Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

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dark horse that gets in it that shows that maybe that is the direction we need to go. but steve would be an excellent choice. >> reporter: and it is still obviously very early in this process. but people are already making calls, already trying to lock down that support. one thing to keep in mind here, scalise's team, they have run for leadership before. they have gotten their boston into leadership before. and obviously that dynamic is an important thing to keep an eye on. one other person weighing the race is kevin hern, leader of the study committee, a source familiar told me that he is still gauging support. he's had conversations with a couple dozen members. but obviously the question just becomes, if this field gets too crowded, what is the lane for any one of these members. >> again in all these candidates up on the screen now, none you would think are a perfect fit for some of the more moderate members of the party, some of whom were the most outraged that mccarthy was pushed out. lauren fox, keep up the good work. we'll hear from you soon i'm sure. the white house is no doubt watching this closely. sources close to the president are telling cnn that biden is hoping to project a sense of calm as the dchaos plays out on capitol hill. this morning the white house is also offering up some advice, if you will, to house republicans. act quickly. arlette saenz at the white house for us. what are you hearing from there this morning? >> reporter: well, president biden is facing the reality that soon he will be working with a new house speaker. and that presents some challenges for the president going forward on some of the immediate priorities they are facing especially when it comes to securing additional aid for ukraine. the white house has been very careful, they are not weighing in on the specifics of a speaker's race, but they are urging the house to act in a speedykarine jean-pierre said b the urgent challenges won't wait, he hopes the house will quickly select a speaker. and once they have met that responsibility, he looks forward to working together with the senate to address the american people's priorities. for the president's part, he is focusing on the agenda items that are important to his white house. today that focus is on announcing additional student debt relief across the country. but one thing that the white house is really grappling with in this moment, what will happen to ukraine aid down the road. it is unclear who the next speaker will be, what strategy they will emplith this, but that is one of the priorities that the white house has been trying to push with congress and with allies as they are trying to show enduring support for ukraine is there. unclear whether that will get a vote in the house. >> arlette saenz, thank you so much. with us now, democratic pennsylvania congressman matt cartwright. thank you so much for speaking with us. let's get to the announcement by jim jordan who says that he is in, he is running for the speakership. and i'm curious what you think of this. >> well, first let me say this, this is not a time of celebration in the people's house. when you saw the gavel come down and announced that the chair was vacant, there was no hooting or hollering, there were no high fives. we are not running victory laps on our side of the aisle. it is a sad time really. first time in american history that the dysfunction has got to the point where a sitting speaker has been thrown out and it is not a good thing. but let me also say this, i see it also as an opportunity. sometimes out of very low moments you can find a new gear you might say. and what we're looking for is to put people over politics. and this is a chance to pick a speaker who can work on both sides of the aisle and stop throwing political bombs. you know, both sides are guilty of that. but it is our priority to put people over politics and -- >> sir, i don't mean to enter represent, but i want to ask you -- >> -- find somebody who can do that. >> you talked about stop throwing bombs. jim jordan has come after democrats and particularly the biden administration with a lot of bombs. and i'm curious if he is someone you think that you can work with, that the democrats can work with, or are you concerned that now that mccarthy is out of office that the democrats did not help keep him there that he is now out of office that you are now going to be dealing with someone that is even more hardline, more difficult to make compromise with? >> sure, i will say this, i agree with the sentiment that whatever we do, we ought to do it quickly. it was a travesty that we spent an entire week at the beginning of this year picking a speaker. 15 votes. i think most we've ever gone through in american history. i'd hate to see that play out again. i don't know who all is running, but, now, i think representative jordan would be another polarizing figure. and i'm not sure that he is the right one to pick if you want to put the people's benefit over politics. he is awfully good at politics. >> i'm curious about what you think in this scenario where democrats did show complete unity in voting against helping kevin mccarthy keep his speakership. but now the house is paralyzed. how do democrats plan to get anything done at this point in time? >> look, my default is to be bipartisan. i'm a proud democrat. and i believe in democratic values and democratic ideologies. they are important to me. but i also understand i work for everybody in northeastern pennsylvania in my district, democrats and republicans. and people know that i place a priority on working across the aisle. since i've been elected, i've passed 15 substantive bills all of which were done with republican support. in fact i think i've introduced more republican supported bills than any other democrat in the last ten years. i'm proud of that. and i think that is what we need more of because there is a lot to do in this country. you know, we have to shore up the economy. we have to figure out comprehensive immigration reform while fixing the border. we have to figure out what to do with ukraine and make sure that russia doesn't roll over them and then start looking at poland or other nato countries. we have a lot to do. and the best way to do it is to work together. american people want that. and i hope that the republican conference coming up with a candidate that is not afraid to reach across the aisle. >> if they don't, if it is someone like jimdivisive, what going to do? are you going to try to work with that person or if they are a hard liner, will you say forget it, we'll just be fighting? >> look, again, my default is to try to be bipartisan and to look for ways that we can make peace and work together. but people who know me know that i'm not afraid of a fight and i'm not one to back down from a fight. but let's not -- we're not there yet,s and let's hope for the best. i see this as an opportunity for us to work together. when kevin mccarthy got the 45 day continuing resolution so we didn't shut down the government, it was democrats that helped him do it. and i hope the republican conference learns from that. we are ready, willing and able to work across the aisle to achieve the common good for the american people. >> right now there is no speaker, no business that can be taken care of and done in congress. how do you explain that to the american people? >> right. and this is a time when politics is triumph offing over the people. that is what we're about, putting people over politics. and it is a wake-up call to capitol hill and everybody who watching capitol hill. we have to pick somebody who can work with both sides and we'll put the best interests of the american people first, not politics. >> congressman matt cart wwrigh thank you so much for joining us. >> my pleasure. and stand by for the latest vote count on those who are trying to become the next speaker. donald trump is in a courtroom with a gag order from the judge looming over him. what impact has it had on the court so far this morning. and new reporting about plea deals being discussed between the d.a. in fulton county, georgia and defendants in the election subversion case there. donald trump is back inside court at a civil trial where he has been already found liable for fraud. but this morning he entered with a tamer tone to his repeated line of attacks. this is after the judge issued a brand new gag order. in it, it forbids trump from posting, emailing or speaking publicly about any members of the court staff. brynn gingras is live outside the courthouse. donald trump was still talking as he walked in