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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

- [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. hello and a happy wednesday. we'll get you through mid week with a jam-packed show of news and great stories. i'm bianca nobilo. >> and i'm max foster. just ahead -- >> threatening to arrest mark meadows if he doesn't turn himself in by the deadline of friday at noon. >> these are co-defendants, they can turn on donald trump. they can flip. >> these fierce fires raging in this northern part of greece, very high temperatures, sweltering temperatures. >> the heat will continue across the u.s. today. we'll let you know where the most extreme temperatures will be. >> it did not make it to the moon, so this one has to succeed. >> if successful, it will make india the fourth country to land on the moon after the u.s., china and former soviet union. >> live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster and bianca nobilo. >> it is wednesday, august 23, 9:00 a.m. in london, 4:00 a.m. in atlanta where we're following major developments in the 2020 georgia election interference case, the first four of donald trump's 18 heco-defendants have rned themselves in. >> and they are attorney john eastman, scottall who was alleinvolved in the breach of voting machines in rural coffey county, georgia. kathy lath, republican party chair in that county. >> and then former chair david schaffer who allegedly played a key role in organizing a slate of fake electors to support trump. john eastman spoke with reporters after his booking. >> i'm here to surrender to an indictment that should never have been brought. it targets toirns s it targets tos attorneys for th advocacy on behalf of their clients something attorneys are ethically bound to provide and attempted here by formally challenging results of elections through lawful and appropriate means. mr. do you still think the election was stolen? >> absolutely. >> also new developments involving trump's former attorney rudy giuliani. paula reid has that. >> reporter: rudy giuliani is expected to meet with the fulton county district attorney on wednesday. he is expected to travel to georgia along with his long time friend better than a bernie ker. kerik has been helping giuliani in his search for an attorney, something proven challenging given that giuliani currently has seven figures worth of unpaid legal bills. but it does appear that they have someone with a georgia law license who will at least help them through the bond phase of this process. unclear if he has retained someone who has agreed to represent him in this case. it is an open question about whether giuliani can even afford a lawyer to represents him in this case. now, i'm also told that giuliani would like to get through the bondhim in this case. now, i'm also told that giuliani would like to get through the bond negotiations and surrender before donald trump shows up on thursday. rudy has gone to former president trump pleading with him to give him help with his legal bills. and as of now, giuliani has only received a small portion of what he owes and that is from a trump affiliated political action committee, not from trump himself. paula reid, cnn, fulton county, georgia. two of the 19 defendants are trying to avoid a friday deadline to turn themselves in. mark meadows and also jeffrey clark have filed motions to move their cases to federal court. tom foreman explains their strategy. >> reporter: several reasons. one, trump strategy, it slows everything down. anytime you do anything, it will slow the case down. all these lawyers, a lot of things will get slowed down. that is one of the slowing things. potentially more sympathetic jurors. you can debate this, but the notion is if you broaden the jury pool in a federal hearing further beyond fulton county, which will lean so much more bleen blue, you might get more trump supporters in there. and no tv, no cameras. and maybe more legal avenues for defense. the question is who else winds over there with them. >> and jack smith's office is investigating whether two mar-a-lago employees gave false testimony in the classified documents case. a court filing claims an i.t. worker not charged recently changed his story about potentially incriminating security footage. meanwhile the property manager de oliveira has pleaded not guilty. he is accused of lying to the fbi about whether he saw boxes with classified documents being moved around the resort. while trump's legal troubles are front and center, the first republican presidential debate of the 2024 race will take place without him later on today. >> won't be the same. these two candidates will be at center stage, ron desantis who has trailed trump in the polls and also businessman vivek ramaswamy. eight republicans met the party's fund raising and polling criteria to qualiffor the first debate. david chalian previews who made the cut. >> rorter: you have ron desant and vivek ramaswamy in the center of the pack. and on either side of them, mike pence and nikki haley and then chris christie and tim scott and at the end, asa hutchinson and doug burgum. but obviously this is a debate without the dominant frontrunner and that will impact the debate. fox moderators have indicated that donald trump will be a topic that comes up, there will certainly be questions about that, so he will be looming over this debate even though he won't be here. >> trump is expected to be at one of his golf clubs during tonight's debate. all the