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News a, nine Year Old Girl who vanished on a bike ride on a camping trip over the weekend has been found alive and is now safe. Also, the former president goes to court and goes off on the judge who now holds the fate of the trump Business Empire in his hands, and the Attorney General prosecuting him. Good evening, thank you for joining us. The former president was not under oath when he left the courthouse in Lower Manhattan this evening at the end of day one of his civil fraud trial. He was under no legal obligation to tell the truth. So, when rise in the proceedings and why were there, he didnt, he lied. This is politics. Now, it has been very successful to them because they took the campaign trail, because ive been sitting here in the courthouse all day long, instead of being in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, or a lot of other places i could be a. He ended the first day of his trial which he has already been found liable for not telling the truth about how muchs assets are worth, by not telling the truth about the trial itself. Keep an honest, known for some to show up. He actually did not have to be there. This is a civil not a criminal proceeding. Nothing in law requires his presence. He was there, because you want to draw attention to the case, a case in which today one of his attorneys restated some of the same inflated claims from maralago and other properties that the judge has already ruled were fraudulent. Also revealed the fraudulent today, the former president s complaint about hunted fair, how unfair that judge was in, the judge is hearing the case and not a jury. It turns out, neither side asked for a jury trial, according to the judge, trump attorneys acknowledge that the law does not allow for a jury trial. Even before court began, the former president was attacking the judge, and kept up during the break as well. Its a judge that should be disbarred. This is a judge that should be out of office. This is a judge that some people say could be charged criminally for what he is doing. He is interfering with an election that is a disgrace. He also continued to call a new York Attorney general racist, so to sum things up, today saw the former president of United States whos already been warned in several cases about attacking court officers, attacking to court officers, and at the start of trial, which hinges entirely on his inability to tell the truth, about his business holdings, he cannot even tell the truth about the trial itself. Cnns carris and i was in court today, joins us with more. So, we heard the former president outside court when the case is politically motivated. What happened inside the court . Some of that pop political argument continued inside. Trumps attorney addressed the judge in her opening statement. She made a lot by saying the Attorney General couldve brought the case before being in office. Think she campaigned, going to get trump. The judge after her statement stopped her and said that he had already ruled on this, that the Attorney Generals motivations for bringing this case was not an issue here, and he was backed up by an Appeals Court who agreed with his ruling letitia james, so telling her theres no argument here and the politics of this, she said to the judge that she had to address it because the Attorney General did also speak outside today. But, certainly trying to bring the politics into the courtroom, and the former president was watching her intently when she was spurring with the judge over this. He was pretty engaged in the whole day. He was looking at the documents before hand, he was watching the witness testimony, and as you said, he was coming out of every break to address the cameras that were lined the hallway to the courtroom. Did former president , Attorney General interact at all in court . So, he walked past her. She was sitting in the front row in the corner seat, at least three times with no acknowledgment, he was glancing away from her, looking down at the floor when he walked past her. Then, he finally did sneak a look at her and glanced over, but there is no obvious i contact between the two. Interestingly, eric trump, a defendant in this case, also walked past the Attorney General a couple times, and then he stopped, shook her hands, and they exchanged words, and then before he left for the day, he stopped by her again and exchange some words. We do not know what they were, he spoke softly, and we could not hear, but there was something cajun at that level. The former president didnt make eye contact, they didnt have any kind of interaction at all, anderson. As you mentioned, the civil case, not criminal prosecution. What is at stake in terms of penalty, potentially . The Attorney Generals Office is seeking at least 250 million in penalties. They say thats the money he got by having rates he would never have gotten on loans and insurance had he been truthful about the value of his properties. They are also seeking to ban him and his Adult Children from acting as officer in new york, from engaging in any real estate transactions here for five years. Some other matters as well. So, theyre