Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

ahead on "cnn newsroom," much of southern california now under a storm warning never seen before. we'll tell you what the region could see. in hawaii, the latest on rec recoveriests and the search for those still missing. and cnn learns when donald trump is expected to sure rending himself to a jail here in tlapt. details and the legal negotiations going on right now behind the scenes. >> reporter: live in cnn center this is "cnn newsroom," we begin this hour in the southwestern united states where people are bracing for catastrophic flooding. hurricane hilary could dump more than a year worth rain of in a few days. it's likely to make landfall in mexico but it's moving fast and could arrive in california as a tropical storm, the first such storm to do so in decades. >> it's been 84 years since one came ashore, so it's a once in a lifetime event that we're going to be experiencing. >> preparations are already under wa the federal emergency management agency is sending personnel and supplieso southern california. the mayor of san diego has asked residents to stay home sunday night when hilary is expected to arrive. major league baseball and soccer have moved scheduled games from l.a. and san diego and nevada has deployed about 100 yanation guards to provide support. >> our stations are restocked with plenty of sand. >> and more than 42 million people are under a tropical storm warning in southern california, including san diego and los angeles. people are taking the warnings seriously. listen to this. >> we're going to have the high winds i will take care of the backyard and move all the umbrellas appropriately and get them out of the way. >> we just had the officers warn us about what was going to happen. we know exactly where all of our valuables are in case we have to evacuate. >> the national hurricane center says the powerful category 4 storm is churning south of cabo san lucas in mexico, and flooding is likely over baja, california. >> this is a once in a generation type of event here. we have a major hurricane there in the pacific. it's not going to stay that way but we are beginning to take this storm and push it up toward the north. our update has tropical storm warnings from point magoo even south to san diego. this is the area that had the watch earlier. they have now upgraded that to a warning. farther on down to the south hurricane warnings are in effect because hurricane conditions are expected there. taking you forward and where does this go? the hurricane center at 11:00, the latest update pushed it a little bit faster. now we're going to start to see effects a little bit earlier in the day. sunday, 6:00 a.m. a 90-mile-per-hour storm but off the coast of baja, ca elf. and you can't look at the middle or times for arrival here. there will be so much rainfall ahead of it. right now it's still in fairly warm water but because it's going to get into colder water that's why this thing is going to die. die off but not rapidly enough. there will still be tremendous amounts of rainfall with this. the area you see here in orange and purple, significant flash flooding will occur. without a doubt. there's just no question, it begins to rain early in the day on saturday, and it rains all day in some spots and it continues to rain on sunday where some locations could be picking up seven to ten inches of rainfall that won't pick up seven to ten inches of rainfall in a normal year. a lot of this is desert but there are going to be many cities in the way of this impressive rainfall total, including the transverse range here to the north of l.a. some of that on top of those mountains will run right down into those big cities into the l.a. basin. you're going to have to be very, very cautious with this storm. this is a major impact event, and it's happening right now. >> we now know that at least 114 people died as a result of the massive wildfires on the hawaiian island of maui. teams are using heavy equipment to clean up the devastation in the city of lahaina. in an emotional address a few hours ago hawaii's governor josh green said that they've completed searching through more than 60% of the disaster area looking for survivors. green warns as the efforts continue the number of those killed is likely to rise each day. here he is. >> this process agonizing for the families waiting for word from their loved ones. and heartbreaking for those sifting through the debris, testing our capacity to continue searching, our ability to endure pain and loss and our commitment to locate and identify every person affected by this disaster. >> the people of lahaina built their town into a special place. a unique, and vibrant community. for generations lahaina's beauty, culture, and rich history drew artists, musicians and visitors from around the world. tragically it took less than a single day for us to lose lahaina, in the deadliest fire our country has seen in more than a century. >> the governor's vowing to find out exactly how the fire started and while it's too early to pinpoint the cause the island's major utility company, hawaiian electric, has been under growing scrutiny. there are many questions why it didn't cut power when high winds began bringing down transmission lines. more than 120 faults or short circuits in the overnight hours before the fires started. joining me now is michael wara, interim policy director of the sustainability accelerator at stanford's school of sustainability, director of the climate and energy policy program at woods institute for the environment, and a senior research scholar there. thanks for being with us. we have to stipulate at the offset we don't know what caused the fires in hawaii, but there were reportedly serious faults on the power lines in the area where the fire started. what do you make of the data and the videos that seem to show arking from the lines at the at the time of the fire. >> it creates a strong circumstantial case for power line ignitions being at least one of the causes of the fire. you pointed to two of the critical elements. i just add another. which is that hawaiian electric also was very clear that they had at least 30 sections of power line on the ground after the wind storm as they were trying to restore power to customers. and we know that hawaiian electric left the power on, made the decision to leave the power on during the wind storm. so the lines were hot when they hit the ground, most likely. >> yeah, so, listen, i mean, they are still investigating the cause. but it does look all too familiar to folks like yourself in california, i imagine, who've seen so many deadly fires in that state caused by the combination of high winds and downed power lines sparking fires. >> yeah, you know, i think what we've come to in california is the conclusion that we really need to know when it is safe to operate -- the conditions under which it's safe to operate the system and to be prepared to turn the system off when the conditions are safe. that's extremely inconvenient and can be dangerous to some customers who rely on a medical device at home. that means you have to do a lot of preparation ahead of time to make sure that you can safely turn the power off, that the fire department can still do its job, you know, all the public services can continue to operate. that takes work before -- before dangerous conditions arise, but it's doable, and the california utilities, and i say actually a growing number of utilities across the western united states are adopting that sort of a policy. >> yeah, i was there in paradise, california covering that fire that killed 85 people, that was at the time the deadliest u.s. wildfire before this one. i didn't think i'd see anything that bad, let alone worse, in california the response to all those fires was that power shutoff plan. you know, as you say the policy is controversial. there are downsides. but is there proof that it actually works? >> well, it's hard to prove, you know, prove that -- it's hard to create proof when what you've done is avoid the bad outcome. but what we can say is that in -- especially during the power shutoffs in california that occurred during 2019 there was extraordinary system damage from the winds that was very reminiscent of the system damage that led to, especially the napa/sonoma firestorm. the most vulnerable power lines are the last mile of the distribution system which is lower voltage and also lower to the ground and it's not built to the same standards to -- in terms of resistance to wind that the bigger transmission lines are, and those are the lines that started the napa-sonoma fire. those are the kinds of lines you see on the ground in some of the videos coming out of lahaina shot in the early hours of the fire. and, you know, the reality is that those lines are likely to fail as winds get above 40 to 50 miles an hour. and so if the power's on when they fail, and there's dry fuel underneath them, that can be a very dangerous combination. >> yeah, as you've said other states have done the same thing. it does beg the question, why didn't hawaii? after all, officials from hawaiian electric specifically cited the camp fire and california's power shutoff plan in some of their planning documents. this would make the tragedy even more sad if this could have been prevented. >> yeah. i mean, that's my kind of gut feeling about this, you know, we don't know the -- we don't have a final report on causation yet, and we do need to be really careful about that. but whenever i see wildfires like this one that occur in high winds and with an electric system that has not taken