Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

♪ it is surrender day for donald trump and first on cnn we've learned the ex-president has replaced his top georgia attorney just hours before he's going to head to atlanta to be arrested. request denied. a federal judge tells two of trump's georgia co-defendants they will be arrested in the state's election subversion case, no way around it. and they have just one more day to surrender. who won? who lost? what is the one line people will remember? what is the one line a candidate most wishes he or she could forget? we're starting to see the impact of the first republican debate. i'm john berman with kate bolduan and sara sidner. this is cnn "news central." quite a day ahead. hours from now former president donald trump is going to leave his bedminster golf club in new jersey, travel to a jail in georgia where he will surrender to charges accusing him of running a criminal enterprise to stay in power. 964 days have now passed since trump demanded of that man, brad raffensperger, the georgia secretary of state to find 11,780 votes to win. when trump enters this fulton county jail that we've been keeping an eye on now for days, it will be to face his fourth indictment this year. sheriff's deputies will be waiting to process him, which will likely include fingerprinting and the first ever, potentially, mug shot of a former u.s. president. so far, nine of his 18 co-defendants have gone through that very same process, including former new york city mayor and his -- and trump's former attorney, rudy giuliani. for those who have not surrendered, they are left with just over 24 hours. the deadline is noon tomorrow. a federal judge ruled there are no exceptions here despite efforts by mark meadows who filed an emergency order to try to avoid this process, avoid being arrested. and also, cameras will be inside the court through at least september 8th. meaning trump's upcoming arraignment could be broadcast on screens far and wide. there's clearly a lot going on. so let's get to it. kristen holmes is outside trump's golf club in new jersey. what is the deal with the last minute switch with trump's attorney in georgia? >> reporter: kate we're still getting the details on why this happened, but here's what we know. trump's top attorney was part of the team that negotiated his $200,000 bond is being replaced by another atlanta-based criminal defense attorney someone by the name of steven saydo. i'm told this is not because of performance in any way. another source telling me because saydo is the best criminal defense attorney in georgia. trump is not someone that's hesitant to change up his legal team. he removed two top attorneys in many june in the classified documents case. so just hours before he is set to arrive in atlanta and be processed, i talked to a number of sources who say two things are true at once. we talk about trump's mood around the indictment, one they feel good about his decision to skip the debate last night. they were waiting to see if there was a breakout star, some other candidate, they don't believe there was, so they stand by the decision but they don't want to go to atlanta, deal with another criminal indictment but i am told they are going to, once again, capitalize on the mediaairive, taking the wind out of the sales of the candidates on the debate stage. however we know he's going to pass us by in a few hours. he's going to be processed in the evening in atlanta, straight trip is in this and out and possibly talk to reporters traveling with him. great to have you there thank you so much, kristen. donald trump's former chief of staff and exjustice department official will be arrested in georgia's election subversion case. a judge rejected the request by mark meadows and jeffrey clark to be booked at the fulton county jail. they now have just under 27 hours to turn themselves in. katelyn polantz has been following this story. they were doing two things one trying to keep themselves from being booked but two trying to move their case from the state court to the federal court. how does this play? >> reporter: it could, sara, they were going to continue to argue their case should be in federal court because they were federal officials at the time of the charges, the al glegations what they were doing for donald trump after the election. they say that everything they were doing were things that wouldn't have been done if they had not been federal officials working for donald trump at that time. but there is really a fight brewing here we're going to see spill over into court on monday at a hearing where mark meadows and jeffrey clark may have to present evidence about what they were doing. we know the district attorney is ready to call witnesses about that call that trump placed to secretary of state brad raffensperger in georgia to find votes after the election. and this is gearing up to be quite a series of days for these two men, because others who were working for trump, rudy giuliani, jenna ellis, sidney powell, have turned themselves in and been arrested. trump himself who was president at the time could be asking for federal protection or move the case, he hasn't done so yet and he's coming to town to be arrested, go to the jail. but mark meadows jeffrey clark we don't know what their plans are between now and noon tomorrow if they don't show up and self-surrender, the da said they'll issue a warrant for their arrest. and we're hearing from former republican officials, top officials in the hw bush administration, reagan administration, a former judge and former republican governors of massachusetts and new jersey arguing these federal government officials should not have the protection, shouldn't get the case moved to federal court because what they were doing was arguing to interfere with a state's selection of electors. one of the things that they have said specifically in this filing is that removal would be perverse as this prosecution arises from interference with state government operations and seeks to indicate georgia's voice in a federal election. the very contest from which federal authority flows. so that legal dispute is going to be continuing on, as well as this question of do we see lawyers for jeffrey clark and mark meadows show up in town today at this courthouse complex perhaps and do we see them over at the jail as well? >> it is going to be a very busy 24 hours. katelyn polantz thank you for juggling these 19 defendants in this case. so many details to get through. appreciate you. with us now former trump white house lawyer jim schultz and law enforcement analyst jonathan. donald trump is shaking up his legal team yet again. yes, we've been used to donald trump's legal representation being tumultuous. but drew was supposed to be the atlanta guy they were bragging about how keyed in he was to the system there. so what does it tell you that even here where he seemed to have a good thing going he can't keep stable representation? >> i think in this case. steven saydo, he is a celebrity lawyer. he's represented howard stern, ray lewis, folks in very high profile criminal cases. what does donald trump like? a showman. this guy represents celebrities, donald trump deems himself a celebrity first. >> what about switching right before a pivotal moment? >> in terms of this moment there's not much going on except for the processing part, so i don't think it's going to have any impact on the case per se but clearly taking it seriously bringing in someone who is a hired gun in georgia. >> we've spoken a lot about secret service before and the role they play in protecting a president and former president and you convinced me they do their job, all they see is the job in front of them. however i don't think it's in in the secret service handbook how to protect a former president who needs to surrender four times. >> the secret service has to look at each of these events individually because they all represent a different type of threat environment they're bringing the protectee. what type of action is taking place, a court action, rally, speech doesn't matter. their methodology never changes that's protecting donald trump 360 degrees all directions at all times. the location, the jail that represents challenges but those are worked out with law enforcement partners and it's in the secret service interest to have the former president processed as quickly as possible. enter do the business in front of the judge at the jail and depart as quickly as possible. >> we will see over the course of the next several hours if there's a mug shot taken if it'll be released. weave seen mug shots of many