Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

the grand jury handling donald trump's election subversion case is meeting right now, with indictment number 4 possible in the coming days. why this case in georgia could create some of his most complicated legal problems yet. the death toll on maui keeps climbing. 96 confirmed fatalities now, with that number sadly expected to rise as search and rescue forge ahead. and the power company's now facing a lawsuit for not cutting electricity when forecasters were warning about powerful wind gusts. and almost two years after the chaotic u.s. exit from afghanistan allies who fled the taliban and were promised a home in the united states say they're now being sent back. we are following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to "cnn news central". potential indictment number 4 of former president donald trump could be days if not hours away. today a grand jury in atlanta is hearing the culmination of a years-long probe into efforts to overturn georgia's 2020 election results. fulton county district attorney fani willis is presenting the case, and cnn has recently learned about a key piece of evidence, messages directly tying donald trump's team to a breach of sensitive voting systems, a breach that was caught on this security footage you see from january of 2021. let's take you now to atlanta and cnn's paula reid, who's outside the courthouse for us live. paula, you've been watching closely to see who's been coming in and out of court all day. what are you seeing? >> reporter: that's right. well, boris, the grand jury has already heard today from two witnesses, at least two witnesses. both of these witnesses are former georgia state lawmakers. now, both are democratic former state senators, jen jordan and bee nguyen. they both allegedly witnessed a conspiracy-laden presentation from then trump attorney rudy giuliani. now, we're just getting new breaking news from our colleague sara murray that another witness who was supposed to testify tomorrow, an independent journalist, george chidi, he was supposed to testify tomorrow but we're learning from this reporting from sara that the case is moving so quickly they're actually going to call him in today. we still expect the district attorney is going to need two days to fully present their case. she's been investigating this for over two years, and we know that at least one of the witnesses expected tomorrow is the former republican lieutenant governor of georgia, geoff duncan. >> and paula, notably there's been a flurry of activity at the courthouse. there's also been a flurry of activity on donald trump's social media accounts trying to discredit all of it, right? >> reporter: that's right. on social media he has gone after not only geoff duncan suggesting he, quote, shouldn't testify and dismissing him as a, quote, nasty disaster, he's also attacked the district attorney, fani willis. now, this is not new. he has previously called her a racist, a marxist. but in these new social media posts he has suggested that she is just, quote, out to get trump. now, boris, some of the former president's associates, they've told me they think there are legitimate concerns about whether elected prosecutors, in this case a democratic prosecutor, should be able to file charges against former presidents. they say that could set a dangerous precedent. but that's not the argument the former president is making here on social media. he appears to be pressuring a witness and knocking the district attorney for crime problems in atlanta. all of this comes amid new cnn reporting about just how much evidence the district attorney has. our colleagues over the weekend breaking the story that prosecutors are in the possession of text messages that we have learned reveal that the former president and his associates were part of an effort to breach voting systems in rural georgia as part of an effort to overturn the election. >> paula reid reporting from outside the courthouse in atlanta. thank you so much. jim? let's dig deeper. shannon mckifry, senior editor for the "atlanta journal-constitution's" trump grand jury team. and elliot williams, cnn legal analyst, former federal prosecutor. elliot, i do want to begin with you because we have this news now that the independent journalist george chidi who witnessed the events there on the day, the legislature attempting to overturn the election, was expected to appear tomorrow, now appearing today. what does that tell you about the progress of this grand jury hearing? does it mean we might hear a decision today? >> well, it's clear that they're moving along. it's clear that they're working. you never know what can lead to a witness's appearance. and frankly, it may have been something like a personal conflict on the part of an attorney or the witness. it may be nothing or it may be they're trying to move toward indictment very soon. he's certainly a very important witness because it's not just that he witnesses this exchange happen, he also witnesses the fact that they in effect lie to him about what they're doing. they say this is i believe an educational meeting, which is notable in that it shows knowledge of wrongdoing, knowledge of criminal wrongdoing on the part of the people being investigated. it will be interesting to see what comes of his testimony. >> that's a great point because intent with so many of the charges in this case and others is so key. shannon mccaffrey, you and your team have been following this closer than anyone i imagine in recent weeks and months, and a lot of following a grand jury is about watching court filings and which court employees are moving to which room to appear before which judge at which time. as your team has been watching this, do you have a sense of where things stand? >> yeah, we have a fairly large team at the courthouse today that are trying to catch folks coming and going. we did see state representative -- former state representative bee nguyen and state senator jen jordan today. we saw gabe sterling entering the building as well, folks from the 2020 election will recall he was the person who was often providing an update on what the real voter information was as conspiracy theorys were going around. we've been waiting on this case for about 2 1/2 years now. now it does appear we are ready to go. fani willis's team is moving forward now with haste now that they actually are presenting their case to a grand jury. >> elliot, as this happens, trump as he has been wont to do in previous cases, appeared to apply pressure on one of the key witnesses in this case, that is, former georgia lieutenant governor, cnn contributor and republican geoff duncan. i want to read from his posting. he says, "i am reading reports that failed former lieutenant governor of georgia geoff duncan," that is misspelled we should note, "will be testifying before the fulton county grand jury. he shouldn't." then he goes on to say "i barely know him" as he often says about people who worked with him very closely. is that -- can that be construed as witness tampering, to make a public statement like that to your many followers? >> it could certainly be construed as witness tampering. what the standard is including in georgia and in the federal system is that an individual who knowingly uses threats or intimidation to try to influence, delay or prevent someone's testimony can be witness tampering. now, that statement alone, jim, to be candid is not going to be sufficient for witness tampering. but it's certainly something the judge will consider. it will certainly earn the former president a warning from the judge. and if conduct like that continues then certainly absolutely you could be charged with a criminal offense of tampering with witnesses. and in fact, when you're looking at a racketeering investigation where the prosecutors will be investigating a series of criminal acts, they can also fold witness intimidation into that if that's what they're looking into. >> and as we should note in the case already under way here the judge has explicitly warned trump against this kind of public statement. shannon, i want to ask you a question because one thing several of the key witnesses in this case have in common, whether you're talking about a geoff duncan or brad raffensperger or the governor brian kemp, they're all republicans. and they were pressured by the former president to overturn results of the former election and pushed back and refused and have criticized his activity here. the former president has attempted to portray all this as he often does as a partisan witch hunt, et cetera. in georgia given that many of those