these precautions, not taken the -- part of what is important that the california utilities have done is to just install weather stations on their poles so that they know very accurately what the wind speed is, and they know when it's safe to leave the system on and when it's really not safe to leave it on anymore and you need to turn the power off. unfortunately hawaiian electric didn't take that step. we don't know yet if it would have prevented what happened but there's a lot of evidence that it might have been really helpful in terms of avoiding some of the losses. >> listen, with more extreme weather becoming the new normal hopefully this will inspire other states to change their practices, really appreciate your expertise. my michael, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. kansas and illinois's men's basketball teams will be playing in a charity exhibition game to benefit maui relief efforts. the schools announced they will play on october 29th in champagne, illinois, previously set to scrimmage but decided to change the event to a fundraiser. and the maker of beanie babies is rolling out a new limited edition bear to help survivors of the wildfires in hawaii, the golden bear with the words maui strong on its chest is named allow highway. all profits from the sale will go to the american red cross. if you would like information on how to help those impacted by the wildfires in hawaii please go to or text hawaii to 707070, donate. there's some encouraging news in canada where about a thousand wildfires are burning in yellowknife, the capital of the north northwest territories, 95% of its residents have made it out after an evacuation was ored for the entire city. in british columbia, a province-wide state emergency has been declared, 50,000 homes are under evacuation orders. cnn's paula newton has this wrap-up of the situation in canada. >> it will be a critical weekend to come here in canada where wildfires threaten two very large communities and we begin in northwest toerritories. its capital city, yellowknife, under a strict evacuation order, more than 20,000 people were given less than 48 hours to get out, the most vulnerable, of course, were of concern, even those in hospitals in long-term care homes had to be evacuated. when we had an update from federal officials they did indicate the evacuation was going well. that the military was also helping out with an air lift while most of the people were able to leave by road the fire threatening that community was at this point so critical at such a dire stage that they decided this entire city had to be evacuated. they expect very few people to remain there this weekend as they continue to battle that fire. and then, we have another situation in the interior of british columbia, both in west kalowna, and firefighters are having a terrible time with a fire that sprung up on tuesday but quickly grew in size and began threatening communities. in fact, people there tell us that several structures, including homes, were destroyed. i want you to listen now to the fire chief of west kalowna and how he described the harrowing night they had and the escapes and the rescues. >> we fought hard last night to protect our community. somebody described it to me last night in the heat of the battle as it was like a hundred years of fire fighting all at once in one night. >> thankfully, as of now, no loss of life, and officials are grateful for that although as i said this will be a very long weekend with so many resources pouring into the region. but this is really just another chapter in what has already been an unprecedented record breaking fire season in canada. paula newson, cnn, ottawa. ♪ we're learning more about when we might see donald trump's fourth arrest as the former u.s. president has less than a week left to voluntarily surrender at a georgia jail. cnn's sara murray has the latest on the state's election subversion case. >> reporter: donald trump is expected to turn himself in on thursday or friday of next week. this is after, of course, he faced a number of charges in the state of georgia in a widespread racketeering case. the fulton county district attorney there gave donald trump and its 18 codefendants until noon on friday august 25th to turn themselves in. the u.s. secret service has already been around the fulton county jail for the last couple of weeks scoping out the situation which this is what we would expect. you don't want to take someone like the former president of the united states to this jail for processing without understanding the layout, without understanding how to get him in and out, without interacting with the general population. but, a couple steps still need to happen before donald trump surrenders. one of them is that his attorneys need to work with the fulton county district attorney's office to figure out any potential bond or conditions of donald trump's release. we expect those conversations to continue into early next week. again, when donald trump shows up at that fulton county jail he wants the paperwork about his bond so that he can be in and out as quickly as possible. in speaking to attorneys it can take normal defendants hours to get through that booking process at the jail, for a vip like former president donald trump he could be in and out rather quickly. sara murray, cnn, washington. the first republican debate of the 2024 election cycle is also set for next week, but despite being his party's front runner trump is expected to skip it in favor of sitting down for an interview with former fox news host tucker carlson. now, some of his republican rivals aren't taking too kindly to that suggestion. listen to this. >> if you've qualified for the stage, as trump has, not showing up is completely disrespectful to the republican party who has made you the nominee choice and to the republican voters whose support you're asking again. >> you owe it to the people to put out your vision and talk about your record. if you're not willing to do that i think people are not going to look kindly on that. >> trump advisers say it's still possible trump could ultimately change his mind and decide at the last moment to attend the debate. still ahead, ukraine's military will be getting a major upgrade in the coming months as its allies speed up efforts to provide f-16 fighter jets. details and a live report next. plus, a new chapter is being written in the rich legacy of camp david. details just ahead. stay with us. oose airborne. it has an unbeatable amount of vitamin c, plus a unique blend of immune focused ingrededients to turn up our immune s support. airborne bug spray works best when your family actually wears it. get odor-free 8-hour protection from mositoes and ticks without the ick. zevo on-body replent. people love it. bugs hate it. he snores like an angry rhino. you've never heard an angry rhino. baby i hear one every night... every night. okay. i'll work on that. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. shop now only at sleep number. we're getting word that russian president vladimir putin has paid a visit to his generals overseeing the invasioof ukraine, the kremlin says he m with them south western russian saturday. across the border a russian-appointed fial says ukrainian troops have been cleared om the village on the southerne of the dnipro rivetween kherson and a dam. ukrainians conducted a cross river raid and tried to capture the village but ukraine dismissed that claim. someone has put up a ukrainian flag in the heart of russia. this video shows the flag near the offices of russia's security service in the- on friday. russian officials have not commented on the incident. backn ukraine sile a reportedly dead after two back-to-back blasts in donetsk. officials are blaming them on unexploded cluster munitions and an unidentified explosive device. the u.s. on friday approved giving the training materials for f-16 fighter jets to ukraine, kyiv has been asking for the jets more than a year, the airplanes are desperately needed, with an aircraft that reaches 1,500 miles an hour, used in air to air combat and air to ground attacks. the jets carry a 20 millimeter gun, missiles and bombs. i'm joined by jim bittermann. what more are we learning about the jets and the pilot training. >> there have been rumors for months the pilots had already been trained up a little bit but those rumors were never confirmed and now we have confirmation of what this training program is going to look like from the head of the u.s. air forces in europe and in africa. general hecker told reporters yesterday that, in fact, these pilots, a group of pilots will be sent first to england for training up in perhaps propeller aircraft, into the training in fighter techniques and also in english because the f-16 is totally in english, the cockpit controls and all the rest, the simulators and whatnot and training manuals are all in english so, in fact, they've got to be pretty competent in english to master the aircraft. then they're going to perhaps come here to france and fly the alpha jet. if you've watched the july 14th s celebrations in france, they're flown by the acrobatic team when they fly with the colors of the french flag trailing behind. advanced training aircraft in france. and finally they'll go to denmark where they'll be trained up on the f 16 itself. these f-16s are going to come out of the armories of the various countries participating, and this is 11 european countries participating in this program, and the f-16s that are in the current armies are being gradually replaced and upgraded to more advanced fighter aircraft and the f-16s that will