co-defendants so far including rudy giuliani, jenna ellis, who was smiling in her mug shot. how public would you assess the fulton county team has made it? are they respecting the process or trying to make it public? >> you'll see the secret service coming into the facility with the president. they want to make this -- keep the public, press and protectee all celebrated. bring the protectee in, privately, do the business in front, processing and get out. the wild card here is what we have seen in the past. which is upon departure going back to the airport, are we going to do an off the record movement where the president takes and seizes this moment to capitalize on a pr moment. i've been arrested the fourth time we know the narrative that he could represent. that's the challenge. not just for the secret service but the atlanta pd, local law enforcement, again because could someone with nefarious intent capitalize on that moment to cause harm. >> it may be a challenge for donald trump's lawyers as well, the wild card moment you were talking about. because as part of the bond agreement, donald trump's legal team has agreed to restrictions on what he can say about the atlanta case, the defendant shall perform no act to intimidate any person known to him or her to be a co-defendant in this case or witness. one of the things we don't know is if he will choose to talk tonight after he surrenders. what's the jeopardy for him if he does, particularly while still in georgia after agreeing to the restrictions. >> while he's in georgia there's an issue there, a judge could haul him back into court if the judge wants to. that could happen outside of georgia as well, haul him back into court. he could be admonished by the court, held in contempt, there are a number of things that could happen but what does that mean in a state court case not as much as the federal case. i think the judge is going to be very strict with this, i think it's going to be hard with a candidate of the president of the united states to restrict him as much as his lawyers will be beating on him to make sure he's not violating these orders. that's a tall order for a lawyer representing donald trump. >> i want to ask about the news we reported about mark meadows and jim clark trying to get their cases moved to federal court. they had a ruling with whether or not they had to turn themselves in many, surrender here, what does that portend in terms of being able to move the case to federal court? >> i don't know the impact of this ruling has to do with whether it goes to federal court or not. the judge said they want to have an evidentiary hearing. what that means they'll hear testimony and make a determination as to whether it should be in federal court or state court. and i don't think this -- the fact that the judge ruled you have to show up, be processed, arrested in georgia before that takes place, i don't think means a whole lot in terms of how they're going to decide this federal case because they want to hear testimony. >> we will see -- if we see them over the course of the next 24 hours. great to see you. nice to see you both. appreciate it. kate? coming up, they came, they saw, they debated and they definitely went on the attack. >> i've had enough already tonight of a guy who sounds like chatgpt. >> there you have it. >> under your watch you will make america less safe. you have no foreign policy experience it and shows. it shows. >> the big moments from the republican debate stage last night. who stood out, who got lost in the mix and what it all means for all of them today. plus more questions than answers still about the cause behind that spectacular plane crash that appears to have killed yevgeny prigozhin, the man who led the failed rebellion against vladimir putin now presumed dead. and a gunman opens fire at a biker bar in california, three people were killed, six others wounded. more details coming in on this mass shooting. we'll be right back. sorry, sign? 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(mooo) wow, smart cow! will be arrested for the fourth time this year. last night eight of his rivals faced off without him at the first republican debate. but they could not help saying his name in his absence. a defining moment of the night came when the moderators asked the candidates if they would still support donald trump as the party's nominee even if he's convicted. >> would you still support him as your party's choice, please raise your hand if you would. >> just hold on. so just to be clear, governor christie, you were late to the game there. >> no, i'm doing this, look i'm doing this not this. >> i know you didn't. >> made clear six of the eight raised their hands. jessica dean joins you us from milwaukee this morning. they tried their best to set themselves apart from donald trump, were they successful at all? >> these eight candidates were looking forward to this moment as they continue to trail donald trump by double digits in the best case scenario there and any polling we have seen. what was interesting about last night, a couple of things. number one, the former president was looming over that debate stage even though he wasn't there there. however they didn't even get to him until one hour into the two-hour debate. so they were able to talk about some key policy issues where candidates do have difference of opinions and can contrast themselves with one another, including abortion and perhaps a federal abortion ban where they stand on that, on foreign policy, on issues like that. but the clip you just showed does under score where the republican party is right now as the former president, by far the leading contender and front runner this race, is turning himself in later today on his fourth indictment in the last several months. one other thing that was interesting is ron desantis' camp set the scene as if he was going to take the incoming, that's how they wanted the scene set going in. but we saw most of the attacks going to vivek ramaswamy, this tech entrepreneur getting attention in the race. and we saw the rivals really pouring on him. here, watch this. >> now is not the the time for on the job training. we don't need to bring in a rookie, bring in people without experience. >> let us be honest as republicans. i'm the only person on the stage who isn't bought and paid for so i can change this, the climate change agenda is a hoax. >> someone has to stop normalizing this conduct. okay. now and -- now whether or not -- whether or not you believe that the criminal charges are right or wrong, the conduct is beneath the office of president of the united states. >> we have to face the fact that trump is the most disliked politician in america. we can't win a general election that dway. >> i understand why america is hurting biden's inflation is choking us. >> we'll send biden back to his basement and reverse the decline of this country. >> reporter: now the candidates are trying to maximize their time on the stage before trump does what he does best, suck up the oxygen in the media space when he turns himself in. and then a month from now there will be another republican debate will donald trump be there? we know the threshold to get on the stage will be higher so it's likely there will be less candidates. >> thank you so much jessica dean for that wrap up of the debate last night. kate? >> joining us now for reaction to that republican debate is the democratic governor of maryland, wes moore, who's also on president biden's re-election campaign advisory board. thank you for coming in. you were watching the debate last night. as a democrat first and foremost, who do you think had the best night on the stage? >> i can tell you, i don't think that anyone on the stage really reflected the values that i know i'm hearing in the state of maryland or that many people around the country espouse. when we think about where we are as a country, it's not -- we're hopeful about the future. it's not this dark dystopian view and the main conversations taking place in my state, in maryland, are not conversations about at what point do we impose a national ban on abortion. it's not is climate change a hoax. it's not questions of which of the departments and agencies whose job it is to see and support every single person in our society are we in a rush to eliminate and get rid of. so i feel like last night was a perfect example of they're not speaking to the hopes and the aspirations. and there's a playbook that they're all -- that all in they're correlating to but there's no plan behind that. >> so i heard from cedric richmond with the campaign of course we know well ahead of the debate