involved in this are in fact republicans themselves involved as witnesses against the former president, how is that being received? is he successfully tainting this case as a partisan case? >> well, trump still has very strong support here in georgia. he and brian kemp have famously had a strained relationship for quite a while. he also has had a strained relationship with brad raffensperger ever since that phone call. so you know, as with trump in other places, there are folks who are still standing by him very strongly. you know, a new poll had him up by double digits against any of his possible competitors. you know, there are some folks who believe that only republicans will be able to sort of legitimately make a case against donald trump because they are on his side. but it hasn't seemed to matter yet. i mean, brian kemp has still managed to do well in georgia even though donald trump has his own support. so i guess it remains to be seen. we'll see a lot more when this indictment actually comes out and we see what those folks have to say. >> well, i'm sure we'll have you back when we see what that ultimate decision is. shannon mccaffrey, elliot williams, thanks so much to both of you. boris. donald trump's potential fourth indictment, which could come as soon as tomorrow, does not seem to be slowing down the former president's 2024 campaign. trump seized the spotlight at the iowa state fair this weekend, drawing massive crowds and at the same time overshadowing his republican rivals. cnn political director david chalian joins us now. and david, you are fresh off a visit to the iowa state fair. donald trump seems to make each of his legal troubles central to his campaign and this looming fourth indictment is no different. >> no different. they have a playbook they employ. they use it to really juice grassroots donations. he uses it from a messaging spe perspective of being a victim of what he calls a political persecution. that rallies and fortifies his supporters to come to his defense. and it is inextricable from his campaign at this point. it is his campaign, his legal defense. and we have seen since the indictment started his fund-raising has gone up and his poll numbers have gone up. >> did you get a chance to speak to voters there that shared any hesitation over how the legal trouble might play in 2024? >> oh, speak to a lot of voters who have that hesitation. more than half the republicans in iowa are looking for a non-trump alternative. they haven't coalesced around any one person for that. but it is not -- it is quite clear that there is a path here for somebody in this field to really consolidate that support and what is the reason when you do talk to a voter who has trepidations about it? it's that they think donald trump is going to have so much baggage, specifically with independent voters, that he won't be the best person for the party to put forth to beat joe biden in the fall. that winning argument, that he may not be the one most likely to win, is a palpable argument you hear from folks. >> on the question of that coalescing of the other candidates, it's almost like a split screen, like you see donald trump and there's this passion among his supporters and you see a lot of other events where there isn't as much energy. but how do those candidates then coalesce around someone? how do they get to where he is at least in polling? >> yeah. there is the trump show and then there's the more traditional presidential campaign that's happening. and that was on display at the state fair. i know -- so yes, he comes in and he dominates. he dominates the headlines. he certainly gets the largest crowd. but i don't know that we know that that is at the detriment necessarily of some of his competitors. i spent an hour walking around the state fair with ron desantis. he was meeting a ton of voters. he was getting all those friendly images with his family, his young kids on the bumper cars. that's all positive stuff for him. and by the way, his campaign has been out organizing. they've got -- in every single county they have a campaign chair. he's hit 38 of the 99 counties in iowa, says he'll get the full 99 by the fall. so he is there doing the work, as nikki haley, mike pence, others are as well. >> do you think it comes down to a difference in who shakes the most amount of hands versus who dominates the headlines? what do you think will yield the best results? >> i mean, i think there is no doubt you're not going to be able to shake enough hands to actually win the iowa caucuses necessarily, but i do think that that is important as each of that county by county organization. it is also true that donald trump is more organized as a campaign and a candidate than he was back in 2015 and 2016. they have a ton of data from his term as president and the '16 and '20 election to be able to target voters and they are doing that as well. he had a volunteer force that was quite apparent at the fair separate and apart from his brief visit. >> fascinating to watch. unprecedented in so many ways. david chalian, always a pleasure. thanks so much. jim? coming up, new updates on the just horrific fires on maui. and a new lawsuit is blaming the island's main energy provider for contributing to the disaster. plus as we approach two years since the fall of kabul, afghan refugees say they are being sent back to the same land they fled after failed promises of a new life here in the u.s. that's coming up. just by switch. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay f for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty.y. liberty. liberty. ♪ i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? 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>> reporter: well, boris, we're trying to get a grip on -- people are just trying to get a grasp of the full extent of the damage. they're really in the grieving process right now. so much of the aid stations in the neighborhoods around lahaina are do-it-yourself. they're crowd-sourced. some folks are very frustrated with the lack of sort of federal and state aid that they're seeing. others, like i talked to archie kalepa, who's a legendary waterman, a renowned lifeguard, big wave surfer and now a leader, a de facto sort of commander of a relief effort. he says that the authorities should be given a break on maui considering the scope of the area. they're still searching for bodies. take a listen. >> this is a crime scene. this right here is a crime scene. and so what people don't understand is the government has to do due diligence before they start moving in. so they're at 30,000 feet. they're looking, evaluating about how they need to come in to begin to facilitate this operation. at the same time they have to figure out how to take care of this operation. and so you know, that is not easy. >> reporter: i did speak to the fema administrator this weekend. she says they have assets on oahu they're ready to roll out if needed. there's talk that maybe 1,000 hotel rooms and airbnbs could be provided at the state's expense for people who have been displaced. it's interesting that just today in montana sort of a groundbreaking youth climate trial there, the judge sided with the young plaintiffs who were suing their state for not giving them a healthful environment by endorsing fossil fuels. well, next up are kids from hawaii who are suing the department of transportation in this state for hazarding their lives through the embrace of fossil fuels here as well. so an interesting climate angle to this story as people look for causes of the flame, what happened with the alert system and what's happening to the response right now. >> a fascinating pair of legal cases there. bill weir, thank you so much for the update from maui. jim? two years after the taliban took over afghanistan following u.s. troops withdrawing from the country in a chaotic style, afghans who were promised a home here in the u.s. say they have waited so long for the u.s. to process their applications for visas they're now being forcibly deported from neighboring pakistan back to the enemy they fled. cnn's nick paton-walsh joins us now. nick, this is heartbreaking on a number of levels because just getting out of afghanistan to pakistan is a trial for many afghans, cost them a lot of money. so now some who managed to get out are being sent home? is this pakistan who is doing this? >> reporter: to some degree. but ultimately had the u.s. process moved fast enough that it was able to get the people that they promised, who'd worked for the united states, risked their lives at times working for the u.s. military, if they made good on their promise fast enough to get them