Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240704

trump. georgia's republican governor shutting down trump's latest tirade after he was indicted by a grand jury. lawyer ty cobb is my guest. why he says these charges pack a real punch. ten days to surrender. the to being clicking for trump and his closest allies to turn himself in. how did trump allegedly get so many people to do his bidding. one of his former executives for many years is my guest. russia ramping up its attacks, targeting apartment buildings and a kindergarten far from the front lines. let's go "outfrunt." ten days to turn himself in. as trump slams fani willis as failed, forcing georgia's conservative republican governor brian kemp who, by the way, supported trump and says he voted for him prompted him to say, quote, the 2020 election in georgia was not stolen. for nearly three years now anyone with evidence of fraud has failed to come forward and provide anything in a court of law. our elections in georgia are secure, access bld and fair and will continue to be as long as i'm governor. the facts remain facts. the fiction, the falsehood is still believed by many tens of millions of americans. tonight as trump and 18 others have ten days to turn themselves in facing serious criminal cou charges, 0 years if convicted, one is making a move for a get-out-of-jail-free card. mark meadows filing a court motion to move his case to federal court in and effort to get it dismissed. we'll have more on this in a moment. fannie willis says she would like to try trump in the next six months, one of many cases going to trial in the winter and spring. think about it. in all, trump, who is by far the front-runner the republican presidential field is facing an astounding 91 criminal charges in four criminal cases. let's say it again. can you imagine right now the person in line to get the republican nomination is facing 91 criminal charges. it is historical. it is incredible. it's astounding. in a moment i'll speak to trump's former white house lawyer, ty cobb. first i want to go to paula reid at the atlanta courthouse. paula, ten days to turn themselves in. what more can you tell us about this filing by mark meadows who was so crucial and so central in all of this, and what's next in the case? >> reporter: erin, we learned in this filing mark meadows is attempting to move the state prosecution to the federal level. his attorneys believe if they are successful getting this moved to the federal jurisdiction, that they will be able to get it dismissed. even if he's successful in getting this moved to a federal court, it doesn't move the entire 19 defendant case. this is something that would have to happen defendant by defendant. we've learned in our reporting that multiple other defendants are also expected to attempt this. rudy giuliani said today in an interview he's going to try to get his case moved to federal court. we know former president trump is expected to try as well. even if they're not successful in getting it dismissed, it's impossible to know if that will prevail. if they can get this moved to federal court, the one big advantage for the former president and his allies would be the jury pool. here in fulton county, it skews democratic. there's also the possibility that anyone who is convicted could be eligible for a pardon from a future president. right now, erin, right in front of us they have just ten days for their surrender and then a judge will set dates for these initial appearances. >> paula, thank you very much. at that atlanta courthouse. out front now, ty cobb the former trump white house lawyer. ty, i want to start with paula's reporting. mark meadows wants to change the wren view, open himself up to a pardon. he's charged in the georgia case but not by jack smith and the federal doj case. do these charges by fani willis change anything for what's at stake for mark meadows if he did cooperate with jack smith on the federal case, as i know you think he did? >> yes. i don't have any doubt that he cooperated in the federal case. the fact that he didn't have immunity or whatever deal he got with the feds with fani willis does not indicate that he did not cooperate with the kids. into think he was very active on their behalf. with regard to his attempt to move the venue to -- move the case to federal court, of the 19 defendants, i think meadows is the only person with an arguable chance of succeeding. he's charged in the rico count and then two counts related to the telephone call with brad raffensperger where trump asked for one more vote than they had. as i believe his motion reflects, he's charged essentially with setting up and attending meetings, doing scheduling and going to a federal building which is actually not compelling for keeping it in state court. i think there is a chance, not necessarily a great chance, but there's a decent chance that mark meadows' case could be removed. trump's case can never be removed. none of the other defendants actually have the benefit of federal service during the time of the offenses that would qualify them under this statute. >> an interesting view you think meadows has a chance. i know you're not overemphasizing that. fani willis made it clear xi wants to move fast, get it going within six months. is there any chance that fani willis goes before jack smith? >> no. there's no chance in my view that fani willis goes within two years. >> two years? >> yes. that would be my estimated time. there are 19 defendants, there are different charges. everybody will have motions galore. i disagree with some of the reporting i heard today where people were saying, not only do they have the motions, but then they'll be able to appeal the motions. the reality is you don't get to appeal a lot of trial court motions absent the permission of the judge or a constitutional opportunity. so i wouldn't worry so much about that. this case will take a long time for people to prepare. there will be motions for severance, motions to dismiss. if it takes her two years, heaven forbid that trump wins the presidency. then there will be a fight to the supreme court over whether she can proceed against a sitting president during his term. that's an issue that's never been resolved. the federal prosecutors are not allowed to indict or prosecute a president during his term. but as to state court prosecutors, that issue has never been resolved and could delay things quite some time. >> what is your bottom line in terms of the quality of the case. the timing would be quite protracted at best. >> i think this is a very effective indictment. don't get me wrong. 161 specific acts. she's got a lot of proof as to the bulk of those. my only criticism -- i disagree with chris christie but in a principled way. i think it was important to georgia and certainly important to her that to have trump as a defendant. it would be a little hard to explain to the jury why you have all these acolytes, but not the kingpin in a rico case. i think she did the right thing in indicting trump. i think she did add some pretty fringe defendants. i'm not sure zen alice who was never making policy dixs or independent decisions or some of the local attorneys who were merely serving the wishes of sydidney powell and rudy giulia, i'm not sure she can prove that they believed they were being lied to. i think there's some fringe defendants that raise issues. but the core of this against trump and the significant defendants is very, very strong case. >> trump says he's going to be giving, a quote, major news conference, his words obviously. he says he will present a large complex, detailed, irrefutable report on the al fraud that took place in florida. brian kemp is as conservative as a republican comes. he's been loud and clear that there's no fraud in georgia. on and on and on. ridiculous to even go through it. that's what the president is going to try to do next week, trying to flood the airwaves with it. what is he doing with that? >> this is all trump pr. this is generating chaos. frankly, there's a good chance that whatever document he produces ends up as evidence against him. it could even end up as the basis for an obstruction count against the author because it's likely to be fiction and solely for the purpose of contaminating the jury pool. the reality is brian kemp and brad raffensperger each deserve a pat on the back for the courage that they've shown, putting country before party. i think the absence of evidence of fraud is patently obvious to anybody that's followed the georgia events and certainly anybody who reads this indictment will be able to see how fraudulently those claims were made. >> all right. ty cobb, thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> my pleasure. nice to be with you, erin. >> you, too. just in, we're getting new details about the special counsel's search warrant to get access to trump's twitter account. a development in the jack smith case with a live report on what we know. we're going through the pages as i speak. an incredible story of survival. i'll talk to a family forced to jump into the ocean even though they didn't know how to swim to escape the fires rushing upon them in maui. what happened? 