Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

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"cnn "newsnight" with abby phillip" starts right now. ♪ in just moments, israel's 24-hour deadline expires for civilians to evacuate ahead of a possible ground invasion of northern gaza. and the anger and panic there is intensifying tonight. civilians who are in the line of fire have nowhere to go. i'm abby phillip. this is "newsnight." >> i'm actually terrified. i'm trying not to show it. i don't even know if i'm going to live through the next minute. >> translator: new year's no water for us to drink, no water for us to wash ourselves with so that we can pray. they bombed our schools. many people have been killed. it's not fair for children like us. why is this happening to us?" >> hamas, which launched the horrific attacks that began this conflict, is telling civilians to ignore the evacuation warnings and stay put. the u.n. says tonight that it is warning israel that this deadline will have devastating and deadly consequences. when president biden was asked what he's worried about in a potential ground war with one word he responded, "death." in the meantime, israeli troops have now entered gaza. they're carrying out targeted raids in the race to save what could be over 100 hostages. >> i say we're going to do everything in our power to find them. everything in our power. and i'm not going to go into the detail of that. but we're working like hell on it. because i think they have to know that the president of the united states of america cares deeply about what's happening. deeply. and to communicate to the world, this is critical. this is not even human behavior, it's pure barbarism. >> let's begin with cnn's anderson cooper in tel aviv. anderson, we are just moments away now from this deadline that was about 24 hours for the people of northern gaza to evacuate. do you have any sense of what we can expect once it expires, and if that warning has actually been heeded? >> it's a good question. in terms of what to expect, look, it's clear the movement here in israel is toward some sort of military operation, in all likelihood some sort of ground operation with 300,000 reservists plus who have been mobilized and are on that border, artillery placements in place, the bombardments we have been seeing. if that means imminent, in the next hours, nobody knows. there's no indication one way or the other. we have seen people moving in gaza, but there have been difficulties with that. there have been large traffic jams. you have hamas telling people not to move. there are concerns about what would await them in the south. are there facilities there for them? it doesn't seem like there's anything set up. certainly hamas is not cooperative in trying to help civilians get out of the most dangerous part, the northern part of gaza. it seems very unlikely they have set up anything for any kind of civilian -- even tents or any kind of infrastructure. obviously hamas is focused on the fight and launching this terror attack, and hamas has tunnels underground where they can hide and they can move weapons. the civilians are pretty much left to their own devices. there is untold suffering among the civilian population. we've seen the hospitals. we know the condition of what's going on there. and you've heard from the u.n. and other humanitarian organizations which say moving that amount of people in 24 hours is impossible. we have certainly seen in other conflicts -- i've been in places where hundreds of thousands of people have moved in very short order in order to run for their lives and save themselves. but it remains to be seen how many people have actually heeded that warning and what will happen over the next 24, 48 hours. >> yeah, and of course, it's really the most vulnerable who may not be able to move. one of the concerns of these ngo groups is about moving these facilities they're working in, hospitals and such that are provided aid in realtime right now in that part of gaza. anderson, scanned by for us, if you would. you did today visit -- this week visit the site of the festival attack. i want to play that for our audience. it's an incredibly powerful piece, and we'll have it for them in just a few moments. first, i want to go to the ground. i want to turn to someone who is right now fighting on the front lines of this war. joining me now is idf soldier rudy rockman. rudy, you are quite literally, as we can see there in your picture, you are called now to duty. what have the last few days been like for you on the ground and where you are in israel, which by the way i should say, we are not specifically naming just for security reasons. >> yeah, thank you for having me. i mean, it's been almost a week since this started. as a reservist, i've been out of the army over ten years. i'm a civilian. i've done my degrees. i have work, i have family. all of a sudden, on saturday morning, it was sha bat, it was sukkot, it was the holiday for the jewish people. we started seeing videos of what had taken place. our entire unit got deployed to a village on the border of gaza which has some of the most horrendous massacres. unfortunately, we were there four days rescuing the remaining civilians that remain. when we got there, it was a massacre. we saw bodies of men, women, children, elderly, cut up into pieces. the most gruesome images you can imagine. it was very unfortunate to see those things, but thankfully we were able to secure the area. since then, we're ready to be deployed to the next location. >> as you prepare for what this next phase of the war looks like, israeli officials have been pretty clear that the plan right now, the objective, is to wipe out hamas. but i wonder, do you think that that will require street by street fighting? and are you personally prepared for what that would mean? >> i mean, the entire army has been prepared for this war. hamas' goal from the beginning has been to eliminate the jewish people and eliminate israel. it's actually been in their constitution when they built their government, saying that they need to eliminate the jews, not only in israel, but in the entire world. when you give a terrorist organization like that weapons to go and fulfill their goals, we know what that looks like. whether it's for hamas, the palestinian authority, hezbollah, all these different groups that are actually oppressing its peoples and don't actually represent its peoples. if you speak to palestinians on the ground, whether in the west bank or gaza, they do not like hamas, they do not like the palestinian authority. they're on their 20th year of their four-year term. these are oppressive regimes controlling their people, not only attacking israeli civilians but forcing palestinians to be caught up in this conflict. israelis do not want to see israelis die or palestinians die. the majority of us are innocents. this is not a war between the people, the jews are not fighting muslims, the israelis are not fighting palestinians. we are fighting hamas, which are oppressing both israelis and palestinians. we need to look at what is happening and understand why it's happening. this started with the west pushing narratives of dividing israelis and palestinians. the reality is there is no future without palestinians and without israelis. neither of us are going to disappear. i hope that when this settles, we can learn from this and transcend this conflict together. >> it's an important point. i think so many people share your hope that, if there is an end to this, hopefully there is, that it's one that is obviously a lot more peaceful. but as we sit her, there's so much concern right now about the 1 million or so palestinians who are being told to flee the northern part of gaza right now. i've noted that you've observed in the past that hamas uses civilian casualties of palestinians as a propaganda tool. are you worried that this operation carried out by israel could ultimately play into hamas' hands if those civilians are not able to evacuate and many of them end up killed? >> absolutely. i don't want to see any civilian killed. for me, you're a foreigner, you're a fellow human being, but for me palestinians are my cousins, they're my family. i don't want to see palestinians killed. i'm glad they have at least 24 hours to be able to evacuate. israelis had less than 24 seconds to evacuate when being fired on. people in gaza, i hope heck minimize the casualties because none of us want to see anybody dead. we want to remove hamas so it can stop being a threat for israelis and palestinians. in order to transcend this conflict, it's not about creating peace only, it's about creating justice, both for israelis and palestinians. there's one land, and one land that we can both live on. but in order to get there, we have to