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Astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other Allergy Sprays take hours. With astepros unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go tonight the white house confirms of Five Americans he step closer to freedom for arrived at a finney rainy and piston today, joining the fifth authority under house arrest. Three have been held for years. The white house calls the ongoing investigations for the release delicate, and say they never should have been detained in the first place. Just the first have been what includes the u. S. Unfreezing Six Billion Dollars in iranian funds for food and medicine. The source says a Prisoner Swap is also expected. The news continues with a source from kaitlan collins, starting now. Tonight, straightening the stores. Maui, still burning, the death toll is climbing. The second deadliest u. S. Wildfire in a century, incinerating paradise. This hour, the governor will deliver a new update. We will bring it to you live. Plus, yet another a not guilty plea for donald trump in one federal case, as the Special Counsel is asking for a trial date in the other. Trump is also not happy with the date that they are seeking. What are friends for, by the way . And escrows eye on Clarence Thomas has ignited a new uproar, as the list of lavish gifts from billionaires grows an entire 7 37, just for him . Im kaitlan collins, this is the source. Tonight, we are waiting to hear renewed update from the governor of hawaii, and the mayor of maui. A News Conference that we should notice is set for this hour as fires continue to devastate the island. The death toll has now climbed 53 people. Officials are warning that that number can only get higher. President biden issued a Disaster Declaration among federal resources and addressed the catastrophe while on the road today. Our prayers are with the people of hawaii, but not just the prayers, every asset we have will be available for them. Theyre going to need it. The historic Chant Of Lahaina has it been left in ashes. The fires are now reported to be 80 contained as winds are dying down, but the scenes left behind are devastating. People are comparing it to a war zone. Look at this before and after images. You see that building there on the right, that is the shores beach resort. Its Still Standing tonight, but does not look like anything else around it is. There is another before and after, an Elementary School in the building on the left picture above the marina inland. You see that beautiful blue water nearby. On the right, that is the after photo, a total health escape. The total scope of the devastation wont be known for several days. We do know that litary personnel from the coast guard are helping for the Search And Rescue missions helping underway tonight. Today, pentagon announcing that 100 National Guardsmen have been activated to help with those response efforts. Joining us now is jeff hackman, the Public Affairs director for hawaiis Department Of Defense. Ari knim so grateful that you ca andfor him, itive seen War Zn Afghanistan and iraq. It is, everything is wiped out. That used to be the capital of hawaii during the times in hawaii. It was a bustling town, and some of those budings were still there. All made out of wood, and that whole waterfront is gone. A lot of history, the worlds oldest and Biggest School you mentioned, my mom taught there. We have a lot of connections to that area. A lot of things that were going to have to rely on our memories. What is it like to see the school that your mom taught at in the condition that it is after that fire . It is unbelievable. You have to wait until the sun came up to see. It think it is the wind has died down. The fires are still smoldering in the town, but to see it flat and completely gone, all of those buildings, we used to run in between it when we were small, and she taught there, we just spent an inverse three there with my wife and family driving down front street. It is going to have a longlasting effect for that community. I cannot even imagine. Before you can think about the recovery, the rebuilding efforts, the Search And Rescue missions that are underway right now you. Talk about those being conducted by the National Guard. How does that even work . Are they going through this . There are only so many people allowed in these areas. I should note, what it is seeing so far . The Miami Police Department and fire department, other First Responders, we have 30 soldiers and airmen from the Hawaii National guard assisting with that mission. We have another 30 assisting police with the checkpoints, just guarding the area to keep people out. The public is not allowed in there yet. It is going to take months for the process to begin recovery. You have to go in first building the building, house to house, block by block, looking for bodies. We have a wide Search And Rescue team, and thats their specialty. Fema with the federal government help, they are sending people as well. A lot of those Emergency Support agencies coming down, were going to actually have to bring in counselors and chaplains to assist with our soldiers and airmen see what they see. We are sure that the police and fire are going to need it to. They are going to first go through, try to find as many bodies, and loved ones missing, personnel, as they can. The next cleanup, and then allowing the business and homeowners to go in and grab their effects. The public will not be allowed in for a long time, and its going to be a very long process before this. We know the fema administrator has just arrived in hawaii night, and when it comes to what they are looking people are still missing at this hour . Unconfirmed reports, but we have heard up to 1000. Just living here in hawaii, a lot of us know somebody on that island, and the connections on facebook. You see it, they are posting pictures. Has anybody seen my uncle . Has anybody seen my family . Has anybody seen people posting pictures of their dogs that had to leave so fast, they love their dogs in the house, and they dont know if their dogs are still alive. Or if