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Lines from isreal starts right now. Up front next, the Breaking News Mass Panic and fear amid a 24hour deadline to evacuate gaza. A marine unit is now in the region poised to jump in as isreal warns its only the beginning. Israel. Hamas is Deadly Weapons arsenal. Cnn looks at dozen of videos of the attacks, the weapons, what are they, and where did they come from. Its a special cnn investigation, lets go out front. Good evening and welcome to a Special Edition of out front. Im live from tel aviv and tonight, the Breaking News 24hour deadline for one. One Million People to evacuate gaza. That comes from the United Nations that claims israel gave them the news thursday night. In tel aviv, the tension is palpable. Silence throughout the evening. This is new video out front the moment israels iron dome intercepted a rocket tonight. And ill show you the moment that we heard the blast. We were all here, Anderson Cooper was on the air when it happened. That sounded like iron dome intercepted. [sound of rocket] also, tonight, the u. S. Marines Rapid Reaction force capable of conducting Special Operations is being ordered closer to israel. Its a 2,000 marine unit capable of supporting massive evacuations. What would be required in gaza. The evacuations within gaza are supposedly underway. Supposedly, because, theyre evacuations from one part of a tiny strip to another part and on the edge of it, there are no borders open for anyone to leave. A massive ground envision would turn the narrow strip into a death trap for anyone there. But, hamas is dismissing israeli warnings and telling people to stay put. Now, earlier today, we traveled south where an israeli staging ground is in the military a few miles from the gaza and egypt borders. We saw a tank brigade they were regrouping and readying to be possible sent back into gaza. This was the scene earlier as i was reporting here, live on cnn. Some of those tanks are actually going to be driving by right now. Im going to probably get covered in this, so, just bear with me, its going to be really loud. Okay. John and kate, theres probably going to be another one. I dont know how long you want to take this. Ill tell you what we saw, the Tank Battalion was in there. All of these guys are restaging and getting ready to go in. And weve seen along the border check points a higher state of readiness than weve observed in the past few days. Im going to move back from this window a little bit. Okay. All right. And it gives you a tense of the terrain here. And, they are ready. Theyre at that staging area and other check points for, we saw bus after bus of i. D. F. Soldiers going to front lines. They were at the highest state of readiness that we observed this week as we traveled up and down that gaza border why are. One soldier telling me about a gaza terrorist still hiding in a house in a kibbutz where they were slaughtered. He says therell be, quote, many more skeletons because he says people hiding in their safe rooms tried to run when they realized homes were set on fire from hamas and died from smoke and fire in the basement. He said theyre finding charred babies and bodies. And in houses not destroyed by fires, they are finding bodies riddled with bullets. And thats why the troops along that bore border are ready to go. A Militarized Zone and this is what one of them told me. Do you feel like youre ready to go, that things are about to happen. I dont know when theyre going to happen, but, theyre going to happen because, um, we can not let it go this time. Its like, you know, im a yoga instructor, im a person who believes in peace and love, but, you cant stand you know, on the side and look at this cruelty. This barbarians and just let it go. No, we wont let it go this time. Weve had enough. Enough of this. We have a team of reporters standing by tonight, nick robertson, matthew and sarah are in israel, and i want to begin with nick, and nick, were just seeing and hearing a barrage of explosions were your. Tell us about it. Yeah, were seeing the flashes on the horizan behind me. So, we think these are happening deeper into the gaza strip. Perhaps around gaza city. Very, very, hard to tell. But, theyre continuing. There was a sustained barrage of rockets coming out of gaza, and very noisy, lowlevel overhead by the iron dome earlier on. That was the biggest barrage of rockets from gaza for some time. But, the troops definitely seem to be getting closer to being ready to go in. One of the reads on that is because the idf sold the Citizens Inside Gaza and north of gaza strip to move to the south. Originally, the u. N. Thought they were given 24 hours to do that, the idf clarified, no, more than 24 hours. But, another indicator of just how ready the troops are. In the past 24 hours, the idf had their first incursion into gaza since last weekend. Israeli troops inside gaza for the First