zop these zero sum game narratives that are educating people that in order to be pro-israel, you have to be anti-palestinian. in order to be pro-palestinian, you're anti-israel. if you're anti either, you're anti both. >> you've been out of the israeli military about ten years. is there anything in your experience that compares to what you're about to go into, and how long are you expecting this conflict to last? >> yes, i got out of the army in 2013. in 2020 there was an operation on the border where we almost went into gaza. shortly after i finished the army in 2014, the idf went into gaza. this is not something new, unfortunately. i hope this will be the last time this happens. >> we certainly hope it will be for you and for everyone in the region. rudy rockman, thank you for joining us. we wish you all the best. for a closer look, i'm joined by cnn military analyst colonel cedric leighton. colonel, we've been discussing the issue of the potential refugees that could be made in gaza if they do flee. talk to us about what evacuation even looks like in gaza right now, about 1 million people in that part of the territory. where do they even go? >> yeah, that's going to be the real question. and you know, let's take a look at the evacuation zone as we know it right now. because when you see the types of things that can happen here, you've got this area in the north. there are about 1.1 million people that are in this area at this point. what's going to happen, abby, is they are supposed to, according to what the israelis have told them, go down here toward the rafe crossing right here at the egyptian border. so their ability to do this kind of thing is going to be limited because they don't have a human karen corridor. >> give me a sense of the conditions, both the space up here and how far they would need to travel. >> basically, we're talking about 25 to 30 miles down this way. it's a very small place. gaza is about 140 square miles total. total population about 2.2 million. so it's pretty dense in terms of population. and what they're going to have to do in a case like this is not only go through these areas, but there are no safe zones in any of these areas. when you go through these areas which are less densely populated than the northern area, there are less services, there's less ability to care for people. if they don't get this crossing open, they won't be able to really stay in this area for a long period of time because it's going to be a place where they don't have living facilities, they don't have water, they don't have sanitation. >> i want to talk about, as the buildup that we're seeing of israeli troops around gaza, as you can see, they're basically surrounding gaza. then just to show our audience here, these are some pictures of just the heavy machinery that is part of that buildup. when you look at this, someone with a military eye, tell us what you're seeing. what does it tell us about what the israelis are preparing for? >> this is reminiscent of a scene from d-day in 1944 when eisenhower was talking to his paratroopers before they launched that invasion. this is what units do. the commanding officer will talk to the units, go out, deploy in forward positions. you see the tanks coming through. armored personnel coming through. israeli-made, they've been in service since 1979 in the israeli army. they've got radio equipment, they're got their rifles, they've got ammunition. they are ready to go. these people are well-trained. they're ready to go, and they will deploy to forward positions that are right near the gaza border. >> obviously this has been a week now of really intense bombing in gaza. i just want to give our audience a sense here of how this compares to another previous conflict that lasted 50 days. almost the same number of bombs dropped in that time. and the death toll here. >> right. >> colonel leighton, this is 50 days versus six days. we're almost at the same place. as we go forward what can we realistically expect in terms of the toll this will all take? >> i'm afraid it's going to be a very heavy toll. this could be an exceptionally gruesome war. all wars are gruesome, but this one, because of the close quarters, because of the urban combat that's inevitably going to happen through the narrow alleyways of gaza city and other places like that, i'm afraid that this death toll is going to rise considerably. there are ways to mitigate that. israel says it's trying to do that. the problem is that hamas will use innocent civilians as human shields in this scenario. and that's something that has happened in other places, in iraq, in afghanistan. this is the kind of thing we can expect. and unfortunately, if this isn't stopped, we're going to see a situation where the forces will meet and there's going to be a major increase in this death toll. >> yeah, i think we just have to be clear-eyed about what we are facing in this region going forward. it's going to be gruesome, unfortunately. colonel leighton, we appreciate you joining us on all of that. as this evacuation deadline expires, new detail on this the israeli raids to save those hostages. plus i'll speak with a father whose son is believed to be in gaza as a hostage right now. he spoke today with president biden. anderson cooper goes to the site of that music festival as we see video of just how horrific the attack by hamas was and how it unfolded there. i since hamas launched its horrific attack in israel. 260 attendees at a music festival are among those killed. today, cnn went inside the festival grounds getting a closer look at where these victims spent their final moments. cnn's anderson cooper is back with me. anderson, tell us about your visit to this site. i can only imagine how truly gruesome it really was. >> yeah, the attack began 6:30 a.m. saturday morning. and it began -- this music festival was one of the first sites that came under attack. it is the single largest loss of civilian lives in the terror attacks. it's only now one week later that the full picture of exactly what occurred is becoming clear, through videos and eyewitness accounts. take a look at what i saw when i went there. ♪ ♪ music was playing. the dance floor packed. the rockets began. just 3.3 miles from the border with gaza, it didn't take long before hamas gunmen arrived. some partygoers were able to get to their cars, but many were killed before they could get away. >> they were waiting here with a machine gun. >> rear admiral daniel hagari, a soldier all his life, has never seen anything like it. >> this is a massacre scene. i don't have any other recall of memory in the history of israel since it was established with this kind of event. >> the bodies and body parts of the dead have been removed, but people's possessions are strewn all around. the carnage is clear. burned-out cars. bullet holes. bloodstains on seats. from some cars, the idf has retrieved dash cam videos that show hamas gunmen roaming the site for hours, shooting freely. this one shows a bloodied hostage being led away, then under the car you can see another man hiding. he moves slightly, then stops. a gunman runs right up to him and shoots him point-blank in the head or upper body. >> i don't know how people can explain this. i cannot. i don't have the words to explain it. and then running away on motorcycles with girls to gaza? >> fleeing east across open fields was the only way out for many, but they were easy targets. others sought safety in nearby bomb shelters. this is dash cam video of a hamas gunman tossing a grenade into a shelter. when a man runs out, they fire on him repeatedly. in another shelter, a few miles north of the festival site, about 30 people tried to hide. a man named noam cohen recorded inside. you can hear the panic in their voices, asking what's going on, are there really soldiers nearby? we aren't going to show you what happened next. cohen says hamas gunmen repeatedly tossed grenades into the shelter. people inside were blown apart. it's one of the most gruesome videos we've ever seen. this is some of the aftermath. noam cohen survived, hiding under body parts. that's him, terrified, but alive. we found the shelter in the town of el-amin yesterday evening. someone had put a curtain up but nothing could hide the smell as you enter. my cameraman, neil hallsworth, who's experienced a lot of war, began to retch and had to step outside. there's bloody handprints on the wall. there's blood smeared on the walls. you can see -- probably these are either bullet holes or from the grenades that were thrown in here. body parts have already been collected from here, but blood-soaked clothes and shoes remain. this looks to be a bloody handprint. this shelter is no more than 15 feet long, maybe 5 1/2, 6 feet wide. the idea of so many people packed in here, standing shoulder to shoulder, terrified, screaming -- it's incredible that anybody was able to survive. there are other shelters like this. other tragedies still to be discovered. the full horror of what happened here is just starting to come to light. we've assembled a full hour's worth of never-before-seen video and eyewitness accounts from the festival. we're going to play that on sunday on "the whole story" at 10:00. it is just a horrific scene there. yeah, we're still learning more about it every day. >> it's hard to take. but i think back to what that israeli soldier was telling you. he's never seen anything like that in the history of his country. i'm sure many people never imagined these kinds of almost medieval scenes would be unfolding in this day and age. but anderson, we'll be watching on sunday night. thank you for joining us with all of that. we have new cnn reporting tonight that the u.s. did warn of the potential for violence in the days before the attack. karl bernstein joins me next. i'll speak with the father of a missing man who spoke with president biden just today. is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? 