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Americans were moved from tehrans Notorious Eivin Prison to a hotel guarded by iranian officials earlier today. Cnns Christiane Amanpour was first to break the story. She also spoke with one of the Iranian American detainees in an unprecedented interview from the prison back in march. She joins us now. Christiane, Siamak Namazi took a huge risk talking to you, but it does seem his message has been heard. Reporter well, lets hope so because he was desperate. And youre absolutely right. He told me desperate times, you know, mean you have to take desperate measures. And it was an extraordinary thing for somebody to be able to take a phone call out of eivin. He had been in nearly eight years, so he had some privileges like the ability to use a phone. But never had this been allowed to the press, and he didnt get permission. He just did it. But it just goes to show how desperate they were and how they absolutely wanted to get their message in front and center of the Biden Administration to try to get this resolved. Because they were wrongfully detained. And siamak had been, you know, left behind three times. Once under the Obama Administration Prisoner Swap and twice under the trump administration. Anyway, this is what he told me back then. It was a heartfelt plea heard around the world. Honestly, the other hostages and i desperately need President Biden to finally hear us out, to hear our cry for help and bring us home. And i suppose desperate times call for desperate measures. So this is a desperate measure. Im clearly nervous. Siamak namazi was irans longestheld american prisoner. He was arrested in 2015 while on a Business Trip and then sentenced to ten years for, quote, collaborating with a hostile state. Namazi, a dual citizen, always denied the charge, and washington accused iran of wrongfully detaining him. This was the desperate appeal he made to us from Inside Evin Prison in our unprecedented conversation. I think the very facts that ive chosen to take this risk and appear on cnn from evin prison, it should just tell you how dire my situation has become by this point. I spent months caged. I spent months caged in a solitary cell that was the size of a closet, sleeping on the floor, being fed like a dog from under the door. And honestly, that was the least of my troubles. Reporter siamaks elderly father, bahre, whos now 86, was lured to iran in 2016 with the promise of seeing his son. Instead, he too was arrested, imprisoned for two years, and then barred from leaving the country. He was finally allowed out last october to seek medical treatment abroad. Hes never stopped publicly campaigning for his sons release. I will never truly be free until siamak is here beside me. I could not be more proud of his courage. But i dont want him to have to be brave anymore. I want him to be safe. I want him to be free, to live life he should have been living for the past seven years. I want him to be home. Among the other hostages released along with namazi, a businessman emad sharghi and morad tahbaz, who have both been held for more than five years. They say they never so much as jaywalked and they were held only as americans to be traded on the geopolitical market. Before their release their families tried to rally support. I know that they are desperate, that they are scared, and they feel like theyve been forg forgotten. They have been determined officially by the department of state, by our secretary of state, as having been taken, detained by the iranians, for one reason and that is because they are americans. My father is an amazing person. Is he is so calm, so kind, so generous, so noble. And i think just how my siblings and i have been able to carry ourselves through this surreal nightmare is just a testament to him and my mother and everything that theyve instilled in us and who they are. Former new mexico governor bill richardson, who advocates for some of these families, puts it bluntly. And this has happened in russia, venezuela, iran, north korea. Its a pattern. Its a new Hostage Diplomacy that we have to start confronting. Just do whats necessary to end this nightmare and bring us home. Thank you. Well get that message out, siamak. These few may finally have been released, but will they be the last american hostages taken by tehran . So emotional. And you can just see it from a human perspective. But of course this is wrapped up in geopolitics, as we said. There are in fact Five Americans, it turns out. Two of them have not been named. And so we dont know who actually they are. Their families have not made their names public. We cnn got a response, a statement from the iranian government in which they said that their release was a humanitarian gesture on their behalf, but they specifically said that this was a agreement done through a thirdparty government between the u. S. And iran that would pardon and reciprocally release five prisoners. So obviously iran is waiting for five prisoners to be released from the United States. And importantly, this is absolutely only a first step until all the is are dotted and ts are crossed and the deal is complete. These americans will not be able to leave the country. Cnns Christiane Amanpour with remarkable reporting. Stick around if you would. I want to bring in White House National Security Council spokesperson retired rear admiral john