Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240704

good morning, everyone, you are with us early. glad to have you. it is friday, august 25th. new overnight, there are several fast moving developments tied to donald trump's case in georgia. the trump campaign is already raising money off that mug shot. sources tell cnn that trump made the decision to look defiant in the photo. >> also new overnight, three more of his co-defendants have turned themselves in over the past few hours including jeffrey clark. he is former d.o.j. official accused of playing a key role in the effort to overturn the election. we're now awaiting just two more surrenders as we're just hours from that deadline. the first trial in the case is set for october 23rd. 5 t 59 days from now. kenneth chesebro asked for a speedy trial and fani willis said game on. she also wants to try all the defendants beginning that day. >> and also georgia secretary of state has been subpoenaed to testify against mark meadows on monday. that is when a hearing will be held to discuss whether trump's former chief of staff can move his case to federal court. >> and there is one co-defendant who actually had to spend the night in jail. harrison floyd, leader of black voters for trump. he is left over after he failed to negotiate a bond agreement before surrendering. we'll discuss all of this. "cnn this morning" starts right now. this is the photo you are waking up to. it is donald trump's mug shot at the fulton county jail and it is making the front page across the nation and really around the world. trump only spent about 20 minutes at the jail last night. he was arrested, he was booked as inmate p 01135809. >> and he is flaunting the mug shot now. he made a surprise return to twitter now known as x, first time since he was banned after the january 6 insurrection. trump posted his mug shot with the caption election interference, never surrender. but that post came about two hours after he actually he surrendered his fourth arrest in five months. and overnight three more have turned themselves in including jeffrey clark. that means that 17 of the 19 alleged co-conspirators have now surrendered before the deadline. again, that is noon today. >> so as you can see, there is a lot to get to. we'll start off the program with nick valencia. what a night there last night, nick. >> reporter: what a night, poppy. what a night. the scene outside the fulton county jail was one for the history books. donald trump has been called many things in his lifetime and now he can be called inmate adding to that list. a mug shot and inmate number p 02135809 will forever be associated with the former president. donald j. trump was arrested on state charges related to election subversion in georgia thursday. he was booked and released on bond at the fulton county jail. former president took to the right wing network newsmax to discuss his surrender. >> terrible experience. i came in, i was treated very nicely. but it is what it is. i took a mug shot. which i never heard the words mug shot. they didn't teach me that at the wharton school of finance. and i have to go through a process of election interference. >> reporter: ahead of his surrender, trump agreed to a $200,000 bond and other release conditions including not using social media to intimidate co-defendants and witnesses in the case. this is the fourth criminal case filed against the former president this year. >> whats tha thas taken place i travesty of justice. i did nothing wrong. we did nothing wrong. >> reporter: trump continues to deny any wrongdoing in this case and the others. >> should have never happened. if you challenge an election, you should be able to challenge the election. i thought it was a rigged election, a stolen election and i should have every right to do that. >> reporter: trump shared his mug shot on truth social and x with the words election interference and never surrender below it. it was his first tweet on x since january 8, 2021, two days after the insurrection. the former president was not the only high profile person to surrender on thursday. former white house chief of staff mark meadows surrendered himself to the fulton county jail. he has been charged with violating georgia's rico act and soliciting a public officer to violate their oath. he ken denies any wrong doing. >> a fulton county grand jury returned a true bill of indictment. >> reporter: just last week, fulton county district attorney fani willis charged trump and 18 co-defendants with meddling in the 2020 georgia presidential election ylaws. thursday the district attorney requested a trial date of october 23, 2023. that date set after kenneth chesebro, considered the, a tek architect of the fake electors plot, requested a speedy trial. trump's attorney says he opposes the proposed trial date. and it has been a revolving door of activity here outside the fulton county jail this week, just two of the 19 co-defendants remain and the clock is ticking for them to return themselves in by today's noon deadline. >> nick, thank you for being there all week for us. and joining us now mario parker, patricia murphy and also former prosecutor jeremy sment soland. patricia, you were outside the jail last night. there was chanting, singing. give us an idea of the environment. what was it like there last night? >> well, you know, it was just totally surreal. i would say it was coulmination of the old trump rallies we used to see with a lot of pro trump signs, flags, supporters out there chanting his name. and then you combine that with what felt like a funeral. we had the former president come in in a huge motorcade with dozens of police officers on motorcycles, multiple black suvs going in behind the gates. heavily armored gates of the fulton county jail. you could have heard a pin drop when he drove through the gates. it was very quiet. very somber. and he was in and out pretty quickly in about 20 minutes. and then i'd say the rest of the night people felt pretty shellshocked about what had happened. >> explain to people why they might be thinking why didn't he have a mug shot in the other three, why didn't he have an inmate number in the other three. what is different? >> in georgia this is a felony charge. not that the other ones aren't. but you are required to have that mug shot and those fingerprints taken. and different than certain state, they have their different rules. in georgia they will release those. many states won't do that. nothing atypical about what is happening and i'd use the term fairly mundane and normal, he is being treated like even else on that front. >> one of the elements of several that is different here from the treatment from the trump side of this was after the new york surrender and the surrender in the first federal charges, there was a mar-a-lago event. there was a speech. there were remarks. >> a great point. >> last night there were few words on the tarmac and then he got back on the plane. >> well, it goes to the seriousness of this case, right? those other cases in trump's mind at least, if he wins in 2024 from a political aspect, he can maybe pardon himself. there is no room for him to do that with this particular case. so, a, you see the seriousness of it, right? recall victor earlier in the week he was supposed to have this press conference at bedminster that he scrapped as well. so it shows he is taking it very seriously. >> and if quisconvicted in new those state charges he would not be able to do away with either. if we can stay on the politics of this, he didn't make a speech, but they made $34 t-shirts that they are selling. we've seen after every indictment his polling goes up. does it go up more now? >> and that is what they are counting on. he's blurred the lines between how he fights his legal battles and how he wages his comeback bid. about an hour or so before he turned himself in, text messages that his campaign sent out saying that this is my last message to you before i'm arrested. it was a fundraising appeal. going back on x which we know is one his familiar cudgels in a general election. >> that was interesting, first time since 2021. >> exactly. and while he has truth social, this is a powerful weapon for him to again bring his base in, but also wage attacks on his rivals. >> patricia, beyond trump's accusations, the lies about the other states in michigan and arizona, wisconsin, he personalized his fight in georgia. the videos. focusing in on shaye moss and ruby freeman. what does it mean for those voters for fulton county that this happened last night? >> well, it obviously depends on how you feel about president trump. donald trump still certainly has supporters in full tonight county. those supporters do not believe these charges against him. they have been with him from day one. and as he continues to say this was rigged and stolen, they believe him. however, i think for the rest of fulton county voters, there has always been a question are you just allowed to do this, can just say the election was stolen when it wasn't, can you spread rumors, can you lead to people's death threats, can you lead to absolute chaos in an entire state for months on end. is there any consequence for that. and so this tells us that, yes, there are consequences no matter what happens with the trial, this is something that i don't think that even fulton county voters expected to see these kinds of consequences. >> let's talk about those voters because that is what this is about at the core of it and ruby freeman who has become this example of what those smears do to someone's life. i think that we have sound to remind people of what she and shaye moss endured. >> there is nowhere i feel safe. nowhere. do you know how it feels to have the president of the united states target you? the president of the united states is supposed to represent every american. not to target one. but he targeted me. >> patricia, listen to what trump said about just 20 minutes inside jail. here he was. >> terrible experience. i came in, i was treated very nicely, but it is what it is. i took a mug shot which never heard the words mug shot, that wasn't -- didn't teach me that at the wharton school of finance. and i have to go through a process. it is election interference. >> what is your takeaway from that? just a reminder of sort of the core of this for the people. >> well, i would say that the message here is that no man is above the law. that is the message that fani willis has said since january of 2021. the message she wanted to send that it doesn't matter if you are a person living on the streets of fulton county or you are the former president, if she believes that you may have committed the crime and she can gather evidence to prove that, she will bring those charges and she's done that. >> and so fani willis gave all these defendants two weeks. we're coming down to the last few hours. we saw several of the co-defendants turn themselves in overnight including jeffrey clark who played a major role. he was one of the doj officials who tried to push the scheme through. just a few left. but there is one sitting in jail, harrison floyd. talk to us about what happened overnight and what happens if we don't get the last few in the next few hours? >> anyone who is coming in -- >> see those last few. >> other than the obvious, you are planning out what your bond will be, you are coming to that agreement, the consent bond and the judge said that is okay. if you are not doing that and surrenders yourself, the reality is a warrant is coming. no one is above the law on that front and that warrant would authorize law enforcement to make an arrest. and theoretically if you were out of state, you would get a warrant in that state and they would hold you there until you are brought back to the state of georgia which in and of itself could take time. so this is real. this is not prepretend. if you fail to show up, there will be a warrant. they will show up, they won't take that risk. >> a lot to talk about ahead including how quickly this trial might begin. >> yeah, 59 days from now the first trial. all right. thank you all. fulton county district attorney wants to get donald trump's trial under way as we were saying. 