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>> well, first, thank you for having me. i think, like the rest of your audience, seeing videos that anderson cooper showed before is -- it's difficult to see. my son was not there, but that incident was seven miles away. and my kibbutz, my small cooperative farm, had very similar scenes. as did 15 other cooperative farms like that. but to answer your question, the fact that there's -- the fate of these hostages and missing people who were clearly hostages as well, the fact that our government, the israeli government, is prioritizing in the context of their military operation, our military operation right now, the fate of these hostages and missing people, that is encouraging. but we have no -- since, for example, the last communication at 9:30 in the morning saturday, so it's difficult to ascertain how much hope we should have. because we do not know, obviously, his location. nor do we know the condition of any of these hostages or missing people. so on the one hand, we're encouraged that our army really understands that whatever it does from here on out, whether it's aerial or artillery or a ground campaign, to the absolute degree that it's possible to be aware that hundreds of israeli civilians, not just healthy 35-year-olds like my son, but 8-month-old babies that were taken from my kibbutz. my neighbors two doors down. grannies that could barely walk that were loaded onto hamas trucks. they are also part of these hundreds of people who are being held. people, civilians. teachers, doctors, seamstresses being held by hamas now. so inasmuch as one can be encouraged when one's loved ones are being held by a mass-murdering organization that is also keeping its own people captive. so yes, i suppose there is a degree of hope and encouragement. >> yeah, i certainly understand. you had this call with president biden today. one of several families who are represented there. what did the president say, and were you satisfied with what he had to offer to you and the other families? >> well, i would say -- i won't lie. it was not an easy conversation. many representatives of families are, as we can all understand, really upset and looking for answers that really no one can give right now. what i can say about president biden, who spent about 45 minutes with us. representatives of about 20 families there. as an american citizen, as an israeli citizen, as someone whose beloved son -- we are sure is being held alive, dead, wounded, we don't know. i could not possibly ask for more than president biden expressed about the united states' commitment to getting these people -- not just the american hostages, but all of the israeli hostages. and that he and the administration are in this for the long haul. as crazy as this must sound, at that moment, as proud as i am to be an israeli, i was no less proud to be an american as a result of that phone call. and honestly, most of the time he was listening to people's stories and their desires for his action. and his answers were inspiring. not that he could give information. i don't think there's much information to give right now. but his willingness to listen. i found it extraordinary. and to empathize with the people who are in enormous pain. >> could he give you information about what those efforts might look like? you have said that you want to see the u.s. government talking to other countries in the region, trying to get them to help negotiate with hamas, to get your son back. did you hear anything concrete about what that might look like? >> just a small correction. i haven't demanded anything from the u.s. or any other government. in my mind, just based on the experience of hostage negotiation in all sorts of scenarios, third-party contacts are often part of deal-making, deal-brokering. of course, the united states is free to do -- for the purposes of first locating, ascertaining if these people are alive, to do whatever is necessary. and the president was clear that -- and convincing, at least for me, the united states is prepared to do anything necessary to get these people home. not just the u.s. citizens, which are a fraction of the total number of israelis being held. and i have faith in that. been contacted repeatedly by agencies of the united states government. they are in the game, at least as much as the israeli government is, in terms of support for the families of hostages, israeli or other. american or israeli citizens. i wasn't personally -- an old soldier, i wasn't expecting the president or the secretary of state to give us intimate details about how they're going about this search. but i'm absolutely convinced that this is a sincere effort. and it's an impossible task, i am also aware of that, given who we're dealing with. which is a terrorist state whose only purpose in these massacres -- not just at the rave concert, but in these 15 communities that were utterly devastated. it's an uphill slog, at best, for the u.s. government and the israeli government as well. >> and jonathan, just in the last moments that we have with you, i want to give you an opportunity to just speak to your son if for any reason he can hear you. what would you say to him tonight? >> i would say, my little boy, we're -- we'll get you. we'll get you home. we'll get all of these people home. along with the dozens of other hostages taken from our kibitz alone, all ages. i'm looking him squarely in the eye now. i know he's strong, but we will do everything. we'll turn over every rock, breakthrough every wall to get you and everyone else home. >> jonathan deckel, thank you so much for joining us. we continue to hope alongside with you for your son's safe return. >> thank you for your concern. ahead for us, carl bernstein will join me on the new revelations that u.s. intelligence forecasted potential violence days before this attack by hamas. plus breaking news from capitol hill. the house speakers race election gets even messier this week. republicans nominating jim jordan to be their next speaker, but he is far, far short of the vote that is he actually needs to clinch that post. there are currently two major wars abroad with global implications. another government shutdown deadline is looming. and the united states house is going home for the weekend. without electing a new speaker, by the way, after staging a mutiny and ousting the old one. house republicans tonight are nominating jim jordan to be speaker, but this is a key point, he doesn't have the votes to get elected. it's not clear that he has any chance of getting there. let's discuss this with frank luntz, political pollster and communications strategist who happens to know a lot of these members quite well. what are you hearing from them about all of this mess, frankly? >> embarrassment. disappointment. and a frustration that, when we need congress to function, more so now than ever, it's dysfunctional more so now than ever. and frankly, what i hear from the voters is that they're going to get punished next year if they don't get their act together. >> it seems impossible to make an argument for good governance when this is what it looks like on capitol hill. at what point do republicans -- look, it's not just jim jordan. steve scalise didn't have the votes. there are names being thrown out here that are -- most people have never heard of, frankly, just to be honest. no one seems to have a path to the votes they need. at what point do they start looking for alternative pads, to just getting leadership in place, maybe working with democrats, perhaps? >> it needs to happen, but you have to have democrats to work with. and i get chewed out because i know