candidates set to participate have signed a pledge to support the party's eventual nominee no matter who that might be. it is not clear whether trump has signed that pledge. tropical storm 23r57frankli threatening to bring heavy rainfall and flash floods to hispaniola today. the center for the storm is southwest of santo domingo and it is bringing with it strong and gusty winds. >> and they have already issued tropical storm warnings and tropical storm conditions are possible in the turkss and caicos later on tonight. around 110 million people across the central and eastern u.s. are under heat alerts today. jennifer gray has that forecast. >> the heat continues today across the u.s., anywhere from the deep south up to the midwest. we are going to see extreme temperatures, excessive heat warnings in place, heat ad advisories in place, that heat index will feel very hot especially across portions of the plains and even midwest. so highs today will be 101 in oak klahoma city, even hitting in chicago. high temperatures will stay very warm. 108 on friday in dallas. so temperature are actually warming. 95 is where we should be. san angelo, the triple digits. little rock, you name it, high temperatures across the midwest, chicago hitting 100 degrees possibly on thursday. minneapolis hitting 99 today. green bay even at 96. and when you factor in the heat index, feels like temperature, 112 in chicago, 106 in minneapolis, feeling like 115 in little rock. so a dangerous heat across the board. more than 400 potential records broken, that is for maximum high temperatures as well as warm minimum temperatures. so the overnight temperatures are not going to cool off much. we have above average temperatures, finally starting to back off by the time we get to the weekend, still in place though across the deep south and it looks like the heat will be working its way into the pacific northwest and the northern plains as well as we look into the outlook the next week or so, we do have above average temperatures across the south and west, below average temperatures for much of the east. one arizona county is asking people they're grand canyon national park to shelter in place due to the flooding in the area. these photos posted to social media show how the floods have impacted the roads and travel. >> officials reported 2 to 3 inches and they are asking drivers to rethink any unnecessary travel to and from the south rim. a blistering heatwave is setting record high temperatures and triggering wildfires across europe. in northern greece, firefighters battling blazes discovered the burned bodies of 18 people near a remote village on tuesday. gale-force winds are making it more difficult to control the fires even with additional help from other countries. >> and in the northeastern greek town, 200 hospital patients were evacuated as the flames approached their buildings. a local nurse says in his nearly 30 year career, he's never seen fires this bad saying it is like war conditions. someone who knows the area really well is in northwest athens, what do you make of it, elani? >> reporter: it is very loud. one second. here is a helicopter. it is dousing a fire that has engulfed homes. there are locals standing by. they received evacuation orders. many of them do not want to leave their homes. they are using hoses to douse their homes and gardens in hopes of salvaging what is left of their livelihoods. they say they feel that authorities have not done enough. authorities on the other hand face the task of trying to put out these raging fires and that with massive winds that you can see i'm experiencing right now. this family here watering down their homes. all these homes are at risk. many homes have already been burned. the damage is extraordinary. now, greece experienced incredible rainfall in june followed by record temperatures and the last 24 hours have been 93 new wildfires that have erupted across the country about catastrophic damage that you have seen. and of course not enough resources from what we understand to save what is left of homes in these frontline areas. we're currently here -- as you can see, look at these flames. unbelievable. this is what is known as the lens of athens and now alight. extraordinary to see this. we've been here for over an hour and we saw smoke but we are now seeing massive flames engulfing the forest area. >> how unusual is it for the flames to come so close to the capital? >> reporter: it is unusual. athens has experienced many wildfires over the past few years. but the locals here tell me that they have never seen wildfires like this. and never seen it so close to their homes. they are absolutely distraught. the emotions are incredibly high as you can see taking conditions and the situation into their own hands in belief that they can save their homes with just a water hose. you can see -- this is so unbelievably close. the heat unbearable, the air unbreathable. i'm covered in ash and droplets from the helicopters that are so desperate to put the fires out. live pictures here from northern athens, a home catching alight with major effort on the ground to try to put things out. >> and you can understand people not wanting to leave their homes, but explain their thinking when it is, you know, it is about to be catastrophic for their home. why are they staying? >> reporter: it is such a good question. i'm just waiting for the helicopter to pass by so you can hear me. they feel that they have not been assisted by local authorities. and here is the thing, they say