kirby who joins us now. Admiral, thanks for joining us. Iran is one of the only countries the u. S. Government designates as a State Sponsor of terrorism. The first question is how was this done . I know the u. S. Does not negotiate with terrorists, but this negotiation was done through a third party. Is it switzerland who did the negotiation . Right, through our swiss representatives. Thats right, jake. Yeah, thats exactly right. And it was a swiss representative, our protecting power, if you will, since we dont have diplomatic relations with ifrn, who checked in on these four once they got out of prison and verified to us that they were in fact out. So its five u. S. Detain ees who are now out of prison but on house arrest. And and is the Exchange Going to be for five iranian prisoners here in the United States as well as more than 6 billion in frozen iranian assets being unfrozen . I think im going to refrain from getting too much into the specifics of the negotiations, jake. Theyre ongoing. Today was a important first step but it was just a first step. They are out of prison but they are not out of iran. And so were going to be a little careful here about what we put in the public space about what the negotiations are going to look like. Once they get home and theyre safe and sound back with their families where they belong then i think well be a little bit more at liberty to talk with more specificity on what the negotiations look like. But those negotiations are active, jake. Theyre not done. Just to jog everyones memory out there in 2016 u. S. Officials confirmed that president obama secretly approved a 400 million Cash Transfer to iran. This was also previously frozen iranian assets. On the same day iran released four american prisoners and formally implemented the nuclear deal. We even saw a video from Iranian State media which appeared to show actual pallets of cash. This obviously became very controversial. Republicans jumped on it insisting this was basically negotiating with terrorists, a Ransom Payment. The white house denied that. Just this afternoon republican esidential candidate mike pence said, biden has authorized the largest Ransom Payment in American History to the mullahs in tehran. What would your response to that be . That hes wrong. Just plain and simple. Look, while i cant tell you everything that were doing and everything that this is, i can certainly tell you what its not. And theres not going to be a Ransom Payment. Theres not going to be sanctions relief. Theres no u. S. Taxpayer dollars that are going to be applied to getting these americans home. And this 6 billion, without getting into the details of the negotiations, i think theres a little confusion about what this account is all about. This is part of a system of accounts that were set up in the Previous Administration that allowed some countries to import iranian goods, nonsanctional goods, and that the iranians could pull on those accounts, those payments, through a special system only used for humanitarian purposes. And thats what were talking about here. Its a preexisting account that was set up in the Previous Administration which they allowed other countries to set up that has not been made accessible to the iranians. Theyd be able to have some access to it but only for humanitarian purposes. Five americans who are part of this deal that we know of being released from the evin prison, four of them, and put in house arrest in a hotel. The fifth one already was in that house arrest. Right. Removing them from the equation, we certainly hope that they all get out of iran and back to the United States, are there any other american citizens or American Green card holders still detained in iranian prisons unfairly other than those five . These are the five that the State Department have designated as wrongfully detained. One american also taken by iran in 2007 of course, robert levinson, is believed to be dead. Is there any new information that the u. S. Might have about mr. Levinson . Well, i wish we had more, jake, but we dont and i have nothing more that i can unfortunately say. Certainly to his family. But i just we just dont. What would you say to somebody out there, and this is my last question, sir, who says okay, so this money, lets say its 6 billion because i dont have another figure to go by and you didnt offer an alternating one. 6 billion in iranian assets that are unfrozen. Whether its i mean, you say its not american taxpayer dollars, and thats accurate, still it does seem like we are giving the iranians something and certainly i could understand why the common man or woman out there might say you know, thats a Ransom Payment. I mean, im glad these americans are getting home but thats a Ransom Payment. Well, a couple of things here. First of all, negotiations are about giving and taking. And there was no universe in which we were going to get these Five Americans home without some bartering, some compromising with the iranians. And that bargaining is ongoing right now. So again, i dont want to get too far ahead of what its going to actually look like, the terms the scope of the negotiation and the deal. But on this ransom, this is not a ransom. And its important to remember that the account from which money could be accessed by the iranians is an account set up in a Previous Administration that allowed other countries to import