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i know you've been going through it in the past few moments. >> what we see is the warrant itself. it outlines a really broad scope. we want all these things the special counsel was seeking before they decided to bring charges against donald trump related to january 6th. the meat of what we can see in these new filings. these filings are now unsealed by the federal court in washington where that case is public. these filings capture the transcripts of hearings where prosecutors and then the lawyers for twitter are talking to the judge about what the special counsel's office is speaking here from the account of donald trump. erin, the thing that jumps out the most is something we didn't even know existed related to donald trump's twitter account, @real donald trump. he had direct messages. at one point during the hearings a lawyer for twitter said they did a search to find out how much direct messages may be part of his account. he says there was a volume for this account. there are confidential communications, confirmed that to the prosecutors. apparently the prosecutors are able eventually to obtain this data from the court record we have already, they were able to get what they sought from twitter. there are other pieces in these transcripts where prosecutors led on to what they're looking for, looking for communications been donald trump's twitter account, maybe officials on his campaign. also looking for communications related to his account when or around the time it was suspended and terminated after january 6th. the thing is, we don't know what they found when they got this bulk of data from twit including what may have been in those direct messages, even deleted direct messages that twitter was able to pull up. what this shows is the depth of how far special counsel's office was able to go in collecting evidence. the indictment against drmt doesn't have any messages from twitter sited in it. there may be information that the special counsel's office still has that we could see at trial or that they may still be investigating around. we just don't know what they got and what they'll do with it. erin. >> such an important reminder that the indictment is a cliff's notes. you may use one point when there's 40 more. fascinating there was a lot of direct messages from an account, a former president who we know famously did not email, did not text people. this is obviously really eye-opening. katelyn polantz. if she gets more, she'll come back. ryan goodman is with us, along with karen fill filippo. i remember whet katelyn and team broke this news, that there was this warrant. now she's got it. 500 pages of this back and forth. you mentioned dms might be a part of it. this is a former president who didn't text and did not email. apparently there's a voluminous amount of direct messages, some of which were deleted, others that had confidential information that were in this account. >> we had some idea this might be in here just from the court of appeals decision, referring to twitter having said they didn't want to give out this morning, that the cat was out of the back, that they were obtaining direct messages between him and another party that are not public on twitter. that said, the time scale for the search warrant means this is not just around january 6th. it's much broader than that. it's soaking up a lot of information that the government must have had probable cause, and then the second is, of course, we don't yet know, are the dms only incoming he's famously known for not really emailing. it could be that he's receiving private dms coming in and maybe not sending them out. that could be part of what's still very valuable information. >> we don't know exactly culpability in terms of, he tweeted some. his aide tweeted some from his account. karen, it is interesting, as katelyn noted, we didn't see in the actual indictment from jack smith use of this information. it doesn't mean it isn't hugely consequential and valuable and somehow going to come up at trial. it wasn't actually in there. what does that say to you? >> it doesn't really say much. a lot of times prosecutors gather things, and if donald trump would take the stand, wow would have this information to cross-examine here. you might not use it in your case in chief, but you want to have it anyway because it forecloses certain avenues that he might use as defenses or reasons for doing certain things or not. so it just shows that the prosecutor has a lot in there. donald trump, as he goes out and makes these public statements and says things, he doesn't know what they have. if they have things that refute things he says publicly, i think he could get himself in into a little trouble. >> key point being deleted ones as well. >> even further evidence of indiscriminating. >> this development of the special counsel's case on twitter comes as he's facing -- i don't want to use the word dueling. we do know they weren't talking. we should say dual or dueling, between georgia and the donl. the venn diagram is huge. these two sliver moons and this giant overlap in terms of content and acts and even people involved. so how is that a good thing? >> it's a good thing for the two prosecutors in the sense that this now places a ton of pressure on some of these major co-conspirators to flip and cooperate. i could imagine a number of the co-conspirators in the federal case are holiding out for the possibility that trump or another republican gets elected and they quash the justice department's prosecution alto altogether. they can hold out. now they've got double jeopardy in georgia and there's no federal pardon that can save them. it's a time where they have to think carefully about cooperating. >> you heard ty cobb take issue with, why did you brother with this. ty thinks it was still important. do you think it's still important? >> absolutely. the georgia case -- first of all, she has an interest in georgia. abby phillip was saying last night how fulton county has a large black population. this was an attempt to disenfranchise black voters in that particular county. they tarringed that county. for that reason alone, fani willis has -- >> an obligation. >> absolutely. it's been widely reported, there's no federal pardon that can be done in georgia, and it's a committee. it's not just a republican governor to pardon anybody. it makes it pardon-proof. i think there's lots of reasons why it's a really important indictment. she was also investigating this prior to the department of justice even going close to any of the trumps and the heavy hitter players. she had this case going for 2 1/2 years. jack smith only started doing it seven months ago. she had her case. she developed her case, she built her case and brought her case. >> thank you both very much. 18 of trump's former aides and allies have been charged with triegs to overturn the election in georgia. is the former president concerned they could flip? a former vice president for the trump organization is next. it was a life-or-death decision. family of five trapped by the deadly wildfires in hawaii with seconds left to live or die forced to jump into the pacific ocean. none of them could swim. they're alive tonight. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. some people think you can only have one favorite team. well i beg to differ. that's why i got xfinity. so, i can catch all my favorite teams' out-of-market sunday afternoon games. and for the first time ever, no dish needed. in a word—it's fitz-credible... no. i got it, fitz-sational. i should trademark that. eligible xfinity rewards members can get up to $100 off nfl sunday ticket from youtube. sign up for xfinity rewards now. wow, you get to watch all your favorite stuff. it's to die for. and it's all right here. streaming was never this easy, you know. this is the way. you really went all out didn't you? um, it's called commitment. could you turn down the volume? here, you can try. get way more into what your into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. tonight rudy giuliani is speaking out after going charged by the fulton county d.a., defending his efforts after the 2020 election. >> i'm the same rudy giuliani that went after the mafia. i haven't changed one bit. the country has become fascist and communist. gosh almighty, if donald trump committed a crime, love him though i do, i'd put him in jail. >> giuliani joins a long list of trump attorneys who finds himself in legal trouble. michael cohen went to prison. jessica schneider is out front. >> fani willis charging 19 people in the alleged criminal enterprise to overturn the 2020 election. eight of them are lawyers, professionally obligated to follow the law, but now accused of breaking it. already at least one is now claiming the d.a. is criminalizing the practice of law. >> it is ir redeembly khamised. >> trump campaign attorney jenna ellis falsely claimeding widespread election fraud, defending her actions. rudy giuliani also shot back on his radio show. >> this is all protected free speech. this is what you're allowed to do to contest an election. this is what a lawyer is allowed to do in representing a client. >> giuliani is charged with 13 counts in the indictment, more than any other defendant except trump. in a statement he called the charges an affront to american democracy. former federal prosecutor elliot williams pointed out someone's status as an attorney doesn't give them carte blanche to break the law. >> an attorney can provide legal representation to a client as long as they're not urging the client to commit a crime or committing a crime themselves. the mere fact that these individuals were attorneys doesn't somehow absolve them. >> reporter: giuliani is charged as part of a racketeering conspiracy. he's facing additional charges including making false statements to the georgia house and senate when he testified in 2020 about bogus voter fraud claims. >> there are ten days to demonstrate that this election was stolen, that the votes were phony, dead people, felons, phony ballots, phony mail-in ballots. >> reporter: others charged include joft eastman and kenneth cheese borrow who outlined a planned to get mike pence to block the certification on january 6th. jeff clark bs, a top justice official who