Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

my sport propels me forward. contra costa college saw potential in me that i didn't know i had. focus. determination. drive. contra costa college helped me blaze the trail. now i'm a comet, and there's no stopping me. come on, this is your shot. take it. join the team at contra costa college. start today at it's the final countdown not just to your and my weekend, but donald trump's last remaining co-defendant to surrender in fulton county ahead of the d.a.'s deadline and 59 minutes to go and counting. >> from the historic firsts to prosecuting the prosecuted with mug shots and going on everything from mugs to t-shirts. and now, a trial date is set for one of donald trump's co-defendants 59 days from now on tv, and this could have huge implications for the rest of the defendants in this case. i'm john berman with sara sidner and kate bolduan and this iis cn "news central." and then there was one with the noon deadline very soon upon us, and we are watching for the final co-defendant of donald trump to surrender at the fulton county jail, and just the last hour, trevian kutti surrendered and they say she drove down from her chicago home to call someone a loose end at a party to tidy up. a short time ago, kutti surrendered to the authorities and if she had missed noon deadline, it would have complicated smooth process for those co-defendants who surrendered. the co-defendants other than the president have spent an hour to 1:21, and other than harrison phren who hasis still being processed. and there is one who has not turned himself in. at best, those who turn themselves in, they take 48 hour, and sometimes days, but we don't know the whereabouts of steven lee right now, but he is the only and last remaining co-defendant of the 19 yet to turn themselves in, and the clock is ticking. kate. >> thank you, nick valencia, for being there. john. >> and potentially right now inside of the fulton county courthouse, one of the defendants will appear before the judge scott mcafee, and this is the first appearance before the judge, even though we have seen the surrenders of so many of the co-conspirators before. and zach is outside of the courthouse, and explain this, because it is so confusing of the different things going on here, and what is happening before the junldge and with who? >> well, harrison floyd who is the leader of an organization called the black voices for trump is one of the rare cases yesterday where the surrender did not go smoothly, because he failed to negotiate a bond agreement to the authorities at the fulton county jail, and so, since then, he spent time in custody and he about to make the first initial appearance before the judge in this subversion case here, and they will determine his state going forward. harrison floyd is an interesting character here in all of this, because he is charged with crimes of intimidating election workers and also in a separate matter for assaulting an fbi agent who was trying to serve him a grand jury appearance subpoena. and now for others, the court appearance is getting on the books here. ken chesebro who worked with donald trump has a trial date for october 28th, 2023, and that is first court trial that we know of set by the judge for a defendant in 24 this case, and judge made it clear that it only applies to chesebro, and fani willis wants to try all of the defendants together, and so this going to be interesting to see how it impacts her ability to do this going forward and other like mark med dose and others who -- mark meadows, and others who want to have their case moved to federal court, because he is arguing that he was a federal employee at the time, and he was abouting in a federal capacity at the time, and fani willis says that you cannot overturn an election, and that not within your scope as a government official. >> and so hearing next week, and trial date for one of the co-defendants in october, and one of the co-defendants appearing before a judge right now. zachary cohen, thank you for all of that. kate? >> we also have this just in to cnn that stephen lee has turned himself into surrendered at the fulton county jail, and with that, with him surrendering just now, we have confirmed that now means that all of the co-defendants obviously including donald trump have turned themselves in, and they have been processed, and are getting the mugshots and so now, we have all 19 people booked and processed as they have all been charged and taking part in the criminal enterprise in georgia to try to overturn the 2020 election results. with that phase of the process now over, it is now going to kick into the next phase as john was just talking about with zachary cohen. joining us is tim hafee who was the lead prosecutor for january 6th. now, stephen lee has surrendered and booked and processed and the final defendant in the group. but i wanted to ask you about now the process looking forward. as zach cohen and john berman were just talking about, you have kenneth chesebro who has requested and gotten what, what is asked for a speedy trial written into law for defendants in georgia, and he has a court date of october 23rd, and that is eight weeks away is what we have. and what could that mean for all of the other defendants including donald trump. it seems that it could have a huge impact. >> yeah, it certainly could have a huge impact. i think that this means that initially all of these trials, or the single trial of all defendants will be scheduled early, and then some defendants will move to postpone the trial or sever their cases from chesebro, and so it could result in essentially a truncated trial linked to chesebro or others who are requesting a speedy trial, and then another trial later. i frankly don't know the answer to the legal question as to whether this joinder of defendants is going to take precedence over the defendant's right to a speedy trial, and maybe chesebro cannot be getting a speedy trial because he is joined with defendants who want a postponed trial. that is the kind of the thing that the judge has to sort of decipher among the competing interests of these appropriately joined defendants. >> okay. so on that exact point, and you have also another one, john eastman, and what he said about trial timing and what they are looking for. listen to this, jim. >> as we stand here today, we are not prepared to meet that demand. it is certainly that, we might think through as a thought experiment, but we are inclined not to do something similar to what mr. chesebro has done recently. >> you wonder why. clearly, there is a lot of counsel now getting involved. what is the strategy in all of the moves? >> look. each defendant, and particularly the ones that are lower down the chain of culpability prefer to be severed, and it is easier for kenneth chesebro to be sitting down from trump and the other conspirator conspirators, and so i see why they want to peel off, and have them preview the evidence. i think that chesebro believes that if