last night, what democrats were expecting to see or what folks could expect to see from the democratic perspective was going to be the maga playbook on stage, even though trump was not on the stage. what i heard when i heard that was for joe biden and the re-election campaign and democrats in '24 it's running a play book of '22, which showed some success for democrats. what do you see? >> what i saw last night from the candidates was familiar to what i faced, i had an opponent spending their time talking about the past. had an don't spending time talking about how can we restrict access -- >> you did hear some candidates trying very hard because they did not want to have to talk about donald trump saying let's not talk about january 6th, let's talk about the future. you heard nikki haley who went out and pushed a more consensus candidate among those on stage talking about the need for looking forward. you heard tim scott talking about an optimistic view of the future. did anything on the stage surprise you? the. >> i think you know, i did hear governor hailey talk about things like infrastructure. and job retraining and job reskilling. the powerful thing is that's what's happening right now in partnership with the biden administration where you're seeing it in my state. we made historic investments on job retraining, apprenticeship programs, trade programs. we have some of the best four year colleges in maryland but i have been clear that we are going to end the myth that every student must attend one. you heard governor haley br bringing it up and i agree. >> another moment from nikki haley she was laying out why she thinks she's the one best fit to tackle the economy more than nip e -- anyone wells with a surprising amount of candor, listen to this. >> the truth is biden didn't do this to us, our republicans did it to us to. you have ron desantis, tim scott, mike pence, they all voted to raise the debt and donald trump added 8 trillion to our debt. >> hearing that from her surprised me. i was also thinking about because your state is facing a tough economic reality right now. and you have been candid about it recently about what your state is facing telling "the washington post," there's been no growth also saying there's no excuse we're falling behind we have to make a choice that we want to win. >> that's right. >> you owned it, why isn't joe biden owning it more because for better or worse, an economy under a president they own for better or worse. >> i think for a lot of it is, it's not just about owning it. it's what the plan. i think about when you look at our state when i said that our state is falling behind because there's been zero economic growth wrn the state of maryland over the past four years and you look at a state like pennsylvania our neighbor where they had their economy grow by $22 billion we're falling behind as a state but it also means what's the plan to focus and reenergize an economy. so i look at what's happening right now we're doing in partnership with the biden administration we made his or the you-- historic investment i offshore wind. if you look at the focus we had with the bipartisan infrastructure act we've been able to employ tens of thousands of people, it's going to generate a new economy you spurring economic growth. talking about what does it mean to get more people involved inside of the workforce where we -- maryland is the first state in the country that has a service share option for high school graduates to have a living wage entering into a workforce, focussing on job training and preparation for their futures. it's about owning the situation and also saying we have to make sure we're aggressively investing in our future and building from the bottom up to make sure everyone can benefit from economic growth. >> where's a plan -- from a governor that's important you need to balance your budget. >> yes. >> real quick you don't want donald trump in the white house at all. after last night, does the prospect of having anyone on that stage in the oval office scare you more than donald trump? >> i watched eight people who all raised their hand and say they would support someone regardless if they were convicted. i have a very difficult time taking instructions or any forms of lecture about law and order or respect of law ever again, because we are literally watching a cult of personality that ends up dominating that is not having any impact on the people in west minister or west baltimore. so i -- when i think about what that prospect means, about having a return to normalcy, and a normalizing of this type of behavior, it just reinforces why i am not just excited to have another four years of a partner in the white house like the biden administration but why frankly as a governor and chief executive of our state we need it. >> thank you for coming in. appreciate it. john? >> sometimesususpious. two months after he led a revolt against the russian military, leader yevgeny prigozhin is believed to be dead suspiciously. new details about the plane crash many people saw coming. donald trump headed to jail in atlanta, how careful does he need to be with what he says along the waway. e of seven endlr just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. your wyndham is waiting. ♪ when bucket lists need checking... points need redeeming... workrips need crushing... or anniversaries need... celebrating? 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um, it's called commitment. could you turn down the volume? here, you can try. get way more into what your into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. the man who led the revolt against the russian military two months ago is presumed dead this morning after his plane crashed. i'm talking about this man, wagner chief, yevgeny prigozhin. he was one of ten people on board this plane that ended up burning on the ground when it came down just north of moscow. investigators say there are no survivors as of this morning only eight of the ten bodies have been found and those remains have been taken off site for forensic testing. we can follow the course of the flight here. it left moscow at about 6:00 p.m. last night. its last point of contact was right here. just a few minutes after takeoff here and 6:30, only 30 minutes into the flight is when it crashed. flight radar said it was at 28,000 feet before things started to go wrong, started to rise and descend erratically and then began falling at a rate of 8,000 feet per minute. we have footage of this plane plummeting almost vertically from the sky. obviously receiving in no data from the plane at this point. richard quest notes planes like this don't fall for no reason. they don't malfunction and fall down like that. typically something needs to have happened to them. we're learning the plane is believed to be on fire before it hit the ground. you can see it plummeting to earth, ten people on board, no survivors. sara? the biden administration noting putin's long history of payback has repeatedly and publically warned that prigozhin could be killed at any moment by the kremlin. so this turn of events didn't seem to come as a shock to the president when he heard the news. >> i don't know for a fact what happened, but i am not surprised. >> do you believe putin is behind this, sir? >> there's not much that happens in russia that putin does not know. but i don't know enough to answer. >> i'm joined by political author and scientist, ian bremmer. thank you for coming on to talk about this. president biden said the quiet part outside saying look, the intimation that most people think is putin had something to do with this. what are your thought oswhat has happened here? >> two important thoughts. one should be obvious is that you can't really trust putin on the implementation of a deal, i think we all knew that. but the second is that when putin is really challenged, really threatened at home, and that two months ago by prigozhin, no one had seen before, he doesn't act irrationally, he acts to ensure his own survival. that's why prigozhin is dead now, as opposed to two months ago. two months ago you had prigozhin at his maximum level of power, thousands of his own troops aligned with him, taking over, headed towards moscow. a ukrainian counteroffensive about to hit the russians. putin probably leaving moscow and going to st. petersburg, the worst possible timing for him to say i'm going to go after this guy and hit him hard. instead, he cuts a deal. and since then, over the last two months they've shutdown wagner's media operations. taken away the heavy weapons from most of the troops. dispersed them on a wild goose chase in