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Were breaking down the historic summit that just wrapped up at camp david a short time ago. Also tonight, were learning more about Donald Trumps plans to skip next weeks republican president ial debate. Sources saying an interview with former fox news host Tucker Carlson is now in the works as trump aims to steal the spotlight from his rivals. And a categoryfour Hurricane Lashing Mexico and is posing an unprecedented threat now to Southern California. The region is under its first Tropical Storm watch ever, and potentially facing a years worth of rain in a matter of hours. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and all around the world. Wolf blitzers off today. Im alex marquardt, and youre in the situation room. The Camp David Summit is our top story this hour. President joe biden working to strengthen ties with japan and south korea as the three countries face urgent threats from china and north korea. Cnns Arlette Saenz is at camp da david. And will ripley is standing by. How is the president touting the results of this historic summit . Reporter well, President Biden is hailing this moment as an historic step, one that is opening the next chapter, the next era of cooperation between the u. S. , south korea, and japan. It was never a given that this Trilateral Partnership would ever come to fruition. There have been decades of tension and mistrust between south korea and japan. But President Biden had worked those relationships on the bilateral level and then also trilaterally with all three leaders trying to push them to this moment in part due to the provocative behavior theyve seen from north korea, but also concerns about chinas rising influence in the region. Listen to President Biden as he took a victory lap about this moment. Ifcit i seem like im happy s because i am. This has been a great, great meeting. Today weve made history with the firstever standalone summit between the leaders of our three countries, as well as our commitment to meet together on the leader level annually, not just this year, not next year, forever. Reporter and the president praised the political courage he called it was both president yoon and Prime Minister kishida in coming to this agreement with the u. S. And putting aside some of their many differences. Now in this Camp David Summit, they came up with a few deliverables, in part to strengthen their defense cooperation. That will include annual Military Drills as well as cooperating when it comes to Ballistic Missile drills. They also have talked about intelligence sharing agreements, and theyre trying to make this an annual summit. Now one thing that is key here is that this agreement does not amount to what weve seen from article 5 of nato which is an attack on one is an attack on all. Instead, what they have pledged here is a commitment to consult, arranging a way for these leaders to talk when any Security Threats are posed against any one country. Part of that includes setting up a threeway hotline for these leaders to talk. Of course, Camp David Is has a long history with highstakes diplomacy, and President Biden today is hoping to make his mark with this historic first trilateral summit. And it does seem that President Biden is being very careful about what he says about china. Reporter yeah, he really is. President biden said that this summit was not about china, but simply put, so much of the president s efforts when it comes to rallying allies especially in the indo pacific is about finding ways to counter china. Now he did say that china came up in their discussions, and of course that they have concerns about some of chinas military moves in the region. But the president has gone to Great Lengths to try to say this wasnt specifically about china. We have heard criticism from china who has characterized this type of summit as a mini nato. That is something that National Security adviser Jake Sullivan very forcefully pushed back against. At the end, President Biden did answer a question that i had asked, and he told me that he is hoping to continue his conversation with chinese president xi this coming fall. All right. Ar arlette, thank you so much. Lets bring in Senior International correspondent will ripley. Youve done such extensive reporting both from north korea and china. So how are those countries watching this summit . Reporter well, theyre not happy about it. I mean, just the fact that japan and south korea, which have this long historical animosity, are now getting this close and working so well together is a sign of how concerned the u. S. And its allies are in the region about north korea and about china for Different Reasons. North koreas been launching a barrage of missiles. There is word that theyre developing their Nuclear Program at a faster pace than many analysts thought was possible. We could see an icbm launch in the coming days. North korea known to launch missiles as a way to express displeasure and gain valuable intelligence about how to get their icbms to be more accurate and travel further. The icbms that north korea is building now, most agree, could hit pretty much anywhere in the world theoretically with their striking range, certainly anywhere in the mainland United States. China expressi ing its displease in not as dramatic a way with the possible launch. They put out a statement at their Foreign Ministry earlier in the overnight hours here in the u. S. , the daytime hours, out in asia. And it said in part from the Foreign Ministry