Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

pleading not guilty in the georgia election subversion case. why some of his co-defendants are turning to crowd funding to cover their defense. a manhunt underway after a convicted murderer escaped a pennsylvania prison. the district attorney says the killer's depravity knows no bounds and warns the public he is extremely dangerous with nothing to lose. and this hour the labor department is set to release the august jobs report. a snapshot of how the u.s. economy is faring. can the labor department stay in the sweet spot, not too hot, not too cold, a little goldilocks here, friday. this hour of "cnn this morning" starts right now. former president trump has pled not guilty for the fourth time. this time he is saying he didn't conspire to overturn the results of the 2020 election in georgia in the case brought by fulton county d.a. against trump and 18 ledged co-conspirators. the former president opted not to enter the plea in person next wednesday, waiving his arraignment. that's not the only legal move he is making. his legal team filed a motion to sever his case from the co-defendants would want a speedy trial. chesebro is the alleged co-conspirator who wrote the memos advocating for the fake elector scheme. the district attorney is pushing for the trial to again on october 23rd. the date that trump's attorneys says will not give them, quote, sufficient time to prepare. >> what about sufficient money? we know his pac spent 40 million so far on legal fees, not just covering his own legal fees, but aides, advisors, employees, in the house's january 6th committee investigation and in the federal investigations. so what about his 18 co-defendants in the georgia case? >> it's so sad. and they don't have a lot of money. and some of them, almost nothing. they don't even know what they are being charged for. it's just a horrible thing. i don't even know -- again, i don't even know some of these people. >> here is the thing. it's not just lawyers and people in trump's inner circle charged. it's local election officials, a bail bondsman, a pastor. how are they going to cover their legal expenses? we will discuss this with cnn national correspondent kristen holmes. help us understand how the co-defendants are raising money to do defend themselves. >> good morning. well, right now trump is not helping any of his co-defendants in footing these bills. in fact, they are so expensive, one of the co-defendants, harrison floyd, who has leads black voices for trump spent a week in jail because he couldn't afford to hire an attorney. because of, they are turning to many different ways to try to raise the funds they need for a legal defense, and that includes crowd funding. four of them are raising money on these crowd funding sites. je jenna ellis, an attorney for donald trump, raised $180,000. john eastman, another election lawyer for trump r raising $500,000. jeffrey clark, the former doj official, $56,000. kathy lathe up $15,000. this is a lot of money. these bills really add up. another person is rudy giuliani. his son created a pac to help pay his legal bills and trump is helping him a little bit. not financially, but hosting a fundraising for giuliani next week, $100,000 a plate for that fundraiser for each person. but as of now, not actually paying any of the bills. i was told by a trump official if people wanted help, they should apply to trump's legal defense fund, which is something that was set up in july. >> it's about that fund i have been in the corner of my brain thinking what happened to that, how has it been developing. they were going to create it the same time period as when the they were disclosing how much money the super pac been spending on his behalf. what's the latest on that? >> well, when we talk about that leadership pac, they have spent $41 million since 2021 on legal fees. they are bleeding out so much money on the legal fees they requested a refund for $60 million that they gave to a super pac that is defending -- that is supporting donald trump and they expect to get that money back. in terms of the legal defense fund, it is a non-profit. we are told that don jr. and eric trump are doing most of the fundraising around that and they have a significant amount of pledges. therefore, someone was telling me these georgia defendants, if they get enough money in the legal defense fund, could apply and potentially get help here. as of now, it's not clear how much is in there and how much is pledges. that fund is for these legal bills of aides and advisors, not for the former president. it goes to show you, again, they are bleeding money from that save america pac to have to request a refund for a donation they need to a super pac. clear hi they need the money. >> for now we will let you go. thanks. >> so trump may be pleading not guilty for the fourth time and probably have a lot of focus on four indictments. maybe you don't at all because it seems like there is so much going on. it's important to take a step back here. quote, a net of justice is tightening around 2020 election deniers. what is he talking about? there are significant legal losses for people who tried to overturn the election results this week. the top proud boys lieutenant joe biggs facing 17 years in prison. he led the march to at capitol on january 6th, convicted of seditious conspiracy. and former marine, he is looking at 15 years. he broke down in tears in the sentencing and told its judge, i stand here today and say i am done with it all. i am done with politics. i am done pedaling lies for other people who don't care about me. two pled guilty to threatening election officials. chad christopher stark of texas pleaded guilty in georgia after the 2020 election. joshua russell ohio pled guilty to threatening an election arizona worker. the cases are part of the justice department's election threats task force which launched in june 2021 to address the rise in threats against election officials. it's the start of labor day weekend and aaa is predicting more americans than last year will be traveling. the organization reports a 4% increase in u.s. travel bookings and a whopping 44% jump in international travel bookings compared to last year. it all comes as hurricane idalia snarls travel plans in the southeast. cnn's aviation correspondent pete money dean is live from washington this morning. what are travelers walking into? >> reporter: yeah, they are walking into crowds and probably no empty middle seats next to them. this is going to be a climatic end for a huge summer for air travel. the tsa says today will be the busiest at airports of the travel period. 2.7 million people expected to pass through security at america's airports on friday. 14 million people in total through wednesday. here is the really big number. 227.5 million people, all summer long, from memorial day to labor day. that's what the tsa says. it's the record. it's the biggest summer for air travel ever. think about this. the cancellations have actually gone down a little bit in number compared to last year. we saw about 50,000 last year, memorial day to labor day. this time we have seen about 40,000. so a 20% drop. travel experts say there is still so much out of airlines' control and there is a bit of room to grow here. listen. >> the odds are pretty good. the odds have been -- have mostly played out in the travelers' favor in 2023 with the "x" factor being how will mother nature cooperate, will we see widespread thunderstorms like we saw over july 4th that led to a lot of cancellations, that were largely unpreventable. >> reporter: the faa is anticipating some ground stops today. big hubs on the list. phoenix, san francisco, orlando, tampa, miami. so, if you are trying to get around the weather, sometimes the best way is to drive, sometimes labor day is a driving holiday for people and aaa says the best time to drive is today before 11:00 a.m. so finish watching "cnn this morning" and hit the road. the worst time, between 11:00 and 9:00 a.m. in d.c., some of the traffic could be three times the norm later on this afternoon. so try to hit the road soon. it's not going to be pretty out there. >> pete, i appreciate you telling people to watch "cnn this morning" all the way through because audi started by saying it's the start of labor day weekend. i was like, yo, we got 52 minutes left of the show. >> it's in my mind. vacation is in the mind. pete, thank you so much. >> appreciate it. >> reporter: anytime. the legal bills for trump's 18 co-defendants are adding up. some are turning to crowd funding. what does being tight on money mean for their legal strategies? we will talk about that coming up next. 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they're gone for good. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit my little family is me, aria, and jade. just the three of us girls. i never thought twice about feeding her kibble. but about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. she was always out of breath. that's when i decided to introduce the farmer's dog to her diet. it's just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. now she's a lot more active, she's able to join us on our adventures. and we're all able to do things as a family. ♪ get started at ♪ former president donald trump co-defendants in the georgia election subversion case face hefty legal bills as they mount a defense against the prowling r.i.c.o. indictment. so far trump and has refused to help. his one-time allies have to scramble to find other sources of funds. jenna ellisis, one of the co-defendants, wrote a post on rebranded twitter i was reliably informed trump isn't funding any of us who are indicted. now a source close to trump told cnn, i don't think ellis would be on the top of trump's list anyway. since the indictment, ellis has raised $180,000 through a faith-based crowdfunding site. joining us now with the analysis, cnn senior analyst, elie honig, airerrol lewis, she tall cot and the national correspondent for "the washington post." welcome all of you to the table. i guess being apart of this process doesn't necessarily mean you are going to get the support of maga financially. is that all that unusual? there are a couple of cases going on. what have we seen so far? >> yeah, i don't think it's unusual from the perspective of this is a trump situation, right. but -- and the lawyers can probably speak to this better than i can in terms of whether it's unusual from the broader perspective, but what i think is interesting is you have several