looking at not just money, but also some practical implications. As you said, the judge already found that trump was liable for fraud on these Financial Statements by putting false values for some of these properties, and he said the Trump Organization would have to be dissolved by canceling some of the business certificates. But, it still remains very unclear what that means and what it look like, which could be much more significant than any Dollar Amount that could be the ultimate result of the end of this trial, anderson. Carson, outpatient. Joining us now, jennifer rogers, kaitlan collins, hosting the source at the top of the next hour. Oso, Karen Friedman from Manhattan Chief District Attorney, and david cay johnston, author, invest journalist and longtime reporter on all things trump. Jennifer, lets start with you. The president did not have to be there. Why do you think he was . Well, he already has lost a huge part of this case. The Summary Judgment that the judge issued ten days or so ago, means the court of the cases over, and now it is a matter of the accounts that remain, and the amount hes going to have to pay and whether or not, as kara said, theyll be banned from doing business. So, hes on a losing streak. I think he showed up to try and twist a narrative. Hes not doing anything in courts, but he can go outside saying this is a political prosecution, and the judge is terrible, and the Attorney Generals terrible. This is more of a pr trick than illegal. Jennifer, it also seems like the attorney was playing to him, arguing the politics of this when it really had nothing to do with the case at hand. This is the danger of having your client, theyre client who basically drives the brush. She has to make the argument, the judge has already ruled, on and ruled against. It doesnt like, and doesnt want to hear again, because hes sitting there and demands. Its so i think he will not come, hes not going to come every day, and then well be able to turn their attention to the legal issues here which is really what they should. He already has a calculation that he get something out of attending, not just the ability to get the press attention, because he speaking at every break and lunch break. It was notable how often he did speak. When he has been a and how these other courthouse in the last several months, he usually makes one statement at the plane and leaves. He came out almost every instance that he could today. It is a sign of how seriously concerned he is about this case . Yes. I think when you see certainly there doing this for political benefits, theyre trying to fundraise off of it, they were sending out emails nonstop. He was attacking the Attorney General as he was walking into the courtroom moment before we saw him. His political advisers were there with him. But, when he came out and was speaking, and i was talking to other people in his orbit asking if they agreed with my assessment, which was that he was not as angry as you had seen him in recent months. He seems to be almost seething, and that was talking to trump sources and they were saying that they agreed. That was exactly what they were watching as he was coming out. I think its because of what it is they are talking about. Its not classified documents, its not the election, it is something that is deeply personal to him, and that is his wealth and of course there is already not a good omen for this on how the judges decided so far. But, what they are looking at now is something that is so deeply personal for him. Potentially, financially damaging as. Well absolutely. David, one of trumps attorney said in court today, quote, doral itself for A Billion Dollars, marla galicia billionth, value is worth something someone going to play. The Trump Properties are morally surprise. That is not fraud, that is real estate, and quote. Does, is there some truth to that, given the overall shakiness and vagaries of new York Real Estate that the brand of trump adds some extra untold value to things or used to . It used to. You hit upon the right phrase. There was a time when trump got premium prices for his apartments. Part of the reason he did that in trump tower when he sold most of the building was that he did not ask questions about who you are. If you said you are going to buy an apartment at the name of snow inc. , donald did not say, oh im sorry is at a ski resort in colorado, or is not a cocaine business. That is why trump tower is full of people who are great interest to Law Enforcement. So, A Billion Dollars for the deer island, sorry, theyre just cant stop themselves. They keep coming up with these ridiculous inflated numbers. Karen, the phrase mona lisa properties, im not sure how much weight its going to help the judge was already declared there going to be overwhelming evidence of fraud. But, the idea that they are in court, continuing to push these valuations, how does that play . Well, unfortunately for the trumps, there is an objective measure that the Attorney General is relying upon, that are not the subject of will, that is whatever i wanted to be worth. The value is intangible think that someone will pay for. There are things like the Square Footage