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The deadline is set for trump and his 18 codefendants to turn themselves in in georgia, which is why everyone is keeping close watch on the Fulton County jail for any and all to surrender. The death toll is rising in the deadliest u. S. Wildfire in a century. 106 people have been killed in maui, but only a handful identified because the Inferno Made Human Remains largely unrecognizable, and now there are new critical questions about what may have sparked some of those wildfires. For the first time north korean officials go public on u. S. Army private travis king. They claim he is seeking refuge there, in part due to Racial Discrimination in the u. S. Military. Im john berman with sara sidner and kate bolduan. This is cnn news central. The georgia jail where donald trump and his 18 accused coconspirators are expected to surrender is open and ready for bookings. In fact, the sheriff has made clear its open 24 7, meaning any defendant at any time could turn themselves in. Trump has not indicated exactly when he will be showing up, and theres also no date certain yet for the other 18 charged, but with a deadline set and nine days left, what he and his codefendants decide to do within this time could matter a great deal in how this case plays out in court. We do know that Rudy Giuliani has given some suggestion, saying he will turn himself in next week, and trumps former Chief Of Staff, mark meadows, is also making plans, but hes now trying to get his case moved out of georgia and into Federal Court. We will dive into that strategy, the strategy behind that in a moment. Lets get to cnns nick valencia, hes live outside the Fulton County courthouse for more on all of this. Nick, talk us through what to expect when any and all of them do start to surrender. Reporter good morning, kate. If the Fulton County sheriff keeps his word and is true to his word that hes going to treat donald trump the former president and his 18 codefendants as he would anyone else who has been indicted here in Fulton County, which means being processed and fingerprinted through the infamous Fulton County jail, where earlier this year a man being held on pretrial detention was allegedly eaten alive by bed bugs, even the Fulton County sheriff here has admitted that this facility had some problems and hes tried to get that facility overhauled. The news of trump and his codefendants being processed here has created a reaction in atlanta. Were also learning about the defense strategies. Former Chief Of Staff for the former president , mark meadows and his team filing a formal petition to try to get a Change Of Venue from state to Federal Court. What theyre arguing in the formal petition is anyone who is charged during their alleged actions while they are a federal official should have their criminal proceedings moved from a state court to a Federal Court. Here is what theyre saying in part of their filing here. Nothing mr. Meadows is alleged in the indictment to have done is criminal, per se. Arranging oval office meetings, contacting State Officials on the president s behalf, visiting a State Government building and setting up a phone call for the president. One would expect a Chief Of State to the president of the United States to do these sorts of things. Mark meadows has been charged with two counts in the indictment including racketeering as well as violation of Oath Of Office by a public official. We understand he is going to file a formal petition at a later date, but it is now in the hands of u. S. District judge here in georgia. Kate . All right. Nick valencia, outside the courthouse in Fulton County. Thank you so much. Nick, a lot of action going to be happening there very soon. Sara . Turning to jack smiths federal investigation into the 2020 election. Cnn learned that prosecutors tried to get access to former President Trumps direct messages on twitter and there are a lot of them. Unsealed transcripts also give more hints into what the Special Counsel was looking for before indicting trump. Cnns senior crime and justice reporter Katelyn Polantz is joining us now. This comes as a revelation because we know a lot of people say he doesnt use email, he doesnt go online and send messages, but now were hearing about these dms. What is the Special Counsel looking for in these messages . Reporter sara, there was a lot of information the special Counsel Office was looking for in Donald Trumps twitter account, Even Associated accounts to it, all kinds of data that they wanted. Sara, this was quite a revelation. In these transcripts that were unsealed finally yesterday in this fight where the Special Counsels office had had this warrant approved to get donald trump the realdonaldtrump designation and twitter was fighting the idea that they couldnt tell donald trump about this. But in the course of these transcripts it was a revelation because no one really knew how much donald trump may have been talking privately to other people, potentially to advisers or other people that may have been using his account would be sending messages that would be in private because, like you said, he didnt email, he didnt text and there was always a question did he use direct messages on twitter. He sent so many tweets publicly. And then we have from these Court Hearings now twitter confirming to a judge that, yes, there was dms on Donald Trumps twitter account. The direct quote from one of the lawyers in this hearing was, we were able to determine that there was some volume in that for this account, meaning direct messages. There are confidential communications, period. And then at a different part