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Good evening, everyone, i am abby phillip, and welcome to cnn primetime. There are doxxing threats against the grand jurors in georgia, and a death threat against a federal judge in the wake of Donald Trumps for four criminal indictments. Meanwhile, hes now proposed a date for one of the multiple trials that he faces. This one, jack smiths federal election subversion case. And that is april 2026. Yes, that is more than two and a half years away. And it comes as he is negotiating his surrender over in georgia on charges that he and 18 codefendants orchestrated a Criminal Enterprise to overturn joe bidens election victory. I will talk to one republican who says the rico charge in georgia is, quote, a nuclear bomb where a bullet would have been appropriate. And we have got much more on all of this to come and plus, imagine you are on a flight to cancun, and just 27 minutes into your trip, you see this outside of your window. Smoke and flames shooting out of the right engine and tonight, i will talk to two of the passengers who were on that flight. And a shocking mistrial in the case of a father and his son charged with the Attempted Murder and Chasing Of A Black Fedex driver, who is Making Deliveries in a mississippi neighborhood. I was in the Middle Of The Road holding a gun and my vehicle to stop, which i did not do. They essentially just chased me out of the city. And i filed a Police Report after that. Shots were fired into my van as well i feel its my responsibility to speak up because survivor speak up for for me and him as well. But i want to begin now with the threats to Fulton County officials and to grandeur in the wake of former President Trumps fourth indictment. Joining me now is former Trump White House lawyer jim schultz, and also cnn chief Law Enforcement analyst john miller. So, john, i want to start with you about this doxxing incident with the Fulton County grand jurors. Its not just on its own. It is part of what seems to be a pattern here. Its that there is also a texas woman shes being charged with threatening the federal judge in washington d. C. Handling that election interference case. And now we are also learning that the Fulton County officials that are working with the fbi on some of the threats that have been aimed at some of those grand jurors how dangerous, from a Law Enforcement perspective, is this climate that we are in right now . What you are seeing is people doxxed the grandeurs names and then put their addresses and pictures from social media there. You see people making threats on other chat rooms and message boards, generally. And i have a little experience in the Threat Assessment world from the nypd where, we investigated a lot of these. The dark sir doxxers what Fulton County and officials in the fbi are really on the alert for is not one of the people out front who is going to go do something. On the other hand, the prosecution of the woman from texas who threatened the judge she is being held without bail, going after the people who are pulling putting these threats out to grand jurorss allimportant, because youve got to set those examples that you cannot instill fear and panic and concern in peoples homes and family lives and not be accountable is there any way, jim schultz, that this does not start to affect these criminal cases . The four of them and all these different jurisdictions and the judges are potentially under threat. Perhaps the jurors are as well. How does this what impact does this all have . We hope that the Justice System just continues to roll along, right . And that the cases move along and that these things do not impact the cases from moving forward. Law enforcement is doing its job. The judges are doing their jobs, right . They are making sure that they are holding back some of the incendiary comments that the trump camp might be making as against prosecutors and witnesses and other folks. Its going to be incumbent upon the judge to really well, this is what i wonder. Do they have some responsibility here trump himself is criticizing and attacking judges and all of these things. Is there some responsibility there for them to tone their Rhetoric Down . Sure. I think it is important that you tone the Rhetoric Down, whenever you have people receiving threats or violence against their family. Any time you are trying to witnesses might be a little intimidated by that. Its incumbent upon the judge that they make sure that they hold the defendants in these cases accountable. Its interesting that the judge in washington, who is the subject of the threat, warned the former president about inflammatory language in one of the early hearings earlier hearings. We saw the same from the new york judge. I dont think that the former president has really responded to those clearly not. I want to ask you, though, john, about the surrender that we could be seeing next week. Sure. This is the environment we are in. If you are Law Enforcement, how are you responding . Firstly, theres layers of it. The Secret Service has to secure the former president. But they have now done that a few times. They have been through this drill in miami, in new york, and washington. That, they have got down. For georgia and Fulton County, it is going to be a little bit new, because they have not arraigned a former president they are before yet. So, that courthouse, you see that the barriers are placed around it. They have mutual aid packages with the atlanta pd and the other departments around to assist the Sheriffs Office in bringing whatever