59 days, not 60, so less than two months. is that possible for a rico case like this? and just in, an update from maui, the number of people missing after the wildfires has dropped dramatically. we'll explain that. next. ♪ voltaren. ththe joy of movement. ♪ at p pnc bank, you can find us in big cities and small towns across the us, where our focus is to always support the people who live and rk there. because you call these communities home, and we do too. pnc bank. with gold bond... you can age on your own terms. retinol overnight means... the smoothing benefits of retinol. are now for your whole body. plus, fast-working crepe corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z71 off-road package. ♪ you ok? yeah. any truck can help you make a living. this one helps you build a life. chevy silverado. each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. glucerna, bring on the day. rsv is in for a surprise. meet arexvy. 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( ♪ ) arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. rsv can be serious. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about arexvy today. rsv? make it arexvy. another chapter in the georgia 2020 election case will begin on monday. that is when lawyers for former trump chief of staff mark meadows will argue before a judge that his case should be moved out of state court and into federal court. and that matters a lot. meadows faces two felony counts for his alleged role in trying to overturn the election in the state. his mug shot released just before trump's. patricia murphy is with us and also joining us glern rnn rucke. jeremy, we were talking about why moving to federal court, we won't know on monday, but you think that there is a good chance that this stays in state court which is more precarious for them. >> definitely more precarious and exposure more as well. a five year minimum if convicted. but the issue is not whether or not mark meadows was an officer of the federal government. the question really becomes as that officer, was what he was doing part of his role. was it consistent with him being chief of staff and counting electoral votes, challenging the state of georgia, that is not his role. people have that role and that is not his. so that is the problem. all you need is a colorable defense. >> what does that mean? >> it hasn't to be a defense that will win unequivocally. but at its face, what he is doing a beyond your job. and that is where it is problematic. >> how much do you think we'll learn on monday beyond what is in the indict? there may be evidence that weer hear. >> i think that it will be really tight because you don't want to have a trial within a trial. so we know people are being subpoenaed. we know probably from the state department of florida -- >> secretary of state brad raffensperger. >> correct. so we know there will be evidence. but fani willis did not want to expand beyond the scope of that hearing. you create too much material later on potentially too for impeachment to challenge those witnesses. so i expect it to be very limited. >> so clint, in your former role are, you spent time in jail there. you heard trump say it was a terrible experience. he was in there 0here 20 minute. what is your takeaway to see the former president go through this process? >> right. well, first of all, good morning and thank you for having me. i want to tell you that, listen, the former president's experience for the 30 years that i've been a practicing attorney here in fulton county was one of the smooteast smoothest that i' witnessed. by all accounts he was inside the actual facility for less than 30 minutes which is unprecedented in my opinion. but given his status, i certainly understand the concerns of the sheriff and skreet s secret service to make sure that this process which is the same process that each and every defendant goes through was smooth, seamless and has huge safety concern. so i understand his comments. but certainly for most defendants, they don't get the same treatment. >> i want to stay with you on this trial for kenneth chesebro starting as we said in 359 days and what that takes. what inside the office that preparation looks like now. original request was march of next year. that was unlikely from everything we heard. and now this first case, not all 19, but this one starts in fewer than two months. what does it looks like inside the d.a.'s office? >> right, right. well, let me tell you, we are going to witness a very high stakes level of chess that will be played by participants on both sides. we're going to see lawyering at its best and it has already started. we've seen moves made by the district attorney fani willis, we've seen moves made by various defense counsel. it will continue. the move to file a demand for speedy trial is engrained in our constitution and it puts the state in a posture that the clock is ticking. a failure to bring a trial within the prescribed period of time which for us here in georgia, the statute is very clear, it is two terms of court. each term is two months each. and so the clock is ticking for the d.a.'s i have to get prepared and get ready for trial. i will give you this insight though, having worked there for 25 years, worked with fani willis, that team is already prepared. they were prepared for trial the day after the indictment came down. they have got their witnesses lined up. they have got their trial notebooks prepared. and certainly by that october date which the district attorney has now countered the dwenks m defense move for chesebro, they will be ready. >> and one thing that is interesting about this case, if you get all 19 tried together, like six of them are lawyers. and so that just makes it very interesting as they make these legal arguments. i want everyone to listen to what one of john eastman who is lawyer for trump and one of the real architects of the fake elector scheme, what his lawyer told our jake tapper yesterday about why eastman he thinks deserves a totally solo look at everything. >> eastman is in a very different position from every other defendant in that he was acting as a lawyer giving legal advice. he was not part of a conspiracy. assuming that there even was a conspiracy. we are going to move to sever his case from the others and move for a separate trial which means that we'll be tried alone. and we believe that the trial eastman alone will take about three weeks. >> don't moves like that slow all of this down when you are trying to get to trial in 59 days, not to mention by the way the jury process picking a jury, that will be long. doesn't that slow things down? >> i think just the very nature of the fact that there are 19 defendants with 19 separate counsels and 19 separate perspectives about what is best for their own clients, i think that has every potential to slow things down as well. it does raise huge questions for the role of lawyers and their clients and exactly what is something that would be considered criminal conduct. but john eastman wasn't just giving legal advice, he also appeared remotely at a state senate hearing here in georgia. his words carry significant weight. so he wasn't simply sending emails and having meetings with donald trump. he was playing a public role in a public hearing here in georgia and giving advice to state senators that even department of justice at the time was saying was inaccurate and false. >> jeremy, is there any benefit to any of these defendants to be tried with other co-defendants? we're hearing about these efforts to sever and be tried independently, but do you see any pairings here that make sense from a defense perspective? >> if i'm on the defense team for many of these individual, especially the lower people on the proverbial food chain, i want to separate and sever myself. i don't want to be a part because there is so much conduct certainly well beyond that i was eligible and may have taken a part in, so it makes sense to try to sever. that becomes somewhat of a nightmare for the prosecution. because a lot of the overlap even if it is not the exact same testimony or evidence, you will have to do that multiple times. and you don't want to give so many bites to the apple for different defenses. >> and it also might not be 19 defendants when you get to trial if she can get some to flip. >> and that may be part of the strategy for the people at the bottom of that pyramid because i don't want that five years in prison. >> thank you so much for the expertise. just ahead, what u.s. intel is now saying about the russian mercenary leader prigozhin and that plane crash near moscow. y neighbors' nfl sunday ticket. 