Transcripts For CNNW Fareed 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Fareed 20240704

i'm fredericka whitfield, and we begin with this breaking news. a powerful and historic storm bearing down on southern california. right now we are getting our first images as tropical storm hilary slammed baja california, in mexico. intense rain causing massive flooding there. mexican officials say at least one person is now dead after their vehicle was swept away. hilary is expected to hit the u.s. later on today. officials warn the storm can bring life-threatening flooding and some areas can see up to ten inches of rain. in california, mud slides remain a growing concern in the burn areas of the san bernardino mountains. the sheriff's department there ordering people to evacuate. along the coast hilary could bring large swells and potentially life-threatening rip currents. visitors and some residents on catalina island were encouraged to leave on saturday. in los angeles, people filled sandbags ahead of hilary's arrival. mayor karen bass said today the city is prepared, but a big concern right now is for people who are homeless. yesterday sheriff's office flying over the riverbed areas warning people there to seek higher ground. [ indiscernible ] >> governor gavin newsom has declared a state of emergency in much of southern california. he says more than 7,000 responders are on the ground. we are tracking all of the latest developments on tropical storm hilary. let's start with you, allison chinchar in the weather center, what is the path of the storm? >> right now, still off the coast of baja california. sustained winds of 70 miles per hour, so a high-end tropical storm at this point, the forward movement north-northwest at 25 miles per hour and the former speed keeps ticking up ever so slightly and the landfall time that we are expected to cross over land is also speeding up. we anticipate that it arrives across california later on this afternoon local time, likely between 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. and it will continue to make its way up to nevada and continuing to weaken as it does, as well and regardless of how much this storm weakens, the rain will be the big story here. we we are starting to see the moderate and heavy bands continuing to spread across california, southwestern, arizona and eventually into nevada, as well. you are starting to see the heavy rain push farther west places like l.a. and san diego, but you will start to see more of a shift and the heavier rain bands continuing to push farther east as we get later into the afternoon. widespread rainfall totals two to four inches and some spots can pick up six, eight, ten inches of rain. two to four inches might not sound like that much east of the rockies where it's common with thunderstorms, but for this area it's not. take a look at this image. this is from last summer. death valley national park, severe weather caused the cars to be trapped in mud. since then that was less than an inch and a half. we are forecasting two to four inches in the less than 24-hour time period. you are talking about a year's worth of rain in 24 hours and in some areas it will be the same scenario, and that's also why you have the excessive risk for flooding and not just for death valley, but also las vegas, san diego, los angeles, all of these areas have the potential to have that flood risk. not only today, but continuing into the day on monday. here you can see a lot of those really heavy bands begin to set up late this afternoon and into the evening local time. it will continue through the evernig overnight hours and through monday morning. you will not see the moisture retreating from the southwest until we get to monday afternoon and especially into monday evening and that's because the rain at that point is now pushing into the pacific northwest. so it's just shifting into a different area. winds are also going to be a concern. you have high wind warnings and all of these areas in red and the orange indicating a wind advisory. we're talking wind gusts, 50 to 60 miles per hour and trees can come down and power lines. we'll likely have power outage issues in a lot of states, not just southern california. you'll notice a lot of these areas especially in the afternoon, and ticking up 30, 40 miles per hour by the overnight and you're talking 50 to 60 miles per hour and once we get into remember it especially the latter half of the day you'll start to see them calming down into the 10, 15, maybe max 20-mile-per-hour range into the rest of the day on monday. you have hilary here and also pointing out, too, fred you have a lot of activity in the ocean basins right now. we have newly formed tropical storm emily out into the atlantic and we'll be keeping a close eye and monitoring these over the next couple of days. >> that is a lot of activity and i'm trying to keep up and writing all of this down because i know it will impact so many people over the next 24 hours. thank you so much, allison chinchar. appreciate that. >> now to palm springs about a hundred miles east of los angeles. the mayor there is pleading with residents to stay inside. cnn's stephanie elam is live for us in palm springs. what are they bracing for there, stephanie? >> we are bracing for a whole lot of water in a place that's not used to getting this much water at all, fred. we've gone through a couple of sprinkles there. take advantage of not having a jacket on because we expect to fully be in jackets by the time we get into the later afternoon hours. take a look at what she said they're doing right now. >> at this point, we are asking residents to stay inside, stay where they are. we don't have any reason to evacuate at this time. we have closed down preemptively three of our roads that are regularly flooded. we do know that there's going to be flooding because, like i said, even an inch or two of rain in the desert can cause damage. >>. >> yeah. i can't stress how bizarre it is to have rain in august in southern california. this is one of the major roads that the mayor has was talking about that they closed down here. they get yets on these roads already without rain. just to be safe, because of potential flooding they've shut it down. out in the distance there, there's interstate 10 and people have been coming down here trying to get on the highway and the police officers here, that's where you would find joshua tree national park and that's also supposed to see a lot of flooding. they're worried about the mud flow flows and worried about how much flooding there will be and they want people to stay safe, stay inside and most of the reason that we see interruptions in service is because of debris flying around in the wind that then knocks out poles or knocks out some of their towers. because of that, they have crews stacked for 24 hours looking for that, looking to restore service and similarly in other parts of the state, as well. overall, this is a very bizarre thing and that is why we have seen in all of our social media, l.a. county, san diego, all of them putting out, fema, the state of california, putting out messages itting people to be prepared because no one looks at the weather in august, fred. it's just beautiful all of the time. maybe too hot, but no one is expecting range, and they want to get the message out to make sure people are being safe. >> well, it's hard to prepare for this. people are having to heed warnings, and prepare as best you can with the sandbagging and stay inside and those are paramount because a wind event and a rain event, pretty astounding to hear a year's worth of rain in one 24 to 