Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

world. i'm bianca nobilo. >> and i'm max foster. just ahead -- >> what has taken place here is a travesty of justice. we good nothing wrong. i did nothing wrong. >> i think a win for this country. >> he could have smiled, instead he looks like a thug. >> he doesn't want to look weak. >> this is a real legal case where he has some real issues. live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster and bianca nobilo. >> it is friday, august 25th, 9:00 a.m. here in london, 4:00 a.m. in bed minister where donad trump is free after posting bond. >> and for the first time ever, we have rather iconic mug shot of a u.s. president. trump was booked at the fulton county jail in atlanta facing more than a dozen charges related to his attempt to overturn georgia's 2020 election results. sources tell cnn that he wanted to look defiant in his booking. >> looks very blond. >> interestingly in the booking sheet, they list the hair as blond or strawberry. >> trump posted the mug shot on x. and he spoke with reporters before leaving atlanta. >> what has taken place here is a travesty of justice. we did nothing wrong. i did nothing wrong. and everybody knows it. i've never had such support and that goes with the other ones too. what they are doing is election interference. they are trying to interfere with an election. never been anything like it in our country before. >> a bit later he spoke with newsmax on his flight back to new jersey describing his arrest. >> terrible experience. i came in, i was treated very nicely. but it is what it is. i took a mug shot which i never heard the words mug shot, didn't teach me that at the wharton school of finance. >> former justice department official jeffrey clark and four other co-defendants surrendered overnight, that leaves two people yet to turn themselves in. more now from pailula reid. >> reporter: now that former president trump has completed his surrender here at the fulton county shire eriff's office, th next time he will have to return is for his arraignment. fani willis has said she would like to do the arraignments for all 19 defendants the week of february 5. and in the federal cases, it all happened at once. but here in georgia, things happen at a slightly different pace. now, after that initial week or two of arraignments, the defendants actually have a short window of time to file certain challenges to their case. several defendants, including mark meadows and former justice department official jeffrey clark, they have already challenged their cases trying to get the state level cases moved to federal court. the former president has signaled that he will likely try to do the same. rudy giuliani may also try that move. so that process will take quite some time to play out. the next thing that will happen though is on monday, there will be a hearing for mark meadows' efforts to move it to federal court. we expect the focus will be that infamous call between former president trump and raffensperger. fani willis has dismissed any suggestion by meadows that what he was doing is just part of his job as chief staff and this should not be prosecuted. it will be interesting to see what the judge does here. but if meadows does not succeed, he will be back with the other defendants here in fulton county as this case proceeds. but for a rico case of this size and complexity, it could take years for a final resolution. paula reid, fulton county, georgia. >> a criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor, friend of the program, is joining us. thank you so much. we were talking about whether or not there would be a mug shot yesterday. we need to bring it up because it is the talking point of the day. what did you make of it, the fact he took it and the image itself and how it has effectively become iconic already? >> as you can see, this is the first time in american history that a former president actually had a mug shot taken. so this is one for the books. this is one that will come up hundreds of years from now when we're talking about the history of this country. but also what is a bit entertaining about it, let's not forget the mug shot pedigree, the information provided, that donald trump is 6'3", 215 pounds, also with blue eyes. yes, i agree. and the strawberry-blond hair. so that information itself is associated with that mug shot. of course self-reporting. >> and when are the trials likely to happen? because there are a number of complicating factors here, aren't there, the number of co-defendants, 19, the complications between state and federal legal complexities. can you talk a bit more about that? >> as of now they trial that we know for sure supposedly is going to happen because the judge has already given trial da is for one of the defendants, that being chesebro where his trl scheduled for the end of october because he exercised his right for a speedy trial. what happens with that as we know is that because he exercised his right for a speedy trial, thonow his case will end being separated from the 18 other defendants. so what we're looking at possibly is several different trials. it won't be all 19 defendants at the same time, it is going to be staggered out. also many things can happen. defendants can plead out meaning that they plead guilty. you can have defendants that actually will cooperate with the district attorney's office and testify against each other. and ultimately you will have those that won't plead guilty and exercise their right for a trial. as of now we know donald trump will delay this trial as much as possible. you heard on one of his cases he is asking for a trial date when? in 2026. highly unlikely it will happen in 2026, but his trial definitely one of them should be going forward out of the four sometime in 2024, hopefully before the election. this case itself is very important for the people of this country, so hopefully this case can move along. >> he has hired another lawyer last minute really. that makes it difficult for the legal team, doesn't it, i mean, how do you make sense of that? >> well, it is quite expected. you have to think that donald trump is facing not just federal charges but as well as state charges. and when you are talking about a defense team and getting attorneys that are equipped to handle these type of cases, the recent attorney that he hired yesterday who came forward day is one that is ver seasoned and has experience in flying cases in state court. specifically rico cases. racketeering cases in state court. because you need the right team in order to be able to assess and trials that are going on. so the right fit for one case won't be the right fit for another case. and you need a team for these type of charges because of the enormous amount of publicity and as well as the enormous amount of charges and discovery that you will be getting in terms of information and evidence. >> thank you so much. and a day after the apparent death of yevgeny prigozhin in a plane crash, russian president vladimir putin called the wagner boss a talented man who made serious mistakes. >> translator: first of all, i want to express my sincere condolences to the families of all the victims. this is always a tragedy. preliminary information suggests that wagner group employees were also on board. >> it was his first public comment about wednesday's deadly crash and it came two months after prigozhin and his mercenary group staged a brief insurrection against russian leaders. they are evaluating possible causing as to what brought down the plane including an explosion on board, but they are ruling out one possibility for now. oren lieberman has the latest from the pentagon. >> reporter: the u.s. is still very much looking at the crash of a private jet belonging to yevgeny prigozhin to try to figure out what happened there that caused it to crash on wednesday afternoon about 30 minutes into its flight out of moscow. three u.s. officials tell cnn that there is no early indication that it was a missile. in other words, no early indication that surface to air missile fired from a russian air defense system took down that aircraft belonging to prigozhin. there were even questions about whether prigozhin was on the flight even after russian state media put out a passenger manifest showing that prigozhin was on the flight. but on thursday, pentagon press secretary said they do believe that prigozhin was killed in that crash. but it leaves the question what took it down. early assessments is it was not a surface to air missile launch. nor was it an air to air missile launched from a russian aircraft according to one of those officials. so the u.s. and intelligence community as they work through the available information and available intelligence are looking at a number of other possibilities including the possibility that it was an exclusion on board that aircraft that took down the flight. but it is important to caution here that this is still very early into what the u.s. can see and obviously there are no u.s. investigators on the ground there. so this process will take time. not only to look at the possibilities, but also to figure out which of those possibilities is the most likely to have happened. whether the u.s. can determine there is something definitive, that at this point remains an open question. the legacy private jet was about 30 minutes into its flight headed towards st. petersburg at about 28,000 feet, so normal cruising altitude, when flight data shows that after going up and down erratically for a short period of time, it crashed just about 30 minutes into its flight outside of moscow. again, d.o.d. confirming they believe prigozhin was on that flight and there is a prevailing belief amongst u.s. officials that russian president putin was going to take some sort of action against prigozhin after the attempted mutiny against him in late june. the surprise not that this happened, the surprise being that the two had even met after that attempted mutiny and this we see here as the u.s. tries to figure out exactly what happened there. oren lieberman, cnn, in the pentagon. ukrainian pilots will start cutting their teeth on f-16 