Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Early 20240704

the deadly wildfires devastating maui has now killed at least 36 people. their bodies discovered in the ruins of the raging inferno. officials held a news conference just a short time ago. >> primary focus is to save lives. prevent human suffering and mitigate property loss. that is what the counties were and are doing. what we do anticipate is additional requests and we're already providing support for trying to get the communications back up, water distribution. we're hearing they may need more law enforcement official for federal and state law enforcement. so we're working through that. >> the damage to the infrastructure, it is not just buildings, i mean these were small businesses that invested in maui. these were local residents and we need to figure out a way to help a lot of people in the next several years. school was destroyed. many of the businesses, a church was destroyed. it will take years. >> devastation was most serious in the town of lahaina, a tourist and economic hub with 9,000 residents and now largely destroyed. survivors say the flames driven by winds from hurricane dora spread with just astonishing speed. veronica miracle is on the ground with more. >> it is like an apocalypse. people are basically running for their lives. >> reporter: horror stories from what should be paradise. she and her cousin fled their home in lahaina saving their grandfather and grandmother's ashes. >> i still don't know where my little brother is, i don't know where my step dad is. everyone i know, their homes have been burned down. rem >> reporter: and the flames coming so fast that they had only minutes to act. >> we saw the smoke start about a block away from our house and this was maybe 3:30, 4:00. by 5:30, our house was gone. everything that we had ever known was gone. our church. our schools. every single memory that we had in that household, everything was gone in the blink of an eye. >> reporter: this is how lahaina should look, a town rich in history and tourism. but this is hour alan dicker found it this morning. >> after i started to evacuate, i went back to just check to see if the house was on fire or not. it wasn't. but i was standing at the street looking at my house and i couldn't see my whole house because of the smoke. >> reporter: dicker rushed from his home to front street where he's had a gallery for 23 years. >> and there is a historic building on front street, the old baldwin house. the roof was on fire and i started taking a video of it because i was amazed that there were no fire trucks there. >> reporter: roughly 500 miles to the south, hurricane dora is helping fan strong winds over the islands with gusts up to 80 miles per hour knocking out cell towers and 911 service. >> the hospital system are overburdened with burn patients, people suffering from inhalation. the reality is that we need to fly people out of maui to give them burn support. >> reporter: claire says she barely escaped her burning home but fears not all her neighbors did. >> i know for a fact people did not get out. there were quite a few homeless people in the area and people who don't have access to vehicles. >> reporter: other victims jumped into the ocean to escape the flames. the coast guard says it rescued 12 people from the waters off lahaina, survivors thankful to be alive even as their hometown and its history has changed forever. >> it is like straight out of a movie. i don't wish this on anyone. just please pray for lahaina. >> reporter: and big factor in the devastation and perhaps in the high death toll has been the high winds across hawaii. i want to bring in general fer gray, she is joining us live from the cnn "weather center." we heard about the high winds from hurricane dora. explain to us the connection with what is happening on the ground and how the high winds could be complicating and worsening wildfires? >> definitely the high winds that attributed to the spread of these wildfires. it was a very rare unfortunate perfect scenario, if you will, that set up around maui with two different systems that influence the winds. and we'll get to those. of course tuesday night these were the pictures that we saw. we originally thought it was just trees burning for the most part and then with the light of day we saw that it was actually lahaina that was burning. you can see the hot spots right here. this is higher terrain across the central portions of maui. and then they just raced down towards the coast impacting historic lahaina. we have wind gusts up to 82 miles per hour for the most part, mid-50s to mid-60s is what we saw for the winds. and so that just caused the wildfires to spread rapidly. so as you mentioned, we had dora to the south and also an area of high pressure to the north. so these were working together to basically funnel very strong winds in between the high and low. and so that is what caused the winds to blow out of control. the high pressure is normal. this is what causes the breeze, the trade winds across portions of hawaii. the storm to the south was not normal. so when you have the two together, that created the scenario. so dora has pushed away. winds are starting to weaken, so they will steady decrease as we go forward in time. we have drought across portions of hawaii, maui is seeing