of these co-defendants trying to sever their trials and from my understanding one of the benefits of severing a trial would be that trump's lawyers would not then be at that trial. so anything that comes up that implicates trump, maybe if the trial is severed, the co-defendants aren't going to, you know what i mean? they are not going to argue fence it. >> shelby is right. one of the advantages to a defendant of having a severed trial, meaning two separate trials, the ones who go second get to see the other side's playbook. on the question about payments for at co-defendants, this is unusual for a trump case because he has historically, dating back to impeachment, covered himself by having his pacs and associated entities pay for lawyers for co-counsel. that's not illegal. this happens quite a bit. >> and people saw it as being to his benefit? >> 100%. this is a tactic that powerful rich people use. it's legal. >> and powerful rich corporations. >> exactly. corporations are a great example. by paying for someone else's attorneys, you make it difficult for them to flip on you. if they do, a and if they have the courage to say to their lawyers being funded by the boss, i think my best interest would be to cooperate, you are going to lose that lawyer, you have to pay for your own lawyer, which is really, really expensive. it's protected trump before. now it's not in the georgia case. >> does the pac have the money this time around to pay for it? and if it doesn't, which it seems like it doesn't, would trump himself, you know, i feel like -- >> you know the answer to that question before you ask it -- >> to pull his own funds out of it. i mean, he is not even funding his own legal defense. >> we saw an example in florida of a guy who had his lawyer paid for. there was a conflict because he gave false testimony, according to the government, and if he were to reverse that testimony, he would implicate his lawyer's other client. so he implicated other people in trump's circuit. that's the question, right. it's very cheap if you leave trump's orbit and testify against trump and make a deal and then you don't have a criminal case anymore, right. trump has two conflicting motivations. the political question and legal question. the political question so solve his legal question if he is elected president. he has no indication to try to help and she flipped and is working for ron desantis right now. do i help them and legally? what does that say lipoliticall? do i let them use my legal capital? based on the fact they don't have a whole lot of cash, so will end up weighing against donald trump. >> what message does this send to any other potential trump supporters who may want to go, quote, unquote, that extra mile? this whole process in justice is sort of an exercise in sending a message. >> he has given them a lot to think about. rudy giuliani, long-time supporter, friend, going back decades, not getting his bills paid. having to go to mar-a-lago and beg for help. apparently the reaction was, you know, when rudy giuliani says, look, i went to court 60 times for you and the response was, well, you lost all those cases. >> that's a tough comeback. >> that's a real food for thought. and look, we know from michael cohen, other long time -- >> talks about it frequently. >> he said it was based on the fact he was left hung out to dry. his family's security was at stake. that's when he turned and started talking. and i think we can expect to see that with others as well. >> to that point, and we have talked about this a couple times, what is there to flip here? that's the big question, right? michael cohen knew all the things about all the things in terms of the trump organization and what the former president was doing in his business life pre-political life. you look through the indictment, the fulton county indictment, you look through the jack smith indictments as well where it seems like on the documents case that kind of rolled up, everybody that's in the crosshairs to some degree. i am wondering what the flip is here. >> yeah, so the guy we talked about in florida had a con cret thing. he said they asked me to delete the surveillance video. of course, allegedly according to the indictment. the r.i.c.o. indictment in georgia has a lot of components, a lot of establishment of fact that needs to be done. we have seen the defendants who say i did this fake electors thing, donald trump asked me do. i don't know. jack smith, fani willis, they know the sorts of things that they are going to be willing to trade for, right. there may be nothing. they may not -- someone may say i will do whatever you need. they may say you have nothing. so it's a good question. especially some of these charges are very complicated and rooted -- and i don't want to say they are -- they are sort of loosey-goosey, but idealogical to some extent. there is a theory of the case that needs to be made. i am not in an attorney. elly could speak to this. >> there are four of them and you have to pay for lawyers for all of them while running a campaign. >> that's right. it's ex ptremely expensive. drawing down a lot of the political money to pay for this. some of these lawyers actually want to get paid, you know? donald trump is famous for stiffing his attorneys. not everybody is going to get that kind of a deal or have that influence. >> we talk about it a lot. i know we have to go. the idea of not just -- the organization and mechanics of a campaign, not now when you are plus 30 in a primary. in general election when joe biden and the team raise two plus billion dollars, it's not insignificant. all right. good luck, guys. an urgent manhunt underway for a convicted murderer. he is described as extremely dangerous. we will have the details. that's coming up next. retired right?u are am i? ya! the queen sleep number c2 smart bed d is now only $999. plus free home delivery whenen you add a base shop now only at sleep p number. then 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question. as you said, they have just been emphasizing 24 hours after this escape, this man is extremely dangerous and residents in chester county should be on high alert. let me tell you how we got to this point. like you said, this started 24 hours ago at 8:50 a.m. on thursday, yesterday morning. that's when law enforcement says that danelo cavalcante escaped from the chester county prison. again, that's about 30 miles west of where we are in philadelphia. i want to repeat what you said. he was last seen at 9:40 wearing that white t-shirt, gray shorts and white sneakers. that's important because law enforcement officials believe that he was able to actually change clothes after he escaped from the prison. and just to drill down on why law enforcement being so strong with their language here about this inmate, he was just convicted of first-degree murder two weeks ago. he was just sentenced to life without the possibility of parole last week. that's all, once he was found guilty of stabbing his former girlfriend, stabbing her 38 times and killing her in front of her children. and, phil, the prosecutors in this case say that the motive for that killing was that the girlfriend actually discovered that he was wanted in connection to a murder back in brazil. prosecutors said she was going to expose that and then that was the motivation for him killing his girlfriend. i want you to take a listen to exactly how dangerous the d.a. feels this suspect is. talk a listen. >> his depravity knows no bounds. he has nothing to lose. so i don't know what he is capable of doing. if he is already engaged in a murder in broad daylight in front of her two children, there is no stopping him from doing anything more egregious. >> reporter: so, phil, this manhunt in the second day. we know there are dozens of agencies that have been involved in this nl search. we have seen k-9s, drones, we have seen helicopters, and of course lot of officers on foot trying to bring this man back in. >> with clear urgency. danny freeman, great reporting. please keep us updated as the morning moves forward. now a missouri judge has ruled that a white homeowner must stand trial for shooting a black teen. it comes after a preliminary hearing which included testimony from 12 witnesses and 911 calls from neighbors as well as the defendant. the teen ralph yarl testified in court thursday facing lester for the first time since the shooting in april. lester has pleaded not guilty to first-degree assault. his next court appearance is set for september 20th. well, a minute and 22 seconds, the labor department will release the august jobs report. we will break down the numbers ahead. and president biden asking congress for four more billion dollars to refill fema's disaster relief fund as he calls for a short-term funding bill to avoid a government shutdown. can congress get it done? we will break it down next. you love rich, delicious ice cream. but your stomach doesn't. that disagreement ends 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for a limited time, save up to $700 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the subway series menu. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. for freeee. that's what i'm talking about. order in the subway app today. the white house is asking congress for another $4 billion in emergency disaster relief. the ask comes as florida, georgia, and the carolinas face what's expected to be a lengthy and costly recovery from hurricane idalia. plus, maui's residents are just beginning to piece back together after the devastation caused by the wildfire. it also comes just a few weeks after an initial 12 billion in emergency funding was requested by the white house as fema's disaster relief fund moves into dire straits. it's been strained by wildfires and floods and, of course, hurricane season. president biden in a visit to fema headquarters on thursday stressed the urgency. >> we need this money done. we need this disaster relief request met and we need to do it in september. we can't wait. >> here is the thing. emergency funding isn't the only thing the white house is calling on congress to get done this month. he asked for -- biden asked for a short-term extension of government funding. there is a deadline after all at the end of this month. what does this mean? well, this was what one house republican told me this week. quote, a nightmare. why? i will walk you through it. so, obviously, u.s. capitol, congress needs to be passing bills to actually fund the government, or we have seen it a number of times the last several years, a government shutdown. three numbers that underscore why this is a big problem right now. there are 30 days until congress runs out of time to fund the government. a government shutdown would happen the end of this month. there are 12 spending bills that comprise the kind of full scale of government funding. the house has to pass, the president signs them. zero spending bills have been signed into law at this point. tell me the last time congress passed 12 bills and got to the president's desk in 30 days. wait. it will take you a while. added to that, not just the normal funding of the federal government, the emergency spending, you have the disaster relief funds that were asked for on an emergency basis, $12 billion. additional $4 billion this morning. then you also in emergency request included significant amount of money for ukraine on an emergency basis. now you have fund the government and also more than $40 billion in emergency spending. so what's the solution? well, based on precedent, there is an easy one. on the top line, the president, the house speaker, the senate minority leader, the house minority leader and the senate majority leader, democrats and republicans agree, there will need to be a short-term extension of funding, a continuing resolution called freeze the funding levels as they are, get them to another point in time. kick the can down the road to some degree. easy, right? tie in, tack on the energy funding, move forward, problem softel solved. here is the reality. that's going to be extremely difficult. there is no sense how it's actually going to get done or if it's going to get done. why? house republicans just took the majority of this congress, made clear throughout the course of of this congress they want the trajectory of spending, the of spending to be shifted. roy saying under no circumstances. bob good saying business as usual in washington. ronny jackson from texas, i will not vote for any continuing resolution that doesn't smash biden's doj into a million pieces. there is no continuing resolution that will defund the justice department. and that's another issue. as the trump investigations and indictments have come forward, republicans on the house side, conservatives and trump loyalists, pushed to defund the investigations, the investigations from manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, fani willis in fulton county, jack smith, the special counsel. the legality questionable. it is now a serious issue they are trying to resolve. and just in case you are wondering what else is going on. marjorie taylor greene, an ally to speaker kevin mccarthy tweeted last night, i will nonot vote to fund the government in congress doesn't do this. defund biden's weaponization of government. eliminate all covid vaccine and mandates. no funding for the war in ukraine. none of that will happen in a continuing resolution or before the end of this month. so that's a pretty big problem for this guy. that's kevin mccarthy with the gavel, 15 votes got him to this point. spending cuts were kritcritical. and, well, now all eyes are once again on kevin mccarthy. the best way to describe the next four weeks on capitol hill, mitch mcconnell, in a pretty concise manner. >> honestly, it's a mess. >> so moving from mcconnell to mccarthy -- go to the person i go to always when i want to know what's happening behind closed doors, melanie. august is a quiet month. we don't see lawmakers but there have been a lot of discussions about what happens next. tell me how lawmakers get out of the jam they are currently in. >> great question. great seeing you in your happy place right now, doing magic wall and appropriations. we need an ohio sports reference to complete the trifecta. this is really an important issue. one that people should be paying attention to because this is a real problem for kevin mccarthy and he has been strategizing behind the scenes about how they are going to get out of this mess. and two of the questions right now, how long is this cr, the short-term spending bill going to be. we are hearing likely to early december, potentially a little bit less than that. and then the other question is what gets attached, if anything, and hitches a ride on short-term spending bill. the problem right now is that while many republicans support disaster aid, right now that request is attached to ukraine funding, which many conservatives are against. so they want to delink those issues or want to have offsets. then you have a number of conservatives like chip roy, who are now demanding that border issues be attached as well. so kevin mccarthy has to figure out the sweet spot here. he doesn't need hard line conservatives to get this over the front line because presumably it has democratic support. >> it's a great point. the votes are there for a continuing resolution, put it on the floor. the politics at this moment and the conference are not. great reporting. ohio state plays indiana at noon tomorrow, the football reference. our resident chicago sports fan, medically, thank you so much. just into cnn, the labor department released the august jobs report. it shows the economy added 187,000 new jobs last month. unemployment numbers ticked up to 3.8%. cnn business correspondent rahel solomon will help us understand. good news, bad news, hard to tell with the jobs numbers. >> this is still a good report. this is sort of right in the middle, just exactly what the fed wants to see and perhaps biden wants to see. 187,000, as you said, to put that in context, that is slightly higher than most economists were expecting. the expectation was closer to 170. 3.8% unemployment, so we have been in this range for unemployment of about 3.4 to 3.8% in the last year and a half, i want to say. that's pretty low. 3 3.8 on the higher end of that. still really -- >> compared to other world economies that dealt with post-pandemic. >> absolutely. strong territory here. the sectors, this tells the story. where we saw job growth, a continuation of what we have been seeing. health care is still adding jobs. 70,000. leisure and hospitality as we continue to spend on traveling and going out and services, the services part of the economy, that's adding 40,000. here is something interesting. so there had been lot of concern about whether what we're seeing outside of -- what we are seeing on the news would impact the labor report, and we are, right. you think about yellow, trucking, filing for bankruptcy earlier this month, that is reported here. transportation and warehousing, that sector lost 34,000 jobs reflecting the bankruptcy of yellow. also, the hollywood actors and the writers, that also being reflected in the report as well. good news for the fed. wages moderated. so good news for the fed. not as much for americans -- >> when you say good news, they want to cool down the economy, not so much spending to bring down prices? >> exact. >> thank you for explaining it. the judge overseeing the georgia election subversion case will allow all proceedings could be live-streamed and televised houchlt could this impact the case? we'll dig in next. ooooh, let me putt a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed 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(air whooshing) (box thudding) - [narrator] we just shipped our millionth monthly coffee subscription box so we're sending custom thank you gifts to our team. our custom ink rep is just as excited as we are and knows what great quality products to get. celebrate your milestones with custom gear. get started today at trying vapes to quit smoking might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. 2020 election interference case against former president donald trump and his 18 co-defendants is giving the green light for all proceedings in his courtroom to be live-streamed and televised. the judge says he is following the precedent that was already set by the judge who handled preliminary matters in the case. a reminder. trump's federal cases in florida and d.c. do not allow cameras inside the courtroom as a rule. so how big of a deal is it for this ruling? joining us with the analysis cnn's senior legal analyst elie honig and cnn's senior media reporter oliver darcy. welcome back. so trump, who is like in a deposition or jump who is in a legal proceeding, i feel like that's a little different from the person people see in public. >> it's a big deal to see the proceedings life. it's very important that georgia has said that they will show it live. the problem is that trial is very likely to be well after the election. the two that are most likely to be before the election are the two federal cases, where, of course, federal courts don't allow cameras in the courtroom. i have been objecting to and ranting about this rule. here's why. if you ask the federal courts why, they say we have a rule. who made that rule? the federal judges themselves who can change that role. it's not as if hostile alien overlords came down and demanded -- >> it's a thing judges are often against. it's not something they wanted. the supreme court took forever to embrace this. why? once we have something in the public view like this, how does it change? >> i think it's antiquated. the argument is they don't want the courtrooms to become reality television sets. we can agree that's probably not going to happen. i point to the alex jones trials. those were streamed live. if anything is going to become unhinged and off the rails it's alex jones' trial. we managed to get through the trials streamed live on youtube. >> did we care about it the same way we care about the former president? >> well, probably not the same level. i think trump's trial will be the most watched of all time. if any others are striemd, people will pay attention. but i think at the end of the day, that those trials showed you can stream this on youtube, obviously, allow public to see it and see the evidence with their own eyes and i think it was beneficial. i think in the absence of this, you have a void of information that allows conspiracy theories, misinformation to thrive. and with the former president, obviously, that's always a factor. so streaming live let's the public see it, opens it up. >> i could second that. the derek chauvin trial, convicted of murdering george floyd. we watched that life. kyle rittenhouse, same thing. the man who murdered ahmaud arbery, all in state courts, nothing wrong. all these fears that judges have, owe my decorum shall be compromised did not come to pass. i would be weary as a prosecutor. >> for