the house is still up. The number is very high, like you said. The count officially is at 53. Im sure it will go up, but the families and people who were missing somebody, what theyre going through on top of losing everything, it is too much forwards. Just to hear you say that 1000 people, you believe they are still missing tonight, is dishonest yes. It is very high numbers. There are lists that people are sharing, there is a lot of red cross, they really help this out, the state is actually stepping up and showing a lot. They are giving so many blankets, foods, items, the maui and the state needs. You slow down on the items, people are giving so much because they want to help in some way. We are trying to steer a lot of people into giving money. If what is giving out, the best way to donate, the best way that you can help. We have had people from the mainland u. S. Calling, do you need doctors, do you need help . People are reaching out, and its great to see you at this time. Well speak to a doctor helping out on the ground in a few moments. Youve talked about these Search And Rescue missions. These National Guardsmen and the Police Officers are going through and trying to find people, potentially also recovering. What is the biggest challenge with an effort like that, given that someone many of these neighborhoods are just incinerated . Roads are blocked, ashes everywhere. I think that one of the Biggest Challenges is that the National Guard is a Community Based organization. They are made out of people from that community. I heard somebody else say today on the radio, imagine going to the neighborhood and going to houses that you know and finding somebody, or even a neighbor. Somebody you know of i would say, that would be in the hardest part, being from that community, and then going in there and having to do your duty, assist those First Responders, and everybody else to try and give back to a sense of recovery and the build back. To me, the hardest part is being from there, and knowing what used to be there, and what is there now. You grew up there, how long have you lived there . I lived there all the way up until high school. I grew up in keen, there is a fire near there on that side of the island. There were three on maui. It didnt effect in urban area nearly as much, but everybody went to lahaina, lahaina was the great resort town, the best halloween goes there on front street. Everyone goes there for the fishing. The water is beautiful, the beach is a gorgeous, tourists flock there because the water is amazing. It was a neat town, and im sure it will build back could be stronger than ever. It is going to be awhile before that happens. And we are speaking to you in the official capacity, but its so clearly personal. Did you ever have you ever seen anything like this . We share stories from other National Guards, the california National Guard, what they had to do with the paradise fire, some of those other fires in the last decade. Hearing those stories of what they had to do, searing those pictures because were all public officials, we see the photos and video. It looks just like that. We never thought that would happen here. Youre talking about a town that got enveloped, there are some 80 mile per hour gusts, and it happened at night. From a hurricane and it didnt even hit hawaii. It is a whole bunch of things aligned the wrong way, and it just surprised everybody. No, we never thought it could happen. Ive never seen anything like this. What are you hearing about how busy hospitals are . Have you heard anything about the number of injuries, what that looks like on that perspective, . I heard there is about 30 burn victims. Three in critical. Im sure those guys have been evacuated to allow for follow on, more serious service. Im sure there is another firefighter who is in stable condition, hes doing okay. That is so far, there are still people on that side of the island, doing those evacuations. The visitors, theyre taking those to the airport, and even flying home, flying to stay on the Convention Center set up. Or they are a resident, being taken to the shelter. One of the big concerns we have now, the amount of resources that we have for the island. We are trying to get the visitors out they can go out and go home. And then they can take care of the residents that are there and preserve what we have. Right now, we are busing people out slowly. There are still roads closed. There are still buildings, and other fires that are brush fires, as you said, more contained than they were yesterday. We have to Hawaii National guard helicopters, assisting with fire suppression. Yesterday they said they could see a difference. And so yes, a lot of things are changing and they will start moving in a different direction. It is just amazing. Its something weve never seen and never expected. I can hear it in your voice that you are just, how surprised you are by this, what you are being forced to deal with, not just you and your neighbors as well. It is a little bit of comfort knowing that whatever my long hours, are getting messaging out like this, coming on your show and getting this sharing the message of what great First Responders and National Guard has been doing. You get to hear the stories. Its an honor for us to do that. You imagine the people that have lost their homes, their businesses, pets, friends, what they are going to. Its nothing. If you have to work hard to do, it we will. Of course, those estimated 1000 people that are still missing tonight. Jeff hickman, i know that theres a lot going on right now, and we help you for your time tonight for joining us. Thank you very, much kaitlin. I want to bring in dr. Raiza dan nash, a private doctor on maui. He founded mojo, a non profit providing free health care. Doctor, i know that a lot has been going on for people in your profession, they have your skills. We just heard from jeff talking about the hospitals, they are dealing with burn victims. What are you seeing on the ground . Then first of all, thank you for having me. You are obviously correct. A company that we started, we did a not profit for the people, we