to court today. what did he say? does it cross any of those lines? >> reporter: he didn't, but he did still express frustration. he expressed frustration once again which he has done multiple times before about not having a jury trial in this civil trial. it is important fact to note h here. this doesn't allow for a jury trial. so that is why the judge in this case is going to be issuing the final punishment or the penalties or whatever -- basically the outcome of this case. so important to note that even though he continues to express frustration outside the courtroom and even inside the courtroom as the court proceedings are continuing to go on, and we're getting updates from our courtroom reporters, and this might be more double down frustration from trump after that gag order that you just mentioned about. and this gag order was issued yesterday by the judge after truth social post that trump put on his truth social, it shows a picture of the judge's clerk with chuck schumer. and in that post, the former president saying that she is schumer's girlfriend without any evidence to support that claim. well, this really did not please the judge. and remember, this is a judge who has taken a lot of attacks from the former president, but this was just a bridge too far. issuing the sgag ordegag order saying if there are any personal attacks on any member of his staff whether email, phone calls or interviews, that there will be repercussions. encle unclear what the sanctions would be, but certainly not the former president wanted to start day three on. and also something that he has talked about is the fact that he does want to testify. not a huge surprise. we do expect him to testify. he is on the witness flois both the state attorney general's list or the defense. but when is the question. >> thank you, brynn gingras. in georgia word of plea deal discussions in the election subversion case against trump and 18 others there. sources say that fulton county d.a. fani willis is hoping to get several of the co-defendants to cooperation with her. let's get right to paula reid. tell us about these discussions. >> reporter: as you know, 19 defendants were charged in this sprawling rico case and it was always expected that the district attorney would likely offer some of them plea deals to try on to whittle down the pool here. our colleague sara murray and zach cohen have learned that now several defendants have been approached by possible plea deals including former trump campaign staffer micro man. b -- mike roman. but only mike hall has actually accepted the offer. prosecutors also signaled last week that ahead of that trial they will likely offer plea deals to kenneth chesebro and sydney powell. they are expected to go to trial at the end of the month. but it is unclear if they will accept the offer. but one person who is not getting a plea offer right now is rudy giuliani. his lawyer tells me that they have into the been approached about any such deal and this morning the second of his two georgia based lawyers withdrew from the case. giuliani needed local georgia counsel to get through the initial stage here, but this move losing both of his georgia lawyers comes as he owes millions of dollars in legal fees to other attorneys who represented him in other matters. and as of now, it is just unclear how exactly he will afford to put on a defense in this georgia case. >> lawyers leaving will him in georgia, lawyers suing him here in new york. a strange situation for the former mayor. paula, thank you. joining us now, nick ackerman, former assistant special watergate prosecutor and former attorney. let's start with the plea deal offers. first and foremost, how important are plea deals when you are talking especially about large racketeering cases that you are looking at here? >> they are pretty important. the d.a. here in her prior case against the atlanta school system essentially entered into a lot of these deals. they had 35 people that were indicted initially. and it whittled down to somewhere around 10 or 11 that went to trial. so it is important to kind of getting the case down, getting people to cooperate and testify. and i think the two people that have asked for speedy trials, starting on october 23, chesebro and powell, are actually probably in the best position now to get the best possible deal they could short of being -- >> i was going to say why is that. because my question is who gets the better deal, people who decide to cooperate earlier or the people who hold out longer? >> the people who decide to cooperate earlier. plus they also have a little leverage in the sense that if they do cooperate, they do make a deal, that means that the d.a. does not have to try this case for a number of weeks or months and it makes it a lot easier for them. so they are in a position of strength but so is the d.a.'s office. >> if you are representing any of the people charged not named trump, what is the consideration here? >> the consideration is to try to get the least amount of time possible looking at the evidence against the person. if they are convicted, all bets are off the table. there is no cooperation. there is no really accepting responsibility. so you are looking at the evidence and balancing the evidence against what you might be able to get for a deal. and like i say, there are two defendants now who at least have some leverage in the sense that if they do accept a deal, they are actually giving the d.a. a big benefit of not having to try their cases. >> let's talk about donald trump. brynn gingras was talking about this, donald trump standing outside of the courtroom and he continues to complain about not having a jury in this trial. when he was in the courtroom just now, hearing reports from inside that he was kind of throwing up his arms and crossing his arms when the judge reminded them that there was no jury in this trial. as we look and the guidance is that neither the defense nor the prosecution requested a jury, in addition the law dictates that this is a case where a judge alone would decide the outcome. so what do you make ever this? >> this is all theatrics on behalf of donald trump. he is making an issue out of something that is just not an issue. that is all i can say about it. truly the bottom line. it is cut and dry. >> you would future him on the stand? >> i'd put him on the stand as the first witness. because he was there. you don't have to tell him when he will be on the stand and let him prepare. i would have popped him on the stand immediately which is what i usually do with civil rico cases or some rico cases that have a criminal overtone to them. because they could take him through every allegation in the complaint, every single situation where he inflated values, where he cheated people, and go through the documents and question him in detail on that. some of those things he took the fifth amendment on initially and then he testified on. >> almost reverse order of what you would traditionally see in a criminal case against someone. you kind of bring them up almost last -- >> you can't do that in a criminal case because the prosecutor can't put the defendant on. he has a fifth amendment privilege against testifying against himself. so why not take advantage of it in the civil case where you do get that advantage of putting him on and taking him through that and it kind of undercuts what he is trying to do now, which is basically trying to get political mileage out of showing up in that courtroom having press conferences out in the hallway and basically making all kinds of false statements that he would have to answer to if he were on the witness stand which would probably last for a good five or six days at least. >> and now with this gag order in place, the warning laid out at least with regard to some stat statements, specifically court staff, from the judge. so we'll see what that does. good to see you. thank you. right now congress is on the clock to find a new speaker, although they have taken? days off. several names are already being floated. who has the best chance of getting elected and what should happen to the eight lawmakers who kicked out kevin mccarthy? we'll ask a member of congress, a republican at that, and soon. the man arrested in connection to the 1996 murder of tupac shakur set to appear in court for the first time as a suspect in that crime. we'll bring you that in just a moment. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. breaking news to share with you. it has taken 27 years for this moment. duane keith davis, known as "keffe d," accused in the shooting death of tupac shakur just appeared in court for the very first time. he is now charged in the murder. let's listen into what is happening in court. >> is that person going to be here today? >> no. he said he needed two weeks -- >> he needed two weeks to be here? >> he need a continuance for two weeks. >> all right. we'll continue this matter for two weeks on a thursday, that date is -- >> october 19 at 9:00 a.m. >> we'll be back on that date. >> thank you, your honor. >> all right. so very quick you saw duane davis walking in to court there, speaking with the judge. there was some discussion about someone who couldn't make it there for another two weeks. i did not hear a plea. but i want to go to josh campbell who is also following all of this for us. it has taken a quarter of a century, more than a quarter of a century, to make this arrest. this is someone though that police have been looking at for all this time. so what more are you learning about how this happened, why this happened and we just saw "keffe d" in court? >> reporter: we did. this was that arraignment, again very quick hearing. we've been trying to determine whether this defendant has representation, has an attorney. sounded like from that quick exchange that that could have been referring to his attorney trying to get that individual into court. and again this now continued for another two weeks. but this happened on friday, it actually took the world by surprise. police announcing that this individual was taken into custody after all that time that you mentioned. duane davis was described by police as a so-called shot caller in this retaliatory attack police say against tupac shakur. this of course stemmed from that incident back near the las vegas strip nearly three decades ago. police showed a video at this press conference indicating that group that included tupac as well as some of his associates allegedly had assaulted duane davis' nephew and then davis allegedly got another group together trying to, quote, hunt t down tupac. they say that he handed a gun to his nephew and they went on the hunt finding the vehicle there near the las vegas strip allegedly opening fire. as you mentioned, the big question here is what took them so long. because this individual has not been quite. he has been out there publicly speaking to the media about that day. he didn'ted a note murder, but he said that he was in the vehicle. now of course charged with murder facing those charges. we'll see what type of plea eventually happens here. >> fascinating that there was a proffer agreement apparently he was allowed to say what he wanted without having the police come to him. but there are conditions to that. and he himself in his own book wrote that he was in the car and that he brought the gun, which is why he is now charged with murder according to police. josh campbell, thank you so much for breaking that down. and we do have more breaking news. house judiciary chair jim jordan just made it official, he is running for speaker of the house, first candidate to jump in officially. with us now is republican congresswoman mary miller meeks from iowa. representative, thank you for being with us. could you support jim jordan for speaker? >> i think it is really too early to tell until we have other candidates who want to step up to be speaker. so there are certain qualifications and certain questions that we have to ask all of the candidates before i would decide which one to support. >> what are those qualifications and does jim jordan have them? >> so one is the ability to bring the conference together and unite the conference. one is -- what are we going to do about members who don't see the entire conference's best interests at heart. how we go forward on bills. for me from the state of iowa, what is their opinion on biofuels and environment and energy. where do they want to go with health care. where are they on reducing prescription drug prices. so those are all questions. are they going to be able to help us to not only keep the majority but to gain the majority. gain a bigger majority in the house. all of those are important questions to ask these individuals. so being speaker of the house doesn't only mean that you preside over the proceedings of the house. it is much more detailed and there are other considerations that come into play. >> you said one of the qualifications is how they will handle members in the conference who don't really put the conference first. i want to ask you about matt gaetz who led the charge yesterday to oust former speaker kevin mccarthy. what would be the appropriate sanction for him? do you think that he should be sanctioned? >> at this point in time, i'm not going to delve into what should happen to certain members. i just think that we as a conference need to be able to address that. most importantly, right now is that we need to get on to the business of finding out who the candidates are, selecting a speaker so we can get back to doing the job for the american people. we have appropriations bills that we need to get passed. we have investigations that are going on now. we need to be able to continue to do those investigations. and we need to be able to have our committee hearings resume as they should be doing but right now we are distracted because we now have to choose a speaker. >> the "wall street journal" in their editorial said that republicans cut off their own heads. that was the headline. and then it went on to say punitive gop majority is weaker. how would you assess your strength or weakness today compared to yesterday? >> well, there are certainly many of us who are concerned about how we're perceived as a conference which is why we want to get through this process in an orderly fashion and get back to doing the business of the american people which means that committee hearings, investigations, passing the appropriations bills which we have already started. we've already passed four appropriations bills. but we need to have individuals willing to work with the conference to get these passed instead of bringing down rule when they are brought up to the house floor. >> one thing that has already happeneded i guess by the temporary people running the conference is that they kicked nancy pelosi and steny hoyer, democratic members, out of their capitol building hideaway offices. how do you feel about that? >> i think if these were offices that were meant for the speaker of the house, although i have respect for pelosi as a former speaker and what she was able to do for her conference, for the democrat party, if they are no longer speaker and those were offices given to them as speaker, they should be vacated. >> you say you have respect for what she did for her party. do you think that she held her caucus together better than you've been holding the republican conference together? >> well, i've not been holding -- >> i mean republicans have. >> nor do i wish to be speaker. but i think that, you know, speaker pelosi was successful as a democrat speaker. >> thank you to making news right there. you are officially not a candidate as of right now to be the next speaker of the house. you made that announcement right here on cnn. i do want to ask you about aid to ukraine. >> breaking news. >> breaking news. as recently as a few months ago, you were actually critical of the biden administration for not doing more in terms of getting support for ukraine. that was march i believe. what about now? on that front, how concerned are you, how concerned are you that the next republican speaker won't be able to get new aid to ukraine through? >> well, i think first and foremost i have said this from the beginning, the president needs to make a national address on why we need to be involved in ukraine. this comes from the president. it should come from the administration. they are in the capacity to do that and they have failed to do so. they have also moved slowly. they were throw to apply sanctions, slow to respond. so the american people deserve to know what our involvement is in ukraine, whether we're into win, what the oversight is for ukraine especially given the president's previous dealings with ukraine when he was vice president. the american people deserve all of that and that needs to come from high level leadership. and that has been lacking. >> all right. congresswoman, not a sdicandida for speaker, we appreciate your time. >> thank you so much. next we'll go live to ukraine to see what the impact could be on the frontlines of the paralysis in washington. we'll be right back. kevin mccarthy's ouster from house speakership not only paralyzing the work of the house but also throwing in to doubt continued support for ukraine that congress needs to approve. without a speaker the house can't act and so on and so forth. that