Time Since hamas attack last saturday. A limited, local raid. Targeting hamas. Searching for hostages, seemingly over by the time the idf announced it late friday. Not far away. Northern Gaza Civilians are being forced into a life or possible death choice. Fliers dropped by israel told them to flee south now triggering concern of the u. N. The United Nations considers it impossible for such a movement to take place without devastating humanitarian consequences. No deadline given by the idf in their effort to minimize mounting civilian casualties. Were asking them to evacuate so that we will be able to continue to strike military targets belonged to hamas in the gaza strip thursday night, the heaviest israeli strikes on Northern Gaza yet. But, hamas is telling its residents to stay put. Setting the scene for a potential blame game over the rising Palestinian Death toll. Hamas gave a Counter Order telling tel telling palestinians in gaza to stay at home, because, they feel like having Human Shields protect them. A larger Ground Attack maybe getting close. U. S. Secretary of defense in country making sure the idf has what it needs. I am here inperson to make something crystal clear, americas support for israel is ironclad. And not just military support, e. U. Leaders came close to gaza to see for themselves why some of hamas most brutal murders were executed. But, inside gaza, fears escalating about what the coming days will bring. Time is running out to prevent the humanitarian catastrophe, fuel, water, food and life, saving health and humanitarian supplies cannot be urgently delivered to the gaza strip. I think the best assessment that we have at the moment, however, of how many civilians are still in the north of gaza is a lot. From the video that is weve seen, the evidence that has come out so far, it doesnt seem like many of those 1. 1 Million People have gone to the south yet. And what that means is, the civilians are going to be caught up in a Ground Incursion if it happens, as we expect it will. Nick, thank you very much. As he said, a mile from the gaza border tonight. It comes as cnn just learned that multiple u. S. Intelligence assessments warned the by the time about a potential clash in the region just days before hamas launched its unprecedented slaughter in israel. What exactly do these Intelligence Assessments show . So, there were two u. S. Intelligence assessments circulated in the u. S. Government in the days leading up to this devastating attack one on september 28th, warned by the increased possibility of Cross Border Rocket Fire from hamas into israel. A second warning on october 5th, just two days before the attack warned more generally of the risk of the increasing risk of violence between hamas and israel. Now, erin, important to note that both reports were what the Intelligence Community refers to as strategic warnings, not specific tactical details about the planning of the attack that actually unfolded. There were general warning that look, there are structural reasons to be concerned is that violence from these side may be likely. To many intelligence officials reading the reports, yes, they were viewing them as look, theres heightened concern about violence between the two sides here, however, they were not able to view them as predictive of anything remotely resembling the scope, scale, and brutality of the attack that unfolded saturday. In part because the u. S. Receives warnings like these sort of regularly. I mean, the idea of potential violence in between hamas and israel is on intelligence hot spots warnings just about everyday. So, for many u. S. Officials, thats what they expected, sort of some of the violence that weve seen in the past. Nothing like what unfolded on saturday. All right. Katie, thank you, very much. And now, Matthew Chance and sarah cider are with me in tel aviv and the director of International Security program at the center for strategic and international studies. I want to ask you in a moment about katies reporting and about what the former chair of the house said egypt had given israel a specific warning three days ahead about that. But, first, where with your tonight. Talk about the 24 hours that the u. N. Said they were given to get people out and now, israel not being clear on what 24 hours actually means. It this imminent . Is this happening . When . I tried to speak to the sources i have inside the israeli government. Theyre saying theyre determined to end hamas Military Organization t. Theyre talking about a fact that there is going to be a land. We have seen that with hundreds of thousands of soldiers deployed on the border of gaza to go in. But, the timing is not clear. I think theyre giving time for a few things to happen, first of all, the hostage negotiations, youve seen the Secretary Of State move around the region looking for ways to get some of those 100 to 150 Israeli Citizens free. Thats