congressmen watch this show. i'm going to say that the problem solvers caucus did not deliver for kevin mccarthy. and i'm sure that i'm going to get an email from several of you within five minutes of this. the problem is, you have to have people who not only say that you put people above politics, but actually do it. we are so divided in washington. and frankly, it's just a reflection of america. and the public is saying in a single word, enough, stop. it's one of the reasons why the problem solvers caucus was so essential and why the group, no labels, every survey, every poll done, more and more people are saying no to joe biden, no to donald trump, they want something different. >> here's the thing. when kevin mccarthy was trying to scrounge up votes, he didn't ask democrats for help, he said he didn't want their help. i don't know that he can really blame any of them for the fact that he didn't even go to them to say, how can we work together? >> well, there were meetings, there were discussions. it is correct that he was not willing to do what they asked of him to do. and in the end, we have to put aside our pride. we have to put aside our partisanship. and we have to do what the public asks of us. and if we have a government shutdown, there will be hell to pay economically, financially, and it could happen. and we've got this war that's going on right now, and the fact that they're not here doing what they need to get done is -- >> it makes no sense. on kevin mccarthy, i mean -- >> we're friends, yes. >> he's a friend of yours. and you've been on this show defending him before. does he regret taking his name out of the running, even after he was ousted as speaker? right now, i mean, you could probably say kevin mccarthy has as good a chance as any to be elected, given where the numbers have ended up for two alternatives, scalise and jordan. >> kevin is the most respected house republican by far. he is the most appreciated. the members now are sorry that they allowed eight members to control the fate of the other two hun and -- >> do you think he's comfortable with the decision he made? >> i know he is. he's more comfortable than his friends are. he's more comfortable than his allies are. there are still people that are pushing to put his name into nomination. he's telling them no. i think there is a wonderful outcome of this, in this way. he kept the government open. he did what he promised. he put the public ahead of his own personal career. he knew that he was in trouble, and he did it anyway. this is something that we can teach young people that sometimes you do the right thing, not because it's easy, but because it's hard. >> all right, frank luntz, thank you, appreciate it. we're learning tonight the u.s. had intelligence of an increased risk of violence before saturday's surprise attack by hamas. we'll break it all down with legendary journalist carl bernstein. that's next. new reporting tonight on warnings before the hamas attacks, sources telling cnn u.s. intelligence signaled the potential for violence in the days and hours immediately before it unfolded. here to discuss this is cnn political analyst and renowned journalist and author carl bernstein. carl, this reporting says that u.s. intelligence was circulating warnings about a rocket attack and violence as early as september 28th. some of this information is coming from israel, but if this ends up being substantiated, this seems to signal as maybe we suspected a colossal failure of intelligence. what happens next after something like that? >> well, we've known from the beginning that there has been a colossal failure of intelligence, as you've put it, as well as a colossal failure in terms of the military response and the immediate readiness after hamas crossed into israel. and it's very obvious where this is going to go, as happened after other wars in israel including a disaster of the yom kippur war and that's a commission of inquiry that will establish the facts. this will happen after the war has ended. after israel has buried its dead. after the world has gone through this cataclysmic experience that we have no idea where this story is going, what is going to happen to the palestinians? what is going to happen to the israelis? this story is just beginning, and it is beginning in a way that is disturbing to the nations in the middle east, the leaders of the middle east, to the united states, much more than the white house has acknowledged. there is great fear and concern at the white house today, tonight, about where these events are leading. >> yeah, absolutely, i think a lot of people are concerned about a spiraling, not just in this conflict but in others, as well. look, there are some new comments tonight, carl, from former president george w. bush urging a hard line in the u.s. response to the attacks. just take a listen to what he said. >> i'm kind of a hard-liner on all this stuff but i never thought we should try to accommodate iran any way, shape or form. i always felt the objective ought to be to prevent them it from getting a nuclear weapon and prevent a cataclysmic event in the middle east and these are the kind of people if you show softness they will take advantage of it. the administration started off on the right foot, pretty bold statement. he's going to take some heat, you know, both parties have isolationist tendencies and, you know, we shouldn't get involved. who cares? well, we should. we should care. >> i don't think it's a surprise to many people that he would describe himself as taking a hard line response after 9/11, but i think what people are looking at now is, what happens then, which is decades long conflict that really had no real end. what are your thoughts about what lessons we really can take from former president bush? >> mixed. he led us into a deciisastrous that cost us great treasure, that upended the equation in that part of the world that we were perhaps in the wrong place at the wrong time. you know, our response to the events of 9/11, and at the same time, i certainly understand what the former president is saying about the danger and the threat from iran and the question of iran since the fall of the shah has been one that has vexed the united states, has vexed the europeans. we have a fundamentalist theocracy, a murderous fundamentalist theocracy in iran that is one of the great threats to humankind as we're seeing in genocide of the israeli people by hamas, by its instruments and instruments of iran but i think where president bush's comments and the earlier ones that we were talking about go to this greater question that is of such concern today especially to the biden white house, to the european leaders, i've talked to people all day about this, the response of the arab street to hamas' brutal totally inhuman barbarous murderous, genocidal actions, killing israelis, babies, children, indiscriminately that the reaction in the arab street as we saw today has been jubilation, has been celebration, has been dancing in the streets over the graves of murdered babies of genocide of the israeli people, and what has got not only the white house but also middle eastern leaders, one of the reasons that we are seeing secretary blinken making this rapid trip around seven countries in the middle east is because the arab street can dictate the terms to the leaders of these arab countries how it is going to respond and so far the response in the countries of the middle east is not what israel or the united states desires, only two countries in the middle east have come out and condemned what hamas has done here, and the danger as secretary henry kissinger said today that this is a danger to the world order, because what hamas has tried to do here is to end any normalization of relations with israel and the middle eastern powers, and the result that we're seeing in the street with these celebrations is to put pressure on the leaders from yemen to bahrain to saudi and so far we are nong a leaders of those countries to stand with israel, the opposite, we have not seen the condemnation of hamas by these leaders, and the longer this war goes on, the great fear in washington today is the longer this war goes on and the more dancing in the arab streets there are, the worse it is not only for israel but for the united states and for the international world order and secretary kissinger and i have known each other a half a century, not always agreed, but his comments today deserve great attention. >> these are really important questions that you're raising and concerns that you're raising and we'll continue to follow them. carl, always great to have you. thank you for joining us tonight. and we're getting breaking news now. israel says that it has struck hezbollah after an infiltration to stand by for that breaking news.

