit accuses don jr. and his brother of a scheme to inflate their father's net worth to gain better loan terms and insurance agreements. eric trump could also take the stand today. kara scannell is following it all. what was key from don jr. and what else the do they want from him today? >> reporter: good morning. don jr. is the first of the trumps who will be testifying at the civil fraud trial. s he was the one that was taking the stand yesterday, the first one up out of the gate in this trial where it's a high stakes for the family business. he will be back on the stand today, but he testified about an hour and a half yesterday, where he answered the questions head on and even enjekted a little lev ity into the proceedings. donald trump jr. taking the stand, testifying in the $250 million civil fraud case brought against his family's company in new york. the lawsuit accuses trump jr. and his brother of know ingly inflating the assets to secure better loan and insurance policy terms. under oath, he denied any involvement in the preparation of his father's financial statements, testifying, the accountants worked on it. that's what we pay them for. further claiming had his role was that of a, quote, real estate broker and feigning ignorance for accounting principles. >> do you have any familiarity with an acronym gaap? how did you become familiar with that? >> probably an accountanting 101. >> what do they teach you about generally accepted accounting principles? >> i'm not an act tant, but they are generally accepted. >> anything else? >> that's pretty much what i remember from accounting 101. >> after winning the 2016 presidential election, the former president handed the reigns of the company over to his two eldest sons. >> my two sons, who are right here, don and eric, are going to be running the company. >> reporter: he was pressed about his involvement. the first after his father took office asking him if he gave the accountants the $246 million evaluation a attached to the licensing deals. trump jr. says he may have discussed the deals, but had no prior knowledge to those values being used in the financial statements. further testifying that his company's accountants had an incredibly intimate knowledge, and i relied on them. despite juthe judge finding tru and his sons liable for fraud, trump jr. was jovial during his 90-minute testimony, a departure from his previous chentss calling the trial a sham and a kangaroo court. even joking with the judge about the pace of his answers, saying, quote, i apologize, your honor. i moved to florida, but i kept the new york pace. trump jr. was even seen hovering over the court sketch artist to see how had he was illustrated before leaving court for the afternoon break. donald trump will be back on the stand this morning around 10:00 a.m. his lawyers are not going to question him, so next up will be his brother eric. he was involved in the valuation of golf courses and he's expected to be on the stand for several hours. >> a little bit of levity is right in that deposition tape. kara scannell, thank you. tributes are pouring in for the general. we're remembering college basketball coach bobby knight and his legacy and his signature short fuse. live pictures from the rafah crossing. one egyptian official saying 7,000 foreign nationals could be released from gaza into egypt. standbdby for new w developmene. nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. welcome back for the first time in franchise history, the texas rangers are world series champions. the rangers eliminated the diamondbacks with a 5-0 win to claim the best of 7 series. the shortstop, who was monster, breaking up a no-hitter. it would score the night's first run. texas added 4 more runs in the 9th. he was named the series mvp. the rangers managed to win 11 straight games away from home. that's the longest road winning streak in post season history. next up, a parade in texas tomorrow for the world series champs. >> wait until you see this. it will warm your heart. high school football returning to lewiston, maine, last night for the first time since the mass shootings that claimed the lives of 18 people. it's the biggest game of the year. it's battle of the bridge between lewiston high school and edward little, the town came together to honor their lost loved ones and the first respond ergs who risked their lives to find the gunman. ♪ >> that is the legendary james taylor kicking off the game with his rendition of the national anthem. the team got extra encouragement from the likes of will fehr ril and rob gron cow ski. >> today's the day. showdown. lewiston vs. edward little, everyone is going to be watching. everyone is going to be talking about it. so let's bring it on. >> i have been thinking about everyone in lewiston, maine. i'm sending my love. i just want to say you guys are amazing. sticking together to stay strong through these tough times. >> from all who are returning to the game tonight, we applaud you for supporting one another. for all those playing in the game tonight, you already are champions. >> lewiston went on to beat edward little, 34-18. president biden and the first lady will travel to lewis ton on friday to pay their respects to all of those who tragically were killed. tributes are pouring in this morning for the general, hall of fame college basketball head coach and noted ohio state university graduate bobby knight has died at the age of 83. he won three national titles, 11 big ten conference titles and 662 games during his 29 seasons at indiana, among many other achievements. but his drive for winning was attached to a temper. he had little patience for players, referees, reporters, anyone standing in front of him. andy scholes looks back at his life and legacy. >> robert montgomery knight is one of basketball's biggest and most polarizing personalities. a strict, no nonsense coach on the court, bob knight didn't mince words off the court either. >> i'll handle this the way i want to hand it the it. you [ bleep ] it up to begin with. sit there or leave. i don't give a [ bleep ] what you do. >> now, back to the game. >> reporter: after garraduating from ohio state university, he enlisted in the army to help lead their basketball program. he was the black knights head coach for six seasons before accepting a job to coach at indiana in 1971. under the general's leadership, the hoosiers won three championships. knight also led the usa to a gold medal coaching michael jordan and the rest of the men's basketball team at the 1984 olympics in los angeles. after 29 years, his behavior on and off the court strained his relationship with the administration at indiana university. in may of 2000 he was placed on zero tolerance policy after it appeared he placed the on the neck of a player. months later he had a an altercation with a freshman student on campus. >> he fwrbed my arm and got in my face and just said a couple comments. it was pretty wild. >> i would have to be an absolute moron, an absolute moron with the things that have been laid down on me to grab a kid in public and curse at a kid in public. >> reporter: but that incident turned out to be the final straw for knight at indiana. >> i gave him the option of resigning as head basketball coach. he declined, and i notified him he was being removed as basketball coach effective immediately. >> reporter: knight continued coaching after indiana spending seven seasons in lubbock coaching texas tech. >> this is without question the most comfortable red sweater i have had on in six years. i can't tell you. >> reporter: after retirement, knight had little patience for the media, became a media members himself broadcasting for espn. and during the 2016 presidential campaign, knight tried his hand at politics, stumping for donald trump. >> you folks are taking a look at the most prepared man in history to step in as president of the united states. that man right there. >> reporter: in february of 2020 after years of turning down invitations, knight finally made his return to assembly al. knight attending the hoosiers game for the first time in 20 years, he was surround ed by former players and received a huge ovation from the home crowd. brash, intimidating, mad genius, he's been described a lot of ways, and always true to form, those opinions never seem to matter much to the general. >> when my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, i want they bury me upside down and my critics can kiss my ass. >> it was the introverted subtlety of bobby knight that i think really was captured by andy in that piece. >> last quote says it all. >> ohio state grad. probably the most notable part in his career. >> our thoughts with his family and what a run he had. this morning israel forces say hamas' defense lines continue to collapse. the latest on the fighting. that's ahead. what does this mean for the over 