In adolf hitlers manifesto he wrote, all the great civilizations of the past became decadent because the originally creative race died out as a result of contamination of the blood. He links the poison which has invaded the National Blood to, quote, an influx of foreign blood. The Blood Reference is reminiscent of the chants by White Supremacists in charlottesville in 2017. Tonight, donald trump is now under fire for similar language about immigrants. Good evening. Im abby phillip. Here what is the former president and current republican frontrunner just said about immigrants. We know theyre terrorists. Nobody has ever seen anything like were witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country. Its poisoning the blood of our country. Its so bad. And people are coming in with disease, people are coming in with every possible thing that you could have. We dont know what really inspired trump to use that language or what was even in his head, but this episode comes as trumps rhetoric, just generally, has become noticeably and objectively more violent in recent weeks. After one of his indictments, he warned, quote, if you go after me, im coming after you. Trump accused the outgoing chairman of the joint chief of staffs, mark milley, of treason. And he suggested he deserved to be executed. In his retirement speech, millie indirectly responded. We dont take an oath to a wannabe dictator, we dont take an oath to an individual. We take an oath to the constitution, and we take an oath to the idea that is america, and were willing to die to protect it. As crime has surged in Many American cities, trump recently endorsed Extrajudicial Killings of shoplifters in front of a crowd of fawning supporters. Very simply, if you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store. [ cheers and applause ] shot also during a recent rally, he mocked former House Speaker nancy pelosi and her husband after he was violently attacked with a Hammer Inside of their home. Will stand up to crazy nancy pelosi, who ruined san francisco. [ boos ] hows her husband doing, by the way, anybody know . [ laughter ] and shes against building a wall at our border even though she has a wall around her house, which obviously didnt do a very good job. And this week as he turned to the courthouse, turned the courthouse into a Campaign Stop during a civil fraud trial, he earned a limited gag order for this rhetoric for attacking a Court Employee on social media and then he turned and escalated the rhetoric against the judge. This is a judge that should be disbarred. This is a judge that should be out of office. This is a judge that some people say could be charged criminally for what hes doing. Hes interfering with an election, and its a disgrace. And theres more. He then attacked the Attorney General, Prosecuting Him in new york, letitia james, who also responded to him this week. We have a racist Attorney General whos a horror show. This is a disgrace, and you ought to go after this Attorney General because shes turning off everybody from coming in trumps comments were offensive, were baseless, they were void of any facts nor any evidence. What they were, were comments that unfortunately fomented violence, comments that i would describing a race baiting. Its worth noting many of these officials have increased security because of this kind of rhetoric. During a perilous time for public servants, just this week in a separate incident, a man showed up in the wisconsin capitol looking for the governor. He was armed with a loaded handgun. He was arrested, but then later, he left on bail. Hours after that, he showed up at the capitol again. This time he was armed with a baton and a loaded assaultstyle rifle. Theres a lot to discuss about all of this with journalist and former Fox Anchor Geraldo r rivera. Thanks for being with us. Hi, abby, thank you. Youve known trump, obviously, for a really long time. What is your reaction to his use of this phrase, that as we laid out, has a really dark, disturbing history . I think its vile. I think its disgusting. Its very disappointing. To sink to that level, its for me a personal embarrassment that we were friends for so long. This language is racist. It is really disgusting. And, you know, some things cannot abide. We cannot abide certain things. He has crossed the line. I beseech his followers to listen to what he said about poison blood. Who else used that kind of language . That kind of poisonous rhetoric . It was the nazis. And i hate to use nazi or hitler references. But it is impossible to miss the obvious parallels. Poison blood. It was a direct reference he made a direct reference that the migrants, the immigrants, mostly latinos now, may i say, are poisoning, polluting the blood of real americans. It is intolerable. It is absolutely beyond the pale. Look, i mean, it is amazing that after how he started his campaign, really with attacks on immigrants, it continues to go this far. Trump a trump spokesperson said this in a statement, that this is normal, a normal phrase that is used in everyday life, in books, television, movies, in news articles, for anyone who thinks that its racist or xenophobic is living in an alternate reality consumed with nonsensual outrage. I dont know what you make of that response. Whether you think people will buy it. But the idea that poisoning the blood is a phrase that is normal, that most people say . It just doesnt pass a commonsense test. Excuse me, i apologize to you and your audience, but i have to say that the spokes mans excuse was