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

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"cnn "newsnight" with abby phillip" starts right now. ♪ in just moments, israel's 24-hour deadline expires for civilians to evacuate ahead of a possible ground invasion of northern gaza. and the anger and panic there is intensifying tonight. civilians who are in the line of fire have nowhere to go. i'm abby phillip. this is "newsnight." >> i'm actually terrified. i'm trying not to show it. i don't even know if i'm going to live through the next minute. >> translator: new year's no water for us to drink, no water for us to wash ourselves with so that we can pray. they bombed our schools. many people have been killed. it's not fair for children like us. why is this happening to us?" >> hamas, which launched the horrific attacks that began this conflict, is telling civilians to ignore the evacuation warnings and stay put. the u.n. says tonight that it is warning israel that this deadline will have devastating and deadly consequences. when president biden was asked what he's worried about in a potential ground war with one word he responded, "death." in the meantime, israeli troops have now entered gaza. they're carrying out targeted raids in the race to save what could be over 100 hostages. >> i say we're going to do everything in our power to find them. everything in our power. and i'm not going to go into the detail of that. but we're working like hell on it. because i think they have to know that the president of the united states of america cares deeply about what's happening. deeply. and to communicate to the world, this is critical. this is not even human behavior, it's pure barbarism. >> let's begin with cnn's anderson cooper in tel aviv. anderson, we are just moments away now from this deadline that was about 24 hours for the people of northern gaza to evacuate. do you have any sense of what we can expect once it expires, and if that warning has actually been heeded? >> it's a good question. in terms of what to expect, look, it's clear the movement here in israel is toward some sort of military operation, in all likelihood some sort of ground operation with 300,000 reservists plus who have been mobilized and are on that border, artillery placements in place, the bombardments we have been seeing. if that means imminent, in the next hours, nobody knows. there's no indication one way or the other. we have seen people moving in gaza, but there have been difficulties with that. there have been large traffic jams. you have hamas telling people not to move. there are concerns about what would await them in the south. are there facilities there for them? it doesn't seem like there's anything set up. certainly hamas is not cooperative in trying to help civilians get out of the most dangerous part, the northern part of gaza. it seems very unlikely they have set up anything for any kind of civilian -- even tents or any kind of infrastructure. obviously hamas is focused on the fight and launching this terror attack, and hamas has tunnels underground where they can hide and they can move weapons. the civilians are pretty much left to their own devices. there is untold suffering among the civilian population. we've seen the hospitals. we know the condition of what's going on there. and you've heard from the u.n. and other humanitarian organizations which say moving that amount of people in 24 hours is impossible. we have certainly seen in other conflicts -- i've been in places where hundreds of thousands of people have moved in very short order in order to run for their lives and save themselves. but it remains to be seen how many people have actually heeded that warning and what will happen over the next 24, 48 hours. >> yeah, and of course, it's really the most vulnerable who may not be able to move. one of the concerns of these ngo groups is about moving these facilities they're working in, hospitals and such that are provided aid in realtime right now in that part of gaza. anderson, scanned by for us, if you would. you did today visit -- this week visit the site of the festival attack. i want to play that for our audience. it's an incredibly powerful piece, and we'll have it for them in just a few moments. first, i want to go to the ground. i want to turn to someone who is right now fighting on the front lines of this war. joining me now is idf soldier rudy rockman. rudy, you are quite literally, as we can see there in your picture, you are called now to duty. what have the last few days been like for you on the ground and where you are in israel, which by the way i should say, we are not specifically naming just for security reasons. >> yeah, thank you for having me. i mean, it's been almost a week since this started. as a reservist, i've been out of the army over ten years. i'm a civilian. i've done my degrees. i have work, i have family. all of a sudden, on saturday morning, it was sha bat, it was sukkot, it was the holiday for the jewish people. we started seeing videos of what had taken place. our entire unit got deployed to a village on the border of gaza which has some of the most horrendous massacres. unfortunately, we were there four days rescuing the remaining civilians that remain. when we got there, it was a massacre. we saw bodies of men, women, children, elderly, cut up into pieces. the most gruesome images you can imagine. it was very unfortunate to see those things, but thankfully we were able to secure the area. since then, we're ready to be deployed to the next location. >> as you prepare for what this next phase of the war looks like, israeli officials have been pretty clear that the plan right now, the objective, is to wipe out hamas. but i wonder, do you think that that will require street by street fighting? and are you personally prepared for what that would mean? >> i mean, the entire army has been prepared for this war. hamas' goal from the beginning has been to eliminate the jewish people and eliminate israel. it's actually been in their constitution when they built their government, saying that they need to eliminate the jews, not only in israel, but in the entire world. when you give a terrorist organization like that weapons to go and fulfill their goals, we know what that looks like. whether it's for hamas, the palestinian authority, hezbollah, all these different groups that are actually oppressing its peoples and don't actually represent its peoples. if you speak to palestinians on the ground, whether in the west bank or gaza, they do not like hamas, they do not like the palestinian authority. they're on their 20th year of their four-year term. these are oppressive regimes controlling their people, not only attacking israeli civilians but forcing palestinians to be caught up in this conflict. israelis do not want to see israelis die or palestinians die. the majority of us are innocents. this is not a war between the people, the jews are not fighting muslims, the israelis are not fighting palestinians. we are fighting hamas, which are oppressing both israelis and palestinians. we need to look at what is happening and understand why it's happening. this started with the west pushing narratives of dividing israelis and palestinians. the reality is there is no future without palestinians and without israelis. neither of us are going to disappear. i hope that when this settles, we can learn from this and transcend this conflict together. >> it's an important point. i think so many people share your hope that, if there is an end to this, hopefully there is, that it's one that is obviously a lot more peaceful. but as we sit her, there's so much concern right now about the 1 million or so palestinians who are being told to flee the northern part of gaza right now. i've noted that you've observed in the past that hamas uses civilian casualties of palestinians as a propaganda tool. are you worried that this operation carried out by israel could ultimately play into hamas' hands if those civilians are not able to evacuate and many of them end up killed? >> absolutely. i don't want to see any civilian killed. for me, you're a foreigner, you're a fellow human being, but for me palestinians are my cousins, they're my family. i don't want to see palestinians killed. i'm glad they have at least 24 hours to be able to evacuate. israelis had less than 24 seconds to evacuate when being fired on. people in gaza, i hope heck minimize the casualties because none of us want to see anybody dead. we want to remove hamas so it can stop being a threat for israelis and palestinians. in order to transcend this conflict, it's not about creating peace only, it's about creating justice, both for israelis and palestinians. there's one land, and one land that we can both live on. but in order to get there, we have to zop these