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Lottery, which begins right now. Today on inside politics, ohio says no. Voters reject a measure that would have made it easier for republicans trying to make it harder for women to get an abortion. Plus, do republicans solemnly swear to report who are whoever is the nominee. The Loyalty Pledge in order to make the first debate stage. And biden test drives a traffic and weather approach to win over voters. He defends his lclimate credentials in a new interview, but dances around a big unfulfilled promise. Im dana bash. Lets go behind the headlines and inside politics. Up first, a hard lesson for republicans in ohio and nationwide on the issue of abortion, again. Thats a hard no. Thats the headline in this mornings paper that follows a clear voter verdict. 57 of ohio voters rejected a ballot measure, issue one. Its technically about the rules to rewrite the constitution, but voters viewed it as a test of Abortion Rights and what states should be allow ed to tell wome to do. Jeff celmy is live in ohio. Jeff, what exactly happened with this vote . Reporter it was a test of Abortion Rights, but also a test of democracy. And talking to voters here yesterday as they cast their ballots throughout the last month of this campaign, both were at play. Abortion was not mentioned as part of issue one, which was the only thing on the ballot, but it was the driving force. There was also a resounding feeling that Republican Leaders in the legislature were trying to full pull a fast one by scheduling this election in august at a time when some families are on vacation, others are not really paying attention. Voters were paying attention yesterday. This was also talking to voters about far more than politics. The story of the 10yearold who was raped and had to leave ohio to seek Abortion Access was front and center in this as well. This is central to what people have been living through in the wake of the Supreme Court overturning roe v. Wade. If you build all that up over the last year, thats what voters were responding to yesterday as well as simply trying to change the rules to make it more difficult to amend the constitution on other matters like minimum wage, which is expected to be coming next year. When you look at these counties across the state, some trump counties that he did very well and outperformed biden, just three years ago, the vote no side did very well yesterday. Thats because the coalition that was built of democrats, independents and republicans to vote against this, but coming up is an entirely new election. This starts now the campaign for the November Ballot about Abortion Rights access. So its undleer if clear if that will hold or if it will be a different coalition, but theres no doubt voters here in ohio and across the country have sent a resounding message on Abortion Rights. They want it protected at least to some degree. Thank you for that reporting. Here to share their reporting is new miamalika henderson and krn holmes. Happy wednesday to you all. You heard jeff talk about the specific counties inside ohio where donald trump did well, and where this measure also did well, meaning pro trump, but also pro not changing the constitution to make it easier to defeath Abortion Rights ase. Lets look at some specifics. Delaware county, trump won by 7 in this county. Stark county, trump won 1. Trump won by 23. This is a difficult issue for republicans and trump himself knows that very well. We have seen an election after election whether it was michigan, wisconsin, kansas as well, the issue is personal for people. It rallies voters, this coalition of swing voters as well as some republican moderate voters as well. For years this really worked well for republicans as they claimed they wanted to overturn roe v. Wade. That has happened. They are like the dog that caught the bus. They dont know what to do with this new dynamic. Its worked well for democrats. Lets look at a little bit what voters in ohio saw on the air waves. Voting to protect ohio, pushing radical political agendas. Some of those changes they are posing take away paren call rights, the ability to be informed and to make decisions for their children. So thats the vote yes. Again, its a bit complicated because they were voting on something that was technically procedural. It was about whether to change the constitution, but in an ad like this is and others, the abortion Rights Groups really got in there and made it very much about abortion. Because it was. Absolutely. Theres a symmetry to all of this as well. Its been 15 months since the Dobbs Decision was leaked. Republicans have another 15 months to figure out this messaging before the November 2024 election. As of right now, they just cant do it. You saw the pro life groups messaging on television. Democrats welcome that fight. They spent upwards of hundreds of millions of dollars. It did sway the results. As were thinking about this, im thinking about the candidate you spend the most time with. That is donald trump and how reluctant he is to fall in line with the other republican candidates, the republican outside groups like the susan b. Anthony group. Let me read something from their statement. They wrote after this result, so long as republicans and their supporters take the Ostrich Strategy and bury their heads in the sand, they will lose again and again. The point they are making is that republicans lose electorally on the issue of abortion because they run away from it. The position that donald trump takes is, no we lose on abortion because of abortion. Exactly. I think that is very interesting when youre talking about a republican primary. We have talked about this. One of the things ron desantis has tried to do is run to the right. The Trump Campaign is like, go for it. That sounds something