something they really want. Until they launch a massive. There are negotiations to get some of the Gaza Civilians ought of the firing line before a Military Operation begins. We were on the south gaza and 10 miles away from the border line, that Border Crossings closed. So, wherever you move somebody in that 25 miles, right now theres nowhere else for them to go. Thats right, thats the problem. Israel is not going to open its two Border Crossings, egypt says theyre Border Crossing is not closed but because of air strikes they say the palestinian side of the border is crlosed. Theyre saying just the northern part of the gaza strip, thats one Million People to go where . Because, it is perhaps the most densely populated city in the world. You have a space thats about twice the size of washington d. C. And we know how congested that is. With three times the number of people. About 50 percent of them are children, theyre under 18 yearsold. So, you have a population thats extremely vulnerable, extremely frightened, and with nowhere to go. Theres almost no way, theres already a humanitarian crisis. Theres no way that crisis works. This is the reality of that situation. So, when you look at the intelligence that youve had a chance to see, you see two big challenges for israel with a possible ground invasion, what are the ones that you see . Well, the, the challenges that i see firsthand are the challenges as everyone there as talked about, for anybody thats been to gaza, the, narrow alleyways, the concrete buildings, the snipers, suicide bombers, this is a very difficult urban terrain for i de, f soldiers to operate in. I was recently in israel talking to them about urban warfare, but, what do the israelis do when the phase four is done. Who do they hand gaza back to . Even the northern part of gaza, hamas . No, thats not going to happen. Theres a bigger mid to longterm problem that i think i see israelis are going to have. I dont know whats going on with the audio, we heard some of that on the gaza border, theyre doing surveillance or something. Im not clear. But, katie reported about the intelligence. And i think the context was important. There was all right there were warnings, but they could have been dismissed as this is business as usual, yes, hamas will launch rockets, okay, maybe you receive an eyeroll. But, when you couple it with the fact that egypt gave a specific warning three days prior, what are you hearing from the israeli side . Well, was this incompetence or negligence . Did they just not have any intelligence at all . In an operation like this which could have taken a couple of years, perhaps not that long to lon in the gaza strip, didnt know anything about it. Whichever way you cut it from the israeli the Point Of View and to some extent the u. S. As well. The questions will be asked once the crisis is under control. I was talking with a former israeli idf who was defending some of the kibbutz with a pistol and others saturday. He said look, its a humiliation and a complete and outer collapse of our system. From what you understand from the intelligence side, how do you see it . Theres no question that the Defense Intelligence agencies failed to anticipate this particular operation. I mean, everyone knows that gaza has been an issue. The israelis have significant signals intelligence, human intelligence, Imagery Intelligence capabilities in gaza. They missed it. The u. S. Clearly missed this too, the egyptians, the jordanians, theres a broader Intelligence Failure for what just happened. Its certainly. Although, it is amazing when you talk about, they have eyes on it. Thats 25 miles long. And theyre doing outdoor training. I mean, it is sort of the reality of it is as israels getting ready for a possible ground invasion, could be hours or days and matthew is talking about the context of the hostages still in there. And there were hamas militants in israel last night, i was told there was one locked in a house and theyre worried about others coming through tunnels in these situations. Theyre still finding bodies, i mean, theyre finding skeletons, and this is what youre hearing from families as well. Thats right. And theyre so terrified. Some of them are terrified that their loved one is badly injured and still alive and suffering. And some of them have great hope that their loved ones are alive and can be rescued. That, by the day is becoming more and more precarious, when you think about the possibility of a ground war in all of this. We know theres a whole network of tunnels that exist. There are so many things to stop it from happening. I did speak with dan moore, his sisterinlaw had been taken. And they found out because she call them, she was at that super nova rave, she was selling jewelry for the first time, she was displaying it. And all of a sudden she calls and they could hear, the shooting of guns, her screaming and running and then they get