36-hour period. so, all right. we'll be paying attention to you and everybody else, stephanie elam, thank you so much. a short time ago the mayor of los angeles warned residents to stay home as the storm nears its historic and rare landfall on the west coast. over the past few days the city family has been working around the clock to prepare for the storm and we are just beginning to see it hit los angeles. our message today is clear, stay safe, stay home and stay informed. this is an unprecedented weather event, but los angeles has deep experience responding to crisis. whether it be wildfire or earthquake, the city is prepared. a lot of work has already been done to prepare and there are a few critical areas of focus. our primary mission, of course is to protect the life and property of angelinos. second, we need to keep our city workers safe. third, we must ensure that city services are operating as best as possible given the circumstances. >> last night, chief crowley who is the incident commander activated the emergency operation center to level 2. it was very important that we started in-person preparation last night so that this morning we were already in action. last night i also signed a declaration of local emergency to immediately activate the emergency operations organization and waived any regulation that may inhibit the saving of lives here in los angeles. >> i want to thank president biden and vice president harris as well as governor newsom for their support in preparation and their pledges to support with recovery as needed. rid right now, again, it is critical that angelinos stay safe and stay home unless directed by officials. avoid unnecessary travel. if you do not need to be on the road please don't get in your car. make sure your emergency kit and essential devices are on hand and ensure that all of your devices are charged. in the event of life-threatening emergency, angelinos should call 911 for impacts like roadway flooding, tree limbs blocking roads or mud slides, angelinos should request service online or by calling 311. in the event of power outages, our water main breakage, los angeles department of water and power customers can call 1-800-dial, d-i-a-l, dwp. if you see downed power lines or wires please do not approach them. the water surrounding the wires could cause serious injury or death. just to reiterate one last time, stay safe, stay home and stay informed. >> all right, from the los angeles mayor karen bass. state emergency officials are also very concerned about areas like los angeles, concerned that they'll see double their yearly amount of water in just a single day, lingering burn scars from wildfires are very susceptible to flash flooding and debris flows. i want to bring in now giuliett kayyem to talk about this. she is a cnn secure national security analyst and former analyst at the department of homeland security and author of the book "the devil never sleeps." good to see you. what is the number one priority in your view for southern california and those cities right now? ? so it's the protection of human life, period, as the mayor was saying and that's all that matters and it's relatively easy for those that are with homes which is to just stay home. we know how to do this. we lived through covid. the worst parts of it will be over by midday monday. you do that one to protect yourself, two, because you don't want to put first responders in harm's way because you're out and about. everyone can stay put. the second is -- is people thinking that this was not as bad as we thought it was going to be. a little science here. hurricane categories are based on wind speed, not water released and so the wind may be going down. that's good news because then you'll have less damage, but the rain forecasts are pretty bad and this is land that does not get this kind of rain, that cannot sustain, there's nowhere for the water to go except for the kind of flash flooding we're worried about, and that goes to the, you know, the cumulative impact of these climate disasters. so you have the drought and the fires related to the drought. that then leaves land that is then more susceptible to flash flooding because there's no vegetation that can sort of, absorb the water and this is the cumulative impact, but human life, number one, stay put. >> while state emergencies officials are undering kl calans to not underestimate the concern e sleshlly it's been downgraded to first a cat gory 4 and now to tropical storm status, but still, a very potentially dangerous and people might feel i feel more confident about things that it has been downgraded. >> that's exactly right. and water kills and the things in water kills. flash floods, if anyone's ever seen them or experienced them, they come quickly without much notice. if you're inside we're going to be safer if you're elevated and that's better and the second is of course, even if the waters pass and there is a foot or water or two feet of water you don't know what's underneath that water in term of electrical things or things that can puncture your skin or things that can cause great harm. there is just no need to risk this at this stage because we know -- we essentially know when it ends and then you rebuild. so for los angelinos and everyone in the area, this is when they can take responsibility for their own safety and security. we can debate and fight and worry about climate change and the cumulative climate disasters on monday, but right now, stay put. >> just a moment ago we saw images of one of the last ferry rides from catalina island to the los angeles area for a lot of people with those kind of, you know, vulnerabilities in southern california, some folks might forget you are actually from the los angeles area. >> i am. >> this is home for you, so you know more about the vulnerabilities aside from catalina island. other concerns that there might be in southern california, what are they? so t . >> so there's a couple. i want to say to the surfer community, none of this is cute. get away from the water. catalina and other places that are evacuated, just stay put. the reason they called if there are elderly people that might need medical needs, you want to make sure that they'll be safe and two maengor issues for angelinos and there are diverse city and lots of information is being translated by monitoring really sophisticated and great communications strategy by the mayor and her team in terms of getting out to those pockets of immigrant communities or whatever communities that may not have english as a first language and you want to get those language translations out. the second is think, the homeless issue and those without homes. there's been an extensive effort to get people into shelters and those are communities that are hard to reach and ones that are hard to move and those are challenges that you would have in a community. you have an entire city not used to this, right? a hurricane, none of us were alive and communities can't get acclimated as you know in the gulf wear and other areas that they get acclimated to the kinds of disasters they expect in this age where the climate changes and the weather changes are causing these unprecedented and historical events, the kinds of fires we saw in maui and the kinds of rains we're seeing in los angeles. your populations are not ready for them and that's why education and communications are sort of the key role of leadership now. >> all right. giuliett kayyem, thank you very much. all great perspective. appreciate it. >> thank you. still ahead, we'll continue our coverage of tropical storm hilary. it is expected to unleash floods, fierce winds and heavy downpours in southern california. the effects are already being felt there. plus, the storm slamming baja california and mexico right now. just take a look at these images. one person has died there. we'll bring you the latest. ♪(epic music)♪ my renaissance was daring to dream. 