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Good morning, welcome to cnn this morning. Great to be with you. So glad youre here. Thank you for being here. Im amara walker. Thank you for waking up with us at 7 00 this morning. We do begin with some very tragic news and the devastation in hawaii. Officials now say at least 80 people are dead. That number is expected to rise. The search teams continue to comb through the destruction. Now hawaiis Attorney General is ordering a review of the states response. And today more republican president ial contenders get ready to make their case to voters at the Iowa State Fair. Well have the latest as the candidates kick their campaigns into high gear. Plus lays down the law to President Trump during a contentious hearing. Shes putting the former president on notice about any fu future inflammatory language or intimidation of witnesses. We begin with the grim news from hawaii, where those devastating wildfires have now claimed at least 80 lives. Officials warn the death toll will likely rise. Crews have not yet searched the inside of most of the buildings, so its still unclear how many people are missing. I fought wildfires in california. I was here yesterday when it flared up. I have never seen something ravage so fast. The only public road in and out of there was open briefly to let people see what has become of their homes, but authorities closed it a short time later. Now there is growing criticism over how authorities handle d te early 340e789s of the wildfires as flames spread quickly across the island. The Attorney General is now ordering a review of the states response leading up to the fires. No warning sirens were activated, which critics say cost untold lives. Thats not the only tconcern about the wildfire preparedness. Cnns pam brown has more. Even as other documents show officials knew they lack ed resources to prevent and fight fires. We had advanced notice coming into the summer. The winds, low humidity, any ignition would have sparked a big fire, and thats exactly what we saw. Reporter in a state report Ranking National disasters, officials classified the Wildfire Risk to human life as low in this colorcoded chart. The assessment coming years after Hurricane Lane fanned the flames of fires in Hawaii Ravaging Maui in 2018. That perfect storm of conditions highlighted the threat and how unprepared officials in hawaii were dealing with such a disaster, with a county report noting Hurricane Lane made small fires swell and stretch Public Safety resources with strong winds grounding air support. That storm should have been a wakeup call, according to this Planning Document from hawaiis Emergency Management agency. Other state and local documents show hawaii lagged behind in preparedness for the devastating wildfires playing out now that have killed more than 50 people, left countless people missing and triggered widespread evacuations. A cruel deja vu for some residents. Four years ago, we had another hurricane. We lost our house in the fire. Rebuilt, and what happened yesterday is killing me right now. We just lost our house again. Twice in four years. Reporter a 2021 report also makes the troubling point that despite the increasing number of wildfires, Fire Prevention was given, quote, short shift in the department of fire and safety. The plan also included, quote, nothing about what can and should be done to prevent fires, which is called a significant oversight. Given how catastrophic this event was, i think there will be a lot of pressure on the state and other organizations to improve their Fire Prevention actions that they are taking at the statewide level. Reporter the fires come as maui has faced increasing Drought Conditions in recent years contributing to warnings like this in a webinar from the hawaii wildfire management organization. Hawaii has a big wildfire problem. We are on par with the most fireprone states in the western u. S. The impacts of fire are broad and long lasting. Reporter now residents are left to rebuild again as the threat of future disasters looms with no clear plan in place. I mean, i know what i need to do. We have done it before. It just sucks. Its still unclear whether they could have reduced the devastation we have seen from the wildfires given its intensity and speed. As for responsibility, the governor of hawaii tells cnn the responsibility falls on all of us. Back to you. Pam, thank you. Newly released video shows the horror of the fires as people tried to escape. The video from the coast guard shows the vau of the fire on wednesday. Coast guard crews were able to rescue 17 people who fled into the ocean to etc. Scape the spreading flames. And take a look at this tiktok video. It appears to show some those people in the water after they were forced to jump in to try to save themselves from the flames we should say that cnn has not been able to determine the source of the video or independently verify the video, but it does give you a sense of what from the people were dooel ing with. Winds created an incredibly chaotic situation. We have to walk somewhere over there by the beach. Not like this. No, not like this. Its frightening because you look at how choppy the waters are. We know that Hurricane Dora was churning in the pacific. You have to keep that in mind as people were jumping into extremely choppy waters. And just to hear the