nonsanctionable goods. Its not something that the Biden Administration created but its a series of accounts that iran has pulled on before. They havent been able to pull on one account. And what were talking about is the possibility of making that one account that has been in existence for several years more accessible to the iranians. But it would be again under the same level of limits. They could only pull from that account for humanitarian purposes. And there is an Oversight Mechanism thats already built into that process. So its not ransom. And again, no u. S. Taxpayer dollars involved here. I think at the end of the day, jake, theres going to be criticism. Theres already been criticism. We understand that. I hope that at the end of the day everybody, no matter who you vote for, can understand how important it is to get these families reunited, to get these americans back home. And yes, sometimes that means making some tough decisions and some tough calls. You and i have talked about several of those in the past. The president s not afraid to make those tough decisions because he cares that much about the safety and security of americans overseas. Agreed. It is not an easy story. Not an easy terrain to negotiate, to get these americans home. Admiral kirby, good to see you as always. Lets bring in Cnn International anchor Christiane Amanpour. Christiane, you just heard mr. Kirby say its not a Ransom Payment, no sanctions relief, no u. S. Taxpayer dollars will be used. What is this, then, in your view . Well, i think john kirbys absolutely right. Its not ransom. I mean, look, if you want to talk about all these things, theyve been going on since time immemorial. Since the beginning of the islamic revolution. Successive american president s have had to do the necessary to get americans back, you know, from the beginning of the Reagan Administration all the way through to this one. And for with respect Vice President pence to cast aspersions, remember he was the Vice President for president trump, who entered two such deals to get two americans back. Before that president obama did too. You mentioned it. As part of the iran nuclear deal. And before that and before that the president s did it. Right now President Biden this year has entered a deal of reciprocity with the russians to get back Brittney Griner and trying to get back others. These are the facts of life. And to protect American Life sometimes these have to happen. Admerle kirby didnt say to you, and im not sure whether ive got this right, but from what i understand about the money it is not even american money. Forget taxpayers dollars. Its south korean money. Apparently, the money is the money that south korea owes iran for that amount of oil that iran delivered to it. But because of the global sanctions regime they were not allowed to return it. So in this case apparently thats the case. But you know, again, in terms of getting these prisoners back we dont know all the deals, all the you know, all the details. And it will take some time. Its very difficult obviously. The u. S. Still trying to negotiate for Yvonne Gershkovich and paul whelan who have been detained unfairly in russia. Do you see this as a way for the Iranian Regime to try to counter the rightly negative reputation it has for irans Morality Police cracking down, beating, imprisoning and executing women and supporters for women not covering their hair after nearly a year of mass protests following the death if not murder of mahsa amini . I think the two are separate, like its separate from the nuclear deal and all those others. But youre absolutely right that the protests, the crackdown, the harsh penalties, imprisonment, even extrajudicial executions in the wake of mahsa aminis death and the Protest Movement has caused the United States and other countries to sort of slow down negotiations. It just wasnt palatable. It wasnt politically palatable to be able to do that. And thats one of the road blocks that the Hostage Negotiations ran into. And i think that what youre going to see, though, some have suggested is potentially its a deescalation between the United States and iran, at least until the end of the election. All right. Christiane amanpour. Remarkable reporting. Thank you so much as always. Cnn is on the ground in hawaii where unprecedented wildfires have caused widespread destruction. Crews are fearing theyre going to find more victims in the rubble. Were going to take you there. Struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1 . Ask about vraylar. Because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms with vraylar. Some medicines only treat the lows or highs. Vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. Proven, fullspectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. And in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. 