just got accredited with a 501 c 3 , that was in june, it couldnt have happened in a better time. On the island, fighting covid, having house calls as a concierge, we had these mobile units out there. I realized that on wednesday morning, yesterday, i knew the fires were happening. Everybody got the warnings. There are still roads closed. There are still buildings, and other fires that are brush fires, as you said, more contained than they were yesterday. We have to Hawaii National guard helicopters, assisting with fire suppression. Yesterday they said they could see a difference. And so yes, a lot of things are changing and they will start moving in a different direction. It is just amazing. Its something weve never seen and never expected. I can hear it in your voice that you are just, how surprised you are by this, what you are being forced to deal with, not just you and your neighbors as well. It is a little bit of comfort knowing that whatever my long hours, are getting messaging out like this, coming on your show and getting this sharing the message of what great First Responders and National Guard has been doing. You get to hear the stories. Its an honor for us to do that. You imagine the people that have lost their homes, their businesses, pets, friends, what they are going to. Its nothing. If you have to work hard to do, it we will. Of course, those estimated 1000 people that are still missing tonight. Jeff hickman, i know that theres a lot going on right now, and we help you for your time tonight for joining us. Thank you very, much kaitlin. I want to bring in dr. Raiza dan nash, a private doctor on maui. He founded mojo, a non profit providing free health care. Doctor, i know that a lot has been going on for people in your profession, they have your skills. We just heard from jeff talking about the hospitals, they are dealing with burn victims. What are you seeing on the ground . Then first of all, thank you for having me. You are obviously correct. A company that we started, we did a not profit for the people, we just got accredited with a 501 c 3 , that was in june, it couldnt have happened in a better time. On the island, fighting covid, having house calls as a concierge, we had these mobile units out there. I realized that on wednesday morning, yesterday, i knew the fires were happening. Everybody got the warnings. My clinic is in why lay, on the southbound part of it. We didnt know what was happening at all. Nobody had text messages, images, anything like that. Once the paramedics got there and we know each other, can texts, theres bodies on the, ground theres a lot. We realize that this was serious. I kind of decided to open up my clinic, make it free for anybody that neither did, called an extra staff, and we rounded up people, my mobile unit that im sitting in. We are headed out to the field, just to help. I went to the shelter, they set up at the war memorial. Then we went to maui hi, everyone gave me food and water, supplies, they thought that i would need for lahaina, a good call. They gave her own mega medical staff, we had the ground running, they let us get through that roadblock. We went through another road, it was very scary at the time. I didnt realize what i was walking into, how devastated the road and damages were. Trees were on the ground, huge concrete blocks pulled out. There were you remind me of the cobig it was like a ghost town. Being there while it was still fresh and hot, like an atomic bomb had gone off, i could still smell the stuff, i could still smell the heat, i could see small flames, sea trees burning, and then as we rolled through, and ill show you guys on the tour in a minute if we have time. People came out of the woodwork like survivors. Did we do a sweep through in the area or not . We had a shelter on the left side, has the shelter going to get there, the guy came out to me like hey, im here to help, food. I havent eaten in two days. Im like, thank god i have some. I did a lot of basic stuff, providing water and food. Just catching some patients that had eye injuries, respiratory issues, people just in shock and denial. Some people refusing to go with me, they want to sit where they were. They were looking for their dogs, it was like very traumatic for me, and im an e r doc. I trained in ucla and l. A. , ive seen a lot of trauma. To be there on the ground level, it was you know, ive seen earthquakes in l. A. , ive seen floods out of hawaii, this is something that nobody expected. I dont think that anyone knew how severe it was. The only medical team, setting up in shelters. You actually ended up helping a woman, i think one of the most devastating things that we heard about this, people were literally jumping into the water because it was the only safe place for them. You helped a woman who had had to do just that, trying to escape from the fires. Yes, its just bedside manner, you ask somebody how did you get hurt, where you, where you from . Dealing with the stress and cuts, respiratory issues, and i hate to be nosy and ask, but what was it like . She was like, well, i just looked at the window, i saw the fire. We kind of got a small warning but not enough. You cant predict that, and im not trying to throw anybody under the bus, but it was like, how can you predict this . She was saying she saw the flames, coming got what she, could she left her other stuff, and i dont know how she was holding it together in talking to me. She just started running to the ocean. I seeing the scene of sunset time, right into the ocean, jumping into the water, and then she goes, people were on rafts, surf boards, paddled out. I dont know if the coast guard found those people. There are people out at sea for all i know. She is telling me that her friend, who had a lot of respiratory issues, and had some smoke inhalation, hung on. She hung on for seven hours before things cooled off and they swam back to shore to walk or recuperate. She goes, my friend died. Your friend was in the Water Holding on next to you and she died . Im also having flashbacks to like, the titanic, thinking about movie scenes. You cant make this stuff up. This is