200 hostages still held in gaza? you're looking at three of them on your screen. we'll speak with a friend of a woman believed still to be in hamas custody. this morning israeli forces say hamas' defense lines continue to collapse in northern gaza. troops continue to take control of central areas. that update comes as satellite images just into cnn are show ing the impact of the israeli airstrikes in the refugee camp in northern gaza. the left side is before the bombardment on tuesday. the right is after. you can see the crater left by the first round of strikes. this photo was taken before aen second round of strikes on wednesday, meaning the destruction is likely much worse. joining us is steve anderson. there has been been a ton of ffgs about what's actually happening on the ground in terms of the operation from the idf, but we do have geolocated videos that give people a sense of where troops have gone in. pulling up the map here, you see if you want to centralize gaza city as being the point where they want their forces to converge, you can pull out in to see different places where videos have been geolocated. you see a flag being raised by troops. if you move out a little over to the east, you see a tank moving through rubble and coming back down towards the south. you see what we showed you earlier in the week, a video of a tank seeming to open fire on a vehicle. when you look at these three points of entry, what do you see here? >> i think they are to be commended for their methodical approach. they are doing it like i they need to. they need to surround the city and strangle hold the city. i think about 30,000 soldiers inside of gaza right now. perhaps the elements of three divisions attacking from the north to points of attack in the north and along the coastline, perhaps 6 kilometers of penetration, but most importantly, they are moving in the middle towards the area to essentially cut gaza in half. it's only about 8 kilometers from israel to the mediterranean, so it's not difficult to do. when they do that, that will allow them the to surround the city and control everything moving in and out of gaza. they can leverage that blockade, fuel, food, water, continue to be conduct target attacks on arms, kaechss, et cetera. very importantly, they have to get as many civilians out of gaza city as they possibly can, and they need time to twop a political solution. they need to replace hamas. hamas has high jacked the palestinian state. they need a two-state solution before they do the tough fighting inside gaza city. >> the long-term plan here doesn't have a lot of answers. i want to pull back out to what we were talking about. if you look at the industry points here, coming here with the tank division, down here and to your point, all heading towards the gaza city area surrounding it, when you talk about civilians being a necessity, if you're trying to essentially have a pincher movement to encircle the city and strangle it, how is it possible to do both of those things. get civilians out, have humanitarian aid come in if you're trying to encircle where militants have gone back and into tunnels. >> they need to establish a refugee corridor, a humanitarian corridor that allows them to get the civilians out. there's no reason why they couldn't do that. hamas wants to use as many civilians as possible as human shields. we have seen that on the attacks of the refugee camps. but every time they conduct an attack, it turns the world against them. it plays into the narrative there's nowhere safe to go. they need to establish humanitarian camps in the south. they need to establish some sort of humanitarian corridor perhaps what president biden said yesterday, conduct a pause where they allow the civilians to get out. it will be impossible the to get them all out, but every time they attack a refugee camp, it's more ammunition to the iranians and their proxies who are looking for justification to escalate the war. and they would like to see nothing better than to see israel box boggsed down in some sort of urban fight inside of gaza city. >> the conflict the u.s. wants to avoid. thank you. my next guest is one of the people finally allowed to leave yesterday. dr. sdin, who you see there at the rafah border gate waiting to cross, she's made it. she's an american pediatrician who was trapped in gaza for 26 days. it was supposed to be routine children's relief mission organized by the relief fund. and doctor, if you can hear me we can see you. we are so glad you have made it through. i know you're join ing us from cairo. how are you doing after all this? >> i'm doing pretty well. i think i'm in a halo of just relieved to be here. just feeling awful for the devastation that the gazaen people are going through right now. >> of course, because i smile we're delighted to see that you're okay and ut, but all the people dwrou you went to save, are not out and may not be able to get out. how do you wrestle with that? >> it's difficult. part of it is just getting the word out about what a situation is like in gaza is important. what you guys do is important. knowing that there's not much i can do if i stay. i wasn't able to do any pediatrics while i was there, so my staying wasn't really helping anything. >> talk to us about -- go ahead, doctor. >> go ahead, sorry. >> can you tell us what the last 24 to 36 hours have been like from when you not goets you were going to be able to leave, bha that was like? >> yeah, so that would be the night before last. i woke up in the middle of the night. i was checking any messages and had an e-mail. my husband had sent me an e-mail saying for americans to be ready in the next few days. we'll be notified we're on the list for that day. i never gt any other notification. i started contacting my state department contact and asking will all my group be able to move at the same time, because that was our plan. . would the internationals we were with who were also sharing the same transportation be able to move at the same time, and asking all those questions. she didn't know. in the meantime, simultaneously, other people in my group, especially the internationals, werth getting calls from their embassy to be at at the border at 7:00. so we got there a little before 7:00. 12 hours later, it was a long process, but it was a process that moved slowly, we were out on the egyptian side heading toward the parking lot. then last night we drove here to cairo. >> doctor, i remember the first time i saw you on cnn was with wolf blitzer. in the middle of that interview, that was near the beginning of the war, we could hear the bombs going off right behind you. now 26 days later, you have made it out. can you talk about how dire the conditions became, especially at the end? we heard one toilet for 800 people. very little food, very little clean water. >> right, right. we left gaza city. we stayed at three u.n. facilities. then at the end we were staying at a kind ergarten. but in the beginning, we were in gaza city. we were told to move south. there was going to be intensive bombing, and there was. that's when i had that initial interview. but moving south, there was still a lot of bombing. so there's really no safe place for the people. so when we went to the u.n. facility, all the gazaens trying to go south, the first place they usually would seek refuge was the schools, but they were already people. so we were going to u.n. facilities that were not camps. they were vocational schools and storage centers, and so the toilets for those people, the water was not eadequate for the tens of thousands of people who showed up. for about two weeks we ended up in a parking lot that was wardened off from the rest of the gazaens staying there. we were relatively lucky, but we were running out of food and water also. >> and sleeping in the car at the end? >> you had your choice to sleep on the car. you could sleep on a foam pad with a blanket on the ground. i preferred the ground. pretty much camping for the last several weeks. but it's been scary in the last two weeks. we kept running out of water. that was water to flush the toilet. we were fortunate to have drinking water, which was not true of the people just outside the fence from us. they were running out of drinking water. but we ran out of water for washing and sanitation. we were having more and more pl cases of diarrhea show up in our community. i can't imagine what it was like outside the camp in the general camp area. and then at one point, we only had had enough food for two d days. >> two days left of food. and i think it's fair to make the assumption you were in the best of what circumstances could be for people there. i think that says it all. we keep hearing from the israely government, we told people to move south. your point is, there was still bombing along the way. the israeli government has refused to let fuel in. speak to