belarus. they've insured up putin's power, weakened prigozhin and now he's dead. that's a fair amount of, you know, tragic thinking on putin's part facing a very significant challenge. i don't think anyone is surprised by the fact he did it. but it certainly shows how he considers threats to his power going forward. >> we've seen so many people. there's something like 22 other people who have come up against putin whose names we know, some of them we don't, but they've fallen out of windows, for example, at hospitals. they've been poisoned. there's all manners of things. or jailed. you brought up ukraine, you brought up -- this is a picture by the way of all the people who have faced -- i spoke to one the day before he was arrested just before speaking out against putin, never mind for trying to create a rebellion against putin. so a lot of people not surprised this happened. although the method is different. i want to ask about the wagner group, he was the leader, people were following him. what happens now is there any chance some of those people break off from the group and look at targeting putin again? >> again, it's a much weaker group today in terms of their internal capabilities, their lack of leadership. than it was even a few weeks ago. it's not relevant for the fight on the ground in ukraine. that won't change. and indeed we've seen over the past weeks the ukrainian counter offensive has not gone very well. russian defenses on the ground are dug in, and they're defending themselves capably. so there we don't see much of a change. where you will see a question is what happens on the ground across africa where wagner has been a principal paramilitary group making billions of dollars and shoring up a number of dictators including in niger where we've just seen a coup where others may be preparing to attack that illegitimate government militarily. what happens when prigozhin who has been personally responsible for those troops on the ground has now been killed likely directly on putin's orders. what are those leaders going to do? is that a possibility for the americans and allies, the french, others, to play more of a role? will we see a breakdown into instability? the single biggest impact of prigozhin and his confederates being killed on this airplane is going to be seen on the ground in a number of african states over the coming weeks and months. >> you know the wagner group, they're paid killers, basically. they're mercenaries paid for with russian money. so it's interesting to see who levels up and how that money is getting into the hands of the mercenaries in africa. you bring up a really really good point. thank you for coming on. appreciate your time. >> good to see you. kate? coming up for us, it is going to be another day of mug shots coming out of fulton county, georgia. donald trump will be coming there soon and the rest of his co-defendants face a deadline of noon tomorrow. we saw eight republican candidates on the stage last night battling for time, attention, and battling each other. how did it land with early voters in the early caucus state of iowa. >> 15 people, looks like 14 raised your hand. you did not think it was good for the party? 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>> it brought up a lot more division and stuff. but i think it was worth the time. >> you thought it was good for the party? >> yes. great for the party. great to have conversation with iowans and people across the united states to see who the next leader will be for the republican party. >> 14 people say they're still undecided. jim is the only one who says he's ready to vote for trump right now. i want to ask who you thought did the best in the debate, who did you win the debate? anything think doug bugham do the best? zero. chris christie, he got a lot of the air time? how about ron desantis, how many people thought ron desantis did the best? that's two people. nikki haley, one, two, three, four people. asa hutchinson? mike pence? zero. vivek ramaswamy? one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. tim scott? okay. so this panel here thinks ramaswamy won the debate. >> one reason seven republicans feel that way. >> i appreciate in the closing statements when he said there are two genders, god is real, he put those out there, made it clear. >> and one of the reasons nikki haley was runner up. >> she came across as poised, confident, prepared. out of the candidates i think she helped herself the most. >> the candidate who has spoken out the most against donald trump, chris christie, received no traction here. >> he was just argumentative pretty much. and out after trump. >> you don't think there was any logic to what he said, though? >> i think it was a lot of revenge? >> some feel trump hurt himself by not being at the be debate. most feel he benefitted by not being absent. >> i think he helped himself because he wasn't able to say anything bad that people would use against him in the general election? >> 15 iowa republicans who will be caucusing less than five months from now. gary tuchman thank you for that. i find it interesting, john, the take on wherever that line is you got to go after trump. but then it's turning some voters off when they do go after trump. >> it was interesting to hear that in real time. and the kicker in the end saying trump helped himself by not growing. >> is the nomination already over? >> we will see. new teams joining the search for victims of the fires on maui. how cell phone analysis is playing a role. and hours before donald trump is due to surrender in atlanta, he switches lawyers. new details what this tells us on his legal defense. growining up, every time i'd get out of the shower, i would itch. my first experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a lighght bulb momen. tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. if you'd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i would've told you you'd lost your mind. but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, t it can progress to ga, an advanced form ofhe disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of g like strait lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at ♪birds flyin' high, you know how i feel.♪ ♪breeze driftin' on by...♪ ♪ know how i feel.♪ you don't have to take... 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, Flows , Lawyers , Courthouse , Defendants , Mark Meadows Show , 19 , Jim Schultz , Law Enforcement Analyst , White House , Representation , Guy , Thing , Being , System , Cases , Folks , Celebrity Lawyer , Profile , Howard Stern , Ray Lewis , Terms , Showman , Celebrity , Celebrities , Processing Part , Hired Gun In Georgia , Per Se , President , Job , Role , Front , Secret Service , Handbook , Events , Protectee , Times , Type , Threat Environment , Four , Place , Directions , Methodology , Court Action , Action , Rally , Speech Doesn T Matter , 360 , Law Enforcement Partners , Interest , Challenges , Location , Business , Course , Mug Shots , Weave , It , Facility , Wild Card , Press , Public , Protectee In , Movement , Record , Departure , Pr Moment , Airport , Narrative , Challenge , Pd , Intent , Harm , Fact , Defendant , Restrictions , Bond Agreement , Person , Co Defendant , Jeopardy , Witness , Don T Know , Issue , State Court Case , Contempt , Orders , Order , News , Ruling 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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♪ it is surrender day for donald trump and first on cnn we've learned the ex-president has replaced his top georgia attorney just hours before he's going to head to atlanta to be arrested. request denied. a federal judge tells two of trump's georgia co-defendants they will be arrested in the state's election subversion case, no way around it. and they have just one more day to surrender. who won? who lost? what is the one line people will remember? what is the one line a candidate most wishes he or she could forget? we're starting to see the impact of the first republican debate. i'm john berman with kate bolduan and sara sidner. this is cnn "news central." quite a day ahead. hours from now former president donald trump is going to leave his bedminster golf club in new jersey, travel to a jail in georgia where he will surrender to charges accusing him of running a criminal enterprise to stay in power. 