they have worked all their lives, some of these people have lived in their homes since teenagers and they don't want to see their livelihoods destroyed. and they feel that if they leave, no one will protect their homes. they are willing to risk their lives. everyone we have spoken to the streets from the young to the old are standing with water hoses in the hopes that they will save their homes. here is one grandfather we spoke to earlier and his son with water hoses. as you can see cars parked on the side ready to leave. we're also ready to leave, max. they have received evacuation orders. police have come through here many times asking people to leave and they are just refusing. >> well, get out of there. and thank you so much for bringing us that. unreal scenes. >> incredible report. and i was thinking the same thing about her own safety and the people in the background because those flames are so close and we just heard that there are gusty winds. >> so to have to leave so quickly. >> thanks to her for that reporting. south korea says it has detained a prominent chinese dissident who apparently arrived in the country, wait for this, on a jet ski. he is believed to have traveled hundreds of miles across the sea to escape china. >> south korean coast guard officials say he arrived a week ago with only a helmet, compass and binoculars. they say he is an outspoken critic of beijing and took part in protests back in 2014. and the latest proposal has been announced to end the strike by writers guild of america. package includes what is being called the biggest wage increase in 35 years along with some ncession on written material produced by artifici intelligence. >> therocers say we've come to the table with an offer that meetthe priority concerns that the writers have expressed. we're deeply committed to ending the strike and hopeful that the wga will work toward the same resolution. cnn has reached out to the writers guild for comment. potential strike by drivers and other workings at u.p.s. has been averted . 86% voted to approve the new contract. >> and they will also address the safety concern that many of the delivery vans don't have air conditioning. the contract will be retroactive to august 1. still to come, after a orde including six children have been rescued from a dangling cable car in pakistan. and plus a warning to avoid mosquitos because they could spread a rare virus. and india about to potentially land a spacecraft on the moon. we'll have a live report. same a. almost is just another word for not as good as mine. save 50% on the sleep numbere® limited edition smart bed. plus, 60-month financing on all smart beds. shop now only at sleep number®. how do i love thee? ...let me count the ways. ♪ love can get a little messy... good thing there's resolve. love the love. resolve the mess. i had the option to get transported, but i decided to stay because i knew my baby was already coming out. nurses just ended up using like their flashlights and phones to help us. >> a mother there who had to deliver in the dark monday night due to a power outage at a hospital in los angeles during tropical storm hilary. hospital officials say more than 200 patients had to be evacuated after generators subsequently failed. power is now back on, but an investigation is under way. nick watt has more. >> reporter: what a scene in the middle of the night, 1:00 a.m. in the special care center here, six story tower that includes an ob/gyn and nicu unit and the power was out. if there is no power, there are no elevators. they had to evacuate people down to stairwells into waiting ambulances and on to other hospitals in the area. a total of 241 patients were inside, 28 of them in critical condition. so this was a major operation that they had to undertake. a baby was born during the blackout. they got together a bunch of flashlights and that baby was delivered by the light of flashlights. all of the critical patients have now been moved out, but there are still some patients in here waiting to be moved. why did it happen? take a listen to what the president of the hospital had to say. >> we are in the mode of investigating that. we don't know the cause of the double failure that we had here of the hospital. yet other than the fact that we had a major storm that hit us here in southern california. >> reporter: so the main power to the hospital, that died at 3:00 a.m. monday morning which was the height of that rare tropical storm that was moving past los angeles at the time.emergency generators kicked in. but then nearly 24 hours later, the connect ters that brought tt emergency generator power into the tower, those connectors failed. it is unclear at this point how or why that happened. health officials are warning people in alabama and new york to avoid mosquitos because of a rare virus that can spread if they bite someone. it killed at least one person in alabama. new york's health department says most people won't develop any symptoms but severe cases begin with sudden headaches, high fever, chills and vomiting and could progress to seizures and coma. there are no specific medications to treat the virus. relief across pakistan after eight people including six children were rescued from a cable car dangling hundreds of feet over a valley. >> officials say they were traveling to school tuesday when one of the cables snapped leaving them stuck. they were finally rescued after a 14 hour ordeal. >> let's go to sophia sophie who is joining us from pakistan. walk us through this rescue and any