leaves the biden administration current $24 billion request for fresh military aid for ukraine in serious limbo. so how does it all look from ukraine now? fred pleitgen is in eastern ukraine for us. what are you hearing from there? >> reporter: we were actually on the battlefield earlier today and we asked the troops about all this and they said that they are absolutely concerned about what is going on in the house right now, whether or not there could be delays in u.s. funding which of course then would most probably translate into weapons and ammunition for ukraine as well. first of all, just to set the scene, i think people find it remarkable how much american gear is already on the ground here, how many weapons, how many vehicles. and the men of course ammunition as well. but the troops we spoke to the ground there using american weapons, they told us that they are already running short on ammo for those weapons. howitzer ammo is something that they really need. and they understand that if there is some sort of holdup and some sort of sdwla with certain types of ammunition, maybe european partners could step in and bridge that gap for a while, but there are things in ukraine that ukrainians are constantly using on the frontline that only on the united states can supply. if you look at for instance ammunition for multiple rocket launchers, those himars, that is something that they can only get from the u.s. so right now a great deal of concern i have to say from frontline troops about what is going on in the united states and all this comes as the ukrainians are trying to press an offensive here in the east of the country as well where they need more ammunition anyway and now that uncertainty certainly makes things a lot more difficult for them. they say in any case whether or not more aid comes they will have to keep fighting because for them everything is at stake. but the question is can they keep winning if there are holdups in u.s. aid. >> no matter what is happening in chaotic house, they have to keep fighting. but are they being set up to succeed which everyone says they must. fred pleitgen, thanks. and you are about to get a really, really, really loud sound on your phone. so why today and what are you supposed to do about it? do not panic. in the next three hours or so, you will hear a real ear piercing sound from your cellphone. it is an emergency alert. at 2:20 the federal government is testing a nationwide test. only the secretarond time in hi that they have sent the alerts out to iphones which is what we all have. used to be just on television and on broadcast. omar yejimenez is with us. why are they testing this? >> the federal government wants to make sure that if there is an emergency, if there is something super imminent that they can reach people in a timely manner. and of course it adds to what was previously just on tv and radio at least historically. as you mentioned, don't panic when you get it. but it will go out at 2:20 p.m. eastern. if you have a cellphone, if you have service, you are getting it. you really can't opt out of it. specifically this message is going to say that this is a test, it will remind people, but this is a test o of the nationa wireless emergency alert system. no action is needed. and you will get it whether you are in school, an important meeting, airport, you name it. but if for whatever reason you don't want to get it for safety reasons or otherwise, turn your phone off at 2:20 eastern time. just go off the grid for a little. airplane mode. but you know, some people might be in a situation where they just feel like i can't deal with this, it might put them in danger, whatever. you have the option to do it. but that is not the point of the test. >> you could turn your phone off? >> said no one ever. >> yeah, madness. and just so you -- i'm going to play it. just kidding. >> by the way i've never received so many internal emails because we can't play you any part of what this will sound like. because if the sound gets broadcast, it does mean that there is -- >> that there is an emergency. >> your voice sounds a little bit like the old announcement. >> i grew up, one of my favorite shows, channel 56 during the brady bunch, it would say this is a test of the emergency broadcast system. in the events of an actual emergency, blah, blah, blah. this is a test, this is only a test. >> you should talk about that all the time. >> a mousy voice. >> mousy, whoa. >> said out of love. and as you know, i admire you which is what you tweeted today. >> 2:20 p.m.? >> the range is 2:20 to 2:50. you will only get the message once, but the range is important if you have your phone off and you finally get signal at 2:40, that alert will still come in. >> so this is government working unlike what is going on? hate to bring it back around. >> that will be the next breaking news alert is that they can't send out the alert because congress can't get their act together. i'm kidding. >> and we're back to square one. thank you, omar. turn off your phone, enjoy your life. but watch "inside politics" which is up next.

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Level , Business , Speed , Network , Downloads , Comcast Business , Devices , Uploads , Wifi , 10g Network , The Next Generation , 59 99 , 12 , 9 99 , 10 , Card , Internet Bundle , Possibilities , 00 , 800 , Judge , Courtroom , Cnn News Central , Man , Time , Killing , Tupac Shakur , 1996 , Speaker , Jim Jordan , Running , White House , It Republicans , Pbreaking News , Jimmor Dan S Jor , Wall Street Journal , Kevin Mccarthy , Race , Phones , Whisperers , Whispering , Ringing , Heads Ousting , 06 , Reporter , Jordan , Endorsement , Learning , Latest , Capitol Hill , Lauren Fox , Ten , Question , Support , One , Annie Grayer , Conservatives , Him , Thomas Massie , Chaotic House , Members , Fact , Votes , Conversations , Game , Negotiations , Jim Banks , Two , Someone , Thing , Lot , Hardliners , Mind , Steve Scalise , Washington , Member , Leader , Great Leader , Folks , Tim Burchet , People , Dark Horse , Direction , Process , Calls , Choice , Leadership , Team , Dynamic , Boston , Person , Kevin Hern , Source , Study Committee , Candidates , Some , Party , Lane , Field , Screen , None , Fit , President , Biden , Work , Most , No Doubt , Sources , House Republicans , Sense , Calm , Advice , Dchaos Plays Out On Capitol Hill , Act Quickly , U S , Priorities , Arlette Saenz , House Speaker , Challenges , Reality , Eastern Ukraine , Of A Speaker , Aid , Specifics , Responsibility , Speedykarine , Jean Pierre Said B The Urgent Challenges Won T Wait , Country , Part , Student Debt Relief , Agenda Items , Senate , Congress , Road , Strategy , In The House , Democratic , Allies , Speakership , Congressman , Northeastern Pennsylvania , Matt Cartwright , Celebration , Aisle , Side , Gavel , Chair , Shooting , Fives , Hollering , Victory , Point , History , Opportunity , Dysfunction , Inside Politics , Gear , Chance , Sides , Priority , Bombs , I Don T , Sir , Somebody , Administration , Throwing Bombs , Office , Hardline , Compromise , Sentiment , Travesty , 15 , Play , Representative , Figure , American History , Benefit , Scenario , Anything , Voting , Unity , Default , Everybody , Values , Ideologies , Bills , District , Republican , Ukraine , Economy , Immigration Reform , Doesn T , Border , Poland , Russia , Conference , Way , Candidate , Countries , Nato , It , Liner , Jimdivisive , Fight , Ways , Peace , Best , Hope , 45 , Government , Resolution , Common Good , Triumph Offing , Care , Wake Up Call , Politics , Interests , Congressman Matt Cart Wwrigh , Court , Donald Trump , Gag Order , Impact , Pleasure , Count , Stand By , Georgia Case , Plea Deals , Defendants , Fulton County , Georgia , D A , Reporting , Election , Subversion , Trial , Attacks , Line , Fraud , Tone , Staff , Brynn Gingras , Posting , Emailing , Brand New , Frustration , Courthouse , Lines , He Didn T , Jury Trial , Times , Note H , Whatever , Outcome , Doesn T Allow For A , Punishment , Penalties , Trump , Proceedings , Courtroom Reporters , Double , Updates , Post , Truth , Clerk , Chuck Schumer , Picture , Evidence , Girlfriend , Claim , Bridge , Sgag Ordegag , Sanctions , Phone Calls , Interviews , Femail , Repercussions , Encle , Something , Witness , Surprise , Flois , Three , Defense , Election Subversion Case , Plea Deal Discussions , Word , State Attorney General S List , Cooperation , Fani Willis , Several , Others , Paula Reid , Co Defendants , 18 , Case , District Attorney , Discussions , Sprawling Rico , 19 , Sara Murray , Campaign Staffer Micro Man , Tb , Pool , Zach Cohen , Mike Roman , Prosecutors , Offer , Kenneth Chesebro , Mike Hall , Plea