of a penthouse apartments, where they say the value is based on the size and the Square Footage and the price for square foot, and they put on a piece of paper that the penthouse is worth 30,000 square feet. But, it turns out that penthouse is less than 11,000 square feet, so they tripled the size of that. That is an objective measure. So, therefore, they triple the value. Square feet is kind of aspirational in new york. A lot of new york dream of being more Square Footage. I just think there is some objective. There is a lot of Objective Factors. Yes, we do. This one of Objective Factors that they are going to point to, thats really goes to the heart of this case and how unfair the business dealings were. It takes money to make money, and he unfairly got money by lying about the value of things, the size of things, et cetera, so that he can then go and continue to invest. That of course, when it suited him the opposite direction, like for tax purposes, he does not want to pay his fair share of taxes, so he would underinflate a values. Those two things cannot be accurate at the same time. So, i think hes going to have some objective facts that are going to be pointed to, that is going to be hard to get away from. David we, can see eric trump behind the father when his father was making some media periods. Is he the one that has been running this . Is don jr. Just off doing podcast and promoting himself around the country . Is ivanka just disappeared in florida, or are they at fault here to . Theyve all been called as potential witnesses. He ivanka is out of the case, and her role and things ive written about was primarily to draw in people for various real estate cons that trump was running, not to do the financial side of them. Even controls the draw people in for various . Cons yeah, she went to the sales pitch for what trump said it was a development he was building in baja, california, and said, oh, you know, im going to buy, i have a unit to, maybe ill come to your place and borrow a cup of sugar. She was not involved in the financial details of it, and shes out of this case. The judge removed her because of when she ceased being involved with the Trump Organization. Eric trump is someone who has given some of the best quotes about donald and getting money from russia, and that he said whatever he did presumably trying to make lies to letitia james, i think its just indicative that he is not his father. He is part of the family, but hes not the same person as his father. Jennifer, we heard the former president talk about rogue judge, again, calling the Attorney General racist. Does that impact a trial like this . There is no jury here. It is just the judge. So, i think the judge is trying to stay evenkeeled about all this. The last thing you would want to do is give them the ammunition to say he is biased by freaking out about trump statements. So, unless he goes really far and direct his supporters to attack them or something, i think you probably will just stay the course and let him stay what he wants outside the courtroom and proceed. There is no jury to be influenced. Caitlin, you should be pointing out again, the former president is claiming that the federal Department Of Justice is behind the state trial. Im gonna replay that. It all comes down from the doj, the totally coordinated this in washington. Its all run by doj, which is corrupt in washington. Everything goes through them. At this point, he is just lying. Hes just lying always. Its rather extraordinary. Even for him, it just seems like there is no controls at all. None of that is true. Nothing he said is true. But, it fits into what the message he is trying to send which is weaponization. Biden is president and hes going after him. Even though you heard from Attorney General garland yesterday at the interview saying, i would resign before President Biden could asked me, and also say he didnt think that i would do that. But, this investigation, whats so important to remember is that we spoke with a former District Attorney in new york about this last week after the judge had ruled this. He said they were essentially building this case and essentially applied to me that he brought it as a criminal case, not as a civil case they believe they have on the right path to get there. That of course was long before President Biden was in office, before Merrick Garland is running the Department Of Justice. Thousand donald trump was in office and bill barr and Jeff Sessions were running the partner justice. Its one of that is true. Caitlin, well see you back at 9 00. Jennifer rogers, thanks so much. Ken friedman, they became johnson as well. Coming up next, some especially welcome Breaking News, a missing child who vanished this weekend is alive, suspect is in custody. Well have details ahead. The capital, theres also more Breaking News. Republican matt gaetz announcing he is moving the House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy. New York City Police said they have found nine year, Charlotte Sena, safe and in good health after a massive search for her at Moreau Lake State Park over the past 48 hours. Also, suspect is detained. Fourth grader vanished on