the are reality of what that means on the ground, if it they maintain that position? >> right. so the plants have closed down because of not enough fuel. there's not fuel for ambulances. even getting food, so even we have the privilege of our ngos were paying for cooked food to come in, and we couldn't get it anymore because taxis didn't have fuel to bring it in. just people get ting around. so the lack of fuel was a huge thing. >> i was watching your husband on last night with our colleague erin burnett. you could tell how anxious he is to see you. i know hopefully you'll make it home today or tomorrow. has all of this sunk in what you have gone through for almost the last month and what it's going to be like to step foot back at home? >> no, it hasn't. i'll just wait and see. i feel like most of the last few weeks have been -- i try to sign up and volunteer for things. but it will sink in in the next few weeks probably. >> doctor, do you think one day if you can dpo become to help those kids you will? >> oh, yeah. for sure. i'm not sure if my husband will let me go back to gaza, but definitely to the other places i have been going to. we need to wake up to what's going on. you always have to look at the real cause of conflict like this. they live in good times, they are under siege all the time. we need to look at the conditions that they live under on a constant basis. >> doctor, you have been an extraordinary voice guiding so many people through all of this. thank you for that. thank you for what you do for the kids. and enjoy that big hug when you get home. >> thanks. i really enjoyed the shower last night. >> i bet. i'm so glad you got that. thank you. easy travels from here on home. >> thank you. thanks for listening. bye-bye. >> what a woman. she has really gaded us guided us through these past few weeks. >> such a good point. you pointed out we first connected with her watching her with wolf several times. the number of people we have had whether it's our colleague who is still stuck in the area, families, friends, it gives you a personal view of there's so much, it's so overwhelming. following the individual people what they are going through helps tell the stories, but also sometimes we get good news. she's pretty wonderful. >> she's an amazing woman. also this morning, the latest effort to expel congressman george santos fails in the house. what's next for him? and what senator menendez, who is facing federal corruption charges including allegations of improperly assisting the government of egypt, what he said to manu raju when asked this -- >> you're being accused of aiding a foreign government. why is that appropriate for you go to go to a classifified briefing? fury erupting on the senate floor from republicans after one of their own fellow republican tommy tuberville individually objected the 61 military aappointments during a four and a half-hour session. >> generals and admirals who are being held up, hang in there. hang in there. some of us have your back. we have your back. >> no matter whether you believe it or not, this is doing great damage to our military. >> to undermine the safety and security of the people during this perilous time, it doesn't make any sense to me. >> it's simply, in it my opinion, an abuse of the powers we have as senators. >> i really respect men of their word. i do not respect men who do not honor their word. >> those are five republican senators, by the way, calling out tuberville. his blocks on military appointmentsment colt at a f precarious time with worried about a conflict in the middle east intensifying and the continuing war in ukraine. the alabama senator vowed to block all military appoint mmen until the pentagon agreed to top staying part travel expenses for service members to receive abortion care. john avlon is here at the table. it's important to point out those were five republicans, is and dan sullivan's words, quoting the marine corp., this body is not keeping faith with our military because of one senator. >> the fact that his fellow republicans are starting to call him out, because this is hurting military revenues. this was national security suicide. mitt romney said this is an abuse of our power as senators. what's particularly galling is that the senator would agree to individual votes, but then they were brought up and he blocked them all. this is an absolute insult to our national security and our military. and the republican senators are starting to stand up to it. >> that's what you heard about people keep their word. she was talking specifically to tuberville. and i think they get to the point. mitt romney, dan sullivan, these are sober republicans who are not cable news chasing. they are level-headed members of their conference, don't yell at members of their conference. listen to what sullivan said. >> xi jinping is watching this right now going, i can't believe they are not letting these guys command. i'm scared to death of subs. he's loving this. so is putin. they are loving it. how dumb can we be, man? >> how dumb can we be? this is an important point. you have heard other republicans make this recently, not only in relation to this, but the self-inflicted dysfunction that has overtaken our democracy when a handful of folks end up blocking an entire process. it makes democracy look bad. it makes democracy look divided and dysfunction and weak. now our military. those are the stakes. make no mistake. when they grand stand and hold up the ability to function as a nation, it makes our country look bad. >> moving to the house and the real first test for speaker mike joh johnson, can you get funding through for israel, for ukraine. he doesn't want it packaged up, but there's now a cost from the cbo to the israel proposal. >> this is mind boggling. it really deserves some accountability. so what he's offered to do is say we're going to offset the cost for israel. we're going to offset it by taking money away from irs enforcement. then came the budget office estimate. the citizens for fiscal responsibility saying, this is utterly self-defeating stunt. it would actually cost more money. it wouldn't offset that cost. let's do the math. you get less re knew down the line. it would cost twice as much as paying for it up front. these are fiscally conservative organization. it's one more case where the stunt performtive fiscal speedometer is exaresponsibilits exactly the opposite. >> george santos, still a member of congress. go. >> thanks to republicans and democrats. >> 24 republicans tried to push him out. they realize that santos is poison for their reelection efforts. it makes a mockery of law and order. he did not get expelled last night. we're waiting for a congressional ethics report later this month that could be more damning. they realize it's a problem for them. but johnson and other republicans say we have too narrow margin. >> 31 democrats didn't vote to expel him? >> some voted present. because why should we help you clean up your mess. also, one legitimate point. this is an indictment. it's not a conviction. beware of the precedent. be careful. >> john avlon, always a pleasure. thank you. "cnn this mormorning contin. president biden calling for a pause in gaza to allow for the release of more hostages. >> new devastation and fear in a gaza refugee camp rocked by a secondary strike in two days. >> the fear is that there's simply nowhere safe to turn. >> an underground city that's an integral part of their military machine is, we'll attack it fwen. >> some civilians finally being allowed to leave. >> the madministration has been working nonstop to reach this arrangement. >> many of the thousands of foreign nationals will get out. it's an important measure that exists in a situation that seemed. >> growing tension in the democratic ranks over the conduct of israel and its war. >> i believe it's a war crime. the speaker is at odds over how to pay for aid. >> this is anacin call, political bill.