fighter jets in the u.s. this october. >> the pentagon says they will be learning to fly those jets at an air base in arizona run side by side with separate training led biden ma by denmark and the netherlands. nada is here. >> and we've heard from ukraine's defense minister saying he expects it to take a minimum of six months. but at the end of the day, it is up to the instructors to determine when the ukrainian pilots and their maintenance engineers are ready to operate the jets. the training is set to begin in arizona in october, but before that, they will be heading to texas where they will language . of course this training could take months. but it is not happening independently in the u.s. this is happening in conjunction with partners in europe. and we know yesterday former pentagon spokesperson spoke -- >> the training provided by the united states will complement the pilot and maintenance training already under way in europe and further deepens our support for the f-16 training coalition led by denmark and the netherlands. moving forward, we'll remain in close consultation with the danes, dutch and other allies to ensure u.s. training comp pliment oigs the broader training effort. >> earlier this week they committed to sending f-16s to ukraine. and we know u.s. is in talks with our european allies who might be able to provide the f-16 at a later date. and president biden spoke to president zelenskyy and assured him of an expedited approval process as soon as the training is complete. >> nada bashir, thank you so much. around 80 million people in the central u.s. are under excessive heat alerts from the gulf coast to the southern great lakes. in chicago temperatures reached a blistering 100 degrees farenheit on thursday for the first time since 2012. the city also set an all-time record when the heat index reached 120 degrees. >> officials report over 285 daily heat records could be tied or broken through the end of the week and national weather service says dangerous and oppressive heat will continue throughout a large portion of the u.s. on friday. heat plus humidity levels meet heat indices could approach 120 in the midwest and central gulf coast there. almost 700,000 homes and businesses are without power in parts of michigan and ohio, at least one tornado has been confirmed in the region. michigan governor whitmer has declared a state of emergency due to flooding in and around detroit. some areas received 7 to 8 inches of rain in just 24 hours. >> the heavy rain caused some flights to be canceled at detroit metropolitan airport where some tunnels were flooded. a 70-mile-per-hour gust was reported thursday night. and in louisiana, fire is spreading in the state eat southwest. more than 10,000 acres have burned near the texas border.ea southwest. more than 10,000 acres have burned near the texas border. >> tankers and helicopters were being nothing it down, but it is moving pretty fast and you can feel the air picking up. that is from the heat of the fire surking air into the fire. >> one official said normally at this time of year louisiana is dealing with hurricanes and tropical storms, not wildfires. louisiana's governor says that his state has never been this hot and dry since they have never had many fires. statewide burn ban on outdoor burning for barbecues and such is in effect. several hundred fires have been burning in the state. hawaii's maui county is formally point eging the finger local utilities and suing them for not doing enough to prevent the wildfires. and mortgage rates soar to their highest level in two decades. and later on, a growing cause for spain's soccer chief to face accountability after an unwelcome kiss during the world cup celebration. there are too many options. 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still unfolding. in greece authorities say they are dealing with a large resurgence of wild fires gripping parts of the country. officials say strong winds stirred up fires north of athens early thursday morning. >> and bring in eleni giokos. you've been reporting there bravely. how are the conditions today? >> reporter: as you can see, very windy, max. we have been here the last few days. the fire that started on tuesday afternoon. and there was hope that last night they would be able to make head way and get it under control. they have not. we're deep in the mountains. very bad signal here. we can see a fire that is raging beyond -- you can see the smoke that is billowing out of a virgin forest now decimated as we speak. you can see the electric pile-on, we were beyond that mountain and we couldn't report from there because there is just no signal. there is an ancient fortress there in 404 bc a danger of being burnt to the ground. the firefighters here are on high alert. we're seeing helicopters coming in every few minutes dropping 11 tons of water at a time that there are teams from slovakia here as well helping the greeks. you can see most of the forest has been decimated. i keep repeating that this is the lungs of athens. it is ennat natureinmating an e amount of carbon dioxide. as far as the fires on the residential areas we were covering yesterday, you can see that helicopter coming through dropping vital resources. and they had to stop working overnight and that is where it becomes difficult, that is where the fire starts to spread rapidly. and we've been seeing many thoughts that are as aggressive and intense as this in many parts of this monuntainous area. and the land area that has been burnt is a record number for any area burnt in the eu. the numbers are enormous. in the billions in terms of square kilometers. the numbers are still being estimated and currently calculated, we have three major frontlines in greece right now, 100 kilometers from athens. still devastating scenarios that we're seeing the fire department saying that they are doing what they can with the resources at hand. >> eleni, thank you. pakistan still in urgent support one year after catastrophic flooding. last year's monsoon killed hundreds and destroyed millions of homes and wiped out entire farms. at one point nearly one third was under water. a year later unicef warns millions still don't have access to essential services. >> according to the u.n. organization, some 8 million people are still witut safe water and over 1.5 million children are in need of nutrition and intervention. the had tos d s floods damaged or destroyed vitainfrastructure including 30,000 schools, 2,000 health faciliti 4300 water systems. unicef is calling on the pakistan any government and others to any investment in basic services. still ahead, more on our top story, donald trump goes to jail. the former u.s. president arrested, fingerprinted and photographed in fulton county, georgia. 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thomas gift, director of the center on u.s. politics and university college of london. and he is joining us from harrisburg, pennsylvania. thanks for joining us. we want to bring up that mug shot again because it is interesting looking at it, the fact that he is using it as part of his campaign i thought was pretty interesting. we were under the impression that he would resist having a mug shot taken but he is using it to his advantage now. >> good morning, max and bianca. great to be with you. this mug shot will certainly go down as one of the most iconic images of the trump years and it will mean different things for each side. but from a political perspective, i think this is a real gift for trump. hard to deny. it is basically the perfect visual metaphor for the same story that trump has been telling over and over, that he is the victim of a partisan vendetta. and i think that he will spin this and he will get cute with it, which he already is posting it on social media and embracing it. trump's team discussed what they wanted the photo to look like. he is scowling. so it is all curated i think to some extent. and the photo will be shared and reshared especially among right wing networks to say nothing of the fact that this campaign can make all sorts of paraphernalia around it. that is a massive wind fall for the trump war chest. so absolutely he is definitely using this to his advantage. >> and i polli apologize for hod this question is, but we so frequently talk about polarization in american politics. obviously the higher the stakes get the more the situation with the former president escalates. surely the deeper that polarization becomes. but for democrats, this is considered i think embarrassing that former president is going through this legal process but perhaps a relief that the legal system is doing its job. for republicans, they see often these charges as completely false. what impact is this having on the fabric of society in the states? >> bianca, i think this will get worse before it gets better. it is basically corruption clashing with the law and hyper polarization of american politics as you are suggesting. and it is kind of remarkable i think to some degree how routine this has all become. nothing about these primaries or trump's court cases are typical. so i think it is unclear how the standard rules apply and what this actually means for the fabric of american democracy. we're in this bizarre situation that trump is winning the gop primaries by infinity points and also facing these four indictments, running a campaign essentially outside a courtroom and all oof his rivals are in second place or are on life support and it is only august. the one thing that we can say about trump, his legal troubles right now are greater than his political troubles as reflected by the fact that his base continues to support him and because he perceives that, maybe his best chance to obtain immunity or avoid conviction is to be in the white house in a couple years. so i think his political and legal strategies morph into one and get subsumed by the political. so i expect him to continue to double down and to the extent that he does, it has again a sort parlor polarization. >> does it undermine when he says all these charges are made up, he is talking about multiple courts, multiple jurisdictions under undermining the whole legal