Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

some of the first to surrender but not the last. former president trump's alleged co-conspirators in georgia begin to turn themselves in ahead of the friday deadline as trump himself says he will surrender on thursday. plus, fighting for traction when the front-runner's missing in action. republican candidates are preparing their playbooks for debate night without trump on the stage as we're learning that fox is keeping the former president's allies from showing up in the spin room after the debate. plus, identifying the dead on maui. the attempt to solve a tragic mystery of the hundreds still missing. we're following these developing stories and many other, all coming in right here to "cnn news central". two down, 17 to go. today the first batch of donald trump's indicted co-conspirators are surrendering at the fulton county jail in atlanta. it is all part of the sweeping indictment against the former president and his allies for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in georgia. there you see a key architect of that scheme, the lawyer john eastman, leaving the jail this morning. in about 48 hours trump himself is expected to surrender there. thursday will mark his fourth booking on criminal charges. the remaining defendants have until friday at noon to surrender and now one of them accused of leading the fake electors scheme in georgia says he was acting at the direction of the 45th president. cnn's zachary cohen is outside the fulton county jail. katelyn polantz is outside the courthouse. zach, first who has surrendered? we should note it's a temporary surrender under the agreements they've negotiated with their lawyers. who has surrendered and what happens actually when they're booked as it's known? >> reporter: yeah, jim, right now we know of two co-defendants, two of former president donald trump's co-defendant who have surrendered here at the fulton county jail right behind me. one of them is a local bail bondsman. his name is scott hall. he's charged with several crimes as part of this sprawling indictment including crimes related to his alleged role in the breach of voting systems in coffee county, georgia, a rural georgia county about 200 miles south of here. the second person we know who's turned themselves in today is conservative attorney john eastman. as you mentioned in the lead-in, john eastman is described in this indictment as one of the architects of the broader effort to overturn the 2020 election. john eastman went in around 10:20 this morning and we saw him leaving just before noon. he was in there for a little under two hours and he told us he was fingerprinted, he took a mugshot, he was searched and he was treated really like any other defendant that comes here to turn themselves in at the fulton county jail. and you know, we're starting to see a pattern establish here that the defendants who are turning themselves in as part of this trump case are being treated almost like anybody else. now, that will be -- remains to be seen if that will happen for the former president. obviously there are special circumstances that go into a former president surrendering himself to a jail. sort of uncharted waters in itself. we're already seeing people come here to the jail, turn themselves in, be processed and then released. >> understood. quite a prospect there, seeing those very senior former officials getting mugshots, getting fingerprinted. katelyn, there is also activity where you are outside the courthouse there. who exactly has been in and out today? and what are they up to? >> reporter: well, who we've seen today are some attorneys for some of the fake electors for donald trump in georgia after the 2020 election. and the reason that they're coming to this courthouse is because they want to do that before they go over to the jail, where zach is and was just speaking about what's happening whenever defendants in this case are being arrested. but they're coming over here first because their attorneys are negotiating with the district attorney's office, the prosecutors on this case, about bond so whenever they go to the jail they don't have to sit there for a very long time and wait to post their money, they can have that all worked out and approved by a judge before they turn themselves in for their arrest. there are three groups of lawyers we've seen so far related to this case out of the 19 defendants. there were several yesterday who came in including donald trump's attorneys to negotiate his bond agreement. but today it was sean still's attorney, david shafer's attorney, cathy latham's attorney. all three of these are prominent gop officials, fake electors for donald trump. one of the attorneys for david shafer was leaving. here is what he had to say. whenever we caught him exiting the courthouse. >> have you been in touch at all with the former president? i take that as a no? >> no. >> reporter: there are several more who have not yet gone through this process yet that we are expecting that they will by friday at noon, to both have their bonds negotiated and arrested and also be arraigned under their pleadings of not guilty. some of those boldface names we're still waiting on, rudy giuliani, sidney powell and others. some of the most prominent attorneys that surrounded themselves or became part of the trump campaign after the 2020 election and were enmeshed in donald trump's administrative activities when he was the president and now have received quite a bit of infamy for what they are accused of doing after the 2020 election. >> and at least one of them saying doing so at the former president's direction. there has been one more effort to move this state case to a federal court. what do we know and what do we know about the potential time frame for that? >> reporter: so many moving parts here in this case in state court. so this racketeering case charges several people including donald trump himself, but several people who had some sort of an affiliation as an official in the federal government at the time of the election or shortly after, and those people are popping up to say we want to get this case out of state court, we want to put it in the federal court system, a different court system, one where there's no cameras allowed and they play slightly different rules there whenever you have a court proceeding. and so the most prominent motion to do this so far has come from jeffrey clark, the justice department official who donald trump considered installing as attorney general to try to overturn some of the results in various states. and jeffrey clark, he's asking the federal court to put the whole case on hold, get all of the defendants, all 19 moved out of state court into federal court before a federal judge rather than a state judge, perhaps a judge that could have been appointed by donald trump, and so he's asking for that to happen. the timeline on this is he wants something to happen fast. mark meadows already has a hearing on one of these similar motions set for monday. >> katelyn polantz outside the courthouse there. thanks so much. boris. >> let's expand on the conversation now with cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor elliot williams. elliot, let's start with the two co-defendants that just surrendered. first john eastman. he put out a statement through his attorneys essentially saying that he was just doing his job. he says that he was being charged for, quote, zealous advocacy of donald trump who he was ethically bound to represent. could that be a successful defense? >> it could. he could have been zealously advocating on behalf of the president. or he could also have been carrying out crimes at the direction of the president. and that will be for a court and a jury to sort out. any number of the individuals in this case, boris, they're attorneys who were providing advice to other people. that advice often ended up being at least as alleged criminal misconduct. and as evidence comes out and certainly as this comes to trial he could get in big trouble for it. >> david shafer, who reached a bond agreement with prosecutors today, he also is essentially saying he was just doing his job, he acted at the behest of president trump. he actually provided a transcript of a meeting about fake electors. could his ability to point to documents that say hey, this is what they asked me to do, i was just doing what they asked me to do, could that have an impact on his case? >> what that's about, he's asking to move the case into federal court. it's right now in georgia state court. they would like to move it into federal court. in order to do that you have to establish that some officer, perhaps the president of the united states, was acting in the context of their office. not as a candidate, not as an individual, but as front. by saying that the president was writing me memos he's saying necessarily look, the president was doing his job as president, therefore we should all be moved into federal court. it's an argument that might work. again, there's entire classes in law school on just this one idea, how you get things into federal court. it's very hard. it's very confusing. and a court has to sort it out. >> it's interesting to me that so far there's only been a handful of the co-defendants out of 19 that have surrendered and turned themselves in. are you anticipating a rush by thursday, friday? >> i think the next 72 hours, when you have 15 defendants showing up i guess that kind of is a rush. it's like a bank run on going to court. but they have to. i don't think anybody wants -- setting aside the bluster of these big personalities, nobody wants to be put in handcuffs on television, you know, thrown in a jail cell they have no control over. they are likely to surrender between now and friday. >> there are certain aspects of this that we still have a lot more questions about, specifically about the former president and his financial help for some of his co-defendants, but we're going to stand by for a moment, elliot, if you don't mind, and get to brianna. actually, we don't have brianna yet. so i'll just get to it right away. elliot, one of the stipulations in donald trump's bond agreement is over his use of social media. not something that a lot of the