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>> reporter: very difficult to tell at this point in time. vladimir putin also in that same interview said that there is an investigation ongoing, that he was very sure that the truth would come to light. but of course it is very difficult to tell from our vantage point and even from inside russia. they have said that they have taken the bodies recovered from the crash site to the forensics lab and checking the wreckage as well. but the big question will be how transparent is that investigation going to be. certainly doesn't look as though any international or western investigators will be taking part in that investigation. and then also, another big question by the way, is anybody from the maker of that jet going to be there on site to check as well. at this point in time, it doesn't look as though that will be the case. and if you look at the vibe in russia right now, it doesn't look like people are looking for have that investigation to bring very much to light. some of the few commenting are essentially saying that they did see this coming for yevgeny prigozhin. >> appreciate it very much, thank you. team trump is wasting no time trying to raise money off this fourth arrest. more on his mug shot merch ahead. >> mug shot merch. >> we're there now. and vivek ramaswamy apparently feeling very confident after his first republican presidential debate. why he says he thinks that he will win the 2024 election in a land slide. trying to control my asthma felt anying but normal. ♪ ♪ enough was enough. i talked to an asthma specialist and found out my severe asthma is driven by eosinophils, a type of asthma nucala can help control. now, fewer asthma attacks and less oral steroids that's my nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. talk to your asthma specialist to see if once-monthly nucala may be right for you. and learn about savings at there's more to your life than asthma. find your nunormal with nucala. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at using his mug shot to raise money for his campaign just hours after his arrest last night in georgia. the former president posted the booking photo to truth social and by the way to twitter now known as x writing never surrender even though he did in fact surrender by the way. on his way back to new jersey from atlanta, his campaign started selling these $34 t-shirts with trump's mug shot on them. let's talk about all this with mario parker. and also back at the table, patricia murphy and also correspondent for bloomberg news. mario, let me start with you. you've got all of this now, he said it was a terrible experience but he is capitalizing on the terrible experience. to what end? >> talking to his campaign earlier this week, they said -- we asked them this very question about how they are fighting these legal battles. and they say essentially they are trying to turn lemons in to lemonade. whatever they are given, they are trying to capitalize off of it. you saw the t-shirts that you all just put up. and so they were mobilized -- >> and apparently there is more than that. water bottles, long sleeve t-shirts. >> and there will be more, right? and essentially he sent out an email to his donors, the small donors, in denominations of $3300 with his mug shot, right? so if you were curious -- a trump supporter and you clicked on that you had the option to give him between $24 and $3300 as well. so this kind of goes back to again the blurred lines between his political fight and his legal challenges. >> and patricia, this merch will sell. if you look at the history after the search of mar-a-lago and all of the indictments, there were surges of fundraising, surges of support and now this gives those supporters an opportunity to own some of this support, to show it, to tangibly touch how much they support him. and let's show marjorie taylor greene. she's trying to get in on this too. overnight she tweeted a photo shopped mug shot because she i guess in solidarity with donald trump has hashtagged maga mug shot now. what do you see here now with the capitalizing off of this historic moment financially and politically for those who stand by him? >> yeah, well, first of all, we know that he will need the money. i mean, he is using a good bit of this money to pay his own legal bills and also trying to finance his campaign so he needs the cash. that is pretty obvious. but at the same time he's been saying this rhetorically all along that they are coming after me because they really want to come after you. he is now bringing them into that fight and putting them on his own defense team. and the last message he sent before going in for his mug shot was to say i need your help in this fight and click to a donation link to say i'll never surrender but i need your help. telling them that i need you to start funding this me because they are coming after all of us. his polling has jumped 7 points in iowa since these indictments came down against him in fulton county. so i think so far turning lemons in to lemonade politically and financially is working for him. legally we'll have to see. >> and on that debate stage two nights as go, six of the eight republicans said that they would support trump even if he were go, six of the eig republicans said that they would support trump even if he were convicted. but listen to this from republican congressman ken buck. this was interesting talking about policelist his support fo but where it will end. >> i don't think any of these cases will go to trial before the election. i don't think that the appeals will be heard. so there won't be a final judgment on these cases certainly before the election. but i will not support a convicted felon for the position of president of united states regardless of who that person >> ♪ ♪able, right? >> it is notable because especially many of the candidates committed to supporting him regardless of whether he is convicted or not. but i think the big question here, if the trials do happen next year and do happen during the campaign season, will that affect trump supporters among voters if he can't get out to places like iowa and new hampshire and court the voters. and from the biden perspective, this is really an advantage for them because they are able to show the split screen, this contrast, and show that without commenting directly, that they can show their president doing the day to day duties of the presidency, campaigning as normal and showing trump having to deal with these legal issues, having to go to court, having his mug shot taken and they are very comfortable with that split screen. >> and mario, staying with the campaign, we heard from vivek ramaswamy about his chances he believes if he makes it to the general. let's watch. >> i expect to be the next president. i expect to win in a landslide. but i will require respectfully each of those people to play their respective roles in our national revival as well as in some way. because this is a team sport. >> he expects to win the general by a land slide but he is 40 points behind or so from donald trump in the primary.a land sli points behind or so from donald trump in the primary. is the race realigned at all in the last 36 hours seeing the debate and the arrest? >> it that is some ways. and ramaswamy also said that this is a team sport. so one of the reasons that he has been championing his electability is because he is in the same lane as donald trump. some of his rivals saying maybe there is too much coziness there. the trump campaign immediately after the debate, surrogates were champion ramaswamy's performance. b but it is a way for donald trump to use his campaign as a cudgel against ron desantis. and so in terms of how it shifted at all, well, donald trump is up 40 points, he is hoping to get another polling boost from this. you have desantis losing altitude and ramaswamy took up a lot of time in the debate surging there. >> so he is a tech entrepreneur, that is how he made all this money. sort of remarkable business story, american dream story. fellow tech entrepreneur mark cuban had this to say. let's pull up his tweet. he said i thought the guy was fascinating, steve jobs said everything is a remix. this guy is trying to remix trump. it is like he studied the trump playbook and decided that he could remix it by just being as slick and having a better vocabulary. is that the play? >> something interesting about ramaswamy is he has always reminded me of andrew young in the democratic party. and we saw andrew young recently say that he thought ramaswamy could surge unsurprisingly fittingly seeing something in himself as well. but something that ramaswamy has talked about consistently is he believes being an outsider, being this biotech entrepreneur gives him a strength. but again, that is the lane that thump has won on. he has won on his ability to say that he is an outsider, he is not innate to politics. and ramaswamy cleary believes that he can do the same thing here. but again that lane is already occupied and ramaswamy has been one of the fiercest defenders of trump so far in this race. >> appreciate it, guys, thank you all. donald trump back in new jersey this morning. we'll get the latest live from outside his bedminster golf club, that is ahead. plus americans reaching the tipping point literal with tipping. we'll explain ahead. dangerou. 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President , Shot , Image , Mug Sof , 45 , Mug Shot , Case , U S , Money , Everyone , Georgia , Cnn , Trump Campaign , Donald Trump , Sources , Developments , August 25th , 25 , Friday August 25th , Co Defendants , Jeffrey Clark , Role , More , Photo , Official , Effort , Decision , Doj , Three , Election , Sweeping Reelection Subversion Trial , Kenneth Chesebro , Surrenders , 59 , October 23rd , 23 , Two , 5 , Defendants , Hearing , Fani Willis , Mark Meadows , Game On , Georgia Secretary Of State , Trump , Harrison Floyd , Chief Of Staff , Voters , Co Defendant , Jail , Bond Agreement , Federal Court , One , Wall , This Morning , Surrendering , Fulton County Jail , World , Page , Nation , 20 , X , Last Night , Inmate P 01135809 , Surprise Return , 01135809 , Insurrection , Caption Election Interference , 6 , January 6 , Arrest , Have , Co Conspirators , Five , 17 , 19 , Lot , Reporter , What A Night , Scene , Nick Valencia , Program , Number , Things , List , Lifetime , Inmate , History Books , 02135809 , Bond , Network Newsmax , Election Subversion , Georgia Thursday , Experience , Words , Surrender , Process , Election Interference , Wharton School Of Finance , Conditions , Release , 200000 , 00000 , Witnesses , I Travesty Of Justice , Social Media , Tha Thas , Nothing , Others , Wrongdoing , Truth , Interference , Tweet , 8 , 2021 , January 8 2021 , Person , Profile , White House , Rico Act , Doing , Officer , Indictment , Grand Jury , Oath , Bill , He Ken , Ylaws , The District Attorney , Meddling , 2023 , 2020 , October 23 2023 , 18 , Electors , Attorney , Plot , A Tek , Ticking , Clock , Door , Activity , Noon Deadline , Patricia Murphy , Jeremy Sment Soland , Mario Parker , Chanting , Singing , Environment , Idea , Supporters , Flags , Signs , Coulmination , Name , Gates , Police Officers , Motorcade , Motorcycles , Funeral , Dozens , Suvs , Rest , Night People , Pin Drop , People , Thinking Why Didn T , Ones , Felony Charge , Inmate Number , This , Didn T , Rules , Term , States , Fingerprints , Front , Charges , Speech , Treatment , Several , Side , Elements , Event , Mar A Lago , New York , Cases , Plane , Point , Remarks , Seriousness , Tarmac , Least , Mind , Aspect , 2024 , It , Room , Bedminster , Press Conference , Recall Victor , Politics , T Shirts , Estate , Either , Quisconvicted , 4 , 34 , Polling , Battles , Lines , Comeback Bid , Campaign , Message , Text Messages , Cudgels , Fundraising Appeal , Weapon , Base , Attacks , Fight , Rivals , Beyond Trump , Accusations , Videos , Arizona , Wisconsin , Michigan , Ruby Freeman , Shaye Moss , County , Day One , Question , Wasn T , Death Threats , Chaos , Rumors , Something , Yes , Consequences , Consequence , Matter , Life , Someone , Talk , Core , Let , Kinds , Smears , Example , Sound , Safe , Nowhere , Wasn T Didn Teach , Sort , Man , Law , Takeaway , Reminder , January Of 2021 , Doesn T , Streets , Evidence , Crime , Willis , Officials , Scheme , Sitting , Left , Few , Judge , Anyone , Consent Bond , Agreement , Obvious , Warrant , No One , Reality , Law Enforcement , Theoretically , Risk , Way , Trial , District Attorney , 60 , Rico , Wildfires , Update , Next , Maui , Focus , Cities , Rk , Towns , At P , Pnc Bank , Voltaren , Ththe Joy Of Movement , Terms , Retinol , Communities , Benefits , Body , Skin , Chevy Silverado , Fast Working Crepe Corrector , Camera Views , Package , Z71 Off Road , 13 , Living , Truck , Enre Max Protein , Help , Blend , Glucerna Protein , Going , 30 , Meet Arexvy , Blood Sugar Response , Surprise , Rsv , Respiratory Disease , Rsv Vaccine , Airways , Lungs , Fda , 82 , Ingredients , Reactions , Health Conditions , 94 , Doctor , Headache , Fatigue , Pharmacist , Muscle Pain , Pain , Response , Vaccine , Immune Systems , Injection Site Pain , Side Effects , Make It Arexvy , Lawyers , State Court , Georgia 2020 , Chapter , Mug , Meadows , Felony Counts , Glern , Rnn Rucke , We Won T Know On Monday , Stays , Chance , Exposure , Minimum , Part , Issue , Government , Votes , Problem , It Hasn T , Defense , Face , Job , State Department Of Florida , Secretary Of State , Impeachment , Material , Scope , Brad Raffensperger , Correct , 0 , Listen , Practicing Attorney , Morning , Status , Facility , Opinion , Smooteast Smoothest , Defendant , Concerns , Sheriff , Secret Service , Skreet S , Comments , Safety Concern , Office , Original Request , 359 , Everything , D A , Lawyering , Participants , Moves , Stakes , Chess , Sides , Level , Move , Defense Counsel , Demand , Court , Statute , Failure , Posture , Team , Insight , D A Si , Trial Notebooks , Dwenks M Defense , Thing , Six , Arguments , John Eastman , Lawyer , Elector , Architects , Jake Tapper , Advice , Conspiracy , Position , Trial Eastman , Don T , Jury , Fact , Counsels , Perspectives , Clients , Nature , Potential , John Eastman Wasn T , Questions , State Senate Hearing , Criminal Conduct , Meetings , Weight , Emails , State Senators , Benefit , Efforts , Saying , False , Many , Sense , Defense Team , Individual , Defense Perspective , Pairings , Food Chain , Nightmare , Conduct , Testimony , Overlap , Prosecution , Sever , Flip , Times , Defenses , Apple , Strategy , Bites , Prigozhin , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Intel , Expertise , Mercenary , Bottom , Plane Crash , Prison , Pyramid , Russian , Moscow , Y Neighbors , Plan , Myplan Frorom Verizon , Backing , Amamazing Plan , Josh Allen , Switch Nw , Hero Fan , Frorom Youtubetv , Fan , Series , Game , Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 , Mmhm , Value , Folks , Seats , Vo , Aren T Worth Compromising , 449 , 1 , 2 , 49 , Nutrients , Nutrition , Mission , Insurance , Farmers , Saving , Support Immune , Crowd Cheers , Farmers Mnemonic , Ears , Heart Health , Muscle , Lipo , Vitamins , Minerals , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , Alzheimer S Association Walk , Hearing Loss , Lipo Flavonoid , Dizziness , Ear Ringing , Disease , Maui County , Lahaina Wildfire , Names , Fbi , 388 , 1700 , Wind Warnings , Fires , Sevel Utilities , Vladimir Putin , Intelligence Assessment , Calling Prigozhin A Talented Man Who , Time , Downing , Goal , Blazes , Equipment , Plane Carrying , Quote , Translator , Mistakes , Uprising , Fate , 90 , Fred Pleitgen , Putin , Leaders , Let S Go , Jet , Speculation , Indication , Missile , Surface , Investigation , Condolences , Family , Barry , Wagner , Both , Results , Common Cause , Narrative , Africa , Hero , Notion , Wherd , Ukraine , Answers , Faith , Interview , Course , Site , Bodies , Big Question , Vantage Point , Crash , Forensics Lab , Wreckage , Maker , Investigators , Anybody , Some , Vibe , Team Trump , Merch , Vivek Ramaswamy , Debate , Land Slide , Republican , Asthma , Felt Anying , Eosinophils , Control , Asthma Attacks , Enough , Type , Trouble , Steroids , Add On Injection , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Nucala , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , My Nunormal , Infections , Back Pain , Injection Site Reactions , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Nunormal , Savings , Muscle Health , High Protein , Boost Com Tv , Flavor , Boost , Cinnabon , 16 , Booking Photo , Last Night In Georgia , New Jersey , T Shirts With Trump , Writing , Atlanta , Table , Correspondent , Now , Bloomberg News , Whatever , Lemons , Water Bottles , Given , Donors , Email , Denominations , 3300 , 300 , Kind , Supporter , Option , Challenges , 24 , Indictments , Support , Fundraising , Search , Opportunity , Surges , Marjorie Taylor Greene , She , Capitalizing , Solidarity , Hashtagged Maga , Bills , Bit , Him , Who Stand , Cash , Donation , Link , Points , Iowa , 7 , Republicans , Debate Stage , Convicted As Go , Eight , Appeals , Talking , Ken Buck , Policelist His Support Fo , Judgment , Felon , Won T , Trials , Candidates , Perspective , Places , Advantage , Campaign Season , New Hampshire , Split Screen , Presidency , Contrast , Duties , Show , Issues , Chances , Team Sport , Landslide , Revival , Roles , The General , Race , General , Primary , Primary A Land , 40 , Electability , Ways , Reasons , 36 , Lane , Coziness , Champion Ramaswamy , Surrogates , B , Cudgel , Performance , Ron Desantis , Tech Entrepreneur , Altitude , Remarkable Business Story , American Dream Story , Guy , Mark Cuban , Remix , Remix Trump , Fellow Tech Entrepreneur , Steve Jobs , Play , Playbook , Vocabulary , Andrew Young , Democratic Party , Outsider , Biotech Entrepreneur , Ability , Strength , Ramaswamy Cleary , Defenders , Latest , Guys , The Tipping Point Literal With , Cold , Dangerou , Bedminster Golf Club , Sneeze , Dangers , Coughing , Virus , Warning Labels , Hospitalalization , Energy , Sugar , Rsv Today , Uuuhhhh , Renaissance , Protein Max Challenge , Ec Music , 1000 , 000 , Electric , Cadillac , Diabetes , Glucose , Carbs , System , Glucose Level , Confidence , A1c , Cgm , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , Freestylelibre Us , Tip , Screen , Everywhere , Foot , Tipping Requests , Barrage , Employee , Vanessa Yurkevich Reports , Workers , 15 , Tipping , Pressure , Out Of Control , Grubhub , Dash , Options , Uber , 10 , Tips , Service , Coffee Shop , Americans , Hairstylist , American Culture , Emotions , Tip Screen , Payment Experience , Study , Taxi , Group , Twist , Scenario , Laptop , Butcher , Shop , Table Service , Provisions , I Don T Michnd , Dollar , Cooking , Guests , Care , Men , Flip Screen , Serving , Knowledge Base , Taking , Women , The Butcher Shop , Restaurants , New Haven , Emily Owns , Connecticut , Minimum Wage , Aren T , Movement , Staff , House Staff , Back , Average , House , 38 , 6 38 , Wage , National Restaurant Association , Clueless , 13 , 2 13 , Pocket , Pushback , Prices , School , Ballot , Legislation , Destiny Fox Works , Measures , Illinois , Chicago , Wouldn T , Home , Tips Add , 9 40 , 80 , 40 , Vanessa Yurkevich , Topic , Report , Commercial , Donald Trump Sharing A Snapshot , Victor Blackwell , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Car Screech , Camera Shutter Sfx , Car Door Slam , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Flaking , Otezla , Itching , Patches , Ned , Blood Tests , Doctors , Psoriatic Arthritis , Weight Loss , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Depression , Thoughts , Movie , Ting , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Crowd Gasp , Sports , Football Career , Watch , Bunch , Xfinity , Australian Football , Football , Sport , Place , Season , Trademark , Xfinity Rewards Members , Word It S Fitz Credible , 00 , 100 , Youtube , Xfinity Rewards , 45th Es ,

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Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240704

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good morning, everyone, you are with us early. glad to have you. it is friday, august 25th. new overnight, there are several fast moving developments tied to donald trump's case in georgia. the trump campaign is already raising money off that mug shot. sources tell cnn that trump made the decision to look defiant in the photo. >> also new overnight, three more of his co-defendants have turned themselves in over the past few hours including jeffrey clark. he is former d.o.j. official accused of playing a key role in the effort to overturn the election. we're now awaiting just two more surrenders as we're just hours from that deadline. the first trial in the case is set for october 23rd. 5 t 59 days from now. kenneth chesebro asked for a speedy trial and fani willis said game on. she also wants to try all the defendants beginning that day. >> and also georgia secretary of state has been subpoenaed to testify against mark meadows on monday. that is when a hearing will be held to discuss whether trump's former chief of staff can move his case to federal court. >> and there is one co-defendant who actually had to spend the night in jail. harrison floyd, leader of black voters for trump. he is left over after he failed to negotiate a bond agreement before surrendering. we'll discuss all of this. "cnn this morning" starts right now. this is the photo you are waking up to. it is donald trump's mug shot at the fulton county jail and it is making the front page across the nation and really around the world. trump only spent about 20 minutes at the jail last night. he was arrested, he was booked as inmate p 01135809. >> and he is flaunting the mug shot now. he made a surprise return to twitter now known