resources are going to be needed. But we dont know when that is going to take, because the sheriffs instruction is the former president of the United States is supposed to report to the jail for a booking process. And we dont even know when, really. Right. Jim, we talked in the intro about this filing from the court, the trump team, saying they want this trial in georgia to happen in april of 2026. How likely do you think that is . There is no way this georgia case is going to get done this year or, probably, next year. She filed against 18 defendants, 19 defendants. She filed a case that, i would say, in comparison to the jack smith cases, that is like a porsche. Built for speed, very streamlined, very concise. Its like an old 1957 chevy. Theres a lot of defendants in the case. There is a lot of legal issues that are going to come out of it. This law in georgia has not been tested in terms of the rico statutes. And in this context, i think you have already seen former Chief Of Staff and congressman mark meadows filing to removal to Federal Court. Well all the defendants be moved to Federal Court if the Court Approves that . Will some of them or some of these defendants want to be severed in the case . I think they probably are. These are all issues that are going to just continue to dog the prosecution. And it gives a lot of opportunity for the defense to delay the case. By the way, abby, the last time i saw a 22 defendant trial in a rico case was the Pizza Connection Narcotics Conspiracy in the Southern District of new york in the Federal Courthouse. The trial started in 1985. It ended in 1987. Wow. Yeah. Look, we are already seeing jeffrey clark, one of the defendants in this case, also asking for a different date, just to show you every single one of these defendants will have their own motions that they will be making petitions to the court for different things. Jim schultz and john miller, thank you both very much. Thanks, abby. Thank you. I want to bring in colorado republican Congressman Ken Buck into the conversation. Congressman buck, thank you for joining us tonight. As we were just discussing the Trump Legal Team they are pushing for that april 2026 start date for the federal subversion case. And trump clearly wants to push this well past the 2024 election where he is running. But do you think that that is warranted, given what he is being accused of . Do voters deserve an answer to the outcome of that case before the election . Oh, i think voters deserve that. But this prosecution could have been brought earlier also. I think that it is very unlikely that you are going to see these 18 defendants sitting in one courtroom all at the same time. So, you are going to have multiple trial dates. My guess is that some of these Removal Actions that, for example, mark meadows filed, are going to be granted. So, you are not even going to see all of the defendants in a state court. Some of them may remain in state court. But you are going to see multiple jurisdictions, and multiple trial dates. It is a mess. And frankly, using a rico statute and indicting 18 people, some of whom their crimes are really acts in furtherance of a crime, giving the President A Phone Number to call, or setting up a conversations that, the scope of this prosecution, i can see why they are asking for a date that thats i dont think it should start in april 2026. But it certainly we are going to see multiple actions in multiple jurisdictions. I wonder. And we are obviously into the 2024 cycle. And trump still has this massive 37 lead over his nearest competitor, ron desantis, in that latest fox poll. That is a tremendous hold over your party. At this point, do you think that there is anything that could break that hold that trump has . I think it is too early to make any kind of prediction. Obviously, President Trump starts with a huge advantage because he has been the president before. He has run in two National Campaigns before. Just based on Name Recognition and other advantages he has, he is going to be ahead. I think that, really, if we are talking about this in february of next year, then we have got a real discussion about, how does the Republican Party deal with a president who is facing four indictments . Or a former president who is facing four indictments, a candidate . And how does the party move forward from there . I think that the dynamics will change between now and then. When you think about what this georgia indictment in particular is alleging just a whole lot of Election Falsehoods trump himself even saying that he was going to hold a Press Conference on monday to further those lies now he is saying he wont do that. But do you wonder, or do you think, that, when you just think about that, do you ever wonder about just the Mental Fitness of a person who believes those lies even though he is told that they are not true . And whether that person should be the one who is, potentially, in the white house next . I will tell you, first of all, the discussion that you had earlier about this threats that are being made in other actions towards grand jurors, and people who are just doing their civic duty, and showing up and doing their job as americans, is despicable. And if you are innocent, start acting like it. I cant think of anything worse than trying to attack the criminal Justice System because you are a criminal defendant. And i think that is just terrible. Of any defendant to go through that process i think the Republican Party will survive this. I think that we have a strong message when it comes to running against joe bidens