other co-defendants have in their bond agreements. is that standard? how is that enforceable? >> it's increasingly standard over time as we become more of a wired world that's on social media. juries get instructions now on how they can use their computers and phones while they're sitting as jurors in the case, and it's certainly -- the case forever a defendant. now, this defendant here has a history of social media and aggressive posts and so on. so it's not surprising that the judge put it in. now, to your question about is this enforceable, there's a lot of gray areas when you are other talking about speech and online conduct. and the question is is something a threat, is it just aggressive language, is it an unlawful statement, is it just something that he may shouldn't have said? he's got to tweet it first, or truth it first, and then the court has to bring him in and say -- and really pick apart what he did and whether it broke the law. >> now, there's an interesting scenario at play because this bond agreement comes after we learned donald trump recorded an interview with tucker carlson that's set to air tomorrow night during the republican debate. it's some sort of counterprogramming they have planned. if donald trump said something in that interview with tucker carlson that can be perceived, as he said before, about lieutenant governor geoff duncan and others in georgia, as witness tampering or witness intimidation but it was said before the bond agreement was reached, could he potentially get in trouble for that? >> absolutely. the mere fact that he made the statement before he knew about the bond agreement doesn't change the fact that the statement might still have a threat on a witness in the future. so if it comes out and is public even if he record td a couple days ago, a judge has discretion, wide discretion to bring him in and ask him questions about it and maybe adjust the terms of his release or his bond. >> and lastly, elliot, we know trump has not exactly come to the aid of these defendants in the georgia case when it comes to finances. jenna ellis, rudy giuliani among others being clear they are struggling when it comes to paying all these legal fees. what do you make of that move? >> a couple things. one, it's a lot of money to pay for lawyers and a lot of people are going to struggle in any litigation. what you're beginning to see here is something you see anytime you have multiple defendants in a case. they're just not always going to be in alignment with each other over questions like what their strategies are, what their defenses are, but also who's paying. this is the kind of thing that will bubble up and continue through the trial and we'll just have to see how it gets resolved. >> and this is the strength of a rico case, right? where lower-level defendants find themselves mired in these legal bills. it makes it more likely perhaps that they can flip? >> and they have a huge incentive to do that because flipping, or at least pleading guilty in our system comes with a huge benefit. you get a lower sentence. maybe all kinds of benefits coming to you down the road. they really are incentivized to do it. this former president does engender a lot of loyalty but i've seen a lost guys looking at the prospect of jail time really change their minds quick when the music starts. >> make you question that loyalty. elliot williams, always appreciate the perspective. thanks. brianna? >> while former president trump prepares to surrender, his gop competition is preparing for their first debate. can they deal a blow to a front-runner that isn't even on stage? plus, president biden tapping a new white house counsel as investigations encircle his family and his administration. we'll have more on that. and a daring rescue nearly 1,000 feet up in the air. four children pulled to safety from a dangling cable car in pakistan. see more of the amazing images ahead on "cnn news central." has. freedom for kids. hungry? thank you, chef. control for parents. nice. one bank for b both. chase. make m more of what's yours. our ears connect us tohe moments that matter. give them the nutrients they need with lipo. it's formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? 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will gaetz, donalds and lake be able to be in that spin room to make their case for the non-participating trump? or will there be sort of dividing lines? >> i think they will be there, jim. i think since this reporting they have come to a resolution. and really the trump team has found somewhat of a loophole here. they'll be able to use outside media, other media organizations that aren't fox news if they are able to give the trump team and some of his surrogates a credential they will be able to be there in the spin room tomorrow night. and that is currently the plan. but i will tell you, jim, this really frustrated a lot of trump advisers and people i spoke with yesterday who spent a lot of time trying to sort this out with the network. they felt, you know, like this was a slap in the face from fox even though of course fox made this decision given that the former president will not be on the debate stage tomorrow. but i am told that the surrogates will be attending, they will be at the debate and in the spin room as well as several trump advisers who have since found other credentials with other networks. that's going to be the trump presence tomorrow at the debate. but we also know the former president himself does not have plans to be in the debate but he does have a planned interview. he has prerecorded an interview with former fox news host tucker carlson to air at some point tomorrow. of course as sort of counterprogramming for this. but i think the bigger thing we should be watching toar that will really upstage tomorrow night and the debate will be when he goes to georgia on thursday. his team very much welcomes the fact that his surrender is going to get a lot of media coverage and it's likely going to take away from a lot of the coverage that his rivals would have had if his surrender wasn't happening the day after this debate. jim. >> yeah. surrendering at the county jail under charges of attempting to overturn the election there. alayna treene, bridgewater, new jersey. thanks so much. brianna. >> we are joined by two-two cnn political commentators. former georgia lieutenant governor geoff duncan with us and errol lewis. he is a political anchor at spectrum news. geoff, when you look at this counterprogramming strategy and what we're going to be seeing the day after the debate, this is going to swallow up any of the headlines that come out of the debate. do you think that that is very much on purpose? >> well, everything's intentional to put the spotlight on donald trump in his world. that's why we're in the mess we are now. but i'm looking forward to this debate. i think with him not in the mix it's a good opportunity to see what these other eight are made of. do they want to stlit and falsely prop up donald trump's conspiracy theories or do they want to take a bold stand and paint a really clear direction as to how we move this party and this country forward, how we beat joe biden? and i think they also have a burden on their shoulders to really prove that donald trump's been a fake republican for four years. he talked all about draining the swamp. and we really spent four years watching him fill the swamp with $8 trillion worth of additional debt. he built a wall for photo ops and not really for security. i think it's an opportunity for these republicans to do something about it. and donald trump's going to do what he's going to do. i just at the end of the day can't think it's going to help him to be arrested for the fourth time. i just don't think long term that's a winning strategy. >> errol, do you see similarly an opportunity here for these other candidates on the debate stage without donald trump? >> it's definitely an opportunity. i'm not sure they're going to take it. by some indications like the leaked memo from the desantis camp it seems that they may end up turning on each other and fighting for a chance to be 25 or 30 points behind the front-runner. if that's the only stakes that they're playing for, then they're going to turn it into much less of a debate than it should be. what really needs to happen is if they're going to really be true to their own campaign rhetoric, they have to start talking about a post-trump era. that's really what they're all calling for. they're saying the republican party has to move beyond donald trump, and without getting into the ins and outs of why they really have to start laying out a vision of what that might look like. it's a risky strategy. it's much 340r attractive and easier to get a sound bite by simply attack donald trump. but the harder route i think is going to be the correct one and might actually get them somewhere in the polls. >> to your point, geoff, former new jersey governor chris christie has some advice for those candidates who are planning to continue defending donald trump on that debate stage. here's what he said. >> for some folks they believe this is a political calculus, that somehow donald trump will be defeated by the legal process and that when he is if they're the ones who have said nothing bad about donald trump that they're more likely to inherit the donald trump voters. well, i'll tell you something. if you want to know what a failure that strategy is, talk to me or jeb bush or marco rubio. >> what do you think about that assessment? >> once again governor christie couldn't be any more spot on with his assessment of the situation. right? i just don't see a winning strategy for playing nice with the situation that donald trump's created around himself and the party. you've got to go right at him. you've got to call him out for lying to republicans and for essentially bankrupting our party. the fiscal responsibility in our party. and last but not least the winning percentage of our party. chris christie, here's a guy who's on the surface 20 points behind in new hampshire. but there's only 300,000 people that are going to vote in that primary. if he can find 30,000 people that really believe a 91 indictment charge against donald trump is a reason to not be