as x, first time since he was banned after the january 6 insurrection. trump posted his mug shot with the caption election interference, never surrender. but that post came about two hours after he actually he surrendered his fourth arrest in five months. and overnight three more have turned themselves in including jeffrey clark. that means that 17 of the 19 alleged co-conspirators have now surrendered before the deadline. again, that is noon today. >> so as you can see, there is a lot to get to. we'll start off the program with nick valencia. what a night there last night, nick. >> reporter: what a night, poppy. what a night. the scene outside the fulton county jail was one for the history books. donald trump has been called many things in his lifetime and now he can be called inmate adding to that list. a mug shot and inmate number p 02135809 will forever be associated with the former president. donald j. trump was arrested on state charges related to election subversion in georgia thursday. he was booked and released on bond at the fulton county jail. former president took to the right wing network newsmax to discuss his surrender. >> terrible experience. i came in, i was treated very nicely. but it is what it is. i took a mug shot. which i never heard the words mug shot. they didn't teach me that at the wharton school of finance. and i have to go through a process of election interference. >> reporter: ahead of his surrender, trump agreed to a $200,000 bond and other release conditions including not using social media to intimidate co-defendants and witnesses in the case. this is the fourth criminal case filed against the former president this year. >> whats tha thas taken place i travesty of justice. i did nothing wrong. we did nothing wrong. >> reporter: trump continues to deny any wrongdoing in this case and the others. >> should have never happened. if you challenge an election, you should be able to challenge the election. i thought it was a rigged election, a stolen election and i should have every right to do that. >> reporter: trump shared his mug shot on truth social and x with the words election interference and never surrender below it. it was his first tweet on x since january 8, 2021, two days after the insurrection. the former president was not the only high profile person to surrender on thursday. former white house chief of staff mark meadows surrendered himself to the fulton county jail. he has been charged with violating georgia's rico act and soliciting a public officer to violate their oath. he ken denies any wrong doing. >> a fulton county grand jury returned a true bill of indictment. >> reporter: just last week, fulton county district attorney fani willis charged trump and 18 co-defendants with meddling in the 2020 georgia presidential election ylaws. thursday the district attorney requested a trial date of october 23, 2023. that date set after kenneth chesebro, considered the, a tek architect of the fake electors plot, requested a speedy trial. trump's attorney says he opposes the proposed trial date. and it has been a revolving door of activity here outside the fulton county jail this week, just two of the 19 co-defendants remain and the clock is ticking for them to return themselves in by today's noon deadline. >> nick, thank you for being there all week for us. and joining us now mario parker, patricia murphy and also former prosecutor jeremy sment soland. patricia, you were outside the jail last night. there was chanting, singing. give us an idea of the environment. what was it like there last night? >> well, you know, it was just totally surreal. i would say it was coulmination of the old trump rallies we used to see with a lot of pro trump signs, flags, supporters out there chanting his name. and then you combine that with what felt like a funeral. we had the former president come in in a huge motorcade with dozens of police officers on motorcycles, multiple black suvs going in behind the gates. heavily armored gates of the fulton county jail. you could have heard a pin drop when he drove through the gates. it was very quiet. very somber. and he was in and out pretty quickly in about 20 minutes. and then i'd say the rest of the night people felt pretty shellshocked about what had happened. >> explain to people why they might be thinking why didn't he have a mug shot in the other three, why didn't he have an inmate number in the other three. what is different? >> in georgia this is a felony charge. not that the other ones aren't. but you are required to have that mug shot and those fingerprints taken. and different than certain state, they have their different rules. in georgia they will release those. many states won't do that. nothing atypical about what is happening and i'd use the term fairly mundane and normal, he is being treated like even else on that front. >> one of the elements of several that is different here from the treatment from the trump side of this was after the new york surrender and the surrender in the first federal charges, there was a mar-a-lago event. there was a speech. there were remarks. >> a great point. >> last night there were few words on the tarmac and then he got back on the plane. >> well, it goes to the seriousness of this case, right? those other cases in trump's mind at least, if he wins in 2024 from a political aspect, he can maybe pardon himself. there is no room for him to do that with this particular case. so, a, you see the seriousness of it, right? recall victor earlier in the week he was supposed to have this press conference at bedminster that he scrapped as well. so it shows he is taking it very seriously. >> and if quisconvicted in new those state charges he would not be able to do away with either. if we can stay on the politics of this, he didn't make a speech, but they made $34 t-shirts that they are selling. we've seen after every indictment his polling goes up. does it go up more now? >> and that is what they are counting on. he's blurred the lines between how he fights his legal battles and how he wages his comeback bid. about an hour or so before he turned himself in, text messages that his campaign sent out saying that this is my last message to you before i'm arrested. it was a fundraising appeal. going back on x which we know is one his familiar cudgels in a general election. >> that was interesting, first time since 2021. >> exactly. and while he has truth social, this is a powerful weapon for him to again bring his base in, but also wage attacks on his rivals. >> patricia, beyond trump's accusations, the lies about the other states in michigan and arizona, wisconsin, he personalized his fight in georgia. the videos. focusing in on shaye moss and ruby freeman. what does it mean for those voters for fulton county that this happened last night? >> well, it obviously depends on how you feel about president trump. donald trump still certainly has supporters in full tonight county. those supporters do not believe these charges against him. they have been with him from day one. and as he continues to say this was rigged and stolen, they believe him. however, i think for the rest of fulton county voters, there has always been a question are you just allowed to do this, can just say the election was stolen when it wasn't, can you spread rumors, can you lead to people's death threats, can you lead to absolute chaos in an entire state for months on end. is there any consequence for that. and so this tells us that, yes, there are consequences no matter what happens with the trial, this is something that i don't think that even fulton county voters expected to see these kinds of consequences. >> let's talk about those voters because that is what this is about at the core of it and ruby freeman who has become this example of what those smears do to someone's life. i think that we have sound to remind people of what she and shaye moss endured. >> there is nowhere i feel safe. nowhere. do you know how it feels to have the president of the united states target you? the president of the united states is supposed to represent every american. not to target one. but he targeted me. >> patricia, listen to what trump said about just 20 minutes inside jail. here he was. >> terrible experience. i came in, i was treated very nicely, but it is what it is. i took a mug shot which never heard the words mug shot, that wasn't -- didn't teach me that at the wharton school of finance. and i have to go through a process. it is election interference. >> what is your takeaway from that? just a reminder of sort of the core of this for the people. >> well, i would say that the message here is that no man is above the law. that is the message that fani willis has said since january of 2021. the message she wanted to send that it doesn't matter if you are a person living on the streets of fulton county or you are the former president, if she believes that you may have committed the crime and she can gather evidence to prove that, she will bring those charges and she's done that. >> and so fani willis gave all these defendants two weeks. we're coming down to the last few hours. we saw several of the co-defendants turn themselves in overnight including jeffrey clark who played a major role. he was one of the doj officials who tried to push the scheme through. just a few left. but there is one sitting in jail, harrison floyd. talk to us about what happened overnight and what happens if we don't get the last few in the next few hours? >> anyone who is coming in -- >> see those last few. >> other than the obvious, you are planning out what your bond will be, you are coming to that agreement, the consent bond and the judge said that is okay. if you are not doing that and surrenders yourself, the reality is a warrant is coming. no one is above the law on that front and that warrant would authorize law enforcement to make an arrest. and theoretically if you were out of state, you would get a warrant in that state and they would hold you there until you are brought back to the state of georgia which in and of itself could take time. so this is real. this is not prepretend. if you fail to show up, there will be a warrant. they will show up, they won't take that risk. >> a lot to talk about ahead including how quickly this trial might begin. >> yeah, 59 days from now the first trial. all right. thank you all. fulton county district attorney wants to get donald trump's trial under way as we were saying. 