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Hamas is a bunch of cowards that are hiding behind the civilians, they put their their headquarters where civilians are and buildings and the like, but to the extent that they can separate out and avoid im confident the israelis will do everything in their power to avoid the killing of innocent civilians. Lets get straight to israel where cnns Nic Robertson is. Nic, what is the latest on the ground at this hour . Reporter its been a relatively quiet day in terms of rocket strikes, missiles, artillery going into gaza and not many missiles coming out of gaza, either. It creates the impression that there is not a pause but at least diminution in the amount of Military Activity to perhaps give some space to some of the political discussions. I said that and you heard the explosion behind me. Yes, the afternoon has become increasingly punctuated by heavy explosions. That does sound like a Missile Strike landing on gaza there. And perhaps as we go into darkness i think we are beginning to see perhaps a little uptick in the tempo here. This is Northern Gaza right behind me there, we know that in Northern Gaza late today the idf said that they hit a hamas commander appearing to destroy a building taking him out, if you will. Along this border area were seeing that continued buildup and preparations among the idf in readiness for the possibility of a ground incursion. Now, i dont know how this may affect the military operations, but there was a very, very heavy rainstorm passed through here earlier today. But from a u. N. And humanitarian perspective inside gaza, rainstorms are the last thing they need. Half a Million People understood to have left Northern Gaza, there isnt enough shelter for them in the south of gaza, isnt enough food, isnt enough water. So real concerns if the weather does deteriorate more and theres more rainstorms, a lot of civilians inside gaza not only trying to dodge missiles but will also be caught out in some atrocious conditions. Absolutely terrible situation and of course as soon as you say that its been quiet we heard the air strikes behind you as darkness has fallen where you are on the border near the border between israel and gaza. Thank you so much for that report, nic. I want to now go to jerusalem and cnns jeremy diamond. I know you have been following and Doing Reporting on what the Secretary Of State Antony Blinken has been doing. Not just in israel where you are, he is now back, but also the frantic Shuttle Diplomacy he has been engaged in across the region. Reporter yeah, dana, between Secretary Of State Tony Blinkens visit to israel last week and his visit today, he visit Bd A Half Dozen Arab Countries in the region, ranging from assault and battery, the uae, jordan, egypt, qatar, et cetera, and all of this in a Shuttle Diplomacy effort focused on several key lines. The first of which is the humanitarian situation inside of gaza, trying to get the flow of aid back into gaza, as well as allowing americans to be able to leave through the Rafah Crossing and go into egypt. In addition to that the Secretary Of State also focused on trying to prevent this hamasisrael conflict from blowing up into a wider war. And then of course this is the issue of those 199 hostages being held inside of gaza of which at least 20 of whom are believed to be american citizens. Now, we know that the Secretary Of State today met with the israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu, as well as the israeli president and the Defense Minister. We just saw the Secretary Of State with the Defense Minister where blinken effectively reiterated the u. S. s commitment to the state of israel, to its right and what he said is also its obligation to defend itself, but one thing became very clear in this visit today is that while blinken is trying to address the humanitarian situation, trying to prevent this war from becoming a regional situation, he is not there to prevent war from growing bigger between israel and hamas, and that was evidenced when you heard the Israeli Defense minister gallant saying that this will be a long war and also warning that the price for israel to defend itself will indeed be high. There is no sign as of yet that the u. S. Is backing off from this kind of no Daylight Position with israel, they are fully supporting israel in its plans to widen this Military Campaign against hamas. What they are trying to do is to get americans out of the gaza strip, to get humanitarian aid into the gaza strip and also ideally to try to find some way of getting those american hostages who are in gaza out there was and out of harms way. Jeremy, thank you so much for that reporting. And today a sight the world has been waiting to see. Cnn spotted five u. N. Fuel trucks enter gaza. It is the first sign that the Rafah Crossing the one between gaza and egypt is even partially open, but this is important, it remains closed to people. Desperate Palestinian Civilians trapped in a war zone. The egyptians they have to be willing to have that gate open and have a flow of Human Traffic through that and so were in discussions with them about what that could look like and how that could be managed in a way that protects egypts National Security interests as well. But many palestinians