you, no. have you seen it? could you see that? >> i guess maybe the fortune of never having to try a case in a televised proceeding. >> television would be foreign for you. >> i wouldn't know what to do. i would be helpless. here's a little insider tip. lawyers kbrand stangrandstand w not there is a tv camera in the courtroom. prosecutors are taught to sort of you keep it on the straight and narrow. certain defense lawyers you knew during their closing argument were going to cry on command. you are performing already for a more important audience, which is the jury. so i don't buy into this fear that cameras are going to throw this thing into into the circus. >> the founder ever of court tv wrote that trump's trial should be televised so people see the truth basically americans will believe the trump verdict only if they can see it. does that even make a difference to a community that already believes that these are in some ways show trials? >> i think it does. i mean, at the end of the day i haven't actually seen anyone put forth a good argument that these trials should not be televised. i think most of what you're hearing is that it should be televised for obvious reasons. these are going to be historic trials, they are going to go down in history and not allowing the public to have any real visibility in there outside, you know, of a few reporters being in the courtroom in an overflow room, i really think that does a disservice. >> we got an example a few days ago with the mark meadows hearing where that was happening in federal court, we couldn't see it but they were getting snippets, people were slacking out to reporters and we were just getting bits and pieces. at the end of the day you will get a transcript but it's going to be 6:00, 7:00 you will get 300 pages dropped off. if we have to cover the trump trial that way that's going to be a disservice to the american public. >> appreciate it. it's been months of back and forth between hollywood unions and studios but as summer comes to a close they are no closer to reaching a deal. what do americans think of the strike as some of their favorite television shows are on pause. harry enten is here with this morning's number next. ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ don't g goooooo! ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ don't go away ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ please don't go ♪ i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clear skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reaions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. how can you sleep on such a firm setting? 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>> this morning's number is -- i love this animation so much -- here we go -- >> it takes a little bit. >> it's like a movie. >> understood. >> today is day 50 of the actor's strike. the writers have been on strike for over 100 days now, but it's day 50 of the actors' strike and i will note we were saying, okay, the public opinion in the labor dispute, look at this, writers versus the studios, look at the writers, 72% versus the studios at 19%. the lack torse versus the studios, a slightly tighter margin but overwhelming support for the actors, 67% to the studios 24%. overall on this one the studios are not favored, the writers and actors are overwhelmingly favored. >> i hesitate to ask this question but this is also your area of expertise, does this break down along partisan lines? >> who would have ever thought that i might have some interest in the politics of this all? so favor in their strikes, and i think this is kind of interesting, right, so if you look at the writers right here you see 89% of democrats favor the writers, 58% of republicans favor the writers. a majority of both, which perhaps is something you might not necessarily expect given that, you know, republicans historically speaking haven't been that favorable to unions. take a look at the actors, you see democrats 89% to 88%, very little dropoff. look at republicans, writers to actors, look at this dropoff among actors, just 43% of republicans favor the actors, maybe it's something, oh, we don't like those hollywood elites, we don't like the actors out there. something perhaps is going on out there. democrats consistent in their support, republicans see this dropoff. the other little nugget that i think is really interesting here is compare this to what we saw about 15 years ago when the writers of course were on strike and what do we see here? from 2007 to 2023 this is the public overall, look at this jump in support in favor of writers, 12 points more favorable to the writers this time around than last time around. no opinion 16% to 3%. it's not just that americans are favoring that the writers more it's that they care more. i think that is largely in line than nationally. we see more support for labor unions than 125 years ago. we are at our highest level dating back over the last 50 years. >> stick around, we will talk baseball in a few seconds. be sure to tune into audie's cnn podcast "the assignment." in this week's episode w he didn't plan this, it just happened, she sat down with frank and leonard about the state of the hollywood strikes. listen to it, listen to all of them, audie's podcast is a must listen. before we go it's safe to say no one had a better day than braves outfielder ronald acuna. he is one of the favorites to win the national league mvp. in the second inning he broke a 1-1 tie with harry enten like power a grand slam home run. it was his 30th of the season. makes him the first player in major league season, might not be the most memorable part of the day, he married his long time girlfriend in a small ceremony at a house in the mountains 45 minutes from the team's hotel, pretty wild week for acuna, got knocked down by fans who wanted a hug, handled that very well. more importantly, he got married, ten seconds left, give me your whit or just look at the awesome pictures. >> he is my hero. something to live to up. i don't think i would marry my girlfriend on television. >> i want to go down this path and get you in a lot of trouble. >> sorry, show is running out of time. >> "cnn news central" starts now. ♪ a fresh look at the state of the u.s. economy is just in and it's not just

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Emergency Basis , 2 Billion , Precedent , Top Line , Ukraine , Emergency Request , Solution , 0 Billion , 40 Billion , Resolution , Minority Leader , Freeze , Democrats , Funding Levels , Majority Leader , Senate , House Speaker , Energy Funding , Reality , Tie In , Move Forward , Tack , Easy , Problem Softel , Majority , Sense , House Republicans , Course , Trajectory , Chip Roy , Circumstances , Doesn T Smash Biden , Bob Good , Ronny Jackson , Business As Usual , Issue , Pieces , Conservatives , Side , Loyalists , A Million , Legality Questionable , Alvin Bragg , Congress Doesn T , Kevin Mccarthy , Vote , Ally , Weaponization , Last Night , Defund Biden , Marjorie Taylor Greene , None , Covid Vaccine , Mandates , War , Eyes , Votes , Gavel , Kritcritical , Cuts , Mess , Manner , Mcconnell To Mccarthy , Mitch Mcconnell , Capitol Hill , Lawmakers , Discussions , Behind Closed Doors , Melanie , Doing Magic Wall , Sports , Jam , Appropriations , Place , Attention , Questions , 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, Hollywood Elites , 43 , 88 , Nugget , Points , Opinion , 16 , 2007 , Labor Unions , 125 , Audie , Podcast , Stick Around , Baseball , Assignment , Episode W , Level Dating , Ronald Acuna , Estate , Safe , Season , Favorites , Tie , Power A , National League Mvp , Home Run , Grand Slam , 1 , Mountains , Ceremony , Hotel , Player , Major League , 45 , Fans , Whit , Hug , Pictures , Got , Ten , Trouble , Path , My Hero , Running Out Of Time , Cnn News Central ,

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pleading not guilty in the georgia election subversion case. why some of his co-defendants are turning to crowd funding to cover their defense. a manhunt underway after a convicted murderer escaped a pennsylvania prison. the district attorney says the killer's depravity knows no bounds and warns the public he is extremely dangerous with nothing to lose. and this hour the labor department is set to release the august jobs report. a snapshot of how the u.s. economy is faring. can the labor department stay in the sweet spot, not too hot, not too cold, a little goldilocks here, friday. this hour of "cnn this morning" starts right now. former president trump has pled not guilty for the fourth time. this time he is saying he didn't conspire to overturn the results of the 2020 election in georgia in the case brought by fulton county d.a. against trump and 18 ledged co-conspirators. the former president opted not to enter the plea in person next wednesday, waiving his arraignment. that's not the only legal move he is making. his legal team filed a motion to sever his case from the co-defendants would want a speedy trial. chesebro is the alleged co-conspirator who wrote the memos advocating for the fake elector scheme. the district attorney is pushing for the trial to again on october 23rd. the date that trump's attorneys says will not give them, quote, sufficient time to prepare. >> what about sufficient money? we know his pac spent 40 million so far on legal fees, not just covering his own legal fees, but aides, advisors, employees, in the house's january 6th committee investigation and in the federal investigations. so what about his 18 co-defendants in the georgia case? >> it's so sad. and they don't have a lot of money. and some of them, almost nothing. they don't even know what they are being charged for. it's just a horrible thing. i don't even know -- again, i don't even know some of these people. >> here is the thing. it's not just lawyers and people in trump's inner circle charged. it's local election officials, a bail bondsman, a pastor. how are they going to cover their legal expenses? we will discuss this with cnn national correspondent kristen holmes. help us understand how the co-defendants are raising money to do defend themselves. >> good morning. well, right now trump is not helping any of his co-defendants in footing these bills. in fact, they are so expensive, one of the co-defendants, harrison floyd, who has leads black voices for trump spent a week in jail because he couldn't afford to hire an attorney. because of, they are turning to many different ways to try to raise the funds they need for a legal defense, and that includes crowd