thats going to kill you. That is something that donald trump believes. Hes the architect of the Dobbs Decision. The fact that he appointed these three justices, but you never hear him taking credit for it. Even yesterday, when he talks about abortion, he makes clear that he believes in exceptions and he says that over and over again. And he will not answer questions on a national ban. He has told people he thinks thz a losing issue. He doesnt want to campaign on it. The further hes gone is theres a vital role for the federal government. Its not likely he will go much further than that. The results out of ohio, the other states that we talked about, just show what a difficult issue it is. This is a personal issue for people. For women, for men and this horrible story of a 10yearold girl who was rape d and you hav to go to indiana, voters in ohio heard that. People talk about this with their families, with their lives, with their daughters, with their sons. Its just something that people experience, so the idea that politicians should decide such a personal issue, i think, it really is difficult for voters to swallow. Its an issue of freedom for so many voters. For trump its a reminder that its a transactional relationship he has with them. He doesnt have to tout that this has happened. He can say, hey, you signed up for four years or eight years with me. Heres what i delivered for you. Supreme court justices. You want to sign up for another four years . It goes back to this relationship that he has with the gop base. Such an interesting point. You ntned a couple times what we saw in states like kansas and michigan in the last election cycle. It really was striking to us that the numbers, you see 59 . 57 protecting. And then you have yesterday informs that ballpark. Its almost spooky. Also a reminder of why the republicans in ohio wanted to change the constitutional threshold to 60 . They are very well aware of those numbers. But the consistency on this topic is really stunning. Especially the timeline. The fact that were moving furd and further away from the decision and youre still seeing numbers like this. That bodes well for democrats. Abortion has motivated republicans for decades. Its driven people out. Its part of how donald trump sold himself. This appointing Supreme Court justices that will overturn roe v. Wade. That was a big argument he made. It has driven people to the polls. Even people who didnt like donald trump, the idea that this could happen. Democrats have not had this same momentum behind abortion. Now it appears that this is at least an enthusiastic issue for these democrats. It certainly happened in 2022 and yesterdays vote in ohio suggests it has not gone away. Were two weeks away from the first president ial debate, and only one candidate has formal ly qualified to be on th stage. Who made the cut . Well tell you after the break. Ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. 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Additional side effects for Vyvgart Hytrulo may include injection site reactions. Talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. Todays the day you graduate from Southern New Hampshire university. Ive been waiting for this day my whole life. The fact that i get to walk across the stage and get my degree, its honestly unreal. Dont ever stop. Keep on believing in yourself. It is never too late. If youre out there to wonder if you could be an Snhu Graduate Today Is The Day to find out. Visit snhu. Edu. To sign the pledge or to not sign the pledge. That is the question. The only answer for the 2024 republican rivals who want to make the debate later this month is sign it. So what does the pledge actually say . We obtained a copy. The rncs socallebe biden pledge reads, i affirm that if i do not win the 2024 republican nomination for president of the united states, i will honor the will of the primary voters and support the nominee in order to save our country and beat joe biden. I spoke to a gop source earlier, who told me that only one candidate has signed the pledge. They expect more to come in today and tomorrow. But so far at this moment in time, the entrepreneur is the only candidate who formally makes the debate stage because the requirements are not just this pledge, but a polling and a donor requirement. Our reporters are baith us. Two weeks until this debate. I just want to put up on the screen those who have met the requirements when it comes to donors and polli. Obviously,onald trump and you have ron desantis. Nikki haley, tim scott, doug burr burr gam and mike pence. Im look ing at this list. The Open Question is Chris Christie. Will he sign it . Donald trump, the bigger question is whether he will go to the debate. Well talk about that in a second. Is this pledge much of an issue for those who are even in the running . Theyll sign it. Whether or not they adhere to it, part of the pledge that you didnt read that is probably most important is this idea they wont run a third party. And thats most important for donald trump, even though he looks like hes far and away the favorite at this time to win the nomination, which is i why he probably wont be at the debate. You dont really need to go to the debate if youre so far ahead. So we might have a situation where its sort of kid day table. Ron desantis and christie, throw some hay makers his way. Its going to be like the kiddy table and throwing fish sticks at each other. Youre speaking like a mom right now. Somebody with great experience of what you speak. Yes, that is true. And this whole notion of a pledge is relatively new. Its because of donald trump. I was at trump power back in 2015 watching the Rnc Chair Run in with a piece of paper to get donald trump to sign the pledge because they were worried that he was going to run a third party if he