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Theyve been bringing supplies to these boats all morning. They put out a call asking people to bring supplies to this location. And people showed up in droves. Theyve been loading up those boats for the last hour. In fact, they have so many supplies still they were able to get a trailer. So theyre going to be taking this by car as well to those individuals. Take a listen to why these people are so moved. Some of them have firsthand accounts. Some of those individuals experienced the escaping themselves. I just spoke to a man who said he got out with his dog and his two children and now that he is safe hes trying to help those who are still stuck. The numbers are staggering. At least 36 people are presumed are dead, and there are presumed to be more. Absolutely devastating. Less than 11,000 people are still without power. Take a listen to the organizer about why he felt compelled to bring all of these people together. These fire bombs were so big they were sucking oxygen out of the air. People didnt have oxygen to breathe. And they were just falling in place. I think this is an absolutely toplevel national disaster. Weve never seen anything like it. Ive been here 32 years and weve lived through some hurricanes and floods and things but nothing to this level. Some of the supplies that are here, diapers, water, food, bedding, anything that those people might need including gasoline, were told that some people are just not able to get out because they dont have enough gas in their tank. So all of these supplies are heading out in the next hour. This is just one group. There are many groups. All these people coming together hoping that it will help in some small way. Jake . Veronica miracle on the island of maui for us. Thanks so much. Lets go to the mayor of hawaii county, mitch roth, who joins us now from the big island. Mayor roth, thank you for joining us. Earlier this morning you said evacuations were lifted in your county, which covers the big island, but you added that the island is not completely in the clear. Two new brush fires popped up. What makes you confident those fires will not erupt into the monster wildfires that happened and are still happening in some ways on maui . Well, you know, we had actually three or four on the kona said and we have two in kau. Both of those have also been put out. Right now were kind of in a place were in a pretty good place, actually. Fire crews have things under control. Weve actually changed our focus from, you know, being concerned about whats happening on the big island to seeing what we can do to help maui county. We set up a task force over here. The whole state im guessing the whole country wants to help in what ways they can. On our island we set up a task force so that were not overwhelming the mayor and his staff over there. And mayor roth, youre receiving evacuees from maui, from the island of maui on the big island where you are. How many evacuees are on the big island right now and what resources are most needed right now for them . So whats happening with the evacuees, theres some hotels that have actually have Sister Hotels on maui. Theyve taken some people. Some of our hotels i think have also had people come over here. The majority of the evacuees, though, are going to honolulu to the convention center. The people coming here really arent coming into our shelters. Theyre generally going into hotels. Who are will to take them in. All right. Hawaii county mayor mitch roth. Thank you so much. And obviously prayers with the people of hawaii. If you want to know how to help you can go to cnn. Com impact for a list of charities that have been vetted by cnn that can help the good people of hawaii. Coming up, republicans in congress pledging to investigate joe biden. Have they found any actual evidence of corruption by joe biden, the president . The chair of the House Oversight committee, james comer of kentucky, will join me live next. By this football pro. And proferred by ththis football pro who actually uses her feet. And if we profer it, we know youllll prefer it too. I use my feet. Have you seen me scramble . Your record label is taking off. But so is your sound engineer. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. Indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. Visit indeed. Com hire mara, are you sure you dont want To Go Bowling with us tonight . Yeah. No. Theres my little marzipan [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs were just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ Imitates Trumpet Playing ] and we wanted to thank americas numberone Motorcycle Insurer for saving us money. Thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are exactly like me . I know, right . 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Continuing with our politics ad, we turn to the push by House Republicans to at the very least open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden. On wednesday Republicans Othe House Oversight committee released a memo stating, e committee has now identified over 20 million in payments from foreign sources to the biden family and their business associates. The memo does not show any of that money going directly to joe biden, the president. We are joined now by The Committees chairman, remember congressman james comer of kentucky. Mr. Chairman, thanks for joining us. So the memo alleges payments to Biden Family Members and assoat but not to President Biden him. Your Committee Memo anticipates any pushback on this by stating, President Bidens defenders purport a weak defense by asserting The Committee must show payments directly to the president to show corruption. But respectfully, sir, youre the one who said repeatedly that this investigation is about president joe biden, not his family, over and over. Heres what you said last november. I want to be clear. This is an investigation of joe