the next president, he's got a chance to be break even with him after a news cycle or a debate or just a few good stories. >> errol, trump's biggest challenger says he's doing a disservice to his voters by skipping the debate. i want to listen to this. >> nobody is entitled to anything in this world, less of all the republican nomination for president. he has a great opportunity to come out and do this. i think he owes it to people. i don't think our voters, even those who appreciate what he did, and i'm actually one that appreciated a lot of what he did too, i don't think they're going to look kindly on somebody who thinks they don't have to earn it. >> do you think that's the case at least, errol, for a significant chunk of people, that it could wound trump? >> look, i don't know if voters are looking for candidates to earn their vote. at this stage of the game, frankly on a televised spectacle like a debate, they're looking to be entertained more than anything else. and frankly, look, let's be clear. desantis is not saying much about, say, nikki haley or any of the other candidates that are trailing far behind him because it's not in his interest to do so. that same logic applies to donald trump. it's not in his interest to go and get a bunch of knives in his back and kicks in his butt and have a bunch of people take shots at him. that's why he is staying away. i'm sure ron desantis would do the same if he could get away with it, but he's not in that position. we'll see whether or not they're really going to mix it up, whether it's going to be the kind of high-minded debate that he is suggesting. my guess is we shouldn't necessarily expect that tomorrow. >> geoff, since i have you here i can't not ask you about fulton county, where the judge has put in some pretty strict parameters for donald trump. he can't say anything on social media, et cetera, that would be intimidating to unindicted co-conspirators, witnesses, co-defendants. what do you think that the judge should do if and maybe when donald trump violates that? >> well, i bet you the campaign, donald trump's campaign right now is trying to hire a cell phone chaperone. certain he can't police himself on the issue. look, i don't even speculate what would happen if donald trump would violate what a judge would say. at the end of the day this is a deteriorating situation for donald trump. just a few days into this we're already watching the handful of folks who've turned themselves in like david shafer really starting to point the direction right at donald trump and the oval office and saying he was directed by his attorneys to do what he did. you're watching others point to shiny objects. but what you're not hearing them point to is that the election was rigged because there's no facts that are going to back that up in this court case. >> yeah, certainly there do not appear to be. errol, geoff, thank you so much to both of you. we do appreciate it. boris? >> still to come on "cnn news central," as long as it takes. those words coming from president biden as he vows to support the survivors of the wildfires in maui. we're going to take you live to the island next for the latest on a search for the missing. and as the drumbeat by house republicans for a biden impeachment inquiry goes louder, the white house is hiring a new counsel. details on the hire when we come back. safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arririve with a replacement we could trust. thatat's service the way we want it. >> singers: : ♪ safelite repai, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wherever you go. wherever you stay. all you need is one key. earn and use rewards across expedia,, and vrbo. that neighbor is hot! that's my husband... what? 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>> reporter: boris, president biden is installing as his third white house counsel an attorney with experience in managing high-level investigations and sensitive inquiries on behalf of the white house. ed siskel managed the obama administration's responses to the investigations into benghazi and the failure of solyndra, a solar panel manufacturer that went belly up after receiving about half a billion dollars in government guarantees. that experience could prove critical in the next 15 months as republicans keep the heat on the biden administration going into the 2024 election. there's been a continued drumbeat of inquiries and document requests from house republicans and then already the white house counsel has been managing the cooperation with special counsels investigating the president's own handling of classified documents and a long-running investigation into the president's youngest son and his business dealings and tax liabilities. in a statement president biden said for nearly four years in the white house when i was vice president siskel helped the counsel's office navigate complex challenges and advance the president's agenda on behalf of the american people. he said ed has shown a deep compliment to public service and respect for the law. siskel will take over that role next month. he departs amid a wave of departures for the administration. biden recently replacing his domestic policy adviser and his legislative affairs chief. and it all comes as chief of staff jeff zients has communicated that for any top aides who are planning to depart before the election they need to do that soon. boris? >> kayla tausche in south lake tahoe. thanks so much. jim? well, the official death toll from hawaii's just devastating wildfires has climbed once again to 115. authorities have also identified more victims as search teams have completed the painstaking task of combing through single-story homes. now the focus will shift to commercial and multi-story residential properties. president biden toured the deadly aftermath yesterday as the federal response has received criticism from the maui community. cnn chief climate correspondent bill weir has more on how the white house plans to help maui rebuild. >> reporter: president and dr. biden spent several hours both over lahaina, on the ground here, and meeting with both first responders and victims of this tragedy at the big shelter, the war memorial shelter in central maui. he said the right thing. when he came to the microphone to give his statements, he said the thing a lot of folks i've been hearing from for two weeks have been saying, that he wants maui, the people of maui help determine how this place is rebuilt. there was a question as to who will have the most influence in that conversation going forward. lockelings here, working-class native hawaii sxnz multigenerational locals are worried about disaster capitalism, people moving in to exploit this and buy up as much land as they can in this paradise and rebuild it. their interests as well, the president promises that won't happen. it remains to be seen. there's a lot of forces at play here right now. he did serve as empathizer in chief after five days of being mostly silent on the issue publicly. but the governor said he was working behind the scenes to assure first responders that the feds had their back on this. he shared the stories we're familiar with of losing his daughter and wife and wondering if his sons had survived a car accident early in his political career. and that's what so many people here are going through now. the list of the missing according to the mayor of maui was whittled from over 2,000 by the fbi and authorities down to around 850 now. that still seems impossibly high this many days, almost two weeks now after the fire broke out. forensic anthropologists, though, say historically scenes like this can take months or even years to sort out the missing. you can hope there's still some confusion as to who's on that list. but the real heartbreak is to think about the children who were left home that day. there are parents in this town who lost their kids. there are kids who lost their parents. we're unclear if president biden was able to meet with any of those. we know he did meet with archie kalepa, a historic figure here. uncle archie as he's known. a hall of fame water man who led a lot of the relief efforts from sort of a cul-de-sac command post we went into as well. some of those who have been very active on social media were at the table at least with president biden for the few hours he was here. but now all eyes are on this place to see how soon they can find the huge number of missing and make peace with those families and how exactly they will rebuild. bill weir, cnn, maui. as officials in georgia are preparing for former president trump's surrender, employees at the fulton county sheriff's office are receiving threats. we'll have details ahead. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. libererty. ♪ automatically responds toto snoring. so, no more hiding under your pillow. because this system actually detects snoring then adjusts to help reduce it. for a limited time, save upy to $700 on selectempur-pedic adjustable mattressets. 