cant even get to the south of gaza near that border with egypt. Why . Well, both israel and the Biden Administration say that hamas is preventing its own citizens from going south. Instead, hamas prefers to use innocent civilians as Human Shields to make it harder for israel to destroy the terrorists who are living among them. Now, inside the gaza strip thousands of lives are torn asunder by Ceaseless Israeli air strikes. Hamas is trying to use the very real images of devastation that you see on your screen right now to help turn the global tide against israel. Now, if you peel back the layers even a little bit and you see centuries of middle east tension, calling it complicated is an insult to the depths of the rivalries, fractured alliances, generational wounds that factor into every word that you hear. Right now what were seeing in realtime is a contest for the hearts and minds. Its a battle not just of rockets and guns but perception and its a reality that israel is all too familiar with. This weekend israels president in his First American interview, he did it with wolf blitzer and he offered the world a reminder Alex Marquardt and former Deputy Director of National Intelligence beth sanner. Thank you so much and thank you for sitting through that because there are times when this is so complicated and there are so many players of this that maybe its important to sort of explain that and say it very clearly and bluntly. Alex, you have been Doing Reporting on what jeremy was talking about and sort of the diplomatic efforts that the u. S. Is engaged in across the arab world most importantly in the short term in egypt to get that crossing open so that those innocent Palestinian Civilians have someplace to go other than a war zone. Yeah, i dont think weve ever seen a trip like this from Secretary Blinken or really anybody during the Biden Administration. To watch him just sort of, you know, bounce, hopscotch from one country to the next has really been remarkable, adding stops, and at this point we still dont know when hes going to be coming back to the united states. He is now in his second visit to israel since this war began. I think whats i think whats interesting, dana, is we are now nine days after this attack and you have heard over and over from american officials that america stands in solidarity with israel and israels right to defend itself, but what we are hearing who are and more of with every passing day is this concern about the humanitarian side of things, not only how to get palestinianamericans out but how possibly civilians could be removed to an area perhaps inside of gaza or outside of gaza where they can have some measure of safety. It is extraordinarily complicated, youre absolutely right. The most pressing visit on that front was to egypt and it didnt go particularly well with president sisi. He doesnt want to have hundreds of thousands of palestinians coming into his country. So there was no resolution, no immediate resolution after that meeting between blinken and sisi. There is a lot of finger pointing going on, you just noted that the u. S. And the israelis are pointing a finger with hamas blocking those palestinians from going south. Weve heard Egyptians Acusis real of blocking that side of the border and the americans are clearly a bit frustrated with the fact that the egyptian right side not just throwing open their gates. There is a lot at stake here, a lot of coordination needs to take place. Certainly a glimmer of hope that those trucks were able to go into gaza today. No question. And, beth, i talked to a u. S. Official this morning just on the question of egypt because we talked about this last week and about that border there and the question of like where are the palestinians, arab neighbors, why are they not helping, most particularly egypt and whether or not it went well i think certainly the gate is not open, the cross something not open, we will see if that changes in the near future for these palestinians, but, you know, for people who follow what happens in u. S. Politics, maybe you sense this familiarity and this is something i was reminded of, that the egyptians, first of all, are worried about some National Security but there is also some prejudice there that they dont want a lot of palestinians who have nowhere to go other than their country to come through across the border. Yeah, right. The context here is we should go back a little bit in time. El sisi conducted a coup against the previous president who was a Muslim Brotherhood figure. Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood. So the street that rose up in the socalled arab spring were the population of egypt that is in alliance with the same cause that these palestinians are. El sisi is absolutely record low support right now, the economy is in the tank. So he has to be very careful. He doesnt want to look close to us we dont have ambassadors in the region so we had to draw in somebody like ambassador satterfield. Im glad you brought that up because this isnt just about citizens of the of gaza and citizens of israel, this is about american citizens and there are if you are looking at that picture there that kind of gives you a better sense of what were talking about when we talk about the border between gaza and egypt there are a lot of american citizens in gaza that the u. S. Is and should be interested in helping get out. There are a lot of palestinianamericans both in the west bank and in gaza. There was some confusion about whether those with american and other passports would be able to get out of the Rafah Crossing, in fact, there were indications from the State Department that american citizens might. That clearly is not something that has happened. We have seen evacuations of american citizens from israel both by ship today as well as on charter flights. There are still Major Concerns about americans who are among the now almost 200 hostages that we know about according to the israelis. If you are looking at where else blinken went around the region, qatar was a major stop because they host hamas leaders in doha. In terms of the hostage portfolio, the u. S. Is dealing mostly with qatar because thats where the main conversation is going to be between qatar, hamas and israel. Beth, i know that you are not currently read in on the intel, but just knowing the way it works, its amazing to hear u. S. Officials who are read in really open about the fact that they have no idea where these hostages are. Right. Or who they are. Its very, very difficult to look inside these tunnels that are literally stories deep in some places that are so intricate. So theyre getting intelligence, but being able to pinpoint these hostages, as i said last time, im afraid that we do need to be prepared for not all of this going well. Its difficult times ahead for sure and trying to locate those hostages. I think theyre going to be doing it as this he go. And theres a very good chance theyve been split up. For sure. And Booby Trapped and all the rest. Its great to have both of you here for your reporting, for your experience, all of t thank you so much. Coming up, day 13 without a speaker of the house. Moments ago we heard from the republican who wants the gavel, jim jordan, and we will talk about what he said and the question that matters right now. Does he have the votes . Thats next. The House Of Representatives is on its 13th day without a speaker. Just moments ago our manu raju spoke with the man republicans nominated to be the next speaker, congressman jim jordan of ohio and The Big Question of course is whether he will have the votes on the house floor to get the gavel. M manu, you just spoke with jim jordan, what did he tell you . Reporter this is actually pretty Important News here. He says he plans to force a vote on the house floor by noon tomorrow. Even if he does not have the 217 votes he needs to be elected speaker. At the moment it seems like he does not have the votes. Even though he has successfully managed to flip three key holdouts at this moment, but even if hes short he says he plans to go to the floor and he promised that tomorrow the house will elect a speaker. Ann wagner and mike rogers publicly saying they would support us, two great members who do all kinds of great work. So that was that was really big so i feel real good about the momentum we have and i think were real close. The vote will be tomorrow. Reporter will you go to the floor even if you dont have 217 votes . Thats how our great system works and we will go to the floor tomorrow. Its not about pressuring anybody, just about we have to have a speaker. You cant open the house and do the work of the American People and help our dearest and closest friend israel if you dont have a speaker. So we get a speaker, we get the house open and we get to work on the resolution and supplemental for israel and we get back to work for the American People and thats what im committed to doing and i think its going to happen before. Reporter you have said before you wanted to have 217 first. I do think thats the deal but as one of my colleagues said in the room i dont know if theres any way to ever get that in the room. I would love that, but i think the only way to do this is the way the founders intended is you have the vote tomorrow, weve set it for 12 00 and i feel real good about it. Will you have more than one ballot if you dont get to 217 on the first were going to elect a speaker tomorrow, thats what i think is going to happen. [ Inaudible Question ] we have to come together. We have to unify. We have to come together. Reporter and the key acknowledgment there that he doesnt think anybody can get 217 votes initially. So we could see a replay of what happened in january when Kevin Mccarthy went to the floor on 15 ballots, ultimately he not elected, but at that point he had opposition from the more conservative hardliners in the House Republican congress. Those hardliners many who voted out Kevin Mccarthy in historic fashion are supporting jim jordan. The people opposed to jordan at the moment are more of establishment, more moderate members, some from swing districts. Will they be the ones holding up their hands voting for somebody else and trying to scuttle jim jordans Ascension On The House floor . That could open them up to a relentless and Intense Pressure Campaign from jordan supporters including the former president. Will they be able to withstand that pressure . Jordans allies dont think they will. Think they will ultimately come to his side but as we see here were heading to a potential