to the united states, then pakistan's actions would be frankly less relevant. what we've seen over the past months or weeks is pakistan cracking down on afghans with improper illegal paperwork who are essentially part of the wave of the afghans that fled afghanistan when the taliban took over to neighboring pakistan seeking shelter. initially there was pakistan welcoming them, and i think as time has gone by that is often seen with refugee populations, that welcome has eroded slowly to the point now where we spoke to multiple afghan families who were concerned flankly at police harassment, say they were arrested at times, asked to pay bribes in order to stay in the country, and in a few circumstances forcibly sent back to afghanistan. it's important to spell out, jim, what that means. that means that afghans who the u.s. promised a new life to in the united states because they'd given their lives -- or risked their lives to serve the u.s. during the u.s. presence there had fled and then the state department had taken so long processing the paperwork, and we've seen the paperwork ourselves. it's pretty clear these people have been told they should get visas. that they've essentially waited salon they were sent back to the taliban they'd originally fled. that's kind of startling frankly for anyone who's spent time in afghanistan watching afghans put themselves at risk to assist. and we have to say since we first broadcasted that report about that terrible set of circumstances i heard from one afghan in pakistan that his process has indeed moved forward. but there are still many now in hiding in kabul and pakistan, terrified for their future, jim. >> let me ask you this, nick. because i've been working with a family trying to get them out of afghanistan for two years. and they've been waiting as many have to get an appointment scheduled at the u.s. embassy or consulate in pakistan. did these people have appointments scheduled? in other words, they were on the path? or they were still waiting even for the opportunity to meet with u.s. embassy officials? >> reporter: in the cases we saw, and we need to be careful about respecting the anonymity of some of these afghans who are perhaps incorrectly terrified that if they talk ar their case they may lose the right to go to the u.s. period. they have e-mails. they have paperwork that tallies what we've seen is required essentially saying they're on track to get something. but it's been an issue in pakistan where the pakistani authorities have been reluctant to let the americans open up a large enough facility to essentially process people fast enough. there's a lot of dispute about who's in the wrong here. but certainly the u.s. embassy in pakistan isn't able to process the volume of individuals who are asking for this. all of this frankly is just talking points essentially, and we heard this from the state department. they still say they owe these people a life in the united states and it hasn't happened. and as you point out, we are just a couple days shy away from it being two years since the fall of kabul. jim? >> no one who did that service should have to wait two years or longer for just the opportunity, right? to make their case. nick paton-walsh, fantastic story. thanks so much for covering. boris? still to come, lawyers for hunter biden say that part of his collapsed plea deal still stands and that a trial is not inevitable. we're going to discuss with a congressman on the oversight committee. and new questions about a free press and constitutional rights after police in kansas raid a newspaper owner's home and office. what officials are saying justifies that search. still ahead. ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes toto do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z711 off-road package. ♪ you ok? yeah. any truck can help you make a living. this one helps you build a life. chevy silverado. subway refreshed everything and now they're slicing their deli meats fresh. that's why this qb profers the new five mt beast. d this qb profers it. and if we profer it. we know you'll profer it too. are you ying to outspokesperson me? 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>> no. i mean, there's no evidence of fundamental mismanagement. first of all, david weiss, a trump-appointed prosecutor, someone who got every single solitary vote of a republican senate and democratic senate, he was a unanimous decision to become a u.s. attorney, the fact that merrick garland is elevating him to be the special counsel, by the way, is something that people have been asking for for a year. and by people i mean 93 house republicans including members of the freedom caucus and over 30 senators including people like chuck grassley and ted cruz and josh hawley and marco rubio. they've been asking for this to happen. if hunter has done something beyond the tax issue and beyond the gun issue that deserves to be investigated, then that should happen. no one is above the law. that's why you're not hearing democrats say that, you know, this is the weaponization of the justice department. no. we're being consistent. when we say no one's above the law when it comes to donald trump, we mean it even if it's one of our own. >> fair point. let me ask you this about the administration's handling of this. has the biden administration, has the president himself been forthcoming enough with his involvement in this, with hunter biden, with phone calls, you're aware of the allegations from the republican side, some of which there's no proof, but has the administration been as forthcoming as it needed to be and as quickly as it needed to be? >> well, look, my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are grasping at straws. so when the president was asked did you ever speak to hunter about this and he said no, what he meant was he never spoke to him about business. right? the republicans came back and like oh, no, they spoke. you know, they had a phone call and someone else was in the room. but even the republicans' own witness, devon archer, who they've elevated, he said they never talked about business. this is hunter bidention business partner. said when joe biden was on the phone talking to his son they never talked about business. and in fact devon archer, again, the republican witness that they elevated, that somehow he was the smoking gun, he said the stuff in the 1023 form, which is that fbi form that's seven years old that said joe biden was involved he, he said the stuff in there is not accurate. look, that's why they never say joe biden. they say the biden crime family or they say the bidens. they're trying to impute whatever is going ton with hunter onto joe. this is something that's been playing out obviously in the halls of congress. it's something that's playing out in the media. but if this was an evidence-based trial, this would have stopped on day one when it comes to joe biden because he's just not involved. but by the way, that's not going to stop the other side. they will impeach the president. they will impeach him over this issue. they will do it at the time of when the donald trump trials are going on to try to have this dual trial going on. and they're honest about it. i mean, this is just like when they said they were doing benghazi to hurt hillary clinton's poll numbers, this is the same thing they're doing here with joe biden. >> congressman moskowitz, thanks so much for joining. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> boris. a flash mob striking a high-end store in southern california, making off with hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of merchandise. we have the details when we come back. age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health vers 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. w available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ our ears connect us to the moments that matter. give them the nutrients they need with lipo. it's formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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in other words, would it have to happen before close of business if it were to happen today? >> reporter: well, look, what we are expecting to happen is that whenever the grand jury hands up these indictments, whether it is today, whether it is tomorrow, that they will become public very quickly after that. so we don't exactly know, again, like when that is going to be, but we would not expect this necessarily to be something that gets carried overnight if the grand jury here doesn't get carried overnight. i think if the grand jury ends up voting on these charges today we will likely see whatever they have to make public public today. but again, all we know right now with certainty is the grand jury is moving faster than expected. >> a lot of folks hitting refresh on that filings website. sara murray in fulton county, georgia. thanks so much. boris. a police raid on a small kansas newspaper is leading to serious criticism today. more than 30 news and press freedom organizations including cnn are strongly condemning the marion police department for raiding the paper's office and the home of its owner. this is a photo of the aftermath. we're going to show it to you in just a second. at the marion county record. you can see, as soon as we get the photo, where a reporter's computer tower sat before police seized it. you see it there. the co-owner and publisher says that officers confiscated computers, file servers and phones from reporters and editors. he says the paper did nothing wrong in its reporting about a restaurant owner who claims that her privacy rights were violated. cnn's whitney wild has been tracking this story for us. whitney, what more are we learning about this raid? >> reporter: well, boris, we still have many more questions than answers at this point. but the marion county police chief is defending this action saying yes, there are limitations on when law enforcement can execute a search warrant inside a newspaper's offices or on the journalists themselves, however, the chief says that limitation only pertains to when journalists are not themselves suspects in some illegal activity here. so the implication here is that the police chief at least believes that the journalists took part in some activity that was illegal. however, as you point out, news organizations including cnn and press freedom advocates are highly, highly concerned about this. it is extraordinarily atypical because, boris, typically the process is that news organizations receive a subpoena and then they work with their lawyers to provide whatever information is necessary. that is the normal course of action. it is very rare that law enforcement actually executes a search warrant because it's just not supposed to happen that way per federal laws. here's what a -- what the letter from the reporters committee for freedom of the press wrote to the marion police chief demanding those materials be returned to the journalists, saying "there appears to be no justification for the breadth and intrusiveness of the search, particularly when investigative steps may have been available, and we are concerned that it may have violated federal law strictly limiting federal, state, and local law enforcement's ability to conduct newsroom searches." at issue here, boris again is this local newspaper that published a story on a local restaurant owner. the newspaper believes that this raid was basically retaliation for that story that was published. so a lot of back and forth here. so much more to learn, and we'll keep on it. boris? >> whitney wild, thank you so much for sharing those details. jim? now to some of the other headlines we are watching this hour. four divers who went missing off the north carolina coast have thankfully been found alive. the coast guard says the group was rescued 46 miles southeast of cape fear. they left on sunday for a diving trip on a recreational boat around noon. later that day the coast guard was alerted they had not resurfaced. details on the rescue not yet clear, but photos released by the coast guard do show tearful -- look at that there. family reunions. also gas prices are edging toward $4 a gallon. the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline, $3.85 now. the highest level in nearly ten months. coming just as millions of americans are planning road trips for labor day. aaa says there are 11 states averaging $4 a gallon gas and higher already. that includes arizona, illinois and utah. and mark zuckerberg says he is throwing in the towel on his cage fight with elon musk. that was a real thing. the meta ceo posted on the threads platform, of course his competitor to musk's x, "isn't serious," he said, about the fight and that it's time to move on. zuckerberg accused musk of giving multiple excuses to delay their fight. again, this is real. including wanting a back yard practice match. musk responded on his x platform by calling zuckerberg a chicken. again, boris, these are real quotes. >> important to point that out, jim. this is actually happening in real life. a brazen flash mob robbery that was captured on video. it happened in broad daylight at a nordstrom store in los angeles. police say that thieves swooped in, overwhelming the staff and grabbing high-end merchandise before making their getaway. cnn's josh campbell joins us now live from los angeles. so josh, are police any closer to identifying the alleged culprits? >> reporter: well, boris, at this hour their investigation remains. our colleague sherry mossberger spoke with cnn -- or excuse me, lapd a short time ago and they indicated at this point no identification of the suspects, at this point no leads, no arrests. that investigation continues. but to set the stage for our viewers here, this was saturday afternoon. you had people that were out and about at a mall. you had workers that were just doing their job. and then this happened. watch. customers began to flee. there were obviously exasperated employees there who could do nothing but watch. we're told that up to $100,000 in merchandise was stolen. los angeles police department issued a statement, i'll read part of that. they said to criminals it is just property taken, to those who live in the area and patronize the topanga mall it is a loss of feeling safe. the lapd will exhaust all efforts to bring those responsible in to custody and seek criminal prosecution. these cases obviously so tough to crack because you have these members of this group there wearing masks, they're in and out in a matter of minutes. a lot of them actually fled the scene. vehicles with paper license plates. so really difficult there for police to try to get to the bottom of this, boris. >> and josh, a similar incident happened in los angeles just a few days ago, right? >> that's right. very similar. in nearby glendale, california. i believe we have some of those images as well. you see this large criminal flash mob that strikes another shopping facility. in that case we're told that up to $300,000 worth of merchandise was stolen. no new leads announced by police on that one. but what they're doing is appealing to the public, if you know who this group was there is a $50,000 reward that's being offered for information leading to their arrest. but this incident certainly unsettling the area, the community here in los angeles. and for those people who were there at the mall it was certainly very terrifying, boris. >> josh campbell, thanks so much for the update. jim? coming up, a truly exceptional find in rome as the private theater to the first century emperor nero is uncovered just steps from the vatican. we're going to have details on this remarkable discovery just ahead. not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is s played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can d do for your business. my cpa told me i wouldn't qualify for the erc tax refund, so i called innovation refunds. theiteam of independent tax attorneys will work with your cpa toetermine if your company is eligible. 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>> reporter: the theater is where nero honed acts to entertain the masses. he was big into bread and circuses. the bread and circuses are over now, the city still brings in the masses. ben wedeman, cnn, rome. >> our thanks to ben wedeman for that report. >> he gets all the good assignments. ahead on "cnn news central," a grand jury in atlanta hearing evidence on election interference by trump could lead to another indictment for the former president. we'll have the latest just ahead. i'll be takiking meetings... with family and friends. and checking voicemail... as my activivities permit. i'll connect with you... after reconnecting with me. ♪ get 1.9% apr for 36 months plus $1,500 purchase allowance on a 2024 xt5 and xt6 when you finance through cadillac financial. ♪ you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed insta match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your b description. visit ♪ hitt ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ one, two, get loose now ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ stay two nights and get a $ 50 best western gift card. book now at what's the subway series? 