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, Video , Strikes , Camp , Collapsing , Lines , War Crime , Retreating , Densely Populated , Haddest , Biden , War , Hostages , Gaz Sa , Cease Fire , Morning , Protesters , Priscilla Alvarez , Coverage , People , Reporter , Terms , Latest , Raphael , Nationals , Citizens , Group , State Department , General , Expectation , Spokesman , Foreigners , D , Gaza Into Egypt , Specifics , On X , Confirmation , Passage , Palestinians , Exit Gaza , Families , Secretary Of State , Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing , Antony Blinken , A Thousand , 400 , Country , 5000 , Commander , Last Night , Problem , Communities , Faceing , Hospitals , Schools , Command Centers , Commanders , Centers , Infrastructure , Opteratives , Ca , Civilians , Ground , Reality , Many , Leave , North , Doctors , Combat Zoneses , Population , Relief Workers , Go South , Point , Children , Reporting , Place , Protester , Let S Go , Mr , Questions , Emotion , Conflict , Saying , Emotions , Nature , White House , Dell , Aid , Officials , Term , Military Operations , Extension , Hearing , Campaign Fundraiser , Happening , Minneapolis , Organization , Crowd , Moving , Guy , Goo Gaza , Wall , Proceeds , Loaders , Hotel , Procsthetis , American Medical Volunteer , Seven , Family , Contact , Relief Fund , News A , Sprodic , Sgaz , 8 , 26 , Holding Area , Go Sign , Staff , Name , Palestinian Holding Area , King , Gate Open , Message , Shuttle , Harm , Four , Last , Concern , Cause , Resting , Kind , Text Message App , Quiet , Haven T , Conditions , Text Messages , Condition , Fors , Lashs , Three , Bombs , Ing What S Going On , Missiles Launch , Assumption , Everything , States , Everybody , Woman , Run , Effect , It , Dealing , Wartime , Front , Well , Cookie , Base , Long Run , Building Shaking , Miles Away , 12000 , Thousands , World , Perspective , Accident , Purpose , Kids , There , Lives , Feeling , Text , Words , Face , Move , Smile , Messages , Powers That Be , Test Message , Relief , Ordeal , Ambulances , 20 , Home , The Stand Again Today In Civil Fraud Trial , Developments , Prosecutors , Senators , Star General , Flag Officer , Republican , Nesks , Military Apointments , 61 , Back , Nation H , Trial , Father , Fraud , Testimony , Lawsuit , Courtroom , Insurance , Trump Org , Agreements , Scheme , Net Worth , Kara Scannell , First , Gate , High Stakes , The , Stand Today , Family Business , Half , The Stand , Little Lev Ity Into The Proceedings , Civil Fraud Case , Company , Involvement , Insurance Policy Terms , Assets , Oath , Preparation , Brother Of Know Ingly Inflating , Accountants , Statements , Quote , A , Principles , Role , Feigning , Ignorance , Real Estate Broker , Familiarity , Acronym Gaap , Accountanting 101 , 101 , Accounting Principles , Anything Else , Act Tant , Sons , Accounting , Brother Eric , Eldest , Election , Reigns , 2016 , Office , 246 Million , 46 Million , Knowledge , Licensing Deals , Deals , Values , Finding Tru , Departure , Chentss , Juthe , 90 , Answers , Space , Judge , Honor , Court Sketch Artist , Kangaroo Court , Florida , Court , Lawyers , Afternoon Break , 00 , 10 , The General , Tributes , Golf Courses , Bit , Valuation , Levity , Deposition Tape , Legacy , Official , Pictures , College Basketball Coach , Signature Short Fuse , 7000 , Standbdby For New W Developmene , Games , Man , Nothing , Footwork , Sports , Nice , Cheers , Pitch , Field , Woho , Xfinity 10g Network , Best , Rangers , Champions , Time , Series , Shortstop , World Series , Texas Rangers , Diamondbacks , Monster , 7 , 5 , 0 , Series Mvp , No Hitter , Runs , Road , Streak , Night S First Run , 9th , 11 , 4 , 9 , Heart , Champs , Last Night For The First Time , Parade , High School Football , Game , Shootings , Town , Loved Ones , Lewiston High School , Edward Little , Battle Of The Bridge , 18 , James Taylor , Ergs , Gunman , Team , Rendition , Encouragement , The National Anthem , Will Fehr Ril , Rob Gron Cow Ski , Showdown , Lewiston Vs , Guys , Love , Another , First Lady , Lewis , Those Playing In The Game Tonight , 34 , Head Coach , Respects , College Basketball , Ohio State University , Hall Of Fame , Seasons , Patience , Players , Indiana , Titles , Reporters , Big Ten Conference , Age , Achievements , Winning , Drive , Temper , Referees , 662 , 29 , Ten , Anyone Standing , Basketball , Didn T , Coach , Way , Personalities , Army , Black Knights , Basketball Program , Bleep , Garraduating , Championships , Leadership , Job , Hoosiers , 1971 , Six , Michael Jordan , Rest , Men S Basketball Team , Relationship , Medal , Behavior , Los Angeles , 1984 , Policy , Administration , May , Indiana University , Zero Tolerance , Zero , 2000 , May Of 2000 , Campus , Comments , Player , Neck , Altercation , Freshman Student , Arm , Moron , Kid , Incident , Curse , Public , Straw , Kid In Public , Basketball Coach , Coaching , Option , Sweater , Retirement , Folks , Campaign , Media Members , Media , Politics , Hand , Stumping , Espn , History , President Of The United States , Return , Invitations , Assembly Al , 2020 , February Of 2020 , Ovation , Brash , Intimidating , Surround Ed , Mad Genius , Activities , Opinions , Form , Ways , Earth , Subtlety , Ass , Critics , Part , Defense Lines , Thoughts , Grad , Say Hamas , Piece , Fighting , Screen , Friend , 200 , Custody , Forces , Troops , Northern Gaza , Areas , Control , Side , Update , Satellite Images , Airstrikes , Bombardment , Crater , Photo , Destruction , Steve Anderson , Aen , Videos , Sense , Ton , Operation , Ffgs , Map , Places , Flag , Geolocated , South , Tank , Fire , Dover , Rubble , Least , Vehicle , City , Points , Hold , Approach , Entry , Attack , Soldiers , Divisions , Penetration , Elements , Coastline , 6 , 30000 , Area , Middle , Cut Gaza , Mediterranean , Food , Water , Fuel , Attacks , Blockade , Target , Arms , Et Cetera , Kaechss , Solution , Plan , Palestinian State , Two State Solution , Heading , Industry Points , Necessity , Pincher Movement , Tank Division , Militants , Both , Tunnels , Corridor , Refugee Corridor , Reason , Human Shields , Camps , Refugee Camps , Narrative , Sort , Ammunition , Proxies , Justification , Box Boggsed , Iranians , Urban Fight Inside , Sdin , Dr , Guest , Rafah Border Gate Waiting To Cross , Doctor , Pediatrician , Relief Mission , Halo , Cairo , Course , Nut , Situation , Word , Pediatrics , Anything , Staying Wasn T , Bha , 36 , 24 , Husband , E Mail , List , Notification , Gt , Internationals , Transportation , Embassy , Werth , Process , Parking Lot , Side Heading , 12 , Interview , Beginning , Wolf Blitzer , Toilet , The End , 800 , Three U N Facilities , Kind Ergarten , Bombing , Gazaens , Refuge , Facilities , U N Facility , Tens , Storage Centers , Toilets , Car , Sleeping , Camping , Choice , Foam Pad , Blanket , Drinking Water , Fence , Cases , Sanitation , Washing , Pl , Camp Area , Circumstances , Government , Plants , Position , Privilege , Ngos , Erin Burnett , Thing , Black , Taxis Didn T Have Fuel , Hasn T , Sure , What S Going On , Siege , Basis , Voice , Hug , Travels , Listening , Bye , Colleague , View , Wolf , Friends , Stories , George Santos , Menendez , In The House , Corruption , Effort , Charges , Allegations , Improperly , Classifified , Generals , Admirals , Floor , Session , Fury Erupting , Military Aappointments , Military , Security , Some , Matter , Damage , Safety , Doesn T , Men , Abuse , Powers , Opinion , Calling Out Tuberville , The Way , Senator , Blocks , Ukraine , Military Appointmentsment Colt , Middle East , Alabama , Military Appoint Mmen , Abortion Care , Service Members , Travel Expenses , Table , John Avlon , Pentagon , Dan Sullivan , Fact , Revenues , Faith , Body , National Security Suicide , Is , Insult , Power , Votes , Mitt Romney , Conference , Members , Cable News Chasing , Don T Yell , Xi Jinping , Death , Subs , Dysfunction , Democracy , Handful , Relation , Grand Stand , Nation , Ability , Stakes , Mistake , Cost , Mike Joh Johnson , Funding , Test , House , Proposal , Mind Boggling , Cbo , Money , Accountability , Enforcement , Irs , Budget Office Estimate , Stunt , Math , Responsibility , It Wouldn T , Down The Line , Case , Opposite , Stunt Performtive Fiscal Speedometer , Santos , Poison , Reelection Efforts , Law And Order , Mockery , Congress , Ethics , Democrats Didn T Vote , 31 , Indictment , Mess , Conviction , Precedent , Fear , Biden Calling , Pleasure , Release , Mormorning Contin , Gaza Refugee Camp , Military Machine , It Fwen , Measure , Arrangement , Madministration , Anacin Call , Conduct , Tension , Ranks , Democratic ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240702 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240702