zero sum game narratives that are educating people that in order to be pro-israel, you have to be anti-palestinian. in order to be pro-palestinian, you're anti-israel. if you're anti either, you're anti both. >> you've been out of the israeli military about ten years. is there anything in your experience that compares to what you're about to go into, and how long are you expecting this conflict to last? >> yes, i got out of the army in 2013. in 2020 there was an operation on the border where we almost went into gaza. shortly after i finished the army in 2014, the idf went into gaza. this is not something new, unfortunately. i hope this will be the last time this happens. >> we certainly hope it will be for you and for everyone in the region. rudy rockman, thank you for joining us. we wish you all the best. for a closer look, i'm joined by cnn military analyst colonel cedric leighton. colonel, we've been discussing the issue of the potential refugees that could be made in gaza if they do flee. talk to us about what evacuation even looks like in gaza right now, about 1 million people in that part of the territory. where do they even go? >> yeah, that's going to be the real question. and you know, let's take a look at the evacuation zone as we know it right now. because when you see the types of things that can happen here, you've got this area in the north. there are about 1.1 million people that are in this area at this point. what's going to happen, abby, is they are supposed to, according to what the israelis have told them, go down here toward the rafe crossing right here at the egyptian border. so their ability to do this kind of thing is going to be limited because they don't have a human karen corridor. >> give me a sense of the conditions, both the space up here and how far they would need to travel. >> basically, we're talking about 25 to 30 miles down this way. it's a very small place. gaza is about 140 square miles total. total population about 2.2 million. so it's pretty dense in terms of population. and what they're going to have to do in a case like this is not only go through these areas, but there are no safe zones in any of these areas. when you go through these areas which are less densely populated than the northern area, there are less services, there's less ability to care for people. if they don't get this crossing open, they won't be able to really stay in this area for a long period of time because it's going to be a place where they don't have living facilities, they don't have water, they don't have sanitation. >> i want to talk about, as the buildup that we're seeing of israeli troops around gaza, as you can see, they're basically surrounding gaza. then just to show our audience here, these are some pictures of just the heavy machinery that is part of that buildup. when you look at this, someone with a military eye, tell us what you're seeing. what does it tell us about what the israelis are preparing for? >> this is reminiscent of a scene from d-day in 1944 when eisenhower was talking to his paratroopers before they launched that invasion. this is what units do. the commanding officer will talk to the units, go out, deploy in forward positions. you see the tanks coming through. armored personnel coming through. israeli-made, they've been in service since 1979 in the israeli army. they've got radio equipment, they're got their rifles, they've got ammunition. they are ready to go. these people are well-trained. they're ready to go, and they will deploy to forward positions that are right near the gaza border. >> obviously this has been a week now of really intense bombing in gaza. i just want to give our audience a sense here of how this compares to another previous conflict that lasted 50 days. almost the same number of bombs dropped in that time. and the death toll here. >> right. >> colonel leighton, this is 50 days versus six days. we're almost at the same place. as we go forward what can we realistically expect in terms of the toll this will all take? >> i'm afraid it's going to be a very heavy toll. this could be an exceptionally gruesome war. all wars are gruesome, but this one, because of the close quarters, because of the urban combat that's inevitably going to happen through the narrow alleyways of gaza city and other places like that, i'm afraid that this death toll is going to rise considerably. there are ways to mitigate that. israel says it's trying to do that. the problem is that hamas will use innocent civilians as human shields in this scenario. and that's something that has happened in other places, in iraq, in afghanistan. this is the kind of thing we can expect. and unfortunately, if this isn't stopped, we're going to see a situation where the forces will meet and there's going to be a major increase in this death toll. >> yeah, i think we just have to be clear-eyed about what we are facing in this region going forward. it's going to be gruesome, unfortunately. colonel leighton, we appreciate you joining us on all of that. as this evacuation deadline expires, new detail on this the israeli raids to save those hostages. plus i'll speak with a father whose son is believed to be in gaza as a hostage right now. he spoke today with president biden. anderson cooper goes to the site of that music festival as we see video of just how horrific the attack by hamas was and how it unfolded there. i since hamas launched its horrific attack in israel. 260 attendees at a music festival are among those killed. today, cnn went inside the festival grounds getting a closer look at where these victims spent their final moments. cnn's anderson cooper is back with me. anderson, tell us about your visit to this site. i can only imagine how truly gruesome it really was. >> yeah, the attack began 6:30 a.m. saturday morning. and it began -- this music festival was one of the first sites that came under attack. it is the single largest loss of civilian lives in the terror attacks. it's only now one week later that the full picture of exactly what occurred is becoming clear, through videos and eyewitness accounts. take a look at what i saw when i went there. ♪ ♪ music was playing. the dance floor packed. the rockets began. just 3.3 miles from the border with gaza, it didn't take long before hamas gunmen arrived. some partygoers were able to get to their cars, but many were killed before they could get away. >> they were waiting here with a machine gun. >> rear admiral daniel hagari, a soldier all his life, has never seen anything like it. >> this is a massacre scene. i don't have any other recall of memory in the history of israel since it was established with this kind of event. >> the bodies and body parts of the dead have been removed, but people's possessions are strewn all around. the carnage is clear. burned-out cars. bullet holes. bloodstains on seats. from some cars, the idf has retrieved dash cam videos that show hamas gunmen roaming the site for hours, shooting freely. this one shows a bloodied hostage being led away, then under the car you can see another man hiding. he moves slightly, then stops. a gunman runs right up to him and shoots him point-blank in the head or upper body. >> i don't know how people can explain this. i cannot. i don't have the words to explain it. and then running away on motorcycles with girls to gaza? >> fleeing east across open fields was the only way out for many, but they were easy targets. others sought safety in nearby bomb shelters. this is dash cam video of a hamas gunman tossing a grenade into a shelter. when a man runs out, they fire on him repeatedly. in another shelter, a few miles north of the festival site, about 30 people tried to hide. a man named noam cohen recorded inside. you can hear the panic in their voices, asking what's going on, are there really soldiers nearby? we aren't going to show you what happened next. cohen says hamas gunmen repeatedly tossed grenades into the shelter. people inside were blown apart. it's one of the most gruesome videos we've ever seen. this is some of the aftermath. noam cohen survived, hiding under body parts. that's him, terrified, but alive. we found the shelter in the town of el-amin yesterday evening. someone had put a curtain up but nothing could hide the smell as you enter. my cameraman, neil hallsworth, who's experienced a lot of war, began to retch and had to step outside. there's bloody handprints on the wall. there's blood smeared on the walls. you can see -- probably these are either bullet holes or from the grenades that were thrown in here. body parts have already been collected from here, but blood-soaked clothes and shoes remain. this looks to be a bloody handprint. this shelter is no more than 15 feet long, maybe 5 1/2, 6 feet wide. the idea of so many people packed in here, standing shoulder to shoulder, terrified, screaming -- it's incredible that anybody was able to survive. there are other shelters like this. other tragedies still to be discovered. the full horror of what happened here is just starting to come to light. we've assembled a full hour's worth of never-before-seen video and eyewitness accounts from the festival. we're going to play that on sunday on "the whole story" at 10:00. it is just a horrific scene there. yeah, we're still learning more about it every day. >> it's hard to take. but i think back to what that israeli soldier was telling you. he's never seen anything like that in the history of his country. i'm sure many people never imagined these kinds of almost medieval scenes would be unfolding in this day and age. but anderson, we'll be watching on sunday night. thank you for joining us with all of that. we have new cnn reporting tonight that the u.s. did warn of the potential for violence in the days before the attack. karl bernstein joins me next. i'll speak with the father of a missing man who spoke with president biden just today. is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? 