964 days have now passed since trump demanded of that man, brad raffensperger, the georgia secretary of state to find 11,780 votes to win. when trump enters this fulton county jail that we've been keeping an eye on now for days, it will be to face his fourth indictment this year. sheriff's deputies will be waiting to process him, which will likely include fingerprinting and the first ever, potentially, mug shot of a former u.s. president. so far, nine of his 18 co-defendants have gone through that very same process, including former new york city mayor and his -- and trump's former attorney, rudy giuliani. for those who have not surrendered, they are left with just over 24 hours. the deadline is noon tomorrow. a federal judge ruled there are no exceptions here despite efforts by mark meadows who filed an emergency order to try to avoid this process, avoid being arrested. and also, cameras will be inside the court through at least september 8th. meaning trump's upcoming arraignment could be broadcast on screens far and wide. there's clearly a lot going on. so let's get to it. kristen holmes is outside trump's golf club in new jersey. what is the deal with the last minute switch with trump's attorney in georgia? >> reporter: kate we're still getting the details on why this happened, but here's what we know. trump's top attorney was part of the team that negotiated his $200,000 bond is being replaced by another atlanta-based criminal defense attorney someone by the name of steven saydo. i'm told this is not because of performance in any way. another source telling me because saydo is the best criminal defense attorney in georgia. trump is not someone that's hesitant to change up his legal team. he removed two top attorneys in many june in the classified documents case. so just hours before he is set to arrive in atlanta and be processed, i talked to a number of sources who say two things are true at once. we talk about trump's mood around the indictment, one they feel good about his decision to skip the debate last night. they were waiting to see if there was a breakout star, some other candidate, they don't believe there was, so they stand by the decision but they don't want to go to atlanta, deal with another criminal indictment but i am told they are going to, once again, capitalize on the mediaairive, taking the wind out of the sales of the candidates on the debate stage. however we know he's going to pass us by in a few hours. he's going to be processed in the evening in atlanta, straight trip is in this and out and possibly talk to reporters traveling with him. great to have you there thank you so much, kristen. donald trump's former chief of staff and exjustice department official will be arrested in georgia's election subversion case. a judge rejected the request by mark meadows and jeffrey clark to be booked at the fulton county jail. they now have just under 27 hours to turn themselves in. katelyn polantz has been following this story. they were doing two things one trying to keep themselves from being booked but two trying to move their case from the state court to the federal court. how does this play? >> reporter: it could, sara, they were going to continue to argue their case should be in federal court because they were federal officials at the time of the charges, the al glegations what they were doing for donald trump after the election. they say that everything they were doing were things that wouldn't have been done if they had not been federal officials working for donald trump at that time. but there is really a fight brewing here we're going to see spill over into court on monday at a hearing where mark meadows and jeffrey clark may have to present evidence about what they were doing. we know the district attorney is ready to call witnesses about that call that trump placed to secretary of state brad raffensperger in georgia to find votes after the election. and this is gearing up to be quite a series of days for these two men, because others who were working for trump, rudy giuliani, jenna ellis, sidney powell, have turned themselves in and been arrested. trump himself who was president at the time could be asking for federal protection or move the case, he hasn't done so yet and he's coming to town to be arrested, go to the jail. but mark meadows jeffrey clark we don't know what their plans are between now and noon tomorrow if they don't show up and self-surrender, the da said they'll issue a warrant for their arrest. and we're hearing from former republican officials, top officials in the hw bush administration, reagan administration, a former judge and former republican governors of massachusetts and new jersey arguing these federal government officials should not have the protection, shouldn't get the case moved to federal court because what they were doing was arguing to interfere with a state's selection of electors. one of the things that they have said specifically in this filing is that removal would be perverse as this prosecution arises from interference with state government operations and seeks to indicate georgia's voice in a federal election. the very contest from which federal authority flows. so that legal dispute is going to be continuing on, as well as this question of do we see lawyers for jeffrey clark and mark meadows show up in town today at this courthouse complex perhaps and do we see them over at the jail as well? >> it is going to be a very busy 24 hours. katelyn polantz thank you for juggling these 19 defendants in this case. so many details to get through. appreciate you. with us now former trump white house lawyer jim schultz and law enforcement analyst jonathan. donald trump is shaking up his legal team yet again. yes, we've been used to donald trump's legal representation being tumultuous. but drew was supposed to be the atlanta guy they were bragging about how keyed in he was to the system there. so what does it tell you that even here where he seemed to have a good thing going he can't keep stable representation? >> i think in this case. steven saydo, he is a celebrity lawyer. he's represented howard stern, ray lewis, folks in very high profile criminal cases. what does donald trump like? a showman. this guy represents celebrities, donald trump deems himself a celebrity first. >> what about switching right before a pivotal moment? >> in terms of this moment there's not much going on except for the processing part, so i don't think it's going to have any impact on the case per se but clearly taking it seriously bringing in someone who is a hired gun in georgia. >> we've spoken a lot about secret service before and the role they play in protecting a president and former president and you convinced me they do their job, all they see is the job in front of them. however i don't think it's in in the secret service handbook how to protect a former president who needs to surrender four times. >> the secret service has to look at each of these events individually because they all represent a different type of threat environment they're bringing the protectee. what type of action is taking place, a court action, rally, speech doesn't matter. their methodology never changes that's protecting donald trump 360 degrees all directions at all times. the location, the jail that represents challenges but those are worked out with law enforcement partners and it's in the secret service interest to have the former president processed as quickly as possible. enter do the business in front of the judge at the jail and depart as quickly as possible. >> we will see over the course of the next several hours if there's a mug shot taken if it'll be released. weave seen mug shots of many co-defendants so far including rudy giuliani, jenna ellis, who was smiling in her mug shot. how public would you assess the fulton county team has made it? are they respecting the process or trying to make it public? >> you'll see the secret service coming into the facility with the president. they want to make this -- keep the public, press and protectee all celebrated. bring the protectee in, privately, do the business in front, processing and get out. the wild card here is what we have seen in the past. which is upon departure going back to the airport, are we going to do an off the record movement where the president takes and seizes this moment to capitalize on a pr moment. i've been arrested the fourth time we know the narrative that he could represent. that's the challenge. not just for the secret service but the atlanta pd, local law enforcement, again because could someone with nefarious intent capitalize on that moment to cause harm. >> it may be a challenge for donald trump's lawyers as well, the wild card moment you were talking about. because as part of the bond agreement, donald trump's legal team has agreed to restrictions on what he can say about the atlanta case, the defendant shall perform no act to intimidate any person known to him