absolutely bullshit. Really, it was it is lowdown and dirty. Give me a break. You know, normal, everyday discourse . Who talks about poison blood . Who talks about that . Who says that an immigrant is poisoning it is beyond. It really is beyond the beyond. Its not this is not appropriate discourse. This is not fair play. This is awful. Just awful. I want to play for you what republican president ial candidate Chris Christie had to say about this earlier today. All that type of rhetoric, jake, is beneath the office that he held and that he wishes to hold again. We need a president who shares our values. We need a president who is not going to speak that way. This projects our image all around the world. And its an awful image to project. Christie is really the exception here. Hes absolutely right. My question to you is, what is going to change the pattern that we really see among republicans, which is that they just remain silent when these things happen . Theres two things at play here. One is the, you know, the Gutter Mentality of the overwhelmingly leading candidate for the republican nomination. Theres three things. The other thing is how many republicans are making themselves blind to the events leading up to january 6th . And then thirdly, you have a person who is saying things that is so divisive. Violently divisive. Something that really cannot abide. Where are we going with this . Where are we headed . It is a good question. The problem is this. Yeah . The New York Times an hour ago reported that there were a million arrests on the southern border this year so far. That would make that crew, these migrants i dont fault them for trying to come. Theyre seeking the american dream. It would make them the fifthlargest city in america after new york, los angeles, chicago, and houston. Then the fifth would be the 2 million undocumented Illegal Immigrants that have been arrested, not to mention how many are getaways. This is not a situation that we can sustain. The fact that President Biden has reversed himself on building the border wall is stark evidence of the fact that compassion is not policy. That President Biden has failed to protect the southern border and americans can no longer denny it. The Drone Footage is unambiguous. The statistics undeniable. It is out of control. I am totally proimmigrant. Ive written two books of prohispanic immigration. I am confident that the American Economy is vibrant enough to eventually absorb migrants. But it cant be the entire population of latin america. Everybody in the world wants to live in america, abby, we know that. I understand, yeah, i understand certainly that this is, as weve covered on this show, a huge problem. But i want to ask you, just real quickly before you go, this rhetoric from trump the concern among people who actually worked for him previously is that if he gets a second term, not only will the rhetoric be more extreme, but the policies will be more extreme. Do they have good reason to believe that . Yeah, words matter. I get flamboyant rhetoric. You know, i am accused of using it myself from time to time. But your very message is infected with the worst ghosts of american history. You know, where youre saying words count. At some point you have to believe that President Trump means what he says when he says hes going to shoot shoplifters, shoot to kill shoplifters. You have to at some point believe. Then you also have to wonder, what is it about that rhetoric that is so attractive, appealing, to Trump Supporters . It is something about yeah, i think that is the underlying question. The rhetoric is being spoken because he thinks it has an audience. If you listen to that room among the california gop and some of the clips we played, they were absolutely into all of it. All of it. And i think fundamentally, thats what were talking about here. Geraldo, good to see you. Thanks for joining us tonight. You do too, abby, thank you. Up next, speaking of backlash, Hillary Clinton facing some of her own after the comments she made to comment about maga conservatives needing to be deprogrammed. Daniel dale is here. He has a fact check on several false claims by President Biden about the economy today. A fox debate between House Speaker candidates suddenly blows up. Well tell you why. A fact check on President Biden as he took a victory lap after the economy added 336,000 jobs, a huge number in september. During his speech, biden also bragged about cutting the federal debt, listen. I was able to cut the federal debt by 1. 7 trillion over the first two years. Remember what we were talking about. It was 50 corporations that made 40 billion, werent paying a penny in taxes. Guess what, we made them pay 30 15 in taxes. 15 . Nowhere near what they should pay. Guess what . Were able to pay for everything, and we end up with an actual surplus. Thats a lot of numbers. But how much of it is actually true . I want to bring in cnn Senior Reporter daniel dale. What he just said there, how much of it actually lines up with the facts here . That was some rapidfire wrongness from the president. I counted, in those brief comments, two false claims and one, i think we can generously call misleading. I cut the federal debt by 1. 7 trillion. President biden has not cut the debt. It has increased by more than 5 trillion since he took office. So what actually declined . That is the annual budget deficit. Not the debt. Did decline by 1. 