of the hearing the twitter lawyer says what the Justice Department appears to be looking for, what they were focused on as they were trying to get that access to those messages, which they did ultimately get, saying, the doj was most interested in communications between Government Officials and twitter regarding the subject account. Now, that could be trump and others in his administration talking over dm, that also could be Government Officials talking to twitter more generally about his account being pulled down after january 6, but all of it got swept into the Special Counsel investigation. Sara . All right. Thank you so much, Katelyn Polantz there with some really interesting information. We didnt know that he was actually getting on his electronics and sending messages. No texting, no emailing. Weve been told that for decades, he is not the kind of guy who left an electronic trail. There is one here. What does that mean . I guess that remains to be seen. We will delve deeper into the georgia case. With us is former federal prosecutor elie honig, Founding Partner of law firm honig, berm nl and honig. I want to talk about two of the codefendants in georgia hire and a legal filing. Lets start with mark meadows, what hes facing. It is a fascinating case because he is not charged in the federal indictment brought by jack smith, he is not each one of the six coconspirators, he is charged in the state case coming from fannie with w. H. O. Counts. Racketeering, very broad, the allegation is he facilitated this whole effort on Donald Trumps behalf to steal the election. The other crime solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer, that refers to the call donald trump made to Brad Raffensperger where he said i need you to find votes. Mark meadows arranged the call and was on the call. He doesnt say that much. Thats all he is looking at here. He has made this motion to remove the case from state court where fani willis has jurisdiction over to Federal Court on the basis of this federal law relating to removal. What that law essentially says that you can remove to the Federal District court of the United States if what youre charged for is any act by an fer of the United States meadows will say i was Chief Of Staff at the white house and this is the key phrase, under color of such office. It wasnt you were Chief Of Staff, game over. Its was your conduct under color of what you are supposed to be doing in that job. This to me is so interesting and central not just to the georgia case but the federal cases already. Under color of such office. Mark meadows and maybe trump eventually will argue that we did this because, you know, i was president of the United States or as president of the United States or Chief Of Staff to president of the United States. Not as a political candidate for office. Exactly. How do you split that hair . I think donald trump is sure to make this motion, too. I think mark meadows has a stronger case because mark meadows will say as Chief Of Staff im arranging meetings, phone calls, visiting the states. Im doing what the. Tells me to do. Donald trump is going to have a little bit of a more difficult road because the president is not supposed to have a direct handson role in election, thats reserved for states, but trump will say in my capacity as Chief Executive i was taking care there is a part of the constitution that says the president ial take care that laws be faithfully executed. He will argue i was trying to do my job as president. Who gets to decide . The judge. So theres very little to guide us on this. This whole doctrine of moving a case from state to Federal Court and potentially getting it dismissed if a judge finds it was under color of such office, it goes back to the early 1900s. We have only had a very small handful of cases and really nothing even remotely comparable to this. I just want to stay on this for one more beat. If it is under color of such office, Donald Trumps argument here is that i legitimately thought there was fraud in the u. S. Election. As president i thought there was fraud. Exactly. There wasnt. He was told there wasnt. Theres been no proof that it was. If a judge were to say this were under color of such office, wouldnt that be leaning towards his theory of the case, trumps theory of the case . Absolutely. Not only is this a procedural argument, get me over to Federal Court but its also the core of his defense. I was doing my job, i thought i was doing my job, i was following what my advisers told me. Very much in tension with the alleged facts but that will be the defense. One reason why meadows and trump want to get this in Federal Court, why . If this case is charged only in Fulton County, not to do your magic wall gig, john, the jury will be very antitrump. The count in 2020 was 72 for biden, 20 for trump. Cherokee and forsyth county, 68 , 65 in favor of trump. Way better for trump. If they get into Federal Court the jury will be drawn from the entire Northern District of georgia which is basically all of these counties. If they stay in fani willis court it will be all from Fulton County. Lets talk Rudy Giuliani here because Rudy Giuliani also has been saying publicly that hes going to try to move this case to Federal Court. Thats a very long shot argument. Rudys argument, he was not a federal official, he will argue that he was an agent, meaning he was acting somehow on behalf of donald trump. As president. As president. Rudy giuliani was, i think at best, a personal lawyer, maybe a campaign lawyer. That to me is a hail mary of an argument. He will probably make it, but i dont think hes going to have any luck. Can we reflect on