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>> nick la conveniencia live for us outside the fulton county jail. thank you for that report. boris? stepping aside from georgia for a moment and to a case in the nation's capital, there are new developments in donald trump's federal election interference case. in a new court filing special counsel jack smith is pushing back hard at the former president's bid to delay his trial until april of 2026. smith claims that trump's legal team is drastically overstating the amount of evidence they need to review. with us now is cnn justice correspondent jessica schneider. so jessica, all of this is happening before a big hearing on monday where judge chutkan is going to essentially set a trial start date. >> yeah, we're seeing these back and forth legal filings, boris, and potentially we're going to see all of this play out in court on monday during that hearing when judge chutkan could potentially decide on a trial date. the question is will she side with the special counsel going more toward january 2024 or will she side more with the trump team? they don't want until 2026, a long time from now. and the special counsel really firing back last night at trump's team. they are in fact saying that trump's team is vastly overstating just how long this will take them to dig into all of this discovery. this is how the special counsel fired back. they said, "in cases such as this one the burden of reviewing discovery cannot be measured by page count alone and comparisons to the height of the washington monument and the length of a t tolstoy novel are neither helpful nor insightful." what they're referring to there is trump's team said look, there are 11.6 million documents that we have to go through here. they compared that to -- that would be eight washington monuments stacked on top of each other with a million pages left over. or they put it this way. it would be like reading 78 copies of tolstoy's "war and peace" cover to cover between now and december 11th. the special counsel saying look, most of these documents donald trump's team, you're already familiar with. >> they've provided them. >> exactly. it contains documents from the secret service, e-mails that potentially donald trump's team would be privy to, also documents from the january 6th select committee, documents that trump associates might have had. so the special counsel's team is saying you are vastly overstating the depth of these documents and we think we can get to trial sooner. we'll see how the judge sides. maybe we'll get a glimpse of what she'll decide on monday. >> a jam-packed legal calendar for the former president. obviously turning himself in in georgia later this week and that big hearing on monday. jessica schneider, thanks so much. jim? well, now to some of the other headlines we're watching this hour. a rescue mission mid-air in pakistan. teams have now saved five children who were trapped in a cable car some 900 feet, 90 stories up, according to a military source. another child and two adults are still inside that cable car, which has been dangling for at least 13 hours. it is nighttime there now. the children, age 10 to 15, were heading to school when one of the chairlift cables snapped. also, a post-pandemic milestone in north korea. it is national airline air koryo resumed daily flights today between pyongyang and vladivostok, russia. it is the first time since 2020, according to a russian airport off official. this video shows one of the jets making a stop on the way in beijing. north korea essentially sealed off the country in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. and china says it will take necessary measures against japan's release of fukushima's nuclear wastewater into the pacific ocean. the 2011 earthquake and tsunami caused highly radioactive material to contaminate the plant, which uses water to cool the fuel. all the water that has been stored on site -- has been stored on site. but plant officials say they are now running out of room. a u.n. watchdog group said the release follows safety protocols. the government-owned plant said the water would be released slowly and over decades. brianna? tropical storm harold hitting texas while other storms in the atlantic could pose new threats. we'll be looking at the forecast. also the concerns about it after a quick break. this is "cnn news central." ustom visuals that inspire pride district-wide. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement.t. at pnc bank, you can finind us in big cities and small towns across the us, where our focus is to always support the people who live and work there. because you call tse communities home, and we do too. pnc bank. how can you sleep on such a firm setting? gab, mine is almost the same as yours. almost is just another word for not as good as mine. save 50% on the sleep number® limited edition smart bed. plus, 60-month financing on all smart beds. shop now only at sleep number®. you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit martial arts is my passion. i work out whenever i can. but with my moderate- to-severe eczema, it can be tough. now, i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from within. so you can have clearer skin, and noticeably less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. ♪ ("please don't go" by harry casey, richard raymond finch ) ♪ (ping) ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ don't goooooo! ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ don't go away ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ please don't go ♪ that's why the new titan turkey is proferred by this football pro. and proferred by this football pro who actually uses her feet. and if we profer it, we know you'll prefer it too. i use my feet. have you seen me scramble? 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>> right. it's still a tropical storm. it did make landfall south padre island around 10:00 central time, 11:00 eastern time. it's got winds of 45 miles per hour, so still some very gusty winds with gusts of 65 miles per hour. moving to the west-northwest at 21. so this is a fast-moving storm. so the rain do s. going to get in and it's going to get out. this is beneficial rain for texas because we are in drought conditions for much of the state. however, we are getting a lot of rain at one time. so we do have some flash flood warnings in effect for areas around corpus christi, to the west of corpus christi as well, as we've seen several inches of rainfall already. so this rain is going to continue to push westward. it should be dying out in the next couple of hours. and then it's going to push into northern sections of mexico, west texas throughout the afternoon and the overnight hours. the forecast accumulation, we're looking at about two to three additional inches of rain. could see higher amounts across portions of mexico. but as i mentioned, this is a very dry area. 88% of the lone star state under drought conditions. unfortunately, this tropical system did not go a little bit farther to the north because that's where we're experiencing the driest conditions. but brianna, i think every little bit of rain helps. this is the type of system that you want, right? because you don't have the 100-mile-per-hour winds but you have the beneficial rain for a state that desperately needs it. >> yeah. that's right. certainly needs that rain. if only it could push a little north there. jen, thank you so much for that. boris? the jail is always open, and the first two of donald trump's alleged co-conspirators have come and gone, but they will not be the last. ahead, what's going to happen at the atlanta facility where trump is expected to surrender on thursday. that and more still ahead on "cnn news central." nersprings, for a bebeautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. for a limited timeme, save up to $800 on select stearns & foster® adjustable mattress sets. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, here, i'll take that! 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar.! enter the $10,000 powered by protein machallenge. ♪ the america's best celebrity sale is here. with picture-worthy designer frames at a fly price from sofia vergara you're in my shot! sure to get my good side! get two pairs of celebrity frames for $89.95 for a limited time at america's best. book an exam today. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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and in texas the

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, Leadership , Homes , Law Enforcement Source , Knowledge , Nightmare , Addition , Deputies , Grand Jurors , Information , Vest , Expectation , Leads , Jack Smith , Georgia For A Moment , Report , Interference , Nation , Capital , Developments , Justice , Amount , Bid , 2026 , April Of 2026 , Chutkan , Correspondent Jessica Schneider , Jessica , Filings , Special Counsel , January 2024 , Discovery , Cases , Comparisons , Page , Length , Height , Washington Monument , Look , Pages , Insightful , Reading , Washington Monuments Stacked , Tolstoy Novel , 11 6 Million , A Million , 78 , Cover , Most , Copies , Tolstoy , War And Peace , December 11th , 11 , E Mails , Depth , Associates , January 6th Select Committee , Secret Service , 6 , January 6th , Glimpse , Sides , Calendar , Big Hearing On Monday , Feet , Teams , Rescue Mission Mid Air , 90 , 900 , Child , Chairlift Cables , Adults , Air Koryo , Milestone , Airport , North Korea , Vladivostok , Russia , Pyongyang , China , Country , 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Negotiations , Coast , Fraud Claims , Storm , Winds , Jennifer Gray , Landfall , Weather Center , Heavy Rain , Flooding , The Storm Made Landfall , Storm Surge , South Padre Island , Eastern Time , Central Time , Atlantic Hurricane Season , Rain , Drought Conditions , Gusts , Rain Do S , 65 , 21 , Estate , Rainfall , West , Flash Flood Warnings , Corpus Christi , Effect , Amounts , Afternoon , Sections , Forecast Accumulation , Mexico , West Texas , North , Lone Star State , Portions , 88 , Driest Conditions , Type , 100 , Jen , Timeme , Comfort , Bebeautiful Mattress , Nersprings , Protein , Energy , Stearns Foster Adjustable Mattress Sets , Uuuhhhh , Sugar , 10000 , 0000 , Protein Machallenge , Celebrity Sale , Side , Pairs , Celebrity Frames , Shot , Fly Price , Picture , Designer Frames , America , Sofia Vergara , 89 95 , 9 95 , Windshield , Sleep , Exam Today , Woman , America S Best , Experts , Safety System , Recalibrated Our Car , Vabysmo , Sight , Wet Amd , Safelite Repair , Treatments , Treatment , Fda , 4 , Eye , Eye Injection , Eye Infection , Causes , Swelling , Eye Pressure , Injection , Retinal Detachment , Increase , Heart Attack , Stroke , Blood Clots , A Stay , In Real Time , Gift Card , Tourists , Scientists , Thousands , Coral Reefs , Western , Bestwestern Com , 0 , Researchers , Help Life Underwater Flourish , Surrenders , 18 , The Show Goes On Without Main Attraction , Next ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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some of the first to surrender but not the last. former president trump's alleged co-conspirators in georgia begin to turn themselves in ahead of the friday deadline as trump himself says he will surrender on thursday. plus, fighting for traction when the front-runner's missing in action. republican candidates are preparing their playbooks for debate night without trump on the stage as we're learning that fox is