terror. Gloria is there in honolulu. Whats the latest . Reporter it is really so devastating to listen to that video, to watch the video and hear the pan in peoples voices. You can tell how desperate they are trying to flee those flames. In the last several days, just the amount of damage and devastation is really starting to come into focus, as we get more and more video and images coming out of the area. 80 miles to the west of here, that is where the majority of the damage has taken place. Now lets start with the latest. We know that fema officials equipped with cadaver dogs are going to be searching the structures that have been left behind. So far, many of the bodies that have been recovered have been found outside of the structures that have burned. And officials here have said that they are awaiting the arrival of fema teams to search the inside of many of those structures. 80 people have lost their lives so far. We are expecting that number to increase. Now the public road in and out of lahaina was opened up to residents yesterday. People are desperate to sigh trice to get back to assess the damage, connect with their friends and love d ones to see whats left, if anything, of their property, their businesses, their livelihoods really. That road shortly after it was opened up had had to be closed back up because there was such a buildup of people and traffic that led officials to have to close it back up. I want to talk about the fire. So far 85 of the fire has been contained. Overnight, we had another fire that was burning in the western part of the island. That triggered some evacuations. The good news there is that the fire has been completely contained and that people are no longer being evacuated. Now the last point here is about the people of hawaii and the people of honolulu, who have been trying to come together to support and give donations and help to those who desperately need it. Theres frustration thats starting to build because people are desperate for help. Im standing in front of the Convention Center here in honolulu. They have been housing some of the evacueeses that have been flown out of the island. As you mentioned at the beginning there, theres now a review that is going to be conducted to try to understand the positions that were made by officials, why some of the sirens were not deployed in order to warn residents of maui that danger was fast approaching. We have heard so many witness accounts who told us that their flames were basically oat their door as they were trying to get out. It just shows that they really had no time, no warning. They just had to get out and some jumping into the water. So traumatic. Thank you. So there have been many dramatic accounts of those who escaped the fires. We want to show you Satellite Images to give you a sense of before and after the wildfires. It is incredible to wrap your heads around. Entire neighborhoods, homes, businesses, all destroyed. Listen to how some residents recounted the horrifying experiences. We all got in the ocean. We saw a floating board that we hung on to. We were out there float ing, cas blowing up. We stepped out of my front door and it was just hundreds of feet of Black Smoke Engulfing the town. It was everything i could do to gather my kids in two minutes to get out of the house. We ran out of the house with no shoes. It was just a lot. Massive plumes of smoke in that video. For more information on how you can help hawaii wildfire victims, go to cnn. Com impact. Turning to other news this morning, lets talk about iowa. Iowa basking in the political spotlight. President ial hopefuls are flocking to the state in des moines to try to court voters and iowas republican governor. The governor put out the welcome mat, but shes not endorsing a republican candidate, at least not yet. Chief National Affairs correspondent jeff zeleny has more. Reporter Governor Reynolds reveling in the Iowa State Fair and the republican president ial race. Shes at the center of both. Five months of the Iowa Caucuses Ring The Bell of the campaign. This is a metaphor for all the candidates in the race. It is. Get them to participate and do what they need to do. Reporter shes showering all republican hopefuls with attention sizing up the field along the way. But staying neutral, at least for now. Its really important they feel that they have a fair shot and they are welcome here in iowa. I want iowans to have a chance to interact with them. Youre not ruling out potentially an endorsement at the end. I dont think you should never say never. Well wait and see what happens. I made it clear im probably looking at neutral. Especially at the beginning of this. Its naturally going to start to narrow. Then well take a look at where its at. Its early for that. Reporter reynolds wants republicans to find the strongest candidate to win back the white house. She believes the race is far from settled. Its so early. Paem people are paying so much attention to the national polls. Its just not reflective of kind of what im hearing from iowans as im traveling around. You think there could be surprises . Theres always surprises. Its just part of the prost. I cant think of one caucus where there hasnt been a surprise. Reporter for most shes byebye hosting the republican hope fuls and basking in their accolades. The best governor in the entire country kim reynolds. Reporter she invited the