go to ukraine will come from there and the pilots themselves will actually be some of the youngest pilots in the ukrainian air force. they are probably more inexperienced than others, but they're not going to take experienced pilots on missions in war, not going to take them out of that action in order to be trained up. so it's going to be newer pilots who will be trained up exclusively on the f-16s. that's the kind of mission that's been outlined. we'll see what happens. the general predicted there will be no real f-16s in the theater of operations before perhaps the end of the year or early next year. it's going to take a while. >> interesting the timing here so vital. jim bittermann, thanks so much. more than 40 million people in southern california are under a tropical storm warning and bracing for catastrophic flooding as powerful hurricane hilary pushes northward off the coast of mexico. moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in 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flooding is likely over much of baja, california and the southwestern u.s. it's dumping more than a year's worth of rain in nevada and arizona coming days. emergency crews in spain are working to keep wildfires from spreading further on the canary island. this is what they're up against. at this point the fire has slowed thanks to efforts from fire crews and improved weather. authorities even lifted some restrictions from 2,000 residents on friday. for one woman who left her home the situation is stirring up lots of emotions. listen to this. >> translator: we don't see anything. we don't know the situation right now. we deponent know the magnitude the fire is reaching right now near the houses. it is an uncertainty. we are very helpless. we don't know what is going to happen to us, and to our houses. to the people in general, and we don't have words to describe this feeling of injustice. >> as of wednesday the wildfires burned approximately 6,000 acres and more than 3,000 people have been forced to flee according to regional leaders no additional evacuations were carried out on friday. taiwan is strongly condemning the latest chinese military drills across the island calling them irrational and provocative, trying to announce the joint air and sea maneuvers hours after the leaders of south korea and japan attended president biden's first ever summit at camp david, an historic event that publicly rankled beijing. the talks only lasted several hours but the commitments that came out of them were substantial. we'll get more now from cnn's arlette saenz. >> reporter: president biden using the presidential retreat at camp david as the backdrop for a new chapter with south korea and japan. >> i can think of no more fitting location to begin the next era of cooperation. a place that has long symbolized the power of new beginnings. and new possibilities. >> reporter: the president hosting the first ever summit between the three countries, a show of unity as they grapple with provocative moves by north korea and an increasingly assertive china. >> the summit was not about china. china obviously came up. not to say we don't share concerns about the economic coercion or heightened tensions caused by china but this summit was really about our relationship with each other. >> the u.s., japan and south korea are increasing defense cooperation with annual military exercises and intelligence sharing. they're also setting up a three-way hotline to talk during times of crisis, and will make their summit an annual event. the agreement falls short of offering nato-style mutual defense assurances but ensures a commitment to consult if any one country faces a security threat. >> this is not about a day, a week or month, this is back decades and decades of relationships that we're building. >> reporter: this trilateral summit once considered unimaginable due to decades of tension and mistrust with tokyo and seoul over a labor dispute. but president yoon and prime minister kishida have gone to great lengths, as chinese military and economic power grows in the region. >> your leadership with the full support of the united states has brought us here because each of you understands that our world stands at an inflection point. >> reporter: camp david has a long history with high stakes diplomacy, the wooded retreat 60 miles from the white house. accords in 1978 when jimmy carter acted a mediator with israel -- president biden making his own mark on history, making a case that strength in alliances are key to the future taking a swipe at former president donald trump. >> walking away from the rest of the world has made us weaker, not stronger. america is strong with our allies and our alliances and that's why we will endure and it's a strength that quite frankly that increases all three of our strengths. >> reporter: president biden went to great lengths saying this summit was not about china, in part to not further inflame tensions with beijing but so much of the president's efforts from the start of his administration in drawing these allies close is with having that eye on china's influence in the region. president biden as he wrapped his press conference here told me he is hoping to speak with president xi jinping later this fall. arlette saenz, cnn, traveling with the president at camp david. >> as you might expect the reaction from beijing was negative, even before the summit began. a statement from china's foreign ministry reads, quote, attempts to cobble together exclusionary groupings and bring military blocs into the asian pacific will not get support and will only bring opposition from regional countries. joining us live from seoul at this hour, a fellow for new american security. thanks for being with us. first, just putting aside the substance of that meeting, just the fact that it happened at all, the symbolism pretty remarkable. >> yes, first, thank you for having me back. indeed, no matter how you look at the summit it truly is historic. we cannot overexaggerate. it's really a matter of fact. the south korean japan relationship has always been fraught by historical grievances, disputes that have lasted for decades, ever since the japanese colonization of south korea and they too have not been able to get along and no american president has been able to bring them together to cooperate more closely, let alone bring the two leaders together in one standalone summit meeting. so that truly is remarkable. and so that goes to show both president biden's diplomatic prowess, but also courage, political courage by both south korean president yoon suk yeol, and the prime minister kishida fumio. it started with outreach towards tokyo and he was able to do this fundamentally not only because of his own conviction that he wanted to mend relations but because he's actually an outsider conservative, he's not a party man, not your typical political politico. and so he had -- has a lot of room in political space to maneuver, not to mention this is all backed by south korea's constitution giving the south korean president lots of power and leeway in both domestic and foreign policymaking. >> a different question about politics later, but before i do, on the substance then what concretely came from this, what were the main highlights for you? >> you know, the deliverables in the agreements are so comprehensive, very impressive how comprehensive and stu substantive that they are. it would take a long time to go through them. the ones that stood out to me they span from everything from cooperating and consulting on hard security issues, whether it's on both on north korea and china-related issues, commitment to consult and cooperate among the three. but they also go into cybersecurity issues, economic security, technology, even development, women's issues, and even next generation issues that's really a multi-tiered, multifaceted approach that regularizes conversations, consultations, dialogue at the highest level starting all the way up to the summit level, and all the way down throughout the entire government hierarchy in each of these capitals. in that sense that's what they mean by trying to institutionalize this process going forward. but there is going to be a major challenge going forward to keep this process alive even if south korean president -- progressive is elected south korea or if an ultra right wing prime minister is elected in japan. either one of them could derail this entire process and all the hard work the three countries are putting in right now. >> yeah, that's exactly right, so much can change and here in the u.s. as well. 2024 might change everything as well. finally, this won't have pleased beijing or pyongyang. what reaction do you expect from them, sort of coming out of this? >> well, we've already heard some reaction from beijing. we expected them not to be happy. we can expect north korea will not be happy either. we'll have to see how beijing reacts going forward. we can imagine them complaining and lodging protests more quietly, diplomatically. north korea we can expect them to show their dissatisfaction more visibly, whether it's through an icbm test or some sort of weapons test and the usual rhetoric and name calling and criticism towards the united states. and, you know, of course beijing will always misinterpret this meeting, the trilateral summit as a first step toward some sort of asian nato. but it really is not going to be an asian-style nato. so this is something that, you know, the united states and beijing will have to continue to work out and continue to discuss going forward that this really is not to, you know, form some sort of bloc against china and that all three countries, the united states, south korea and japan are always open to cooperating with beijing on shared -- on issues of common interest. >> really appreciate your insights on this, in seoul, thanks so much. >> thank you. still ahead days after a leading presidential candidate was assassinated, voters in ecuador will head to the polls this weekend. keeping kids together,r, here. 