59 days, not 60, so less than two months. is that possible for a rico case like this? and just in, an update from maui, the number of people missing after the wildfires has dropped dramatically. we'll explain that. next. ♪ voltaren. ththe joy of movement. ♪ at p pnc bank, you can find us in big cities and small towns across the us, where our focus is to always support the people who live and rk there. because you call these communities home, and we do too. pnc bank. with gold bond... you can age on your own terms. retinol overnight means... the smoothing benefits of retinol. are now for your whole body. plus, fast-working crepe corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. gold bond. champion your skin. ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z71 off-road package. ♪ you ok? yeah. any truck can help you make a living. this one helps you build a life. chevy silverado. each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. glucerna, bring on the day. rsv is in for a surprise. meet arexvy. 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( ♪ ) arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. rsv can be serious. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about arexvy today. rsv? make it arexvy. another chapter in the georgia 2020 election case will begin on monday. that is when lawyers for former trump chief of staff mark meadows will argue before a judge that his case should be moved out of state court and into federal court. and that matters a lot. meadows faces two felony counts for his alleged role in trying to overturn the election in the state. his mug shot released just before trump's. patricia murphy is with us and also joining us glern rnn rucke. jeremy, we were talking about why moving to federal court, we won't know on monday, but you think that there is a good chance that this stays in state court which is more precarious for them. >> definitely more precarious and exposure more as well. a five year minimum if convicted. but the issue is not whether or not mark meadows was an officer of the federal government. the question really becomes as that officer, was what he was doing part of his role. was it consistent with him being chief of staff and counting electoral votes, challenging the state of georgia, that is not his role. people have that role and that is not his. so that is the problem. all you need is a colorable defense. >> what does that mean? >> it hasn't to be a defense that will win unequivocally. but at its face, what he is doing a beyond your job. and that is where it is problematic. >> how much do you think we'll learn on monday beyond what is in the indict? there may be evidence that weer hear. >> i think that it will be really tight because you don't want to have a trial within a trial. so we know people are being subpoenaed. we know probably from the state department of florida -- >> secretary of state brad raffensperger. >> correct. so we know there will be evidence. but fani willis did not want to expand beyond the scope of that hearing. you create too much material later on potentially too for impeachment to challenge those witnesses. so i expect it to be very limited. >> so clint, in your former role are, you spent time in jail there. you heard trump say it was a terrible experience. he was in there 0here 20 minute. what is your takeaway to see the former president go through this process? >> right. well, first of all, good morning and thank you for having me. i want to tell you that, listen, the former president's experience for the 30 years that i've been a practicing attorney here in fulton county was one of the smooteast smoothest that i' witnessed. by all accounts he was inside the actual facility for less than 30 minutes which is unprecedented in my opinion. but given his status, i certainly understand the concerns of the sheriff and skreet s secret service to make sure that this process which is the same process that each and every defendant goes through was smooth, seamless and has huge safety concern. so i understand his comments. but certainly for most defendants, they don't get the same treatment. >> i want to stay with you on this trial for kenneth chesebro starting as we said in 359 days and what that takes. what inside the office that preparation looks like now. original request was march of next year. that was unlikely from everything we heard. and now this first case, not all 19, but this one starts in fewer than two months. what does it looks like inside the d.a.'s office? >> right, right. well, let me tell you, we are going to witness a very high stakes level of chess that will be played by participants on both sides. we're going to see lawyering at its best and it has already started. we've seen moves made by the district attorney fani willis, we've seen moves made by various defense counsel. it will continue. the move to file a demand for speedy trial is engrained in our constitution and it puts the state in a posture that the clock is ticking. a failure to bring a trial within the prescribed period of time which for us here in georgia, the statute is very clear, it is two terms of court. each term is two months each. and so the clock is ticking for the d.a.'s i have to get prepared and get ready for trial. i will give you this insight though, having worked there for 25 years, worked with fani willis, that team is already prepared. they were prepared for trial the day after the indictment came down. they have got their witnesses lined up. they have got their trial notebooks prepared. and certainly by that october date which the district attorney has now countered the dwenks m defense move for chesebro, they will be ready. >> and one thing that is interesting about this case, if you get all 19 tried together, like six of them are lawyers. and so that just makes it very interesting as they make these legal arguments. i want everyone to listen to what one of john eastman who is lawyer for trump and one of the real architects of the fake elector scheme, what his lawyer told our jake tapper yesterday about why eastman he thinks deserves a totally solo look at everything. >> eastman is in a very different position from every other defendant in that he was acting as a lawyer giving legal advice. he was not part of a conspiracy. assuming that there even was a conspiracy. we are going to move to sever his case from the others and move for a separate trial which means that we'll be tried alone. and we believe that the trial eastman alone will take about three weeks. >> don't moves like that slow all of this down when you are trying to get to trial in 59 days, not to mention by the way the jury process picking a jury, that will be long. doesn't that slow things down? >> i think just the very nature of the fact that there are 19 defendants with 19 separate counsels and 19 separate perspectives about what is best for their own clients, i think that has every potential to slow things down as well. it does raise huge questions for the role of lawyers and their clients and exactly what is something that would be considered criminal conduct. but john eastman wasn't just giving legal advice, he also appeared remotely at a state senate hearing here in georgia. his words carry significant weight. so he wasn't simply sending emails and having meetings with donald trump. he was playing a public role in a public hearing here in georgia and giving advice to state senators that even department of justice at the time was saying was inaccurate and false. >> jeremy, is there any benefit to any of these defendants to be tried with other co-defendants? we're hearing about these efforts to sever and be tried independently, but do you see any pairings here that make sense from a defense perspective? >> if i'm on the defense team for many of these individual, especially the lower people on the proverbial food chain, i want to separate and sever myself. i don't want to be a part because there is so much conduct certainly well beyond that i was eligible and may have taken a part in, so it makes sense to try to sever. that becomes somewhat of a nightmare for the prosecution. because a lot of the overlap even if it is not the exact same testimony or evidence, you will have to do that multiple times. and you don't want to give so many bites to the apple for different defenses. >> and it also might not be 19 defendants when you get to trial if she can get some to flip. >> and that may be part of the strategy for the people at the bottom of that pyramid because i don't want that five years in prison. >> thank you so much for the expertise. just ahead, what u.s. intel is now saying about the russian mercenary leader prigozhin and that plane crash near moscow. y neighbors' nfl sunday ticket. 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(farmers mnemonic) okay everyone, our mission is mplete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ our ears connect us to the moments that matter. give them the nutrients they need with lipo. it's formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. at the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's, this is why we walk. ♪ they're why we walk. ♪ we walk in the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's because we're getting closer to beating this disease. join us. overnight maui county updated the number of people unaccounted for after the lahaina wildfire. and this number is far less than previously estimated. officials say 388 people have been verified as missing with the fbi compiling the list of names. more than 1700 others originally reported as missing have been found safe and well. maui county is now w suing sevel utilities for not doing enough to prevent the fires. they say they ignored high wind warnings and failed to power down equipment when the blazes broke out. and intelligence assessment says the downing of the plane carrying yevgeny prigozhin was deliberate and the goal was to kill him. vladimir putin speaking out for the first time after his death calling prigozhin a talented man who, quote, made serious mistakes. they were the russian president's first comments since his presumed death on wednesday. listen to this. >> translator: i knew prigozhin for a very long time. since the early '90s. he was a man of difficult fate. >>is exactly two months after prigozhin led the uprising against russian military leaders. let's go to fred pleitgen who has the reporting this morning. both things are interesting. interesting to hear from putin and then the u.s. intelligence assessment is also fascinating. >> reporter: i think the u.s. intelligence assessment is fascinating because there is so much speculation as to what brought the jet down. the u.s. saying it was deliberate but also saying that there is no indication that surface to air missile may have been fired at the plane. so possibly that something on board the plane caused it to crash. but at this point in time, it is still very