silence. And their phones, a day or so later, they see a video of her and two men, both of them hamas terrorists, they have her. And they dont know what to do. Heres how he described what they heard. You could hear the gunfire over the phone. It was the scariest most surreal thing that you could ever imagine. And a few hours later after we lost contact, later on, a video showed up on tiktok an arabic speaking video in captions saying some women go to sleep with their families and some women are abducted to gaza. And they were speaking some very derogative stuff. What were they saying. Like, we found another. [bleep] on the street, or, finding game. Basically saying that they were treated as animals. Well, they were, i mean, its absolutely horrific. Thank you so much. Matthew, sarah. And next, eight of his family members, eight of them are missing. Including his son and grandchildren, where he thinks they are tonight. Tonight, shedding new light into how hamas was able to pull off the savage attack and slaughter, at least 260 people are dead from the music festival. And there are details that up until now have not been reported. Well share those for you. And a 72yearold took on. And he saved lives and lived to tell it. Thats up next. Breaking news, these are live pictures of gaza that you are looking at on your screen. Our team have seen and heard multiple explosions this hour. This is Israeli Soldiers search for tfor the hostages taken by hamas. May be you could get a sense, many, last night, we heard a lot of those explosions from here in tel aviv. We have not heard any in the past few minutes. So, unclear whether that means those explosion are happening further south or towards the middle of gaza. Just a perspective for context. Cnn learned that israeli troops have been carrying out local raids inside gaza. And as awful this is happens, Israels Defense Forces notified 120 families that their loved ones were taken captive during the hamas attack. This comes as hundreds of soldiers are standing by outside of gaza. Now, he has eight members of his family missing, his son, his daughterinlaw, two of his grandchildren, 8 and 3 yearsold. They were all staying in a home in kibbutz near gaza. Gilad, im sorry to be talking to you under these circumstances. I wish we never had to have this conversation. But, i have to ask you at this time, days here have passed, do you know anything . Have you heard anything at all about what happened to your son and his family . Well, first, officially, nobody called me from the government. We dont know. We decided to take care of ourselves and we started to with the puzzle, we know now for sure that my son was taken alive, on his feet, with clothes, hand cuffed and they threw him into a car trunk. Okay. And this is, this is more big story, but, this is what i know now. I dont know if hes alive, but, for sure, they took him from the house. So, you know that your son was taken alive. I know that you would never want to hope your son is a hostage of hamas, but, on some level, the fact that he was taken alive must mean so much to you. And you dont know anything, though, about his wife, your daughterinlaw or your grandchildren at this time . Yes. But, if i have proof. I have somebody was texting hostages from the car ran away with his daughter. And, hes now safe in the kibbutz b. E eri. It was for me, proof that my son was alive, unhurt, because, the house was burned, it means that nobodys killed by the smoke or by the fire. So. So, you believe that they all may have gotten out of the house. No, i know. I know that i have family from rescue force, military forces, they checked for me, the house after they burned, and told me theres surely no bodies in the house. And no dead bodies around the house. That its not the same case in other houses. So, it means, for me, possibly i would like to think, first that everybodys captured and took to gaza strip, or, they killed them in the fields. That, now, the Israeli Military go through the gaza strip today and found a lot of dead israeli bodies after the border. I mean, they head back to gaza strip, and, now, theyre saying they found dead bodies of israeli, and bringing them back to israel. So, this is the talk. I believe. I believe that everybody is in gaza strip. I dont have proof. No, you dont have proof, but, youve got hope. And of course, thats what a father and a grand father would have. Gvulot, if you could Say Something to your son or to your grandchildren of those precious pictures that we saw. If you see them again, if you are so blessed, what will you say to them . First, i would give a hug and big kiss and swear, myself, if they come back, ill never anger for anything in my life. Im 62, i will be more relaxed, and, i try to be a better man, a better human being and try to help everybody. This is what i need. I need them back. Without them, its not a life. Without them it is not a life. Gvulot, thank