or her to be a co-defendant in this case or witness. one of the things we don't know is if he will choose to talk tonight after he surrenders. what's the jeopardy for him if he does, particularly while still in georgia after agreeing to the restrictions. >> while he's in georgia there's an issue there, a judge could haul him back into court if the judge wants to. that could happen outside of georgia as well, haul him back into court. he could be admonished by the court, held in contempt, there are a number of things that could happen but what does that mean in a state court case not as much as the federal case. i think the judge is going to be very strict with this, i think it's going to be hard with a candidate of the president of the united states to restrict him as much as his lawyers will be beating on him to make sure he's not violating these orders. that's a tall order for a lawyer representing donald trump. >> i want to ask about the news we reported about mark meadows and jim clark trying to get their cases moved to federal court. they had a ruling with whether or not they had to turn themselves in many, surrender here, what does that portend in terms of being able to move the case to federal court? >> i don't know the impact of this ruling has to do with whether it goes to federal court or not. the judge said they want to have an evidentiary hearing. what that means they'll hear testimony and make a determination as to whether it should be in federal court or state court. and i don't think this -- the fact that the judge ruled you have to show up, be processed, arrested in georgia before that takes place, i don't think means a whole lot in terms of how they're going to decide this federal case because they want to hear testimony. >> we will see -- if we see them over the course of the next 24 hours. great to see you. nice to see you both. appreciate it. kate? coming up, they came, they saw, they debated and they definitely went on the attack. >> i've had enough already tonight of a guy who sounds like chatgpt. >> there you have it. >> under your watch you will make america less safe. you have no foreign policy experience it and shows. it shows. >> the big moments from the republican debate stage last night. who stood out, who got lost in the mix and what it all means for all of them today. plus more questions than answers still about the cause behind that spectacular plane crash that appears to have killed yevgeny prigozhin, the man who led the failed rebellion against vladimir putin now presumed dead. and a gunman opens fire at a biker bar in california, three people were killed, six others wounded. more details coming in on this mass shooting. we'll be right back. sorry, sign? 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(mooo) wow, smart cow! will be arrested for the fourth time this year. last night eight of his rivals faced off without him at the first republican debate. but they could not help saying his name in his absence. a defining moment of the night came when the moderators asked the candidates if they would still support donald trump as the party's nominee even if he's convicted. >> would you still support him as your party's choice, please raise your hand if you would. >> just hold on. so just to be clear, governor christie, you were late to the game there. >> no, i'm doing this, look i'm doing this not this. >> i know you didn't. >> made clear six of the eight raised their hands. jessica dean joins you us from milwaukee this morning. they tried their best to set themselves apart from donald trump, were they successful at all? >> these eight candidates were looking forward to this moment as they continue to trail donald trump by double digits in the best case scenario there and any polling we have seen. what was interesting about last night, a couple of things. number one, the former president was looming over that debate stage even though he wasn't there there. however they didn't even get to him until one hour into the two-hour debate. so they were able to talk about some key policy issues where candidates do have difference of opinions and can contrast themselves with one another, including abortion and perhaps a federal abortion ban where they stand on that, on foreign policy, on issues like that. but the clip you just showed does under score where the republican party is right now as the former president, by far the leading contender and front runner this race, is turning himself in later today on his fourth indictment in the last several months. one other thing that was interesting is ron desantis' camp set the scene as if he was going to take the incoming, that's how they wanted the scene set going in. but we saw most of the attacks going to vivek ramaswamy, this tech entrepreneur getting attention in the race. and we saw the rivals really pouring on him. here, watch this. >> now is not the the time for on the job training. we don't need to bring in a rookie, bring in people without experience. >> let us be honest as republicans. i'm the only person on the stage who isn't bought and paid for so i can change this, the climate change agenda is a hoax. >> someone has to stop normalizing this conduct. okay. now and -- now whether or not -- whether or not you believe that the criminal charges are right or wrong, the conduct is beneath the office of president of the united states. >> we have to face the fact that trump is the most disliked politician in america. we can't win a general election that dway. >> i understand why america is hurting biden's inflation is choking us. >> we'll send biden back to his basement and reverse the decline of this country. >> reporter: now the candidates are trying to maximize their time on the stage before trump does what he does best, suck up the oxygen in the media space when he turns himself in. and then a month from now there will be another republican debate will donald trump be there? we know the threshold to get on the stage will be higher so it's likely there will be less candidates. >> thank you so much jessica dean for that wrap up of the debate last night. kate? >> joining us now for reaction to that republican debate is the democratic governor of maryland, wes moore, who's also on president biden's re-election campaign advisory board. thank you for coming in. you were watching the debate last night. as a democrat first and foremost, who do you think had the best night on the stage? >> i can tell you, i don't think that anyone on the stage really reflected the values that i know i'm hearing in the state of maryland or that many people around the country espouse. when we think about where we are as a country, it's not -- we're hopeful about the future. it's not this dark dystopian view and the main conversations taking place in my state, in maryland, are not conversations about at what point do we impose a national ban on abortion. it's not is climate change a hoax. it's not questions of which of the departments and agencies whose job it is to see and support every single person in our society are we in a rush to eliminate and get rid of. so i feel like last night was a perfect example of they're not speaking to the hopes and the aspirations. and there's a playbook that they're all -- that all in they're correlating to but there's no plan behind that. >> so i heard from cedric richmond with the campaign of course we know well ahead of the debate last night, what democrats were expecting to see or what folks could expect to see from the democratic perspective was going to be the maga playbook on stage, even though trump was not on the stage. what i heard when i heard that was for joe biden and the re-election campaign and democrats in '24 it's running a play book of '22, which showed some success for democrats. what do you see? >> what i saw last night from the candidates was familiar to what i faced, i had an opponent spending their time talking about the past. had an don't spending time talking about how can we restrict access -- >> you did hear some candidates trying very hard because they did not want to have to talk about donald trump saying let's not talk about january 6th, let's talk about the future. you heard nikki haley who went out and pushed a more consensus candidate among those on stage talking about the need for looking forward. you heard tim scott talking about an optimistic view of the future. did anything on the stage surprise you? the. >> i think you know, i did hear governor hailey talk about things like infrastructure. and job retraining and job reskilling. the powerful thing is that's what's happening right now in partnership with the biden administration where you're