a moment on this man, Rudy Giuliani who used to run the Southern District of new york where you at one point worked, elie. The situation that he is now in. Its sort of astonishing for me to say this. I will just say personally because at the Southern District of new york he was there generations before a generation before me, but he was a revered figure, he had been the head of that office. He was, in fact, a pioneer of using the rico, the federal version of the rico law to go after gangsters and here he finds himself not just being sued and subpoenaed and investigated but actually under indictment. This man who used to lock people up as his job, now faces the very real prospect of being on the other side of it. And hes out of money apparently to pay for the lawyers. He will use public defenders. Thank you very much for that. Also joining us right now is fred upton, the former republican congressman from michigan. Good to see you again. Thank you so much for coming in. Lets talk about this fourth indictment against the former president. You voted to impeach, folks will remember, to impeach former President Trump when the house voted after the january 6th insurrection. You and just a handful of other republicans did. Now after not just one indictment over trying to overthrow the 2020 election but now two indictments against donald trump for this very thing, do you feel vindicated . Well, i do, and you remember the president right after january 6th said in his words he did everything totally appropriate. There are a lot of us that didnt think that was the case, as you look at the ten republicans that voted to impeach him in the house, we were all amazed that those on the inside, some cabinet members, certainly those In The West Wing didnt really defend us at all. They saw firsthand what we saw on the house floor back on january 6, but it sure did appear as though he tried to steal the vote, that he and we found out later about these false electors, michigan is one of those states that had a number of electors that tried to actually cast a vote even though biden won by 154,000 votes. Trump never came up with the evidence that would overturn an election in any of those states, certainly here in michigan, and he made these false claims that more people voted in detroit than lived there. That was dispelled. There was actually a Republican State Senate investigation in terms of some of the charges that he made and they were all debunked. Thats the same case in georgia where he claimed that 60 some thousand underaged people voted, which was never dispelled. Yeah, we all feel like weve been vindicated with their votes and obviously hes innocent until proven guilty, but youve got these four indictments, it looks pretty bad for him you would have to say. And its going to take a while. I mean, i dont know if its going to be a state court or Federal Court. I agree with will hurd when he says that one of the reasons that former President Trump is running is that hed like to exercise that pardon should he be reelected. Fred, let me ask you about t that. For everyone, fred upton always requesting that even though i always want to call you congress map man you always request that i call you fred. Ive been interested to see the response from republicans running against trump. You mentioned will hurd, im going to put up on the screen for everybody some of the reaction from these republican candidates that we have seen since this fourth indictment. By and large most of them are attacking the indictment. Tim scott calling the indictment unamerican and unacceptable. As you mentioned, you have will hurd, you have Asa Hutchinson saying that this further shows that trump should not hold office again. But what do you think by and large of how republicans have responded to now 91 criminal charges against donald trump . Well, theyre scared to death of the base. I look here at michigan, every member of the Michigan Republican delegation has endorsed trump and thats since some of the indictments. Theyre scared of a primary. You look at what jim jordan said earlier this week on this georgia indictment, he said, the president did nothing wrong. Really . My bet is that if he had a chance to change things around, he might not be in the situation that he is in today. You know, my former colleagues, theyre scared of a primary, they do control our Party Apparatus here in michigan, you have no Filing Deadlines that have reached yet in any of the states and the polls show that he has 60 of the republicans, hes running away from it, in every state, New Hampshire and iowa, hes identified 100,000 trump supporters, theyre going to be at the caucuses when they meet. You remember iowa was not a state that trump won back in 2016. Thats exactly right. Hes stronger than ever. Especially in light of that, if a General Election is going comes down to being joe biden versus donald trump, have you decided who you will support or how you would vote . Thats why im working so hard with no labels. This is a group thats you know, we know that 70 of the american electorate doesnt want a rematch between trump and biden. But we also know that a third party or independent run has really never worked and there is a lot of fear that its actually only going to bolster Donald Trumps candidacy. If no labels doesnt get on the ballot in all 50 states, if no labels doesnt pan out and you dont have a candidate to run and youre faced with i mean, youre faced with a binary choice i know where youre headed. It makes it a really difficult choice for me which is why im working so hard with no labels. We think we will be on all 50. Oh, darn, i think right at the end we lost