candidates to join her on stage at the fair. All said yes except former President Trump. Hes been lashing out taking credit for reynolds selection and attacking her for not supporting him. Reynolds, iowas first female governor, smiled and took exception to that. Its actually iowans who made the decision to elect me in a really tough year. 2018 was not a good year for republicans. I squeaked by. Reporter the 2018 midterms were, in part, a referendum on trump. Last year she won reelection by nearly 19 points. As remarkably popular among republicans. a73a■p■792rgm. 3w®vv4 part of[ instead of looking for americas future, trump is busy attacking republican governors. Reporter her once close relationship with trump has grown more complicated. You think republicans are see him as the inevitable nominee . I think its early. Our job is not necessarily to pick the winner, but to narrow the field. Thats what the caucus has done. Well have more on the Iowa State Fair throughout the show today. Thank you. The federal prosecutor who has been investigating hunter biden since 2019 has now been given more authority. David wies has just been appointed a Special Counsel in the case. Attorney general Merrick Garland granted the new authority after plea talks fell apart. Upon considering his request and the extraordinary circumstances relating to this matter. I have concluded that it is in the Public Interest to appoint him as Special Counsel. He has been granted ultimate authority over this matter, including the responsibility for deciding where, when, and whether to file charges. Im joined by shan wu, a defense attorney and a former federal prosecutor. A always great to see you. Good morning. Why now . Why elevate the u. S. Attorney who has been on this case for four years investigating hunter biden . Why is he being elevated to Special Counsel right now . Do you see this as Merrick Garland vowing to political pressure . Its hard to know what he maybe privy to, but at least from the outward aexperience, the answer to your question is we dont know. It doesnt seem like anything has changed. According to both Merrick Garland and david wies, wies had full authority to do whatever he needed in the case. In fact, he actually said that he had not asked to be appointed Special Counsel previously, but there is a term called Special Attorney where a Current Justice Department prosecutor can be given authority to bring cases outside of his normal jurisdiction, in his case, outside of delaware. So its hard to understand why either they felt he needed to become Special Counsel versus the status he had already been in for the last five years. Certainly, the complete collapse of that plea deal did not help matters. He certainly is now looking at the possibility of trying the case and if they tried the case, it wouldnt be in delaware, but again, he could have done that originally. So is a trial more likely for hunter biden . Or is a plea deal out of the question at this point . I dont think a plea deal is out of the question. It almost never is in prosecutions because most of them resolve by plea deals, but certainly, the deal they originally had almost seems like i at an impasse going forward. From a defense standpoint, obviously, they dont want hunter biden to face more charges and have the uncertainty of going to a trial, but on the other hand, i also think the defense is probably saying, look, if you really want after five years to try this case on these charges you came up with, fine, lets go for that. It just seems unlikely they are going to find something new after five years of going at this. So from one Special Counsel case to another, lets talk about trump now. This protective order, shan, what is in it . What would constitute some of the information and how would it limit what trump can and cannot say in welcome public . Right now, what constitutes Sensitive Information sort of seems most of the evidence trump would be getting including transcripts, Staumts Fstatement from the witnesses, theres certainly just cause to be concerned that he might use that delay that could be dangerous or intimidating to the witnesses. We have seen lots of examples of that, even in the Georgia Situation where the Election Workers were harassed. Given his kinds of statements, that is a concern. The difficulty here is that by only attacking the Sensitive Information, it forces the fight to how to define the term sensitive. And no doubt, the defense is going to have a disagreement with the prosecution over what actually is sensitive. The Critical Point here from the judges Point Of View, from the prosecutions Point Of View is to get the ball rolling. To do that, they need to have the protective order in place so that the discovery can start flowing to the defense side. Shan wu, were out of time. Thank you so much for joining us. Still ahead for us, unimaginable horror in ukraine caught on videoafter Russia Strikes a hotel where a childrens camp was being held. Well have the latest. Plus President Biden to expand Background Checks for gun purchases. More on that. Except the hours that youre sleeping. So why do we leave so much untatapped potential on the tab . This is a next level bed, for a next level youou. My circadian rhyththm is kickig your Circadian Rhythms butt its not a competition. I know, but im still winning so, it is a competition. Save 50 on the sleep Number Limited Edition smart bed. Plus, 36month financing on select smart beds. Shop now only at sleep number. Made it smell like dave was in his happy place. The Massage Chair at the mall. But. He wasnt. Gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. Wherever you go. Wherever you stay. All you need is one key. Earn and use rewards across expedia, hotels. Com, and vrbo. Mom hey cheap flight alert daughter hawaii can we go . 