funding. four of them are raising money on these crowd funding sites. je jenna ellis, an attorney for donald trump, raised $180,000. john eastman, another election lawyer for trump r raising $500,000. jeffrey clark, the former doj official, $56,000. kathy lathe up $15,000. this is a lot of money. these bills really add up. another person is rudy giuliani. his son created a pac to help pay his legal bills and trump is helping him a little bit. not financially, but hosting a fundraising for giuliani next week, $100,000 a plate for that fundraiser for each person. but as of now, not actually paying any of the bills. i was told by a trump official if people wanted help, they should apply to trump's legal defense fund, which is something that was set up in july. >> it's about that fund i have been in the corner of my brain thinking what happened to that, how has it been developing. they were going to create it the same time period as when the they were disclosing how much money the super pac been spending on his behalf. what's the latest on that? >> well, when we talk about that leadership pac, they have spent $41 million since 2021 on legal fees. they are bleeding out so much money on the legal fees they requested a refund for $60 million that they gave to a super pac that is defending -- that is supporting donald trump and they expect to get that money back. in terms of the legal defense fund, it is a non-profit. we are told that don jr. and eric trump are doing most of the fundraising around that and they have a significant amount of pledges. therefore, someone was telling me these georgia defendants, if they get enough money in the legal defense fund, could apply and potentially get help here. as of now, it's not clear how much is in there and how much is pledges. that fund is for these legal bills of aides and advisors, not for the former president. it goes to show you, again, they are bleeding money from that save america pac to have to request a refund for a donation they need to a super pac. clear hi they need the money. >> for now we will let you go. thanks. >> so trump may be pleading not guilty for the fourth time and probably have a lot of focus on four indictments. maybe you don't at all because it seems like there is so much going on. it's important to take a step back here. quote, a net of justice is tightening around 2020 election deniers. what is he talking about? there are significant legal losses for people who tried to overturn the election results this week. the top proud boys lieutenant joe biggs facing 17 years in prison. he led the march to at capitol on january 6th, convicted of seditious conspiracy. and former marine, he is looking at 15 years. he broke down in tears in the sentencing and told its judge, i stand here today and say i am done with it all. i am done with politics. i am done pedaling lies for other people who don't care about me. two pled guilty to threatening election officials. chad christopher stark of texas pleaded guilty in georgia after the 2020 election. joshua russell ohio pled guilty to threatening an election arizona worker. the cases are part of the justice department's election threats task force which launched in june 2021 to address the rise in threats against election officials. it's the start of labor day weekend and aaa is predicting more americans than last year will be traveling. the organization reports a 4% increase in u.s. travel bookings and a whopping 44% jump in international travel bookings compared to last year. it all comes as hurricane idalia snarls travel plans in the southeast. cnn's aviation correspondent pete money dean is live from washington this morning. what are travelers walking into? >> reporter: yeah, they are walking into crowds and probably no empty middle seats next to them. this is going to be a climatic end for a huge summer for air travel. the tsa says today will be the busiest at airports of the travel period. 2.7 million people expected to pass through security at america's airports on friday. 14 million people in total through wednesday. here is the really big number. 227.5 million people, all summer long, from memorial day to labor day. that's what the tsa says. it's the record. it's the biggest summer for air travel ever. think about this. the cancellations have actually gone down a little bit in number compared to last year. we saw about 50,000 last year, memorial day to labor day. this time we have seen about 40,000. so a 20% drop. travel experts say there is still so much out of airlines' control and there is a bit of room to grow here. listen. >> the odds are pretty good. the odds have been -- have mostly played out in the travelers' favor in 2023 with the "x" factor being how will mother nature cooperate, will we see widespread thunderstorms like we saw over july 4th that led to a lot of cancellations, that were largely unpreventable. >> reporter: the faa is anticipating some ground stops today. big hubs on the list. phoenix, san francisco, orlando, tampa, miami. so, if you are trying to get around the weather, sometimes the best way is to drive, sometimes labor day is a driving holiday for people and aaa says the best time to drive is today before 11:00 a.m. so finish watching "cnn this morning" and hit the road. the worst time, between 11:00 and 9:00 a.m. in d.c., some of the traffic could be three times the norm later on this afternoon. so try to hit the road soon. it's not going to be pretty out there. >> pete, i appreciate you telling people to watch "cnn this morning" all the way through because audi started by saying it's the start of labor day weekend. i was like, yo, we got 52 minutes left of the show. >> it's in my mind. vacation is in the mind. pete, thank you so much. >> appreciate it. >> reporter: anytime. the legal bills for trump's 18 co-defendants are adding up. some are turning to crowd funding. what does being tight on money mean for their legal strategies? we will talk about that coming up next. 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the co-defendants, wrote a post on rebranded twitter i was reliably informed trump isn't funding any of us who are indicted. now a source close to trump told cnn, i don't think ellis would be on the top of trump's list anyway. since the indictment, ellis has raised $180,000 through a faith-based crowdfunding site. joining us now with the analysis, cnn senior analyst, elie honig, airerrol lewis, she tall cot and the national correspondent for "the washington post." welcome all of you to the table. i guess being apart of this process doesn't necessarily mean you are going to get the support of maga financially. is that all that unusual? there are a couple of cases going on. what have we seen so far? >> yeah, i don't think it's unusual from the perspective of this is a trump situation, right. but -- and the lawyers can probably speak to this better than i can in terms of whether it's unusual from the broader perspective, but what i think is interesting is you have several of these co-defendants trying to sever their trials and from my understanding one of the benefits of severing a trial would be that trump's lawyers would not then be at that trial. so anything that comes up that implicates trump, maybe if the trial is severed, the co-defendants aren't going to, you know what i mean? they are not going to argue fence it. >> shelby is right. one of the advantages to a defendant of having a severed trial, meaning two separate trials, the ones who go second get to see the other side's playbook. on the question about payments for at co-defendants, this is unusual for a trump case because he has historically, dating back to impeachment, covered himself by having his pacs and associated entities pay for lawyers for co-counsel. that's not illegal. this happens quite a bit. >> and people saw it as being to his benefit? >> 100%. this is a tactic that powerful rich people use. it's legal. >> and powerful rich corporations. >> exactly. corporations are a great example. by paying for someone else's attorneys, you make it difficult for them to flip on you. if they do, a and if they have the courage to say to their lawyers being funded by the boss, i think my best interest would be to cooperate, you are going to lose that lawyer, you have to pay for your own lawyer, which is really, really expensive. it's protected trump before. now it's not in the georgia case. >> does the pac have the money this time around to pay for it? and if it doesn't, which it seems like it doesn't, would trump himself, you know, i feel like -- >> you know the answer to that question before you ask it -- >> to pull his own funds out of it. i mean, he is not even funding his own legal defense. >> we saw an example in florida of a guy who had his lawyer paid for. there was a conflict because he gave false testimony, according to the government, and if he were to reverse that testimony, he would implicate his lawyer's other client. so he implicated other people in trump's circuit. that's the question, right. it's very cheap if you leave trump's orbit and testify against trump and make a deal and then you don't have a criminal case anymore, right. trump has two conflicting motivations. the political question and legal question. the political question so solve his legal question if he is elected president. he has no indication to try to help and she flipped and is working for ron desantis right now. do i help them and legally? what does that say lipoliticall? do i let them use my legal capital? based on the fact they don't have a whole lot of cash, so will end up weighing against donald trump. >> what message does this send to any other potential trump supporters who may want to go, quote, unquote, that extra mile? this whole process in justice is sort of an exercise in sending a message. >> he has given them a lot to think about. rudy giuliani, long-time supporter, friend, going back decades, not getting his bills paid. having to go to mar-a-lago and beg for help. apparently the reaction was, you know, when rudy giuliani says, look, i went to court 60 times for you and the response was, well, you lost all those cases. >> that's a tough comeback. >> that's a real food for thought. and look, we know from michael cohen, other long time -- >> talks about it frequently. >> he said it was based on the fact he was left hung out to dry. his family's security was at stake. that's when he turned and started talking. and i think we can expect to see that with others as well. >> to that point, and we have talked about this a couple times, what is there to flip