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(female announcer) now, millions more are covered by medicare. take advantage of the expanded coverage by calling today. the women's world cup co-host australia are trying to end their remarkable tournament run on a high note. they are facing sweden right now in a playoff match for third place nearing halftime the swedes are leading 1-0. if they hold on they'll capture their fourth bronze medal in team history. cnn's amanda davies joins us from sydney. looking forward to the final, the question everyone in england will be asking is, is it coming home? >> not just in england, but in spain as well, kim, that match you talked about between australia and sweden taking place in brisbane. but here we are in sydney, and this is it, isn't it, for all the records that we've talked about that have been broken over the last few weeks for those major milestones, for women's football ultimately for these two teams involved it all comes down to getting their hands on the trophy, to victory here tomorrow, just over 24 hours from now. that honor of becoming what would be the fifth country in history in the nine editions of the women's world cup to get their names engraved on the trophy. we've been fortunate enough today to catch up with both of the sides to hear from the respective team camps. this morning we headed about 90 minutes outside of sydney where the sun was shining to a place called taragol where england have based themselves for the majority of this tournament. they were conducting their final training session, all 23 members of the squad fit, including lauren james, she, of course has missed england's last two matches because of that suspension but she is available for selection tomorrow, although they're giving nothing away about whether or not she will start. i have to tell you the mood in the england camp was brailliant lots of laughing and joking, a bit of mocking of some of the coaches for not setting out the exercises well enough. and then we've headed here where the team have moved their base now for the final time to sydney. we've just come out of a press conference that the england team coach serena weegman held, playing down the fact that she is the first coach in history to coach two different sides to a world cup final. but there's no doubt that valuable experience from four years ago will have been relayed to her side. their captain, though, millibright, has talked about the dream come true, the opportunity to lead her country out at the world cup final and she admitted they will need to play the match of their lives. against a spanish team who here, again in unchartered territory in the women's world cup final for the first time and widely regarded as one of the most talented squads in world football. but even on the eve of their first world cup final that cloud still hangs over them. the questions being asked about the tension and unrest between the players and the coach. there were some very pointed, heats moments in the press conference where you could have cut the tension with a knife. it is, though, all to play for. and yesterday, i caught up with a lady who led team usa to victory in the last two world cup finals in 2015 and 2019. a very different buildup to this year's final for jill ellis, she said it is going to be very close to call. >> the only expect an incredible final. i think finals, other than 2015, always been incredibly tight. i expect a tight game, two remarkable teams, great coaches going at it. at the end of the day i think this world cup speaks to just the competitiveness and the growth of our game. i think that's really the narrative coming out of here, and a new world champion. >> reporter: yeah, a new world champion set to be crowned, and i have to tell you, stadium australia is looking resplendent. all the branding has been changed for tomorrow, we have purple and gold banners up, huge pictures of the trophy that the fans and the players will see with the final emblazoned. it looks fantastic inside. there's not only going to be a jam-packed crowd in attendance, but also queen la tee sha from spain, prince william watching from home. and both sides knowing they're playing for a place and becoming footballing royalty, kim. >> i imagine the mood will be better in australia is able to capture that bronze medal. amanda davies in sydney, thanks so much, appreciate it. that wraps this hour of "cnn newsroom," i'll be back with more in a momentnt. hi, i'm sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. on other diets, i could barely lose 10-15 pounds. thanks to golo, i've lost 27% of my body weight, and it was easy. 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ahead on "cnn newsroom," much of southern california now under a storm warning never seen before. we'll tell you what the region could see. in hawaii, the latest on rec recoveriests and the search for those still missing. and cnn learns when donald trump is expected to sure rending himself to a jail here in tlapt. details and the legal negotiations going on right now behind the scenes. >> reporter: live in cnn center this is "cnn newsroom," we begin this hour in the southwestern united states where people are bracing for catastrophic flooding. hurricane hilary could dump more than a year worth rain of in a few days. it's likely to make landfall in mexico but it's moving fast and could arrive in california as a tropical storm, the first such storm to do so in decades. >> it's been 84 years since one came ashore, so it's a once in a lifetime event that we're going to be experiencing. >> preparations are already under wa the federal emergency management agency is sending personnel and supplieso southern california. the mayor of san diego has asked residents to stay home sunday night when hilary is expected to arrive. major league baseball and soccer have moved scheduled games from l.a. and san diego and nevada has deployed about 100 yanation guards to provide support. >> our stations are restocked with plenty of sand. >> and more than 42 million people are under a tropical storm warning in southern california, including san diego and los angeles. people are taking the warnings seriously. listen to this. >> we're going to have the high winds i will take care of the backyard and move all the umbrellas appropriately and get them out of the way. >> we just had the officers warn us about what was going to happen. we know exactly where all of our valuables are in case we have to evacuate. >> the national hurricane center says the powerful category 4 storm is churning south of cabo san lucas in mexico, and flooding is likely over baja, california. >> this is a once in a generation type of event here. we have a major hurricane there in the pacific. it's not going to stay that way but we are beginning to take this storm and push it up toward the north. our update has tropical storm warnings from point magoo even south to san diego. this is the area that had the watch earlier. they have now upgraded that to a warning. farther on down to the south hurricane warnings are in effect because hurricane conditions are expected there. taking you forward and where does this go? the hurricane center at 11:00, the latest update pushed it a little bit faster. now we're going to start to see effects a little bit earlier in the day. sunday, 6:00 a.m. a 90-mile-per-hour storm but off the coast of baja, ca elf. and you can't look at the middle or times for arrival here. there will be so much rainfall ahead of it. right now it's still in fairly warm water but because it's going to get into colder water that's why this thing is going to die. die off but not rapidly enough. there will still be tremendous amounts of rainfall with this. the area you see here in orange and purple, significant flash flooding will occur. without a doubt. there's just no question, it begins to rain early in the day on saturday, and it rains all day in some spots and it continues to rain on sunday where some locations could be picking up seven to ten inches of rainfall that won't pick up seven to ten inches of rainfall in a normal year. a lot of this is desert but there are going to be many cities in the way of this impressive rainfall total, including the transverse range here to the north of l.a. some of that on top of those mountains will run right down into those big cities into the l.a. basin. you're going to have to be very, very cautious with this storm. this is a major impact event, and it's happening right now. >> we now know that at least 114 people died as a result of the massive wildfires on the hawaiian island of maui. teams are using heavy equipment to clean up the devastation in the city of lahaina. in an emotional address a few hours ago hawaii's governor josh green said that they've completed searching through more than 60% of the disaster area looking for survivors. green warns as the efforts continue the number of those killed is likely to rise each day. here he is. >> this process agonizing for the families waiting for word from their loved ones. and heartbreaking for those sifting through the debris, testing our capacity to continue searching, our ability to endure pain and loss and our commitment to locate