seeing it in my state. we made historic investments on job retraining, apprenticeship programs, trade programs. we have some of the best four year colleges in maryland but i have been clear that we are going to end the myth that every student must attend one. you heard governor haley br bringing it up and i agree. >> another moment from nikki haley she was laying out why she thinks she's the one best fit to tackle the economy more than nip e -- anyone wells with a surprising amount of candor, listen to this. >> the truth is biden didn't do this to us, our republicans did it to us to. you have ron desantis, tim scott, mike pence, they all voted to raise the debt and donald trump added 8 trillion to our debt. >> hearing that from her surprised me. i was also thinking about because your state is facing a tough economic reality right now. and you have been candid about it recently about what your state is facing telling "the washington post," there's been no growth also saying there's no excuse we're falling behind we have to make a choice that we want to win. >> that's right. >> you owned it, why isn't joe biden owning it more because for better or worse, an economy under a president they own for better or worse. >> i think for a lot of it is, it's not just about owning it. it's what the plan. i think about when you look at our state when i said that our state is falling behind because there's been zero economic growth wrn the state of maryland over the past four years and you look at a state like pennsylvania our neighbor where they had their economy grow by $22 billion we're falling behind as a state but it also means what's the plan to focus and reenergize an economy. so i look at what's happening right now we're doing in partnership with the biden administration we made his or the you-- historic investment i offshore wind. if you look at the focus we had with the bipartisan infrastructure act we've been able to employ tens of thousands of people, it's going to generate a new economy you spurring economic growth. talking about what does it mean to get more people involved inside of the workforce where we -- maryland is the first state in the country that has a service share option for high school graduates to have a living wage entering into a workforce, focussing on job training and preparation for their futures. it's about owning the situation and also saying we have to make sure we're aggressively investing in our future and building from the bottom up to make sure everyone can benefit from economic growth. >> where's a plan -- from a governor that's important you need to balance your budget. >> yes. >> real quick you don't want donald trump in the white house at all. after last night, does the prospect of having anyone on that stage in the oval office scare you more than donald trump? >> i watched eight people who all raised their hand and say they would support someone regardless if they were convicted. i have a very difficult time taking instructions or any forms of lecture about law and order or respect of law ever again, because we are literally watching a cult of personality that ends up dominating that is not having any impact on the people in west minister or west baltimore. so i -- when i think about what that prospect means, about having a return to normalcy, and a normalizing of this type of behavior, it just reinforces why i am not just excited to have another four years of a partner in the white house like the biden administration but why frankly as a governor and chief executive of our state we need it. >> thank you for coming in. appreciate it. john? >> sometimesususpious. two months after he led a revolt against the russian military, leader yevgeny prigozhin is believed to be dead suspiciously. new details about the plane crash many people saw coming. donald trump headed to jail in atlanta, how careful does he need to be with what he says along the waway. e of seven endlr just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. your wyndham is waiting. ♪ when bucket lists need checking... points need redeeming... workrips need crushing... or anniversaries need... celebrating? 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um, it's called commitment. could you turn down the volume? here, you can try. get way more into what your into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. the man who led the revolt against the russian military two months ago is presumed dead this morning after his plane crashed. i'm talking about this man, wagner chief, yevgeny prigozhin. he was one of ten people on board this plane that ended up burning on the ground when it came down just north of moscow. investigators say there are no survivors as of this morning only eight of the ten bodies have been found and those remains have been taken off site for forensic testing. we can follow the course of the flight here. it left moscow at about 6:00 p.m. last night. its last point of contact was right here. just a few minutes after takeoff here and 6:30, only 30 minutes into the flight is when it crashed. flight radar said it was at 28,000 feet before things started to go wrong, started to rise and descend erratically and then began falling at a rate of 8,000 feet per minute. we have footage of this plane plummeting almost vertically from the sky. obviously receiving in no data from the plane at this point. richard quest notes planes like this don't fall for no reason. they don't malfunction and fall down like that. typically something needs to have happened to them. we're learning the plane is believed to be on fire before it hit the ground. you can see it plummeting to earth, ten people on board, no survivors. sara? the biden administration noting putin's long history of payback has repeatedly and publically warned that prigozhin could be killed at any moment by the kremlin. so this turn of events didn't seem to come as a shock to the president when he heard the news. >> i don't know for a fact what happened, but i am not surprised. >> do you believe putin is behind this, sir? >> there's not much that happens in russia that putin does not know. but i don't know enough to answer. >> i'm joined by political author and scientist, ian bremmer. thank you for coming on to talk about this. president biden said the quiet part outside saying look, the intimation that most people think is putin had something to do with this. what are your thought oswhat has happened here? >> two important thoughts. one should be obvious is that you can't really trust putin on the implementation of a deal, i think we all knew that. but the second is that when putin is really challenged, really threatened at home, and that two months ago by prigozhin, no one had seen before, he doesn't act irrationally, he acts to ensure his own survival. that's why prigozhin is dead now, as opposed to two months ago. two months ago you had prigozhin at his maximum level of power, thousands of his own troops aligned with him, taking over, headed towards moscow. a ukrainian counteroffensive about to hit the russians. putin probably leaving moscow and going to st. petersburg, the worst possible timing for him to say i'm going to go after this guy and hit him hard. instead, he cuts a deal. and since then, over the last two months they've shutdown wagner's media operations. taken away the heavy weapons from most of the troops. dispersed them on a wild goose chase in belarus. they've insured up putin's power, weakened prigozhin and now he's dead. that's a fair amount of, you know, tragic thinking on putin's part facing a very significant challenge. i don't think anyone is surprised by the fact he did it. but it certainly shows how he considers threats to his power going forward. >> we've seen so many people. there's something like 22 other people who have come up against putin whose names we know, some of them we don't, but they've fallen out of windows, for example, at hospitals. they've been poisoned. there's all manners of things. or jailed. you brought up ukraine, you brought up -- this is a picture by the way of all the people who have faced -- i spoke to one the day before he was arrested just before speaking out against putin, never mind for trying to create a rebellion against putin. so a lot of people not surprised this happened. although the method is different. i want to ask about the wagner group, he was the leader, people were following him. what happens now is there any chance some of those people break off from the group and look at targeting putin again? >> again, it's a much weaker group today in terms of their internal capabilities, their lack of leadership. than it was even a few weeks ago. it's