he is going first, the government will not be showing all of the cards in the trial, because of the looming and much more significant trial of the former president and other, and tactically, i understand why a defendant or two would want to go fast particularly if it is going to result in a severance which is favorable for them. >> i wanted to ask you about mark meadows, and we have talked about him in the past, and what you did and didn't get from mark meadows in your investigation for the january 6th congressional meeting, and he is trying to get a hearing monday and have his case moved from state to federal court, and in request to get it moved, the attorney put it this way, that he did not act ail leelly in his actions, and stripped of 20th, the sbe tailed duties of the core functions of a presentation on behalf of the president with a state official only by virtue of the chief of staff role was he involved in conduct charge and put another way, the position of the federal official was a but for cause making case that he has done nothing illegal, and in your investigation, is that what you found? >> no. our investigation found that mark meadows went well beyond the duties of the white house chief of staff, and he engaged in intentionally criminal conspiracy to interfere with a state election. keep in mind, kate, the elections are the state functions, and when he is on the phone with president trump talking to brad raffensperger, that is a federal official trying to influence a classically state proceeding. the d.a.'s response to this motion is going to be that the acts alleged against mr. meadows are not within the scope of the white house and the same remark with respect to executive privilege, and hey, we don't have to provide information to the committee, because of the executive privilege, be by said this is beyond the scope of the official responsibility and it is campaign and so executive privilege does not apply, and this is the same analysis that they will have to apply. was this conduct within the scope of the appropriate function of the white house chief of staff. >> and your perspective and authority and knowledge on a big portion of the evidence that they are going to be facing in both the state case, and the special counsel's case in 2020 is essential. >> thank you for having me, sara. >> one person not talking about the trump arrest is president biden, but the campaign has not. how has he responded? we will get to that ahead. >> new fallout of the maui wildfires and the state putting the blame squarely on ththe electrical company. but to advance how the game is played. aaaaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the e road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. 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the federal reserve chairman jerome powell said it is still on the table, but inflation has slowed significantly, but powell says that the fed won't stop taking action until it falls even further. take a listen. >> it is the fed's job to bring inflation down to the 2% goal, and we will do so. although the inflation has moved down from the peak, a welcomed development, it remains too high. we are prepared to raise the rates further if appropriate. >> all right. cnn's business anchor richard quest is donning us with his presence today. i'm so happy to see you. >> listen to what powell says is. >> yep. >> you are really truly reading the ruins of what he is talking about, because you can take what he says in any different direction, and the analogy i want to give you is this. at the moment, the u.s. economy is like a patient receiving cancer treatment. >> that 's dire! >> no, the medicine delivered by the fed over the last 18 month, and the terms of the cancer are starting to get smaller, and starting to show remission, but dr. powell is at the point of saying, do we stop and let the chemo continue to work the miracle or give it another dose, and do we take the insurance policy of one more dose, and i think that the answer here is that he going to be doing more. >> you do? >> yes, he continually says it is the fed's policy to bring the inflation down to 2% goal, and whether he is going to do it now or two months longer, and higher and longer is the mantra. >> and so to break it down to regular old people like me, you are saying that, look, the prices are still too high. >> epyep. >> but borrowing is going to be higher, and this is going to be having an impact on the economy. >> yes, that is what it is meant to. >> but in a bad way for worker, right? >> yes, and no. he does say right at the end of the speech, if i can find it. >> i love that you have the whole thing written out. >> he basically says, "restoring price stability is essential to both sides of the mandate of inflation and labor market." he is saying, yeah, i know it is not nice this medicine, but if i don't do it, it will be worse. >> more harm in the end. >> those with mortgage, we are seeing that we are okay in the sense, and this is another point, remember, higher mortgage, higher borrowing costs have slowed the economy p and tighter banking and i know people finding it difficult to get a loan in banking business or personal. >> and i wanted to been par with you, and i find it difficult to hang with, you and the average rate of inflation is 2.5%, and he wants to get down to 2.0, but it is seeming to me that we will see the interest rate going up. no doubt about it. >> and paul crudeman says there is no magic here, and why not take 2%. the average is 4%. however, the traditionally thinking now is the boe, and the fed, and the 2% target. there are many saying they are tying themselves to the anchor that is not necessary. so it is a l e mitgitimate argum and 2 to 2.5, and is that a whole lot? >> well, a lot of it is juggling the numbers and between 2 and 3%? >> they do, because psychologically, you are pushing higher. >> i see. >> and also, the credibility. look, back to the speech, if i may, and sorry about this. it is the fed's job to bring the inflation rate down to the 2% goal, and we will do so. if he doesn't, and he says, here, i am not going to -- >> fine. we love to have you on and we will be watching. thank you. kate? >> the fbi has released a list now of 388 names of the people still unaccounted for in maui, and that is still so many people, and now more than two weeks past the disaster, and that number of people missing is down dramatically from the nearly 1,000 people believed missing in days after of the fires. the death toll remains 115, making pit deadliest wildfire in the united states in more than a century, and now maui county is beginning to place blame for the cause of the fires and placing blame directly at the local utility companies, and they say that inaction caused life. natasha chen has more on this, and she is joining us now on this. and what are the officials in maui county saying about the cause of this fire? >> well, kate, they don't specifically say the cause in the lawsuit, buzz they are blame on the utilities. they