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[ inaudible ] >> unless someone tells me differently, we are following our part, our normal practices and so it doesn't matter your status, we have mug shots ready for you. again, we'll follow our normal practices and those that take mug shots will be subsequent to open records request like everyone else. >> so they want to treat trump and the co-defendants like everybody else, but that's likely highly impossible just due to the security precautions that are required for transporting somebody of the caliber of trump, a former president of the united states, and also other high-profile defendants like mark meadows and it is likely that the booking process will move much more swiftly and also things could change around, too, when it comes to the first appearance, the arraignment because it's possible, fred that the judge here could choose to arraign them virtually or could choose to waive them of the right to an arraignment. >> we shall see, lots of moving parts so far, isabel rosales, thanks so much. >> we are learning about the georgia judge who will preside over the racketeering trial. cnn's gary tuchman has that. >> this is scott mcafee, superior court judge in fulton conte, georgia. >> all right, welcome back, everybody. >> presiding over a recent murder case seen on courthouse video. >> and so to that end, i think the state did prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there was -- that there was sufficient evidence to convict on each of the charges in this case. >> judge mcafee, now randomly assigned to a dramatically different legal scenario. he's 34 years old and was appointed to a seat just six months ago by georgia's republican governor brian kemp to fill a vacancy. before that, he served as state inspect or general and both the state and federal prosecutor after graduating from the university of georgia law school in 2013. classmates and professional acquaintances say he's politically conservative. mcme was a prosecutor in fulton county which was led at the time by the woman who is now the fulton county d.a., fani willis. esther panich is a georgia state representative and a defense lawyer who has handled two cases where mcafee was the prosecutor. >> in the cases i had with him, he made reasonable decisions related to pleas or discovery requests, and he was fair pop politics never came into it. >> university of georgia records show he was the treasurer of the law republicans, a group that serves libertarian members of the law school community and provides support for the republican political candidates. he was also treasurer of the law school's federalist society and an influential conservative and libertarian in the u.s. just a few months ago he presided over a case involving alvin wood, a conspiracy-touting lawyer. >> i have political views. i believe our country has been taken over by communism. this case did not involve politics or trump and it was a contempt case for making derogatory comments about his former legal associates. >> that's where i am. tell me where i'm wrong. >> judge mcafee held wood in contempt and levelled fine against him. scott mcafee has been on the bench for a few short months and is now dealing with a case that could be one for the ages. gary tuchman, cnn, atlanta. >> as southern california begins to feel the impact of tropical storm hilary, flight cancellations at san diego intern international airport are on the rise according to flight aware. about a third of the flights both into and out of san diego international today have already been cancelled. stay with us. so i called innovation refunds. their team of independndent tax attorneys will work with your cpa to determine i if your company is eligible. 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[ding] cannonball! book direct at >> we continue to follow breaking news at tropical storm hilary marches towards southern california. >> this is the latest video out of baja california, mexico, showing the devastation and a mount of water that hilary can generate. mexican authorities say one person has died after their vehicle was swept away. in cabo san lucas, you can see strong winds sweeping the area there. shelters are now set up across baja california as people seek relief from the storm. the u.s. also beginning to feel the impact of hilary. these dark clouds are hovering over san diego where nearly 40% of flights have been canceled. officials warn the storm could bring life-threatening flooding across the southwest as much as ten inches could fall in some areas. let's bring in cnn's stephanie elam live for us in palm springs, usually very dry. not the case soon and josh campbell in san bernardino. stephanie, you first, and roads, also you were showing have also been closed. what's happening? >>. >> that's right, fred. i was just talking to you i think 30 minutes ago, and it was not raining and literally 30 seconds ago it just started to rain right now and it got dark, it got windy and they started to get more rains and if you look down through this road closure here, and i just talked to the police officer here. he told me that he has seen during the winter storm like the snow melts off, and he has seen the water all of the way to where the barricade is and that is why the road is blocked off all of the way down to the other side on interstate 10, so if you tried to get off of this exit which is one of the main ways into town that's why they're concerned and they shut this down at immediate night. this is what you're seeing and you're seeing cal trans shutting down some of the roads just because if there could be flooding they don't want people driving through that. this could take out a car here. that's some of the concern here along with the mud flows and all of the other flooding we may see and i also wanted to know what this means for the quote, unquote fire season in california which does seem to get longer and longer and theare saying that just because we are inundating with several rain and because of the fact that you do have lightning strikes without the rain and that can spark a new blaze, as well and they're still being very vigilant to watch what happens with the storm as it spreads into southern california, but it's very, very quickly changing here and this is a very weird storm to even have at all, let alone any kind of rain at this level and an historic amount of rain and what we want see in a year happening within just a couple of day period here and so they're really trying to get the word out for people to be prepared and to get away from all of those places where you can see the water flooding in so fast that it could just take a car out. so if you don't have to come outside, don't. that's the messaging. >> we heard the l.a. mayor karen bass stay safe, stay home and stay informed and you're right, stephanie the idea of what's being forecast, an entire year's rain in just between a 24 and 36-hour period and that is daunting. thank you, stephanie. thank you so much and it's starting to rain there, and let's check in with josh campbell, there he is in san bernardino and the concerns there are what? especially because of the burn scars in that area? >> yeah, fred. first and foremost, state officials want you to stay home if you're not in a danger zone and if you're not in an evacuation area