spokesperson, attempts to cobble together various exclusionary groupings and bring block confrontation and military blocks into the asiapacific are not going to get support and will only be met with vigilance and opposition from regional countries. And we have seen in turn a flurry of Military Activity in this region. You have russian and chinese warships in the east china sea. You have japan scrambling fighter jets. North korea scrambling fighter jets in response to what shea say are u. S. Plane encroaching on their economic zone. Intense in the entire region. And both sides have Different Reasons why theyre suspicious of the other, alex. Yeah. Some very highstakes activity out there. Can you give us more context on that growing alignments now between china and north korea and russia . Reporter well, think about it this way, north korea, hermetically sealed their border at the beginning of the pandemic. And most foreigners are still forbidden from even getting close to north korea. And of course north koreans forbidden from leaving. Thats starting to change. The first foreign groups welcomed to pyongyang last month on the 27th of july, north koreas armistice celebrations, it was a highlevel delegation from china, and it was russias defense minister. Now kim jongun met both delegations, gave them tours of his new weapons that hes developing. Showed them the icbms, showed brandnew north korean drones that very closely resemble u. S. Military models, analysts say. And there is word either through north korean state media or other sources that russia and north korea in particular have been talking about increasing their Military Cooperation including potentially, alex, north korea selling weapons to russia, perhaps secretly, to fuel their war in ukraine, although theres no hard evidence about that. And potentially, most troubling to the u. S. , russia potentially providing Missile Technology and Nuclear Technology to the north koreans, passing them even more information so they can grow their program faster. Global ramifications. Will ripley, thank you so much for your terrific reporting. Joining me is the top democrat on the house china select committee, congressman thank you so much for being with us. Weve got lots to discuss on this importance day. I want to important day. I want to get your reaction to the outkcomes of todays sum at camp david. Why is it so important to create there partnership which in this partnership which in effect counters china . Its a big deal. I think for those of us i think perhaps on both sides of the aisle who have wanted to see japan and south korea come closer together, this is a watershed moment. Obviously theres the annual trilateral leaders summits, the annual military exercises, the hotline thats been set up. But this is very important because the ccp, the Chinese Communist party, has always included as part of its strategy in terms of its military and economic aggression playing japan and south korea off of each other knowing about their strained past. So for them to come together in a united front with us and our other partners and friends is very important in establishing a rulesbased order in the indopacific region. Congressman, as we were just talking about with arlette, the president has been downplaying how much this summit is about china, the other two leaders did, as well. Would you like to have seen more forceful language in light of some of the growing aggression that were seeing from beijing . No, not necessarily. And i think that their comments about the ccp and china are appropriate. Remember there are other threats, as well, that we have to worry about. We have to be concerned about north korea. Also we have to continue to remember that south korea and japan are important partners with regard to the criminal invasion of ukraine by the russians, and finally, you know, south korea and japan are very important in our strategy with regard to Supply Chains and making them more resilient. So one of the major commitments here is what theyre calling a commitment to consult each other when there are emergencies in the pacific. The administration is insisting in no way is this the beginning of a Pacific Version of nato. Do you think china is going to see it that way . I dont know. But i think whats really important about this commitment to consult is that at least now south korea and japan along with us will consult with each other in a coordinated fashion with regard to any attack on any of the any of these three countries. When you couple this particular trilateral engagement with what weve done in the Biden Administration with regard to acus as well as the quad, youre starting to see a lot of our friends and partners and allies in the region come together and, again, that is something that the Chinese Communist party is very, very concerned about as they should be because they like to see division between us and our friends and partners as they continue with their military and economic aggression. So in light of that, in light of the u. S. Growing closer to all those countries that you mentioned, all those alliances that you mentioned, how do you see china responding, particularly when it comes to tensions around taiwan and the South China Sea . Well, i think theyre going to continue with their rhetoric, and i think that we saw some interesting comments come from their Foreign Minister today. But in terms of other measures, im not sure what they would do. Certainly they could potentially consider economic steps or retaliatory