keeping the former president's allies from showing up in the spin room after the debate. plus, identifying the dead on maui. the attempt to solve a tragic mystery of the hundreds still missing. we're following these developing stories and many other, all coming in right here to "cnn news central". two down, 17 to go. today the first batch of donald trump's indicted co-conspirators are surrendering at the fulton county jail in atlanta. it is all part of the sweeping indictment against the former president and his allies for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in georgia. there you see a key architect of that scheme, the lawyer john eastman, leaving the jail this morning. in about 48 hours trump himself is expected to surrender there. thursday will mark his fourth booking on criminal charges. the remaining defendants have until friday at noon to surrender and now one of them accused of leading the fake electors scheme in georgia says he was acting at the direction of the 45th president. cnn's zachary cohen is outside the fulton county jail. katelyn polantz is outside the courthouse. zach, first who has surrendered? we should note it's a temporary surrender under the agreements they've negotiated with their lawyers. who has surrendered and what happens actually when they're booked as it's known? >> reporter: yeah, jim, right now we know of two co-defendants, two of former president donald trump's co-defendant who have surrendered here at the fulton county jail right behind me. one of them is a local bail bondsman. his name is scott hall. he's charged with several crimes as part of this sprawling indictment including crimes related to his alleged role in the breach of voting systems in coffee county, georgia, a rural georgia county about 200 miles south of here. the second person we know who's turned themselves in today is conservative attorney john eastman. as you mentioned in the lead-in, john eastman is described in this indictment as one of the architects of the broader effort to overturn the 2020 election. john eastman went in around 10:20 this morning and we saw him leaving just before noon. he was in there for a little under two hours and he told us he was fingerprinted, he took a mugshot, he was searched and he was treated really like any other defendant that comes here to turn themselves in at the fulton county jail. and you know, we're starting to see a pattern establish here that the defendants who are turning themselves in as part of this trump case are being treated almost like anybody else. now, that will be -- remains to be seen if that will happen for the former president. obviously there are special circumstances that go into a former president surrendering himself to a jail. sort of uncharted waters in itself. we're already seeing people come here to the jail, turn themselves in, be processed and then released. >> understood. quite a prospect there, seeing those very senior former officials getting mugshots, getting fingerprinted. katelyn, there is also activity where you are outside the courthouse there. who exactly has been in and out today? and what are they up to? >> reporter: well, who we've seen today are some attorneys for some of the fake electors for donald trump in georgia after the 2020 election. and the reason that they're coming to this courthouse is because they want to do that before they go over to the jail, where zach is and was just speaking about what's happening whenever defendants in this case are being arrested. but they're coming over here first because their attorneys are negotiating with the district attorney's office, the prosecutors on this case, about bond so whenever they go to the jail they don't have to sit there for a very long time and wait to post their money, they can have that all worked out and approved by a judge before they turn themselves in for their arrest. there are three groups of lawyers we've seen so far related to this case out of the 19 defendants. there were several yesterday who came in including donald trump's attorneys to negotiate his bond agreement. but today it was sean still's attorney, david shafer's attorney, cathy latham's attorney. all three of these are prominent gop officials, fake electors for donald trump. one of the attorneys for david shafer was leaving. here is what he had to say. whenever we caught him exiting the courthouse. >> have you been in touch at all with the former president? i take that as a no? >> no. >> reporter: there are several more who have not yet gone through this process yet that we are expecting that they will by friday at noon, to both have their bonds negotiated and arrested and also be arraigned under their pleadings of not guilty. some of those boldface names we're still waiting on, rudy giuliani, sidney powell and others. some of the most prominent attorneys that surrounded themselves or became part of the trump campaign after the 2020 election and were enmeshed in donald trump's administrative activities when he was the president and now have received quite a bit of infamy for what they are accused of doing after the 2020 election. >> and at least one of them saying doing so at the former president's direction. there has been one more effort to move this state case to a federal court. what do we know and what do we know about the potential time frame for that? >> reporter: so many moving parts here in this case in state court. so this racketeering case charges several people including donald trump himself, but several people who had some sort of an affiliation as an official in the federal government at the time of the election or shortly after, and those people are popping up to say we want to get this case out of state court, we want to put it in the federal court system, a different court system, one where there's no cameras allowed and they play slightly different rules there whenever you have a court proceeding. and so the most prominent motion to do this so far has come from jeffrey clark, the justice department official who donald trump considered installing as attorney general to try to overturn some of the results in various states. and jeffrey clark, he's asking the federal court to put the whole case on hold, get all of the defendants, all 19 moved out of state court into federal court before a federal judge rather than a state judge, perhaps a judge that could have been appointed by donald trump, and so he's asking for that to happen. the timeline on this is he wants something to happen fast. mark meadows already has a hearing on one of these similar motions set for monday. >> katelyn polantz outside the courthouse there. thanks so much. boris. >> let's expand on the conversation now with cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor elliot williams. elliot, let's start with the two co-defendants that just surrendered. first john eastman. he put out a statement through his attorneys essentially saying that he was just doing his job. he says that he was being charged for, quote, zealous advocacy of donald trump who he was ethically bound to represent. could that be a successful defense? >> it could. he could have been zealously advocating on behalf of the president. or he could also have been carrying out crimes at the direction of the president. and that will be for a court and a jury to sort out. any number of the individuals in this case, boris, they're attorneys who were providing advice to other people. that advice often ended up being at least as alleged criminal misconduct. and as evidence comes out and certainly as this comes to trial he could get in big trouble for it. >> david shafer, who reached a bond agreement with prosecutors today, he also is essentially saying he was just doing his job, he acted at the behest of president trump. he actually provided a transcript of a meeting about fake electors. could his ability to point to documents that say hey, this is what they asked me to do, i was just doing what they asked me to do, could that have an impact on his case? >> what that's about, he's asking to move the case into federal court. it's right now in georgia state court. they would like to move it into federal court. in order to do that you have to establish that some officer, perhaps the president of the united states, was acting in the context of their office. not as a candidate, not as an individual, but as front. by saying that the president was writing me memos he's saying necessarily look, the president was doing his job as president, therefore we should all be moved into federal court. it's an argument that might work. again, there's entire classes in law school on just this one idea, how you get things into federal court. it's very hard. it's very confusing. and a court has to sort it out. >> it's interesting to me that so far there's only been a handful of the co-defendants out of 19 that have surrendered and turned themselves in. are you anticipating a rush by thursday, friday? >> i think the next 72 hours, when you have 15 defendants showing up i guess that kind of is a rush. it's like a bank run on going to court. but they have to. i don't think anybody wants -- setting aside the bluster of these big personalities, nobody wants to be put in handcuffs on television, you know, thrown in a jail cell they have no control over. they are likely to surrender between now and friday. >> there are certain aspects of this that we still have a lot more questions about, specifically about the former president and his financial help for some of his co-defendants, but we're going to stand by for a moment, elliot, if you don't mind, and get to brianna. actually, we don't have brianna yet. so i'll just get to it right away. elliot, one of the stipulations in donald trump's bond agreement is over his use of social media. not something that a lot of the other co-defendants have in their bond agreements. is that standard? how is that enforceable? >> it's increasingly standard over time as we become more of a wired world that's on social media. juries get instructions now on how they can use their computers and phones while they're sitting as jurors in the case, and it's certainly -- the case forever a defendant. now, this defendant here has a history of social media and aggressive posts and so on. so it's not surprising