you for talking to me about them. Thank you. Thank you very much. And also tonight, a special investigation here at cnn looking at the Deadly Weapons arsenal that hamas had, that they used to enleash terror and slaughter all of those innocent people. What weapons did they use and where did they get them. Boreran lieberman is out front. An entire arsenal on display, weapons fashioned in hamas home grown facilities, no less deadly. Cnn unleashed dozens of facilities to identify the weapons used to kill 1200 people in israel. The most important thing about the Military Equipment they have is that its easily interchangeable, reliable, dependable and you can get parts for it. Many like this machine gun appear to be russian or chinese Fire Arms Relics from previous wars that made their ways in the hands of hamas. Ubiquitous, the preferred weapon for spewing fire with horrific results. The Assault Rifles along with the grenades made them deadly when they reached israeli towns and villages. Based on the training and how they operate them, they are successful with them. Hamas main weapon has long been their supply of rockets, from short range to long range. The Terror Attack on saturday morning began with a barrage of rocket fire. Smoke from the imminent attack. Thousands of rockets overwhelmed the iron dome air system. Thats the capability for the enemy, for hamas to fire them against potentially commercial aircrafts and thats one of the major issues of these Terrorists Groups that they have those weapons in their hands. The hamas used terror to cross the border. In the chaos of the moment, the plan worked. Some of the weapons and equipment were decidedly more lowtech, israel built a complex underground barriers to stop from the boarder, so, hamas used a bull dozer to tear down the defense. Theyre looking for chaos. And the equipment has got to be reliable. Worth noting these are only the videos and weapons we saw in the photos from the attacks. With he saw other weapons like antitank and thats what makes a Ground Incursion by israel such a difficult proposition. Thank you, very much. With all of that reporting on the weapons. I want to go to Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus. Colonel, obviously, welcome back to the program. You heard the report. Do you feel right now that the idf knows what sort of an Arsenal Hamas has right now . Whether it be rockets or other sorts of weaponry, do you know the extent of the arsenal right now . Hi, erin, thank you for having me again. I think that the story that you just aired is very comprehensive, interesting, and welldone one. And i think that the short answer to your question is, no. We dont. And i think that we have to be extremely cautious and very humble in our approach for the next stage of operations because, clearly, our enemy has shown they have the availability to acquire and train and use weapons that they havent done before, and they fielded them, unfortunately, successfully, on the battlefield, so, we have to be very, very, humbled and strong, focused. And i would say, aggressive in our approach against them. So, you talk about being aggressive in the next stages even as you say you need to be humble. Israel issued an evacuation for Northern Gaza, the United Nations said it was a 24 hour evacuation timeline. Do you have a sense of when israel may move . Yeah, its about 2 30 a. M. Local time, so, its dark and its, of course, very difficult to see exactly whats happening in the gaza strip, but, weve been following throughout the day. And weve been monitoring the movement, the Mass Movement of Palestinian Civilians who im happy to say, many, many, i dont know exactly how many, but, many, many have listened to our warnings and have indeed moved, evacuated themselves to the south and that is very good for them and their families. Im not going to put a timeline or time schedule, sorry, on our activities, i can only say that we are trying to do the right thing here, were trying to get civilians out of the way. Because, we are going to intensify the operations in and around gaza city. Whenever we feel that the situation is tenable for Military Operations, i assume thats when the operations will continue. And, you also you did have some operations today, obviously, those were more Special Forces back in there. Can you tell us anything about whether they were successful, or, what was accomplished . Yeah, they were successful in the sense that they were able to find new intelligence and perhaps shed a little bit more light on the very complex task that we have of understanding who was taken hostage and who wasnt. Who is dead and who might be missing. And then, trying to piece together other sources of intelligence and building a more cohesive picture of where they are, and who they are, and then, of course, supporting a plan on how to get them out. So, yes, it was successful. We found intelligence that