measures. But then again, you know, the chinese economy is in a tailspin right now. They have 22 youth unemployment, theyre on the verge of deflation, and of course theres a demographic free fall where their population is falling. And so given all that, i think any types of economic retaliatory measures would be counterproductive in helping their own economy. Congressman, we have a couple moments left, but i have to ask you in lights of the fact this president ial campaign is under way, do you think the agreement at Camp David Is concrete enough to last if there were a different administration, a Republican Administration elected in 2024 . Yes. I think that this is something that democrats and republicans would welcome, and i think that its something to sing about. I remember president yoon saying american pie at the last summit out of jubilation at their last summit. I think it will be interesting to see if they have a trio singing together. But this is something that i think everyone can applaud. Yep. That was quite a performance. Congressman, thanks as always for your thoughts. Appreciate you joining us tonight. Thank you. And coming up, how donald trump is hoping to overshadow his republican rivals as hes planning to be a no show at the first republican president ial debate next week. Better in as little as 2 weeks. Dupixent is an addon treatmtment for specific types f moderatetosevere asthma thats not or sudden breathing problems. Dupixent can cause allergic rereactions that can be severe. Get help right a away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. Tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. Dont change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. Ask your specialist about dupixent. Every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding its time for a fresh approach to pet food. Theyre quitting the kibble. And kicking the cans. And feeding their dogs dog food thats actually well, food. Developed with vets. Made from real meat and veggies. Portioned for your dog. And delivered right to your door. Its smarter, healthier pet food. Get 50 off your first box at thefarmersdog. Com realfood the first republican president ial debate of the 2024 Campaign Cycle is now just five days away. And Donald Trumps plans to snub the event are now becoming much clearer. Cnn has details. What are you learning about his plans to skip the debate . Reporter well, hes not going, as he wont be there on wednesday. Of course, and i said this earlier when we had earlier reporting about this, theres always the hedge from the campaign and from me just from having covered donald trump for so many years that he could always change his mind at the 11th hour. In the last 24 hours hes been telling advisers he has no plans to go. Instead, hes planning to do an interview with Tucker Carlson around the same time of the debate im told. Hes also planning to have some of his surrogates go into the debate in his absence so theres representation specifically in the spin room after the debate even when hes not there himself. Its not just a questionable political move, but it is a slap in the face to fox executives who wanted him there, to the rnc who, of course, wanted him there. So whats the message . Well, hes clearly been openly feuding with fox news and Rupert Murdoch as has Tucker Carlson. And something i had heard was he was in bedminster last month with fox News Executives came and traveled to the club, his new jersey golf club, and had dinner with him. And they encouraged him to participate in the debates. And im told that even this week donald trump has been telling people he thinks that that means theyre worried about ratings. I think hes, you know, relishing that fact. He also met with ronny mcdonnell, the rnc chairwoman, and others who did the same thing, encouraged him to participate in the debate. Hes still not going. And of course Tucker Carlson famously fired from fox news. Stay with us. I want to bring you back into the conversation in a moment as we also bring in our senior cnn Legal Affairs analyst paul reed and political analyst gloria borger. Thank you both for joining us. Gloria, to you first. This is not the first time that donald trump has skipped a republican primary debate. He did it back in 2016. He went on to win. Do you think the fact that hes so far ahead in the polls that this is the rye move for him . Its hard to say whats the right move for donald trump. Everybody knows who he is. He knows he might get attacked. You know, im thinking back to the January 6th Committee and youll remember this, right, when donald trump was saying that the speaker of the house, mccarthy, Made A Big Mistake by not putting republicans on that panel to answer charges against him. And so what he might find is the same thing. Instead hes not going to have a lot of huge defenders on during that debate, and that he needs somebody there to defend him because, of course, there are going to be questions asked about him. I mean, some republican candidates havent attacked him, but you can be sure that there are going to be some who are going to say he was electionless with the maralago documents reckless with the plmaralago documents and mike pence dipped his toe in the water. He may regret it, he may regret it because nobodys going to be saying how great he is. And paul, this comes the same week that President Trump is due to turn himself in in Fulton County. We now have new reporting from our ryan young about when that could happen. What do we know . So weve learned