Offer , Lawyer , Rudy Giuliani , Sydney Powell , The End , Deal , Lawyers , Counsel , Both , Move , Second , Stage , Attorneys , Matters , Millions , Fees , Situation , Watergate Prosecutor , Mayor , New York , Former , Nick Ackerman , Cases , Plea , Attorney , Plea Deal Offers , Racketeering , Deals , Somewhere , School System , Atlanta , 35 , 11 , Position , Trials , Powell , October 23 , 23 , Being , Leverage , Number , Consideration , Strength , Many , Amount , Table , Bets , Jury , Standing , Talk , Let , Arms , Hearing Reports , Prosecution , Guidance , Issue , Law , Theatrics , Addition , Behalf , Bottom Line , Stand , Rico , Complaint , Overtone , Allegation , Detail , Documents , Things , Order , Son , Fifth Amendment , Advantage , Defendant , Prosecutor , Privilege , Undercuts , Kinds , Press Conferences , Statements , Mileage , Hallway , Stat Statements , Warning , Place , Witness Stand , Five , Six , Court Staff , Clock , Names , Murder , Lawmakers , Hat , Connection , Eight , Crime , Suspect , Power , Homework , Book , Battery Back Up , Problem , Data , Power Outages , 4 , Home , Xfinity 10g Network , Xfinity , Keith Davis , Breaking News , Duane Davis , Keffe D , 27 , Death , Matter , Continuance , Honor , 9 , October 19 At 9 00 Am , Discussion , Couldn T , Walking , Police , Wall , Josh Campbell , Arrest , Hearing , Arraignment , Representation , World , Exchange , Course , Individual , Attack , Custody , Shot Caller , Group , Nephew , Press Conference , Incident , Associates , Las Vegas Strip , Assaulted , Video , Gun , Vehicle , Hunt , Trying To , Quote , Fire , Hunt T Down Tupac , Note Murder , The Big Question , Charges , Media , Type , Proffer Agreement , Car , Conditions , It Official , Down , House Judiciary Chair , Mary Miller Meeks , Iowa , Qualifications , Questions , Heart , Ability , Estate , Opinion , Health Care , Energy , Environment , Biofuels , Prescription Drug Prices , Individuals , Majority , Considerations , The House , Who , Charge , First , Matt Gaetz , Sanction , The Business Of Finding Out , Need , Investigations , Appropriations Bills , Committee Hearings , Job , Heads , Headline , Editorial , Weakness , Fashion , Four , Rule , Nancy Pelosi , House Floor , Steny Hoyer , Offices , Respect , Pelosi , Capitol Building Hideaway Offices , Caucus , Holding , News , Announcement , Terms , Won T , Front , Beginning , Throw , Capacity , Address , Vice President , Dealings , Oversight , Involvement , Win , Congresswoman , Needs , Frontlines , Paralysis , The House Can T Act , House Speakership , Ouster , Military Aid , Limbo , Look , Fred Pleitgen , 24 Billion , 4 Billion , Troops , Battlefield , Delays , Funding , Weapons , Ammunition , Ground , Course Ammunition , Vehicles , Scene , Men , Ammo , Howitzer Ammo , Ukrainians , Sort , Frontline , Partners , Holdup , Types , Gap , Sdwla , Concern , Rocket Launchers , Himars , Offensive , Least , Difficult , Uncertainty , Fighting , Everything , Holdups , Stake , Sound , Phone , Everyone , Test , Cellphone , Emergency Alert , Ear Piercing Sound , Secretarond , 2 , 20 , Alerts , Television , Omar Yejimenez , Emergency , Manner , Radio , Tv , Don T Panic , Message , Out Of It , Test O , Service , Emergency Alert System , Meeting , School , Airport , Reason , Safety Reasons , Action , Option , Little , Grid , Airplane Mode , Danger , Kidding , Phone Off , Madness , Voice , Emails , Blah , Emergency Broadcast System , Shows , Events , Brady Bunch , 56 , Love , Mousy , Orange , 50 , Alert , Breaking News Alert , Signal , Hate , 40 , Omar , Life , Square One ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

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dark horse that gets in it that shows that maybe that is the direction we need to go. but steve would be an excellent choice. >> reporter: and it is still obviously very early in this process. but people are already making calls, already trying to lock down that support. one thing to keep in mind here, scalise's team, they have run for leadership before. they have gotten their boston into leadership before. and obviously that dynamic is an important thing to keep an eye on. one other person weighing the race is kevin hern, leader of the study committee, a source familiar told me that he is still gauging support. he's had conversations with a couple dozen members. but obviously the question just becomes, if this field gets too crowded, what is the lane for any one of these members. >> again in all these candidates up on the screen now, none you would think are a perfect fit for some of the more moderate members of the party, some of whom were the most outraged that mccarthy was pushed out. lauren fox, keep up the good work. we'll hear from you soon i'm sure. the white house is no doubt watching this closely. sources close to the president are telling cnn that biden is hoping to project a sense of calm as the dchaos plays out on capitol hill. this morning the white house is also offering up some advice, if you will, to house republicans. act quickly. arlette saenz at the white house for us. what are you hearing from there this morning? >> reporter: well, president biden is facing the reality that soon he will be working with a new house speaker. and that presents some challenges for the president going forward on some of the immediate priorities they are facing especially when it comes to securing additional aid for ukraine. the white house has been very careful, they are not weighing in on the specifics of a speaker's race, but they are urging the house to act in a speedykarine jean-pierre said b the urgent challenges won't wait, he hopes the house will quickly select a speaker. and once they have met that responsibility, he looks forward to working together with the senate to address the american people's priorities. for the president's part, he is focusing on the agenda items that are important to his white house. today that focus is on announcing additional student debt relief across the country. but one thing that the white house is really grappling with in this moment, what will happen to ukraine aid down the road. it is unclear who the next speaker will be, what strategy they will emplith this, but that is one of the priorities that the white house has been trying to push with congress and with allies as they are trying to show enduring support for ukraine is there. unclear whether that will get a vote in the house. >> arlette saenz, thank you so much. with us now, democratic pennsylvania congressman matt cartwright. thank you so much for speaking with us. let's get to the announcement by jim jordan who says that he is in, he is running for the speakership. and i'm curious what you think of this. >> well, first let me say this, this is not a time of celebration in the people's house. when you saw the gavel come down and announced that the chair was vacant, there was no hooting or hollering, there were no high fives. we are not running victory laps on our side of the aisle. it is a sad time really. first time in american history that the dysfunction has got to the point where a sitting speaker has been thrown out and it is not a good thing. but let me also say this, i see it also as an opportunity. sometimes out of very low moments you can find a new gear you might say. and what we're looking for is to put people over politics. and this is a chance to pick a speaker who can work on both sides of the aisle and stop throwing political bombs. you know, both sides are guilty of that. but it is our priority to put people over politics and -- >> sir, i don't mean to enter represent, but i want to ask you -- >> -- find somebody who can do that. >> you talked about stop throwing bombs. jim jordan has come after democrats and particularly the biden administration with a lot of bombs. and i'm curious if he is someone you think that you can work with, that the democrats can work with, or are you concerned that now that mccarthy is out of office that the democrats did not help keep him there that he is now out of office that you are now going to be dealing with someone that is even more hardline, more difficult to make compromise with? >> sure, i will say this, i agree with the sentiment that whatever we do, we ought to do it quickly. it was a travesty that we spent an entire week at the beginning of this year picking a speaker. 