drafted a letter he hoped doj would send to leaders falsely claiming fraud. >> the fraud at state farm arena was deliberately plant. >> robert cheeley has also been charged, along with john smith. sidney powell has been charged with seven crimes including her alleged involvement in her scheme to break into voting machines in coffee county, georgia. she reportedly and falsely declared dominion voting systems as false. >> that's when the dominion operators went in and injected votes and changed the whole sy system. >> reporter: dominion is actually suing sidney powell and rudy giuliani for defamation. their legal troubles, erin, have only been compounded by the latest criminal case out of georgia. tonight late john eastman's attorney also responded. he said the activity in this latest indictment in higgs words is political, not criminal. a common refrain we're hearing from these defendants. i want to go to barbara rez, the former executive vice president for the trump organization, worked with donald trump for 18 years. barbara, you know him better than anyone. you're author of the book "tower of lies." when jessica was working this piece, barbara, i really wanted to talk to you. you've been there in the sense of you've been around him. you've worked for him, seen how loyal some people can be. we look at the long list of trump lawyers indicted. to you, what explains why so many people compromised themselves, compromised facts, compromised truth nfor him? >> if you look at a group of people, there is a certain level of arrogance that comes across the same group, and lying was the trump opinion, they feel they can do nothing wrong, that they can't get caught. lawyers are allowed to lie. i'm a lawyer. lawyers aren't allowed to lie. they're just making this up and trying to find a way to get themselves off. if they can't, then i think you'll see them singing a different song. i hope they can't. >> singing a different song. there are 18 other co-defendants just in the georgia case alone, right? there are 58 people, therefore, who could flip on him. barbara, a lot of people are people who either barely knew him and might not have much to add in terms of value. others knew him and worked for him for a long time, would have no reason to have depth of personality loyalty. do you think he's worried about that, about them flipping? >> the personal loyalty thing has always been a lot of bs. loyalty was purchased. t people loyal to them are loyal for a reason, they're getting paid. their kids are in trouble and trump was threatening to get them in trouble. they're going to offer him a big job. buying favors from people. some they're protecting themselves from what he has to intimidate them or embarrass them. >> we think about allen weisselberg, paying for his grandchildren's education and all sorts of things. that was repaid in loyalty. barbara, you're a lawyer, as you said. now you look at trump's situation, facing a total of 91 criminal charges. i am truly astounded by that. there's something about the number that brings it home for me. four separate criminal cases. do you think he understand the gravity of this? >> yeah. i'm not sure that he has up until now, because he surrounds himself with people that will tell him the lies he wants to hear. it reenforces. even though he knows it's not true, when he's got enough people telling the same lies, that lie becomes believable. i've seen that. that people lie. i think he thought he had it under control and believed that he should. but this time i think now it's a little bit overwhelming. i think it's just too many people, too many risks out there, people that can turn on him. >> well, it if that's true, an unprecedented moment. we'll see how it affects his behavior. thank you, barbara. glad to talk to you again. >> thank you. my pleasure. in hawaii one mother was bracing for the worst, saying goodbye to her 5-year-old as flames raged around them. she did survive. russia firing into ukraine way far from the front lines, striking homes and apartments in western ukraine. even a kindergarten there. let me be direct... you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? 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how can we help? i've seen that multiple times, neighbors trying to help other neighbors. they say that's the only way they're going to be able to move forward. erin. >> gloria, thank you very much in maui tonight. the horrific devastation has changed the lives of so many, even the survivors. including tee dang with her three children and husband in a rental car in lahaina when the vehicles around them began exploding and catching fire. they were forced to jump in the water to save themselves. they were in the water for more than four hours to save themselves. i'm so glad to be talking to you. i can't imagine, you've got three children, on vacation, truly it's incomprehincomprehen. how are you and your family doing tonight? >> we're getting through. just processing thefrg. hearing the news, it's just heartb heartbreaking. we're still shaken up by it. >> i can't imagine. i know it's not just a thing where a few days later you'll be okay. this will change you forever. as a mother, i scant even imagine what you feared there. i know the fire was pong you almost immediately, and you're there on vacation. are you able to tell me how it happened? >> not really. we didn't know nothing. i don't think anyone knew nug new anything. we were eating in our airbnb. someone knocked on our door and told us to evacuate. we didn't know what to do. it just happened so fast. >> we have videos that you shared. you're there with your children. the fire, we can see from some of this, incredibly close. then you end up in this situation that i think has just captured people's imagination, the sense that you can't even imagine how you would feel when you choose to dive into the ocean when you can't swim. you did it to survive. this is life or death. it's die by fire orr possibly dire by drowning. you chose to go into the water. what was that decision, that moment like 1234. >> i don't know. my husband was the decision maker basically. he told us, our only right now is to jump into the ocean. in the ocean at least we eat get some wet, some cool air. that was our only choice. there was nothing else. >> so you just ran in -- i know obviously where you could stand. then you're in the water with your three children. just to state the obvious, two adults and three children. you've got an extra child, none of them swim. you've got a 5-year-old, a little girl, and she stopped moving. >> yes. we jumped down and then we were just -- these rocks are huge. we opened the car to jump down, it was just like hot, oven, fire at us. we couldn't breathe when we opened the car door. my daughter didn't know what was going on. she couldn't breathe. she kept going like this, like this. she was just saying she couldn't breathe, she couldn't breathe. she was screaming. i don't know. maybe the smoke got to her and she fainted. he kept shaking her. we kept telling her -- i'm calling her name. my son heard me calling her name. he was calling her name, i don't know for how long. she finally woke up. she was just kind of out of it. she was like, huh? we started huddling in and trying to keep our family tight so we wouldn't get burned from the fire and get washed away from the water. >> tee, i thknow your children e safe, you're alive, thank god. in those moments, i know there was a moment when you thought your daughter had died. >> oh, my gosh, yes. right when she fapted. my heart just dropped. just dropped. i thought i lost her at that point. i didn't even know what to do. i wouldn't know. instantly she just fainted. i didn't know what to do. i couldn't. i couldn't imagine losing her at that point. >> i'm so sorry, tee. like any mother or father watching, talking to you, i truly can't even imagine that moment. thank god that you're okay. i do want to give you a chance just to -- is there anything you would want to say to those i know saved you, saved your children and your husband? >> yes. i would love to thank ben croft, especially ted tyler, chris and this volunteer that took us out of nowhere, took us to the airport. the hawaiian people. they give us hope. they saved us. without them, we would not be alive. i just want people to help maui. help and donate. don't forget. just support them. they are truly the hero. without them, my family would not be alive today. >> tee, thank you so much for talking. i know it's hard. thank you so much for sharing this. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> our thoughts to you and your precious children and especially that precious little girl. thank you. >> yes, thank you. tee dang there who just came back from hawaii. next, russia says ukraine is running out of steam in its counteroffensive. why are they targeting civilians far from the front lines? our fred pleitgen reporting on the barrage. hunter biden's defense attorney asking to be removed from his case. we'll tell you why. it's right there! ♪ oh, he's straight aheaead. he's straight ahead. straight ahead. go go go. ♪ cover more ground in the kia sportage turbo-hybrid. kia. movement that inspires. i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. get a personal loan with low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. and no fees required. sofi. get your money right. wake up, achievers. you're making the most of every hour of your life. except the hours that you're sleeping. so why do we leave so much untapped potential on the table? this is a next level bed, for a next level you. my circadian rhythm is kicking your circadian rhythms butt! it's not a competition. i know, but i'm still winning! so, it is a competition. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. shop now only at sleep number. you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? ...a clown! sorry, what app was it again? no, no. just give me a second... amateurs. ohhh! sorry everybody. directv sports central gives you access to every game... you never have to compromise on gameday. ...was that necessary? i was just illustrating a point. oh. get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [baby crying] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wherever you go. wherever you stay. all you need is one key. earn and use rewards across expedia,, and vrbo. tonight, new video into "outfront" showing the intensity of rockaway beach attacks on the front lines, russians targeting near bakhmut on the eastern front but came as a rare russian attack on the west of ukraine has rocked the city of lviv destroying apartment buildings, a supermarket and kindergarten. fred pleitgen is "outfront." >> reporter: a massive russian missile strike in western ukraine. kyiv saying more than 100 apartments and houses were damaged. while the russians claim they hit military industrial sites, this woman says she was at home with her grandson when a missile struck their barn. "i yelled at him that the cow shed was on fire and saw flames in our barn," she says. he told me, "granny, the cow shed and the barn are gone, everything has burned to the ground." more than a dozen were injured by the attacks the ukrainians say a kindergarten completely destroyed. in northwestern ukraine, rescuers managed to pull this man from the rubble of a building. the strikes come as ukraine's army continues to pressure russian forces in the east and in the south but with only modest gains. ukraine's president, volodymyr zelenskyy, visiting troops on the southern front in an effort to boost morale. >> minister of defense of the russian federation -- >> reporter: but russian's defense minister claiming kyiv's counteroffensive is running out of steam. the preliminary results of combat operations show that ukraine's military resources are almost exhausted, he says, and a swipe at the u.s. and its allies. as for western made weapons supplied to ukraine i'd like to stress that as of today there is nothing unique and ink vulnerable compared to the russian weaponry in many cases even soviet-made equipment surpasses western models. but russian forces themselves have failed to make any significant gains in more than a year and a new offensive in eastern ukraine barely yielding progress so far. moscow's overnight missile strikes hit only a few miles from nato's eastern flank where staunch u.s. ally poland conducted its own show of force marking armed forces day which commemorates poland's victory over the soviet union in 1920. ♪ it is also a perfect day to show our strength, the defense minister says, to show that we have built powerful armed forces that will effectively defend our borders without hesitation. the parade also featured u.s.-made weapons as poland confronts threats from putin and his main ally, alexander lukashenko in belarus. fred pleitgen, cnn. "outfront" next, the latest twist and turns, a development in the hunter biden criminal case. ooooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. libertrty. liberty. ♪ oh, ♪ somewhere, anywhere... ♪ ♪ i juswant to lie motionless in a chair! ♪ booking.m, booking.yeah ♪ ♪ every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. tonight the special counsel saying they're withdrawing the gun charge calling it invalid. the justice department saying it is not legally binding which, of course, is contrary to what biden's lawyer claims so that is ongoing but comes in this significant context which is that hunter biden's lead defense attorney is asking to withdraw from the case. christopher clark who has overseen the case says he has to leave the team because he could be called as a witness in future proceedings. obviously the legal storm surrounding the president's son is not clearing up any time soon as a special counsel now is -- the special counsel is taking over and his wide, wide purview for any investigations that arise from the investigation into hunter biden. thanks so much for joining us. anderson starts now. tonight on "360" just hours after being indicted, the former president promises that this time years later he's really got evidence of election fraud. no

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Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Erin 20240704

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trump. georgia's republican governor shutting down trump's latest tirade after he was indicted by a grand jury. lawyer ty cobb is my guest. why he says these charges pack a real punch. ten days to surrender. the to being clicking for trump and his closest allies to turn himself in. how did trump allegedly get so many people to do his bidding. one of his former executives for many years is my guest. russia ramping up its attacks, targeting apartment buildings and a kindergarten far from the front lines. let's go "outfrunt." ten days to turn himself in. as trump slams fani willis as failed, forcing georgia's conservative republican governor brian kemp who, by the way, supported trump and says he voted for him prompted him to say, quote, the 2020 election in georgia was not stolen. for nearly three years now anyone with evidence of fraud has failed to come forward and provide anything in a court of law. our elections in georgia are secure, access bld and fair and will continue to be as long as i'm governor. the facts remain facts. the fiction, the falsehood is still believed by many tens of millions of americans. tonight as trump and 18 others have ten days to turn themselves in facing serious criminal cou charges, 0 years if convicted, one is making a move for a get-out-of-jail-free card. mark meadows filing a court motion to move his case to federal court in and effort to get it dismissed. we'll have more on this in a moment. fannie willis says she would like to try trump in the next six months, one of many cases going to trial in the winter and spring. think about it. in all, trump, who is by far the front-runner the republican presidential field is facing an astounding 91 criminal charges in four criminal cases. let's say it again. can you imagine right now the person in line to get the republican nomination is facing 91 criminal charges. it is historical. it is incredible. it's astounding. in a moment i'll speak to trump's former white house lawyer, ty cobb. first i want to go to paula reid at the atlanta courthouse. paula, ten days to turn themselves in. what more can you tell us about this filing by mark meadows who was so crucial and so central in all of this, and what's next in the case? >> reporter: erin, we learned in this filing mark meadows is attempting to move the state prosecution to the federal level. his attorneys believe if they are successful getting this moved to the federal jurisdiction, that they will be able to get it dismissed. even if he's successful in getting this moved to a federal court, it doesn't move the entire 19 defendant case. this is something that would have to happen defendant by defendant. we've learned in our reporting that multiple other defendants are also expected to attempt this. rudy giuliani said today in an interview he's going to try to get his case moved to federal court. we know former president trump is expected to try as well. even if they're not successful in getting it dismissed, it's impossible to know if that will prevail. if they can get this moved to federal court, the one big advantage for the former president and his allies would be the jury pool. here in fulton county, it skews democratic. there's also the possibility that anyone who is convicted could be eligible for a pardon from a future president. right now, erin, right in front of us they have just ten days for their surrender and then a judge will set dates for these initial appearances. >> paula, thank you very much. at that atlanta courthouse. out front now, ty cobb the former trump white house lawyer. ty, i want to start with paula's reporting. mark meadows wants to change the wren view, open himself up to a pardon. he's charged in the georgia case but not by jack smith and the federal doj case. do these charges by fani willis change anything for what's at stake for mark meadows if he did cooperate with jack smith on the federal case, as i know you think he did? >> yes. i don't have any doubt that he cooperated in the federal case. the fact that he didn't have immunity or whatever deal he got with the feds with fani willis does not indicate that he did not cooperate with the kids. into think he was very active on their behalf. with regard to his attempt to move the venue to -- move the case to federal court, of the 19 defendants, i think meadows is the only person with an arguable chance of succeeding. he's charged in the rico count and then two counts related to the telephone call with brad raffensperger where trump asked for one more vote than they had. as i believe his motion reflects, he's charged essentially with setting up and attending meetings, doing scheduling and going to a federal building which is actually not compelling for keeping it in state court. i think there is a chance, not necessarily a great chance, but there's a decent chance that mark meadows' case could be removed. trump's case can never be removed. none of the other defendants actually have the benefit of federal service during the time of the offenses that would qualify them under this statute. >> an interesting view you think meadows has a chance. i know you're not overemphasizing that. fani willis made it clear xi wants to move fast, get it going within six months. is there any chance that fani willis goes before jack smith? >> no. there's no chance in my view that fani willis goes within two years. >> two years? >> yes. that would be my estimated time. there are 19 defendants, there are different charges. everybody will have motions galore. i disagree with some of the reporting i heard today where people were saying, not only do they have the motions, but then they'll be able to appeal the motions. the reality is you don't get to appeal a lot of trial court motions absent the permission of the judge or a constitutional opportunity. so i wouldn't worry so much about that. this case will take a long time for people to prepare. there will be motions for severance, motions to dismiss. if it takes her two years, heaven forbid that trump wins the presidency. then there will be a fight to the supreme court over whether she can proceed against a sitting president during his term. that's an issue that's never been resolved. the federal prosecutors are not allowed to indict or prosecute a president during his term. but as to state court prosecutors, that issue has never been resolved and could delay things quite some time. >> what is your bottom line in terms of the quality of the case. the timing would be quite protracted at best. >> i think this is a very effective indictment. don't get me wrong. 