not relevant for the fight on the ground in ukraine. that won't change. and indeed we've seen over the past weeks the ukrainian counter offensive has not gone very well. russian defenses on the ground are dug in, and they're defending themselves capably. so there we don't see much of a change. where you will see a question is what happens on the ground across africa where wagner has been a principal paramilitary group making billions of dollars and shoring up a number of dictators including in niger where we've just seen a coup where others may be preparing to attack that illegitimate government militarily. what happens when prigozhin who has been personally responsible for those troops on the ground has now been killed likely directly on putin's orders. what are those leaders going to do? is that a possibility for the americans and allies, the french, others, to play more of a role? will we see a breakdown into instability? the single biggest impact of prigozhin and his confederates being killed on this airplane is going to be seen on the ground in a number of african states over the coming weeks and months. >> you know the wagner group, they're paid killers, basically. they're mercenaries paid for with russian money. so it's interesting to see who levels up and how that money is getting into the hands of the mercenaries in africa. you bring up a really really good point. thank you for coming on. appreciate your time. >> good to see you. kate? coming up for us, it is going to be another day of mug shots coming out of fulton county, georgia. donald trump will be coming there soon and the rest of his co-defendants face a deadline of noon tomorrow. we saw eight republican candidates on the stage last night battling for time, attention, and battling each other. how did it land with early voters in the early caucus state of iowa. >> 15 people, looks like 14 raised your hand. you did not think it was good for the party? 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>> it brought up a lot more division and stuff. but i think it was worth the time. >> you thought it was good for the party? >> yes. great for the party. great to have conversation with iowans and people across the united states to see who the next leader will be for the republican party. >> 14 people say they're still undecided. jim is the only one who says he's ready to vote for trump right now. i want to ask who you thought did the best in the debate, who did you win the debate? anything think doug bugham do the best? zero. chris christie, he got a lot of the air time? how about ron desantis, how many people thought ron desantis did the best? that's two people. nikki haley, one, two, three, four people. asa hutchinson? mike pence? zero. vivek ramaswamy? one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. tim scott? okay. so this panel here thinks ramaswamy won the debate. >> one reason seven republicans feel that way. >> i appreciate in the closing statements when he said there are two genders, god is real, he put those out there, made it clear. >> and one of the reasons nikki haley was runner up. >> she came across as poised, confident, prepared. out of the candidates i think she helped herself the most. >> the candidate who has spoken out the most against donald trump, chris christie, received no traction here. >> he was just argumentative pretty much. and out after trump. >> you don't think there was any logic to what he said, though? >> i think it was a lot of revenge? >> some feel trump hurt himself by not being at the be debate. most feel he benefitted by not being absent. >> i think he helped himself because he wasn't able to say anything bad that people would use against him in the general election? >> 15 iowa republicans who will be caucusing less than five months from now. gary tuchman thank you for that. i find it interesting, john, the take on wherever that line is you got to go after trump. but then it's turning some voters off when they do go after trump. >> it was interesting to hear that in real time. and the kicker in the end saying trump helped himself by not growing. >> is the nomination already over? >> we will see. new teams joining the search for victims of the fires on maui. how cell phone analysis is playing a role. and hours before donald trump is due to surrender in atlanta, he switches lawyers. new details what this tells us on his legal defense. growining up, every time i'd get out of the shower, i would itch. my first experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a lighght bulb momen. tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. if you'd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i would've told you you'd lost your mind. but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, t it can progress to ga, an advanced form ofhe disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of g like strait lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at ♪birds flyin' high, you know how i feel.♪ ♪breeze driftin' on by...♪ ♪ know how i feel.♪ you don't have to take... 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Biden Didn T , Economy , Amount , Candor , She S The One , Fit , Nip E , Debt , Mike Pence , 8 Trillion , Growth , Reality , Excuse , Washington Post , Neighbor , Pennsylvania , Zero , 2 Billion , 22 Billion , Tens Of Thousands , Investment , Focus , Workforce , High School , Service Share Option , Futures , Preparation , Situation , Bottom Up , Focussing On Job Training , Living Wage , Prospect , Budget , Everyone , Instructions , Scare , Oval Office , Cult , Law And Order , Law , Personality , Forms , Lecture , West Minister , Respect , Normalizing , Normalcy , Behavior , Return , West Baltimore , Partner , Chief Executive , Revolt , Sometimesususpious , Russian Military , Waway , Seven Endlr , Seven , Waiting , Wyndham , Fun Dining , Bucket Lists , Red Lobster , 0 , 20 , Points , Anniversaries , Checking , Workrips , Need Crushing , W , Corporations , Taxes , Middle Class , Tough Making Ends Meet For Sure , Money , Cost , Bills , Trickle , Drugs , Crazy Junk , Work , Families , Costs , Fees , Sanctuary , Highway Driving , Lincoln , Lincoln Bluecruise , Summer Invitation , Event , Apr , Cash , Clock Alarm , 3 9 , 000 , 2023 , 1000 , Life , Reach , Student Debt , Refi , Shingles , Virus , Thousands , Sleeping , Sofi , Goals , Sofi Com , Lying Dormant , 99 , 50 , Rash , Doctor , Prevention , Pharmacist , Mobile , Business Internet , Customers , Launching Theal , Comcast Business De , Internet , Plus One , Reliability , Network , 10g , The Next Generation , 10 , 9 99 , 99 9 , 49 99 , Stuff , Wow , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities , To Die For , Out Didn T You , Commitment , Volume , Um , Xfinity 10g Network , Plane , Military , Russian , Ground , Wagner , Survivors , Investigators , Moscow , Ten , Flight , Point Of Contact , Bodies , Remains , Site , It Left Moscow , Forensic Testing , 00 , Flight Radar , 28000 , 30 , Data , Footage , Rate , Sky , 8000 , Reason , Don T , They Don T , Planes , Malfunction , Richard Quest , Tragic Thinking On Putin , Payback , History , Earth , Shock , Kremlin , Author , Sir , Scientist , Intimation , Thought , Look , Oswhat , Ian Bremmer , Second , Thoughts , Obvious , Implementation , Prigozhin , No One , Survival , Home , He Doesn T Act Irrationally , Power , Troops , Level , Over , Headed Towards Moscow , Him , Counteroffensive , Timing , Ukrainian , Petersburg , Media Operations , Weapons , Goose , Chase , Belarus , Some , Threats , Names , Picture , Manners , Hospitals , Windows , Group , Chance , Method , Black , Leadership , Fight , Capabilities , Won T Change , Defenses , Change , Dug In , Counter Offensive , Principal Paramilitary Group Making Billions , Africa , Coup , Dictators , Niger , More , Breakdown , Possibility , Leaders , Allies , Americans , French , States , Airplane , Instability , Confederates , Mercenaries , Levels , Killers , Rest , Each Other , Voters , Caucus , 15 , Music , Kids , Golf , Supplement , Cheese , Vitamin , Lobster Mac , What S Next , Control , Future , Roof 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Terrorism , Cass Cellular Analysis Survey Systems , Criminal Case , Techniques , Kidnappings , Cass Team , Geo Telephones , All Of Us , Finding , Carry , Cell Phone , Geolocate , Phone , Car , Device , Tower , Semblance , Island , Atf , Photos , Customs And Border Protection , Maui Police Department , Department , Search Efforts , Law Enforcement , Agents , Taxeded , Crisis , Riding , Fema , Police , Shotguns , Police Protection , Destruction , Teteam , Joy , Voltaren ,

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