that the judge put it in. now, to your question about is this enforceable, there's a lot of gray areas when you are other talking about speech and online conduct. and the question is is something a threat, is it just aggressive language, is it an unlawful statement, is it just something that he may shouldn't have said? he's got to tweet it first, or truth it first, and then the court has to bring him in and say -- and really pick apart what he did and whether it broke the law. >> now, there's an interesting scenario at play because this bond agreement comes after we learned donald trump recorded an interview with tucker carlson that's set to air tomorrow night during the republican debate. it's some sort of counterprogramming they have planned. if donald trump said something in that interview with tucker carlson that can be perceived, as he said before, about lieutenant governor geoff duncan and others in georgia, as witness tampering or witness intimidation but it was said before the bond agreement was reached, could he potentially get in trouble for that? >> absolutely. the mere fact that he made the statement before he knew about the bond agreement doesn't change the fact that the statement might still have a threat on a witness in the future. so if it comes out and is public even if he record td a couple days ago, a judge has discretion, wide discretion to bring him in and ask him questions about it and maybe adjust the terms of his release or his bond. >> and lastly, elliot, we know trump has not exactly come to the aid of these defendants in the georgia case when it comes to finances. jenna ellis, rudy giuliani among others being clear they are struggling when it comes to paying all these legal fees. what do you make of that move? >> a couple things. one, it's a lot of money to pay for lawyers and a lot of people are going to struggle in any litigation. what you're beginning to see here is something you see anytime you have multiple defendants in a case. they're just not always going to be in alignment with each other over questions like what their strategies are, what their defenses are, but also who's paying. this is the kind of thing that will bubble up and continue through the trial and we'll just have to see how it gets resolved. >> and this is the strength of a rico case, right? where lower-level defendants find themselves mired in these legal bills. it makes it more likely perhaps that they can flip? >> and they have a huge incentive to do that because flipping, or at least pleading guilty in our system comes with a huge benefit. you get a lower sentence. maybe all kinds of benefits coming to you down the road. they really are incentivized to do it. this former president does engender a lot of loyalty but i've seen a lost guys looking at the prospect of jail time really change their minds quick when the music starts. >> make you question that loyalty. elliot williams, always appreciate the perspective. thanks. brianna? >> while former president trump prepares to surrender, his gop competition is preparing for their first debate. can they deal a blow to a front-runner that isn't even on stage? plus, president biden tapping a new white house counsel as investigations encircle his family and his administration. we'll have more on that. and a daring rescue nearly 1,000 feet up in the air. four children pulled to safety from a dangling cable car in pakistan. see more of the amazing images ahead on "cnn news central." has. freedom for kids. hungry? thank you, chef. control for parents. nice. one bank for b both. chase. make m more of what's yours. our ears connect us tohe moments that matter. give them the nutrients they need with lipo. it's formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? 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will gaetz, donalds and lake be able to be in that spin room to make their case for the non-participating trump? or will there be sort of dividing lines? >> i think they will be there, jim. i think since this reporting they have come to a resolution. and really the trump team has found somewhat of a loophole here. they'll be able to use outside media, other media organizations that aren't fox news if they are able to give the trump team and some of his surrogates a credential they will be able to be there in the spin room tomorrow night. and that is currently the plan. but i will tell you, jim, this really frustrated a lot of trump advisers and people i spoke with yesterday who spent a lot of time trying to sort this out with the network. they felt, you know, like this was a slap in the face from fox even though of course fox made this decision given that the former president will not be on the debate stage tomorrow. but i am told that the surrogates will be attending, they will be at the debate and in the spin room as well as several trump advisers who have since found other credentials with other networks. that's going to be the trump presence tomorrow at the debate. but we also know the former president himself does not have plans to be in the debate but he does have a planned interview. he has prerecorded an interview with former fox news host tucker carlson to air at some point tomorrow. of course as sort of counterprogramming for this. but i think the bigger thing we should be watching toar that will really upstage tomorrow night and the debate will be when he goes to georgia on thursday. his team very much welcomes the fact that his surrender is going to get a lot of media coverage and it's likely going to take away from a lot of the coverage that his rivals would have had if his surrender wasn't happening the day after this debate. jim. >> yeah. surrendering at the county jail under charges of attempting to overturn the election there. alayna treene, bridgewater, new jersey. thanks so much. brianna. >> we are joined by two-two cnn political commentators. former georgia lieutenant governor geoff duncan with us and errol lewis. he is a political anchor at spectrum news. geoff, when you look at this counterprogramming strategy and what we're going to be seeing the day after the debate, this is going to swallow up any of the headlines that come out of the debate. do you think that that is very much on purpose? >> well, everything's intentional to put the spotlight on donald trump in his world. that's why we're in the mess we are now. but i'm looking forward to this debate. i think with him not in the mix it's a good opportunity to see what these other eight are made of. do they want to stlit and falsely prop up donald trump's conspiracy theories or do they want to take a bold stand and paint a really clear direction as to how we move this party and this country forward, how we beat joe biden? and i think they also have a burden on their shoulders to really prove that donald trump's been a fake republican for four years. he talked all about draining the swamp. and we really spent four years watching him fill the swamp with $8 trillion worth of additional debt. he built a wall for photo ops and not really for security. i think it's an opportunity for these republicans to do something about it. and donald trump's going to do what he's going to do. i just at the end of the day can't think it's going to help him to be arrested for the fourth time. i just don't think long term that's a winning strategy. >> errol, do you see similarly an opportunity here for these other candidates on the debate stage without donald trump? >> it's definitely an opportunity. i'm not sure they're going to take it. by some indications like the leaked memo from the desantis camp it seems that they may end up turning on each other and fighting for a chance to be 25 or 30 points behind the front-runner. if that's the only stakes that they're playing for, then they're going to turn it into much less of a debate than it should be. what really needs to happen is if they're going to really be true to their own campaign rhetoric, they have to start talking about a post-trump era. that's really what they're all calling for. they're saying the republican party has to move beyond donald trump, and without getting into the ins and outs of why they really have to start laying out a vision of what that might look like. it's a risky strategy. it's much 340r attractive and easier to get a sound bite by simply attack donald trump. but the harder route i think is going to be the correct one and might actually get them somewhere in the polls. >> to your point, geoff, former new jersey governor chris christie has some advice for those candidates who are planning to continue defending donald trump on that debate stage. here's what he said. >> for some folks they believe this is a political calculus, that somehow donald trump will be defeated by the legal process and that when he is if they're the ones who have said nothing bad about donald trump that they're more likely to inherit the donald trump voters. well, i'll tell you something. if you want to know what a failure that strategy is, talk to me or jeb bush or marco rubio. >> what do you think about that assessment? >> once again governor christie couldn't be any more spot on with his assessment of the situation. right? i just don't see a winning strategy for playing nice with the situation that donald trump's created around himself and the party. you've got to go right at him. you've got to call him out for lying to republicans and for essentially bankrupting our party. the fiscal responsibility in our party. and last but not least the winning percentage of our party. chris christie, here's a guy who's on the surface 20 points behind in new hampshire. but there's only 300,000 people that are going to vote in that primary. if he can find 30,000 people that really believe a 91 indictment charge against donald trump is a reason to not be the next president, he's got a chance to be break even with him after a news cycle or a debate or just a few good stories. >> errol, trump's biggest challenger says he's doing a disservice to his voters by skipping the debate. i want to listen to this. >> nobody is entitled to anything in this world, less of all the republican nomination for president. he has a great opportunity to come out and do this. i think he owes it to people. i don't think our voters, even those