and the california highway patrol and the state transportation officials have the area blanketed with signage reminding motorists to stay off the road because we're in the wcalm befoe the storm. the american red cross have done what they do in many disasters and they start springing into action and we for redlands, california, san bernardino county. this is a high school cafeteria that's been turned into a disaster assistance center. there have been mandatory evacuations for parts of san bernardino county. i want to bring in the site supervisor for this red cross center. we haven't seen an influx of people here, ricardo, but you're ready. >> we are expecting a bunch of people to come in. we have all kinds of services available for them including mental health, disaster preparedness classes if they want. we have food, water and cots for them to spend the night. >> this is a rural area. there are rural parts in san bernardino county and one thing that's interesting is if there is someone who has livestock, you don't want it to be an impediment to seek an assistance from this and you have animal control specialists from people here as well and we have people with petdss and the dogs and ta care of horses. >> i understand here that you're helping this community and you're one of many volunteers who have come out to try to help others even as you prepare yourself. this isn't the only disaster going on right now that your team is helping with. >> no, we have some red cross members in maui as we speak. >> fred, thank you so much. i'll let you get back to preparing and you're expecting as this rain comes there could be this influx and i'll let you get back and prepare and these volunteers are back to help the community and a litany of services here and you mentioned maui and a crisis that is continuing there and we see american red cross members deployed to that disaster, as well. one important to note in san bernardino county. this is the largest county geographically in the united states. so officials have a lot of ground to cover. this county spans from east of los angeles here all of the way to the borders of arizona and nevada. a lot of ground to cover set up and ready just in case people need assistance they'll be ready here. >> still impressive to hear they have the resources to help people and their animals. all right, josh campbell and stephanie elam, thanks to both of you and we'll check back with you. >> coming up, the fema administrator tells cnn the agency is mobilizing and personnel to assist and more warning to take hurricane hilary seriouslsly. that's next. boom, you get a real offer. sell your car to carvana today. we never just see the e numbers, we see the people. my dad started trek in a red barn in waterloo, wisnsin. d now it spans the globe. you wanna take what was give to you and you wanna build it. and you wanna pass it along. if i can do that, i would have done well. that's why we're here... to help make it happen. how do we decide what hotel to book? 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Everyone , Hello , Southern California , Baja California , Tropical Storm Hilary , Images , Northwest Mexico , Breaking News , Storm Bearing , Fredericka Whitfield , Rain , Flooding , Officials , Person , Vehicle , One , Wcalm Befoe The Storm , Areas , Concern , U S , Burn , Mud Slides , San Bernardino Mountains , Ten , People , Residents , Sheriff , Coast , Visitors , Department , Rip Currents , Swells , Catalina Island , Karen Bass , Los Angeles , City , Office , Arrival , Sandbags , Gavin Newsom , Warning , Riverbed , Ground , Indiscernible , Wall , Responders , Path , State Of Emergency , Much , Weather Center , Developments , Allison Chinchar , 7000 , Point , Winds , Tropical Storm , Speed , Forward Movement North , 70 , 25 , Way , Land , Nevada , 00 , 3 , 5 , The Rain , The Big Story , Bands , Southwestern , Arizona , More , Places , Rainfall , Afternoon , San Diego , East , Shift , Rain Bands , Heavy Rain Push , Two , Los Angeles Area , Look , Image , Spots , Thunderstorms , Rockies , Six , Eight , Four , Half , Weather , Death Valley National Park , Mud , Cars , Risk , Worth , Scenario , 24 , Lot , Flood Risk , Potential , Las Vegas , Southwest , Evening , Moisture , Monday Morning , Red , Wind Warnings , Orange , Wind Advisory , Pacific Northwest , Power Lines , States , Trees , Issues , Power Outage , Wind Gusts , 60 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 15 , 10 , Fred , Activity , Out , Rest , Ocean Basins , Tropical Storm Emily Out Into The Atlantic , 20 , Eye , Cnn , Hundred Miles East , Palm Springs , Stephanie Elam , A Hundred , Water , Place , Couple , Stephanie , Sprinkles , Advantage , Jacket , Roads , Reason , Rain In The Desert , Three , Damage , Mayor , Rain In August , Safe , Potential Flooding , Interstate 10 , Highway , Distance , Police Officers , Stay Inside , Joshua Tree National Park , Mud Flow , Wind , Service , Interruptions , Debris , Most , Towers , Poles , Fema , Parts , Estate , Thing , Social Media , L A County , Similarly , Message , No One , Messages , Looks , Range , Sandbagging , Wind Event , Warnings , Rain Event , Home , Everybody , Landfall , Attention , 36 , Family , Clock , West Coast , Crisis , Weather Event , Experience , Los Angelinos , Work , Course , Life , Primary Mission , Wildfire , Earthquake , Focus , Property , Second , Last Night , Chief Crowley , Commander , City Services , Workers , Incident , Circumstances , Action , Preparation , Level , Emergency Operation Center , 2 , Biden , Emergency , Regulation , Lives , Saving , Declaration , Emergency Operations Organization , Stay , Recovery , Support , Harris , Governor , Pledges , Car , Hand , Devices , On The Road , Travel , Emergency Kit , Event , Roadway Flooding , Tree Limbs , Impacts , 911 , Water Main Breakage , Customers , Los Angeles Department Of Water And Power , Power Outages , 311 , Injury , Wires , Death , D I A L , 1 , 800 , Right , State Emergency , Amount , Burn Scars , Wildfires , Debris Flows , Giuliett Kayyem , Cities , National Security Analyst , Book , Priority , Author , View , Analyst , The Devil Never Sleeps , Department Of Homeland Security , Homes , Human Life , Protection , Covid , Is , In Harm S Way , Midday Monday , Wind Speed , Science , Hurricane Categories , Kind , Flash Flooding , News , Rain Forecasts , Nowhere , Impact , Climate Disasters , Drought , Vegetation , Stay Put , State Emergencies , Number One , Tropical Storm Status , Cat , Calans , 4 , Things , Flash Floods , Water Kills , Kills , Anyone , Waters , Foot , Notice , Skin , Term , Harm , Feet , Stage , Safety , Responsibility , Security , Climate Change , Vulnerabilities , Folks , Concerns , Surfer Community , None , Catalina , Information , Lots , Great Communications Strategy , Needs , Team , Communities , Language , Immigrant Communities , Translations , Terms , English , Pockets , Community , Shelters , Think , Issue , Effort , Challenges , Ones , Hurricane , Gulf Wear , Maui , Kinds , Changes , Disasters , Events , Climate , Fires , Saw , 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, Season , Cool , Brother , Pet Pharmacy , Trust America , A Walk In The Woods , Chewy , Video , Flood Risks , Baja California Peninsula , Rommo , Story , Volumes , Pictures , Result Ofhillry , Stream , Town , Storm Water , North , River , Current , East Coast , Santa Rossalia , Andres Lopez Obrador , Rivers , Streets , Authorities , Government , Twitter , Islands , Towns , Mulege , Landslides , Agencies , Possibility , Utilities , Marina Del , Pillar Avila , Migrants , Many , Total , Tijuana , 37 , 437 , Ensenada , San Quintin , Hurricane