15 votes. i think most we've ever gone through in american history. i'd hate to see that play out again. i don't know who all is running, but, now, i think representative jordan would be another polarizing figure. and i'm not sure that he is the right one to pick if you want to put the people's benefit over politics. he is awfully good at politics. >> i'm curious about what you think in this scenario where democrats did show complete unity in voting against helping kevin mccarthy keep his speakership. but now the house is paralyzed. how do democrats plan to get anything done at this point in time? >> look, my default is to be bipartisan. i'm a proud democrat. and i believe in democratic values and democratic ideologies. they are important to me. but i also understand i work for everybody in northeastern pennsylvania in my district, democrats and republicans. and people know that i place a priority on working across the aisle. since i've been elected, i've passed 15 substantive bills all of which were done with republican support. in fact i think i've introduced more republican supported bills than any other democrat in the last ten years. i'm proud of that. and i think that is what we need more of because there is a lot to do in this country. you know, we have to shore up the economy. we have to figure out comprehensive immigration reform while fixing the border. we have to figure out what to do with ukraine and make sure that russia doesn't roll over them and then start looking at poland or other nato countries. we have a lot to do. and the best way to do it is to work together. american people want that. and i hope that the republican conference coming up with a candidate that is not afraid to reach across the aisle. >> if they don't, if it is someone like jimdivisive, what going to do? are you going to try to work with that person or if they are a hard liner, will you say forget it, we'll just be fighting? >> look, again, my default is to try to be bipartisan and to look for ways that we can make peace and work together. but people who know me know that i'm not afraid of a fight and i'm not one to back down from a fight. but let's not -- we're not there yet,s and let's hope for the best. i see this as an opportunity for us to work together. when kevin mccarthy got the 45 day continuing resolution so we didn't shut down the government, it was democrats that helped him do it. and i hope the republican conference learns from that. we are ready, willing and able to work across the aisle to achieve the common good for the american people. >> right now there is no speaker, no business that can be taken care of and done in congress. how do you explain that to the american people? >> right. and this is a time when politics is triumph offing over the people. that is what we're about, putting people over politics. and it is a wake-up call to capitol hill and everybody who watching capitol hill. we have to pick somebody who can work with both sides and we'll put the best interests of the american people first, not politics. >> congressman matt cart wwrigh thank you so much for joining us. >> my pleasure. and stand by for the latest vote count on those who are trying to become the next speaker. donald trump is in a courtroom with a gag order from the judge looming over him. what impact has it had on the court so far this morning. and new reporting about plea deals being discussed between the d.a. in fulton county, georgia and defendants in the election subversion case there. donald trump is back inside court at a civil trial where he has been already found liable for fraud. but this morning he entered with a tamer tone to his repeated line of attacks. this is after the judge issued a brand new gag order. in it, it forbids trump from posting, emailing or speaking publicly about any members of the court staff. brynn gingras is live outside the courthouse. donald trump was still talking as he walked in to court today. what did he say? does it cross any of those lines? >> reporter: he didn't, but he did still express frustration. he expressed frustration once again which he has done multiple times before about not having a jury trial in this civil trial. it is important fact to note h here. this doesn't allow for a jury trial. so that is why the judge in this case is going to be issuing the final punishment or the penalties or whatever -- basically the outcome of this case. so important to note that even though he continues to express frustration outside the courtroom and even inside the courtroom as the court proceedings are continuing to go on, and we're getting updates from our courtroom reporters, and this might be more double down frustration from trump after that gag order that you just mentioned about. and this gag order was issued yesterday by the judge after truth social post that trump put on his truth social, it shows a picture of the judge's clerk with chuck schumer. and in that post, the former president saying that she is schumer's girlfriend without any evidence to support that claim. well, this really did not please the judge. and remember, this is a judge who has taken a lot of attacks from the former president, but this was just a bridge too far. issuing the sgag ordegag order saying if there are any personal attacks on any member of his staff whether email, phone calls or interviews, that there will be repercussions. encle unclear what the sanctions would be, but certainly not the former president wanted to start day three on. and also something that he has talked about is the fact that he does want to testify. not a huge surprise. we do expect him to testify. he is on the witness flois both the state attorney general's list or the defense. but when is the question. >> thank you, brynn gingras. in georgia word of plea deal discussions in the election subversion case against trump and 18 others there. sources say that fulton county d.a. fani willis is hoping to get several of the co-defendants to cooperation with her. let's get right to paula reid. tell us about these discussions. >> reporter: as you know, 19 defendants were charged in this sprawling rico case and it was always expected that the district attorney would likely offer some of them plea deals to try on to whittle down the pool here. our colleague sara murray and zach cohen have learned that now several defendants have been approached by possible plea deals including former trump campaign staffer micro man. b -- mike roman. but only mike hall has actually accepted the offer. prosecutors also signaled last week that ahead of that trial they will likely offer plea deals to kenneth chesebro and sydney powell. they are expected to go to trial at the end of the month. but it is unclear if they will accept the offer. but one person who is not getting a plea offer right now is rudy giuliani. his lawyer tells me that they have into the been approached about any such deal and this morning the second of his two georgia based lawyers withdrew from the case. giuliani needed local georgia counsel to get through the initial stage here, but this move losing both of his georgia lawyers comes as he owes millions of dollars in legal fees to other attorneys who represented him in other matters. and as of now, it is just unclear how exactly he will afford to put on a defense in this georgia case. >> lawyers leaving will him in georgia, lawyers suing him here in new york. a strange situation for the former mayor. paula, thank you. joining us now, nick ackerman, former assistant special watergate prosecutor and former attorney. let's start with the plea deal offers. first and foremost, how important are plea deals when you are talking especially about large racketeering cases that you are looking at here? >> they are pretty important. the d.a. here in her prior case against the atlanta school system essentially entered into a lot of these deals. they had 35 people that were indicted initially. and it whittled down to somewhere around 10 or 11 that went to trial. so it is important to kind of getting the case down, getting people to cooperate and testify. and i think the two people that have asked for speedy trials, starting on october 23, chesebro and powell, are actually probably in the best position now to get the best possible deal they could short of being -- >> i was going to say why is that. because my question is who gets the better deal, people who decide to cooperate earlier or the people who hold out longer? >> the people who decide to cooperate earlier. plus they also have a little leverage in the sense that if they do cooperate, they do make a deal, that means that the d.a. does not have to try this case for a number of weeks or months and it makes it a lot easier for them. so they are in a position of strength but so is the d.a.'s office. >> if you are representing any of the people charged not named trump, what is the consideration here? >> the consideration is to try to get the least amount of time possible looking at the evidence against the person. if they are convicted, all bets are off the table. there is no