supports that, and of course, that is a very high, i would say, number one priority for us is to find those people, get them back home to israel. And, hamas claims that 13 of them. 13 israeli hostages in gaza were killed, and killed by idf air strikes in the past 24 hours. I know that one of your colleagues said Israeli Intelligence was looking into it. Is there any truth to what hamas is claiming . Well, hamas is a lying cowardly terrorist organization and i dont think any of their statements are true. It is all propaganda. And they also said, i think it was on the second or third day of the war, forgive me for not keeping count of the days, totally, but, on the second or the third day, they also said they would start executing hostages and filming it if israel doesnt stop targeting their facilities. So, its impossible to trust what theyre saying and we will have to believe it only when we see it and when we have our intelligence that will prove it. But, at the end of the day, hamas is responsible. And hamas will pay a price. Colonel, thank you very much. I appreciate your time. And again, thank you. Thank you. And next, a Special Report here out front. Cnn has analyzed dozens of videos from the music video that is attacked. Like this one of people running through fields. And youre going to be able to see minute by minute how the attack unfolded. We were like ducks, it was like arrange, people were running in the hundreds, and you can hear the bullets coming. Plus, an incredible story of courage, a 72yearold former israeli paratrooper taking on heavily armed hamas fighters, surviving and saving others. His heroic actions saved lives that day. The power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. And thats a good thing . Great in my book who are you . No power . No problem. Introducing stormready wifi. Now you can stay reliably connected through Power Outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery backup to keep you online. Only from xfinity. Home of the xfinity 10g network. Breaking news out of tel aviv, we have new video that were about to show out front for the first time. I do warn you that it is disturbing, because, what it is is shocking new Body Cam Footage of hamas shooting indiscriminately at the bathrooms, at the porta potties at the music festival. Attempting to kill anybody does inside. We have in the been yet to verify if people were killed at this moment. Obviously, that was the plan, to kill people. That was the intent. And cnn is analyzing and verifying more than 50 videos like this one. Piecing together exactly how many of the brutal killings, the slaughter unfolded that morning. Katie is out front with an indepth investigation. Its 6 30 a. M. On october 7th, and things are getting into full swing at the Nova Festival In The South of israel. We were having fun. You know, peace, love, good vibes. And an hour an hour andahalf after were running from bullets. Suddenly, the music stops. The frustration, but, no sense yet of the horror about to unfold. As news spreads of Rocket Attacks from gaza, people begin to seek shelter, crouching closer to the ground. But, even this doesnt lead to outright panic. Rocket attacks visible here are a regular occurrence in this part of southern israel. About 10 minutes later, some start to head to their cars. The decision of when and how to leave the festival would mean life or death for many. Some fled early to nearby bomb shelters, its 7 10 a. M. And many are crammed inside this one to the north of the festival, but, theyve been followed. At 7 24 a. M. , hamas threw a Grenade Inside causing horrific damage. This man emerges stunned into the daylight. And its not the only shelter to be targeted. 30 minutes later and further down the same road, hamas militants caught on dashcam footage outside another shelter, they throw a Grenade Inside. In total, cnn identified four s shelters that hamas attacked full of people. By examining over 50 videos from that morning and speaking to survives, cnn established that hamas blocked the approaches to the south, north, and west of the festival, forcing people to flee across the field to the east, even then they were hunted. Its now 8 15 a. M. , and gall survives along with others by running across the fields, hes pictured here in the white tshirt. Local police told them to drive east across rough land due to road blocks, but, many end up fleeing on foot. We were like ducks, it was like arrange. People were running in the hundreds, and you could hear the bullets coming. Were you seeing anyone getting shot . Yeah, you can see people fall. Its 8 30 a. M. Others running north met with more bullets causing further panic. As a result revellers start to run towards the festival, not knowing there are more militants just a few kilometers down. Chilling dashcam footage shows hamas militants shooting directly at an approaching car just an hour earlier. Those Festival Goers who remained closer to the Festival Site hid behind anything they could find, even behind trees waiting while the bullets closed in. Many did not survive. 