Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

happening now, the first of 19 defendants in the 2020 georgia fraud case has been booked and released from jail, and in the next 48 hours, the former president is going to do the same after a agreeing to a $200,000 bond, and the restrictions that president donald trump is facing. new threat, the fulton county sheriff's department and several employees threatened for doing their job as donald trump prepares to surrender on thursday. one day until the first republican debate, and which candidate is planning to make the biggest splash? who is planning to take the biggest swipe at donald trump or someone else? we have brand-new reporting and snacks. i'm john berman with kate bolduan and sara sidner. this is cnn "news central." right behind me there a live look at fulton county jail in georgia where the first of 19 defendants has been released after being booked into jail. within the next 48 hour, former president donald trump is going to go through the same process. it is going to be his fourth arrest and the historic moment nonetheless, and unlike previous arrest, this one may come with the first mug shot. trump says he plans to surrender thursday, a day before the deadline and we are watching if any of the other 18 co-conspirators are going to turn in, and overnight, donald trump agreed to the $200,000 deal including a ban of him making a direct or indirect threat of any nature against the witnesses or co-defendants and that restriction is coming as cnn is learning that system of the law officials who are about to book him are facing new threats against the public this morning. katelyn polantz is leading frus atlanta this morning. what are we learning about this first defendant who turned himself in and you have new information about someone else whose attorney has shown up in court today. >> right. so we are watching here at the courthouse for attorneys and prosecutors to come and do the work that they need to do before all of these 19 defendants are ultimately arrested at the jail. there has been one defendant who has been into the jail and out of the jail already. a defendant named scott hall, a bail bondsman himself, and someone who knows system here in fulton county, georgia, and he is indicted in the racketeering case alongside donald trump, but scott hall went into the jail to be booked after negotiating his bond in advance about 8:15 according to the jail's records and zach cohen and nick valencia here in cnn were able to report and say that he out by 10:00 a.m., and not that lochk a time where someone in this case may be sitting over there at the fulton county jail, and quite a harrowing place to be inside given the history of a lot of difficulties inside of the jail and the cleanliness and the questionsf violence inside of the jail. so we are looking to see how long these arrests take and how long people are there or not, and then at the courthouse, there is business to be done here, too. there are still prosecutors here from fani willis' office caseworking and we spotted them by the large team of cnn keeping watch over this complex. we have also seen one of the attorneys arriving for another defendant, a man named david schaffer, and he was the chairman of the republican party here in georgia and essentially the lead fake elector in georgia who is accused of some of the charges around that fake elector plot that donald trump was trying the use tofr turn the vote not just in georgia but in other parts of the country. the attorney for david schaffer was here apparently very likely to be negotiating with the prosecutors what his bnd bond would be. it is a little bit like playing the whack-a-mole that we have 19 defendants and they have to negotiate the bond and be arrested, and go over to the jail and report there and be arraigned, but we are track one by one as much as we can. >> the one that we do know about is donald trump within the next 48 hours, he going through the same gates that you are seeing there at the fulton county jail, and doing same process that we just heard about. thank you so much, caitlyn poe lance for all of the reporting. kate? >> tomorrow, former trump attorney john eastman is expected to surrender to the fulton county authorities accused of nine charges to help trump with the fake elector scheme, and eastman agreed to $100,000 bond. zach cohen is outside of the fulton county jail where as discussed, they all need to report the surrender. so, zach, eastman is expected to report tomorrow, and what are you learning about the other defendants as well? >> yes, kate, as they start to come and reach agreements on bail, we know that some of the co-defendants have reached bail including former trump attorney chesborough and the bail bondsman who has already surrendered and the big difference is the bond amount. trump is set at $200,000, and eastman and cheeseman is at $100,000 and scott hall at $10,000 and otherwise, the rest of the co-defendants have generic bond agreements and the terms of you can't intimidate any witness, you cannot violate state laws or even talk about the facts of the case with anybody except through your lawyer, and we will see more the defendants and more than a dozen who have to negotiate, and we will see their lawyers who have to negotiate and then trickle over here to the courthouse. >> thank you, zach cohen. >> and