system, isn't he? >> absolutely. and that has been a big problem of the trump administration generally. which is just general advocacy for lawlessness. to a large extent these indictments have become not a feature of trump's campaign but they are his campaign. you know, his pitch to republican voters is essentially i'm the inevitable nominee and i'm the inevitable nominee because you can't abandon me when democrats are weaponizing the you adjudicial system again. and criminal charges are his get out of jail free card politically and he is betting that the poll numbers keep spiking. and generally he is talking about the deep state, witch hunt, overzealous prosecutor, trump hating judges. so indictment number four i think feeds into that playbook. but to the extent that it takes drek direct aim at american institutions, i think it is a big problem. mr. thomas gift, thank you for your analysis. and we're also looking at hoinvestors are reacting looking for direction on u.s. interest rates from jerome powell who is set to speak today in wyoming. wall street hoping to recover from down day on thursday. and so far looking positive with major indices up slightly in terms of futures. the markets have closed for the day across the asia pacific region. they were pretty negative, actually the nikkei was down more than 2% even the hong kong and shanghai shares were down around 1%. still early in the day for markets across europe. and they have a mixed picture. mortgage rates in the u.s. have hit their heiighest level rates will likely stay where they are or could go even hire in short term. just a year ago 30 year fixed rate was 5.55%. we like our fast food news. and subway has a new owner basically. they saw raw capital is buying the chain for around $9.6 billion according to the "wall street journal." >> and it already owns arby's, buffalo wild wings and sonic among others. they bring in about half a million dollars per location each year. and still ahead, the apparent death of former putin ally yevgeny prigozhin is raising a number of questions. not just who might be behind it, but also how it happened. they both remain a mystery. cnn investigates the plane crash next. s. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! save 50% on the sleep number® limiteted edition smart bed. plus, 60-mononth financing on all smart beds. shop now onlnly at sleep number®. bug spray works best when your family actually wears it. get odor-free 8-hour protection from mosquitoes and tick without the ick. zevo on-body repellent. people lovit. bugs hate it. the power goes out and we 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what unfolded. >> absolutely. what we do know for certain is that there were ten on board, all killed. now it seemed reported it may be yevgeny prigozhin as you are saying, but russia is investigating. they are still removing bodies from the scene and examining. and the fundamental question, why did it happen. the plane crash doesn't just happen normally. aviation experts say that planes don't just fall out of the sky. there is a reason. now, one of these experts is a global leading expert in this field and he also investigating mh17 crash. and he said based on the videos he's seen, it looks like the plane exploded in the air rather than upon impact. but clearly a lot of work still to be done. so in the meantime our open source team here at cnn has been looking through the videos and looking to see what we can say so far about this crash. so have a watch. >> reporter: falling from the sky, the plane reported to be carrying the wagner leader yevgeny prigozhin. coming two months after he launched a mutiny against russia's leader vladimir putin, he was widely seen as a man on borrowed time. cnn's open source team began piecing together what happened. the aircraft associated with prigozhin is ra 02795. it makes frequent trips between moscow and st. petersburg. cnn geolocated the main crash site to here and you can see the same tail number visible amid the debris. the plane left moscow at 5:55 local time and 12 minutes later the location is no longer d dete detectable. but public tracking still receives information on its altitude. the last minute of the recorded flight is key. you can see here the flight's altitude is erratic, it is going hir higher and lower before it eventually plummets. they say it is highly unusual and suggests that those on board were trying to stabilize the plane after something happened to it. in other words the destruction was not big enough to obliterate everyone and everything instantly. expert opinion is split on what exactly happened. likely an explosion, perhaps a bomb on board or a missile hitting it or even something else. whatever it was was clearly powerful as the plane is advisably falling without a wing. the tail ends up over here, 2.6 kilometers away from where the rest of the debris lands. video shows fires at the crash site, some are graphic. human remains strewn amid the debris. since then russian authorities have taken the bodies away for examination and begun an investigation. but many have already made up their minds as to who they think was behind the wagner aircraft's violent he said. now clearly there needs to be and on the ground investigation into what happened and that will require the cooperation of russia and also brazil who were the makers of this plane and investigators will need access to the black box. all of this might be quite difficult to obtain. u.s. saying there is currently no indication that it was a missile hitting the plane, but clearly they are exploring other options, potentially a bomb on board the plane as well. and in terms of whether prigozhin was on the plane, the u.s. said yesterday they think it is likely. today uk authorities also coming out saying that they think it is highly likely he was on board this plane. and as to whether who was behind it, well, that is still unknown, but president biden had clear words yesterday. he said there is not much that happens in russia that putin is not behind. and i think that really speaks to the international sentiment around this incident. >> katie, thank you so much for that brilliant report. william taylor former u.s. ambassador to ukraine and vice president for russia and europe institute of peace is here to shed light on some of that language katie was describing there, likely, unlikely. we really don't know what has happened. but what are your sources within government in the west saying about this and what they think happened? >> well, max, it seems pretty clear that this was an assassination ordered by president putin and executed by his security services one way or the other. that seems to be the consensus at least the operating assumption which all signs point to. >> ambassador, it still seems mercenary to ask a question in these terms even though the person supposedly killed was a mercenary leader himself responsible for a lot of violence. but who benefits most strategically from this assassination? >> so president putin undoubtedly benefits domestically within russia. he has silenced any dissent. no one will now raise their voice as prigozhin had. but you asked the right question, that is the bigger picture is in the international comm community, we know poovladimir putin is a war criminal and we know he is willing to take extreme measures. this is not a model that any other nation would want to emulate. >> when he addressed the nation last night, he was offering his condolences to the families of the victims. just try to explain that for us. >> president putin will want to -- everyone knows, max, that -- everyone, all russians assume that president putin has done what he was ready to do. they knew he was ready to take revenge on prigozhin for turning against him two months ago in this mutiny. putin was humiliated by that. and he was shown to be an erratic leader. he almost came out in panic right at the quinnin ingbeginni mutiny, he was saying it was a stab in the back, that it was treason, that they would have to crush -- and by the end of that day, end of that day president putin had given prigozhin a free ride. a get out of jail. he was allowed as we know for two months to roam around russia, roam around the world. and that made president putin look very weak. so everyone knows that as bill burns said, he doesn't forget. he doesn't forgive. and when this happened, they know who did it. so that will be the -- that will be the legacy of this event. >> the plane crash, ambassador, has been referred to as decapitation of the top leadership of wagner. obviously there was also an attempt since this abortive snuf insurrection rebellion to try to dismantle that organization. but what becomes of the wagner that is remaining in terms of manpower and organization, does it get an orred inbsorbed into n state, taken over by another leadership? >> probably some of both. some of the functions that the russian government would like to keep, that is the ability to send troops and forces into europe, into ukraine. the ability to send forces into africa to help coup plotters, help dictators in africa. russia would like to maintain that capability and they can find another oligarch or another leader, a retired general to take over some of that and put that wagner troop to good use as far as they are concerned again. some as you say will probably disappear. there are many people in wagner, many of the wagner fighters, were loyal to prigozhin and they will not be happy with the assassination of their leader. >> ambassador, thank you so much for giving us and giving us your perspective. and coming up, more fallout after the unsolicited kiss of spain's soccer chief given to a woman team player. fifa now taking action. should get news on that today. i always had a connection to my grandfather... i always wanted to learn more about him. i discovered some very interesting documents on ancestry. this is the uh registration cardrd for the draft for world war two. and this is his signature which blew me awayay. being able to... make my grandfather real... not just a memory... is priceless. his legacy...lives on. - [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. >> joint