161 specific acts. she's got a lot of proof as to the bulk of those. my only criticism -- i disagree with chris christie but in a principled way. i think it was important to georgia and certainly important to her that to have trump as a defendant. it would be a little hard to explain to the jury why you have all these acolytes, but not the kingpin in a rico case. i think she did the right thing in indicting trump. i think she did add some pretty fringe defendants. i'm not sure zen alice who was never making policy dixs or independent decisions or some of the local attorneys who were merely serving the wishes of sydidney powell and rudy giulia, i'm not sure she can prove that they believed they were being lied to. i think there's some fringe defendants that raise issues. but the core of this against trump and the significant defendants is very, very strong case. >> trump says he's going to be giving, a quote, major news conference, his words obviously. he says he will present a large complex, detailed, irrefutable report on the al fraud that took place in florida. brian kemp is as conservative as a republican comes. he's been loud and clear that there's no fraud in georgia. on and on and on. ridiculous to even go through it. that's what the president is going to try to do next week, trying to flood the airwaves with it. what is he doing with that? >> this is all trump pr. this is generating chaos. frankly, there's a good chance that whatever document he produces ends up as evidence against him. it could even end up as the basis for an obstruction count against the author because it's likely to be fiction and solely for the purpose of contaminating the jury pool. the reality is brian kemp and brad raffensperger each deserve a pat on the back for the courage that they've shown, putting country before party. i think the absence of evidence of fraud is patently obvious to anybody that's followed the georgia events and certainly anybody who reads this indictment will be able to see how fraudulently those claims were made. >> all right. ty cobb, thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> my pleasure. nice to be with you, erin. >> you, too. just in, we're getting new details about the special counsel's search warrant to get access to trump's twitter account. a development in the jack smith case with a live report on what we know. we're going through the pages as i speak. an incredible story of survival. i'll talk to a family forced to jump into the ocean even though they didn't know how to swim to escape the fires rushing upon them in maui. what happened? how did they survive? new developments in the hunter biden case. why hunter biden's attorney is asking to be dismissssed from tt case. how can you sleep on such a firm setting? gab, mine is almost the same as yours. almost is just another word for not as good as mine. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition art bed. plus, free home delive when you add a base. shop now only at sleep number when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with u. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. gives you access to every game. but terry doesn't have directv. come on. work for dad- here... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv my barbecue is ruined. what do we always say, son? 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i know you've been going through it in the past few moments. >> what we see is the warrant itself. it outlines a really broad scope. we want all these things the special counsel was seeking before they decided to bring charges against donald trump related to january 6th. the meat of what we can see in these new filings. these filings are now unsealed by the federal court in washington where that case is public. these filings capture the transcripts of hearings where prosecutors and then the lawyers for twitter are talking to the judge about what the special counsel's office is speaking here from the account of donald trump. erin, the thing that jumps out the most is something we didn't even know existed related to donald trump's twitter account, @real donald trump. he had direct messages. at one point during the hearings a lawyer for twitter said they did a search to find out how much direct messages may be part of his account. he says there was a volume for this account. there are confidential communications, confirmed that to the prosecutors. apparently the prosecutors are able eventually to obtain this data from the court record we have already, they were able to get what they sought from twitter. there are other pieces in these transcripts where prosecutors led on to what they're looking for, looking for communications been donald trump's twitter account, maybe officials on his campaign. also looking for communications related to his account when or around the time it was suspended and terminated after january 6th. the thing is, we don't know what they found when they got this bulk of data from twit including what may have been in those direct messages, even deleted direct messages that twitter was able to pull up. what this shows is the depth of how far special counsel's office was able to go in collecting evidence. the indictment against drmt doesn't have any messages from twitter sited in it. there may be information that the special counsel's office still has that we could see at trial or that they may still be investigating around. we just don't know what they got and what they'll do with it. erin. >> such an important reminder that the indictment is a cliff's notes. you may use one point when there's 40 more. fascinating there was a lot of direct messages from an account, a former president who we know famously did not email, did not text people. this is obviously really eye-opening. katelyn polantz. if she gets more, she'll come back. ryan goodman is with us, along with karen fill filippo. i remember whet katelyn and team broke this news, that there was this warrant. now she's got it. 500 pages of this back and forth. you mentioned dms might be a part of it. this is a former president who didn't text and did not email. apparently there's a voluminous amount of direct messages, some of which were deleted, others that had confidential information that were in this account. >> we had some idea this might be in here just from the court of appeals decision, referring to twitter having said they didn't want to give out this morning, that the cat was out of the back, that they were obtaining direct messages between him and another party that are not public on twitter. that said, the time scale for the search warrant means this is not just around january 6th. it's much broader than that. it's soaking up a lot of information that the government must have had probable cause, and then the second is, of course, we don't yet know, are the dms only incoming he's famously known for not really emailing. it could be that he's receiving private dms coming in and maybe not sending them out. that could be part of what's still very valuable information. >> we don't know exactly culpability in terms of, he tweeted some. his aide tweeted some from his account. karen, it is interesting, as katelyn noted, we didn't see in the actual indictment from jack smith use of this information. it doesn't mean it isn't hugely consequential and valuable and somehow going to come up at trial. it wasn't actually in there. what does that say to you? >> it doesn't really say much. a lot of times prosecutors gather things, and if donald trump would take the stand, wow would have this information to cross-examine here. you might not use it in your case in chief, but you want to have it anyway because it forecloses certain avenues that he might use as defenses or reasons for doing certain things or not. so it just shows that the prosecutor has a lot in there. donald trump, as he goes out and makes these public statements and says things, he doesn't know what they have. if they have things that refute things he says publicly, i think he could get himself in into a little trouble. >> key point being deleted ones as well. >> even further evidence of indiscriminating. >> this development of the special counsel's case on twitter comes as he's facing -- i don't want to use the word dueling. we do know they weren't talking. we should say dual or dueling, between georgia and the donl. the venn diagram is huge. these two sliver moons and this giant