7 trillion. Okay, he mixed it up. Hes done this over and over and over again to the point the white house has started correcting the official transcript, crossing out debt, putting in deficit. He credited for this decline in the deficit in 2021 and 2022, he credited a new corporate 15 minimum tax on certain large profitable corporations. That did not take effect until 2023. So that could not possibly have been responsible for the deficit declining. Why did the deficit decline . Experts say its overwhelmingly not because of anything President Biden did but because of scheduled expiration of Emergency Pandemic Spending from 2020. The third, Genjgenerously Calle misleading, we ended up with a surplus . President biden has not run a Budget Surplus. Weve not had a Budget Surplus i since 2001. Hes talking about the law that contains this corporate minimum tax is supposed to contribute by about 200 billion to reducing deficits over the next decades, but thats not how people use the word surplus. No, that is quite the explanation. Yeah. Two false, one maybe he meant Something Else well call misleading. Nonetheless, a lot of wrongness. He talked about record unemployment. What did he say . So basically what he did was boast about det record lows for unemployment for various demographic groups. He did not explain that those groups have no no longer have records. First listen to what he actually said. Weve achieved a 70year low in Unemployment Rate for women. Record lows in unemployment for African American and Hispanic Okayen Workers and people with disabilities. Folks who have been left behind in previous recoveries, left behind for too long. Left the impression that black, hispanic people, people with disabilities are currently at record lows for Unemployment Rate. That is not the case. I have the numbers. The September 2023African AmericanUnemployment Rate, 5. 7 . Pretty low by historical standards. The record low was 4. 7 in april earlier in this term. But it was lower than it is now, it got to 5. 3 during the trump administration. 5. 7 is not a record. Same for hispanic people. The current rate is 4. 6 . Record low under joe biden 3. 9 . It got lower than that, 4 , under President Trump. There were records set, so at the least i think the president could be more precise that hes boasting about things that are no longer currently true. As point out, sometimes the ad libs on the paper its accurate, but the president is saying things that are not true . Yeah, i think this one, this creative use of old records, i think that was in his script. The first comments about heard where he boasted about reducing the debt, im pretty sure he ad libbed that and that was wronger than this one. Daniel what would we do without you . Thank you. Last night on this show, you first saw the clip of Christiane Amanpours interview with Secretary Of StateHillary Clinton in which clinton says maga extremists are going to need formal deprogramming. Since then, its been a whirlwind of reaction. Sadly, so many of those extremists, those maga extremists, take their Marching Orders from donald trump who has no credibility left by any measure. Hes only in it for himself. Hes now defending himself in civil actions and criminal actions. And when do they break with him . You know, because at some point, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members. I want to bring in brian fallon, former press secretary for Hillary Clintons 2016 campaign, along with cnn Political Commentator alice stewart, republican strategist as well. Alice, let me start with you. What was your reaction initially to hearing that . First off, i agree with a lot of what she said about donald trump. Look, hes in this for himself, he appeals to the lower psyche of some people, he has skirted with breaking the law on many occasions, and he has very little credibility. Shes right about much of that. And i get shes frustrated that she lost so him in 2016. But for her to go after his supporters, more than 70 million americans in this country, who are Patriotic Americans who look to donald trump as someone who is going to fight for them and secure the border and work to limit government and help the economy to call them members of a cult who need to be deprogrammed . Thats really petty. Its a petty thing to say. To go after his supporters is not right. And this is just 2. 0 of what she said in 2016, saying that his supporters were part of a basket of deplorables. Its just not a smart move on her part. And its inaccurate to say people that are looking to him for all the right reasons, to call them such names and say they need to be deprogrammed . Where is this democrat version of when they go low, we go high . Where is it, brian . Well, the deplorables comment in 2016 was a hit for the trump campaign. I think theyre trying to play the hits again you vividly recall that. Oh, yeah, i remember exactly where i was when i got the call. I was at a concert with john paul mary. It was an awful night ill tell you about after. I dont think she was talking about supporters or voters, in this case. If you look at the full clip, christiane asked her, there is a possibility that Hakeem Jeffreys and the democrats could maybe forge a coalitionstyle government with moderate republicans in the Republican Caucus and find a Consensus Choice for speaker . She said, well, there are some sane members of the republican conference on capitol hill, but i think theyre spooked and theyre afraid of some of the lawmakers that are in league with donald trump. And we cant deny that that element does exist in the republican conference. Theyre the ones that brought us to brink of near default on the debt, almost to th