Hilary , Cfp , 81 , Buildings , Videos , Structure , Rooftop , Peril , Weight , Rafael Romo , Arraignment , Trump , Fulton County Jail , Georgia , Booking , Doesn T , Leave Behindnd Irritating Residues , Atlanta , Former , Store , Time , , Safer Choice Certified , Godaddy Website , Cheesecake Cookies , Chookie , Gentle Onon , Partner , Sales , Pla , Tardive Dyskinesia , Mental Health , Mental Health Meds , Movements , Ingrezza , Td Movements , 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Mug Shots , Records , Status , Matter , Practices , Everyone Else , Security Precautions , Caliber , Somebody , President Of The United States , Co Defendants , Everybody Else , Booking Process , Mark Meadows , Judge , Moving Parts , Welcome Back , Scott Mcafee , Racketeering Trial , Gary Tuchman , Learning , Superior Court , Doubt , Courthouse Video , Murder , Evidence , Each , Charges , Brian Kemp , Vacancy , Seat , Mcafee , Republican , 34 , Prosecutor , Acquaintances , University Of Georgia Law School , Mcme , Classmates , 2013 , Esther Panich , Cases , Woman , Defense Lawyer , Representative , Georgia State , Fulton County D A , Treasurer , Pop Politics , Pleas , Requests , Discovery , Decisions , University Of Georgia Records , Members , Group , Law School , Law , Conservative , Federalist Society , Alvin Wood , Country , Communism , Libertarian , Comments , Contempt Case , Politics , Wood , Associates , Contempt , Ages , Bench , Flights , Flight Cancellations , San Diego International Today , Rise , Third , Intern International Airport , Independndent Tax Attorneys , Small Business Qualalifie , Sosound , Rejuvenated , Skyrizi , Mattresses , Crohn S Disease , Pains , Purple , Labor Day Sale , Aches , Visit Purple Com , 900 , Control , Everything , Symptom Relief Control , Crohn , Symptom Relief , Feel , Crohn S , Bowel Movements , Remission , Majority , Il 23 , Endoscopic Improvement , 23 , Symptoms , Infections , Vaccine , Reactions , Ability , Liver Problems , Gastroenterologist , Feeling , Psoriasis Treatment , Sotyktu , Plaque Psoriasis , Pill , Back , Finding Psoriasis , Thighs , Splendor , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Jak Family , Liver , Muscle Problems , Kidney Problems , Cancers , Tb , Lymphoma , Labs , Triglycerides , Risks , Find , Hiding , Dermatologist , Aargh , Jak Inhibitors , Breakfast , Come On , Family Vacay , Trouble , Fam , Pools , Waffles , Mount , Devastation , Relief , Cabo San Lucas , Clouds , Josh Campbell , San Bernardino , Showing , Winter Storm , Police Officer , Road Closure , Snow Melts , Road , Exit , Ways , Side , Barricade , Some , Theare , Quote , Unquote Fire Season , Fact , Blaze , Lightning Strikes , Inundating , Storm , Water Flooding , Word , Messaging , Forecast , Idea , Evacuation Area , Transportation Officials , State Officials , Danger Zone , California Highway Patrol , American Red Cross , Motorists , High School Cafeteria , San Bernardino County , Disaster Assistance Center , Evacuations , Redlands , Services , Influx , We Haven T , Site Supervisor , Bunch , Red Cross Center , Ricardo , Disaster Preparedness Classes , Cots , Food , Assistance , Livestock , Animal Control Specialists , Impediment , Volunteers , Dogs , Horses , Ta , Care , Others , Petdss , Disaster , Isn T , Litany , County , Note , County Spans , Borders , Resources , Animals , Thanks , Personnel , Coming Up , Hurricane Hilary Seriouslsly , The Agency , The Fema Administrator , E Numbers , Offer , Carvana Today , Boom , Started Trek In A Red Barn , Waterloo , Build It , Wisnsin , Globe , Help , Girls , Kibble , Farmer , Breath , Dog , Diet , Mouth , Bubbles , Adventures , Betterforthem Com Welcome Back , Tropical Stor M Priscilla , White House , Administrator , Cnn Today , Scrambling Personnel , Preparations , Response , Hillary , Storm Moves , Preparedness Plans , Hawaii , Storms , Else , Assets , Storm Serious , Coordination , Staff , Side By , Capability , Hold , Face , Orders , Visit , Dentist , Residence , Tatian First Hand , Tatian , Teammate , Hit , Preseason Game , Collapsing , Details , Priscilla Alvarez , Washington , Take T First Step , Thyroid Eye Disease , Camera , Bridget , Tepezza , Medicine , Source , Ted , Patients , High Blood Pressure , Infusion , Muscle Pain , Heartbeat , Infusion Reactions , Study , Shortness , Eye Bulging , 8 , Ibd , Diabetes , Blood Sugar , Ulcerative Colitis , Planning , Eye Specialist , Photos , Visit Mytepezza Com , Price , Sfx , Ping , Don T Go Please Goooooo , Don 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Transcripts For CNNW Fareed 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Fareed 20240704

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i'm fredericka whitfield, and we begin with this breaking news. a powerful and historic storm bearing down on southern california. right now we are getting our first images as tropical storm hilary slammed baja california, in mexico. intense rain causing massive flooding there. mexican officials say at least one person is now dead after their vehicle was swept away. hilary is expected to hit the u.s. later on today. officials warn the storm can bring life-threatening flooding and some areas can see up to ten inches of rain. in california, mud slides remain a growing concern in the burn areas of the san bernardino mountains. the sheriff's department there ordering people to evacuate. along the coast hilary could bring large swells and potentially life-threatening rip currents. visitors and some residents on catalina island were encouraged to leave on saturday. in los angeles, people filled sandbags ahead of hilary's arrival. mayor karen bass said today the city is prepared, but a big concern right now is for people who are homeless. yesterday sheriff's office flying over the riverbed areas warning people there to seek higher ground. [ indiscernible ] >> governor gavin newsom has declared a state of emergency in much of southern california. he says more than 7,000 responders are on the ground. we are tracking all of the latest developments on tropical storm hilary. let's start with you, allison chinchar in the weather center, what is the path of the storm? >> right now, still off the coast of baja california. sustained winds of 70 miles per hour, so a high-end tropical storm at this point, the forward movement north-northwest at 25 miles per hour and the former speed keeps ticking up ever so slightly and the landfall time that we are expected to cross over land is also speeding up. we anticipate that it arrives across california later on this afternoon local time, likely between 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. and it will continue to make its way up to nevada and continuing to weaken as it does, as well and regardless of how much this storm weakens, the rain will be the big story here. we we are starting to see the moderate and heavy bands continuing to spread across california, southwestern, arizona and eventually into nevada, as well. you are starting to see the heavy rain push farther west places like l.a. and san diego, but you will start to see more of a shift and the heavier rain bands continuing to push farther east as we get later into the afternoon. widespread rainfall totals two to four inches and some spots can pick up six, eight, ten inches of rain. two to four inches might not sound like that much east of the rockies where it's common with thunderstorms, but for this area it's not. take a look at this image. this is from last summer. death valley national park, severe weather caused the cars to be trapped in mud. since then that was less than an inch and a half. we are forecasting two to four