and identify every person affected by this disaster. >> the people of lahaina built their town into a special place. a unique, and vibrant community. for generations lahaina's beauty, culture, and rich history drew artists, musicians and visitors from around the world. tragically it took less than a single day for us to lose lahaina, in the deadliest fire our country has seen in more than a century. >> the governor's vowing to find out exactly how the fire started and while it's too early to pinpoint the cause the island's major utility company, hawaiian electric, has been under growing scrutiny. there are many questions why it didn't cut power when high winds began bringing down transmission lines. more than 120 faults or short circuits in the overnight hours before the fires started. joining me now is michael wara, interim policy director of the sustainability accelerator at stanford's school of sustainability, director of the climate and energy policy program at woods institute for the environment, and a senior research scholar there. thanks for being with us. we have to stipulate at the offset we don't know what caused the fires in hawaii, but there were reportedly serious faults on the power lines in the area where the fire started. what do you make of the data and the videos that seem to show arking from the lines at the at the time of the fire. >> it creates a strong circumstantial case for power line ignitions being at least one of the causes of the fire. you pointed to two of the critical elements. i just add another. which is that hawaiian electric also was very clear that they had at least 30 sections of power line on the ground after the wind storm as they were trying to restore power to customers. and we know that hawaiian electric left the power on, made the decision to leave the power on during the wind storm. so the lines were hot when they hit the ground, most likely. >> yeah, so, listen, i mean, they are still investigating the cause. but it does look all too familiar to folks like yourself in california, i imagine, who've seen so many deadly fires in that state caused by the combination of high winds and downed power lines sparking fires. >> yeah, you know, i think what we've come to in california is the conclusion that we really need to know when it is safe to operate -- the conditions under which it's safe to operate the system and to be prepared to turn the system off when the conditions are safe. that's extremely inconvenient and can be dangerous to some customers who rely on a medical device at home. that means you have to do a lot of preparation ahead of time to make sure that you can safely turn the power off, that the fire department can still do its job, you know, all the public services can continue to operate. that takes work before -- before dangerous conditions arise, but it's doable, and the california utilities, and i say actually a growing number of utilities across the western united states are adopting that sort of a policy. >> yeah, i was there in paradise, california covering that fire that killed 85 people, that was at the time the deadliest u.s. wildfire before this one. i didn't think i'd see anything that bad, let alone worse, in california the response to all those fires was that power shutoff plan. you know, as you say the policy is controversial. there are downsides. but is there proof that it actually works? >> well, it's hard to prove, you know, prove that -- it's hard to create proof when what you've done is avoid the bad outcome. but what we can say is that in -- especially during the power shutoffs in california that occurred during 2019 there was extraordinary system damage from the winds that was very reminiscent of the system damage that led to, especially the napa/sonoma firestorm. the most vulnerable power lines are the last mile of the distribution system which is lower voltage and also lower to the ground and it's not built to the same standards to -- in terms of resistance to wind that the bigger transmission lines are, and those are the lines that started the napa-sonoma fire. those are the kinds of lines you see on the ground in some of the videos coming out of lahaina shot in the early hours of the fire. and, you know, the reality is that those lines are likely to fail as winds get above 40 to 50 miles an hour. and so if the power's on when they fail, and there's dry fuel underneath them, that can be a very dangerous combination. >> yeah, as you've said other states have done the same thing. it does beg the question, why didn't hawaii? after all, officials from hawaiian electric specifically cited the camp fire and california's power shutoff plan in some of their planning documents. this would make the tragedy even more sad if this could have been prevented. >> yeah. i mean, that's my kind of gut feeling about this, you know, we don't know the -- we don't have a final report on causation yet, and we do need to be really careful about that. but whenever i see wildfires like this one that occur in high winds and with an electric system that has not taken these precautions, not taken the -- part of what is important that the california utilities have done is to just install weather stations on their poles so that they know very accurately what the wind speed is, and they know when it's safe to leave the system on and when it's really not safe to leave it on anymore and you need to turn the power off. unfortunately hawaiian electric didn't take that step. we don't know yet if it would have prevented what happened but there's a lot of evidence that it might have been really helpful in terms of avoiding some of the losses. >> listen, with more extreme weather becoming the new normal hopefully this will inspire other states to change their practices, really appreciate your expertise. my michael, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. kansas and illinois's men's basketball teams will be playing in a charity exhibition game to benefit maui relief efforts. the schools announced they will play on october 29th in champagne, illinois, previously set to scrimmage but decided to change the event to a fundraiser. and the maker of beanie babies is rolling out a new limited edition bear to help survivors of the wildfires in hawaii, the golden bear with the words maui strong on its chest is named allow highway. all profits from the sale will go to the american red cross. if you would like information on how to help those impacted by the wildfires in hawaii please go to or text hawaii to 707070, donate. there's some encouraging news in canada where about a thousand wildfires are burning in yellowknife, the capital of the north northwest territories, 95% of its residents have made it out after an evacuation was ored for the entire city. in british columbia, a province-wide state emergency has been declared, 50,000 homes are under evacuation orders. cnn's paula newton has this wrap-up of the situation in canada. >> it will be a critical weekend to come here in canada where wildfires threaten two very large communities and we begin in northwest toerritories. its capital city, yellowknife, under a strict evacuation order, more than 20,000 people were given less than 48 hours to get out, the most vulnerable, of course, were of concern, even those in hospitals in long-term care homes had to be evacuated. when we had an update from federal officials they did indicate the evacuation was going well. that the military was also helping out with an air lift while most of the people were able to leave by road the fire threatening that community was at this point so critical at such a dire stage that they decided this entire city had to be evacuated. they expect very few people to remain there this weekend as they continue to battle that fire. and then, we have another situation in the interior of british columbia, both in west kalowna, and firefighters are having a terrible time with a fire that sprung up on tuesday but quickly grew in size and began threatening communities. in fact, people there tell us that several structures, including homes, were destroyed. i want you to listen now to the fire chief of west kalowna and how he described the harrowing night they had and the escapes and the rescues. >> we fought hard last night to protect our community. somebody described it to me last night in the heat of the battle as it was like a hundred years of fire fighting all at once in one night. >> thankfully, as of now, no loss of life, and officials are grateful for that although as i said this will be a very long weekend with so many resources pouring into the region. but this is really just another chapter in what has already been an unprecedented record breaking fire season in canada. paula newson, cnn, ottawa. ♪ we're learning more about when we might see donald trump's fourth arrest as the former u.s. president has less than a week left to voluntarily surrender at a georgia jail. cnn's sara murray has the latest on the state's election subversion case. >> reporter: donald trump is expected to turn himself in on thursday or friday of next week. this is after, of course, he faced a number of charges in the state of georgia in a widespread racketeering case. the fulton county district attorney there gave donald trump and its 18 codefendants until noon on friday august 25th to turn themselves in. the u.s. secret service has already been around the fulton county jail for the last couple of weeks scoping out the situation which this is what we would expect. you don't want to take someone like the former president of the united states to this jail for processing without understanding the layout, without