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We were there just after it had been liberated from its first Russian Occupation last year in september. A destroyed city, but rebuilt fast now that there might be 12,000 People Living there. But specifically because of the threat, the children, over 500, theres a specific order to get those children out. But its difficult work at the best of times, given the threat of shell fire around there. The reminder of how the youngest on the civilian Ukrainian Pseudoof this war end up the target or caught in the shelling from the russian side that often deeply indiscriminate. As we saw, seemingly, quite targeted about how they choose to hit civilian targets. The first struck horror. 7 20 thursday evening. Terror and then another roar. Though the hotel they targeted where a kids camp ended an hour earlier needed to be hit twice. Malk how the children felt. Dozens of guests injured, one dead. This is how it looked before the missiles hit. A playground in the car park. A russian official then led hotels to be targeted saying they are full of soldiers. In the hours after, sirens sounded in kyiv. As ukraine only managed to take out one. Officials saying another target was an f16 Training Facility in the west. These nightly strikes, russias response to the pressure on the southern front. Where friday importantly small gains were claimed. President zelenskyy urged patients and moved to steady a slemoving ship. Firing the head of Military Rekrumt Krutment after a series of scandals replacing them with wounded veterans. They have lost their limbs, but maintain their dignity and can be trusted to run the system. Reporter now that move clearly a bid to try to clean out the corruption thats plagued part of the Recruitment System here. And also for zelenskyy to be out in front of the narrative where many ukrainians are seeing this counteroffensive play out at a slower pace than they would like, they are incurring losses, certainly, but i sould point out each time we hear of these small gains, particularly around the village, it is just a village that the russians are deeply defending so hard. We saw ourselves last week, you never know which small incremental gain will be the one that actually exploits the genuine weakness and enables faster progress to be made by the ukraines. Ing in that moment happens, its still a deeply slow and painful grind for ukrainians to push out and inflict a more strategic territorial loss on russia before winter sets in. Always appreciate your reporting from there. Thank you very much. Still ahead, ihawaii is reeling this morning from the devastation from the wildfires. Loved ones lost, homes and businesses gone, thousands having displaced. Theres hundreds and even thousands of people possibly still unaccounted for. Check and special offers. Like a free 5g phone. Plus, switch, keep your numbe, and get up to 300 off. With verizon business. Its your business. Its your veverizon. Rsv can be a dangerous virus. [sneeze]. For those 60 and older. Its not just a cold. And if youre 60 or older. You may be at increased risk of hospitalization. [coughing]. From this highly. Contagious virus. Not all dangers come with warning labels. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor. About getting vaccinated against rsv today. And mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv this is your summer to smile. To raise your glass and reconnect. To reel in the fun and savor every bite. 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Current ly on the ground, were still in the Search And Rescue efforts. And we have continued hot spots and flare ups of the fires. They are not out yet. Just last evening, we had some fairly ly bigger ones. So the Search And Rescue efforts are continuing. And the vegetation is very, very dry. So the conditions are just not helping out here with the effort. We do continue. We are working with our state, local, and federal partners, along with the private sector, to make sure we can protect lives and support survivors. You say its still in the Search And Rescue stage of the process. Have folks been able to get into the buildings yet . Where are we in terms of that . Well, in terms of residential access, on friday, there was some limited access, so folks could get in to start seeing what was in their neighborhood and their property, but it is limited because the hot spots and the flareups we want to protect safety first. As the fires are continued to be con tand, more tainted, more people will be able to go in. This is a toxic situation at this point. We have had person after person after person on our air say that the warning sirens were not sufficient, if at all. Can you help me understand who would be responsible, what agent us is would be responsible for setting off those sirens . Well, as you pointed out, there are serious questions about this. Governmor green has vowed to ge to the bottom of it. Hes directed our Attorney General