inches in the less than 24-hour time period. you are talking about a year's worth of rain in 24 hours and in some areas it will be the same scenario, and that's also why you have the excessive risk for flooding and not just for death valley, but also las vegas, san diego, los angeles, all of these areas have the potential to have that flood risk. not only today, but continuing into the day on monday. here you can see a lot of those really heavy bands begin to set up late this afternoon and into the evening local time. it will continue through the evernig overnight hours and through monday morning. you will not see the moisture retreating from the southwest until we get to monday afternoon and especially into monday evening and that's because the rain at that point is now pushing into the pacific northwest. so it's just shifting into a different area. winds are also going to be a concern. you have high wind warnings and all of these areas in red and the orange indicating a wind advisory. we're talking wind gusts, 50 to 60 miles per hour and trees can come down and power lines. we'll likely have power outage issues in a lot of states, not just southern california. you'll notice a lot of these areas especially in the afternoon, and ticking up 30, 40 miles per hour by the overnight and you're talking 50 to 60 miles per hour and once we get into remember it especially the latter half of the day you'll start to see them calming down into the 10, 15, maybe max 20-mile-per-hour range into the rest of the day on monday. you have hilary here and also pointing out, too, fred you have a lot of activity in the ocean basins right now. we have newly formed tropical storm emily out into the atlantic and we'll be keeping a close eye and monitoring these over the next couple of days. >> that is a lot of activity and i'm trying to keep up and writing all of this down because i know it will impact so many people over the next 24 hours. thank you so much, allison chinchar. appreciate that. >> now to palm springs about a hundred miles east of los angeles. the mayor there is pleading with residents to stay inside. cnn's stephanie elam is live for us in palm springs. what are they bracing for there, stephanie? >> we are bracing for a whole lot of water in a place that's not used to getting this much water at all, fred. we've gone through a couple of sprinkles there. take advantage of not having a jacket on because we expect to fully be in jackets by the time we get into the later afternoon hours. take a look at what she said they're doing right now. >> at this point, we are asking residents to stay inside, stay where they are. we don't have any reason to evacuate at this time. we have closed down preemptively three of our roads that are regularly flooded. we do know that there's going to be flooding because, like i said, even an inch or two of rain in the desert can cause damage. >>. >> yeah. i can't stress how bizarre it is to have rain in august in southern california. this is one of the major roads that the mayor has was talking about that they closed down here. they get yets on these roads already without rain. just to be safe, because of potential flooding they've shut it down. out in the distance there, there's interstate 10 and people have been coming down here trying to get on the highway and the police officers here, that's where you would find joshua tree national park and that's also supposed to see a lot of flooding. they're worried about the mud flow flows and worried about how much flooding there will be and they want people to stay safe, stay inside and most of the reason that we see interruptions in service is because of debris flying around in the wind that then knocks out poles or knocks out some of their towers. because of that, they have crews stacked for 24 hours looking for that, looking to restore service and similarly in other parts of the state, as well. overall, this is a very bizarre thing and that is why we have seen in all of our social media, l.a. county, san diego, all of them putting out, fema, the state of california, putting out messages itting people to be prepared because no one looks at the weather in august, fred. it's just beautiful all of the time. maybe too hot, but no one is expecting range, and they want to get the message out to make sure people are being safe. >> well, it's hard to prepare for this. people are having to heed warnings, and prepare as best you can with the sandbagging and stay inside and those are paramount because a wind event and a rain event, pretty astounding to hear a year's worth of rain in one 24 to 36-hour period. so, all right. we'll be paying attention to you and everybody else, stephanie elam, thank you so much. a short time ago the mayor of los angeles warned residents to stay home as the storm nears its historic and rare landfall on the west coast. over the past few days the city family has been working around the clock to prepare for the storm and we are just beginning to see it hit los angeles. our message today is clear, stay safe, stay home and stay informed. this is an unprecedented weather event, but los angeles has deep experience responding to crisis. whether it be wildfire or earthquake, the city is prepared. a lot of work has already been done to prepare and there are a few critical areas of focus. our primary mission, of course is to protect the life and property of angelinos. second, we need to keep our city workers safe. third, we must ensure that city services are operating as best as possible given the circumstances. >> last night, chief crowley who is the incident commander activated the emergency operation center to level 2. it was very important that we started in-person preparation last night so that this morning we were already in action. last night i also signed a declaration of local emergency to immediately activate the emergency operations organization and waived any regulation that may inhibit the saving of lives here in los angeles. >> i want to thank president biden and vice president harris as well as governor newsom for their support in preparation and their pledges to support with recovery as needed. rid right now, again, it is critical that angelinos stay safe and stay home unless directed by officials. avoid unnecessary travel. if you do not need to be on the road please don't get in your car. make sure your emergency kit and essential devices are on hand and ensure that all of your devices are charged. in the event of life-threatening emergency, angelinos should call 911 for impacts like roadway flooding, tree limbs blocking roads or mud slides, angelinos should request service online or by calling 311. in the event of power outages, our water main breakage, los angeles department of water and power customers can call 1-800-dial, d-i-a-l, dwp. if you see downed power lines or wires please do not approach them. the water surrounding the wires could cause serious injury or death. just to reiterate one last time, stay safe, stay home and stay informed. >> all right, from the los angeles mayor karen bass. state emergency officials are also very concerned about areas like los angeles, concerned that they'll see double their yearly amount of water in just a single day, lingering burn scars from wildfires are very susceptible to flash flooding and debris flows. i want to bring in now giuliett kayyem to talk about this. she is a cnn secure national security analyst and former analyst at the department of homeland security and author of the book "the devil never sleeps." good to see you. what is the number one priority in your view for southern california and those cities right now? ? so