now more on the contours of the trump bail deal, and going to the founder of the law firm elie honig, and what are the parts here? the cash part is first. >> yes, he has a $200,000 bail, and he doesn't have to come up with that much money, but it is usually 10% of it, and that is meaning that if a person takes off, you are on the hook for it. and then what is also that he is allowed to what he has to say about the others, and that is standard release, but then we have a standard nuance. >> looking at the details here, and the ombudsman here, and this is a complicated long list, but elie, highlight the words here. >> he cannot intimidate and second of all make a threat, and this is important direct or indirect, and they are trying to anticipate what donald trump might say and how he might say it. who can he not intimidate or threaten directly or indirectly, any co-defendant, any witness including the co-conspirators and of course any victim or to the community in general, and this is really important also and unique to this particular case to donald trump, this includes but it is not limited to posts on social media or re-post, because something that he has done in facs and say that it is not my post and i re-tweeted it or re-truthed it. so what they are trying to do is to anticipate the ways that he might try to push the envelope. >> this is interesting when you highlight the exact words of how specific they are trying to get in some cases. and give us an example of something that he has said in the past that may tow or cross the line? >> how the prosecutors are going to decide how something crosses the line or the judge. this is from before it was in order, and they will look for two things one, is the post specific as to a person, a witness here? jeff duncan our cnn colleague -- >> this is a truth social comment that he made about a known witness. >> yes, he has said publicly that he is a witness, and not just directed at the world in general, but a person, and named there, and misspells it, but we know who it s. and it is not tied to the political world, but specifically to the case. and he is testifying before the grand jury of full conn county, and he shouldn't. so how specific to the person and the case, and this is an example. >> where is it is vague or complicated to figure out if he crosses the line. >> how about this scenario, mike pence is a witness in the case, and probably a victim by any legal or common sense reading, and also an opponent electorally of donald trump's in ongoing republican primary, and donald trump has a right to attack, criticize mike pence as a political candidate, but if he crosses that line and gets into mike pence's status as a victim or witness, then he is violating. >> if donald trump crosses the line, who decides and what happens? >> this is up to two entities to the police here, and prosecutors can go here to say he has violate and the judge on his or her own can say, and in this case, he, there has been a violation, and what can he do? he can take away the cash bond or increase it. you are not reliable here, and post more. and he can put in increased restrictions. in a normal case, you can put on an an ankle brace and you can home bound them or remand them, and wait for case in jail. do not count on that happening to donald trump, but it does happen in real cases, and i have been part of cases writ has happened. >> there are areas for him to push the limits, and thank you, e elie honig. >> i would hire that law firm, and i would hire you guys, but i need a discount. and now, joining us is our chief political correspondent dana bash, our inside politics anchor extraordinaire, and i wanted to talk about the politics here, because he has all of the legal troubles that everybody knows about and they keep come up, and he also has the campaign going at the same time, and does this -- is this going to have a big impact, and so far the polls are showing us dana that the people who support donald trump support him to the nth degree. >> in the short term, we cannot say it enough, and we want to underline it, highlight it, bold it and do whatever you need to do to make it treextremely clea the campaign and the legal situation are so inextricably linked and not just that, but when it is coming to the trump the strategy, they are very much symbiotic, and just look at this week. we have the debate tomorrow, which he is not attending. he is doing his own counter programming. and then the very next day, when you have candidates who are going to be on the stage hoping, praying for a standout moment to have the ability to break through what has been very much the trump media environment, what is going to happen? what is going to happen is that the media rightly so is all going to be focused on the former president going down to georgia and having the experience of being arrested for the fourth time. and so, when you look at those things for example, and so many other examples of this, and in another world, non-trump world going down to get arrested for the the fourth time would be lights out for a campaign. this is fueling his short-term campaign for the republican nomination even more so, and it is largely, sara, because of how he is playing it, and because of the understanding of who his base is and at least in, again, i keep saying in the short-term, because we are talking about the