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good morning, everyone. glad you're with us. ooip poppy harlow in new york. there's a lot of news to get to this morning. here are five things to know for this thursday. at moment, hundreds of americans could cross the border out of gaza and into egypt one day after the rafah crossing opening. >> israel striking the largest refugee camp for the second day in a row. president biden now saying we need a pause in order to get the prisoners out of the war zone. overnight republicans going after one of their own taking to the senate flor and slamming senator tommy tuberville as he continues to hold up the m military appointments. donald trump jr. rirning to the stand today followed by his brother as the $250 million civil fraud trial continues. a much-needed win for a community in mourning. the high school football team from lewiston, maine, beating their rivals with a roster of celebrities cheering them on. "cnn this morning" starts right now. this is a live look at the rafah border crossing where hundreds of americans could be leaving gaza today. according to this new deal hamas, they have been trapped inside the war zone for weeks as israel continues its unrelenting ground assault. you're looking at the devastation from a secondary strike in two days on gaza's largest refugee camp. the idf says it was targeting hamas' command center, but the united nations human rights office is warning the high number of civilian casualties from the strikes on the densely populated camp could be a war crime. >> hamas' defensive lines are collapsing and retreating. this is the late haddest video from the idf. president biden is now saying he supports a humanitarian pause in the war to save hostages still in gaz sa. a protesters called for a cease-fire. he responded, i think we need a pause. a pause means give time to get the prisoners out. we have live coverage all morning. priscilla alvarez is live for us. but i want to start with raphael. more americans will be getting out today. what's the latest in terms of people getting across that border? >> reporter: good morning, the expectation is that more americans and more foreigners in general will be able to pass through a state department spokesman confirmed wednesday that an initial group of foreign nationals, including u.s. citizens had departed gaza and made it into egypt, also he decline d to give specifics on f u.s. citizens were able to leave gaza. he did say that more americans would be able to leave today and in the next days and that the state department had communicated directly with american citizens in gaza so they would be ready to go. there was also confirmation from president biden himself. he wrote wednesday on x that the u.s. had secured safe passage for wounded palestinians and for foreign nationals to exit gaza. we're expecting some american citizens to exit right away with more departing over the next coming days. how many americans were stuck in gaza? at a senate appropriations committee hearing, secretary of state antony blinken said there were approximately 400 plus. their families, about a thousand people the in total. he also said there are about 5,000 other third country nationals in gaza who want to get out as well. >> there's been a second strike since yesterday morning, since we were on with you last, on that refugee camp by israel. how are they explaining it and defending it given they said the first strike took out the hamas target they were going after? >> reporter: yeah, that's right. israel defense forces commander last night said that the problem here is what they have been faceing all along, hamas is embedded in civilian communities, building their command centers, their infrastructure behind schools, hospitals, and other civic centers. it's very difficult to be able to target the commanders and the opteratives without any ca casualties. he said they are trying their best not to harm any civilians, so they do not intend to injury any civilians, but it's a reality that they are facing in the ground. they also reiterated what they said a couple weeks ago that they had asked the civilian population to leave those combat zoneses in the north and go south, but what we're hearing from relief workers and doctors in the north is that many of these people cannot leave, many of them are sick and being treated in hospitals. we are talking about families with young children. it's just impossible for them to get through. and then again, there's really no safe place in gaza at this point. >> thank you for the reporting. >> let's go to priscilla alvarez. a protester identified herself and interrupted president biden and called for a cease-fire. >> mr. president? i need you to call for a cease-fire. >> what's interesting is the president even though she was being told to leave, he did stand and answer a couple questions. the president said he you wanted the emotion and called for a pause. had he was careful not to say cease-fire. when you look at what he said, what does he mean? >> reporter: this moment really captured the dell indicate nature of the conflict and the heightened emotions of the white house is trying to navigate. the president did acknowledge the remarks saying, quote, i think we need a pause, a pause means give time to get the prisoners out. that referring to the hostages held by hamas. so the president really extending what u.s. officials have already said, which is that they would like to see israel engage in a humanitarian pause to get aid into gaza and to get the hostages out of gaza. but they have always been very, very careful about using the term cease-fire, saying cease-fire, and even implying at all that they are telling israel what to do and how to conduct its military operations. so what president biden said last night was really an extension of what we have been hearing from u.s. officials, but again, it underscores how politically difficult this is for the president. that happening at a campaign fundraiser in minneapolis. and also the president reminding the crowd that this is a complicated conflict that hamas is a terrorist organization, and also noting that he is the guy that got aid goo gaza. so one that this is fast moving, but he is the person to talk to these loaders and try to arrange for aid to get into gaza and work to get those hostages out of gaza. but all of this just underscoring how accocomplicated difficult it is as this white house proceeds. >> thank you very much for the reporting. today an american medical volunteer is resting at a hotel hours after she was finally able to cross the border. she volunteered in gaza for seven years creating procsthetis for children in gaza for the relief fund. she was in sprodic contact with her family. they got the news a at 8:26 a.m. in sgaz. she text her brother, just wait ing for the border to open. an hour later, staff have arrived. then gate open. we wait for a go sign. in the holding area, waiting for our name to be called. two hours later, in palestinian holding area. four hours after that, the message the family had been waiting for, on shuttle to egyptian border. pray for the people of gaza who now don't have us as shields from harm. her brother joins us now. we appreciate your time. i can't imagine what the last several weeks have been like. i want to start with with last i heard, she was in hotel and resting. do you know how she's feeling right now? >> i'm disappointed. i haven't been able to speak to her. she's been kind of quiet on the text message app as well. so it's cause for some concern. i'm worried about her spiritual condition because of the arduous conditions of the last three weeks, which had been pretty he lashs is and frightening fors us to be reading her text messages describe ing what's going on. but we weren't there listening to the bombs drop and the missiles launch. i'm a bit worried about her condition, and i'm looking forward to speaking to her and seeing her back here in the states. >> to that point, i think there's a natural assumption once you cross the border, everybody exhales and everything is wonderful, but your concern here, do you feel this is going to have a long-term effect because of what she has been through? >> i'm concerned about that. i'm pretty confident about her well being in long run because she's a tough woman. she's been going there visiting gaza for so many years. i was baffled when she first started doing it, but she's gritty and she's used to dealing and helping people who have been wounded, especially children injured in wartime. so she's a tough cookie. she puts up a good front. she's a very spiritual woman. she has a really firm base there. so in the long run, i'm confident she will come through this well. i'm just worried because i'm feeling it. i'm 12,000 miles away and reading her text messages about bombs falling and staying awake at night with the building shaking. so it's bothered me. and i changed my perspective on this world and on this conflict, thinking about all the thousands of people being killed there by accident or on purpose, and she could easily have been one of them. every life is precious, and hers is too. she was always pointing out so are the lives of the kids getting killed every day there. >> talk about the feeling when you got the text that she was across the border finally. >> i had a broad smile on my face. i really exhaled. those precious words when she said we're on the move, i had confidence their group was not going to move towards the border unless they had gotten some very clear and believable messages from the state department, as well as the powers that be. so when she says she was on the move, that's when i started really feeling happy. when i read the test message she was across the border, i was really happy then. i was satisfied then. i knew it was over in terms of the ordeal of being trapped in gaza. >> i can't imagine the relief. we're grateful for you