it's the protection of human life, period, as the mayor was saying and that's all that matters and it's relatively easy for those that are with homes which is to just stay home. we know how to do this. we lived through covid. the worst parts of it will be over by midday monday. you do that one to protect yourself, two, because you don't want to put first responders in harm's way because you're out and about. everyone can stay put. the second is -- is people thinking that this was not as bad as we thought it was going to be. a little science here. hurricane categories are based on wind speed, not water released and so the wind may be going down. that's good news because then you'll have less damage, but the rain forecasts are pretty bad and this is land that does not get this kind of rain, that cannot sustain, there's nowhere for the water to go except for the kind of flash flooding we're worried about, and that goes to the, you know, the cumulative impact of these climate disasters. so you have the drought and the fires related to the drought. that then leaves land that is then more susceptible to flash flooding because there's no vegetation that can sort of, absorb the water and this is the cumulative impact, but human life, number one, stay put. >> while state emergencies officials are undering kl calans to not underestimate the concern e sleshlly it's been downgraded to first a cat gory 4 and now to tropical storm status, but still, a very potentially dangerous and people might feel i feel more confident about things that it has been downgraded. >> that's exactly right. and water kills and the things in water kills. flash floods, if anyone's ever seen them or experienced them, they come quickly without much notice. if you're inside we're going to be safer if you're elevated and that's better and the second is of course, even if the waters pass and there is a foot or water or two feet of water you don't know what's underneath that water in term of electrical things or things that can puncture your skin or things that can cause great harm. there is just no need to risk this at this stage because we know -- we essentially know when it ends and then you rebuild. so for los angelinos and everyone in the area, this is when they can take responsibility for their own safety and security. we can debate and fight and worry about climate change and the cumulative climate disasters on monday, but right now, stay put. >> just a moment ago we saw images of one of the last ferry rides from catalina island to the los angeles area for a lot of people with those kind of, you know, vulnerabilities in southern california, some folks might forget you are actually from the los angeles area. >> i am. >> this is home for you, so you know more about the vulnerabilities aside from catalina island. other concerns that there might be in southern california, what are they? so t . >> so there's a couple. i want to say to the surfer community, none of this is cute. get away from the water. catalina and other places that are evacuated, just stay put. the reason they called if there are elderly people that might need medical needs, you want to make sure that they'll be safe and two maengor issues for angelinos and there are diverse city and lots of information is being translated by monitoring really sophisticated and great communications strategy by the mayor and her team in terms of getting out to those pockets of immigrant communities or whatever communities that may not have english as a first language and you want to get those language translations out. the second is think, the homeless issue and those without homes. there's been an extensive effort to get people into shelters and those are communities that are hard to reach and ones that are hard to move and those are challenges that you would have in a community. you have an entire city not used to this, right? a hurricane, none of us were alive and communities can't get acclimated as you know in the gulf wear and other areas that they get acclimated to the kinds of disasters they expect in this age where the climate changes and the weather changes are causing these unprecedented and historical events, the kinds of fires we saw in maui and the kinds of rains we're seeing in los angeles. your populations are not ready for them and that's why education and communications are sort of the key role of leadership now. >> all right. giuliett kayyem, thank you very much. all great perspective. appreciate it. >> thank you. still ahead, we'll continue our coverage of tropical storm hilary. it is expected to unleash floods, fierce winds and heavy downpours in southern california. the effects are already being felt there. plus, the storm slamming baja california and mexico right now. just take a look at these images. one person has died there. we'll bring you the latest. ♪(epic music)♪ my renaissance was daring to dream. 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[ inaudible ] >> unless someone tells me differently, we are following our part, our normal practices and so it doesn't matter your status, we have mug shots ready for you. again, we'll follow our normal practices and those that take mug shots will be subsequent to open records request like everyone else. >> so they want to treat trump and the co-defendants like everybody else, but that's likely highly impossible just due to the security precautions that are required for transporting somebody of the caliber of trump, a former president of the united states, and also other high-profile defendants like mark meadows and it is likely that the booking process will move much more swiftly and also things could change around, too, when it comes to the first appearance, the arraignment because it's possible, fred that the judge here could choose to arraign them virtually or could choose to waive them of the right to an arraignment. >> we shall see, lots of moving parts so far, isabel rosales, thanks so much. >> we are learning about the georgia judge who will preside over the racketeering trial. cnn's gary tuchman has that. >> this is scott mcafee, superior court judge in fulton conte, georgia. >> all right, welcome back, everybody. >> presiding over a recent murder case seen on courthouse video. >> and so to that end, i think the state did prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there was -- that there was sufficient evidence to convict on each of the charges in this case. >> judge mcafee, now randomly assigned to a dramatically different legal scenario. he's 34 years old and was appointed to a seat just six months ago by georgia's republican governor brian kemp to fill a vacancy. before that, he served as state inspect or general and both the state and federal prosecutor after graduating from the university of georgia law school in 2013. classmates and professional acquaintances say he's politically conservative. mcme was a prosecutor in fulton county which was led at the time by the woman who is now the fulton county d.a., fani willis. esther panich is a georgia state representative and a defense lawyer who has handled two cases where mcafee was the prosecutor. >> in the cases i had with him, he made reasonable decisions related to pleas or discovery requests, and he was fair pop politics never came into it. >> university of georgia records show he was the treasurer of the law republicans, a group that serves libertarian members of the law school community and provides support for the republican political candidates. he was also treasurer of the law school's federalist society and an influential conservative and libertarian in the u.s. just a few months ago he presided over a case involving alvin wood, a conspiracy-touting lawyer. >> i have political views. i believe our country has been taken over by communism. this case did not involve politics or trump and it was a contempt case for making derogatory comments about his former legal associates. >> that's where i am. tell me where i'm wrong. >> judge mcafee held wood in contempt and levelled fine against him. scott mcafee has been on the bench for a few short months and is now dealing with a case that could be one for the ages. gary tuchman, cnn, atlanta. >> as southern california begins to feel the impact of tropical storm hilary, flight cancellations at san diego intern international airport are on the rise according to flight aware. about a third of the flights both into and out of san diego international today have already been cancelled. stay with us. so i called innovation refunds. their team of independndent tax attorneys will work with your cpa to determine i if your company is eligible. 