republican electorate how to play to them, vis-a-vis what he is going through and how he is making it about the people not him. >> and i think that the polling keeps over and over again showing it that the people who support him, they believe him. they believe what he is saying, and so all of this they see as just the deep state coming after him, and this just another example, so he does not have to show up on the stage. i do want to talk about the conditions though, because it is cramping his style where the court has said, look, you cannot tweet or retweet or truth social or whatever he is using, and if there is any intimation of some kind of intimidation against any of those folks who are involved in his trials in georgia, and does this hurt him, because he is used the being very bombastic and going after the people, and that is part of the schtick. >> it is absolutely and not only part of the schtick and a big reason why he is where he is in the polls. far and away, the frontrunner for the republican nomination, and you know, this is a test. this is a test to be able to watch how he walks that line, dances on that line, and maybe even the better way to the imagery is dancing on the head of a pin, because you know that he is going to not fully pullback on the social media or on the stump. you know, you just saw that last night he went after fani willis the prosecutor down there, and it does not seem as though the bond agreement specifies her. it seems as though it is the co-defendants and mostly the witnesses. but who knows. this is like so many things in trump world is unchartered territory. >> well, one thing that we do know that it is going to be a big long battle both politically and legally. dana bash, thank you for showing up for us. you have a whole show to do come up at noon. you can check out dana on "inside politics today" as i said at noon eastern and don't miss it. kate? >> stay here and stay on through. coming up for us, the debate stage is set, and eight republican candidates have met the requirements and honing message as they prepare for the biggest night of their political career, and how does the pitch change with the frontrunner refusing to show up. plus, two children trapped in a chair lift 800 feet in the air, and they have now been rescued. we have more ahead. and a blackout in a los angeles hospital after the backup power failed as well, and firefighters moving critically ill patients including children. that update is ahead. hold... hoooold!!! hooold! now!!!! i'm on it. i'm, on it. already sold t to carvana. go to carvana and track your car's valalue today. the first time you connected your godaddy websitete and your store was also the first time you realized... well, we can do anything. cheesecake cookies? the chookie! manage all your sales om one place with a partner that always pu you first. 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is that right? >> hi, john. yes. four children are now safe and special service commandos are leading this rescue effort for many hours now. they have been dangling by just one cable above 900 feet above ground. so it has been ongoing for a very long time, and just with a regular school run that is very common in the northern part of pakistan, and the communities that are connected by cable cars from one valley to the next. and it is a four-minute cable car journey, and the cable cars themselves are hokey, and they are not the best made, and not safety oversight, and we know that the helicopters hovering there above the cage-like cable car that had children ages 12 to 15 trapped within it. the helicopter blades themselves were causing winds to create problems and causing one cable that was holding and suspending the cable car aloft to move. so it is very slow and steady rescue operation, and we are now going into the night here in pakistan, and they are really hoping to complete this rescue effort before it gets too late, and it is too difficult and more dangerous. and so four people have been rescued and four people continue to stay inside of that cable car, and we are hoping and praying across the country that this ends on a good note. john? >> four children rescued, and we believe four others are trapped inside and we have been told that some of the children are losing consciousness, and going in and out of consciousness as they were awaiting rescue. so some partial good news that at least some of them are safe, and we will wait for word on the others. and sophia, thank you. keep us posted. kate? >> john, we have more breaking news coming in right now, and former trump attorney john eastman has turned himself in we are told to surrender as part of the cascade of co-defendants to turn themselves in there in georgia. we go to katelyn polantz with more. >> john eastman is one of the attorneys alongside donald trump out of fulton county, georgia, has been charged, bond set and over at the jail according to the records that we are able to see from the fulton county sheriff's office. john eastman was elections attorney for donald trump and prominent figure in right wing legal circles who then became essentially the architect of some of the efforts that trump made to overturn his loss after the election trying to stop congress, trying to use fake electors to do so and trying to pressure mike pence, and john eastman, we are seeing all of the details as