overlap in terms of content and acts and even people involved. so how is that a good thing? >> it's a good thing for the two prosecutors in the sense that this now places a ton of pressure on some of these major co-conspirators to flip and cooperate. i could imagine a number of the co-conspirators in the federal case are holiding out for the possibility that trump or another republican gets elected and they quash the justice department's prosecution alto altogether. they can hold out. now they've got double jeopardy in georgia and there's no federal pardon that can save them. it's a time where they have to think carefully about cooperating. >> you heard ty cobb take issue with, why did you brother with this. ty thinks it was still important. do you think it's still important? >> absolutely. the georgia case -- first of all, she has an interest in georgia. abby phillip was saying last night how fulton county has a large black population. this was an attempt to disenfranchise black voters in that particular county. they tarringed that county. for that reason alone, fani willis has -- >> an obligation. >> absolutely. it's been widely reported, there's no federal pardon that can be done in georgia, and it's a committee. it's not just a republican governor to pardon anybody. it makes it pardon-proof. i think there's lots of reasons why it's a really important indictment. she was also investigating this prior to the department of justice even going close to any of the trumps and the heavy hitter players. she had this case going for 2 1/2 years. jack smith only started doing it seven months ago. she had her case. she developed her case, she built her case and brought her case. >> thank you both very much. 18 of trump's former aides and allies have been charged with triegs to overturn the election in georgia. is the former president concerned they could flip? a former vice president for the trump organization is next. it was a life-or-death decision. family of five trapped by the deadly wildfires in hawaii with seconds left to live or die forced to jump into the pacific ocean. none of them could swim. they're alive tonight. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. some people think you can only have one favorite team. well i beg to differ. that's why i got xfinity. so, i can catch all my favorite teams' out-of-market sunday afternoon games. and for the first time ever, no dish needed. in a word—it's fitz-credible... no. i got it, fitz-sational. i should trademark that. eligible xfinity rewards members can get up to $100 off nfl sunday ticket from youtube. sign up for xfinity rewards now. wow, you get to watch all your favorite stuff. it's to die for. and it's all right here. streaming was never this easy, you know. this is the way. you really went all out didn't you? um, it's called commitment. could you turn down the volume? here, you can try. get way more into what your into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. tonight rudy giuliani is speaking out after going charged by the fulton county d.a., defending his efforts after the 2020 election. >> i'm the same rudy giuliani that went after the mafia. i haven't changed one bit. the country has become fascist and communist. gosh almighty, if donald trump committed a crime, love him though i do, i'd put him in jail. >> giuliani joins a long list of trump attorneys who finds himself in legal trouble. michael cohen went to prison. jessica schneider is out front. >> fani willis charging 19 people in the alleged criminal enterprise to overturn the 2020 election. eight of them are lawyers, professionally obligated to follow the law, but now accused of breaking it. already at least one is now claiming the d.a. is criminalizing the practice of law. >> it is ir redeembly khamised. >> trump campaign attorney jenna ellis falsely claimeding widespread election fraud, defending her actions. rudy giuliani also shot back on his radio show. >> this is all protected free speech. this is what you're allowed to do to contest an election. this is what a lawyer is allowed to do in representing a client. >> giuliani is charged with 13 counts in the indictment, more than any other defendant except trump. in a statement he called the charges an affront to american democracy. former federal prosecutor elliot williams pointed out someone's status as an attorney doesn't give them carte blanche to break the law. >> an attorney can provide legal representation to a client as long as they're not urging the client to commit a crime or committing a crime themselves. the mere fact that these individuals were attorneys doesn't somehow absolve them. >> reporter: giuliani is charged as part of a racketeering conspiracy. he's facing additional charges including making false statements to the georgia house and senate when he testified in 2020 about bogus voter fraud claims. >> there are ten days to demonstrate that this election was stolen, that the votes were phony, dead people, felons, phony ballots, phony mail-in ballots. >> reporter: others charged include joft eastman and kenneth cheese borrow who outlined a planned to get mike pence to block the certification on january 6th. jeff clark bs, a top justice official who drafted a letter he hoped doj would send to leaders falsely claiming fraud. >> the fraud at state farm arena was deliberately plant. >> robert cheeley has also been charged, along with john smith. sidney powell has been charged with seven crimes including her alleged involvement in her scheme to break into voting machines in coffee county, georgia. she reportedly and falsely declared dominion voting systems as false. >> that's when the dominion operators went in and injected votes and changed the whole sy system. >> reporter: dominion is actually suing sidney powell and rudy giuliani for defamation. their legal troubles, erin, have only been compounded by the latest criminal case out of georgia. tonight late john eastman's attorney also responded. he said the activity in this latest indictment in higgs words is political, not criminal. a common refrain we're hearing from these defendants. i want to go to barbara rez, the former executive vice president for the trump organization, worked with donald trump for 18 years. barbara, you know him better than anyone. you're author of the book "tower of lies." when jessica was working this piece, barbara, i really wanted to talk to you. you've been there in the sense of you've been around him. you've worked for him, seen how loyal some people can be. we look at the long list of trump lawyers indicted. to you, what explains why so many people compromised themselves, compromised facts, compromised truth nfor him? >> if you look at a group of people, there is a certain level of arrogance that comes across the same group, and lying was the trump opinion, they feel they can do nothing wrong, that they can't get caught. lawyers are allowed to lie. i'm a lawyer. lawyers aren't allowed to lie. they're just making this up and trying to find a way to get themselves off. if they can't, then i think you'll see them singing a different song. i hope they can't. >> singing a different song. there are 18 other co-defendants just in the georgia case alone, right? there are 58 people, therefore, who could flip on him. barbara, a lot of people are people who either barely knew him and might not have much to add in terms of value. others knew him and worked for him for a long time, would have no reason to have depth of personality loyalty. do you think he's worried about that, about them flipping? >> the personal loyalty thing has always been a lot of bs. loyalty was purchased. t people loyal to them are loyal for a reason, they're getting paid. their kids are in trouble and trump was threatening to get them in trouble. they're going to offer him a big job. buying favors from people. some they're protecting themselves from what he has to intimidate them or embarrass them. >> we think about allen weisselberg, paying for his grandchildren's education and all sorts of things. that was repaid in loyalty. barbara, you're a lawyer, as you said. now you look at trump's situation, facing a total of 91 criminal charges. i am truly astounded by that. there's something about the number that brings it home for me. four separate criminal cases. do you think he understand the gravity of this? >> yeah. i'm not sure that he has up until now, because he surrounds himself with people that will tell him the lies he wants to hear. it reenforces. even though he knows it's not true, when he's got enough people telling the same lies, that lie becomes believable. i've seen that. that people lie. i think he thought he had it under control and believed that he should. but this time i think now it's a little bit overwhelming. i think it's just too many people, too many risks out there, people that can turn on him. >> well, it if that's true, an unprecedented moment. we'll see how it affects his behavior. thank you, barbara. glad to talk to you again. >> thank you. my pleasure. in hawaii one mother was bracing for the worst, saying goodbye to her 5-year-old as flames raged around them. she did survive. russia firing into ukraine way far from the front lines, striking homes and apartments in western ukraine. even a kindergarten there. let me be direct... you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? 