biden. And thats where The Committee will focus in this next congress. So lets pause it for the sake of argument that hunter biden is sleazy and the president s relatives tried to profit off the biden family brand, something cnn has reported on. Whats new in this memo . Well, before we released the memo we interviewed devon archer who is one of the associates who was partial owner of one of the Shell Companies that the bidens were receiving money from Foreign Nationals and then laundering it into biden bank accounts. So the associate devon archer testified that joe biden had in fact spoken to over 20 of the people who had wired the money to the Biden Family Members. The reason thats important, jake, is because the president said repeatedly he had never spoken to his son or anyone affiliated with his son in their business dealings. Now, there is no business. So what the business was according to devon archer was they were taking money from Foreign Nationals and they were marketing joe biden. Joe biden was the brand. And that is the first associate that came in, implicated joe biden as being the reason they were getting this money. And the money is from bad people. The money is from people who are either incarcerated in the countries where they wired the money or they are on the flee from being incarcerated. So were concerned the president is compromised because of the millions of dollars his familys received. And remember, jake, the president hasnt been truthful with the American People. First of all, he said he never communicated with these people. Devon archer testified that he has. 20 times, in fact, at least. And then he said that none of this money ever happened while he was Vice President. We didnt know this at the beginning of the investigation, but what we know now is the overwhelming majority of the wire transfers happened while joe biden was Vice President and they happened days after he left those countries with foreign aid checks or talking about foreign aid. So there is a pattern here that should concern every american with respect to corruption in the white house. Well, you definitely have made a case that the people who are around President Biden in terms of the lobbyists and his son hunter have trafficked on that connection to the then Vice President , now president. But i havent yet seen any evidence that the president did anything wrong. Listen you talk about devon archer, Hunter Bidens former business partner. Listen to something devon archer told Tucker Carlson earlier this month about burisma. Burisma as people remember, probably, that is that Ukrainian Energy company that put hunter biden on its board while his father was Vice President. Take a listen. Did you ever were you aware do you have knowledge that hunter spoke to his dad about burisma . Do i have knowledge . Yes. Do you know that hunter spoke to his dad about burisma . Did you ever see them talk about it, hear them talk about it . Was no. I dont have knowledge of that. Though id assume it. You would assume it. So its enough to be sitting in a meal at lake como with your new ukrainian friends and your dad happens to call, lets put him on speaker. I think thats thats enough. Thats the second most powerful man in the world. Its just how the world works. So its assumptions, its how the world works. But again, just looking for evidence because were talking about impeachment here. I dont see any evidence of any crime. And frankly, that is how the world works in washington, d. C. And if you guys are going to launch an effort to try to Reform Washington so people who are powerful cant have their wives and children and husbands and others traffic on that relationship, you know, ill be first in line to help you out. But it doesnt seem like youre trying to do that. It seems like youre just trying to go after President Biden. No. Were trying to do that. Thats been the goal from day one, is to have a legislative fix. A lot of the president s defenders, especially in the media, say that, well, Influence Peddling is a Cottage Industry in washington. Well, it needs to change. But lets just go back to not having any evidence of wrongdoing with joe biden. Look, six bank by joe biden. Not certainly theres sleaze in. Im saying what did the president do wrong, though . Well, remember, when we started this investigation at the end of january, thats when i got subpoena power, the last week of january, the narrative was the laptop was russian disinformation, joe bidens family never received money from china, joe bidens family never received any of this money while he was Vice President and joe biden never communicated with any of the people that sent his family this money. All four of those things have been proven false. So our investigations already turned up a lot of information. Now, i think even though there may not be any curiosity by my friends at cnn i think theres curiosity by a majority of americans that wait a minute, youre im very curious about it, sir. Im very curious about it. Thats why im reading your reports. Thats why i have you on the show. I just havent seen and i appreciate that. Look, heres the memo insists that even though theres no evidence biden personally took the money it doesnt get him off the hook. It calls the argument, quote, a hollow claim, no other american would be afforded if their Family Members accepted foreign payments or bribes, unquote. Fair