and your family. thank you very much. >> thank you for having me on and supporting us. this just in, 20 ambulances have arrive d at rafah border crossing to pick up wounded palestinians. we'll keep you posted on all the developments. back here at home, donald trump jr. expected to take the stand again today in the civil fraud trial against his family. what he told prosecutors and what his brother could say nesks. and republican senators erupting at tommy tuberville for blocking 61 military apointments. >> we're not done. if you're a flag officer, one or two star general, we have your back. we're going to work this. we're going to work it. you deservrve it. our nation h has to haveve it. welcome back. donald trump jr. will be back in a new york courtroom today for a second day of testimony. this is in the civil fraud trial against the family and the trump org. the lawsuit accuses don jr. and his brother of a scheme to inflate their father's net worth to gain better loan terms and insurance agreements. eric trump could also take the stand today. kara scannell is following it all. what was key from don jr. and what else the do they want from him today? >> reporter: good morning. don jr. is the first of the trumps who will be testifying at the civil fraud trial. s he was the one that was taking the stand yesterday, the first one up out of the gate in this trial where it's a high stakes for the family business. he will be back on the stand today, but he testified about an hour and a half yesterday, where he answered the questions head on and even enjekted a little lev ity into the proceedings. donald trump jr. taking the stand, testifying in the $250 million civil fraud case brought against his family's company in new york. the lawsuit accuses trump jr. and his brother of know ingly inflating the assets to secure better loan and insurance policy terms. under oath, he denied any involvement in the preparation of his father's financial statements, testifying, the accountants worked on it. that's what we pay them for. further claiming had his role was that of a, quote, real estate broker and feigning ignorance for accounting principles. >> do you have any familiarity with an acronym gaap? how did you become familiar with that? >> probably an accountanting 101. >> what do they teach you about generally accepted accounting principles? >> i'm not an act tant, but they are generally accepted. >> anything else? >> that's pretty much what i remember from accounting 101. >> after winning the 2016 presidential election, the former president handed the reigns of the company over to his two eldest sons. >> my two sons, who are right here, don and eric, are going to be running the company. >> reporter: he was pressed about his involvement. the first after his father took office asking him if he gave the accountants the $246 million evaluation a attached to the licensing deals. trump jr. says he may have discussed the deals, but had no prior knowledge to those values being used in the financial statements. further testifying that his company's accountants had an incredibly intimate knowledge, and i relied on them. despite juthe judge finding tru and his sons liable for fraud, trump jr. was jovial during his 90-minute testimony, a departure from his previous chentss calling the trial a sham and a kangaroo court. even joking with the judge about the pace of his answers, saying, quote, i apologize, your honor. i moved to florida, but i kept the new york pace. trump jr. was even seen hovering over the court sketch artist to see how had he was illustrated before leaving court for the afternoon break. donald trump will be back on the stand this morning around 10:00 a.m. his lawyers are not going to question him, so next up will be his brother eric. he was involved in the valuation of golf courses and he's expected to be on the stand for several hours. >> a little bit of levity is right in that deposition tape. kara scannell, thank you. tributes are pouring in for the general. we're remembering college basketball coach bobby knight and his legacy and his signature short fuse. live pictures from the rafah crossing. one egyptian official saying 7,000 foreign nationals could be released from gaza into egypt. standbdby for new w developmene. nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. welcome back for the first time in franchise history, the texas rangers are world series champions. the rangers eliminated the diamondbacks with a 5-0 win to claim the best of 7 series. the shortstop, who was monster, breaking up a no-hitter. it would score the night's first run. texas added 4 more runs in the 9th. he was named the series mvp. the rangers managed to win 11 straight games away from home. that's the longest road winning streak in post season history. next up, a parade in texas tomorrow for the world series champs. >> wait until you see this. it will warm your heart. high school football returning to lewiston, maine, last night for the first time since the mass shootings that claimed the lives of 18 people. it's the biggest game of the year. it's battle of the bridge between lewiston high school and edward little, the town came together to honor their lost loved ones and the first respond ergs who risked their lives to find the gunman. ♪ >> that is the legendary james taylor kicking off the game with his rendition of the national anthem. the team got extra encouragement from the likes of will fehr ril and rob gron cow ski. >> today's the day. showdown. lewiston vs. edward little, everyone is going to be watching. everyone is going to be talking about it. so let's bring it on. >> i have been thinking about everyone in lewiston, maine. i'm sending my love. i just want to say you guys are amazing. sticking together to stay strong through these tough times. >> from all who are returning to the game tonight, we applaud you for supporting one another. for all those playing in the game tonight, you already are champions. >> lewiston went on to beat edward little, 34-18. president biden and the first lady will travel to lewis ton on friday to pay their respects to all of those who tragically were killed. tributes are pouring in this morning for the general, hall of fame college basketball head coach and noted ohio state university graduate bobby knight has died at the age of 83. he won three national titles, 11 big ten conference titles and 662 games during his 29 seasons at indiana, among many other achievements. but his drive for winning was attached to a temper. he had little patience for players, referees, reporters, anyone standing in front of him. andy scholes looks back at his life and legacy. >> robert montgomery knight is one of basketball's biggest and most polarizing personalities. a strict, no nonsense coach on the court, bob knight didn't mince words off the court either. >> i'll handle this the way i want to hand it the it. you [ bleep ] it up to begin with. sit there or leave. i don't give a [ bleep ] what you do. >> now, back to the game. >> reporter: after garraduating from ohio state university, he enlisted in the army to help lead their basketball program. he was the black knights head coach for six seasons before accepting a job to coach at indiana in 1971. under the general's leadership, the hoosiers won three championships. knight also led the usa to a gold medal coaching michael jordan and the rest of the men's basketball team at the 1984 olympics in los angeles. after 29 years, his behavior on and off the court strained his relationship with the administration at indiana university. in may of 2000 he was placed on zero tolerance policy after it appeared he placed the on the neck of a player. months later he had a an altercation with a freshman student on campus. >> he fwrbed my arm and got in my face and just said a couple comments. it was pretty wild. >> i would have to be an absolute moron, an absolute moron with the things that have been laid down on me to grab a kid in public and curse at a kid in public. >> reporter: but that incident turned out to be the final straw for knight at indiana. >> i gave him the option of resigning as head basketball coach. he declined, and i notified him he was being removed as basketball coach effective immediately. >> reporter: knight continued coaching after indiana spending seven seasons in lubbock coaching texas tech. >> this is without question the most comfortable red sweater i have had on in six years. i can't tell you. >> reporter: after retirement, knight had little patience for the media, became a media members himself broadcasting for espn. and during the 2016 presidential campaign, knight tried his hand at politics, stumping for donald trump. >> you folks are taking a look at the most prepared man in history to step in as president of the united states. that man right there. >> reporter: in february of 2020 after years of turning down invitations, knight