that this is likely to happen later next week. Look, the deadline is friday by noon. So we expected it would happen at some point next week. Now were learning it will likely be after the debate. We know his team, his attorneys, are going down to Fulton County on monday to negotiate the logistics here because this is a surrender. This would involve turning yourself in to the Fulton County sheriff. Typically this involves a mugshot, a fingerprinting. But whats different in the state level as opposed to the federal level is theres no hearing before a judge. This is just the surrender, and then a judge will set an initial appearance, and the Da Fani Willis is speaking to do the initial appearances for all 19 defendants the week of september 5th. Coming up fast. When it comes to the debate, we heard from Governor Ron Desantis of florida saying that he believes that candidates who voluntarily skip the debate will face a political price. Lets listen to more of what he had to say. Everyone should debate if you qualify. I think you owe it to the people to put out your vision, to talk about your record, answer questions about your record and decisions that you may have made or not made. And if youre not willing to do that, then i think that people are not going to look kindly on that. How worried do you think President Trumps team is worried about potential blow back for not showing up next week . Theyre worried as much about the out criticism about him not showing up. I think what theyre worried about is having some of his, you know, other rivals, people who are not polling as highly as donald trump, having the opportunity for a breakout moment. Thats what i think many of Donald Trumps advisers are more worried about. Ive talked to some of them. The majority of people in trumps inner circle do think that him skipping the debate will not have an impact on his campaign. They think hes doing really well. He has a lot of attention on him already and doesnt need to give them the opportunity to attack him as gloria said. At the same time, it gives other candidates this opportunity to show off their skills and to have some of the like the spotlight on themselves. And so that is something that donald trump is not, you know, theres an opportunity there for him to miss out on. He would without question become the focal point. Gloria, you did mention still will be. He still will be. And it will be interesting to see whether people defend him or attack him. We now have this move from former Vice President mike pence, who you mentioned, he has signed this loyalty pledge. Go figure. To support the eventual candidate whoever it is. Lets listen to how he described the former president , his former boss, donald trump, earlier this month. The American People deserve to know that President Trump asked me to put him over my oath to the constitution, but i kept my oath, and i always will. Im running for president in part because i think anyone who puts themselves over the constitution should never be president of the United States. So gloria, you say go figure, but what do you make of that . How do you reconcile those things . You know, this is somebody who asked me to put himself over the constitution of the United States, you shouldnt vote for somebody who does that. But wait, okay, im going to sign the pledge that i would that i would support him. I think its more of a party thing mike pence wants to show that hes a loyal republican, and its not about donald trump. Its about being a local republican. But i think its incongruous, its hard to get your head wrapped around that, how he would do that. Because he has been more critical of the former president , but he isnt getting any traction with base republicans. And i think thats a worry. I know thats a worry from talking to people in the campaign. I know thats a worry for them. So hes trying to thread the needle, and it is messy. And hes not having an easy time doing it. We only have a couple moments left. Paula, we know that the jacket smiths team of prosecutors has asked for the beginning of january to start his his trial about election interference. The trump team has countered asking for a start date in 2026. So why are they asking for that much more time . Well, officially, in the filing they said that they need more time. That would be three years between the indictment and the trial. They said they need that much time to prepare. We also know from their arguments in other cases that they want to push this after the 2024 election. Now theres over two years between the Special Counsel and the trump legal team, judge Tanya Chutkan is going to decide where on that crowded calendar this will land. And what ive seen, being in the courtroom with her, the prosecutors, the defense attorneys, she has been moving this along at a rapid clip. And i do noting shes going to go for a 2026. And i think theres a possibility she might put this trial in 2024. Shell make a decision by the end of the month. Yes. Look at you. August 28th. Thank you for go figure. I stay on top of it. Can i Say Something . If trump continues to criticize everybody outside of court including the could she just decide to move it up even further . Because hes endangering people . You do need to give the deficits attorneys and the prosecutors times to prepare. But this is a great question because one of the things she said in the hearing a couple days ago, she said your First Amendment right yields to the interests of justice, and that includes going after witnesses, going after officials. She