didnt get the nomination. None of that happened because he became the nominee. So you do have people who are saying, come on, whats the point of this. It doesnt make a lot of sense. Ill sign it, but its irrelevant. One of the key reasons, which is the question of whether or not donald trump will even get on the debate stage, remember back in 2016, he did go to the first couple of debates. This is a headline that our team found of january 2016. Trump says he wont participate in gop debate on fox news. That is an old headline, but it could potentially be the headline that were going to see in the next week or so. What are you hearing . So my sources are telling me that if it was right now, he likely wouldnt attend. That doesnt mean its a done deal, and no adviser will put that on the record until its the day of because he could just decide last minute he wants to post on truth social he will do the debate. So that is where he is right now, but you can tell hes been working through the various scenarios. He did it in front of the crowd in New Hampshire. He asked the crowd, do you think i should participate in the debate. Now its interesting to me what they say trump heard and what i heard. I heard them booing and saying no. Apparently trump heard them saying, yes, and clapping, which we were at different places in the auditorium. Because you mention that, we have that. But i want you to listen to Chris Christie doing what he has done since he got into this race, trying to egg on donald trump to encourage him to get on the debate stage. Listen to both. Its a privilege to be on that stage and have the opportunity to run for president of the united states. To make our case to you directly why we deserve your vote. Lets see if he respects you and shows up on the 23rd. Ill guarantee you one thing. If hes there, he will know im there too. They are all say ing is he going to go to the debate. I dont know. If youre leading by 70 points, do you do that or not . Should i . You ready . Poll, we take a free poll. Should i do the debate . Its hard to tell. Trump is caught between a rock and hard place. Thats his ego versus pragmatism. Its a bar fight where everyone aims their fire at him. The other hand, were talking about donald trump, who loves attention, doesnt want to miss a moment to siege the stage to anyone else. From what i understand, hes about 99 sure at this point he wont participate, despite the lobbying from rnc officials. But we know he loves the attention. Well see. Up next, President Biden takes heat from both sides over his climate agenda, despite his best efforts to tout the min straegss accomplishments and fire up a key voting bloc. An allinone cleaning tool ththat gives you a mop and bucket clean in half the time. Our new Cleanining Pad has hundreds of Scrubbing Strips that absorbb and lock dirt away, and it has a 360degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just cant. So, you can clean your home faster than ever. Dont mop harder, mop smarter, with the new swiffer powermop. Gives you access to every game. But terry doesnt have directv. Come on. Work for dad here. Now, you can find e game easy. My barbecue is saved get the redzone with sports pack. Call 18directv my barbecue is ruined. Im Jonathan Lawson here to tell you about Life Insurance through the Colonial Penn program. If youre age 50 to 85, and looking to buy Life Insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. What are the three ps . 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A big part of the president s Swing Out West is focusing on his climate policies, trying to make voter more aware of them and touting the Parking Lights of dollars in Clean Energy Manufacturing investments that have been spur red. The president is going to be doing this at a Wind Manufacturing facility out in albuquerque, new mexico. The president is broadly trying to sell these climate policies, to make voters more aware of them. He did so this morning in an interview on the weather channel, in which the president was talking up the 369 billion in investments that have gone to fight lClimate Change through te inflation reduction act, and his efforts to expand electric vehicle production. In doing that sales pitch, the president got ahead of his skis claiming incorrectly he has declared a National Emergency on Climate Change, which he hasnt. Listen. Are you prepared to declare a National Emergency with respect to Climate Change . I have already done that. We have conserved more land. We have moved we joined the paris climate accord. We passed a Climate Control facility. Were moving. Its the existential threat to humanity. So you have already declared that . Practically speaking, yes. The Press Secretary said that the president was referring to the Defense Production Act and authorities he invoked to spur Clean Energy Manufacturing of solar panels. But a National Emergency would invoke a whole set of different authorities, including restricting exports of oil and also giving the president the power to stop some oil drilling on federal lands. L climate activists, many of them have been calling on the president to do just that. He has talked about the possibility, but he habit yet. We should note that the president has been endorse d wih by a series of other Climate Change groups that support what hes been doing on this issue. Thats really one of the key reasons why youre drawing attention to this, and obviously, that reporter asked the president about it is because of the lobbying by a lot of climate groups to do this because of what would happen, what that would unlock for the government to be able to do. Thank you so much for that reporting and putting it in c context. Appreciate it. And our reporters are here as well. I thought that was very interest ing that the president is obviously trying to lean into