who appreciate what he did, and i'm actually one that appreciated a lot of what he did too, i don't think they're going to look kindly on somebody who thinks they don't have to earn it. >> do you think that's the case at least, errol, for a significant chunk of people, that it could wound trump? >> look, i don't know if voters are looking for candidates to earn their vote. at this stage of the game, frankly on a televised spectacle like a debate, they're looking to be entertained more than anything else. and frankly, look, let's be clear. desantis is not saying much about, say, nikki haley or any of the other candidates that are trailing far behind him because it's not in his interest to do so. that same logic applies to donald trump. it's not in his interest to go and get a bunch of knives in his back and kicks in his butt and have a bunch of people take shots at him. that's why he is staying away. i'm sure ron desantis would do the same if he could get away with it, but he's not in that position. we'll see whether or not they're really going to mix it up, whether it's going to be the kind of high-minded debate that he is suggesting. my guess is we shouldn't necessarily expect that tomorrow. >> geoff, since i have you here i can't not ask you about fulton county, where the judge has put in some pretty strict parameters for donald trump. he can't say anything on social media, et cetera, that would be intimidating to unindicted co-conspirators, witnesses, co-defendants. what do you think that the judge should do if and maybe when donald trump violates that? >> well, i bet you the campaign, donald trump's campaign right now is trying to hire a cell phone chaperone. certain he can't police himself on the issue. look, i don't even speculate what would happen if donald trump would violate what a judge would say. at the end of the day this is a deteriorating situation for donald trump. just a few days into this we're already watching the handful of folks who've turned themselves in like david shafer really starting to point the direction right at donald trump and the oval office and saying he was directed by his attorneys to do what he did. you're watching others point to shiny objects. but what you're not hearing them point to is that the election was rigged because there's no facts that are going to back that up in this court case. >> yeah, certainly there do not appear to be. errol, geoff, thank you so much to both of you. we do appreciate it. boris? >> still to come on "cnn news central," as long as it takes. those words coming from president biden as he vows to support the survivors of the wildfires in maui. we're going to take you live to the island next for the latest on a search for the missing. and as the drumbeat by house republicans for a biden impeachment inquiry goes louder, the white house is hiring a new counsel. details on the hire when we come back. safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arririve with a replacement we could trust. thatat's service the way we want it. >> singers: : ♪ safelite repai, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wherever you go. wherever you stay. all you need is one key. earn and use rewards across expedia,, and vrbo. that neighbor is hot! that's my husband... what? 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>> reporter: boris, president biden is installing as his third white house counsel an attorney with experience in managing high-level investigations and sensitive inquiries on behalf of the white house. ed siskel managed the obama administration's responses to the investigations into benghazi and the failure of solyndra, a solar panel manufacturer that went belly up after receiving about half a billion dollars in government guarantees. that experience could prove critical in the next 15 months as republicans keep the heat on the biden administration going into the 2024 election. there's been a continued drumbeat of inquiries and document requests from house republicans and then already the white house counsel has been managing the cooperation with special counsels investigating the president's own handling of classified documents and a long-running investigation into the president's youngest son and his business dealings and tax liabilities. in a statement president biden said for nearly four years in the white house when i was vice president siskel helped the counsel's office navigate complex challenges and advance the president's agenda on behalf of the american people. he said ed has shown a deep compliment to public service and respect for the law. siskel will take over that role next month. he departs amid a wave of departures for the administration. biden recently replacing his domestic policy adviser and his legislative affairs chief. and it all comes as chief of staff jeff zients has communicated that for any top aides who are planning to depart before the election they need to do that soon. boris? >> kayla tausche in south lake tahoe. thanks so much. jim? well, the official death toll from hawaii's just devastating wildfires has climbed once again to 115. authorities have also identified more victims as search teams have completed the painstaking task of combing through single-story homes. now the focus will shift to commercial and multi-story residential properties. president biden toured the deadly aftermath yesterday as the federal response has received criticism from the maui community. cnn chief climate correspondent bill weir has more on how the white house plans to help maui rebuild. >> reporter: president and dr. biden spent several hours both over lahaina, on the ground here, and meeting with both first responders and victims of this tragedy at the big shelter, the war memorial shelter in central maui. he said the right thing. when he came to the microphone to give his statements, he said the thing a lot of folks i've been hearing from for two weeks have been saying, that he wants maui, the people of maui help determine how this place is rebuilt. there was a question as to who will have the most influence in that conversation going forward. lockelings here, working-class native hawaii sxnz multigenerational locals are worried about disaster capitalism, people moving in to exploit this and buy up as much land as they can in this paradise and rebuild it. their interests as well, the president promises that won't happen. it remains to be seen. there's a lot of forces at play here right now. he did serve as empathizer in chief after five days of being mostly silent on the issue publicly. but the governor said he was working behind the scenes to assure first responders that the feds had their back on this. he shared the stories we're familiar with of losing his daughter and wife and wondering if his sons had survived a car accident early in his political career. and that's what so many people here are going through now. the list of the missing according to the mayor of maui was whittled from over 2,000 by the fbi and authorities down to around 850 now. that still seems impossibly high this many days, almost two weeks now after the fire broke out. forensic anthropologists, though, say historically scenes like this can take months or even years to sort out the missing. you can hope there's still some confusion as to who's on that list. but the real heartbreak is to think about the children who were left home that day. there are parents in this town who lost their kids. there are kids who lost their parents. we're unclear if president biden was able to meet with any of those. we know he did meet with archie kalepa, a historic figure here. uncle archie as he's known. a hall of fame water man who led a lot of the relief efforts from sort of a cul-de-sac command post we went into as well. some of those who have been very active on social media were at the table at least with president biden for the few hours he was here. but now all eyes are on this place to see how soon they can find the huge number of missing and make peace with those families and how exactly they will rebuild. bill weir, cnn, maui. as officials in georgia are preparing for former president trump's surrender, employees at the fulton county sheriff's office are receiving threats. we'll have details ahead. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. libererty. ♪ automatically responds toto snoring. so, no more hiding under your pillow. because this system actually detects snoring then adjusts to help reduce it. for a limited time, save upy to $700 on selectempur-pedic adjustable mattressets. 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>> nick la conveniencia live for us outside the fulton county jail. thank you for that report. boris? stepping aside from georgia for a moment and to a case in the nation's capital, there are new developments in donald trump's federal election interference case. in a new court filing special counsel jack smith is pushing back hard at the former president's bid to delay his trial until april of 2026. smith claims that trump's legal team is drastically overstating the amount of evidence they need to review. with us now is cnn justice correspondent jessica schneider. so jessica, all of this is happening before a big hearing on monday where judge chutkan is going to essentially set a trial start date. >> yeah, we're seeing these back and forth legal filings, boris, and potentially we're going to see all of this play out in court on monday during that hearing when judge chutkan could potentially decide on a trial date. the question is will she side with the special counsel going more toward january 2024 or will she side more with the trump team? they don't want until 2026, a long time from now. and the special counsel really firing back last night at trump's team. they are in fact saying that trump's team is vastly overstating just how long this will take them to dig into all of this discovery. this is how the special counsel fired back. they said, "in cases such as this one the burden of reviewing discovery cannot be measured by page count alone and comparisons to the height of the washington monument and the length of a t tolstoy novel are neither helpful nor insightful." what they're referring to there is trump's team said look, there are 11.6 million documents