understanding how to get him in and out, without interacting with the general population. but, a couple steps still need to happen before donald trump surrenders. one of them is that his attorneys need to work with the fulton county district attorney's office to figure out any potential bond or conditions of donald trump's release. we expect those conversations to continue into early next week. again, when donald trump shows up at that fulton county jail he wants the paperwork about his bond so that he can be in and out as quickly as possible. in speaking to attorneys it can take normal defendants hours to get through that booking process at the jail, for a vip like former president donald trump he could be in and out rather quickly. sara murray, cnn, washington. the first republican debate of the 2024 election cycle is also set for next week, but despite being his party's front runner trump is expected to skip it in favor of sitting down for an interview with former fox news host tucker carlson. now, some of his republican rivals aren't taking too kindly to that suggestion. listen to this. >> if you've qualified for the stage, as trump has, not showing up is completely disrespectful to the republican party who has made you the nominee choice and to the republican voters whose support you're asking again. >> you owe it to the people to put out your vision and talk about your record. if you're not willing to do that i think people are not going to look kindly on that. >> trump advisers say it's still possible trump could ultimately change his mind and decide at the last moment to attend the debate. still ahead, ukraine's military will be getting a major upgrade in the coming months as its allies speed up efforts to provide f-16 fighter jets. details and a live report next. plus, a new chapter is being written in the rich legacy of camp david. details just ahead. stay with us. oose airborne. it has an unbeatable amount of vitamin c, plus a unique blend of immune focused ingrededients to turn up our immune s support. airborne bug spray works best when your family actually wears it. get odor-free 8-hour protection from mositoes and ticks without the ick. zevo on-body replent. people love it. bugs hate it. he snores like an angry rhino. you've never heard an angry rhino. baby i hear one every night... every night. okay. i'll work on that. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. shop now only at sleep number. we're getting word that russian president vladimir putin has paid a visit to his generals overseeing the invasioof ukraine, the kremlin says he m with them south western russian saturday. across the border a russian-appointed fial says ukrainian troops have been cleared om the village on the southerne of the dnipro rivetween kherson and a dam. ukrainians conducted a cross river raid and tried to capture the village but ukraine dismissed that claim. someone has put up a ukrainian flag in the heart of russia. this video shows the flag near the offices of russia's security service in the- on friday. russian officials have not commented on the incident. backn ukraine sile a reportedly dead after two back-to-back blasts in donetsk. officials are blaming them on unexploded cluster munitions and an unidentified explosive device. the u.s. on friday approved giving the training materials for f-16 fighter jets to ukraine, kyiv has been asking for the jets more than a year, the airplanes are desperately needed, with an aircraft that reaches 1,500 miles an hour, used in air to air combat and air to ground attacks. the jets carry a 20 millimeter gun, missiles and bombs. i'm joined by jim bittermann. what more are we learning about the jets and the pilot training. >> there have been rumors for months the pilots had already been trained up a little bit but those rumors were never confirmed and now we have confirmation of what this training program is going to look like from the head of the u.s. air forces in europe and in africa. general hecker told reporters yesterday that, in fact, these pilots, a group of pilots will be sent first to england for training up in perhaps propeller aircraft, into the training in fighter techniques and also in english because the f-16 is totally in english, the cockpit controls and all the rest, the simulators and whatnot and training manuals are all in english so, in fact, they've got to be pretty competent in english to master the aircraft. then they're going to perhaps come here to france and fly the alpha jet. if you've watched the july 14th s celebrations in france, they're flown by the acrobatic team when they fly with the colors of the french flag trailing behind. advanced training aircraft in france. and finally they'll go to denmark where they'll be trained up on the f 16 itself. these f-16s are going to come out of the armories of the various countries participating, and this is 11 european countries participating in this program, and the f-16s that are in the current armies are being gradually replaced and upgraded to more advanced fighter aircraft and the f-16s that will go to ukraine will come from there and the pilots themselves will actually be some of the youngest pilots in the ukrainian air force. they are probably more inexperienced than others, but they're not going to take experienced pilots on missions in war, not going to take them out of that action in order to be trained up. so it's going to be newer pilots who will be trained up exclusively on the f-16s. that's the kind of mission that's been outlined. we'll see what happens. the general predicted there will be no real f-16s in the theater of operations before perhaps the end of the year or early next year. it's going to take a while. >> interesting the timing here so vital. jim bittermann, thanks so much. more than 40 million people in southern california are under a tropical storm warning and bracing for catastrophic flooding as powerful hurricane hilary pushes northward off the coast of mexico. moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. subway's now slicing their meats fresh. that's why subway's proffered by this champ. and this future champ. and if we proffer it, we know you'll proffer it too. he's cocky for a nineteen year old. welcome back to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada and all around the world, i'm kim brunhuber, this is cnn newsroom. taking a look at one of our top stories this hour, more than 42 million are under a tropical storm warning in southern california, as hurricane hilary now a category 4 storm, barrels northward in the pacific off the coast of mexico. the national hurricane center says life-threatening and potentially catastrophic flooding is likely over much of baja, california and the southwestern u.s. it's dumping more than a year's worth of rain in nevada and arizona coming days. emergency crews in spain are working to keep wildfires from spreading further on the canary island. this is what they're up against. at this point the fire has slowed thanks to efforts from fire crews and improved weather. authorities even lifted some restrictions from 2,000 residents on friday. for one woman who left her home the situation is stirring up lots of emotions. listen to this. >> translator: we don't see anything. we don't know the situation right now. we deponent know the magnitude the fire is reaching right now near the houses. it is an uncertainty. we are very helpless. we don't know what is going to happen to us, and to our houses. to the people in general, and we don't have words to describe this feeling of injustice. >> as of wednesday the wildfires burned approximately 6,000 acres and more than 3,000 people have been forced to flee according to regional leaders no additional evacuations were carried out on friday. taiwan is strongly condemning the latest chinese military drills across the island calling them irrational and provocative, trying to announce the joint air and sea maneuvers hours after the leaders of south korea and japan attended president biden's first ever summit at camp david, an historic event that publicly rankled beijing. the talks only lasted several hours but the commitments that came out of them were substantial. we'll get more now from cnn's arlette saenz. >> reporter: president biden using the presidential retreat at camp david as the backdrop for a new chapter with south korea and japan. >> i can think of no more fitting location to begin the next era of cooperation. a place that has long symbolized the power of new beginnings. and new possibilities. >> reporter: the president hosting the first ever summit between the three countries, a show of unity as they grapple with provocative moves by north korea and an increasingly assertive china. >> the summit was not about china. china obviously came up. not to say we don't share concerns about the economic coercion or heightened tensions caused by china but this summit was really about our relationship with each other. >> the u.s., japan and south korea are increasing defense cooperation with annual military exercises and intelligence sharing. they're also setting up a three-way hotline to talk during times of crisis, and will make their summit an annual event. the agreement falls short of offering nato-style mutual defense assurances but ensures a commitment to consult if any one country faces a security threat. >> this is not about a day, a week or month, this is back decades and decades of relationships that we're building. >> reporter: this trilateral summit once considered unimaginable due to decades of tension and mistrust with tokyo and seoul over a labor dispute. but president yoon and prime minister