might have to do something, but i dont think you can move it up too much because you do have to give them an amount of time to prepare. Weve got to leave there. Thank you so much. Next, some u. S. Officials are questioning ukraines decision to hit targets in occupied crimea as the ukrainian counteroffensive gets bogged down by russian defenses. Wherever you go. Wherever you stay. All you need is one key. Earn and use rewards across expedia, hotels. Com, and vrbo. Honey. Honey. Dayquil severe honey. Powerful cold and flu symptom relief with a honeylicious taste because lifeoesnt stop for a cold. Dauil honey, the daytime, coughing, hing, stuffy head, fever, honeylicious, power through your day, medicine. Being middle class right now, its tough making ends meet for sure. Republicans in congress say if we just cut taxes even more for the biggest corporations the money will eventually someday trickle trickle down to you. Right. 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With ukraines counteroffensive mired by russian mines and trenches, some officials in the United States are questioning ukraines recent and growing attacks on russian occupied crimea. Cnn has more on the story. What are your sources telling you about these concerns about ukraine targeting crimea . Its against the backdrop of the stalled ukrainian counteroffensive that ukraine has started ramping up these strikes against russian occupied crimea. They have used missiles to strike key bridges connecting crimea both to the ukrainian mainland and to russia. Theyve used artillery to try to strike logistics hubs, command and control, ammunition depots. For ukraine the goal is to try to isolate crimea. They want to make it more difficult for russia to be able to sustain their Military Operations on the mainland and view crimea as parts of their territory. This is an introgreat part of the integral part of the offensive. U. S. Intelligence officials stead its too early now to tell whether or not this new strategy of Striking Crimea is really going to achieve the intended goal of making it more difficult for russia to stand up to this ukrainian counteroffensive. But what we can say is that at least in some corners of the u. S. Government, behind closed doors, theres some real skepticism that this tactic is really a good idea. Among some military and intelligence officials that we spoke to, theres a concern that these strikes on crimea are kind of at best a distraction and at worst a use of valuable resources at a moment in which the United States is already broadly worried that ukraine has stretched itself too thin across multiple axes of attack. Ill tell you something that we were told by a Senior Defense official this week that said its knocked the russians off balance but its not doing anything decisive. It would probably be better for everyone for them to just focus on the counteroffensive. So does that mean that there are possible implications for the u. S. Level of support for ukraine . Certainly. The United States has spent 100 billion in support of ukraine at this point. And we have seen in public polling that there are signs of sort of softening Political Support in the United States. Like cnn polling showed that a majority of americans now oppose additional funding for ukraine. Now there are obviously partisan splits there with republicans more likely to oppose Additional Support than democrats. But i do think theres a real sense both within the u. S. Military and certainly within ukraine that the runway is not endless here for ukraine to kind of show some real gains on the battlefield as parts of this counteroffensive, and i think if you get to the end of the fighting season theyre still stalemated, there havent been major breakthroughs, i think youll see serious and very difficult questions about how do you try to get the russians and the ukrainians to the negotiating table. This is a major worry of the ukrainians that what happens if they dont have success in this counteroffensive. As always, terrific reporting. Thank you so much for joining us. Appreciate it. For more on the story, im joined by cnn military analyst colonel Cedric Leighton and Mccain Institute director evelyn farkas, a form u. S. Deputy of defense. I want to follow on the reporting. When it comes to crimea, do you think that this is an either or question . That ukraine should be training all of its focus on the counteroffensive, or is there a benefit to also hitting crimea at the same time . Yeah, alex, i dont think its an either or or either or. I think they can hit those logistics hubs, ammunition depots, all of the infrastructure that the russian the Russian Troops in the east and the south rely on coming through crimea, coming from russia to through crimea to the rest of ukraine. So i think it is important to continue to target those areas, but at the same time, yes, they need to be focused on the counteroffensive. In the south they have two avenues of approach, and in the east they have one. And i think thats what the administration has also focused, as mentioned in the earlier segment, basically the administration seems to want ukraine to focus on one avenue of attack. So im not sure that crimea is the big issue. The bigger issue is the administration would like the ukrainians to focus and punch through somewhere, punch through that russian line. And they are trying to punch through the russian line in the south. Colonel leighton, the Ukrainian Defense minister told me last month in kyiv that their goal is to split that