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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the grand jury handling donald trump's election subversion case is meeting right now, with indictment number 4 possible in the coming days. why this case in georgia could create some of his most complicated legal problems yet. the death toll on maui keeps climbing. 96 confirmed fatalities now, with that number sadly expected to rise as search and rescue forge ahead. and the power company's now facing a lawsuit for not cutting electricity when forecasters were warning about powerful wind gusts. and almost two years after the chaotic u.s. exit from afghanistan allies who fled the taliban and were promised a home in the united states say they're now being sent back. we are following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to "cnn news central". potential indictment number 4 of former president donald trump could be days if not hours away. today a grand jury in atlanta is hearing the culmination of a years-long probe into efforts to overturn georgia's 2020 election results. fulton county district attorney fani willis is presenting the case, and cnn has recently learned about a key piece of evidence, messages directly tying donald trump's team to a breach of sensitive voting systems, a breach that was caught on this security footage you see from january of 2021. let's take you now to atlanta and cnn's paula reid, who's outside the courthouse for us live. paula, you've been watching closely to see who's been coming in and out of court all day. what are you seeing? >> reporter: that's right. well, boris, the grand jury has already heard today from two witnesses, at least two witnesses. both of these witnesses are former georgia state lawmakers. now, both are democratic former state senators, jen jordan and bee nguyen. they both allegedly witnessed a conspiracy-laden presentation from then trump attorney rudy giuliani. now, we're just getting new breaking news from our colleague sara murray that another witness who was supposed to testify tomorrow, an independent journalist, george chidi, he was supposed to testify tomorrow but we're learning from this reporting from sara that the case is moving so quickly they're actually going to call him in today. we still expect the district attorney is going to need two days to fully present their case. she's been investigating this for over two years, and we know that at least one of the witnesses expected tomorrow is the former republican lieutenant governor of georgia, geoff duncan. >> and paula, notably there's been a flurry of activity at the courthouse. there's also been a flurry of activity on donald trump's social media accounts trying to discredit all of it, right? >> reporter: that's right. on social media he has gone after not only geoff duncan suggesting he, quote, shouldn't testify and dismissing him as a, quote, nasty disaster, he's also attacked the district attorney, fani willis. now, this is not new. he has previously called her a racist, a marxist. but in these new social media posts he has suggested that she is just, quote, out to get trump. now, boris, some of the former president's associates, they've told me they think there are legitimate concerns about whether elected prosecutors, in this case a democratic prosecutor, should be able to file charges against former presidents. they say that could set a dangerous precedent. but that's not the argument the former president is making here on social media. he appears to be pressuring a witness and knocking the district attorney for crime problems in atlanta. all of this comes amid new cnn reporting about just how much evidence the district attorney has. our colleagues over the weekend breaking the story that prosecutors are in the possession of text messages that we have learned reveal that the former president and his associates were part of an effort to breach voting systems in rural georgia as part of an effort to overturn the election. >> paula reid reporting from outside the courthouse in atlanta. thank you so much. jim? let's dig deeper. shannon mckifry, senior editor for the "atlanta journal-constitution's" trump grand jury team. and elliot williams, cnn legal analyst, former federal prosecutor. elliot, i do want to begin with you because we have this news now that the independent journalist george chidi who witnessed the events there on the day, the legislature attempting to overturn the election, was expected to appear tomorrow, now appearing today. what does that tell you about the progress of this grand jury hearing? does it mean we might hear a decision today? >> well, it's clear that they're moving along. it's clear that they're working. you never know what can lead to a witness's appearance. and frankly, it may have been something like a personal conflict on the part of an attorney or the witness. it may be nothing or it may be they're trying to move toward indictment very soon. he's certainly a very important witness because it's not just that he witnesses this exchange happen, he also witnesses the fact that they in effect lie to him about what they're doing. they say this is i believe an educational meeting, which is notable in that it shows knowledge of wrongdoing, knowledge of criminal wrongdoing on the part of the people being investigated. it will be interesting to see what comes of his testimony. >> that's a great point because intent with so many of the charges in this case and others is so key. shannon mccaffrey, you and your team have been following this closer than anyone i imagine in recent weeks and months, and a lot of following a grand jury is about watching court filings and which court employees are moving to which room to appear before which judge at which time. as your team has been watching this, do you have a sense of where things stand? >> yeah, we have a fairly large team at the courthouse today that are trying to catch folks coming and going. we did see state representative -- former state representative bee nguyen and state senator jen jordan today. we saw gabe sterling entering the building as well, folks from the 2020 election will recall he was the person who was often providing an update on what the real voter information was as conspiracy theorys were going around. we've been waiting on this case for about 2 1/2 years now. now it does appear we are ready to go. fani willis's team is moving forward now with haste now that they actually are presenting their case to a grand jury. >> elliot, as this happens, trump as he has been wont to do in previous cases, appeared to apply pressure on one of the key witnesses in this case, that is, former georgia lieutenant governor, cnn contributor and republican geoff duncan. i want to read from his posting. he says, "i am reading reports that failed former lieutenant governor of georgia geoff duncan," that is misspelled we should note, "will be testifying before the fulton county grand jury. he shouldn't." then he goes on to say "i barely know him" as he often says about people who worked with him very closely. is that -- can that be construed as witness tampering, to make a public statement like that to your many followers? >> it could certainly be construed as witness tampering. what the standard is including in georgia and in the federal system is that an individual who knowingly uses threats or intimidation to try to influence, delay or prevent someone's testimony can be witness tampering. now, that statement alone, jim, to be candid is not going to be sufficient for witness tampering. but it's certainly something the judge will consider. it will certainly earn the former president a warning from the judge. and if conduct like that continues then certainly absolutely you could be charged with a criminal offense of tampering with witnesses. and in fact, when you're looking at a racketeering investigation where the prosecutors will be investigating a series of criminal acts, they can also fold witness intimidation into that if that's what they're looking into. >> and as we should note in the case already under way here the judge has explicitly warned trump against this kind of public statement. shannon, i want to ask you a question because one thing several of the key witnesses in this case have in common, whether you're talking about a geoff duncan or brad raffensperger or the governor brian kemp, they're all republicans. and they were pressured by the former president to overturn results of the former election and pushed back and refused and have criticized his activity here. the former president has attempted to portray all this as he often does as a partisan witch hunt, et cetera. in georgia given that many of those