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how can we help? i've seen that multiple times, neighbors trying to help other neighbors. they say that's the only way they're going to be able to move forward. erin. >> gloria, thank you very much in maui tonight. the horrific devastation has changed the lives of so many, even the survivors. including tee dang with her three children and husband in a rental car in lahaina when the vehicles around them began exploding and catching fire. they were forced to jump in the water to save themselves. they were in the water for more than four hours to save themselves. i'm so glad to be talking to you. i can't imagine, you've got three children, on vacation, truly it's incomprehincomprehen. how are you and your family doing tonight? >> we're getting through. just processing thefrg. hearing the news, it's just heartb heartbreaking. we're still shaken up by it. >> i can't imagine. i know it's not just a thing where a few days later you'll be okay. this will change you forever. as a mother, i scant even imagine what you feared there. i know the fire was pong you almost immediately, and you're there on vacation. are you able to tell me how it happened? >> not really. we didn't know nothing. i don't think anyone knew nug new anything. we were eating in our airbnb. someone knocked on our door and told us to evacuate. we didn't know what to do. it just happened so fast. >> we have videos that you shared. you're there with your children. the fire, we can see from some of this, incredibly close. then you end up in this situation that i think has just captured people's imagination, the sense that you can't even imagine how you would feel when you choose to dive into the ocean when you can't swim. you did it to survive. this is life or death. it's die by fire orr possibly dire by drowning. you chose to go into the water. what was that decision, that moment like 1234. >> i don't know. my husband was the decision maker basically. he told us, our only right now is to jump into the ocean. in the ocean at least we eat get some wet, some cool air. that was our only choice. there was nothing else. >> so you just ran in -- i know obviously where you could stand. then you're in the water with your three children. just to state the obvious, two adults and three children. you've got an extra child, none of them swim. you've got a 5-year-old, a little girl, and she stopped moving. >> yes. we jumped down and then we were just -- these rocks are huge. we opened the car to jump down, it was just like hot, oven, fire at us. we couldn't breathe when we opened the car door. my daughter didn't know what was going on. she couldn't breathe. she kept going like this, like this. she was just saying she couldn't breathe, she couldn't breathe. she was screaming. i don't know. maybe the smoke got to her and she fainted. he kept shaking her. we kept telling her -- i'm calling her name. my son heard me calling her name. he was calling her name, i don't know for how long. she finally woke up. she was just kind of out of it. she was like, huh? we started huddling in and trying to keep our family tight so we wouldn't get burned from the fire and get washed away from the water. >> tee, i thknow your children e safe, you're alive, thank god. in those moments, i know there was a moment when you thought your daughter had died. >> oh, my gosh, yes. right when she fapted. my heart just dropped. just dropped. i thought i lost her at that point. i didn't even know what to do. i wouldn't know. instantly she just fainted. i didn't know what to do. i couldn't. i couldn't imagine losing her at that point. >> i'm so sorry, tee. like any mother or father watching, talking to you, i truly can't even imagine that moment. thank god that you're okay. i do want to give you a chance just to -- is there anything you would want to say to those i know saved you, saved your children and your husband? >> yes. i would love to thank ben croft, especially ted tyler, chris and this volunteer that took us out of nowhere, took us to the airport. the hawaiian people. they give us hope. they saved us. without them, we would not be alive. i just want people to help maui. help and donate. don't forget. just support them. they are truly the hero. without them, my family would not be alive today. >> tee, thank you so much for talking. i know it's hard. thank you so much for sharing this. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> our thoughts to you and your precious children and especially that precious little girl. thank you. >> yes, thank you. tee dang there who just came back from hawaii. next, russia says ukraine is running out of steam in its counteroffensive. why are they targeting civilians far from the front lines? our fred pleitgen reporting on the barrage. hunter biden's defense attorney asking to be removed from his case. we'll tell you why. it's right there! ♪ oh, he's straight aheaead. he's straight ahead. straight ahead. go go go. ♪ cover more ground in the kia sportage turbo-hybrid. kia. movement that inspires. i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. get a personal loan with low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. and no fees required. sofi. get your money right. wake up, achievers. you're making the most of every hour of your life. except the hours that you're sleeping. so why do we leave so much untapped potential on the table? this is a next level bed, for a next level you. my circadian rhythm is kicking your circadian rhythms butt! it's not a competition. i know, but i'm still winning! so, it is a competition. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. shop now only at sleep number. you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? ...a clown! sorry, what app was it again? no, no. just give me a second... amateurs. ohhh! sorry everybody. directv sports central gives you access to every game... you never have to compromise on gameday. ...was that necessary? i was just illustrating a point. oh. get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [baby crying] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wherever you go. wherever you stay. all you need is one key. earn and use rewards across expedia,, and vrbo. tonight, new video into "outfront" showing the intensity of rockaway beach attacks on the front lines, russians targeting near bakhmut on the eastern front but came as a rare russian attack on the west of ukraine has rocked the city of lviv destroying apartment buildings, a supermarket and kindergarten. fred pleitgen is "outfront." >> reporter: a massive russian missile strike in western ukraine. kyiv saying more than 100 apartments and houses were damaged. while the russians claim they hit military industrial sites, this woman says she was at home with her grandson when a missile struck their barn. "i yelled at him that the cow shed was on fire and saw flames in our barn," she says. he told me, "granny, the cow shed and the barn are gone, everything has burned to the ground." more than a dozen were injured by the attacks the ukrainians say a kindergarten completely destroyed. in northwestern ukraine, rescuers managed to pull this man from the rubble of a building. the strikes come as ukraine's army continues to pressure russian forces in the east and in the south but with only modest gains. ukraine's president, volodymyr zelenskyy, visiting troops on the southern front in an effort to boost morale. >> minister of defense of the russian federation -- >> reporter: but russian's defense minister claiming kyiv's counteroffensive is running out of steam. the preliminary results of combat operations show that ukraine's military resources are almost exhausted, he says, and a swipe at the u.s. and its allies. as for western made weapons supplied to ukraine i'd like to stress that as of today there is nothing unique and ink vulnerable compared to the russian weaponry in many cases even soviet-made equipment surpasses western models. but russian forces themselves have failed to make any significant gains in more than a year and a new offensive in eastern ukraine barely yielding progress so far. moscow's overnight missile strikes hit only a few miles from nato's eastern flank where staunch u.s. ally poland conducted its own show of force marking armed forces day which commemorates poland's victory over the soviet union in 1920. ♪ it is also a perfect day to show our strength, the defense minister says, to show that we have built powerful armed forces that will effectively defend our borders without hesitation. the parade also featured u.s.-made weapons as poland confronts threats from putin and his main ally, alexander lukashenko in belarus. fred pleitgen, cnn. "outfront" next, the latest twist and turns, a development in the hunter biden criminal case. ooooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. libertrty. liberty. ♪ oh, ♪ somewhere, anywhere... ♪ ♪ i juswant to lie motionless in a chair! ♪ booking.m, booking.yeah ♪ ♪ every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. tonight the special counsel saying they're withdrawing the gun charge calling it invalid. the justice department saying it is not legally binding which, of course, is contrary to what biden's lawyer claims so that is ongoing but comes in this significant context which is that hunter biden's lead defense attorney is asking to withdraw from the case. christopher clark who has overseen the case says he has to leave the team because he could be called as a witness in future proceedings. obviously the legal storm surrounding the president's son is not clearing up any time soon as a special counsel now is -- the special counsel is taking over and his wide, wide purview for any investigations that arise from the investigation into hunter biden. thanks so much for joining us. anderson starts now. tonight on "360" just hours after being indicted, the former president promises that this time years later he's really got evidence of election fraud. no