the most extreme drought which is actually just moderate grout, but enough to dry out the grasses and create fuels for fire especially when you haves winds that we saw. so lahaina, 20 to 25-mile-per-hour winds, this is basically right now. and then we'll see the winds drop steadily throughout the afternoon. and then by the time we get into tomorrow, the winds will die down even more. it is hawaii. you are not going to have zero winds. but you will have about 10 to 15-mile-per-hour winds which is definitely normal across the island chain. so we'll continue to see breezy conditions. however those should improve, but again the damage has already been done. you've seen that from the pictures. >> officials there saying that it will be a long road to recovery. jennifer gray, thank you. turning to a brutal political assassination. the president of ecuador declaring three days of national mourning and a state of emergency after a candidate in the upcoming presidential election was shot and killed at a campaign event in the capital. we want to warn you that the video you're about to see is disturbing. more now from rafael romo. >> reporter: the attack happened right after the presidential today had finished the rally at a school. a video shot at the scene, you see a burst of gunfire as he was getting into awaiting vehicle. several people were hit by the bullets including the 59-year-old activist and politician running in the presidential elections to be held in less than two weeks on august 20th. as he gets in the back seat, at least 12 gunshots can be heard. a policeman quickly closes the door and many people are seen taking cover including his security detail. the current president later said on social media that he is outraged and shocked. he called the attack an assassination and sent condolences to his wife and daughters. and he vowed that the crime won't go unpunished. organized crime has come a long way in the country but he promised that the full weight of the law will fall on them meaning the criminals. in an interview with cnn back in may, he said drug traffickers had made themselves at home in ecuador polluting the entire nation since at least 2007 and calling his own country a narco state run by a political mafia. rafael romo, cnn, atlanta. turning now to the growing number of prosecutions focused on donald trump. cnn is learning more about the scale of the investigations being pursued by fulton county district attorney fan any will husband. sara murray has the story. railroad >> reporter: fani willis is expected to seek indictments for over 12. she has been overseeing the sprawling criminal investigation into efforts by donald trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 election. trump has been pretty clear publicly that he expects to be indicted for a fourth time. and of course there are many other avenues she is looking at such as voting systems breach and as well as the fake elector scheme. sources are telling us that people who participated in those efforts who believe that they could face charges as part of her investigation next week as well. again, we've seen signs that we're getting closer, we've seen the ramp up and security perimeter harden around the courthouse. and we could be just days away from learning who exactly will be charged in this roughly 2 1/2 year investigation into donald trump and his associates. sara murray, cnn, washington. beijing is fuming over new u.s. trade rules announced by the biden administration. the rules target u.s. private equity and venture capital firms as well as joint ventures seeking to do business with china especially those focused on next generation technologies. i want to bring in anna coren from hong kong. we know between the u.s. and china, there has been a bit of back and forth. how will these new rules work and what is china saying about it? >> reporter: this will certainly escalate tensions between the two world's largest economies. president biden signed this executive order banning new american investment in key technology industries in china, hong kong and macao. this was long expected. china knew about it. but now we've got the details. it will target semiconductors and micro electronics, quantum technologies and artificial intelligence. so they cannot help china develop its technologies that could undermine national security. the treasury department says the biden mistration is committed to keeping america sa and defending america's national security through appropriately protecting technologies that are critical to the next generation of military innovation. a u.s. official stressed that this was national security action, not an economic one. but china is not buying it. we had the very strong reaction from beijing. it believes that the u.s. is trying to contain its rise. we've heard from the chinese commerce ministry saying it was gravely concerned while the foreign ministry released a statement that said it is a blatant act of economic coercion and technological bullying and the real purpose is to deprive china its right to develop its o.j. hed own hegemonic interests. and there has been a parade of top u.s. administration officials recently visit beijing. antony blinken, janet yellen, john kerry. in an attempt to get the u.s. and china back on track. something that president biden desperately wants. but