involved in this are in fact republicans themselves involved as witnesses against the former president, how is that being received? is he successfully tainting this case as a partisan case? >> well, trump still has very strong support here in georgia. he and brian kemp have famously had a strained relationship for quite a while. he also has had a strained relationship with brad raffensperger ever since that phone call. so you know, as with trump in other places, there are folks who are still standing by him very strongly. you know, a new poll had him up by double digits against any of his possible competitors. you know, there are some folks who believe that only republicans will be able to sort of legitimately make a case against donald trump because they are on his side. but it hasn't seemed to matter yet. i mean, brian kemp has still managed to do well in georgia even though donald trump has his own support. so i guess it remains to be seen. we'll see a lot more when this indictment actually comes out and we see what those folks have to say. >> well, i'm sure we'll have you back when we see what that ultimate decision is. shannon mccaffrey, elliot williams, thanks so much to both of you. boris. donald trump's potential fourth indictment, which could come as soon as tomorrow, does not seem to be slowing down the former president's 2024 campaign. trump seized the spotlight at the iowa state fair this weekend, drawing massive crowds and at the same time overshadowing his republican rivals. cnn political director david chalian joins us now. and david, you are fresh off a visit to the iowa state fair. donald trump seems to make each of his legal troubles central to his campaign and this looming fourth indictment is no different. >> no different. they have a playbook they employ. they use it to really juice grassroots donations. he uses it from a messaging spe perspective of being a victim of what he calls a political persecution. that rallies and fortifies his supporters to come to his defense. and it is inextricable from his campaign at this point. it is his campaign, his legal defense. and we have seen since the indictment started his fund-raising has gone up and his poll numbers have gone up. >> did you get a chance to speak to voters there that shared any hesitation over how the legal trouble might play in 2024? >> oh, speak to a lot of voters who have that hesitation. more than half the republicans in iowa are looking for a non-trump alternative. they haven't coalesced around any one person for that. but it is not -- it is quite clear that there is a path here for somebody in this field to really consolidate that support and what is the reason when you do talk to a voter who has trepidations about it? it's that they think donald trump is going to have so much baggage, specifically with independent voters, that he won't be the best person for the party to put forth to beat joe biden in the fall. that winning argument, that he may not be the one most likely to win, is a palpable argument you hear from folks. >> on the question of that coalescing of the other candidates, it's almost like a split screen, like you see donald trump and there's this passion among his supporters and you see a lot of other events where there isn't as much energy. but how do those candidates then coalesce around someone? how do they get to where he is at least in polling? >> yeah. there is the trump show and then there's the more traditional presidential campaign that's happening. and that was on display at the state fair. i know -- so yes, he comes in and he dominates. he dominates the headlines. he certainly gets the largest crowd. but i don't know that we know that that is at the detriment necessarily of some of his competitors. i spent an hour walking around the state fair with ron desantis. he was meeting a ton of voters. he was getting all those friendly images with his family, his young kids on the bumper cars. that's all positive stuff for him. and by the way, his campaign has been out organizing. they've got -- in every single county they have a campaign chair. he's hit 38 of the 99 counties in iowa, says he'll get the full 99 by the fall. so he is there doing the work, as nikki haley, mike pence, others are as well. >> do you think it comes down to a difference in who shakes the most amount of hands versus who dominates the headlines? what do you think will yield the best results? >> i mean, i think there is no doubt you're not going to be able to shake enough hands to actually win the iowa caucuses necessarily, but i do think that that is important as each of that county by county organization. it is also true that donald trump is more organized as a campaign and a candidate than he was back in 2015 and 2016. they have a ton of data from his term as president and the '16 and '20 election to be able to target voters and they are doing that as well. he had a volunteer force that was quite apparent at the fair separate and apart from his brief visit. >> fascinating to watch. unprecedented in so many ways. david chalian, always a pleasure. thanks so much. jim? coming up, new updates on the just horrific fires on maui. and a new lawsuit is blaming the island's main energy provider for contributing to the disaster. plus as we approach two years since the fall of kabul, afghan refugees say they are being sent back to the same land they fled after failed promises of a new life here in the u.s. that's coming up. just by switch. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay f for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty.y. liberty. liberty. ♪ i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? 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>> reporter: well, boris, we're trying to get a grip on -- people are just trying to get a grasp of the full extent of the damage. they're really in the grieving process right now. so much of the aid stations in the neighborhoods around lahaina are do-it-yourself. they're crowd-sourced. some folks are very frustrated with the lack of sort of federal and state aid that they're seeing. others, like i talked to archie kalepa, who's a legendary waterman, a renowned lifeguard, big wave surfer and now a leader, a de facto sort of commander of a relief effort. he says that the authorities should be given a break on maui considering the scope of the area. they're still searching for bodies. take a listen. >> this is a crime scene. this right here is a crime scene. and so what people don't understand is the government has to do due diligence before they start moving in. so they're at 30,000 feet. they're looking, evaluating about how they need to come in to begin to facilitate this operation. at the same time they have to figure out how to take care of this operation. and so you know, that is not easy. >> reporter: i did speak to the fema administrator this weekend. she says they have assets on oahu they're ready to roll out if needed. there's talk that maybe 1,000 hotel rooms and airbnbs could be provided at the state's expense for people who have been displaced. it's interesting that just today in montana sort of a groundbreaking youth climate trial there, the judge sided with the young plaintiffs who were suing their state for not giving them a healthful environment by endorsing fossil fuels. well, next up are kids from hawaii who are suing the department of transportation in this state for hazarding their lives through the embrace of fossil fuels here as well. so an interesting climate angle to this story as people look for causes of the flame, what happened with the alert system and what's happening to the response right now. >> a fascinating pair of legal cases there. bill weir, thank you so much for the update from maui. jim? two years after the taliban took over afghanistan following u.s. troops withdrawing from the country in a chaotic style, afghans who were promised a home here in the u.s. say they have waited so long for the u.s. to process their applications for visas they're now being forcibly deported from neighboring pakistan back to the enemy they fled. cnn's nick paton-walsh joins us now. nick, this is heartbreaking on a number of levels because just getting out of afghanistan to pakistan is a trial for many afghans, cost them a lot of money. so now some who managed to get out are being sent home? is this pakistan who is doing this? >> reporter: to some degree. but ultimately had the u.s. process moved fast enough that it was able to get the people that they promised, who'd worked for the united states, risked their lives at times working for the u.s. military, if they made good on their promise fast enough to get them