significant confrontation on the floor here after two weeks of republican inn fighting and chaos and paralysis in the chamber, can they get the chamber moving again, jordsen is betting they can by tomorrow night. I want to underscore for our viewers the news out of jim jordan, he said its important i think to say it again that he is going to take this to the floor of the House Of Representatives tomorrow about this time in order to have a vote even though he doesnt have that magic 217 which is the majority of those voting at this point that he needs to be speaker of the house. Hes hoping that he will just push people, twist peoples arms, make it happen, much like we saw maybe not 15 rounds but much like we saw Kevin Mccarthy do in january. Reporter yeah, absolutely. And as you heard from that one question i asked him, will you be going to another ballot if you do not get the votes on the first ballot. Did he not want to entertain that, simply saying we will elect a speaker tomorrow night. In talking to jim jordan allies they are absolutely prepared to go multiple ballots on the floor if they have to. So the question is can they pick off those members or will members opposed to jordan, his more conservative politics, his style and just opposed to everything that went down over the last two weeks and angry at those hardliners who pushed off Kevin Mccarthy, will they withstand that pressure to scuttle jordans speakership . That will be a huge question tomorrow. Big news from manu raju. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. And lets talk more about the speakers race with cnns chief National Affairs correspondent jeff zeleny and jackie kucinich, Washington Bureau chief for the boston globe. We were talking about this before while the break was happening and manu touched on this, but i think its important to explain the dynamics of why jim jordan thinks that he could be ultimately successful in just shoving this through and calling out the moderates because, again, it is the moderates who look at jim jordan and say, huhuh, im not going to support him, and the reason s jackie . I mean, moderates no offense to any nod rats out there, but they usually cave. But there is a reason for it, a political reason. Because they could be primaried and they could lose their seat. Now, the issue is a lot of these moderates are from seats where biden won and so they are much more prone to a democratic challenger than even potentially a republican challenger. So they are in a tight spot and they will be the first ones that voters take to task if they are angry Come November Of Next year. There are 18 of those. Yes. There are 18 republicans in bidenwon districts. Also as manu was was saying lets put them up on the screen. Ann wagner, ken val vert and mike rogers, these are all very significant. Im thinking of ann wagner, last week she was defiant in that she wouldnt support jim jordan. Shes a true long term establishment republican. She was a long time cochair of the rnc, a country club republican, if you will, became a Tea Party Republicans in some respects. She is a survivor and the primary challenge or threat there certainly applies to her. There is momentum in his favor and also just the events of the world. Still impact the conversation there and that sort of helps speed things along for jim jordan. Yes. But, boy, say if he does become speaker, talk about something that we never could have imagined any of us covering congress a decade ago during the last Government Shutdown a unity candidate none less. John boehner called him a legislative terrorist. If he does win we will be having a lot more conversations about this because it looks like we are going to have a vote tomorrow on whether or not he will be speaker. It bears a discussion which as you said john boehner called him a legislative terrorist. When i was covering congress when john boehner was speaker, jim jordan was the bain of his existence. Jim jordan was one of the Flame Throwers from the outside, the last thing he wanted was unity. He wanted chaos because it helped push his ideals at the time it was tea party or Freedom T Caucus Which was lowering spending and things of that nature. Fast forward to the trump era and part of why the republican moderates are reluctant on jim jordan is because of his role alleged role in the january 6th insurrection on that very building where they all work and just a reminder, this is just reporting from december of 2021, a text that jim jordan forwarded to mark meadows encouraging mike pence to overturn the election. On january 6, this is the day before, on january 6, 2021, Vice President mike pence as president of the senate should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all. This is something that pence many times since has said was not his role to do. And we know from jordan himself that he spoke to former President Trump several times that day. Its never known what that conversation was about, but jordan himself has said that. And i think what this does this is a big shift for the republicans because as weve seen speakers and minority leaders tend to be people that waited that are turn, tend to be people that went through kind of the more establishment republican channels, even Kevin Mccarthy is someone who kind of came up in leadership