Saturday Night on a camping trip with her family. Shed been riding her bike with friends and asked to go on one more loop alone and never return, leading to a search involving 40 people, drones, and dogs. Joining us with more is a Child Advocate for National Senate for missing exquisite children. Some of john walsh. Also joining us, senior chief Law Enforcement analyst john miller. I know your organization was involved with the search for charlotte. Are you hearing anything about how she was found . We are hearing she was found in good health, which is amazing. Just the fact that she was found alive, i tried to put into words, i say it like a grand slam at the world series, but its better than. That honestly could get this news she was found safe is amazing. I think there might be misconception that missing killers are found alive. Thats not true. Anytime we have a stranger abductions than this, a non Family Member taking a child, we get them back alive, and even after 48 hours its, the best thing on the world. John, do you know about the message authorities were using it to try and find her . There was no method they were not using, so they were exploring license plate readers, cell tower signals, looking for some connection. But, im told by sources that a note was dropped by the house today. So, something that came to a ransom note. Some no indicating she was being held. Now, what we dont have nailed down is whether that note was from the actual of doctor, or is them some opportunities, but this is all very fresh. That would be unusual and strange if somebody involved with this actually left a note . There are Child Abductions by strangers if that is the case here, normally not can knock for ransom cases. And that would be unusual. The kidnap for ransom model offers dropping ransom off, return of the child, the offender pretty much has to show themselves or send somebody at some point. I have been involved in a lot of cases like that. But, when it comes to Child Abductions, you are talking about somebody who might have been in a park, put her in a car, got her out. Im being told police have said multiple residences were searched. Yes. So, that is why theyre being very tightlipped at this point, because even at this stage of the investigation, and they need to know more, what they went out was the information they wanted to go out with, which is everybody can stop searching. We have her, and she is okay. The investigative part of this is literally still coming together at this point. Interestingly, we saw governor kathy hochul who said, i promised her mom i would get her back. She said at the press conference on sunday. She basically announced the disappearance. Its a really tough promise to make. But you have to make it in the moment. It is really incredibly lucky that shes going to be able to keep. It this is still very much an active investigation. Absolutely, these details are unfolding in realtime, as we speak. We have one of our team members from team adam, a group of retired Law Enforcement officials who have assisted in the missing children cases. They were deployed, and so were getting information literally in realtime on what is going on with the investigation. Again, hats off to everybody involved in the search for this little girl. Every Law Enforcement agency, anybody who led some power in volunteering, who was out there, its really about bringing all these resources to bear in hopes we can recover these children as quick as possible. Again, the fact that this little girls with her family, the family is whole again tonight. Long road to recovery, the trauma she experienced im sure is the manse. But, we are going to be there for the family, and i know a lot of other people are loving it that she was found alive. Its an amazing thing. Appreciate it, thank you so much. John miller as well. Thank,. You next more Breaking News as more drama and on capitol hill, another begins. To the doctors House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy reach a lastminute detail gop leader is now in jeopardy tonight. Rebel faction republicans in the process of trying to remove him as speaker. More on thats ahead. Cover nineyearold, Charlotte Sena vanished, still with us, kathy hochul. Governor hochul, thanks for being with us. Im glad it were good news to talk about. Can you just bring us up to more than 84,000 People Lantern Costa Rica through a southern border, that is a 55 increase from the month before. Mr. Chavez spoke about the fairness to cnns is that for us. Today the a large influence of migrants mind you 70 on percent of them crossed within 24 hours without them is putting pressure on our community and public safety. On waste management. On health services. And especially on our budget. The president says along with the panamanian counterpart, he will visit the darien gap this weekend where many migrants march from south to america to see how that can help them in an orderly way. Donald trumps longest serving white house Chief Of Staff is offering his strongest rebuke yet, and an exclusive statement to cnn, john kelly called his former boss the president who Devised Autocrats and murderous dictator, this is not