t former congressman fred upton, thank you for your time. Great to have you back on. Sara . Coming up, cnn gets a first look at the Wildfire Devastation in lahaina as the death toll in maui surpasses 100 people. We have just learned when President Biden will visit the state. For the First Time Since an american soldier sprinted into north korea last month, state media now confirms he is there. Why they claim he crossed into their country. Plus, the other side of the lawsuit surrounding The Blind Side, the family at the heart of the film pushes back on allegations they lied to take advantage of former nfl star michael oher. psst psst ahhhh. With flonase, allergies dont have to be scary spraying Flonase Daily gives you lolasting, nondrowsy relief. psst psst flonase. All good. At the Alzheimers Association walk to end alzheimers, this is why we walk. Theyre why we walk. We walk in the Alzheimers Association walk to end alzhiemers because were getting closer to beating this disease. Join us. You tried. Limiting when it was okay. No tech behind closed doors. But social medias algorithms of addiction always won out. Its not your fault. Alone you cant stop it. Together, we will. We have a plan. Join us. rsv is in for a surprise. Meet arexvy. the first fdaapproved rsv vaccine. Arexvy is used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. 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A camera crew traveled with fema to see portions of lahaina that had been blocked off until now. This is really the first time the public at large is getting a look from the ground view at the devastation there. The devastation so vast only about a third of the fire zone has been searched by rescue crews. The governor said until now most of the remains were found along sea side road. Today they will shift their focus to begin searching through homes. With that search they expect the death toll to continue to rise. It now stands at 106 people who were lost in the fire. Just take a second and look at how damaged every single thing is, some of those buildings just turned to dust. There are still a lot of Unanswered Questions surrounding the fire and the response to it. One big focus right now is the power lines. We dont know exactly what started the fire, that hasnt been determined yet, but there is a video that may show a Power Line Exploding moments before a flame was seen. We want to note this video was taken on another part of the island separate from that fire that destroyed lahaina. There were several fires that have been burning. It was shot a Bird Sanctuary on maui on monday, august 7th, after a few seconds you will see a white flash. You see it there. Now, we have paused on that so you can see it more clearly. Now, in the following moments, not long after that, the camera pans around and just a few minutes later, flames are burning in the distance. Weve highlighted those for you here. At the same time of that first flash the Washington Post reports ten sensors went off in the town where the sensors are located. Basically on the other side of the island to lahaina. A hawaiian electric, mauis main Power Company released a statement to the Washington Post saying they are focused on supporting responders right now. Then they went on to say, we know there is speculation about what started the fires and we, along with others, are working hard to figure out what happened. Cnns niek ha mike valerio isn the ground. Identifying the dead may be as long and painful a process for families who have suffered it through all of this similar to 9 11. How are people responding to that . Reporter well, sara, i think that people are entering this profoundly mournful period hearing comments just like that and it is so painful, sara, to see this inperson on the ground in the heart of maui because this is an island that blooms with life and to know that everybody here is entering this chapter, its cast a pal to know that not understanding what has happened to your mother or your sister, where their remains could be and what condition they could be in, isnt just a question that might not be answered for a few days, but this could be something that lingers, that looms over families for months, sara. So so in terms of why this process is going to in aunt likelihood drag on so long for so many its because the dna remains that are being found is so delicate and so damaged. To that point we just got the latest figures, there are 101 sets of remains that have been found so far and have yet to be identified. And in all those sets of remains only 13 of them have dna profiles that have been assembled. So more scientists will be brought in so that more and more of those dna samples can be matched to families, but we are hearing more and more people who are not going to wait that long. One man youre going to see in a couple seconds went to the morgue to try to find his stepfathers body. Wa watch. I have run into a lot of people that i understand are tired. Im tired, too. I havent slept in six days. And i just like i said, i just want to identify his body and put him at rest. Reporter i mean, just try to put yourself in his shoes. To that end the governor, josh green, is saying about 70 of the burn area has yet to be searched and hes hoping, sara, that can be done by the end of this weekend. So that was really hard to watch. There is this recovery that is happening, but can you tell us are residents able still to get in now to try to see what is left of their homes . I see the road behind you still has the Flashing Lights but it looks like its open. Reporter yeah, thats right. This highway has been open for residents and emergency responders. Most