reaction that we've had from the family and country because this much have been a nerve-racking experience for onlookers. >> reporter: incredibly nerve-racking for the families of course and also the entire nation. everybody watched every movement of this rescue which lasted many, many hours. there is a huge sigh of relief and also good news that pakistan needed after a very long time. so, yes, criticism about why children need to move in cable cars from one point of the valley to the other. this is northwest pakistan. there were about eight people in that cable car. the cable snapped which led to the dangling about 900 feet above the ground for many hours. we were told by one of the children who was in that cable car that two of the children had vomited, another two were slipping in and out of consciousness. there was an attempt by commandos via helicopter to rescue them. one of the children was rescued by a sling which grabbed the child directly from the cable car, handing from a helicopter, and then came down. but it got incredibly dark and so they couldn't bring the helicopters up. and there was one remaining fragile cable. and so eventually they had to call in zip lining experts which went in and climbed up and through the use of rope and pulleys and various mechanics, they managed to get the remaining seven down. so this lasted late into the night and around 11:00 p.m., again, very remote part of the country, there is again the prime minister had tweeted out saying that he is relieved, but again, according to tweets by the prime minister anned and th president, there is call for oversight with these cable cars and chair lifts which are really made because there is a lack of infrastructure. they put together the homemade cable cars with left overbites from heavy machinery. so they aren't very safe. there have been accidents like this in the past, but none have lasted so very long and needed such a long and measured safety response. so a lot of joy that this ended well. >> sophia, thank you so much for bringing us the very happy ending. >> yes, thankfully. day two of the brics summit getting under way in johannesburg with leaders gathering to address a general session. they will speak and later answer questions as well. >> vladimir putin is attending virtually because he'd be subject to arrest on war crimes warrants if he did appear. the summit is focusing on two main issues, whether to expand brics to more countries and thousand create a trading and investment system that would not rely on the u.s. dollar. but it is not clear if it will make any substantial progress on either issue. we have a team covering this brics summit. kristie lu stout is in hong kong, but let's begin with david mckenzie who is in johannesburg. david, let's focus on the question of expansion. certain members, particularly china, have made it clear how they envision these countries working together to break that western hegemony. what countries might be considering joining this bloc and what would be the stipulations of them doing so in. >> reporter: still trying to figure that out. what we do know is that multiple countries including saudi arabia, united arab emirates, drc and others have formally applied to join the brics grouping. earlier today you've had xi jinping and narendra modi and the red carpets coming to the main day of the brics summit. this is a high stakes summit. an odd collection of countries with the biggest automatic to being autocracy and china and brazil. and they have different views on what brics should be. china is very much focused on trying to expand brics i think to expressly take on groups like the g7 and to increase its own power on the world stage economically and politically. it gets more complicated though as you go through the other countries. in the statements from the first day of the summit, you certainly had china pushing expansion and russia and the president of russia, putin, from virtual camera saying that he wanted the dedollarization of the world. that is not really realistic in the short term. but you have countries like south africa, india, brazil, who are a bit more nuanced on their proposal. they don't want to ostracise the european union, the u.s. which are very important trade partners to them. and so they are playing this kind of balancing act. but while brics was seen not as an oddity but a strange collection of countries for some years and not necessarily taken all that seriously on the world stage, i think that that has certainly changed. this time there really is a sense that the world is paying attention to the summit and also that there is a potential for real change when it comes to these global south countries and in their worlds to break hegemo have a real impact on world affairs. >> thank you, david. and some mystery surrounding xi jinping, because there was a speech that he didn't show up to. >> yeah, very mysterious. he was a no-show at this key brics business forum in south africa, the chinese leader skipped out on his own scheduled speech despite the presence of his brics counterparts before what we've also learned is that this is the first in-person summit of the brics grouping, this is xi's only send cond international trip this year. we did learn that he met with the south africa president, he received an order of south africa award from him and later in the evening he attended a dinner with brics leaders. so they are wondering why did he skip out on his own drs. we reached out tbonnie glazer and she told cnn that it is extremely