to conduct an investigation into exactly what policies work, what practices work and what happened with the warning issystem for this seaso event. Its too soon to say who notified whom, but i can assure you she will get to the bottom of it. Yet i think theres a question for folks at home about who would be responsible for setting off these sirens. I think i understand that the investigation is ongoing and just beginning, but i think theres a question of who would have been responsible for that and a question of why werent they alerted werent. Typically, the counties take control over those alerts. And there were some alerts that went out. So there was some text alerts and some other alerts that went out. But there were issues with communications, power failed and Cell Phone Towers were out. So thats one of the things that the investigation is going to be looking at. Talk to me about the need right now. Were looking at pictures that days after seeing these pictures, it still is,pax hard wrap your around head around. What do people need the most right now . So right now, there are about 1,400 people in shelters. And theres need for food, for water, those needs are being handled by volunteers here in the state. The state is actually requesting that those who want to help, and we know there are many and were thankful for that, but the best way to help right now is to provide monetary donations to trusted privatesector partners who can get money to the hands of the people who need it and can purchase what they need. That takes down logistics that way, theres no distribution that way. It just immediately gets those goods into the hands of the people who need it the most. Is that one road that had momentarily been open that allowed residents to return back to the city, whats the status of that . Is that open now . Is it closed . Whats happening there . I cant give you the exact status at this moment, but on friday it was open on and off to meter the access so that the area was controlled. As you might imagine, theres some Security Concerns with peoples belongings and their homes and things. So the access was metered so the location could be managed in appropriate ways. We so appreciate your time today. We know you have been a hawaii resident for quite some time. Its a place you yourself call home. Were so sorry for what everyone is going through and we appreciate the time today. Thank you. Still ahead, President Biden is preparing to make gun safety a central issue of his reelection campaign. A closer look, when we come back. This is american infrastructure. Megawatts of power, rails and open road, and essential services of every kind. All running on countless invisible networks, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. But the same aipowered security that protects all of google also defends the systems running americas infrastructure. For these services. For the 336 million of us living here. For your most brilliant smile, crest has you covered. laughing nice smile, brad. Nice thanks . Crest 3d white. 100 more stain removal. Crest. Listen up, you dogs with allergic itch todays talking lesson is just one word apoquel. Apoquel. 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Were mile was from the alarming price spikes of last summer, and that is great news. But the latest Consumer Price metrics are giving investors hope that the Federal Reserve can end its war on inflation. Consumer Price Inflation did tick up in july breaking a recordlong streak of 12 straight months of cooling. But dont be fooled. Economists say theres really no reason to panic over this. The july Inflation Report came in cooler than expected. And the uptick was mostly driven by the comparison to a year earlier when inflation hit just started todzrrv cool off. Then the american economists say that the latest Inflation Riting is encouraging and gives them confidence that the Disinflation Process is not a head game. Tamping inflation could not happen soon enough for con consumers. Typical households 202 in july than a year ago to buy the same goods and services. Thats according to analytics. The impact is even greater when you zoom out. Two years of high inflation has had a snowballing effects on family budgets. The typical house spent more in july than two years ago. Thats to buy the same goods and services. This is just another reminder of how important it is to get inflation back to healthy levels as soon as possible. Thank you, matt. President biden is preparing to highlight his move to extend Background Checks for gun buyers. Its part of a push hes making for the 2024 reelection campaign. The Executive Action Biden set forward in march to expand the federal licensing and checks required from gun sellers is not essential for this. Jasmine wright is in washington with more. So this moves the country as close to universal Background Checks without legislation. What more can you tell us about it . Yeah, it looks like gun safety will be the latest front tier from the Biden Campaign that they hope to galvanize voters ahead of 2024. Its beginning to be punctuated by efforts on the mainly that Executive Order you just talked about, as aids are trying to nudge it forward as its still under an internal review process. But this order signed back in march after he visited california, the site of those deadly mass shootings, it does a couple things, including