say that they did not keep up the equipment properly, that there were wood decaying poles, and they did not deenergize the line, even though the nws had put out high flag watches and warnings, and wiping them down seems to be helpful in the prevention of loss. and they said that this caused loss of life, and complete destruction of lives around and now the electric company told cnn that the priority is to take care of the residents and the county, and they are disappointed they took the litigious route. and now, also, they claim that the electric company took poles and other evidence. that is according to threaters and records that cnn is independently trying to confirm that, but to that, the electric company spokesperson told the post in this quote that they are in regular communication with the atf and local awe as well as the attorneys of the people affected by the wildfires and the equipment that has been carefully documented and stored. the name has been whittled down by the fbi, and it was by those who had a first and last name, and a phone number. this is the police chief releasing this list of name and how difficult it is. >> we are releasing this list of names today, because we know it will help with the investigation, but we are also balancing it, because we do know that once the names come out, it will and can cause pain for some folks that are affected by this. this is not an easy thing to do. we want to make sure that we are doing everything we can possibly to make this investigation the most complete, thorough to date. >> it has to be difficult to see your loved ones on that list, and kate, as reminder, right now, officially, they have confirmed at least 115 dead from the fires. >> yeah, natasha, thank you so much for that. john? >> all right. he has four indictments and inmate number and now a mug shot, and yet most of the former president donald trump's rivals for the republican nomination are preferring not to attack him at all. now, we will show you a polling numbers that explain why. month. should we sell it? we hold... hold... silver vans arare going for moe right now, should we... hold... our low mileage is paying off. you think we should... hold... depreciatition is really heatig up you think... hoooold!!! hooold! hooold. hold! we just dipped 2.5%! hooooooold!!! now!!!! i'm on it. i'm, on it. already sold to carvana. go to carvana and track your car's value today. was also the first time you heard of a town named dinosaur, colorado. we just got an order from dinosaur, colorado. start an easy to build, powerful website for free with a partner that always puts you first. start for free at wake up, achievers. you're making the most of every hour of your life. except the hours that you're sleeping. so why do we leave so much untapped potential on the table? 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joining me now is senior data reporter harry enton, and the numbers tell the story, and particularly about the people who have criticized trump. >> i like to think that the numbers tell a large part of the story. look at trump's biggest critics, and the net favorability numbers of the republicans. they have the higher unfavorable ratings than the others. and asa hutchinson, and look at this, chris christie, and look at this, a net negative favorability rating even among those not criticizing him. >> if they have an opinion on him, it turns out to be a negative opinion in this case among republicans. >> yes. >> and now, the other side of this, as the people have been praising trump, and laying off of him the most. >> look at net favor abability. now, a few months ago, nobody knew who ramaswamy was, and now he is up 30 points. so don't say anything negative as tim scott did and he is up 41 points. so looking at what to focus on at the republican debate, they said to not making case against donald trump. they said make tand now, compard to 63% of friends and family of donald trump and how popular he is in this poll, and if you want to rise, you have the say nice things about him or at least not critical things. >> this poll is telling, because the trump voters trust donald trump more than mom basically. >> that is exactly right. if donald trump tells them to eat the wheaties, say hello mom. >> i will. >> all right. now, it is silence from republican, and it is blasted out by donald trump to make money. he blasted it out on the site formerly known as twitter, and his own website even before he touched ground, because his campaign was already selling t-shirts with the mug shots on them. as for the mug campaign, hee took." i think today is a great day to give to the campaign" they say. rnlt and now, first, trump's mug shot is being used to fund raise, but why hasn't biden come out strong >> right, right. you would think so, if the person that you think and was booked into a jail yesterday. but president biden has been careful in how he is addressing issues involving the justice department, and issues of ongoing criminal cases, and that has been applying here, and this is certain cli from the fac, and they have said on the former president's indictments whether it is in new york, or the most recenttases sigh and that is and they say it is the justice department that is doing that, but president biden does not want to be seen anywhere near or any notion of sort of being involved in matters, the criminal matters involving donald trump at all, and this is why they are staying out of it. >> all right. biden leaning on the ifrmt and that is something that he is talking about bidenomics, if you are looking sfrnlgts and much larger people think that he is doing a much better job overall, and what should he be out thing? >> that is a fascinating disconnect that the poll you cited is from the c nshgnn poll asking about the handling of the economy is only 60%, which is not a great number for the members of your re-election. >> obviously more are interested in what he has done in office, and not the last few week, and so it is going to be a huge sales job for the president and the white house in the next few years. >> and is it fair that donald trump is going through the emotional response to what is happening to him even if it correct, and the others go for a more rinl jid response snm sfmt. >> that going to be it for the re-election campaign and they want to focus on the accomplishments. once president biden shifts into the campaign mode which is early part of next year, and right now, he is keeping the head down and raising money, and he is going to be making ta cop tract, and dofrl poefr -- making contact. and thank you for coming on the show. >> thank you. and now, the russian people and what they say vladimir putin's explanation is a lieie. buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. it's because of tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. i'm at a point now where i've outgrown my house. growing up, every time i'd get out of the swer, i would it. my first exrience it kinda was like a lit bulb moment. tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. if you'd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i would've told you you'd lost your mind. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the subway series menu. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. for freeee. that's what i'm talking about. order in the subway app today. we, the moms who have lost our children to social media harms. we, we, we have had enough. our politicians have failed. working for lobbyists, not us. we need your voice to pass the kids online safety act this fall. join us. join us. join us. join us. ♪ let's lead the way. ♪ when i first learned about my dupuytren's contracture, my physician referred me to a hand specialist. and i'm glad he did, because when i took the tabletop test, i couldn't lay my hand flat anymore. the first hand specialist i saw only offered surgery. so, i went to a second hand specialist who also offered nonsurgical options — which felt more right for me. so, what i'd say to other people with dupuytren's contracture is this: don't wait — find a hand specialist trained in nonsurgical options, today. i found mine at i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ("un monde pliable" by jeongpill song) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) (camera shutters) ( ♪ ♪ ) (camera shutters) ( ♪ ♪ ) ( ♪ ♪ ) ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ with fastsigns, create striking custom visuals that inspire pride district-wide. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement. ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? 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( ♪ ♪ ) ( ♪ ♪ ) experience the sanctuary of handsfree highway driving with lincoln bluecruise. it's the final days of the lincoln summer invitation event. right now, get 3.9% apr and $1000 trade assist cash on a new 2023 lincoln. i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. at mint mobile, we like to do the opposite of what big wireless does. they charge you a lot. we charge you a little. they put their names on arenas. we put ours on my lower back. so naturally when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices due to not hating you. and if this were one of their ads, they'd end it here with a "happy customer". so we'll end ours with an angry goat. oh h-ho, look at the angry goat.

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, Custody , Subversion , Wall , Agent , Character , Matter , Election Workers , Crimes , Fbi , Ken Chesebro , Others , Court , Books , Appearance Subpoena , Grand Jury , Defendant , Court Trial , Set , October 28th , 24 , 2023 , October 28th 2023 , 28 , Fani Willis , Dose , Med , Ability , Mark Meadows , Federal Court , Employee , Scope , Election , Government Official , Abouting , Capacity , Cnn , Stephen Lee , Zachary Cohen , Mugshots , Him Surrendering , People , Part , Phase , Election Results , Enterprise , Georgia , 2020 , Tim Hafee , Group , Lead , Prosecutor , January 6th , 6 , Zach Cohen , What , Law , Impact , October 23rd , 23 , Eight , Trials , Answer , Precedence , Question , Joinder , Point , Thing , Kind , Interests , John Eastman , Trial Timing , Jim , Something , Thought Experiment , Demand , Lot , Mr , Counsel , Strategy , Moves , Ones , Chain , Culpability , Evidence , Government , Cards , Conspirator Conspirators , Mother , Two , Severance , Investigation , Cause Making Case , Didn T , Hearing , January 6th Congressional Meeting , Way , Duties , Attorney , Actions , Request , Ail Leelly , Sbe Tailed , 20 , Chief Of Staff , Presentation , State Official , Conduct Charge , Core Functions , Role , Behalf , Virtue , Official , Position , Nothing , Mind , State Election , Elections , White House , Conspiracy , State Functions , Response , Phone , Meadows , Classically State Proceeding , Motion , Brad Raffensperger , Executive Privilege , Respect , Remark , Information , Campaign , Responsibility , Committee , Analysis , Authority , Perspective , Conduct , Function , Portion , Knowledge , Both , Sara , Person , Hasn T Biden , Special Counsel , Trump Arrest Is , Maui , Fallout , Aaaaa , Wildfires , Blame , Network , Game , Ththe Electrical Company , T Mobile , Members , Business , 5g Network , Spread , E Road , Pano Ai Innovate , 5 , Virus , Rsv , Cold , Sneeze , 60 , Doctor , Risk , Dangers , Rsv Today , Coughing , Warning Labels , Pharmacist , Hospitalizion , Chevy Silverado , Camera Views , 13 , Life , Truck , Package , Living , Z71 Off Road , Website , Tiktok , House , Experience , Shower , Itch , Goat Milk Soap , Amanda On Tiktok , Platform , Building , Diy , Bulb , Kinda , Three , Arthritis Pain , First , Second , Relief , Layers , It Everything , Day Back , Tylenol , 8 , Alzheimer S Association Walk , Disease , Pet Food , Vets , Dog Food , Dog People , Food , Approach , Kibble , Cans , Dogs , Dog , Meat , Veggies , Door , Box , Portioned , Thefarmersdog Com Realfood , 50 , Interest Rate , Federal Reserve Chairman , Won T , Powell , Fed , Inflation , Job , Table , Action , Listen , Stop Taking , Goal , Rates , Development , Peak , 2 , Presence , Ruins , Business Anchor Richard Quest , Yep , Economy , Analogy , Direction , Patient Receiving Cancer Treatment , Medicine , Cancer , Terms , Dr , Show Remission , 18 , Saying , Insurance Policy , Yes , Miracle , Chemo , Policy , Mantra , Prices , Borrowing , Epyep , Speech , Worker , The End , Labor Market , Sides , Essential , Price Stability , Mandate , Sense , Mortgage , Borrowing Costs , Harm , Economy P , Banking Business , Loan , Banking , Par , Rate , No Doubt , Paul Crudeman , 2 0 , 2 5 , Boe , Magic , Average , 4 , Anchor , Target , Mitgitimate Argum , Numbers , Credibility , 3 , Inflation Rate , List , Names , 388 , Number , Fires , Death Toll , Disaster , Making Pit Deadliest Wildfire , 115 , 1000 , Cause , Utility Companies , Maui County , Placing , Natasha Chen , Officials , Fire , Inaction , Equipment , Utilities , Lawsuit , Warnings , Watches , Wiping , Line , Flag , Nws , Wood Decaying Poles , Loss , Prevention , Care , Electric Company , Priority , Residents , Lives , Destruction , County , Poles , Litigious Route , Communication , Quote , Post , Electric Company Spokesperson , Attorneys , Awe , Atf , Name , Phone Number , Police Chief , Pain , It , Folks , Loved Ones , Reminder , Indictments , Least , Four , Mug Shot , Polling Numbers , Nomination , Rivals , Inmate , Republican , Hold , Mileage , Hooold , Depreciatition , Hoooold , Silver Vans Arare , Moe , Car , Value , Hooooooold , Carvana , Dinosaur , Build , Time , Order , Partner , Town , Achievers , Colorado , Wake Up , At Godaddy Com , Most , Potential , Circadian Rhythm , Level Bed , Level , Rhythms , Competition , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Financing , Smart Beds , Patriotic Kenny , Scooter , Depression , Sad , 5000 , 000 , None , Patriotic Kenny Foundation , Veterans , Feeling , Mobility Scooters , Vibes , Indictment , Candidates , Anything , Tmt , Happening Now , Story , Harry Enton , Criticized Trump , Stop , Republicans , Critics , Asa Hutchinson , Ratings , Negative , Favorability Rating , Chris Christie , Praising Trump , Opinion , Side , Net Favor Abability , Nobody , Who Ramaswamy , Points , Say Anything , 30 , Tim Scott , Debate , Compard , 41 , Family , Friends , 63 , Poll , Mom , Trust , Voters , Say Hello Mom , Wheaties , Money , Site , Twitter , Ground , Mug Campaign , Hee , Raise , Rnlt , Right , Department , Issues , Justice , Jail , Cli , Fac , New York , Recenttases Sigh , Notion , Sort , Anywhere , Matters , Ifrmt , Bidenomics , Biden Leaning , Disconnect , C Nshgnn , Handling , Re Election , Office , Sales , Rinl Jid , Snm Sfmt , Campaign Mode , Accomplishments , Head , Ta Cop Tract , Making Contact , Dofrl Poefr , Vladimir Putin , Show , Lieie , Pair , Difference , Explanation , Visionworks , Back To School , Exrience , Swer , Lit Bulb Moment , Footlong , Series , Menu , Subway , Children , App , Moms , I M Talking , Freeee , Social Media Harms , Politicians , Voice , Lobbyists , Kids , Safety , Hand Specialist , My Dupuytren S Contracture , Physician , Second Hand Specialist , Nonsurgical Options , Hand , Tabletop Test , Flat , Surgery , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Dupuytren S Contracture , Findahandspecialist Com , Don T Wait , 00 Dollars , Top , Switching , Pile , Pay , Camera Shutters , Un Monde Pliable , Jeongpill Song , Fastsigns , Statement , Visuals , Inspire Pride District , World , Etf , Ideas , State Street , Advil , Spy , Protein , Energy , Inflammation , Worlddddd , Source , Gels , Advil Liqui , Sugar , Uuuhhhh , Protein Max Challenge , 10000 , 0000 , Kremlin , Lie , Plane Crash , Wagner , Yevgeny Prigoshin , Course , Condolences , Opponent , Ally , Subject Now , President Putin On This , Fred Pleitgen , Evyevgeny Prigoshi , Russian , Examination , Debris , Bodies , Spokesman , Journalist , Conference Call , Jm , Comments , Bella Rue , Some , Damage , E Gainey , Couldn T , Parts , Splrmt , Vog Frashgt , Examples , Clearchoice , Implants , Applause , Adjustable Mattress Sets , T Lon , Confidence , Good , The Partday , Ta On , Flash My , Consultation , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Weight , Pill , Me Rybelsus , Help , Stomach Pain , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Reaction , Swelling , Don T Take Rybelsus , Side Effects , Provider , Gallbladder Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Insulin , Kidney Problems , Pancreatitis , Changes , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Nausea , Prescription , Comfort , Ships , Viking Way , Vo , 10 , 0 , Experiences , Casinos , Viking , Travel Leisure , CondÉ Nast Traveler , Ocean Voyages , Colon Cancer , Ways , Choice , Cologuard , Doc , Talk , Non Invasive , 45 , Results , Bold , Daring , Expressive , Passion , My Story , Canvas , Tools , Stage , Future , Portrait , Tom Foreman , Times , Politician , Celebrity Musician , Booking Photo , Mugshot , Go , Tom Delay , Candidate , John Edwards , Rick Perry , Simpson , Celebrities , Campaign Funds , Affair , O J , Nick Nolty , Image , Lindsey Lohan , Murder Charges , Substance Abuse , Musicians , Place , Category , James Brown , Justin Bieber , Police , Favorite , Marijuana , Pun , Wit , Chase , David Bowe , Favorites , Elvis Presley , L Vis Presley , Shoving Match , Frank Sinatra , Mick Jagger , Seduction , Eyes , Charming , Felon , Modelling Career , Booking Photos , Motivation , Option , Hotness , Innocent , Playing , Fact , Cnn News Central , We Love You , Shelves , Inside Politics , Taste Buds , Dana Bash , Reaeact , Caramel Swirl , Taking , Highway Driving , Sanctuary , Apr , Event , Cash , Lincoln , Lincoln Bluecruise , Summer Invitation , 3 9 , Opposite , Mint Mobile , Little , Arenas , Lower , Goat , Their , Customer , Ads , Oh H Ho ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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my sport propels me forward. contra costa college saw potential in me that i didn't know i had. focus. determination. drive. contra costa college helped me blaze the trail. now i'm a comet, and there's no stopping me. come on, this is your shot. take it. join the team at contra costa college. start today at it's the final countdown not just to your and my weekend, but donald trump's last remaining co-defendant to surrender in fulton county ahead of the d.a.'s deadline and 59 minutes to go and counting. >> from the historic firsts to prosecuting the prosecuted with mug shots and going on everything from mugs to t-shirts. and now, a trial date is set for one of donald trump's co-defendants 59 days from now on tv, and this could have huge implications for the rest of the defendants in this case. i'm john berman with sara sidner and kate bolduan and this iis cn "news central." and then there was one with the noon deadline very soon upon us, and we are watching for the final co-defendant of donald trump to surrender at the fulton county jail, and just the last hour, trevian kutti surrendered and they say she drove down from her chicago home to call someone a loose end at a party to tidy up. a short time ago, kutti surrendered to the authorities and if she had missed noon deadline, it would have complicated smooth process for those co-defendants who surrendered. the co-defendants other than the president have spent an hour to 1:21, and other than harrison phren who hasis still being processed. and there is one who has not turned himself in. at best, those who turn themselves in, they take 48 hour, and sometimes days, but we don't know the whereabouts of steven lee right now, but he is the only and last remaining co-defendant of the 19 yet to turn themselves in, and the clock is ticking. kate. >> thank you, nick valencia, for being there. john. >> and potentially right now inside of the fulton county courthouse, one of the defendants will appear before the judge scott mcafee, and this is the first appearance before the judge, even though we have seen the surrenders of so many of the co-conspirators before. and zach is outside of the courthouse, and explain this, because it is so confusing of the different things going on here, and what is happening before the junldge and with who? >> well, harrison floyd who is the leader of an organization called the black voices for trump is one of the rare cases yesterday where the surrender did not go smoothly, because he failed to negotiate a bond agreement to the authorities at the fulton county jail, and so, since then, he spent time in custody and he about to make the first initial appearance before the judge in this subversion case here, and they will determine his state going forward. harrison floyd is an interesting character here in all of this, because he is charged with crimes of intimidating election workers and also in a separate matter for assaulting an fbi agent who was trying to serve him a grand jury appearance subpoena. and now for others, the court appearance is getting on the books here. ken chesebro who worked with donald trump has a trial date for october 28th, 2023, and