this issue. Thats why hes out west doing an interview on the weather channel. And what he said practically speaking, he obviously wants to do a lot, but its complicated because, yes, if it you declare a National Emergency, some things will happen, but it also could be detrimental in other ways, potentially, to some economic factors. Thats right. And thats always where democrats have found themselves on this issue. They have wanted to do more. They wanted to be more progressive. But sort of the economic reality and the political reality has often tied their hands. Biden, hes kind of a scentrist on climate policy. He gives and he takes. But hes out there trying to sell his record, particularly this is important to young voters and folks hes going to need in November Of 2024 if he want wants to stay in the white house. You talk about breaking his prols on fossil fuels. I want to read a quote from a Clate Activist and Airtor Fossil free media. President biden kept his promise and broke his promise on fossil fuels and thats having a direct impact on his ability to rally young voters to support his reelection. And as i brung you in on this, i want you to look at the latest from the Washington Post where democrats and independents are onowes handled Climate Change democrats only 22 disapprove. 74 approve. 40 approve. Away does that tell you. Its the key young voters as well. We have seen him haunted by this issue there was nothing but the smell of ash in the air from the canadian wildfires. Before that the white house Correspondence Dinner was interrupted as well. It shows just how ham struck he is here. Yesterday the government forecast crude Oil Production in the u. S. Will hit a record. Its the realities of knowing that voters are price sensitive, particularly to energy prices, but theres an aspiration from Younger Voters on getting anything done with the grain in climate. Part of the challenge is that sort of the economy versus climate, that the white house and most democrats argue that you can marry the two. You can help to gin up the economy by doing production for electric vehicles and things along that nature. A lot of that was in the inflation reduction act, but its called the inflation reduction act. So its probably not a Surprise Look at pollingre, 71 of people say they dont uch about whats in the inflation reduction act. So thats why the president is trying to do the sales job. He has a heavy lift right now. Looked at his approval ratings. And there is a lack of enthusiasm. They do need him to be able to sell himself. I do think going back to our beginning conversation, abortion is something thats clearly rallying democrats and young voters. I dont know what, if possible, he can do to kind of turn this part of his record around to make that his selling point. Stand by. Were going to bring you new details on the Special Koubl Investigation into the former president. We got the house you did pods handles the driving. Pack at your pace. Store your things until youreeady. Then we deliver to your new home pods, your personal moving and storage team. When you shop wayfair, you get big deals for your home every day. So big, well have you saying. Am i a big deal . Yeah you are, because its a big deal, when you get a big deal. Wayfair deals so big that you might get a big head. Because with savings so real. 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Vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. Tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. Vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. Available as vyvgart for iv infusion and now as Vyvgart Hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. Additional side effects for Vyvgart Hytrulo may include injection site reactions. Talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. Upbeat music [ Tires Screeching ] director cut jordana, easy on the gas. Force of habit. I gotta wrap this commercial, i think im late on my payment. Its okay, the general gives you a break when you need it. Yeah, we let you pick your own due date so you can pay your Car Insurance when its best for you. Well thats good to know, because this next scene might take a while. [ helicopter and wind noises ] for a great low rate, go with the general. Just in, a newly unsealed Court Document gives us a clue about how the Special Counsel built the case around donald trump. Were back at the table with our legal Team Starting with katelyn polantz. You have been reading through this. What can you tell us . I have. So we just got this Court Decision from the appeals court. Im curious what it was. Now we know it was the case between the Special Counsels office, the people Velgting January 6th and donald trump. And twitter. And what happened was in january, the Special Counsel investigators went to twitter and they said we have a search warrant, and we would like data and records related to Donald Trumps twitter account. At that time, they didnt comply right away. Twitter had had some sort of hiccups. They took a little time. They faced a fine of 350,000 for delaying producing those records. Then why this ended up in court is because the Justice Department didnt want twitter to tell donald trump that they were seeking this information and they won that ability not to have twitter disclose to donald trump the client of twitter as the Account Holder that the search was going to be taking place. And the reason is really interesting. Its outlined here in the court that they went before believed tlchs reasonable grounds to say that if they were to tell donald trump they were doing this search, it could seriously jeopardize the ongoing investigation. He could potentially want to destroy evidence, change patterns of behavior or notify confederates. Theres also a footnote about how there was a discussion of whether he might