unusual foa chinese leader to show up in a country hosting a multilateral meeting especially one that china is deeply invested in like brics and il to show up at the oping event. cis and he said the absence is highly unusual. chinese leaders rarely go off script and xi's disappearance is yet another remind their beijing can be a black box. and both analysts point out not that long ago china replaced its foreign minister after his mysterious absence and without providing any explanation. and prepared remarks called for development, prosperity for all. and also criticized the u.s. for hegemony and bullying acts and also insisted that the chinese economy is resilient. we're monitoring chinese state media. no mention of xi skipping his scheduled speech. back to you. >> okay. thank you both. and wall street is looking to rebound from a disappointing day. sliding shares from macy's and dick's helped drag down the dow. bank shares also took a hit after another round of downgrades from s&p global ratings. there will be reports from abercrombie & fitch and bath and body works. still ahead, india is poised to make history as it tries to land a spacecraft on the moon. a live report from new delhi is next. ♪ i'm currently out of the office... focusing on a little blue-sky thinking. i'll be taking meetings... with family and friends. and checking voicecemail... as my activities permit. i'll connect w with you... after rereconnecting with me. ♪ get 1.9% apr for 36 months plus $1,500 purchase allowance on a 2024 xt5 and xt6 when you finance through cadillac financial. ♪ the right age for neutrogena® retinol? 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excitement is building in india as their space craft just hours away from making a historic attempt to land on the moon. >> if the mission is succsucces, it will make india the fourth country to land on the moon. india's space research organization is already sharing stunning photos from the mission including a close-up of the moon's dusty gray terrain. >> and vedika sud is joining us live from new delhi. this is a huge moment for the country and potentially a moment of significant scientific breakthrough. because one of the reasons of the mission is to scout unexplored areas of the moon and see if there is possibility for human habitation. >> reporter: absolutely. and i'll get to that in a moment, but as india reaches for the moon today, scientists and engineers at the indian space agency will need nerves of steel. let's start with images they have tweeted out about an hour ago. these are the men who have been working day and night to get the spacecraft closest to the moon as of now and about three hours from now, the attempt will be made to solve the land on the lu lu lunar surface, an attempt made by the russian spacecraft sunday and it crash landed on the lunar surface. and people across india who are praying for the last two days for a soft landing on the lunar surface are not praying for, they want this to be a success and that is essentially because in 2019 when second moon craft was about to land, it crash landed. according to the scientists, they say they have learned from those mistakes, they have learned lessons and they have made a spacecraft that could be a much better one to land on the moon's surface today. what does it mean for india? like you said, if this is a successful soft landing which means a gentle and controlled landing, india would be the fourth nation across the world to achieve this taet. and india would also be the first country to solve the land on the southern pole of the moon. this is a dark area. this is known as far removed area of the moon away from the equator and this is a space full of craters and rough surfaces because of which it has been very difficult for countries to soft land there. so today is a moment that millions of indians will be watching closely. there are watch parties prepared across india for that one moment. back to you. >> fingers crossed. and the smithsonian is apologizing for how it will massed its vast collection of human remains. a top official from the museum addressed how the institution collected tens of thousands of body parts during the first half of the 20th century. they wrote they were taken largely from black and indigenous people. mostly without their consent. this comes after "washington post" investigation revealed that the smithsonian's natural history museum is in possession of more than 30,000 human body parts from people in the philippines, peru, germany and the u.s. news articles will soon look very different on x formerly known as twitter. elon musk confirms that headlines will be removed and instead pictures or other graphics from the link will show a lone under the user's post. this is meant to limit what users can see before clicking the link. musk says this directly from him. and mark zuckerberg announced that desktop version of the new threads app is coming soon offering users another alternative to x. zuckerberg's profile is already up and accessible. the site will roll out over the next few days. coming up, moscow is again accusing ukraine of launching drone attacks in to russian territory, that as well as russia's later attacks on ukrainian civilians coming up next. u.s. district judge has given texas and the justice department a friday deadline to submit their arguments over the buoys at the border. >> the justice department wants them removed and filed a lawsuit claiming that they were installed unlawful. texas insists that it has the constitutional