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, Wall , Trial , Fannie Willis , Spring , Winter , Six , Person , Line , Front Runner , Field , Nomination , Four , 91 , Lawyer , Paula Reid , First , White House , Courthouse , Filing , Atlanta , Reporter , Level , Attorneys , Prosecution , Jurisdiction , Something , Reporting , Doesn T , Defendant , Defendants , 19 , Hunter Biden Case , Rudy Giuliani , President Trump , Interview , President , Jury Pool , Fulton County , Advantage , It Skews Democratic , Pardon , Front , Possibility , Surrender , Judge , Appearances , Former , Jack Smith , Georgia Case , Wren View , Doj , Fani Willis Change , Yes , Doubt , Stake , Kids , Fact , Behalf , Feds , Immunity , Attempt , Meadows , Venue , Regard , Chance , Telephone Call , Counts , Count , Vote , Rico , Brad Raffensperger , Two , Motion , Meetings , Scheduling , State Court , Building , None , Offenses , Service , Benefit , Statute , View , Xi , Everybody , Some , Saying , Reality , Trial Court Motions , Permission , Opportunity , Heaven , Severance , Prosecutors , Issue , Presidency , Supreme Court , Fight , Things , Terms , Bottom Line , Quality , Indictment , Don T , Acts , Proof , Bulk , Timing , Me Wrong , 161 , Way , Criticism , Chris Christie , Hard , Thing , Add , Jury , Kingpin , Acolytes , Zen Alice , Decisions , Policy Dixs , Issues , Fringe , Wishes , Rudy Giulia , Sydidney Powell , Words , Core , Brian Kemp , Complex , Place , Al Fraud , Florida , On And , Trump Pr , Airwaves , Author , Obstruction Count , Chaos , Basis , Back , Contaminating , Purpose , Pat , Party , Country , Anybody , Absence , Courage , Claims , Pleasure , Nice To Be With You , Georgia Events , Twitter , Special Counsel , Development , Pages , Search Warrant , Details , Access , Story , Family , Ocean , Fires , Maui , Developments , Survival , Attorney , Hunter Biden , Tt Case , Gab , Setting , Dismissssed , Sleep Number , Choice , Base , Word , Migraine Strikes , Art Bed , Home Delive , 50 , Pain , It , About Ubrelvy , Anywhere , Symptoms , Migraine Pain , Tradeoffs , Push , Option , Dose , Inhibitors , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Side Effects , Reactions , Sleepiness , Nausea , Migraine Pain Relief Starts , Game , Son , Sports , Redzone , Directv , Barbecue , Liberty Mutual , Come On , Car Insurance , Terry Doesn T Have Directv , 800 , 1 , 1 800 Directv , Pay , That S My Boy , Freeways , Fashion , Ella , Control , Business , Operations , 5g Network , Setting Trends , Customer Demand , Production , Verizon , Jen , Marquis , 5 , More , Customers , Protein , Enterprise Intelligence , Vo , Network , Vision , Agility , Efficiencies , 30 , Energy , Sugar , Viking Way , Uuuhhhh , Protein Max Challenge , 0000 , 10000 , Children , Experiences , Comfort , Ships , Casinos , Ocean Voyages , Viking , CondÉ Nast Traveler , Travel Leisure , Counsel , Warrant , Messages , Battle , Court Didn T , Washt , Mind , Fear , Kaitlyn Polantz , 500 , Meat , January 6th , Scope , 6 , Filings , Lawyers , Transcripts , Hearings , Federal Court In Washington , Account , Office , The Thing , Most , Point , Part , Search , Volume , Communications , Data , Court Record , Pieces , Twit , Campaign , Depth , Shows , Information , Drmt Doesn T , Reminder , Cliff S Notes , 40 , U S , Ryan Goodman , News , Dms , Whet Katelyn , Team , Karen Fill Filippo , Forth , Court Of Appeals Decision , Text , Amount , Idea , Cat , Government , Scale , Cause , Course , Is , Aide , Culpability , Terms Of , It Wasn T , Use , Say , It Doesn T Mean Isn , Times , Stand , Chief , Prosecutor , Statements , Reasons , Defenses , Avenues , Trouble , Ones , Dueling , Indiscriminating , Facing , Weren T Talking , Donl , Sense , Content , Giant Overlap , Sliver Moons , Venn Diagram , Number , Co Conspirators , Pressure , Ton , Double Jeopardy , Justice Department S Prosecution Alto Altogether , Brother , Interest , Abby Phillip , Fani Willis Has , Voters , County , Black , Population , Obligation , Committee , Lots , Trumps , Hitter , Players , Department Of Justice , 2 1 , Hunter Biden Criminal Case , Aides , Triegs , Seven , Hawaii , Election , Vice President , Decision , Wildfires , Trump Organization , Five , Pacific Ocean , Botox , Doctor , Adults , Migraine , Treatment , Headaches , Migraine Treatment , 4 , 15 , Injection , Effects , Treatments , Migraine Patients , Difficulty Swallowing , May , 5 Million , Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand , Medications , Breathing , Condition , Headache , Conditions , Muscle Weakness , Site , Muscle , Speaking , Eye Problems , Signs , Neck , Fatigue , Skin Infection , Nerve , History , Users , Risk , Survey , Sooner , Botulinum Toxins , 92 , Rehardens Enamel , Sensitivity Gum , Sensitivity , Enamel , Gums , Advocate , Sensodyne , Restore Gum Health , Time , Teams , Work , Dish , Sunday Afternoon Games , Xfinity , Xfinity Rewards Members , Xfinity Rewards , Word It S Fitz Credible , Fitz Sational , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Youtube , 100 , 00 , Wow , Out Didn T You , To Die For , Commitment , Xfinity 10g Network , Um , 10 , Efforts , Fulton County D A , Crime , Gosh Almighty , Haven T , Mafia , List , Trump Attorneys , Jail , Prison , Michael Cohen , Jessica Schneider , Eight , Criminal Enterprise , Election Fraud , Jenna Ellis , Practice Of Law , Redeembly Khamised , D A , Client , Actions , Free Speech , Radio Show , Someone , Statement , Status , Elliot Williams , Affront , American Democracy , 13 , Individuals , Doesn T Give Them Carte Blanche , Representation , Racketeering Conspiracy , Georgia House , Votes , Ballots , Voter Fraud , Phony , Felons , Bs , Jeff Clark , Kenneth Cheese , Certification , Joft Eastman , Mike Pence , Justice , Official , Leaders , Letter , State Farm Arena , Sidney Powell , Crimes , John Smith , Robert Cheeley , Coffee County , Scheme , Dominion Voting Systems , Voting Machines , Involvement , Dominion , John Eastman , Rudy Giuliani For Defamation , Operators , Troubles , Whole Sy System , Barbara Rez , Activity , Refrain , Higgs , Piece , Book , Jessica , Tower Of Lies , Trump Lawyers , Group , Him , Truth , Arrogance , Lawyers Aren T , Nothing Wrong , Lying , Trump Opinion , Song , Co Defendants , 58 , Loyalty , Personality Loyalty , Value , Flipping , Favors , Job , Situation , Grandchildren , Sorts , Education , Allen Weisselberg , Total , Gravity , It Reenforces , Lie , Lies , Risks , Bit , Barbara , Mother , Behavior , Hawaii One , Worst , Flames , Western Ukraine , Apartments , Striking Homes , Goodbye , Firing , Paint , Football , Guy , App , Clown , Second , Directv Sports Central , Amateurs , Gameday , Delivery , Sidekick , Superheroes , Walgreens , Bud , Price , Mistake , Multi Vitamin , Vision Loss , Help , Preservision , Moderate , Nutrient Formula , Progression , Studies , National Eye Institute , Preservision Areds 2 , 20 , 2 , Nutrients , Plan , Ocusorb , Bank , Payment , Alex , Oven , Oven Explosion , Inventory , Schedules , Loans , Orders , Point Of Sale System , U S Bank Business Essentials , 12 , Ways , Business Boom , Jumbo , Ginormous , Devastation , Comment , Wildfire , Gloria Pez Nino , Maui Resort Town , Lahaina , Ruins , Crews , Fire Zone , 25 , Death Toll , Homes , Dad , Thousands , Loved Ones , Example , Everything , Firefighters , Neighborhood , Need , Frustration , Home , Residents , Neighborhoods , Guys , Bleep , Neighbors , Message , Apartment , Loss , Seniors , Smoeng Out , Brother Joe , Annie Schilling , Survivors , Stage , Wreckage , Destr Destruction , Everyone , From The Ashes , Pitching , Spirit , Color , Ohana , Fire , Ross Hart , Over , Property , Kula Community , Volunteers , Trucks , Tee , Many , Lives , Water , Husband , Vehicles , Rental Car , Catching Fire , Vacation , Incomprehincomprehen , Processing Thefrg , Nothing , Pong , Door , Airbnb , Nug , Videos , Life , Imagination , Death , Drowning , Die By Fire Orr , I Don T Know , Decision Maker , Cool Air , 1234 , Obvious , Car , Little Girl , Child , Rocks , Car Door , We Couldn T Breathe , Daughter , She Couldn T Breathe , Didn T Know , Smoke , Name , Huddling , Huh , Gosh , Safe , God , Children E , Wouldn T , Heart , Fapted , Couldn T , Father , Volunteer , Ted Tyler , Ben Croft , Out Of Nowhere , Airport , Hope , Talking , Hero , Girl , Thoughts , Tee Dang , Counteroffensive , Steam , Civilians , Fred Pleitgen , Defense Attorney , Barrage , Aheaead , Go , Ground , Movement , Kia Sportage , Kia , Turbo Hybrid , Sofi , Fees , Loan , Money , Personal Loan , Matter , Everywhere , Rates , Debt , College , K , 00k , 100k , Potential , Level Bed , Achievers , Table , Wake Up , Competition , Circadian Rhythm , Bed , Home Delivery , Rhythms , Baby , Rewards , Expedia , Hotels Com , Outfront , Intensity , Vrbo , West , Attack , Supermarket , City , Eastern Front , Russians , Lviv , Bakhmut , Rockaway Beach , Missile Strike , Kyiv , Military Industrial Sites , Houses , Woman , Cow Shed , Barn , Missile , Grandson , Saw , Granny , Ukrainians , Armed Forces , Strikes , Army , South , Rubble , Man , Rescuers , Minister Of Defense , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Gains , Troops , Morale , Defense Minister , Combat Operations , Resources , Swipe , Results , Weapons , Ukraine , Weaponry , Ink , Equipment , Western , Soviet , Models , Offensive , Progress , Eastern Ukraine , Moscow , Eastern Flank , Ally , Force , Missile Strikes , Show , Poland , Victory , Nato , Borders , Strength , Hesitation , 1920 , Next , Parade , Threats , Belarus , Putin , Alexander Lukashenko , Cnn , Phone , Top , Turns , Ooooooh , Pile , Libertrty , Dog People , Motionless , Somewhere , Chair , Booking Com , Booking M , Pet Food , Dog , Approach , Vets , Veggies , Portioned , Context , Gun Charge , Which , Christopher Clark , Lead , Storm , Witness , Proceedings , Anderson , Investigations , Investigation , Wide , Purview , Promises , No , 360 ,

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