a criminal defendant who has been arrested and over at the jail. he has a book number. they have taken down his age, weight, race, hair color, height. they have listed all of the charges he is facing. now he is expected to be released in due time, and once that arrest is finish and he has been processed, that is because he has negotiated the bond ahead of time and agreed to pay a certain amount to the court system even if he does not appear for trial, but it is sobering moment to see a prominent attorney for donald trump after the election that we have spent so much time discussing what he did, and we have seen him fight the charges or the issues related to the law license and now to see him come through the system as someone who is arrested and in jail here in georgia even temporarily to respond to this. we did get a statement from the attorneys through his attorneys that eastman made himself that he was here today to surrender to an indictment that never should have been brought and those were his words. he said it is the crossing of the rubicon for the country, and his belief is that it is targeting the attorneys for their zealous advocacy on behalf of the clients, and in this case, eastman was working for donald trump after the election, but judges have said that there is a possibility that lawyers who may have been working for trump on his behalf could have been taking steps to advance a crime. these men at this time will be charged. we do expect eastman to plead not guilty. >> caitlyn katelyn polantz with breaking news. we will see what happens as the floodgates are opening as people begin to surrender to start the process of being processed to face the charges. we will be back to you shortly, i am sure. and now, joining us is former social commentator bakari sellers and also, former adviser to the mitt romney campaign, ja jared, and now that we have some starting to face the racketeering charges of the fake elector scheme trying to overturn the election results, bakari, put on the attorney hat here, and this a big moment to see john eastman and others turning themselves in here, and what do you think of this moment? >> well, the first thing they think about is the problems that he is going to have with the bar going forward or the practice law. that is somewhat the first thing. you stake your entire livelihood and going to law school for three years and in my case, you take the bar exam a couple of time, but regard leshgs you take the bar exam and do your very best to have some ethics and morals throughout the legal career, and then in a position to not just helping a client, and the allegations are that you are aiding a client to commit a crime, and in this case, the client is overthrowing democracy, and you find yourself with a mug shot, and some place you never saw yourself when you gave the oath. so i think that john eastman is thinking about this process and the family and looking at a mandatory of five years with rico. he is in a legendary detention center, and it is all hitting him and it is like cold water dousing him in the face, and what is going to be the future. and john eastman, young thug, and he never thought that he would be there in fulton county detention center. >> i think that nobody thought that they would be in the same category to say the least, bakari. kevin, this is -- and it is all happening this week, anded this is first step in a long process, but just as, when you are thinking of john eastman and the role that he played in, in pushing the fake elector scheme for donald trump how close he was to donald trump and in the inner circle, and now he has surrendered himself even temporarily in fulton county, georgia. >> we will see it all week long, and it is going to culminate thursday with donald trump unprecedentedly turning himself on, and that going to step on every bit of news that comes out of wednesday's debate. it is unfortunate for all of the other candidates if they have a viral moment, and if they are going to shine and ron desantis puts on a great show and suddenly, you know, the half of the party that is open to another candidate other than trump starts to look at one of the candidates very, very seriously, donald trump is going to swamp them with the news and step all over it. >> let's talk it, because we have eight candidates who are going to be on the debate stage. we know that donald trump clearly met the requirements, but he is refusing to show up, and kevin, if eight people walk on the stage, who has the most to win? who has the most to lose? >> in both cases, it is ron desantis. this is really going to be the ron desantis debate. he has his first big opportunity to be the alternative to donald trump. this is the first time many voters outside of florida will see him. he's been attacked, you know, millions of dollars that have been dropped on him calling him sanctimonious and unlikable, and if he is nonef those things and competent and shines and takes the hits and delivers hits, then, you know, we might see a very different primary outlook, and he might vault ahead. if he doesn't do those thing, the campaign going to be in serious trouble. >> yeah. given, we know, bakari, that donald trump is not going to be showing up, and trying to counter program, and then you on thursday, you know, him turning himself in as kevin rightly put will steal a lot of the spotlight, what