real. My heart goes out to her. Im like, can i just record this video . It became kind of a newscaster after. Thats how a lot of people saw that. She was not the only one, we had another guy propel three stories down with a rope he had. I was, like where you in the military . No, i just always had this, reviews to be a climber, it saved my life. The wall was so hot, he knew not to open his front door, he went out the window. Everyone in his building died. He was just a straggler, he survived. Some people in those buildings, they didnt burn, they hid behind it, i dont know how they survived. Nobody had reached out to them. I think the power was out but i was driving over electrical mines, doing some kind of straight crazy stuff, my calling in mission to go other. I have my nurses, all the medical supplies, and we are able to triage 20 or 30 people there. We had another shelter on the west side and then i saw them, its the burned people, they died, but they survived. And if they survive, it will be a very low likelihood, especially in a rural highland, especially because you dont have a burn center. You have to get transferred. Doctor, just to hear your stories and hear you being one of the first people there, it is just amazing. We know that you have a lot of important work that you are doing right now, it were grateful, Doctor Dinesh that you joined us tonight. Thank, you will let you go back to that. Thank you very times night. Thank you so much. Thank you. And for those of you that are watching at home, and you want to be able to her help, we heard from jeff talking about the outpouring of support. Vetted organizations, they are aiding in these recovery efforts. You can find out how you can help these Wildfire Victims in hawaii at cnn. Com slash impact, or you can text hawaii to 707070 to donate. We will also stand by tonight for that News Conference. We are going to get an update from the governor, from the mayor, from the officials there on the rescue efforts. We will bring that to you live as soon as it begins. Also donald trump is now ripping the Special Counsel over the date that jack smith requested for his election interference trial. It is quite soon, we will tell you more, next. We never just see the numbers, we see the people. My dad Started Trek In A Red Barn in waterloo, wisconsin. And now it spans the globe. You wanna take what was given to you and you wanna build it. And you wanna pass it along. If i can do that, i would have done well. Thats why were here. To help make it happen. Known as a passionate artist. Known for loving the outdoors. Known for getting everyone together. No one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. Keytruda is known to treat cancer. 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Com mmm yeah what did i say . jack itwants to put Donald Trump On Trial in the election interference case as soon as january 2nd, 2024. Nearly three years after the capitol attack, two weeks before the iowa caucuses. Prosecutors dont think itll take more than 4 to 6 weeks to present their evidence. The trump team would also have to go. This means that trump could be in the courtroom and campaign trail at the same time. In the other jack smith case, the former president s codefendant appeared in court today to face new charges in the documents investigation. Trumps body man and his initial codefendant walt nauta pleaded not guilty, but now the court is facing a delay. Carlos dela vera, the latest codefendant added in that superseding indictment, showing up without a florida licensed attorney. His arraignment has been postponed to next week. I should note, you dont see trump alongside those attorneys in those videos and codependent s. He also pleaded not guilty, but he waved his appearance in todays hearing. Joining us now, jennifer rogers, cnns legal analyst and for the federal prosecutor. David kelly, former u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york. Thank you both for being here. Jennifer, this is an aggressive schedule. The prosecutors are putting this forward, and they are saying that they want not just this to get pro trumps lawyers the bulk of the discovery over the next two years weeks. Compared to a normal timeline, how unworkable is that . Its very tight, caitlin. Were thinking about cases where we were in the u. S. Attorneys office, a Run Of The Mill case would usually take nine months. It is not that it cannot get done, they have dedicated prosecution teams, dedicated defense teams doing just this, it is feasible in theory. I think its very tight. I cant imagine they can do it that fast. Trump is obviously not happy about this. He saying that he cant believe jack smith scheduled it for the day after new years day. He thinks that it should happen, if at all, after the election. His team gets to suggest their timetable. I imagine you are not going to agree with this one. What i think is happening is the jack smith starts off with the bidding war. He puts in the bid knowing that hes out to get him, but maybe there will be more of a march to the middle. Maybe if they dont start in january, maybe they can get to may i agree with jennifer, you have a nine months before you go to trial. It can be done sooner, i think that the discovery in this case is probably less complex than the discovery in the documents case. The reason being, the documents case is a lot of Classified Information. The substance of which isnt really relevant, the fact they have the sort through that Classified Information issues, that can be longer. I think that the point here is that this can be done faster. I dont think that its unreasonable for him to come and kind of bid so low. I think that at best, look, its not likely to go before the election, but i think that it could reasonably and prudently be scheduled sometime in the spring or summer. Normally, we talk about a speedy trial. You talk about the defendants rights to a speedy trial, but would prosecutors noted today was making the argument Abt The Publics Interest in the speedy trial. Molly gaston, one of the prosecutors said that this is onof the Public Interest stronger than this one