people have been able who live in the epicenter of the Disaster Zone have been able to get in, but who hasnt . Normal commerce. Tourists, not getting into the burn zone, but getting into the country side around the area. The thinking is that if maui is going to recover, commerce and tourism needs to flow on the western side of the island. This is part of maui starting to recover, starting very slowly to get back to normal, sara. Mike valerio, thank you so much for all of your reporting there in maui. John . This just in, moments ago the white house announced when President Biden will travel to hawaii to see the devastation firsthand. Cnns Arlette Saenz is at the white house. What are you hearing . Reporter well, john, the white house has now set a date for President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden to travel to maui and the two will make their way to hawaii on monday to meet with survivors, first responders, as well as state and local officials. This will give the president an opportunity to view this devastation on the island firsthand, as well as take a look at some of the efforts that the federal government and local officials have been making in the Recovery Efforts. Now, e Karine Jeanpierre said, quote, in maui the president and first lady will be welcomed by state and local leaders to see firsthand the impacts of the wildfires and the devastating loss of life and land that has occurred on the island, as well as discuss the next steps in the recovery. Now, just yesterday President Biden had said he hoped to visit maui soon, but that he did not want to take away or disrupt any of the Recovery Efforts that are under way, but in this statement the White House Press secretary also said that the hawaiis governor, josh green, advised that he believes the search and Recovery Efforts will be at a stage by early next week to allow for a president ial visit. Now, throughout this process the white house has stressed that the president has been on the phones, receiving regular both dates from his fema administrator as well as the states senators and also the states governors, but you have heard some frustration on the ground from people experiencing the devastation of these wildfires about the official response. So this will give the president an opportunity perhaps to hear some of that frustration, to see some of this devastation and the loss of life that so many families are dealing with in this devastating moment. Arlette saenz at the white house, thank you so much for that reporting. Coming up for us, a plea deal that hunter biden and his legal team thought they had struck with the Justice Department seems to be falling apart at the seams. Why a single signature could be the reason why the president s son is heading to trial. And we are now one week away from the first republican president ial primary debate and the front runner donald trump still has not announced if he is going to show up. What his rivals are saying about it now. We will be right back. Ss choicer just 20. Right now, only at red lobster. Welcome to fun dining. Then add the whoa of listerine to your routine. New science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. For a clner, healthier mouth. Ahhhhh. Above the gumline. Listerine. Feel thehoa subway refreshed everything. And now, theyre scing their meats fresh. Thats why this pro proffers the new grand slam ham. So does this pro. I just love a grand slam. Ham. And if we proffer it, we know youll proffer it too. I knew hed love that sandwich. My relationship with my credit cards wasnt good. I got into debt in college, and no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. The high interest. I felt trapped. 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Attorneys for bidens son, joe bidens son are fighting now to keep that deal in place. Meanwhile, prosecutors now also want to get the separate tax charges originally filed in delaware dismissed, instead bringing those charges to washington, d. C. Or california, locations where the alleged crimes occurred. Now that that now that the case appears to be heading to trial, Hunter Bidens top lawyer has asked a federal judge to allow him to withdraw from the case because he could now be called as a witness. So a lot still in flux there, sara. Now that a 2024 race, the race for the white house, we are exactly one week from the first Republican Debate in milwaukee and donald trump may not be there. Trump is among eight president ial hopefuls who meet the polling and donor thresholds to take the stage, but he says hes not going to sign that rnc Loyalty Pledge that is needed to participate, and, of course, hes facing mounting legal troubles. He has now got a fourth Criminal Indictment against him and his rivals are of course reacting to that. Former republican congressman and former gop president ial candidate joe walsh is joining us now. Really quickly, will it matter if donald trump does not take this debate stage at this point . Oh, god, no, not at all. Not one lick, sara, will it matter if hes there. All right. I love how you did that so quickly, joe walsh thats so unlike you. I do want to go to this. We have been watching this, joe, the most sweeping criminal case turns out against donald trump to be out of georgia. There are 19 defendants, donald trump being one of them, and he is saying im going to have this Press Conference and im going to show you all the fraud that happened in georgia. Theres only one person that has really come out strongly against him when it comes to the Republican Party and thats Governor Kemp who has said there is no fraud. That did not happen. And that 2024 this is really