do you think, because you are always in the business of giving the advice to republicans, and what do you think that the win looks like on the debate stage tomorrow? >> yeah. they don't listen to my advice though, goodness gracious. so, look, i think a few things. the first is that i somewhat disagree with my friend and my colleague today about who has the most the lose and who has the most the gain and that being ron desantis, and the reason being is that we have desantis' work product. he was mollywhapped by a former rival in a debate. so we know how poorly he debates. and then it goes to nikki haley and even though donald trump is not to have the opportunity to win the debate, and the third tier for those who have fortitude to stand up against donald trump and those two are only asa hutchinson and chris christie, and those are the only individuals who have an opportunity to win tomorrow night, and for instance, the counter programming is hor rib. nobody going to be watching tucker carlson on twitter or x or whatever it is called now, and nobody going to be responsive to the quote, unquote counter programming, but if nicky n nikki and tim give a vision for if future even though we disagree, and if it is healthy nor party and it is a good night, it is short lived, because at 6:00 a.m., people will talk about something else. >> kevin, what do you think could equate to a losing night for donald trump? i have a hard time seeing what a losing night for donald trump is tomorrow night. >> yeah, i don't either. i don't how he loses. he is certainly not going to lose with his base. >> right. >> we know that anything could happen, and they would stick with him. but, you know, the worst thing that could happen for donald trump is that one of the candidates emerges as the alternative to donald trump and the one percenters start to get pressured to get off of the stage and get out of the race. if that happens, right now, we don't v you know, other than ron desantis, there has not been an alternative merge. if that happen, somebody puts on an electric performance tomorrow night, and that happen, maybe it shifts race. >> guys, end with something very important, because strange things happen on the way to debate stage sometimes. happens form of debate prep for vivek ramaswany, and he is sending a message with the debate prep to know when you are hitting the stage to be prepared. show his form of debate prep that he was at least saying is yesterday. so, that is three hours of debate prep there, bakari sellers. thoughts? >> yeah. yeah. i'm not too -- there is nothing about that excites me. i think that he is actually one of the candidates that is kind of the biggest clown in the circus. the reason being is that he really does not have any political depth. he hangs on to the republican trophes and language of donald trump. he should be spending time with kevin today preparing for the debate, because he really does not have any policy depth, and the fact that he is out there hitting a tennis ball is showing you that he is not going to be take it seriously tomorrow night, and we will see the lack of depth shown through. he is going to be the one who is actually the bottom falls out, because right now in polls, he is running third and i don't know how or why and i don't know who a ramaswamy voter is, but tomorrow, the bottom is going to be falling out due to the lack of depth. and who plays tennis with their shirt off? who plays tennis with their shirt off? >> well, clearly, you and i have not played together, because i have all sorts of gear, but we will get into that later. well, we -- well, let's not delve sinto that minefield ther, bakari, and we will all be friends. i am saving you there, kevin, but next time you get the viral moment question. it is nice to see you, both, ba consider ri sellers and kevin -- bakari sellers and kevin shilman. and we will have a closer look at tr trump when we come b. the all-new mpur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweati all night... ...or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. for a limited time, save up to $700 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. ♪ ("please don't go" by harry casey, richard raymond finch ) ♪ (ping) ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ please don't go ♪ ♪ don't goooooo! ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ don't go away ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ please don't go ♪ okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ organizations is asking a federal court in d.c. to unseal the materials that special counsel jack smith used when he secured a search warrant to secure donald trump's social media account. according to the filings there was no objection to the warrant from twitter. so we bring in our media reporter, oliver darcy, and first of all, some of us were very surprised that he used that as a communication source, because he tweets and emails. >> we know that he was on the platform from morning to the end of the night, and back up in the morning and tweeting away, and so i guess that he was also messaging people privately, and so that is what jack smith has obtained, system of the direct messages that trump sent, and now, media organizations including cnn and outlets like "the new york times" and cbs and the washington post, and a number of news organizations