in which the defendant is the former president charged with three charges, and saying that obviously its a matter of public importance, and it matters in favor of the prompt resolution. Does that work for the judge . If he wins the election again, he will have this case dismissed. He will have a way to get rid of this altogether. He said he would fire jack smith. He would fire jack smith, a. G. Would dismiss the case if it happens to be resolved by then, they will pardon himself. Theres a bunch of different ways it could have. And does not think it does not really codified in this speaking trial act, but thats not what were talking about here. You have to get it done before hint, or else hell be able to make it go away. David, what do you think happened in Southern Florida today where you see walt not a, carlos de la vera, carloss attorneys were essentially arguing for a delay to august 25th, because he doesnt have floated Based Representation signed on to this yet. The judge said no, we are going to do this on tuesday. Florida is pretty strict about outside lawyers coming in. You have to do that and have that as she before, and i agree with the judge, it shouldnt take that long. Youre now testing the patients of the judge. You have to get somebody. There is somebody their license to practice in the Southern District of florida, they have to be available to come in, at least as at least to the local council for some attorneys. Saying the 25th is too long is more than reasonable, you should get his act together, get a lawyer, move forward. Walt nauta did the same thing. He delayed in getting a floridabased attorney. We were hearing from sources that it was a delay tactic. Do you also think this is a delay tactic . I think, its all a delay tactic, we are talking about a matter of months before the election, every week counts. The notion that they had a week out of fighting over a totally routine protective order in the january 6th case, just above the lawyers and documents case, it is death by 1000 cuts. Every time they pushed back a little bit, next thing you know, you cant trial it after the election. Well find out about the protective order with david kelly, jennifer rogers, thank you both. Meanwhile, donald trump, as he is in court and dealing with his legal troubles, hes also keeping everybody guessing about whether or not he will be at the first Republican Debate a few days from now. Four other candidates have signed a Loyalty Pledge taking part. Well tell you who. Were also waiting for the News Conference, it will start in maui, we will see the governor of hawaii scheduled for 9 30 eastern time, 3 30 eastern, well be back in a moment. With astepros unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go julians about to learn that free food is a personal eating trigger. No, it isnt. sigh yes, it is. And thats just a bit of Psychology Julian learned from noom weight. Sign up now at noom. Com. Bridgett is here. She has no clue that im here. She has no clue whos in the helmet. Are you ready . Im ready alright. Xfinity rewards creates experiences big and small, and onceinalifetime. Butter sculptures, fried dough and a lot of iowa voters. 2024 president ial candidates are either in or headed to iowa for the state fair tonight. Donald trump is in that state, holding 44 of support among iowa republicans. Thats double his closest rival, governor ron desantis. According to a new poll from the New York Times and cnn. Joining us tonight, jamal simmons, whos an aide to both President Biden and Vice President harris. Its now a cnn political commentator. Doug, hello, former rnc communications director, republican strategist, congratulations to you. We are very glad to have you here with us. The support for cnn has gotten off a lot for this. Youll see that very often. Doug, everyone and their mother is in iowa right now, including Vice President mike pence. They are all there shaking hands, but mike pence got asked on january 6th by one voter who travel there to see him, he thought that people deserve to know the trump pressured him to overturn the election. People deserve to know that on that day, the former president asked me to choose him over my oath to the constitution. I chose the constitution, i always will. Trump has denied that, saying hes never disregard of the constitution. We all saw that that happened. What do you think of that being something that has happened, iowa state fair, middle of the 2024 primaries. You left short the number of fried foods available at the fair, its a very long list. Its part of the reason that candidates go there. Republicans or democrats. Doug, i have to interrupt you. We have to go to maui, where officials are giving an update on the catastrophic wildfires. This is the governor. What we saw was the utter devastation of lahaina we walked from end to end today as the team counties, senator schatz with the federal level and and what we saw was largely the natural biggest Natural Disaster in hawaii state history. You recall in 1960, we had one year in the statehood, a tsunami that hit four 61 lives on the big island. We are seeing loss of life here. As you know, the number has been rising, and we will continue to see loss of life, but we have extraordinary professionals working on this job. We also have seen many hundreds of homes destroyed. That is going to take a good deal of time to recover from. That is why we come together. We come together to give comfort to people, and like i said, we will prevail. We come together to talk about the specifics of resource. This morning at 12 10 a. M. My team submitted the proposal to the federal government for president ial Disaster Declaration. Exactly six hours later, we were honored to receive in the affirmative that the federal government will be supporting our full recovery. That means that there will be grants for individuals, from fema, there will be support for rental aid, there will be support for small businesses, and this is just a small piece of what is going to be necessary. The financial aspects of the recovery will help to blunt the loss of life, because all of us will have a loved one