russian land bridge in the south and reach the sea of azov. How likely do you think that this is at this point . Because were hearing from western officials that theyre increasingly pessimistic. Yeah, i think its going to be a tall order, alex, but not impossible. All they have to do is if they reach melitopol in the middle of that land bridge which is the junction of two major highways, they will have achieved the ukrainians will have achieved a major victory. And i agree with evelyn, this is something that can be done in conjunction with attacks on crimea. In fact, it would be Military Malpractice if they didnt go after targets in crimea. So it becomes really important for the ukrainians, yes, to focus on their counteroffensive, but they also need to make sure that they can prosecute the war on all possible fronts, and thats going to be something that theyll need to do in this case. What im hearing from you both is that they can and should be walking and chewing gum at the same time. So evelyn, beyond crimea, were seeing more of these Drone Attacks in russia, on moscow, in fact, today. That forced stoppages at four major airports. What kind of Strategic Value do you think these kinds of Drone Attacks have for ukraine . So first of all, the Drone Attacks have been targeting militarily military targets, theyre not targeting civilians, although, of course, it has had an impact on civilians. And i think that that is also from the ukrainian perspective an added benefit. You dont want to hit civilians, but they do want to bring the war home to the russian people, maybe the russian people understand that the government is waging a war in their name that could impact them. And so i think targeting those military sites in russia, logistics, manufacturing, anything that supports the war effort is completely valid, justifiable. And then the added benefit, i completely understand why they would want to make sure that the russian people understand what their government is doing. So that thats whats happening in the russian context. Of course the russians at the same time are continuing to bombard ukrainian civilians every day. We should note that those drones are, though, Hitting Downtown Moscow and hitting civilian buildings, a business center, for example. Colonel leighton, we only have a couple moments left. I want to ask about the f16 training. Ukrainian pilots are starting training later this month. Many we are told have Little English skills and only have a few hours of flight time. How challenging as an air force veteran do you think its going to be to train these pilots on these jets and then integrate them into the Combat Operations . Well, alex, Language Skills are going to be key and combat experience is key. So the best case scenario, were looking at january before these guys and gals potentially can fly f16s for ukraine on the ukrainian battlefield. Thats a really its going to be much later than that. I think what were seeing is an effort to really move this training forward, but its going to take time. And we wont see anything before spring. At long last there is movement on the front. We have to leave it there. Thank you both very much. Just ahead, concerns are growing about potentially disastrous flooding as a Cardigan Four Hurricane Heads toward the southwestern u. S. E pg migraine with qulipta® . Remember the pain . Cancelled plans . The worry . That was then. 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[ laughs ] mara, your parents are exactly like me . I know, right . Well, cherish your friends and loved ones. Lets roll, daddio lets boogiewoogie every day, more dog people are deciding its time for a fresh approach to pet food. Developed with vets. Made from real meat and veggies. Portioned for your dog. And delivered right to your door. Its smarter, healthier pet food. Hurricane hilary is now a major categoryfour Storm Barreling toward california and the southwestern u. S. It could dump a years worth, more than a years worth of rain on some states. President joe biden addressed these concerns this afternoon. Take a listen. My team is closely monitoring Hurricane Hilary which is has the potential to bring significant rain and flooding to Southern California. I urge everyone, everyone in the path of this storm to take precautions and listen to the guidance from state and local officials. Cnns chad myers joins us from the cnn weather center. How dangerous could this get . Historic when it comes to flooding, without a doubt. If you put down ten inches of rainfall in a place that annually gets four inches of rainfall, there will be people in the way of these flash floods without a doubt. The 5 00 update just came out. 130 mileperhour. If you were with me earlier it aide 145 said 145. Because of a Hurricane Hunter aircraft, thank you to the men and women on this plane, flew from biloxi, across the gulf, into the storm, they found the winds were not that high and pressure was not quite that low. Things are not as bad as the satellites made them appear. But good news there, and the storm is going to get into some colder waters, so yes, that weakening that were expecting is still going to happen. We still have Tropical Storm watches there for even now los angeles county. Heres whats going on we just talked about the hurricane that affected lahaina with all of those winds. Thats because the wind normally comes in from the east, the trades, and blow these storms into the central pacific. Thats not happening this time. Huge High Pressure over the Central Plains going to make record high temperatures, going to drag the storm up here, and a low to the west is going to drag it up here. So the storm is going to end up in Southern California, unlike most of them that should be just blowing out to sea. This isnt going to happen. Now the good news is the water is so cold that this will die off before it actually gets into california. Not going to be a category three or four hurricane, but it will have some winds, maybe 60 miles per hour. And on top of some of those mountains, you could get a Hurricane Gust without a doubt. Just extraordinary to see that off the southwestern coast of the continent. Chad myers, thank you so much. Coming up, a court is set to hear the alibi for the suspect arrested in connection with the University Of Idaho murders. 