record. And i think that other candidates are going to be able to step up and, really, assume that mantle and have strong candidates. Vice president pence did the right thing on january 6th. He has shown himself to be a man of integrity. Governor desantis has done the right thing when he was helping florida get through this covid pandemic and crisis. I think there are a lot of candidates who have very strong backgrounds. And i think the American Public will see that. And Republican Voters will see that. Congressman, i hear you saying that you hope that other candidates will step up. I wonder, though, what do you think they have to do to actually make that happen . Because, as we pointed out, there is a 37 gap between trump and the next person on that list of candidates. That is a huge, huge void they are in the Republican Party. Absolutely, abby. And i think one of the things that is really a problem is that donald trump is getting all of the press as a result of these indictments and other actions out there. And so, its hard for anyones message to break through, and to have voters understand that what their qualifications are, what their positions are, and why they are a candidate who could lead the Republican Party in this election are they doing a good enough job of trying . I think everyone is trying. I think everyone is trying. And i think the media is doing their job, frankly. If you have an indictment of a former president , obviously, thats going to get the headlines. Someone saying that this is my position on taxation or whatever is going to be far, maybe, on page 16 of the local paper. But i think people are trying. And i think the dynamic will change. All right, Congressman Ken Buck, we appreciate you joining us tonight. Thank you. And up next the man who usually sucks up all the oxygen in the room, as we were just discussing, apparently wont be in the room for next weeks gop debate. So, what is the strategy for his rivals . A leaked memo has some juicy details on that. Plus, terror in the sky i will talk to the passengers who Saw Flames Shooting out of the engine on that southwest jet flying over to cancun. Chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. With up to 13 camera views. And the z71 offroad package. You ok . Yeah. Any truck can help you make a living. This one helps you build a life. Chevy silverado. Meet gold bond healing. A Powerhouse Lotion that moisturizes, heals, and smooths dry skin. With 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins, you can pay more but you cant get more. Gold bond. Champion your skin. My Heart Failure diagnosis changed my priorities. I want time for the people i love. My heart doesnt pump enough blood. So my doctor gave me farxiga. Farxiga it helps my heart do its job better. 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What would a debate without the frontrunner be like . Lets discuss all of this with cnns senior political commentator David Axelrod and cnn political commentator david urban. The davids are here. David urban, i will start with you. If you were advising trump, as you once have, would you tell him to come to that debate and show up . Or there is rumors that they are considering some counter programming. Which is the option that you would advise him on . Yeah, abby, i would advise him and i am sure David Axelrod would advise option b. When you are 39 points ahead, as he is in this most recent Quinnipiac Poll of Governor Desantis being the next closest person in the field, i think it would be foolish for him to show up at this point. And i think you will see some counter programming. Theres rumors that he is going to do some sort of event with Tucker Carlson on twitter, which would be quite a return, right . So, former President Trump returning to the platform which booted him off, in kind of a grand fashion on the night of the debate would be something to see so as long as it works, right . Exactly, if im going to glitch out thats a good point so, ax, look, this is who is on the debate stage soar youve got the main candidates here nikki haley, desantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, doug burgum is on there. Tim scott, Chris Christie, pence. Trump, if he wants to be but if trump isnt there, what would you advise the other candidates to do to actually take him on in that setting . Yeah, well, the thing is, you cant spend the whole night taking trump on. And a bunch of them have shown a hesitance to take trump on. Chris christie will miss trump. Because trump is the Great White Whale to Chris Christies captain ahab. The whole premise of his candidacy is, im the guy who is willing to say, the emperor has no clothes. So, his strategy will have to change. He will still go after trump. But it will have to change. For the others, look. I think part of the problem is with trumps he sucks up all the oxygen from a room, even when he is not there. This whole race has been dominated by him. And what these other candidates have to do is they have to burnish a message that mean something to people, and they have to burnish whatever they are Comparative Advantage is to animate that message and this is an opportunity to do that. But abby, when you are preparing for those debates, you have to recognize that most of those people wont be watching it. And so, you also have to figure out how to land a moment a moment that will become viral that is on your message. Right. We have seen candidates in the past Kamala Harris did this she landed a great line. It caused a sensation. But there was no follow up to it in 2020 i guess it was 19 