that is first court trial that we know of set by the judge for a defendant in 24 this case, and judge made it clear that it only applies to chesebro, and fani willis wants to try all of the defendants together, and so this going to be interesting to see how it impacts her ability to do this going forward and other like mark med dose and others who -- mark meadows, and others who want to have their case moved to federal court, because he is arguing that he was a federal employee at the time, and he was abouting in a federal capacity at the time, and fani willis says that you cannot overturn an election, and that not within your scope as a government official. >> and so hearing next week, and trial date for one of the co-defendants in october, and one of the co-defendants appearing before a judge right now. zachary cohen, thank you for all of that. kate? >> we also have this just in to cnn that stephen lee has turned himself into surrendered at the fulton county jail, and with that, with him surrendering just now, we have confirmed that now means that all of the co-defendants obviously including donald trump have turned themselves in, and they have been processed, and are getting the mugshots and so now, we have all 19 people booked and processed as they have all been charged and taking part in the criminal enterprise in georgia to try to overturn the 2020 election results. with that phase of the process now over, it is now going to kick into the next phase as john was just talking about with zachary cohen. joining us is tim hafee who was the lead prosecutor for january 6th. now, stephen lee has surrendered and booked and processed and the final defendant in the group. but i wanted to ask you about now the process looking forward. as zach cohen and john berman were just talking about, you have kenneth chesebro who has requested and gotten what, what is asked for a speedy trial written into law for defendants in georgia, and he has a court date of october 23rd, and that is eight weeks away is what we have. and what could that mean for all of the other defendants including donald trump. it seems that it could have a huge impact. >> yeah, it certainly could have a huge impact. i think that this means that initially all of these trials, or the single trial of all defendants will be scheduled early, and then some defendants will move to postpone the trial or sever their cases from chesebro, and so it could result in essentially a truncated trial linked to chesebro or others who are requesting a speedy trial, and then another trial later. i frankly don't know the answer to the legal question as to whether this joinder of defendants is going to take precedence over the defendant's right to a speedy trial, and maybe chesebro cannot be getting a speedy trial because he is joined with defendants who want a postponed trial. that is the kind of the thing that the judge has to sort of decipher among the competing interests of these appropriately joined defendants. >> okay. so on that exact point, and you have also another one, john eastman, and what he said about trial timing and what they are looking for. listen to this, jim. >> as we stand here today, we are not prepared to meet that demand. it is certainly that, we might think through as a thought experiment, but we are inclined not to do something similar to what mr. chesebro has done recently. >> you wonder why. clearly, there is a lot of counsel now getting involved. what is the strategy in all of the moves? >> look. each defendant, and particularly the ones that are lower down the chain of culpability prefer to be severed, and it is easier for kenneth chesebro to be sitting down from trump and the other conspirator conspirators, and so i see why they want to peel off, and have them preview the evidence. i think that chesebro believes that if he is going first, the government will not be showing all of the cards in the trial, because of the looming and much more significant trial of the former president and other, and tactically, i understand why a defendant or two would want to go fast particularly if it is going to result in a severance which is favorable for them. >> i wanted to ask you about mark meadows, and we have talked about him in the past, and what you did and didn't get from mark meadows in your investigation for the january 6th congressional meeting, and he is trying to get a hearing monday and have his case moved from state to federal court, and in request to get it moved, the attorney put it this way, that he did not act ail leelly in his actions, and stripped of 20th, the sbe tailed duties of the core functions of a presentation on behalf of the president with a state official only by virtue of the chief of staff role was he involved in conduct charge and put another way, the position of the federal official was a but for cause making case that he has done nothing illegal, and in your investigation, is that what you found? >> no. our investigation found that mark meadows went well beyond the duties of the white house chief of staff, and he engaged in intentionally criminal conspiracy to interfere with a state election. keep in mind, kate, the elections are the state functions, and when he is on the phone with president trump talking to brad raffensperger, that is a federal official trying to influence a classically state proceeding. the d.a.'s response to this motion is going to be that the acts alleged against mr. meadows are not within the scope of the white house and the same remark with respect to executive privilege, and hey, we don't have to provide information to the committee, because of the executive privilege, be by said this is beyond the scope of the official responsibility and it is campaign and so executive privilege does not apply, and this is the same analysis that they will have to apply. was this conduct within the scope of the appropriate function of the white house chief of staff. >> and your perspective and authority and knowledge on a big portion of the evidence that they are going to be facing in both the state case, and the special counsel's case in 2020 is essential. >> thank you for having me, sara. >> one person not talking about the trump arrest is president biden, but the campaign has not. how has he responded? we will get to that ahead. >> new fallout of the maui wildfires and the state putting the blame squarely on ththe electrical company. but to advance how the game is played. aaaaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the e road. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. 