finally made his return to assembly al. knight attending the hoosiers game for the first time in 20 years, he was surround ed by former players and received a huge ovation from the home crowd. brash, intimidating, mad genius, he's been described a lot of ways, and always true to form, those opinions never seem to matter much to the general. >> when my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, i want they bury me upside down and my critics can kiss my ass. >> it was the introverted subtlety of bobby knight that i think really was captured by andy in that piece. >> last quote says it all. >> ohio state grad. probably the most notable part in his career. >> our thoughts with his family and what a run he had. this morning israel forces say hamas' defense lines continue to collapse. the latest on the fighting. that's ahead. what does this mean for the over 200 hostages still held in gaza? you're looking at three of them on your screen. we'll speak with a friend of a woman believed still to be in hamas custody. this morning israeli forces say hamas' defense lines continue to collapse in northern gaza. troops continue to take control of central areas. that update comes as satellite images just into cnn are show ing the impact of the israeli airstrikes in the refugee camp in northern gaza. the left side is before the bombardment on tuesday. the right is after. you can see the crater left by the first round of strikes. this photo was taken before aen second round of strikes on wednesday, meaning the destruction is likely much worse. joining us is steve anderson. there has been been a ton of ffgs about what's actually happening on the ground in terms of the operation from the idf, but we do have geolocated videos that give people a sense of where troops have gone in. pulling up the map here, you see if you want to centralize gaza city as being the point where they want their forces to converge, you can pull out in to see different places where videos have been geolocated. you see a flag being raised by troops. if you move out a little over to the east, you see a tank moving through rubble and coming back down towards the south. you see what we showed you earlier in the week, a video of a tank seeming to open fire on a vehicle. when you look at these three points of entry, what do you see here? >> i think they are to be commended for their methodical approach. they are doing it like i they need to. they need to surround the city and strangle hold the city. i think about 30,000 soldiers inside of gaza right now. perhaps the elements of three divisions attacking from the north to points of attack in the north and along the coastline, perhaps 6 kilometers of penetration, but most importantly, they are moving in the middle towards the area to essentially cut gaza in half. it's only about 8 kilometers from israel to the mediterranean, so it's not difficult to do. when they do that, that will allow them the to surround the city and control everything moving in and out of gaza. they can leverage that blockade, fuel, food, water, continue to be conduct target attacks on arms, kaechss, et cetera. very importantly, they have to get as many civilians out of gaza city as they possibly can, and they need time to twop a political solution. they need to replace hamas. hamas has high jacked the palestinian state. they need a two-state solution before they do the tough fighting inside gaza city. >> the long-term plan here doesn't have a lot of answers. i want to pull back out to what we were talking about. if you look at the industry points here, coming here with the tank division, down here and to your point, all heading towards the gaza city area surrounding it, when you talk about civilians being a necessity, if you're trying to essentially have a pincher movement to encircle the city and strangle it, how is it possible to do both of those things. get civilians out, have humanitarian aid come in if you're trying to encircle where militants have gone back and into tunnels. >> they need to establish a refugee corridor, a humanitarian corridor that allows them to get the civilians out. there's no reason why they couldn't do that. hamas wants to use as many civilians as possible as human shields. we have seen that on the attacks of the refugee camps. but every time they conduct an attack, it turns the world against them. it plays into the narrative there's nowhere safe to go. they need to establish humanitarian camps in the south. they need to establish some sort of humanitarian corridor perhaps what president biden said yesterday, conduct a pause where they allow the civilians to get out. it will be impossible the to get them all out, but every time they attack a refugee camp, it's more ammunition to the iranians and their proxies who are looking for justification to escalate the war. and they would like to see nothing better than to see israel box boggsed down in some sort of urban fight inside of gaza city. >> the conflict the u.s. wants to avoid. thank you. my next guest is one of the people finally allowed to leave yesterday. dr. sdin, who you see there at the rafah border gate waiting to cross, she's made it. she's an american pediatrician who was trapped in gaza for 26 days. it was supposed to be routine children's relief mission organized by the relief fund. and doctor, if you can hear me we can see you. we are so glad you have made it through. i know you're join ing us from cairo. how are you doing after all this? >> i'm doing pretty well. i think i'm in a halo of just relieved to be here. just feeling awful for the devastation that the gazaen people are going through right now. >> of course, because i smile we're delighted to see that you're okay and ut, but all the people dwrou you went to save, are not out and may not be able to get out. how do you wrestle with that? >> it's difficult. part of it is just getting the word out about what a situation is like in gaza is important. what you guys do is important. knowing that there's not much i can do if i stay. i wasn't able to do any pediatrics while i was there, so my staying wasn't really helping anything. >> talk to us about -- go ahead, doctor. >> go ahead, sorry. >> can you tell us what the last 24 to 36 hours have been like from when you not goets you were going to be able to leave, bha that was like? >> yeah, so that would be the night before last. i woke up in the middle of the night. i was checking any messages and had an e-mail. my husband had sent me an e-mail saying for americans to be ready in the next few days. we'll be notified we're on the list for that day. i never gt any other notification. i started contacting my state department contact and asking will all my group be able to move at the same time, because that was our plan. . would the internationals we were with who were also sharing the same transportation be able to move at the same time, and asking all those questions. she didn't know. in the meantime, simultaneously, other people in my group, especially the internationals, werth getting calls from their embassy to be at at the border at 7:00. so we got there a little before 7:00. 12 hours later, it was a long process, but it was a process that moved slowly, we were out on the egyptian side heading toward the parking lot. then last night we drove here to cairo. >> doctor, i remember the first time i saw you on cnn was with wolf blitzer. in the middle of that interview, that was near the beginning of the war, we could hear the bombs going off right behind you. now 26 days later, you have made it out. can you talk about how dire the conditions became, especially at the end? we heard one toilet for 800 people. very little food, very little clean water. >> right, right. we left gaza city. we stayed at three u.n. facilities. then at the end we were staying at a kind ergarten. but in the beginning, we were in gaza city. we were told to move south. there was going to be intensive bombing, and there was. that's when i had that initial interview. but moving south, there was still a lot of bombing. so there's really no safe place for the people. so when we went to the u.n. facility, all the gazaens trying to go south, the first place they usually would seek refuge was the schools, but they were already people. so we were going to u.n. facilities that were not camps. they were vocational schools and storage centers, and so the toilets for those people, the water was not eadequate for the tens of thousands of people who showed up. for about two weeks we ended up in a parking lot that was wardened off from the rest of the gazaens staying there. we were relatively lucky, but we were running out of food and water also. >> and sleeping in the car at the end? >> you had your choice to sleep on the car. you could sleep on a foam pad with a blanket on the ground. i preferred the ground. pretty much camping for the last several weeks. but