kishida have gone to great lengths, as chinese military and economic power grows in the region. >> your leadership with the full support of the united states has brought us here because each of you understands that our world stands at an inflection point. >> reporter: camp david has a long history with high stakes diplomacy, the wooded retreat 60 miles from the white house. accords in 1978 when jimmy carter acted a mediator with israel -- president biden making his own mark on history, making a case that strength in alliances are key to the future taking a swipe at former president donald trump. >> walking away from the rest of the world has made us weaker, not stronger. america is strong with our allies and our alliances and that's why we will endure and it's a strength that quite frankly that increases all three of our strengths. >> reporter: president biden went to great lengths saying this summit was not about china, in part to not further inflame tensions with beijing but so much of the president's efforts from the start of his administration in drawing these allies close is with having that eye on china's influence in the region. president biden as he wrapped his press conference here told me he is hoping to speak with president xi jinping later this fall. arlette saenz, cnn, traveling with the president at camp david. >> as you might expect the reaction from beijing was negative, even before the summit began. a statement from china's foreign ministry reads, quote, attempts to cobble together exclusionary groupings and bring military blocs into the asian pacific will not get support and will only bring opposition from regional countries. joining us live from seoul at this hour, a fellow for new american security. thanks for being with us. first, just putting aside the substance of that meeting, just the fact that it happened at all, the symbolism pretty remarkable. >> yes, first, thank you for having me back. indeed, no matter how you look at the summit it truly is historic. we cannot overexaggerate. it's really a matter of fact. the south korean japan relationship has always been fraught by historical grievances, disputes that have lasted for decades, ever since the japanese colonization of south korea and they too have not been able to get along and no american president has been able to bring them together to cooperate more closely, let alone bring the two leaders together in one standalone summit meeting. so that truly is remarkable. and so that goes to show both president biden's diplomatic prowess, but also courage, political courage by both south korean president yoon suk yeol, and the prime minister kishida fumio. it started with outreach towards tokyo and he was able to do this fundamentally not only because of his own conviction that he wanted to mend relations but because he's actually an outsider conservative, he's not a party man, not your typical political politico. and so he had -- has a lot of room in political space to maneuver, not to mention this is all backed by south korea's constitution giving the south korean president lots of power and leeway in both domestic and foreign policymaking. >> a different question about politics later, but before i do, on the substance then what concretely came from this, what were the main highlights for you? >> you know, the deliverables in the agreements are so comprehensive, very impressive how comprehensive and stu substantive that they are. it would take a long time to go through them. the ones that stood out to me they span from everything from cooperating and consulting on hard security issues, whether it's on both on north korea and china-related issues, commitment to consult and cooperate among the three. but they also go into cybersecurity issues, economic security, technology, even development, women's issues, and even next generation issues that's really a multi-tiered, multifaceted approach that regularizes conversations, consultations, dialogue at the highest level starting all the way up to the summit level, and all the way down throughout the entire government hierarchy in each of these capitals. in that sense that's what they mean by trying to institutionalize this process going forward. but there is going to be a major challenge going forward to keep this process alive even if south korean president -- progressive is elected south korea or if an ultra right wing prime minister is elected in japan. either one of them could derail this entire process and all the hard work the three countries are putting in right now. >> yeah, that's exactly right, so much can change and here in the u.s. as well. 2024 might change everything as well. finally, this won't have pleased beijing or pyongyang. what reaction do you expect from them, sort of coming out of this? >> well, we've already heard some reaction from beijing. we expected them not to be happy. we can expect north korea will not be happy either. we'll have to see how beijing reacts going forward. we can imagine them complaining and lodging protests more quietly, diplomatically. north korea we can expect them to show their dissatisfaction more visibly, whether it's through an icbm test or some sort of weapons test and the usual rhetoric and name calling and criticism towards the united states. and, you know, of course beijing will always misinterpret this meeting, the trilateral summit as a first step toward some sort of asian nato. but it really is not going to be an asian-style nato. so this is something that, you know, the united states and beijing will have to continue to work out and continue to discuss going forward that this really is not to, you know, form some sort of bloc against china and that all three countries, the united states, south korea and japan are always open to cooperating with beijing on shared -- on issues of common interest. >> really appreciate your insights on this, in seoul, thanks so much. >> thank you. still ahead days after a leading presidential candidate was assassinated, voters in ecuador will head to the polls this weekend. keeping kids together,r, here. 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(female announcer) now, millions more are covered by medicare. take advantage of the expanded coverage by calling today. the women's world cup co-host australia are trying to end their remarkable tournament run on a high note. they are facing sweden right now in a playoff match for third place nearing halftime the swedes are leading 1-0. if they hold on they'll capture their fourth bronze medal in team history. cnn's amanda davies joins us from sydney. looking forward to the final, the question everyone in england will be asking is, is it coming home? >> not just in england, but in spain as well, kim, that match you talked about between australia and sweden taking place in brisbane. but here we are in sydney, and this is it, isn't it, for all the records that we've talked about that have been broken over the last few weeks for those major milestones, for women's football ultimately for these two teams involved it all comes down to getting their hands on the trophy, to victory here tomorrow, just over 24 hours from now. that honor of becoming what would be the fifth country in history in the nine editions of the women's world cup to get their names engraved on the trophy. we've been fortunate enough today to catch up with both of the sides to hear from the respective team camps. this morning we headed about 90 minutes outside of sydney where the sun was shining to a place called taragol where england have based themselves for the majority of this tournament. they were conducting their final training session, all 23 members of the squad fit, including lauren james, she, of course has missed england's last two matches because of that suspension but she is available for selection tomorrow, although they're giving nothing away about whether or not she will start. i have to tell you the mood in the england camp was brailliant lots of laughing and joking, a bit of mocking of some of the coaches for not setting out the exercises well enough. and then we've headed here where the team have moved their base now for the final time to sydney. we've just come out of a press conference that the england team coach serena weegman held, playing down the fact that she is the first coach in history to coach two different sides to a world cup final. but there's no doubt that valuable experience from four years ago will have been relayed to her side. their captain, though, millibright, has talked about the dream come true, the opportunity to lead her country out at the world cup final and she admitted they will need to play the match of their lives. against a spanish team who here, again in unchartered territory in the women's world cup final for the first time and widely regarded as one of the most talented squads in world football. but even on the eve of their first world cup final that cloud still hangs over them. the questions being asked about the tension and unrest between the players and the coach. there were some very pointed, heats moments in the press conference where you could have cut the tension with a knife. it is, though, all to play for. and yesterday, i caught up with a lady who led team usa to victory in the last two world cup finals in 2015 and 2019. a very different buildup to this year's final for jill ellis, she said it is going to be very close to call. >> the only expect an incredible final. i think finals, other than 2015, always been incredibly tight. i expect a tight game, two remarkable teams, great coaches going at it. at the end of the day i think this world cup speaks to just the competitiveness and the growth of our game. i think that's really the narrative coming out of here, and a new world champion. >> reporter: yeah, a new world champion set to be crowned, and i have to tell you, stadium australia is looking resplendent. all the branding has been changed for tomorrow, we have purple and gold banners up, huge pictures of the trophy that the fans and the players will see with the final emblazoned. it looks fantastic inside. there's not only going to be a jam-packed crowd in attendance, but also queen la tee sha from spain, prince william watching from home. and both sides knowing they're playing for a place and becoming footballing royalty, kim. >> i imagine the mood will be better in australia is able to capture that bronze medal. amanda davies in sydney, thanks so much, appreciate it. that wraps this hour of "cnn newsroom," i'll be back with more in a momentnt. hi, i'm sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. on other diets, i could barely lose 10-15 pounds. thanks to golo, i've lost 27% of my body weight, and it was easy. 