spacex and nasa mission has been postponed. nasa says unresolved technical issues caused the delay. new target launch is set for saturday. it will carry four astronauts to the international space station. latest forecast shows favorable weather conditions for the new launch time. soccer world governing body has opened up disciplinary procedures against the president after video shows luis rubiales forcibly kissing a player following the world cup victory. >> it is the slapping as well. it is everything. fifa says he may have violated rules that deal with offensive behavior. rubiales has since apologized saying he made a mistake. now to other stories in the spotlight. lakers will honor kobe bryant with a statue unveiling on february 8 of 2024. the late superstar wore the jersey numbers 8 and 24 during his nba career. bryant's widow made the announcement. >> hi, everyone. as you know, kobe played his entire 20 year nba career as a los angeles laker. since arriving in the city, and joining the lakers organization, he felt at home here, playing in the city of angels. on behalf of the lakers, my daughters and me, i'm so honored that right in the center of los angeles in front of the place known as the house that kobe built, we are going to unveil his statue so that his legacy can be celebrated forever. hope to see you there. >> bryant won five nba championships with the lakers. he and his 13-year-old daughter were among nine killed in a helicopter crash in california in 2020. and if you are waiting for the june sequel to hit the big screen, you will have to wait a little longer. >> oh, boo. here is a quick preview of the highly anticipated movie. >> look who is back from the dead. >> i wasn't being sarcastic. bianca thought i was. i am looking forward to it. the june sequel will be rolled out next march because stars cannot promote the movie during the hollywood actors strike. hi barbie. >> hi barbie. >> meantime barbie nadow reignst the box office with sales of more than $575 million. and that is after taking the crown from super mario brothers which had $574 million sales in the u.s. >> also made by our company. going well. and finally, it is a big week for pop music fans as some of the top artists are releasing new songs. ♪ i know i used to be crazy, i know i used to be fun, you use say i used to be wild ♪ you can probably relate to used to be young new single from miley cyrus. she says the song is ted dedica to her fans supporting every version of her over the years. >> i hope you have a younger bianca one day ripping you in the same way. >> i know they will celebrate you through every version. young, old, bearded, cleanly shaven. ♪ ♪ i'll be single soon, i'll be single soon ♪ >> by and ianca is still laughi her own joke. and gomez released her new song and saying she wanted it-to-put it out while she works on her third studio album. and there is also new music from ariana grande day and black pink and new video from zizza. expect it all day. >> and this one are you most looking forward to? >> zizza. thanks for joining us. >> "cnn this morning" is up next. stay young and fresh. see you monday. how do i love thee? ...let me count the ways. ♪ love can get a little messy... good thing there's resolve. love the l love. resolve the mess. that's why comcast business de is launching theal. mobile made free event. with our business internet, new and existing customers can get one year of unlimited mobile for free. it's our best internet. powered by the next generation 10g network and with 99.9% reliability. plus one line of free mobile for an entire year. it's the mobile made free event-happening now. get started for just $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get one free line of unlimited mobile. comcast business, powering possibilities. we begin today with this unprecedented image, the mug sof shot of the 45th president.

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Skoirks , United States , Hello , Viewers , All Around The World , Nothing , Justice , Place , Travesty , Max Foster , Bianca Nobilo , Win , Case , Country , Issues , Thug , Cnn Newsroom , London , Friday August 25th 9 00 Am , 25 , Mug Shot , Time , Trump , Bond , Bed Minister , Posting , Donad , 00 , 9 , 4 , Donald Trump , President , Attempt , Cnn , Georgia , Atlanta , Fulton County Jail , Booking , Sources , Election Results , 2020 , Hair , Reporters , Strawberry , Looks , Booking Sheet , Mug Shot On X , Doing , Election Interference , Support , Ones , Everybody , It , Flight , Election , Bit , Anything , New Jersey , Newsmax , Words , Experience , Arrest , Didn T , People , Co Defendants , Department Official Jeffrey Clark , Wharton School Of Finance , Four , Two , Reporter , Office , Surrender , Arraignment , Pailula Reid , Th , Shire Eriff , Defendants , Things , Cases , Arraignments , Pace , Fani Willis Has , 5 , February 5 , 19 , Challenges , Window , Mark Meadows , Process , Racketeering Cases In State Court , Estate , Level , Same , Move , Federal Court , Rudy Giuliani , Thing , Hearing , Call , Focus , Efforts , Fani Willis , Judge , Meadows , Job , Raffensperger , Suggestion , Staff , Rico , Complexity , Case Proceeds , Resolution , Size , Paula Reid , Fact , Image , Talking Point , Prosecutor , Criminal Defense Attorney , Whether , Program , Friend , Plus One , Hundreds , Books , One , Information , Mug Shot Pedigree , History , 6 , 3 , 215 , Trials , Course , Self Reporting , Eyes , Number , Factors , Complications , Complexities , Aren T There , Being Chesebro , Trl , Trial Da , Trial , Right , End , Thonow , 18 , District Attorney , Each Other , Won T , 2026 , 2026 Highly , Team , Lawyer , Doesn T , Sense , 2024 , Charges , Type , Defense Team , State Charges , Attorneys , State Court , Attorney , Fit , Order , Amount , Terms , Publicity , Discovery , Evidence , President Putin , Plane Crash , Yevgeny Prigozhin , Wall , Wagner , Mistakes , Russian , Man , Death , Translator , Families , Victims , Group , Employees , Condolences , Comment , Tragedy , Plane , Explosion , Mercenary , Insurrection , Leaders , Crash , Jet , Pentagon , Possibility , Latest , Oren Lieberman , Missile , Indication , Officials , Air Defense System , Moscow , Three , 30 , Aircraft , Questions , Passenger Manifest Showing , State Media , Press Secretary , Question , Assessments , Intelligence , Community , Surface To Air Missile Launch , Possibilities , Investigators , Ground , Exclusion , Board , Something , Point , Legacy , Petersburg , Cruising Altitude , Flight Data , Headed Towards St , Feet , 28000 , Belief , Dod , Quinnin Ingbeginni Mutiny , Surprise , Action , Mutiny , Sort , Pilots , Jets , Fighter Jets , Teeth , Learning , Ukrainian , 16 , Training , Air Base , Nada , Denmark , Arizona , Netherlands , Side By , Biden Ma , Defense Minister , Minimum , Instructors , Maintenance Engineers , Six , Language , Texas , Europe , Spokesperson , Partners , This , Conjunction , Way , Pilot , Maintenance , Forward , Consultation , Training Coalition Led , Allies , Training Effort , Talks , Training Comp Pliment Oigs , Danes , F 16s , Biden , Zelenskyy , Approval Process , Nada Bashir , Heat , Temperatures , Great Lakes , Gulf Coast , Chicago , 100 , 2012 , 80 Million , Record , City , National Weather Service , Heat Index , 285 , 120 , Power , Homes , Humidity Levels , Heat Indices , Businesses , Portion , 700000 , Rain , Parts , Areas , Flooding , Whitmer , Region , Tornado , Detroit , Michigan , Ohio , State Of Emergency , 8 , 24 , 7 , Tunnels , Detroit Metropolitan Airport , Flights , Gust , 70 , Fire , Helicopters , It Down , Louisiana , Eat Southwest , Texas Border Ea Southwest , Texas Border , Tankers , 10000 , Wildfires , Governor , Official , Storms , Hurricanes , Fire Surking Air , Fires , Maui County , Burning , Barbecues , Burn Ban , Hawaii , Effect , Mortgage Rates , Utilities , Finger , Soccer Chief , Cause , Kiss , Spain , Accountability , World Cup Celebration , Hotel , Options , Happeng , Fear , Hotel Moth , Ding , Hohow , Family , Wand , Choice , Type Ostay , Brands , Comfort , Kiddos , Cambria Hotel Downtown , Hotel You Feelood , Dg , Whoosh , Oooo , Whoh , Price , Don T Wave , Help , Health , Blend , Ingredients , Vitamin C , Idea , Cash , Retirement , Airborne , Everyone , Goldmine , Term , Life Insurance Policy , Policies , Thousands , Call Coventry , Clue , More , Part , Policy , Coverage , Someone , Premiums , Combination , 100000 , 00000 , Guys , Come On , Screen , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Numbes , Idated A List , 388 , Utility Companies , County , Flp , 700 , Area , Winds , Law , Power Lines , Weather Service , Companies Didn T , Warnings , Equipment , August 8 , 115 , Authorities , Investigation , Lawsuit , Wild , Resurgence , Hawaii Electric , Reporting , Conditions , Eleni Giokos , Athens , Head , Signal , Billowing , Beyond , Mountains , Smoke , Virgin Forest , Fortress , Mountain , We Couldn T , Electric Pile On , Danger , 404 , 404 Bc , Water , Firefighters , Teams , Greeks , Slovakia , 11 , Lungs , Most , Forest , Ennat Natureinmating , Helicopter , Dropping Vital Resources , Carbon Dioxide , Thoughts , Numbers , Land Area , Record Number , Eu , Billions , Greece , Frontlines , Square Kilometers , Fire Department , Scenarios , Resources , Hand , Pakistan , Millions , Monsoon , Farms , Unicef , Organization , Access , Intervention , Essential Services , Children , Need , Nutrition , Tos Ds , 8 Million , 1 5 Million , Government , Investment , Water Systems , Services , Schools , Others , Vitainfrastructure , Health Faciliti , 2000 , 30000 , 4300 , Story , Goes To Jail , Service , Lines , Xfinity , Speed , Xfinity Mobile , At Home , 0 Bucks , 5g Network , Bye , Door , Xfinitymobile Com , Stories , Photos , Surrendering , Georgia Authorities On Thursday , 200000 , Gift , Lawyers , Center , Politics , Director , Thomas , October 23rd , University College Of London , 23 , Campaign , Thanks , Mug , Harrisburg , Pennsylvania , Advantage , To Be With You , Impression , Perspective , Victim , Metaphor , Images , Side , Over , Photo , Social Media , Vendetta , Extent , Wing , Networks , Wind , Paraphernalia , Sorts , War Chest , Reshared , Polarization , Situation , Stakes , Hod , American Politics , System , Relief , Republicans , Democrats , States , Impact , Corruption , Fabric , Society , Hyper Polarization Of American Politics , Rules , Primaries , Degree , Court Cases , Kind , Indictments , Courtroom , Infinity Points , Fabric Of American Democracy , Gop , Troubles , Base , Life Support , Oof , Rivals , Strategies , Conviction , Chance , Immunity , White House , Sort Parlor Polarization , Problem , Isn T He , Courts , Jurisdictions , Administration , Nominee , Advocacy , Pitch , Feature , Lawlessness , Voters , Card , You Adjudicial System , Trump Hating Judges , Deep State , Politically , Witch Hunt , Indictment , Playbook , Mr , Analysis , Drek Direct Aim At American Institutions , Jerome Powell , Interest Rates , Direction , Set , Down Day On , Positive , Wall Street , Wyoming , Hoinvestors , Markets , Indices , Nikkei , Futures , Asia Pacific Region , Shanghai , Hong Kong , Shares , 2 , 1 , Picture , Heiighest , Rate , 5 55 , Fast Food News , Subway , Owner , Capital , Chain , Wall Street Journal , 6 Billion , 9 6 Billion , Arby S , Sonic , Buffalo Wild Wings , A Million , A Million Dollars , Mystery , Ya , Bug Spray , Limiteted , Sleep Number , Protection , Financing , Shop , Smart Beds , 50 , 60 , Tick , Mosquitoes , Ick , Bugs , Zevo , On Body Repellent , People Lovit , Wifi , Homework , Book , Battery Back Up , Data , Home , Power Outages , Xfinity 10g Network , 10 , Leader , Boss , Reaction , Chechnya , Sight , Katie , Elimination , Aborted , Saying , Ten , Sky , Planes , Experts , Reason , Bodies , Scene , Plane Crash Doesn T , Aviation Experts , Lot , Expert , Mh17 Crash , Videos , Field , Work , Watch , Crash Site , Tail Number , Ra , Trips , Cnn Geolocated , 02795 , Debris , Altitude , Dete , Location , Public , Plane Left , Tracking , 12 , 55 , On Board , Everything , Bomb , Expert Opinion , Destruction , Falling , Tail , Rest , Debris Lands , Something Else , 2 6 , Video , Many , Examination , Human Remains , Graphic , Ground Investigation , Minds , Makers , Brazil , Cooperation , Black Box , Uk , Report , Sentiment , Incident , Former , William Taylor , Ambassador , Some , Vice President , Peace , Europe Institute , Assassination , Mother , Security , Signs , Consensus , Assumption , Mercenary Leader , Person , Violence , Strategically , No One , Dissent , Voice , International Comm Community , Poovladimir Putin , War Criminal , Measures , Nation , Model , Russians , Revenge , Panic , Back , Ride , Treason , Stab , The End , Crush , Jail , Bill Burns , Event , Leadership , Decapitation , Insurrection Rebellion , Abortive Snuf , Inbsorbed Into N State , Both , Manpower , Orred , Ability , Forces , Troops , Functions , Oligarch , Dictators , Coup Plotters , Capability , Africa , Fighters , Use , Fallout , Coming Up , Grandfather , News , Woman Team Player , Fifa , Connection , Signature , Ancestry , Documents , Draft , Uh Registration Cardrd , World War Two , Me Awayay , Memory , Invention Idea , Announcer , Don T , Call Invent , 0020 , 800 , 710 , 800 710 0020 , Mission , Nasa , Joint Spacex , Space Station , Forecast , Delay , Target , Soccer World Governing Body , Procedures , Player , Video Shows , Weather Conditions , Luis Rubiales , Mistake , Victory , Slapping , Deal , Offensive Behavior , Career , Superstar , Kobe Bryant , Announcement , Spotlight , Statue Unveiling , Widow , Nba , Hi , Lakers Will Honor , February 8 Of 2024 , Behalf , Los Angeles Laker , Playing In The City Of Angels , Entire , 20 , House , Statue , Legacy , Front , Daughters , Los Angeles , Hope , Sequel , Helicopter Crash , Daughter , Championships , California , Five , 13 , Nine , Movie , Preview , Longer , Wasn T , Boo , Actors Strike , Hollywood , Stars , Sales , Crown , The Box Office , Hi Barbie , Barbie Nadow Reignst , Super Mario Brothers , 575 Million , 75 Million , Company , Pop Music Fans , Songs , Artists , 574 Million , 74 Million , Fun , Song , Version , Fans , Single , Ted Dedica , Miley Cyrus , Old , Cleanly Shaven , Young , Joke , Ianca , Gomez , Music , Studio Album , Zizza , Ariana Grande , This Morning , Love , Ways , Resolve , Mess , Mobile , Business Internet , Internet , Customers , Launching Theal , Comcast Business De , The Next Generation , Line , Network , Reliability , 10g , 9 99 , 99 9 , 49 99 , Powering Possibilities , Comcast Business , Shot , Mug Sof , 45 ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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world. i'm bianca nobilo. >> and i'm max foster. just ahead -- >> what has taken place here is a travesty of justice. we good nothing wrong. i did nothing wrong. >> i think a win for this country. >> he could have smiled, instead he looks like a thug. >> he doesn't want to look weak. >> this is a real legal case where he has some real issues. live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster and bianca nobilo. >> it is friday, august 25th, 9:00 a.m. here in london, 4:00 a.m. in bed minister where donad trump is free after posting bond. >> and for the first time ever, we have rather iconic mug shot of a u.s. president. trump was booked at the fulton county jail in atlanta facing more than a dozen charges related to his attempt to overturn georgia's 2020 election results. sources tell cnn that he wanted to look defiant in his booking. >> looks very blond. >> interestingly in the booking sheet, they list the hair as blond or strawberry. >> trump posted the mug shot on x. and he spoke with reporters before leaving atlanta. >> what has taken place here is a travesty of justice. we did nothing wrong. i did nothing wrong. and everybody knows it. i've never had such support and that goes with the other ones too. what they are doing is election interference. they are trying to interfere with an election. never been anything like it in our country before. >> a bit later he spoke with newsmax on his flight back to new jersey describing his arrest. >> terrible experience. i came in, i was treated very nicely. but it is what it is. i took a mug shot which i never heard the words mug shot, didn't teach me that at the wharton school of finance. >> former justice department official jeffrey clark and four other co-defendants surrendered overnight, that leaves two people yet to turn themselves in. more now from pailula reid. >> reporter: now that former president trump has completed his surrender here at the fulton county shire eriff's office, th next time he will have to return is for his arraignment. fani willis has said she would like to do the arraignments for all 19 defendants the week of february 5. and in the federal cases, it all happened at once. but here in georgia, things happen at a slightly different pace. now, after that initial week or two of arraignments, the defendants actually have a short window of time to file certain challenges to their case. several defendants, including mark meadows and former justice department official jeffrey clark, they have already challenged their cases trying to get the state level cases moved to federal court. the former president has signaled that he will likely try to do the same. rudy giuliani may also try that move. so that process will take quite some time to play out. the next thing that will happen though is on monday, there will be a hearing for mark meadows' efforts to move it to federal court. we expect the focus will be that infamous call between former president trump and raffensperger. fani willis has dismissed any suggestion by meadows that what he was doing is just part of his job as chief staff and this should not be prosecuted. it will be interesting to see what the judge does here. but if meadows does not succeed, he will be back with the other defendants here in fulton county as this case proceeds. but for a rico case of this size and complexity, it could take years for a final resolution. paula reid, fulton county, georgia. >> a criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor, friend of the program, is joining us. thank you so much. we were talking about whether or not there would be a mug shot yesterday. we need to bring it up because it is the talking point of the day. what did you make of it, the fact he took it and the image itself and how it has effectively become iconic already? >> as you can see, this is the first time in american history that a former president actually had a mug shot taken. so this is one for the books. this is one that will come up hundreds of years from now when we're talking about the history of this country. but also what is a bit entertaining about it, let's not forget the mug shot pedigree, the information provided, that donald trump is 6'3", 215 pounds, also with blue eyes. yes, i agree. and the strawberry-blond hair. so that information itself is associated with that mug shot. of course self-reporting. >> and when are the trials likely to happen? because there are a number of complicating factors here, aren't there, the number of co-defendants, 19, the complications between state and federal legal complexities. can you talk a bit more about that? >> as of now they trial that we know for sure supposedly is going to happen because the judge has already given trial da is for one of the defendants, that being chesebro where his trl scheduled for the end of october because he exercised his right for a speedy trial. what happens with that as we know is that because he exercised his right for a speedy trial, thonow his case will end being separated from the 18 other defendants. so what we're looking at possibly is several different trials. it won't be all 19 defendants at the same time, it is going to be staggered out. also many things can happen. defendants can plead out meaning that they plead guilty. you can have defendants that actually will cooperate with the district attorney's office and testify against each other. and ultimately you will have those that won't plead guilty and exercise their right for a trial. as of now we know donald trump will delay this trial as much as possible. you heard on one of his cases he is asking for a trial date when? in 2026. highly unlikely it will happen in 2026, but his trial definitely one of them should be going