an important election, giving a hint that hes very concerned, he said the future of our country is at stake. I want to let you listen to what the candidates that are running against donald trump in this gop president ial race have to say about these charges. I think its an example of this criminalization of politics. We see the legal system being weaponized against political opponents. That is unamerican and unacceptable. The reality is this, these Are Politicize D persecutions through prosecution. Do any of the responses that you are hearing surprise you . No, share ration and i apologize for my very brief first answer. Trump will not show up at the debate. Trump is a coward, but he is not afraid of chris christie. He just wants to and has to be the story. Look, theres no antitrump lane in this Republican Party. I wish the world would wake up to this. All of these challengers, sara, that hes got from the beginning theyve never really challenged him. Desantis, pence, haley, scott, none of them have gone after or condemned trump. Why . Because if you condemn donald trump, you are done as a republican. Period. So what theyve all done, sara, is theyve kind of hugged him and bowed to him and embraced him and echoed his deep state he is a victim theyre coming after me bull crap, because thats the only lane and, sara, what theyre hoping for is that a jail cell or a heart attack will take trump out. But thats thats their only play. They know they cant beat him. I do want to ask you about tim scott because there are republicans and some democrats who said that they were actually a little bit surprised to hear how he worded his response to Donald Trumps fourth indictment. What did you see when you heard what tim scott said . Sara, it broke my heart. Im not surprised. I know tim well. I served in congress with tim. Tim decided a while ago, like almost every republican, to surrender to trump, but tim is a good man, sara, and every time i hear him Say Something that i know he doesnt believe, it still breaks my heart. Because it just shows how gone my former party s i dont expect better from desantis or haley or any of these other candidates, but tim scott knows better. So for him, sara, to continue to say things he doesnt believe about donald trump, and tim scott knows what trump has done is wrong. Tim scott, sara, knows donald trump has committed crimes. For a guy like tim scott not to be able to say that should tell all of us that this is trumps party and its not coming back. Its not the Republican Party that you were a part of. I know youve said that many times before. Joe walsh, thank you so much for your insight today. John . For the first time north korea confirms it has u. S. Soldier travis king and claims he intentionally fled there seeking refuge from the u. S. Army. And could Actor Alec Baldwin face charges again for the deadly rust shooting. Those charges were dropped. What a new forensic report found. Voltltaren. The joy of movement. I remember when i first started flying, and we would experience turbulence. I would watch the flig. If theyre not nervous, then im not gointo be nervous. Financiall im the Flight Attendant in that situation. The relief that comes over peoe once they know theyve got a guide to help them through, i definitely feel privileged to be in that position. Theyre off from school, but not really home. Images and videos. Social media, finetuned to suck them in. And steal them away. Alone you cant stop it. Together we will. We have a plan. Join us. psst psst ahhhh. With flonase, allergies dont have to be scary. Spray Flonase Sensimist daily for nondrowsy, long lasting relief in a scentfree, gentle mist. psst psst flonase. All good. My a1c was up here; now, its down with rybelsus®. His a1c . Its down with rybelsus®. 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Astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other Allergy Sprays take hours. With astepros unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go this thing, its making me get an ice bath again. What do you mean . These straps are mindblowing they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. And you are . Im an investor. In invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to. Nasdaq 100 innovations like. Wearable training optimization tech. Uh, how long are you. Im done. Im okay. On our radar this hour, a threeyearlong manhunt in utah is now over as a man accused of selling fake covid19 cures is now under arrest. 63yearold Gordon Fetterson has been on the run since 2020. The utah state Attorneys Office said he was selling Fake Products online claiming that they destroy the virus using vibrations. He is also accused of falsely claiming to have two ph. D. S, falsely claiming also to be an antiaging if he had cal doctor. A highway in North Carolina has reopened after a 32car pileup tuesday. Parts of i40 was shut down after Severe Weather led to the crash. Police say the storms also downed trees and power lines and closed other roads in the area. Durham Authorities Say that a 78yearold woman was killed after a tree fell and struck her suv in all of this. A new twist following the shooting on the rust film set. Charges against Actor Alec Baldwin could be refiled. This is because a new forensic report shows that the gun would only fire if the trigger of that gun, which was used in the incident, was pulled. The report was filed as part of a Defense Motion on behalf of the sets armorer Hannah Gutierrezreed who has been charged and is facing charges in this case. Baldwin was also originally charged, you will remember, with Involuntary Manslaughter but the charges were dropped after prosecutors cited