then. So, those are the things i would be thinking about right now. What is my message . What is my Comparative Advantage . How do i come up with a lines that will live and will give people you know, people who dont watch the debate a sense of who i am. So, david urban, in that very spirit, the New York Times had obtained this really fascinating internal memo that seemed to reveal Debate Advice from a pro Desantis Super pac. So unbelievable so, the memo said that he, reportedly, needs to, quote, take a sledgehammer to Vivek Ramaswamy, the political newcomer who has been rising in the polls. He should also, quote, defend donald trump when Chris Christie inevitably attacks in. Him. And he needs to attack joe biden in the media no less than 3 to 5 times. What do you make of what do you make ax, look as ax says, that is a tall list in a very short period of time. And to get it out in a coherent manner which people are going to remember, right . Right now we have got hammer Vivek Ramaswamy. Vivek is out calling him robot ron and theres good tape back and forth as a result of that memo. But its not uncommon to see things leaked and telegraphed in advance of a debate, trying to score some points before the debate occurs, because, as ax says, not many people are going to and ax i just want to say one thing. I think that was one of the most amazing and maybe a little bit appalling things that i have seen on this was not just a two page memo meant for the public to read. This was like hundreds of pages of strategic advice which, by the way, if the candidate spends time Reading Hundreds of pages of device advice, hes making a big mistake but hundreds of pages of strategic advice that was posted on the company of one of the principles in this super pac, so that the campaign could get their advice, because they are not allowed to talk to each other. But, of course, other people saw it as well. So, now, his whole strategy, if he follows any of their advice, is the whole world its on the front page of the New York Times he tries to land any of these lines, and hes just going to get hammered for being, basically, a trained seal act. It really was malpractice for as far as im concerned. Yeah. Look, i get the super pac cant talk to the campaign, and youve got to leak it, and all of that more creative about it right. I think thats about right. David while we are talking about and that is true to. David axelrod, and david urban. David and david, you guys should take the show on the road. [laughter] and if you want to hear, actually, what Vivek Ramaswamy has to say about all this, just stay tuned right here on cnn. He is on the next hour with our own jim acosta. And coming up next, a black fedex driver allegedly chased down and shot by two white men while doing his job, delivering packages in mississippi. So, why did the trial abruptly and today . We will tell you next. 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[whip sound] take the first step to see if your Small Business qualifies. A mistrial was declared today in the case of a white father and son, charged with Attempted Murder of a black fedex driver. Gibson says he was chased and shot at while he was just doing his job delivering packages in Brookhaven Mississippi Last year. Here is the courtroom reaction from gibsons mother when this trial, apparently, fell apart. With great reluctance, the court has no choice in this matter but to grant the motion for a mistrial. [bleep] [bleep] lets get right to cnns national correspondent, ryan young, in atlanta. So ryan, what happened in court today . Why did the judge take this extraordinary step to declare a mistrial . Yeah, you can see dmonterrio gibsons mother clearly upset and angry, and the judge was actually reflecting, that this has never happened, in a 17 year career. From what we understand, there was a detective who apparently did an interview, of one of those men who were charged, and never handed over that video to the defense, or the prosecution. And this came up during trial, so they sort of had to pull back, because the video wasnt entered into evidence. So it kind of astonished everyone. But lets go back to this case, you think about january, 2022. He was trying to deliver a package, and apparently he was in a hurts rental car, and it had hurts hertz and he was wearing his fedex uniform. He went to deliver the package, and all the sudden, these two men started shooting towards that car. I believe we have some pictures of the bullet holes that were inside that delivery van. So you can understand why the mother would be so very upset. The fact that her son was working his job, delivering packages, and then all of a sudden, he was shot out by these two men. They were charged with Attempted Murder. This case was proceeding, and then all of a sudden, you have this detective get on the stand, and admit that this Video Evidence that he had, all this time, since january 22, that he never delivered to both sides, so that mistrial was called. There has been some talk about, this case going right back to court very soon. But honestly, as a mother who was sitting there, you could tell she was very angry about this entire proceeding. Procedure. Yeah, you can tell. Theres a lot of distrust down there in mississippi, of the system as well. Ryan young, thank you very much. I want to now bring in cnn legal analyst joey jackson. Joey, i mean as ryan was saying, the judge was just blown away that this could happen. How could Something Like this happen . So you know what abby, it shouldnt. But here it did. And here is the reality. There