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>> well, first, thank you for having me. i think, like the rest of your audience, seeing videos that anderson cooper showed before is -- it's difficult to see. my son was not there, but that incident was seven miles away. and my kibbutz, my small cooperative farm, had very similar scenes. as did 15 other cooperative farms like that. but to answer your question, the fact that there's -- the fate of these hostages and missing people who were clearly hostages as well, the fact that our government, the israeli government, is prioritizing in the context of their military operation, our military operation right now, the fate of these hostages and missing people, that is encouraging. but we have no -- since, for example, the last communication at 9:30 in the morning saturday, so it's difficult to ascertain how much hope we should have. because we do not know, obviously, his location. nor do we know the condition of any of these hostages or missing people. so on the one hand, we're encouraged that our army really understands that whatever it does from here on out, whether it's aerial or artillery or a ground campaign, to the absolute degree that it's possible to be aware that hundreds of israeli civilians, not just healthy 35-year-olds like my son, but 8-month-old babies that were taken from my kibbutz. my neighbors two doors down. grannies that could barely walk that were loaded onto hamas trucks. they are also part of these hundreds of people who are being held. people, civilians. teachers, doctors, seamstresses being held by hamas now. so inasmuch as one can be encouraged when one's loved ones are being held by a mass-murdering organization that is also keeping its own people captive. so yes, i suppose there is a degree of hope and encouragement. >> yeah, i certainly understand. you had this call with president biden today. one of several families who are represented there. what did the president say, and were you satisfied with what he had to offer to you and the other families? >> well, i would say -- i won't lie. it was not an easy conversation. many representatives of families are, as we can all understand, really upset and looking for answers that really no one can give right now. what i can say about president biden, who spent about 45 minutes with us. representatives of about 20 families there. as an american citizen, as an israeli citizen, as someone whose beloved son -- we are sure is being held alive, dead, wounded, we don't know. i could not possibly ask for more than president biden expressed about the united states' commitment to getting these people -- not just the american hostages, but all of the israeli hostages. and that he and the administration are in this for the long haul. as crazy as this must sound, at that moment, as proud as i am to be an israeli, i was no less proud to be an american as a result of that phone call. and honestly, most of the time he was listening to people's stories and their desires for his action. and his answers were inspiring. not that he could give information. i don't think there's much information to give right now. but his willingness to listen. i found it extraordinary. and to empathize with the people who are in enormous pain. >> could he give you information about what those efforts might look like? you have said that you want to see the u.s. government talking to other countries in the region, trying to get them to help negotiate with hamas, to get your son back. did you hear anything concrete about what that might look like? >> just a small correction. i haven't demanded anything from the u.s. or any other government. in my mind, just based on the experience of hostage negotiation in all sorts of scenarios, third-party contacts are often part of deal-making, deal-brokering. of course, the united states is free to do -- for the purposes of first locating, ascertaining if these people are alive, to do whatever is necessary. and the president was clear that -- and convincing, at least for me, the united states is prepared to do anything necessary to get these people home. not just the u.s. citizens, which are a fraction of the total number of israelis being held. and i have faith in that. been contacted repeatedly by agencies of the united states government. they are in the game, at least as much as the israeli government is, in terms of support for the families of hostages, israeli or other. american or israeli citizens. i wasn't personally -- an old soldier, i wasn't expecting the president or the secretary of state to give us intimate details about how they're going about this search. but i'm absolutely convinced that this is a sincere effort. and it's an impossible task, i am also aware of that, given who we're dealing with. which is a terrorist state whose only purpose in these massacres -- not just at the rave concert, but in these 15 communities that were utterly devastated. it's an uphill slog, at best, for the u.s. government and the israeli government as well. >> and jonathan, just in the last moments that we have with you, i want to give you an opportunity to just speak to your son if for any reason he can hear you. what would you say to him tonight? >> i would say, my little boy, we're -- we'll get you. we'll get you home. we'll get all of these people home. along with the dozens of other hostages taken from our kibitz alone, all ages. i'm looking him squarely in the eye now. i know he's strong, but we will do everything. we'll turn over every rock, breakthrough every wall to get you and everyone else home. >> jonathan deckel, thank you so much for joining us. we continue to hope alongside with you for your son's safe return. >> thank you for your concern. ahead for us, carl bernstein will join me on the new revelations that u.s. intelligence forecasted potential violence days before this attack by hamas. plus breaking news from capitol hill. the house speakers race election gets even messier this week. republicans nominating jim jordan to be their next speaker, but he is far, far short of the vote that is he actually needs to clinch that post. there are currently two major wars abroad with global implications. another government shutdown deadline is looming. and the united states house is going home for the weekend. without electing a new speaker, by the way, after staging a mutiny and ousting the old one. house republicans tonight are nominating jim jordan to be speaker, but this is a key point, he doesn't have the votes to get elected. it's not clear that he has any chance of getting there. let's discuss this with frank luntz, political pollster and communications strategist who happens to know a lot of these members quite well. what are you hearing from them about all of this mess, frankly? >> embarrassment. disappointment. and a frustration that, when we need congress to function, more so now than ever, it's dysfunctional more so now than ever. and frankly, what i hear from the voters is that they're going to get punished next year if they don't get their act together. >> it seems impossible to make an argument for good governance when this is what it looks like on capitol hill. at what point do republicans -- look, it's not just jim jordan. steve scalise didn't have the votes. there are names being thrown out here that are -- most people have never heard of, frankly, just to be honest. no one seems to have a path to the votes they need. at what point do they start looking for alternative pads, to just getting leadership in place, maybe working with democrats, perhaps? >> it needs to happen, but you have to have democrats to work with. and i get chewed out because i know congressmen watch this show. i'm going to