260 reported dead, but that toll could rise. Just three hours after the start of the massacre, at 9 39 a. M. , videos emerge of some Festival Goers already held hostage in gaza. In man still wearing a Festival Wrist Band and another visibly wearing the security uniform, their fates remain unknown. Gall and others are still processing the trauma of what they went through. I know people who waited 12 hours in bushes and didnt move. I know people who tried to hide and they died. Humanity has never seen this in the last couple of hundreds of years, maybe since the holocaust. But, this is horrific. Horrific. It would be 10 hours until help arrived for some. Others are still missing, feared dead or held hostage in gaza. The scale of this tragedy may grow greater yet, after those six hours of horror in the desert. Cnn, london. And, out front now, wolf blitzer, of course, has been following this story for de decades. So, wolf when you look at the report and how intricately Planned The Slaughter was at the music festival. That footage of someone shooting up the port potties, going shelter to shelter. And throwing in grenades. The more we find out the harder it is to see a way to deescalate. I know yesterday we spoke and you thought there was a tiny chance this could calm down and deescalate. Has that chance gone to zero now . Yes. Its basically zero based on everything that im hearing from eye israeli sources. The Israel Military does not mobilize 300,000 or close to 400,000 troops deployed them to the area around gaza and is not about to try and achieve two major objectives, to capture or kill the hamas militants. They would like to capture the weapons, because, if they cap tour the weapons, they could determine where they came from, did they come from iran, for example, and if they did come from iran, that creates a moment for the israelis if they want to continue the escalation to target objectives in iran as well. This could escalate, not just in gaza but elsewhere as well. Im convinced that the israelis will not back away. They want to achieve those objectives. It could happen in a matter of hours or days. But, everybody should brace for a major Israeli Ground invasion of gaza. And colonel Jonathan Conricus youve been speaking with him said they still dont know the depth of that arsenal, they were about trying to get the information and the names, who was involved and exactly what, theyre trying to be surgical to get what they need because its clear what the intent is. As you said, who puts 400,000 troops along a 25mile border if theyre not going to do something. Yeah, theyre going to do it and its just a matter of when. In my opinion, thats going to be fairly soon. All right, wolf, thank you very much. And wolf blitzer with us tonight. Grateful to have that. His sources and his expertise and knowing this better than anyone. Also tonight, stories of incredible acts of courage are emerging amid the horror. This 72yearold paratrooper is recovering. His leg amputated, after he refused to back down and saving his kibbutz from slaughter. Matthew is back with this story. The attacks by hamas were a blood bath, israelis slaughtered were taken hostage. The kibbutz near gaza, the militants met their match. I want to think that i always was told, you should never catch me with my underwear in my hand. Never catch you with your pants down . Never. He suffered shrapnel wounds and when militants trying to attack, this 72yearold paratrooper and war veteran swung into action. I decide to take my car, and i take a few with me. And i decide to enter as soon as i can to just go, to throw the children over the window of my car. So, you drove towards the attackers and started shooting at them . I shoot them. Before they came through the fence . Before. In my head, that was the only way to show them. In in nearby communities, hamas ran amok in a killing spree. This small team of armed volunteers trained and read kept the militants at bay. His wife, at his bedside, told me, she has no doubt why. My husband, 20 years that shes in this position. And every time that a lot of people come amid the same situation, they laugh at him. They said that hes crazy. They said that hes speaking nonsense. Nobody will come. And he defended the kibbutz year by year. And all the people laugh at him. They laugh at him . They said he was paranoid. Paranoid. They said its not going to happen. Its never going to happen because we have the army. Reporter in fact, the israeli army came under attack by hamas too, Leaving Barouch and his team to fight alone for more than six hours, way longer than expected. Well, they teach us that if something happened, i always my friends. We got 35 minutes that belong to us. After 35 minutes, the army should be here. The