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Alleged coconspirators, but how will it fit in. Plus a live report from maui, where the governor says the death toll has risen and probably over 1,000 people could still be missing. Good evening. Thanks for joining us. We begin with two pieces of Breaking News tonight. The first, weve just learned of charges in texas connected with alleged threats against judge Tanya Chutkan, who has presided over the Subversion Trial of the former president. According to the court filing, the woman, who lives in alvin, texas, left a threatening, racist, and bigoted vase mail for judge chutkan on august 5th, saying, if trump doesnt get elected, were coming to kill you. You will be targeted personally, publicly, all of it. Authorities visited the woman on the 8th and according to the filing, she admitted to making the call from her home telephone. Breaking news as well in the georgia racketeering trial. A Federal District judge setting mark meadows request to move charges to Federal Court. This will be an early test for fani willis. Earlier today she asked the atlanta judge overseeing the case to set two dates, September 5th for the arraignment, and a trial date of march 4th. Rudy giuliani has said hell surrender to authorities some time next week. No sign this changes his timetable. Sources also el the us that lawyers for the former president are in, quote, ongoing negotiations with d. A. Willis office. And early indication are that they too are discussing a date next week. As to a trial date, if nothing changes, which it almost certainly will, take a look, its wedged in with proposed dates for other trials, civil, criminal. In january, the federal election Subversion Trial and the e. Jean carroll defamation trial part two, plus the Iowa Caucuses that month. Then march with georgias case followed by the new york hush money trial. Finally in may theres the maralago documents trial. Again, all proposed dates. Nothing set in stone. That calendar will change. Joining us grand jury witnesses, geoff duncan and jim jerden. Also michael moore. And cnn senior legal analyst elie honig. Lets begin with the Trial Timeline for the d. A. Willis. I mean, thats going to change. Yeah, there is no earth. There is no planet on which this case will be tried in march. Due to the log jam that we just saw. Now we see all of these four different indictments and theyre all jockeying for very limited trial space. But the d. A. Has asked to try this in march. First of all, there is an ongoing racketeering trial right now that the d. A. s office is handling. In georgia, they are still choosing a jury. Theyre seven months in. I know that sounds unbelievable. But State Jury Selection is way slower than federal cases. Even if they started in march, they would still be picking a jury on election day. That is not happening. I understand what the d. A. Is doing. Shes doing what prosecutors are trained to do. You always say, we are ready to go any day. But march is not happening. Its very unlikely theres 19 people charged. Its not going to be 19 people by the time this goes to trial. No. Theres not a chance. There will be people who flip, cooperate, plead out. There may be people she decides to get rid of because it complicates the case. There wont be 19 defendants sitting in the courtroom. Because theres 19, thats one of the reasons theres no possible way that shes going to go to trial in march. I mean, this is sort of a pr move, i think, on her part. I think it throws gas to trump to say, look, why are they treating me different . Why are they rushing my case . Im not in custody taking up a jail bed . I didnt kill somebody and mama and daddy is waiting for the killer of their baby to be brought to trial. Why are they treating me different . This is playing into that hand. Until we recognize that hes really campaigning through this process, then i think were giving him the gift that keeps on giving. Thats a lot of hot air. Federal charges would come first. I mean, if the judges get together to try to figure out a schedule that makes sense, do you have any doubt that the federal case would go further . It probably will if for no other reason you have donald trump just at the top, right . You dont have anybody else. But i think one of the most complicating things with respect to willis case is because there are folks that can, kind of, pop into Federal Court and say that we should be there, like mark meadows, like donald trump, that really does extend the timeline. And isnt going to want to go forward on this trump case without donald trump being there. You testified before the grand jury on monday, just hours before it handed up the indictment. I did. What was that like . You know, it was pretty incredible. I was the first person in. They had no idea that they were the trump grand jury. They had been handling nine other criminal matters. And then literally i walk in the door and you should have seen their eyes. They just got really big. And it was kind of a moment of it was very serious, right . Because theta second knew they had a really big job to do in front of them. And Lieutenant Governor duncan, you also testified on that day. Was your experience similar . It was very serious. And i think everybody in that room realized we were at the center of the universe. Everybody in the