are certain Rules Of Engagement at trial. And one of the rules of that, you have discovery. Discovery, we dont have trial by ambush here. What happens is before a trial whether it be civil or criminal civil involving money, criminal involving criminality, is this trial is, you turn everything over. And so what the prosecutor does is, they speak to their detectives, they speak to their but they glean what information is available on the videotapes, are their statements . Other Police Reports . Are their Phone Records . Is there surveillance . Whatever it is, you hand it over to the defense. At the same time, the Defense Counsel has reciprocal discovery with that means in english is hey, we have stuff to. You get to the prosecution, and the reason thats valuable, not only to ensure justice right, because you are having a better and a fair trial when you have all the material. But it also helps to determine whether there is going to be a trial. Because if you get the information, and it is so compelling against your client you go to the da and you say, lets settle. In this case, you had a videotape statement, and you are a detective, and you dont hand that over . Thats like 101. Is this a prosecution mess up here . So ultimately, at the end of the day, they need to know what evidence they have. Exactly. I always hate to describe blame, right perfection will lose us all. But the realities are, when you are a prosecutor, you speak to whoever are going to be witnesses. And you say hey, what do you have . I need that. But apparently in this case, you have a detective who testifies, and makes an admission that i had this all along, its in my possession. I know i should have turned it over, and i did not. And, so how could you get a fair trial in that circumstance . How can people trust the system in that circumstance . And the judge, to his credit says hey, i have no choice, i have to declare this. But if you are also the victim here in this case, this is justice deferred and perhaps justice denied. In the clip we played earlier, he talked about ahmaud arbery. There are so many similarities in these cases. Oh yeah. A black man being chased down by white perpetrators. They were convicted, in that case. First of all, do you think this case will go back to trial, at some point . And if it does, do you have a sense of how this evidence stacks up . I do. So yes, it will go back to trial. Because whats happened happens, abby phillip, is that when double jeopardy doesnt you cant be, but you are not technically tried because it didnt happen. Its not final. So the answer is, it will go forward. The question is, when will that be . In terms of how the evidence stacks up, listen. Whenever you are chasing someone, who apparently was a he was a fedex driver, he wasnt in a fedex truck, it was a mark as, apparently was marked hertz, but why are you shooting at that person . Generally when you shoot at someone, you are in immediate threat of death, or serious injury. You have to respond proportionate to whatever threat they pose. And what threat did he pose . And you have to act reasonably. And if those three elements are not met, it wasnt an immediate threat, your force was disproportionate, you are shooting right, they are not doing anything to you, and you not unreasonably, that signals conviction. A long way away from that, they have the right to due process, the defendant that is. But, they have to explain, the defense has a burden, but inquiring minds of the jury will want to know, why did you do it . Was there any justification . If the answer to that is no, guess what . It means you are guilty. So we, well see. Well look, this is one of those cases where it really shows, Defense Lawyers matter, but prosecutors matter quite a lot as well, to get restitution for victims as well. Joey, thank you very much for joining us. Always, thank you. And coming up next, can parents be held accountable for an 18yearolds racist shooting rampage . My next guests, are now shoot suing to find out. Plus, a Southwest Plane catching on fire midflight. We will speak to some of the passengers who were on that extraordinary flight. Every hour of your life. Except the hours that youre sleeping. So why do we leave so much Untapped Potential on the table . This is a next level bed, for a next level you. My Circadian Rhythm is kicking your Circadian Rhythms butt its not a competition. I know, but im still winning so, it is a competition. Save 50 on the sleep Number Limited Edition smart bed. Plus, free Home Delivery when you add a base. Shop now only at sleep number. Heres how tommy lost 30 lbs on noom weight. Im tom. Noom helped him use psychology to lose weight. The mindful aspect made me feel more conscious about what i was eating and why i was eating it. Its actually working. Lose weight and make it last with noom weight. Its a rare legal move, and it could be a gamechanger. In a new push for accountability, the survivors and family of a victim of the 2022 racist Mass Shooting at a Grocery Store in buffalo, they are suing social media companies, gun companies, and the killers parents. As survivors are still grappling with how to recover after that massacre. I havent been back to work. And sometimes, people asked me to. That there is like, how is work . Im like, i havent been to work since may 14th, 2022. How do you think it is . And joining me now is the only child of cheney wayne jones. Was killed inside of that Grocery Store in 2022. Also with us is the Executive Director and Chief Litigation Counsel at everytown law, which is an organization focused on gun