forward out of the four sometime in 2024, hopefully before the election. this case itself is very important for the people of this country, so hopefully this case can move along. >> he has hired another lawyer last minute really. that makes it difficult for the legal team, doesn't it, i mean, how do you make sense of that? >> well, it is quite expected. you have to think that donald trump is facing not just federal charges but as well as state charges. and when you are talking about a defense team and getting attorneys that are equipped to handle these type of cases, the recent attorney that he hired yesterday who came forward day is one that is ver seasoned and has experience in flying cases in state court. specifically rico cases. racketeering cases in state court. because you need the right team in order to be able to assess and trials that are going on. so the right fit for one case won't be the right fit for another case. and you need a team for these type of charges because of the enormous amount of publicity and as well as the enormous amount of charges and discovery that you will be getting in terms of information and evidence. >> thank you so much. and a day after the apparent death of yevgeny prigozhin in a plane crash, russian president vladimir putin called the wagner boss a talented man who made serious mistakes. >> translator: first of all, i want to express my sincere condolences to the families of all the victims. this is always a tragedy. preliminary information suggests that wagner group employees were also on board. >> it was his first public comment about wednesday's deadly crash and it came two months after prigozhin and his mercenary group staged a brief insurrection against russian leaders. they are evaluating possible causing as to what brought down the plane including an explosion on board, but they are ruling out one possibility for now. oren lieberman has the latest from the pentagon. >> reporter: the u.s. is still very much looking at the crash of a private jet belonging to yevgeny prigozhin to try to figure out what happened there that caused it to crash on wednesday afternoon about 30 minutes into its flight out of moscow. three u.s. officials tell cnn that there is no early indication that it was a missile. in other words, no early indication that surface to air missile fired from a russian air defense system took down that aircraft belonging to prigozhin. there were even questions about whether prigozhin was on the flight even after russian state media put out a passenger manifest showing that prigozhin was on the flight. but on thursday, pentagon press secretary said they do believe that prigozhin was killed in that crash. but it leaves the question what took it down. early assessments is it was not a surface to air missile launch. nor was it an air to air missile launched from a russian aircraft according to one of those officials. so the u.s. and intelligence community as they work through the available information and available intelligence are looking at a number of other possibilities including the possibility that it was an exclusion on board that aircraft that took down the flight. but it is important to caution here that this is still very early into what the u.s. can see and obviously there are no u.s. investigators on the ground there. so this process will take time. not only to look at the possibilities, but also to figure out which of those possibilities is the most likely to have happened. whether the u.s. can determine there is something definitive, that at this point remains an open question. the legacy private jet was about 30 minutes into its flight headed towards st. petersburg at about 28,000 feet, so normal cruising altitude, when flight data shows that after going up and down erratically for a short period of time, it crashed just about 30 minutes into its flight outside of moscow. again, d.o.d. confirming they believe prigozhin was on that flight and there is a prevailing belief amongst u.s. officials that russian president putin was going to take some sort of action against prigozhin after the attempted mutiny against him in late june. the surprise not that this happened, the surprise being that the two had even met after that attempted mutiny and this we see here as the u.s. tries to figure out exactly what happened there. oren lieberman, cnn, in the pentagon. ukrainian pilots will start cutting their teeth on f-16 fighter jets in the u.s. this october. >> the pentagon says they will be learning to fly those jets at an air base in arizona run side by side with separate training led biden ma by denmark and the netherlands. nada is here. >> and we've heard from ukraine's defense minister saying he expects it to take a minimum of six months. but at the end of the day, it is up to the instructors to determine when the ukrainian pilots and their maintenance engineers are ready to operate the jets. the training is set to begin in arizona in october, but before that, they will be heading to texas where they will language . of course this training could take months. but it is not happening independently in the u.s. this is happening in conjunction with partners in europe. and we know yesterday former pentagon spokesperson spoke -- >> the training provided by the united states will complement the pilot and maintenance training already under way in europe and further deepens our support for the f-16 training coalition led by denmark and the netherlands. moving forward, we'll remain in close consultation with the danes, dutch and other allies to ensure u.s. training comp pliment oigs the broader training effort. >> earlier this week they committed to sending f-16s to ukraine. and we know u.s. is in talks with our european allies who might be able to provide the f-16 at a later date. and president biden spoke to president zelenskyy and assured him of an expedited approval process as soon as the training is complete. >> nada bashir, thank you so much. around 80 million people in the central u.s. are under excessive heat alerts from the gulf coast to the southern great lakes. in chicago temperatures reached a blistering 100 degrees farenheit on thursday for the first time since 2012. the city also set an all-time record when the heat index reached 120 degrees. >> officials report over 285 daily heat records could be tied or broken through the end of the week and national weather service says dangerous and oppressive heat will continue throughout a large portion of the u.s. on friday. heat plus humidity levels meet heat indices could approach 120 in the midwest and central gulf coast there. almost 700,000 homes and businesses are without power in parts of michigan and ohio, at least one tornado has been confirmed in the region. michigan governor whitmer has declared a state of emergency due to flooding in and around detroit. some areas received 7 to 8 inches of rain in just 24 hours. >> the heavy rain caused some flights to be canceled at detroit metropolitan airport where some tunnels were flooded. a 70-mile-per-hour gust was reported thursday night. and in louisiana, fire is spreading in the state eat southwest. more than 10,000 acres have burned near the texas border.ea southwest. more than 10,000 acres have burned near the texas border. >> tankers and helicopters were being nothing it down, but it is moving pretty fast and you can feel the air picking up. that is from the heat of the fire surking air into the fire. >> one official said normally at this time of year louisiana is dealing with hurricanes and tropical storms, not wildfires. louisiana's governor says that his state has never been this hot and dry since they have never had many fires. statewide burn ban on outdoor burning for barbecues and such is in effect. several hundred fires have been burning in the state. hawaii's maui county is formally point eging the finger local utilities and suing them for not doing enough to prevent the wildfires. and mortgage rates soar to their highest level in two decades. and later on, a growing cause for spain's soccer chief to face accountability after an unwelcome kiss during the world cup celebration. there are too many options. 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still unfolding. in greece authorities say they are dealing with a large resurgence of wild fires gripping parts of the country. officials say strong winds stirred up fires north of athens early thursday morning. >> and bring in eleni giokos. you've been reporting there bravely. how are the conditions today? >> reporter: as you can see, very windy, max. we have been here the last few days. the fire that started on tuesday afternoon. and there was hope that last night they would be able to make head way and get it under control. they have not. we're deep in the mountains. very bad signal here. we can see a fire that is raging beyond -- you can see the smoke that is billowing out of a virgin forest now decimated as we speak. you can see the electric pile-on, we were beyond that mountain and we couldn't report from there because there is just no signal. there is an ancient fortress there in 404 bc a danger of being burnt to the ground. the firefighters here are on high alert. we're seeing helicopters coming in every few minutes dropping 11 tons of water at a time that there are teams from slovakia here as well helping the greeks. you can see most of the forest has been decimated. i keep repeating that this is the lungs of athens. it is ennat natureinmating an e amount of carbon dioxide. as far as the fires on the residential areas we were covering yesterday, you can see that helicopter coming through dropping vital resources. and they had to stop working overnight and that is where it becomes difficult, that is where the fire starts to spread rapidly. and we've been seeing many thoughts that are as aggressive and intense as this in many parts of this monuntainous area. and the land area that has been burnt is a record number for any area burnt in the eu. the numbers are enormous. in the billions in terms of square kilometers. the numbers are still being estimated and currently calculated, we have three major frontlines in greece right now, 100 kilometers from