world cared about what was going to happen in that meeting. The District Attorney was very prepared for that presentation, and the jurors were very engaged and inquisitive and spot on with where their questions went. As one of the nonattorneys at this table, i hear all the legal opinions about whats going on, the moving parts. This is a mess, politically speaking. This is another reason why we cannot make this mistake again as republicans. Weve seen these other federal cases. They seem to be getting more serious as time goes on. This ones got some really, really sticky political spots to it for donald trump. I hope we take our medicine. It feels like there are starting to be more gyrations. Mark meadows, we talked about this last night, trying to move this to Federal Court. Giuliani will probably do the same thing. The president will probably do the same thing. Where do you stand on that . Does that make sense to you to have this be in Federal Court . I dont know if it make sense to me to be in Federal Court. But if im defending one, im going to do that. In terms of removal and having the removal stick, its a really low bar. I really do think mark meadows may have a shot at being there. But hes not going to get it dismissed. Giuliani, on the other hand, i dont think he can say what he was doing was in furtherance of some kind of official role with the president. Thats the bar, essentially. That is really kind of the low bar for removal. And then from there, it is still fani willis team that is going to be prosecuting that case in that courtroom. It is not it doesnt turn into a federal prosecution. It is still a state prosecution, Just A Little Bit down the street at the Federal Courthouse. If there was ever a case that ought to be transferred if the statute is going to mean anything, the case involving a former president has to be the case. If this case cant be transferred, i dont know if there will ever be a case. But if fani willis is still prosecuting it, from a legal standpoint, from a jury standpoint, whats the benefit for the former president , giuliani, and others . The jury pool would be much different. If this case remains in Fulton County, the jury will be drawn from Fulton County. The stats are that the vote there in 2020 was 26 for donald trump. If you get into Federal Court, now youre in the Northern District of georgia, which includes Fulton County, where most of your jurors will come from. But it includes all those northern counties. So, you get a much better jury pool from trumps perspective. The common denominator is hes going to get indicted somewhere. Hes going to have to sit in court and pay the price. Who made this quote . We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment. Who said that . I think i know the answer. Donald trump in 2016. I was going to say me. All of us at some point. Every person with a normal brain on their shoulders would say that. In terms of the jury pool though, i dont think youre going to pull in those northern, northern. I think its just going to be the atlanta division. The biggest problem for Jury Selection would really just be cherokee county. The rest of the Metro Atlanta area is not Trump Country still. And we know that the Mark Meadows Case has been assigned to an obama appointee. And if youre trump, the only reason you want to get to Federal Court is if you think you can get one of your appointees. Now that we know thats not going to happen, im wondering just in terms of scheduling, though, assuming this date is not real, the federal case, the January 6th Case goes first, when do you think this would actually go to trial . I dont think theres a chance it goes before the election. I think this is a case that goes after the election. And sort of back to the Jury Selection, there have been cases we had one in South Georgia where they expand to the whole district. Thats because they needed that. So, if you think about just the hyper emotion and the partisanship thats involved in this case, theyre going to have to this will be a Jury Selection like no other. I mean, there are feelings that are polarized like theyve never seen. Elie, i want to ask you about this threat that we just learned about to the judge in this case. The same caller also made a threat to representative Sheila Jackson lee and i think to all gay people, if i read the lgbtq community. This is not a surprise, obviously, given we dont know if she was listening directly to the former president. But certainly he has put that judges name front and center. This is what happens. This is the damager and the rhetoric. Donald trump has spent the last week attacking the judge over and over, Geoff Duncan Over and over. And weve seen it. How many times do we have to see this story . People see what he says. People act on what he says. January 6th. The day after there was a search at maralago, a guy stormed the fbi office in chicago and got shot and kill. Good work by the feds. But someone has to step up here, and it has to be the prosecutors. Theyve already let donald trump say way more about judge chutkan, about themselves, about the witnesses than any prosecutor would tolerate in any case. I understand theyre being sensitive. They dont want to be seen as overdoing it on trump. Theyre underdoing it on trump. So, all the prosecutors here need to adopt a Zero Tolerance