going on the record to confirm a statements trump made behind closed doors. More details now from cnns jake tapper. Donald john trump. No other president has had so many former top aides making harsh public assessments. Most recently, cassidy hutchinson. I think that donald trump is the most grave threat that we will face to our democracy and our lifetime, and potentially in american history. She joins a growing chorus. I think hes unfit for office. He will always put this on a just and got by his own ego ahead of everything else. And today, trumps longest serving Chief Of Staff john kelly is chiming in with his harshest criticism yet. In an exclusive statement to cnn, kelly says about trump what can i add that is not already been said . Calling president trump, quote, a person that has no idea what america stands for. And has no idea what america is all about. For the first time, ever kelly sets the record straight with on the record confirmation of a number of damning details about donald trump, from background sources, including from a 2020 Atlantic Story reported with unnamed sources by Editor In Chief jeffrey goldberg. Including the stunning detail, trump trying to kelly a Memorial Day Arlington National Cemetery and 2017 and asked, i do not, get it what was in it for them. This is kelly, confirming on the record stories of trump deciding senator john, mccain and former president h. W. Bush, because in vietnam, and in World War Two respectively, the former aviators were shot down. Killer describes trump as, quote, a person that things to defend the country in uniform, or a shutdown, or are war spent years being all suckers, because quote, there is nothing in it for them. A person that did not want to be seen in the military amputees, because, quote it does not look good for me. A person that demonstrated open contempt for a gold star family, for all gold star families on tv during the 2016 campaign. And rents that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in americas defense are, quote, losers. And would not visit their graves in france. Kelley confirming on the record, a story reported in the book the divider, we are trump tells kelly, he wants a military parade. Like when he sought for best and france, except he does not want any wounded veterans. Kelley confirming that trump in 2018 in france, refused to visit the graves of americans killed in world war i. To cnn, kelly calls trump a hypocrite, saying he is quote, not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life. On women, on minorities, on evangelical christians, on, on working men and women. And he concludes, trump is, quote a person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our constitution, and the rule of law. He concludes, there is nothing more that can be said. God help us. He is doing a great job as Chief Of Staff. A stunning repudiation by a man who worked side by side with trump, longer than any other of trumps many chiefs of staff. Kelly also criticized trump for saying, former joint Chief Of Staff chairman german mark milley should be executed. And a Departure Speech on friday, merely responded. We did not take an oath to a king, or a queen, or retirement, or a dictator. We did not take an oath to a want to be dictator. Some of the people who know Donald Trumps the best, now warning of the threat they think he poses if elected in november 2024. Jake tapper, cnn, washington. When we come back here on cnn, the battle of the plans for a major park in tokyo, and those who will stop the also, had a u. S. Soldier have led to north korea is now back home. What is next for trumps king. Cmon, were right there. Cmon baby. Its the only we need. Go, go, go, go ah Touchdown Baby touchdown are your neighbors watching the same game . Yeah, my 5g Home Internet delays the game a bit. But you get used to it. Try these. Theyre noise cancelling earmuffs. I stole them from an airport. Its always something with you, man. Great solid greek salad . Exactly dont delay the game with verizon or tmobile 5g Home Internet. Catch it on the xfinity 10g network. 37 minutes past the hour. Welcome to viewers in the United States around the world. Im john vause, youre watching cnn newsroom. And japan, activists collecting signatures to try to stop a project. The middle of tokyo. Some trees are nearly a century old. Part of green space in urban areas. Cnns will ripley has the report. Fight for the future of a much loved tokyo park. Protesters urged officials, respect history, stop it district urban redevelopment project. It is our kids cultural and heritage, its not fair to push through a Redevelopment Plan without consulting citizens. Protesters fear heritage trees will be endangered. Buy a new stadium. Hundreds axed. Making way for clock Tall Buildings of concrete and steel. Its a Fight For The Future of japans green spaces. The right to have a say. Built with public donations in 1926, seen as a peoples park and home to a famous rugby venue, historic Baseball Stadium where babe ruth play. It a centerpiece and avenue of 100 year old trees. Its a sanctuary just living here. That piece broken. Small scale construction underway, on A Billion Dollar Redevelopment