authority to deploy the floating barrier. mexico's president says they are inhumane after two bodies were found in the waters although it is not clear what caused those deaths. russia is once again attacking grain storage facilities in ukraine's southern odesa region. ukrainian military officials say drones attacked the city for three hours early wednesday. >> nine were destroyed but there were strikes on a complex where grain is stored for shipment causing a fire that crews were working to contain. no reports of civilian casualties. clare sebastian is joining us with an update on that. also movements in the military? >> yeah, we're hearing this morning from an informed source that the commander of the operation in ukraine up until january and was head of the aerospace forces, he has not been seen since the aborted wagner mute any. but apparently now he has been replaced in his role. we still don't know where he is. but state media and other media reporting this as well. but after the mutiny, there were questions around what he knew, the new york sometimes reported officials that he might have known about prigozhin's plans and reports about sort of cleansing, purges potentially happening in the military, reports that he might have been arrested. head of the cia says i don't think that he enjoys a lot of freedom right now. so this does not necessarily put paint to those rumors, but it does look like that he has now been replaced in this very high profile role in the russian military. >> his connection -- explain the connection he might have had to the insurgency. >> yeah, so obviously we don't know for sure. we know that he had a fairly good relationship with prigozhin leading up to the mutiny. this was not one of the generals that yevgeny prigozhin was railing against in the leadup to that mutiny. he didn't have a problem it seemed with the commander. we saw him telling prigozhin to fall back. sort of against a white wall, he looked stilted and disheveled. and that was the last we've seen of him. and then "new york times" reported that he might have known in advance about prigozhin's plans which of course would implicate him in what happened. and, you know, we still don't know. we haven't seen him since the end of june. >> clare, thank you. "new york times" is shedding light on a problem so common you may not even be a wear that it is happening. we'll tell you all about screen apnea. almost is just another word for not as good as mine. save 50% on the sleep number® limimited edition smart bed. plplus, 60-month financing on all smart beds. shshop now only at sleep number®. ah, these e bills are crazy. se has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $10000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventryor cash. even a term policyeven a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit hi, i'm jill and i've lost 56 pounds on golo. hi, i'm barry and i've lost 42 pounds. jill and i are a team. if she tells me to do something, i usually jump on board. golo was doable, it's realistic, and it's something we can do the rest of our lives. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothing like enjoying a cold one while watching the game. who's winning? we are, my friend. we are. - [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. and collins took gold in the women's discus. she won with a throw of 69.49 meters beating the previous personal best by nearly 4 meters. this is the u.s. first ever world championship gold in women's discus. unbelievable. >> you wouldn't want to play catch with her. and after already winning the 100 meter sprint at the world athletics championships in hungary, sha'carri richardson is looking to advance to the 200 semifinals on wednesday. nowhere to go but up really for the new york yankees. the storied baseball franchise has lost nine games in a row. the bronx bombers fell 2-1 to the washington nationals tuesday night. yankees manager aaron boone says morale is low unsurprisingly but the team has to be ready for the next two games against washington. now for the stories in the spotlight this hour. bud light has been sold out on year to date basis for the first time, and that is a significant achievement for mexican lager since they held the position for nearly two decades. >> the popularity has faded ever since the company sent a customized car with a transgender. and it spawned a backlash of the company. a shanghai based firm has announced plans to open 1700 popeye's restaurants across china in the coming decade. >> the firm that also operates tim horton's coffee shops in china recently bought the franchise. the ceo says that food service retail sales have been a bright spot in china's post covid recovery. shares of the company were up more than 3% after the announcement. finally, if you are anything like the person who wrote this script, you are hunched over your computer right now furiously typing, checking ec emails and doom scrolling. but one thing you are not doing is breathing. >> this that is something of something called screen apnea. it was coined by a michrosoft former executive. >> and the "new york times" just wrote about it in an article full of tips on how to start breathing mindfully again as our lives are consumed by the blue lights of our phones and laptops. it is more importantpoimportant to catch our breathes. and people don't blink as much either. >> but is that so bad, isn't that just a bodily reaction? >> you get deep eyes and deep breathing is good for the nervous system, good to oxygen nature yourself. >> all right. i'll stick to the tv. thanks for joining us. i'm max foster. >> and i'm bianca nobilo. "early start" is up next and we'll see you tomorrow. how do i love thee? ...let me count the ways. ♪ love can get a little messy... good thing there's resolvlve. love the love. resolve the mess. goli, taste your goals. right now on "early start," surrenders under way in fulton county with two trump allies inside the jail complex at this moment and more expected in the coming hours. plus the elephant in the room, donald trump the main topic even as he blows off the big debate in milwaukee tonight.