that we have to go through here. they compared that to -- that would be eight washington monuments stacked on top of each other with a million pages left over. or they put it this way. it would be like reading 78 copies of tolstoy's "war and peace" cover to cover between now and december 11th. the special counsel saying look, most of these documents donald trump's team, you're already familiar with. >> they've provided them. >> exactly. it contains documents from the secret service, e-mails that potentially donald trump's team would be privy to, also documents from the january 6th select committee, documents that trump associates might have had. so the special counsel's team is saying you are vastly overstating the depth of these documents and we think we can get to trial sooner. we'll see how the judge sides. maybe we'll get a glimpse of what she'll decide on monday. >> a jam-packed legal calendar for the former president. obviously turning himself in in georgia later this week and that big hearing on monday. jessica schneider, thanks so much. jim? well, now to some of the other headlines we're watching this hour. a rescue mission mid-air in pakistan. teams have now saved five children who were trapped in a cable car some 900 feet, 90 stories up, according to a military source. another child and two adults are still inside that cable car, which has been dangling for at least 13 hours. it is nighttime there now. the children, age 10 to 15, were heading to school when one of the chairlift cables snapped. also, a post-pandemic milestone in north korea. it is national airline air koryo resumed daily flights today between pyongyang and vladivostok, russia. it is the first time since 2020, according to a russian airport off official. this video shows one of the jets making a stop on the way in beijing. north korea essentially sealed off the country in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. and china says it will take necessary measures against japan's release of fukushima's nuclear wastewater into the pacific ocean. the 2011 earthquake and tsunami caused highly radioactive material to contaminate the plant, which uses water to cool the fuel. all the water that has been stored on site -- has been stored on site. but plant officials say they are now running out of room. a u.n. watchdog group said the release follows safety protocols. the government-owned plant said the water would be released slowly and over decades. brianna? tropical storm harold hitting texas while other storms in the atlantic could pose new threats. we'll be looking at the forecast. also the concerns about it after a quick break. this is "cnn news central." ustom visuals that inspire pride district-wide. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement.t. at pnc bank, you can finind us in big cities and small towns across the us, where our focus is to always support the people who live and work there. because you call tse communities home, and we do too. pnc bank. how can you sleep on such a firm setting? gab, mine is almost the same as yours. almost is just another word for not as good as mine. save 50% on the sleep number® limited edition smart bed. plus, 60-month financing on all smart beds. shop now only at sleep number®. you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit martial arts is my passion. i work out whenever i can. but with my moderate- to-severe eczema, it can be tough. now, i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from within. so you can have clearer skin, and noticeably less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. ♪ ("please don't go" by harry casey, richard raymond finch ) ♪ (ping) ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ don't goooooo! ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ don't go away ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ please don't go ♪ that's why the new titan turkey is proferred by this football pro. and proferred by this football pro who actually uses her feet. and if we profer it, we know you'll prefer it too. i use my feet. have you seen me scramble? 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>> right. it's still a tropical storm. it did make landfall south padre island around 10:00 central time, 11:00 eastern time. it's got winds of 45 miles per hour, so still some very gusty winds with gusts of 65 miles per hour. moving to the west-northwest at 21. so this is a fast-moving storm. so the rain do s. going to get in and it's going to get out. this is beneficial rain for texas because we are in drought conditions for much of the state. however, we are getting a lot of rain at one time. so we do have some flash flood warnings in effect for areas around corpus christi, to the west of corpus christi as well, as we've seen several inches of rainfall already. so this rain is going to continue to push westward. it should be dying out in the next couple of hours. and then it's going to push into northern sections of mexico, west texas throughout the afternoon and the overnight hours. the forecast accumulation, we're looking at about two to three additional inches of rain. could see higher amounts across portions of mexico. but as i mentioned, this is a very dry area. 88% of the lone star state under drought conditions. unfortunately, this tropical system did not go a little bit farther to the north because that's where we're experiencing the driest conditions. but brianna, i think every little bit of rain helps. this is the type of system that you want, right? because you don't have the 100-mile-per-hour winds but you have the beneficial rain for a state that desperately needs it. >> yeah. that's right. certainly needs that rain. if only it could push a little north there. jen, thank you so much for that. boris? the jail is always open, and the first two of donald trump's alleged co-conspirators have come and gone, but they will not be the last. ahead, what's going to happen at the atlanta facility where trump is expected to surrender on thursday. that and more still ahead on "cnn news central." nersprings, for a bebeautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. for a limited timeme, save up to $800 on select stearns & foster® adjustable mattress sets. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, here, i'll take that! 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar.! enter the $10,000 powered by protein machallenge. ♪ the america's best celebrity sale is here. with picture-worthy designer frames at a fly price from sofia vergara you're in my shot! sure to get my good side! get two pairs of celebrity frames for $89.95 for a limited time at america's best. book an exam today. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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and in texas the

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, Leadership , Homes , Law Enforcement Source , Knowledge , Nightmare , Addition , Deputies , Grand Jurors , Information , Vest , Expectation , Leads , Jack Smith , Georgia For A Moment , Report , Interference , Nation , Capital , Developments , Justice , Amount , Bid , 2026 , April Of 2026 , Chutkan , Correspondent Jessica Schneider , Jessica , Filings , Special Counsel , January 2024 , Discovery , Cases , Comparisons , Page , Length , Height , Washington Monument , Look , Pages , Insightful , Reading , Washington Monuments Stacked , Tolstoy Novel , 11 6 Million , A Million , 78 , Cover , Most , Copies , Tolstoy , War And Peace , December 11th , 11 , E Mails , Depth , Associates , January 6th Select Committee , Secret Service , 6 , January 6th , Glimpse , Sides , Calendar , Big Hearing On Monday , Feet , Teams , Rescue Mission Mid Air , 90 , 900 , Child , Chairlift Cables , Adults , Air Koryo , Milestone , Airport , North Korea , Vladivostok , Russia , Pyongyang , China , Country , Stop , Measures , Jets , Pandemic , Midst , Video , Beijing , Coronavirus , Japan , Fukushima , Water , Plant , Earthquake , Site , Fuel , Wastewater , Tsunami , Material , Pacific Ocean , 2011 , U N , Room , Safety Protocols , Tropical Storm Harold , Storms , South Texas , Break , Forecast , Concerns , Atlantic , Inspire Pride District , Ustom Visuals , Fastsigns , Finind , Statement T , Tse Communities Home , Word , Gab , Company , Spreadsheets , Kayak , Passion , Eczema , Visit Indeed Com Hire Martial Arts , Skin , Infection , Eye Pain , Reactions , Itch , Joint Aches , Eye Problems , Dupixent , Please Don T Go , Harry Casey , Asthma , Richard Raymond Finch , Ping , Don T Go Please Goooooo , Don T Go Away , Football Pro , Titan Turkey , Proferred , Psych , Foul , Score , Dude , Home Insurance , Allstate , Wow , Stuff , To Die For , Out Didn T You , Commitment , Volume , Um , Xfinity 10g Network , Lawyer , Hearings , Offices , State Lawmakers , Fani Willis , Revolving Door , Negotiations , Coast , Fraud Claims , Storm , Winds , Jennifer Gray , Landfall , Weather Center , Heavy Rain , Flooding , The Storm Made Landfall , Storm Surge , South Padre Island , Eastern Time , Central Time , Atlantic Hurricane Season , Rain , Drought Conditions , Gusts , Rain Do S , 65 , 21 , Estate , Rainfall , West , Flash Flood Warnings , Corpus Christi , Effect , Amounts , Afternoon , Sections , Forecast Accumulation , Mexico , West Texas , North , Lone Star State , Portions , 88 , Driest Conditions , Type , 100 , Jen , Timeme , Comfort , Bebeautiful Mattress , Nersprings , Protein , Energy , Stearns Foster Adjustable Mattress Sets , Uuuhhhh , Sugar , 10000 , 0000 , Protein Machallenge , Celebrity Sale , Side , Pairs , Celebrity Frames , Shot , Fly Price , Picture , Designer Frames , America , Sofia Vergara , 89 95 , 9 95 , Windshield , Sleep , Exam Today , Woman , America S Best , Experts , Safety System , Recalibrated Our Car , Vabysmo , Sight , Wet Amd , Safelite Repair , Treatments , Treatment , Fda , 4 , Eye , Eye Injection , Eye Infection , Causes , Swelling , Eye Pressure , Injection , Retinal Detachment , Increase , Heart Attack , Stroke , Blood Clots , A Stay , In Real Time , Gift Card , Tourists , Scientists , Thousands , Coral Reefs , Western , Bestwestern Com , 0 , Researchers , Help Life Underwater Flourish , Surrenders , 18 , The Show Goes On Without Main Attraction , Next ,

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