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the federal reserve chairman jerome powell said it is still on the table, but inflation has slowed significantly, but powell says that the fed won't stop taking action until it falls even further. take a listen. >> it is the fed's job to bring inflation down to the 2% goal, and we will do so. although the inflation has moved down from the peak, a welcomed development, it remains too high. we are prepared to raise the rates further if appropriate. >> all right. cnn's business anchor richard quest is donning us with his presence today. i'm so happy to see you. >> listen to what powell says is. >> yep. >> you are really truly reading the ruins of what he is talking about, because you can take what he says in any different direction, and the analogy i want to give you is this. at the moment, the u.s. economy is like a patient receiving cancer treatment. >> that 's dire! >> no, the medicine delivered by the fed over the last 18 month, and the terms of the cancer are starting to get smaller, and starting to show remission, but dr. powell is at the point of saying, do we stop and let the chemo continue to work the miracle or give it another dose, and do we take the insurance policy of one more dose, and i think that the answer here is that he going to be doing more. >> you do? >> yes, he continually says it is the fed's policy to bring the inflation down to 2% goal, and whether he is going to do it now or two months longer, and higher and longer is the mantra. >> and so to break it down to regular old people like me, you are saying that, look, the prices are still too high. >> epyep. >> but borrowing is going to be higher, and this is going to be having an impact on the economy. >> yes, that is what it is meant to. >> but in a bad way for worker, right? >> yes, and no. he does say right at the end of the speech, if i can find it. >> i love that you have the whole thing written out. >> he basically says, "restoring price stability is essential to both sides of the mandate of inflation and labor market." he is saying, yeah, i know it is not nice this medicine, but if i don't do it, it will be worse. >> more harm in the end. >> those with mortgage, we are seeing that we are okay in the sense, and this is another point, remember, higher mortgage, higher borrowing costs have slowed the economy p and tighter banking and i know people finding it difficult to get a loan in banking business or personal. >> and i wanted to been par with you, and i find it difficult to hang with, you and the average rate of inflation is 2.5%, and he wants to get down to 2.0, but it is seeming to me that we will see the interest rate going up. no doubt about it. >> and paul crudeman says there is no magic here, and why not take 2%. the average is 4%. however, the traditionally thinking now is the boe, and the fed, and the 2% target. there are many saying they are tying themselves to the anchor that is not necessary. so it is a l e mitgitimate argum and 2 to 2.5, and is that a whole lot? >> well, a lot of it is juggling the numbers and between 2 and 3%? >> they do, because psychologically, you are pushing higher. >> i see. >> and also, the credibility. look, back to the speech, if i may, and sorry about this. it is the fed's job to bring the inflation rate down to the 2% goal, and we will do so. if he doesn't, and he says, here, i am not going to -- >> fine. we love to have you on and we will be watching. thank you. kate? >> the fbi has released a list now of 388 names of the people still unaccounted for in maui, and that is still so many people, and now more than two weeks past the disaster, and that number of people missing is down dramatically from the nearly 1,000 people believed missing in days after of the fires. the death toll remains 115, making pit deadliest wildfire in the united states in more than a century, and now maui county is beginning to place blame for the cause of the fires and placing blame directly at the local utility companies, and they say that inaction caused life. natasha chen has more on this, and she is joining us now on this. and what are the officials in maui county saying about the cause of this fire? >> well, kate, they don't specifically say the cause in the lawsuit, buzz they are blame on the utilities. they say that they did not keep up the equipment properly, that there were wood decaying poles, and they did not deenergize the line, even though the nws had put out high flag watches and warnings, and wiping them down seems to be helpful in the prevention of loss. and they said that this caused loss of life, and complete destruction of lives around and now the electric company told cnn that the priority is to take care of the residents and the county, and they are disappointed they took the litigious route. and now, also, they claim that the electric company took poles and other evidence. that is according to threaters and records that cnn is independently trying to confirm that, but to that, the electric company spokesperson told the post in this quote that they are in regular communication with the atf and local awe as well as the attorneys of the people affected by the wildfires and the equipment that has been carefully documented and stored. the name has been whittled down by the fbi, and it was by those who had a first and last name, and a phone number. this is the police chief releasing this list of name and how difficult it is. >> we are releasing this list of names today, because we know it will help with the investigation, but we are also balancing it, because we do know that once the names come out, it will and can cause pain for some folks that are affected by this. this is not an easy thing to do. we want to make sure that we are doing everything we can possibly to make this investigation the most complete, thorough to date. >> it has to be difficult to see your loved ones on that list, and kate, as reminder, right now, officially, they have confirmed at least 115 dead from the fires. >> yeah, natasha, thank you so much for that. john? >> all right. he has four indictments and inmate number and now a mug shot, and yet most of the former president donald trump's rivals for the republican nomination are preferring not to attack him at all. now, we will show you a polling numbers that explain why. month. should we sell it? we hold... hold... silver vans arare going for moe right now, should we... hold... our low mileage is paying off. you think we should... hold... depreciatition is really heatig up you think... hoooold!!! hooold! hooold. hold! we just dipped 2.5%! hooooooold!!! now!!!! i'm on it. i'm, on it. already sold to carvana. go to carvana and track your car's value today. was also the first time you heard of a town named dinosaur, colorado. we just got an order from dinosaur, colorado. start an easy to build, powerful website for free with a partner that always puts you first. start for free at wake up, achievers. you're making the most of every hour of your life. except the hours that you're sleeping. so why do we leave so much untapped potential on the table? 