flee from prosecution if he knew the search was being discussed. The Justice Department walked that back, but that was something that the judge also had to look at. Would donald trump flee. Because they wanted to look at his twitter . Okay. What do you make of this given your experience as a prosecutor . I was just reading the opinion. It would have been better if elon musk had not fired his entire legal team. They might have done better. They had a right to talk about this, they shouldnt be stopped from talking about it. The original court ruling is sound because theres a procedure when you ask a recipient not to disclose that information. From an evidentiary standpoint, they are looking at this because if they need those kinds of tweets as part of their case, they need access to the origin nal pleas. Can i ask you a question thats an ignorant one. What do they need to get that we all didnt see in public on his twitter account . Meaning twitter is by nature public. Do we know the answer . I havent gotten to the part of that opinion. It just came out. Or maybe its because his twitter account was cancelled. You have to have the evidence to have some sort of integrity to it. They have to get it from twitter itself. Youre quite familiar with Donald Trumps account. I think i still have nightmares about it. Obviously, hes a prolific poster. We know there are posts that were around january 6th. Be there, it will be wild. Its still amusing the notion they somehow thought that trying to get access to his twitter account was what was going to make him flee because its not like he didnt realize he was the center of a hefty investigation. It also makes you wonder, where is he going to flee to . His golf course in scotland and never come back . That strikes me as curious. Lets turn to what is happening in georgia, or what we believe will be happening in georgia shortly. That is potentially a fourth indictment. This on the state level. I want to play what donald trump said at a Campaign Event in New Hampshire about this yesterday. Im sorry. I dont be able to go to iowa today. I wont be able to g to New Hampshire today because im sitting in a courtroom because his Attorney General charged me with something. I probably have another one. They say theres a young woman, a racist in atlanta. This is a person that wants to indict me. She haltz a lot of problems. She wants to indict me to try to run for some other office. Fani willis, hes speaking about, who is africanamerican. He has called her racist before. The office is aware of it, and they brush it off until it rises to a threat against her. You know we have already seen the security we ramped up around the courthouse. We expect shes going to start making her presentation before a grand jury next week in this sprawling investigation involving donald trump, involving many allies who tried to overturn the election in georgia. Shes already lining up witnesses not because she needs new information from them. They have all testified before the special grand jury. Prosecutors know what they are going to say, but she want thes them there to craft the narrative around what actually transpired around the 2020 election, what people are doing to try to overturn it. And obviously, what her argument is going to be, assuming she indicts, is that the former president then sitting president broke state laws in georgia. The defense is almost certainly going to say the trump defense, you dont have jurisdiction to do this. Do you expect it to go through the federal courts and into the Supreme Court to help answer that . I think he will try to do that. Theres some some potential obstacles when youre trying to challenge the state courts. I dont think its a strong argument. So i dont think thats really going to go any place. Were going to see all of the arguments when we believe its going to come soonish. Thank you so much for that. Thank you for the breaking news. Coming up, a new candid, incredibly raw memoir about a secret struggle with crippling anxiety and Mental Health i issues. From a member of congress. Im going to talk to him, next. Just sold the car to carvana. What . All i had to do was answer a couple questions and got a real offer in seconds. Then, they just picked up the car and paid me right on the spot. Sell your car at carvana dot com today. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Theres a problem with my paycheck. Its short. Soone messed it up . Im in the middle of nowhere. Unnecessary action hero was that necessary . Nope. Neither are paycck problems. With paycom, employees do their own payroll. No problems, no surprises. [narrator] schedule a demo at paycom. Com and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. Remember the things you loved. Before asthma got in the way . Fasenra is an addon treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. Its designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. 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If youre age 50 to 85, call now about the 1 most popular whole Life Insurance plan available through the Colonial Penn program. It has an affordable rate starting at 9. 