to the united states, then pakistan's actions would be frankly less relevant. what we've seen over the past months or weeks is pakistan cracking down on afghans with improper illegal paperwork who are essentially part of the wave of the afghans that fled afghanistan when the taliban took over to neighboring pakistan seeking shelter. initially there was pakistan welcoming them, and i think as time has gone by that is often seen with refugee populations, that welcome has eroded slowly to the point now where we spoke to multiple afghan families who were concerned flankly at police harassment, say they were arrested at times, asked to pay bribes in order to stay in the country, and in a few circumstances forcibly sent back to afghanistan. it's important to spell out, jim, what that means. that means that afghans who the u.s. promised a new life to in the united states because they'd given their lives -- or risked their lives to serve the u.s. during the u.s. presence there had fled and then the state department had taken so long processing the paperwork, and we've seen the paperwork ourselves. it's pretty clear these people have been told they should get visas. that they've essentially waited salon they were sent back to the taliban they'd originally fled. that's kind of startling frankly for anyone who's spent time in afghanistan watching afghans put themselves at risk to assist. and we have to say since we first broadcasted that report about that terrible set of circumstances i heard from one afghan in pakistan that his process has indeed moved forward. but there are still many now in hiding in kabul and pakistan, terrified for their future, jim. >> let me ask you this, nick. because i've been working with a family trying to get them out of afghanistan for two years. and they've been waiting as many have to get an appointment scheduled at the u.s. embassy or consulate in pakistan. did these people have appointments scheduled? in other words, they were on the path? or they were still waiting even for the opportunity to meet with u.s. embassy officials? >> reporter: in the cases we saw, and we need to be careful about respecting the anonymity of some of these afghans who are perhaps incorrectly terrified that if they talk ar their case they may lose the right to go to the u.s. period. they have e-mails. they have paperwork that tallies what we've seen is required essentially saying they're on track to get something. but it's been an issue in pakistan where the pakistani authorities have been reluctant to let the americans open up a large enough facility to essentially process people fast enough. there's a lot of dispute about who's in the wrong here. but certainly the u.s. embassy in pakistan isn't able to process the volume of individuals who are asking for this. all of this frankly is just talking points essentially, and we heard this from the state department. they still say they owe these people a life in the united states and it hasn't happened. and as you point out, we are just a couple days shy away from it being two years since the fall of kabul. jim? >> no one who did that service should have to wait two years or longer for just the opportunity, right? to make their case. nick paton-walsh, fantastic story. thanks so much for covering. boris? still to come, lawyers for hunter biden say that part of his collapsed plea deal still stands and that a trial is not inevitable. we're going to discuss with a congressman on the oversight committee. and new questions about a free press and constitutional rights after police in kansas raid a newspaper owner's home and office. what officials are saying justifies that search. still ahead. ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes toto do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z711 off-road package. ♪ you ok? yeah. any truck can help you make a living. this one helps you build a life. chevy silverado. subway refreshed everything and now they're slicing their deli meats fresh. that's why this qb profers the new five mt beast. d this qb profers it. and if we profer it. we know you'll profer it too. are you ying to outspokesperson me? 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>> no. i mean, there's no evidence of fundamental mismanagement. first of all, david weiss, a trump-appointed prosecutor, someone who got every single solitary vote of a republican senate and democratic senate, he was a unanimous decision to become a u.s. attorney, the fact that merrick garland is elevating him to be the special counsel, by the way, is something that people have been asking for for a year. and by people i mean 93 house republicans including members of the freedom caucus and over 30 senators including people like chuck grassley and ted cruz and josh hawley and marco rubio. they've been asking for this to happen. if hunter has done something beyond the tax issue and beyond the gun issue that deserves to be investigated, then that should happen. no one is above the law. that's why you're not hearing democrats say that, you know, this is the weaponization of the justice department. no. we're being consistent. when we say no one's above the law when it comes to donald trump, we mean it even if it's one of our own. >> fair point. let me ask you this about the administration's handling of this. has the biden administration, has the president himself been forthcoming enough with his involvement in this, with hunter biden, with phone calls, you're aware of the allegations from the republican side, some of which there's no proof, but has the administration been as forthcoming as it needed to be and as quickly as it needed to be? >> well, look, my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are grasping at straws. so when the president was asked did you ever speak to hunter about this and he said no, what he meant was he never spoke to him about business. right? the republicans came back and like oh, no, they spoke. you know, they had a phone call and someone else was in the room. but even the republicans' own witness, devon archer, who they've elevated, he said they never talked about business. this is hunter bidention business partner. said when joe biden was on the phone talking to his son they never talked about business. and in fact devon archer, again, the republican witness that they elevated, that somehow he was the smoking gun, he said the stuff in the 1023 form, which is that fbi form that's seven years old that said joe biden was involved he, he said the stuff in there is not accurate. look, that's why they never say joe biden. they say the biden crime family or they say the bidens. they're trying to impute whatever is going ton with hunter onto joe. this is something that's been playing out obviously in the halls of congress. it's something that's playing out in the media. but if this was an evidence-based trial, this would have stopped on day one when it comes to joe biden because he's just not involved. but by the way, that's not going to stop the other side. they will impeach the president. they will impeach him over this issue. they will do it at the time of when the donald trump trials are going on to try to have this dual trial going on. and they're honest about it. i mean, this is just like when they said they were doing benghazi to hurt hillary clinton's poll numbers, this is the same thing they're doing here with joe biden. >> congressman moskowitz, thanks so much for joining. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> boris. a flash mob striking a high-end store in southern california, making off with hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of merchandise. we have the details when we come back. age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health vers 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. w available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ our ears connect us to the moments that matter. give them the nutrients they need with lipo. it's formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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in other words, would it have to happen before close of business if it were to happen today? >> reporter: well, look, what we are expecting to happen is that whenever the grand jury hands up these indictments, whether it is today, whether it is tomorrow, that they will become public very quickly after that. so we don't exactly know, again, like when that is going to be, but we would not expect this necessarily to be something that gets carried overnight if the grand jury here doesn't get carried overnight. i think if the grand jury ends up voting on these charges today we will likely see whatever they have to make public public today. but again, all we know right now with certainty is the grand jury is moving faster than expected. >> a lot of folks hitting refresh on that filings website. sara murray in fulton county, georgia. thanks so much. boris. a police raid on a small kansas newspaper is leading to serious criticism today. more than 30 news and press freedom organizations including cnn are strongly condemning the marion police department for raiding the paper's office and the home of its owner. this is a photo of the aftermath. we're going to show it to you in just a second. at the marion county record. you can see, as soon as we get the photo, where a reporter's computer tower sat before police seized it. you see it there. the co-owner and publisher says that officers confiscated computers, file servers and phones from reporters and editors. he says the paper did nothing wrong in its reporting about a restaurant owner who claims that her privacy rights were violated. cnn's whitney wild has been tracking this story for us. whitney, what more are we learning about this raid? >> reporter: well, boris, we still have many more questions than answers at this point. but the marion county police chief is defending this action saying yes, there are limitations on when law enforcement can execute a search warrant inside a newspaper's offices or on the journalists themselves, however, the chief says that limitation only pertains to when journalists are not themselves suspects in some illegal activity here. so the implication here is that the police chief at least believes that the journalists took part in some activity that was illegal. however, as you point out, news organizations including cnn and press freedom advocates are highly, highly concerned about this. it is extraordinarily atypical because, boris, typically the process is that news organizations receive a subpoena and then they work with their lawyers to provide whatever information is necessary. that is the normal course of action. it is very rare that law enforcement actually executes a search warrant because it's just not supposed to happen that way per federal laws. here's what a -- what the letter from the reporters committee for freedom of the press wrote to the marion police chief demanding those materials be returned to the journalists, saying "there appears to be no justification for the breadth and intrusiveness of the search, particularly when investigative steps may have been available, and we are concerned that it may have violated federal law strictly limiting federal, state, and local law enforcement's ability to conduct newsroom searches." at issue here, boris again is this local newspaper that published a story on a local restaurant owner. the newspaper believes that this raid was basically retaliation for that story that was published. so a lot of back and forth here. so much more to learn, and we'll keep on it. boris? >> whitney wild, thank you so much for sharing those details. jim? now to some of the other headlines we are watching this hour. four divers who went missing off the north carolina coast have thankfully been found alive. the coast guard says the group was rescued 46 miles southeast of cape fear. they left on sunday for a diving trip on a recreational boat around noon. later that day the coast guard was alerted they had not resurfaced. details on the rescue not yet clear, but photos released by the coast guard do show tearful -- look at that there. family reunions. also gas prices are edging toward $4 a gallon. the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline, $3.85 now. the highest level in nearly ten months. coming just as millions of americans are planning road trips for labor day. aaa says there are 11 states averaging $4 a gallon gas and higher already. that includes arizona, illinois and utah. and mark zuckerberg says he is throwing in the towel on his cage fight with elon musk. that was a real thing. the meta ceo posted on the threads platform, of course his competitor to musk's x, "isn't serious," he said, about the fight and that it's time to move on. zuckerberg accused musk of giving multiple excuses to delay their fight. again, this is real. including wanting a back yard practice match. musk responded on his x platform by calling zuckerberg a chicken. again, boris, these are real quotes. >> important to point that out, jim. this is actually happening in real life. a brazen flash mob robbery that was captured on video. it happened in broad daylight at a nordstrom store in los angeles. police say that thieves swooped in, overwhelming the staff and grabbing high-end merchandise before making their getaway. cnn's josh campbell joins us now live from los angeles. so josh, are police any closer to identifying the alleged culprits? >> reporter: well, boris, at this hour their investigation remains. our colleague sherry mossberger spoke with cnn -- or excuse me, lapd a short time ago and they indicated at this point no identification of the suspects, at this point no leads, no arrests. that investigation continues. but to set the stage for our viewers here, this was saturday afternoon. you had people that were out and about at a mall. you had workers that were just doing their job. and then this happened. watch. customers began to flee. there were obviously exasperated employees there who could do nothing but watch. we're told that up to $100,000 in merchandise was stolen. los angeles police department issued a statement, i'll read part of that. they said to criminals it is just property taken, to those who live in the area and patronize the topanga mall it is a loss of feeling safe. the lapd will exhaust all efforts to bring those responsible in to custody and seek criminal prosecution. these cases obviously so tough to crack because you have these members of this group there wearing masks, they're in and out in a matter of minutes. a lot of them actually fled the scene. vehicles with paper license plates. so really difficult there for police to try to get to the bottom of this, boris. >> and josh, a similar incident happened in los angeles just a few days ago, right? >> that's right. very similar. in nearby glendale, california. i believe we have some of those images as well. you see this large criminal flash mob that strikes another shopping facility. in that case we're told that up to $300,000 worth of merchandise was stolen. no new leads announced by police on that one. but what they're doing is appealing to the public, if you know who this group was there is a $50,000 reward that's being offered for information leading to their arrest. but this incident certainly unsettling the area, the community here in los angeles. and for those people who were there at the mall it was certainly very terrifying, boris. >> josh campbell, thanks so much for the update. jim? coming up, a truly exceptional find in rome as the private theater to the first century emperor nero is uncovered just steps from the vatican. we're going to have details on this remarkable discovery just ahead. not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is s played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can d do for your business. my cpa told me i wouldn't qualify for the erc tax refund, so i called innovation refunds. theiteam of independent tax attorneys will work with your cpa toetermine if your company is eligible. 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>> reporter: the theater is where nero honed acts to entertain the masses. he was big into bread and circuses. the bread and circuses are over now, the city still brings in the masses. ben wedeman, cnn, rome. >> our thanks to ben wedeman for that report. >> he gets all the good assignments. ahead on "cnn news central," a grand jury in atlanta hearing evidence on election interference by trump could lead to another indictment for the former president. we'll have the latest just ahead. i'll be takiking meetings... with family and friends. and checking voicemail... as my activivities permit. i'll connect with you... after reconnecting with me. ♪ get 1.9% apr for 36 months plus $1,500 purchase allowance on a 2024 xt5 and xt6 when you finance through cadillac financial. ♪ you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed insta match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your b description. visit ♪ hitt ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ one, two, get loose now ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ stay two nights and get a $ 50 best western gift card. book now at what's the subway series? 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