it's been scary in the last two weeks. we kept running out of water. that was water to flush the toilet. we were fortunate to have drinking water, which was not true of the people just outside the fence from us. they were running out of drinking water. but we ran out of water for washing and sanitation. we were having more and more pl cases of diarrhea show up in our community. i can't imagine what it was like outside the camp in the general camp area. and then at one point, we only had had enough food for two d days. >> two days left of food. and i think it's fair to make the assumption you were in the best of what circumstances could be for people there. i think that says it all. we keep hearing from the israely government, we told people to move south. your point is, there was still bombing along the way. the israeli government has refused to let fuel in. speak to the are reality of what that means on the ground, if it they maintain that position? >> right. so the plants have closed down because of not enough fuel. there's not fuel for ambulances. even getting food, so even we have the privilege of our ngos were paying for cooked food to come in, and we couldn't get it anymore because taxis didn't have fuel to bring it in. just people get ting around. so the lack of fuel was a huge thing. >> i was watching your husband on last night with our colleague erin burnett. you could tell how anxious he is to see you. i know hopefully you'll make it home today or tomorrow. has all of this sunk in what you have gone through for almost the last month and what it's going to be like to step foot back at home? >> no, it hasn't. i'll just wait and see. i feel like most of the last few weeks have been -- i try to sign up and volunteer for things. but it will sink in in the next few weeks probably. >> doctor, do you think one day if you can dpo become to help those kids you will? >> oh, yeah. for sure. i'm not sure if my husband will let me go back to gaza, but definitely to the other places i have been going to. we need to wake up to what's going on. you always have to look at the real cause of conflict like this. they live in good times, they are under siege all the time. we need to look at the conditions that they live under on a constant basis. >> doctor, you have been an extraordinary voice guiding so many people through all of this. thank you for that. thank you for what you do for the kids. and enjoy that big hug when you get home. >> thanks. i really enjoyed the shower last night. >> i bet. i'm so glad you got that. thank you. easy travels from here on home. >> thank you. thanks for listening. bye-bye. >> what a woman. she has really gaded us guided us through these past few weeks. >> such a good point. you pointed out we first connected with her watching her with wolf several times. the number of people we have had whether it's our colleague who is still stuck in the area, families, friends, it gives you a personal view of there's so much, it's so overwhelming. following the individual people what they are going through helps tell the stories, but also sometimes we get good news. she's pretty wonderful. >> she's an amazing woman. also this morning, the latest effort to expel congressman george santos fails in the house. what's next for him? and what senator menendez, who is facing federal corruption charges including allegations of improperly assisting the government of egypt, what he said to manu raju when asked this -- >> you're being accused of aiding a foreign government. why is that appropriate for you go to go to a classifified briefing? fury erupting on the senate floor from republicans after one of their own fellow republican tommy tuberville individually objected the 61 military aappointments during a four and a half-hour session. >> generals and admirals who are being held up, hang in there. hang in there. some of us have your back. we have your back. >> no matter whether you believe it or not, this is doing great damage to our military. >> to undermine the safety and security of the people during this perilous time, it doesn't make any sense to me. >> it's simply, in it my opinion, an abuse of the powers we have as senators. >> i really respect men of their word. i do not respect men who do not honor their word. >> those are five republican senators, by the way, calling out tuberville. his blocks on military appointmentsment colt at a f precarious time with worried about a conflict in the middle east intensifying and the continuing war in ukraine. the alabama senator vowed to block all military appoint mmen until the pentagon agreed to top staying part travel expenses for service members to receive abortion care. john avlon is here at the table. it's important to point out those were five republicans, is and dan sullivan's words, quoting the marine corp., this body is not keeping faith with our military because of one senator. >> the fact that his fellow republicans are starting to call him out, because this is hurting military revenues. this was national security suicide. mitt romney said this is an abuse of our power as senators. what's particularly galling is that the senator would agree to individual votes, but then they were brought up and he blocked them all. this is an absolute insult to our national security and our military. and the republican senators are starting to stand up to it. >> that's what you heard about people keep their word. she was talking specifically to tuberville. and i think they get to the point. mitt romney, dan sullivan, these are sober republicans who are not cable news chasing. they are level-headed members of their conference, don't yell at members of their conference. listen to what sullivan said. >> xi jinping is watching this right now going, i can't believe they are not letting these guys command. i'm scared to death of subs. he's loving this. so is putin. they are loving it. how dumb can we be, man? >> how dumb can we be? this is an important point. you have heard other republicans make this recently, not only in relation to this, but the self-inflicted dysfunction that has overtaken our democracy when a handful of folks end up blocking an entire process. it makes democracy look bad. it makes democracy look divided and dysfunction and weak. now our military. those are the stakes. make no mistake. when they grand stand and hold up the ability to function as a nation, it makes our country look bad. >> moving to the house and the real first test for speaker mike joh johnson, can you get funding through for israel, for ukraine. he doesn't want it packaged up, but there's now a cost from the cbo to the israel proposal. >> this is mind boggling. it really deserves some accountability. so what he's offered to do is say we're going to offset the cost for israel. we're going to offset it by taking money away from irs enforcement. then came the budget office estimate. the citizens for fiscal responsibility saying, this is utterly self-defeating stunt. it would actually cost more money. it wouldn't offset that cost. let's do the math. you get less re knew down the line. it would cost twice as much as paying for it up front. these are fiscally conservative organization. it's one more case where the stunt performtive fiscal speedometer is exaresponsibilits exactly the opposite. >> george santos, still a member of congress. go. >> thanks to republicans and democrats. >> 24 republicans tried to push him out. they realize that santos is poison for their reelection efforts. it makes a mockery of law and order. he did not get expelled last night. we're waiting for a congressional ethics report later this month that could be more damning. they realize it's a problem for them. but johnson and other republicans say we have too narrow margin. >> 31 democrats didn't vote to expel him? >> some voted present. because why should we help you clean up your mess. also, one legitimate point. this is an indictment. it's not a conviction. beware of the precedent. be careful. >> john avlon, always a pleasure. thank you. "cnn this mormorning contin. president biden calling for a pause in gaza to allow for the release of more hostages. >> new devastation and fear in a gaza refugee camp rocked by a secondary strike in two days. >> the fear is that there's simply nowhere safe to turn. >> an underground city that's an integral part of their military machine is, we'll attack it fwen. >> some civilians finally being allowed to leave. >> the madministration has been working nonstop to reach this arrangement. >> many of the thousands of foreign nationals will get out. it's an important measure that exists in a situation that seemed. >> growing tension in the democratic ranks over the conduct of israel and its war. >> i believe it's a war crime. the speaker is at odds over how to pay for aid. >> this is anacin call, political bill.

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