safety litigation. Thats eric tershwell. Eric and wayne, thank you both for being with us tonight. Wayne, i do want to start with you. First of all, i am very sorry for the loss of your mother. I wonder, what do you hope that this lawsuit will achieve, for you and for your family . What does justice look like for you in this case . Justice looks like, some action, in congress. Not just the month momentary benefit for this. We are looking for some laws to be changed, so that families dont have to go through this. And wayne, typically the courts have been reluctant to hold parents responsible for the actions of their children. In this case, it might even be more difficult, because the shooter here was 18 years old at the time of the shooting. But if you were to speak to his parents right now what would you want to say to them . I would just want them to reach out to us and say, we are sorry for what our son did. They havent reached out and said the thing and apology goes a long way. Just to have accountability for what your son did. And eric, the arguments in this case are pretty wide ranging. They include defendants from the gun industry and the shooters parents as well, social media companies. We reached out to all of them for comment. And here is what youtube responded with. They said, in a statement, through the years, youtube has invested in Technology Teams and policies to identify and remove extremist content and we regularly work with Law Enforcement, other platforms and Civil Society to share best intelligence practices. So, eric tirschwell, the social media companies, they have been given quite a lot of immunity in cases like this. So, how are you going to approach this from a legal perspective to prove that they should be held accountable . So, what we have alleged, and weve actually filed two lawsuits this week. And in both of these lawsuits, as you mentioned, there are three groups of defendants. One of them is social media companies. And as to the social media companies, that includes youtube and reddit. What we have alleged is that they are algorithms, and the way they drove content to the shooter, help to radicalized him, and provide him with information about how to acquire equipment to carry out this massacre. And while its true that the courts have interpreted the immunity that Congress Gave online companies, quite broadly, we believe that our focus on the reasonable dangerousness of these algorithms, allows us to get through that immunity, and to hold these companies accountable. Yeah, and as you say, you are seeking this kind of responsibility from all of these different players. Which i think some experts have said, is an uphill battle. You are seeking compensations for negligence also, that resulted from the psychological trauma that was faced by both the families, and by the victims. How confident are you that that argument will succeed in court . Yes so, one of our lawsuits is on behalf of 16 other survivors of this Mass Shooting, folks who were working and shopping, at the topps market on may 14th. And found themselves in the midst of a Mass Shooting. Literally, not knowing if they would live or die, and running for their lives. And we are very confident that when a court, and we hope a jury hears their stories, they will have no doubt that these are survivors who are entitled to their day in court, and they are entitled to compensation for the wrongful conduct that contributed to the shooting, by the defendants that we have sued, and the gun industry, social media companies, and as you mentioned, the shooters parents. And wayne, before we go, i want to give you the last word. Just, take a moment and tell us about your beloved mother, whom you lost in this horrible tragedy. I to use a single parent for a majority of her life. Her parents died at an early age. She survived three aneurysms, she survived breast cancer. And for her to lose her life shopping, which she loved to do, is a tragedy. In itself. Yeah, it absolutely is. Wayne and eric, thank you both very much for joining us tonight. Thank you. Thank you. And now, imagine being on a plane, when the engine just catches a fire. My next guests, they dont have to imagine that it all, it just happened to them. Stay with us. Focusing on a little bluesky thinking. Ill be taking meetings. With family and friends. And checking voicemail. As my activities permit. Ill connect with you. After reconnecting with me. Get 1. 9 apr for 36 months plus 1,500 Purchase Allowance on a 2024 xt5 and xt6 when you finance through cadillac financial. Made it smell like dave was in his happy place. The Massage Chair at the mall. But. He wasnt. Gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. Whats considered normal for your cat is interesting. But if your cat isnt their quirky self lately, they may have pain from a common condition called osteoarthritis. Now, theres solensia. 