policy and enforce it and go to the judge and get real repercussions for this kind of rhetoric. Lieutenant governor . This is how we got to january 6th. Its this game of rhetoric. Its this game of playing on peoples emotions, feeding them 10second sound bites, lies. Thats how we got to january 6th. And that is ultimately a fear of mine that we get to that unbelievable flash point again because somebody is willing to put their selfish desires of being in power over top of the country. Like i said, i just feel like this is such a golden opportunity for the Republican Party to pivot here. I think america, including democrats, are begging us to do Something Better than 2024 cycle. I wish i was sitting here in this panel talking to you about how policies or National Security policies or College Tuition waivers. I wish i was doing that. But instead were having to defend these crazy steps and gyrations of the Republican Party. Thats whats going to play out for the next 15 months if we dont change direction. I think the Security Issue also goes into should we be in Federal Court or state court . I know the Lieutenant Governor had Death Threats and threats to his family and to his staffers. I know i did. You know, any time you pop your head up and push back on the trump machine, this is exactly what happens. So, can you imagine . I mean, the grand jury, their names were released once the indictment was released. That is allowed under georgia law. But they are already being doxxed. So, can you imagine if you are a jury called for this case to sit in judgment of donald trump, what youre exposing yourself too . Appreciate it. Thanks very much. Perspective now from retired federal Appeals Court judge and distinguished conservative legal scholar, jay michael luttig. We spoke shortly before air time. Judge, the Fulton County d. A. Is asking for a march 4th start date for this trial, two months after special counsel jack smiths proposed start date. What do you make of that date . And which of these trials do you think will go first . Anderson, thank you for having me on tonight. Its my pleasure. At this point early, its impossible to know exactly how or even whether these various trials of the former president will be sequenced and held. I believe that the courts involved will cooperate with each other and sequence the trials in such a manner as to ensure that the former president is tried on all of these matters before the 2024 election. But i am relatively confident that if thats not possible that the trials will be sequenced such that the trial of the former president on the charges relating to january 6th and the attack on the United States capitol of that date will proceed first. And i believe to conclusion before the 2024 election. You think its possible that that trial, the jack smith trial on january 6, issues and election interference, that would go first and that could be concluded before the election . I do, anderson. Its many, many months before the election. And on the timetable thats been proposed by the special counsel, the former president s trial would begin on january 2, 2024, i believe. As you know, the District Court in the District Of Columbia is taking briefing on that scheduled trial date as we speak tonight. The government, as i said, as proposed, january 2nd as the start date for the trial. The president former president brief on that issue is not due in the District Court, i believe, until august 28th, anderson. Despite warnings from federal judge Tanya Chutkan who is overseeing the federal election case, the former president continues to rage against her on social media. What options does she have or any of the judges in these four criminal cases have to stop him . Because, i mean, none of the other the majority of republican candidates running against the former president are backing him on his critiques and his, you know, attempts to destroy the Justice System in this country, essentially. The former president s comments and attacks on the federal judiciary and on the specific individual judges who will preside over his trials are unprecedented in american history, anderson. They are a grave disservice to the nation. They are inexcusable. And they imperil the former president himself in the defense of his actions on january 6th before the juries that will hear his case. But this is, of course, a pattern that the former president has engaged in since at least the day that he has assumed office in 2016. Two prominent conservative Law School Professors recently completed a paper arguing the former president is ineligible to hold a future position in government because of what happened on january 6th. They cite a section of the 14th Amendment which says a person is disqualified from Holding Office in this country if he or she has, quote, engaged in insurrection or rebellion of the same or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. The professors have argued that because of a range of misperceptions, section threes full legal consequences have not been appreciated or enforced. In particular, It Disqualifies Former President Donald Trump and potentially many other because of their attempt to overthrow the 2020 president ial election. Do you agree with this argument . I myself came to the same conclusion two years ago. This issue will be a Driving Issue of constitutional