cooperation. there is no really accepting responsibility. so you are looking at the evidence and balancing the evidence against what you might be able to get for a deal. and like i say, there are two defendants now who at least have some leverage in the sense that if they do accept a deal, they are actually giving the d.a. a big benefit of not having to try their cases. >> let's talk about donald trump. brynn gingras was talking about this, donald trump standing outside of the courtroom and he continues to complain about not having a jury in this trial. when he was in the courtroom just now, hearing reports from inside that he was kind of throwing up his arms and crossing his arms when the judge reminded them that there was no jury in this trial. as we look and the guidance is that neither the defense nor the prosecution requested a jury, in addition the law dictates that this is a case where a judge alone would decide the outcome. so what do you make ever this? >> this is all theatrics on behalf of donald trump. he is making an issue out of something that is just not an issue. that is all i can say about it. truly the bottom line. it is cut and dry. >> you would future him on the stand? >> i'd put him on the stand as the first witness. because he was there. you don't have to tell him when he will be on the stand and let him prepare. i would have popped him on the stand immediately which is what i usually do with civil rico cases or some rico cases that have a criminal overtone to them. because they could take him through every allegation in the complaint, every single situation where he inflated values, where he cheated people, and go through the documents and question him in detail on that. some of those things he took the fifth amendment on initially and then he testified on. >> almost reverse order of what you would traditionally see in a criminal case against someone. you kind of bring them up almost last -- >> you can't do that in a criminal case because the prosecutor can't put the defendant on. he has a fifth amendment privilege against testifying against himself. so why not take advantage of it in the civil case where you do get that advantage of putting him on and taking him through that and it kind of undercuts what he is trying to do now, which is basically trying to get political mileage out of showing up in that courtroom having press conferences out in the hallway and basically making all kinds of false statements that he would have to answer to if he were on the witness stand which would probably last for a good five or six days at least. >> and now with this gag order in place, the warning laid out at least with regard to some stat statements, specifically court staff, from the judge. so we'll see what that does. good to see you. thank you. right now congress is on the clock to find a new speaker, although they have taken? days off. several names are already being floated. who has the best chance of getting elected and what should happen to the eight lawmakers who kicked out kevin mccarthy? we'll ask a member of congress, a republican at that, and soon. the man arrested in connection to the 1996 murder of tupac shakur set to appear in court for the first time as a suspect in that crime. we'll bring you that in just a moment. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. breaking news to share with you. it has taken 27 years for this moment. duane keith davis, known as "keffe d," accused in the shooting death of tupac shakur just appeared in court for the very first time. he is now charged in the murder. let's listen into what is happening in court. >> is that person going to be here today? >> no. he said he needed two weeks -- >> he needed two weeks to be here? >> he need a continuance for two weeks. >> all right. we'll continue this matter for two weeks on a thursday, that date is -- >> october 19 at 9:00 a.m. >> we'll be back on that date. >> thank you, your honor. >> all right. so very quick you saw duane davis walking in to court there, speaking with the judge. there was some discussion about someone who couldn't make it there for another two weeks. i did not hear a plea. but i want to go to josh campbell who is also following all of this for us. it has taken a quarter of a century, more than a quarter of a century, to make this arrest. this is someone though that police have been looking at for all this time. so what more are you learning about how this happened, why this happened and we just saw "keffe d" in court? >> reporter: we did. this was that arraignment, again very quick hearing. we've been trying to determine whether this defendant has representation, has an attorney. sounded like from that quick exchange that that could have been referring to his attorney trying to get that individual into court. and again this now continued for another two weeks. but this happened on friday, it actually took the world by surprise. police announcing that this individual was taken into custody after all that time that you mentioned. duane davis was described by police as a so-called shot caller in this retaliatory attack police say against tupac shakur. this of course stemmed from that incident back near the las vegas strip nearly three decades ago. police showed a video at this press conference indicating that group that included tupac as well as some of his associates allegedly had assaulted duane davis' nephew and then davis allegedly got another group together trying to, quote, hunt t down tupac. they say that he handed a gun to his nephew and they went on the hunt finding the vehicle there near the las vegas strip allegedly opening fire. as you mentioned, the big question here is what took them so long. because this individual has not been quite. he has been out there publicly speaking to the media about that day. he didn'ted a note murder, but he said that he was in the vehicle. now of course charged with murder facing those charges. we'll see what type of plea eventually happens here. >> fascinating that there was a proffer agreement apparently he was allowed to say what he wanted without having the police come to him. but there are conditions to that. and he himself in his own book wrote that he was in the car and that he brought the gun, which is why he is now charged with murder according to police. josh campbell, thank you so much for breaking that down. and we do have more breaking news. house judiciary chair jim jordan just made it official, he is running for speaker of the house, first candidate to jump in officially. with us now is republican congresswoman mary miller meeks from iowa. representative, thank you for being with us. could you support jim jordan for speaker? >> i think it is really too early to tell until we have other candidates who want to step up to be speaker. so there are certain qualifications and certain questions that we have to ask all of the candidates before i would decide which one to support. >> what are those qualifications and does jim jordan have them? >> so one is the ability to bring the conference together and unite the conference. one is -- what are we going to do about members who don't see the entire conference's best interests at heart. how we go forward on bills. for me from the state of iowa, what is their opinion on biofuels and environment and energy. where do they want to go with health care. where are they on reducing prescription drug prices. so those are all questions. are they going to be able to help us to not only keep the majority but to gain the majority. gain a bigger majority in the house. all of those are important questions to ask these individuals. so being speaker of the house doesn't only mean that you preside over the proceedings of the house. it is much more detailed and there are other considerations that come into play. >> you said one of the qualifications is how they will handle members in the conference who don't really put the conference first. i want to ask you about matt gaetz who led the charge yesterday to oust former speaker kevin mccarthy. what would be the appropriate sanction for him? do you think that he should be sanctioned? >> at this point in time, i'm not going to delve into what should happen to certain members. i just think that we as a conference need to be able to address that. most importantly, right now is that we need to get on to the business of finding out who the candidates are, selecting a speaker so we can get back to doing the job for the american people. we have appropriations bills that we need to get passed. we have investigations that are going on now. we need to be able to continue to do those investigations. and we need to be able to have our committee hearings resume as they should