early in the investigation. and then vladimir putin looking like someone who wasn't exactly devastated by all this. he did express his condolences not specifically to the family of yevgeny prigozhin, but he said to all of those who were on board that plane. he then in passing mentioned that there were a lot of people from wagner who barry appear to been on that plane. and he talked more about prigozhin. let's listen into more of what he said. >> translator: he made serious mistakes in life. and he achieved the results needed both for himself and when i asked about it for common cause. here he was only yesterday as far as i know returning from africa. met some officials here. >> reporter: so extremely important thing about all that is that vladimir putin's narrative since the uprising that prigozhin launched two months ago was that, yes, he is someone who obviously did a lot for russia in ukraine, but also one who made a lot of money doing it, so dispel any notion that this might have been some sort of hero, and wherd the re heard the remarks there, just talking very matter of fact about prigozhin. >> yeah, so interesting to hear from him in that way. so we know the initial u.s. intelligence assessment, but russia is investigating this and they will be the only ones really to. so should people have faith that we'll get direct answers from them? >> reporter: very difficult to tell at this point in time. vladimir putin also in that same interview said that there is an investigation ongoing, that he was very sure that the truth would come to light. but of course it is very difficult to tell from our vantage point and even from inside russia. they have said that they have taken the bodies recovered from the crash site to the forensics lab and checking the wreckage as well. but the big question will be how transparent is that investigation going to be. certainly doesn't look as though any international or western investigators will be taking part in that investigation. and then also, another big question by the way, is anybody from the maker of that jet going to be there on site to check as well. at this point in time, it doesn't look as though that will be the case. and if you look at the vibe in russia right now, it doesn't look like people are looking for have that investigation to bring very much to light. some of the few commenting are essentially saying that they did see this coming for yevgeny prigozhin. >> appreciate it very much, thank you. team trump is wasting no time trying to raise money off this fourth arrest. more on his mug shot merch ahead. >> mug shot merch. >> we're there now. and vivek ramaswamy apparently feeling very confident after his first republican presidential debate. why he says he thinks that he will win the 2024 election in a land slide. trying to control my asthma felt anying but normal. ♪ ♪ enough was enough. i talked to an asthma specialist and found out my severe asthma is driven by eosinophils, a type of asthma nucala can help control. now, fewer asthma attacks and less oral steroids that's my nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. talk to your asthma specialist to see if once-monthly nucala may be right for you. and learn about savings at there's more to your life than asthma. find your nunormal with nucala. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at using his mug shot to raise money for his campaign just hours after his arrest last night in georgia. the former president posted the booking photo to truth social and by the way to twitter now known as x writing never surrender even though he did in fact surrender by the way. on his way back to new jersey from atlanta, his campaign started selling these $34 t-shirts with trump's mug shot on them. let's talk about all this with mario parker. and also back at the table, patricia murphy and also correspondent for bloomberg news. mario, let me start with you. you've got all of this now, he said it was a terrible experience but he is capitalizing on the terrible experience. to what end? >> talking to his campaign earlier this week, they said -- we asked them this very question about how they are fighting these legal battles. and they say essentially they are trying to turn lemons in to lemonade. whatever they are given, they are trying to capitalize off of it. you saw the t-shirts that you all just put up. and so they were mobilized -- >> and apparently there is more than that. water bottles, long sleeve t-shirts. >> and there will be more, right? and essentially he sent out an email to his donors, the small donors, in denominations of $3300 with his mug shot, right? so if you were curious -- a trump supporter and you clicked on that you had the option to give him between $24 and $3300 as well. so this kind of goes back to again the blurred lines between his political fight and his legal challenges. >> and patricia, this merch will sell. if you look at the history after the search of mar-a-lago and all of the indictments, there were surges of fundraising, surges of support and now this gives those supporters an opportunity to own some of this support, to show it, to tangibly touch how much they support him. and let's show marjorie taylor greene. she's trying to get in on this too. overnight she tweeted a photo shopped mug shot because she i guess in solidarity with donald trump has hashtagged maga mug shot now. what do you see here now with the capitalizing off of this historic moment financially and politically for those who stand by him? >> yeah, well, first of all, we know that he will need the money. i mean, he is using a good bit of this money to pay his own legal bills and also trying to finance his campaign so he needs the cash. that is pretty obvious. but at the same time he's been saying this rhetorically all along that they are coming after me because they really want to come after you. he is now bringing them into that fight and putting them on his own defense team. and the last message he sent before going in for his mug shot was to say i need your help in this fight and click to a donation link to say i'll never surrender but i need your help. telling them that i need you to start funding this me because they are coming after all of us. his polling has jumped 7 points in iowa since these indictments came down against him in fulton county. so i think so far turning lemons in to lemonade politically and financially is working for him. legally we'll have to see. >> and on that debate stage two nights as go, six of the eight republicans said that they would support trump even if he were go, six of the eig republicans said that they would support trump even if he were convicted. but listen to this from republican congressman ken buck. this was interesting talking about policelist his support fo but where it will end. >> i don't think any of these cases will go to trial before the election. i don't think that the appeals will be heard. so there won't be a final judgment on these cases certainly before the election. but i will not support a convicted felon for the position of president of united states regardless of who that person >> ♪ ♪able, right? >> it is notable because especially many of the candidates committed to supporting him regardless of whether he is convicted or not. but i think the big question here, if the trials do happen next year and do happen during the campaign season, will that affect trump supporters among voters if he can't get out to places like iowa and new hampshire and court the voters. and from the biden perspective, this is really an advantage for them because they are able to show the split screen, this contrast, and show that without commenting directly, that they can show their president doing the day to day duties of the presidency, campaigning as normal and showing trump having to deal with these legal issues, having to go to court, having his mug shot taken and they are very comfortable with that split screen. >> and mario, staying with the campaign, we heard from vivek ramaswamy about his chances he believes if he makes it to the general. let's watch. >> i expect to be the next president. i expect to win in a landslide. but i will require respectfully each of those people to play their respective roles in our national revival as well as in some way. because this is a team sport. >> he expects to win the general by a land slide but he is 40 points behind or so from donald trump in the primary.a land sli points behind or so from donald trump in the primary. is the race realigned at all in the last 36 hours seeing the debate and the arrest? >> it that is some ways. and ramaswamy also said that this is a team sport. so one of the reasons that he has been championing his electability is because he is in the same lane as donald trump. some of his rivals saying maybe there is too much coziness there. the trump campaign immediately after the debate, surrogates were champion ramaswamy's performance. b but it is a way for donald trump to use his campaign as a cudgel against ron desantis. and so in terms of how it shifted at all, well, donald trump is up 40 points, he is hoping to get another polling boost from this. you have desantis losing altitude and ramaswamy took up a lot of time in the debate surging there. >> so he is a tech entrepreneur, that is how he made all this money. sort of remarkable business story, american dream story. fellow tech entrepreneur mark cuban had this to say. let's pull up his tweet. he said i thought the guy was fascinating, steve jobs said everything is a remix. this guy is trying to remix trump. it is like he studied the trump playbook and decided that he could remix it by just being as slick and having a better vocabulary. is that the play? >> something interesting about ramaswamy is he has always reminded me of andrew young in the democratic party. and we saw andrew young recently say that he thought ramaswamy could surge unsurprisingly fittingly seeing something in himself as well. but something that ramaswamy has talked about consistently is he believes being an outsider, being this biotech entrepreneur gives him a strength. but again, that is the lane that thump has won on. he has won on his ability to say that he is an outsider, he is not innate to politics. and ramaswamy cleary believes that he can do the same thing here. but again that lane is already occupied and ramaswamy has been one of the fiercest defenders of trump so far in this race. >> appreciate it, guys, thank you all. donald trump back in new jersey this morning. we'll get the latest live from outside his bedminster golf club, that is ahead. plus americans reaching the tipping point literal with tipping. we'll explain ahead. dangerou. 