law in america between now and the election in 2024. Judge luttig, i appreciate your time tonight. Thank you. Thank you, anderson. Coming up next, geoff duncan talked about political gyrations concerning the former president. Well talk about two polls, one with bad news for the former president. Also the death toll rising in hawaii i and the missing suggesting it could rise far higherer. If you want laundry to smell fresh for weeeeks, make sure you have Downy Unstopables inwash scent boosters. please dont go by harry casey, Richard Raymond finch ping please dont go plee dont go please dont go please dont go dont goooooo dont go away please dont go i remember when i first started flying, and we would experience turbulence. I would watch the Flight Attendants. If theyre not nervous, then im not going to be nervous. Financially, im the Flight Attendant in that situation. The relief that comes over people once they know theyve got a guide to help them through, i definitely feel privileged to be in that position. Why didnt we do this last year . Before you were preventing migraine with qulipta® . Remember the pain . Cancelled plans . The worry . That was then. And look at me now. Youll never truly forget migraine. But qulipta® reduces attacks, making zeromigraine days possible. 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That is hold joe biden and donald trump individually and say would you vote for this person in the general election. Over 60 of americans say they probably or definitely would not vote for the former President Donald Trump, while a majority also say they probably or definitely would not vote for joe biden. But whats key to understand about this is theyre asking about each of the candidates individually, not matching them up against each other. Okay. So, why are they even asking that question . I wont even get into that. We could have. What happens when the former president and the current president are actually matched up . Yeah. So, this, i think, is the key thing. It turns out that you cant just be matched up against a generic candidate. You have to be matched up against each other. This is not Approval Voting where we vote for just one person and not have any idea who the other person is. What we see is heres the key phrase no clear leader. Donald trump and joe biden are as close as they can be. Quinnipiac university came out with a poll, had donald trump down just one point, well within the margin of error. There was a fox news poll that had him within three point es. So, heres the key thing to take away from all this. A majority of americans dont want donald trump, and a majority of americans dont want joe biden to be the next president. But the fact is, at this particular point, if youre looking at the primary polls, thats the matchup thats going to take place. And if that matchup does, in fact, take place, then we are in a race that is far too close to call. This isnt 2020 when joe biden is well ahead. This is a far different landscape. In 2020, this time, joe biden was far ahead. Joe biden was far ahead. He was up high Single Digits to low double digits. There wasnt a single poll that we put on air that had joe biden behind donald trump. This year, there have already been multiple ones and many polls showing far closer than at this point in 2020. Harry is going to stay here. Im going to bring in former republican january 6th Committee Member adam kinzinger. If you were the former president , how concerned would you be that 63 of americans said they would not or never vote for you in a general election. I couldnt imagine being the former president , donald trump. But if i had to pretend to be him, id be a little nervous because he is entirely banking on winning so that he can pardon himself or so that he can at least stop the investigations if they havent gone to trial yet. I think harry is right. The reality is this is a close race. This is the danger for those of us who believe in democracy and want to preserve it. People are going to assume since donald trump is under these indictments and investigations and convictions by then that hes going to lose. Thats not a smart assumption. Its going to be a close race. Are you surprised how close . When it comes down to it. Yeah well, i guess in seeing the other polls ive seen, im surprised because theyve showed the same. I am surprised there are still a number of americans that know donald trump is guilty but would vote for him over joe biden because they dont like joe bidens policies. And i think there has got to be an understanding that were going to have Policy Differences on this cycle. But if you want to have Policy Differences in the future, youve got to actually vote to defend democracy. And i dont know how to message that any differently. But its way too close. How strong is the former harry is the former president s grip on the Republican Party . We spoke six months ago. What we saw was a twoman race for the republican nomination, donald trump and ron desantis within the margin of error over each other. Thats what quinnipiac found. Look where we are today, though. That lead has expanded to nearly 40 percentage points. It seems that trump is certainly not getting weaker by the day with all the indictments that are coming down. If anything, arguably, in the primary, hes becoming stronger. And you