evidence that the gun had been modified. Baldwin has consistently said he did not pull the trigger. This morning for the first time north korea is publicly confirming that u. S. Private travis king is there. State media claims he was seeking refuge because he was angry about what he calls this is what they claim that he was angry about mistreatment and discrimination in the u. S. Army. The soldier sprinted across the border last month. Cnns Paula Hancocks is live across the border in seoul. What are you learning . Reporter john, its important to start this off with the fact, as you say, they claim. This is from the north korean staterun media, this is not coming directly from travis king himself, but What Pyongyang is saying is that the reason that travis king, they claim, went across the border was so that he could seek refuge in north korea or in a third country. Now, in this article they say the soldier felt, quote, harbored ill feeling against inhuman Malpractice Treatment and Racial Discrimination within the u. S. Army. Now, a u. S. Defense official has said they cant verify the alleged comments from travis king, but their priority remains to be making sure that they can get him home quickly and safely. Now, we have also heard from the mother of travis king through a statement from the spokesperson since this has come out from north korea and this is reading, mrs. Gates is aware of todays report from kcna. Dprk authorities are responsible for travis wellbeing and she continues to appeal to them to treat him humanly. She is a mom worried about her son and would be grateful for a phone call from him. Now, of course, this is a very worrying time for the family. What we didnt see in this article, though, was any indication about the condition of travis king or even his whereabouts. Its worth pointing out as well that this was an article in kcna which means its read by the outside world, its not read inside north korea and as far as we know at this point they are completely unaware within the country that this has even happened. This did happen a month ago, its the first time we have heard anything about travis king so certainly that at least will give some hope. Im sure the family would like to know more than that. Thank you for your reporting on this. The family at the center of the movie The Blind Side is Calling Accusations by former nfl star Michael Oher Outlandish and hurtful, but oher said he was never adopted but tricked into a conservatorship while the family kept all the proceeds from a blockbuster film about his life. More on that ahead. Start your d day with nature made. The 1 Pharmacist Recommmmended vitamin and supplement brand. Power e trades easytouse tools, like dynamic charting and riskreward analysis help make trading feel effortless. 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The more we understand you, the better we can help you. Thats what u. S. Bank is for. Huge relief. Yeah. This morning the family at the center of the controversy over the movie The Blind Side are pushing back against accusations that they took badvantage of th man they took in. Michael oher, now hes claiming sean and Leigh Ann Tuohy lied about adopting him and kept millions of dollars of proceeds from him. An attorney for the tuohy family calls those accusations outlandish, hurtful and absurd. Oher has now file the petition to end the tuohys conservatorship of him. Brynn gingras is following this. What else is the family saying after the accusations by michael oher. We saw each other yesterday. We were talking about how there had to be more to the story. According to the family, theres a lot more. They released a lengthy statement to the organizations basically saying michael oher is the one thats been blackmailing them multiple times prior to this lawsuit being filed claiming that he said he would plant a negative story in the press if the tuohy family did not give him th 15 million. His lawyers are not responding to the claim and unclear if it is even true. Part of the statement that the tuohy family has been saying. Anyone with a modicum of common sense can see that the outlandish claims made by michael oher about the tuohy family are hurtful and absurd. The idea that the tuohys have ever sought to profit off of mr. Oher is not only offensive, it is transparently ridiculous. Again, in the statement they say that again, hes tried to do this multiple times and this is just a ploy to promote his book that is currently out right now and they said if he wants to be released from his conservatorship that they would be willing to do so. One thing to point out, though. They do finally acknowledge, sara that there was a conservatorship. We talked about that yesterday. Were they adoptive parents or conservatorship. There are questions about what that conservatorship means. For one, are they still making money off michael oher . Those are questions we are continuing to ask, sara. Brynn gingras. So much to learn about this story and a lot of people are interested in it because it was an inspiring movie and an inspiring story. Kate . Coming up for us u donald trump is up against the clock now in georgia with a nineday deadline to surrender. What were learning about how it can all go down when he is booked. Well be back. A thing go r ight it takes two to make it outta sight one, two, getet loose now it takes two to make a. Stay two nights anand get a 50 Best Western Gigift car. Book now at bestwestern. Com. At mint mobile, we like to do the opopposite of what big wireless does. They charge you a lot. We charge you a little. They put their names on arenas. 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