here? that's the big question, right? michael cohen knew all the things about all the things in terms of the trump organization and what the former president was doing in his business life pre-political life. you look through the indictment, the fulton county indictment, you look through the jack smith indictments as well where it seems like on the documents case that kind of rolled up, everybody that's in the crosshairs to some degree. i am wondering what the flip is here. >> yeah, so the guy we talked about in florida had a con cret thing. he said they asked me to delete the surveillance video. of course, allegedly according to the indictment. the r.i.c.o. indictment in georgia has a lot of components, a lot of establishment of fact that needs to be done. we have seen the defendants who say i did this fake electors thing, donald trump asked me do. i don't know. jack smith, fani willis, they know the sorts of things that they are going to be willing to trade for, right. there may be nothing. they may not -- someone may say i will do whatever you need. they may say you have nothing. so it's a good question. especially some of these charges are very complicated and rooted -- and i don't want to say they are -- they are sort of loosey-goosey, but idealogical to some extent. there is a theory of the case that needs to be made. i am not in an attorney. elly could speak to this. >> there are four of them and you have to pay for lawyers for all of them while running a campaign. >> that's right. it's ex ptremely expensive. drawing down a lot of the political money to pay for this. some of these lawyers actually want to get paid, you know? donald trump is famous for stiffing his attorneys. not everybody is going to get that kind of a deal or have that influence. >> we talk about it a lot. i know we have to go. the idea of not just -- the organization and mechanics of a campaign, not now when you are plus 30 in a primary. in general election when joe biden and the team raise two plus billion dollars, it's not insignificant. all right. good luck, guys. an urgent manhunt underway for a convicted murderer. he is described as extremely dangerous. we will have the details. that's coming up next. retired right?u are am i? ya! the queen sleep number c2 smart bed d is now only $999. plus free home delivery whenen you add a base shop now only at sleep p number. then 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dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic summer of smiles event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while these summer savings won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today. ♪ this morning a massive manhunt underway in pennsylvania after a convicted murderer escaped a prison outside of philadelphia. police say danelo cavalcante is, quote, extremely dangerous. was last seen 30 miles west of philadelphia. this is what he was wearing the last time he was seen, a white t-shirt and white sneakers. danny freeman is live in philadelphia. we talked about kind of the way this was framed, this individual, the danger, the risk he poses. what's the latest? what do you know right now? >> reporter: well, phil, the biggest question is how did this inmate escape? law enforcement officials, they have not given us an answer to that question. as you said, they have just been emphasizing 24 hours after this escape, this man is extremely dangerous and residents in chester county should be on high alert. let me tell you how we got to this point. like you said, this started 24 hours ago at 8:50 a.m. on thursday, yesterday morning. that's when law enforcement says that danelo cavalcante escaped from the chester county prison. again, that's about 30 miles west of where we are in philadelphia. i want to repeat what you said. he was last seen at 9:40 wearing that white t-shirt, gray shorts and white sneakers. that's important because law enforcement officials believe that he was able to actually change clothes after he escaped from the prison. and just to drill down on why law enforcement being so strong with their language here about this inmate, he was just convicted of first-degree murder two weeks ago. he was just sentenced to life without the possibility of parole last week. that's all, once he was found guilty of stabbing his former girlfriend, stabbing her 38 times and killing her in front of her children. and, phil, the prosecutors in this case say that the motive for that killing was that the girlfriend actually discovered that he was wanted in connection to a murder back in brazil. prosecutors said she was going to expose that and then that was the motivation for him killing his girlfriend. i want you to take a listen to exactly how dangerous the d.a. feels this suspect is. talk a listen. >> his depravity knows no bounds. he has nothing to lose. so i don't know what he is capable of doing. if he is already engaged in a murder in broad daylight in front of her two children, there is no stopping him from doing anything more egregious. >> reporter: so, phil, this manhunt in the second day. we know there are dozens of agencies that have been involved in this nl search. we have seen k-9s, drones, we have seen helicopters, and of course lot of officers on foot trying to bring this man back in. >> with clear urgency. danny freeman, great reporting. please keep us updated as the morning moves forward. now a missouri judge has ruled that a white homeowner must stand trial for shooting a black teen. it comes after a preliminary hearing which included testimony from 12 witnesses and 911 calls from neighbors as well as the defendant. the teen ralph yarl testified in court thursday facing lester for the first time since the shooting in april. lester has pleaded not guilty to first-degree assault. his next court appearance is set for september 20th. well, a minute and 22 seconds, the labor department will release the august jobs report. we will break down the numbers ahead. and president biden asking congress for four more billion dollars to refill fema's disaster relief fund as he calls for a short-term funding bill to avoid a government shutdown. can congress get it done? we will break it down next. you love rich, delicious ice cream. but your stomach doesn't. that disagreement ends 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for a limited time, save up to $700 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the subway series menu. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. for freeee. that's what i'm talking about. order in the subway app today. the white house is asking congress for another $4 billion in emergency disaster relief. the ask comes as florida, georgia, and the carolinas face what's expected to be a lengthy and costly recovery from hurricane idalia. plus, maui's residents are just beginning to piece back together after the devastation caused by the wildfire. it also comes just a few weeks after an initial 12 billion in emergency funding was requested by the white house as fema's disaster relief fund moves into dire straits. it's been strained by wildfires and floods and, of course, hurricane season. president biden in a visit to fema headquarters on thursday stressed the urgency. >> we need this money done. we need this disaster relief request met and we need to do it in september. we can't wait. >> here is the thing. emergency funding isn't the only thing the white house is calling on congress to get done this month. he asked for -- biden asked for a short-term extension of government funding. there is a deadline after all at the end of this month. what does this mean? well, this was what one house republican told me this week. quote, a nightmare. why? i will walk you through it. so, obviously, u.s. capitol, congress needs to be passing bills to actually fund the government, or we have seen it a number of times the last several years, a government shutdown. three numbers that underscore why this is a big problem right now. there are 30 days until congress runs out of time to fund the government. a government shutdown would happen the end of this month. there are 12 spending bills that comprise the kind of full scale of government funding. the house has to pass, the president signs them. zero spending bills have been signed into law at this point. tell me the last time congress passed 12 bills and got to the president's desk in 30 days. wait. it will take you a while. added to that, not just the normal funding of the federal government, the emergency spending, you have the disaster relief funds that were asked for on an emergency basis, $12 billion. additional $4 billion this morning. then you also in emergency request included significant amount of money for ukraine on an emergency basis. now you have fund the government and also more than $40 billion in emergency spending. so what's the solution? well, based on precedent, there is an easy one. on the top line, the president, the house speaker, the senate minority leader, the house minority leader and the senate majority leader, democrats and republicans agree, there will need to be a short-term extension of funding, a continuing resolution called freeze the funding levels as they are, get them to another point in time. kick the can down the road to some degree. easy, right? tie in, tack on the energy funding, move forward, problem softel solved. here is the reality. that's going to be extremely difficult. there is no sense how it's actually going to get done or if it's going to get done. why? house republicans just took the majority of this congress, made clear throughout the course of of this congress they want the trajectory of spending, the of spending to be shifted. roy saying under no circumstances. bob good saying business as usual in washington. ronny jackson from texas, i will not vote for any continuing resolution that doesn't smash biden's doj into a million pieces. there is no continuing resolution that will defund the justice department. and that's another issue. as the trump investigations and indictments have come forward, republicans on the house side, conservatives and trump loyalists, pushed to defund the investigations, the investigations from manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, fani willis in fulton county, jack smith, the special counsel. the legality questionable. it is now a serious issue they are trying to resolve. and just in case you are wondering what else is going on. marjorie taylor greene, an ally to speaker kevin mccarthy tweeted last night, i will nonot vote to fund the government in congress