this executive order expected to be implemented next year could affect those plans. >> absolutely. i was thinking about yellen's visit to beijing and her comments that some of the restrictions were about national security concerns and not necessarily economic superiority. but chinese don't appear to be buying it. anna coren, thank you. let's turn to haiti now where an american nurse and her young daughter have been released after being kidnapped two weeks ago. kylie atwood has more from the state department in washington. >> we welcome reports of their release. we have no greater priority for the safety and security of u.s. citizens overseas. >> reporter: after nearly two weeks, confirmation that the american nurse and her young daughter were released. >> they invited me to come to the school to do some nursing for some of the kids. >> reporter: she works with an aid group run by her husband. she and her young daughter were taken from the group's campus almost two weeks ago. as gang violence overtakes the country. they were kidnapped on the same day the u.s. ordered the evacuation of all nonessential personnel from the u.s. embassy in haiti and just this week u.s. diplomats still in the country were confined to the embassy grounds due to gunfire close by. the security situation in the country remains dire with over 1,000 kidnappings in the first half of this year. that is according to a u.n. report. kenya is slated to lead a multinational force to take on the gangs. but there is no time table for their arrival. >> next step for this process to stand up a multinational force is for the government of kenya to lead an assessment mission. i don't have an exact date of that mission, but i do expect that to happen in the very near future in the matter of the next few week. >> reporter: and her family and community are elated to have her back. her aid group released a statement saying it is with a heart of gratitude and immense joy that we confirm the safe release of our staff member and friend and her child who were held hostage in port-au-prince. kylie atwood, cnn, the state department. and a massive drone attack overnight in western ukraine. and an oil depot was destroyed. but so far no word on casualties. officials also say at least three people were killed and nine others injured in a russian attack on a residential area in the city of zaporizhzhia. clare sebastian is joining us live from london. what more can you tell us about the drone attacks overnight sf. >> reporter: so the attack in western ukraine being described by the regional chief as a massive drone attack. obviously we know the drone attacks on infrastructure are a pretty familiar russian strategy in this war, but this is notable because this is some 1,000 kilometers or so from from the frontlines. we have not seen as many attacks in the western regions. and because of the scale of it, i don't know if we can show you the video of him standing in front of a big blaze, but some 45 rescuers had to be involved in putting it out. and the oil depot fully destroyed. this comes as russia is also saying that it was the victim of some attempted drone attacks, it is accusing ukraine of perpetrating. two shot down en route to moscow and another two shot down heading for the black seaport city. and it also managed to thwart another nine drones which apparently crashed into the black sea. ukraine has not claimed responsibility for these latest attacks, but they are happening with increasing regularity. they are not particularly destructive, we're not hearing any reports of damage or injuries this morning, but i think given the comments that we've heard, they are designed to send a message to the russian people that this war is not confined to the ukrainian territory and not as russia continues to assert a special military operation. >> clare, thank you. coming up for us, fbi agents kill a utah man accused of making online threats against the president. and later first paying customers to take off on a virgin space flight. istina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. 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>> well, i think the roeason it was executed when it was is the fact that president biden was visiting the area. you have a person when has made threats against the president, the vice president, against other members of federal and state offices. he's posted pictures of himself online with weapons. consequently, this is considered to be a real threat and so the fbi had to act at this point because of the fact that the president's visit required them to make sure that he was not a threat to the president. >> because the president's visit essentially provided an opportunity. and so help me understand from a law enforcement perspective how come you distinguish between a social media post versus an actual threat? >> everyone has their first amendment rights and can say anything they want to with the exception is of making threats against people, specifically against the president of the united states, that is a federal violation. u.s. secret service is the federal agency responsible for protecting the president. they would normally be the ones that would take the lead in this. but because there were other threats, the fbi started the investigation. and so this is also out there in utah. and fbi remained