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And so, i guess you kind of expect it more later on in the flight. But right when you we took off, about three minutes, we start heading south towards cancun. And within a minute of turning, you saw the plane kind of go side to side, like we were in a cross wind. But then it started shifting this way, and going side to side. And immediately, we all started looking at each other like, thats not something. We are avid flyers, we know, thats not something weve ever experienced. Definitely, it was a onetime experience i think for sure, we knew when the captain came on, and he said, we have engine problems, we will be landing on the ground here shortly. And hung up he didnt finish is so, what goes through your mind when you hear pilots say, there are engine problems. Did you hear anything . Was there a loud boom, or anything like that when the fires started . Yeah, so, i was sitting on the wing the engine i heard basically just a boom. But you know how it is. When you are flying, you hear noises and everything going on. I didnt start thinking anything about it, until we started swaying really weird. And then when the pilot came on, as quick as he came on, we kind of knew something was going down. But yeah, it was just a boom. And basically it just started kind of swarming everywhere. Yeah, and the things that go through your mind, or, whats going on . Is someone going to get on and explain something . My parents were on the flight with, us they travel a lot for work. Jordan travels a lot for work. So my first instinct is to turn to them and say hey, have yall ever felt this before, heavy all over had to do an Emergency Landing . And so, in a moment, theres not a lot that goes through your mind. You are just kind of like, what is that . And trust him, i guess . [laughter] go ahead, jordan. So, i looked over at her, when basically everything was going on. You could probably hear a pin drop on the aircraft because everyone was paying attention. But, i was like, these are trained professionals, they know what to do, theyre gonna get us down safely. And thats exactly what they did. So, shout out to the captain and the Flight Attendants attendants. They did an awesome job getting us home safely. You guys were cool, calm and collected it sounds like. Was there a smell . Could you smell anything burning . Oh, yes. You could smell gas, its smelled like gasoline. It was like fuel, a little bit of smoke. We live in galveston, texas. So, i guess the closest thing i could say is that the burned marine fuel from a boat. Inside the cabin and so we all, again, were looking at each other. I still, to this moment, i dont understand no one on the plane freaked out. Even this passenger that took this video we were silent. We didnt know what was going on. Everyone thinks that it is going to be screaming and chaos. I didnt pick up my phone once, i didnt nothing was going through my mind other than waiting for somebody to get on the microphone and tell us more, i guess. Well, you all landed safely, as we said. But then youve got another southwest flight. Were you nervous to get on that other flight . Or were you just like, weve got to get to mexico as quickly as possible . It sounds bad. I felt that was probably the most safest flight i have been on. Yeah. Because it was one of those deals where, something happened. You know what i mean . But, everybody on that flight, the second fight for sure, was reassuring, everything is going to be good, safe takeoff, safelite. We were good. Yeah. And im happy we got here. Yeah, i really dont know how to explain it. But the second flight, i dont think ive ever been more confident in a flight, and in my safety than in the second one. And i think, my confidence, the first one was horrible, and i feel like everyone has that one flight like, no way this is going to happen again. And the trust that you have, especially after going through that, the only thing you can say in the moment when you are sitting on that plane is, they are professionals. Theyve trained for this, theyre professionals, theyre they have trained for this. And you pray to god. And thats truly the only things that are going through my mind. And so, the second flight, i dont think i can even iterate how much peace i had. And i know how we are that sounds. But its like, okay, that was my one. And i have never been more calm on a flight. I have never had peace like i did on the second flight. I hear you on that. And, as you said, the pilots and their training, it really kicked in those moments. Jordan and Lynde Kleinecke what, thank you very much. Have a margarita for me on the beach, while you are at. It. We have had many, trust me. The minute we were got here i bet. Thank you guys. Thank you. Thank you. And coming up next for us, a death threat towards the judge in trumps criminal trial in washington d. C. A judge who experienced the deadly consequences of being the target, speaks out. Subaru and our retailers are there to help by giving millions of dollars in funding along with School Supplies students need. We call it the Subaru Love Promise and we are proud to be the largest corporate supporter of adoptaclassroom. Org. Its just one of the reasons forbes ranked subaru the number one automotive brand for social impact. Subaru. More than a car company. Ma ma ma ma [clears throut] for fast sore throat relief, try Vicks Vapocool drops with two times more menthol per drop , and the powerful rush of vicks vapors for fastacting relief you can feel. Vicks vapocool drops. Fast relief you can feel. Julians about to learn that free food is a personal eating trigger. No, it isnt. sigh yes, it is. And thats just a bit of Psychology Julian learned from noom weight. Sign up now at noom. Com. Like ours is spoiling their dogs. Good, real food is simple. It looks like food, it smells like food, its what dogs are supposed to be eating. No living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. Its amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. The farmers dog is just our way to help people take care of them. And thats it for me here on cnn prime time. Cnn tonight with jim acosta starts right now. Jim, i know you have a great show

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