here in maui that we know of that lost a house, that lost a friend. We talked to many people today, not just at the shelter, which is something to behold. We appreciate all of the volunteers, like we appreciate the incredible work of the firefighters and police. We talked to an old gentleman who hadnt seen anything like this ever in his life, a wildfire that took the whole city. His neighbors have all lost their homes, his home is intact. He was in tears, this is a gentleman that does not quite easily. We saw young men in bicycles riding through lahaina. They also had much lost to share. They lost their houses. They do not know where to turn. We are telling you that we will rebuild, today you are going to hear from not just me as governor, but you are going to see what the senator will be able to begin working on and proposing for our aid. We also have experts from fema. The local leadership, our state senator, and mayor. Let me say this. A couple of things. We are going to need to house thousands of people. It is our intent to initially seek 2000 rooms so that we can get housing for people. That will mean reaching out to all of hotels, and those in the community, we will ask people to rent those extra room or use the adu or what they have on their property. We will create the program so that that is available. We will be deeply subsidized to make sure that for the many months that people can find a home, they will find a home here. It will make the hotels full as we do this. They are part of our economy and our community. We are also going to Call To Action for people across the state. If you have Additional Space in the home, if you have that capacity to take somebody in from west maui. Please do. We will connect you. Please consider bringing those people into your lives, especially if you have a states that you can otherwise rent. The state will find resources, because the federal government is in full support. President biden spoke to me directly, and said that we will be here with us all the way. We will take questions at the end, but i know that there are several experts here addressing you. We understand that you are hungry for information. Let me just say this upfront. We respect that we know how important it is that you do your job, we are just about 48 hours in. There is tragedy on the roadside. There is tragedy in the homes, in lahaina, and we are trying to be careful to respect the dignity of the people that had such loss. If we have been at anytime more difficult to communicate, is because we are also trying to respect what they have gone through. Well give you more information as we go forward. I will pause there and give it back. Mahalo mayor, at this time i would like to welcome county mayor richard. Hello, in an event like this, i think that we all understand that were going through several phases. We have been in the phase now of Fighting Fires and saving lives. I appreciate the patience that the media has had with us, allowing us to go through that phase. We will soon be in the recovery and rebuilding phase as the governor has spoken to. We will know that it is going to be a long process. I want to speak to our citizens, our residents, our visitors, our business who have suffered tremendous loss, and probably inconsolable grief. I think that for us, the messages that we are going to try our very best to identify those that have perished so that the families can have that closure, and they can have that understanding. We are also going to try to connect our families with those that are in our shelters. As you understand, this is an emergency. People left without taking anything with them, and in most cases, they dont have any choice. Now we are at that phase where we have to get those that are in our community, whether in the hotel, in the shelter, staying with the family or friend, we can try and match them up with their families. A lot of work is being done by all of the people here to make that happen. Again, as the governor spoke to, we will rebuild. That is really we have no choice but to do that. Until you see the devastation that we all witnessed, maybe through photographs before this this morning and in person today, it is difficult to describe. There are lots of people that will need a lot of help, and their goal as government is to provide that help to people. I also wanted to speak to the folks that the homes were not damaged. I know the question on your mind is when can i get back to my home . Just as soon as we can try to provide the certainty that we have recovered, those that have perished. That is really our goal right now. We are hoping to find people that might just be injured. A lot of time has passed since the incident, and so we are still in that phase. Please allow us to complete this process before we allow people back into the homes. There is no power or water. On that west side either. Those are both things that were trying to restore. We also want to make sure that we can provide enough shelter space, space that our shelters have, folks that are kind of at the limits, and so we will have to be creative with our team after this to try to have more for folks on the west side. We are very cognizant of the main things that people want to know, where is my family member, when can i move back to my home . What is the Long Term Plan . I also want to thank all of the partners, the allies that we have in our federal government, our state government, our fellow county government. And of course the public. Your patience, your vigilance, we continue to ask for that. Thank you. Mayor, i would now like to bring up u. S. Representative brian schatz. U. S. Senator brian schatz. I lost that race. [laughter] hello, everybody, i have a couple of things to say. First of, all we are unified, from the federal to the state, to the county government, the community, fortunate enough to be in the community operating center, and weve been with a lot of. Weve never seen such an Extraordinary Group of individuals. They are professionally and personally dedicated, Disaster Responses, and of course, recovery. And so many people have so many personal