doesn't do this. defund biden's weaponization of government. eliminate all covid vaccine and mandates. no funding for the war in ukraine. none of that will happen in a continuing resolution or before the end of this month. so that's a pretty big problem for this guy. that's kevin mccarthy with the gavel, 15 votes got him to this point. spending cuts were kritcritical. and, well, now all eyes are once again on kevin mccarthy. the best way to describe the next four weeks on capitol hill, mitch mcconnell, in a pretty concise manner. >> honestly, it's a mess. >> so moving from mcconnell to mccarthy -- go to the person i go to always when i want to know what's happening behind closed doors, melanie. august is a quiet month. we don't see lawmakers but there have been a lot of discussions about what happens next. tell me how lawmakers get out of the jam they are currently in. >> great question. great seeing you in your happy place right now, doing magic wall and appropriations. we need an ohio sports reference to complete the trifecta. this is really an important issue. one that people should be paying attention to because this is a real problem for kevin mccarthy and he has been strategizing behind the scenes about how they are going to get out of this mess. and two of the questions right now, how long is this cr, the short-term spending bill going to be. we are hearing likely to early december, potentially a little bit less than that. and then the other question is what gets attached, if anything, and hitches a ride on short-term spending bill. the problem right now is that while many republicans support disaster aid, right now that request is attached to ukraine funding, which many conservatives are against. so they want to delink those issues or want to have offsets. then you have a number of conservatives like chip roy, who are now demanding that border issues be attached as well. so kevin mccarthy has to figure out the sweet spot here. he doesn't need hard line conservatives to get this over the front line because presumably it has democratic support. >> it's a great point. the votes are there for a continuing resolution, put it on the floor. the politics at this moment and the conference are not. great reporting. ohio state plays indiana at noon tomorrow, the football reference. our resident chicago sports fan, medically, thank you so much. just into cnn, the labor department released the august jobs report. it shows the economy added 187,000 new jobs last month. unemployment numbers ticked up to 3.8%. cnn business correspondent rahel solomon will help us understand. good news, bad news, hard to tell with the jobs numbers. >> this is still a good report. this is sort of right in the middle, just exactly what the fed wants to see and perhaps biden wants to see. 187,000, as you said, to put that in context, that is slightly higher than most economists were expecting. the expectation was closer to 170. 3.8% unemployment, so we have been in this range for unemployment of about 3.4 to 3.8% in the last year and a half, i want to say. that's pretty low. 3 3.8 on the higher end of that. still really -- >> compared to other world economies that dealt with post-pandemic. >> absolutely. strong territory here. the sectors, this tells the story. where we saw job growth, a continuation of what we have been seeing. health care is still adding jobs. 70,000. leisure and hospitality as we continue to spend on traveling and going out and services, the services part of the economy, that's adding 40,000. here is something interesting. so there had been lot of concern about whether what we're seeing outside of -- what we are seeing on the news would impact the labor report, and we are, right. you think about yellow, trucking, filing for bankruptcy earlier this month, that is reported here. transportation and warehousing, that sector lost 34,000 jobs reflecting the bankruptcy of yellow. also, the hollywood actors and the writers, that also being reflected in the report as well. good news for the fed. wages moderated. so good news for the fed. not as much for americans -- >> when you say good news, they want to cool down the economy, not so much spending to bring down prices? >> exact. >> thank you for explaining it. the judge overseeing the georgia election subversion case will allow all proceedings could be live-streamed and televised houchlt could this impact the case? we'll dig in next. ooooh, let me putt a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit i got a great price on it. - did you see my tail when that chewy box showed up? - oh, i saw it. - sorry about the vase. - can we just say vase like normal people? - fine. - i always wondered what it would be like to have a tail. - maybe you did one time. and maybe a thousand years from now, i'll be tail-less using that chewy app to get you great prices on treats. - i'm pretty sure it takes more than a thousand years- - vase. - pets aren't just pets. they're more. - vase! - [announcer] save more on what they love with everyday great prices at chewy. (air whooshing) (box thudding) - [narrator] we just shipped our millionth monthly coffee subscription box so we're sending custom thank you gifts to our team. our custom ink rep is just as excited as we are and knows what great quality products to get. celebrate your milestones with custom gear. get started today at trying vapes to quit smoking might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. 2020 election interference case against former president donald trump and his 18 co-defendants is giving the green light for all proceedings in his courtroom to be live-streamed and televised. the judge says he is following the precedent that was already set by the judge who handled preliminary matters in the case. a reminder. trump's federal cases in florida and d.c. do not allow cameras inside the courtroom as a rule. so how big of a deal is it for this ruling? joining us with the analysis cnn's senior legal analyst elie honig and cnn's senior media reporter oliver darcy. welcome back. so trump, who is like in a deposition or jump who is in a legal proceeding, i feel like that's a little different from the person people see in public. >> it's a big deal to see the proceedings life. it's very important that georgia has said that they will show it live. the problem is that trial is very likely to be well after the election. the two that are most likely to be before the election are the two federal cases, where, of course, federal courts don't allow cameras in the courtroom. i have been objecting to and ranting about this rule. here's why. if you ask the federal courts why, they say we have a rule. who made that rule? the federal judges themselves who can change that role. it's not as if hostile alien overlords came down and demanded -- >> it's a thing judges are often against. it's not something they wanted. the supreme court took forever to embrace this. why? once we have something in the public view like this, how does it change? >> i think it's antiquated. the argument is they don't want the courtrooms to become reality television sets. we can agree that's probably not going to happen. i point to the alex jones trials. those were streamed live. if anything is going to become unhinged and off the rails it's alex jones' trial. we managed to get through the trials streamed live on youtube. >> did we care about it the same way we care about the former president? >> well, probably not the same level. i think trump's trial will be the most watched of all time. if any others are striemd, people will pay attention. but i think at the end of the day, that those trials showed you can stream this on youtube, obviously, allow public to see it and see the evidence with their own eyes and i think it was beneficial. i think in the absence of this, you have a void of information that allows conspiracy theories, misinformation to thrive. and with the former president, obviously, that's always a factor. so streaming live let's the public see it, opens it up. >> i could second that. the derek chauvin trial, convicted of murdering george floyd. we watched that life. kyle rittenhouse, same thing. the man who murdered ahmaud arbery, all in state courts, nothing wrong. all these fears that judges have, owe my decorum shall be compromised did not come to pass. i would be weary as a prosecutor. >> for you, no. have you seen it? could you see that? >> i guess maybe the fortune of never having to try a case in a televised proceeding. >> television would be foreign for you. >> i wouldn't know what to do. i would be helpless. here's a little insider tip. lawyers kbrand stangrandstand w not there is a tv camera in the courtroom. prosecutors are taught to sort of you keep it on the straight and narrow. certain defense lawyers you knew during their closing argument were going to cry on command. you are performing already for a more important audience, which is the jury. so i don't buy into this fear that cameras are going to throw this thing into into the circus. >> the founder ever of court tv wrote that trump's trial should be televised so people see the truth basically americans will believe the trump verdict only if they can see it. does that even make a difference to a community that already believes that these are in some ways show trials? >> i think it does. i mean, at the end of the day i haven't actually seen anyone put forth a good argument that these trials should not be televised. i think most of what you're hearing is that it should be televised for obvious reasons. these are going to be historic trials, they are going to go down in history and not allowing the public to have any real visibility in there outside, you know, of a few reporters being in the courtroom in an overflow room, i really think that does a disservice. >> we got an example a few days ago with the mark meadows hearing where that was happening in federal court, we couldn't see it but they were getting snippets, people were slacking out to reporters and we were just getting bits and pieces. at the end of the day you will get a transcript but it's going to be 6:00, 7:00 you will get 300 pages dropped off. if we have to cover the trump trial that way that's going to be a disservice to the american public. >> appreciate it. it's been months of back and forth between hollywood unions and studios but as summer comes to a close they are no closer to reaching a deal. what do americans think of the strike as some of their favorite television shows are on pause. harry enten is here with this morning's number next. ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ don't g goooooo! ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ don't go away ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ please don't go ♪ i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clear skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reaions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. how can you sleep on such a firm setting? 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>> this morning's number is -- i love this animation so much -- here we go -- >> it takes a little bit. >> it's like a movie. >> understood. >> today is day 50 of the actor's strike. the writers have been on strike for over 100 days now, but it's day 50 of the actors' strike and i will note we were saying, okay, the public opinion in the labor dispute, look at this, writers versus the studios, look at the writers, 72% versus the studios at 19%. the lack torse versus the studios, a slightly tighter margin but overwhelming support for the actors, 67% to the studios 24%. overall on this one the studios are not favored, the writers and actors are overwhelmingly favored. >> i hesitate to ask this question but this is also your area of expertise, does this break down along partisan lines? >> who would have ever thought that i might have some interest in the politics of this all? so favor in their strikes, and i think this is kind of interesting, right, so if you look at the writers right here you see 89% of democrats favor the writers, 58% of republicans favor the writers. a majority of both, which perhaps is something you might not necessarily expect given that, you know, republicans historically speaking haven't been that favorable to unions. take a look at the actors, you see democrats 89% to 88%, very little dropoff. look at republicans, writers to actors, look at this dropoff among actors, just 43% of republicans favor the actors, maybe it's something, oh, we don't like those hollywood elites, we don't like the actors out there. something perhaps is going on out there. democrats consistent in their support, republicans see this dropoff. the other little nugget that i think is really interesting here is compare this to what we saw about 15 years ago when the writers of course were on strike and what do we see here? from 2007 to 2023 this is the public overall, look at this jump in support in favor of writers, 12 points more favorable to the writers this time around than last time around. no opinion 16% to 3%. it's not just that americans are favoring that the writers more it's that they care more. i think that is largely in line than nationally. we see more support for labor unions than 125 years ago. we are at our highest level dating back over the last 50 years. >> stick around, we will talk baseball in a few seconds. be sure to tune into audie's cnn podcast "the assignment." in this week's episode w he didn't plan this, it just happened, she sat down with frank and leonard about the state of the hollywood strikes. listen to it, listen to all of them, audie's podcast is a must listen. before we go it's safe to say no one had a better day than braves outfielder ronald acuna. he is one of the favorites to win the national league mvp. in the second inning he broke a 1-1 tie with harry enten like power a grand slam home run. it was his 30th of the season. makes him the first player in major league season, might not be the most memorable part of the day, he married his long time girlfriend in a small ceremony at a house in the mountains 45 minutes from the team's hotel, pretty wild week for acuna, got knocked down by fans who wanted a hug, handled that very well. more importantly, he got married, ten seconds left, give me your whit or just look at the awesome pictures. >> he is my hero. something to live to up. i don't think i would marry my girlfriend on television. >> i want to go down this path and get you in a lot of trouble. >> sorry, show is running out of time. >> "cnn news central" starts now. ♪ a fresh look at the state of the u.s. economy is just in and it's not just

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7 , Patients , Exam , Epic Summer , Aspen , Insurance , Fun , 25 , Plus , Everyone , Memories , Treatment Plan , Book Today , X Rays , Aspen Dental , Summer Savings Won T Last , Philadelphia , Danelo Cavalcante Is , Pennsylvania , Police , 30 , Phil , Risk , Individual , Sneakers , White T Shirt , Danny Freeman , Danger , Man , Law Enforcement Officials , Residents , Inmate , Escape , 24 , Law Enforcement , Chester County , Chester County Prison , On Thursday , Danelo Cavalcante , 8 , 50 , Shorts , 40 , Murder , Clothes , Language , Life Without The Possibility Of Parole , Girlfriend , Prosecutors , Front , Children , 38 , Listen , Motive , Motivation , Murder Back , Killing , Connection , Brazil , Suspect , Doing , Dozens , Agencies , Nl Search , Great Reporting , Urgency , Officers , Foot , Morning Moves , Drones , Helicopters , K 9s , Missouri , Hearing , Homeowner , Teen , Neighbors , Witnesses , Stand Trial For Shooting A Black , 911 , 12 , Lester , Time , Court Appearance , Shooting , Assault , Teen Ralph Yarl , Congress , Numbers , September 20th , 22 , Government Shutdown , Disaster Relief Fund , Funding Bill , Fema , Ice Cream , Disagreement , Stomach , Lactd , Politicians , Stomac , Moms , We , Social Media Harms , Lobbyists , Voice , Safety , Breakthrough , Black , Sharpness , Recall , Prevagen , Memory , Clinical Trials , Ingredient , Secret , Jellyfish , Prescription , Stores , Footlong , Series , Menu , Subway , Order , Freeee , I M Talking , Emergency Disaster Relief , White House , Ask , Carolinas , 4 Billion , Billion , Recovery , Wildfire , Devastation , Hurricane Idalia , Maui , 12 Billion , Emergency Funding , Wildfires , Floods , Dire Straits , Emergency Funding Isn T , Visit , Disaster Relief Request , Fema Headquarters , House , Government Funding , Extension , Deadline , The End , Problem , Underscore , U S Capitol , A Nightmare , Spending Bills , Scale , Law , Desk , Zero , Funding , Disaster Relief Funds , Emergency Spending , Emergency Basis , 2 Billion , Precedent , Top Line , Ukraine , Emergency Request , Solution , 0 Billion , 40 Billion , Resolution , Minority Leader , Freeze , Democrats , Funding Levels , Majority Leader , Senate , House Speaker , Energy Funding , Reality , Tie In , Move Forward , Tack , Easy , Problem Softel , Majority , Sense , House Republicans , Course , Trajectory , Chip Roy , Circumstances , Doesn T Smash Biden , Bob Good , Ronny Jackson , Business As Usual , Issue , Pieces , Conservatives , Side , Loyalists , A Million , Legality Questionable , Alvin Bragg , Congress Doesn T , Kevin Mccarthy , Vote , Ally , Weaponization , Last Night , Defund Biden , Marjorie Taylor Greene , None , Covid Vaccine , Mandates , War , Eyes , Votes , Gavel , Kritcritical , Cuts , Mess , Manner , Mcconnell To Mccarthy , Mitch Mcconnell , Capitol Hill , Lawmakers , Discussions , Behind Closed Doors , Melanie , Doing Magic Wall , Sports , Jam , Appropriations , Place , Attention , Questions , Strategizing , Trifecta , Scenes , Spending Bill , Cr , Ride On , Issues , Request , Disaster Aid , Offsets , Line , Front Line , Spot , Border , Floor , Conference , Indiana , Ohio State , Jobs , Resident , Football Reference , Sports Fan , Medically , Noon Tomorrow , Chicago , 187000 , Bad News , Rahel Solomon , Report , Unemployment Numbers , Jobs Numbers , Right , 3 8 , Expectation , Context , Middle , Fed , Economists , Unemployment , End , Range , Half , 170 , 3 4 , Economies , Health Care , Continuation , World , Territory , Job Growth , Sectors , Post Pandemic , Services , Leisure , Concern , Hospitality , 70000 , Bankruptcy , Transportation , Trucking , Labor , Sector , Warehousing , 34000 , Writers , Actors , News , Hollywood , Yellow , Wages , Proceedings , Prices , Houchlt , Impact , Reminder , Phone , Pile , Next , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Tail , Price , Chewy Box , Vase , Fine , A Thousand , Announcer , More , Treats , Coffee Subscription Box , Just Pets , Air Whooshing , Box Thudding , Milestones , Ink Rep , Customink Com , Courtroom , Matters , Light , Rule , Cameras , Oliver Darcy , Analyst , Ruling , So Trump , Proceeding , Deposition , Proceedings Life , Courts , Judges , Ranting , Role , Alien Overlords , Supreme Court , View , Argument , Courtrooms , Reality Television Sets , Alex Jones , Trial , Way , Rails , Youtube , Striemd , Level , Void , Conspiracy Theories , Evidence , Information , Absence , Factor , Misinformation , State Courts , Decorum , George Floyd , Kyle Rittenhouse , Ahmaud Arbery , Television , Prosecutor , Fortune , Kbrand Stangrandstand W , Tv Camera , Insider , Tip , Defense Lawyers , Closing Argument , Audience , Command , Jury , Fear , Verdict , Circus , Truth , Founder , Court Tv , Show Trials , Community , Anyone , Difference , Reporters , Visibility , Reasons , History , Mark Meadows Hearing , Disservice , Federal Court , Overflow Room , Snippets , Slacking , Transcript , Pages , Bits , 300 , Strike , Studios , Unions , Close , Morning , Television Shows , Pause , Don T Go Please G Goooooo , Harry Enten , Plaque Psoriasis , Don T Go Away , Reaions , Skin , Infections , Starter Doses , Skyrizi , 90 , 2 , Doctor , Symptoms , Infection , Ability , Plan , Vaccine , Dermatologist , Word , Base , Home Delivery , Gab , Bed , Setting , Cabenuva , Hiv , Hiv Treatment , Injections , Healthcare Provider , Side Effects , Reactions , Liver Problems , Medicines , Pills Aren T On My Mind , Don T , Depression , Ingredients , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Treatment Appointments , Fever , Tiredness , I M Good To Go , City , Bumper Traffic , Bumper , Negotiations , Hollywood Studios , Lax , L A , Movie , Picket Lines , Tv Schedules , Shakeups , Red Carpets , Disruptions , Poll , Workers , Animation , Actor , Public Opinion , Saying , Lack Torse , Labor Dispute , 19 , 72 , Expertise , Area , 67 , Strikes , Lines , Interesting , Break , 89 , 58 , Haven T , Both , Dropoff , Hollywood Elites , 43 , 88 , Nugget , Points , Opinion , 16 , 2007 , Labor Unions , 125 , Audie , Podcast , Stick Around , Baseball , Assignment , Episode W , Level Dating , Ronald Acuna , Estate , Safe , Season , Favorites , Tie , Power A , National League Mvp , Home Run , Grand Slam , 1 , Mountains , Ceremony , Hotel , Player , Major League , 45 , Fans , Whit , Hug , Pictures , Got , Ten , Trouble , Path , My Hero , Running Out Of Time , Cnn News Central ,

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