athens. still devastating scenarios that we're seeing the fire department saying that they are doing what they can with the resources at hand. >> eleni, thank you. pakistan still in urgent support one year after catastrophic flooding. last year's monsoon killed hundreds and destroyed millions of homes and wiped out entire farms. at one point nearly one third was under water. a year later unicef warns millions still don't have access to essential services. >> according to the u.n. organization, some 8 million people are still witut safe water and over 1.5 million children are in need of nutrition and intervention. the had tos d s floods damaged or destroyed vitainfrastructure including 30,000 schools, 2,000 health faciliti 4300 water systems. unicef is calling on the pakistan any government and others to any investment in basic services. still ahead, more on our top story, donald trump goes to jail. the former u.s. president arrested, fingerprinted and photographed in fulton county, georgia. so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only $30 bucks a line per month. that's hundreds in savings a year when you wave bye to the other guys. all on the most reliable 5g network nationwide. you really shouldn't walk out the front door without it. switch today at welcome back. i'm bianca nobilo. >> i'm max foster. if you are just joining us, let me bring you up-to-date with our top stories and photos. donald trump insists that he did nothing wrong following the 2020 election after surrendering to georgia authorities on thursday. the former u.s. president was leased on a $200,000 bond. meanwhile the fulton county district attorney wants the criminal trial for trump and 18 of his co-defendants to begin in less than two months. trump's lawyers told the judge in georgia that they oppose the proposed trial date of october 23rd. let's bring in thomas gift, director of the center on u.s. politics and university college of london. and he is joining us from harrisburg, pennsylvania. thanks for joining us. we want to bring up that mug shot again because it is interesting looking at it, the fact that he is using it as part of his campaign i thought was pretty interesting. we were under the impression that he would resist having a mug shot taken but he is using it to his advantage now. >> good morning, max and bianca. great to be with you. this mug shot will certainly go down as one of the most iconic images of the trump years and it will mean different things for each side. but from a political perspective, i think this is a real gift for trump. hard to deny. it is basically the perfect visual metaphor for the same story that trump has been telling over and over, that he is the victim of a partisan vendetta. and i think that he will spin this and he will get cute with it, which he already is posting it on social media and embracing it. trump's team discussed what they wanted the photo to look like. he is scowling. so it is all curated i think to some extent. and the photo will be shared and reshared especially among right wing networks to say nothing of the fact that this campaign can make all sorts of paraphernalia around it. that is a massive wind fall for the trump war chest. so absolutely he is definitely using this to his advantage. >> and i polli apologize for hod this question is, but we so frequently talk about polarization in american politics. obviously the higher the stakes get the more the situation with the former president escalates. surely the deeper that polarization becomes. but for democrats, this is considered i think embarrassing that former president is going through this legal process but perhaps a relief that the legal system is doing its job. for republicans, they see often these charges as completely false. what impact is this having on the fabric of society in the states? >> bianca, i think this will get worse before it gets better. it is basically corruption clashing with the law and hyper polarization of american politics as you are suggesting. and it is kind of remarkable i think to some degree how routine this has all become. nothing about these primaries or trump's court cases are typical. so i think it is unclear how the standard rules apply and what this actually means for the fabric of american democracy. we're in this bizarre situation that trump is winning the gop primaries by infinity points and also facing these four indictments, running a campaign essentially outside a courtroom and all oof his rivals are in second place or are on life support and it is only august. the one thing that we can say about trump, his legal troubles right now are greater than his political troubles as reflected by the fact that his base continues to support him and because he perceives that, maybe his best chance to obtain immunity or avoid conviction is to be in the white house in a couple years. so i think his political and legal strategies morph into one and get subsumed by the political. so i expect him to continue to double down and to the extent that he does, it has again a sort parlor polarization. >> does it undermine when he says all these charges are made up, he is talking about multiple courts, multiple jurisdictions under undermining the whole legal system, isn't he? >> absolutely. and that has been a big problem of the trump administration generally. which is just general advocacy for lawlessness. to a large extent these indictments have become not a feature of trump's campaign but they are his campaign. you know, his pitch to republican voters is essentially i'm the inevitable nominee and i'm the inevitable nominee because you can't abandon me when democrats are weaponizing the you adjudicial system again. and criminal charges are his get out of jail free card politically and he is betting that the poll numbers keep spiking. and generally he is talking about the deep state, witch hunt, overzealous prosecutor, trump hating judges. so indictment number four i think feeds into that playbook. but to the extent that it takes drek direct aim at american institutions, i think it is a big problem. mr. thomas gift, thank you for your analysis. and we're also looking at hoinvestors are reacting looking for direction on u.s. interest rates from jerome powell who is set to speak today in wyoming. wall street hoping to recover from down day on thursday. and so far looking positive with major indices up slightly in terms of futures. the markets have closed for the day across the asia pacific region. they were pretty negative, actually the nikkei was down more than 2% even the hong kong and shanghai shares were down around 1%. still early in the day for markets across europe. and they have a mixed picture. mortgage rates in the u.s. have hit their heiighest level rates will likely stay where they are or could go even hire in short term. just a year ago 30 year fixed rate was 5.55%. we like our fast food news. and subway has a new owner basically. they saw raw capital is buying the chain for around $9.6 billion according to the "wall street journal." >> and it already owns arby's, buffalo wild wings and sonic among others. they bring in about half a million dollars per location each year. and still ahead, the apparent death of former putin ally yevgeny prigozhin is raising a number of questions. not just who might be behind it, but also how it happened. they both remain a mystery. cnn investigates the plane crash next. s. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! save 50% on the sleep number® limiteted edition smart bed. plus, 60-mononth financing on all smart beds. shop now onlnly at sleep number®. bug spray works best when your family actually wears it. get odor-free 8-hour protection from mosquitoes and tick without the ick. zevo on-body repellent. people lovit. bugs hate it. the power goes out and we 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what unfolded. >> absolutely. what we do know for certain is that there were ten on board, all killed. now it seemed reported it may be yevgeny prigozhin as you are saying, but russia is investigating. they are still removing bodies from the scene and examining. and the fundamental question, why did it happen. the plane crash doesn't just happen normally. aviation experts say that planes don't just fall out of the sky. there is a reason. now, one of these experts is a global leading expert in this field and he also investigating mh17 crash. and he said based on the videos he's seen, it looks like the plane exploded in the air rather than upon impact. but clearly a lot of work still to be done. so in the meantime our open source team here at cnn has been looking through the videos and looking to see what we can say so far about this crash. so have a watch. >> reporter: falling from the sky, the plane reported to be carrying the wagner leader yevgeny prigozhin. coming two months after he launched a mutiny against russia's leader vladimir putin, he was widely seen as a man on borrowed time. cnn's open source team began piecing together what happened. the aircraft associated with prigozhin is ra 02795. it makes frequent trips between moscow and st. petersburg. cnn geolocated the main crash site to here and you can see the same tail number visible amid the debris. the plane left moscow at 5:55 local time and 12 minutes later the location is no longer d dete detectable. but public tracking still receives information on its altitude. the last minute of the recorded flight is key. you can see here the flight's altitude is erratic, it is going hir higher and lower before it eventually plummets. they say it is highly unusual and suggests that those on board were trying to stabilize the plane after something happened to it. in other words the destruction was not big enough to obliterate everyone and everything instantly. expert opinion is split on what exactly happened. likely an explosion, perhaps a bomb on board or a missile hitting it or even something else. whatever it was was clearly powerful as the plane is advisably falling without a wing. the tail ends up over here, 2.6 kilometers away from where the rest of the debris lands. video shows fires at the crash site, some are graphic. human remains strewn amid the