relationships managing to be the First Responder we all want to thank him. Josh got a call from the president , just got a call from the Vice President , schumer called in the short meat that he was going to do everything he could until disaster supplemental funding bill. One of the best pieces of news, which was fortuitous this week that bob fenton, from region nine, who has been a long time friend, through fema, wildfires, other wildfires, through volcanic eruptions, through floods, tropical storms, is here and is the most knowledgeable person on a Disaster Response and recovery that you could possibly get. Hes here physically with us, walked front street. He has done all of, it and hes going to stay for the duration, even as the fema administrator arrives tomorrow evening. We are united, we are not underestimating the task in front of us in the next couple of days, couple of weeks, but this is going to be a long period of recovery, and we are going to rebuild. Mahalo senator, brian. I would like to bring in Major General can. Good afternoon and aloha. I like to start off again by offering my condolences and prayers to everyone from maui. It was just extremely sad to see all the destruction there but i was fortunate to be able to see it firsthand and now realize the amount of support were going to require from the federal state county and the private i was talking to governor greene and said this has to be an all Nation Approach. Because of what i saw, will be activating what we call the joint task force 50. That is a dual status commander. Ill be appointing general Stephen Logan who is currently my deputy general. He will be the status commander. He will have the authority to command both active duty and National Guard forces. Ive been in close contact with the admirable who is of Pacific Command and general Charles Flynn who was commander of u. S. Army pacific. They have said they will provide the state whatever Military Resources we need for response and recovery. I did ask and we did formally request several capabilities and resources from the federal government. Ill allow Administrator Authentically to go into the details of what he has approved. But, its going to take a long time as mayor and government alluded to its going to take time to rebuild and were going to need all the Nation Approach that i talked about. Thank you. Hello, at this time wed like to bring up robert fenton, region nine fema administrator. Appreciate it. Our condolences and prayers to those lost friends and loved ones during this event. We want to be with you not only now but through the recovery and years to come. Also message of safety make sure you can get the warnings of local officials, dont wait and listen to them and heed the warnings of local officials. Dont wait, listen to them in heed their warnings. As all this because before me talked about unity of effort. I like to say one team one fight, but this is really going to take a whole community effort. Thats not government at the federal state, local level, it is business, private sectors, the citizens of maui, coming together to Work Together to help recover. The devastation that i saw today significant. Ive been on many fires of my career, ive been in fema for 26 years. And to the biggest fires in the country, and the Downtown Area is significantly damaged and a lot of lost structures down there. Some of the programs we will bring, that are important here is the ability to provide direct federal assistance. What does that mean . That means i have the authority underneath the president to task other federal agencies to provide support to maui and the state of hawaii. Some of those missions im are going to be in the debris removal area. Many other missions to include mask care, commodity and also bringing in some Search And Rescue teams that help with cadaver dogs for human remains. They are on the way in right now both from california and washington. We will integrate them and support the Great Fire Department you have here. Our individual Assistance Program is a key program for individuals. For those that are survivors who either lost loved ones or you cant get back to your house or you think youve been impacted by this storm, go ahead and phone the one 800320 officials are providing update after fires have killed 52 people. Weve heard from the governor josh green, saying they will continue to see loss of life. Saying this is the largest Natural Disaster in hawaii state history. He said there is going to be a need to house thousands of people, who were either pushed out of their homes or had to evacuate. We learned that the death toll in maui has climbed to 53. Right now, rescuers are still searching for many others who are missing. We heard one estimate earlier from someone in the highlight Department Of Defense who said that 1000 people are still missing tonight. We will keep monitoring the press conference, we will bring you updates as they come in. For more information on how you can help those, the hawaii Wildfire Victims. Go to cnn. Com where you can text hawaii to donate. We will be right back in just a moment. [ding] dance to your faves in the spalike bathroom [ ] [ding] or enjoy local craft beers, with breathtaking views at the cambria. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. Wake up, achievers. Youre making the most of every hour of your life. Except the hours that youre sleeping. So why do we leave so much Untapped Potential on the table . This is a next level bed, for a next level you. My Circadian Rhythm is kicking your Circadian Rhythms butt its not a competition. I know, but im still winning so, it is a competition. Save 50 on the sleep Number Limited Edition smart bed. Plus, 36month financing on select smart beds. Shop now only at sleep number. I got into debt in college, and no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. So i consolidated it into a lowrate Personal Loan from sofi. Get a Personal Loan with low low fixed rates, and borrow up to 100k. Sofi get your money right. Back with our panel now, as we are turning to the president ial candidate here in iowa, its a time of year again for the state fair. Now something that is coming up while they are all there, the Loyalty Pledge, that so far only four gop hopefuls have signed ahead of that first debate. Back with me, jamal simmons, and doug hyde. Doug, let me start with you, because trump said last night that he is not going to sign this pledge to support the eventual nominee. Obviously its a requirement to participate in the first debate, but this is what he said about it. I wouldnt sign the pledge. Why would i signed a pledge . There are some people there, some people that i would not endorse . What happens if he doesnt sign a pledge. Are they get a little on the debate stage . The reality is that he does not want to be, ultimately if he is on the stage he will allow every opponent to get to the oxygen that he gets into a room and invite himself from a lot of criticism from his party that he doesnt want to have. He may do a second event but he wont be at the debate, his advisers are telling him dont do this, and i think everybody who rationally works in politics when they work for an incumbent was a big lead, which is where trump is thats what you advise. Georgia governor who has no Stranger Intention with donald trump responded today and said every republican running for president wouldnt be better than joe biden. He said anybody who doesnt support the eventual nominee is putting themselves ahead of the future of the country and says this is political games. First of all, donald trump has been putting himself ahead of the future of our country since 2016. Is that when he showed up . I think it is very hard to believe that donald trump will let an event occur again with so many lights so many cameras, so many remote field reports from every networks and not the be present or be part of it. I think we are looking at, im not sure how he can stay or what kind of maneuvering he does, and it certainly wont be because it is the smart thing to do or the rational political thing to do. Donald trump is a little bit more Casino Owner Barker than he is political rational actor. Theres been a tactic by the other republicans to try and got him into coming. Does not work, does not appeal work to him . I dont think so because he could be the river boat casino. He could be on the other side of the river and hold his own events. Hell get as much attention as he wants to. He is the show and he knows hes the show. He doesnt want to steal from his limelight. Hes going to do something potentially, its not going to be what everybody else wants to do and that is how he is always operated i dont even know if we have to have the word potentially in their. You used to her for Vice President harris, i wonder what you make of what nikki haleys them today when she signed the pledge. She posted this picture and posted it the beat biden pledged what theyre calling it, the cost of biden and said it the beat president harris pledge. You worked for Vice President , what do you think we should make of that . I think this is first of all a very complicated argument that republicans are trying to make because it is asking voters to do two things. One of them is that even imagine joe biden being president. Joe biden might be president and you might get kamala harris. So, its just too complicated. Voters usually dont do strategic voting, they vote for who they want from top to bottom. If i were a republican candidate, i would say either id want joe biden to be president roy dont want joe biden to be president. I wouldnt worry about the Vice President. And it seems a little bit like nikki haley is auditioning for Vice President. If you want to be Vice President , she should just say so. Doug heye, jamal simmons, welcome to cnn family, glad to have you both tonight. If you look at senator Tommy Tubervilles website, you will see this description. Quote, tuberville lives in alabama with his wife suzanne. Tonight, the Washington Post has as asking if he actually lives in florida. The post Factchecker Glenn Kessler reports that last month he saw the last of the properties he owns in the state of alabama. Senator has not responded to our request for comment, but his office told the post that its primary residence is in auburn. Kessler found the records show that houses actually owned by tubervilles wife and his son. Instead, the post says the Campaign Finance and property documents show the home that actually bears his name is a beach house in florida. In the panhandle worth millions of dollars and where he has lived for nearly two decades. He even said. In 2017. Six months ago, coach of football, i hung up my whistle and with white sands and blue waters. What a great place to live. Lets be clear, nobody is saying that senator tuberville broke any laws to and he has spent plenty of time in alabama, specifically in auburn where he coached the Auburn Tigers in the Football Team from 1999 to 2008. It is also the first time, not the first time that he has faced accusations of being a carpetbagger. In 2017, he decided not to run for governor of the state with questions about his residency were raised to add to that, the birmingham news reveal that he voted in the midterm elections not an alabama, but in florida in 2018. To run for governor and my home state of alabama, you must be a resident there for seven years. To run for senate, you only have to be a resident for at least one day. I think you see where im going with this. In 2019, the post reports that tuberville registered to vote in alabama, that was nine days before he launched his senate campaign. I should note, as the Washington Post us tonight that during his campaign, tuberville did not shy away from these allegations that he did not really live in the state. Im not an every day day resident of alabama. Thats going to be brought up. Not an everyday resident of alabama. I should note that did not seem to negatively impact his campaign, he was in the end elected in a landslide. Thank you so much for joining us for what was a very busy hour tonight. Welcome to all of you watching us here, the United States canada and All Around The World im kim

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