be doing but right now we are distracted because we now have to choose a speaker. >> the "wall street journal" in their editorial said that republicans cut off their own heads. that was the headline. and then it went on to say punitive gop majority is weaker. how would you assess your strength or weakness today compared to yesterday? >> well, there are certainly many of us who are concerned about how we're perceived as a conference which is why we want to get through this process in an orderly fashion and get back to doing the business of the american people which means that committee hearings, investigations, passing the appropriations bills which we have already started. we've already passed four appropriations bills. but we need to have individuals willing to work with the conference to get these passed instead of bringing down rule when they are brought up to the house floor. >> one thing that has already happeneded i guess by the temporary people running the conference is that they kicked nancy pelosi and steny hoyer, democratic members, out of their capitol building hideaway offices. how do you feel about that? >> i think if these were offices that were meant for the speaker of the house, although i have respect for pelosi as a former speaker and what she was able to do for her conference, for the democrat party, if they are no longer speaker and those were offices given to them as speaker, they should be vacated. >> you say you have respect for what she did for her party. do you think that she held her caucus together better than you've been holding the republican conference together? >> well, i've not been holding -- >> i mean republicans have. >> nor do i wish to be speaker. but i think that, you know, speaker pelosi was successful as a democrat speaker. >> thank you to making news right there. you are officially not a candidate as of right now to be the next speaker of the house. you made that announcement right here on cnn. i do want to ask you about aid to ukraine. >> breaking news. >> breaking news. as recently as a few months ago, you were actually critical of the biden administration for not doing more in terms of getting support for ukraine. that was march i believe. what about now? on that front, how concerned are you, how concerned are you that the next republican speaker won't be able to get new aid to ukraine through? >> well, i think first and foremost i have said this from the beginning, the president needs to make a national address on why we need to be involved in ukraine. this comes from the president. it should come from the administration. they are in the capacity to do that and they have failed to do so. they have also moved slowly. they were throw to apply sanctions, slow to respond. so the american people deserve to know what our involvement is in ukraine, whether we're into win, what the oversight is for ukraine especially given the president's previous dealings with ukraine when he was vice president. the american people deserve all of that and that needs to come from high level leadership. and that has been lacking. >> all right. congresswoman, not a sdicandida for speaker, we appreciate your time. >> thank you so much. next we'll go live to ukraine to see what the impact could be on the frontlines of the paralysis in washington. we'll be right back. kevin mccarthy's ouster from house speakership not only paralyzing the work of the house but also throwing in to doubt continued support for ukraine that congress needs to approve. without a speaker the house can't act and so on and so forth. that leaves the biden administration current $24 billion request for fresh military aid for ukraine in serious limbo. so how does it all look from ukraine now? fred pleitgen is in eastern ukraine for us. what are you hearing from there? >> reporter: we were actually on the battlefield earlier today and we asked the troops about all this and they said that they are absolutely concerned about what is going on in the house right now, whether or not there could be delays in u.s. funding which of course then would most probably translate into weapons and ammunition for ukraine as well. first of all, just to set the scene, i think people find it remarkable how much american gear is already on the ground here, how many weapons, how many vehicles. and the men of course ammunition as well. but the troops we spoke to the ground there using american weapons, they told us that they are already running short on ammo for those weapons. howitzer ammo is something that they really need. and they understand that if there is some sort of holdup and some sort of sdwla with certain types of ammunition, maybe european partners could step in and bridge that gap for a while, but there are things in ukraine that ukrainians are constantly using on the frontline that only on the united states can supply. if you look at for instance ammunition for multiple rocket launchers, those himars, that is something that they can only get from the u.s. so right now a great deal of concern i have to say from frontline troops about what is going on in the united states and all this comes as the ukrainians are trying to press an offensive here in the east of the country as well where they need more ammunition anyway and now that uncertainty certainly makes things a lot more difficult for them. they say in any case whether or not more aid comes they will have to keep fighting because for them everything is at stake. but the question is can they keep winning if there are holdups in u.s. aid. >> no matter what is happening in chaotic house, they have to keep fighting. but are they being set up to succeed which everyone says they must. fred pleitgen, thanks. and you are about to get a really, really, really loud sound on your phone. so why today and what are you supposed to do about it? do not panic. in the next three hours or so, you will hear a real ear piercing sound from your cellphone. it is an emergency alert. at 2:20 the federal government is testing a nationwide test. only the secretarond time in hi that they have sent the alerts out to iphones which is what we all have. used to be just on television and on broadcast. omar yejimenez is with us. why are they testing this? >> the federal government wants to make sure that if there is an emergency, if there is something super imminent that they can reach people in a timely manner. and of course it adds to what was previously just on tv and radio at least historically. as you mentioned, don't panic when you get it. but it will go out at 2:20 p.m. eastern. if you have a cellphone, if you have service, you are getting it. you really can't opt out of it. specifically this message is going to say that this is a test, it will remind people, but this is a test o of the nationa wireless emergency alert system. no action is needed. and you will get it whether you are in school, an important meeting, airport, you name it. but if for whatever reason you don't want to get it for safety reasons or otherwise, turn your phone off at 2:20 eastern time. just go off the grid for a little. airplane mode. but you know, some people might be in a situation where they just feel like i can't deal with this, it might put them in danger, whatever. you have the option to do it. but that is not the point of the test. >> you could turn your phone off? >> said no one ever. >> yeah, madness. and just so you -- i'm going to play it. just kidding. >> by the way i've never received so many internal emails because we can't play you any part of what this will sound like. because if the sound gets broadcast, it does mean that there is -- >> that there is an emergency. >> your voice sounds a little bit like the old announcement. >> i grew up, one of my favorite shows, channel 56 during the brady bunch, it would say this is a test of the emergency broadcast system. in the events of an actual emergency, blah, blah, blah. this is a test, this is only a test. >> you should talk about that all the time. >> a mousy voice. >> mousy, whoa. >> said out of love. and as you know, i admire you which is what you tweeted today. >> 2:20 p.m.? >> the range is 2:20 to 2:50. you will only get the message once, but the range is important if you have your phone off and you finally get signal at 2:40, that alert will still come in. >> so this is government working unlike what is going on? hate to bring it back around. >> that will be the next breaking news alert is that they can't send out the alert because congress can't get their act together. i'm kidding. >> and we're back to square one. thank you, omar. turn off your phone, enjoy your life. but watch "inside politics" which is up next.

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