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[ding] cannonball! book direct at >> we continue to follow breaking news at tropical storm hilary marches towards southern california. >> this is the latest video out of baja california, mexico, showing the devastation and a mount of water that hilary can generate. mexican authorities say one person has died after their vehicle was swept away. in cabo san lucas, you can see strong winds sweeping the area there. shelters are now set up across baja california as people seek relief from the storm. the u.s. also beginning to feel the impact of hilary. these dark clouds are hovering over san diego where nearly 40% of flights have been canceled. officials warn the storm could bring life-threatening flooding across the southwest as much as ten inches could fall in some areas. let's bring in cnn's stephanie elam live for us in palm springs, usually very dry. not the case soon and josh campbell in san bernardino. stephanie, you first, and roads, also you were showing have also been closed. what's happening? >>. >> that's right, fred. i was just talking to you i think 30 minutes ago, and it was not raining and literally 30 seconds ago it just started to rain right now and it got dark, it got windy and they started to get more rains and if you look down through this road closure here, and i just talked to the police officer here. he told me that he has seen during the winter storm like the snow melts off, and he has seen the water all of the way to where the barricade is and that is why the road is blocked off all of the way down to the other side on interstate 10, so if you tried to get off of this exit which is one of the main ways into town that's why they're concerned and they shut this down at immediate night. this is what you're seeing and you're seeing cal trans shutting down some of the roads just because if there could be flooding they don't want people driving through that. this could take out a car here. that's some of the concern here along with the mud flows and all of the other flooding we may see and i also wanted to know what this means for the quote, unquote fire season in california which does seem to get longer and longer and theare saying that just because we are inundating with several rain and because of the fact that you do have lightning strikes without the rain and that can spark a new blaze, as well and they're still being very vigilant to watch what happens with the storm as it spreads into southern california, but it's very, very quickly changing here and this is a very weird storm to even have at all, let alone any kind of rain at this level and an historic amount of rain and what we want see in a year happening within just a couple of day period here and so they're really trying to get the word out for people to be prepared and to get away from all of those places where you can see the water flooding in so fast that it could just take a car out. so if you don't have to come outside, don't. that's the messaging. >> we heard the l.a. mayor karen bass stay safe, stay home and stay informed and you're right, stephanie the idea of what's being forecast, an entire year's rain in just between a 24 and 36-hour period and that is daunting. thank you, stephanie. thank you so much and it's starting to rain there, and let's check in with josh campbell, there he is in san bernardino and the concerns there are what? especially because of the burn scars in that area? >> yeah, fred. first and foremost, state officials want you to stay home if you're not in a danger zone and if you're not in an evacuation area and the california highway patrol and the state transportation officials have the area blanketed with signage reminding motorists to stay off the road because we're in the wcalm befoe the storm. the american red cross have done what they do in many disasters and they start springing into action and we for redlands, california, san bernardino county. this is a high school cafeteria that's been turned into a disaster assistance center. there have been mandatory evacuations for parts of san bernardino county. i want to bring in the site supervisor for this red cross center. we haven't seen an influx of people here, ricardo, but you're ready. >> we are expecting a bunch of people to come in. we have all kinds of services available for them including mental health, disaster preparedness classes if they want. we have food, water and cots for them to spend the night. >> this is a rural area. there are rural parts in san bernardino county and one thing that's interesting is if there is someone who has livestock, you don't want it to be an impediment to seek an assistance from this and you have animal control specialists from people here as well and we have people with petdss and the dogs and ta care of horses. >> i understand here that you're helping this community and you're one of many volunteers who have come out to try to help others even as you prepare yourself. this isn't the only disaster going on right now that your team is helping with. >> no, we have some red cross members in maui as we speak. >> fred, thank you so much. i'll let you get back to preparing and you're expecting as this rain comes there could be this influx and i'll let you get back and prepare and these volunteers are back to help the community and a litany of services here and you mentioned maui and a crisis that is continuing there and we see american red cross members deployed to that disaster, as well. one important to note in san bernardino county. this is the largest county geographically in the united states. so officials have a lot of ground to cover. this county spans from east of los angeles here all of the way to the borders of arizona and nevada. a lot of ground to cover set up and ready just in case people need assistance they'll be ready here. >> still impressive to hear they have the resources to help people and their animals. all right, josh campbell and stephanie elam, thanks to both of you and we'll check back with you. >> coming up, the fema administrator tells cnn the agency is mobilizing and personnel to assist and more warning to take hurricane hilary seriouslsly. that's next. boom, you get a real offer. sell your car to carvana today. we never just see the e numbers, we see the people. my dad started trek in a red barn in waterloo, wisnsin. d now it spans the globe. you wanna take what was give to you and you wanna build it. and you wanna pass it along. if i can do that, i would have done well. that's why we're here... to help make it happen. how do we decide what hotel to book? 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