base unit should be here and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But they didnt come . It didnt work. Reporter as israelis elsewhere were taken hostage, their communities overrun, barouch fought on, severely injured, and out of ammo, armed with just a blade. I said, if they come, they should find me with a knife. Reporter a stubborn determination his friends and neighbors say helped save them from the grim fate of others nearby. Well, the hero of that report, erin, who we met at the Hadas Medical Organization in jerusalem says to me that he had been a life long supporter of Peace Negotiations for the palestinian state. But the events of the past week, all that had changed. Hes not alone because you get a since being here in israel that israel itself is more hardlined, less willing to compromise. Matthew chance, thank you. Next, our Breaking News continues. We have an incredible story of what matthew and i are seeing every day, people in israel coming together to help the victims, the First Responders. Im going to tell you why Tooth Brushes matter. Plus we are also following the Breaking News out of washington, republicans just choosing jim jordan for their nominee for house speaker. But guess what . He doesnt have the votes. What now . Well go to manu raju on capitol hill. Tonight on capitol hill, Breaking News as well. The house in complete disarray. Republicans nowhere near consensus on a speaker after jim jordan, backed by donald trump, beat back a lastminute bid by austin scott of georgia. More than 50 republicans declaring they will not back jordan in a vote on the house floor, which is a problem because he can only afford to lose four votes. 50, 4, you get it. Theyre not close. Manu raju is out front. If anything, the disarray is even more awful when you think about it. Where does jim jordan and the house go from here . Yeah, look, this is really significant stuff given the fact that without a spoeaker of the house, the congress cant act on legislation, aid to israel, Major National and International Issues here. After the ouster of Kevin Mccarthy last week, the unprecedented vote, and the failure of republicans to get behind a single candidate. 55 republicans voting against him, real concerns that jim jordan cannot get 217 votes. In talking to some of those members, some of them are indicating they wont vote for jordan no matter what. I really do believe that steve scalise, the way they dealt with him yesterday was wrong. You think jordan should have endorsed him right away. Yeah, much more aggressively. What is your level of concern about jim jordan . I think i laid that out yesterday. Has that changed at all . Not overnight. Should there be another candidate, in your view . There should be. Reporter and there were other members as well saying they will endorse another candidate, speaker mccarthy. I heard that from several members, erin, that they want Kevin Mccarthy to run as well. Jordan is going to spend the next couple of days trying to convince those members to flip, to back them in some way, in a hope he can get there, 217 votes, by tuesday, which is when they expect to go to the house floor if they can get the votes. But if jordan steps aside, erin, it is back to square one. Can they find a Consensus Candidate . Can they figure out some sort of alternative, even propping up the interim speaker of the house, patrick mchenri. They could take some legislative action to give him that kind of power, all these things because republicans are in this desperate posture here, not able to govern, trying to show the country it can govern, but consumed by the internal Party Civil War that has stymied all legislative action in washington, erin. Manu, thank you very much. And our top story here, i want to show you some Israeli Soldiers tonight gathering from just a few miles from gaza. There are now 100 volunteers here giving out 10,000 hamburgers a day. In fact, weve seen such generosity, also at a hospital, where 650 Terror Attack victims went for treatment. Fancy restaurants from tel aviv came down to serve meals for First Responders and victims families. And we saw it at a tank brigade. We saw food trucks for the soldiers there. Those soldiers and the tank brigade, 700 lunches were served there today. We are witnessing a mass outpouring of support, which one idf soldier, a former reservist, who joined back up to fight, described so well at that barbecue. Here, you can really see how strong we are, how together we are. The people here are volunteers, people donate their own money to give us food. We are staying in one place, but theyre bringing us theyre cooking food for us. Theyre giving us everything you want. If i want ten tooth brush, if i want its unbelievable to see the unity that our nation has. You hear in the background sha the prayers has theyre getting ready to celebrate the sabbath

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