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Wind Speed , Hawaiian Electric Didn T , Weather , Expertise , Losses , Evidence , Practices , Listen , Schools , Relief Efforts , Exhibition Game , My Michael , Pleasure , Illinois , Kansas , Men S Basketball Teams Will Be Playing In A Charity , October 29th , 29 , Maker , Champagne , Limited Edition , Scrimmage , Fundraiser , Beanie Babies , Words , Highway , Chest , Information , Sale , Profits , Golden Bear , American Red Cross , Hawaii To , News , Yellowknife , 707070 , A Thousand , Evacuation , State Emergency , Ored , British Columbia , Northwest Territories , 95 , Situation , Homes , Communities , Weekend , Wrap Up , Evacuation Orders , Paula Newton , 50000 , Course , Order , Concern , Vulnerable , Hospitals , Capital City , Northwest Toerritories , 48 , 20000 , Military , Most , Road , Air Lift , Point , Stage , Firefighters , Interior , West Kalowna , Fact , Fire Chief , Structures , Including Homes , Size , Battle , Somebody , Heat , Escapes , Rescues , A Hundred , Life , Resources , Now , Chapter , Record , Paula Newson , Season , Ottawa , Arrest , Sara Murray , Georgia Jail , District Attorney , Election Subversion Case , Fulton County , State Of Georgia , Charges , Racketeering , Someone , Couple , Codefendants , Fulton County Jail , U S Secret Service , 25 , 18 , Friday August 25th , Interacting , Processing , Population , Layout , Office , Attorneys , Conversations , Bond , Surrenders , Release , Booking Process , Defendants , Paperwork , Vip , Debate , Trump , Republican , Front Runner , Election Cycle , Washington , 2024 , Fox News , Interview , Suggestion , Has , Favor , Rivals , Tucker Carlson , Voters , Vision , Nominee Choice , Ukraine , Mind , Upgrade , Advisers , Allies , Camp David , Stay , Plus , Fighter Jets , Legacy , 16 , Bug Spray , Amount , Blend , Ingrededients , Immune S Support , Oose Airborne , Vitamin C , Family , Protection , Ick , Bugs , On Body Replent , Mositoes , Zevo , 8 , Rhino , Sleep Number , Base , Home Delivery , Bed , Baby , Vladimir Putin , Generals , Visit , Russian , Invasioof Ukraine , Village , Southerne , Border , Troops , Om , Them South Western , Dnipro , Kremlin , Fial , Dam , Raid , Claim , Ukrainians , Cross River , Rivetween Kherson , Flag , Offices , Heart , Security Service , Video , Incident , Backn Ukraine Sile , Explosive Device , Blasts , Cluster Munitions , Donetsk , Jets , Training Materials , Airplanes , Kyiv , Hair , Aircraft , Combat , Ground Attacks , Missiles , Millimeter Gun , Bombs , 20 , 1500 , Pilots , Rumors , Pilot Training , Jim Bittermann , Head , U S Air Forces In Europe , Training Program , Reporters , Confirmation , Africa , General Hecker , England , English , Training , Group , Training Up , Propeller Aircraft , Fighter Techniques , Rest , Whatnot , Cockpit Controls , Training Manuals , Simulators , France , Team , Alpha Jet , July 14th S Celebrations , July 14th , 14 , F 16s , Armories , Denmark , Training Aircraft , Colors , Itself , French , Countries , Fighter Aircraft , Program , Armies , Missions , Others , Ukrainian Air Force , Action , Mission , War , General , Operations , Theater , Timing , 40 Million , Skin , Eczema , Itch , Rinvoq , Rash , Steroid , Treatment , Injection , Pill , Topical , Infections , Relief , Saw , Fast , Rinvoq Relief , Tb , 2 , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Intestines , Reactions , Heart Attack , Risks , Stroke , Death , Skin Cancer , Cancers , Tears , Lymphoma , Stomach , Blood Clots , We Don T , Doctor , Abbvie , Champ , Meats , Subway , Nineteen , Newsroom , Stories , Look , Barrels , Worth , Spain , Authorities , Canary Island , Emergency Crews , Fire Crews , Arizona , Woman , Lots , Translator , Restrictions , Emotions , Magnitude , 2000 , Houses , Feeling , Uncertainty , Injustice , Leaders , Evacuations , Chinese , Taiwan , 6000 , 3000 , South Korea And Japan , Biden S First Ever Summit At Camp David , Maneuvers , Sea , Military Drills , Biden , Talks , Beijing , Commitments , Retreat , Arlette Saenz , Backdrop , Cooperation , Location , Possibilities , New Beginnings , This Trilateral Summit , North Korea , China S , Unity , Moves , Show , Three , Tensions , Relationship , South Korea , Concerns , Each Other , Intelligence , Sharing , Military Exercises , Defense Cooperation , Coercion , Style , Summit , Defense , Security Threat , Agreement , Hotline , Crisis , Assurances , Nato , Tension , Relationships , Mistrust , Due , Tokyo , Kishida Fumio , Lengths , Labor Dispute , Seoul , Yoon Suk Yeol , World , History , Leadership , Inflection Point , High Stakes , Mediator , Accords , Mark , Diplomacy , Jimmy Carter , White House , Israel , 1978 , Strength , Alliances , Swipe , Weaker , Strengths , Eye , Press Conference , Influence , Start , Administration , Reaction , Xi Jinping , Statement , Negative , Foreign Ministry , Groupings , Quote , Opposition , Blocs , Meeting , Substance , First , Fellow , Symbolism , New American Security , Matter , Yes , We Cannot Overexaggerate , Colonization , Historical Grievances , Summit Meeting , Courage , Prowess , Prime Minister , Relations , Conviction , Outreach , Man , Politico , Outsider Conservative , Maneuver , Space , Room , South Korea S Constitution Giving The Korean , Policymaking , Politics , Leeway , Deliverables , Highlights , Agreements , Everything , Issues , Ones , Security Issues , Generation , Security , Women , Technology , Multi Tiered , Approach , Development , Cybersecurity Issues , Government , Sense , Capitals , Level , Summit Level , Consultations , Hierarchy , Dialogue , Process , Challenge , Progressive , Ultra Right Wing , Work , Won T Have Pleased Beijing Or Pyongyang , Dissatisfaction , Protests , Lodging , Weapons , Test , Name , Rhetoric , Calling , Criticism , Course Beijing , Something , China , Bloc , Interest , Insights , In Seoul , Candidate , Ecuador , Polls , R , Keeping Kids Together , Healthy S Schools , Chicken Nugget , Whwhere , Lysol , Thinking , Meetings , Activities , Reconnecting , Apr , Friends , Voicemail , 1 9 , 36 , Cadillac Financial , Purchase Allowance , 500 , Complaint , Murder , Omission , Election , Runner , Fernando , Assassination , Groups , Threats , Ecuadorians , Corruption , Quito , Story , Attacks , Spate , Raphael Romo , Molina , Rally , Steps , August 9 , 9 , Bullet , Hit , Fragment , Running Mate , Elections , Journalist , Violence , Everybody , Levels , Risk , O August , Replacement , Reminder , Businessman , Control , Borders , Mafia , John Topic , Law And Order , French Foreign Legion , Cocaine , Politicians , Security Forces , End , Heroin , Soldiers , Cops , Drug Trade , Won T Stop , Father , Influx , Money , Judges , Das , Death Threat , Hasn T , Insecurity , Brink , Campaign Slogan , Hope , Fear , Ecuador A , Murders , Largest , Manta , Acts , Port City , Down , Men , Candidates , Campaign , Vote , Helmet , Swat Team , Bullet Proof Vest , Kwauguatemala , The Mafia , Atevalo , Effort , Results , Attempts , Supporters , Women S World Cup , Medal , Stadium Australia , Match , Fourth , Plusus , Smart Bed , Ya , Shopop , Dexcom G7 , A1c , Announcer , Diabetes , Single , Medicare , Dexcom , Painful Fingersticks , Phone , Heading , Glucose Numbers , Glucose , Cgm , Receiver , Arrow , Direction , Medication , Activity , Food , Decisions , Line Dancing , Advantage , Coverage , Confidence , Calling Today , Run On A High Note , Playoff Match , Swedes , Halftime , Sweden , 1 , 0 , Final , Sydney , Everyone , Amanda Davies , Isn T It , This Is It , Milestones , Records , Women S Football , Brisbane , Trophy , Victory , Hands , 24 , Sides , Both , Names , Editions , Honor , Nine , The Sun , Taragol , Team Camps , Majority , She , Members , Matches , Training Session , Squad , Nothing , Selection , Fit , Suspension , Lauren James , 23 , Coaches , Mood , Camp , Exercises , Joking , Mocking , Serena Weegman , Coach , Captain , No Doubt , Side , Experience , Dream Come True , Millibright , Though , Four , Opportunity , Territory , Lives , World Cup Final , Spanish , Unchartered , Eve , Time , Squads , Cloud , Unrest , Players , Heats , Knife , Lady , Team Usa , Buildup , World Cup Finals , Jill Ellis , 2015 , Game , Narrative , Finals , Competitiveness , Growth , Champion , Resplendent , Set , Branding , Attendance , Pictures , Fans , Crowd , Fantastic Inside , Banners , Queen , Royalty , Prince William , La , Tee Sha , Momentnt , Sharon , Golo , 52 , 27 , Soft Music , Diets , Body Weight , 27 , 10 , 15 , Goals , All Of You Wa ,

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