are interested in getting more transparency into the warrant that jack smith applied for when he got the judge to sign off on the search warrant on twitter, and they are looking for more transparency into the case. >> the warrants themselves would tell you what they were looking for, correct? that is going to give you some insight into what might be there. >> exactly, why were they looking to search his twitter account and hoping to find or what would they find and some media organizations will get that application, they might learn more about this case, and it is obviously, you know, not strange for news organizations to seek this sort of transparent circumstances and it is normal, and the justice department we should note is opposing this motion, and they have until august 30th to reply, but it is the first or one of the illustrations of the news organizations looking for transparency, and the big one of course in these cases is going to be cameras in the court. will the news organizations be able to have cameras to show the american public what happens in these historic trials, and that is the major fight that is going to happen early next year or late this year. >> the fight is starting to happen in georgia. georgia may be the one place where we do get cameras in the court, but the federal courts have been loathe to let the cameras in for decades now, and this is certainly not the first time when they have said no to cameras. >> it is not the first time and there have been a lot of the transparenciey eadvocates sayint is outdated and let the public see what is happening in the historic trial, and there is a lot of misinformation swirling around the trump trials. if you can stream it to the public, and people can see it in realtime what is actually happening there, i think that might be beneficial to the discourse around those trial, and that you are going to be seeing a lot of pressure on the courts and the judges to allow for the cameras. >> i think that you will see it, and some of it coming from us as well, because the journalists want to see it, and there are also safety concerns that the court is going to have to consider as well. thank you, darcy. >> thank you. and what kind of security measures are put in place for former president trump the's surrender thursday at the fulton county jail. a closer look at how unusual and mundane processing of a former president of the united states isis going to be. we will look at thathead. d arre with a replacement we could trust. that's service thehe way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite rerepai, safelite replace. ♪ was also the first time you heard of a town named dinosaur, colorado. we just got an order from dinosaur, colorado. start an easy to build, powerful website for free with a partner that always puts you first. start for free at meet the team all using chase to keep up with their finances. smart bankers. convenient tools. boom. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. heading on a family trip? 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>> to the extent that they can. you have two interests here. one is georgia trying to say, we will treat him like anybody else, and the other is the effect that it has on the jail and the secret service factor, and what you will see is that this is going to be a pretty much in and out, and he going to land at the airport and motorcade to the jail, and that going to be with the secret service, and atlanta pd and fulton county sheriff. delivered to the jail. he is going to go into the garage entrance and might not see him at all, and go through the processing, and the bond is set, prenegotiated and he will be fingerprinted and taken the mugshot taken and unless the plan changes, and then as a protech protechtee, they want him back to the car and back to the airport and the whole thing relatively invisible. >> you said it could have been handled differently, and in what way? >> they could have made the arrangement to have him fingerprinted at the courthouse, and they could have foregone the mugshot, and everybody knows what he looks like, and they could get a picture from the internet, and done some of the accommodations that were done in new york city and other places. but i think that they are making a statement by not doing anything differently. >> from time to time, donald trump is a person who likes to talk in public. is there an opportunity for him in this process if he wants to grandstand for him to do so? >> he could. he could do it at the airport. he could stop outside the jail and talk to reporters. but i don't think that we will see this. you have a, the judge's admonishment yesterday about not making certain statements and not crossing that line, and b, you have a case where there is bond set which means bond can be revoked and those conditions can be changed. so, as much as it may be tempting for donald trump to poke the bear here, i think that if he goes out to make a statement after this booking, the secret service will have to protect him from his own attorneys. >> he may have the tread lightly and not as stealthily as john miller did when he entered the set. thank you for coming. sara? a blackout at a los angeles hospital has forced more than 200 paetschpatients to be evacu more on the dangerous situation coming up. 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