in that very traditional vein. Jordan is a departure from that. Yes, goe the close to Kevin Mccarthy but i think we are guaranteed to have an even more partisan house. Its fascinating to see how many more arms he can twist here. Its heading that direction, but who knows after 13 days without a speaker. Speaking of donald trump, i want to go straight to paula reid who has some new reporting on former President Donald Trump who just suffered a big blow in court. Paula, what happened . Reporter well, dana, just moments ago a federal judge ruled that former President Trump will be subject to additional restrictions ahead of his federal trial here in washington, d. C. Related to his alleged role in efforts to subvert the 2020 election and january 6. Now, like many defendants he already has some restrictions on what he can and cannot say as a criminal defendant. He is already barred from harassing or threatening witnesses and he has limitations on the extent to which he can discuss the case with anyone who is not one of his attorneys, but in recent weeks special counsel prosecutors argued there should be more restrictions on him in light of public statements he has made about witnesses, about Staff Members and here the judge had a really difficult task, dana. I was in court as she listened to arguments from Defense Attorneys and prosecutors about this need to balance his First Amendment right. The fact that he is a candidate for office but also the fact that this court needs to be able to conduct this trial without interference. They need to select a jury that is not afraid it will be threatened or intimidated. They also need people to be able to do their job as witnesses. It was interesting to watch this back and forth, the hearing lasted for over two hours then judge Tanya Chutkan, the judge that will oversee this, she left the bench and came back and ruled that she was going to add additional restrictions on trump. He is now barred from targeting members of the special counsel staff, members of the court staff and also any witnesses. Now, the government had asked her to go a little bit further, asked her to restrict any comments he would make about washington, d. C. Or the jury pool and also some of his comments about the Justice Department and the Biden Administration. The judge didnt go quite that far, but she has expanded the restrictions and she said, look, if he violates this, there will be sanctions, but its unclear exactly what will happen. Were still waiting for the formal order to lay out all of these details but she just ruled from the bench. I would describe it as a partial win for prosecutors who wanted to see these additional restrictions and dana, look, judge chutkan has made clear she understands that former President Trump has a First Amendment right, but that must yield to the orderly administration of justice and this courthouse. Paula, thank you so much for reporting that Breaking News. I appreciate it. Jeff zeleny is still here. I now want to bring in evan perez to the conversation for your reporting as well. Before you guys weigh in i just want to give our viewers a sense of some of the comments that the former president has made that precipitated this partial gag order. Just yesterday on his social media platform. Crooked and deranged Prosecutor Jack Smith who has a terrible record of failure is asking a highly partisan obamaappointed judge Tanya Chutkan who should recuse herself based on the horrible things she has said to silence me. He said these political hacks and thugs are destroying our country, lets see what happens monday, meaning what just happened. Will america survive or not . Thats just one example of the kind of things that the judge is saying you have a First Amendment right, but its not unlimited. Right. I mean, look, the thing that the trump lawyer john lauro kept going back to in this hearing was that because the former president is running for office that it would be inappropriate for any kind of any kind of curbs to be put on the former president because he should be able to criticize, for instance, mike pence who he is running against for the republican nomination, he should be able to criticize bill barr who is likely to be one of the witnesses who is going to be testifying in his trial. So the judge really did struggle with this, but the bottom line is that she believes that she needs to give him some kind of rail and she also pointed out that if he violates the restrictions and shes going to to have to elaborate this in an order we will see written down for the former president that he can look at, but she points out that shes not going to wait for anyone to ask for any sanctions, she is going to sanction the former president or anyone else who violates the order. So we will see how that looks like but its going to be a struggle. That was going to be my next question. How is this enforceable . When you say sanction the former president , what does that look like . Well, i mean, it usually starts with a scolding, with the judge, but in the end she can decide that he can go to jail. He is released right now on his own recognizance, right . He is on release right now and is subject to this court. We dont see that happening, i mean, it would be such an extraordinary thing, john lauro raised