would be very hard pressed to find any poll at this point in which donald trump is not commanding a majority of the vote, at least in the polling for the republican primary. Congressman, i dont know how much of that is, you know, the more people see of ron desantis the less they like of him. And people like sympathy for the former president for these indictments, or some combination thereof . Its all of the above. Ron desantis is not a likable candidate. I dont mean that as a cheap shot or to be mean. He just doesnt come across well. He doesnt connect with people. You have to connect. Like or hate donald trump, he does connect with certain people in a certain way and they love that. Heres the other big thing, anderson. Why is he gaining so much . Because nobody that is running for president with the exception of chris christie, asa hutchinson, and will hurd are speaking out saying what donald trump did is wrong. If youre a republican voter, all these people running for president are telling you that this is a hit job by the doj, youre going to believe this is a hit job because the people you trust are telling you that, and youre going to rally behind the guy getting the hit job from the doj. Its really simple. These people that are running for president that are too cowardly to speak out. Just drop out and endorse donald trump then. Maybe youll get a Cabinet Position that youre obviously running for. Or if you truly want to be president of the United States, show leadership. Show sacrifice. And tell people the truth. I can expect no different than what were seeing in the polls if the people folks trust are telling them this is a hit job. Adam kinzinger, harry enten, thanks very much. Just ahead were going to get back to the legal implications of the georgia indictment. Well speak to rj to fame as a prosecutor in the 1980s. Details ahead. Awh, use priceline. They have Package Deals no one else has. [son inflates] we can d do it go to your happy price priceline my asthma felt anything but normal. It was time for a nunormal with nucala. Cala is a oncemonthly addon treatment for Severe Eosinophilic Asthma that can mean less oral steroids. Not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. May cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask your Asthma Specialist about a nunormal with nucala. My active Psoriatic Arthritis can make me feel like im losing my rhythm. 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Its formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. Never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. 59 of the 98 pages of the georgia indictment are 60 of the total concerns just one of the 41 charges listed. Thats the rico corrupt organizations act. Its a charge whose federal version has been made famous in tv and film, ironically by Rudy Giuliani who used it against the District Attorney and the new york mob in the 1980s. Jason carroll has more about it. Reporter the racketeer influence and corrupt organization act, rico, for short, was passed in 1970 as a tool to wipe out Organized Crime. The verdict was like a bullet. Reporter at the time, it was dubbed the trial of the century, the u. S. Versus john gotti. The boss of the Gambino Crime Family was found guilty today on all 13 counts of murder and racketeering. Reporter in the early 90s, prosecutors took down gotti, the law also used to take down the lieu kay zay family and mafia underlings. Rico laws allowed prosecutors to connect multiple crimes among multiple defendants to tell a story of corruption. This case charges more mafia bosses in one indictment than any ever before. Reporter the prosecutor credited for using rico to take on the mob was a young, ambitious attorney for the Southern District of new york. This is a great day for Law Enforcement, but it is probably the worst for the mafia. Reporter now in an ironic twist, jana is charged in the georgia case, now having to defend himself against a charge he used to this is ridiculous. This is not meant for election disputes. Its not just for people who are in Organized Crime. Its also for people whose collars are white and may have ivy league degrees. Thats what weve seen in a variety of cases. Reporter rico sent shutters throughout wall street after jurors sent american financier to prison in 1990 related to tax evasion. While rico is a federal law, many states have developed their own versions. And prosecutors have used these laws to prove racketeering conspiracies. In other words, they string together separate allegations of misconduct committed by different people towards a common goal or purpose sinto a single indictment. Fulton county, georgias d. A. , fani willis, is well known for using rico. She used to law to prosecute a case against Atlanta School educators accused of scheming to inflate test scores. She used rico against rapper jeffrey alamar williams, alleging he oversaw crimes ranging from Armed Robbery to murder. He pleaded not guilty, his trial still underway. The rico case involving trump and the other 18 defendants is faced with many legal challenges. The length of the trial is taxing on the jury, and this will be a long trial. And the Jury Instructions at the end are hard to follow. Theyre complicated. And the jury will have to really Pay Attention closely. Reporter jason carroll, cnn, new york. Joined now by