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People , Mosquitoes , Ick , Bugs , Zevo , On Body Repellent , Goals , Goli , Idea , Invention Idea , Announcer , Help , Don T , Call Invent , 800 710 0020 , 0020 , 710 , 800 , Hello , Max Foster , Mark Meadows , Stories , News , Bianca Nobilo , Show , Temperatures , Fires , Donald Trump , Co Defendants , Part , Northern Greece , Heat , One , Moon , U S , India , Country , China , London , Soviet Union , Cnn Newsroom , Developments , Atlanta , 23 , 9 , Wednesday August 23 9 00 Am , 00 , 2020 , 4 , Case , Defendants , John Eastman , Interference , Four , Rned , Georgia Election , Heco , Scottall Who , 18 , County , Breach , Rural Coffey County , David Schaffer , Chair , Voting Machines , Georgia , Republican Party , Alleinvolved , Kathy Lath , Indictment , Reporters , Electors , Support Trump , Slate , Booking , Role , Something , It Targets Tos Attorneys , Attorneys , Elections , Results , Means , Clients , Behalf , Mr , Th Advocacy , Rudy Giuliani , Trump , Reporter , Fulton County , Election , Paula Reid , District Attorney , Friend , Bernie Ker , Someone , Bills , Kerik , Georgia Law License , Search , Seven , Question , Lawyer , Process , Bond Phase , President , Bondhim , Bond Negotiations , Pleading , Two , Cnn , Political Action Committee , Portion , Now , 19 , Cases , Motions , Federal Court , Jeffrey Clark , Tom Foreman , Lot , Anything , Things , Strategy , Everything , Lawyers , Reasons , Notion , Jurors , Hearing , Jury Pool , Bleen Blue , Tv , Supporters , Defense , Cameras , Avenues , I T , Documents , Worker , Office , Story , Court Filing , Testimony , Employees , Jack Smith , De Oliveira , Security Footage , Resort , Boxes , Fbi , Debate , Place , Center , Candidates , Same , Won T , Race , Troubles , Center Stage , Ron Desantis , 2024 , Vivek Ramaswamy , Criteria , Polls , Republicans , Polling , The Party , Fund , David Chalian Previews , Eight , Pack , Side , Cut , Chris Christie , Tim Scott , The End , Ron Desant , Rorter , Mike Pence , Nikki Haley , Asa Hutchinson , Topic , Fox Moderators , Frontrunner , Doug Burgum , Questions , Pledge , Party , Golf Clubs , Matter , Nominee , Tropical Storm 23r57frankli , Storm , Winds , Rainfall , Flash Floods , Santo Domingo , Conditions , Storm Warnings , Turkss , Caicos , 110 Million , Heat Warnings , Forecast , The Deep South , Anywhere , Heat Ad Advisories , Jennifer Gray , Midwest , Heat Index , Portions , Plains , Highs , 101 , Little Rock , Temperature , Triple Digits , Chicago , San Angelo , Oak Klahoma City , Dallas , 108 , 95 , Minneapolis , Green Bay , 106 , 100 , 99 , 96 , 112 , Records , Board , 115 , 400 , Way , Weekend , Pacific Northwest , Deep South , Northern Plains , South , Arizona County , East , Outlook , West , Grand Canyon National Park , Area , Photos , Officials , Social Media , Flooding , Floods , Roads , 3 , 2 , Drivers , Wildfires , Heatwave , Firefighters , Record , Travel , Bodies , Blazes , Europe , South Rim , Countries , Hospital Patients , Village , Town , 200 , Flames , Nurse , War Conditions , Buildings , Career , 30 , Helicopter , Northwest Athens , Second , Elani , Homes , Fire , Many , Locals , Evacuation Orders , Authorities , Livelihoods , Hopes , Hoses , Hand , Gardens , Salvaging , Family , Task , Risk , Damage , Record Temperatures , 24 , 93 , Course , Frontline Areas , Resources , Athens , Unbelievable , Lens , Smoke , Capital , Forest Area , Emotions , Air Unbreathable , Hands , Water Hose , Situation , Belief , Helicopters , Ash , Droplets , Pictures , Northern Athens , Fires Out , Thinking , Home , Ground , Effort , Thing , No One , Lives , Some , Teenagers , Water Hoses , Streets , Grandfather , Everyone , Old , Police , Times , Cars , Son , Safety , There , Incredible Report , Scenes , Background , South Korea , Reporting , Thanks , Dissident , Hundreds , Compass , Jet Ski , Helmet , Coast Guard , South Korean , Strike , Critic , Proposal , Binoculars , Protests , Beijing , 2014 , Package , Wage Increase , Artifici Intelligence , Writers Guild Of America , Ncession On Written Material , Therocers , 35 , Table , Resolution , Comment , Writers , Priority Concerns , Writers Guild , Offer , Workings , Ups , 86 , Contract , Orde , Concern , Delivery Vans Don T Have Air Conditioning , August 1 , 1 , Children , Cable Car , Warning , Mosquitos , Pakistan , Six , Word , Report , Virus , Spacecraft , Sleep Numbere , Sleep Number , Smart Beds , Financing , 60 , 50 , Love , Ways , Mess , Resolve , Baby , Nurses , Option , Phones , Hospital , Flashlights , Mother , In The Dark Monday Night Due , Power Outage , Los Angeles , Hospital Officials , Tropical Storm Hilary , Power , Washington Post , Patients , Generators , Special Care Center , Scene , Middle , Nick Watt , Story Tower , Unit , Nicu , Ob Gyn , Operation , Hospitals , Condition , Stairwells , Waiting Ambulances , Elevators , Total , 241 , 28 , Wall , Light , Blackout , Bunch , Mode , Cause , Failure , Fact , Southern California , Monday Morning , Emergency Generators , Height , Tt Emergency Generator Power , Connect Ters , Point , Health Officials , New York , Connectors , Tower , Alabama , Chills , Headaches , Health Department , Symptoms , High Fever , Relief , Valley , Medications , Feet , Seizures , Coma , Sophia Sophie , Cables , Ordeal , Let S Go , 14 , Reaction , Rescue , Experience , Onlookers , Movement , Nation , Families , Everybody , Sigh , Racking , Cable Cars , Criticism , Yes , Cable , Led , 900 , Attempt , Sling , Commandos , Consciousness , Vomited , Child , Zip Lining Experts , Pulleys , Mechanics , Use , Rope , Prime Minister , 11 , Chair Lifts , Call , Black , Oversight , Th , Tweets , Infrastructure , Anned , Overbites , None , Accidents , Heavy Machinery , Joy , Response , Leaders , Session , Ending , Johannesburg , Brics Summit , Summit , Vladimir Putin , Issues , Trading , Subject , War Crimes Warrants , Team , David Mckenzie , Investment System , Issue , Dollar , Progress , Kristie Lu Stout , Hong Kong , Expansion , Members , Let S Focus , Hegemony , Stipulations , Bloc , Saudi Arabia , Western , United Arab Emirates , Xi Jinping , Brics , Grouping , Others , Carpets , Drc , Narendra Modi , High Stakes Summit , Autocracy , Automatic , Odd Collection , Biggest , Views , Groups , Brazil , G7 , Russia , The World Stage , Statements , World , Term , South Africa , Camera , Dedollarization , European Union , Trade Partners , Balancing Act , Kind , Sense , Collection , Oddity , Worlds , Attention , Potential , Speech , No Show , World Affairs , Mystery , Impact , Didn T Show Up To , Leader , Presence , Brics Business Forum , Xi , Person Summit , Trip , Dinner , Order , Evening , Award , Drs , Tbonnie Glazer , Country Hosting , Meeting , Foa , Script , Absence , Event , Disappearance , Il , Cis , Foreign Minister , Analysts , Black Box , Development , Remarks , Prosperity , Bullying , Acts , Explanation , State Media , Economy , Mention , Wall Street , Shares , Downgrades , Hit , Drag , Dick , Round , Dow , Macy S , S P Global Ratings , Bank , History , New Delhi , Bath And Body Works , Abercrombie Fitch , Activities , Friends , Meetings , Rereconnecting , Voicecemail , Apr , Purchase Allowance , Cadillac Financial , 500 , 36 , 1500 , 1 9 , Retinol , Age , Neutrogena , Skin Tone , Cell Turnover , Lines , Ancestors , Immigration Record , Time Traveler , Prosecutors , Bond Agreement , Georgia Election Probe , Fulton County Jail , Former , New Jersey , Mission , Building , Excitement , Space Craft , Succsucces , Golf Club , Close Up , Dusty Gray Terrain , India S Space Research Organization , Vedika Sud , Areas , Breakthrough , Possibility , Human Habitation , Scientists , Nerves , Space Agency , Engineers , Men , Steel , Images , Land , Spacecraft Sunday , Lu Lunar Surface , Three , Landing , Surface , Success , Mistakes , Lessons , Second Moon Craft , 2019 , Taet , Pole , Watch Parties , Space , Surfaces , Millions , Indians , Equator , Craters , Apologizing , Official , Human Remains , Museum , Fingers , Tens Of Thousands , Body Parts , Consent , Half , Institution , 20th Century , 20 , Articles , Possession , Natural History Museum , Human Body , Smithsonian , Philippines , Peru , Germany , 30000 , Link , Headlines , Post , User , Graphics , On X , Elon Musk , Twitter , Users , Musk , App , Desktop Version , Threads , Mark Zuckerberg , Profile , Launching Drone Attacks , Territory , Attacks , Alternative , Site , Coming Up , Ukraine , Moscow , Civilians , Texas , U S District Judge , Justice , Department , Lawsuit , Buoys , Arguments , Border , Department A , Authority , Waters , Barrier , Deaths , Mexico , Complex , City , Strikes , Grain Storage Facilities , Drones , Southern Odesa Region , Nine , Military , Reports , Grain , Movements , Clare Sebastian , Shipment , Crews , Civilian Casualties , Update , Commander , Head , Forces , Aerospace , Source , Wagner , Mutiny , Any , Media , Plans , Prigozhin , Purges , Cleansing , Sort , Cia , Connection , Paint , Profile Role , Freedom , Rumors , Leadup , Generals , Insurgency , Relationship , Sure , Railing Against , Last , Disheveled , New York Times , We Haven T , Advance , We Still Don T Know , Wear , Problem , Screen Apnea , Plplus , Shshop , Goldmine , Policy , Life Insurance Policy , Cash , Coventryor , Se , 10000 , 0000 , Number , Screen , Call Coventry , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Golo , 42 , 56 , Rest , Milk , Lactose , Lactaid , My Old Friend , Jill , Delicious Too , Game , Nothing , Cold One , Kevin , Gold , Discus , Women , Throw , Women S , World Championship , 69 49 , Wouldn T , World Athletics Championships , Hungary , Sha Carri Richardson , Games , Bombers , Baseball Franchise , Semifinals , Nowhere , Row , New York Yankees , Aaron Boone , Morale , Spotlight , Washington Nationals Tuesday Night , Washington , Company , Time , Achievement , Lager , Position , Basis , Popularity , Bud Light , Firm , Car , Backlash , Transgender , Shanghai , Restaurants , Franchise , Food Service Retail Sales , Ceo , Spot , Covid Recovery , Popeye , Tim Horton , Coffee Shops , 1700 , Person , Computer , Announcement , Typing , Breathing , Executive , Emails , Doom Scrolling , Ec , Michrosoft , Lights , Importantpoimportant , Article , Laptops , Breathing Mindfully , Breathes , Eyes , Nervous System , Isn T , Blink , Oxygen Nature , Early Start , Resolvlve , Allies , Milwaukee , The Elephant In Room ,

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