debris. since then russian authorities have taken the bodies away for examination and begun an investigation. but many have already made up their minds as to who they think was behind the wagner aircraft's violent he said. now clearly there needs to be and on the ground investigation into what happened and that will require the cooperation of russia and also brazil who were the makers of this plane and investigators will need access to the black box. all of this might be quite difficult to obtain. u.s. saying there is currently no indication that it was a missile hitting the plane, but clearly they are exploring other options, potentially a bomb on board the plane as well. and in terms of whether prigozhin was on the plane, the u.s. said yesterday they think it is likely. today uk authorities also coming out saying that they think it is highly likely he was on board this plane. and as to whether who was behind it, well, that is still unknown, but president biden had clear words yesterday. he said there is not much that happens in russia that putin is not behind. and i think that really speaks to the international sentiment around this incident. >> katie, thank you so much for that brilliant report. william taylor former u.s. ambassador to ukraine and vice president for russia and europe institute of peace is here to shed light on some of that language katie was describing there, likely, unlikely. we really don't know what has happened. but what are your sources within government in the west saying about this and what they think happened? >> well, max, it seems pretty clear that this was an assassination ordered by president putin and executed by his security services one way or the other. that seems to be the consensus at least the operating assumption which all signs point to. >> ambassador, it still seems mercenary to ask a question in these terms even though the person supposedly killed was a mercenary leader himself responsible for a lot of violence. but who benefits most strategically from this assassination? >> so president putin undoubtedly benefits domestically within russia. he has silenced any dissent. no one will now raise their voice as prigozhin had. but you asked the right question, that is the bigger picture is in the international comm community, we know poovladimir putin is a war criminal and we know he is willing to take extreme measures. this is not a model that any other nation would want to emulate. >> when he addressed the nation last night, he was offering his condolences to the families of the victims. just try to explain that for us. >> president putin will want to -- everyone knows, max, that -- everyone, all russians assume that president putin has done what he was ready to do. they knew he was ready to take revenge on prigozhin for turning against him two months ago in this mutiny. putin was humiliated by that. and he was shown to be an erratic leader. he almost came out in panic right at the quinnin ingbeginni mutiny, he was saying it was a stab in the back, that it was treason, that they would have to crush -- and by the end of that day, end of that day president putin had given prigozhin a free ride. a get out of jail. he was allowed as we know for two months to roam around russia, roam around the world. and that made president putin look very weak. so everyone knows that as bill burns said, he doesn't forget. he doesn't forgive. and when this happened, they know who did it. so that will be the -- that will be the legacy of this event. >> the plane crash, ambassador, has been referred to as decapitation of the top leadership of wagner. obviously there was also an attempt since this abortive snuf insurrection rebellion to try to dismantle that organization. but what becomes of the wagner that is remaining in terms of manpower and organization, does it get an orred inbsorbed into n state, taken over by another leadership? >> probably some of both. some of the functions that the russian government would like to keep, that is the ability to send troops and forces into europe, into ukraine. the ability to send forces into africa to help coup plotters, help dictators in africa. russia would like to maintain that capability and they can find another oligarch or another leader, a retired general to take over some of that and put that wagner troop to good use as far as they are concerned again. some as you say will probably disappear. there are many people in wagner, many of the wagner fighters, were loyal to prigozhin and they will not be happy with the assassination of their leader. >> ambassador, thank you so much for giving us and giving us your perspective. and coming up, more fallout after the unsolicited kiss of spain's soccer chief given to a woman team player. fifa now taking action. should get news on that today. i always had a connection to my grandfather... i always wanted to learn more about him. i discovered some very interesting documents on ancestry. this is the uh registration cardrd for the draft for world war two. and this is his signature which blew me awayay. being able to... make my grandfather real... not just a memory... is priceless. his legacy...lives on. - [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. >> joint spacex and nasa mission has been postponed. nasa says unresolved technical issues caused the delay. new target launch is set for saturday. it will carry four astronauts to the international space station. latest forecast shows favorable weather conditions for the new launch time. soccer world governing body has opened up disciplinary procedures against the president after video shows luis rubiales forcibly kissing a player following the world cup victory. >> it is the slapping as well. it is everything. fifa says he may have violated rules that deal with offensive behavior. rubiales has since apologized saying he made a mistake. now to other stories in the spotlight. lakers will honor kobe bryant with a statue unveiling on february 8 of 2024. the late superstar wore the jersey numbers 8 and 24 during his nba career. bryant's widow made the announcement. >> hi, everyone. as you know, kobe played his entire 20 year nba career as a los angeles laker. since arriving in the city, and joining the lakers organization, he felt at home here, playing in the city of angels. on behalf of the lakers, my daughters and me, i'm so honored that right in the center of los angeles in front of the place known as the house that kobe built, we are going to unveil his statue so that his legacy can be celebrated forever. hope to see you there. >> bryant won five nba championships with the lakers. he and his 13-year-old daughter were among nine killed in a helicopter crash in california in 2020. and if you are waiting for the june sequel to hit the big screen, you will have to wait a little longer. >> oh, boo. here is a quick preview of the highly anticipated movie. >> look who is back from the dead. >> i wasn't being sarcastic. bianca thought i was. i am looking forward to it. the june sequel will be rolled out next march because stars cannot promote the movie during the hollywood actors strike. hi barbie. >> hi barbie. >> meantime barbie nadow reignst the box office with sales of more than $575 million. and that is after taking the crown from super mario brothers which had $574 million sales in the u.s. >> also made by our company. going well. and finally, it is a big week for pop music fans as some of the top artists are releasing new songs. ♪ i know i used to be crazy, i know i used to be fun, you use say i used to be wild ♪ you can probably relate to used to be young new single from miley cyrus. she says the song is ted dedica to her fans supporting every version of her over the years. >> i hope you have a younger bianca one day ripping you in the same way. >> i know they will celebrate you through every version. young, old, bearded, cleanly shaven. ♪ ♪ i'll be single soon, i'll be single soon ♪ >> by and ianca is still laughi her own joke. and gomez released her new song and saying she wanted it-to-put it out while she works on her third studio album. and there is also new music from ariana grande day and black pink and new video from zizza. expect it all day. >> and this one are you most looking forward to? >> zizza. thanks for joining us. >> "cnn this morning" is up next. stay young and fresh. see you monday. how do i love thee? ...let me count the ways. ♪ love can get a little messy... good thing there's resolve. love the l love. resolve the mess. that's why comcast business de is launching theal. mobile made free event. with our business internet, new and existing customers can get one year of unlimited mobile for free. it's our best internet. powered by the next generation 10g network and with 99.9% reliability. plus one line of free mobile for an entire year. it's the mobile made free event-happening now. get started for just $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get one free line of unlimited mobile. comcast business, powering possibilities. we begin today with this unprecedented image, the mug sof shot of the 45th president.

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Tail Number , Ra , Trips , Cnn Geolocated , 02795 , Debris , Altitude , Dete , Location , Public , Plane Left , Tracking , 12 , 55 , On Board , Everything , Bomb , Expert Opinion , Destruction , Falling , Tail , Rest , Debris Lands , Something Else , 2 6 , Video , Many , Examination , Human Remains , Graphic , Ground Investigation , Minds , Makers , Brazil , Cooperation , Black Box , Uk , Report , Sentiment , Incident , Former , William Taylor , Ambassador , Some , Vice President , Peace , Europe Institute , Assassination , Mother , Security , Signs , Consensus , Assumption , Mercenary Leader , Person , Violence , Strategically , No One , Dissent , Voice , International Comm Community , Poovladimir Putin , War Criminal , Measures , Nation , Model , Russians , Revenge , Panic , Back , Ride , Treason , Stab , The End , Crush , Jail , Bill Burns , Event , Leadership , Decapitation , Insurrection Rebellion , Abortive Snuf , Inbsorbed Into N State , Both , Manpower , Orred , Ability , 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