our chief Law Enforcement and Intelligence Analyst john miller. He covered Organized Crime demise in new york during rico. I always expect to see you and ducey in the old mob films. Thats my hitchcock. Exactly. How, in your experience, does a prosecutor benefit from the rico law . The rico law was written by robert blake ki, a professor at Notre Dame Law School who was trying to tackle cases of the mob where the boss was insulated from all the crimes, which were done by people done at the bottom or the middle. He said, what about we charge the organization . So, the organization is the enterprise. And anyone who works within the enterprise, including those who run it, are equally guilty for all the enterprises crimes. Rico gave prosecutors a way to tell a story to the jury that this is about a corrupt enterprise and its run by a boss and these hinchmen do these things and theyre all responsible. And giuliani, was he the first to use it against the mob . Anderson, Robert Blakey was sitting there writing this law trying to make it interesting because its complicated. And hes watching the edward g. Robinson movie Little Caesar where hes screaming, is this the end of rico . He called it and he had to fit the words. It sounds awkward because it is. The acronym came before the word. But it sat dormant for ten years from 1970 to the late 70s, 78, 79, 1980. But giuliani revolutionized it because he took it and he said, were going to charge the bosses of all Organized Crime families of new york city, the leadership of who sit on a Board Of Directors called the commission. The enterprise is going to be the commission. That is the Board Of Directors for the mafia. And were going to charge all the leaders. And not any of the little hen chmen or anything. And he got convictions across the board in that case. And after that, people looked at rico and said, this is a real tool to take down criminal organizations, cartels, gangs, and in applications that are strange where you see the corruption in a police department. So, the Key West Police department was identified as a Racketeering Organization and put out of business in a rico prosecution. The helds angels, street gangs, and so on. Just very quickly, there is this person now who has been charged in texas for making a threat against judge Tanya Chutkan and others. I guess no surprise given the climate were in and the rhetoric thats being thrown around. So, weve seen threats to the manhattan d. A. Since alvin bragg brought the first trump indictment, threats to fani willis in atlanta, and even to the sheriff, and now the federal judge, who was particularly tough on donald trump in the first hearing. This arrest is basically a signal from the federal government that if you make these threats, were going to find you. Were going to track you down, were going to charge you. Its a measure of behavior modification. You cant get away with this just by doing it and thinking nobodys going to follow up. John miller, thank you so much. Breaking news out of hawaii. The death toll has risen. We have new information about the large number of people still missing more than a week after the fires began. Well have the latest on when President Biden will visit hawaii. Plus a report on how responders are still trying to put out fires. Also tonight, the latest in the continuing legal saga surrounding this guy indicted, congressman George Santos. A federal indictment against a Campaign Aide was unsealed today. Details on that ahead. Huh, huh, so did their dog roger. Gain scent beads keep even the stinkiest Ststuff Smelling fresh. [clicking] when occasional heartburn wont let you sleep. 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Earlier today the president announced President Biden and Jill Biden Will Travel To Maui next monday. Femas chief said today that despite criticism in the initial federal response to the wildfires, theyre overcoming initial challenges to distribute aid in places that were not easy to access. Bill weir is in maui with more on the continuing struggles of the people there. Reporter with an upcountry fire not fully contained, mauis Fire Department stretched painly thin and winds kicking up against again. Some residents are using sprinklers and hope to protect their homes. Careful, careful. And i met volunteer First Responders trying to knock down hotspots with bottled water. Oh, man, you can feel the heat. Its a smoldering pit over there. All it needs is a good wind to get it going. By the time we got there, it was already flaming. Really . Yeah. It started off as a little smoke. We said, lets get some water and haul it over there. By the time we got there, it started flaming. Were going to go back and put more water on it. Reporter in this citys smoky brush, one wrong step in the smoky ash means a burned foot. The soot is so deep you cant get through it. Reporter but they stay at it until they spot a Helicopter Dropping water scooped from Swimming Pools and get the help they need. And they wonder why more skilled firefighters arent being brought over from oahu. My mind is blown. We should be blocked off right now and the firemen should be all here, hands on deck. Yeah. Obviously keep people on oahu, but they have personnel. I stayed up until 2 00 in the morning watching because i knew the gas station was going off and the propane