clarifying as appropriate the statutory definition of who is engaged in the business of dealings in firearms to expand the definition of which gun sellers are required to comply with Background Check Requirements there as you see on the screen. This is something thats been long sought after and gets President Biden closer to his goal of universal Background Checks. Now those who are advising the campaign also say it does benefit President Biden. It allows him and Kamala Harris to be able to contrast their own policies with what they see as extreme republican who is are using their power to really block any sort of Gun Safety Legislation that could potentially make the country safer. We saw this strategy demonstrated by Vice President Kamala Harris yesterday when she was at a gun Safety Conference in chicago. Take a listen. They are the people who are fearless and there are people who are feckless. It is interesting to me how some of the very people who refuse to engage in a meaningful debate and discussion on this, who refuse to pass reasonable laws are the same ones who talk about accountability all the time. The hypocrisy of that. Reporter now, i was in that room with Vice President harris yesterday and those in the audience were loving everything she was saying. Which guess to show why now basically every major Gun Safety Group has jointly endorsed the doBiden Campaign this week. Thats on the campaign side. But on the official side, as that internal review is still going, although were told it will resolve itself quickly, they are planning mass events at the white house to try to show americans just what President Biden is doing for them and to march towards 2024. The season is upon us. Jasmine, thank you. Whats it really like in the post Pandemic Restaurant World . The food network joins the whole story with Anderson Cooper to see how the industry is adapting. Heres a preview. Like so many in the restaurant industry, chris was blind sided by the totality of the pandemic. Many of our restaurants around the country are closed. Many of us might not reopen. When you look at big moments like that, how do you face it . What do you do . It was so not in our playbook. The guy who started his pizza joint in the back of a Grocery Store in 1988 had by now expanded to four restaurants in phoenix, arizona. There we go. Well bring it out. There it is. The first time i showed up at your place, they were telling people that showed up its four hours. I know youre use ed to this, b thats a remarkable thing to have in a basis. People waiting in line for four hours to eat your pizza. The pandemic hits. What do you do . It was like aovie that you could never imagine. It was something that i didnt have a strategy. Dont miss the new episode tomorrow at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cnn. Well be right back. Eping. So why do we leave so much untapped potentitial on the tab . This is a next level bed, for a next level you. My Circadian Rhythm is kickingg your Circadian Rhythms butt its not a competition. I know, but im still winning so, it is a competition. Save 50 on the sleep Number Limited Edition smart bed. Plus, 36month financing on select smart beds. Shop now only at sleep number. [narrator] we just shipped our millionth monthly Coffee Subscription Box so were sendi custom thank you gifts to our team. 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Sell and buy in one move when you start with opendoor. woman yes vo close in a matter of days. Start with an all cash offer at opendoor dot com a turtle, its really a story. It took a free stroll through a south Florida Power lifting gym. It gets tossed out, but the manager really got a workout. The manager says that the video showing footage of how she coaxed the turtle out has now gone viral. Jeanne moos was there. Reporter this turtle didnt inquire about a membership. As it toured the gym in florida, strolled right in through the open garage door. Im inspired by a lady dressed in green like me. Reporter the lady is the manager. Its a turtle. I dont know if i should pick you up. I dont want you to snap at me. I dont want to hurt you. Reporter it was she who added the commentary taking on the turtle with a top. Are you going to try you think they are slow, but this guy was going. Reporter seeking cover under equipment, inspired by the new teenage mutant Ninja Turtles movie. The infiltrator is a turtle known as the go for tortoise. Its considered threatened, they want motorists to display it on license plates. Someone wrote a fivestar google review of the gym from the turtles Point Of View. Even offered me one of their towels. However, i decided not to enroll because i am a turtle. Nicki pointed toward the exit. It kind of did. Are you shooing me . Like a matador, leading it out the backdoor. Jeanne moos, cnn, new york. Do we think the turtle got any gains . Was it an effective workout . I dont know if this would have been the right reaction, but i would have picked it up and placed it outside. But hey, she was trying to be cautious. She probably did the right thing. Perfect t for when youre subbd out of the game. And if we profer it, we know youll prefer it too. Nothing better than a sub, s su. vo verizon Small Businessss days ae back. From august 7th to the 13th. Get a free tech check and special offers. Like a free 5g phone. 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