lead there. >> and i want to show you another social media post from the criminal complaint. you can see a number of ns and veiled threat towards the election. tell me a bit more, the fact that there are actual guns in this person's possession, how does that change things? >> the fact that he has guns in itself is not a problem. he could have as many guns as he wants to. however he is making a threat saying that he is gusting off his sniper rifle. that changes the equation. he has the ability, he has the weapons and he's expressed this ideology that he is going to carry out this attack. >> ken, great to have your perspective. thank you. time for quick hits across america. a judge ruling that the suspect in the gilgo beach murders rex heuermann must provide a dn after the swab. he is charged with killing at least three women and possibly a fourth. ron desantis suspending an orlando area attorney accusing her of giving out overlenient sentences. and california senator dianne feinstein back home after a fall yesterday sent her to the hospital to be checked out. a source called this latest concern about the 90-year-old's health just a minor slip. coming up next for us -- drone attacks leave residents concerned. and iran's government has banned the media from using this word, we'll tell you what that word is just ahead. ir at the mall. but...he wasn't. gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? 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>> yeah, this will be a complicated report to read for the fed, but i think overall the takeaway is good news. we're likely to see headlineact up a bit. but that is really sort of a mechanical effect. because we had a low inflation reading last july. a strong one last june. so last month looked a little softer and this month will look a little stronger. i think the real takeaway is going to be that we're going to see a slower, you know, movement upward in the inflation number that takes out food and fuel both of which move around a lot there month to month. and i think that is what the fed will be watching here. >> so you expect core inflation to move up, knots as much perhaps as it had. and that is really important to the fed because that of course is what the fed has control over. we know energy prices have been falling and that helps in terms headline inflation, but they have sort of ticked back up. what areas do you see perhaps ticking back up or remaining stubbornly high? >> energy index won't matter a huge report for this, but it will matter a lot for the august report. there is a good chance that will keep inflation elevated last month. so that is the thing to watch. i think used cars are actually really interesting right now. they have been cooling inflation down for a while. if you talk to dealers and people in the industry, they are not sure how long that can last. and i think airfares and hotels which are in this sort of revenge spending, i think that will be interesting. mr. talk to me >> talk to me about the debate at the fed about whether more rate hikes are necessary. what are you hearing about what the path looks like moving forward in terms of rate hikes? >> you will hear different things from different fed officials, but i think it is important to pay attention to the officials at the center of the committee. for example michelle bauman has suggested he might need more rate increases but she is not super central to the committee. john williams, very important on the committee, saying that he thinks it is likely that the debate is really about one rate increase from here. so not talking about potentially a ton more, but should we do another one or should we be done now. so that is a debate that suggests we're very near the end of the road when it comes to rate increases. >> and what are they saying about potential rate cuts for people who perhaps have been sitting out buying a home because of how high mortgage rates have gone? >> in an interview last week john williams suggested that they could cut rates next year and potentially even quite early next year. just sort of depending on how inflation is shaping up. if inflation is sinking quickly, that could mean earlier cuts than otherwise. but he sort of dodged the question. he didn't exactly say that they were planning on cutting in early 2024, but he didn't rule it out entirely. so it does seem like we could be talking about a pretty imminent set of rate cuts if it is the case that inflation continues to moderate. >> i think what you are alluding to there is the fed speak that we often here so much of which is saying words but not really saying much. sort of like read between the lines here. gina, great to see you. thank you. coming up on "cnn this morning," we'll hear from residents who fled the devastating fires in hawaii. and also the latest on the assassination of a presidential candidate in ecuador. businesses need 5g solutitions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. mlb partners with t-mobile to not only enhance e fan experience, but to advance how thgame is played. aaa relies on t-mobile's network to stay connected nationwide, so they can help get their members back on the ro. and we're helping pano ai innovate, to stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. ♪ i'm currently out of the office... focusing on a little blue-sky