enough. Let me play something Chris Christie told our kaitlan collins. Look, the trump family has been involved in grifting for quite some time. Jared kushner six months after he leaves the white house gets 2 billion from the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund when donald trump had put him in a position to be in the middle east. What was Jared Kushner doing in the middle east . Again, sir, it all stinks to me. It all stinks. Yeah. Look, and ive been vocal that i think that what kushner did crossed the line of ethics. But what christie said, it happened after he left office. Still no excuse, jake, but it happened after he left office. And Jared Kushner actually has a legitimate business. This money from the bidens happened while joe biden was Vice President , while he was flying to those countries. He flew days after he left romania his family started receiving wires from a corrupt romanian Foreign National. Days. Like four days after he left. Including his granddaughter. Whats his granddaughter doing getting a wire from a romanian Foreign National . But this is why were investigating. And its difficult, jake. Its very difficult. The biden attorneys are obstructing. Theyre intimidating witnesses. The doj will not cooperate with us. The fbi will not cooperate with us. The irs will not cooperate with us. Thank god we had whistleblowers from the irs testify in our committee that they were told to stand down by the doj we had one of those we this one of those whistleblowers on the show, actually. We dan interview with him. I dont know if you knew that. Well, cnns done a better job than a lot. Thats why im on the show. And im a fan, jake, and im working with you on this. But i do think theres certainly yo Overwhelming Efld remember, theres a text message from hunter biden to his daughter complaining he had to give his father half his salary. So weve gone through a lot of bank records yeah. We havent gone through all the bank records. But look, weve caught joe biden in several lies including he never spoke with any of these corrupt people from these Foreign Countries that sent his family money. He had dinner with some of them, we found out in this. Right. So theres i think more than enough evidence to show that joe biden hasnt been truthful with the American People and he had knowledge that his family was money laundering. He had to. Do you think the treasury look, if theres evidence of money laundering, which is a crime, which is a federal crime, then obviously your committee should report it to the fbi and the justice department. The judge kicked it out. Thats one of the reasons the delaware judge rejected the sweetheart plea deal. The judge there was clearly violations of the Foreign Agent registration act and money laundering. Right. Republican Oversight Committee chairman james comer of kentucky. Youll come back when youve got more to talk about. Well work with you, jake. Thanks for having me. Thanks, sir. How ordinary citizens are turning the script on the show cops using just their cell phones and youtube. Thats next p just sold the car to carvana. What . All i had to do was answer a coupuple questions and got a real offer in seconds. Then, they just picked up the car and paid me right on the spot. Sell your car at carvrvana dot com today. Try killing bugs the worrfree way. Not the other way. Zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. They work continuously, so you dont have to. Zevo. Peoplefriendly. Bugdeadly. [narrator] what if there was a hearing aid that could keep up with you . Notification Dings this is jabra enhance select. 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Can i get your name and badge number . Reporter but its grown more prevalent in recent years after a 2020 video shot by a 17yearold bystander captured the murder of george floyd by a Minneapolis Police officer using excessive force. If it wasnt for somebody actually filming that incident, no officer would have been held accountable. Its powerful when we can actually show the public what happened as opposed to a police narrative. Reporter cop watchers say their goal is to keep the police from overstepping and to inform people of their rights. And while they rake in views, some are also making money. Back at it once again. Reporter infrom ads and subscriptions. But while critics say some Cop Watchers Film in ways that are controversial or seen as aggressive toward Law Enforcement am i obstructing the roadway . Youre in the roadway. Am i obstructing it . Thats the only law [ bleep ]. Reporter and could be increasing tensions between police and the public. I personally think i calmed down the situation. When i show up, cops act differently. We all act differently when people are watching. So youve arrived at a scene, started filming and seen a noticeable change in the posture of police . Every night. All the time. Ive reviewed a lot of video taken by citizens regarding police conduct, and it does give you a clearer picture of what actually took place. Reporter videos can be selectively edited, but when legitimate offer a different view than an officers body camera. As long as the officers actions are consistent with their training, with their department policy, and most of all are constitutional, then its not a problem. At all. Reporter in recent years several states have tried to pass laws creating more physical distance between people and police. Last month a new law in indiana went into effect ordering people to stay 25 feet back from Police Activity when asked. This week the aclu sued on behalf of a Citizen Journalist saying that law violates his First Amendment rights. The aclu challenged an arizona law last year that tried to make it illegal for people to Record Videos within eight feet of Police Activity. The First Amendment allows me to do this reporter that law was put on hold. People have a right to film the police. They dont have a right to interfere with police trying to do their jobs and make an arrest. But they have every right in the world to film. Thats just a fact. And Police Officers have to adapt to it. And our thanks to Josh Campbell for that report. 