tanks, and, you know, my favorite store that i used to go get for gardening supplies. Its gone. And the people that lost their homes, i was watching that. Brendas 83yearold motherinlaw was in her lahaina home on the day of the fire storm. And her husband was among the first to provide a dna sample. So, now they are in grieving limbo. Has he accepted the idea that shes gone . Does he have to get confirmation before he can i mean, the truth about it, we accepted it on the day we saw that theres no house. But you never give up hope. So, its both. When he needs to talk, i just check in on him. We check in on each other. We say, how are you doing mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally . And we take time after each to check and answer. And, you know, my husband was saying, oh, im okay, im okay. No, youre not. If people ask you, are you okay. No, youre not. The word is, im concerned. And bill weir joins us now. I understand youre learning new information about the Siren System State officials said was never activated during last weeks fires. Well, its mostly conflicting information. Over the weekend, we heard the fire chief in maui say that the process broke down between somebody in the field needing to call, somebody else going to computer, sounding the alarm, and the fire moved too fast for that. The latest story from the governor is that its an aging system. Some of the sirens might not have gone off. In maui, you think tsunami. And running uphill here in the fire wouldnt have been the best idea. But a lot of people didnt know there was a fire. So, the argument is that anything, especially since so many children were home that day. School was out. At least get people moving around, looking around, seeing the smoke and out of harms way. This is all part of investigation, so many unanswered questions, anderson. A lot to still learn. Bill weir, thank you so much. Coming up next, why a Campaign Fundraiser for serial liar George Santos is facing a legal fight. What happened in court today coming up. 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Was in dire need of nurses during world war ii. Tia amalia as a nurse in el salvador decided to answer that call. Its a lot of Excitement Finding something new. I feel like a time traveler. Claudia starts calling me. Its a party every time. Tonight, a fundraiser for indicted congressman George Santos is facing his own legal battle. The Campaign Aide is charged with four counts of wire fraud, one count of aggravated identity theft. Hes pleading not guilty to the charges. According to a source familiar with the case, he alleged ly go contributions for santoss campaign in 2021. According to the indictment, a letter wrote, faking my identity to a big donor. Highrisk, highreward in everything i do. I dont know how dumb you have to be to actually put that into a message. Into a letter, yeah. So how did he Impersonate Mccarthy . Yeah. So he worked in the 2020, 2022 election cycle. He allegedly sought out contributions from over a dozen potential contributors, pretending to be a top aide to House Speaker kevin mccarthy. As we just talked about, he allegedly was bragging about it sending a letter saying, im faking my name to a big donor. Im a highrisk, highreward kind of guy. And he got up in the highrisk part. Has there been any response from this person . So were just hearing from his attorneys tonight. For starters, theyre not taking these allegations lying down. The attorney saying that he is not guilty and specific not guilty of these charges. He looks for complete vindication at the trial as soon as possible. This, of course, is as the person he was working for, santos, George Santos, faces his own set of federal charges that of course, he was indicted in may of last year. And the same prosecutors are the ones after him for wire fraud. Yes. The same district in new york and this is something that prosecutors are arguing to formalize. In each of the cases saying, we think the facts from each of these cases deal with overlapping events. So it could be for the judges to figure out, how do we handle this with a similar set of circumstances . But it tell us what comes out of one case can likely inform the other. Are the two cases connected . Thats what theyre looking at. They deal with a lot of the same events so i would say yes. Well be right back. More news ahead. tony hawk skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. I take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. Why qunol . It has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. Qunol. The brand i trust. Detect this living with hiv, i learned i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. Thats why i switched to dovato. Dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. No other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. Detect this most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. 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There is a huge price for pushing trumps Election Laws and the demand for loyalty isnt often resim row indicated. What my sources are saying about giulianis big ask. Plus, the prosecutors in georgia with an ambitious time line. She wants trump in court the day before super tuesday. Could the 2024 front runner be in front of a judge for

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