95 a month. No medical exam, no health questions. Your acceptance is guaranteed. And this plan has a guaranteed Lifetime Rate Lock so your rate can never go up for any reason. So call now for free information and youll also get this free beneficiary planner. And its yours free just for calling. So call now for free information. Each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. Glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. Uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. Glucerna, bring on the day. Now a Step Outside Politics for a really important conversation. Addressing Mental Health. Its estimated that more than 1 in 5 adults live with Mental Health illnesses. Yet, Many Americans are reluctant to address it and seek help. One way to combat the stigma is to talk about it. Its what representative adam smith of washington is trying to do now. The congressman details his personal battle with mental nelt his new book Lost And Broken. And he joins me now. Thaupg for doing this. This is an incredibly raw account. You start the book talking about an example of not being able to get out bed. Im sure that happena lot in your life. I want to read one of the excerpts about this anxiety. You said the effects of the anxiety itself we bad enough, Cob Substantiate Fear Coursing through my body and almost complete inability to sleep. So stressed i could only just barely force myself to eat. But more than anything, i had no idea whatsoever how this had happened or what i could do about it. I felt like i was stumbling around in darkness, completely unable to see with something or somebody whack ing me in the hed with a blunt object every few seconds. How. Yeah, its a difficult situation. A lot of people get into it. I wanted to do this so we could have more open and public conversation about it. Ultimately what i found out, you can find help. There is, actually, some rational reasoning behind where anxiety and depression come from. And you can as i described there, i didnt have that understanding when i started. Im hopeful by telling my story and opening up the dialogue, that can help people go, gosh, im experiencing that, and, yes, theres a path to getting treatment and getting bett. At one point you talk about picking up your medication, the, it was striking your candor. I picked them up with a sense of shame, more in line with somebody scoring heroin. What if the pharmacist recognized me . Habeen outed as a mental patient. I didnt want that label. So, without giving the matter much thought, concluded my career would be over. Voters didnt want to be represented with a debilitating ill illness. I remember when the late senator harry reid testified about his struggles with Mental Health. It was a unique time, big deal, you go very deep and very detailed here. Yeah. I think thats certainly a big part of the challenge. For me, it was a couple different layers to this. Obviously one big one is it was fundamentally changed the way people perceived me. I was word about that, certainly worried about my job, but i think a lot of people are worried about the relationships in their lives. What would their friends, families, coworkers think about them. That restricts them from seeking help. The other big thing happening to me, i didnt understand what Mental Illness was. I had never been educated about it. I mostly thought if you have it, theres really nothing that can be done. In my mind, there was a imaginary line, youre either normal or crazy, and you have to stay on the normal side of that like. So i couldnt possibly have a Mentality Healthrr health issue. Thats not the way it works. There are multiple layers that contribute to anxiety and depression. Certainly theres people who have more cases than others, but there are basics that can help you deal with the problems. We need as i said, remove the stigma and let people know that help does exist. What about now . As you write this in such a detailed way, are you worried and your friends and family or people you know in your life, are you worried about the way your constituents are going to perceive you . Are you hoping that in 2023 things are different now . Im not worried about it. I cant say for sure whether or not some people will judge me ill or not. I know personally im not worried about it, because i about 3 1 2 years of psychotherapy and im very comfortable in who i am. I understand people will occasionally perceive you negatively, certainly in either one of our professions, and thats okay. I understand my mind and i understand my body better, so im not as worried about that. But it was it took a long journey to get to that point of being comfortable with who i am. And you detail that. Another point you raise is the unspoken issues permeate everyday life, and in our society at large. You write, i used to have a simple, straightforward thought when i witss somebody having this disagreeable, angry reaction, taking about somebody acting angry, you wrote what a jackass. I now wonder what is going how this that persons life that could be causing it . What an important way to approach life and to approach Civil Society . Well, this is whats really important. This is the other step. Dealing with the stigma of Mental Health, dealing with the reluctance of people to seek help for themselves is incredibly important. Getting an understanding of who are and what basic Mental Health is, dealing with whatever traumas you dealt with in your life, learning how to better handle the emotions that come to you. All of that is very important, but ultimately what gets you to the point where you are better and where society is better, is to understand how all of those things affect other people. Mental health cannot just be gazing about yourself. It helps people deal with their own Mental Health issues much better. Congressman, thank you so much for their your story. A reminder, the book is called Lost And Broken my journey back from chronic pain and crippling anxiety. An Important Note to our audience, if you or someone you love is experiencing mental hill, visit thank you for joining us. Cnn news central starts right now. What do we always say, son . Liberty mutual cusustomizes your Car Insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Thats my boy. Stay off the freeways on pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. David as we start a new school year, theres something new happening in californias public schools. Theyre called Community Schools. 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