Plan. Approved by the tokyo government. Led by Real Estate Firm matsui. Developers say they will update the sports facilities, promote open green space. Protect the avenue of the trees. Focus says it wants to create a world class sports hub. Like the billion dollar Tokyo Olympic stadium. Roughly 1500 trees were cut to make way for that controversial project. Many campaigners do not trust the Development Progress to keep the avenue safe. Imagine if developers said they would build three skyscrapers in New York Central Park and a stadium next to the american elms east 97th street. No new yorker would accept that. More than 200,000 people signed a position, so calling for the review of the plan. Just this month, the International Council on monuments sites issued a heritage ordered. One of you reversible destruction of cultural heritage. About 3000 trees at risk. Responding to anger, the tokyo government again requesting Developers Submit a concrete plan before cutting down trees. The plan, to ensure survival of as many trees as possible. Many fear the older trees might not make. It in and enough to cnn, saying it will preserve environment and work with our bursts to ensure the care of each tree. Pressure is mounting on tokyo, as more people rise up. Just before he died, themed musician wrote a letter to tokyos governor. Urging people to speak out for the earth. A fights daughter now carries on. I think it is a love letter from him. Saying that people are thinking. Keep on raising your voice. Calls to reconsider the future go louder. Were now these heritage trees stand tall. Silent guardians of the ecosystem, facing an uncertain future. Will ripley, cnn, tokyo. U. S. Army private who pulled to north korea from the Demilitarized Zone has been reunited with his family had an Army Medical Center in texas where he arrived thursday. Spent around two months and north korean custody, after the army said he willfully and without Authorization Ran across the border. That was in july. Officials say they conducted intense diplomacy with countries to secure release. And im a spokesperson says that the status has changed from Absinthe Out Leave to present for duty. Undergoing a integration process. Im john votes, for our International Viewers stay with us, world sport is up next official. Great for those watching in the United States and canada, well be back with a lot more news of a short break. Huge fireball lit up the night sky over Oxford England monday. British police plead a bolt of lightning hit gas containers. Sparking the place. I witnesses report Hearing A Shockwave and allowed rumble in the distance. Forcing the flames. No one is believed to have been hurt. The situation now in slovakia where a Progression Leader when the countrys general, election over the weekend. The victory is important. As you can see on the map, ukraine is bordered by russia to the east and slovakia to the west. Now, as robert tries to build a coalition government. There is a new focus on sending arms to ukraine. Calling silica president unamerican agent. As Cnn International diplomatic editor Nic Robertson explains, there is no guarantee buildable to form the coalition needed to govern. Robert fits or, silkiest pro putin Populist Leader has been here before. 2006, 2010 and 2016. Winning the biggest vote share in national elections. 22. 9 . But not enough for the party to govern alone. As they did following elections in 2012. His challenge now, build a governing coalition. The clock is ticking. He is two weeks. I want to say to all slow that you, we are ready, we are in late. We are more experienced in the fight we have taken. If he succeeds, it would be his third term as Prime Minister. And it could have a big impact. Beyond slovakia supporters. The no weapons to Ukraine Policy would be a massive uturn. Potentially ending slovakias support for its neighbor. We are ready to help ukraine humanitarian. We are ready to help in the restoration of the state. But our opinion on arming ukraine does not change. For now, no change in slovakias Ukraine Policy. The current technocrat Foreign Minister in kyiv, with his eu counterparts, pledging continuing nudity. We came here to express our full support. And territorial integrity of ukraine. The reality is, his replacement to the government might wrangell eu unity. And not to just over ukraine. Ahead of this election, European Commission Vice President warning russias disinformation is rampant. In slovakia. We speak about dangerous campaigns, which are misleading, which can do harm to society. Which can radicalize society. In which can radically change the election results. It is too soon to know if fears were realized. But pro putin sentiment is already strong. Most slovaks do not blame him for invading ukraine. If the two fails to build a coalition as he did in 2010. Parties are confident they can muster the 75 seats in the hundred 50 Member Parliament needed. Two options at the table. One is a Government Led by mr. Feet so. The other one is a coalition made up of progress in slovakias another partner. Which would in fact have over 80. For now, feet so is in the drivers seat. Potentially putting him on a Collision Course with