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It was unknown, but when compared to the swab of the defendant it was according to legal filings a statistical match. The defense wants to rip apart that filing. They want to look at every data and the prosecution doesnt want to give them every bit of data saying its work product. Thats what theyre looking at now with witness testimony. In regard to alibi, the defense filed a notice he will give an alibi, that he was not in that home at the time the murders were committed. Well, under the law in idaho hes got to show exactly where he was and exactly what people he was with identifying information. He says i was just driving around, i dont know where i exactly was, i dont have that for you, and i dont have any witnesses to give you names on. And thats going to be looked at harshly because without that definitive information for prosecutors normally an alibi cant come into this case, but this is a Death Penalty case, the judge may show more leniency. And lastly, this case is supposed to begin in trial in a month and a hal. A Death Penalty trial so close in time to when he was indicted, when he was arrested, that is unheard of. We will see what happens because the defendant will exercise his right to a speedy trial. He wont give that up at this point. An extraordinary turn in this horrific story. Jean casarez, thank you for your reporting. Law enforcement officials in Southern California are setting up a task force to thwart flash mobstyle robberies that are brazen, swift, and coordinated by dozens of suspects which have struck several high end retailers during the past month. Brian todd is covering the story for us. What is the latest. Reporter alex, officials have made one arrest so far, likely many more to come. Law enforcement officials and analysts are giving us more information tonight on the level of organization among these robbers and the tools that officials are using to go after them. With overwhelming force at least 30 masked robbers tear through a nordstrom store in the west field Topanga Shopping Center near los angeles. They ransack, attacked a guard with bear spray, and within minutes made off with hundreds of thousands of dollars of stolen merchandise. This incident on august 12th is one of at least five socalled Smash And Grab robberies at end stores in the l. A. Area since early july. Perpetrators know what to do, try to dress in mono single kugtered cloeging, stay in pace, dont do anything that distinguishes you and get out quick. Reporter so serious several southern Law Enforcement agencies along with the fbi and u. S. Marshals are teaming up in a newly formed task force to go after these groups. When incidents of brazen theft and robbery occur, it shatters that feeling of safety. These are not victimilous crimes. Reporter the drag net has brought one arrest so far. 23yearold isaac ivan ramirez. Its unknown if ramirez has an attorney. Hes believed to be at least one of 30 suspects who swarmed a store in glendale, california, august 8th and made off with an estimated 400,000 in stolen goods. Cnn analyst john miller says these are likely crews, some associated with gangs. How would they organize for one given hit . Its word of month but electronic version. So someone would send out a text message saying were thinking of doing a hit on wednesday, this is where were thinking of doing it, whos in . Other people may speak in person but theyll begin to gather, and then its whos going along, what vehicles are we using. Reporter Authorities Say there have been at least 170 of these Flash Mob Robbys across the u. S. Since infall of 2021. Can Law Enforcement catch up to these perpetrators . Miller believes they can with the fbi and marshals able to bring federal charges. Once you begin to find the shot callers, the people who are the organizers of these groups and swarms and they start to face federal charges under the hobbs act for organized crime theft, that is usually what will break a crime spree like this. Reporter another analyst says customers can also help. If it goes down while you are in the store or nearby, stay out of the way. If you are in a position to take a photo, that would be helpful to police or just observe what youre doing. Reporter Law Enforcement analysts say this task force is going to go after these rob wrz a multilayered approach, using Cyber Investigators to monitor communications, facial recognition, informants, physical surveillance. And they say theyll also track the people who buy and sell the stolen merchandise. Alex, its a massive investigation. Theyve got a lot of suspects to go after. A very worrying trend. Brian todd, thank you so much for that report. 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