13 american servicemembers were killed in a Suicide Bombing during the botched afghanistan withdrawal. But two years later one mom is still waiting for answers about what happened to her son. She joins me next. This thing shows yoyou your fico® score, you can get your credit card recomommendations, and it shows you ways to o save money. 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Now is the time to get fed up and give back. When you join the cause, your 10 monthly donation can help communities in need of lifesaving treatments and nutrients, prevent children from dropping out of school. Support our work with communities and governments to help children go from shortterm surviving. And now thanks to special government grants, every dollar you give before December 31st can multiply up to 10 times the impact. That means more food, water, medicine and help for kids around the world. Youll also receive a free tote bag to share your support for children in need. Childhood without food is unimaginable. Get fed up. Call us now or visit getfedupnow. Org today. She runs and plays like a puppy again. His 2s are perfect hes a brand new dog, all in less than a year. When people switch their dogs food from kibble to the farmers dog, they often say that it feels like magic. 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We need the country to come together my son fought and died for this country, not for conservatives, not for liberals. My job is to make sure this never happens again, and that all of our voices our truths been always able to be sold its just heartbreaking. Tell us more about what the Biden Administration told was wrong. First they told me my son died on impact, which was completely 100 . He lived, he put a tourniquet on himself. He handed out helmets. He did live for a little while. I know now because of witnesses who were there, how he was when he passed. They lied about where he was standing, and i now know where that truth is i know where he was they have given false statement. My daughter is an e. R. Nurse. Theres a discrepancy there, but thing that shouldnt really i mean, in the whole scheme of things. Why amity about those i dont understand, blue that is the one things i am concerned about. Sometimes other Opinion Leaders watch the show. If President Biden were watching right now, what would you want to say to him . I would want to say he needs to be a grown manse. He needs to come out and say, yeah, i made a mistake, i chose wrong. I was looking for a photo op, and i messed up. Kelly barnett, thank you for your time and your courage. May your sons memory be a blessing. Well have you back. Thank you. Well be right back. [music playing] subject 1 cancer is a long journey. Its overwhelming, but you just have to put your mind to it and fight. Subject 2 it doesnt feel good because you cant play outside with other children. Subject 3 as a parent, it is your job to protect your family. But here is something that i cannot do. I cannot fix this. I dont know if my daughter is going to be able to walk. I dont know if shes going to make it till tomorrow. [music playing] interviewer you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. Jude childrens research hospital. Families never receive a bill from st. 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Yeah, and youll never guess who, but lets just say she saved when she bundled her dream house and her dream car barbie. Barbie. Barbie. Well, i wouldnt be so sure. It could be oh, its definitely barbie. Everyone knows who she is. Were standing in front of her house, dude. Barbie in theaters now. You founded your Kayak Company because you love the ocean not spreadsheets. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. Indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. Visit indeed. Com hire wherever you go. Wherever you stay. All you need is one key. Earn and use rewards across expedia, hotels. Com, and vrbo. Ecuador says fbi agents are headed to the country to help investigate the assassination of a president ial candidate there. Fernando via vicencio was shot to death yesterday. He was known as an anticorruption candidate. So far six men have been arrested in the investigation into his assassination. Follow me on facebook, instagram threats, x, blue sky if you have an invite. If you ever miss an episode of the show, you can listen to the lead where you get your podcasts, just sitting there like a delicious serving of poi. Our coverage now goes to cwolf blitzer. Happening now, stroding devastation, now officially a federal Disaster Area as the death toll

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