say that the problem solvers caucus did not deliver for kevin mccarthy. and i'm sure that i'm going to get an email from several of you within five minutes of this. the problem is, you have to have people who not only say that you put people above politics, but actually do it. we are so divided in washington. and frankly, it's just a reflection of america. and the public is saying in a single word, enough, stop. it's one of the reasons why the problem solvers caucus was so essential and why the group, no labels, every survey, every poll done, more and more people are saying no to joe biden, no to donald trump, they want something different. >> here's the thing. when kevin mccarthy was trying to scrounge up votes, he didn't ask democrats for help, he said he didn't want their help. i don't know that he can really blame any of them for the fact that he didn't even go to them to say, how can we work together? >> well, there were meetings, there were discussions. it is correct that he was not willing to do what they asked of him to do. and in the end, we have to put aside our pride. we have to put aside our partisanship. and we have to do what the public asks of us. and if we have a government shutdown, there will be hell to pay economically, financially, and it could happen. and we've got this war that's going on right now, and the fact that they're not here doing what they need to get done is -- >> it makes no sense. on kevin mccarthy, i mean -- >> we're friends, yes. >> he's a friend of yours. and you've been on this show defending him before. does he regret taking his name out of the running, even after he was ousted as speaker? right now, i mean, you could probably say kevin mccarthy has as good a chance as any to be elected, given where the numbers have ended up for two alternatives, scalise and jordan. >> kevin is the most respected house republican by far. he is the most appreciated. the members now are sorry that they allowed eight members to control the fate of the other two hun and -- >> do you think he's comfortable with the decision he made? >> i know he is. he's more comfortable than his friends are. he's more comfortable than his allies are. there are still people that are pushing to put his name into nomination. he's telling them no. i think there is a wonderful outcome of this, in this way. he kept the government open. he did what he promised. he put the public ahead of his own personal career. he knew that he was in trouble, and he did it anyway. this is something that we can teach young people that sometimes you do the right thing, not because it's easy, but because it's hard. >> all right, frank luntz, thank you, appreciate it. we're learning tonight the u.s. had intelligence of an increased risk of violence before saturday's surprise attack by hamas. we'll break it all down with legendary journalist carl bernstein. that's next. new reporting tonight on warnings before the hamas attacks, sources telling cnn u.s. intelligence signaled the potential for violence in the days and hours immediately before it unfolded. here to discuss this is cnn political analyst and renowned journalist and author carl bernstein. carl, this reporting says that u.s. intelligence was circulating warnings about a rocket attack and violence as early as september 28th. some of this information is coming from israel, but if this ends up being substantiated, this seems to signal as maybe we suspected a colossal failure of intelligence. what happens next after something like that? >> well, we've known from the beginning that there has been a colossal failure of intelligence, as you've put it, as well as a colossal failure in terms of the military response and the immediate readiness after hamas crossed into israel. and it's very obvious where this is going to go, as happened after other wars in israel including a disaster of the yom kippur war and that's a commission of inquiry that will establish the facts. this will happen after the war has ended. after israel has buried its dead. after the world has gone through this cataclysmic experience that we have no idea where this story is going, what is going to happen to the palestinians? what is going to happen to the israelis? this story is just beginning, and it is beginning in a way that is disturbing to the nations in the middle east, the leaders of the middle east, to the united states, much more than the white house has acknowledged. there is great fear and concern at the white house today, tonight, about where these events are leading. >> yeah, absolutely, i think a lot of people are concerned about a spiraling, not just in this conflict but in others, as well. look, there are some new comments tonight, carl, from former president george w. bush urging a hard line in the u.s. response to the attacks. just take a listen to what he said. >> i'm kind of a hard-liner on all this stuff but i never thought we should try to accommodate iran any way, shape or form. i always felt the objective ought to be to prevent them it from getting a nuclear weapon and prevent a cataclysmic event in the middle east and these are the kind of people if you show softness they will take advantage of it. the administration started off on the right foot, pretty bold statement. he's going to take some heat, you know, both parties have isolationist tendencies and, you know, we shouldn't get involved. who cares? well, we should. we should care. >> i don't think it's a surprise to many people that he would describe himself as taking a hard line response after 9/11, but i think what people are looking at now is, what happens then, which is decades long conflict that really had no real end. what are your thoughts about what lessons we really can take from former president bush? >> mixed. he led us into a deciisastrous that cost us great treasure, that upended the equation in that part of the world that we were perhaps in the wrong place at the wrong time. you know, our response to the events of 9/11, and at the same time, i certainly understand what the former president is saying about the danger and the threat from iran and the question of iran since the fall of the shah has been one that has vexed the united states, has vexed the europeans. we have a fundamentalist theocracy, a murderous fundamentalist theocracy in iran that is one of the great threats to humankind as we're seeing in genocide of the israeli people by hamas, by its instruments and instruments of iran but i think where president bush's comments and the earlier ones that we were talking about go to this greater question that is of such concern today especially to the biden white house, to the european leaders, i've talked to people all day about this, the response of the arab street to hamas' brutal totally inhuman barbarous murderous, genocidal actions, killing israelis, babies, children, indiscriminately that the reaction in the arab street as we saw today has been jubilation, has been celebration, has been dancing in the streets over the graves of murdered babies of genocide of the israeli people, and what has got not only the white house but also middle eastern leaders, one of the reasons that we are seeing secretary blinken making this rapid trip around seven countries in the middle east is because the arab street can dictate the terms to the leaders of these arab countries how it is going to respond and so far the response in the countries of the middle east is not what israel or the united states desires, only two countries in the middle east have come out and condemned what hamas has done here, and the danger as secretary henry kissinger said today that this is a danger to the world order, because what hamas has tried to do here is to end any normalization of relations with israel and the middle eastern powers, and the result that we're seeing in the street with these celebrations is to put pressure on the leaders from yemen to bahrain to saudi and so far we are nong a leaders of those countries to stand with israel, the opposite, we have not seen the condemnation of hamas by these leaders, and the longer this war goes on, the great fear in washington today is the longer this war goes on and the more dancing in the arab streets there are, the worse it is not only for israel but for the united states and for the international world order and secretary kissinger and i have known each other a half a century, not always agreed, but his comments today deserve great attention. >> these are really important questions that you're raising and concerns that you're raising and we'll continue to follow them. carl, always great to have you. thank you for joining us tonight. and we're getting breaking news now. israel says that it has struck hezbollah after an infiltration to stand by for that breaking news.

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