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joining me now is senior data reporter harry enton, and the numbers tell the story, and particularly about the people who have criticized trump. >> i like to think that the numbers tell a large part of the story. look at trump's biggest critics, and the net favorability numbers of the republicans. they have the higher unfavorable ratings than the others. and asa hutchinson, and look at this, chris christie, and look at this, a net negative favorability rating even among those not criticizing him. >> if they have an opinion on him, it turns out to be a negative opinion in this case among republicans. >> yes. >> and now, the other side of this, as the people have been praising trump, and laying off of him the most. >> look at net favor abability. now, a few months ago, nobody knew who ramaswamy was, and now he is up 30 points. so don't say anything negative as tim scott did and he is up 41 points. so looking at what to focus on at the republican debate, they said to not making case against donald trump. they said make tand now, compard to 63% of friends and family of donald trump and how popular he is in this poll, and if you want to rise, you have the say nice things about him or at least not critical things. >> this poll is telling, because the trump voters trust donald trump more than mom basically. >> that is exactly right. if donald trump tells them to eat the wheaties, say hello mom. >> i will. >> all right. now, it is silence from republican, and it is blasted out by donald trump to make money. he blasted it out on the site formerly known as twitter, and his own website even before he touched ground, because his campaign was already selling t-shirts with the mug shots on them. as for the mug campaign, hee took." i think today is a great day to give to the campaign" they say. rnlt and now, first, trump's mug shot is being used to fund raise, but why hasn't biden come out strong >> right, right. you would think so, if the person that you think and was booked into a jail yesterday. but president biden has been careful in how he is addressing issues involving the justice department, and issues of ongoing criminal cases, and that has been applying here, and this is certain cli from the fac, and they have said on the former president's indictments whether it is in new york, or the most recenttases sigh and that is and they say it is the justice department that is doing that, but president biden does not want to be seen anywhere near or any notion of sort of being involved in matters, the criminal matters involving donald trump at all, and this is why they are staying out of it. >> all right. biden leaning on the ifrmt and that is something that he is talking about bidenomics, if you are looking sfrnlgts and much larger people think that he is doing a much better job overall, and what should he be out thing? >> that is a fascinating disconnect that the poll you cited is from the c nshgnn poll asking about the handling of the economy is only 60%, which is not a great number for the members of your re-election. >> obviously more are interested in what he has done in office, and not the last few week, and so it is going to be a huge sales job for the president and the white house in the next few years. >> and is it fair that donald trump is going through the emotional response to what is happening to him even if it correct, and the others go for a more rinl jid response snm sfmt. >> that going to be it for the re-election campaign and they want to focus on the accomplishments. once president biden shifts into the campaign mode which is early part of next year, and right now, he is keeping the head down and raising money, and he is going to be making ta cop tract, and dofrl poefr -- making contact. and thank you for coming on the show. >> thank you. and now, the russian people and what they say vladimir putin's explanation is a lieie. buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. it's because of tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. i'm at a point now where i've outgrown my house. growing up, every time i'd get out of the swer, i would it. my first exrience it kinda was like a lit bulb moment. tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. if you'd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i would've told you you'd lost your mind. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the subway series menu. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. for freeee. that's what i'm talking about. order in the subway app today. we, the moms who have lost our children to social media harms. we, we, we have had enough. our politicians have failed. working for lobbyists, not us. we need your voice to pass the kids online safety act this fall. join us. join us. join us. join us. ♪ let's lead the way. ♪ when i first learned about my dupuytren's contracture, my physician referred me to a hand specialist. and i'm glad he did, because when i took the tabletop test, i couldn't lay my hand flat anymore. the first hand specialist i saw only offered surgery. so, i went to a second hand specialist who also offered nonsurgical options — which felt more right for me. so, what i'd say to other people with dupuytren's contracture is this: don't wait — find a hand specialist trained in nonsurgical options, today. i found mine at i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ("un monde pliable" by jeongpill song) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) (camera shutters) ( ♪ ♪ ) (camera shutters) ( ♪ ♪ ) ( ♪ ♪ ) ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ with fastsigns, create striking custom visuals that inspire pride district-wide. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement. ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? 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Ground , Mug Campaign , Hee , Raise , Rnlt , Right , Department , Issues , Justice , Jail , Cli , Fac , New York , Recenttases Sigh , Notion , Sort , Anywhere , Matters , Ifrmt , Bidenomics , Biden Leaning , Disconnect , C Nshgnn , Handling , Re Election , Office , Sales , Rinl Jid , Snm Sfmt , Campaign Mode , Accomplishments , Head , Ta Cop Tract , Making Contact , Dofrl Poefr , Vladimir Putin , Show , Lieie , Pair , Difference , Explanation , Visionworks , Back To School , Exrience , Swer , Lit Bulb Moment , Footlong , Series , Menu , Subway , Children , App , Moms , I M Talking , Freeee , Social Media Harms , Politicians , Voice , Lobbyists , Kids , Safety , Hand Specialist , My Dupuytren S Contracture , Physician , Second Hand Specialist , Nonsurgical Options , Hand , Tabletop Test , Flat , Surgery , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Dupuytren S Contracture , Findahandspecialist Com , Don T Wait , 00 Dollars , Top , Switching , Pile , Pay , Camera Shutters , Un Monde Pliable , 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Seduction , Eyes , Charming , Felon , Modelling Career , Booking Photos , Motivation , Option , Hotness , Innocent , Playing , Fact , Cnn News Central , We Love You , Shelves , Inside Politics , Taste Buds , Dana Bash , Reaeact , Caramel Swirl , Taking , Highway Driving , Sanctuary , Apr , Event , Cash , Lincoln , Lincoln Bluecruise , Summer Invitation , 3 9 , Opposite , Mint Mobile , Little , Arenas , Lower , Goat , Their , Customer , Ads , Oh H Ho ,

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