thinking. i'll be taking meetings... with family and friends. and checking voicemail... as my activities permit. i'll connect with you... after reconnecting with me. ♪ get 1.9% apr for 36 months plus $1,500 purchase allowance on a 2024 xt5 and xt6 when you finance through cadillac financial. ♪ (swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. turning to sports, michael lorenzen throws a no hitter in just his second start with the team. andy scholes has the bleacher report. not a bad debut in front of home fans. and philly fans are rough and i can say that because i'm from philly. >> but when the players do really well like lorenzen did last night, they certainly cheer them on. what a debut for michael lorenzen. fourth no hitter of this baseball season and he needed 124 pitches in order to get it done. that was the most by a pitcher in a no hitter since 2019. he had thrown 100 pitches through seven innings. and rob thompson told him he'd give him about 20 more. his mom, wife and daughter praying hard with two outs in the ninth and he gets dominic smith to pop up to center to get that final out. lorenzen then mobbed by his teammates out there on the field. then got to celebrate with his family on the field. he lifted up his nine month old daughter into the air and he said it was just a dream come true. >> don't let other people tell you what you can and can't do. i worked insanely hard to make this dream come true. i've watched every single one of ryan nolan's no hurts because i've always wanted to throw one and the fact i did it in front of this fan base, i can't believe it. >> he wasn't the only special moment in the game. wes wilson making his major league debut after spending seven years in the minors. in his first at bat, he hits a home run to left. look at his family going nuts. and check out dad. he broke down in tears he was so happy. what a moment for them. amazing night all around for the phillies and their families. elsewhere ohtani did not hit a homer last night, but still made history on the mound. he earned his tenth victory of the season giving up three hits over six innings. he is first player in major league history to have multiple seasons with both ten victories on the mounds and ten home runs at the plate. also only ever to have ten wins and 40 homers in the same season. and what do youstermonster? a baseball of course. a line drive was hit literally into the famed left field wall. you see the outfielder spun around looking for the ball. it was found in the now inside busted covering. the runner on base had to stop at third and wouldn't end up scoring at all in the inning after boston's 4-3 win and alex cora said never seen a ball go there. >> i was like finally something going our way, i guess. never seen that not even in bp. we go over the rules and we're always like monster, that won't happen. but it did. >> so kind of a lucky right now for the red sox. because the run ended up not scoring because it went into the light and red sox won by one. >> a first time for everything even in sports. thanks. and thanks for joining us. still to come more on the breaking news out of hawaii, at least 36 people killed in a wildfire on maui. we have a live report from the ground straight ahead on "cnn this morning." 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Term , Ship , Homosexuality , Vessel , Remnants , Iraq , Lgbt Community , Electors , Activity , Deviant , Clauses , Morality , Michigan , Inflation , Car , Farmers , Value , Farmers Policy Perks , Car Replacement , Make Andodel , Farmers Mnemonic , Ten , Tech Check , Offers , Plus , 5g Phone , 7 , 300 , 13 , 13th , August 7th , Virus , Rsv , Cold , Sneeze , Hospitalization , Dangers , Risk , Coughing , Warning Labels , Pharmacist , Rsv Today , Protein , Energy , Sugar , Uuuhhhh , Protein Max Challenge , 0000 , 10000 , News , Set , Emergency Shelters , 11000 , 2100 , Bill Weir , Hurricane , Island , Hundreds Of Miles South , Hawaiian Islands , Hundreds , Nobody , Blow Torch , Tinder , Lieutenant Governor , Pacific Ocean , Emergency Proclamation Tuesday , Hillsides , Thousands , Situation , Evacuation Shelters , Rescue , Operations , Trip , Grave , Big Island Of Hawaii , Magnitude , Fires , Human Suffering , Mitigating , Hit Areas , Tourist Mecca Of Lahaina , Times , Emergency System , Power , Condition , Hospitals , Burn Patients , Striking , Text Message , Wind Shifting , Word Of Mouth , Radio , Extent , Guys , Bicycles , The Street , Travelers , Flights , Image , Airport Grounds , Glimpse , Tourists , En Route To Maui , Lands , July , Consumer Price Index , Planes , Leasereleased Inw , Flighting Inflation , Progress U S , Economy , Reserve , Insights , Fed , Takeaway , Increases , Headlineact , Expectations , Line , Effect , Inflation Number , Movement , Slower , Core Inflation , Both , Food , Terms , Energy Prices , Areas , Fed Has Control Over , Chance , Thing , Airfares , Industry , Dealers , Hotels , Cars , Debate , Revenge Spending , Sort , Mr , Committee , Rate Hikes , Center , Attention , Path , John Williams , Michelle Bauman , Rate Increases , Increase , Rate , The End Of Road , Rate Cuts , Mortgage Rates , Rates , Cuts , Case , Question , Cutting , Words , Between The Lines , Gina , Latest , Partners , T Mobile , Solutitions , Mlb , Aaa , E Fan 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