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President , Shot , Image , Mug Sof , 45 , Mug Shot , Case , U S , Money , Everyone , Georgia , Cnn , Trump Campaign , Donald Trump , Sources , Developments , August 25th , 25 , Friday August 25th , Co Defendants , Jeffrey Clark , Role , More , Photo , Official , Effort , Decision , Doj , Three , Election , Sweeping Reelection Subversion Trial , Kenneth Chesebro , Surrenders , 59 , October 23rd , 23 , Two , 5 , Defendants , Hearing , Fani Willis , Mark Meadows , Game On , Georgia Secretary Of State , Trump , Harrison Floyd , Chief Of Staff , Voters , Co Defendant , Jail , Bond Agreement , Federal Court , One , Wall , This Morning , Surrendering , Fulton County Jail , World , Page , Nation , 20 , X , Last Night , Inmate P 01135809 , Surprise Return , 01135809 , Insurrection , Caption Election Interference , 6 , January 6 , Arrest , Have , Co Conspirators , Five , 17 , 19 , Lot , Reporter , What A Night , Scene , Nick Valencia , Program , Number , Things , List , Lifetime , Inmate , History Books , 02135809 , Bond , Network Newsmax , Election Subversion , Georgia Thursday , Experience , Words , Surrender , Process , Election Interference , Wharton School Of Finance , Conditions , Release , 200000 , 00000 , Witnesses , I Travesty Of Justice , Social Media , Tha Thas , Nothing , Others , Wrongdoing , Truth , Interference , Tweet , 8 , 2021 , January 8 2021 , Person , Profile , White House , Rico Act , Doing , Officer , Indictment , Grand Jury , Oath , Bill , He Ken , Ylaws , The District Attorney , Meddling , 2023 , 2020 , October 23 2023 , 18 , Electors , Attorney , Plot , A Tek , Ticking , Clock , Door , Activity , Noon Deadline , Patricia Murphy , Jeremy Sment Soland , Mario Parker , Chanting , Singing , Environment , Idea , Supporters , Flags , Signs , Coulmination , Name , Gates , Police Officers , Motorcade , Motorcycles , Funeral , Dozens , Suvs , Rest , Night People , Pin Drop , People , Thinking Why Didn T , Ones , Felony Charge , Inmate Number , This , Didn T , Rules , Term , States , Fingerprints , Front , Charges , Speech , Treatment , Several , Side , Elements , Event , Mar A Lago , New York , Cases , Plane , Point , Remarks , Seriousness , Tarmac , Least , Mind , Aspect , 2024 , It , Room , Bedminster , Press Conference , Recall Victor , Politics , T Shirts , Estate , Either , Quisconvicted , 4 , 34 , Polling , Battles , Lines , Comeback Bid , Campaign , Message , Text Messages , Cudgels , Fundraising Appeal , Weapon , Base , Attacks , Fight , Rivals , Beyond Trump , Accusations , Videos , Arizona , Wisconsin , Michigan , Ruby Freeman , Shaye Moss , County , Day One , Question , Wasn T , Death Threats , Chaos , Rumors , Something , Yes , Consequences , Consequence , Matter , Life , Someone , Talk , Core , Let , Kinds , Smears , Example , Sound , Safe , Nowhere , Wasn T Didn Teach , Sort , Man , Law , Takeaway , Reminder , January Of 2021 , Doesn T , Streets , Evidence , Crime , Willis , Officials , Scheme , Sitting , Left , Few , Judge , Anyone , Consent Bond , Agreement , Obvious , Warrant , No One , Reality , Law Enforcement , Theoretically , Risk , Way , Trial , District Attorney , 60 , Rico , Wildfires , Update , Next , Maui , Focus , Cities , Rk , Towns , At P , Pnc Bank , Voltaren , Ththe Joy Of Movement , Terms , Retinol , Communities , Benefits , Body , Skin , Chevy Silverado , Fast Working Crepe Corrector , Camera Views , Package , Z71 Off Road , 13 , Living , Truck , Enre Max Protein , Help , Blend , Glucerna Protein , Going , 30 , Meet Arexvy , Blood Sugar Response , Surprise , Rsv , Respiratory Disease , Rsv Vaccine , Airways , Lungs , Fda , 82 , Ingredients , Reactions , Health Conditions , 94 , Doctor , Headache , Fatigue , Pharmacist , Muscle Pain , Pain , Response , Vaccine , Immune Systems , Injection Site Pain , Side Effects , Make It Arexvy , Lawyers , State Court , Georgia 2020 , Chapter , Mug , Meadows , Felony Counts , Glern , Rnn Rucke , We Won T Know On Monday , Stays , Chance , Exposure , Minimum , Part , Issue , Government , Votes , Problem , It Hasn T , Defense , Face , Job , State Department Of Florida , Secretary Of State , Impeachment , Material , Scope , Brad Raffensperger , Correct , 0 , Listen , Practicing Attorney , Morning , Status , Facility , Opinion , Smooteast Smoothest , Defendant , Concerns , Sheriff , Secret Service , Skreet S , Comments , Safety Concern , Office , Original Request , 359 , Everything , D A , Lawyering , Participants , Moves , Stakes , Chess , Sides , Level , Move , Defense Counsel , Demand , Court , Statute , Failure , Posture , Team , Insight , D A Si , Trial Notebooks , Dwenks M Defense , Thing , Six , Arguments , John Eastman , Lawyer , Elector , Architects , Jake Tapper , Advice , Conspiracy , Position , Trial Eastman , Don T , Jury , Fact , Counsels , Perspectives , Clients , Nature , Potential , John Eastman Wasn T , Questions , State Senate Hearing , Criminal Conduct , Meetings , Weight , Emails , State Senators , Benefit , Efforts , Saying , False , Many , Sense , Defense Team , Individual , Defense Perspective , Pairings , Food Chain , Nightmare , Conduct , Testimony , Overlap , Prosecution , Sever , Flip , Times , Defenses , Apple , Strategy , Bites , Prigozhin , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Intel , Expertise , Mercenary , Bottom , Plane Crash , Prison , Pyramid , Russian , Moscow , Y Neighbors , Plan , Myplan Frorom Verizon , Backing , Amamazing Plan , Josh Allen , Switch Nw , Hero Fan , Frorom Youtubetv , Fan , Series , Game , Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 , Mmhm , Value , Folks , Seats , Vo , Aren T Worth Compromising , 449 , 1 , 2 , 49 , Nutrients , Nutrition , Mission , Insurance , Farmers , Saving , Support Immune , Crowd Cheers , Farmers Mnemonic , Ears , Heart Health , Muscle , Lipo , Vitamins , Minerals , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , Alzheimer S Association Walk , Hearing Loss , Lipo Flavonoid , Dizziness , Ear Ringing , Disease , Maui County , Lahaina Wildfire , Names , Fbi , 388 , 1700 , Wind Warnings , Fires , Sevel Utilities , Vladimir Putin , Intelligence Assessment , Calling Prigozhin A Talented Man Who , Time , Downing , Goal , Blazes , Equipment , Plane Carrying , Quote , Translator , Mistakes , Uprising , Fate , 90 , Fred Pleitgen , Putin , Leaders , Let S Go , Jet , Speculation , Indication , Missile , Surface , Investigation , Condolences , Family , Barry , Wagner , Both , Results , Common Cause , Narrative , Africa , Hero , Notion , Wherd , Ukraine , Answers , Faith , Interview , Course , Site , Bodies , Big Question , Vantage Point , Crash , Forensics Lab , Wreckage , Maker , Investigators , Anybody , Some , Vibe , Team Trump , Merch , Vivek Ramaswamy , Debate , Land Slide , Republican , Asthma , Felt Anying , Eosinophils , Control , Asthma Attacks , Enough , Type , Trouble , Steroids , Add On Injection , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Nucala , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , My Nunormal , Infections , Back Pain , Injection Site Reactions , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Nunormal , Savings , Muscle Health , High Protein , Boost Com Tv , Flavor , Boost , Cinnabon , 16 , Booking Photo , Last Night In Georgia , New Jersey , T Shirts With Trump , Writing , Atlanta , Table , Correspondent , Now , Bloomberg News , Whatever , Lemons , Water Bottles , Given , Donors , Email , Denominations , 3300 , 300 , Kind , Supporter , Option , Challenges , 24 , Indictments , Support , Fundraising , Search , Opportunity , Surges , Marjorie Taylor Greene , She , Capitalizing , Solidarity , Hashtagged Maga , Bills , Bit , Him , Who Stand , Cash , Donation , Link , Points , Iowa , 7 , Republicans , Debate Stage , Convicted As Go , Eight , Appeals , Talking , Ken Buck , Policelist His Support Fo , Judgment , Felon , Won T , Trials , Candidates , Perspective , Places , Advantage , Campaign Season , New Hampshire , Split Screen , Presidency , Contrast , Duties , Show , Issues , Chances , Team Sport , Landslide , Revival , Roles , The General , Race , General , Primary , Primary A Land , 40 , Electability , Ways , Reasons , 36 , Lane , Coziness , Champion Ramaswamy , Surrogates , B , Cudgel , Performance , Ron Desantis , Tech Entrepreneur , Altitude , Remarkable Business Story , American Dream Story , Guy , Mark Cuban , Remix , Remix Trump , Fellow Tech Entrepreneur , Steve Jobs , Play , Playbook , Vocabulary , Andrew Young , Democratic Party , Outsider , Biotech Entrepreneur , Ability , Strength , Ramaswamy Cleary , Defenders , Latest , Guys , The Tipping Point Literal With , Cold , Dangerou , Bedminster Golf Club , Sneeze , Dangers , Coughing , Virus , Warning Labels , Hospitalalization , Energy , Sugar , Rsv Today , Uuuhhhh , Renaissance , Protein Max Challenge , Ec Music , 1000 , 000 , Electric , Cadillac , Diabetes , Glucose , Carbs , System , Glucose Level , Confidence , A1c , Cgm , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , Freestylelibre Us , Tip , Screen , Everywhere , Foot , Tipping Requests , Barrage , Employee , Vanessa Yurkevich Reports , Workers , 15 , Tipping , Pressure , Out Of Control , Grubhub , Dash , Options , Uber , 10 , Tips , Service , Coffee Shop , Americans , Hairstylist , American Culture , Emotions , Tip Screen , Payment Experience , Study , Taxi , Group , Twist , Scenario , Laptop , Butcher , Shop , Table Service , Provisions , I Don T Michnd , Dollar , Cooking , Guests , Care , Men , Flip Screen , Serving , Knowledge Base , Taking , Women , The Butcher Shop , Restaurants , New Haven , Emily Owns , Connecticut , Minimum Wage , Aren T , Movement , Staff , House Staff , Back , Average , House , 38 , 6 38 , Wage , National Restaurant Association , Clueless , 13 , 2 13 , Pocket , Pushback , Prices , School , Ballot , Legislation , Destiny Fox Works , Measures , Illinois , Chicago , Wouldn T , Home , Tips Add , 9 40 , 80 , 40 , Vanessa Yurkevich , Topic , Report , Commercial , Donald Trump Sharing A Snapshot , Victor Blackwell , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Car Screech , Camera Shutter Sfx , Car Door Slam , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Flaking , Otezla , Itching , Patches , Ned , Blood Tests , Doctors , Psoriatic Arthritis , Weight Loss , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Depression , Thoughts , Movie , Ting , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Crowd Gasp , Sports , Football Career , Watch , Bunch , Xfinity , Australian Football , Football , Sport , Place , Season , Trademark , Xfinity Rewards Members , Word It S Fitz Credible , 00 , 100 , Youtube , Xfinity Rewards , 45th Es ,

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