this, what are you going to do, put him in jail during the time he is running for office. Shes saying there are limits to his First Amendment rights given the fact that this is there is an interest for there to be a fair trial and for this trial to go off when she says its happening which is march. By the way, she pointed out i know what youre trying to do, youre trying to push this trial beyond the election. Thats not were not going to do that. I mean, look, we will see if he abides by this. Thats always been the sort of the case of the former president. Right before this ruling was issued this morning i got a handful of Fundraising Appeals from the Trump Campaign saying they are trying to silence me. Look, hes never been able to or never really taken seriously something, but this will be the first test. Hes trying this case or defending this case a couple different places in the court of Public Opinion and on the Campaign Trail what he thinks benefits this. She can hold him in contempt. Right. We will see if that happens. I know weve never seen anything theres so many things we have never seen. We need another word we need another word for unprecedented. If you figure it out let me know. But since we dont have one at the moment, at least not at the tip of my tongue, we know that this kind of thing has never happened but judges in general have issued gag orders. Yeah. When its somebody other than the former president and candidate for president generally speaking how successful are gag orders even limited gag orders . I think once you do get scolded by a judge i think it does kind of if she brings him in and tells him personally, you know, it does have an effect. Most of us dont want to spend time in jail. Jums are also concerned they will create things that will be appealed if he gets convicted, things that will be room for a defendant to toss out their conviction. I think judges are very careful in how they restrict a defendant at this time. Hes in iowa this afternoon, the former president , he will be campaigning in about an hour or so. Perhaps we will see or he can send out a message on social media at any point. But, again, i mean, he is hes more concerned about the actual merits of these cases in many of them than he lets on. He blows them off, politically speaking in these Fundraising Appeals and things, but he is concerned about going to jail and other things. We will see if he flouts it or not, im trying to think of the word here. But we will see if he ignores it or not. Thank you so much for all of that. And this is of course happening on the backdrop of very, very real dire world events and we talk about his comments about those world events at another time but right now we do want to get back to the Breaking News out of israel. The rafah gate is slowly opening. The faces of hamas hostages, children, just 3 and 8 years old, we see two of them there, they are two of ten members of one family kidnapped by hamas terrorists. Coming up i will speak with their relative who is pleading with officials to help bring them home. The power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. And thats a good thing . Great in my book who are you . No power . No problem. Introducing stormready wifi. Now you can stay reliably connected through Power Outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery backup to keep you online. Only from xfinity. Home of the xfinity 10g network. A sobering new number today from the idf, 199. Thats how many people they say are being held hostage by hamas. About 50 more than they originally believed. And it includes ten members of a family, all ten taken from their home in kibbutz, the site of the one of the worst massacres of last weeks attacks. She joins me from brussels where she is trying to get information from her missing Family Members. Thank you for joining me. I cant imagine the pain and anguish that you and your family are experiencing. Can you first tell us about the members of your family and when where you were and when you learned that they were missing. And i will tell you as you are, we are going to show our viewers the names and pictures of the Family Members that we are talking about that you provided to us. Yeah. So when the news came in i was actually traveling in london, really far away from the kibbutz and from my home, and we got the news as every once. My parents called me and said the kibbutz was under attack. We have they live in two different households. So we learned that they are both households were hiding in their safe rooms. We texted them for a while, but then we lost contact around 9 00 a. M. And actually didnt hear from them ever since. And right now we believe theyre held hostage. We know for sure that six of them are actually there because it was confirmed by the authorities. The other four we can just guess at this moment and we hope this became actually the best Case Scenario for them. Yeah, we dont know about their condition. And as were putting these pictures up on the screen, one that we see right now, a 3yearold, a 3yearold. These are both dual israeli and european citizens and they range in ages from 66 down to 3 years old, which is who were seeing on the screen right now. Your grandfather your grandfather, shira, your grandparents survived the holocaust, and