european leaders. Something that is sure to please put. Nic robertson, cnn, london. The u. N. Security council has proved armed Multinational Force to restore our order in haiti. Making the request of a or go. The nation has been torn by violence, Political Violence and the collapse of its Common Health system. Stefano pozzebon reports now only decisions council. The United Nations Security Council approved monday the deployment of a Multi National armed forces to it. As a Gang Violence and political paralysis continues to affect the caribbean nation. The force is expected to be led by kenya, which has pledged 1000 policeman to spearhead the mission. The countries in the caribbean have also expressed their intention to participate. The vote was passed monday afternoon. With the abstention of china and russia. It follows repeated calls by the Prime Minister to pledge for International Assistance and was uploaded by the government. On behalf of the government and people of haiti. I would like to thank all of those who through their voices, their efforts, their support and their contribution of all sorts. Have only made todays decision possible. More than just a simple vote. This is in fact an expression of solidarity. With the population in distress. Took power in 2021 following the assassination of late president. The question, Security Situation has greatly worsened under his watch. The countrys capital portauprince for example is largely controlled by warring gangs. In the United Nations estimates that some 200,000 haitians have had to flee their homes due to the wave of violence. As of now, it is unclear when these Multinational Forces would actually reach 80 nor the exact composition of the expedition. For cnn, stefan the posable, bogota. The World Health Organization has recommended a new Malaria Vaccine for children. It will be rolled out in parts of africa, early next year. In a few areas with seasonal transition, to reduce cases of malaria 75 . In the 12 months following. A three dose series of the vaccine. This is the second Malaria Vaccine approval by the w. H. O. For children in two years. The disease, which is spread by and kills half 1 million children enough every. This years Nobel Prize For Medicine has been awarded to to scientists, for their work on mrna vaccines. Crucial in curtailing this bit of covid19. Jointly winning the prestigious our monday. Praising scientists for their groundbreaking findings which fundamentally changed our understanding of how mrna interacts with how you mean some. For the first time, pope francis has hinted at a possibility of samesex couples receiving lessons in the catholic church. He says it could only happen on a limited case by case basis. The church does not recognize same sex unions. The popes opinion came in response to questions posed by five conservative cardinals. Some of his harshest critics. And it differs from a vatican rule of samesex caution couples issue just two years ago. Some good news for france, french transport operatives say that there have been no new sightings of bedbugs in recent days. The bucks have been showing en masse lately, especially inside of theaters and public railways impairs. Cnns Jim Bittermann spoke passengers about pesky problem. One of the bigger Train Stations in paris, the authorities saying that they, like other authorities across the country are on the other 20 bedbugs sure they appear and on recent days have not found any evidence that they are appearing. The passers cannot seemed to on. In fact, they seem pretty sanguine about the idea they might be right along with that looks. When i sit down on the train, seeing my seat is in Good Condition dividend isnt effect. Im not particularly worried about their books, if it happens, it happens. Ive not had any of my place, but everybody is talking about it. So i dont know. Maybe its a thing. I have to admit, i have not had any so im not a concern right now. I hope. The deputy mayor of paris said, in reality nobody is safe from bedbugs. Its certainly verified by would pass control says around the world. America for example is the worlds leading country as far as but books are concerned. According to pass control people. In london, the Bed Bug Population has gone up 65 in the past year. Some that might be due to the fact that covid is over. People tend to sleep in their own beds. But now, they are traveling more. And as they travel more, a bad books trouble more. Jim bittermann, cnn, paris. Rock and roll hall of fame singer songwriter stevie nicks now has her own barbie. All apart metals music series. Steamy barbie includes the Signature Items as golden munich loss. Its inspired by the alpha one on the cover of fleetwood macs album. It was available for preorder for 55. And its already sold. Up next posted on social media monday. That means a lot. Thanks for watching cnn newsroom. Im john boss, can consume. Next tonight, straight from the source, Breaking News as republican hardliner matt gaetz has now made good on his threat to oust Kevin Mccarthy from his job. Filing papers tonight, with they tried to the first time in more than a century, plu

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