you told me that most of these Family Members of yours are descendents of Holocaust Survivors now being held hostage by hamas terrorists. Yeah. This is the case. Im its really sad to say, but im just im happy they are not alive to see this because we just i could never imagine i would speak to you under these circumstances, but my family is completely shattered right now and not only their beloved kibbutz was, you know, just demolished, i dont know what future what the future holds for this place. I dont know if its going to exist anymore after this, but their children who are grandparents theirselves today were kidnapped alongside their grandparents, just, you know, the most beautiful kids. Just complete even after ten days, you know, you cant really grasp that that situation. No, i cant even imagine. And i should also add that your grandfather who is was a holocaust survivor, he was one of the founders of kibbutz beeri and so its even more in your dna, this kibbutz, never mind the fact that your family is missing. You are in brussels, i mention that. I know that youre trying to get help from european officials since your Family Members are also european citizens. Yes. What are you hearing from them . So as you said, my family are germans, austrian and italian citizens. Im actually i moved today to strasburg to try and meet with Parliament Members of the eu. When we were in brussels we met with representatives and were welcomed in warm words and hugs and support. We want them out of there, we want them home. We want them to put the pressure on the right people and the relevant people who are in our opinion it is everyone because this is not only, you know, a matter of israel and palestine, this is a political situation. These are innocent people kept hostage and its a humanitarian crisis for our family but for other families and we think for the world not only because they are european citizens, and we also asked a very concrete request for them to see the red cross, to see a doctor, to know something, to get a sign of life because the unknown is unbearable. As i said, were welcome there and we were guaranteed or, you know, heard supportive words, but until we see actions, you know, words are easy to say. I cannot even imagine, again, the pain that youre feeling, but the fact that you are doing what you can, the fact that you are in europe, that you are banging down the door of officials, trying to get at the very least help, medical help as you just mentioned, is really remarkable and it says a lot about the strength that you have and clearly the strength that your family has and the idea that your grandparents survived the holocaust to go to israel and their descendents are dealing with this is beyond the pale. Please stay in touch and let us know if you hear anything at all and thank you for sharing your story and allowing us to put their pictures on the screen for the world to see so that they can see the humanity here. Appreciate it. Thank you so much, shira. Thank you. We will be right back. Kibbutz a. A 6yearold Palestinian American Boy will be buried this afternoon after a horrific attack on him and his mother in the chicago area. This man who was their landlord now faces multiple charges including firstdegree murder and hate crimes after he allegedly stabbed the child 26 times. 26 times. 6yearold boy. Killing him and seriously wounding his mother. Cnns whitney wild is live outside the mosque where his family will soon say their goodbyes. Its unbelievable, the poor boy and his mother. Reporter dana, what is so remarkable about all of this, they say they lived that council on islamic relations is an organization that is helping the family at this time, they say this family had lived in this home two years no problem, and then suddenly, this violence erupted in the middle east and something significant shifted in this man. He was just in court and minutes ago our producer Virginia Langmade sent information about what prosecutors said in court. Prosecutors read a few statements from the mother who is recovering from her stab wounds and she said she could hear her son being stabbed while he was hiding in a bathroom and she was trying to call 911. Prosecutors said in court, according to the victim, the mother in this case, czuba listened to conservative talk radio, following the conflict and asked the family to move out once the conflict started. This happened saturday morning. Again, the mother calling 911 because this man, she said, came, according to care, came to the door, tried to choke her, attack her, and according to cair, said you muslims must die. When Police Arrived on the scene they found the woman in the back bedroom as well as her son who had been stabbed 26 times. Dana, that number bears repeating because it is so horrific in a few minutes we expect to hear from more members of the community who has collectively heartbroken and shocked by this tragedy and this funeral is set to take place in about an hour. Dana . I mean, absolutely horrific as you said, this family apparently just living their lives and their muslim, islam, is a religion of peace. I appreciate that reporting. Thank you so much for joining inside politics. Cnn news central starts after a quick break

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